#Sitting on his lap is a sure-fire way to get him in a touchy-feely mood!
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@kugel-bitch asked:
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"My, my, aren't you an interesting specimen."
The fallen lieutenant backs her shapely haunches right on up onto Roako's lap—not much for subtlety, this one, least of all when she's feeling broody, which just so happens to be most of the time in these sweltering summer months.
"Don't think I've ever seen one like you before. Are you from around these parts, big man?"
Eluthéria chirps, casting the most harmless smile she can muster over her dainty obsidian shoulder.
(For the starter call 😌)
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As soon as she sat down, Roako's arm was immediately around her waist. He didn't know who she was but she was certainly welcome company if she was this friendly!
"I'm from Wrath. Most of my kind don't travel very close to the more inhabited areas of the rings."
No matter how innocent her smile, Roako had a feeling she could be dangerous when she wanted to be. If what he could feel from her rear and her waist was any indication, she had some power to her and he couldn't help but move his hand up to feel her stomach.
"What about you beautiful? You got a name?"
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cali-is-my-canvas · 3 years
Part 1
Ok so I had started artworks for this idea because being a weeb and a raver, it only made sense to me.
So here’s a list of the MHA characters (all 18+) and what I think they’d be like as ravers including the genre, style and uh….. “party favors” they’d indulge in if they do indulge.
Izuku Midoriya
You can’t convince me that Deku isn’t a baby raver. He’s one of those that starts off wide eyed and so excited to start raving.
Definitely a budding Kandi Kid. He loves making kandi and trading with other people and he definitely takes videos or pics of his trades to add to his scrapbook.
Is the kind of baby raver that scrapbooks for his memories of each show/festival he goes to. He saves the admission bands and takes tons of pics.
Is fairly mainstream with his taste is DJs but will go to check out other sub genres if he goes with other groups. Mostly along the lines of Zedd, The Chainsmokers, David Guetta. Very house/pop vibes.
He’s very comfy style. Is big on merch shirts. Has a Fanny pack and a camel pack with essentials like gum, water, hair ties, a mini first aid kit, power banks, a couple fans and Vick’s.
Is the kind of guy that is very sweet so girls flock to him to either treat him like baby or flirt with him cuz he’s good boi. Will lift people on his shoulders, guy or girl.
Light show caretaker. He’s the one who holds your hand, fans you, will probably sit you in his lap whether you’re a guy gal or non binary pal.
His rave name is either Deku or Broccoli.
Izuku isn’t one to take any kind of “party favors”. If anything, he’s the one making sure everybody else is staying hydrated and safe. Usually the designated driver.
OFA gives him great strength which proves very useful when going to 3 day festivals as he ends up as the pack mule. Along with the multitude of other quirks attached ro OFA, he uses them as needed.
Shoto Todoroki
Wasn’t really ecstatic about raving but also didn’t hate the idea. He kinda just tagged along because Izuku wanted to go.
Also very big on house/pop/mainstream stuff. Will listen to trance on occasion but he has to really be in the mood.
Only really takes pics if he remembers or if Izuku tells him to. He likes to enjoy the shows in the moment.
Because he’s from a rich family, he usually gets to have VIP passes and will either sneak his friends in or just flat out walk them in. No fucks given.
Also very comfy. Will take his shirt off only if it gets too hot. Very little kandi but faithfully wears the one Izuku gave him.
Gets hit on a lot. Gives the strong silent type vibes so he lures in the girls but he’s kinda clueless. Will help put people on his shoulders if they ask but he’s not one to offer.
Not a big “party favor” person so he’ll just drink every now and again.
I feel like his rave name will be IcyHot, Peppermint, or something along those lines.
His dual-quirks of ice and fire help tremendously in warming people up or cooling them down.
Katsuki Bakugou
Katsuki took a bit of convincing but when he heard the boom of the bass, he was hooked. He loves the heavy beats and drops and loves to mosh pit.
Is a kandi kid but focuses more on head banging and rail breaking. The ones he trades kandi with are usually the ones he liked head banging with or got good vibes from. Will infamously wear his kandi gauntlets to festivals.
He is HEAVY on the bass. Very into hard style, dubstep, deathstep, drum and bass and moombatah. Sullivan King, Excision, Dion Timmer, etc.
Loves doing that headbanger thing with Kirishima where they lock hands and headbang at each other. Will also break his neck with Kirishima.
Absolutely is the type of guy to be shirtless the entire time. Will vary between bandanas, face masks, kandi masks or gas masks. Camel pack is a necessity and so is gum and vicks.
Does get hit on but his aggressive nature is off putting to most. Takes pics with a lot of people because of his Kandi gauntlets. If he does click with somebody he’s very possessive and the “party favors” make him very flirtatious and grabby but he’s v respectful.
Gives amazing back/shoulder rubs. Will usually put a girl in his lap when she gets a light show so she’s not uncomfy on the floor. For guys, he’s very selective but good vibes unless you give off Chad energy.
If he didn’t click with anybody at the show/festival and is feeling touchy feely, Kiri is his go to. Even if Kiri makes a connection, you’ll often see Katsuki close by and being the “tag team top” to Kiri.
Definitely uses “party favors”. Prefers E and acid. Big on Kandi Flipping. Will try Jedi Flipping but doesn’t wanna overdo it.
His rave name is either Dynamite or Grenade. Was almost gonna be Kacchan when he went with Izuku but he shut that down real fast.
His explosion quirk comes in handy with hyping up the crowd with mini explosion. They also double for giving light shows. Likes watching faces melt.
Kyoka Jirou
I definitely think she’s one of the ones that introduced everyone to raving to open up their music taste.
She listens to a little of everything but prefers house, trance, techno and probably a little psy-trance.
She’s definitely a budding DJ/Producer. Has her own EPs out on SoundCloud and shit. Definitely invites everyone she knows to her shows.
Not so big on kandi but she loves spreading the PLUR vibes. Will give hugs, braid hair, have spare hair ties, etc.
Super into hearing different types of music so will definitely wander around different stages.
Style is very lax but also very rocker. Ripped tank tops, fishnets, leg wraps face masks, boots.
Sometimes partakes in “party favors” but very low doses. Mostly E or molly water
She’s the kind that will give amazing massages when someone is getting a light show. Does get hit on but usually ends up befriending everybody.
Her raver name is tricky. I feel like she’d get something Joane Jet or something very rocker.
Her quirk is tricky for this environment. It can be a hit or miss. Because of the volume she obviously can’t amplify the sound. Because her ear jacks can move on their own, she usually is the one catching people’s stuff, getting a better grip on them etc.
Ochako Uraraka
Very bubbly and upbeat. Definitely pop-ish/mainstream vibes. Will randomly be on a bass kick and it’s frightening.
She was super excited to go to a rave and was very baby raver but she loves it now.
She’s definitely the type to wear the cutesy outfits with tutus and bright colors and patterns and the body glitter everywhere and jewels. Probably leg warmer floofs.
Loves Kandi and trading kandi. Super friendly and bubbly. Makes friends with everybody.
Carries a fanny pack with the basics. Usually relies on Izuku for water and stuffs.
She’s a molly water chick. No debating. She can’t take a whole dosage. She’s gotta take it in Gatorade or water. Has to be watched cuz her bubbly nature makes her wander off so she’ll usually be tethered to somebody.
Usually hyping up the light show artist while they melt your face off. Will fan you off, hold your hand, give you shoulder and scalp massages.
I feel like her nickname would be something like Pinkie Pie or Bubbles. Very fitting for her personality.
Her quirk is definitely a god send for the other vertically challenged ravers. She’ll use her quirk to help float up to get a better view. Izuku is usually nearby keeping Ochaco and whoever she floats in his hands so they don’t float away.
Eijirou Kirishima
Is good boi himbo who wanted to be included. Listened to dubstep and loved it.
Very much into dubstep, hard style, deathstep and moombatah. Drum and bass too because of Katsuki.
Is a headbanger and rail breaker. Loves doing the hand holding, head banging thingy with Bakugou and is always ready to dive into the moshpits. Is totally that guy that’s crazy in mosh pits but then profusely apologizes after.
Trades kandi like it’s water. He’s so cute and always down to make trades.
Is absolutely big good himbo boi who drank his respecc womens juice. He will happily give them a lift on his shoulders and will fight everybody who disrespects any girl at the raves. Douchebag Chads beware.
Relies on Katsuki for stuff like water and gum and shit.
Will partake in some “party favors” and makes sure he doesn’t dose too high so he can keep an eye out for the females in his group. E, Molly and Acid are a yes. Shrooms scare him
His rave name is totally Daddy Shark or Jaws or something shark related.
Unbreakable gives Kiri great strength which, much like Izuku, makes him one of the packmules for festivals. Also keeps him unscathed by moshpits and makes him a terror to Chads that are quick to throw hands.
Tsuyu Asui
Was invited to a show by Jirou at first but always tags along with Izuku and Ochaco and Shoto. The bigger the crowd the better.
I feel like while she’s very cute and bubbly, her outfits are more on the conservative side. Still cute and slightly sexy but she’s heavy on the frog aesthetic. Lots of greens and Froggies. Braid to keep her hair out of the way.
Also very mainstream. House heavy. Pop main.
Comfy shoes are a must. Has a camel back that is always filled with water. Carries a giant fan and always has Kandi. During the day, she likes to carry an umbrella so the sun isn’t such a pain.
Has tried “party favors” and every now and again she’ll partake. Prefers super light drinking around her group tho.
Is hit on but is always very nice to turn people down. She’s more focused on the fun and her friends rather than hooking up or anything.
Her froggy quirk isn’t of too much in the rave environment other than using that long tongue to reign in her wander friends.
Denki Kaminari
Was introduced to raving by Jirou and loves it. He’s definitely her hype machine, promoting her shows, pushing merch and even volunteering to use his quirk for lighting during her sets.
Will definitely join the Bakusquad at the hard style and dubstep stages. Also loves techno and moombatah. Loves the high energy stuff.
Neons and glow in the darks are big in his rave wardrobe. Can and will rock fishnets with pride. Tank tops are more common but will go shirtless if it gets too hot or he gets too touchy feely. Kind of a cyberpunk feel sometimes.
Is a die hard kandi kid. Usually has them in the theme of video games or anime. Basically his arms are covered in kandi but the ones from his friends stay safe in a Fanny pack.
As an avid raver, he knows what you need and has it when you need it. Chapstick? Check. Gum? Tons. Lighters? Honey it’s a sin that you’re even asking.
Absolutely partakes in “party favors” and gets very handsy and flirtatious. Is respectful but can be a handful. Usually ends up being babysat by Jirou. E, Molly, acid and shrooms.
Is a huge flirt. I personally feel like he’s Pan so the whole crowd is fair game for his flirting. Hella good kisser with guys girls and non binaries. Uses his quirk for minimal stimulation.
His quirk is definitely a raver’s delight. He’s usually the one helping power people’s phones, helping keep machines running in the off chance the power surge is too much. Uses it for stimulation during make out sessions or light shows. Will also give light shows. Can’t do it for too long though because the light shows require a lot of focus on maintaining the output to smaller levels.
His rave name is Pikachu and I’m not taking any arguments/complaints/criticisms.
Tenya Iida
Was invited a rave and didn’t mind it but too chaotic for his taste.
He’s usually the guy working the rave at the water stands, merch stands or medical tent.
Rave dad vibes. Yells to not run, drink water and highly discourages use of “party favors”.
Has been hit on a couple times but is a dork and it usually goes over his head.
T-shirts and cargo shorts are his staple outfit. Always with a camel pack
His engine quirk helps him get from one end of the festival grounds to the other in no time flat so he has a specific path for him to run through cuz those speeds will knock a bitch out.
Even though he doesn’t really rave he was given a rave name and it’s Sonic.
Mina Ashido
The epitome of a fucking rave queen. She’s one of the other reasons that everybody else got into raving.
Is everywhere. She listens to a bit of everything. Loves the energy of dubstep, loves shuffling to techno, can and will throws elbows in a mosh pit at a hard style stage and will sing with you at the mainstream stages.
She’s definitely a brand ambassador and wears all the cutest outfits with the coolest patterns and most awesome styles. Tastefully sexy outfits that show off just enough.
Absolutely a kandi kid. Very alien friendly themed kandi. Full arms of traded kandi and kandi that is yet to be traded.
She’s a super bright personality that draws people in. She gets equal attention from guys and girls and non binaries and will gladly make out with anybody that gives her a good vibe.
Definitely partakes in “party favors”. Loves Kandi Flipping and Jedi flipping. Is the kind to chew her cheek raw so she needs either a pacifier or lots of gum.
For obvious reasons, her quirk is a no no. Shooting acid everywhere? Yea let’s not.
Her rave name is Alien Queen or ET Babe
Hanta Sero
Absolutely loves raving and I’m gonna stick with the Latino HC. He is a moombatah and trap king. Also loves artists like Deorro that have a lot of Latin fusion in their stuff. When “Bailar” came out, he played it for hours on end.
Very lax clothes. Very much stoner style. But on rare occasions he goes with the Chad aesthetic. Has that undercut but with longer hair up top style and will often swing it it up in a man bun.
He’s a promoter for sure. Usually has access to backstage because he gets in good with DJs.
Does use “party favors” but is mainly 4/20 friendly. Loves shotgunning. Is usually the guy that carries extra “party favors”. Will def go on an acid or shroom trip with first timers.
Very sexually fluid so good vibes are pretty much all that are required. Hella god dancer and uses that to his advantage.
Has all the essentials. Especially lighters. Is the one that remembers the eye drops.
His rave name is definitely Papi or Rey (Spanish for King).
His quirk is another one that doesn’t have much use other than to wrangle in his wandering friends.
Momo Yaoyorozu
Wasn’t keen on going at first but when she saw that even Shoto was going, she thought she’d give it a try. Is another rich kid so does have the VIP access for the sake of having a good/comfy place to sit and rest.
Mainstream for sure. Very pop heavy vibes. Some house and trance
Very much the rave mom. Keeping everybody hydrated and safe.
Given that her quirk relies heavily on her energy and all that, she doesn’t partake in party favors
Tries to keep it cute but usually ends up looking more on the sexy side.
She’s been convinced to be a brand ambassador for the sake of modeling the clothes. But she always asks for the more covered up options.
Is too busy taking care of everybody to worry about meeting people.
Her quirk is perfect for raving. Being able to create anything certainly has come in handy. Makes her a god send to those who forgot something like lighter, chapstick, hair tie etc.
Her rave name would probably be Mama Momo.
Hitoshi Shinsou
Now this guy is heavy into psy-trance. Think more along the lines of artists like Infected Mushroom.
He’s the connect that everybody goes to. Meaning yes, he partakes in party favors. Particularly the psychedelics like shrooms and acid.
Very cyber punk/street wear vibes. Comfy but still fits that aesthetic. Absolutely uses either his voice mask or a gas mask.
He gives the mysterious vibe so he has a lot of people drawn to him. I feel like he gives major Pansexual vibes. He’ll mainly go make out with Denki if he’s solo.
Just a basic Fanny pack with a few things in it like gum, chapstick, lighter.
Definitely a glover. Loves giving light shows because it almost feels like he’s using his quirk.
Can use his quirk in this type of environment but the loudness makes it tricky. Will mainly use it for the purpose of making sure people take care of themselves.
Fumikage Tokoyami
I feel like Tokoyami would definitely be into more dubstep and psytrance.
He was very open minded about raving and definitely wanted to try it at least once.
Occasionally partakes in party favors but likes to be lucid.
Is also a glover like Shinsou. But with Dark Shadow, he can go all out with the tricks and visuals.
Very casual and comfortable. Baggy t shirts and sweats. Will sometimes dress with a cyber punk aesthetic if he feels like adding a little extra oomf.
Trades some kandi but not always.
Dark shadow is a conversation starter and the darkness proves to be particularly tricked but because there are constant sources of light (glow sticks, laser light shows, etc) it’s easily tamable.
Won’t put anybody on his shoulders but Dark Shadow will definitely help hoist somebody up for a better view.
Rave name would probably be things along the lines of ominous authors. So probably Edgar Allan Crow, F.T. Lovecraft, or just Lovecraft.
Keigo “Hawks” Takami
Oh this man? This man eats, sleeps, raves, repeats. He breathes PLUR.
He does partake in party favors but is responsible. He’s the one making sure you keep dosage to a minimal. E and Molly water. Acid sometimes. Shrooms make him feel funny
Can definitely afford the VIP tickets but would rather be in the crowd. Especially because he loves big groups. He’s definitely the kind of guy that gives Chad vibes when you first see him but he’s the complete opposite. Will definitely be the kind of guy to start shit with a Chad that won’t leave girls alone.
Totally shirt off the entire time. Will purposely do some subtle flexing just cuz he can.
Is totally hit on by guys gals and non binary alike. He is a looker so that’s to be expected. Usually cargo shorts are a go-to and he rocks bandanas.
Is a kandi kid for sure and loves to trade. He’s even made a few with his feathers attached but those are especially for people he REALLY vibes with.
He’s got a good mix of music taste. Will totally throw down with the hard stylers but definitely get lost and philosophical with the trancies.
Is a HELLA good kisser and uses his wings when he wants a little privacy.
Speaking of wings, those definitely come in handy at raves. I mean for one thing, they work like an umbrella when it’s hot out. Secondly they’re basically built in fans. Thirdly, they work for privacy. And he’ll totally fly you up and get you a better view of the show.
His charisma is definitely at 100 and I can totally see him getting you backstage to meet your fave artists.
The rave name is tricky but maybe Hawks will be the basic one. His friends use KFC or Red. No wait. Fuck it. Maverick or Top Gun. Something like that.
Alrighty my thirsty gremlins. I’m gonna stop this here. I’m getting a tad lazy so if there are other characters you wanna see from MHA as ravers, blow up my asks and I’ll make a part 2.
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