#So I completely forgot the two of them were suited up in their armor in this scene so I forgot to draw it
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Episode 12 Redraw but if the anime was horror genre instead
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scribble-brain-aced · 1 month
Do you have ocs?
bad quality art, i doodled these in old notebooks from school, so it’s not very good-
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i don’t remember what I named most of these OCs, but she’s supposed to be a kind of bratty “everyone loves me” type of character, because she has this superpower where everyone is SUPPOSED to love her. it’s an aura of obsessive, enchanted love. she’s so used to being catering to and fawned over, that she’s genuinely sick of it. she craves hatred, but nobody will give it to her. pretty sure she became a criminal? and honestly, if she were ever hated, she wouldn’t know how to deal with it, and would probably just freak out.
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slightly older OC: the COMPLETE opposite of the Aphrodite i just mentioned. she’s incapable of being remembered, no matter how hard she tried. as she grew older, more and more people forgot her, including her own friends and family. she grew bitter, and like most neglected kids, comes to the conclusion that negative attention is better than none, right? she’s also a criminal.. or.. she WOULD be, if law enforcement remembered her. to everyone else, it’s a mystery who set fire to that coffee shop. she does everything she can think of to get attention. that’s also why she’s wearing neon.
…i should bring these two first OCs into a room together and see how they interact.
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and the only OC whose name i remember: Dakki!! she started out as a basic experiment because i was curious on how to draw people w/ Treacher Collins Syndrome. except most of the facial differences i noticed, my art style already looks like that so there’s not a big difference-
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it’s only obvious in the side profile. she’s a somewhat-sarcastic, but overall polite girl! in middle school, because it’s a breeding ground for insecurity, she tried making a cardboard box head to hide her face, before deciding that she’d feel more awkward wearing it, because NOBODY wears a box on their head, so she never ended up using it. (and she’s absolutely fine w/ her face now!) but she did unlock a passion for making stuff out of cardboard. she started w/ box heads because she could already do that, and eventually became involved in fandom (idk a lot about FF7 but let’s go with that) and started using it to cosplay, mostly armor and wings and stuff. she also really likes ducks, and has made a cardboard duck suit.
aaand that’s all i can remember!
do i love this OCs? with my whole heart
will i ever do anything with them? ..uh. idk. probably not, sadly.
so yeah :)
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eyfey · 3 months
The final Origins OVA!
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we are WAR!!!!
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okay why in the world did they make a giant space axe??? like???
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and just for the ONE guy too?????? did he request it????
yknow what i bet he's gonna do like a cool robot beheading or something with it later and that's the whole reason they put it in the show huh.
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I forgot this is the first like- actual big battle where they're employing the mobile suits.
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It's interesting to see the contrast between them and the like fighter jets, which is what they would've been effectively replacing.: A small quick maneuverable ship with guns, but this one can also just kick you
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War (TM)
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oh he really does look like a red comet out there huh
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love when she dresses like an actual supervillain
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i like how Char was surrounded by fangirls who all backed off the SECOND Garma showed up
also they sure do love lingering scenes of these two staring into eachother's eyes- wonder what that could mean :3c
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wait why are we reviewing art now. Whoms't is this man.
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okay hold on now there is NO reason to make a paper shredder be a guy
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hello?????????? literally just walking into an enemy ship like???????? what is the plan here??????????? worst strategist ever?????? the second you got on board your gunship can no longer threaten to destroy them because they have a hostage now??????? like your enemy is free to just grab you and fire on your ship at will????????????????????????????
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oh right nvm i forgot this is Char he's got plot armor
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y'know Kai feels like a completely different character in Origin. In the original series he was kind of a little shit but not a BULLY- self centered if anything, but otherwise morally neutral. In Origin though he's like proactively being malicious?
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sir.... you can't just walk up to the military and ask them about military secrets....
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STOP IT!!!!! STOP KICKING HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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literally a MIRACLE they did not throw you in prison
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lol they fukin robbed u dude
fucked up your whole house
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I think I missed out on the plot points where this political twist was explained/set up - I do not rember who this man is, nor do I fully understand why he is saying these things or the full Implications
Like uh, my (probably incorrect) understanding is: he's an important general(?) from the non-zeon army, but was held hostage by zeon, and then freed as part of Kcyllia's(?) plan(?) I totally missed what her plan was tho: is it just to keep the war going????? I'm p sure mr oldie wasn't briefed and is just a pawn in their weird 5 dimensional chess game the Zabi family is playing .
(this is what happens when you do your neopets dailies instead of paying attention when characters start to ramble)
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this is like the 3rd time a character has said "humans looooove war" this episode.
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weird 2 me how he can close he eyes without closing he eyes
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and I guess it ends on "btw we will NOT stop a war!!"
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oh wait no we also get a post-credit peek of the boat!!
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actually it is ending i think...
(they never did anything with that giant space axe from the beginning for the ep...........)
Final thoughts on Gundam: The Origin
I think I went into Origin without any real expectations. I maybe thought it would be entirely Char focused? but in the latter half it shifted to a more general "what's goin on with this war" type vibe. I guess it accomplishes what it sets out to do: give us more backstory on how the war from 0079, fleshing out the the politics around it and the characters who partake. There were some wild things happening but mostly it was a lotttt of people talking about War. Felt kind of like a lorebook rather than an actual story, especially for the latter half, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Up Next!* MS Team, Thunderbolt, and War in the Pocket (side stories that took place during the events of 0079) Looks like Thunderbolt is a movie but the other two are series so this is going to be infinitely easier to schedule time to sit down and watch.
*I'm following a watch order rec from reddit, which seems to be more or less chronological order
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 45
Chapter 45: “The Rescue”
When I first received my copy of the art book, I remember being so amazed at the details of this chapter’s cover page that I previously never noticed before (and I revisit this chapter a lot), but this little section with the duo is so clever! How Ray is placed in the exact same position as the drawing right underneath him with the kid in the jar and also putting Emma in front of the demon’s mouth like that are such smart moves. And I obviously can’t read the whole message behind her legs, but I can sorta make out “wake up/in danger/unfortunate/suffer,” which all apply perfectly to both her & Ray’s current situation right now. Seriously though, buy the art book if you can. The illustrations are in such a lovely quality. Even looking at it now, I’m gonna take a guess and say the words near Ray’s back say something like “How are you feeling Ray?” (Also, if demons don’t have lips, then how the hell did that one GF demon whistle two chapters ago??)
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I must focus on other scenes in this chapter so much that I forgot Sonju actually uses smoke bombs. For the longest time I believed they were just an anime addition..oops.
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Yeaaah, they’re certainly not the smartest demons around. To be fair, they couldn’t see through all the smoke either.
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Now, I love that Ray’s mind never stops working even after getting snatched up by a completely strange and possibly dangerous “person” because it just suits him to be cautious, but typical anime doesn’t allow us to hear his thoughts.
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On the flip side however, I do enjoy how it shows how frightened Ray really is. This boy was just chased by several demons, barely survived by getting kidnapped basically and woke up completely alone, with no knowledge of the status or whereabouts of his family. Sure, he’s normally the calm and analytical one out of the trio, but even someone like him would have to be panicking at least a little bit after everything he just went through and I think the anime shows that (& his left eye pfft) really well.
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Yes I also gave praise towards the anime once before for remembering something so minor such as the bell Mujika left for Emma. And (knowing me) I’m sure I noticed this several times in the past, but it looks as if Ray’s checking her ear too, right? That’s sweet.. all the anime gave us was a couple taps on her shoulder.
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The amount of relief on my son’s mf face! AAAH! He’s so damn precious he makes me wanna cry. And I know I keep going back and forth between giving praise to both medias but I personally like the anime better for this wholesome expression.
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Can confirm that Mujika’s voice is very nice, both in sub & dub, though I love Ray’s comment about it and how he’s a bit wary. Dude knows first hand that being kind and having a sweet voice doesn’t necessarily mean that person is trustworthy.. I mean, have you seen his mother? (and I skipped a big moment, I know. I scream about it at the end). 
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Mixed feelings about him holding his arm out in front of her when Mujika approaches them. Emma is the one person who can certainly protect herself (also doesn’t necessarily need it because main character plot armor) but also aww, look at him being so serious about keeping his promise yet again.
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While we don’t get the scene of Mujika checking Emma’s ear or shaking her hand, we do get a shot a bit later showing that her hand is indeed still covered, so at least there’s some consistency there with keeping her demon appearance a secret just for a few moments longer.
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Of course he notices something’s off. He just calmed down after experiencing one of the harshest days of this life and now he’s about to freak out all over again.
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The level of confidence he has in his assumption despite all the fears the the truth is bringing out of him. Also, the way Sonju just looms silently in the back while those bugs shed tiny specks of light on him is so nice. This frame doesn’t do it justice but just go back and watch it. And I don’t listen to the s2 soundtrack nearly enough as I should (seriously, Obata is fantastic and I’m so glad we got him back for another season), but the start of “The Evil-Blooded Girl” playing during this scene is perfect.
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I still can’t believe this is where the first ep of season two ends.. literally SO MUCH happened these last 8 chapters and they decided to cram in all in less than 20 minutes?? Granted they managed to cut out quite a lot, but still! The first episode went way too quick, as if the OP sequence wasn’t enough of a red flag already about how much this season would possibly cover. Speaking of fast, my boy looks like he’s ready to run for his life again and no doubt about to drag Emma along with him.
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Favorite panel/moment:
THEIR DAMN HUG!!! Again, I read through unofficial translations the first time but even now I prefer the “You’re still alive.. I’m so glad you’re alive!” a little better? It ties back in with Emma’s original worries when Ray first offered to lead the demons away, but the official gets the same point across though. REGARDLESS, this panel is filled with so many feelings and it of course sends waves of emotion over me as well.
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And I know I shouldn’t bitch about how the anime handled it and should instead be glad they even included it at all since they decided to cut out so much of the entire story in general, but it just.. doesn’t hit as hard as I hoped? Naturally, their voice actresses did a lovely job as always, but I dunno.. the way the manga has it all framed just looks better to me? like Emma is desperately hanging onto him there and overcome with an immense sense of relief that Ray managed to escape those demons alive. And I’m not real fond of how they animated Ray returning the hug either, like who wraps one arm around someone and then the other?? It just feels so slow and awkward to me. I can easily excuse it like “oh it’s Ray, the boy who distanced himself from everyone else all his life, he doesn’t know how to hug properly,” ..but he also has Emma as a friend and I’m certain she gave hugs to literally everyone without warning all the time so he has to be used to them by now.
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ALSO! Can’t be entirely happy about because they left out THE HEAD PAT!!! How dare they.. it’s probably my favorite one too.
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My nitpicking aside, I’m truly happy we still got to see this embrace. It ain’t perfect, but it’s decent and most importantly, at least it’s there.
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silverspleen · 1 year
Completely Coherent Mech Dream
Had a dream about a mecha video game that was also like, my real life I was living.
First I was a video game character and me and a bunch of other colorful people were in a spaceship. It was vintage style, lots of off white rounded paneling and very tight quarters. Our commander was an older woman who was manipulative and borderline cruel. I think she gave a little voiceover intro to our group about who she was and why we were there (to fight our enemies) and then I went into character creation.
Character creation involved plugging into my brain (where the mech suit connected) and had a little gritty anime thumbnail for my portrait based on gender and personality. But the personality traits were off and weird. It had defaulted to male, and when I switched it to female it said “a sacrifice” underneath it. I forgot what the default male said, it was something about being manipulated or being ignorant or stupid. There was also an alt male with a different, slightly less attractive anime guy portrait that said something else, but still rude and cruel (I think it was calling him a neckbeard). I did not want to be a sacrifice. I went with the default male. I was a generic handsome video game guy with dark brown/black hair.
Then our group just kind of hung out on the ship. But not really, because every time we slept plugged into our crèche the commander woman would shuffle around our gender and personality traits with the other squadmates? We sort of realized this was happening but couldn’t do anything about it. She never explicitly said she was the doing it but we all knew, as every day people were different, and if I check my character info in the videogame HUD it wasn't what I originally selected. She changed my gender and personality at least once (and I physically changed appearance because of this, it wasn’t just pronouns). Eventually I was back to my defaults, or at least I thought I was. I felt like many people weren’t though. I knew one guy was very loud and stereotypically southern, and I couldn’t remember if he had always been like that.
Eventually we came to the planet we would be fighting on. Our commander woman made a physical appearance and gave a speech. We were all kneeling on the ground while she did, heads bowed in compliance like she was some sort of religious figure. I realized how creepy it was but still felt compelled to do it anyway. By the end we were basically groveling in child's pose, bent over on the ground listening to her give her speech with our hands outstretched towards her.
Then we were waiting to go into battle in a large bay room. None of us had our mech suits (I can’t remember how I learned to use mine, I think it was implied I knew how before being recruited to this ship), only a gun and a solid-color jumpsuit. What we had to do was run, while under enemy fire, out the bay doors and head to the “wings” of the ship where our suits were held in flight and put them on. It was a given that many of us wouldn’t even make it to our suits. My suit was the second to last on the right, which meant I was almost the farthest out. I had already accepted that I was most likely to die.
Even before the doors opened we could hear the crack of laser fire against the door. When the door opened, there was a mad rush to get to our suits. I remember running past enemy soldiers in armor shooting guns at me. Everything seemed to slow, and I dodged a few headshots with my protagonist skills and shot back with a simple gun I had. I made direct eye contact with the two people who almost hit me, one of them was in a truck with other soldiers. Somehow, I managed to make it to my mech, but getting into it ("putting it on" in the dream) was difficult. It was a smaller suit, built more like a exosuit but still called a mech for some reason. My brain was partially exposed while I was getting syced up, and I remember being upset that it was taking so long and that I didn't like being vulnerable.
When I finally got completely into the suit I got straight to fighting. I was bigger, faster, and more powerful than the enemy grunts in their armor, but not as large as the commander of their force, who was out on the battlefield in a large, more properly sized mech suit. Our commander didn't fight. I remember that the fighting area was a wide expanse of concrete with some generic gritty scifi buildings. The enemies' armor was purple. I somehow got close enough to the enemy commander to hear him. It almost sounded like he was talking to our commander, and that they were laughing together. I got so angry I attacked him without thinking of how much stronger he was than me. I raked him with my claws, and slashed though the left side of his face so badly it was going to scar. I knew he may loose the eye too. but it wasn't enough, so I tried to beat him with my fists and clawed at his face. At one point I put my fingers in his mouth and grabbed him by the jaw to try and rip it off, but his face was reinforced by the mech suit and I couldn't. It felt very visceral.
I couldn't beat him despite my efforts, but we won anyway and he left the battlefield. I was still kind of crazed from my fight, and when I saw a group of enemy soliders being transported to our ship in a big clear plastic holding box I tried to shoot them. But my commander stopped me, saying something like "they'll be reeducated, they're useful." I thought back to her laughing with the enemy commander, and began to understand that there were no stakes in this battle. I didn't know why we were fighting. I realized that I was being manipulated by me commander, and that she and the enemy clearly had something going on where they were just fighting to fight, trading soldiers like their lives meant nothing. As the rest of my group helped move prisoners onto the ship, I just… didn't. I left instead.
No one came after me, and eventually everything on the battlefield was quiet. I realized that I could hear the ocean. We had been by the beach the entire time, and everyone had been so busy fighting that no one had noticed. I left the concrete scifi area and walked down to the shore. The beach was dark rock, with huge island boulders in the dark water. Some of the boulders were so large that dark-needled conifer trees were growing out of them, and wooden scaffolding had been built to connect them in a walkway. I went to the water and stared out into it. The waves were almost a dark teal, and I knew it was cold though I couldn't feel it. At the very end of the boulder islands was a tall island with a tall wooden gazebo on it. I though about how much I wanted to be out there.
Sometime later, minutes or hours, I'm not sure, I heard someone calling me. Two other mecha pilots had also defected, and were waving me down. We spoke on the radio, and one said that she had called and found a rescue ship unaffiliated with the battle to come pick us up, but they didn't know exactly where we were on the beach, so we had to flag them down. I realized that this was the perfect excuse to go the the gazebo boulder. While she and the other pilot climbed the largest boulder partially on the shore, I followed, but instead of staying on the big boulder I began to jump across the islands to the other one. The gazebo island was only connected by by a single long plank to the island before it. I knew that the plank wouldn't support my weight if I walked across it. Instead, I figured I could use my jet boosters to keep myself going forward, and only touch down gently with one foot to keep myself on track, in a sort of controlled, very light taps in a glide to get over them, with one big one at the end to jump on top of the gazebo. I succeeded, and stood out watching the ocean just in time to see the rescue ship come by. I waved it down, and it landed close to the other two pilots on the shore. I needed to head over as well, but for a moment I though maybe I could do the same glide across the water, as though I were flying across it like a skipping stone, but knew I couldn't without risking drowning. I wanted to very badly.
But instead I headed back normally the way I came, and the dream basically ended there.
All I remember about what my mech suit looked like is that it about doubled my height, my face was exposed, and that it was a like…. very serious gray color. There were four jets that I could use as jump boosters and to glide limited distances. It was less beefy and more like… a sleek, kind of athletic style design, with fins. I had claws too I guess.
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gunkreads · 1 year
Cairn session recap from Friday, which will also function as an advertisement to play Cairn with your friends. You should play Cairn with your friends.
My group of players have had very little contact with TTRPGs. Pretty much all they have is:
(friend 1) One completely horrid 1-hour D&D 4e session back in like 2011, plus about 50 hours of Baldur's Gate 3
(friend 2) Watching about half of said BG3 gameplay
(girlfriend) Two acceptably decent 4-hour D&D 5e sessions, plus hearing me talk about it endlessly.
So I have them going through a bog on a 3-day trip, escorting a merchant through it. Each day is supposed to have an encounter--day 1 was about 2 hours of Session 0/rules review/character creation, then about 2 hours of gameplay, about 20 minutes of which was combat; day 2 was about 4 hours, about 3 hours of which was combat (kinda overdid it on the difficulty ramp).
So, day 2 has my players with a reasonable grasp of the tenets of tabletop gaming and my personal philosophies on GMing. For some background, said philosophy basically starts and ends at the Rule of Cool. They wake up with their stinky sketchy merchant man, then proceed down the path before seeing a Rust Monster dash across the path, which the Merchant chases because he knows they tend to accidentally collect lots of non-rustable precious metals (my canon). They run into this small ruined outpost that happens to have a treant in it.
Now, something you should know about Cairn is that it has almost no progression system--no classes, no leveling, no stat increases, just "gear". It is designed to be deadly, so consequently there's very little you can do to invest into your character. This deadliness is something I heavily emphasized to my players, mainly focusing on the fact that I didn't know HOW deadly it'd be, since I hadn't GMed it before.
I ended up making the first session's combat VERY easy, forgot the rule about critical damage, and happened to see my players roll INCREDIBLY well, so that ended up giving them a false sense of confidence about their combat power.
They run into this treant in session 2. To say it "fucked them the hell up" would be a blinding understatement. It does a base of 1d10+1d8 damage, which I had already reduced to 1d10 before the session started (wanted to eliminate the chance of one-shotting my least tanky player). It downed two of the three players in one hit, and it basically got worse from there.
Because Cairn's rules are so loose, I was effectively able to build a ruleset on the fly to suit this particular combat scenario. I could roll with my players' ideas to do basic movement and inventory manipulation actions while downed (you're not unconscious, just unable to fight). I also loosened the restrictions around getting players back up--it just burned a turn for each player, which let me keep the combat going without completely sidelining a player for over an hour.
This led to one of my initially-incapacitated players killing the Rust Monster, which was hiding in the outhouse of this fort, by dropping a lit torch down into the pit and having the methane explode, then dropping a jar of tar on the still-burning enemy.
It also led to another player using a bottle of perfume as a Molotov cocktail against the Treant, and since they were doing such an incredible job at improvising their way out of this hopeless situation, I could narrate that Molotov knocking the armor off the Treant where it hit, letting them hit it a lot harder from there on. They were also specifically focusing on knocking off branches and roots, so I could reduce the Treant's damage die as they did that. It was IMMENSELY fun to whip up boons for the players based on their individual creativity, attention to their gear, and willingness to ask more about the scenario and setting.
The moral of the story for me in this was that when I, as a GM, don't have a massive ruleset looming behind me, I can actually do a lot better of a job making combat fun. When there's nothing to contradict, I can make rules as intuitive as I want.
So the two things I'd say in favor of following Bob World Builder's advice to start your D&D adventure by playing Cairn are these:
When there are almost no rules, you get to make all the rules. The GM gets to do quite literally whatever they want to help the players have a good time. If a player says "Hey, can I [action that has absolutely zero mention in the rule set], the GM can say "yes, make a [stat] save and fucking go for it" without ANY concern for gameplay balance. Shit, if you're concerned about your ability to be fair in metering their success, pick a die and a value and roll for it. In D&D, you can easily back yourself into corners by allowing something that eventually conflicts with an important balance rule later on. I know because I've done it. Cairn eliminates this stress and lets a GM learn how to PLAY the game, rather than just RUNNING it.
My players were more immersed in the narrative and roleplaying aspect of the game fully throughout the combat. Because they weren't limited to the 13(ish?) actions of D&D 5e, they were able to completely improvise their actions and run character interactions in a way that made them more satisfied with the cinematic-ness and narrative coherence of the fight.
Also, we had a fucking epic life-saving roll toward the end--one player had gone down twice, but still got back up and went back in to fight. She got hit again, which brought her down to 2 STR, and when you take a hit to STR in Cairn, you have to make a STR save to stay standing. Cairn is roll-under-for-success, so she needed to roll a 1 or 2 to stay up. And she rolled a fucking 2. We pretty much took an intermission for that one.
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Where can one possibly read that fanfic of the blues meeting the cod characters. And tex being stronger than Ghost. Just asking
All 6,000+ words (what the FUCK) can be found on my google docs. But here, have the snippet where Tex beats Ghost’s ass. (She’s technically human in this AU but we’re figuring that out)
“Shame, I was kind of looking for a fight,” you say, and then turn back to Caboose, who had been watching the whole interaction with rapt interest. “You wanna go, big guy?”
“Uhm, no. I do not want to get thrown around a lot again.”
“I’ll go.” You turn, watching Ghost walk in from where he’s been benching. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Tucker and Wash exchange a glance. “Been meaning for a spar without your armor, seems like an unfair advantage.” He sounds almost mad, but you’ve never been the best at interpreting his emotions. That’s Soap’s job.
Doesn’t matter how he’s feeling though, because his words piss you off royally. “Oh really?” Tucker, Wash, and Caboose all take a step back. “Fine then, let’s see what you’ve got.”
You both step into the ring, and equally size each other up. Ghost is pretty big, you’ll give him that. But he’s not as big or as strong as Caboose, and he’s certainly not as big as the Meta was. Still though, maybe it’ll be more even, as Ghost does tend to have the advantage of not being either a) completely brain dead, or b) crazier than a bag of feral cats.
You breathe in once, and as you exhale, he charges you. A tackle from this close has low risk, high reward if done right. If he manages to throw off your center of gravity, it’ll leave you off to a rough start.
You immediately shift into your stance, before sidestepping, and punching inbetween his shoulder blades as hard as you can with your left fist. The impact makes a loud noise as knuckles meet flesh, and you can feel it echo both across the gym and inside your bones.
It’s been a while since you’ve been in a real brawl like this.
The punch has him faltering down onto one knee, and you can see the spot already start to bruise, but he gets back up and turns to face you, your positions having switched. You’re ready for him, and as soon as he’s on his feet enough, you come after him with a right hook that he just barely dodges by ducking. It’s so close it grazes his hair.
He aims a punch to your abdomen, which you block with your other hand. The next few seconds are a flurry of attempts and dodges, equally from both of you, and it surprises you when he lands a hit on your shoulder, knocking you back a bit.
You don’t let it falter you for too long, as when goes for his next hit, you take his momentum and guide his arm upwards to leave his chest wide open. Your other fist goes straight to his diaphram, before you turn and land a powerful kick directly in the center of his abs. You’re just wearing plain work boots, but you know they hurt, having been on the wrong end of Carolina’s kick just one too many times.
He stumbles backwards, and you decide right in that moment that you’re sick of it.
You’re sick of how you brought the 141 into your home, you brought them to meet your team, the most important people in your life, and they keep you at gun barrell length. After the blood, sweat, and violence you shed and did for them, after the trust you thought you built up, they still have the nerve to mistrust and doubt you. None of them look at you the way they used to after you took your helmet off and spoke with your real voice for the first time. Like they forgot that you and Beta were one in the same, not two people constricted to the same suit of armor. That it wasn't just Beta who would protect them with incredible acts of strength, that it was Tex underneath the black titanium.
It’s with that pent up fury and frustration driving you that you move towards Ghost in one fast, solid movement, grabbing his shirt and yanking him towards you. You can see the exact moment he also realizes what you’re about to do, and that he’s as powerless to stop it as you are powerful to put it in motion.
You punch him clean across the temple, and he stumbles, only kept upright by your grip on his shirt. His head lolls back, eyes closed, and his mouth hangs open under the small face mask as blood pours from the small open wound on the left side of his head.
You come back to yourself all at once, and you hear commotion around you. You carefully set him on the ground, and then quickly back up. You broke the skin on both his head and your knuckles.
You haven’t done that in a long time either.
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whoviancumberbunny · 2 years
Part Five: Knight Of Crowns
Part One:  Stand and Be True  
Part Two: Ne’er-Do-Wells and Insufferable Bastards
Part Three:    No Room For Fear  
Part Four:  Percy and the Reap Maiden
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I used this Prompt @pettyprompts​
Knight Of Crowns
Percy De Rolo Created by Critical Role
High Kings of Fillory created By Lev Grossman
Annie Deschain Created by Melissa C. Scraper @whoviancumberbunny
  Percy would follow her to the ends of the world but she hadn’t even explained what they were doing. But a few weeks prior a mysterious fountain had appeared in the forest beyond the Sun Tree.  With letters in high Speech. That translated to Fillory “Remember you asked about the others I lost in the previous timeline. “ she unbuttons his coat “you asked me about this button I sewed on the inside of your coat. It is magical item and it connected to the fountain. It is activated by being touched and being in Contact with a portal fountain.”
 He had given up on completely understanding how the time loop worked.  “I trust you.” They arrive at the fountain
 “It is portal to fillory. That is castle Whitespire.” She says pointing to the carved stone figure In the middle  “You will love Castle Whitespire it was build by dwarves on giant clockwork mechanism and it slowly turns with the hour. ”   she looks at him “I forgot most fillorians hate humans. At least In the previous timeline. Also they don’t have guns there.  They’re primarily an agricultural society that runs on magic.”
 He blushes as she unbuttons his coat “I gave you my only button.”  She wraps  her arms around his waist “Hold your breath and count to three and fall back into the fountain.“  the moment felt eternal and fast and odd but they came up in  land where clocks are embedded in trees.  
 They stand up and he adjust his glasses “Welcome to Fillory, a world created by bored deities.” She looks around “I know this place.” They duck behind the bushes they are on the edge of lake, she steps into the field where there is chest and Percy watches her as he clothes turn into a suit of armor “This time I am the Knight of Crowns this time.”
 Eliot “You seem familiar. But I could just be hungover.” He said when he sees Annie.  
 Annie “Which of you is the true king of fillory?” Eliot  kneels before her “You may only claim the crowns if you beat me at hand of cards.”  Thinking *Shit I forgot what game  Quentin Coldwater told me they played against the Knight of Crowns.*  a short time later “You Quentin Coldwater have destiny you can’t begin to understand.”  She gently pokes him in the chest it is dull thud of wood,  so that was one of the detail that never changed. When they first arrived in fillory he had lost 80% of his body in battle so his skeleton was made of wood. She had drawn them into her time loop because  she knew this neurotic person in front of her was destined to save this world. In the time line where she had been married to King peter, Quentin Coldwater had ended up being exiled and living in Delain as the royal advisor.
 A talking rabbit looks at Annie and just keeps repeating pregnant…or perhaps an apt description would be yelling it “Pregnant Pregnant!”
 *Damn it! I am here before Eliot was forced to marry Fen. Hopefully Percy can’t tell this rabbit is talking about me!* she thinks, fortunately it was only month or two until the wedding. So it is not like it was unusual thing for them have been intimate.   She still had time ask Gilmore to adjust the size of the dress.
 When they return to Whitestone they have been gone for three days  “Annie, my love was that talking rabbit yelling pregnant? Specifically at you.”  he knelt down at her feet resting his head on her stomach “no more adventuring for you for a while. We can just stay in the castle. I admit there are less…unnerving ways to find out we are having a baby.”
 “I forgot about the magic talking rabbits those little assholes are the only creatures that can travel between dimensions when the magic is out of flux between fillory and Earth. Except for Alice she is eventually turned into soulless creature who enjoys killing. Rabbits and Crows.  The only way to get the rabbits to shut up is to give them something else to say and find way to make them go to sleep.  Quentin’s ability is mending magic. He can fix broken things.”
 Percy stands up and laughs “I hardly ever hear calling anything or anyone an asshole.”  He looks at her “I admit I have never heard of Fillory. How do you know about them?”
 “they helped in the the attack on in timeline three and we helped them battle the fae of Fillory. When they kidnapped Eliot’s baby daughter. The point at which we entered Fillory is roughly six years prior to that I didn’t meet them until after they completed the map of fillory.”  
 “A little question .” he said as they went back to Whitestone “Why did you try to pretend you were coughing up dirt?”
“The previous Knight of crowns was waiting for 600 years for the high kings and queen the way it was explained to me. He coughed up dirt sand apologized for possibly dying while waiting for someone to claim the crowns. They arrive back at the castle
 “you just sit I will make you sandwich.”
 “you have been gone for three days?”   pike said
 “It is a long story. Pike. Where are the others?”
 “Planning their gifts for the wedding.”
 Vax and Scanlan return for some reason Vax is soaked to the bone and has bump his forehead “Can you quit telling everyone I’m dead? People keep throwing holy water and crosses at me because they think I’m a demon, ghost, or vampire.”
 “Aw, but it’s funny!”
 “It was until I got soaked in water for the fifth time this week. Did you know that some priests have buckets of that shit?”  Vax looks over at the table “Where the hell have you guys been?”  he goes over and hugs Annie and Percy.
 Annie “If they are throwing Holy water you because they think you are ghost they don’t understand how ghosts work.” she laughed   “I can imagine the Scan-man laughing it up though.”
 “Declan thought it was friggin hilarious when we stopped at Gilmore’s.”
 The next day at Gilmore’s Glorious Good “Should I be planning for a fabulous baby outfit?”
 “Percy and I just found out while we were on our trip. Just remember when you supply libations make sure there are non alcoholic ones involved and remember to supply the type of booze that grog and pike enjoy. They are pouty when they are at party that doesn’t serve ale.”
“Excellent. Diedre finished the wedding veil.”
 “Did I hear correctly you and Percival spawned.”
 “Really Declan please don’t refer to the baby like we are demons.” She said “Stop having your messages sent to the castle. Stop avoiding Galen, you twat waffle.” She catches a box he tosses to her and opens it “You have your good moments, brother.”  
 “I made it for you. We couldnlt find someone who wasn’t going to overcharge for it.”  He helps her try on the tiara “I put the De Rolo Family crest in the center and added the symbol f the house of eld in the center of the sun.”  it had taken him three weeks to make it “Does Percy realize there is fifty fifty chance you will have twins.”
 “He’s intelligent I think he will figure out, Declan.”  She said she placed it back in the box and handed it to him “Shaun, don’t forget you are invited to the wedding. You are a valued friend to the both of is.”
 “Of Course I have not forgotten my assistant will handle the final preparation on the day of your Wedding. I plan to have the shop closed that day.” She goes behind the screen and changes and he snaps his fingers putting the dress on the dress form   “Is that a new outfit? I wasnlt paying attention when you came in.”
 Percy enters “is it safe to come in I don’t want to see her In the dress.” He trips over a foot stool because he has his eyes closed
 “Really Percival?” Gilmore said as he slid the screen in front of it “I would think you wouldn’t believe in superstitions. It is safe to open your eyes I would rather you not damage anything in my shop.”  He helps him up “Gods hepp us if your child ends up anything like you.” He says jokingly
 “Keep that one secret.  Unless they guys get me drunk I don’t intend to tell them how we found out. Because Scanlan would make some stupid joke.”  
 Declan speaking of that annoying little gnome man.” He takes out a box containing a  mandolin inlayed with dragon scales.  “This arrived this morning.”
 “He may not use it but. He thinks no one knows when his birthday is.”  She had ordered it for Scanlan “The little Asshat always has our backs. He deserves something nice.”  She opens the box “How much do I  owe you, Gilmore?”
 “A discount for one of my favorite customers. We will discuss that after the wedding.”  He snaps his fingers after she checks the mandolin and the box becomes a neatly wrapped package.
 A few days later “Happy Birthday, Scanlan.”
 “you know you are the only one who got me anything.” He says looking at the box before he opens it he runs his fingers along the design trying not cry “What makes the design?”
 “They are pieces of dragon scales.”  
 “Percy, is it okay if I hug your future wife if you feel like it is lasting too long you have permission to hit me over the head.” Percy just nods and he goes over and hugs her “You are almost as awesome as I am.”
 Annie “you are welcome, Scanlan Shorthalt.   Will you be the baby’s godfather? She whispered before he sat down.  
 “Was that you telling me first? I am not usually the first to be told anything.”
 She nodded smiling at him “We found out when we went on our trip a few weeks ago.”  
 “when it was yelled at us. By talking rabbits.”  Percy said
 Everyone laughs and they just enjoy the evening.  
 To Be Continued….
Sunday, February 5, 2023
Author’s Note: Knight of Crowns is the title of the first episode I watched of magicians.   The talking bunnies are from the show too.  
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nomstellations · 2 years
Knight’s Aegis
Here’s a fic I wrote for a friend while my comp was out for repairs! It’s a reader insert that contains half size, protective, and willing vore with a male pred c: hope you guys enjoy, i’m hoping to post more in the future!
The sunlight was harsh on this grassy path. You wished you had brought some more water with you…but the life of an archaeologist was not always an easy one! You could easily deal with a bit of sun for a bit, the ruins you were set to explore weren’t that far off anyhow. You only hoped that your companion was handling it alright…it had to get terribly hot in that metal armor. You turned to ask him if he wanted to take a break…and found him at your side as always, floating about a foot off the ground as you walked.
Ah, right. You forgot he was a ghost. He probably couldn’t feel temperature changes, could he?
The tale of you two meeting was an interesting one to say the least- your personal ad for a traveling partner on your expeditions was answered by a visit from a near 8 foot tall man in a complete suit of ancient-looking armor. You remembered the day fondly…he introduced himself as Sir Ramses, former champion of a kingdom he could no longer remember. Without most of his memories and having awoken in a world that was unfamiliar to him, he was seeking someone that could help him find what remained of his kingdom to regain his memories…and you fit the bill! It wasn’t uncommon for you to meet ghost types in this line of work, though not many were usually this proactive…you jumped at the opportunity to study an unliving relic of the past. Unfortunately you couldn’t exactly question him much to the dismay of your inner anthropologist, but he definitely remembered how to fight!
Ramses wasn’t the most talkative travel partner, though. He had explained it to you once before- his duty in life was to protect someone important, and he often kept quiet so he could keep his eyes and ears open to any threats. Now that you were together, that meant he was trying to protect you. You didn’t quite mind that though- he was an excellent listener, and you loved talking about your theories and things you discovered. All in all it was a pretty sweet deal for the two of you! The feeling of his cool hand on your shoulder pulled you out of your thoughts, and you stopped walking to cast him a curious glance. You could never make out any features of his from beneath his helmet outside of one eye, which was looking around cautiously.
“We’re being followed.” You looked at him quizzically, you hadn’t seen or heard anyone around…besides, who would want to follow you? You didn’t have much… “There’s three of them. You could be in danger.”
Before you could question him further he moved swiftly, grabbing you and near tackling you into the thick brush at the side of the road. Thankfully it didn’t hurt- he took the liberty of wrapping you in his purple cloak. While you squirmed around in his hold to get your bearings, Ramses realized that his initial plan of hiding you here wouldn’t work. The surrounding brush was rather thorny, even if he chased off whoever was following the two of you you’d still end up cut by the thorns… He’ll have to settle for plan B. He was feeling peckish, anyhow.
“My apologies for what I’m about to do,” His deep voice rumbled from above you, “But do understand it’s to protect you.” Having finally gotten yourself a bit loose from your wrappings, you gave him a quizzical look. What, was he going to leave you here and fight? You hated combat like that, you made him promise not to use that sword against anyone- but you found that his helmet was getting closer to you, the visor widening so much that you could stick your face inside…you’ve never really seen what his face looked like, come to think of it. You didn’t get the chance to really look, as it moved in you were completely consumed by darkness. Your surroundings were cool and dark, and they shifted to press and rub against you. When a swallow rang out around you and pushed you deeper inside it finally hit you what was going on- he was eating you alive! Maybe in any other situation you’d be mortified- but to you, this was fascinating! You trusted Ramses’ word that this was to protect you, and you had wondered how he ate those snacks you’d always offer him anyway. It seems like he could just make himself internals as he wishes…which were steadily pulling you deeper inside of him, judging by the steady gulps from above and the cold spreading across your body. You wouldn’t have to wait long to see what his stomach was like, as you were pushed into a slightly more open space after a particularly deep gulp. It wasn’t as dark in here, the walls of his stomach glowed a purplish hue which let you see a little. It was nice and cool in here, which was a welcome respite from the heat...the stomach walls shifted around you, beginning to gently churn.
Ramses sighed quietly, you were safe now but his job wasn't finished yet. Resting a hand on the bulge you were making in the gap of his armor, he used shadow sneak to melt into the shade and hide you both. From his spot in the darkness he watched for your pursuers, and from your spot inside him you could just barely hear footsteps and voices over the quiet gurgling of his stomach. There were people following you! Maybe they hoped you would lead them to riches…Ramses' quick thinking kept you out of trouble. The footsteps passed by, so you should be safe to leave…but all you felt was his hand gently rubbing against you.
"The danger is gone now, so you're safe…but if you'll allow me, I'd like to hold onto you for a while longer. This is…rather pleasant to me." His normally flat tone sounded a bit sheepish, as if he was embarrassed for wanting it. You reached out and gently rubbed the walls as an affirmative gesture. You truthfully didn't mind, it was comfortable here…maybe he wouldn't mind if you rested for a while.
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pechebeche · 3 years
so quick test fic repost to see if putting up fabriz fic again brings down the dreaded Attention TM on me. here’s the fabriz enchanted au i forgot i wrote and then fell back in love with when i reread it tonight
              The sequence of events that led to Riz Gukgak, PI, choking back tears in a random librarian’s bathroom is a long and complicated one, the gist of which can be summed up as such:
1.      Dragons are real.
2.      One ate his dad.
3.      Riz might not be as staunchly aromantic as previously thought.
              The first two have very little to do with his current situation, except in that they begin to sort of explain the fucking whirlwind adventuring insanity his life has become over the last week. And, he supposes, also explains the random librarian a little bit. It was less about finding a random librarian and more about finding Spyre’s magic oracle and her personal guard, who had gone missing on the streets of New York City. That a random librarian had taken them both in with seeming perfect belief in their story, and that the three of them now moved around each other as if they’d lived together for years instead of days, is less relevant, but still sticks out.
              The third is a little more immediately important. But it’s also stupid. It’s really, really stupid. Riz had already started working it out before Captain Fabian Seacaster Fantasy Magic Pirate fell through his window and ruined his damage deposit, but he had certainly been doing a better job of Not Thinking About It. There were missing people, after all.
              Missing people that he should be in the main room asking the girls questions about. But instead, he’s in here. In a bathroom. Not-crying.
              He’d been so stupidly excited to find the Oracle, finally – partially just for the rush of finding a lead, and partially because Fabian was bouncing off the fucking walls in excitement over it. “You and Adaine will love each other, The Ball,” Fabian had said, matter-of-fact, as they swung into the base of the fancy apartment building that morning. Fabian couldn’t be convinced to leave his scabbard at Riz’s place like a normal fucking person, but Riz had convinced him to at least wear some modern clothing instead of his gaudy pirate garb. He fills out a suit really nicely, in a way that makes Riz’s face feel hot. “You’re both – smart, and, and you pay attention to things, and you talk to people the same way.”
              “You should pay attention to things,” Riz had said, scrolling through the notes on his phone to figure out which apartment number they were looking for precisely. “What do you mean, we talk to people the same way?”
              “You know, poorly,” Fabian dismissed, and Riz had laughed as he reached to buzz up to the apartment-goers.
              It had been so good. Comfortable. They had a – a banter, something that was teasing but kind. Riz…Riz only started feeling this way about people very recently, and it’s the first time he felt like – maybe, stupidly, maybe it’s not just him, maybe there’s –
              “We don’t know where Aelwen is, either,” Adaine had said primly on the couch across from them, sipping tea and stroking Ayda’s hand under her own.
              “Aelwen?” Riz had asked.
              Fabian was making frantic cutting motions across his throat where he thought Riz couldn’t see – motions which Fig, who had much less armor than Fabian led him to believe, had completely ignored, chirping, “Fabian’s betrothed! And Adaine’s sister. She’s kind of a bitch.”
              There had been a moment of silence. “Oh,” Riz had said. Winced. And then, “Sorry to impose – do you have a bathroom? I think I might’ve reopened my stitches earlier today, and I almost forgot to check them.”
              It’s just so stupid. Riz – should’ve known better. Fabian’s been talking about this fucking make believe land of happily ever after he comes from, and magic, and how he’s gonna go back and live out his dreams. Of course – Riz knows what fairytales are about, of course there’s a damsel in there, of course Fabian’s got a girl waiting for him at home, and he didn’t, he never, why would he…
              Tears have started trailing down his face, hot, despite himself, when he hears a knock at the door. “Riz?” Fabian calls through the door, tentatively, and Riz’s stomach drops, because this is the last fucking thing he needs right now.
              “I’ve got it,” he calls back, desperately willing his voice not to waver.
              Fabian tries the handle – meets the door lock. “Is your wound alright? I do have a small amount of healing magic, I would be more than happy to look at it, you don’t have to be in pain – “
              “Fabian,” Riz says through grit teeth, wiping his face off on the back of his sleeve, “just…just leave me alone for a minute.”
              There is a short silence. Riz wonders, for a moment, if he actually has left. “…just let me look?” Fabian says through the door, and his voice is soft and aching. “…please?”
              Riz sighs. He scrubs a hand over his face and rustles his own hair in an attempt to make it look less like he’s been crying pathetically in a stranger’s bathroom over his first crush. Then he walks over and opens the door.
              Fabian looks surprised for a moment, but it quickly fades into a frown. “Well, my word, the Ball,” he says, pushing Riz into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him, “the first step to checking the wound is to actually look at it. What have you even been doing in here?”
              “I don’t – “ Riz sighs and lets Fabian push him up to sit on the sink, obediently raising his arms so that Fabian can tug his shirt off. He’s gentle, with the way he pushes Riz around, tender even in his authority, and it makes Riz’s eyes prick again, blush deep across his face and down over his shoulders. He takes a deep breath and tips his face up to keep himself from crying, again, and wills his trembling stomach to remain still as Fabian runs a careful thumb over the stitching.
              It’s intimate – too intimate. Like a few nights ago, when Riz had stumbled into his kitchenette bleeding out from the chest and snagged his first aid kit from the cabinet. When Fabian had walked in on Riz trying to stitch up the claw marks no doctor would recognize, had taken one look at Riz’s shaky hands and the needle and the blood stained into his fingers, and had set him down on the counter, had taken the supplies in hand and told Riz to breathe. Fabian’s fingers, now, running over the seam of the wound he’d tied up, is too close to Fabian carefully pulling Riz’s skin together, faces too close, whispering, “Have you always done this for yourself?” and looking at Riz with something like loss when he nodded.
              Riz’s hand shoots out onto Fabian’s shoulder – for balance – as he runs his thumb over the scar Riz is slowly forming. “It doesn’t look like anything broke,” he murmurs, tracing the pucker of Riz’s skin over his stomach and up across his chest. Riz shivers. “Does it hurt? Are you okay?”
              Riz means to answer, truly, to tell Fabian that he feels fine now and they could move on and get back to doing what they’re supposed to. But instead Riz leans his head back against Ayda’s bathroom mirror, swallows, and says “Why didn’t you tell me about Aelwen?”
              Fabian’s fingers go still, for a moment, where they’re tracing the planes of Riz’s chest. “…it didn’t seem relevant,” he says, eyes sternly rooted to his own hands.
              “Bullshit.” Riz’s stomach turns. Abruptly, he finds himself wanting to slap Fabian’s hand away from him, where his thumb has started rubbing careful circles into his side. Wants to get rid of it and lean into it all at once. “You talk about home all the time. Why didn’t you tell me?”
              Fabian sighs. After a moment, he stills his own hand. Riz’s breath catches as Fabian leans in, presses so their foreheads are not-quite-touching, so that Fabian is smiling at him a little ruefully. “Would you believe I just didn’t want you to know?”
              “Why not?”
              Fabian’s eyelashes flutter. Riz can track them, this close – the way that Fabian’s mouth parts, just a breath, the way his eye stay firm on Riz’s, the way that he doesn’t blush on his face but the tips of his ears do go just a shade darker, impossible for human eyes to see. “I…” Fabian sighs. The hand on Riz’s wound reaches up as if to cup his face – Fabian catches himself, a moment before, fingers tightening on his own palm to avoid what is almost a caress. Riz’s breath is blown completely out of his stomach. “I…don’t know why,” Fabian admits, in a whisper. “I just…didn’t.”
              “What did you think would happen?” Riz says, and finds that he, too, is whispering, like there’s some little bubble aside from both the fantasy and real worlds they come from, like there’s a little space just for them that he’s terrified to disturb.
              Fabian bites his lip – Riz tracks the movement, tracks the way Fabian swallows, the way Riz can almost feel his breath, this close to Riz’s cheek. “I – I didn’t want. For you to stop…” His eyes glance down to Riz’s mouth, back up, quick, and Riz’s heartbeat picks up. “I didn’t want you to stop looking at me like this. I didn’t want to stop…”
              Riz doesn’t know when the hand on Fabian’s shoulder came to curl around the back of his neck, just knows that it’s now close enough for him to press up and do what Fabian wouldn’t, to caress the side of Fabian’s face with the full length of his palm, to watch Fabian’s breath catch, his eyes flutter closed, watch him lean into Riz’s hand.
              “I’m not stopping,” Riz whispers, tremulous and afraid and just a little bit determined.
              “Riz,” Fabian whispers, leaning in, and Riz’s heart stops when Fabian kisses him.
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fabled-fiction · 3 years
Blood, Sweat, and Worries
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Part 3 of the Curiosity Eternalized Series
A story about the you, the ever so curious Eternal and your life through time. Pinning, and mourning and feeling every possible human emotion one could feel during infinity.
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Descriptions of pain
A/N: This is the third part to an ongoing series that I have started! I sorta forgot I was already posting this on Tumblr as well, and consequently my AO3 post has all the chapters currently published there! If you want to get these chapters as soon as they come out, I post them there first! Enjoy.
Link to Part 2: As They Evolve, So Do You
Link to Part 4: The Hush Before The Curtain Rises
While immortality, a fickle concept that you had dealing with your whole existence, had its ups it also had its down.
Like this moment right here…
A rippling, churning pain spread through your gut as you dropped to your knees. Your hands went to hold the area that was tense and had a throbbing feeling cascading from it. A loud groan came from your throat, as your head rested on the ground. Sand stuck to the sweat on your forehead, as you felt the pain slowly start to subside…key word being slowly.
Feeling her hand grab the back of your suit, she lifted your torso up so you were kneeling in front of her. You squinted and lifted a hand up to block the sun that shined behind her. Her silhouette only did so much, and you were starting to get sick of this day all together.
"Get up, I'm actually starting to see some improvement."
Her kindly laced words were nothing but a façade, you had learned. Any time she actually spoke to you, about you improving was really just her way of getting her personal punching bag to stand up. While you were certain that there could have been some truth behind her jests as of right now you could only see the malice in them. You had been going at it for quite some time now, the sun however was still high in the sky. Had it been a full day? Maybe that was the thirst talking. Reaching to wipe your brow off, you took a shaking step into a kneeling position before falling to the ground with a huff.
"Yea that feels like a no. My body is telling me it hurts."
"Your body can take it."
Her hand reached down and gripped the breastplate of your armor, before lifting you up with ease and brushing you off. Standing there for a moment, still holding your stomach you watched as she went and collected your two daggers before handing them back to you. Your vision spun for a moment, before you shook your head and watched as Thena stood in front of you with her arms crossed and a look of complete boredom on her face. Her eyes scanned you up and down before she circled you like a vulture, a bird you had the chance to observe recently both in its physical nature and in how Thena moved.
Her hands moved to gently caress the back of your shoulder blades, both of them coming to grip your shoulders. They steadied you, while her leg went between your legs and kicked your feet into position. Walking back around you she grabbed your wrists and brought them up to near your face. Her hands gripped the back of your hands and formed them into fists before she finally reached to take a tight hold on the sides of your face, squishing your cheeks tightly.
"Obviously this head on approach isn't working. You are thinking too much. So, lets take another approach. I want you to use that brain of yours, and try to read my next move."
"Your next move?"
Before you could get an answer she swung, her arm striking your shield that she had put up. Luckily because of the stance she put you in you only slide back a little.
"You're a telepath are you not? I watch you read the human's brains everyday as if it is nothing, but let's build on your abilities. Train your ability to not only work for your snooping but also to work for your fighting. It will also strengthen your mind, making your ability stronger correct?"
You knew in your heart she was not wrong. A telepath was only as strong as their brain, and while yes you were good at looking into the minds of humans or your fellow Eternals while everyone has their guards down you had not thought about using it in a battle sense. Suddenly it made sense as to why Thena was one of the strongest warriors on Olympia. She had so much more to offer than battle tactics or taking down the Deviants.
She swung at you again before you could answer. But this time she did not stop. She kept swinging at your head, which you were barely able to block and she kept kicking and swiping her legs at yours. It kept knocking you back or down, and you only had enough time to get back up before she kept swinging and striking at you. It was all happening in such great succession that you had no idea how she expected you to get a glimpse into her mind long enough to predict her next move.
Then it happened again, she knocked you down. Your sides and your arms were yelling at you to do something, to even put a stop to this incessant beating for even a second so they could scream in more pain. You laid there with a face of pain, and watched as she bounced there with her arms ready to punch at you again.
You had about two seconds for you to activate your ability here, you thought. Your eyes would flash gold for a moment as you stood, keeping your head down as you finally faced her. She tilted her head, cracking her neck before taking another swing at you.
Each thought of her actions happened merely seconds after, she was relying on her already perfect sparing abilities. Why she thought that when you finally were able to get into that head of hers you'd be able to keep up? You had no idea. But at least now you were able to mentally prepare yourself for the hit to the area. Your side tensed up as she jabbed at you, and when her fist struck your jaw you stumbled back and held your mouth.
"C'mon (Y/N). Don't tell me you're all brains and no brawn?"
The blood that dribbled down your chin felt cold against your already temperate chin, it's irony maroon color seeped into the kicked up sand near your feet. She...she made you bleed. You never doubted for a moment that she would draw blood. She was a master at the martial arts, and you didn't know anything. So it was bound to happen.
But something in your gut churned at the sight of it. That, along with her comment made something either click or snap. You wanted to be more than brains, you knew everyone here even Sprite could hold themselves in fight. This was your first mission, you had to prove that you could be put on the same pedestal as them.
Assuming position again, you watched Thena from the gap between your arms. She smirked, before taking a running start at you. You knew you would have to be patient despite the want to lash out. No...there was a reason she and everyone else had the ability to fight. They didn't act on their impulses. They waited until the perfect moment.
'Right Jab'
'Left Jab'
That would have to be your best bet for throwing her off her rhythm. Maybe you wouldn't get too far in your moves against her but it was worth a shot.
After she swung at you, you broke your arm shield and watched as she dropped into the crouching position. Jumping, and barely missing her ankle swiping at you, when you landed you put all your weight into your strike into her back that was facing you. You watched as she stumbled forward and fell back onto her knees and you stumbled along with her.
Standing there with wide eyes, your body screaming both in victory and in pain, you watched as Thena turned with a fury in her eyes and took a running start at you. Whether you were screaming in your head or on the outside you weren't sure, but you watched as she jumped into a punch and you crouched into a protective position. Feeling her fist push you into the ground, you groaned as you laid there.
"That was good...but just because you get one good strike in doesn't mean you have won."
"It's a start."
Propping yourself on your elbows, you watch as she stares down at you. But you didn't feel pity from her, which made you feel a little better. She was thinking of ways to help you improve faster, or in ways that would work for you. You knew she wasn't trying to force this or expect you to know all this after one training session. This would be a process. One that you were sure that after a few centuries you'd be able to maybe stand on par with her, if you were determined.
But all you could think about right now was how much internal and external bleeding you could feel. Reaching a hand to wipe off your chin you whimper as you slowly pull yourself up. the adrenaline was probably wearing off now that you weren't actively getting the shit beat out of you. Your knees buckled under you and had it not been for Thena's rush to catch you, you probably would have once again face planted into the sand. At least now that the sun was slowly starting to set you could use that as a reason to wander off to your room in the Domo.
"Let's get you to Ajak."
With one leap you had landed near the Domo, and you were slowly limping next to her with your arm wrapped around her shoulders. Perhaps you should get out of her mind now, because her thoughts were now turning to gruesome new tactics on how to eviscerate Deviants. And you really didn't need that in your already woozy head.
"Oh my! Thena I said to train them not kill them!"
Slowly looking up, you gave a stained smile to Ajak as she ran up to you. The only others in the room were Phastos, Sprite and Druig. Sprite and Druig stood at your state, and Phastos ran over to heave you over on the table with ease. Slowly being sat down, you rested on your palms as you watched Ajak's palms glow and go to rest on your ribs. Maybe you both had taken it a bit too far because as a euphoric feeling of peace settled over you, you swore you heard a few cracks as your ribs moved back into place.
"I was starting them off with the basics."
"Yes, but when is (Y/N) going to have to spar a Deviant?" She scolded, merely getting a shrug from Thena before she waved to go join the others that were no doubt ridding this settlement of the rest of the Deviants. Her work was done for the day.
It felt as if a wave of warmth spread from your ribs and cascaded down to your thighs. It stung at first, no doubt that was her ability basically stitching together the sore and bruising muscle. But after the stinging feeling followed what could only be described as the want to lie down and sleep. It especially felt heavenly when she reached to hold your face, a stark contrast to when Thena basically ripped into it with her iron grip. Ajak's hands were tender, and soft. It reminded you of the mothers that would soothe their crying children after they tripped over their own feet down in the village. Her thumbs ran over your cheek bones, as she whispered under her breath. She had done this before, it felt like. It almost made you want to peek into that head of hers, but the respect she commanded and the motherly care she showed you all kept you from doing so. You didn't feel any hesitation when you picked Thena's mind, it was almost like picking a stranger's brain or when you peered into Sprite's mind every now and then when you two would take walks through the village and you watched her face turn sour as she looked at the children. For her it was just like picking a sibling's brain, but with Ajak it felt like you were violating her trust. True you never overstepped your boundaries with the others and only read their surface thoughts but you felt if you were to peek into Ajak's you'd see something you weren't supposed to.
"There...good as new. Did she actually teach you anything?" She asked as she rested her hands on your knees. 
"Yea. If I can perfect trying to use my telepathy during sparring it'll help with my fighting abilities." This seemed to only make her sigh.
"Yes that could help against people but what about fighting against Deviants? Did you even use the weapon Phastos forged for you?"
Sitting there for a moment, you swallowed. You were sure that you had made progress with Thena but maybe Ajak was right. Did you just get beat up for nothing? No...Yes? Now you were conflicted.
"I'll speak with her, why don't you just head to your room? I'm sure you're tired. You aren't required to come to the celebration if you do not want to come."
Nodding, you slid off the table and made your way down the corridor. Ajak was right...when would you need to read a Deviant's mind in order to tell what their next move was? You couldn't read the minds of non sentient beings. You had tried, especially after Sprite egged you on to try and read the mind of a horse the village had caught. While you were disappointed, it made sense. You weren't able to translate their thoughts. All you got was silence.
Finally making your way to the room, you sighed as the wall morphed around you and allowed you in. It was nothing special, you suspected every room right now wasn't all that decorated. You had a nice big window into the scenery under the Domo that you were sure looked like granite on the other side. It illuminated your room, especially as you sat on the pillowy bed that had been modeled after the Olympia rooms. Wrapping yourself in a blanket, you sighed as you laid back and slowly closed your eyes.
"Heard you got your shit handed to you."
Groaning, you look over and see Sprite walking in. She smiled at you as she sat on the edge of your bed. Her fiery orange head tilts as she watches you bury yourself under your sheets. Her small hand reaches to pull it off and see your face buried under the pillows.
"That may be true."
She slowly crawled up to sit next to you and smiled, before holding her hand out and you saw a small illusion of yourself kicking Thena down. You smile a little as you sit up and watch it rewind and go in slow motion.
"Yea, but you actually got a hit in. That counts for something. You actually knocked Thena down even if it was just for a second."
Looking over at her, you smile and nudge her with your shoulder before sinking back down in the sheets. 
"Yea but apparently today was a total waste. I can't even read the minds of Deviants."
"Did you not just hear what I said? You knocked down Thena! That takes skill. Sure you won't be able to read the Deviant's next move but the more you train with Thena the more skill you'll acquire and the more you'll be able to kick the Deviant's ass."
Looking at Sprite, she held her hands out and a laced illusion filled your room. It was you, kicking down a Deviant before sending your dagger into its head and killing it. It was the same move you used against Thena in the heat of the moment. Smiling, you looked over at Sprite. She was grinning widely at you with her eyes closed. Ruffling her hair, you slid out of your bed and sighed as you stood in front of the window and looked down at the celebration.
"I think that alone is worth celebrating. Screw what Ajak said. Let's go down there and dance and try that disgusting human drink that makes me feel funny."
Quirking a brow at her, you were about to question her before she grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the Domo. Laughing, you lifted them down safely before racing each other to the party.
When you finally made it, you jogged to a stop as you watched Sprite run up to Kingo and jump onto his back. He let out the most girlish scream as he stumbled, and you flicked your wrist in order to keep him from stumbling into a fire. This just got a symphony of laughter and giggles as he steadied himself and dropped Sprite onto her back. He glanced back at you and gave you a curt nod before continuing his story with Phastos and now with the addition of Sprite.
They all looked so happy and unbothered. To think you were about to miss out on this all because of some self doubt. While you could still feel it churning in the recesses of your mind that was another problem for another day. Sure maybe it wasn't the most healthy thing but you wanted to enjoy the last moments of this village that would surely become a fond memory that you would recall as you helped foster another.
Feeling a nudge on the back of your shoulder, you looked over and saw Druig. He looked regal, as if this party held in favor for the Eternals boosted his ego even more. He was seen as a god to them. His charcoal and ruby etched suit shined in the fire light, making him look even more godly than he already was. You all looked like you could rule, but Druig? There was an extra layer of charm that made him seem untouchable, unreadable.
You hadn't gotten to speak to him much other than the first conversation you had and the few remarks to each other. But he intrigued you. There was this aura that he held, this front that melded with his own personality that he held amongst the other Eternals. Everyone was still on such fragile terms that you all still held this front up to each other.
But something in you wanted to get to know him more. Especially since you both shared similar powers. Maybe it was because there was always this spark in his eyes that made you want to never look away.
'See, you lived'
There was some hesitation behind that statement. You couldn't exactly tell, maybe he had figured out a way to mask how his thoughts were actually thinking. You wouldn't put it past him seeing as he was also a telepath.
Smiling, you take a sip of the cup that he had handed you. And for a moment it tasted sweet before burning the back of your throat and making the hair in your nostrils feel as if they were on fire. Coughing, you spit up the drink before shoving the cup back in his hand.
Yea, those berries did not make the best liquor.
"Maybe they'll have better at the next colony." He smirked before taking a long sip and walking away.
Maybe they'd have more opportunity to figure out your fellow Eternals as well.
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kanonsarchivedblog · 3 years
Burn For You
Word Count: 5856 Genre: Smut Rating: E Characters: Uchiha Madara, fem!Senju Tobirama, Uzumaki Mito (briefly) Ship: Uchiha Madara/Senju Tobirama Warnings: Unprotected Sex Author's Note: You can read it on my ao3 here! This was inspired by Burn For You by Abigail Barlow! It suits Tobirama and Madara really well, imo. Also, this was just fourteen pages of smut. I hope you all enjoy this! ━━━━━━━━━━━━ It all started with a confession.
“I burn for you.”
The admission had taken her off guard. She’d agreed to stay behind after a meeting, going over the development plans for the Nara clan to settle in the North Eastern part of the village outside of the gates so that their deer would have plenty of space to roam and not fear the wrath of hunters. Madara had additional ideas that needed to be looked at by a different pair of eyes- constructive criticism before presenting it officially to the council. The night had grown long, the candles burned so long that they were more melted wax than actual candles. She’d ended up sitting atop the table, her legs crossed as she read over Madara’s ideas, comparing them with her brother’s. Truth be told, Hashirama seemed to be distracted- his plans were barely finished, whereas Madara’s were completely finalized. It was nice to see work actually getting done.
“If you keep looking at me like that, I might just think you actually fancy me, Uchiha,” Tobirama had taunted, a smirk curling wine colored lips as she glanced over. However, unlike their normal banter, he hadn’t responded. “... That was a joke. You’re supposed to laugh now. Ha-ha.” She mumbled, lips turning down into a pout as she turned her gaze back to the papers.
“Senju.” His voice was soft, low- nearly resembling a growl as he stepped closer. Instinctually, her legs spread slightly, the cloth of her kimono parting with the movement, feet barely meeting the ground. Prepared to run, to bolt, Madara noticed. Or perhaps to fight, with how her hands gripped the edge of the table. “You’re a nuisance, you realize that, yes?”
“A nuisance?!” She exclaimed, eyes widening in surprise. “You've some nerve, calling me- what are you doing?” All heat vanished as he settled between her spread thighs, his hands braced upon the wood of the table on either side of her hips. “Madara, are you ill? Is something the matter?” A hand reached up to touch her wrist to his forehead to see if he’d come down with a fever, only for his hand to capture it-
And press a searing kiss to her wrist.
“I burn for you,” he murmured against the pale skin, lips brushing so gently, delicately- as if afraid that the mere movement would cause her pain. “I burn for you, day in and day out.”
“Madara-” her voice was barely above a whisper, chest rising and falling quickly as her heart began to race. When he looked up at her, her breath halted all together: three black tomoe stood out against ruby irises, yet she could not look away. Heat gathered in her cheeks- and lower, much lower, to her own embarrassment. “This is- inappropriate.” Even so, she did not pull her hand away.
She leaned closer.
That is, until the sound of footsteps approaching had Madara backing away, Tobirama cradling her wrist delicately as the door opened, revealing Mito. “Pardon the intrusion,” she murmured, giving a small bow. “My husband forgot his files, and instead of coming back himself, he sent me.” A sharp roll of the eyes showed her annoyance, even if her smile was soft.
“You could have told him to fuck off,” Tobirama stated simply, shoulders rising in a shrug.
Mito let out a bark of laughter at her sister-in-law. “I think that would have given him a heart attack!” Shaking her head, she flashed the pair a smile before turning on her heel. “Don’t work too late, you two.”
“We won’t,” Madara called after her, though his gaze was trained on Tobirama. The only way she could describe what she saw in his gaze was hunger. Pure hunger.
A fire had been started- and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to douse the flames, or fan them.
“We should… Head home for the night, yes?” Tobirama asked, scooting off of the top of the table to settle her feet on the floor once more, gathering her scrolls. She could sense Madara lingering behind her, yet he did not touch. His gaze was akin to their famed fireball jutsu, scorching the back of her neck. “Do get some rest, Madara.”
“You as well,” Madara murmured, though he made no move to follow her out of the door. Her footsteps were calm at first, until she was outside of the Hokage’s office. Only then did she sprint, pressing chakra into her legs to make her move faster, to get back to the Senju compound quicker. Alone, she needed to be alone to process what just occurred. ━━━━━━━━━━━━ That had been a fortnight ago. Ever since, she’d been busy overseeing the building of the Nara compound while Madara saw to his own clan, making sure they were comfortable as the Uchiha compound began to expand. And every night since, her thoughts had been consumed with the feeling of his lips against her skin, his gaze boring into her own, the feeling of his hips settled between her thighs-
A sharp shake of the head causes wild snowy locks to sway with the movement. Not now, not while she’s reading reports. Even so, her foot tapped on the floor, a movement that spoke volumes of her unease, her need to get up, to demand to know why he’d done it. His office was across from her own. All she’d need to do is rise from her desk, walk across the hall, and demand an answer.
Burn for you.
The words held weight, especially for an Uchiha- known for their innate ability to control fire. To burn for someone is to be completely overwhelmed by the flames of passion, of lust. To think only of them.
Her thighs pressed together beneath her desk.
“Fuck,” she groaned, leaning back in her chair, head flopping back as her eyes closed. This was annoying, she decided. A nuisance. Yet, the Uchiha had kept her thoughts entertained. The night prior had been spent with her face pressed to her pillow, her hand between her thighs, working herself over and wishing it had been something much thicker.
The current bane of her existence knocked on the door before opening it, his gaze settled upon the paper he held. “Did you know that Hashirama put in for an expansion of the Senju compound?” He asked, annoyance clear in his voice as Tobirama forced herself to focus.
“I had no idea,” she replied dryly, her brow furrowing. “We don’t need more space. We’ve got plenty already.” Her gaze drifted, studying Madara for a moment. He wore no armor- they never did when in office. The summer yukata did little to hide what lay beneath.
Perhaps that was why her underlings were so distracted.
“Hm,” a sigh escaped his lips as he set the paper down onto her desk, only to pause for a moment. “Can we speak?”
“We’re speaking now.”
“You know what I mean.”
“I’m afraid you’ll need to be a bit clearer.”
“About what I said.” Madara caved, shaking his head at the Senju. “It was uncalled for, and I was out of pocket-”
“Tonight,” Tobirama cut in, raising a hand, causing Madara to pause. “Meet me in my quarters tonight, and we will talk about what you said. Not now- I’m busy.”
“Busy.” He repeated, gaze trailing over the stack of papers to be signed. “Right. Tonight, then.”
“Tonight,” Tobirama agreed, her gaze never lifting from her paper. “You’re dismissed.”
“Dismissed?! I-”
“Out of my office, Uchiha.” She snapped, feeling a touch smug as Madara turned on his heel and marched out, all but slamming the door on his way out. A snort escaped her as she leaned back. Tonight, they would speak. Tonight, the truth would come out- one way or another.
The day had passed quickly, leaving her spinning in the aftermath. Tobirama drug a hand through her hair, down from it’s normal high ponytail, the wild, curling tresses free for once. Her footsteps carried her across the room in a quick pace, her heart a staccato beat within her chest. Any moment now, she’d be able to feel the familiar flicker of Madara’s chakra entering the compound. To the East, Mito sat with Hashirama- no doubt the pair beginning to bed down for the night.
There, at the southern edge- the flicker of warmth, of red-tinged chakra that felt like standing too close to a bonfire. Her breath skipped a beat as she turned, studying her reflection in the mirror across from her bed. The sleeping yukata did little to give modesty. In a last moment effort to try to compose herself, she snags a robe and quickly ties it around her waist.
The sound of footsteps had her turning, studying the door the moment before it opened, revealing Madara. “Right on time,” she commented idly as she reached back, pulling her hair out from beneath the robe, inadvertently causing the fabric of both robe and sleeping yukata to rise.
“I hope it’s not too late?” Madara asks, head tilting, gaze drifting to the pale skin that was revealed. The barest hint of red on those thighs- did the tattoos stretch that far down? “I’m afraid I was caught up in clan business.”
“Not too late at all,” Tobirama replies with a shake of her head. “Please, come in- close the door, too?” She adds as an afterthought, moving to where she’d set up sakazuki. Her room was nice- it got the morning sun, and the afternoon shade, causing it to be cooler compared to the other sections of the compound’s main house.
Madara walked over to the low table, settling down into an improper sitting position, crossing his legs. Tobirama settles across from him, easing herself into a polite seiza, though the yukata and robe part to reveal how her thighs press together. Such pale skin… “I’m surprised you would even want to meet to discuss what was said,” he commented idly, head tilting as his gaze tracked her movements; sake was poured first for him, and then for herself. “I’d figured you’d want to ignore it.”
“Why ignore it,” she asked as she raised her sakazuki to her lips, careful not to spill a single drop, “when it’s the truth for myself as well?”
Madara nearly choked on the sake- and not from the taste. “Pardon?” He asked, blinking rapidly. “I don’t think I heard you correctly.”
“How did you phrase it?” Tobirama’s head tilts, her gaze narrowing, ruby hues settling upon Madara’s face- flushed, eyes wide, caught off guard. “I burn for you.”
“You burn for me?”
“I burn.”
“You… Burn,” he murmured, gaze growing heavy- hungry. “For me.”
“I burn, day in and day out,” she nodded, sipping her sake once more. “I would be lying if I said I hadn’t envisioned you in my quarters.”
A moment of silence passed before Madara was reaching across the table, taking hold of the collar of her yukata to tug her over, their lips meeting in a kiss that was equally teeth and lips. Biting, hungry, her hands reached up to tangle in wild dark locks, tugging none-too-gently. A groan spilled free from Madara as he pulled back, her lip caught between his teeth in a gentle bite before he released her.
“You’ve no idea how long I’ve pictured this moment,” his words were barely above a growl as Tobirama rose to her feet, the robe discarded, the collar of her yukata disheveled, baring a pale collarbone and shoulder. “How many times I’ve thought of you in my own quarters.”
“I think mine are more comfortable,” she teases as she settles atop his lap, her arms wrapping around his shoulders, her nails gently scraping at the back of his neck. “After all, my bed is made to fit… Multiple.”
Multiple. Oh. Madara’s gaze grows distant as he envisions just what she insinuated for a moment, lips parting slightly. “Multiple.”
“Come now- you didn’t take me for a prude, did you?” She murmured, leaning in to kiss along his jaw, lips trailing up to his left ear. “After all, you just admitted that you’ve thought of me. Tell me, Madara- what have you thought of? What positions?” The shell of his ear is nipped before he reaches up, gripping her jaw to tug her head back.
“Do you truly want to know?” He asks, leaning back as if surveying her. His other hand reached up to brush her hair back from her face before his fingers began to drift, tracing the collar of her yukata slowly, gently nudging the fabric to cause it to fall back, baring more pale skin and red ink.
Such flimsy things, yukata.
“Senju Tobirama wants to hear how I’ve thought of her at night?” His fingers leave her jaw to brush knuckles gently against her cheek. “How I’ve thought of her on her knees beneath my desk, her lips around my cock? Or how I’ve pictured her laying on her back, pleasuring herself in front of me?” His lips quirked into a smirk as Tobirama whined softly at that, her eyes fluttering shut. “Or how I’ve spent so many nights picturing you laying beneath me, begging for my cock, begging for me to fuck you harder, faster?”
“Please,” she whispered, eyes opening into slits, her cheeks flushed. “My fingers could never be enough.”
Fingers. Her fingers? Oh- oh, a groan spilled free as he leaned in, stealing a kiss that had Tobirama’s head swimming. His hands smoothed down her back, pulling her closer, causing her to rise onto her knees. No words were exchanged as his hands slipped to grip her thighs, holding her up as he rose to his knees, then his feet.
Huh. Tobirama pulled back from the kiss to glance down at the floor for a moment. “... One day, take me against the wall.” She spoke quietly, as if to herself, though it got a chuckle out of Madara as he carried her to her bed.
It was large, he noted- larger than his own. “Anywhere you want,” he murmured as he settled her down, not bothering to part as his lips began to kiss and bite a scorching trail down her neck. “Your office, mine- my compound- wherever you want, just say the word.” A soft moan filled the air as his hand came up to settle atop her left breast, gently massaging through the fabric of the yukata. Her hands tangle in his hair as she keens, her eyes closed, head tilted back against the pillows. He pulled back long enough to make quick work of the tie that held the yukata together before parting the thin fabric, baring Tobirama to the chill of the room. She doesn’t cover herself.
No, her legs settle down against the silken sheets. Nothing beneath. Oh, she’d been prepared for this! The realization draws a chuckle from him as his hands smooth across her thighs, marveling at the way the red ink settles into her skin. Her chest- oh, how it encircles both breasts, ending in a circle in the center of chest. The bands around her biceps, encircling her shoulders, how they encircle her throat. That’s why she preferred the high mandarin collars. The ink stretches further down, encircling both thighs. His fingers trace their paths, drawing forth gentle shudders that dance across her skin.
“Beautiful,” Madara whispers, leaning down to press a kiss in the center of the circle that laid upon her chest. “Every inch.”
“Who knew you’d be a sap?” Tobirama teased, though the flush in her cheeks gave away how affected she was by his ministrations- and the slickness between her thighs.
She receives no verbal response; instead, he continues to kiss a trail lower, feeling her stomach tense beneath his lips. A smile curls them as he glances up, meeting her gaze the same moment his tongue lolls out, dragging a slow trail back up towards her chest. His lips enclose around her right nipple as his fingers begin to toy with the left, pinching gently the same time his teeth graze against the other.
“I always- oh- knew you had a thing for breasts,” Tobirama snickers before flinching at the swat he gave to her thigh. Huh. “What with how much you try to- watch your damned teeth-” another swat, though he pulls back from her breast, “-try to peek down my clothes.”
“What can I say?” Madara muses, a cheeky grin curling his lips as he leans in to steal a kiss, his hand soothing the area he’d swatted mere moments before. “I’m a simple man with simple likes.”
“Fuck off.”
“Take your yukata off and I will,” Tobirama mutters, reaching out to drag her nails down the portion of his chest that was revealed. “I’ve always wondered if you’ve got the dick to back up how cocky you are.”
“You little shit,” he hissed, falling for her words as he made quick work of his yukata, leaving him in his undergarments- which hid nothing, Tobirama noted, her eyes widening in surprise. “Ha! See? I can actually back my shit- oh,” whatever he’d intended to say died on his tongue as Tobirama had reached out, palming at him through his underwear, her eyes wide in curiosity.
Wordlessly, she sat up, gaze intense as she leaned in to lick a slow line down the center of his abdominals- a mirror of what he’d done to her, he realized belatedly. “Lay down,” she murmured against the sensitive skin of his stomach. He obeyed, settling back against the large bed, hair spreading out beneath him like a dark halo. She went to crawl between his legs, only for Madara to grunt.
A blink. “Why not?”
“Come here.”
“Wh- oh.” Realization struck, and her cheeks burned as she swallowed roughly. “Right,” carefully, as if afraid she’d somehow crush him, she crawled up and turned. It was an intimate position, one that she didn’t often find herself in with her previous partners, yet Madara didn’t complain. This way, it left them both open- vulnerable, but gave her the perfect angle to reach out and tug his underwear down far enough to free his cock. “... Are all the Uchiha built like this?” She asked, half joking as she gazed down at it.
She couldn’t lie- it wasn’t a bad dick. Not at all- no, it was veiny, but not outwardly awful to look at. Thick; the stretch would hurt, she had no doubt about that. But a part of her thrilled at the idea of the pain. A jolt danced through her, drawing forth a startled gasp at the feeling of his tongue licking a slow stripe up her slit. “No, we aren’t,” he finally answered as his hands raised, settling on her most intimate part and spreading her wide. “I’m just fuckin’ lucky.”
Her eyes rolled, but any retort she had died the moment his tongue pressed against her clit. Gaze closing, she enjoyed the feeling for a moment longer, hips grinding back against his mouth, moans spilling free. Damn him- he was talented. Perhaps the rumors she’d heard were true. Reaching out, she cupped his cock, giving a light stroke before leaning forward, tongue lolling out to give sweet kitten licks at the head, enjoying the way his thighs tensed at the feeling. Two could play at this game, she decided as she opened her mouth wider, taking the head in to suckle on.
Madara groaned against her, lips closed around her clit before he pulled back for a moment, letting his thumb circle her clit in quick, tight circles. “What, is it too big for you?” He teased, only to eat his words a moment later as wet heat encircled over half of his length-
And she swallowed around him. His head fell back against the pillows, a groan filling the room as she began to bob her head in earnest. His fingers didn’t pause, tormenting her clit. Neither would last like this, not with how pent up they were. And as tempting as it was to let her finish him off like this, or to have her finish against his mouth-
That could come another time.
“To-Tobirama, stop, stop,” he murmured, tapping her thigh gently to get her attention. One last slow lick is given before she lifts her head.
“What?” Was she not good? She hadn’t gotten any sort of complaints before, but there was certainly a first time for everything. Her answer was given the next moment as he rolled her off of him.
“As much as I’d love to continue this,” he mused, pushing himself up, his gaze drifting over her form, “I’d much rather have you coming around my fingers than my tongue. This time, at least.”
A shiver danced across her skin at the implication that there would be more than just this. That this wouldn’t be a simple one-night stand. A smile curled her lips as she adjusted herself, settling back against the pillows. Reaching out, she snagged his wrist and tugged him closer, pulling him in for a slow kiss, much more sensual than their initial- the heat still there, certainly, but no longer a fight of dominance. Her hand slipped beneath her pillows, retrieving the small glass vial of oil. “I’m sure you know what to do with this,” she murmured into the kiss, giving his bottom lip a nip.
A chuckle rumbled free from his chest as he plucked the vial from her grasp, settling back on his knees between her thighs. “I think I have an idea,” he agreed, uncorking the bottle with his teeth before letting the oil drizzle out over his fingers, coating two and letting a small stream drip onto her already-soaked cunt. With his clean hand, he replaced the cork before carefully setting the vial aside.
It might be needed again later.
His clean hand settled atop her thigh, massaging it as he eased a finger in, drawing a pleased gasp from Tobirama’s lips. Her eyes fluttered shut, cheeks a rosy hue as he crooked his finger, slowly drawing it back out before pushing back in- a slow pace. She was soaked- realistically, he didn’t believe she needed much prep, but he’d dreamed of this moment for too long to even consider speeding through this.
Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to the inside of her left thigh while his right hand continued to work, thumb rubbing clockwise circles against her clit as a second finger eased in beside the first, stretching her out. She was relaxed, sure- but not enough, not to his standards. “Tobi,” he murmured, watching as her gaze fluttered open, brows draw inwards, lips parted to allow soft moans and whispers of “Yes,” and “right there,” to spill free. “Eyes on me,” the command had her tightening around his fingers, a pulse of arousal. He felt the shift when his Sharingan activated, the strain on the veins around his eyes and within as everything swam into a sharper view.
He wanted to remember this.
“The great Tobirama Senju, getting fucked by none of than Uchiha Madara- her sworn enemy,” he taunted, crooking his fingers up, pressing against the most sensitive part of her. A whine- loud, long- escaped, her thighs tensing on either side of him as his hand sped up suddenly. Wet, so very wet. “How lewd,” he crooned, giving her thigh a nip, enjoying the way the muscle jumped beneath his touch. “So fucking wet for me already- listen, Tobirama.”
“Sh-shut up,” Tobirama gasped, her hands gripping at her chest. Good, so good- she was drawing close. “Stop- ‘Dara, stop, too close,” she warned, but his fingers didn’t slow down. “Madara- oh, Madara, there, there, don’t-” her words cut off as her orgasm swept over her. Her head fell back against the pillows, snowy tresses spread about the dark sheets like a halo as she pulsed around his fingers, coating them and his hand.
A pleased hum rumbled free as Madara leaned down, pressing a kiss to her over-sensitive clit. “Good girl,” he murmured, giving it a lick, succeeding in drawing out a broken whine as his fingers withdrew. Sitting back, he reached out to grasp the vial once more to open it, using the remaining oil to slick his cock up. He gave it a few slow strokes, thumb drifting over the sensitive slit in the head to gather the bit of precum that had gathered.
“Don’t treat me like I’m made of glass,” Tobirama murmured, reaching out to take hold of one of Madara’s hands. “I’m anything but glass.”
“I’m aware,” he replied, scooting forward to settle his hips against hers. A groan fell from both at the sensation of his cock rutting against her cunt. “You’ve never been glass. Iron is a much better word to describe you,” murmuring, he took a moment to enjoy the sensation of being so close to her. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze as his other guided his cock to her entrance. A slow push of his hips had the head slipping in, a gasp breaking free from Tobirama’s lips, her eyes squeezing shut at the intrusion.
Not made of glass, but still very much human.
The stretch was wonderful- the slight sting of pain eased by his thumb on her clit, by his hips slowly moving forward and not deciding to seat himself in her all at once. So much- almost too much, but she’d be the last to admit that. His hips settled against her own, his hand leaving hers to grip at her hips instead, thumbs rubbing small circles into the soft, unscarred skin. “Good,” she whispered, gaze opening to reveal hazy ruby hues. A moment passed as they both grew used to the sensation- her to how filled she felt, him to the wet heat that encased his cock. Curiously, she shifted her hips, a low moan leaving at the feeling of him moving within.
Madara took that as his sign, hips drawing back before shifting forward slowly, testing the waters. Tobirama’s breath hitched, her brow drawing inward, hands slowly gripping at the sheets beneath her. “Please,” she whispered, tongue slipping out to wet her lips. “Fuck me.”
“Gladly,” he grinned, shifting his knees before he began to thrust harder, faster, causing Tobirama to moan- a much louder sound than anything she’d given him before. Wordless little sounds, but gaining in pitch as his hips met hers, as he pulled her back onto his cock. “If I didn’t know any better,” he panted, gaze trained on her face, “I’d almost mistake you for a common oiran.” The way she tightened around him at the slight degradation had his hips slowing for a moment, much to her annoyance. “Oh, yes, I could see it so easily,” he continued, hips grinding, barely pulling out before pushing back in, rubbing against that spot that had her breath catching in her throat. “You in one of those little Tea Houses that have settled here, wearing a pretty little kimono, your lips stained red- laying on your back just like this, letting men use you like the whore you really are,” his voice dipped into a growl as he leaned forward, resting his weight on his forearms while the position shifted, her hips rising with his.
Bordering so closely to the mating press, he noted in the back of his mind. But that didn’t matter, not with Tobirama gasping out his name. “Madara,” she whined, a hand rising to cover her mouth- as if it would hide what they were doing. “Don’t stop, sweet Gods do not stop, ah-right there!” Her thighs tensed around his hips, her cunt pulsing around his cock. Oh, she wouldn’t last long- but that was fine.
He would.
His fingers dug into her hips as he pressed close, hips grinding against hers. A moment to catch his breath- and to have her last just a touch longer. Being so close, he could just… Tongue lolling out, he licked a slow stripe up the valley of her breasts, drawing a surprised gasp from her lips, a breathless smile rising to settle across her features. “I could stay like this for ages,” he murmured against her skin, pressing lingering kisses to the smattering of scars across her chest- small, given by shrapnel during their darker days, “just like this, fucking you until you cried, until you can’t remember your name.”
Tobirama shifted her hips, brow furrowed as Madara spoke. She could hear him, certainly- could understand him, but the words didn’t register, not with how close she was to her own end. “Then do it,” she whispered, reaching down to cup his cheeks, drawing his face up- and for once, didn’t flinch away from the triad of tomoe within his ruby gaze. “Make me forget my name. Make me only remember yours.”
Something seemed to switch, then- as Madara studied her flushed features, the way her hair spread out beneath her head like a silver halo and wings. Leaning in, he captured her lips in a slow, sensual kiss that ended in him nipping at her lower lip as he shifted, his hands smoothing up her sides before settling atop the blankets, holding his weight up. This position was far more intimate than their previous positions, yet he found that it didn’t bother him. No, rather, he preferred this- to see her face so clearly, to hear her whispers of his name as he began to thrust once more. Her legs shifted, coming to settle around his hips, her ankles crossing at the small of his back.
Closer, stirring the embers of the flame that had been waiting to come to life for some time, now. What had been a small campfire was quickly spreading, consuming like a wildfire, flames licking at their skin, settling in their veins.
His lips brushed against her chin as her head tilted back, the position allowing for Madara to push deeper. “Tobirama,” he murmured, brow furrowing. Perhaps he wouldn’t last long, not now, not with how she gripped his cock. “By the Gods,” he gasped softly, hips rolling, chasing both hers and his own release. Her hands reached up, one tangling in thick onyx locks, the other scrapping blunt nails down the expanse of his back. The sharp shock of pain drew a surprised groan out of him, much to her amusement.
“Good boy,” she teased, only to gasp a moment later at the feeling of teeth digging into the sensitive flesh of her neck. “Mad-” her voice cut off by a loud moan as he moved his weight onto one arm, his free hand slipping between them to brush against her clit. Wordless sighs and moans spilled free as she rolled her hips against his, creating a wonderful fiction that had them both beginning to become consumed with the flames that threatened to burn them alive.
Madara pressed heated kisses along her throat as he felt her shudder beneath him. “Close, darling?” He murmured in her ear, lips brushing against the shell as she whimpered. “Will you be a good girl and come for me, then? Come around my cock like I know you want to?” His voice was no longer smooth, growing more haggard as his own completion began to burn at the base of his spine. “Come on, Tobi, you know you want to.”
“Shut- shut up,” Tobirama panted, even as she tossed her head back as he gave a particularly hard thrust. So close, so close. “Don’t stop, Madara- oh- oh, there! Please,” her voice pitched into a whine as her hand abandoned his hair to clutch at his back. Her walls pulsed around him once, twice, three times before she stilled, her back arching, mouth dropping open to release a sob of his name, tears spilling free at last from garnet hues.
Madara pushed himself up to watch, searing the image of her coming around his cock into his memory. The way her cheeks were flushed red, her brows furrowed, her nose scrunching up- she was beautiful in that moment. She was always beautiful, but this was a new type of beauty, something so delicate and precious that he hadn’t ever imagined being privy to. He moved slowly, the thrusts dragging against her walls, dragging out her pleasure and inching him close to his own. It hit suddenly, coming over him like wildfire consuming brush that lay in its path. He stilled above her, his head hanging low as he groaned out her name like a prayer.
She lay beneath him, panting and whining at the feeling of him filling her- hot, so very hot, it threatened to send her over the edge by the feeling alone. Shaky hands reached up to brush through surprisingly soft onyx tresses as he began to slowly gather himself. A moment longer, she thought to herself- let this last for a moment longer. The feeling of him settled over her, shuddering, panting, the heat that radiated from his skin so very pleasant, it had her relaxing into her bed.
But all good things must come to an end. Madara was careful as he pulled out, rolling his weight to the side to settle beside her with a breathless laugh. “Oops,” he hummed, reaching over to drag his fingertips along her thigh, watching as her leg jumped. He traced the red tattoo up, along the top of her thigh and onto her hip. “Was I supposed to pull out?”
“Doesn’t matter,” she murmured, reaching over to brush her fingers against his cheek, brushing away his hair. So messy… “Mito taught me how to make tea that will… Ensure it won’t take.”
“How soon do you need to drink it?” An innocent question as he rolled onto his side, propping his head up on his palm.
Tobirama hummed, shifting and grimacing at the feeling of his seed leaking. Oh, that’s why she hated it. “I’ll have it with my breakfast,” comes the simple response as she dips a hand down between her thighs to drag her fingers through the mess. “No wonder why there are so many of you Uchiha,” she comments idly.
A snort escapes Madara as he sits up, gaze drifting to the apex of her thighs. “Could always clean it up for you,” his fingers tap a slow rhythm on her thigh.
“Who said I wanted to be cleaned up?” Tobirama shoots back, legs slowly spreading. “Or are you just a one-and-done kinda guy?”
A grin spread across Madara’s lips as he slipped back between her thighs, pressing kisses along her stomach. “Do I look like the kind of man to leave a woman unsatisfied?”
“No,” she sighs, reaching down with her clean hand to brush his hair back from his face. “I feel that I will never be unsatisfied with you around- oh!” The feeling of his tongue brushing against her slit had her jolting in surprise, a chuckle rising to meet her ears.
Fires are awfully hard to extinguish once they grow out of control and consume everything within its sight.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
How about a future! tord/ red leader x reader where the reader is basically the motherfucking doom slayer/ doomguy and heads out to the red army base with nothing but their own fists and some shotgun bullets and ends up almost killing most of the red army soldiers and when they finally come across tord/ red leader he's honestly surprised that reader was in his base and single handedly demolished his army and tord being tord thinking he can take them down all by himself goes for it however reader basically the doom slayer aka their unstoppable and bodies him and tears tords robot arm in the process and when reader is done beating his ask up they ask him this...
"Why did you betray my friends?"
"Why did you betray me?"
And tord gives them the answer but it's also a pathetic ass one because he honestly didn't know what to say. And reader just leaves with the final line being "I can't believe i used to be in love with you" and tords be cryin because that realization crushed him.
I've never seen any Doomslayer gameplay so sry if I get anything wrong gjshgs
As a massacre ensued outside of his chambers, Tord sighed in annoyance. He wasn't scared. Only annoyed.
"Those guys had one job: protect Red Leader at all costs. And they go and screw it up..just great." He sneered to himself, while Paul and Patryck stood by the entrance with their weapons ready.
Neither of them wanted to risk their lives, knowing the intruder was probably going to take theirs in a heartbeat. But what choice did they have?
Every day their life was on the line. They were used to that feeling.
Yet not knowing what kind of enemy was making their fellow soldiers scream bloody murder made them..a bit uneasy. Not to mention this person reportedly destroyed all of the base's tanks with a single punch.
How could they defend themselves with this knowledge?
What would happen if they failed?
"If..a-anything should happen," Paul began as he glanced back at his leader. "It's been an honor serving you, Tor-"
"Until you take your last breath, you will address me as Red Leader only. Got it?"
The Dutch man froze in terror, though Patryk answered in his steed with a simple "yes, Red Leader". But before he could turn to chastise his comrade, something slammed against the door, leaving a massive dent.
They both stiffened and aimed their weapons, while Tord watched from his desk warily.
'Who could it be?' He pondered, trying to narrow down the list of possible intruders. 'Not Edd..he's too obsessed with that worthless cola crap. Not Tom..he's stupid, but not that stupid to attack my base all alone. And certainly not Matt..he can't even handle a little blood on his coat.'
The door was being attacked more forcefully, as though the intruder was punching it. And eventually it broke down completely, causing Paul and Patryk to immediately shoot with vicious war cries, not caring who it was.
But suddenly Paul yelled in pain as a bullet struck his shin, sending him collapsing to the ground. "Paul!" Patryk rushed to his side, helping him up.
"Jeez..Tord still kept you guys around, huh?"
When the dust cleared, the Red Leader finally recognized that voice and face:
It was you, clad in an armored suit.
"[Y/n]? Ahaha...long time no see!" He laughed, opening his arms up as you stepped fully into the room. "My, that's quite a suit you have there. Where'd you find something like that?"
"Up your ass." You sneered, before glancing at his two bodyguards. "Out. Now." Aiming your shotgun as a warning seemed highly effective, as the pair scrambled to their feet and left you and Tord alone.
"Whatever, they were both cowards anyways." He scoffed.
"Cowards who were smart enough to leave. Now.." You turned back to him. "We have some things to talk about."
"Oh? Is that why you killed my men and smashed my tanks? Those were expensive, you know.."
"Well they wouldn't let me just walk in-"
All of the sudden, Tord's robot arm shot out a laser beam from the palm, which you dodged as it struck the nearby wall. You scowled at him. "Tord, stop it. I'm not here to kill you."
"You're no fun, [y/n]. I wanna see what you got!" He grinned wickedly. "Besides, if all you wanted was talk..then you should've asked me out on a date instead!"
Something about his last statement made your heart ache inside, but that only fueled your rage as you lunged at him. He was foolish enough to think he could beat you on his own, becoming swiftly outmatched in a matter of seconds.
You rammed him into the wall with your full body. In retaliation he tried shooting another laser at you, only for you to grab his robot arm and manifest a bladed weapon, slashing it clean off like an amputation.
He yelled in pain and shock, falling to his knees the moment you backed off. Sparks and wires trickled from the shoulder joint as he gripped it, gritting his teeth.
"Now do you wanna talk?" You coldly asked, still holding the arm. Deep down, it hurt you to do this to someone you once befriended, someone you once....cared deeply for.
But his own damn pride had to get in the way.
How many times has that gotten him hurt?
"I-I'd rather...." He then hesitated, seeing the slightly disappointed look in your eyes, before he finally gave in. "Ugh, fine. We'll talk."
"After all these years, I never got to ask you..." You knelt down to get closer to him. "Why did you betray our friends? Why did you betray me?"
".....pfft..is that what this is all about? What I did to your little neighborhood oh so long ago?" Tord shook his head. "You know, the whole "world domination" shtick was only a stupid thing I made up on the spot. I honestly just wanted my robot back."
"So..that's all that mattered to you, huh? Just a robot? You didn't even care about the fact you destroyed Edd's home. It was all just storage space for your stupid tech, wasn't it?"
"Oh I..." Now you were backing him into a corner, forcing him to confront his own feelings about how he truly felt that day.
"We used to look for treasure, fight zombies, hang out at the arcade..what ever happened to that? What ever happened to...us, Tord?" The more you spoke, the more hopeless you sounded as Tord only stared back at you blankly.
"..you all forgot about me. That's what happened."
"Yeah, that's..what it is." He clenched his remaining fist. "When I left, none of you bothered to check on me. A simple "hey Tord, old pal, how's the Red Army going for you?" would've been fine. You could've called, texted...hell even sent a pigeon my way! But no. All I got was silence, as if I was never there."
Then he glanced up at you with a malicious grin. "So I wanted to make sure none of you forgot about me...even if you hated me after the fact. And I see that's worked quite well."
"Eh?" He raised an eyebrow, perplexed.
"Maybe the others haven't tried, but I did. I tried my best to contact you..but you never responded. So I find that pathetic excuse hard to believe."
He felt his heart sink into his stomach. But in all honesty..he just didn't know what to say to you. He couldn't come up with any other reason for his actions.
You sighed, seeing that you've officially stunned him into silence. Even though you weren't satisfied with his answer, you could tell his expression held deep regret and...even sadness as he realized you never did betray him.
And there was only one reason why you bothered to reach out to him at all.
"Seems like..we're done here. I don't wanna kill you, but I don't want you talking to me until you grow up and throw aside your goddamn ego."
"[Y/n], I..I just-" Tord flinched as you tossed the robot arm near him, though he made no move to pick it up, only staring at you in shock.
You just picked up your shotgun, looking down at him with a slight frown. "I can't believe I used to be in love with you."
With that, you swiftly turned around, not wanting to see his expression as you left the room. You knew that he needed time to think things through.
Only when you were gone did the crushing realization finally hit Tord. Those words you spoke were true, and drove a knife deep into his heart, twisting its very core.
He could feel his throat tighten as hot tears welled up in his eyes. Not just from the pain of losing his arm, but from a far worse kind of pain.
The pain of knowing that he truly did love you..only to betray you in the end.
Curling up against the wall, tears streamed down his cheeks as quiet sobs echoed through the empty, battle-torn room.
There was no one else to blame but himself for this.
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beskar-cowboy · 4 years
The Best Things Dwell Out of Sight
Part 4 of The Best Things Dwell Out of Sight Series
Summary: You catch an accidental glimpse of the Mandalorian without his helmet, his instincts kick in. (4.4k words) link to read on ao3 here
Warnings: NSFW, Mando is kind of mean, the helmet is off but its still canon?, PIV sex, rough sex, he low-key kinda threatens the reader idk, spanking, soft ending to make up for whatever the fuck i just wrote <3 
A/N: this series will be uploaded in a non-linear order! i realize that this way of doing things might not be everyone’s favourite so please let me know if you would like to be notified when all the parts are uploaded (linearly in my masterlist) <3
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Perhaps swaddling the child to your chest on a desert planet was not the smartest idea. The heat was blistering, even though you wore less layers than usual. Just a tank top, some utility shorts and a blaster holstered to your thigh. And the baby of course, who had not stopped babbling since you left the ship, the only thing distracting you from this damned heat.
You could only imagine how Mando was feeling underneath all that beskar as he walked alongside you in silence, only stealing glances every now and then, as he usually did.
Even after travelling with them for half a cycle now, Mando still withheld so much from you.
Even after the two of you slept together for the first time, after some close call on some jungle planet, he still retreated into his usual silence.
But there were more gentle touches now, more lingering hands, more helmet tilts, but he still hadn’t let you in. You were okay with that, you knew that this was what he was used to, so you didn’t think too much about it.
You let him take what he needs without asking too many prying questions. If you were being honest, you liked the way he used you, you liked how he took it out on you, you liked how rough he got, how possessive, how starved he could be.
It had only amounted to a couple of times over the last month but… but you loved it. You looked forward to it, you thought about it, dreamt of… dreamt of him, of Mando, inside you, above you, under you-
Mando squeezed his large hand around your bicep, breaking you from your thoughts before nodding to you, then he departed. Off to meet with… whoever.
You stayed in the market and bought stuff for the ship.
Some new screws and bolts for parts that were missing or had to be fixed, food rations, dried meat, fruits that you knew Mando was fond of, some weird, shiny little trinkets the child seemed attracted to, and a new bar of soap. You had just finished the last one a few days prior.
After buying the necessities, you wandered around the little market with the child, bouncing him up and down against your chest and talking to him softly. He was very responsive today, not seeming too bothered by the heat thankfully.
But the sun was high in the sky, most likely at its peak, and it was unrelenting. The desert environment of the planet gave way to little shaded spots so you looked for water instead, finding a little mist station where children laughed and played. You ran through it a few times with the child, he screeched with joy.
On your last run through the mist, you caught sight of Mando approaching the two of you again.
That saunter… the way he walked was so intimidating, so sensual. You couldn’t help but let a shy smile stretch across your face at the people who cowered away in fear of the bounty hunter.
You made sure you had all your things in your sling, checking to see that the child hadn’t dropped his new toy and then you were off, heading back to the ship.
The walk felt longer now due to the long exposure you both had in the sun. Mando seemed to be trudging along just the same as you, profusely sweating and in desperate need for some water. And a shower.
Mando opened the hatch and you both stumbled inside, dropping your bags and untying the child from your chest where he had left a giant sweat stain from how tightly he had been pressed to you. Suddenly aware of how sweaty, sticky and disgusting you must seem, the only thing on your mind was a shower.
“I got you some Meiloorun, they seemed ripe.” You smiled at him as you gently placed the child on the floor of the Crest. He waddled towards his father, trying to show him his new toy.
“Thank you, that’s very kind.” He said in your direction, that deep modulated voice making you shiver. He seemed hesitant to look away, but picked up the child regardless, letting him show off his new shiny thing. Mando took it into his hands, playing with him, you smiled fondly.
“I’m going to go take a shower if that’s okay? To cool down a bit.” You’re not sure why you felt the need to ask his permission after all this time but you still felt the need sometimes. Maybe he would want help putting the stuff away that you had bought, maybe he wanted you to help with the child or something? You just couldn’t help the way your mind only fixated on the sweat and grime sticking to your flesh.
“Of course.” Mando nodded. You nodded back, turning on your heels to head into the ‘fresher just around the corner in the low cabin of the Crest.
You leave the door open, you think you don’t mind Mando seeing you if he decides to look or happens to catch a glimpse. Even though he’s never taken any of his armor off (besides his gloves) for you before, he’s seen every single inch of you.
You quickly peeled off your damp clothing, turning the water on and making sure it wasn’t too cold but cool enough to relax your heat exhausted body. You stepped in quickly, eager to cool yourself down.
You visibly relaxed as soon as the water hit your burning skin, your shoulders sagging, a sighing escaping your lips. You dug your fingers into your own flesh, trying to knead the tender muscles which strained under the weight of the child and the supplies. It wasn’t much but you still ached, the heat had definitely contributed to that.
Supplies… your new bar of soap! You had been excited to use it but completely forgot about it the second you returned to the ship, mind wiped blank by the desire to rid yourself of your dirty clothes.
Suddenly thankful you left the door to the refresher open, you stick your head out from behind the curtain and call for Mando, wondering if he could retrieve the sparkly blue soap bar for you.
Instead of being met with an empty doorway, you’re met with something else. And it’s as if the world moved around you in slow motion, your emotions moving over you like molasses.
First, confusion.
Hair. A head full of light brown, golden hair. It curled near the ends, into little wisps. It couldn’t be-
No. That couldn’t be Mando. It was as if your brain refused to acknowledge the shiny beskar that sat underneath that head of hair, refusing to realize it was the tin covered man you were looking at.
Second, curiosity.
Your eyes scanned over his head, taking in the way the bathroom light shined over his hair, making it reflect all different shades of brown and caramel.
It was now that you realized that his head was turning, that’s why the light was bouncing off it so dynamically.
His head continued to turn. An ear.
Third, shock.
It was only when you saw the sliver of skin, the shell of his ear, the inner workings of the intricate cartilage, and the profile of his supple cheekbone that you let out a startled, and perhaps unnecessary, shriek.
Your hands flew up to cover your eyes, to shield them from the forbidden view. You turned back into the shower, facing the wall, away from Mando.
He saw more of you than you had of him. He saw the way your chest heaved, the way the water flew off your body as you twirled to face the tiled wall of the shower, away from him. He watched the water hit your back-
You had seen him. Or at least, that’s what he thought.
He hated the way his instincts kicked in. He hated the way he was trained to kill whoever saw him, whoever looked, whoever dared unmask him.
Almost innately, his hand reached for the light switch, plunging the refresher into darkness as he stalked towards you, pressing his hand to your head and pinning you against the cool tile of the shower forcefully and efficiently.
Mando’s body followed suit, bringing both of you underneath the steady shower stream, pinning himself against your backside. The cold bite of his beskar in contrast to the cool water making you whimper, the force of his hand pressing your cheek into the wall made you see stars behind closed eyelids.
“What did you see?” He asked, voice gruff, strained, unmodulated.
Of all the months you had spent aboard the Razor Crest, living with him, fucking him, you had never heard his voice without the helmet, without some sort of barrier. You regret the way it made you moan, how easily he could make you melt.
“N-nothing, I didn’t-”
“What did you see?” He pressed onto your harder, with his hand and his body weight, pining you completely to the wall, making you at his mercy. You cry out at his cold touch, at his harshness. Mando had been frustrated, even angry, with you before but now… now he was about to truly end you.
But all you could think about was how beautiful his real voice sounded. It always sounded beautiful to you, from the moment you met him, it had made you weak, but this… this was unlike anything you could have imagined.
“Hair,” you cry, unsure if you were truly crying or if it was just water from the endless stream running above both of you now. “I s-saw your hair, your ear… I-I’m sorry-” You hiccup, trying to regain your breath and not inhale too much water as your chest heaved.
Without the helmet Mando was quickly realizing that he could genuinely hear you for the first time, your trembling voice ringing through his ears without being slightly distorted by the helmet’s filters. He could….
He could smell you too. The sweet scent of your skin, of your wet hair tangling in his fingers as he continued to hold you in between the tiles and his unforgiving beskar.
You… the sight of you pinned against him, your wet skin, water dripping down your flesh in rivulets, your whimpers, your cries, your tears, the way your eyes closed, the way you kept them closed even now, drowning in darkness, your cheek flush against the tile.
Completely at his mercy.
You weren’t even fighting him.
“Fuck.” He groaned, leaning his forehead against your temple. You whimpered at his sudden movement, so on edge.
You knew he was trained to kill. You knew what happened to people who even attempted to look at him. You had seen it, you had been there when it happened once, ignorant vendors trying to taunt him, trying to tease the Mandalorian. How stupid they were, now dead somewhere in a ditch. Would he do that to you? It would be so easy for him...
Mando wondered if you could see him in the darkness as well as he could see you. He knew you couldn’t, the lack of windows deprived the room of any light sources. Luckily, his eyes were trained and used to harsh environments, low visibility. Luckily, he could see you trembling against him.
He removed his hand from your head, sliding both of his hands now to hold your hips, digging his blunt nails into the flesh, leaving crescent moon-shaped indents behind. You yelped at the sting but didn’t pull away. You liked it.
“I’m sorry-”
“Stop talking.” He growled and you bit your lip, unaware that you had opened your eyes due to the deep, dark abyss you had been plunged into.
You could truly not see a thing. All your senses became focused on the way Mando touched you, the way he’s wedged you between the wall and himself, the death grip he had on your hips, the way his breaths came out quickly and evenly onto your cheek. He was breathing almost as hard as you were.
He nudged his nose onto your cheek and you nudge your cheek back onto him, trying to remind him that it was just you, that you’re not a threat, it’s just you, it’s just you, it’s just you.
This is The Way. This is The Way… This is The Way… This… is-
Fuck. You were distracting him. Your little whimpers, the way you couldn’t help but lean into his touch. So willing, you were always so willing for him. So fucking easy and it drove him crazy.
His skin… it felt so good against yours. You had only felt the rough, rarely tender caress of his rough palms. Never of his face, his lips, his nose… You felt like you were being driven insane, you couldn't believe how close his unmasked face was to yours.
You could kiss him…
Mando continued to rub his nose against you, suddenly so lost in the feel of your skin against his. No one had ever been so close to him, so invasively close, breathing in and breathing out the same air, sharing. Feeling your eyelashes flutter against his own, your lips, open panting, swollen and pliant and inviting. He could… he could-
You’re cut off by his hand suddenly slithering down your body and cupping your cunt. You gasp, unable to help the way your hips involuntarily rock into his hand, into his own hips as well, feeling a growing hardness between his legs.
You were hot, so, so hot down between your thighs. Slippery too, and Mando knew it wasn’t just the water. It was thick, sticking to his fingers, practically begging for him. Mando groaned against your open lips, both of you panting into each other’s open mouths.
“You... you fucking like this, don’t you?” He rasped, biting onto the side of your bottom lip. You whimpered, hips bucking into his hand again. What were you supposed to say? How were you to answer that?
Yes Mando, I like how fucking intimidating you are.
Yes Mando, I like how much bigger you are than me, how easy it would be for you to snap me like a twig.
Yes Mando, I like when you’re rough with me, I get off on it, I crave it, I-
“Fucking answer me.” Mando growls, latching his teeth onto your earlobe now. His hand continued to cup your sex, not truly going anywhere near where you needed him. You still couldn’t fucking comprehend that he was without his helmet, his face right next to yours…
“Yes!” You squeaked as his fingers brushed along the inside of your folds, parting you, dragging his fingers along the length of you, slipping through your sweet cyprine. You let out an unholy moan, so ashamed at how easy you were for him.
Mando kisses your ear, trails his tongue down your neck, collecting the water that pebbles down your flesh as if it were syrup.
This… is, The Way. This is- The Way-
His fingers brush up against your clit accidentally and you buck into him again, desperate for any sort of friction, any sort of attention he could give you.
Mando was trying to calm himself down. He had just been on the brink of snapping your neck and now he was overcome with lust, the desire to fuck you, stuff you full of his cock. The two extremes were dizzying, he felt drunk off of some fancy and expensive cider from some far off planet in The Core. But he supposes that’s just what you did to him.
Before he even realizes it, he’s unzipping his pants, letting the top fall undone and pulling his cock out, letting it rest against your backside. You bite your lip, trying to turn your head to look towards him but your eyes are unable to adjust, you feel as though you can see the outline of his face but… but you’re sure it’s an illusion of the dark.
“Please, Mando-” You weren’t one to beg, Mando wasn’t one to make you beg because he was always as desperate, always as pent up, touch-starved, hungry as you were.
When you two fucked it was never slow, never drawn out, never languid, luxurious. No, it was rough, mean, volatile, desperate and just fucking needy. You needed each other, and Mando fucked you like it would always be the last time, every time. Like he would never have you again, like he would never split you open again.
Mando shoves his entire length into you in one hard thrust, knocking the wind out of you from how deep he reaches so easily at this angle. He rests for a moment, savouring the way your pussy flutters and clenches around him from the sudden intrusion, trying to adjust to his substantial length.
His head pressed right up against yours, he can hear all the pretty sounds you're making, even over the loud patter of water against his beskar which begins to weigh him down from how soaking wet it's getting.
But Mando doesn’t care, he can’t, not when you’re whimpering for him in that pretty way you do, not when you clench so tight around him that he feels like he could cum without even having moved. You beg, you beg and beg and beg for him to move but he just closes his eyes and feels you pulse, hot and tight and snug around him with that perfect little cunt of yours.
You hadn’t seen him, he thinks to himself. You hadn’t actually seen him, he’s okay, it’s just you, it’s just you, it’s just you.
Quivering at the end of his cock, moaning, grasping at the tiles, trying to find purchase on something, taking him all the way in like you always do, like a good fucking girl.
He hadn’t even realized that he had started thrusting, in and out with reckless abandon, bottoming out every single time before pounding back into you, making you whimper and cry.
“W-what’s my name?” He asks suddenly, pulling you from floating away towards whatever astral plane you were near close to ascending too, the one his thrusts were pushing you towards as he rearranged you from the inside out.
You had to think, you had to think of his name because your find was blank, he was fucking you dumb.
“Mando.” You whimper, closing your eyes and letting your head rest against the cold tiles, keeping your head turned so that he could keep his face pressed into your cheek, nose nudging yours, lips brushing but not kissing.
“No… what’s my fucking name?” He grits from behind clenched teeth, punctuating his words between harsh, unforgiving thrusts. You hiccup, unable to swallow down air properly as he fucks you into the wall.
His name?
What did he-
His name. Mando had never told you his name, his actual name.
Was this a test? You shook your head ‘no’ as his arms wrapped around you, locking you in place as his ungloved hands came to grope at your breasts, using your own body as leverage to fuck into you harder. You let out a wanton moan, throwing your head back, letting it rest on his beskar covered shoulder. You turned your head and let your lips brush against his cheek but he turned his head too, lips brushing against his own and you both gasped and whimpered in unison. He seemed insistent on not kissing you, so you just went along with it, all your wits being literally fucked out of you.
“I-I don’t know.” You finally answered, your voice coming out small, between laboured breaths.
You didn’t know him, he thought. He still had something of his identity held in privacy, you didn’t know him, you didn’t know him.
“You don’t- you don’t know me,” He begins to say and it makes you cry, you cry against his mouth, your body shaking, bouncing against his, water beating down on both of you. “B-but you still let me fuck you like this, don’t you sweet girl?”
You scream. You scream when his hand lets go of your left breast only to come back down onto it, slapping the underside of the supple flesh. You wail and cry and moan the only name he’s ever told you.
Mando, Mando, Mando, Mando, Mando, Mando.
He grabs your jaw in one of his strong hands, angling your face towards his, a sight unseen.
“Answer me when I speak to you, cyar’ika.” He says forcefully, regardless of the nickname.
“Y-yes.” You choke out, trying to nod your head in his tight hold but you barely can. You were right on the brink, you felt as if he were to say one more thing in that deep, rough voice of his you would cum.
“Yes, what?” He grits, fucking your harder, moving his hand down to your neck and pushing you back against the cold tiles, making you yelp and cry for him, at the cool bite of ceramic materials.
“It’s c-cold, Mando.” You whine. He slaps your ass, his hand cracking down on your flesh, no doubt leaving a mark to find again tomorrow. You squeeze your eyes shut, bordering on overstimulation from his cock, his slaps, the water turning colder.
The ship never had a great water supply.
“Answer me.” He fucks you harder, faster, deeper, un-preciously and slaps your ass again, the other cheek this time.
“Y-yes! Yes I..I still l-let you… let you fuck me like this!” You cry and shake against the tile.
Mando’s arms quickly wrap around like they had before, hauling you back into his body. He snakes his hand down and rubs against your clit in fast, precise motions.
Almost instantaneously, your mind goes blank, your eyes roll into the back of your head. One of his arms wraps across your front, against your chest, holding your shoulder in a death grip, his other hand still working on your clit, his thrusts unrelenting as you cum and cum and cum around his thick cock.
“That’s it. That’s it... Good f-fucking girl.” He rasps, holding you tightly, thrusting a few more times before he empties himself inside you with a growl, painting your walls with him, branding you, owning you.
You moan at the sensation, the way his hot cum fills you to the brim before leaking out, back onto his cock and down the backs of your thighs. You both pant, your chest heaving in time with his as he fucks it back into you as deep as it’ll go, stuffing you so, so full of him. 
You keep your eyes closed, afraid of opening them, afraid he can see you even in this darkness. Even though you know he can.
Mando stays inside you until he’s softened, relishing in the way your pussy trembles around his girth, sucking him in as deep as you can for as long as possible.
When he eventually does pull out with a low growl, you hear him twist the knobs of the shower, the water suddenly becoming warmer, heating your now freezing skin. All these temperature changes were making you feel light-headed, the rough fuck you just got from Mando not helping your case either.
“Stay here, warm up.” Mando cuts you off, you hear him step out of the shower.
A series of loud bangs resonate throughout the refresher, making you jump. Only one thing could be that loud. Is he… removing his beskar?
“You’re always so cold when we’re travelling… can’t believe you were taking a cold shower.” He mumbles to himself, you can imagine him shaking his head. You’re stunned honestly, at how much he’s talking, especially without the helmet, that fact alone still lost on you. His voice was so beautiful, you had thought it to yourself about a hundred times now since you first realized he took the helmet off.
You stand under the warm stream, your quaking shivers slowly dissipating. You feel his presence enter the shower again, this time you can clearly feel his body heat, more flesh. He’s naked.
Mando is standing naked with you in the shower.
You involuntarily step away from him but he catches you, his hand landing on your waist, his hand softly grasping the flesh there. Such a stark contrast to the way he just fucked you into oblivion.
He’s naked.
This man had never removed anything besides his gloves. Even when he fucked you, the armor stayed on. You’re not sure if it was an issue of trust or due to his boundaries or his Creed. But considering he almost just killed you for accidentally seeing his ear and cheek, and was now standing naked with you in the dark… well, maybe it was a bit of both. You were having trouble wrapping your head around all of this, nothing was making sense to you.
The hand on your waist pulls you closer to him, your chests and bellies bump together and you gasp. Mando is firm, you knew this but… but to actually feel him against you, well, you could cry about it honestly.
You felt uncertain about what to do with your hands, unsure if you were allowed to touch him but you tentatively lifted them to his chest anyways, letting them rest against his solid pecs. His skin was soft despite the random series of raised flesh that seemed to brand him, his scars. You don’t think you ever wanted to see someone’s scars, someone’s skin as badly as you do now. But you would right out ask for it, you couldn’t.
You felt Mando lift something to your skin, it was smooth as it glided along your arm, your shoulders, across your back. A fruity, earthy scent filled your nose.
Your bar of soap.
He must have grabbed it before he took off his beskar. You lean into him unknowingly, the hand at your waist moving to hold you against him more easily as he washed you. You let your face rest against his chest, the little spot where his throat meets his collarbones. He smelled like sweat, grime, gun powder, he smelled like Mando.
You pressed your lips to the skin, the skin you knew was tanned and rugged, worn down, tired, in need of more kisses than he would let you give.
At the gentle press of your lips, that’s when Mando speaks again. It’s so hushed amongst the falling water, you almost miss it, but the few words don’t fall deaf to your ears, you hear every letter, every syllable.
“My name...” You look up to where his face would be, trying to imagine what expression he wears as he speaks to you in the dark. Your forehead not too far from his lips, you can almost feel the ghost of them on your flesh. 
“My name is Din.”
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owaowabetch · 4 years
Minecraft Part 2 (Sykkuno x F!Reader)
Oneshot (maybe part of a series??? at this point probs): Chaos in the server, Will a deal entice you to become part of the comfy cartel? Or will you resist the temptation of the deal and side with the resistance? Friendship and a lil romance (oohhh things are starting to heat up)
Warning:Non beta (cuz we baddies purr); part of Uh-oh & Impasta
You had been streaming Minecraft for about 4 hours when you decided to end it for a small meal break. Though ending stream didn’t stop you from continuing playing with your friends. Unfortunately, Sykkuno had not been on while you were streaming, since you did so quite earlier than usual, but you wanted to remodel your minecraft home; turning the once pink wooden home to a white quartz block using the obscene amount of quartz that Jae gifted you as to entice you to join his faction in the sever. It was a nice bribe gift, but you have yet to align yourself with the ressistance or the comfy cartel. 
So, while gettin gifted quartz blocks was nice, hearing that Toast gave Lily a gun enticed you more.But you doubt Toast’s whole character arc will entrust you with one. You maybe be living with his ‘right-hand’ man, but he seems to be slowly on a downward spiral. Kind of like a crazy wacky scientist- he’s doofenshmirtz. 
Anyways you had completed the finishing touches on your remodeled, when you saw in the little chat that Sykkuno was on. “ OH!OH!OH! SYKKUNO!”
You were excited to show him the newly made house. The house was three levels to your house, but you’re mostly wanna show him the basement area.
You saw the iconic teal shirt paired with the green stripped scarf boxy figure making their way towards you. You emoted the cheering pose and happily called out to him “Hi Sykkuno!” 
“Hey, Y/n!” He cheered back coming closer “I have something for you!” 
You start jumping up and down “Present!” You like getting free things, especially if it comes from someone you like....as a friend of course. Yup yup, just as a friend. As, he stood in front of you he laughed “What are you doing?” watching your character wave their arms around
You laughed back at him “Just happy to see you!”
“Well, I’m always happy to see you!” Sykkuno chirps out and adds on with a slight stutter “C-cause we’re friends! I’m always happy to see such a great friend!”
Feeling the high of him telling you how he was always happy to see you was crushed by him reminding you that friends is all that you both may only ever be. So with the disappointment lingering and the excitement wearing off, you just mutter a reply back. “Yes! The bestest of friends!”
“Yup, yup. Anyways have some water mills” He throws some black blocks with blue markings on them “Follow me!” You both ran near your home “Claim this bit of land” and you did so. “Now, dig like a 3 by 6 hole and place two water mills close to each corner and one in the middle bottom”(1). You followed his instructions “Ok, so im just gunna place the water” You watched him do so “Ok! I think it’s all good and ready to go!”
You crouch and inch around the hole “What is it?”
“Ok well you know how I got you that green lasso that has you swinging and jumping all over the place with the slime boots?” Sykkuno asks crounching up right beside you 
“Yea yea!” You crouch and uncrouch in circles around him
“Well I have something even better!” He cheers “Eh” he grunts and throws a ring on the floor. You awe and oh as you put the ring in your hot bar “How cute! It has little wings on it!” 
“Yea! It’s a special ring” Sykkuno tells you 
“Special ring?...Are you proposing to me! OMG Sykkuno” You joke 
“Wah?” Spluttering out in confusion but deciding to play along “I mean are you accepting?”
You laugh “Woah, Sy! How bold of you sir”
He giggles back to you before teaching you how and where to put the ring. “OK do you have it on?”
You jump up and down in response allowing the slime boots to spring you up higher. “Yup Yup”
“Ok so, why don’t you take off your slime boots and then press the space bar” He jumps up and down, which you do. You gasp as you are lifted into the air “Sy! Look! Im flying!!” He is in the air next to you “I can see! Cause I am also flying!”
“How are we doing this! This is so fucking cool!” You laugh as you start moving around in the air “WAIT! Are you streaming? I’m so sorry!”
He laughs as he starts following you around in the air “It’s fine, but the ring I gave you is an angel ring. As long as your wearing it, then you can just fly around”
“Wow! Thanks Sykkuno!” You cheer and you walk around in the air “Clean! Clean!” 
“Yea, Of Course! It’ll be alot easier for you to get to places faster” He explains once more “Now, my chat has been going crazy and telling me that you redid our house?”
Excitement lit through you as you were ready to show him the remodeling works that you’ve done “Yes! I did! I’m so excited to show you” You move your camera out of first person and notice your character wearing a pair of white wings on your back “Oh my god! Sykkuno! I didn’t know that there was actual wings that appear on your lil person!”
“uh yea! I didn’t know if you wanted to have or not, cause mine are invisible” Sykkuno says flying next to you as you make the short distance back to your home “but i remembered you saying that you wanted to buy fairy wings. I could’ve made them pink to look like them, but i thought the white ones would suit you better”
“Cause i’m such an angel?” You tease as you reached your front door
“Well uh you are um a nice person” Hearing the shyness in his tone made you think that he was being sincere and it made you blush “Thank you Sykkuno, you’re one of the best people i know!”
He clears his throat “uh well um, look we made it!” trying to divert the conversation away from the compliments. You made a mental note to yourself to compliment him more, so that his confidence rises up and he no longer shies away from them.
“Yup!” You open the door “come on in!” He oh’ed as he came in, seeing the kitchen area first “As you can see Sy and chat, I have created a kitchen with actual fucking oven and fridge! How crazy is that! These mods are cool!”
“So, yeah! Kitchen area, though I doubt we’ll use it” You comment
“Wow! a fridge! Neat!” He opened the fridge and looked at the decor of other kitchen appliances 
You laugh at his wording “ Yup! and this is our living room slash library” leading him further into the house and showing him the sitting area with a bunch of bookcases surrounding the fake chairs “and right next to this is the ‘dining room’ where more seats were placed with a table and a cute flower in a pot atop the table. “So, yea this is the first floor!” 
“This is cool! Oh! it’s [y/f/flower] on the table” He notes and you nod feeling your cheeks flush a bit before admitting “of course! It’s actually the flower you gave me on our first day...”
“thats, thats really cool that you kept it” Sykkuno replies and there is a bit of silence between the two of you. Not awkward but almost in a content kind of way. Peaceful if you will. 
“Ok! Now lets head upstairs! It’s where we sleep!” You say walking up the stairs showing him the green beds placed next to each other “I didn’t know if you wanted to sleep next to each other again, but i did it anyways lol” 
He walked around the room and admired the little decor spread around the walls and opened chests in the room. He laughed awkwardly “it’s fine, it’s just a respawn point so its no biggie!”
“Yea to sleepovers!” You cheer 
Clearing his throat he noted how much he liked the room, causing you to smile and thank him “But i know what you’ve been wanting to see the most!”
“What do you mean?” He questioned and looked at you 
“The basement! Dun Dun DUN!” You jump at him scooting him down the stairs
He laughed in disbelief “What was that? Did you just hit me?”
“Nope” Emphasizing the p “ I just jumped at you which caused you to go down the stairs! I could never hurt you Sy!”
“Well I could never hurt you too” He mutters back and you pouted at how cute his response was
“Oh! You could just make your way down there! I forgot that Jae wanted me to give him some quartz back!” You gasp remembering what Jae had told you
“What do you mean?” His character looks back at you
And you look back at his and think “hmmm I don’t know if I should snitch or not, but Jae gave me an obsence amount of quartz blocks to build the house! I knew it was a little hard for you to get some, so he offered to give me some”
He hummed back “I see....” 
You noted how the atmosphere tensed for a split moment until Sykkuno happily noted that it was nice of him to give you something he couldn’t, but it sounded a bit off to you. Though you didn’t pay much attention to that since you didn’t want to reveal the resistance, as you have yet to align yourself with any of the two factions, well soon to be three since you believe that Sydney is doing some witchy stuff.
“Well, why don’t you go do that while I check the basement and give something to toast really quick!” He tells you 
“Ok!” You reply back to him rifling through your chests to find the remaining the blocks to give to Jae “I’ll see you in a bit, maybe toast too!”
With that you made your way back to Jae to hand him the quartz back, though it was quite an ordeal since he made a whole rant on how evil the comfy cartel were and how you should join them and become a spy cause apparently Toast is planning on doing something that could affect the entire server....
So you just ignored all of that and made your way back home, to have Toast and Sykkuno greet you at the front door.
“Hey guys! Im back” You cheer at them
“What did Jae want huh?!?!” Toast immediately questions you “Did you tell him any of our business huh? Should we be trusting you huh? huh? HUH!?!”
“Whoa Toast” You back up as he was getting all up in your face
“Wow Toast, are you okay?” Sykkuno places himself between you two 
“Im doing just fine” Toast answers back and you notice his full gear armor “Just wanted to know if we have a rat here”
You tsk “wow Toast, I see how it is. I see. By the way you look like a Power Rangers villan, just sayin”
He takes out his gun and points it at you “Well you won’t be sayin much Motherfucka!”
“I won’t say anything at all if you give me a gun to join the comfy cartel” You hit Sykkuno away and hear him utter an ow “Cause I don’t have an allegiance with anyone at the moment. So I’m a free agent and I can talk to whoever whenever” Throwing his words back at him and implying that you can speak to anyone without repercussions.
“AH right you are not part of the comfy cartel yet” He nods to himself “Well I wont give you a gun to join the group cause frankly I know that you’ll just shoot me”
You sigh “Then i’-”
“Instead!” He interrupts you “I’ll give you something better!” 
You pout “but i wanna cap a bitch”
“Instead of cappin’ you’ll be rackin’ cause you’re gunna have to collect taxes from people and in exchange you get the left hand of my right hand” He moves closer to you, that statement throw you through a loop ‘left hand?right hand?’. You were confusion. “Capiche?”
“What do you mean?” You question and he evil laughs and hits sykkuno.
“Wha? What was that Toast” Sykkuno also confused as to why Toast hit him and what Toast meant.
“I’m saying that you can have Sykkuno!” He evil laughs once more 
Sykkuno splutters “Wha? What do you mean Toast?!?!”
You were shocked at what he said. Giving you Sykkuno? “What do you mean?”
“You can marry Sykkuno” He repeats himself once more “You are both important to each other, why else live together? This way I’m keeping you both in check” and once again with the evil laughter
‘I’m glad im not streaming otherwise some of the more entitled fangirls would 100% send hate comments to me’ you think to yourself
You hum “Will I still get a gun?”
“Only if you can become my number one marksmen and execute the people I tell you too” He offers you
“Deal” You nod to yourself 
“Wha? [Y/N]?” Sykkuno sputters out “You’re ok with this?” and nodding to yourself you reply with a yes and asks him if he is also “Well I- uh I” he continues to laugh awkwardly “I mean uh sure?”
“Neat!” You reply throwing a diamond at him “Here’s your dowry lol”
Though before another conversation could happen Toast butts in once more “This was a test and you both passed” and throws a gun at you “Here take this one, prove yourself and I’ll get you a better one”
You put the gun in your hot bar and place it in your hand. “Clean!” You start point it in different directions “Thanks! Toast!”
“Don’t betray me or else you gets the hose!” He starts walking backwards then comes back up to you “Oh, also your target is Leslie, be sure to collect her taxes before killing her.” Walking backwards once more before coming back “Oh Sykkuno hand me the diamond [y/n] gave you.” He does so “Ok that’ll be your last tax payment until I have you look for materials for a special project” He evil laughs as he flies away
“OK! Great talk!” You call out and emote the happy one, with your arms lifted up and shaking about “Awesome! I get a gun muahahahaha!”
You hear Sykkuno clear his throat “so uh, you were ok with marrying me?”
“Yea! so were you!” You say as you move you camera around trying to find a good angle to see it properly
“Because you were!” He replies back and that took you aback a bit as you didn’t realize how uncomfortable it may have been for him.
“Well you didn’t have too if you didn’t want to” You felt a bit embarrassed at the fact that he did it because you wanted to but not he himself personally
“Wha, well I didn’t think you were being serious” Once again laughing awkwardly “Cause you know girls aren’t in- OW”
You shot him with the gun in annoyance.
‘Bitches are into you Sykkuno’ You screamed in your head ‘I‘M BITCHES!’
 Author’s Note:
Side Note 1 - I dont know if this is correct lol
No cap but i had written half of this like 3 days after writing Part 1 but I got lazy lmao sorry! Also this is gunna be a slowburn story cuz lets be real our smol bean and all of our asses are awkward as hell and kind insecure in the romantic aspect, so realistically it would not be fast paced.
So here it is Minecraft pt.2/4
Tags: @sushiims
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Ectober 12,021 Human Era ao3
Valerie Gray knew what Danny Phantom could do. Sure, he had a laundry list of powers that he clearly forgot about, shock visible on his face when he finally reused an ability, but Valerie didn’t forget. She took notes, found the section of her suit’s programming that was recording everytime she fought Phantom, and she was certain that by now she knew his every trick, portal making included. The ice thing was alarming, but useful when the ghost plants attacked.
When the warden ghost and his army of ghost cops attacked a second time, they were a little more ready. Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, and Jazz Fenton all shocked Valerie that day, sweeping into the fight with ecto-weaponry in hand and apparent experience under their belts. Phantom was whipping out every power he had, firing ectoblasts from every part of his body, setting some of the ghosts on fire, freezing the rest and shocking any that tried to tie him up.
“Danny, your criminal record is already catching up before college.”
“You’re right, how will I ever get a job with the felony of dropping a present into Walker’s claimed territory on my record.”
“That sounds like a misdemeanor not a felony but go off.”
Valerie groaned, tossing a grenade at a swarm of ghost cops and gave Sam covering fire while she charged out to suck up weakened ghosts into her thermos. “Phantom is this your fault?! They’re after you?” She didn’t feel like touching on the fact that the others working together with Phantom like an oiled machine, even Jazz who publicly loathed her family profession.
“Technically it’s the Drs. Fenton’s fault for making a door for the ghosts to come here through,” Sam shouted over ectoblasts and blows to ectoplasmic flesh and armor.
“I dropped a fucking present near his prison,” Phantom whined, “I’d only been like 2 months dead at that point!” Valerie barely resisted rolling her eyes at him and put a hole through one of the ghost cops.
“Regardless of how young you are, a ghost prison is stupid to begin with.” Tucker snorted, even as they were backed up by the growing hoarde. “Are his rules even valid?”
“I’m 99.9% sure Pariah Dark didn’t come up with them,” Jazz said, strafing the crowd with a sweep of her peeler. The armor was stripped away, making it easy to shoot the front line out of the way, but even as they cut through the nearest ghosts, more took aim and fired all at once. “Shit!”
An emerald dome appeared over them, catching every shot from above, their flanks, and ahead. That hardly mattered, though, because they were surrounded and Phantom’s shield was starting to crack. “Jazz Fenton, cussing in front of we impressionable kids?”
“Oh don’t you start.”
“Focus, people!” Valerie conjured up her strongest weapons, taking the moment to catch her breath. “Any plan for dealing with all these fucking ghosts?”
“Tuck, you got the scepter? I see Walker and- ah, shit, that’s Walker alright.” The cracks spread further and Phantom began to shake with effort, which wasn’t good.
“Think you can get em all? Cause I can trip em up if you can.” Tucker pulled something out of his pocket and it grew to half his height.
“Isn’t that museum property?”
“I just need a second to breathe. Cover me?”
“Covered.” Sam and Jazz turned their aim above and Foley lifted his scepter up. It shone brilliant turquoise and the shield dropped at the same time that an earthquake struck just the street in front of them, startling all the ghosts on the ground out of their onslaught. The shield dropped and Phantom took a deep breath that Valerie knew he didn’t need. Her HUD told her that ambient ectoplasm was rapidly losing charge and she braced herself in the air.
Phantom screamed. Valerie covered her ears but it didn’t next to nothing as the scream went straight to her soul. Every atom of her body told her that someone was hurt, someone suffering, was dying, they were going to die if she couldn‘t help them, she couldn’t save them, they were DYING!
For 20 seconds that could’ve been 20 days, Valerie was frozen in the air, her board struggling to compensate for the waves of pressure, and she could barely think through the noise. Then it stopped, leaving only the echo to bounce around her head for several more seconds that felt like hours, and the world came back into focus. She’d never been more glad that she kept distance between her and Phantom before.
Every glass in sight besides her visor and Tucker’s prescription was broken. The street in front of a panting ghost boy was completely wrecked, ghosts scattered all over. Some were melty piles of goop and others looked to be glitching in and out of reality, though the rest still were clearly knocked out. Sam and Jazz got to sucking up ghosts into thermoses, but Tucker was standing next to Phantom, rubbing his back while sparkling light danced over his body. Even bound and electrocuted, Valerie had never seen Phantom so exhausted. She had also never seen him do something like this.
Valerie knew two new things about Phantom: he had some kind of spectral scream that destroyed everything in sight, and she never wanted to hear it again.
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