#Silver truffle box
sugarpopss · 6 months
Twelve Years and Counting
So. I watched Wonka. And it awoke something within me. Like we all knew Keegan-Michael Key is hot but somehow. Seeing him in a pretty good fat suit made me insane. I want to be his wife.
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Warnings: it's porn and I love corrupt police (kidding)
Not tagging ANYONE bc who tf wants this. Hiiiii Wonka fandom how are ya'll. How ya'll doing. Actually no i gave @bucknastysbabe a play by play of this movie so. Also Hugh Grant killed a cleric I think??
You can’t be married to a man for twelve years without figuring out what he’ll do for some decent chocolate. 
And by god, you knew what your husband would do for chocolate. 
To be entirely fair, a lot of people would do a lot of things for chocolate; it practically ran the city. A truffle was far more powerful than a silver sovereign. 
Chocolate was exchanged and hidden and fought over in the halls of power all over the city, and the precinct was no exception. You’d known that for years. 
You also knew that the chief of police had been taking minor bribes from the chocolate magnates for years. The fine truffles and bon-bons didn’t just appear in the cupboards by magic. You’d never really had a problem with your husbands mild corruption, either. He sometimes saved the bon-bons filled with cherry or peach compote for you, and he wasn’t really hurting anyone. The chocolate magnates had the entire city in their pocket-what was one more official looking the other way? 
That was before, though. You were sure they had upped your husbands ‘payment’ or enlisted him in some new scheme, because the amount of chocolate boxes crowding your cupboards and counter had exploded. You knew they were in his car, too, because you’d seen the little paper wrappers littering the seats. 
The amount of payment wasn’t the only thing that had exploded recently, either. 
You loved your husband, truly and honestly-you would’ve married a politician or a restauranteur if you didn’t. But you couldn’t deny that his chocolate habit was finally beginning to have an effect. 
Well…’beginning’ was a bit of a misnomer. The effect was very clear-your beloved police chief had absolutely blown up. He had gone up two whole sizes-which you knew because you were the one who took his clothes to the laundry-and your poor bed frame creaked like an old dog toy when he laid down. You could hear the stairs creaking, too, ensuring that you’d never again sleep through your husband coming home late. 
You weren’t complaining. Oh, far from it, actually. You had no interest in knowing the details of this ‘blood chocolate’ he seemed to be receiving, and your husband was less than forthcoming with information. You like your plausible deniability very much, thank you. But you also rather liked the way the bribes showed up on him. 
The belly had come first, of course, straining the belt of his uniform and giving him a proper ‘policemans paunch’. You had thought it was cute and paid plenty of loving attention to your husbands little potbelly. The weight had absolutely not stopped there, though. From a little pudgy to properly fat in a startlingly short amount of time, and all because whatever scheme he was involved in evidently paid very well. Soon you were settling into bed next to a man double-maybe triple by now-his former weight, all soft flesh and radiating warmth. 
It wasn’t terrible at all. Your husband cleaned the chocolate stains off his hands before touching you, although he didn’t seem to notice his wedding ring digging into his thick finger. He remained intimate with you, so you weren’t at all concerned that he was unfaithful. If he was unfaithful as well as corrupt, he did an excellent job at hiding it. You finally understood why your friends had raved about sleeping with men so large-it was amazing. Watching your husband heave himself on top of you, feeling his weight and warmth nearly crushing the air out of your lungs. The sheer effort of fucking into you, his arms shaking from holding his weight up, sweat beading on his skin after a few thrusts, his soft lower belly completely covering your view of where the two of you were joined. You’d nearly climaxed on the spot just from watching him have to lift his belly to get his cock positioned. 
It was the very best sex you’d had in twelve years of marriage. You’d tried to wrap your legs around his waist, but any vestige of your husbands ‘waist’ was now long gone. The best you could do was press your knees into the thick rolls of fat on his sides, but it brought you a little closer nonetheless. What made him moan, though, was when you gently palmed his heavy chest, grown so fat you couldn’t even feel the bone of his sternum. You groped his breasts like he’d done to you so many times before, taking your cues from his blissful expression strained gasps. 
And it was almost as good after the climax, when your husband first collapsed on top of you, crushing the breath right out of you. He was sweaty and overheated and so heavy, and he seemed to realize your lungs were struggling with him on top of you fairly quickly. When he’d rolled off and settled into his significant dent in the mattress, caught his breath and popped a chocolate from the bedside drawer into his mouth, it was your turn to snuggle up. You pressed close to his side, though not quite as close as lovestick teens trying to crawl into each others skin may have. It was soothing in a way, the rhythm of your husbands breathing and the crinkle of chocolate wrappers. 
You knew that when you shimmied away to your side of the bed to sleep-a necessary thing to do, because of both the heat your husband radiated and the disturbance of him getting up in the middle of the night for his 3am bon-bons-he’d quickly fall asleep with both hands resting on the crest of his swollen belly, and snore like an engine to top it off. You’d learned to tune it out, along with the creaking of the mattress springs and bed frame when he shifted or got up. 
There were much worse habits for a man to be caught in-but chocolate seemed to be the most popular. You knew much more women whose husbands hid sweets in their offices or closets than who gambled or smoked. And the effects were certainly not unappreciated, at least not by you. 
A big, powerful man, and all yours. Surely nothing would ever spoil this.
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ariellewm · 8 months
💖SFW OC's Valentine's Day Headcanons Special 💖
**Here is a collection of stories involving the reader and my OC's in a lovely setting. Feel free to click on any that have a link attached to learn more about them.**
Prince Edlin Silverleaf - "Under the Moonlight" Audio Roleplay
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It was getting rather late. You’ve been dancing and socializing with the nobility for many hours now. As Sol Estrela’s sun princess, you excused yourself for the evening. The back of your mind, however, wondered about your love and his whereabouts.
“I’ll see you later this evening, up on the balcony.” Edlin whispered softly into your ear. It was the last thing he said to you before leaving the ballroom. You and the elf prince were in a secret relationship. So, everything between you two had to be kept secret—well, maybe not from everyone. Obviously, Aelene, your maiden servant, was aware of your secret with Nem Naalore’s moon prince.
You’ve retired to your boudoir (bedroom), the same way it was left before the start of the festivities. There was one exception, though. A trail of lavender petals that led out to the outside balcony of your chamber.
After getting into your nightgown and brushing out your hair, you followed the blossom path before you. It ended at the center of the balcony. The night was clear, and the moon was full and bright. The sounds of crickets surrounded you. You jumped as a delicate hand covered your eyes. A familiar, playful voice breathed, “Guess who?” You knew exactly who. Abruptly, you turned around, his hand leaving your eyes. There, still dressed in his formal attire, was your beloved moon.
He had one hand behind his back while the other rested on your waist. Slowly, he revealed a bouquet of white and silver flowers. There was also a hint of amethyst, the same color as Edlin’s eyes. Colors you happen to adore.
Paired with the bouquet of flowers, you were surprised with a box of chocolates. Edlin also knew how much you loved sweets! Especially chocolate—any kind of chocolate. But these were no ordinary chocolates. They were chocolate truffles from his kingdom! Dipped in dark chocolate with a white chocolate drizzle and sprinkled with flaky sea salt. Inside held a hazelnut ganache, a perfectly silky nut blend. You knew quite well that you were going to finish all six of those little truffles before bed.
Edlin leaned in, his soft lips brushing against your flushed cheek. “Happy Valentine’s Day, elen nîn, my star.” Goosebumps always got the best of you whenever he spoke to you in that elvish language of his. He chuckled.
Adonis Acquati, Atlantis' Sea Warlock
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Date night involving both of you crafting a potion? With your lack of magical abilities and alchemy, this should be fun. And you selected the hardest potion out there with the rarest ingredient.
“Really? You want to brew this one?” Adonis questioned you. You nodded. He sighed annoyingly. “You realize this is going to use up the one ingredient I use for human transformations? Pearl dust, one of many rare ingredients of the Atlantic?”
You nod again. A bigger sigh from Adonis, “You stubborn little kraken. You couldn’t have picked an easy one for us to do together?! Although,” a devilish smirk appeared, “I shouldn’t complain. You do have exquisite taste, darling.”
He showed you his process for crafting potions. While you began mixing the starfish nectar and seaweed, he went on to organize the herbs and ingredients needed. Adonis was particular about his organization. “It’s called mise en place. Everything in its place. I don’t like being messy when it comes to crafting.”
“Pass me the nectar.” You place the small bowl of nectar in one of his tentacles that reaches for you. It coils back to be poured into the smoke-boiling cauldron. Other tentacles were grabbing other ingredients to be poured in.
Finally, the pearl dust. Adonis made sure you were careful about how much you scooped up before adding it to the cauldron. He chuckled, noticing your hesitation. But you managed. The dust caused the cauldron to erupt in more smoke.
Adonis began his incantation. He spoke in unknown languages. Were they Latin? Greek? Portuguese? This went on for only a few minutes until the brew became a simmer.
“At last,” one of his tentacles grasping the ornate vial, “behold the most powerful elixir of all the Atlantic Ocean: Siren’s Elixir.” Two of his tentacles coiled around you to bring you closer to Adonis as he continued with his banter, “Made by me and you—ahem—well, mostly made by me of course I did all the work after all.” You gave him an annoyed face.
“Darling, darling, oh ho ho, don’t give me that adorable pouty face.” His hands reached up to cup both your cheeks. “You did well, my little apprentice.” Adonis kissed your forehead, looking deeply into your eyes. Suddenly, his pet black moray eel appeared. “WHAT?! What’s soooo important that you had to interrupt my—”
“A customer is here seeking a love potion, master.” The eel hissed. Adonis smirked at his precious pet. “Excellent timing, my pet. Go, fetch them in. I’ll deal with them in a moment.” Adonis turns to you, his evil smirk still present. You knew exactly what he was thinking. “Care to see me charm a customer into taking the elixir, darling?”
Prince Czar Agskaga, The Naga Prince - "Coils of the Naga" Audio Roleplay & WIP Novel
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It’s Valentine's Day! Your lovely naga prince has many things planned out for you on this very special day. Starting off with a lovely lunch out by the amber lily fields, strolling nearby the beach and seaside harbor, and ending with the night watching the sky lanterns illuminate the sky.
Unfortunately for you, you’ve been feeling unwell all morning. Tucked away in the circular bed with several blankets buddling you up.
Czar slithered into the bedroom chamber to see you within the soft velvety blankets. He was dressed in his usual royal naga outfit. A thin himation draped over the shoulder and wrapped with the rest of his body, still showing his sculpted chest. He fashioned a long white robe held by a golden serpent on top of the himation.
“My dear, are you ready for today?” He sat near you, his coils shifting and moving about. You quickly hide yourself underneath the blanket. A hiss emitted out of Czar, tilting his head to the side. “Darling, what’sss the matter?” He reaches with the end of his tail sliding up to the bed to pull down the blanket covering you.
You were red. In fact, you probably felt much more flustered after seeing the godlike outfit he was showing off. His hand gently pressed against your forehead, checking your temperature. He sighed, “You don’t feel sssoo well. Poor thing.”
“Don’t worry my sssweet, we don’t have to go anywhere today.” Then a thought came to him, “Ressst dear, I’ll figure sssomething out that we can do.”
So, he left you, but not without leaving a soft kiss upon your forehead. Several minutes go by, an hour, then two. Your eyelids drooped, sleep weighing you down from being sick. A nap would be best until Czar returned.
You were then awakened by the smell of roses and amber lilies that filled the room. It was as if the bedroom chamber turned into a rose garden. Ruby and white candles illuminated the chamber, creating a romantic setting. The table nearby was neatly organized and prepped with all the food you would’ve had outside of the Amber Palace. There was also some homemade soup made by the cooks.
Czar was right next to you coiled up in his usual sitting form, reading a book as he watched you stir up from your long nap. Your beloved naga set the book aside and caressed your hair, “Did you sssleep well?” You nodded. Czar smiled in response, “Good. I figured since you weren’t feeling well, I thought I’d bring all the activitiesss we were going to do here. We can enjoy sssome tea, eat lunch, read a book, and if you’re feeling up for it later, we can watch the lantern’sss from the palaccce balcony tonight.”
He was so sweet, thinking about your condition and doing everything he could to still make the day perfect. You decided to eat the lunch that was spread throughout the table. As you sat down, you noticed a letter on top of the plate. Czar served you as you read the letter written by the prince. A bowl of soup, some bread and fruit for you to enjoy.
Czar noticed that you were finished reading. Tears streamed from your eyes. It was the loveliest letter you’ve ever read. The naga reached down to kiss your forehead once more, the end of his tail wrapping gently around one of your ankles. “Happy Valentine'sss Day, my love.” 
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Thank you for your writing.  I love the pieces you write!  Can I request a Honmei gift for Riddle of mint tea, ink in decorative bottles and a strawberry flavored truffle? 
I wait for the end of club activities to catch Riddle returning from the stables, hoping to find a private moment when he is both alone and not busy on Heartslabyul business.  “Ah! Riddle Ryōchō! Um, may I have a moment of your time?”  I shyly hand him the gift.  “I know how busy you are and hope this small gift can, in some way, help you on your way to your goals.  It's mint tea for late night study sessions, since I know Rule 153 says only herbal tea should be drank in the evenings.  I also got a few colors of ink, for you to write your notes with.  The chocolate, well, that one is just for you.  We all deserve a treat sometimes, after all.  I hope I haven’t been a burden to you with my affections, I only wanted to let you know how seen and appreciated you are.”  Having said what I wanted, I sigh a small sigh of relief and give a small polite bow before turning to return to Ramshackle. 
Sweet on You.
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Riddle must have just finished a competition of sorts—for when he exited the stables, he was still dressed in his equestrian attire. It was similar in many ways to his dorm uniform, from the white breeches and tall boots to the ruffled collar of his undershirt and the checkered vest over it. He had layered a sleek crimson tailcoat over his attire, the buttons bright and black, and fabric gathered in the back to form a short train behind him.
Riddle had forgone the need for a riding helmet at his skill level, making his red hair easy to spot from several yards away. His cheeks were ruddy, still flushed with the adrenaline of a brisk ride, his brow crowned with a sheen of sweat as he bade farewell to his team members.
(… Unfortunately for him, his farewell didn’t seem to reach them. Silver was falling asleep standing up, despite the feathered friend chirping in his ear. Sebek raised his voice at his upperclassman—though, at your distance, you couldn't quite make out what he was up in arms about.)
Riddle turned and started to make his way across the grassy field, his every stride clipped, yet self-assured. The birdsong and impassioned shouting faded away as he approached your hiding spot.
You swallowed your pride and stepped into his path.
“Ah! Riddle Ryōchō! Um, may I have a moment of your time?” 
He drew to a halt and folded his arms. A corner of his mouth tugged up in mild amusement. "My, it just so happens that you've caught me at an opportune time. You may speak your mind."
You nodded, then bowed your head as you presented various items, each paired with the rationale behind them. “I know how busy you are and hope this small gift can, in some way, help you on your way to your goals.”
You had thought long and hard about your gifts, about him. An herbal beverage for late into the night, ink with which to pen his thoughts, and sweets to enjoy when all the work was said and done… Still he lingered in your mind long after the selections had been made, much like the whisper of roses in the heady springtime.
Finishing, you bashfully slid the tin of mint tea, bottles of ink, and box of strawberry truffles into his arms. He was left laden with presents, proof of your feelings for him.
“I hope I haven’t been a burden to you with my affections, I only wanted to let you know how seen and appreciated you are.”
A sigh, relieved and longing, escaped you. Again, you bowed—then turned on your heel to flee.
Your foot had barely made contact with the ground when Riddle called out to you. His voice cut as clear as a bell, with all the authority of the leader that he was.
"Just a moment."
You looked back.
Riddle’s lips were pinched together, uncertain of the words or the shapes to form next. His large, blue-grey eyes were reminiscent of a storm rolling in against a still blue sky. Serious and contemplative.
“It’s clear that a great deal of thought went into gathering these gifts. You took care to consider the rules of the Queen of Hearts, as well as my busy schedule. As for the chocolates…” He glanced to the side, stifling a cough. “Ah-hem! W-Well… I suppose that an indulgence every now and again would be acceptable.
“That being said, there remains the matter of your language.” Something in his tone hardened, tensing his words into a stern command. “You are not to refer to yourself a burden, is that clear? A burden is a weight added to one’s shoulders. What you’ve done for me is the opposite: bringing aid and respite. Kindness such as this could not be called a burden.”
Riddle’s mouth blossomed into a smile. With his skin damp and flushed with color, he appeared almost like a dew-dotted rose against the glistening sunlight.
“… Those feelings of yours are seen and appreciated—so do not think of yourself as anything less. My heart is capable of being as light as it is no thanks to your efforts.”
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mystic-scorpio · 1 year
Can't come up with the perfect gift for your friend? All you need to know is their zodiac sign.
[This is PART 2 with only the last 6 zodiac signs. PART 1 link at the end]
[copyrights reserved ©️mystic-scorpio]
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- air diffuser or purifier and a nice fragrance (to help them keep in touch with nature)
- a quote board (to keep them motivated and happy)
- chocolate with dried fruits and nuts (chocolate of their taste preference)
-Skincare like clay masks and sheet masks to keep them glowing 24/7.
-Cosmetics (a colorful eyeshadow pallet fit for the diva.)
-Gourmet chocolates with dried fruits and nuts.
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- an oversized moody coloured hoodie or jacket (since they are most comfortable in their own skin and have a safe space for themselves)
- crystal candles with a nice aroma and a long wick (these people love to live by the candlelight and a long wick so that they don't burn themselves)
- metallic bracelets, watches, tiepins or cufflinks with a edgy vibe (since scorpio is the house of death and transformation)
-Essential oil diffuser, bath salts and oils, and scented candles to keep their stress at bay
-perfumes (preferably woody scents)
-books(criminal mysteries, detective or horror stories)
-Elegant minimalistic silver accessories
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- sports apparels like spiked running shoes, ropes for climbing or skipping
- take them out for skydiving, bunjee jumping or car racing (sports that gives them a thrill)
- take them to a club, late at night and give them a dance floor to themselves to dance the night away
- exotic truffle chocolate collection with a variety of different fillings (they like to expand their edible variety)
-A gourmet coffee sampler (because they are probably overthinking at night.)
-Metallic watches (they need to look as smart as they are)
-Shoes of their choice.
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- a boxed chess set (no sign appreciates craftmanship and the art of strategy making more than them)
- ambitious people get stressed easily and nothing can it away more than a nice aromatic candle
- ruler of the house of legacies, they love antique products and anything that improves with time like an old grandfather clock
- blankets that are true to their form so as to keep them warm in their safe space
-Aesthetic phone covers (to reflect their cool personality)
- Hoodies (of their preferred color)
- Headphones (to keep the noise out while they concentrate)
-Books with a pinch of drama.
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- being believers of the phrase, "reality is not what it seems", they love to ponder the infinite and bend boundaries of the mind, therefore reading psychological books would make sense
- latest trendy tech products such as wireless headsets, smartwatches would make them happy. They just have a knack for it.
- branded sneakers of vibrant colours
- plan a day out with them and invite all their friends since they are social butterflies
-They like to keep up with the trends, the latest electronic devices make them happy.
-Clothing items and accessories of vibrant colors to match their vibrant personalities
-A Polaroid camera to cherish the memories they make with the people they love.
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- they would love romantic books with a happy ending
- they would really appreciate a heartfelt gift like a bouquet of flowers with a handwritten card inside it
- small gifts of high sentimental value such as an engraved photo frame to keep in their living room
- a nice small notebook to write down their thoughts when they overthink would be highly appreciated
Pisces (FEMALE):-
-Jewellery like earrings and bracelets to make these kind souls shine.
-A personalised gift like a picture album or a handmade scrap book to take them down the memory lane.
-A Spotify playlist made exclusively for them.
[I do not own any of the pictures used here. Credit to their respective owners.]
A/N: Please remember that people are diverse and unique. Everybody may not act as per their zodiac sign. So this guide may not completely apply to the concerned person.
All advice are based on the general behaviour of the zodiac signs.
I hope you enjoyed reading.
Link to PART 1 :
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damistrolls · 10 months
that’s fine by me too! <3 also i got you a box of fancy truffles! and a silver bracelet. it’s simple but i hope you’ll like them!
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"Ohh, those are perfect, Lin. You did such a good job. Thank you.
We'll go somewhere cute together at some point. My treat."
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Hi! For the 'weirder asks' game, what about...
6. why did you do that? 12. what kind of day is it? 21. something you’ve kept since childhood? 26. a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
(weirder asks)
6. because I thought about it for around ten seconds and decided it sounded like a decent idea! (what are we talking about? doesn’t matter this applies to most of my decision-making. I am Impulsive)
12. It is nice and sunny for a change, and so far has been a decent day! Once I’ve finished work for the day I am going to write a lot and perhaps make chocolate truffles, both of which are fun and cheering activities to look forward to.
21. the stuffed animal collection mostly dates from childhood, although every now and then a new one is gifted to me to be treasured ❤️ also the engraved silver jewellery box my grandmother gave me when I was five.
26. um. the deaths of everyone I care about? I tell myself it’s because I’m “preparing myself” and then five minutes later go… why were you thinking about that… you just made yourself sad…
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(^the vibe of this post)
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silverdeer · 2 years
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@justicesworn said:
While White Day is not commonly celebrated in Unova, where Athos spends most of his time, he has been informed by his own travels to Johto and Kanto about it. It's the perfect occasion to pay back the unexpected gift he had received a month prior...
Sylvia had made him truffles, absolutely delicious ones at that. He'd had to elbow Aramis and D'Artagnan away so they wouldn't steal any because, of course, these particular treats were not meant to be shared. To receive an actual gift from the Fairy Queen, one that hadn't been a trap, was unusual ; it both confused him and made his gut do a stupid little flip-flop that he wasn't really used to experiencing. Heavens, what is wrong with him?
He appears at Sylvia's apartment in his human form, bearing an enormous bouquet of lilies, peonies, and orchids ( all white for the holiday theme, of course, and a solitary red rose mostly hidden at the center ), as well as two gift boxes, also wrapped in white. After muttering an 'I must be fucking insane', followed by a slightly louder motivational phrase to himself, he takes a deep breath and rings her doorbell.
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Honestly, Sylvia didn't know what to expect. The past month she had been telling herself that she'd take whatever came. Low expectations mean less chance of getting hurt, right? At best, she'd probably get some jabs in at Aramis. Meanwhile, the worst case scenario would have her just spend her day off cleaning her apartment and maybe call Augustine to exchange banter with.
When the doorbell rang, Sylvia ran for it, stopping at a mirror to check her hair and eyes real quick. Yep, no antlers, no magic.
"Coming!" After quickly tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ears, Sylvia ran to the door. The latch was quickly undone and the door was opened.
No, this did not meet neither the best or worst case scenario. Neither one could touch Athos being at her door with the biggest bouquet she'd see a man carry. And was that silver foil holding it together? (Not like it wasn't obvious that it was one of her three favorite colors.) The white ribbon that was straining to keep it together was a nice touch.
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"Oh, hello Athos." Oh, what should she do? Her cheeks were burning. "Um, come on in, please." Sylvia stepped aside.
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kuroko99 · 2 years
10 people You Want to Know Better
hrbrhbrhb tagged by @shsl-box-worshipper leggo
Relationship Status: i love my boyfriend (・ω・)b 
Favorite Colors: 
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Favorite Foods: rice, mangos, pork belly, salmon, pretzels
Song Stuck in Your Head: Gondry - Hyukoh
Last Thing You Googled: deus ex machina
Time: 20:57
Dream Trip: back to Japan ASAP. anywhere is fine but i wanna see my host family 
Last Thing You Read: uhhh, Collide by @khunfounded
Last Book You Enjoyed: Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint. can’t say enjoyment was the first thing felt though.
Favorite Thing to Cook/Bake: oreo cookie truffles
Favorite Craft: nothing like making a cosplay prop sword for you blorbo cosplay
Most Niche Dislike: huh. silver
Opinion on Circuses: banger on the aesthetic actual experience not my thing
Sense of Direction? yes. very.
tagged: Harp you’re in here already let’s go where’s Sammy’s tumblr,, , @blenderfullasarcasm @thrushsong-kvaris @spiritualzura @sharks-in-fishnet-leggings @kxllervo @8ddict @fshteeth​ @magmatickobaian​ @birdmenmanga​
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storiesoflilies · 5 months
tw: mentions of violence, blood, and drugs!
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vigilante!toji had never any sort of intention of falling for his pretty little coworker at his dayjob.
but he couldn’t help but fall anyway. she was far too bubbly for her own good, always doing things like chirping a wonderfully bright ‘good morning’ to him whenever they first passed each other in the office at the start of the day. things like bringing in decadent chocolate truffles to work, but always open the box with him first so they could both have the best pick. things like asking him to reach a box high up on a shelf far out of her reach, beaming at him like he was her superhero for getting it for her, and making toji feel like his heart was on fire.
he had to look away, had to keep his distance.
toji fushiguro was a scarred man, willingly tearing apart barbed wires with his bare hands, trying to set free that part of him that honestly wanted to fix things. he didn’t want to do this forever, telling himself ‘just one more, and then i’m done’ far too many times to count. but there was no real end in sight.
there would always be another wire to cut.
he really tried not to think about her, because he definitely wasn’t any kind of superhero. so, he threw himself further into his outside work activities, trying to distract himself from any thoughts of her. painting shrouded alleyways red with blood, shattering skulls against piss-stained walls, and easily cracking necks like twisting open the cap of a water bottle.
she’d probably be physically sick if she found out who he really was.
but toji couldn’t always hide all his scars and cuts underneath his dress shirt. sometimes, she’d notice the slivers of crimson cracks along his knuckles, red marbling on his otherwise perfect skin. her lips would form a perfect ‘o’ shape as she dropped whatever task she was working on to give him her undivided attention.
“oh, toji,” she cooed sympathetically, concern shining in her big, beautiful eyes. “what on earth happened to you this time?”
he grunted, shrugging his shoulders as nonchalantly as possible, flipping his hands over so that his palms faced upwards. “i do carpentry outside work. fucks up my hands sometimes.”
toji would keep her safe in that haven of darkness he had built for as long as possible, even forever if he could. she didn’t need to know that he’d sniff the last whiffs of her perfume whenever she passed him, like sniffing lines of coke off a silver tray. she was made of honey and silk, soft and plush like sugary marshmallows, too good for the kind of life he was living in the shadows.
he knew he shouldn’t – couldn’t – indulge in his feelings.
he would rather die than subject her to a single shred of that part of himself.
and so, toji forced himself to lock that piece of his heart away in a safe covered in thorns and barbed wire, never to be seen in the light of day.
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©storiesoflilies 2024, all rights reserved. please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my work on other sites! i only post on ao3 and tumblr.
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local-starry-catboi · 5 months
Sinfonia Items
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Under the cut for length
✶ Artifacts
Eternal Bloodthirst
Serene Lyricist
Renaissance Protector
Tradition's Embrace
✶ Namecards
Achievement: Celestial Sojourner
Achievement: Elite Rival
Achievement: Roamers
Achievement: Overture
Achievement: Maestro
Sinfonia: Citadel (Reputation Lvl. 4)
Sinfonia: Composer (Reputation Lvl. 7)
Superstar in Sinfonia (Reputation Lvl. 10)
Sinfonia: Forge (Crescendo Forge Lvl. 6)
✶ Weapons
Celestial Series:
Obtainable from City Blacksmiths
Lunar Cadence (Sword)
Celestial Serenade (Claymore)
Solar Minuet (Polearm)
Ethereal Sonata (Catalyst)
Nebula Bolero (Bow)
Welkin Nocturne (Pistol)
Star Cluster Ballad (Scythe)
Firmament Lullaby (Club)
Galaxy Chorale (Instrument)
Coment Hymn (Knuckles)
Asteroid Elegy (Whip)
Volcanic Series:
Obtainable from Crescendo Forge's Blacksmith
Volcanic Flamberge (Sword)
Volcanic Demonsbane (Claymore)
Volcanic Guard (Polearm)
Volcanic Pearl (Catalyst)
Volcanic Avenger (Bow)
Volcanic Bullet (Pistol)
Volcanic Reaper (Scythe)
Volcanic Scepter (Club)
Volcanic Drum (Instrument)
Volcanic Punch (Knuckles)
Volcanic Thresher (Whip)
✶ Character Development Items
Character and Weapon Enhancement Items
Common Enemy Drops:
Slime Materials
Hilichurl | Hilichurl Shooter | Samachurl Materials
Fatui Skirmisher Materials
Treasure Hoarder Materials
Whopperflower Materials
Specter Materials
Elite Enemy Drops:
Mitachurl | Hilichurl Rogue Materials
Abyss Mage Materials
Humanoid Ruin Machine Materials
Fatui Cicin Mage | Fatui Pyro Agent | Mirror Maiden | Fatui Operative Materials
Cacophony Beast Materials (Cacophonic Scale | Cacophonic Mane | Cacophonic Core)
Drumming Golem Materials (Drummer's Gear | Rhythmic Gear | Percussion Gearwheel)
Harmonic Spirit Materials (Ethereal Wisp | Resonating Soul | Resonating Core)
Imphony Materials (Cursed Horn | Alluring Horn | Dissonant Horn)
Operatic Phantom Materials (Ephemeral Lace | Ghostly Silk | Spectral Fabric)
Sirenity Materials (Enchanting Scale | Melodic Scale | Serenade Scale)
Sonic Serpent Materials (Sonic Hide | Vibrant Hide | Harmony Hide)
Character Ascension Materials
Agnidus Agate
Varunada Lazurite
Vayuda Turquoise
Shivada Jade
Prithiva Topaz
Sarasya Alexandrite
Character Level-Up Materials
Normal Boss Drops:
Bassline Behemoth: Booming Fang
Havoc Harpist: Harmonic Strings
Sono Hypostasis: Melismatic Note
Sono Regisvine: Vibrating Bloom
Weekly Boss Materials:
Echo Weaver: Essence Fragment, Crystal Core, Sonic Heart
Lullaby Labyrinth Keeper: Luring Orbs, Enchanting Lantern, Antique Music Box
Seraph Maestra: Conductor's Baton, Gilded Plumes, Celestial Sheet Music
Character Talent Materials
Monday/Thursday: Artistry Talent Books
Tuesday/Friday: Patronage Talent Books
Wednesday/Saturday: Innovation Talent Books
Sunday: All
Weapon Ascension Materials
Olive Branches:
These special olives are harvested from ancient olive groves in Sinfonia. (5☆ Golden Olive Branch > 4☆ Silver Olive Branch > 3☆ Black Olive Branch > 2☆ Brown Olive Branch)
Diminuendo Ingots:
Refined metal ingots bearing the insignia of the influential Diminuendo family. (5☆ Golden Diminuendo Ingots, > ☆4 Silver Diminuendo Ingots > 3☆ Iron Diminuendo Ingots > 2☆ Copper Diminuendo Ingots)
Clef Fragments:
Fragments of enchanted clefs imbued with musical symbols and patterns. (5☆ Uniting Clef Fragments > 4☆ Large Clef Fragments > 3☆ Chunky Clef Fragments > 2☆ Shattered Clef Fragments)
✶ Food
Arancini (2× Rice, 2× Bird Egg, 2× Spice, 1× Olive Oil, 1× Butter, 1× Onion, 1× Flour, 1× Cheese)
Artichoke Truffle (2× Truffle, 2× Spice, 1× Limoncello Citrus, 1× Artichoke, 1× Potato, 1× Cream, 1× Cheese, 1× Milk, 1× Bird Egg)
Bicerin (1× Coffee Beans, 1× Cocoa Powder, 1× Milk)
Ciabatta (3× Wheat, 2× Salt, 1× Olive Oil, 1× Milk)
Carbonara (2× Pasta, 2× Bird Egg, 2× Cream, 1× Spice, 1× Olive Oil, 1× Ham, 1× Tomato, 1× Basil)
Cassata (2× Flour, 1× Sunsettia, 1× Amarena Cherry, 1× Bulle Fruit, 1× Vivace Grape, 1× Apple)
Espresso (2× Coffee Beans)
Flaming Red Bolognese (2× Flour, 2× Raw Meat, 1× Tomato)
Focaccia (2× Flour, 2× Salt, 1× Spice, 1× Olive Oil)
Frutti di Mare (2× Crab, 2× Shrimp Meat, 2× Shellfish, 2× Pasta, 1× Olive Oil, 1× Vino Bianco, 1× Tomato, 1× Spice)
Gelato (1× Milk, 1× Cream, 1× Sugar, 1× Almond, 1× Limoncello Citrus, 1× Sunsettia)
Panettone (2× Flour, 1× Bulle Fruit, 1× Limoncello Citrus, 1× Vivace Grape, 1× Apple, 1× Sunsettia)
Panna cotta (2× Cream, 2× Sugar, 1× Coffee Beans, 1× Berries)
Panzanella (2× Spice, 1× Ciabatta Bread, 1× Tomato, 1× Cabbage, 1× Olive Oil, 1× Cheese)
Ravioli (2× Pasta, 2× Raw Meat, 2× Spice, 1× Cream, 1× Olive Oil, 1× Tomato)
Risotto (2× Rice, 2× Spice, 1× Olive Oil, 1× Onion, 1× Butter, 1× Vino Bianco)
Spaghetti All'Assassina (2× Pasta, 2× Jueyun Chili, 1× Olive Oil, 1× Spice, 1× Tomato, 1× Basil)
Stracciatella (3× Bird Egg, 2× Cheese, 1× Cabbage, 1× Limoncello Citrus, 1× Spice)
Struffoli (1× Flour, 1× Milk, 1× Honey)
Tiramisu (1× Flour, 1× Bird Egg, 1× Cream, 1× Cocoa Powder, 1× Coffee Beans)
✶ Fishing Rods
If you can stay within the Ideal Tension Zone while fishing, this rod will shorten the time in which fish will struggle by a stable amount and increase your chances of success. This effect only works in Sinfonia.
✶ Furnishing
Any Serenitea Pot Furnishings (i.e., for exterior and interior design) are inspired by landscape, landform, furniture, decoration, and buildings in irl Renaissance Italy.
A colourful and melodious bird species known for its enchanting songs. Its feathers are used in traditional Sinfonian crafts and musical instrument decorations.
Canto Cricket:
These small, musical crickets are known for their enchanting tunes.
Sonetto Rabbit:
Small rabbits known for their swift movements and curious nature.
✶ Fashion Items
Fashion items inspired by Sinfonian's clothing, allowing players to customize their Traveller's appearance, can be purchased with leftover Sono Sigils at the Echoes From The Past souvenir shop in Armonia.
✶ Gadgets
Echo Lens:
A pair of enchanted glasses that reveal hidden musical notes in the environment. Wearing them enhances the visual and auditory experience, allowing players to discover secret melodies.
Melodia Flute:
A magical flute that can be played to create harmonious melodies. It can also resonate with certain ancient structures, revealing hidden paths and secrets.
Message Decoder:
A gadget used to decipher encoded messages or inscriptions in the environment. It is particularly useful for uncovering hidden lore, solving riddles, or unlocking doors and chests with musical locks.
Ritmo Lantern:
A lantern that emits a gentle, pulsing light when lit. The light can reveal hidden pathways or interact with specific environmental elements by pulsating stronger when you pass by.
Sonoculus Resonance Stone
Sono Treasure Compass
✶ Materials
Local Specialities:
Amarena Cherry: A sweet and tart cherry variety native to Sinfonia.
Aria Quartz: A crystal with a soft, ethereal glow.
Bella Rosa: A vibrant red rose with a sweet fragrance, symbolizing passion and love.
Bellissimo Bellflower: Found in the countryside, they are known for their beauty and unique sound when the wind gently rustles their petals.
Lira Fig: A sweet and succulent fig that adds a delightful flavour to local cuisine.
Serenade Blossoms: Delicate white flowers that bloom under the moonlight, emitting a sweet aroma.
Vivace Grape: A sweet and succulent grape variety cultivated in Sinfonia's vineyards. Vivace Grapes symbolize the richness of the nation's agricultural heritage and the sweetness of life.
Crafting Materials:
Cooking Ingredients
Materials used in Cooking.
Amarena Cherry
Bird Egg
Ciabatta Bread
Cocoa Powder
Coffee Beans
Crab Roe
Dolce Honey
Limoncello Citrus
Lira Fig
Olive Oil
Raw Meat
Shrimp Meat
Sweet Flower
Vino Bianco
Vino Rosso
Vivace Grape
Forging Ingredients
Materials used in Forging.
Crystal Chunk
Dolomite Ore: A mineral found in the mountains of Sinfonia, known for its unique composition of calcium and magnesium.
Iron Chunk
Magical Crystal Chunk
Northlander Bow Billet
Northlander Catalyst Billet
Northlander Claymore Billet
Northlander Polearm Billet
Northlander Sword Billet
Northlander Pistol Billet
Northlander Scythe Billet
Northlander Club Billet
Northlander Instrument Billet
Northlander Knuckles Billet
Northlander Whip Billet
White Iron Chunk
Uncategorized Materials
Materials that can be harvested around Teyvat that are mainly used in Alchemy.
Butterfly Wings
Crystal Core
Flaming Flower Stamen
Lizard Tail
Luminescent Spine
Mist Flower Corolla
Serenitea Pot Materials:
Furnishing Materials
Cypress Wood
Pine Wood
Oak Wood
Poplar Wood
Laurel Wood
Juniper Wood
Holly Wood
Hazel Wood
Cuihua Wood
Gardening Materials
Artichoke Seed
Truffle Spores
✶ Quest Items
Lost Verses
Reliquary Key
Lyre Strings
Ephemeral Scepter
✶ Glider
Clefwind Glider:
A glider designed in the shape of a musical clef. When equipped, it plays a harmonious melody as players glide through the air.
Crossposted on Genshin Impact Amino
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mariogavin · 8 months
Timeless Classics: Elevating the Day with Traditional Expressions
As Valentine's Day approaches, the allure of timeless classics becomes even more apparent. While trends may come and go, there's a timeless elegance to traditional Valentine's Day gifts that continues to captivate hearts. In this guide, we'll explore the enduring charm of classic presents that never go out of style, adding a touch of romance and nostalgia to your celebration.
Classic Red Roses Bouquet
The epitome of romance, a classic red roses bouquet remains a timeless symbol of love and passion. Express your deepest emotions with a carefully arranged bunch of velvety red blooms. This traditional gesture is a foolproof way to convey the depth of your affection and set a romantic tone for the day.
Heart-Shaped Jewelry
Whether it's a pendant, earrings, or a bracelet, heart-shaped jewelry is a classic choice for Valentine's Day gifts. Opt for timeless pieces crafted in gold or silver, adorned with diamonds or gemstones. This elegant gesture not only adds a touch of sophistication but also serves as a lasting reminder of your love.
Chocolates and Confections
Indulge your loved one's sweet tooth with a box of delectable chocolates. The timeless combination of Valentine's Day and chocolates creates a sensory experience that delights the taste buds. Choose an assortment of truffles, pralines, and caramels to add a touch of sweetness to your celebration.
Romantic Dinner Date
A romantic dinner date has been a classic Valentine's Day gift for generations. Whether you choose to dine at a fine restaurant or prepare a homemade meal, the intimacy of sharing a special meal together is a timeless expression of love. Set the ambiance with candles and soft music for an unforgettable experience.
Love Letters and Poems
In the digital age, the charm of handwritten love letters and poems remains unparalleled. Take the time to craft a heartfelt letter expressing your love and appreciation. Share your feelings through poetic words, allowing the sincerity of your emotions to shine through in this classic and sentimental gift.
Perfume or Cologne
Fragrances are a classic and personal gift that stands the test of time. Choose a perfume or cologne that complements your loved one's taste and style. The lingering scent becomes a subtle reminder of your thoughtful gesture, making it a classic choice for Valentine's Day.
Candlelit Romance
Candlelit romance adds a timeless and intimate touch to your celebration. Gift scented candles or create a trail of candlelight leading to a surprise. The soft glow and warm ambiance contribute to a romantic atmosphere, making it a classic choice for expressing love on Valentine's Day.
Diamond Jewelry
For those seeking the epitome of elegance and sophistication, diamond jewelry is a classic and enduring gift. Whether it's a pair of diamond earrings, a necklace, or a stunning ring, diamonds symbolize everlasting love and commitment, making them a timeless choice for Valentine's Day.
In a world that constantly evolves, the allure of timeless classics prevails. Traditional Valentine's Day gifts, from red roses and heart-shaped jewelry to handwritten letters and candlelit romance, carry a timeless charm that transcends trends. This Valentine's Day, embrace the enduring elegance of classic presents to express your love in a way that stands the test of time.
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abookishdreamer · 9 months
Character Intro: Orthosia (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Opulent Miss by the people of Olympius
Ma by her son
diamánti mou by her boyfriend
Ms. Bougie by Dione
Age- 41 (immortal)
Location- Skyline district, New Olympus
Personality- She's a neurotic visionary who's extremely confident, extroverted, & conscientious. She can also be materialistic, selfish, and snooty. She's currently in a relationship.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. As the goddess of wealth her other powers/abilities include teleportation (through bank vaults), money mimicry, chrimatakinesis, and chrysopeia (being able to change anything into gold & back).
Her immediate family includes her son Chrysos (god of gold & riches). They've always had a close relationship. She lovingly used to call him "my golden prince" when he used to be a child. They don't get to see each other often because of their hectic schedules, so they mainly keep in touch through video calls and texts. She gave her son a loan to jumpstart his music career.
Orthosia's main abode is the penthouse apartment at Bolt Towers in the Skyline neighborhood of New Olympus. Her apartment is the embodiment of classic wealth & modernity with floor-to-ceiling glass windows offering panoramic views of the Lightning Harbor, the Panhellenios Statue, and Eaglepoint Park. The ceilings are 8 meters high where several ornate chandeliers hang from. There's also a state-of-the-art gym and security system, sculptured kitchen islands, an olympic sized heated pool, wine library, & white oak flooring with Imperial Gold accents. She also owns an apartment in The Parthenos Plaza, a stylish beach house on Shimmering Tail Island, and is currently overseeing the construction of her mansion that's being built in the state of Olympia. Orthosia often shuttles back & forth between her main apartment and her boyfriend's place.
She has an animal companion, a she-dragon named Starwing. The dragon is a slender beauty with mint green and glittering silver scales with silver-white horns, claws, & crests. Starwing is Orthosia's usual mode of transportation when traveling great distances. The dragon has an Imperial Gold collar that's studded with diamonds while the saddle is made out of the most exquisite leather.
Orthosia finds the scent of newly printed drachma bills to be nearly intoxicating.
She always carries 100,000 drachmas in cash on her person.
A go-to drink for her is champagne. She also likes classic martinis, diamond fizz, mimosas, gin & tonics, and white cosmopolitans. Her usual from The Roasted Bean is an olympian sized flat white.
Orthosia loves getting the buttery toasty baguettes from the boulangerie owned by Aphrodite (goddess of love & beauty). More likely than not she'll frequent The Luxe (a high end eatery) for breakfast. Some her faves there include the thousand bagel (a plain bagel topped with whipped white truffle cream cheese along with goji berry infused riesling jelly & edible gold leaves) and the galore eggs benedict (which includes sevurga caviar, black truffles, mushrooms, & champagne creme fraiche). She also likes the meat loaded scrambled eggs (added with bacon, lamb, & sausage) with garlic home fries from The Hearthside Diner.
She normally wears her hair sleek and straight or in elegant updos. Her go-to hair product is the Olmorfia caviar anti-aging replenishing moisturizing shampoo. The shampoo contains pure caviar extract.
Orthosia loves giving fashion advice to her boyfriend's sister Aerin (goddess of the ethereal). She was the one who threw her a celebration party after Aerin's transition.
Her favorite thing to get from The Bread Box is the gourmet grilled cheese along with a salmon caviar salad.
She's one of the few to have a star on the Pantheon Walk of Fame as well as being one of the few goddesses to own the most expensive pair of heels from Diamond Ave. She's even in talks to have her own glamour doll collectible!
In the pantheon Orthosia is good friends with Favian (god of philosophy), Litismós (goddess of culture), Rhapso (goddess of sewing), Kéfi (goddess of mirth), Aígli (goddess of glamour), Hybris (goddess of insolence, hubris, & reckless pride), Aisa (goddess of lote & fate), Epimetheus (Titan god of afterthought), Dolos (god of deception & treachery), Apate (goddess of fraud & deception), Clymene (Titaness of fame & renown), Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection), Bronte (goddess of thunder), and Astrape (goddess of lightning). Orthosia was the official mentor to Tyche (goddess of luck).
She dislikes Penia (goddess of poverty) & her sister Ptocheia (goddess of beggary).
Some of her guilty pleasures include olympian sized fries & the mini pomegranate pie from Olympic Chef as well as the 24K chicken wings from The Crown, a high end restaurant.
Her main source of income comes from teaching economics at New Olympus University. For other means of income Orthosia models for/endorses Platinum Luminescence, Euryphaessa, Megaleio, Luxuria (the goddess Hera's fashion brand), Diamond Ave., ýfasma óneiro, and Heavenly Spark. She's also a writer of the finances section in The Oracle newspaper as well as being a contributing writer for The Acropolis Street Ledger. With Orthosia's personal endeavors, she recently released a limited edition parfum simply called Ploúsios. Only a thousand bottles have been made. The fragrance include notes of mint, white musk, pink pepper, magnolia, & jasmine. The product's three liter crystal bottle is adorned with pure Astrean Silver, 24K gold, and more than 3,000 precious gemstones. The parfum costs a million drachmas. She's also currently developing a business reality television show centered on prospective entrepreneurs making their business pitch to a panel of venture capitalists (investors in start-ups). Her boyfriend is already signed on as an executive producer.
There has also been a limited edition credit card released inspired by Orthosia. The card is made of platinum with Astrean Silver plating and a solitary .235 carat diamond centered on the front. It weighs approximately five times as much as the conventional plastic credit card. The limited edition card aptly named the Pantheonic card is so exclusive- details about how one can become a cardholder haven't been released. Orthosia is also working with Hermes (god of roads, travelers, thieves, merchants, messengers, speed, trade, sports, borders, thoughts, communications, money, & luck) in developing digital currency.
When she gives out cash loans, she ascribes to two rules- that they're considered as gifts and that it only happens twice. The last loan Orthosia gave out was to Aisa (who was settling a gambling debt).
With her enourmous monetary wealth, Orthosia has given back to several charities & organizations. Recently, a scholarship has been made in her name.
A favorite frozen treat for her is chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. She alongside Kéfi and Litismós pooled their money together to buy & share the most expensive sundae at The Luxe aptly called "Strawberries & Drachmas." The sundae includes candied strawberries, 24K gold flake toppings, whipped champagne cream, and bourbon vanilla ice cream. Other reasons for the hefty price (9.85 million drachmas) is the Imperial Gold serving spoons & the 10.06 carat royal blue diamond ring that's placed at the base of the dining plate. After a friendly competitive game of rock, paper, scissors, Orthosia won the ring. She wears it on her pointer finger.
Orthosia is currently dating Aplistos (god of avarice). She didn't think that there was a deity more materialistic & selfish as her until she met him. They initially met at a blowout extravanza at the Caduceus Palace casino and they met again at the Summer Solstice Ball where he asked her out while she was there with her boyfriend at the time, a mortal financier. Intrigued by his cockiness, Orthosia agreed. On their first date (which started as a ride on their dragons to Olympia), Aplistos presented her with a gift- a floor length hooded lynx fur coat with diamond buttons! After becoming Fatestagram official, they made their public debut as a couple at the Olympic Derby.
She has the largest collection of Diamond Ave. jeweled clutches. Kéfi got her the limited edition truffle fries clutch while her son gave her the billion drachma bill clutch for her birthday.
Orthosia has been a part of a few high stake poker games hosted by Euryale, one of the gorgon sisters.
Her all time favorite meal comes from The Crown- the Golden Burger (champagne infused gold dusted buns, whiskey infused liquid-smoked patties topped with king crab meat, black truffles, beluga caviar, & a garlic aoli) along with the crème de la crème pomme frites. The meal totals to 6,000 drachmas. She also likes steak that's well done smothered in onions, mushrooms, and black truffles.
In her free time Orthosia enjoys yachting, polo, ballroom dancing, working out, collecting antiques (artwork & jewelry), tennis, golf, playing poker, shopping, going to museums, going to the cinema, skiing (in the Underworld), clubbing, going to the theater, sunbathing, and dining out.
"Wealth is the ability to fully experience life."
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realtorjamier · 9 months
8 Great Valentine’s Day Dining Options in the DMV!
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Love is in the air, and often the way to a (wo)man’s heart is through the stomach. If you’re looking to make your Valentine’s day, the DMV region is teeming with tempting dining options: flights of caviar, creative cocktails, decadent desserts. We also have a variety of venues (because ambience is paramount)! DMV restaurant choices include sleek city settings, picturesque countryside locales, and waterfront backdrops.
Check out these eight great places to celebrate! Many restaurants will have prix fixe (several courses served for one fixed price), and all recommend making reservations early.
Red Fox Inn
2 E. Washington St. Middleburg, VA
The Red Fox Inn is a perfect destination restaurant to celebrate your love. Established in 1728, the historic romance of the tavern, combined with thoughtful seasonal culinary selections make for an unforgettable dining experience. Offered on February 13, 14, and 15, enjoy their Five Course Game & Seafood with optional wine pairings. Champagne pairings and Caviar Flights are also available.
La Petite Auberge
311 William Street Fredericksburg, VA
A favorite in Fredericksburg, the Valentine’s Day menu at La Petite Auberge begins with an Amuse Bouche (an appetizer with a literal translation of “it amuses the mouth”) of Risotto Fritter with Saffron Aioli and ends with a selection of desserts that all sound delectable. In between you’ll get two more courses plus an entree. C’est délicieux!
La Ferme Restaurant
7101 Brookville Rd Chevy Chase, MD
Treat “ton amour” to fine French Cuisine in an elegant country farmhouse located in the heart of the Chevy Chase villages. Their Valentine’s Day menu features seafood (including a “Cassolette of Snails,” of course!), beef, lamb, and more. And perhaps the pièce de résistance: L’assiette des Amoureux (an assortment of bite-sized desserts), served with a glass of house champagne.
Valentine’s Premier Dinner Cruise
City Experiences by Hornblower Pier 4 580 Water Street SW Washington, DC
Experience D.C.’s most stunning views while dining and dancing with your Valentine. This three-hour dinner cruise on the Potomac River features a premier plated dinner menu with options to upgrade your package to Silver, Gold or Platinum (a bottle of champagne, half-dozen roses, logoed flutes, and a guaranteed window seat).
Dutch’s Daughter
581 Himes Avenue Frederick, MD
The main level of Dutch’s Daughter’s has five refined dining rooms, each with a fireplace. But don’t be afraid of Dutch’s Dungeon, where you find a full bar with signature cocktails in a medieval decor setting (food is also available in the Dungeon).
L’Auberge Chez Francois Valentine’s Day Musical Celebration Experience
332 Springvale Rd Great Falls, VA
“Amour is in the Air” — and so is live music — at L’Auberge Chez François this Valentine’s Day. Considered one of OpenTable’s 100 Most Romantic Restaurants in America, and County Living and Good Housekeeping’s most romantic restaurant in the state of Virginia, Chef Jacques and his team will prepare a seven-course Musical Celebration Experience Menu. Favorites will include Lobster Martini with Osetra Caviar, Classic Chateaubriand for two, delectable Beef Wellington, sumptuous Le Homard du Maine (Maine lobster, jumbo lump crabmeat), and more. Romantic Guitar Extraordinaire Jarrett Laskey will be strolling throughout the five beautiful dining rooms performing for guests. If you’d like to continue your romance at home, choose an optional bottle of chilled Cremant d’Alsace Rose, and half a pound of Chef Pascal’s beautifully boxed delectable Chocolate Truffles infused with Grand Marnier.
1401 Okie Street NE Washington, DC
This modern American restaurant showcases the bounty of the Chesapeake Bay watershed in its seasonal cooking and sourcing. The Conservatory at Ivy City, its rooftop bar and lounge, offers cocktails and light bites or a full dinner. Valentine’s Day at Gravitas includes a four-course dinner from Chef Matt Baker, with optional wine pairings from Sommelier Angelo Perez. Champagne and Caviar Supplemental Course available as add-ons.
Morton’s The Steakhouse
7400 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, MD
Start your evening with a Love in Bloom Valentine’s Cocktail at Morton’s: a blend of Tito’s vodka, cointreau, hibiscus, and Prosecco. Follow up with the three-course Valentine’s Day menu featuring an amazing Chateaubriand Cut (with optional twin lobster tails or jumbo lump crab cakes) as the entree. Choose Morton’s Legendary Hot Chocolate Sundae for Two to top off this fabulous feast. Don’t forget Morton’s downtown DC, Arlington, and Reston locations!
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faroutgardengirl · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Re-Ment 2022 Chocolatier My Melody Box Set - Chocolate Truffle Collectibles.
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lucky-store-in · 2 years
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if you are looking for information about lucky store that could help you to make a decision, here are some potential reasons why someone might choose to purchase this product:
Lindt is a well-known brand that is often associated with high-quality chocolate.
Lindor truffles are known for their smooth, creamy texture and rich flavor.
Surtido truffles come in a variety of flavors, so you can enjoy different tastes in one package.
Lucky Store might be offering a good price or a convenient location for you to purchase the truffles.
You may have had positive experiences with Lindt Lindor chocolates in the past and want to try a new variety.
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resonanz · 2 years
"Ebenholz, there's a sale on chocolate at one of the local chocolaterie ; It's actually pretty unheard of, with how famous the place is."
Kreide calls out from over his shoulder as he's already adjusting his satchel, looking as serene as ever as he smiles. A modest box of plain truffles, and with the sale prices being offered--He can most certainly afford it, and perhaps a spare one for himself and his newfound friend to share.
"I was thinking of buying some for Miss Hibiscus to repay her for help, but--I thought I'd ask if you'd like to come with me? I don't think you've seen this part of the Afterglow, yet. You might see something new."
Ebenholz skeptically raises a brow from where he’s sitting at Kreide’s uneven kitchen table, idly skimming through a local paper he plucked from Biegler’s coffee shop. He doesn’t doubt Kreide’s good intentions, but…
“Chocolate? Are you certain she would appreciate something like that…?” he muses half to himself.
Decorated sweets were a common gift for the tittering ladies he was introduced to at mandatory balls and gaudy celebrations, but Hibiscus was far from the fussy daughters of some Graf or Baron. For one, the girl was too stubborn to navigate the labyrinthine intricacies of noble etiquette. And for another, she looked ready to faint upon sampling a mouthful of sauerkraut. Gifting her a box of one of Leithanien’s most decadent creations would likely send her into an early grave.
He does not make any move to stop Kreide from stepping outside of the door, though.
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“A sale at this time of year? Hmph. I’ll have to verify such a claim with my own eyes.” Ebenholz neatly folds the paper away. “It’s a common tactic for places with a certain degree of renown to deem their leftover stock a sale when they just raised their prices by a grotesque amount not a week prior.”
Though the young Lehnsherr of Urtica was not allowed to personally manage his fiefs, he is familiar with the silver-tongued merchants who came to flatter him at the Spire. He’ll not see Kreide swindled out of the pittance he called his savings if he can help it. With that, he gathers his cloak from the back of his chair and fastens it around his shoulders before promptly joining Kreide at the door.
Ebenholz has only a handful of experiences with doctors he can deem as positive, but he is in agreement with his companion. Hibiscus’ aid was deserving of appropriate gratitude. Perhaps they’d find something more suited to her… unique palate on their way to the aforementioned shop instead.
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