snapedomawards · 2 years
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Congratulations to @smilingformoney who wins Favourite Meme with Snape’s Plaque with 59.3% of the vote!
Second Place: @snermit with Chest of my Treasures (25.3%) Third Place: @topnotchtomfoolery with Snape’s Leg (15.4%)
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toothpaste-sketches · 5 years
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This monstrosity deserved its own post.
Snatcher + Kermit = Snermit
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snermit · 5 years
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astrologyforestgirl · 5 years
An issue about Snaters that I am concerned about
Hello! I am a thirteen year old girl, and I am relatively new to the Harry Potter fandom! I am also a huge fan of Severus Snape. And I've decided to bring up an issue that's been bothering me since even before I joined the fandom.
So before I joined HP fandom, I had Pinterest and sometimes pictures of Snape or anti-Snape content would pop up, and being the curious person I was, I'd click on it and read whatever it was. Back then, I didn't understand why were fans of a character (whom at that time i thought Snape was a horrible person just because I read whatever the caption was without any context whatsoever), being bullied. There were Snape fans being called 'fucking idiots' and other vulgarities. Even though I disliked him, I still had NEVER knew why were they bullied.
So when I started liking said character, I wasn't a closet fan, whenever I saw a picture or caption of him I would just read it and be happy that other people liked him too. However, things didn't last long when I started getting notifications on Pinterest saying that some people were writing mean things beneath my comment.
"Are you an idiot? Did you reading the fucking books? He was racist, mean, and obsessed with Lily. You're fucking stupid"
Etc. Most of the comments were somewhat like that
So this leaves me to a question:
Are you entitled to bully Snape fans?
Sometimes, the comments that Snaters leave me will be so bad that I'll be shaking. I wonder if people know that cyber bullying is as bad as real life bullying. Your words can hurt me.
Once, it got so bad and I was on the verge of hating Snape. Just to avoid getting mean replies. It's not Okay for you to hurt me, just because I like a fictional character that you personally dislike. I have feelings. Stop thinking Snape fans idolise him, and are 'idiots'. Please, please stop. Sometimes, you're being very unreasonable. I don't enjoy seeing mean things in my inbox. If you had said something mean to someone before, go apologize. People can remember who and how you hurt them.
Us liking the Character doesn't hurt anyone. Don't like the fanart, don't look at it. Don't like the story, carry on, block the profile.
Just because I like a Character that you dislike, doesn't mean that I can't enjoy looking at their content (fanarts, fanfics). I respect your opinion, so why not respect mine?
Example: I don't like the Maruaders. I personally hate James,Peter and Jily with the passion of a thousand suns. But do I comment on their fanfics or fanarts and say things like "This is so wrong I hate this eew whoever likes it is disgusting"? No! I don't! I know that many people like them, but even if a minority of people did, I still wouldn't. Because whatever they like and however they spend their time (Be it making fanfics, fanarts or writing theories) is none of my business. However they choose to invest their time is not something I would put my nose in and shame them for. I'll just be happy that at least they're happy with what they're doing.
I'm not writing all this and making you think that all Snape fans are innocent. Not everyone is respectful when it comes to letting others share their views on their favourite character especially if it's criticism. I wrote all this to try to tell people that I have my reasons for liking Snape. Stop trying to throw fanon and canon evidence in my face, pressuring me to change my views on him. Because unless it's a agreed debate, please don't try to make me believe that Snape's a horrible Character. I believe that no fictional person needs to be a good person to be a good character. :)
A very concerned Snape fan.
Ps. Can the people I tag (or anyone) tell me what they think about whatever I wrote? This is the first time I've ever written something like this in the internet :)
@severusdefender @prosnapeblogging @pro-severus-snape @yourfavisprosnape @porlovistoeinmasochist @proudslytherin-13 @snermit @snapedefender @snapedefense @snaaaape @the-witches-son
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snarkysnapeybastard · 5 years
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(Found the template from @snermit )
Me, opening up my box of treasures:
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fariesoldaccount · 4 years
I was tagged by @everybodyknows-everybodydies
Rules: answer 17 questions and tag 17 people
Nickname: Dan
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Height: 5'4"/5" (it varies if I stand up straight or not)
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Last thing I googled: what losing and growing teeth mean in dreams mean (I had a really weird dream a few nights ago)
Song stuck in my head: Girls in Biknis by Poppy 👀
Number of followers: 293 (more than I thought tbh)
Sleep: sometimes I know her, sometimes I do not
Lucky number: 17, 47, and most multiples of five
Dream job: theatre critic
Wearing: maroon shirt with the flippy sequins that says "I don't go looking for trouble" and "trouble usually finds me" on the different sides, white shorts, and sneakers with a yellow bandana scrunchy
Favorite song: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
Favorite instrument: cymbals or triangles because of the chaos energy, but also the piano sounds really nice
Aesthetic: stacks if books collecting dust, dying light through stain glass windows, the smell right before it rains or snows, looking up at raindrops on a sunroof of a car, blackberries fresh off the bush, and a purring cat doing kneading my leg or belly
Favorite author: Jane Austen (I have four (4) copies of Pride and Prejudice)
Favorite animal noise: my grandma has a donkey who doesn't do the usual "hee-haw" thing but instead sounds like he's honking (think of a goose sound)
Random: I have one tooth that is more crooked than the others (like those are slightly crooked but not noticeable) and it's because when it grew in, there was a single piece of the tooth before it that refused to come out and was literally holding on by a single nerve. I had to have it pulled out, but the tooth is crooked as a result and I have a nervous tic of running the tip of my tongue over the back of that tooth as a result because I would wiggle the small piece that was stuck whenever I got anxious. It's been close to seven years since I got it pulled now and I still do it.
I tag: @lesbabe6 @paracosim @snermit @jack-mark-and-art @halfbloodpendragon @josiecarioca @thepomegranatejuice @blazing-orchids @willmoanbutdonothingtochange @dragon-cove-719 @madfantasy
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thesnapeofwater · 5 years
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When I clicked on this tweet to see more, I don’t know what I expected, but @snermit was not it
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What's hilarious in the snapedom is that y'all just replace the beginning every word with "sn" in the front to make it about Snape
Examples include snemes and snermit— which is also an interesting thing, a kermit blog dedicated to loving Snape??? I am loving every bit of it.
It's the highlight of my day.
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snermit · 5 years
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