#Site Director Eto
dzthenerd490 · 5 months
Action Report: Finally Capturing SCP-4666
On 2018, it was coming close to Christmas and Site Director Eto was getting tired of the Foundation's constant chase for SCP-4666. As such he put in a request to form his own personal task force to have SCP-4666 contained once and for all. He had his request sent directly to the O5 Council, which was risky as they normally don't focus on anomalies with low casualty or media exposure risks. Though to his surprise they accepted and gave him until December 21st to have a team and plan formed to contain SCP-4666. This led to the utilization of Mobile Task Force Zeus-1 "Conduits" Division "Elementals". 
For the operation Captain Delsin Rowe along with four of his units Code Names: Fire, Lightning, Steel, and Ice. None of them are given anything more than standard Foundation suits and armor. That December by order of Site Director Eto and with the approval of the entirety of the Ethics Committe and almost an entire 1/4th of the Administrative Staff the operation was a go. Foundation observation staff on the moon were monitoring every satellite in the sky for the slightest hint at SCP-4666 activity until finally he showed up. Once they were sure it was a house targeted for attack Captain Rowe and his team were deployed immediately. 
SCP-4666 was outside the house and only seconds away from breaking in, he drooled as he was sure this last one of the nights was going to be the best. Though before he entered, he was reminded of that one last night where he had to fight those fucking abominations. He growled in anger as he was reminded of that horrible night and how he almost lost everything. His sacred goal, his fun, his duty, all of it could have been gone because of those fucking freaks. He busted the door down in anger and rushed in hoping to quickly get to work to get the frustration.
"Yo! What's up freak?" The Yule Man looked at the human leaning on the living room table. He scoffed and ran towards the human but suddenly the human raised his hand and a ball of fire hit him in the stomach. Suddenly he went flying out of the house and landed hard into the cold hard grown and some snow. Suddenly he found himself surrounded by four other humans. He tried getting up but suddenly his arms and legs were covered and filled with chilling ice. It wasn't just growing over his flesh but freezing his blood, his muscles, his very bones. He screamed in pain or at least tried to but his tonged suddenly was incinerated by a thousand bolts manifesting in his mouth. 
"Heh, well that was easy, hey Delsin, looks like another job well-" The Yule Man refused to accept this so he broke his hand out of the ice leaving nothing but broken bones. His hand regenerated instantly so he punched the soldier with enough force to break every bone in their body. As they went flying the other next to him tried to retaliate but the Yule Man was superior in speed and bashed their head into the ground. Suddenly the Yule Man had metal rods infused into his skin and in the next second he was hit with lighting strikes. 
The current of lighting followed through the rods in his body frying every single cell in his body. He would have accepted defeat at that point if he was a lesser being, but he was nothing like his master. He would be the one to bring the true meaning of Christmas to the entire world by blanketing the entire world in snow. To achieve such a noble goal, pain like this was nothing but an obstacle to be crushed. These annoying naught adults were no different. 
He slammed his fists onto the ground sending shockwaves through the ground and his scorched body. The result made snow and ash fly in the air making the two remaining humans blinded by it all. He punched one in the stomach hard enough to break every bone in their body. He tried punching the other but a large wall of pure steel making him break his fist on impact. Suddenly the wall flew towards him and landed on him, crushing him on the ground and shattering half the bones in his body. 
The metal on top of him started heating up and quickly melting into molten steel causing it to melt over him. The molten metal was flowing like lava giving him no chance of escape and no way of resisting. He couldn't imagine feeling pain any worse than what he was feeling right now but he knew he could just shake off the molten steel eventually. Or that was what he thought but it suddenly started cooling down and freezing up so quickly by a sudden wave of cold ice. 
The ice froze everything to the point that the steel turned hard again and froze together before any of it could break by the sudden change in temperature. Now he was completely trapped unable to break free at all as the steel melted on to his very bones preventing him from moving even a millimeter. 
"Ugh, okay I think he's actually contained this time."
"Gya! Fuck this fuck face he broke every part of my fucking spine!"
"You got off easy, you know how fucking painful it is to have your own skull break into your brain." The Yule Man could hear everything they were saying and started growling in anger. His muscles were destroyed by the molten metal from earlier, but he could still move his bones. The metal was clearly bending and breaking by his movements even if ever so slightly. 
"What the fuck?! He can still move?!"
"All of you get out of here, get those kids in the back to the nearest Foundation Area. I'll take care of the Christmas freak."
"God it boss."
"Show him what your made of Delson!" The Yule Man broke his arm out of the metal while he heard the four other adults leaving and one more approaching to continue the fight. He was enraged by this; how dare they perceive him as such a light threat. He was the one who could cover the world in snow, they should fear him as they were the naughty ones that would feel his wrath. He would make them regret retreating by ripping his new human to pieces. He finally broke out of the metal thought bits of the metal was still melted onto his body. 
It hurt a lot, but he smiled as the metal pits hanged off of his body like bits of blades and armor that fit naturally on his body. Perhaps he could get used to this new form of his and use it to more effectively kill the naughtiest of the world starting with the smirking brat in front of him. He was angered by him but since it was just one human, he didn't let it bother him too much. Even if he had magic like the others did, he could crush him if he was all by himself.
"Huh, so you're the Yule Man or whatever. Woah the others really did a number on you. You know I would feel bad for your right now if you weren't a child murderer."
"... You clearly can't comprehend my great work."
"Pfft! Great work?! That's a load of shit, what GREAT work could possibly involve torturing kids on every Christmas? You know I knew a woman who talked about saving people by imprisoning them all. You wanna know what happened to her?"
"If I had to guess, the same thing I'm about to do to you!"
"Hmph, no, it's actually what I'm about to do to you." The Yule Man frowned in anger at this cocky brat and charged at him ready to tear him to pieces. But suddenly his body was engulfed in flames, then in ice, then struct by a thousand bolts, then covered in burning neon, then sliced up by virtual blades, then stabbed by thousands of concrete blades, finally his body was filled to the brim with oil making him bloat like a balloon and his skin was covered with napalm. After a single bolt from Delson's finger he exploded, the resulting explosion was powerful enough to destroy the entire area. It was only thanks to Delson absorbing all the entire and smoke was that no humans or wildlife in the area were hurt. 
Now all that was left of the Yule Man was a smoldering skeleton that fell to its knees. The pain it felt was unimaginable, it couldn't speak, it couldn't move, it couldn't even think. Delson walked up to the Yule Man and waved his hand around just to be sure it was unable to move. Though it did twitch a little to show it was still alive and capable of regeneration.
"Huh so even that didn't kill you... Not that I wanted too, the higher ups wouldn't let me hear the end if I did that. But still, I heard what you regularly do to children you fucking piece of shit. You deserve a lot worse than that. But you know what, I'm satisfied that with this. Besides, once your locked up in a cage you'll be the Foundation's toy." The Yule Man couldn't let it end like this, once the people with the three arrows got him that would be the end. He had to activate his ring to get a portal, if he could just make a portal, he would be free. But suddenly his had was covered in ice.
"Yeah, we heard about the ring form the last attempt to kidnap you. I honestly can't believe you never once considered bolstering up your own defenses or just quitting entirely so we couldn't get you. You really are a cocky asshole; but hey, Karma's a bitch, am I right?" Delson then kicked the Yule Man in the face. 
The Yule Man woke up in a large room with seemingly no escape, he quickly panicked and tried manifesting a portal but for some reason nothing manifested no matter what he tried.
"Don't bother. The walls have been infused with a type of cement that nullify spatial anomalies like portals. It's also coated with an indestructible metal; you can't escape no matter what you do." The Yule Man was horrified now he was trapped for real, and this meant that so long as he was trapped here his goals would be hindered to near impossible. However, he stopped for a moment then smiled and looked up to the ceiling. He wasn't sure how those watching over him could see him, there wasn't any cameras after all. Though he could see speaker, just no cameras. 
"You really should have killed me, now you will be wasting resources trying to keep me contained which you will ultimately fail at! I know you! The jailers! You will fail and I will be there to laugh and mock you! You can't kill me! So long as I have this ring I will live forever, and you will rot while I thrive! Time is one my side! You should have taken the ring you naughty brats! Now you can never kill me!"
"... Hahaha... Oh SCP-4666, we don't want to kill you." Suddenly one of the walls started moving up, revealing a new room on the other side. 
"But in a few seconds, you're really going to wish that we did." The room was fully exposed to the room the Yule Man was in. He looked in and couldn't see anything in the dark room, though he could hear pathetic weeping. Suddenly a tall man that looked smaller and weaker than him walked forward into the light allowing the Yule Man to see him in confusion. In the next second they met eyes and SCP-096 screamed as he charged.
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nhyckdcxx · 3 years
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A Virgin Affair
Genre: smut/fluff/boylove
Word count: 3.9k words
Language: Tagalog/English
TW: vuglar words/cursing/virginsex
Characters: Lucas x Jungwoo pairing fanfic
This story was inspired by one of my fave authors here on Tumblr.. I want to dedicate this to her, Ate Nina.. Thank you for inspiring me to write.. ILYSM hope we our connection will last.. :))
Jungwoo is an erotic writer but is a virgin, meets Lucas whom he didn't expect to help him not just write the erotic scenes but also letting him experience it.
A/N: this is my first time writing here in this site. Whatever mistakes or grammar errors you're going to encounter please let me know.. :))
Jungwoo is one of the best erotica writer in their company. Nung kelan lang nagtop ang erotic novel niya, kaya naman ay nabigyan siya ng chance to write another erotic novel.
"Woo— tawag ka ni Chief.. ASAP daw..btw, congrats woo! Best seller agad novel mo." Bati ng colleague niya..
"Hahaha. Thank you Jaems. Sge punta na ako kay Chief." At tumayo siya sa desk niya papunta sa office ni Mr. Kang.
"Chief Kang, This is Jungwoo Kim."
"Yes, Mr. Kim, come in. Take a seat. Ive been waiting for you.."
"Good afternoon, Mr. Kim.. do you have any idea why I called you in?" Tanong ni Chief Kang.
"No Sir."
"Well, since you've brought fame in our company.. the director and the board wants to give you another shot.."
Wait whut—
May inabot na envelop si Chief Kang..
"Inside the folder are the plots and ideas for your next erotica novel.. Sobrang saya ni Director nung nalaman niyang nag best seller ang novel mo." Tuwang tuwang kwento ni Chief Kang..
Jusko.. di siya makapag isip ng tama. Mashado pa siyang na drain sa erotica novel na sinulat niya.. tapos ngayon —
"Please consider this one as one of your gifts for the Director's bday. I mean alam niya na magsusulat ka, but he, personally requested na kung pwd, bxb or ganun daw ang i plot mo."
Nagulat si Jungwoo.. di niya inaasahan ang request ng Director ng mismong publishing company na pinagta trabahuan niya..
"Ohhh — ahh you mean Yaoi po, Chief?"
"Yesyes. That one.. may ibang publishing company na ang gumawa niyan at napaka hit. Baka naman, You can make it happen."
Jungwoo thinks.. kaya niya kaya magsulat ng Boy Love concepts? And think that it will an erotic one. Mukang massive BL erotic marathon ang gagawin niya..
"Were expecting this one on the director's birthday. So, please if you need anything. Hit my secretary up."
Tumayo na si Jungwoo.
"Thank you so much Chief Kang. Asahan niyo po. Pagbubutihan ko. Thank you for trusting this project to me."
At lumabas na si Jungwoo sa office ni Chief Kang..
Maaga siyang umuwi.. He passed by his favourite shop that sells sex toys, cd's and books.. He is already known by the owner of the said shop.
"Hello, Ate Mie.." Jungwoo greeted the woman who was arranging the porn pocketbooks.
"Oh, Woo! May display na ako ng mga libro mo. Di ko pa nababasa. AHAHAHAAH. Balita ko ngkakaubusan sa ibang shop ng libro mo. Hihi. —ikaw haa.. sigurado ka bang virgin ka??"
Di na bago kay Jungwoo ang mga tanong na ganun. He is always being asked since he is an erotic writer.
"Ate Mie naman! Sinabi ko naman sayo diba?"
Sagot niya habang naghahanap ng libro na pwede niyang kunan ng reference para sa bagong novel na isusulat niya..
"Muka ka kaseng experiensiado eh.. deh, sge sabi mo eh..— oh may isusulat ka nanamang bago?"
"Oo ate. Yaoi ang genre or BoyLove.."
"Ohhh. Mabenta saken yang mga ganyan.. sandale.. me cd ako dto ng mga series na BoyLove.. sandale"
Ate Mie left Jungwoo in the said aisle..
She went back with 5 BL cd's in her hand..
She's holding Tharntype, Why R U, Addicted, History 1 and 3.
"Oh eto— pwede ka makakuha ng idea jan.. samahan mo na din ng mga manhwa.." She also gave Jungwoo some Manhwa BL comics.
Jungwoo was a bit uneasy. This is really a big take for him. He is an erotic writer, yes. But writing an erotic stories for same sex, that would be a big challenge for him.
"Ehe.. okay na siguro 'to Ate Mie.. hehe—"
"Kuha ka mga ideas jan. Mejo fan din ako ng BL ehh. Kaya abangan ko yan. HAHAHA.."
And Jungwoo waved his goodbye to the shop owner.
He already finished fixing everything. He is now gearing himself to watch and get some ideas from the BL cd's he had from Ate Mie..
He himself knows he is not straight.. but He haven't even tried having a relationship because of his fear of being rejected as a gay. He just only imagines but too scared of being in a relationship..
He watched Tharntype. Well, the series is kinda hot thou.. that He started to feel something too..
He can feel his crotch getting bulgegy —
In his writing history, this is the first time that Jungwoo got turned on thru the ideas that he was watching..
Actors on his screen is now sharing the ice that they used in doing a foreplay..
Jungwoo felt uneasy.. he felt like he also wanted to join the actors on screen.
Jungwoo cursed under his breath.. He suddenly feel he wanted to jerk up infront of his tv..
He suddenly inserted his hands reaching for his dick..
He is now hard. His dick is now standing like a proud man.
"Shit..— this isn't suppose to be —"
He suddenly started jerking his dick while watching the actors on screen doing a foreplay and sucking each other..
Jungwoo did jerk before but the scene was between a man and a woman. This one is new to Woo.. He is jerking in a gayporno.
"Uhhhhh— sh—t.."
His hands is fast moving.. Closing his eyes feeling the sensation that his hands are giving him..
"Uhhhhggg— aaaaaaahh shit—ahhhh— im cumming ahhh"
Jungwoo squirted a hot load of semen..
"Ahhhh— shit.. "
And that was really satisfying..
He stayed up all night thinking plot for his erotica story..
"Hays.. i wish i can just experience that one so that I can naturally write it.."
Jungwoo sounds frustrated already.. but he needs to to start it as soon as possible because they are all expecting for the novel to hit..
Jungwoo decided to go out of his apartment.. bringing his laptop and his notes.
He decided to visit his fave coffee shop where he used to write his novels before..
Umorder siya ng frappe.. his fave drink..
The barista knows him already..
"Hi woo! Kamusta?"
"Hi Eric! Im good.. kamusta dito?" Jungwoo casually asked..
"Okay naman.. nadagdagan nanaman stable customer namin.." nakangiting sabi ni Eric habang inaabot ang drinks niya..
"Wow.. thats great.. thank you Ric.." and he went to his favorite spot in the cafe..
He opened his laptop and tried thinking of some scenarios where it wouldn't sound as cliché as normal erotic writers do.
"Aaaarrgh!" He groaned in frustration..
A random guy suddenly asked him..
"Hi. I can sense that you are a writer.."
Here, standing was a 6ft tall guy that has a gummy yet sexy smile, broad shoulders showing while wearing a suit..
"Ah.. yes? Anything i can help with?" Jungwoo asked. Suddenly felt butterflies.. kinikilig ba siya?
"Can i sit here?" The stranger asked politely.
Jungwoo nodded. Not reminding his self that he let a stranger sat in the same table with him..
"What kind of writer are you, if I may ask? You look very frustrated kase.."
The stranger asked as soon as he sat infront of Jungwoo.
His smile is really gummy. Jungwoo really felt something..
"An erotica writer.." he suddenly felt shy with his job..
The stranger chuckled. It sounded sexy as fuck to Jungwoo's ears.. fuck!
"You dont have to be shy.. its a trend nowadays. Some companies are really into erotic novels."
"Nagtatagalog ka ba?" Jungwoo asked suddenly. Shuta. Nakakahiya.
The stranger chuckled before answering.
"Yes. Ahahaha. Did i make you uncomfy? Im sorry. Nasanayan lang kase.."
"Ahh.. ahaha. Sorry. Parang mauubusan kase ako ng english sayo.." Jungwoo answered shyly.
"You're funny." Sagot ng estranghero.
Napangiti nalang si Jungwoo.. sobrang gwapo ng lalake sa harap niya..
"So by the way, ano ba ang plot mo sa novel mo??
His face went red. Shit. Nahihiya na siyang sabihin na bxb ang theme ng nobela niya..
"Uhmm.. ano kase.. ah— ano— " shit. Bat ba nauutal siya?
"Oh. I guess its a m2m sex plot right?"
Mejo nahiya na tuloy siyang harapin ang estranghero.
"Its okay. Dont be shy. You're cute alam mo un?"
"uhh.. hehe kase — oo un ang plot ko.. shit. Haha—" He suddenly felt uneasy..
"Let me help you with your story plot.."
"Wait— why? I mean.. this is an erotica and yaoi concept, why would you help me in writing??"
The stranger just smirked. He's just making excuses.. He just wanted to be around Jungwoo.. the stranger who wants to help Jungwoo write his erotica yaoi novel..
"I will also let you experience it.." Lucas said in low husky voice..
Wait what—
"I mean i dont wanna sound rude —"
"Lets go to my place." Jungwoo said that made the stranger a bit shocked.
"Tha—that was fast.. i uhh —"
"Ayaw mo ba? Kase sa iba ko nalang gagawin —"
"I mean yea sure— " sagot ng estranghero at umalis na sila sa coffe shop.
Will have the continuation..
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otakusmart · 4 years
Top 5 underrated anime movies you need to watch (Part 1)
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Forget death note and Tokyo ghoul. we researched the best anime movies you can find on the Internet. From hidden faults in the anime industry, otakusmart brings you the top 5 underrated anime movies you need to watch (Part 1) in quarantine. Follow otakusmart for the latest and trendiest news in anime and pop-culture. Note: we are not including famous titles like a silent voice, your name and, other famous anime movies that you already know. Colorful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVndTo9sJdY Directed by the eminent director, Keiichi Hara. Colorful is based on the novel written by Japanese writer Eto Mori. The movie vaguely talks about suicide and depression and the best way to describe the hidden meaning in the movie, is by understanding the depths of characters and how the story develops. As of 2020, there has not been any English dubbing of the movie. You can watch this movie on any anime streaming sites on the Internet. Colorful anime movie plot The protagonist of the story wakes up in the body of a 14-year-old Makoto(Another protagonist). And he must find why the 14-year-old Makoto committed suicide in his former life. The overseeing spirit Purapura accompanies the dejected soul and to return to his normal life he must find these two secrets - find what sins he had committed in his former life and why did Makoto commit suicide in the span of next six months. Oh, did we forgot to add the soul can use Makoto's body for the next six months? Ramayana: Read the full article
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recentanimenews · 4 years
TV Anime ETOTAMA's New Series will be a Short Episode Collection
    It has been two years and eight months since the new season of the TV anime ETOTAMA was announced at the special meet-and-greet / signing event held at the Makuhari Messe convention center in Chiba Prefecture on February 18, 2018.
  Finally today, the anime's official website confirmed that the new series will be a short episode collection, which means each episode is probably going to be shorter than the first season's 30-minute length. 
  The message posted on the site:
  "We are planning to produce and release a new original animation of ETOTAMA as a short episode series. For those of you who have been looking forward to it, we apologize for taking so long since the initial announcement for the new series. Although it will be a short episode series, we hope that we will be able to provide you with fun and lively work that is typical of ETOTAMA. Also, we plan to make this one available to everyone. Further details will be announced by the end of 2020, so please be patient for a while longer. Thank you for your continued support."
    【ファンの皆様へ】 この度、「えとたま」は1話短編の新作オリジナルアニメーションとして発表することとなりました。新シリーズ発表のお知らせから楽しみにお待ちいただいておりました皆様には、これほど長く、時間を要したことをお詫び申し上げます。⇒続く (1/2)#えとたま https://t.co/O1mvjvUlI6
— TVアニメ「えとたま」公式 (@etotama_anime) October 23, 2020
    The first season of the TV anime ETOTAMA was animated by Shirogumi and Encourage Films. Fumitoshi Oizaki (Aokana: Four Rhythm Across the Blue) served as the director, alongside the CG director Takamitsu Hirakawa. It was aired for 12 episodes from April to June 2015, and all episodes are available on Crunchyroll.
  Since ancient times, Japan has upheld the tradition of the 12 Zodiac signs. Eto-musumes (Zodiac girls), who have the appearance and behavior of the animals of the Zodiac, are pure hearted messengers who act as a bridge between humans and the gods. Every 60 years, the “ETM 12” tournament takes place in Tokyo’s Akihabara district, where aspiring girls from all over Japan gather for the chance to become the next zodiac sign.
    Key visual:
    Source: TV anime "ETOTAMA" official website 
  © Shirogumi Inc., All Rights Reserved.
© Shirogumi Inc. / TLC inc., All Rights Reserved.
© ETOTAMA Production Committee
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karyaimag · 4 years
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Review oleh: Adinda Salsabila (G-19)
Sabtu, 16 Mei 2020
Sharing pengalaman keprofesian setelah lulus oleh Dennis Pratama (UX Designer Tokopedia) dan Akbar Firizky Agniputra (Kengo Kuma & Associates)
Ancang adalah wadah kegiatan pembekalan keprofesian berbentuk diskusi, talkshow, atau sharing yang diselenggarakan oleh Divisi Keilprof. Divisi Ekstrakampus pada kepengurusan ini mengusung kolaborasi dan menjalin relasi antara alumni dan Massa G aktif, sehingga pada akhirnya tercetuslah acara Ancang x Ekstrakampus ini.
Mahasiswa arsitektur diajarkan untuk menjadi seorang arsitek walaupun kenyataannya hanya sebagian kecil yang akan menjalani keprofesian sebagai arsitek. Ilmu arsitektur yang luas menjadikan mahasiswa arsitektur mengetahui cukup banyak hal terkait ilmu-ilmu lain yang menunjang arsitektur mulai dari estetika, manajemen, struktur, mekanikal dan lain-lain. Pengetahuan yang luas tersebut membuat mahasiswa mencoba merasakan suatu gambaran mengenai sebuah keprofesian. Namun, bagaimana realita dari lulusan arsitektur dalam mencari pekerjaan? Sejauh apa lulusan arsitektur dapat beradaptasi dengan pekerjaan yang diambil? Bagaimana ilmu yang didapatkan dari jurusan arsitektur dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pekerjaan? Dengan mengetahui hal-hal tersebut mahasiswa arsitektur dapat lebih siap dalam menghadapi kehidupan setelah lulus.
Dennis Pratama G15
UX designer tokopedia
Ketua Biro PSDA – IMA-G 2018/2018
User experience designer, backgroundnya apa?
Dari SMA sudah tertarik, tapi pada saat itu belum umum profesi yang namanya UI/UX. Designer di Indonesia mengira harus mengambil kuliah jurusan informatika. Awalnya mau masuk STEI, tapi setelah melewati tahap - tahap seleksi, akhirnya masuk SAPPK.
Saat Kerja Praktek akhirnya menentukan untuk mengambil internship sebagai urban designer di PT. Pandega Desain Weharima / Planning & Development Workshop (PDW). Setelah itu melanjutkan karir di Pusat Studi Urban Desain (PSUD), tapi kemudian merasa kurang cocok. Kenapa suka urban design? Karena ingin karya sendiri dapat memberi impact untuk orang lain dalam skala besar.
Tahun 2017-2018 mulai muncul karir UI atau UX designer, yang kemudian menjadi banyak belajar tentang digital product design dari internet dan lain-lain. Pada akhirnya mencoba mengambill internship di Tokopedia dan sekarang lanjut menjadi full-time.
Penjelasan Tokopedia
Sudah berjalan hampir 11 tahun, memiliki active users sebanyak 90 juta, terdapat 7,8 juta merchants / toko yg usaha di tokopedia. Dari 7,8 juta, 86% itu pengusaha - pengusaha baru.
Environment kerja di tokopedia gimana? Konsepnya open office, kerjanya bisa dimana-mana, ada beberapa lantai yang menyediakan fasilitas untuk sharing space, serta ada game room.
What is UX Design?
Membuat meaningful and relevant experience dari suatu produk. Dari aspek branding, design itu sendiri, aplikasinya, atau fungsi itu sendiri.
Sebagai UX designer disini kerja di bagian salah satu platform tokopedia yaitu chat. Kalau aplikasi tokopedia diperbaharui, fitur chat pun juga harus diperbaharui. Sambil memperbaharui desain, disini juga menyiapkan untuk solving problems yang dihadapi pengguna.
Product Design Career Path
Semakin keatas, cakupan desainnya semakin besar, tapi tidak lagi melakukan pekerjaan teknis yang terlalu detail. Principal designer fokus untuk memikirkan desain yang cakupannya lebih besar, Product design lead fokus kepada manajemen tim desain dan proyek.
Is design still related to my degree?
Apakah masih ada hubungannya dengan gelar sarjana arsitektur? Ya!
Dari segi alur berpikir desain, Kuliah arsitektur → alur berpikir desain · Empathize → bagaimana kita menganalisis desain terhadap pengguna. Arsitektur (analisis site) sebelum ke desain kita analisis dulu. · Define → dari data, menemukan apa masalah utama. · Ideate → sketsa, interface, bikin alternatif-alternatif desain sebanyak-banyaknya. · Prototype → memilih satu dari beberapa alternatif, dari alternatif dibuat desain drawingnya. · Test → bisa melakukan lebih banyak testing product karena lebih mudah membuat, dibandingkan dengan kuliah arsitektur, kurang ada fasilitas bisa merasakan testing product di bidang arsitektur.
Dari segi dinamika project,
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Bagaimana caranya bisa beralih ke digital product design?
Kalau mau beralih dari dunia arsitektur ke dunia digital, bisa men-submit formulir di website: bit.ly/ArchtoDigital
Akbar Firizky Agniputra G10
Kengo Kuma & Associates
Ketua Himpunan – IMA-G 2011/2012
 2013-2016 AECOM Urban Designer 
2016-2018 Urban+
2018- sekarang Kengo Kuma & Associates
 Pengalaman di kampus sebagai bekal untuk berpetualang
Pada tahun 2011 cukup aktif di kemahasiswaan terpusat, danlap OSKM ITB. Dari situ, pembicara dituntut dan mulai melihat sudut pandang yang lebih makro, lebih luas, serta berpikir bahwa arsitektur merupakan suatu hal yang lebih luas. Pengalaman di himpunan akan banyak momen berharga, mendapatkan sudut pandang baru, wawasan baru, dan teman baru. Arsitektur itu luas, tidak hanya sebatas desain bangunan, yang terpenting adalah pola pikirnya. 
 Setelah lulus, pembicara memilih untuk menjadi urban designer di AECOM
Urban designer mendesain ruang, di dalam bangunan dan di luar bangunan. Di AECOM, pembicara belajar untuk mendapat sudut pandang cara mendesain sebuah kota. 
1. Mendapatkan sudut pandang lebih luas seperti ekonomi, transportasi, lingkungan binaan, dan berkelanjutan (10, 20, sampai 20.000 hektar master plan).
2. Mentorship. Disini pembicara bertemu mentor arsitek, beliau principle dan director, banyak belajar mengenai etos kerja, profesionalisme, dan wawasan pekerjaan.
Urban +
Bedanya dengan AECOM? Isu lebih strategis dan klien kebanyakan dari pemerintah. Disini berperan sebagai konsultan pemerintah. Mentorship sangat penting, mencoba untuk mencari seseorang yang sangat dekat untuk menambah wawasan, pengalaman dan sudut pandang yang lebih luas. 
 Kengo Kuma and Associates (KKAA)
Sempat beralih ke Tokyo, disana urban designer kurang diminati karena kotanya sendiri sudah ter-develop dengan baik. Urban designer kurang berkembang, namun arsitektur sangat berkembang.
 Arsitektur tidak harus mendominasi. Di KKAA, banyak bangunan yang menyatu dengan lingkungan. Untuk menciptakan atmosfir yang lebih hangat, banyak elemen-elemen natural, didukung dengan teknik-teknik pertukangan yang baik. Bagaimana material dapat menjadi teknik desain yang baik. Karakteristik Kuma adalah transparansi seperti ruang luar dan ruang dalam yang menyatu. 
 Kenapa bisa bergabung dengan KKAA?
Awalnya pembicara mendapat info dari teman di AECOM yang saat itu sedang bekerja di KKAA, bahwa ada peluang untuk kerja di KKAA sebagai internship. Setelah internship selama 2 bulan, pembicara mendapat kesempatan untuk ikut ujian menjadi staff di tahun 2018. Setelah lulus ujian, pembicara menjadi staff tetap sebagai design architect. Pembicara mendapatkan kesempatan yang lebih luas untuk mempelajari desain lebih mendalam.
Di KKAA, banyak ditekankan filosofi desain, bagaimana caranya untuk me-respect lingkungan, alam, dan budaya. Selain itu, juga dituntut untuk menciptakan inovasi desain baru yang  diimbangi dengan harmoni.
 Kegiatan di KKAA sangat intens. Design architect berhubungan dengan Manajer, sedangkan associate langsung berhubungan dengan Kengo Kuma. Proyek Kuma banyak terdapat di seluruh dunia, pengalaman kemaren dapet proyek di China.
Pandangan baru tentang hidup atau arsitektur atau keprofesian yang didapatkan pada profesi atau tempat kerja ini?
Dennis: “Setelah lulus dari ITB, ngerasa sebagai individu masing–masing, berjalan sendiri- sendiri. Kalau dulu sudah ada arahnya, naik tingkat, dll. Ga semua yang lo suka merupakan hal yang lo butuhkan. Gue suka banget di urban design, tapi ternyata setelah dipertimbangkan dengan banyak faktor di hidup, ga bisa terus ngejalanin jadi urban designer. Jadi coba cari minat lain untuk bisa survive kedepannya. Cari minat dan value di hidup lo, kalau sesuai dengan minat lo, ya jalanin. Ga semua org punya privilege untuk bisa mengejar apa yang diminati.”
Akbar: “Pengalaman banyak didapatkan di kampus. Saat jadi kahim merupakan momen yang paling berharga, secara mental, pola pikir, banyak bekal untuk saya kedepannya. Nanti teman-teman setelah lulus akan merasa kehilangan banyak goals, kerja udah enak, gaji banyak, tapi ga sesuai goals, jadi kosong. Akhirnya saya nentuin sendiri goals-nya, pengen ilmu bermanfaat untuk orang banyak. Arsitektur sebenarnya bisa sangat bermanfaat, dengan ilmu yang dipunyai saat ini, sangat dibutuhkan di pelosok. Jangan pernah bandingkan dengan hidup orang lain.”
  Kolaborasi yang dilakukan pada dunia kerja?
 Akbar: “Sebagai urban designer kolaborasinya banyak, punya ahli ekonomi, ahli transportasi, ahli infrastruktur, ahli lingkungan, disana bekerja sama untuk mencari data untuk desain yang dibuat, bagaimana caranya untuk membuat desain yg integrated, dan dapat banyak insight dari ahli-ahli nya. Kalo dari arsitektur sendiri sangat luas dengan ahli seni lainya seperti desain interior. Kengo Kuma sendiri juga banyak kerja sama dengan bidang lainnya, tidak cuma arsitektur, contohnya seperti company sepatu asics, kemaren ada proyek bareng.”
 Dennis: “Dengan keilmuan lain pasti ada, terutama dalam digital product designer, paling banyak kolaborasi dengan orang bisnis, teknologi, software engineer. Bersama-sama bangun produk yang tepat guna. Kolaborasi nya banyak pasti”
 Pengalaman gagal dan bagaimana cara bangkit kembali?
Akbar: “Gagal pasti pernah. Dulu pas kerja di AECOM sebenernya pengen lanjut S2. Dan sampai sekarang, keinginan untuk lanjut sekolah belum tercapai. Kadang kita ga tau rencana Tuhan seperti apa”
Dennis: “Banyak plan yang udah direncanain dan pada akhirnya gabisa bikin kejadian. Cara bangkit kembali dengan fokus ke hal yang bisa gue kontrol aja. Jangan terlalu lama mikirin failures, lebih ke action plan-nya”
 Apa yang akan dilakukan kedepannya? Cita-cita apa yang ingin dicapai kedepannya?
 Dennis: “Rencana untuk ambil master degree masih ada, masih tertarik untuk belajar augmented reality, dan hal ini belum banyak di Indonesia, dan dengan background kuliah arsitektur yang terbiasa dengan 3d bisa jadi peluang yang bagus. Sebagai sarjana arsitektur, kita dilatih untuk merancang lingkungan binaan. Kita harus siap ketika lingkungan binaan di disrupsi dengan realitas digital”
 Akbar: “Kedepannya lebih kearah project sosial. Sekarang saya lihat bahwa 70% ruang kelas di Indonesia masih rusak. Pengen bikin project sosial dan sekarang lagi berjalan, namanya Rancang Indonesia, proyek ini tujuannya untuk sama-sama bisa bangun Indonesia, salah satunya bangun sekolah yang layak. Ini mimpi saya yang sangat besar dan sedang berjalan. Sekarang lagi kirim orang ke Lombok untuk survey. Tujuan utama nya adalah bagaimana caranya arsitektur bisa bikin Indonesia jadi lebih baik”
 Motivasi untuk teman-teman mahasiswa?
 Akbar: “Selagi di kampus, berhimpun. Ikutin semua kegiatan, cari banyak relasi. Cari banyak pengalaman, jangan kuliah pulang, harus ngebikin mental yang baik untuk menghadapi dunia nyata. Selalu aktif dengan kegiatan yang ada, menambah relasi, ngobrol sama banyak orang. Menurut saya yang terpenting itu relasi”
 Dennis: “Setuju banget soal aktif di kampus. Di kampus itu masa masa dimana kita bisa mewujudkan idealisme tanpa bertabrakan dengan dunia nyata. Sebisa mungkin mimpi setinggi- tinggi nya, idealisnya bisa tetep dijaga, kalo gabisa, do your best aja!”
G-17 - Majid - Gimana sih kak bisa ke daftar intern di Tokopedia, prosesnya gimana? Dan gimana kakak ngeyakinin dengan background kakak untuk bisa ke ranah product design?
 Dennis: “Sebenernya bisa langsung aja daftar di websitenya. Dari proses kemarin ada tesnya juga. Cara ngeyakininnya bisa dengan liat kemiripan-kemiripan dengan hal lain. Contohnya kalo di studio kan dibuat alur berpikir desain yang baik, pas ngejalanin hal lain pun akan berkesinambungan dengan apa yg sudah dipelajari di studio.”
 G-18 - Hafidz - Apa seorang UX designer harus memahami coding? Lalu aplikasi desain apa yang umumnya digunakan UX designer? Kalo boleh tau bagaimana alur kerja suatu proyek dimulai dari tim UX designer Tokopedia, dan bagaimana mekanisme pembagian kerja dari setiap personil tim?
 Dennis: “Udah mulai bermunculan dari berbagai jurusan, gak harus ngerti coding, dan yang kerja pun ga cuman dari anak informatika. Untuk aplikasi nya yg banyak dipake adobe xd
 Alur kerja, suatu project yang datangnya dari background problem. Bisa business problem, design problem, atau user problem. Alur kerjanya biasanya dari product manager bakal kasih brief ke desainer, lalu sebagai desainer ngejalanin proses desain dengan alur berpikir kita, kalo desainnya sudah jadi bisa langsung di launch sama software engineer. 
 Tim desain sendiri dalam project ada 2, yaitu user experience designer dan user interface designer:
User experience designer → alur aplikasinya, atau flow aplikasinya. Untuk ke halaman ini, kita bikin flow untuk ke halaman mana dulu, dll
User interface designer → secara visual, bikin aesthetically pleasing,
Tambahan, biasanya juga ada UX Writer → bikin copywriting di halaman Tokopedia.”
 G-18 - Zufar - Apa yang membedakan soal urban designer dengan seorang perencana kota (planner), karena skalanya sama-sama kota, tapi saya bingung apa yang dikerjakannya?
 Akbar: “Kalo perencana, di Indonesia lebih fokus ke peraturannya. Gimana implementasi perancangan itu lebih mempengaruhi ke kebijakan-kebijakannya. Urban design lebih fokus terhadap suatu ruang untuk lebih berkelanjutan, dari aspek transportasi, lingkungan. Banyak kerja sama juga sama planners, yang sifatnya lebih makro lagi. Urban designers tidak punya suatu hak untuk membuat sebuah kebijakan, urban designers hanya sebagai seorang designer aja”
Dennis: “kalo planner lebih fokus ke bikin banyak kebijakan, kalo designer lebih ke merancang.”
 G-18 - Adela - Seberapa besar impact atau pengaruh arsitek seperti Kengo Kuma dalam cara berpikir design Kak Akbar? Bagaimana perspektif baru yang didapatkan setelah bekerja dengan arsitek besar seperti Kengo Kuma?
 Akbar: “Saat menjadi urban designer, kurang sejalan dengan pemikiran arsitek, karena arsitek biasanya terkesan dominan dalam membangun, memaksakan egonya untuk menjadikan sesuatu. Cuman di Kengo Kuma ada sudut pandang tersendiri. Gimana membuat suatu bentuk arsitektur jadi anti objek, bukan objek, gimana membuat suatu hal untuk menjadi hal yang harmoni. Kesan slicing dalam desain juga bisa membuat suatu komposisi yang baik terhadap lingkungannya. Teknik pertukangan di Jepang yang sudah sangat baik dan sangat dikedepankan di Jepang. Teknik chidori, membuat sambungan tanpa menggunakan alat seperti paku, dll. Di Kengo Kuma ditekankan bagaimana caranya menciptakan arsitektur yang lebih harmonis, dan tidak terkesan arogan.”
 G18 - Barkah - Kapan kita harus berhenti eksplorasi dan memutuskan "ini yang akan saya lakukan untuk masa depan saya."?
 Dennis: “eksplorasi jangan berhenti, seumur hidup tetap harus bereksplorasi. Cuman mungkin dalam konteks karir, sistemnya dibangun berdasarkan experience, kita yang tau kapan harus berhenti dan kapan harus mulai.”
 Akbar: “Pertanyaannya adalah kenapa harus berhenti eksplorasi? Proses eksplorasi masih akan berlangsung sampai kapanpun. Kita sendiri ga pernah tau kapan kita sedang eksplorasi. Pada setiap fase kehidupan ada aspek positif dan negatifnya, dalam prosesnya nanti akan ketemu apa yang membuat teman-temen bahagia. Bahagia saya ketika saya bisa bermanfaat untuk orang lain.”
 G18 - Jibay - Bagaimana menyusun materi lamaran kerja (CV/Porto) untuk melamar ke posisi UX dengan background arsitektur? Apakah harus ada portofolio tentang study case sebuah digital product atau dari apa yang kita kerjakan selama di arsitektur bisa menjadi modal untuk portofolio UX?
 Dennis: “gue pribadi belum menyusun portofolio, tapi yang penting dalam portofolio adalah bisa story telling desain yang kita buat, gimana caranya ngejelasin dengan runtun desain kita dari awal research sampe final design.
 Di studio arsitektur kita juga mempertimbangkan manusia sebagai pengguna utama, dan sebagai UX designer pun bukan hasil nya bagus apa engga, tapi lebih ke alur berpikirnya. 
 Tapi kalo misal daftar ke perusahaan agency product design, kalo bisa cantumkan produk-produk digital. Kalaupun memang belum ada, coba bikin project-project fiktif aja, solving problem di produk digital yang sehari-hari kita pakai”
 G-17 - Vadya - selama pendidikan di Indonesia kita banyak dibiasakan sama design thinking yang mengarah ke penyelesaian masalah-masalah di negara tropis, waktu udah kerja di luar negeri yang konteksnya beda, apa ada perbedaan yang signifikan dari pola pikir waktu mendesain kak?
 Akbar: “Nggak ada perbedaan, itu terkait konteks. Tetap sama, apa yang dianalisis ga begitu jauh beda dengan apa yang didapat. Yang penting adalah proses alur berpikir untuk solving problems. Runtutan alur berpikir ini akan tetap sama.”
 G-17 - Selvia - Bagaimana alur tes pelamar kerja di KKAA? Value apa yang bisa membuat kita punya daya saing khususnya di perusahaan besar seperti KKAA? Bagaimana penyelesaian terkait language barrier yang kakak sebutkan tadi?
 Akbar: “Alurnya seperti perusahaan pada umumnya, jika suatu posisi dibutuhkan akan diumumkan di web, namun posisi yang paling sering dibuka adalah internship, sehingga peluang nya lebih besar untuk memulai dari sini. Setelah internship, jika kita dianggap cocok dengan KKAA oleh Manager, kita akan direkomendasikan ikut exam untuk menjadi staff design architect. Exam desain nya langsung diuji oleh Kuma san, jadi seperti sidang TA tapi pengujinya Kengo Kuma, hehe.
 Sifat pekerja keras dan ingin terus belajar mungkin adalah value yang saya rasa penting di tahap ini. Karena banyak hal yang kita mungkin tidak kuasai di awal karir di Jepang, tapi dengan mental ini kita bisa selesaikan masalah ini secara bertahap.
 6 bulan awal tinggal di Jepang, saya mengikuti kursus bahasa dengan biaya murah, ini bisa kita dapat setelah mendapatkan residence card.”
 G-16 - Fikri - Untuk Kak Akbar, bagaimana proses riset di Kengo Kuma, seberapa besar porsi riset (khususnya material) dalam proses desain? Apakah dalam setiap proyek riset yang dilakukan unik atau ada suatu arsip yang dapat dipakai berulang kali?
 Akbar: “Porsi riset cukup besar, namun tergantung schedule dari setiap proyek. Akan tetapi, kita sudah punya banyak riset sebelumnya yang dikumpulkan dalam library atau arsip khusus.
Setiap staff baru akan diajarkan filosofi desain KKAA dan berbagai standar desain yang sudah diriset KKAA. Hasil riset ini bisa kita gunakan, tentunya sesuai dengan konteks yang dibutuhkan. Biasanya, hasil riset ini akan dimodifikasi atau ditambahkan inovasi sesuai tantangan proyek yang ada. “
 G-17 - Albertus - Selama ini kita banyak belajar mengenai cara kerja seorang arsitek di Indonesia. Menurut kakak, apa bedanya cara kerja menjadi seorang arsitek di Indonesia dengan di Jepang, dari pace kerja nya atau deadliner atau bagaimana nya. Dan bagaimana kakak beradaptasi dengan hal tersebut?
 Akbar: “Secara garis besar yang membedakan adalah ketelitian dan kecermatan dalam mengolah detail arsitektural, dan proses iterasi desain yang terus menerus. Sehingga, kita tidak cepat puas dengan desain yang sudah ada, dan berusaha untuk selalu kritis dengan solusi desain yang dihasilkan. Didukung oleh library dan vocabulary yang banyak, membuat iterasi ini tidak terlalu lama. Selain itu, di sini physical model/maket adalah komponen yang sangat sangat penting, sehingga harus selalu disiapkan. Secara pace kerja, jika kalian bekerja di perusahaan multinational dengan staff yang banyak, pace-nya lebih sedikit santai dibanding perusahaan/ biro kecil di Jepang.” 
 G17 - Hilman - gimana cara ngeset goals dalam hidup? dan ketika goals udah tercapai gimana biar tergugah untuk membuat goals baru dan tidak terbenam dalam kestabilan yang membuat kita nyaman?
 Akbar: “Sebetulnya untuk menentukan goals kita, paling sederhana adalah dengan menanyakan apa yang membuat kita bahagia dalam hidup? Pertanyaan ini akan sulit dijawab, dan semakin kita bertambah pengalaman, kita akan bisa menemukan jawaban ini sedikit demi sedikit, hehe.. goals ini bersifat general, dan kalian bisa memberikan variabel waktu di dalamnya (visi), misal dalam 5 tahun atau 10 tahun, saya akan mencapai goals ini sejauh mana. Dan visi ini yang perlu temen-temen evaluasi dan kritisi sesuai dengan apa yang sedang kalian hadapi.”
 Dennis: “Kalau pertanyaanya set goals dalam hidup kayaknya agak terlalu luas ya, mungkin aku bantu jawab untuk set goals tentang karir. Kalau aku merencanakan career goals selalu didasari oleh minat dan kebutuhan.
 Minat karena pekerjaan kemungkinan akan dilakukan seumur hidup, jadi aku memastikan aku melakukan pekerjaan di bidang yang aku sangat berminat dan willing to take extra time di weekend untuk explore minat ini.
Kebutuhan karena gak bisa dipungkiri dalam hidup ada kebutuhan dasar yang harus dipenuhi (sandang, papan, pangan). Kalo ngikutin minat tapi gak bisa memenuhi kebutuhan dasar ya sama aja bohong.
 Setelah itu, rencanakan self-development dan career development dalam 3, 5, sampai 10 tahun ke depan. Menurutku kalau memilih pekerjaan sesuai minat, pasti akan tergugah untuk membuat goals baru, karena setiap hari kita akan terdorong untuk jadi lebih baik/explore other things di bidang tersebut. Jadi kalau bisa pilih kerjaan sesuai minat.”
 G18 - Cahaya - untuk Kak Akbar, untuk kami yang ingin kerja di Jepang, Apa yang harus disiapkan untuk kami sebelum pindah ke Jepang?
 Akbar: “Paling pertama dan paling penting adalah bahasa, jika sudah ada niat untuk ke sini, mulai dengan pelajari bahasa, meskipun bisa sambil belajar di sini, tapi ini sangat membantu. Tapi jangan khawatir, bisa juga belajar bahasa di sini setelah mendapatkan kerja di Jepang, namun peluangnya lebih kecil. Orang Jepang sangat sulit untuk berbahasa Inggris, jadi jangan berharap bisa survive dengan hanya bahasa Inggris di Jepang. Sampai saat ini pun saya belum mahir berbicara bahasa Jepang, dan ini agak menyulitkan. 
 Kedua, untuk karir bisa tentukan bidang apa yang ingin diambil di Jepang, karena banyak beberapa alumni AR ITB yang juga bekerja di bidang konstruksi, atau bidang lainnya di Jepang.” 
 G18 - Rahmi - Untuk Kak Akbar dan Kak Dennis, Seperti yang Kak Akbar katakan tadi, mentorship di 5 tahun pertama setelah lulus itu penting, bagaimana menentukan sosok yang cocok dan bisa kita jadikan mentor/role model?
 Akbar: “Hal ini sangat personal, dan temen-temen bisa memulai dengan menentukan dulu apa visi dan goals teman teman. Setelah itu tentukan hal apa yang ingin teman-teman pelajari, softskill apa yang ingin didapatkan. Lalu kita bisa mulai mencari referensi siapa orang yang tepat untuk itu. Dalam cerita saya, saya ingin mempunyai mental yang kuat dalam dunia kerja, bagaimana menciptakan koneksi dan relasi, lalu bagaimana menciptakan komposisi yang tepat untuk sebuah tim, dan bagaimana saya bisa mendapatkan banyak sudut pandang terkait mendesain. Saya menemukan hal ini pada saat saya internship 2 bulan di AECOM, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk melanjutkan bekerja sebagai urban designer di AECOM karena melihat para leader di tim ini mampu membawa saya untuk mendapatkan hal-hal tersebut.”
 Dennis: “Sejujurnya aku ga bisa jawab ini karena sampai sekarang aku juga belum ketemu sosok yang jalan hidupnya menarik sehingga aku jadiin dia mentor/role model.”
Akbar: “Setelah teman–teman lulus, set up goals apa yg mau dicapai, set waktu dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun, 10 tahun, kejar sebisa mungkin apa yg ingin dicapai
 Coba untuk tidak membandingkan posisi diri sendiri dengan orang lain. Jangan pernah ngeliat achievement orang–orang. Tetap berusaha fokus dengan goals yg teman-teman buat. Perbanyak diskusi, sharing, dan lain-lain. Membuka cakrawala baru akan meningkatkan kemungkinan - kemungkinan yang dikuasakan semesta.”
 Dennis: “Dari segi gimana sih cara milih karir? Set goals, set value-nya gimana? Kalo diliat dari pembahasan diatas, Kak Akbar dan gue pun sama-sama mulai sebagai urban designer, namun seiring berjalannya waktu, kita akan menemui jalan nya sendiri, tapi tujuan kita tetap sama untuk memberi impact yang bermanfaat untuk sekitar. Kalo gue pengen kerjaan gue punya impact ke masyarakat luas. Cari interests dan value lo sendiri, jangan membandingkan diri dengan orang lain karena setiap orang punya masalah yang berbeda.”
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englishvisualnovels · 7 years
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Aniplex of America Opens Ticket Sales for Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] THE MOVIE I. presage flower
Aniplex of America opened ticket sales for the nationwide theatrical release of Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel [Heaven's Feel] THE MOVIE I. presage flower. There will be a special one-night only premiere on Friday, November 3rd at The Theatre at Ace Hotel in Los Angeles, California. The movie will feature Japanese voice acting and English subtitles, and the premiere will have a special talk show with guest appearances.
There will be showings of Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] THE MOVIE I. presage flower at later dates at other theaters as well. A full list of theater locations and dates can be found on the movie’s official website.
Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] THE MOVIE I. presage flower is a movie adaptation of the Heaven’s Feel route from Type-Moon’s Fate/stay night visual novel.
Relevant Links:
Theater Locations and Ticket Information
Official Site
“If I became a bad person, would you be able to forgive me?” The boy wished to protect the girl. That was his thought. 10 years after the Holy Grail War—a battle waged by Masters and Servants over the wish-granter, the Holy Grail—another war breaks out in Fuyuki City. Shirou Emiya—the adopted son of Kiritsugu Emiya, a participant of the previous Holy Grail War—resolves to fight, carrying out Kiritsugu's dying wish. There's a young girl by Shirou's side who's in love with him—Sakura Matou. Every morning, she goes to Shirou's house to make breakfast and dinner for him, bringing kindness into the life of a boy utterly alone in the world. But once the Holy Grail War starts, there's a change in the air in Fuyuki City. Murders abound across the city, and the atmosphere grows ominous. Shirou decides to shelter Sakura in his home. Along with Saber, the Servant he summons, Shirou allies himself with the mage Rin Tohsaka and takes part in the Holy Grail War. But the battle starts to go awry as secret maneuvers by unseen forces are put into play.
STAFF Original Story: Kinoko Nasu/TYPE-MOON Original Character Design: Takashi Takeuchi Director: Tomonori Sudo Character Design: Tomonori Sudo, Atsushi Ikariya Screenplay: Akira Hayama (ufotable) Art Director: Koji Eto Director of Photography: Yuichi Terao 3D Director: Kazuki Nishiwaki Color Setting: Mika Matsuoka Editing: Manabu Kamino Music: Yuki Kajiura Animation Producer: Hikaru Kondo Animation Production: ufotable Distributed by: Aniplex Theme song: “Hana no Uta” by Aimer
CAST Shirou Emiya: Noriaki Sugiyama Sakura Matou: Noriko Shitaya Shinji Matou: Hiroshi Kamiya Saber: Ayako Kawasumi Rin Tohsaka: Kana Ueda Taiga Fujimura: Miko Ito Kirei Kotomine: Joji Nakata Zouken Matou: Masane Tsukayama Ayako Mitsuzuri: Fumie Mizusawa Issei Ryudou: Mitsuaki Madono Kiritsugu Emiya: Rikiya Koyama Lancer: Nobutoshi Kanna Gilgamesh: Tomokazu Seki Rider: Yu Asakawa Assassin: Shinichiro Miki Caster: Atsuko Tanaka Archer: Junichi Suwabe Souichirou Kuzuki: Masaki Terasoma Illyasviel von Einzbern: Mai Kadowaki Leysritt: Miho Miyagawa Sella: Haruhi Nanao True Assassin: Tetsu Inada
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cnrgcommons · 6 years
SUN School Program Activities Coordinator
Position:SUN School Program Activities Coordinator, Powell Butte Elementary
Department/Program:Youth and Education Services/SUN Program
Compensation:$13.00 - $15.00 depending on experience
Employment Status: Regular, Part-time, Non-Exempt
Paid time off is based on tenure with the agency and includes accruals of sick and vacation hours (see agency Personnel Policy manual for PTO accrual rates). NAYA recognizes 12 paid holidays per calendar year.  NAYA also provides medical, dental, vision insurance, a Flexible Spending Account, and Life Insurance. Employees may enroll in a 401K retirement plan after 3 months of employment.
  Employment Status: Regular, 75% Full Time Equivalency, Non-Exempt
General working hours are 11:30 am – 5:30pm during the school year, 9am—3pm during the summer; flexible work schedule available upon approval; evenings and occasional weekends, as assigned.
  Reports To:
SUN Site Manager
Job Location:
3615 SE 174th Ave
Portland, OR 97236
August 2017; Revised 10/30/2018
  Position Description:
The SUN School Program Activities Coordinator is responsible for supporting the SUN Site Manager in providing enrichment activities within Powell Butte Elementary school’s SUN Program. Other responsibilities include but are not limited to supporting the daily routine of the school day, supporting P3 programs and other partners that work within the SUN site.
  Essential Functions:
Supporting the SUN Site Manager with all current and future projects.
Assisting with after school and community event planning, enrollment, and activities.
Coordinating and leading youth in after school activities.
Actively promoting culturally responsive approaches to the needs of school youth and their families.
Assisting SUN  Site Manager in family outreach efforts.
Procuring and maintaining necessary supplies for programs and activities.
Recruiting community partners and volunteers to support SUN after school activities and events.
Collaborate with and support outside agencies with their programs for SUN students.  
Collect and record client data and evaluation tools for the purposes of data entry as well as grant requirements.  Data entry and evaluation will take place for both the youth participants and adult volunteers.
Facilitate monthly Harvest Share distributions and report on event in a timely manner to the Oregon Food Bank.
Assist in database management, including entering client data.
Support P3 programming where needed.
Manage voicemails to SUN landline.
Help create flyers/media print/newsletter articles/community list-serve and website postings promoting and advertising community events.
Outreach to community for events and activities.
Other duties as needed.
  Additional Duties:
  Other duties as assigned by the SUN Site Manager,  and Director of Youth and Education Services
NAYA Family Center/SUN School program is a team and community-based organization that relies heavily on all members of the team participating and supporting each other. It is a requirement of this position to work as an active member of the team, participate actively in cross-departmental NAYA team projects and to contribute to fostering a safe and secure environment for community members and staff.
Additional NAYA Family Center Duties:
Understand and adhere to confidentiality
Coordinate wraparound services effectively with other NAYA Family Center programs and staff
Input data, and maintain NAYA and/or contractually required information database systems to track client information
Includes entering client data, assisting and/or preparing periodic reports
Examples include but are not limited to: Efforts to Outcome (ETO), Service Point, Counselor Max, SAGE Fund Accounting, Raisers Edge, etc.
Participate in trainings and/or meetings to ensure program outcomes are achieved
Represent NAYA with the utmost professionalism at community events and other public relations opportunities
Work as an active member of departmental team
Participate actively in cross-departmental team projects
Contribute to fostering a safe and secure environment for community members and staff
  Education & Training:
Bachelor’s Degree/ Combination of high school diploma and experience may be an acceptable substitute
Certification (or ability to certify) and ability to maintain certification in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), 1st Aid and Automatic External Defibulator (AED)
Experience working within diverse populations (specifically with the urban and/or reservation Native American population, including working within a tribe, board, or other organization. Also minorities and/or people of color) strongly preferred.
Experience in after school enrichment programs and/or community engagement.
Demonstrated ability coordinating groups, especially youth or volunteers.
Experience working with the population at Powell Butte Elementary. Knowledge of the community and have existing relationships with the kids and families.
Ability to work with people from all backgrounds and situations appropriately, including effective communication with multiple stakeholders including parents, students, Native American Youth and Family Center Staff, Multnomah County representatives, community partners and school staff.
Bilingual; English-Spanish or other language.
Communication skills, active listening, verbal and written, including public presentation skills
Strong Community Building Skills
Proficient computer skills including:
Web-based research
Word Processing
MS Excel
Database use
  Work Environment:  85% after school program areas, 15% outside office including travel time.
Physical Requirements:
Lifting a maximum of 30 pounds, sitting for extended periods of time.
The employee may be required to sit for extended periods of time.
Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
  Equipment Used: Computer, phone, fax, copy machine.
Safety Considerations: Some travel may be required.
  Other Requirements:
  Valid Oregon or Washington State Driver License (must be eligible to be an insured driver under NAYA Family Center’s liability insurance policy)
Successful completion of a background investigation (including a fingerprint criminal history check; see http://www.pps.k12.or.us/files/security-services/Disqualifying_convictions.pdf for more information)
  Application Procedures:
Interested candidates should submit:
A Cover Letter addressing your qualifications for the position and why you are interested in joining the NAYA Family Center team
A current Resume
A completed NAYA Application for Employment Form
Application forms and additional information about employment at NAYA Family Center can be found at  http://www.nayapdx.org/about/jobs.
  Application Deadline:January 31, 2019
Attention:Incompleteapplicationswillnotbeconsidered. Electronically submitted applications are preferred. Due to the sheer number applicants, only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Please respect our no phone calls policy. This job description does not constitute an employment agreement and is subject to change by the employer due to changes in grants and funding sources.
  Please send application materials to:
Attn: Human Resources Manager Native American Youth and Family Center
5135 NE Columbia Boulevard Portland, OR 97218
   Fax: (503) 288-1260         
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unnotantei · 7 years
[Jawa Tengah] - PT K-24 Indonesia, Adira Finance, and PT Hadi Putra Jaya have opportunities for you!
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Easily apply 17 Oct Programer Web [WEB] Desnet - Semarang Usia max 30 tahun. Gaji Pokok, Tunjangan Transport, Tunjangan Kesehatan, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Tunjangan Telekomunikasi, Komisi, Fee setiap project yang goal,... Easily apply 17 Oct Kolektor Kendal PT Swakarya Insan Mandiri 6 reviews - Kendal 4.Siap bekerja dengan target. Berdiri pada 01 Agustus 2007, dan saat ini memiliki sekitar 15.000 karyawan yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.... 17 Oct Sales PT. Duta Cemerlang Motors - Semarang Memiliki banyak relasi dan beradaptasi dengan lingkungan dengan cepat. Mampu menjual part dengan target yang telah ditentukan. Diutamakan jurusan otomotif.... Easily apply 17 Oct Marketing Executive Arisan Mapan (Temanggung) Mapan - PT Ruma (Rekan Usaha Mikro Anda) - Temanggung Pendidikan minimum lulusan SMA/ Sederajat. PT Ruma (Rekan Usaha Mikro Anda) adalah perusahaan berbasis teknologi dengan misi sosial untuk meningkatkan kualitas... 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jeantparks · 7 years
YES! Latest Yacht AV training course completed in Holland
lang: en_US
Another Yacht Entertainment Systems (YES!) training course ran from Wednesday to Friday last week. There were a wide range of attendees filling the interactive learning space. From a Chief Engineer on 50m yacht wanting to improve his Crestron skills, to a cruise ship ETO looking to move into yachting. Very different skill sets were represented.
The YES! course was again run by yacht ETO recruitment company Just ETOs in collaboration with Crestron, who include their Technician certification. On-site there was extensive equipment from manufacturers such as Crestron, Kaleidescape, Soundweb and KNX.
The training’s precise relevance for technical crew working in the yachting industry is what made is stand out. Scott Molloy, Just ETOs’ Managing Director, introduced the class. He said: “This course is about obtaining the basic knowledge needed to manage yacht AV systems. This is not a programming-intensive course, but we will teach the basics of programming.”
Answering our question about how the training was kept up-to-date, he added “Our Lead tutor Sjoerd Appelboom works as an AV/IT consultant on yachts when not teaching. Also, one day of the course is taught by Crestron. This helps ensure attendees are given the best information possible to help them move forward in their careers.” he continued.
The next course will run from the 4th to the 6th of October. At the time of writing this article, just one place remained available.
A further course date has also been announced today, running from 14th to 16th of November. Further enquiries can be directed to [email protected]
Visit Just ETOs
The post YES! Latest Yacht AV training course completed in Holland appeared first on SuperYacht Technology.
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The post YES! Latest Yacht AV training course completed in Holland appeared first on YachtAweigh.
source http://yachtaweigh.com/yes-latest-yacht-av-training-course-completed-in-holland/ from http://yatchaweigh.blogspot.com/2017/08/yes-latest-yacht-av-training-course.html
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janetgannon · 7 years
YES! Latest Yacht AV training course completed in Holland
lang: en_US
Another Yacht Entertainment Systems (YES!) training course ran from Wednesday to Friday last week. There were a wide range of attendees filling the interactive learning space. From a Chief Engineer on 50m yacht wanting to improve his Crestron skills, to a cruise ship ETO looking to move into yachting. Very different skill sets were represented.
The YES! course was again run by yacht ETO recruitment company Just ETOs in collaboration with Crestron, who include their Technician certification. On-site there was extensive equipment from manufacturers such as Crestron, Kaleidescape, Soundweb and KNX.
The training’s precise relevance for technical crew working in the yachting industry is what made is stand out. Scott Molloy, Just ETOs’ Managing Director, introduced the class. He said: “This course is about obtaining the basic knowledge needed to manage yacht AV systems. This is not a programming-intensive course, but we will teach the basics of programming.”
Answering our question about how the training was kept up-to-date, he added “Our Lead tutor Sjoerd Appelboom works as an AV/IT consultant on yachts when not teaching. Also, one day of the course is taught by Crestron. This helps ensure attendees are given the best information possible to help them move forward in their careers.” he continued.
The next course will run from the 4th to the 6th of October. At the time of writing this article, just one place remained available.
A further course date has also been announced today, running from 14th to 16th of November. Further enquiries can be directed to [email protected]
Visit Just ETOs
The post YES! Latest Yacht AV training course completed in Holland appeared first on SuperYacht Technology.
Read Full Content Here
The post YES! Latest Yacht AV training course completed in Holland appeared first on YachtAweigh.
from http://yachtaweigh.com/yes-latest-yacht-av-training-course-completed-in-holland/ from https://yachtaweigh.tumblr.com/post/164445422091
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
File: OC 11
Code Name: Glitch Zombies/ The Data Parasites
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: A single sample of SCP-AXP has been contained at the biohazard labs of Site-AN. The sample is locked in a biohazard canister with a password that changes every 1 minutes. The biohazard canister is locked in the level 5 biohazard storage chambers which is also locked behind a passcode that changes every 1 minutes. To have access to both codes one must obtain a device containing both codes and changes when they do. The only way to have this device is to obtain express permission from Site Director Eto. Anyone who has not had permission form the Site Director yet has access to device and/or the codes is to be assumed a traitor and executed accordingly. There are no exceptions.
As of this moment testing is not permitted until the O5 Council themselves as well as the Ethics Committee have a unanimous vote in favor of a test regarding SCP-AXP. Should testing ever be approved all participating in said experiment must always wear Foundation Cognito/info hazard protection head gear to prevent infection of SCP-AXP. Furthermore, Mobile Task Force Hecate-A "Real Magic" Division "Sorcerer's Staff" must be present as well as Division "Witch's Wand".
Description: SCP-AXP is a parasite that is able to both control and alter the metaphysical properties of its host. The parasite instances tend to vary in appearance as some appear as a metal earth worms and others resemble a hydra worm but have a crimson glow. There is normally only one SCP-AXP instance in a host, and they are all at least 7 centimeters in length and 5 millimeters in width. When an SCP-AXP manages to enter a host, it will immediately enter the brain via the quickest methods possible whether it be through the nervous system or by tearing through the blood stream. Unlike normal parasites, SCP-AXP does not care about harming its host which is somewhat understandable given the aftereffects. 
It normally takes the parasite no longer than 30 seconds to get into the host's brain. Once the SCP-AXP instance has reached the brain it will burrow into the brain and devours the Hippocampus seemingly replacing it with its own body. tendril like growths will grow form the SCP-AXP instance allowing it to attach to the rest of the brain and inject a venom that ensures full control without resistance. Because the Hippocampus is destroyed the host is essentially brain dead and unable to live in any normal way without the SCP-AXP host. As their personality deteriorates the SCP-AXP takes full control of the body, essentially turning the host into a zombie. 
Like any zombie SCP-AXP hosts will limp around to bite and scratch any living hosts not infected with the SCP-AXP parasite. The venom SCP-AXP injects into its host doesn't just allow it to control the host but fills their bodily fluids with eggs allowing new parasites to spread these eggs through bites or scratches. The eggs hatch within seconds of entering the host and surprisingly most end up exiting the host quickly while the one closest to the brain ends up being the one to start the infection process. How the parasites are able to tell who among them is closest is unknown. The parasites that slither out of the host will attempt to infect those around the host by any means necessary. 
What makes SCP-AXP so vile isn't just how it infects its hosts or turns them into zombies but how it also allows said zombies to evolve into different forms as time goes on. When an SCP-AXP instance has access to digital data whether it be a computer or mobile device they will quickly try to touch it as if it was flesh for them to eat. Once the SCP-AXP host has access to the data it will start absorbing the data until there is nothing left. How this process works is still not fully understood. 
Furthermore, the SCP-AXP host will start to gain the ability to glitch out of reality and instantaneously teleport to another location. This ability gets stronger as SCP-AXP hosts absorb more data. Worst off, the metaphysical mutations tend to vary depending on what kind of data the SCP-AXP host absorbs. If the SCP-AXP host absorbs images of people, animals, plants, objects, or even landscapes the SCP-AXP host will have a 5% chance of developing characteristics corresponding to the images absorbed. Of course, the 5% chance increases as they absorb more data images, the same mutation chance goes for other types of data. If the SCP-AXP host absorbs data revolving information relating science and math, like economic reports or science articles, then their intelligence will increase, and they will start to develop their own ideas and even hunting strategies for capturing prey on the information absorbed. It should be noted that there have even been instances of SCP-AXP hosts that were able to utilize weapons such as blunt objects and even firearms with extreme precision. Finally, if the SCP-AXP host absorbs information based on literature, like an online book, they will start to develop the ability to speak. They will often quote what they have absorbed, develop personality traits based on what is written, and once more data is absorbed be able to speak complex sentences by themselves, especially useful for luring prey. 
As such if SCP-AXP absorbs all of such data and in massive amounts it will essentially become an apex predator for humans. Strangely when SCP-AXP is done feeding it will leave a single file of corrupted image onto the device it absorbed said data from. Once viewed the viewer will instantly become infected with an SCP-AXP parasite. How this is possible is unknown. Thankfully thought through first encounter with SCP-AXP hosts has shown that they are unable to absorb data directly from the internet or implant the parasitic Cognito hazard images into the internet. Otherwise, an XK Class End of the World Scenario would have taken place by now.
SCP-AXP was discovered in 2021 in Nigeria. An entire building at the city of [data expunged] after screams and reports of strange monsters came from inside the building only for silence to follow. Local law enforcement was quick to lock down the building and under order of the Foundation kept people out while MTF operatives went in. Mobile Task Force Delta-4 "Minutemen" were the first to enter the building with 20 units but unfortunately suffered heavy losses. The SCP-AXP hosts inside had already amassed large numbers and some had already mutated greatly making them too much for the MTF Delta-4 units to handle. Many of the MTF Delta-4 units were killed off by SCP-AXP hosts while others accidently saw the Cognito hazard images and became infected instantly. Thankfully they were able to kill a small portion of the hosts. The 4 survivors also managed to obtained blood samples, even an instance of SCP-AXP was obtained, allowing the Foundation to better understand the situation. 
Because of the anomalous metaphysical nature of the anomaly and the possibility of Cognito hazard-based infection Mobile Task Force Hecate-A "Real Magic" Division "Sorcerer's Staff" was deployed. MTF Hecate-A Division "Warlock's Spear" was deployed as well, the entire team consisted of 5 Division "Sorcerer's Staff" units and 15 Division "Warlock's Spear" units. It took them about 5 days to clear out the entire building but in the end were victorious and with no casualties. Its thanks to the conflict with SCP-AXP that the Foundation understands its nature and thus, further testing has been deemed unnecessary as well as not worth the risk. 
Unfortunately, when a Foundation clean-up crew was sent after the building was confirmed safe, they found a biohazard canister with the insignia of the Scriptures of Rotten Flesh and Cybernetic Bones engraved on it. Why the Scriptures created SCP-AXP and if they have more instances on the loose is unknown. Regardless, SCP-AXP is another example as to why the Scriptures are not only one of the newest but also one of the greatest threats to humanity and the Foundation. 
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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yachtaweigh · 7 years
YES! Latest Yacht AV training course completed in Holland
lang: en_US
Another Yacht Entertainment Systems (YES!) training course ran from Wednesday to Friday last week. There were a wide range of attendees filling the interactive learning space. From a Chief Engineer on 50m yacht wanting to improve his Crestron skills, to a cruise ship ETO looking to move into yachting. Very different skill sets were represented.
The YES! course was again run by yacht ETO recruitment company Just ETOs in collaboration with Crestron, who include their Technician certification. On-site there was extensive equipment from manufacturers such as Crestron, Kaleidescape, Soundweb and KNX.
The training’s precise relevance for technical crew working in the yachting industry is what made is stand out. Scott Molloy, Just ETOs’ Managing Director, introduced the class. He said: “This course is about obtaining the basic knowledge needed to manage yacht AV systems. This is not a programming-intensive course, but we will teach the basics of programming.”
Answering our question about how the training was kept up-to-date, he added “Our Lead tutor Sjoerd Appelboom works as an AV/IT consultant on yachts when not teaching. Also, one day of the course is taught by Crestron. This helps ensure attendees are given the best information possible to help them move forward in their careers.” he continued.
The next course will run from the 4th to the 6th of October. At the time of writing this article, just one place remained available.
A further course date has also been announced today, running from 14th to 16th of November. Further enquiries can be directed to [email protected]
Visit Just ETOs
The post YES! Latest Yacht AV training course completed in Holland appeared first on SuperYacht Technology.
Read Full Content Here
The post YES! Latest Yacht AV training course completed in Holland appeared first on YachtAweigh.
from http://yachtaweigh.com/yes-latest-yacht-av-training-course-completed-in-holland/
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otakusmart · 4 years
Top 5 underrated anime movies you need to watch (Part 1)
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Forget death note and Tokyo ghoul. we researched the best anime movies you can find on the Internet. From hidden faults in the anime industry, otakusmart brings you the top 5 underrated anime movies you need to watch (Part 1) in quarantine. Follow otakusmart for the latest and trendiest news in anime and pop-culture. Note: we are not including famous titles like a silent voice, your name and, other famous anime movies that you already know. Colorful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVndTo9sJdY Directed by the eminent director, Keiichi Hara. Colorful is based on the novel written by Japanese writer Eto Mori. The movie vaguely talks about suicide and depression and the best way to describe the hidden meaning in the movie, is by understanding the depths of characters and how the story develops. As of 2020, there has not been any English dubbing of the movie. You can watch this movie on any anime streaming sites on the Internet. Colorful anime movie plot The protagonist of the story wakes up in the body of a 14-year-old Makoto(Another protagonist). And he must find why the 14-year-old Makoto committed suicide in his former life. The overseeing spirit Purapura accompanies the dejected soul and to return to his normal life he must find these two secrets - find what sins he had committed in his former life and why did Makoto commit suicide in the span of next six months. Read the full article
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recentanimenews · 7 years
"Dive!!" Anime Adds Cast And Showcases Off Theme Song
After last summer's adaptation of Atsuko Asano's Battery, studio Zero-G and Fuji TV Noitamina are again teaming up for a sports novel adaptation in summer 2017. This time, it's Dive, from Eto Mori, the acclaimed novelist who won the ankei Juvenile Literature Cultural Prize for Colorful, basis for Keiichi Hara's 2010 anime movie. Along with four new cast members, debuting band Qyoto have been introduced as the performers of theme on "Taiyou mo Hitoribocchi."
    Cast additions include
Kiyotaka Matsuno: Kensho Ono
Toshihiko Tsuji: Shouta Aoi
Jiro Hirayama : Kengo Kawanishi
Hiroya Sakai: Ryohei Kimura
  【新情報おさらい❶】 他県のライバルキャラクターほか、追加キャストが解禁! 松野清孝:小野賢章(@ono_kensho) 辻 利彦:蒼井翔太(@shouta0811aoi) 平山二郎:河西健吾(@Kengokawanishi) 坂井弘也:木村良平(@Ryouhey_Drunk) http://pic.twitter.com/dO5jzcO2ck
— アニメ 「DIVE!!」7/6(木)放送 (@dive_anime) June 15, 2017
    【オープニング・テーマ決定!】 Qyotoデビュー曲「太陽もひとりぼっち」に決定!熱い青春を感じさせるサマーチューンを明るく爽やかに歌い上げます。#dive_animehttps://t.co/UHJVcIUC2L http://pic.twitter.com/wYLDKiVacW
— アニメ 「DIVE!!」7/6(木)放送 (@dive_anime) June 15, 2017
  The TV anime adaptation directed by Kaoru Suzuki (Pupipo!) is set to premiere on Fuji TV's Noitamina
programming block at 24:55 on July 6. It will be exclusively streamed on Amazon Prime in Japan and abroad.
Only its first episode will be streamed one day earlier than Fuji TV, then the subsequent episodes will be
available two hours after the broadcast on Fuji TV in Japan.
    Main Voice Cast:
 Tomoki Sakai: Yuuki Kaji
 Yoichi Fujitani: Takahiro Sakurai
 Shibuki Okitsu: Yuuichi Nakamura
 Kayoko Asaki: Kaori Nazuka
 Ryo Daikou: Ryota Ohsaka
 Reiji Maruyama: Kouki Uchiyama
 Sachiya Yoshida: Yusuke Kobayashi
 Atsuhiko Yamada: Tomokazu Sugita
    Main Staff:
   Director: Kaoru Suzuki (Pupipo!)
 Series composition: Touko Machida (Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor)
 Original Character Design: Suzuhito Yasuda (Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?)
 Anime Production: ZERO-G (Tsugumomo)
 ------ Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime. 
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dzthenerd490 · 8 months
The Foundation was in an uproar, only recently Site-AN suffered a containment breech at the hand of the Children of the Scarlet King. During their attack they unleashed SCP-ADR and SCP-AXP on unfortunate researchers and security as well as the holding cells of D Class. Mobile Task Force Nu-7 and Epsilon-11 are still trying to take back the base from the two contagions. Meanwhile Mobile Task Force Ares-7 "Heavy Metal", Division "Aluminum" is assisting in holding back the sudden surge of SCP-AMZ instances. Though unfortunately as it turns out they managed to take SCP-ABA, the Necronomicon. 
"This was quite possibly the worst containment breach the Foundation has ever had to deal with!" Dr. Wicked sighed as he was in front of his desk, in front of him was four holographic windows showing Site Director Tanaka Eto, Site Director Veronica Pérez, Site Director Nancy James, and Dr. Malik. 
"We've faced much worse than this, MTF units are already gaining ground in your site Eto." 
"But they still stole SCP-ABA, this is not something to take lightly." Dr. Malik was using a stern tone to try to show Site Director James how naive she was being. However, Site Director Pérez had something else on her mind as she quickly changed the subject. 
"Eto, is it true that Blade Head was there?"
"... Yes." The five of them remained silent out of fear. All except Dr. Wicked, but he rarely ever expressed any emotion other than boredom to begin with. 
"So, the Scarlet Children are trying another ploy to resurrect the Davites?"
"That would assume the SCP-ABA-1 instances are compliant to the Scarlet King's will. They may be chaos loving ancient demons but that doesn't mean they will align with other ancients." Dr. Wicked nodded in agreement with what Dr. Malik said. 
"Either way, allowing the Scarlet Children to have access to the book is not good. We need to find them and that book now."
"I've already given the order to have Agents all over the world monitor Scarlet Children hide outs as well as raid their weaker places but so far nothing has come up." Dr. Malik felt surprised at Site Director James showing her more disciplined and organized side for once. Dr. Wicked smirked under his masked as he noticed Dr. Maliks expression. Eto then got back into the conversation.
"We have to keep searching, perhaps we should deploy Mobile Task Force Tau-5 as well as Hecate-A Division 'Oracle's Third Eye' again?"
"We can't unfortunately, the O5 are restricting deployment of high ranking MTF units until Site-AN is back under control. I'm guessing they want to keep them on reserve in case the situation gets worse. Like the Scarlet King using the chaos to create another Eldridge horror."
"Hmph, of course they would give such an order... still, I say it's something that needs to be done, I'm tired of having to deal with the Children of the Scarlet King, isn't about time we crushed them already?"
"If it was that simple, we would have done it a century ago, like their master the Children can rise again like a fucking cancer. No matter how many times we cut it out, there's always a chance a new one will grow. Possibly worse than the first one. Even if we do get rid of one there's several others out there ready to unleash hell should the opportunity arise." Site Director Eto remained silent as he couldn't refute what Dr. Wicked said. Suddenly Dr. Wicked heard banging outside of his door.
"Hm, there's something I need to take care of, signing off." Dr Wicked waved his hand and the holographic widows turned off. 
"Enter." Agent Bill Pardy Dr. Wicked personal security as well as self-proclaimed friend entered his office. 
"Doc bad news!"
"What is it, Bill?"
"It's those Scarlet freaks that attacked the other site! Their heading this way with a massive army and they got this big guy with a black dress and swords coming out of his face."
"Blade head! If he's here then... Activate all defenses and have security around SCP-AAI brought to maximum, no twice the maximum!"
"Uh, okay but why specifically that one?"
"They are already in possession of an SCP that brings forth ancient entities of chaos, now what other anomaly do you know has similar properties?"
"Fuck... I'll make it three times the maximum." Bill then ran down the hall and Dr. Wicked started activating the AFA-1's and AFA-2's in reserves. Afterwards, he sent out the Level 5 Emergency alarms to all Foundation staff so that researchers could lock down and evacuate while security units were to arm themselves to the teeth and stand guard for valuable assets. Finally, he got out his favorite pistol, a custom-made Foundation pistol that was looked like a desert eagle but was slightly bigger. It was made with an Plumanium, mixed with Orichalcum and Allaxounium allowing it to not only make quick and minor modifications to itself should Dr. Wicked ever require of it, but he can also fire laser shots if he suddenly runs out of ammo. The nozzle of the gun has small Vibration Crystals, granting the gun temporal and dimensional shifting properties so that no matter where his enemy is he won't miss. 
He also has four clips one loaded with bullets containing traces of Beryllium Bronze to take down Thaumaturgic reliant enemies. Bullets made of pure Demonic Steel to take down any demons within the ranks of the Scarlet Children. A few made of Insolubilis-chartaium to pierce through armor and poison the blood of more organic enemies. Finally, was his specialized one's created with Kallivantium mixed with Cold Iron. He knew that using such materials against blade head wouldn't cause any lasting damage or just make things worse. Which was a good thing that he wasn't planning on using all of them on Blade Head, though either way, only one thing was on his mind.   
"I'm going to destroy that fucking abomination."
The defensive turrets and Foundation security were already at war with the advancing Children of the Scarlet King Army. The best estimate of their numbers was 50 Scarlet Priests, 150 Scarlet Warlocks, 300 Scarlet Alchemists, 1,000 Scarlet Murderers, 1,000 Scarlet Chimeras, 1,000 Scarlet Beast, and thousands of Scarlet Zombies. It was quite obvious that not only was the situation dire, but the Children of the Scarlet King wanted something within Site-AD very badly. 
As such before anyone could even request it, the O5 Council already put in the order to have MTF Alpha-9, MTF Epsilon-9, MTF Nu-7, MTF Tau-5, MTF Zeus-1, MTF Hades-6, and MTF Hecate-Alpha deployed to Site-AD. Though how long it would take most of them to get there was an entirely different story. 
Though most of the battle and conflict was going on outside, there were still Scarlet Children that were phasing through the walls with Scarlet colored bloody portals. They tried getting in as soon as possible, as a result the interior of the site was blindsided before any proper defenses could be made.
Three more reached out through the manifested portals on the walls, but as soon as one of them poked out his head, it was blown off. The other's around him were shocked only to have their heads exploded as well. 
"God damn it, these freaks are everywhere! Where the hell is the rest of security?!" 
"Sir, they got held back because someone reported Blade head was already in the base."
"God damn it! He's heading for SCP-AAI! Follow me now!" Bill ran down the hall and toward the staircase though as he did there were two Scarlet Murderers on the stairs. He and the Security units following him quickly shot them full of holes. Though they staggered because of the shots, they laughed as it wasn't enough to kill either of them. 
"Argh! I don't got time to deal with you freaks!" Bill ran down the stairs but as he passed them, he grabbed them both and threw them into the middle and down the stairs. They all feel hard on the ground though still probably weren't dead. Just in case Bill pulled a pin on one of his atomization grenades and threw it down at their bodies. He didn't bother to check if it killed them as he left the stairs and entered a new floor. However, as he walked in, he saw bodies of Foundation Security and researchers everywhere. He grunted in anger as he tried to run faster but by the time he got to SCP-AAI's containment cell it was a mess. The tesseract containment cell, which was supposed to be indestructible by metaphysical means, yet right in front of Bill it was torn up and SCP-AAI was nowhere to be seen.
"Where is the King's messiah?!" There was about 5 Scarlet Priests, one holding SCP-AAI and the other holding SCP-ABA. They were all running through the Site-AD, following a path of bloody trails. 
"He is currently fighting with the Wicked Heretic. Come now, it's time for the ritual to begin!" They found themselves in a room filled with bodies and around it was a few Scarlet Zombies and Scarlet murderers. They had several bodies formed around in a circle and in the middle of the circle was a sigil of the Scarlet King drawn entirely out of blood. 
"Everything is complete, now we just need the holy items and the time for deliverance will be upon us." One of the priests stepped forward and took both SCP-AAI and SCP-ABA.
"Without the messiah, how are we to keep the ancients under our control?"
"We will simply improvise, besides what is it that our lord asks in exchange for bestowing upon us power?" The priest removed his robe to show his naked body covered in sigils and thaumaturgic symbols of the Scarlet King.
"A sacrifice!" He smiled showing his sharp and vicious teeth, he then walked into the circle and sat in the middle. He placed the SCP-AAI in front of him while continuing to hold SCP-ABA in his lab with it open on the page of summoning Deadites. He recited the spell but quickly after started reciting another ancient spell to allow the Scarlet King have domain on souls. They knew the Cenobites and Deadites were most likely not loyal to the Scarlet King but if they could corrupt them with his influence, they would have all the power they need to release their king form the Abyss. 
He quickly started chanting and as he did the engraved symbols on his skin started bleeding giving his words more power. As this was happening the bodies around them were being possessed by Deadites but thanks to the spell they were being contained. However, they were putting great strain on the spell with their own overwhelming power. The priest was slowly deteriorating but still determined to achieve their goal and continued. Soon SCP-AAI started floating up and shifting its pieces in an attempt to unleash the Cenobites. 
Suddenly several chains manifested form the roof and floor, they hooked onto the priest's skin and nearly tore it off. The priest only grunted in pain for a moment but then laughed as his blood flowed onto the chains and started glowing in a scarlet light. He used the otherworldly energy form the chains to further power his spell and control over SCP-AAI. Suddenly in front of him a rift in reality tore open and started showing several nightmarish worlds. 
"What the fuck are you doing?!"
"Knocking it off you dumb bitch!"
"Fucking fucks! You don't know what you're messing with!" The Deadites started yelling and roaring with inhuman voices and protesting. However, none of the Scarlet Children worshipped him. Instead, one of the priests ordered the Scarlet Zombies to assist in the ritual. The Scarlet Zombies walked to the binded Deadites and started beating them and stabbing their bodies. The Deadites roared in anger as their blood started flowing toward the rift and the chains to help fuel the priest's spell. 
"Enough!" Suddenly the rift closed and from it flashed a blinding light. Once it faded, Pinhead, Deepthroat, and Butterball appeared where the rift did and right in front of the priest. 
"You will not use what is ours so casually!"
"No! Impossible, my power should be working! You are bound by the Scarlet King!"
"Do not be mistaken mortal! You and your king's pitiful magic can only get you so far. But we can show you how to go even farther!"
"I have no interest in your kinks false angle! You will bow to the Scarlet King!" The priest then roared monstrously as the blood from this body shot out towards the Cenobites only to quickly burn in flames. 
"We bow to no one but Leviathan. You, however, have used the box. By our order, you are now bound to us!" Suddenly the chains ripped off the priest's skin making him scream in pain and anger. He quickly healed himself with a Thaumaturgic Spell that turned his blood and muscles into new thick and ferocious looking armor. His face was covered in this armor with the only opening being his vicious mouth. He also grew two antlers on his head resembling that of the Scarlet King. He risked towards the Cenobites to rip them apart, but his claws merely phased through them. However, he was instantly pulverized into a bloody mess when Pinhead slapped him on the head. 
Chatterer then manifested and walked towards the other Scarlet Priests, they all yelled while pulling out weapons with scarlet Thaumaturgic symbols. One Preist with a sword stabbed it into Chatterer only for a hundred black swords to stab through him seemingly out of nowhere. Chatterer lifted the sword to show he wasn't even close to being stabbed. As his body falls apart another priest yells out in anger and stabs himself with a dagger. As a result, his body quickly starts drying up, but he smiles at Chatterer. Out of the ashes of his body several evil demons loyal to the Scarlet King manifested and charged at Chatterer.
Chatterer seemingly didn't move as each of them disappeared after being beaten to complete obliteration. The final priest was terrified and backed up in fear, though he first threw one of his daggers at Chatterer. He started chanting a spell to get Chatterer under his control only it didn't work. Chatterer then pulled out the dagger and started cutting up his own stomach. Suddenly he appeared before the priest with chunks of his guts and blood. He started smearing it all on the priest's face and not long after he started screaming in pain as he was melting. 
Finally, the Deadites were released and started slaughtering the Scarlet Zombies and Murderers. Any Scarlet Murderers that tried to attack the Cenobites or leave were quickly hooked by chains manifesting everywhere and ripping them apart. After a quick and gruesome battle, it ended with the four Cenobites on one side of the room and the eight Deadites on the other side. 
"Those who came before, the Deadites."
"Bleeech! The Order of the Gash! You have collected your sacrifice! Begone!" 
"Oh? The Ancients believe they can order us the Servants of Leviathan to withdraw."
"You are bound by your little box! You have no more authority in this realm, so fuck off!"
"You are mistaken, The Scarlet King has used your power to increase the power of the box. Though his will your essence touched the box, you are now bound under us."
"Bullshit! You dare challenge the ancients!"
"I dare to follow the will of Leviathan. It is you who dares to defy the ancient laws." One of the Deadites roared in a horrific screech as it floated towards Pinhead. Chains shot out form the celling and floor to hook on its skin ripping it off, but the Deadite kept flying towards Pinhead. He managed to punch Pinhead driving the pins keeper into his skin; however, Pinhead looked at the Deadite unimpressed. Deepthroat then grabbed the Deadite and ripped his body in two and threw both pieces back at the other Deadites.
"Such power and so much potential, you will be great experiments for our exploits."
"Fucking Cenobite fucks!" Another Deadite flew up and his arm suddenly ripped apart to show a sword made of human bone. He flew towards Butterball and slashed him in the stomach, only for him to see his hand and see it was bitten off. Butterball then smiled at the Deadite, grabbed his stomach wound and ripped it wider. Several fleshing arms reached out and grabbed the Deadite forcing it into Butterball's stomach. Once the Deadite was eaten, Butterball then burped and seemingly laughed at the despair of the Deadites. 
The Deadites thought this was impossible, they were the ancients. They were the army of anti-life, the creatures who knew no fear only how to bring it to others, the ones who would claim the mortal world from the vile mortals. They were the angels that would finally bring an end to the vile mortals that destroyed their paradise. Yet now, now for the first time ever, they were afraid. The Cenobites were not creatures of good or evil they served no one but the Leviathan the ancient fallen angle of all Dark Arts. If anyone could destroy them it was going to be him and his army. 
The Deadites quickly fused together to create a single body, meanwhile Pinhead was calmly pulling the pins out of his head and positioning them back to the correct place. The Other Cenobites just watched calmly as they wondered if this new form the Deadites were creating would actually make a difference. The result was a demonic monster with large horns, crimsons skin, large yellow eyes, and large arms with sharp claws. It slashed the Cenobites on the stomach visibly making them bleed though they all looked at one another impressed without showing visible pain. 
"Impressive, and our master agrees. It is time to expand our horizons. The Deadites will prove to be a wonderful experiment."
"What?! You BDSM fucks! You're not taking me anywhere!"
"Oh, but why not? We have such sights to show you." A rift then opened behind Pinhead, and he walked in with Deepthroat and Butterball following him. The Deadite mutant tried to escape but Chatterer grabbed it by the neck and dragged him into the rift. It roared and screamed as it got closer to the rift. Finally, it fell in, and the rift closed. 
Only about three hours later was the containment finally reestablished at Site-AN. Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 was worked to the bone as the Foundation had never suffered two containment breaches at the same time and never as bad as either one that occurred. Though thankfully they were still prepared none the less and the fact that it ended faster than everyone expected made everything much easier. 
Though once they got to Site-AD it ended up being a calmer than expected. Though as calm as you can get with dead bodies everywhere. They managed to find SCP-AAI and SCP-ABA within the same room. As per protocol, they grabbed SCP-AAI with an extended grabbing tool and placed SCP-ABA within a thick bag created specifically to suppress SCP-ABA's anomalous properties. Thankfully it would only take about a week before their containment cells would be rebuilt so the items could be put back into proper containment. Still, this was one of the worst containments breaches the Foundation had ever experienced, just another reason the Children of the Scarlet King are a massive threat to all life and reality.
SCP: HMF Tales Hub
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cnrgcommons · 6 years
Position: Gang Intervention Outreach Specialist
Position: Gang Intervention Outreach Specialist
Department/Program: Youth and Education Services Department
Compensation: Starts at $15.00-$16.00 per hour
Benefits: Paid time off is based on tenure with the agency and includes accruals of sick and vacation hours (see agency Personnel Policy manual for tiered accrual rates). NAYA recognizes twelve (12) paid holidays per calendar year. NAYA also provides medical/vision, dental, and life insurance. Employees may enroll in a 401K retirement plan after 3 months of employment. Employee paid Benefits include: Medical (FSA), Dependent Care (DCAP), Transit Benefit (CERA), Group Term Life + AD&D, Accident, Critical Care + Short Term Disability.
Employment Status: Regular, Full-Time, Non-Exempt
Hours: Flexible working hours Tuesdays through Saturdays; mainly afternoons and evenings.
Typical shift is 3:00pm – 11:30pm. Some day shifts will be required.
Supervision: No supervisory requirements
Reports To: Direct Services Manager
Job Location: Portland, OR Position
Description: The Gang Intervention Outreach Specialist offers service to high-risk gang-involved youth and young adults up to the age of 25. They will identify and engage youth impacted by gang involvement for intervention, support and referral to appropriate services. The specialist will utilize culturally-specific skills to meet youth where they are at, in order to provide information and connection to educational and employment resources, while guiding youth in healthy decision making. This position works in collaboration with the City of Portland Mayor’s Office of Youth Violence Prevention (OYVP) to provide outreach services for at-risk youth and their families. This position is primarily a direct service position (80%) with the balance of the time (20%) spent performing general administrative tasks and service coordination. Essential Functions: • Provide intervention outreach services around the City of Portland identified hot spots for gang related activity during hours of highest need • Identify and intervene gang impacted young people and refer to appropriate services for resources • Manage crisis and provide service intervention as needed • Prepare and provide public presentations in order to inform and engage community providers about appropriate responses to youth gang behaviors • Attend meetings with the Street Level Gang Outreach Team and the OYVP to coordinate service delivery; as well as bi-monthly Community Peach Collaborative meetings through OYVP • Facilitate youth engagement and self-determination o Engaging youth to build and strengthen their identity and role in the Native community o Facilitating interdepartmental activities to engage youth • Maintain documentation in a timely, thorough and accurate manner in accordance with agency guidelines and as required by funding sources o Preparing weekly reporting as required by the OVYP o Assisting in database management, including entering program data o Preparing required activity reports and participating in program evaluation activities (such as programmatic and fiscal reports) • Provide staff support and mentoring to Gang Outreach program participants, including: o Recruit youth to participate in weekly Open Gym Basketball events o Lead Open Gym Basketball which includes, but is not limited to, knowing the building use policy at each site, arming/disarming the building, and following all safety procedures at that site o Facilitate pro-social group activities (empowerment groups, recreational groups, and other courses) o Collect attendance and input the required documentation for program participation Additional Duties: • Other duties as assigned by Direct Services Manager or Director of Youth and Education Services • Additional NAYA Family Center Duties: o Understand and adhere to confidentiality o Coordinate wraparound services effectively with other NAYA Family Center programs and staff o Input data, and maintain NAYA and/or contractually required information database systems to track client information  Includes entering client data, assisting and/or preparing periodic reports  Database examples include but are not limited to: Efforts to Outcome (ETO), eSIS, Counselor Max, SAGE Fund Accounting, Raisers Edge, etc. o Participate in trainings and/or meetings to ensure program outcomes are achieved o Represent NAYA with the utmost professionalism at community events and other public relations opportunities o Work as an active member of departmental team o Participate actively in cross-departmental team projects o Contribute to fostering a safe and secure environment for community members and staff
Qualifications: Education & Training: • College graduate preferred with Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work, Counseling, Education, or similar field preferred o An equivalent combination of education and experience may be an acceptable substitute • Knowledge of service systems and gang related issues related to out-of-home youth • Knowledge and expertise in working with gang affected youth and their families • Knowledge of local community resources and experience with workforce system and social service agencies, especially with low-income and ethnic minority clientele • Knowledge of Native American history, an understanding of the diversity of the local American Indian/Alaskan Native community and issues surrounding the Urban Indian experience required
Certifications/Credentials: • Certification (or ability to certify) and ability to maintain certification in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), 1st Aid and Automatic External Defibulator (AED)
Experience: • Experience working within diverse populations (specifically with the urban and reservation Native American population, including working within a tribe, board, or other organization) strongly preferred • Two (2) years of experience in youth development and/or human services with low income and/or culturally diverse populations required • Experience working with gang-related issues; including youth prevention and intervention • Demonstrated ability to elicit client participation and involvement in individual and program planning and evaluation • Demonstrated skills working with youth in individual and group settings Skills: • Ability to stay composed and exercise good judgment in stressful situations, such as dealing with distressed and/or demanding clients • Ability to communicate with and develop positive relationships with youth, including skills such as: o Listening in a non-judgmental way o Using respectful language o Being direct and clear as appropriate o Avoiding power struggles o Honoring client confidentiality o Communicating effectively with both young people and adults • Ability to connect with clients in a manner that successfully motivates them to achieve better outcomes • Ability to develop and maintain professional and trusting relationships • Ability to actively support and work with sexual minority and culturally diverse staff, participants, and community • Ability to work independently and efficiently in a variety of community-based, non-traditional settings • Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team setting • Ability to consistently apply sound decision-making procedures and a thorough analysis of the situation when solving problems • Ability to work in high-risk community settings during non-traditional hours • Ability to be extremely flexible when managing changing priorities and schedules, without compromising quality of outcomes, ability to complete tasks, or uphold commitments • Ability to meet multiple, sometimes conflicting deadlines or workload demands by applying strong organizational systems and efficiently managing time • Ability to deal with different people and situations appropriately, including effective communication with people from diverse backgrounds • Ability to respect and honor cultural and human diversity, including: o Exhibiting an awareness of commonalities and differences (such as gender, race, age, culture, ethnicity, class, religion, disability) among youth of diverse backgrounds and shows respect for those of different talents, abilities, sexual orientation and faith o Building on diversity among and between individuals to strengthen the program community and the community at large o Serving as a role model for the principles of inclusion and tolerance o Understanding and respecting culture of youth/families • Communication skills, active listening, verbal and written, including public presentation skills • Proficient computer skills including: o Web-based research o Word Processing o MS Excel o Database use o Email Work Environment: 80% outside office including direct outreach to youth and their families, 20% office/individual client work.
Physical Requirements: • Lifting a maximum of 30 pounds, sitting for extended periods of time • The employee may be required to sit for extended periods of time • Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
Equipment Used: Computer, phone, fax, copy machine.
Safety Considerations: Some travel may be required.
Other Requirements: 1. Valid Oregon or Washington State Driver License (must be eligible to be an insured driver under NAYA Family Center’s liability insurance policy) 2. Successful completion of a background investigation (including a fingerprint criminal history check)
Application Procedures: Interested candidates should submit a cover letter addressing their qualifications for the position and why they are interested in joining the NAYA Family Center team. Please also enclose a NAYA application and your resume. Applications and the official position description can be obtained online at http://www.nayapdx.org/about/jobs.
Application Deadline: May 7th, 2018
Attention: Incomplete applications will not be considered. Due to the sheer number applicants, only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Please respect our no phone calls policy. This job description does not constitute an employment agreement and is subject to change by the employer due to changes in grants and funding sources. Please send application materials to: Attn: Human Resources Native American Youth and Family Center 5135 NE Columbia Boulevard Portland, OR 97218 Fax: (503) 288-1260 E-mail: [email protected]
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