#So the water siblings helping the fire siblings grow and learn to love eachother is so 🥺✨❤️🥺♥️🤌😔🤚❤️
feiquacker ¡ 3 years
Just thinking about the water siblings taking up Zuko's role as a big brother for Azula for like the first few months of her recovery 🥺.
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Hello! I'm so excited to see a new blog!! Anyway, I really loved the head cannons you wrote about big brother Suga, and I was wondering if you could write something similar about either Asahi or Daichi (I big love my 3rd years I'm so sorry). Anyway! Thank you very much! Have an amazing day
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Hi! I decided to put all the big bros together in one as it just made sense for me to write them all together! Thank you so much so much for the support and I hope you guys have a great day 💖
Bokuto Kōtarō Headcanons | Word Count: 404
-Bokuto is the most enthusiastic brother anyone could ever have, within seconds of them setting foot on campus he’s practically picked them up, flinging them around and telling everyone this is his little sister and that she is amazing! (It took bribing from Akaashi to put her down)
-He’s gonna beg them to join the girls volleyball team or even be a manager for the boys, he wants them to be as good as he is or at least show off to them constantly, if they already had a different club in mind he wouldn’t care, he would just brag more and more about them being the best in that club
-This boy can barley even remember his tie in the morning, so if his sister is to forget anything there’s no way he would even notice it to take it too her. If anything, he probably forgot his lunch or homework as well, there’s no helping either of them.
-In regards to them getting into trouble, Bokuto is 100% going to scold her even if he has done the same thing before, he wants his little sister to have a good reputation and be her best. He’s so proud of her either way and just wants her to enjoy school but also appreciate the education side.
-Definitely watches her like a hawk, nothing she does gets past him! Whether it be at lunch, in class or even in the halls he’s got a question for them;
“Who’s that boy?!”
“What did they say?”
“Are they making fun of you?”
Someone could literally bump into her and he’s already fired up to protect.
-He wants his little sister to remain pure amd innocent, he made that very obvious when he saw a boy talking to them and he literally ran across the field screaming his signature “Hey hey heyyyy” but more aggressive, before questioning him relentlessly. Now no boys dare to talk to her, which definitely had caused a sibling squabble!
-On the other hand though, his protectiveness can be really useful if anyone was to try pick on his sister, they’d definitely need to think twice after catching a glimpse of Bokutos over powering glare.
-In the end, Bokutos a very overwhelming type sibling to have in the school, being loud and flashy but he really just wants them to feel safe and secure in their first year and not worry at all
Akaashi Keiji Headcanons | Word Count: 379
-Literally the complete opposite to Bokuto, couldn’t really care that they’re in the school or what they did and why. As long as it wasn’t anything extreme and that there was no trouble caused he would want to leave her be and have her find her own path in school. He believes by giving them the independence if they do ever really ask for help they really do need it.
-Takes his study seriously to some extent but also wants to relax and knows his limit, he tries his hardest to teach his little sister this in their first year, he’s willing to help them out but only they can tell if they’ve reached their limit- which is why he wants them to be independent
-Will definitely bring in anything she forgets, he always leaves slightly later and will check for anything they couldn’ve forgotten, he knows that in the first year it’s easy to get confused and forget certain things.
-Because of his statue like facade a lot of first years tend to be a little sketchy and worried to talk or be around Akaashi, like did he have no emotion?! If it wasn’t for his sister frequently going up to him to collect forgotten food and/or just have a normal chat, the first years aren’t as freaked out by his demeanour now
-If she was ever bed ridden due to illness he would try his best to collect up all homework from their teachers and even ask some of their friends to copy down notes for them. He would hate for her to go back into school after being sick to then feel even worse about catching up on a few days of work
-He’s also the most chill about his sister talking to boys, he wants her to enjoy life and quite frankly cannot be bothered at all for the whole protective chat stuff, like said before he wants her to learn from mistakes and grow through it
-Overall Akaashi just as calm as ever, it’s as if he doesn’t even have a sister sometimes, he wants them to both live their lives but be able to help eachother when needed. It’s not like he doesn’t care, though, he just doesn’t want to hound them constantly.
Asahi Azumane Headcanons | Word Count: 424
-Asahi is more scared of the first years then they are of him, with his ‘scary’ demeanour and adultish looks none of them really try to talk to him and ask for help around school, they’d rather be lost. This makes him feel quite disheartened actually, so when his little sister finds out about it she tries her hardest tk promote Asahi and the teddy bear he really is!
-With that, Asahi really enjoys having his little sister in the school, less people are scared of him meaning he is more comfortable with just walking around and not worrying about being screamed at. She’s like his little moral support, keeping him calm, despite the fact it really should be the other way around
-Sometimes the promotions of her brother are futile though, which is never an issue really, everyone knows that she is Asahis little sister so no one ever tries to mess wih her, it’s to much of a risk!
-He often invites his sister to watch practice, due to Asahis and Noyas friendship she wasn’t at all phased by the initial squealing of a new cute girl in the gym, it was practically mandatory for her to deal with. She was also a big part in bribing Asahi to get back into volleyball and often cheers him on at matches and even just for practice because she knows that even if she is the ‘little’ sister, she still has to act older for his babyish acts occasionally
-Asahis really good at collecting up any homework she may need in her absences, the first time he did it though he get stumbling on his words to their teacher and accidentally brought home the complete wrong homework to them because the teacher has 0 idea on what he really wanted
-He will also try his best to help her with any homework, he’s not the smartest kf the smart but wants to feel like he is able to help her like she helps him, he would like her to take education somewhat seriously even if it isn’t her forte and she wants to do somthing more out going- it’s still important to have a small back up!
-After all, Asahi in reality is more of the little brother sometimes but he still wants his little sister to look up to him because he is proud of her and knows she’ll do amazing in school. He does really appreciate the softer reputation she gave him for his last year as well, it’s a huge bonus
Daichi Sawamura Headcanons | Word Count: 340
-Much like Suga from my previous post, Daichis dad mode comes into action while his sisters in school. He’s all about having fun and enjoying life but he also believes education is important and wants his sister to feel the same.
-On the first day he toured her around, showing her every inch of the school and letting her knkw about the ‘bad people’ places he didn’t want to find her.
-After all the dad chat, he goes more fun and friendly, he would hate for her to dislike him based on how firm he can be and that’s not the way he wants her to see him, he is still just her brother and they’re both still kids after all.
-Unfortunately if she is to be forgetful Daichi is not going to be able to help, he’s up and gone at the crack of dawn due to his captains duties meanjng he won’t even see her in the morning, let alone take her lunch! If she did forget something like lunch or water he would make sure to buy her some food though, along with a little scold, but he isn’t evil
-Will 100% introduce her to the team but will set ground rules with them before they meet her, this consist of:
No dating or flirting
No harassment
No embarrassing
These are also all directed towards Noya and Tanaka
-Everyone knows Daichi, even the first years, this means they know not to cross the line with his little sister because boy can he be scary sometimes! If anyone was to say anything at all about her they’ll definitely know about it, Daichi will ensure to have a little chat with the person who said anything; nothing was ever mentioned about it again
-Overall Daichi wants his sister to be a strong independent person just like himself and hopes he sets a good example for her. He wants her to have a good enjoyable time at Karasuno just like himself, just not too much fun, as education is important!
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wheremytwinwatches ¡ 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 49
Embassy of Stories said:Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas indeed! In honor of the bar formerly run by Roy’s foster mother, let’s see the next episode.
Last Time: Madame Christmas went on vacation, Pride got a case of the munchies, and Mrs. Bradley was “rescued” by Roy’s Crew.
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Congratulations! You are being rescued. Please do not resist.
Episode 49 - “Filial Affection”
Beard’s trying to wake Al up from his forced nap, while Pride WHOA NELLY his artwork seems a little harsher than I remember and you can definitely tell he’s got the power of two Goths in one package, the Shadow Blades are back with ferocity as he tries to draw Beard out by attacking his other son. Ed’s dodging and weaving yikes!
Ha! As much as I’ve been crowing about Ed growing taller, he’s still short enough to duck under Pride’s Shadow Mouth attack that chops the tree he was against. Now it’s Greedling’s turn to backflip to safety, and hoo boy. Lan Fan I know you have a massive crush on your young lord but in the middle of a battle against an upgraded Pride is not the time to demand Greed surrender control of the body. And cripes I’d forgotten about your arm, as much as you want to help now you’re no good if by trying to fight you aggravate your injury and turn yourself into a liability.
See? Ed agrees with me, Lan Fan tries insisting she doesn’t need help right after Ed kicked her away from a Shadow Mouth, as much as I like her she needs to back off until she can help without hurting herself. The other ninja is helping away Lion who’s apologizing for not killing Pride earlier, but Greed brushes it off.
[Greed]: “Heh! Don’t sweat it. Can’t exactly fault you for that one. Even I consider him to be a monster.”
Beams of light? Hey, Al’s back! Poor kids a bit confused on waking up halfway across the country, and understandably upset that Pride hijacked his friggin soul. Beard’s taking an analytical approach to the issue, thinking that as aspects of his own counterpart they’re close-enough “relatives” they can influence Al’s seal through his blood. Cheery!
The genetics lesson’s interrupted by Fu and Lion arriving with news. Good News: they’re down to one Goth. As for the Bad News… Al angsts about getting caught oh poor baby it’s not your fault. This is freaking Pride, the First Goth we’re talking about here. Backed up by Gluttony and with your fainting spells, they’re the ones to blame, not you. Fu reports that Pride’s got plenty of light for shadows with the spreading fire and he’s out of flashbangs. They need to think of something before the villagers oh-so-helpfully show up to put out the fire and get slaughtered by Pride. Time for Beard to show his powers?
Al’s hashing out an idea with Beard, so we cut to Greed and Ed getting batted around by Pride. Unfortunately the Goth’s done a bit of gardening, no more trees to take the hits for our heroes. Lan Fan’s hanging out by the edge of the clearing nope never mind Pride’s got her pinpointed with his enhanced sense of smell… hey, Ed! You got any more dynamite stashed somewhere?
[Greed]: “Ugh… dammit! Hey, you still breathing over there?”
[Ed]: “Does wheezing count?”
Oh neat, Prides calling Greed out on caring for others. And notably Greed didn’t argue against that, say something like “I’m just protecting my possessions” or whatever. He just called Pride a monster. Aw, is Greed getting character development?
Ew ew don’t call yourself Greed’s brother you little gremlin. You don’t get to claim family ties (oooh I just got the title ok then) when you’re getting ready to eat your “sibling”.
[Greed the First]: “Just don’t blame me when I give you a stomachache! You did it to yourself!”
Pride’s sniffing? Adventure Strings? YES. Beard is entering the fray! Show us what you can do, Papa Elric.
Wait what? “The hero always waits until the last second to make his move.” Pffft no. Buddy, if you think you’re the Protagonist of the show then I’ve got some bad news for you. Unless this is just grandstanding for Al’s plan…
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But now he’s just standing there, cheerfully saying that he could never possibly fight Pride. Which unnerves the Goth so much he withdraws his Shadow Mouths and focuses all his attention on Beard NOW AL ATTACK FROM BEHIND damnit.
[Pride]: “Are you joking? This was your pathetic plan?”
Uh I kinda have to agree with Pride here, your plan was to charge screaming across the field to try and punch Pride in the face? This can’t be it, but Beard’s holding Ed back and Al’s forced to his knees among Pride’s shadows.
Oh hell no you did not just call Al stupid. Ed, push past your father and kick his-
[ShinyGlasses!Beard]: “That’s crossing a line, Pride. Don’t ever mock my son!”
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Hooooly Leto. So while standing completely still, Beard’s tearing up the ground to form a giant dome over Pride and Al, and if the dome blocks all the light and Al’s right there now without any shadows to bind him, then Al can pick up where Lion left off!
Huh. So Al’s plan wasn’t to finish Pride off, but just to trap him? Huh. I mean, there’s no way this is going to stick until the Promised Day is over, you can’t just shove the secondary Protagonist in a cage a dozen episodes before the finale. But what about the comment of Al’s body not needing food or water or air? Is little Selim going to start choking and Good Guy Al will have to decide between breaking the trap or watching an apparent little child suffocate?
Whatever happens the dome is holding for now, and Beard’s explaining that Al told him not to warn Ed, who’s a little upset that his brother’s stuck in a cage with a Goth. Beard goes to put the fires out, while Ed yells through the stone at Al who apologizes for the bad reunion. Sorry kids, hopefully this will blow over soon.
Greed? Greed what are you doing? Why are you leaving the good guys… aw, damnit! Dude come on, I was just complimenting you on your character growth earlier this episode, don’t go and pull a Vegeta on me now!
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[Ling]: “Hey Greed! What the hell are you planning?”
[Greed]: “Heh. I’ve told you; I’m planning on ruling the entire world.”
Mid-ep pictures of Pride and Kimblee damnit not this guy again. Uuuuugh. Fine whatever he got mildly competent again after tricking the Drachmans into attacking and dying so I’ll try to cut him some slack.
A couple of hobos are around a bin fire, talking about all the Ishvalans who have moved into the neighborhood. Kind of like that murderer with the distinctive scar on his well look who it is! Scar politely asks for directions, but gets a little upset when he learns that May Chang came back through wait a few weeks ago?! Jeez I keep forgetting there’s been such a large time skip. But where is she? And for that matter, where’s the Goth she was carrying?
Scar also doesn’t like his people being called terrorists and accused of blowing up Bradley’s train. Because they’ve got that whole Honorable Warrior Race thing going on where even Scar justified his killings with the fact that he faced people directly. But soon enough they’ll be seen as allies and heroes of the Amestrians!
...well, other Ishvalans will be seen as allies and heroes. These guys seem to have come down with a case of death, courtesy of someone humming to the Sinister String Music yup it’s Kimblee, skipping over bloody corpses and berating himself for getting his tailor-made suit dirty before the scheduled “fun” starts.
In the Dome, Pride’s trying to tunnel out with a stick before Al tells him it’s pointless. So of course he drops the wood and goes for Al’s discarded metal helmet with the sharp point on it, nice job getting the baddie to upgrade again. Although now Pride’s stopped moving as Al points out the biggest flaw in the Goth’s plan: the humans. They’re needed as “sacrifices”, but the whole thing would have fallen apart if they had just said Fuck It and joined ARMSTRONG SR. and family on the vacation to Xing.
Oooh, but the Goths were banking on the Protagonists to be that selfish and leave them to cause havoc in their wake. Pride even brings up Mrs. Bradley, who once got between Pride and a car crash. She obviously didn’t know the truth, but she still risked her own life to protect what she loved. And the Sacrifices were chosen specifically because they were “a step above that”, with souls so strong they would never turn their backs on those who needed help.
[Pride]: “So explain to me again, how were our plans so sloppy?”
While Pride and Al are debating humanity and compassion, Roy’s visiting Hughes’ grave when Riza comes to check on him.
[Afterlife!Hughes]: “Alright, you guys are going into the final fight. Riza, now’s the time to- wait no Roy stop! Damnit man she was just about to say something but you had to put on your Commander Face and walk right past her! You were going to have a moment dude! Get back here and confess your love, you idiot!”
Alright so Scar’s crew have reached the clearing ooooh no. No no no crap dudes don’t notice the Dome and get close and get tricked into opening it. Whew ok good, the respective Chimeras of the groups have met up and spent so long accusing eachother of still working for Worst Boss Ever that Ed was able to run up and get them to face Shorty as a common annoyance. Later they’re catching up over the campfire-
[Toad]: “Once the sun comes up, things are going to get rough.”
[Gorilla]: “I know. Let’s just hope that everyone makes it through the day alive.”
Welp you’ve signed your death warrant. Nice knowing you, Gorilla.
Fu’s heading off to do some recon in Central, I predict that’ll last right up until he finds Greed pulling a coup and is torn between helping the Protagonists and siding with the Goth inhabiting his charge’s body. In the meantime, you gonna explain your strategy? Nope? Relying on the Unspoken Plan Guarantee? Alright then.
Aw there’s that Red Jacket that got tossed aside a few episodes ago. I’m sorry, I just got really attached to the White Jacket and the character growth that the outfit change symbolized, but I’ll agree that the original look is closely tied to Al’s character. I’ll try to get over it.
[Ed]: “Al’s doing everything possible to keep us safe. The rest of it… That’s up to us!”
End-credit music kicks off as Ed dons his jacket and the sun rises on The Promised Day.
After-credits: A young blonde girl is yelling at her sleepy older brother to get up or he’ll miss the solar eclipse. But Older Brother wakes right up when his younger brother sees smoke, which turns out to be Roy destroying government property. An officer’s getting the update that they know it’s Roy’s group doing the damage but they’ve got Mrs. Bradley as a hostage so they can’t never mind Officer just said they were all expendable except for Roy. Cue troops in berets smashing through windows, even as Riza holds a gun to poor Mrs. Bradley’s head.
[Beret!Officer]: “The only one we need alive is Mustang. Kill the rest.”
Mrs. Bradley is not pleased to hear that.
Well ok then.
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cconcerned ¡ 6 years
Character Development Questions: Hard Mode:
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Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
Her brother, Trey. He is only 5 months older than her
What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
Good, her mother was always an supporting mother, always there for her.
What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
Not as good as with her mother. Amai always had an difficult relationship with him, but they can talk to eachother, but dont have any intrests what so ever
Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
Yeah. The first time they went to their new country, that they are in now, her brother, Trey, had began to smelt. Being an icecream and all. It was quite frightning as she heard her brother yell from pain. Even tough he made itout alive and is happy, she is still traumatized
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
A pen, an notebook, gloves, phone, and some candy
Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
Most of the themes are about the cold, and her past country
Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
As said before, the near death of her brother still haunts her dreams.
Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
She is too scared to even consider holding an gun
Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
When she was younger, she mostly believed that the poeple she knew and loved, could be gone the next day without any trace. That lead to constant fear. She tried cheering herself up with thinking of what would happen after death, and it helped. Alot.
Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
More, it makes her feel at home more
In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
Her near brothers death, and the discovery of Robin
In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
Shes nearly always calm, hard to choose one
Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
Not by blood, but by dripping of candles, water, slime, ect.
Does your character remember names or faces easier?
Faces, she is intrested in all the different type of body types and facial structures poeple could have around the world.
Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
Material possesion, she never liked money all that much
Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
Happiness, she just wants the best for all the poeple she knows
What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
An half broken stick. its weird, i know, but it would make her feel even more protected. Ready to face the world
Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
Both. She is inspired by the ambition poeple can give and the wisdom poeple can get.
What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
Envy, alot of envy.
In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
‘‘I’m happy they are more happy’‘
If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
Caused it. As said 10 times before, she and her family were the ‘cause’ of her brothers near death. 
What does your character like in other people?
Confidence, logical, optimistic
What does your character dislike in other people?
Too much pride. Basically. She doesnt like poeple who always think ‘’Im WAAAYYY better than everyone else 24/7!’’
How quick is your character to trust someone else?
Very quickly. She had grown a bond with nearly everyone she had met in her life. Also shes a bit clingy
How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
Pretty quickly. She wants to make sure not only her feelings, but also the ones of her friends are in well being.
How does your character behave around children?
Excited. She had played with childeren before back in her country, so it reminds her of home.
How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
Crying. Crying. Crying. Apologizing 100 times
How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
Quick. She learned to have a quick defense so that ice bears, or other animals in her old country wouldnt hurt her.
What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
She dreamed of being an movie star. like the ones from the tv shows that were actually animated but she didnt know ssshhhh. Never became one cri
What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
Cold, snowing, fire place on, lights on, under blankets, hot chocolate winter nights
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
Running in her clothes in the hot summer, or going on vacation to an relaly hot place.
In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
willing to improve, wants the best out of the best
Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
Keep trying. This idea fills you with Determination!
How does your character behave around people they like?
Pretty energretic and open. usually greeting them with immediatly jumping on their backs. Especially with her boyfriend Rusk.
How does your character behave around people they dislike?
Silent threatment
Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?
Defending their honor
Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
wants the best, so remove a problem/threat
Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
Her camp was attacked by an ice bear when she was younger, got bitten, and infected. Still has the scar but doesnt remember anything.
How does your character treat people in service jobs?
Nicely, she knows they just want the best just like her, so she has respect
Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
She feels like she must earn it first, like an video game.
Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
Not really
Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?
Her old best friend, Cyclis
How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
Hard. If she is in something romantic, she gets really flustered and shy, hiding her head in her jacket
What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Amai believes that poeple just chill with their lost ones for awhile in heaven, and then be reincarnated as someone new
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