#Slowly coming back to robots again oh
m0ss-png · 4 months
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Starscream my beloved,,,
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the-modern-typewriter · 9 months
Imagine a villain straight refusing to fight another member of the Hero Team just cuz his hero archnemesis is not present
"Where are they?"
"Oh, not again." The protagonist could feel a headache coming on. "Look-"
"-Are they hurt?" The villain's eyes went dark and dangerous. "Who hurt them?"
"They're fine! Oh my god."
"Then where are they?"
The protagonist definitely had a headache. "It's their day off."
"They didn't tell me they had the day off. What's wrong?"
The really concerning part was that the hero probably would tell the villain which days they were working and which they weren't. The two of them were as bad as each other! The hero was going to be unbearable when they came back and found out that the team had fought the villain without them.
"Can we just get this over with?" the protagonist tried.
The protagonist sighed. They pinched the bridge of their nose and took a few deep breaths. "Okay," they said slowly. "But you realise I'm still going to have confiscate your nightmare robot."
"It's not for you. And don't think I didn't notice you dodging the question!"
The protagonist considered their options; lies, truth, everything in between.
The villain's nightmare robot hunkered down a little more pointedly in the middle of the bridge. Several people honked their horns. It was, honestly, embarrassing for everyone involved at that point.
"Their grandma died."
"Oh no." The villain's whole face softened. "Grandma L or Grandma P?"
Of course he knew the hero's grandparents. Of course he did. "Look, about the robot-"
"-I'll reschedule," the villain said.
"I can't let you keep the robot. My boss would have my head."
"That sounds like a 'you' problem. I have flowers to send."
The protagonist's eye twitched. "If you try and walk away with it-"
"-Do you really want to traumatize this entire bridge of innocent civilians?"
"I'm sure they're traumatized having to listen to you two idiots on a weekly basis."
"I'm taking the robot. When are they back?"
"They haven't said," the protagonist said, through gritted teeth. "As you know-"
"-They'll be doing all the funeral arrangements. Yeah. You know what, give me their number. I'll text them."
"I'm not giving you their number."
"Why not?"
"It's against policy."
"I'd like to express my condolences."
The protagonist looked them dead in the face. "Mm. That sounds like a 'you' problem. I have a robot to confiscate."
The robot slammed a fist into the bridge. It wobbled precariously.
The protagonist raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. They folded their arms across their chest.
"You're a real piece of work, you know that?" the villain snarled.
"I hate you too, don't worry."
"I should kill you."
"They'd have so much paperwork when they got back from the funeral. It would really improve their month, you killing me."
They ended up glaring at each other.
"If I give you the bloody stupid robot, will you give me their number?"
The protagonist smiled sweetly. "That's the only smart thing I've ever heard you say."
Everyone, generally, preferred it when the hero was around.
They all made sure it didn't happen again.
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kiwiikato · 3 months
mommy’s here // ken sato x reader
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Chapter Eight
note! thank u for everyone's patience! i'm sorry for the late update and rushed chapter but i hope this makes up for the wait! u all are so silly and i've been enjoying all your comments <3 thank u so much for the love and support!
kenji stood on the base plate, calling for the baby kaiju's attention as she chirped. you stood near by him with mina hovering beside you as well. the atmosphere of the warmly colored park held a sweetness to the air.
"okay, just like this." he fixed his stance by separating his legs shoulder length. lifting the wooden bat in his hands, he showed a slow back and forth swinging motion. the baby kaiju chirped more as she raised the cute, but comedically, giant blue bat.
you didn't know where ken pulled it out from but it sure was handy to have it stored. pulling yourself out of your thoughts you focused on the both of them. "elbows up." they both raised their elbows up.
the baby kaiju was absolutely adorable to look at, her arms a perfect chunkiness, making her look rounder as she help the bat upright. kenji put his bat down, making a sound of contempt at her.
"uhuh, get ready." he waved the baseball that he now had, showing it to her. "okay, here it comes." kenji crouched down slightly, with a swift but soft motion, he threw the ball from below, heading towards the baby kaiju.
the ball hit her face, making her let out a cry from the impact as her face jolted. her once happy expression turned sad as she looked at kenji and you in pain. her fins that laid on the side of her head, frilled down in sadness, as tears welled in her eyes.
giant droplets poured out from her as kenji and you looked at each other in worry. "no no no no it's okay." the both of you ran up to her, trying to sooth her tears. she began to cry out, slightly jumping back and forth on her feet.
"oh baby, come here." you said as you reached out to her. she looked down at you, slowly leaning her head to you. you grabbed her forehead, pulling her to you as you placed a small kiss on the spot she got hit on. "see, all better!" you said smiling, making her feel better at the comfort.
you stepped back as her tears dried up, letting ken step up to her next. she looked at ken as she sniffled. he gave her a small smile. "hey, it's okay, it's okay. it happens sometimes, you just got to work at it." his voice was gentle with care, trying to keep her calm and happy.
ken took some steps back to the base he was at originally, now that she seemed calmer. "now get ready, keep your eyes on the ball." he raised a peace sign to his eyes, moving it back and forth between his eyes and the ball. you stared at him as he gently talked towards the baby. he held a soft but handsome smile on his face. you never really took notice of his features.
his eyes were sharp, but full of warmth. his nose was perfect in its own way, it was hooked nose, the arch of it reminded you a greek god in a sense. there was a small black piercings on his ears as well. it almost felt like you were staring at him for the first time all over again.
a blush rose to your face as you continued watching them. "ichi, ni, san, ball!" he yelled out as he threw the ball. it happened so quickly as you watched the baby have her bat smack against the ball, sending it flying across the sky. "woooo! yes! whoo!!" kenji yelled out in joy as he jumped. you and mina shouted out in joy as mina span around cutely with her little robot arms out.
kenji ran up to the baby kaiju, grabbing her loving by here hands. "come on girl, we gotta run the bases!" it was clear as day of his excitement. baseball was his passion, it was his sanctuary. and for the baby he's raising under his care, enjoy the one things he grew up living, it made him feel joy.
he pulled her gently, as she began to follow him. he let go of her, waving you and mina to join him in running and the baby kaiju ran behind him, copying his trail. you all laughing in joy, a special memory being created.
the baby cooed as kenji jumped back on the base, making a home run, as she stopped and leaped to it. a cloud of dust and dirt came from her feet with the force as you all celebrated.
after the events of the day in the park, you and kenji sat in the living room as mina took care of the baby kaiju. he told you of his plans to go out in a couple of hours for a scheduled interview with ms. ami wakita. you smiled and told him to not worry as you and mina would take care of the baby in that time.
now you both sat comfortably on the sofa as he played random videos online for the both of you to watch. the your frog plushie from the night before sat on your lap, rubbing its head affectionately.
kenji eyed you from the side of his eye, admiring the way you innocently stared ahead of you. there was a soft smile on your lips, enjoying every second of what life had to bring you. it was almost funny how life had brought the two of you together because of the baby kaiju, and he was grateful.
and so were you. you were grateful to have been able to take care of the baby as you grew closer with kenji. he smiled to himself as he scooted closer to you, your body turned to look at him, to which he gave you a awkward smile. you smiled back, in a way saying he could get closer.
and so he did. he closed the gap that once existed as the two of you watched the tv. it was a comforting feeling, to feel his warmth pressed against you. it wasn't long before kenji reached for the remote, slightly lowering the audio. he turned to you, you copying his actions with curiousity.
"hey, i know i say it a lot but thank you again for all the help with the baby kaiju. the extra help has been so nice to have." his voice was soft, but loud enough for you to hear. you smiled back at him, "of course, she's like family at this point, i honestly enjoy being near the both of you."
kenji looked up happy. he reminded you of a dog wagging its tail, like those 'golden retriever boyfriends' you've heard about online. "yeah me too, i like being with you too." he said smiling wide.
"do you mean the 'both of you'?" you asked, referring to the baby and you. he shook his head. "no no, well yes, but no. i meant you. i've been really enjoying my time with you. it's been really nice to get closer to you throughout the process." his voice was almost hypnotizing, it was undeniably alluring.
"oh well- i've been enjoying getting closer with you as well." you said, slightly caught off guard by his sweet words. kenji turned more towards you, he gently reached for your hands that rested on your lap, pulling them a little more to him. your face turned red at the action, but let him continue.
kenji felt his heart swell seeing you smile softly at him. the two of you have been working together to take care of the baby kaiju, and he couldn't deny the fuzzy feeling he felt everytime he felt when he looked at you.
there was just something so alluring about you that he couldn't deny himself of. the life you both had right now felt domestic, it felt sweet. it was then that he realized that domesticity didn't sound that bad. the idea of sleeping and waking up to you, making food together, watching movies and shows.
even just the idea of cleaning together sounded sweet. he could imagine dancing and singing with you as you both cleaned with music in the background. he knew what he felt. he wasn't oblivious to what he felt, but he didn't know. he didn't know if you felt the same.
he's seen you blush but whose to say it's not a reaction from being nervous instead of being interested. the idea of you maybe feeling the same lingered, holding onto the fact that the two of you have begun to get closer, physically and emotionally.
his eyes moved towards your face, watching as you gently stared towards him. your eyes were full of love and maybe, just maybe, that love was for him and only him. taking a breath, he began to talk. "y/n, i've been enjoying our time together, like a lot. this might sound weird but i have been loving waking up to you and taking care of the baby with you. it's something new for me but i'm happy to be doing this with you all. my point is that i'm happy to have you so close to me and for us to keep getting closer and-"
a soft and gentle hand cupped kenji's cheeks, distracting him from his rambling. his eyes snapped up to yours, nervous of what you would say. "i've loved every moment with you as well, the feeling is reciprocated." you said as your thumb softly caressed his cheek.
that was all the confirmation he needed. the way you stared at him so lovingly as you gently held him, almost like you didn't want to hurt him, brought him over the edge. kenji's arms reached over to you, pulling you closer into an embrace. the distance between you lessened as he stared at your eyes.
you watched as he stared at you, his eyes flickering from yours to your lips. a pale red dusted his cheeks. your eyes trailed to his lips, not going unnoticed by him.
kenji leaned forward, the gap closing as he leaned slightly to your height. the feeling of his lips molding with your own sent you chills as he kissed you with love. you kissed him back, almost urgently as kenji leaned into you, making you fall back into the couch as his body now hovered over you.
one hand near your face help him stay up as his other hand rested at your waist, softy rubbing the skin under your shirt. his fingers were cold, making you shiver into the kiss. kenji was kissing you and you enjoyed it.
your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him down to deepen the kiss. kenji groaned softly into the kiss as his hands glided up and down at your waist.
you felt his tongue prod at your mouth, making you slightly open your mouth for him. you hummed in delight as he explored your mouth with his own. the kiss felt like it went on for a while till he pulled away, gasping for air.
you stayed laying down, flushed from what had happen as kenji stared at you, who was still under him. it was then that everything that happened set into you. you had just kissed kenji. you didn't know if it was too soon but a part of you was jumping with joy.
kenji smiled at you, leaning down an placing a small peck at your lip, to your nose, to your cheeks, and forehead. he smother your face with kisses and you felt yourself turn gooey.
he pulled away, sitting up as he helped you get up. pulling you into his arms as he rested your back against his chest. his body wrapped around yours as he rested his head onto your shoulder.
"that was nice." he said softly. you knew he meant more with that, it was a sweet feeling that you both unconsciously had growing inside of you both.
he held you close, enjoying the time he had with you before his interview later. "y/n, i like you. it may come off as straightforward but i would really like to get to know you better." he softy spoke, it was different than his usual bold and prideful attitude.
you could tell he was nervous, with the way his body slightly shook from his nerves. you reached for his hand that laid at your side and grabbed it. "i like you too kenji, and i would really like that." kenji hugged you from behind, his face nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
it was quiet for a while till you heard kenji talk. you almost didn’t hear him, thankfully being able to make out what he was saying. and gosh, did his words make you feel like putty in his hands. " we can finally say we're a little family of our own now."
@ilovemyhusbandaaravos @miffysoo @ldykir4 @chaoticotaku @channit @shingsoluvely @m00nd0v3 @mixvchelle @ifharbingerbad--whyhot @dreamayy @justanotherkpopstanlol @bat1212 @angelitadiaz @snowbusiness @witcwitchy @mizzowizzo @buggs-1 @mmeerraa @everywonuu @nevermorekisses @f1uveryysblog @t4naiis @stxrrielle @ixqiix @arrozyfrijoles23 @sincerest-one @imsimping4life @sassy-cat-in-town @jack-of-all-trades-696 @flutterfly365 @eternalgoddessofart @hulyenl @leabrainrot @sunmigs @m3q3kic @lynbubble @leviannx @call-me-nyxx @gurofushi @ya-boi-v @im-sidney @haitani-zoe @mtheooo @chreiiii @secretlyapartofthisfandom @greenmanshoe @badbishsblog @reallysparklychaos @deimmortales99 @ashsallyblue2 @matchalatte06 @random-3455 @reivelmin @jennyfernan @solatiiium @liliabrary @maxi-ride @nelain @sleep-7372 @22carolina08
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bones4thecats · 6 months
They Had A Nightmare Of The Overblot (PT. 2)
Type of Writing: Random Idea Name: They Had A Nightmare Of The Overblot Characters: Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia, and Grim + Yuu Sei Idea-Giver: Random Thoughts
A/N: Like in my past pieces, the reader is not MC/Yuu, they are a person coming from Twisted Wonderland. By the way, for Yuu and Grim's part, they are envisioning the overblot of Yuu's S/O. And, for Malleus' part, it is set in the future where he and the reader are married and have a child (the reader is not specified as female though)
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👑 As someone that tends to fills his day with many different things ranging from club duties to his work as a model and actor, Vil does not like to dwell on the past, to him it's necessary and can hold one back
👑 But, for some reason, the Great Seven seemingly disagreed with his coping mechanism
👑 You and Vil had begun to date one another a few weeks after his overblot, since you both grew up together in the Shaftlands, with your guardians working together in the movie business, but your guardian was a casting director while Eric Venue was an actor, you guys were very close growing up
👑 And because of how close you both were, seeing such a sight was something that not only scared him, but it scared you. You had watched your dearest friend become a, in other's words, monster
👑 Vil, before he blacked out, had seen your shocked and terrified face as you held Neige, trying to keep his afloat in the chaotic scene
👑 Thankfully, while he did come to his senses and become the same man you knew and loved, there was always a voice lingering in his head telling him that that incident proved how pathetic and weak he was. And how he could lose you easily to someone just like Neige
👑 These thoughts consumed his mind as he slept with you being coddled in his arms, your hands intertwined as your breaths began to slowly separate with Vil's speeding up and your slightly faltering at the feeling of air rushing past your ears
👑 Looking at your boyfriend over your shoulder, your eyes slightly widened at the sight of him, his face was contorting slightly as if he was going to cry but he was being forced to hold it in by fear
👑 Grabbing his face, you began to try waking him up. From shaking him to, somewhat, messing with his already messy hair, nothing was working, until you grabbed a small glass of water from your bedside table and splashed his face, making his eyes jerk open with shock
" Vil?! Hey, are you alright? You were jerking so much in your sleep and you looked like you were about to cry. I tried waking you up by shaking you but it wouldn't work- " " You're okay... " " What? " " Oh, thank the Great Seven that you're okay! "
👑 Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, Vil wrapped his arms tightly around you, tighter than he ever has before, making you let out a small gush of air from the pressure
👑 Holding you with his face burrowed into your neck as he lightly sobbed tears of joy, you sighed gently and hugged him right back. Your hands eventually reached up and began to massage his head and back, allowing him to drift back into a rest
👑 This time... there would be no dream of that fateful day and how you got that scar on your arm, it would be about you and his first date. The day he first realized he loved you...
👑 He's gonna kill you in the morning for splashing water on his face btw
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🎮 Unlike pretty much the rest of the boys, Idia doesn't fully hate his overblot. After all, he did gain his brother again, albeit a robotic version, but still
🎮 Though, every time he looks at Ortho, he remembers his overblot and the incident that happened when they were very young. And that makes him rethink everything. Also, don't get me started on when he looks at you
🎮 While he does think about how amazing and good-looking you are, he also thinks about the incident and how he sent a large shock at you and caused you to go into the infirmary for nearly an entirety of four weeks. And if scares him that he had done that to the only person who was there with him since the beginning, no death of anything occurring
🎮 Because of that event and how he had nearly harmed you to the point of being in a coma, Idia was very distant, holding to himself far worse than he ever did before. But, somehow despite these actions, you had accepted him and begun a relationship
🎮 For Idia, your relationship was built upon trust, loyalty, and honesty. Nothing else truly mattered to the male if he knew you would always be there and tell him the truth without him questioning it
🎮 One sign of his trust was allowing you to sleep in the same bed as him. And, in one of the first few times of this happened, disaster struck in the form of a nightmare
🎮 Hugging you tighter from behind as his eyes dodged in every direction underneath his closer eyelids, you awoke to his whimpers and very faint calls of your name and a mixture of pleases and no's
🎮 You had heard his eventual scream of a no and looked over at him in shock, he had never awoke so abruptly and harshly, even when he had nightmares of Ortho's death all those years ago, and that was scaring you enough, what had scared him so badly?
🎮 Opening your arms as he lunged in and hugged you tighter as if you were about to disappear, you began to hush him and hum a lullaby that his younger brother said he used to sing to him all the time when he had bad dreams growing up
" Y-Y/N, p-please don't leave me... not again... " " I won't, my love. I'm always going to be by your side, no matter what, okay? "
🎮 Nodding as you hugged him and pressed soft kisses to his temples, nose, forehead, and eventually to his somehow naturally blue lips, making him melt and hold one of your cheeks with his hands
" Now, how about we get some more sleep? You really need it. " " Ha-ha, funny... but, yeah. Sleep sounds really nice... "
🎮 Getting back under the covers, you instead of being the little spoon, allowing Idia to crawl into your arms as your legs tangled together comfortably. His breaths then calmed and became a steady sound as you rubbed his head and back to comfort him and remind him of your words
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🐉 Malleus was not proud of himself after the incident, how could he have let something like this cover his mind so thickly it could be compared to Lilia's cooking's stench?
🐉 Ever since he had overcome his emotional issues with the help of his dearest friend, Yuu Sei, and his friends and family members, you and him began your real relationship, courting and all
🐉 Now, he had never really dwelled on the past, to him, it would only hold someone back. Holding onto a grudge was something he wasn't fond of doing, so he tried to never do it. And, unfortunately, he had failed with this kind of grudge
🐉 Back to the point of this;
🐉 You could tell that Malleus was getting stressed with his work beginning to overflow, and despite the combined efforts of help from his father-figure, Lilia Vanrouge, and his closest friends, Silver and Sebek, he still had a lot left for him as the King of Briar Valley
🐉 His grip as he held you as you rest was also a tell-tale sign. His tail's grip was starting to make your leg fall asleep, which was what initially woke you up, and when he felt you touch his tail and left it, he had accidentally in his sleep knocked you away and knock a cup down, landing on the ground with a shockingly decent-sounding crash
🐉 Malleus' eyes erupted awake as he called your name, unnoticed tears falling from his eyes as his tail had rammed up and his horns slightly curved farther with growth
" My Spindle, are you alright?! Do you have any cuts, bruises, or any burns?! Oh no, please tell me I did not burn you... "
🐉 Burn you? What in the name of Twisted Wonderland was your husband raving about?
" Burn me? No, Malleus, your tail merely knocked me back into the cup. I'm perfectly fine! Are you okay? You have tears falling down your cheeks... " " Tears? Ah, I didn't notice those... but, yes, I am fine. "
🐉 Bullshit, you knew when your husband was internally hurting and every time you saw this habit of pushing something else ahead to distract you, you would get annoyed. Much like right now
" Malleus. I know when you aren't okay... don't start lying to me now. " " Father? Mommy/Daddy? What happened? " " Nothing, Diaval. Just go back to bed okay? " " Why is Father crying, Mommy/Daddy? " " Father just had a hint of a bad dream, like you and I do. Now, please darling, go back to your bed. " " Can I sleep with you guys for the night? " " Why? " " I- I don't remember which direction my room is... "
🐉 Malleus smiled gently and held out his hand to his first-born son and hugged him as you chuckled as your son threw up his small raven plushie and huddled himself underneath the sheets as you hugged him and Malleus wrapped his long tail around you both
🐉 Why was he so scared of what he had done in the past? Maybe it was because the last thing he saw was the slight burn marks you still had imprinted on your arms from protecting Yuu, or maybe it was because he needed to see something to remember... remember why his mother had gave her life for him
🐉 She did so so he could understand her, her love for her spouse and child... and while normally such a though would bring the fae to tears, Malleus couldn't help but lay a kiss to his son and spouse's heads as he hugged them, pledging his devotion over and over again...
🐉 It did not matter what had happened, what mattered was what was going to happen
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❤️‍🩹 -> MC/Yuu Sei ~ 😼 -> Grim ~ ・ -> Both Btw, the reader here is in Heartslabyul with Ace and Deuce
❤️‍🩹 Yuu, unlike his companion, had a very strict schedule of thinking when it came to the dark magic he had survived attacks from for the past few months at Night Raven College
❤️‍🩹 It was quite ironic really, because of his way of thinking and devotion to keeping his head high, he had attracted you, by far one of the nicest beings he had ever met in the new world... and really in his entire life
😼 Grim, on the other hand, had only gotten your attention because of how he treated your dorm leader, Riddle Rosehearts, with blatant disregard until he had punished him with his signature spell
😼 The feline had devolped a quick rivalry with you as well, well, a one sided rivalry that is, you didn't really hate the monster. In reality, you cared for the small thing as if it was your own sibling or child, gifting him small cans of tuna from now and then
❤️‍🩹 Your connection with Grim was something that Yuu loved, but, whenever he had seen you bending down you give Grim a can of tuna, your boyfriend couldn't help but see you in that god-awful form bending down above your old friend Cater about ready to attack
❤️‍🩹 He had never told you anything of it, preferring to keep such a vision to himself. He wouldn't want to worry you about his mind
Sadly for both of them, they would be forced to face their fears with the motivation of one thing; a nightmare with you nearby
😼 Your little friend had been curled up in your lap after eating to much for his lunch, mainly three cans of large tuna, and begun to take a long power-nap
😼 But, when you felt him begin to twitch far more than normal and feel the faint whimpers come off from his chest, you picked Grim up and excused yourself from your third-year allies and housewarden to deal with him
😼 Ushering him awake, Grim jumped and accidentally clawed your hand, making a small cut begin to bleed on your palm. And he could only sit there on the ground in your dorm-room, small yet bubbly tears falling down his cheeks
" Grim! Are you alright? " " I-I'm fine, Y/N. " " No you're not... Grim, I know when someone's lying, please don't make me add you to the list of liars. "
While getting Grim to admit his nightmares was fairly easy, getting your boyfriend to do so would be far harder
❤️‍🩹 Yuu was, in your opinion, a no-paid therapist for the entire school. Or, at least the main members of each dorm, from housewardens to their vices, he has spoken to pretty much all of them through their problems
❤️‍🩹 He never really has been so clean of energy that day in particular, from nearly getting hit on the head by Deuce's cauldron from running from Vil while housing Epel from his lessons that day, he just wanted to lay by his loving S/O and take a long hard rest for the night
❤️‍🩹 But, like a lot of things that year, even something has simple as that didn't work out for him. He had a complete nightmare of the overblots he had faced alongside you, and he had woken up in a shock right before a dangerous and death-worthy attack landed on you
❤️‍🩹 You had starred at him in shock from the ground you had fallen on and just rubbed your arm as you crawled back up and began to caress his arms and back in an attempt to calm him down as tears swarmed his eyes and began to leak
" Y/N? Oh God, you probably think I'm weak for crying about something so futile... " " Futile? Yuu Sei I have seen and heard a lot of things throughout my lifetime here in Twisted Wonderland, some of which I believe and some I do not. This is far from a futile thing to cry about. You just imagined the almost-happening death of someone you care for... like I have... and from the mighty words of my Godfather, Dire Crowley, 'In order to use magic just how you picture it, you need imagination. Some mages also find it useful to make a habit out of writing and drawing out their ideas, to train their ability to better materialize them'. " " What does that old bird's words have to do with this?... No offense! "
❤️‍🩹 Chuckling at his reaction, you gripped his hands in yours and said the following words that would forever lay resting in his mind before he slept every night
" In my words, ' In order to succeed in surpassing something, you must earn it. Whether it be from talking about it or writing it down in a journal of some sorts, letting such pains off your shoulders helps out a ton, whether you believe it or not.' " " Now I know that did not come from Crowley's mouth. "
❤️‍🩹 Laughing at your boyfriend's words, Yuu took it as an opportunity and lunged on you, wrestling playfully with you as you laughed while he tickled your sides... oh, what did you do to earn such a wonderful man?
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lunarmoves · 9 months
lunch today was a burrito you'd snagged from el chips with your employee pass. it wasn't anything much, just a tortilla with some beans slapped inside and cheese for extra flavor. rather sad, now that you thought about it, but at least the sauces you'd added made it taste better.
you often took your lunch break in the daycare, nestled comfortably in the chair behind the unused security desk. so that's where you were, taking advantage of naptime to eat your food in a quiet, peaceful place. it was dark, but the lighting from the windows behind you was enough to allow you to see. that and the small lamp positioned in a little corner of the desk.
you took another bite out of your burrito, mindful of the crinkling aluminum, then paused halfway through chewing. "you've been staring at me for the last ten minutes."
moon's face plate clicked to the side, his squatted position atop the desk before you making him loom rather ominously over your much smaller form. "messy," was his short response, though it only made you roll your eyes.
"i'm not messy and you know it," you replied and took a sip of your drink to wash down some of the beans stuck between your teeth. "you've never stared at me on my other lunch breaks like this. something up?"
he was quiet for a moment, light from his eyes painting your vision in watercolor ruby. then he looked away, turning his gaze to all the snoozing toddlers resting on the playmats. "...keeping you company."
you raised an eyebrow as an indication for him to elaborate. since when did he care? when moon didn't hear anything from you, he huffed—a strange sound, coming from a robot—and mumbled something just loud enough for you to hear. "humans eat food with each other all the time."
you blinked at him—the resolute way he was avoiding your gaze—and mulled over his words in your head. there was a tendency for humans to put meaning into shared meals—into spending time eating with each other as an act of friendship, camaraderie, or love. your gaze softened and you took another bite of your burrito to spare him from the embarrassment that came with being vulnerable.
"that we do," you said gently, then nothing else. a quiet settled easily between the two of you and eventually moon went back to watching you eat your food. very, very intensely.
you cracked after about five minutes, more amused than anything. "okay, what is it? there's something else on your mind, isn't there?"
"no," he immediately replied, then at the expectant look you gave him, he deflated. he tapped the metal of his fingers against the top of the desk—a sound that seemed to echo throughout the daycare. "....yes."
you waited as he seemed to ruminate upon his words, before eventually—at your gentle, inquisitive hum—he relented. "gustation is not one of our utilities," he started unsurely, tentatively. you tilted your head at him, curious at what he was getting at. moon hesitated for only a split second, then pressed on with what he'd been previously contemplating. "your burrito. what does it taste like?"
oh! you weren't sure what you'd been expecting, but it certainly wasn't that. "well..." you started slowly. "it tastes like... beans. and cheese. kind of spicy, too." when moon gave you a flat look, you held up your hands in a shrug. "sorry, you caught me off guard."
"we know what burritos are made of," moon told you indignantly, and you knew if he could, he'd roll his eyes at you. "we just do not know what it tastes like. try again."
you snorted and took a bit more time to think, taking a bite to chew more carefully and parse out the flavors. "it's savory," you eventually settled on saying. "a bit salty, but the blandness of the tortilla balances it out. spicy, like i said before, because of the hot sauce." you thoughtfully rubbed at your chin with your free hand.
when moon made a sound that was like clicking one's tongue against their teeth, you realized that was not quite what he was looking for either. "yes," he grumbled, "but what is that like?"
hm. this was getting more convoluted by the minute, but you were not opposed to taking time to try to explain flavors to him. you set down your half-eaten burrito and wiped your fingers on a spare napkin you had lying around. then you leveled him with a pondering look. he looked back, patiently waiting with his fingers tip-tip-tapping away.
you decided to start with the easiest one. "spiciness," you began, mind racing with what to say, "is like... holding something hot. like... when you overheat and your fans kick into overdrive to cool yourself down. it hurts, but it's a good kind of hurt."
he took in your words—digesting them slowly—then nodded. you continued. "umami is like… sitting at a hearth. uh, maybe like when you have a kid sleeping on your lap after a long day.” shit, this was hard. you stared up at the ceiling decorated in all its glowing stars as you contemplated your next words. moon only waited quietly and for that you were thankful.
“saltiness is like— like a steely tang. distantly reminiscent of the ocean.” you tapped a finger over your lips. he probably hadn’t ever seen the ocean, huh? “it’s like the color white. it can be used to bring out other colors, but too much and it just ruins everything.”
you hadn’t mentioned the other three tastes in describing your burrito, but you might as well for his sake. “sourness is like a zap of electricity. very sharp! kind of like…” you trailed off and gestured at moon to come closer. he was limited due to his protocols restricting him from passing beyond the desk, but he could at least lean forward enough that you could reach up to his face. he gave you a curious look, and you almost felt bad when you gave him a flick on the forehead. a small twang echoed from the contact of your nails on metal. “like that.”
“ow,” moon said in a deadpanned voice as he leaned away from you. one of his hands lifted to cover his forehead, and you chuckled before continuing your little lesson.
“sweetness is easy. it’s like a kiss on the cheek or a hug from someone you really like,” you said with a small smile. moon’s face plate tilted to the right at that, his gaze locked onto your face. tap-tap-tap went his fingers. “and last, but certainly not least, bitterness is like… hm… like”—you pulled a face, scrunching up your nose and sticking your tongue out—“like that. unpleasant. a battery that has melted apart.”
you picked back up your burrito and took a bite from it, letting moon stew in your words in the meantime. it looked like he was in a completely different world and you wondered what was going on inside that flat head of his. you swallowed down your bite and added “i’m sure there are better ways to describe them, but that’s all i’ve got for now.” you shrugged.
there was a quiet, quiet moment where moon just stared down at you. a tension seemed to line his shoulders and back, expressed only via the fidgeting of his hands. you raised an eyebrow, only slightly concerned. “…something on your mind?” you asked gently. and just when you thought he wasn’t going to say anything for the rest of your lunch break, he seemed to deflate and reached out a hand towards your face.
“thank you,” he mumbled, the smooth metal of his thumb swiping over the plushness of your bottom lip. it was cold. you had to suppress a shiver. your breath got caught up in your lungs, a burning sensation crawling its way up your neck as you watched him carefully. he leaned back and regarded the smudge of hot sauce on his thumb. you had to resist the sudden, vicious urge to lick at your lips.
the entire daycare seemed to hold its breath.
“what we wouldn’t give,” moon eventually said lowly, something indecipherable tinging his voice, “to share a meal with you.” an ache nestled itself in your chest.
and then he sighed—longing and wistful. the sound getting swallowed up by the vastness of the daycare.
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hx4x4enthusiast · 7 months
Papa Prime Headcanons 2
After a tough mission or when Bumblebee gets backlashes from particular disturbing events of the war, Optimus will tell him old stories. And he extend his ERM field to further comfort Bee and only leaves once Bee is in full power down. That is also one of the few moments that Optimus fully relaxes and let's his emotions out.
Whenever Arcee starts to pull back from everyone and her past regrets come back Optimus spaars with her or just silently drives next to her on patrol. He just let's her vent without giving advice if she doesn't ask for it.
After Smokescreens arrival he and Optimus had a long talk about Alpha Trion and Cybertron in its war days. At the end Smokescreen broke down and Optimus hugged him and wrapped him up in his ERM field until he calmed down again.
Knockout and Optimus once got trapped in a mine collaps due to stray blaster fire. Instead of facing of against each other, Optimus witnessed Knockout curled to a ball in a corner hyperventilating. He slowly got closer and gently extended his ERM field to calm Knockout down. He talked to him in hushed tones until they where freed. Knockout never forgot that day and after he joined the autobots he thanked Optimus, who just regarded him with the same gentle smile he held all those years ago on that same day.
Optimus has in his cabin a photo of the entire team that miko took, raf edited and jack printed out to robot size. It is his most treasured possession and his good luck charm. So whenever he feels unsure or doubt he touches his chassis to remind himself who he is fighting for. The team doesn't know that and think he touches his chassis because the matrix lies there.
June once witnessed Optimus reprimanding the children for putting themselves in danger yet again. As she leaned back she commented more to herself. "He is such a dad." To which Ratchet answered. "Oh you have no idea". The entire team except for the children and Optimus himself realized that, Optimus sees the children as his own sparklings. And noone is gonna mentioned it. Mostly because there is an ongoing betting pool for when Optimus is going to realize that his sire protocols are running.
~Hi apparently you all liked the first part I made of this so here is another one. Do let me know if you want more of this, Scenarios, Headcanons with the kids, the bots both just TFP or other contuienies.~
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appocalipse · 2 years
Grand Gesture | eddie munson
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summary: catching feelings for your best friend was never in your plans. when you start distancing yourself from him to protect your heart, eddie vows to do everything in his power to keep it forever.
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“Come over for dinner tonight?” Eddie asks, trying to sound natural but maybe not being quite successful. “Wayne misses you, you know.”
It's a lie and he knows it — not that Wayne doesn't like you, far from it, but Eddie is painfully aware he's the one who misses you the most. He feels like a part of him is missing. His uncle, on the other hand, is a man of actions more than a man of words, and judging by the way he always ordered your favorite pizza flavor when you'd come visit Eddie, or how he'd give an understanding smile whenever Eddie did so much as mention your name, it was safe to say he considered you as much family as he did Eddie himself.
But that was before. Eddie now has to be quick if he wants to talk to you between classes. Most of the time you're no more than a blur to him — the ghost of his childhood best friend.
You look up at him very quickly — as if your eyes would burn if your gaze lingered too long, even — and you shove some books out of your backpack into the locker with little care. You smile, but Eddie knows all of your genuine smiles and this isn't one of them.
“Uh, well, I can't today,” you say. "Sorry."
"Busy too."
You seem to be calculating an escape route as you look down the hall. Eddie feels terribly pathetic when he asks again, "What about next week?"
“I have a test next week, I'll have to study.”
“Oh,” is all he manages to say.
Eddie doesn't remember any tests happening the following week. He twirls a ring around his finger nervously and tries to convince himself that it might be from a class of yours that he doesn't attend.
“Thanks for inviting me anyway," you close the locker and smile that same smile that doesn't quite reach your eyes. "Say hi to Wayne for me, okay?”
You're leaving once more. Eddie feels panic rising in his throat, swallows hard, and says, before he can stop himself, "You're still going to The Hideout on Tuesday, right?"
Tuesday. It was something you and him had agreed on a while ago; Corroded Coffin played at The Hideout every Tuesday and most Tuesdays you'd go see them, but if you couldn't make it every time, the deal was that you'd go at least once a month. And you hadn't been there for the last three Tuesdays, which made this your last chance to keep your promise.
You look over your shoulder at Eddie, saying, "I'll try." And wave before rushing off to your next class without looking back.
He immediately knows you won't come; it's remarkable how much distance you've managed to put between the two of you in such a short amount of time.
On the other hand, you know you can't go to The Hideout on Tuesday.
Not because you have an appointment you can't reschedule or because you've already made plans you don't want to miss…but because being in love with your best friend feels awfully like getting a thorn into your foot. You could go weeks without seeing him, slowly forgetting the thorn was there…and then you'd just spend 2 minutes with Eddie and the damn thing would re-enter your skin three times deeper.
So no, you can't go to The Hideout on Tuesday, you decide. Watching Eddie play guitar wouldn't do you any good.
And you don't go. Not this Tuesday, not the next, not the one after that. Time goes by too fast but somehow the days seem to drag on terribly. And then days become weeks, weeks become months. Well, month, singular, but Eddie feels like he's lived a lifetime during the time you're not talking to him. It certainly feels like months.
36 days. Not that the two of you are counting. Definitely not.
Eddie is sitting on his throne in the middle of a Hellfire session, babbling his lines and running the campaign almost robotically, when he thinks of you again. The Eddie from before, the Eddie who still had you in his life, would have been ecstatic as he awaited the day to share this campaign with his little sheep around this very table. Now he's having trouble keeping track of what's going on.
He remembers the general idea; a curse, some monsters, an object capable of saving the world that lies in the power of a female elf the party has to find and convince to help. Yada, yada.
It's the third time he's lost himself inside his own head.
Eddie looks at Dustin as if he's just been slapped. "What?"
“You're being ridiculous. Just talk to her."
"How dare you-"
Dustin realizes Eddie is about to go on a rant about getting out of character mid-session. He's not sure where all this courage is coming from (maybe it comes from the fact that he really cares about his Dungeon Master's happiness) but Dustin reaches out and lowers the screen in front of Eddie.
“You gotta go find your elf, man,” he says, encouraged by the murmurs of agreement rising from the others in the room. "Like, right now. Looks like your world is coming to an end.”
Eddie has an answer on the tip of his tongue as he looks from face to face and back to Dustin's.
"I'm the Dungeon Master here, Henderson." He doesn't care if he sounds defensive or silly or if the other boys will realize he's purposely pretending not to understand what his friend means. He doesn't care in the least.
“Oh, for God's sake,” insists Dustin, apparently the group's representative now that the subject is Eddie's personal life. "You know very well I'm talking about her."
Eddie makes a move to lift the dungeon master screen once again in hopes of ending the conversation. Dustin pulls it out of his grasp with little care.
"I have no idea what the hell you're talking about."
“You should go after her, man,” suggests Lucas, very quietly.
“Yeah,” Mike agrees, working up the courage to say something when Eddie doesn't say anything. “Believe me, it took some time to figure out my feelings for El, too. But at least I got it at some point, you know.”
“A grand gesture is what you need,” Lucas adds with newfound confidence. "It's what I do when Max doesn't want to talk to me."
He cowers slightly when Eddie looks at him, an appraising brow raised. Dustin is nodding his head emphatically in agreement, though.
“We want our Dungeon Master back,” Gareth says, trying to lighten the mood.
There is a silence that seems to last for years. Then, not quite realizing what he's doing, Eddie stands up, nearly toppling his throne in the process, and pretty much jumps toward the door.
Behind him, the boys shout words of encouragement and whistle with exaggerated excitement.
Grand gesture, huh?
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"You should ask Eddie to go to the movies with you."
"Mom," you scold for what feels like the hundredth time tonight, helping her into her coat.
"I just don't like leaving you home alone."
"I'll be fine. I'm practically an adult now."
Of course, you are. The discussion is not about that and you know it. She knows it. But none of you say anything. This conversation has played out several times in many different ways over the past thirty days, and it doesn't look like she's going to stop insisting anytime soon.
Your mother gives you her best puppy dog eyes. "Are you really going to be okay?"
"Yes, yes!" You emphasize, gently pushing her out the front door and smiling as convincingly as you can. "I swear I will. Now go have fun!"
She smiles and kisses the top of your head affectionately.
"Lock the door behind me, okay?"
You do. But you might as well have left the damn thing open, because two minutes after you lock it and just a second after you sit down on the couch, you hear a knock.
You run to the door, key in hand.
"Mom, did you forget something agai-"
But it's not your mom.
"Eddie," you mumble, voice barely a whisper.
It shouldn't be possible, but he's right there in front of you, hands in his pockets as he looks at your face with a nervous smile.
"Hi," he says, voice husky and warm just as you remember.
You feel like your heart is about to find its way out of your rib cage somehow.
Clearing your throat, you finally find your voice. "Aren't you supposed to be at Hellfire?" you ask.
"I left halfway through the session," he says, as if that explains everything. Eddie Ditching Hellfire? When you don't say anything else, standing there looking like you want to slam the door in his face, Eddie quickly adds, "Can I come in?"
"I don't think it's a good idea."
"We need to talk."
"It's not a good time," you say without looking at him, a little upset because, damn, how are you supposed to forget a guy who keeps showing up?
You start to close the door slowly, almost without realizing you're doing it.
Eddie puts his foot in the gap to stop you.
"Please," he begs. "Ten minutes?"
No, no, no. Say no.
Cursing inwardly, you step back and let him in. "Five."
You gesture for him to sit around the small kitchen table and lean against the counter, keeping a safe distance from him, your arms crossed tightly in front of your chest.
You ask him if he'd like something to eat or drink and he denies, hating how he's become a guest at your place, an outsider, someone you no longer have that familiar intimacy with.
You're staring at the floor like it's the most interesting thing you'd ever laid eyes on. "What did you want to talk about?" you ask.
Eddie places both hands on the table, twirling the rings around his fingers anxiously.
"I want…I need to…." he licks his lips and looks at your face, trying to turn thoughts into words and not understanding why it's suddenly so difficult to do so. "Why do you suddenly hate me?"
You can't say you didn't expect to hear a question like this at some point. That doesn't mean you don't get slightly lost when you actually hear it, though.
"I don't hate you, Eddie."
"You didn't talk to me in weeks, you didn't come to see my band," he holds up a finger as he points out each of your actions, "you run the other way whenever you see me in the school hallways…"
His gaze diverts to the space beside you.
“Christ, you even ripped our picture out of your fridge, apparently,” he lets out a completely humorless chuckle, a hint of sadness behind the irony you know all too well.
You look into the empty space he's indicating and suddenly feel guilty. A picture of the two of you the first night Eddie played at the Hideout with the band used to be there.
"I don't hate you," you repeat, silly. "I'd never hate you."
"You don't even look at me."
"Of course I do." You weren't looking until now, but you force yourself to do so even though it's hard. There's something very intimate about looking Eddie in the eyes, you think, something awfully familiar. "I'm looking at you right now."
"Yeah. For 2 seconds, I bet."
You shift your weight from one foot to the other, take a deep breath, and try to keep your thoughts clear.
"Did you come all the way here to tell me to look at you?"
"No," he says. "I came all the way here to say I miss you."
A very long time passes without you saying anything, your chest rising and falling faster than usual. Eddie realizes he's surprised you.
A spark of happiness you shouldn't feel warms your heart. You try to smother it.
In a small voice, he insists, "Don't you miss me?"
Your heart screams yes, but you don't say anything. Eddie stands up, the sound of the chair scraping against the floor sounding alarming to your ears.
“We've been friends for…what? Twelve years? And you're going to tell me that you've simply decided that you don't like my company now?”
“Eddie,” you finally say. "Stop."
You uncross your arms, using your hands to lean against the kitchen counter behind you instead, fighting the urge to run. Whether in Eddie's direction or the opposite, you're still unsure.
"Why? So you can go back to erasing me from your life again without saying anything?” he asks, putting the chair back in place before moving towards you. “You can say it to my face, then. Say you hate me.”
"I don't hate you."
"You certainly don't like me."
“Or think of me.”
“I never said-”
"If you tell me to leave now, I swear I will and I won't come back," he promises and you know it's true. But then, slower, lighter, almost whispering, he adds, “…but that's not what I want.”
You should tell him to go away, to leave. You know he won't give up if you don't tell him to do so, but you can't bring yourself to be cruel to him, not even to protect your own heart.
So instead, the spark of hope becomes a flame inside your chest and you find yourself asking, “And what do you want?”
For a good five seconds, Eddie looks at you like he's facing a crossroads. Then he comes closer and places his hands over yours, one on either side of you, any definition of personal space momentarily forgotten as he moves his face closer to yours.
“I want…,” he begins, and it's thanks to the way you can feel each word that leaves his lips that you're made aware of how close you are, that you're between him and the kitchen counter. That he's about to kiss you. “I want to-”
His forehead rests against yours, his eyes slowly fluttering closed. The words he wants to say never make it past his mouth.
He is about to kiss you, right?
Eddie leans back just enough to consider the expression on your face, eyes big and brown and warm.
"You want me to go?" he whispers.
“No,” you're not surprised at how quickly you respond. Your hand slips from under his to brush a dark curl out of his eyes. "I broke our promise, though."
"It's okay."
He leans in. You feel his lips at the corner of your mouth and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. I'll go to every single one of your gigs from now on-"
“Please,” he begs, a distinct hint of affection behind his words. "Stop talking."
"What you're doing?"
His upper lip touches yours. You can feel his reluctant smile when he says, “A grand gesture, I hope.”
And then, Eddie closes the gap — your breath catches the very moment his mouth meets yours, his kiss gentle, slow, a step too big to be taken all at once. He leans in and you feel his chest against yours, one hand sliding to the small of your back and pressing you even closer, another moving up your arm, over your shoulder, to the crook of your neck and your jaw. He holds your face and you sigh against his mouth, your lips parted invitation enough for him to deepen the kiss.
And God, being kissed like this does feel like a grand gesture.
He tastes exactly like you thought he would and somehow entirely different at the same time — something familiar, something safe, but also something new and fiery and wonderful.
You're breathing heavily — Eddie not much different — when he finally breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against yours, eyes still closed.
“Tell me to stay,” he whispers. In the silence of the empty house, it's more than enough. “Please tell me you want me to stay, sweetheart, 'cause I have no fucking idea how to stay away from you.”
You're still coming to your senses, all too aware of the hand he keeps tightly on your waist, of the gentle movement of his calloused thumb against your cheek.
You wrap your arms around his neck and smile the most genuine smile he's ever seen on your face.
“As if I’d ever let you go after this, Munson.”
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i-loved-silly · 16 days
read the teaser here! for some context if ya need it
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The warning file went partially ignored, you knew your coworker always exaggerated a little. Good thing you never had to meet him.
You attempted to power on the computer--nothing happened. The fans didn’t turn on and neither did the screen. You pursed your lips, was the AI already broken?
You checked the cables, nothing was unplugged. You press and held the power button repeatedly.
“Stupid thing…come on..” You muttered as you pressed whatever buttons were on the computer, growing impatient. Just when you thought you wouldn’t have to file any reports..
Suddenly, you heard one of the fans sputter in the back.
“There we go…” You smiled slightly to yourself, holding the power button again. The screen eventually powered up, turning black with orange text.
: ALMOND . AI > …
Hmm..you expected a home screen of some kind. You didn’t know what the files meant by customer service.. no organization was listed, you just had to make sure the AI was a decent person. Being. Computer.
The computer build came with no keyboard, just the system and its thick, bordered monitor screen. You assumed you had to restart it, as the screen didn’t bother changing. As your hand hovered over the power button, you saw something appear on the screen.
You froze, staring at the screen. That’s right…the monitor had a built-in camera at the top. It could see you. You cleared your throat.
“Can you hear me? Under-stand me, for that ma-tter?” You spoke slowly, leaning towards the monitor.
You hesitated, then reached for the volume tab. You slid it up until it was about halfway.
You flinched as the voice loudly came out of the monitor. The voice was not deep nor high pitched, it was, of course, robotic sounding. Unlike early-stage AIs, this one has an obvious tone to their speech. Not many could express that.
“Uhm..okay. Just to confirm, you’re Almond AI, customer service, and…you have an attitude apparently..” You muttered, glancing at your file.
“It’s in your file.”
You pursed your lips, getting ready to sigh.
“WAS THAT A MICRO-EXPRESSION? DO YOU HATE ME?” The computer asked, its tone sounding vulnerable.
“What? No..no. I don’t hate you. Why do you keep asking me that?” You glanced at the camera and then back at the screen. Staring at the camera felt too…human. Like looking into someone’s eyes. It was too intimate. No, no, don't word it like that. The computer paused.
You blinked.
“Computers are turned off every night when employees aren’t working…uh. And, I could..wipe you down.” You said, glancing at the camera.
You let out a laugh, leaning back in your chair. “What do you mean? How can you feel the texture? Your file doesn’t say you have texture monitors. “
You froze, your smile turning into a frown. That had to be some kind of violation. “..what? The fuck?”
The computer awkwardly laughed, and then it went silent. The rumbling of its fans seems to increase in volume. Was it heating up out of embarrassment??
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tinydefector · 4 months
Optimus prime x human
Warnings: none.
Word count: 2.3k
Is this becoming one of my favourite pieces? Yes, it is. So enjoy more of the dadimus agender.
Optimus prime Masterlist
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It's nearly a week later when the sound of little footsteps echo through the forest again. Optimus had taken to using the cave as a sanctuary, he was away from people, war and causing anymore harm; it was his peaceful spot to coexist with the life of earth. He had taken to watching his step a lot more. 
"Oppy!, Oppy!" The voice of the child calls out in the forest from different areas of the small meadow. Optimus onlined his optics slowly as familiar foot fall neared, accompanied by an eager call he had not expected to hear again so soon. Unfurling from his rest against the cave wall, he peered out into the dappled forest light just in time to see the youngling break into the clearing, they continued calling out. 
"Here, little spark," he rumbled gently, not wishing to startle. His chassis gave a rumble of quiet amusement as they raced over to grasp a digit in childish enthusiasm, peering up at him through delicate facial features wrought only for joy and new discovery. 
"Oppy! I knew I'd find you!" they declared proudly, patting his hand. Pars working, I come to play! You wanna see berris? I picked pretty colours for you!" Bright optics shone with innocent invitation, as if this massive metal being was not so different from the little one smiling up at him. 
Settling back with a faint creak, Optimus regarded them fondly. "I would be honoured to see your findings, little one." The child slowly rummages through their pockets pulling out crumpled flowers, berries, rocks and dirt, eagerly showing it to the Large bot who's hand they sit on. "Oh look, look! I drew this for you!" They exclaimed as they pulled out a drawing. It's a crude yet adorable child drawing of Optimus. "It's You!" They state proudly.
Optimus gingerly accepted the well-worn offering, optics crinkling with gentle humour and affection as he examined the unmistakably drawing of himself, however simplified.
"You have quite the artistic talent, little spark," he rumbled warmly, carefully stowing the drawing within his chassis to keep safe. "I shall treasure this." 
As they continued showing findings, however, his sensors pinged softly, noting the absence of their guardian. Brightening optics subtly scanned the trees, playing drones searching for any signs of the guardian... but none appeared. 
A faint thread of concern wove through his field. "Little one, where did you leave your carrier today?" he asked gently after a moment. "Oh, oh! Pars at home. Just the other side of the meadow!," another toothy grin spreads across their face. 
Optimus is more worried about the young child wandering off without their guardians knowledge, he slowly walks out into the sunlight with them in his hand. anxiety rising though his systems. They were too young yet to wander so freely alone in the forest unguided. 
Stepping carefully out into the dappled sunlight, he turned optics down to them and rumbled in his gentlest tones, "It is not safe for you to wander away from their carrier's care, little one. What if you stumbled upon dangers I was not near to help?." His voice is ever soft as he talks to them.  Shifting his hand, he lifted them up to optic level and tapped their tiny nose softly with a digit. "Let us return you home swiftly, less your guardian finds you missing." striding with utmost care and speed towards where he remembered the meadow lay. 
A set of eyes flicker up as they hear their loud steps, the crunching of branches and the loud voice of their child. They look up from working in a garden, planting vegetables. They look up worried for a second before seeing their child with the large red and blue robot. "Baby I told you, no going into the meadows without me!" They call out as they stand and begin walking towards Optimus. They are covered in a mix of soil, mulch and fertiliser. 
Optimus bowed his helm apologetically as the youngling's carrier approached with concern clear upon their features. Stopping a respectful distance away, he carefully lowered his hand and helped the little one slide to the ground between them. 
"Your child came to my shelter with gifts of drawings, yet when seeking their guardian’s presence I discovered them wandering alone and brought them swiftly back." He explains. 
They slowly check their child as they pull their cheek lightly. "No wandering without me baby, I mean it, what would have happened if Optimus wasn't there and you got hurt?" They ask the child. The little one just smiles at them without a care or worry. "Thank you Optimus, sorry they seem to have a skill with disappearing and finding trouble" they state with a sigh.
Optimus vented quietly, field radiating amusement. "No apology is needed," he rumbled gently. Turning down to the child now regarding him with less enthusiasm, he continued in a rumble barely louder than a murmur but meant only for young audials, "Your carrier speaks wisdom, little one. These forests hold wonders, but also perils for ones as small as you. Promise you'll not stray from home again, hmm?."
Rising once more to his full height, though still kneeling, he paused watching them together, there was something about this that made his spark ache. "Go have a bath bub" they state to their child giving them a quick kiss to the forehead. “ahhh par you are stinky!” They squeal and take off running into the house. "Bath!, bath!, bath!" They yell in excitement. It makes their parent sigh with a shake of their head. "Don't use all the Hot water!" They yell out.
Optimus' optics crinkled with gentle amusement as the child raced off squealing. his plating shifted in a subtle shrug. "Younglings possess a boundless energy and curiosity it appears," he rumbled. 
They slowly try wiping dirt off their face. "Can I get you anything, I'm not sure if you eat or drink but is there anything I can get you?"
"You know you don't have to stay in that cave, you're more than welcome to stay in the barn if you wish" they hum with a smile. For a moment Optimus was surprised by the thoughtful offer, not used to such easy generosity. His optics softened earnestly even as his sensors subtly noted details of the little homestead and its assorted life - taking in the moment watching the small farmhouse and barn, a small collection of many animals linger on the property.
"You are too kind," he rumbled gratefully. Although space within his plating felt... empty, lately, in ways repair and recharge did not mend. He lingers watching as They head inside, helping their child wash up. “ You know one of these days you're gonna get yourself in real trouble you know that kiddo” They huff as they scrub their back. Small giggles leave the child as they throw bubbles back. “But Oppy was out there I wanted to say hi!” They state. 
“and what would happen if he wasn't there, baby. You could have gotten hurt” they sigh. Slowly drying their kid off before letting them race around the house. Making dinner and getting them set for the night is a chore in itself. It's only when the phone rings do they let out a tired sigh, answering it. 
 "Yea, yea I can do that Murphy, I'll be in, in 30 just let me get dressed and put my kid to bed" they state. After the phone call they move around getting dressed quickly. "Baby I've gotta go to work, remember the rules about what to do if I'm not home?" They ask the child. "Mmhmm! I stay inside, lock the doors, don't answer for anyone but you, Par! Can Oppy stay and watch me please?" the little one asks with the biggest pleading eyes, still towelling off damp hair. "Please par? I promise to be good, and not wander, if Oppy watches till your home?" 
"I will ask him but you need to go to bed soon it's getting late" they state while pressing another kiss to their forehead. They are quickly out the door. "Sorry I've got to go to work, would you mind just watching them to make sure they don't wander" they ask softly to Optimus. As they head out to their car. 
"It is no trouble," he rumbled gently, bowing his massive helm in easy acceptance. Settling just outside where his pedes would not disturb soil, Optimus' optics dimmed in contentment as he slowly sank to sit beside the house. "Oppy, watch a movie?" They ask while moving the TV so Optimus can watch through the window. 
his optics flicker gently toward the tiny gaze regarding him through the transparent barrier. "As you wish, little one," he rumbled softly, dipping his chin in a nod. Adjusting his massive bulk carefully so as not to shake the dwelling's foundation, he folded his pedes aside and rested intake against powerful arms, 
 The starting of the movie, excitedly showing him the Iron Giant. “Look look its you!” they say excitedly while pointing to the metal man on screen. " He comes from space just like you!" They state excitedly. Orion's optics brightened keenly as the child excitedly guided his attention to images upon the screen, quickly parsing scenarios and recognizing similarities between fictional depiction and aspects of his own frame and past. 
"Fascinating," he rumbled softly. Looking down with a gentle tilt of helm to meet shining eyes gazing up at him in awe, his field pulsed with warmth. "It would seem he and i are in similar situations." 
Turning audio receptors attentively back to the story unfolding, great hands carefully gathered tiny one closer within his palm, sheltering them in one massive digit as together they watched adventures of the unlikely bond between alien visitor and human child unfold. 
As the movie plays on they continue explaining things to Optimus. The large bot focuses in as the movie shows a little boy saving the large bot from a power plant and how their friendship slowly evolves. It makes him see the parallel with his own situation. As it gets to the scene with the Deer, it makes Optimus' spark ache, remembering what had happened only a week ago when he had stepped on a deer. “ Ah I see why you refer to me as the Iron Giant” he states ever so softly.  Within some time the child is asleep on the couch. Optimus can feel the rain clouds rolling in and decides it's time to retreat into the barn for the night. Transforming down into his alt mode, systems powered down into minimal low-energy mode as the rains began. The little one had drifted into recharge as intended, and his duty for now was fulfilled.
It's a peaceful night until the thunder starts. Cries break through the air. Setting Optimus fuel lines a blaze with true terror hearing the child crying out.
Optimus systems roared instantly back to full alert status at the first crack of thunder and subsequent crying, Transforming smoothly and silently into root mode once more, he began querying sensors for signs of harm - but quickly pinpointed the source as the small one rightfully frightened by nature's fury. The small patterns of foot fall along the wet ground echo's as they run into the barn, meeting his blue optics in fear. 
 "Little one, it is alright. Its only the sky." Holding out palm upturned, 
"It's scary, it's after me!" They cry out.A pang of sorrow shot through Optimus core at the terror in those tiny words, and he responded without pause - tiny arms had barely reached him before he folded massive digits as gently as his construction allowed around them, lifting and tucking them close to his broad chestplate in a cradling hold.
"Shh, little one," he murmured, the steadfast thrum of his own mighty spark resonating against their frame. "The thunder cannot harm you, I promise." he leaned carefully back against the barn walls, free hand coming up to form a shelter around them as the storm raged on outside. "Listen to my sparkbeat," he whispered through the noise, They pull their stuffy and blanket closer. Pressing themself into Optimus’ chest flinching every time the loud thunder echoes in the distance. Snuggling closer to him hoping he will chase away the monster in the storm.
Optimus core ached anew at each flinch of tiny form against his own, Curving lithe digits ever-so-carefully around the little one and their favoured possessions, he cradled them close as any carrier would. 
 "Listen to my pulse, little spark," he murmured softly between cracks above, voice a low, calm anchor in the chaos. "No monster dares face a Prime. I have you." Dipping his helm, Optimus brushed a tender kiss of metal against their head, They eventually fell back asleep snuggled against his form. He powers back down. Locking his systems so that no harm would come to them by him moving in recharge.
When dawn's light broke anew over gentle fields, his core pulsed gratitude for the reminder that life went ever on, even in darkness' wake. And as tiny optics fluttered open to his calm regard once more, he knew true purpose and solace would await wherever innocence required shelter and guardians stood watch.
It's very early morning when they finally arrive home, drained as the head towards the door keys in hand. When they go to open the door only to discover it's unlocked. Cold fear runs through their veins, they move towards the barn with speed. Optimus systems powered alertly at the barn door's opening, yet he remained as still as possible, not wishing to disturb the little one's recharge. Lifting weary optics, A digit raised gently to his intake. “shhhh” he calls out softly. 
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jennrypan · 4 months
..librarian x Jason Todd 👀
I'm so right. Walk with me. (First meeting!)
Imagine..being in an old library where you take care of so many books and keep trying to get people to come in, enjoy the literature but it's Gotham, everyone's far too focused on staying clear of the various villains to try and stop by to read an old book.
You contemplate closing it..maybe find a job in..who knows, a bank teller?
That idea just puts a different expression on your face and you huff quietly to yourself..you were so patient about your books and the history of this library but it was old..and no one seemed to care for libraries anymore, the building had graffiti all over the outside of it- which you tried to clean as best as you could..only for it to be dirtied once more and the windows were always getting broken by various hoodlums and one stray weapon at one point..fortunately the villains never seemed interested in some run down library so that was never an issue, but that didn't mean anyone came inside.
Until..a large figure came hurtling in through your windows..creating a huge mess of glass and wood before it landed on the floor with a thud and an annoyed grunt, you were so close to questioning the figure..a bat half way into your grasp before you noticed the bright red helmet.
"God dammit..Ivys not playin' fair."
His voice was almost..robotic? Deeper than any humans had any right to be, and you could only watch as Redhood, the Redhood stood in your library and simply dusted himself off, muttering to himself and slowly..you stepped back- you had no real negative opinion about the man but he wasn't someone you dreamed of meeting..no famous person in Gotham was anyone you wanted to meet in all honesty..they bought trouble.
Redhood tapped something on his helmet, muttering something under his breath- you briefly caught the words 'Nightwing' and 'Don't you fucking laugh' but you didn't intend to lean closer to figure out the full extent of that conversation, mostly focused on blending into the shadows of the dimly lit library..and worrying about how the Hell you're gonna fix your window this time..the window area was practically gone now cuz the guy was huge! So it might as well be a hole and you can't run a business with a hole! Everyone already thinks you're closing-
"Oh shit, I didn't know anyone was still in here."
The sudden statement caused you to near jump in the air..clutching your bat to your chest as you stared at the man who's head had turned to you..the bright white eyes of his helmet near gleaming and you wished you could see his expression to see what he was thinking.
His head tilted ever so slightly and when he did..thats when you realized you were simply staring at him unblinking like an idiot.
"Uhm-! Are you gonna pay for the window?"
Those were the first words that left your lips with your voice raising in pitch..and you immediately cringed a little, letting out a nervous cough.
There was a beat of silence before a low snort came from Redhood, his head turning towards the man sized hole he had created.
"Oh, sure."
He replied, and you were left staring at him again..blinking like an owl.
You repeated, watching as the man adjusted his jacket..black combat boots crunching over the glass shards that littered the ground, taping his helmet again..no longer paying you any mind at the moment.
"Yeah yeah..I hear ya, I'm on my way- got thrown into some.."
Redhood muttered, you could practically hear him rolling his eyes before his head tilted back..he was looking over at the shelves of books.
You squinted a little at that. This was clearly a library! It may be run down and spooky but it had great books!
"Does that helmet make it hard to see?"
You grumbled under your breath, immediately tensing when the white eyes became trained on you..your mouth snapping shut as you gave him a nervous, thin lipped grin.
"Funny..anyways..I'll pay for the window."
Redhood reiterated, and all you could do is slowly nod and hum in acknowledgement- giving him a small thumbs up.
"Oh! Thanks? I mean you did..break it with your body, but thanks! Thats.."
There was another little chuckle from him before he climbed back through the hall not even letting you finish stumbling over your words! You clicked your tongue a little as you slowly set down your bed..walking towards the broom and dustpan to clean up the mess he left.
He's definitely not gonna pay you back..he's got other shit to be doing anyways.
Guess you got some saving to do.
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actual-changeling · 10 months
okay but is anyone going to write a fic set post s3 where they get into a domestic squabble/fight and aziraphale gets so heated he says "i need some air", grabs his coat, and leaves. crowley watches him disappear through the front door, listens to the bang as it falls shut just a tiny bit louder than usual, and suddenly he is paralysed with fear—terrified down to his bones that aziraphale won't come back.
because he left before, didn't he? they fought, he left, and then crowley was alone on earth, his chest empty and aching where his angels had been. for days, weeks, months, he waited. for him to come back. to apologize. waiting for the day he woke up and everything turned out to be a horrible dream.
a part of feels like sinking to the floor and sobbing, another wants to run after him, to scream and beg and plead, don't leave, please. don't leave me again.
instead, crowley goes numb, his movements distant and robotic as he picks up aziraphale's discarded sweatshirt from the couch, pulls it on, and blindly finds his way back to their bedroom. he is good at waiting, isn't he, always has been. he curls up on top of the covers with his nose buried in the collar, inhaling the lingering scent of him, and does exactly that—he waits.
when aziraphale returns almost an hour later, freezing and missing crowley terribly, the argument already forgotten and forgiven, he finds him fast asleep and clutching a bunched up blanket to his chest. he kicks off his shoes and hangs up his coat before slowly sitting down beside him, reaching out to gently tuck back some stray strands of hair.
his fingertips brush along his jaw and crowley snaps awake, blinking heavily and looking at him as if he can't quite believe what he is seeing.
"you came back?"
"of course i did."
aziraphale frowns, not quite understanding why he would even ask that question in the first place, let alone with an almost timid tone, his voice trembling. ten seconds later, everything slots into place.
"oh, crowley, i'm sorry, i didn't mean-"
"'s fine, angel," crowley interrupts, awkwardly shuffling upwards until his head finds a pillow to rest on. all curled up and alone he looks small, fragile, and aziraphale chases after him immediately, settling down next to him before wrapping him in a tight embrace.
"i won't leave you. ever. i promise."
crowley sighs and cuddles closer, his eyes already fluttering shut again. they should talk about all of this, but not now, not with both of them content to stay right where they are and doze the afternoon away.
they have all the time in the world.
so is anyone going to write this properly or-
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masked-men-fantasy · 4 months
A new place to try (Overwatch)
Is there any place you want to try out together when, you know, we do that thing together again?
NSFW Content. MDNI.
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"Not interested," Gabriel will answer shortly, pretending to be annoyed. But please keep asking him or begging him.
"Fine." Reaper sighed and answered in a low voice, "I want to try that in a bath... with you."
It was a surprisingly simple request, so you prepared hot water, a bath bomb with his favorite smell (you notice that he likes sporty perfume), and even some candles for him.
Once he comes back from Talon headquarters and sees rose pallets guide a way to the bath, he sees you in very few pieces of clothing. You tried to blink, like flirting with him.
He just stood there silently. And it starts to make you worried if you make him mad or something. You cannot read his emotions through the mask.
"Seriously...?" Reaper, just say that, and he will rapidly walk toward you. He threw his hood and armor to the ground, revealing only his well-built body and his big member, which is now half-hard.
"You better not regret what I am going to do with you." He said that and lifted you up like nothing, put you in the bath, astride you, and started kissing you hard. His hand caressingly touches every sensitive part of your body.
"No one ever does anything like this for me... Thank you," he said. His eyes really mean how thankful he is and how much affection he has for you. He then hugged and kissed you deeply to show how much he appreciated what you did for him.
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"I think I just know the right place for that," Genji said with his slight robotic voice.
A mountain that is quite far away from the busy area in Hanamura. There is a big Sakura tree up there. The wind flows, and countless petals float in the air. It is beautiful and peaceful up here.
"Not many people know about this place. It is the only place that makes me feel calmer after a bad day," Genji explained while he looked up to the tree and held your hand."
"And I always dream of having someone that I trust to share this place with me." A robotic ninja will pull you for a kiss and hold your body tightly.
Genji slowly takes off your clothes, piece by piece.
"Naughty idea, but romantic at the same time. I don't even know how you can do  that." You said that and smiled at him.
"I could say the same to you." His metal sheet on his face is getting closer to you.
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"Why does having a pet human require such nuisance care?" Ramattra growls. He shook his head, then simply said, "Follow me."
Null Sector Factory.
Oh, dear lord, you think you know what this big bad robot has in his mind now...
"Let's give them a little introduction on how to make humans submit to them, shall we, pet?"
Then Ramattra started to railed you with his Nemesis form.
All that you can see are the hundreds of eyes of Null Sector's soldiers that have just come out of the production line, watching you and getting completely dominated by Ominics.
It was embarrassing and humiliating as hell, and you love it.
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niqhtlord01 · 6 months
Humans are weird: What use is honor in war?
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
*Clouds of ash part to reveal burnt out husks of barracks complexes, shatter communication towers, and looming over all of it was the crumbling structure of the once proud command center itself.*
*Setting down in front of the command building a small squad of human soldiers approach and form a cordon to either side of the lowering boarding ramp.*
*General Marius Fimble slowly walks down the ramp flanked by a pair of black clad honor guard. His robotic left foot slamming against the ramp with a resounding cannon like echo until he reaches the bottom*
Colonel: *Salutes* General.
Marius: *Returns salute lazily while scanning surroundings* Colonel.
Colonel: You can relax sir; we’ve cleared the area of all resistance.
Marius: Complacency breeds overconfidence; never forget that.
Colonel: Sir!
Marius: Do you have him?
Colonel: We are keeping him in the main building to prevent escape.
Marius: *Confused* Have they made attempts?
Colonel: First one he killed three and injured twelve.
Marius: First?
Colonel: Second he killed seven and injured six, then again three hours later with eight injured.
Marius: He’s tried escaping three times already?
Colonel: Oh no.
Colonel: Those were all within the first seven hours of capture; we’re on twenty seven attempts by now.
Marius: *Grunts*
Marius: Let’s get this over with then before he kills any more of my men.
*Colonel escorts the general and his guards inside the command center. Descending three flights of stairs the group comes to an armored door guarded by twenty soldiers and an auto turret pointed at the doorframe*
Marius: Open it.
*The armored door slowly creeks open as all twenty guards take aim at the opening. The auto turret slowly begins spinning its turrets in preparation to fire as the general walks by.*
Marius: *Waves his bodyguards* Wait here.
Colonel: I would not recommend that, sir.
Marius: *Walks past Colonel and into the room* Noted.
*The door slams behind Marius as he takes in the surroundings. A single light hangs from the ceiling illuminating a lone figure secured firmly to the ground my numerous heavy chains*
Marius: Commandant Fring, we meet at last.
Fring: *Spits out glob of purple blood at Marius’s feet*
Marius: *Steps over it without acknowledging it*
Marius: I had heard tales of the great Grung military back in my academy days and I must say after fighting you, I am deeply underwhelmed.
Fring: *Low growl*
Marius: *Circling the room* Over a thousand years of military prowess and I took you apart in less than a day.
*Fring lunges at Marius who doesn’t flinch. The chains straining under the sudden pressure with Fring just out of reach of Marius’s throat*
*Marius watches in silence as Fring continues for several minutes before relenting*
Marius: I never understood that.
Fring: What?
Marius: Honor.
Fring: You do not understand it because you have never held it.
Fring: You preach of taking down our military when you attacked like cowards and thieves in the dead of night! Slaughtering my warriors while they slept rather than dying by their hands on the field of battle!
Marius: The purpose of war is to win.
Marius: Everything else takes a back seat to that one concept; because if you don’t win nothing you were fighting for matters.
Fring: And yet it is the manner of how you fight that defines who you are.
Fring: And you are a coward!
Marius: So you justify your incompetence by claiming I am a coward?
Fring: You dare!?!
Marius: You were unprepared for an attack despite declaring war on my people. They should have been mustering for war and already onboard troop ships heading out of system; instead they were…how did you put it? Ah yes, they were sleeping.
Marius: *Leans in close to Fring who lunges again only to be grabbed by the general’s hand*
*The general’s grip is iron and Fring claws at it as he gasps for air. There is no emotion behind the eyes of the human leader as he watches his foe*
Marius: Honor, is a novelty for those who can afford it. A justification to fight in a manner of combat they prefer regardless of how many souls die by the outdated ideal that is “Honor”. I fight to win wars, and though my victories seem beneath you I ensure that my men, my soldiers, will return home safe and sound because I fought using my head and not my heart.
*Marius let’s go of Fring who collapses to the ground*
Marius: *Looks down at Fring* You fought with your heart and you lost five field army’s worth of soldiers in a single night.
Fring: Do you keep me alive just to mock me? End me then, for I will hear none of this.
Marius: *Chuckles* I’m sure I had a reason for keeping you alive, but seeing you now I can’t for the life of me wonder why I thought it was worth the effort.
Marius: *bangs on door and the door opens*
Marius: *motions to the soldiers* kill him.
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dem-obscure-imagines · 6 months
Nice to Meet You
Jaime Reyes x Reader
Fandom: DCEU
Summary: You and Jaime have been kicking ass together for years, but you’ve never seen his face before. Hell, you don’t even know his name. That changes one night when he shows up on your doorstep, injured.
Notes: So I had a dream last night that I was in a Miraculous Ladybug situation with Jaime, so have this fic hahaha. Also I have never seen Miraculous so…idek where it came from.
Warnings: Mentions of injuries
Word Count: 1.3k
Reader is: Female, Apollo’s champion
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Being a superhero and a normal person with a normal-ish life was not for the faint of heart. You spent your days working in the local history museum, your afternoons getting whatever sleep you could, and your nights sitting by the police scanner, waiting for news of some rogue giant robot or guy with a freeze gun. As it was, you were in no position to expose your identity. Not even to your partner.
Your mission partner, that was, the Blue Beetle.
You’d been fighting crime with him for the past three years, a few times every week. It had started as an accident. He’d show up to the same crime scenes you did, helping evacuate people out of burning buildings, stopping rampaging mutants from the questionable labs popping up around town, redirecting a plane with a broken propeller. It was admirable. He was admirable.
You’d never seen his face. You didn’t even know his first name. You knew his power came from the scarab in his back, an alien symbiote that was bonded to his body. It talked to him sometimes, like a computer, analyzing things. It also served as body armor and a built in artillery of weapons.
The scarab saved his ass a lot, basically. And yours, too. You couldn’t count the amount of times he’d saved you from blows you’d never seen coming.
Which is why you were so surprised to hear a knock on your door, Beetle’s voice on the other side of it sounding…worried.
“Suncatcher? Are you home? I…I…I need some help!”
You were surprised to hear it at all, actually. You didn’t think he knew where you lived.
Also, you weren’t in costume, just in a cropped tee and some sweats, hair pulled back and face bare. Not that your mask covered a lot of your face, but it gave you anonymity. Or at least, you thought it did.
You pushed the thoughts aside when you heard him knock again, preparing for the very real possibility that someone had cloned his voice and was using your public-ish friendship against you.
You lit your fist with power and crept towards the door of your townhouse, peering through the peephole to find…nothing. You pulled the door open slowly and looked around. Sitting on the cement outside your door was a guy with luscious black curls, and, more importantly, a giant gaping wound on his stomach.
“S-Suncatcher?” He asked, meeting your eyes, tears brimming in his own.
“Oh my God.” You dropped to your knees, looking over him. “What happened?”
“It’s me. It’s me. I’m here.”
“I didn’t know where else to go…” He confessed.
“It’s okay, hey, can you stand? Where’s Khaji?”
“Offline.” He groaned as you helped him off the ground. It was clear he’d lost a lot of blood. You closed the door behind the two of you and locked it, lowering him onto the couch.
“How long have you been out there?” You asked, assessing the injury.
“Not long.” He assured you, moving to support the wound.
You took a breath, grounding yourself before tapping deeper into your powers, sunlight lit in your palms, creeping up your arms. “Alright Blue, I need to get in there.”
“Jaime. My name is Jaime.” He told you, pain etched across his handsome features. “Nice to finally meet you, sunshine. Wish it was under better circumstances.”
“Nice to meet you, too.” You replied, too preoccupied to offer your name in return. You gently lifted the fabric from his battered torso, revealing the wound. It was pretty bad, but it wouldn’t be for long. Using the power from your patron, you extended your hand, your glowing sunlight working to close the wound with warmth and precision.
Jaime watched, his eyes wide. He stared at you as you set to work. It tingled, the spot in his abdomen, where he’d been stabbed repeatedly by a guy with a glowing green sword. But it didn’t hurt anymore. And less than a minute later, it wasn’t there at all, completely smoothed over without so much as a scar.
You turned your attention to his face, where there was a cut across his nose, a purpled bruise on his chin.
If Khaji was online, he was sure she’d tell him about his increased heartrate due to your proximity, that focused look in your eye as you soothed his pain away. But she wasn’t. That was a problem he’d have to solve later.
The glow in your palms dimmed and you met his eyes, looking relieved. “Any other injuries I should know about?”
“Nah, I think that about covers it.” He replied, still staring at you. Maybe he’d never stop. “How did you…?”
“My patron, Apollo. The god of…well, lots of stuff, but healing is one of them. I’ll leave him an offering later.” You explained. “He’s pretty chill, as far as deities go. Met him when I got my job at the museum and, well, the rest is history.”
“That’s really cool.” He said, sitting up without trouble. “I didn’t know that.”
“I guess it never came up.” You shrugged. “My name is (Y/N), by the way. Would have introduced myself earlier if I wasn’t so busy trying to prevent you from bleeding out in my apartment.”
“Thanks for that, by the way.”
You smiled. “Don’t mention it.”
He took in your face, seeing most of it for the first time. He smiled, eyes soft and sparkling, voice dropping to a whisper. “You’re really pretty, (Y/N).”
“You’re not so bad yourself, Jaime.” You looked him over, taking him in for the first time. Warm brown eyes, a handsome face, fluffy black curls, toned build. “Can’t believe you’ve been hiding all this under that suit of yours.”
He laughed, sheepish. “We should have done this sooner.”
“Way sooner.” You agreed. “Not the fatal wound part, of course, but…we could have gotten coffee or something.”
“Why didn’t I think of that?” He murmured, leaning closer. “If I’m moving too fast, stop me.”
“You’re not.” You replied, a hand cupping his face as you pressed your lips to his. He melted at the contact, arm settling around your waist and tugging you closer to him. “I’ve been waiting to do this for…so long.”
He rested his forehead against yours. “That makes two of us.”
At the museum, a few weeks later, you sat at the guide desk in the center of the lobby, typing away on your laptop, researching an ancient relic Apollo was interested in, a necklace he’d gifted to the Oracle of Delphi that had gotten into the wrong hands.
Someone cleared their throat. You looked up to find Jaime there, a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
“Is this where I find the pretty tour guide? If she’s not too busy, that is.”
“Jaime!” You leapt to your feet, walking around the edge of the desk and straight into his arms.
“Hey, sunshine. Thought I’d come brighten up your day.”
“My day has been brightened.” You assured him, pressing a long kiss to his soft lips.
“Khaji, not now.” He murmured, cheeks burning red.
“Hi, Khaji.” You whispered.
He chuckled. “She says hi.”
“This must be Jaime. I’m (Y/N)’s coworker, Jess.” Your favorite coworker introduced. “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too. Is it alright if I steal her for a bit? I’m excited to finally see the place.”
“Oh, of course. You two have fun. I’ll put those in water for you.” Jess said, taking the flowers with a careful hand and a knowing smile.
Jaime took your hand and you led him proudly through your workplace. You loved getting to know the real him, without a mask in the way. Finally, your two lives had combined into one and you couldn’t be happier.
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starlightsuffered · 3 months
Dirty Little Secret
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Info - best friends brother, coming easily, squirting, stripping, teasing, hard Dom Timothée, degrading, breeding kink, daddy kink, secret fucking, biting ass, creampie, spit kink
Pauline was a good friend. We enjoyed playing video games together or cooking something nice. Upcycling, thrifting, and sewing were also things we did.
I always got flustered when her brother came around though, Gorgeous, gorgeous Timothèe. He was so cool and kind and sweet. Sometimes he'd come back from a jog and be dripping with sweat. I had to always hide my arousal when that happened.
"What's up y/n?" The devil himself said politely at the door.
"P-Pauline," | stuttered. I wasn't able to say anything else.
"Oh she is out, she promised mom she'd do some shopping and didn't get around to it until the last minute," Timothée chuckled. He leaned easily against the door frame. How was he so effortlessly cool?
"I should go then," I said robotically.
"What? Don't talk like that," he scoffed and grabbed me. He was pulling me in the house before I could protest.
"I don't want to intrude," I said awkwardly.
"Intrude? You're practically family," he chuckled. Family, that was the last thing I wanted to be to Timothée Hal Chalamet.
"Come on, I was just playing a video game. I'll set up a two player," he offered. I nodded slightly. I couldn't believe this was happening.
Timothée set everything up and our hands brushed when he handed me a controller. It was a racing game.
Normally, I was decent, but with my nerves I was miserable.
"Oh yeah I'm on your ass," Timothée half growled, his shoulder nudging into me. My pussy leaked. No, not now!
He would think I was so weird.
"Take that," he chuckled darkly. Slick wetted my pussy lips. I was panting. He kept nudging me and bantering in a way that sounded no where near innocent.
"Suck my dick!" He crowed as he passed me, a whole lap ahead of me. My mouth fell open without me even thinking about it. I was so turned on.
"I fucking win," he shouted as he crossed the finished line. Before I knew what was happening he'd bowled me over.
"Loser," he teased. I was dizzy as I felt his crotch pressed against me.
"Take it, take it," he goaded I didn't even know what he was on about. Finally, I couldn't hold back anymore as he lightly pulled my hair. I lost it. I let out a pathetic moan as I came hard. My orgasms were always intense and they made me shake.
"Y/n?" Timothée said slowly. I was burning with embarrassment.
"I'm sorry," I squeaked.
"No, it's um, it's fine," he said. He didn't look upset or disgusted, he looked purely surprised.
"Come on, we have to get you to my sister's room," he said. He stood up and held out his hand.
"Why?" | asked suspiciously. I felt like I was being sent to the principals office.
"Well y/n," he chuckled. "Unless you'd like to have dinner with us and everyone knowing about your accident."
I looked down and saw that a stain was spreading. I had squirted! For some reason that didn't make me feel humiliated, it turned me on again.
"Come on, I'll get you panties," he said.
I followed him. To my surprise he zipped into Pauline's room, grabbed some clothes, and came out. He was now guiding me with a strong hand to his room. The whole situation was so odd that I didn't question him.
I'd never been in his room. It was pretty simple. He had some talent show trophies, a poster of Zendaya in a bikini, and some comic books.
"You'll need some shorts too, I got some when I was in there," he offered. "You know, you've got a great ass."
"I g-guess," | said. I couldn't believe he'd complimented me. He handed me the new clothing but didn't turn around or leave. It really seemed like he wanted me to change in front of him. The idea was scandalous and tempting. I reached for my waistband and Timothée gave me the tiniest of nods.
I peeled off my shorts, and then my panties. My pussy was dripping and there was a huge mess that was clinging to the fabric.
"Damn! Pauline never said your pussy looked like that!" Timothée swore.
"I, um, Pauline doesn't know," I said.
"So, I'm the only one in my family that knows shy little y/n has not only a juicy ass, but a gorgeous, wet cunt?" He asked smugly as he approached me.
"Holy fuck," I swore.
"You made such a mess," Timothée tsked.
"Uh huh," l agreed.
into my ass cheek.
"Ohhhhh shit," | cried as I dripped.
To my surprise he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I felt him turn his head and his teeth sunk in
"Now you're getting me messy, can't have that," he chuckled. He threw me on his bed. He tore off his shirt. His body was so gorgeous.
"You too," he ordered. I quickly took off my own top.
"C-can I lick?" I asked weakly.
"Such a slut," he said. I made a pathetic little noise and moved forward. I was in heaven. I was lapping and sucking and kissing his body messily.
"That's enough, I want that cunt," he barked. I fell back and spread my legs. A devious smile unfurled on his face.
He looked very pleased. He moved forward and sunk two fingers into my heat.
"Who does this belong to?" He asked.
"You," I gasped.
"Yeah it does, so easy to get you off. I'm your god now. Every time you're here you find a way to come to me. Your pussy is mine and your body and your sweet ass. You're going to be my dirty little secret," he instructed.
"Yes sir," | nodded eagerly. The idea of sneaking away from my friends so I could be used like a cock sleeve was delicious.
Timothée removed his pants and boxers. His beautiful cock stood tall. He teased my entrance by tracing it with his tip.
"Holy fuck please," | arched and begged.
"You want it?" He asked.
"So badly, I needed it," I nodded eagerly. He inched his head in, and stilled.
"Mmmmm, more!" I pleaded shakily.
"Yeah? You're a dirty girl aren't you? Can't stand that the whole thing isn't inside you?"
'Yes, yes! l'm a dirty girl! I need you in my fucking guts," cried out desperately.
"Good thing no one is home, you're a loud bitch," he said as he slid his cock balls deep inside me.
"Ahhhh, fuck yesssss, you're so damn tight. I love a tight cunt," he grunted. He secured my ankles on his shoulder and began to roll his hips.
"Oh fuck, oh shit, oh I feel it in my stomach," I moaned.
"You're such a little slut, getting off from just some teasing. Stripping for me," his voice was uneven as he slammed into me.
"Oh my fuck!" I nearly screamed. His gorgeous hands gripped my ass and massaged.
"I'm so f-full," I groaned.
"You're tight little whore pussy," he said and slapped my ass. "Squeezes me so good."
"Yes, I want to please you. You're my god. Mark me, mark your territory inside me," I panted.
"Oh yeah you like that, should I get a bitch pregnant so everyone knows who she belongs to? You wanna carry around my semen?" He asked me.
"Breed me! Breed my pussy!" begged.
"You're such a slut. I'm going to make you my breeding whore. You better report to me and get yourself filled with cum whenever I need. I need a fuck toy, and you're so lucky I picked you," he whispered in my ear.
"Yes, yes I am," I nodded. My voice was high pitched and whiny. I was whimpering.
"You want my creamy load in your cunt?" He asked me. "Because daddy is getting close to busting you slut.
"Mmmmhmmm yes daddy please. I want your cum so bad," I gasped.
"Fuck, here it comes," he groaned. He was spurting ropes in my wet heat. It was such a large load that it was squelching out.
"Oh fuck yeah, that's it, just a cum dump for me," he moaned. He spat into my mouth and I was gone. As he filled me l was coming too. Pleasure burned inside me. I couldn't keep my mouth or legs closed. We were a mess. I felt like so light headed I didn't think I could speak.
"Such a fucking slut," Timothée panted. He gathered saliva on his tongue. He let the liquid out slowly into my willing and desperate mouth.
"What are you doing?" | asked in a tiny voice. He was thrusting again and the noise was wet and erotic.
"Making sure it sticks, gotta make sure the baby was properly fucked inside you," he winked.
"Oh shit!" I whined.
"Y/n, would you like some bread?" Timothée's mom asked. I could hardly keep it together. Timothée had made me sit next to him when I stayed for dinner. Under the table he'd been slowly, languidly, torturously stroking my clit. I could hardly breathe.
"S-sure," | gulped as Timothée petted.
"Keep being a good slut and maybe you'll get another one of daddy's loads before you take your pregnant ass home," he whispered in my ear.
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thatfreshi · 1 year
can i request the reader has an emotionally abusive parent and astarion finds out and protects and comforts her?
TW - Emotional abuse, gaslighting, domestic violence
Recommended Song: The Archer - Adam Melchor
After settling down in Baldur's Gate again, you and Astarion have been slowly trying to fit back into the city. It's hard though, after such a long adventure, after trauma and perilous feats, to just be a person. You've reached out to a couple of old friends, trying your best to explain everything without revealing too much, especially without Astarion jokingly baring his fangs and saying "Be warned, I bite." The dumbass seems to think reverse psychology works on everyone.
So word slowly gets out that you're back in town. People that you knew forever ago suddenly stop by the house, and each time Astarion has to double-check that you know them, paranoid about people coming into the home you've built for the two of you. You don't blame him one bit.
It's a Summer afternoon, and you've just come in from tending your little backyard garden. Astarion calls out to you as you come in the back door.
"Darling, there's yet another person here to see you."
He gets a little overwhelmed by all these people wanting to come see you, but he tries his best to be supportive.
"Alright, coming."
You take off your gloves and hang them up by the door, making your way to the front of the house.
"Who is it?"
"Not sure, she wouldn't say."
He opens the door, and a shiver runs down your spine. Your mother.
"Oh, it's so good to see you Tav."
She lunges for an embrace before you can step away, your body is in shock. 'Why is she here?' 'How did she find out?' 'Who could've possibly told her you were back in town?'
"And who is this handsome man?"
Astarion realizes you're a little stunned, and he takes over the conversation for you.
"Astarion, and who might you be?"
"Well I'm Tav's mother of course! I'm sure she's told you all about me." He words are lined with spite, poison dripping out of her mouth. Your vampiric lover senses the tension, and yet you quickly switch tones.
"Come on in mother, we can show you around."
A fake smile, a facade. He's taught you well how to hide your intent, especially in peril.
"Yes, of course."
His voice trails off, wondering what you're up to. You simply start a tour of the house, acting like you would with any old friend.
"So obviously here's the little living space. I'd like to have some more plants in here, but somebody has to have a place to store all his books."
You try to shoot him a playful look, but when you meet eyes both of you know it's wrong. You chuckle a little too late, almost robotically.
"Ah yes, Tav here used to read all the time as a little one. Read all those silly little adventure books, even wanted to go on one."
"Yes, but-"
"BUT, instead we kept our lovely little offspring around to help with the business for a while, convinced Tav it was best to help the family."
Something triggered in Astarion's brain, the way she said family.
"Yes, of course mother. It was the right thing to do after all."
He realizes you never spoke about your parents, or about any of your family members for that matter. You've always spoken so freely, without a care in the world. Suddenly you were stiff, conforming to a conversation that you had no control over.
"Well, everyone must leave the nest eventually."
He smiles, trying to relieve the tension, still analyzing your movements.
"Well, my child here just up and disappeared a couple years back, left me and my husband in shambles."
Clearly she didn't know about the nautiloid, or about any of your adventures.
"And yet suddenly here you are, a house, a lovely man, and you feel no need to tell your parents you're home? After all, we could always use the help."
"Well, Astarion and I have been very busy mother, finishing up the house, settling in."
"You know I could've helped with all that."
"We've been managing fine."
The conversation starts to get aggressive. Astarion goes into that protective stance of his, standing tall next to you and wrapping his arm around you.
"Yes, if we ever need help we'll certainly reach out."
There's a slight hiss at the end of his sentence, and you nudge him in the side, trying to get him to keep his composure.
"No need to get all defensive. Tav and I, we understand each other. I just worry, my child being out in the wild, adventuring through forests with all those miserable monsters."
"Would've been better being away from the worst of them."
You mutter under your breath. It's frustrating, this woman coming back into your life, trying to convince you to come back and 'help' her out with the business. You did almost all the work, under her hand. And when you said you wanted to leave and go out on a grand quest...
"You know what, you need to leave."
You finally speak up.
"Excuse me?"
She's shocked.
"Yeah, before there's another accident. Would hate if I broke my leg again."
Astarion's grip tenses.
"That was a sad coincidence and you know it Tav."
"No, you pulled the ladder out from under me while I was climbing to fix something on the roof, and I fell and shattered my leg, and this just so happened to be the day after I told you I was going to leave the city."
"I was trying to stabilize it after I saw it was falling. Don't blame your poor mother."
"And what about when you refused to have a cleric come see me, and I was on bed rest for months on end, while you did nothing."
Your mother goes to speak again, but Astarion cuts her off.
"As my lovely partner here has already said, I think you need to leave, now."
He unwraps himself from you, stepping towards the defensive woman.
"There's no way you believe Tav's idiotic lies. Don't be a fool."
"You're the fool, a fool who's about to lose their head if you don't turn around and leave this house."
She goes to say something else, watching as he goes to grab his trusty dagger. Instead she simply huffs, and storms out the door. Astarion slams it behind her.
"You'll come back Tav, you'll see reason!"
He quickly deadbolts the door and comes back over to you, and you finally break down. That woman, she terrorized you your entire childhood, and some mind flayer ship took you away from her, thankfully.
"You... you never told me about your mother."
"Yeah, I didn't think it really compared to all of your shit."
You wipe at your eyes.
"Now, we don't need to compare apples and oranges my love. It's abuse, all the same, all evil."
He holds you for a while. You're still nervous you'll hear banging on the door, but hopefully Astarion scared her off well enough.
"She'll never be back here, not if I have something to say about it. Here, come sit."
You make your way to the sofa, and he just holds you for a while. It's silent, except for his breathing and a few soft sobs from your sorrows.
"You know, I don't mean to pry, and you don't have to answer if you don't wish to... but did she really let you suffer like that? With your leg just, shattered?"
"Mhm. I couldn't walk for months. I still don't think it ever healed properly. I begged for her to get someone to come look at it, and she just kept saying 'no Tav, they'll just charge us for some bogus potions' and that was that."
He wraps his arms around you tighter than ever. He's lost in thought, going between thoughts of your pains and his own.
"We're so lucky."
You're a little surprised. It's not often he's such an optimist, especially at times like this.
"What do you mean?"
"I think we understand each other better than anyone. Your griefs echo mine, it just makes sense. Not to say I'm happy you went through that... but we're just lucky, lucky to have each other."
You plant a gentle kiss on his hand.
"I agree darling. Thank you, for always being here for me."
"Only because I know you'd do the same for me, my love."
The two of you stay cuddled there for a long time, not really saying or thinking anything. Just two people, sitting in the air of each other's freedom. Just two lovers who were the first to be loved by one another.
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