#Siobhan o'driscoll
bbyclnrbnsn · 2 years
Just got back from Les Mis in Sunderland Empire, it was absolutely phenomenal can't recommend it enough. The cast were all excellent and the lighting/set was so inventive and clever. The deaths were more moving than I've ever seen them before. I don't think I've ever cried so much at a live performance. Shout out to the two (and then three) ensemble guys having gay sex in the background of Master of the House, you're my heroes. 10/10
Please ask me about it in the comments if you're a fan I really want to talk about it I literally don't think I'll ever recover
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welshmusicalfan · 2 years
First time seeing Les Mis in Cardiff this evening. Definitely got a brilliant first valjean with Dean Chisnall and actually really enjoyed Nic Greenshields as Javert despite the mixed reviews he's gotten. And Siobhan O'Driscoll as Eponine. Just. Wow! Gonna be listening to that audio on repeat for quite a few days!
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renslo161605 · 2 days
(written w/illustrations)
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So that was it. Isaac had taken the time needed to heal after his ruthless torture from the O'Driscolls and now he had to leave. He knew he had to leave. Both for his own safety but also uncle Irwin, who he couldn't risk endangering.
"you ready, son?" Uncle Irwins voice
"uh...sure..." He couldn't bare it. Being with the O'Driscolls meant he barely stayed in the same area for long but he was always in the USA. he'd always been around americans. His family was from America. His father was in America. Uncle Irwin and Nancy and Siobhan were all in America. And he had to leave. All because if one stupid decision.
Isaac laid his stuff out on a table, Dermots gun, food, Midges food, a bunch of clothes Uncle Irwin had donated him, food, medicine, hunting knife. He was counting and sorting things ready to pack away. Instead of packing, he stared it it, somberly.
"hey, kid," he felt a hand on his shoulder, "don't look so excited," Uncle Irwins usual happy tone.
He looked down at him, eyes filled with warmth and comfort, but Isaac was already numb from the cold.
"m'ready," he mumbled, Irwin let go.
"well then... We better go, hm?" Irwin gestured toward the door as Isaac finally packed his things.
"sure, theres somethin' i wanna do first though..."
They arrived in strawberry, Isaac approached the sheriffs office door. It was risky enough even being in civilisation, especially this close to hanging dog... But he had to do this. He had to.
He took a deep breathe, furrowed his brows and puffed out his chest before opening the door.
"I'm lookin' for Vernon Farley." He announced, a bit too aggressively.
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"Speakin'," Isaacs attention was shifted to the side, where Sheriff Farley sat at his desk, meeting Isaacs eye, "what yu' want, kid?"
"I... Uh-" suddenly, Isaacs confidence had drained. "I have- i have info, in exchange for money."
Vernon laughed, audibly laughed, "get outta here kid, don't pull pranks on the sheriff." He waved a hand.
Isaac felt the hot and painfully familiar burn of humiliation. He tensed, eyes darting around as he searched his own mind for a way to save this. He made his way over to the table,
"I ain't kiddin, m' serious." He lowered his tone, meeting Vernons eye with an even faker confidence than before.
Vernon stared, intense. Examined him up and down. Waiting for Isaac to back up maybe, to glance away and show a sign of submission. But he didn't.
"alright, pal, " he said sarcastically, "say your peace."
Isaac took a deep breath, finally.
"I got information, good information but i need money, alot of it, and i need you to pretend i disappeared out of thin air."
"I'm gettin skeptical here, spit it out."
"Colm O'Driscoll-"
Farley choked for a second before standing up, "now this damn well better not be a prank. This is serious ground now kid, how in gods name would you know anything?"
Vernon paused again, Isaac found him infinitely hard to read.
"I used to be one of them-" he caught himself, "but it-it wasn't by choice, now they gone n' turned on me, i gotta run."
"damn right you do, after you tell me everything you know, sit down."
Isaac sat, he sat and tucked his chair and pulled out a map of the surrounding states, carefully pinpointing ever O'Driscoll hiding spot... Before spilling every O'Driscoll secret, every name, every plan, every signal, and best of all... Where Colm was headed.
"well I- this is- that makes sense," Vernon nodded, "if your right then... This is alot of money you'll be gettin' son, but i can't just hand you the money we gotta catch Colm first, You got an address, Hm?"
Isaac took a deep breath, "you able to split it between a few?"
"if you need..." Vernon seemed skeptical.
Isaac proceeded to split it in half, talking half for himself then giving Sheriff Farley Nancy and Siobhan's local post, "if you don't mind, I could have pen and paper and maybe write a note for 'em?"
"I- sure." Farley nodded, handing him pen and paper.
Isaac sat at the sheriff desk, writing slowly.
'Dear Nancy and Siobhan
You to are a famly I never had. I'm sorry I could never show you. But i rite to you too day to give you the news of Dermot MacBrian's passing. I as sure you he passed in a nowbel noble manor and that he loved you both a lot.
I must leave, I dont know when or If I'll be back. I'm sorry truely I am. How ever I know of youre fineancel money struggles and have left you some money in the hopes it bides you for at least a bit and helps you throogh your greif.
Love you both, miss you alot, I'm sorry,
-Isaac Morgan'
Isaac handed him the note, "it's confidential."
"understood," Farley nodded, "well I'll see you later uh...?"
"Isaac Morgan."
"Morgan?... Your not-"
"No. Goodbye Sheriff," he cut him off.
Isaac walked out and shut the door behind him, before dragging himself over to the ledge behind the bounty board, slumping down with boots hanging off the side and his head and his hands.
The hard beat of hooves approached, slow and steady. A large nose nudged at him, and nipped his ear.
He looked up to see his horse, Midge, Miriam Bridget. A pillar of strength. The only constant in the boys life.
"hey girl," He reached up to pet her nose, she closed her eyes and nudged in closer, "we better go... Hm?"
He pushed himself up and then climbed up onto to Midge, "we're meetin' Uncle Irwin at the bridge over to mexico," he patted her neck, "now lets git'" he kicked her into gallop and they made their way to the bridge.
The bridge to mexico seemed so simple for something so complicated. A couple planks of wood that split worlds apart. There was a fairly calm river beneath it, vultures hovered over-head. The landscape was different from the north, sandy and dry with cacti replacing common bushes.
"you ready?" Uncle Irwin approached, taking off his hat and holding it to his chest.
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"...yeah." Isaac looked on.
"can I have a hug?"
Isaac took uncle Irwin into a silent embrace.
"promise you'll write? Come visit in a few years?"
"I'll miss you, pal."
"... I'll miss you, too," Isaac knew he was being distant. He couldn't bring himself to be anything else.
Irwin let him go, keeping both hands on his shoulders for a second before breaking eye contact, putting his hat back on and sighing.
Isaac pulled himself up onto Midge, groaning a bit as some unhealed muscles flexed.
"goodbye, Uncle Irwin."
"Bye son."
Uncle Irwin watched Isaac trot across the bridge. Isaac couldn't bring himself to look back at him. That was the last time he saw Irwin for years, leaving him on an unbelievably somber note.
As Isaac and Midge travelled into Mexico, the world didn't seem quite real. Hills and cacti and birds and clouds blending together and waved and blurred like water. He wasn't built for this, deep down he knew that.
He passed a dead deer, a red fox feeding on it. The deers ribs protruded threw gory guts and was clearly rotting, having been there in the sun for a while. The scavenger looked up and met his eyes and he travelled by. He expected it to turn and run when he got close to it but it didn't, just stared at it, it stared at him.
"what you lookin' at?" Isaac mumbled under his breath, "get, Go," he spat.
In the back of his mind he didn't know why he was currently trying to scare it, but it left, anyway, leaving the rotting deer corpse to continue rotting in peace.
He wasn't sure how long he travelled for, passing a fairly intimidating looking military fort, he decided to steer clear, unsure what the officials in this area would think of an american on their land.
After skipping by that, he continued threw the landscape, barely passing anyone but scattered coyotes and hungry scavenger birds. Loneliness swallowed him whole, he felt like the only person alive.
After what felt like days he approached 'Casa Madrugada'
He stopped outside of it, considering his options before making his way in. The architecture around here was different, not bad. Finally he saw some people, a few kids being called over to a wagon by their father - it was getting dark, A man lighting the outdoor lamps, someone shutting the window shutters, a few drunkards holding eachother and singing outside of a saloon.
That was a familiar sight, obviously he wouldn't be able to live himself forever. Maybe he could pick up a job, or atleast pick pocket some unsuspecting feller.
He tied Midge up outside and peered in at the glaring amber light from inside. Taking all his belongings off her in fear he'd be robbed.
He walked into the bar, saloon door swinging behind him. Immediately he felt the atmosphere turn tense, everyone in the room turned to look at him, even the bar tender narrowed his eyes as he cleaned a class, Working girls fought to get the attention of their bachelor back, the pianist stuttered and classes clinked as they were sat down on the table with some force. Whispers were exchanged as Isaac walked down toward the bar, trying his best not to make eye contact.
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As he sat, he felt the saloon return to normal, people ordering drinks, cheers and quick footsteps of dancing, a 'sshh' as a keg was opened and filled a glass, a man putting money on the counter and ordering a drink.
The bar tender approached, Isaac looked up at him before putting a dollar on the bar, sliding it toward him, he didn't know how much it'd cost but surely it wouldn't be more than that.
"uh... whiskey, please?"
The bar tender looked down in disapproval at his dollar, then up at Isaac.
"no, peso."
Shit... He didn't speak the same language, how had he not thought of that.
"mmm, whiskey uh..." He made a drinking motion and pointed at the bottles at the back.
"aye, no gringo, peso," the bar tender seemed mad and slid the dollar back to him.
Isaac scoffed in frustration, he couldn't be bothered with this, the men laughing at him from behind wasn't helping and for the second time that day, he felt his cheeks get hot with embrassment.
Suddenly, the felt the chair beside him fill, followed by money being set on the counter.
"dos tequilas, Amigo,"
Isaac turned to see a girl sat next to him. He had to admit, she was gorgeous, her white dress was frilly with puffy sleeves and red accents, Her hair was jet black, curley and tied back in a low messy ponytail, her skin was tanned and her eyes were a deep amber. She was young, probably Isaac's age, and she smelled like fresh cut grass.
Isaac paused, taken aback by her for a second, he knew his eyes were a bit wider and his cheeks grew even redder, not with embrassment this time.
"hola," she turned to him, smiling.
"uh... No speak... Mexico?"
She giggled, "you just cross the border, Americano?"
"oh..." Isaac smiled awkwardly, eyes wide, "you speak english?"
"i do."
She giggled again, Isaac looked around, confused,
"could you..." He looked back at the bar tender then slid the dollar to her, "order me a whiskey? Please?"
"I... Don't think that will get you much around here," She looked down at his note.
"what? What you mean?" He looked down at his note, then her coins, they weren't average cents.
She tilted her head, "you really have just crossed the border haven't you."
"uh... Yes ma'am," Isaac nodded.
"in mexico, we use pesos... Your american dollar will not get you anywhere around here, compadre," her tone was genuine, she actually wanted to help.
"oh..." He was really making a fool of himself and he hadn't even been in mexico for a day. He took his dollar back silently and put it in his pocket, looking away in embrassment.
They sat in awkward silence for a second, Isaac could feel her beautiful eyes staring at him. The bar tender brought the girl two small drinks, to which she slid one to Isaac.
"whats your name?" She asked.
"Isaac, Isaac Hosea Morgan, and yours?" He didn't make eye contact, inspecting the drink, instead.
"Rosita Elena Herrara," She watched him inspect his drink.
"uh... What is...?"
"tequila, mexican drink - it's a shot, like whiskey."
"oh-" he forced an awkward smile, "thank you," he nodded and took a short swig, finishing the glass before putting it back down suddenly, his face twisting in disgust and sticking his tongue out.
Rosita laughed out loud, "Is that good?"
"yeah haha... Nothin," he tried to play it off as nonchalant but his face betrayed him.
She continued laughing at him, "sì, if you say so..."
"see wut?" He turned back, confused.
Her smile didn't drop, "no... Sì means 'yes'."
"oooh, right," he paused, looking around, "you think you could teach me more Mexican?"
"Your in Mexico, the people are Mexican, but the language is Spanish, like how americans don't speak american, they speak english." she explained, "yes, i can teach you spanish."
Isaac leaned in, enthusiastic to learn more from Rosita...maybe learn more about Rosita.
Isaac listened intently, eager to learn more.
"lets start with simple terms... 'Hola', means 'hello', 'cómo estàs', means 'how are you?'..."
That night Isaac and Rosita spoke until the bar shut, Rosita learned why Isaac left the USA through drunken rambles, Isaac learned that Rosita had abandoned her fathers ranch in attempt to find a more exhilarating life. Her father disapproved but still wrote to her and sent her money. When the bar shut they sat with Midge outside the bar, when a local complained about the noise and shooed them away, they got on Midge and rode away.
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Before they knew it they were partners and crime, spending the next years at eachothers side...
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homecoming · 5 years
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siobhan o’driscoll and samuel pope as heather and will in the 2019 uk tour of american idiot. 
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Firey determined angry Eponine is the best.
e.g. Siobhan O'Driscoll
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1-2-3-4-5-six · 5 years
What I’d give to see this again full audio will be available from seatreetrading.weebly.com
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teamtsccoach · 5 years
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Well done to our #OpenSea Teams today at @leinsteropensea #GuinnessSC #GibneyCup Ladies Team was Susan Maher, Siobhan O'Driscoll, Loretta Joyce and Fiona McDonough Siobhan O'Driscoll also won the Masters prize & Ian Kelly 3rd in Men's Race https://www.instagram.com/p/ByvNkZaoNDl/?igshid=1tuki4dht2zfr
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renslo161605 · 11 months
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If isaac morgan lived and joined the O'driscolls
Check blog for other parts :))
I just wanted this part to be because it's almost like a montage sorta thing, Isaac is happy :) said this before but at one point this almost becomes an entire OC thing. Isaac never REALLY speaks to Arthur face to face. This is almost like... Another story happening in the background of red dead ? Isaac is his own man
Yeah this isn't my best colouring work but i actually don't hate it :))
Nancy and Siobhan are Dermots ex wife and child. Nancy and Dermot have taken on parental figure role, accepting Isaac as their son. But Isaacs two ways in whether he can cherish his birth parents but still accept Dermot and Nancy and his new parents. Especially Dermot, he knows Dermot is not a good guy, even though he's always been nice to Isaac, AND he the thought of his father still being alive plagues his mind.
Farmer Erwin almost adopts a cooky uncle-mentor role? He's a bit of a crazy guy, he's rich but you wouldn't tell considering he doesn't wear a shirt and rides a scrawny, mangy donkey.
Keiran js scared of Isaac, but still they manage yo bond over both being in situations they don't want to be in. Neither want to be in a gang, Keiran has betrayed Colm, Isaac feels as-though he's betrayed his father (Keiran doesn't know that ofcoarse)
Isaac feels closer to his dad. He gets more close in the next part
Hehe bye ily <33
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renslo161605 · 1 year
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Dermot MacBrian
Dermot MacBrian is an O'Driscoll from a red dead fan comic I'm making.
Born in Ireland to unknown parents, he was raised in a poor household. He was far from an obedient child and ofen refused to do work or take on a job. When he was in his early 20s both his parents died within a few months of eachother. He resorted to petty crimes that amassed across ireland leading many counties law after him. In an effort to escape he hid on a boat he thought was going to scotland, instead, he ended up in America. Where he continued his petty crime, joining random posses and gangs. Around the age of 30 he met a lady named Nancy Redwood, who years later he had a child with. Nancy got tired of Dermots 'childish' habits and petty crime before kicking him out the house. Dermot still visited his Daughter, Siobhan fairly often, baring gifts and money. When Dermot was 40 he entered a gang known as the O'Driscolls, he stayed in this gang for a long time. Around 5 years in, the leader of the gang brought in a newly orphaned boy whom he didn't even k now the name of. Dermot mentored the 10 year old boy, learning his name to be Isaac Morgan.
Yes that is Arthurs son, the comic is on my blog it will have more info if you'd like to read it B)
Hope you like :) sorry the quality looks like ass idrk why it looks like that. My reference was Sean Maguires official art. The art style is obviously in the style of the official art B)
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renslo161605 · 1 year
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Red Dead Runner
If Isaac Morgan lived
This is honestly just filler. I just needed to introduce Siobhan and Nancy. They'll show up a bit more later on. But yeah sorry if it's js a bit boring LMAO
If your confused so is Isaac. He wants a family but he wants HIS family not THIS family, still he obviously doesn't hate these people. He's just an unsure lil fella.
Siobhan is Dermots daughter and Nancy is her mother. Dermot and Nancy split up a long time ago but Dermot still visits and Isaac has been coming with him for about 3 or 4 years. Dermots pretty old. Much older than most O'Driscolls. Nancys a bit younger but still old. Siobhans maybe a few months older than isaac, maybe a bit more? But roughly the same age.
Ty for reading ily bye :) <3
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