#Sheep's Head Peninsula
sonyaheaneyauthor · 5 months
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Sheep's Head Peninsula, County Cork, Ireland. August 2020.
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Make a world with me part 7
Previous parts 1, 2, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6
Because I need a break from people (both real and imaginary).
I'm going to consider any work I write from this as 'translated' into English but there is a little more to it than that. The languages spoken here are English, or French, or Greek or some version of some language spoken here because their ancestors escaped from here - but the language changed and evolved as time went on.
This will inform how they name animals.
For example : The ancestors said that horses were four-legged herbivores that they can ride, so this four-legged herbivore we ride must be a horse. This animal also has a spikes on it's tail and brown and yellow stripes along it, but that's besides the point.
Cows were horned animals bred for meet and milk, meet the cow - it's basically a small, furry rhino they use to pull carts and plough.
I can use this to bring both a sense of familiar and fantastical to any reader. By saying this boy loves his dog, everyone can relate. By then describing what is very much not a dog, I can emphasis how strange this world actually is.
A similar thing will happen with the plants and crops. Root vegetables can be called carrots or potatoes or turnips.
Anyway, list time. I'll start with semi-domesticated animals (they haven't had the time to actual domesticate anything). Time to look at some prehistoric ancestors to get some ideas.
Animals of the islands
*Some of these are unique to a single island
Horses - striped animals with strong legs, short bodies and heads with a puff of porcupine-like spikes on it's tail. Live wild in small herds of ten or less. Handle with care.
Cows - small, woolly, single-horned rhino like creatures. Produce milk, meat, parchment and leather. Their horns are used to make weapons (but only after the creature dies so that it does not curse the creation). There are varying ideas about what traits they should be bred for, which is beginning to show up as regional breeds.
Goats - inexplicably close to actual goats, horizonal eyes and all, only with an extra set of horns.
Sheep - mini, woolly camel-like creatures with short trunks attached to long faces. Very friendly and very slobbery.
Chickens - short faces and beaks on a body that about 3ft tall with long, black, brown and blue tail feathers, short wings and long legs with powerful claws. Currently farmers are trying to breed them to be fatter and less aggressive.
Geese. Slightly bigger than men, with short wings on thick, fat bodies and very bulbous, big beaks. Attempts to domestic these are not going well.
Ducks were an invasive species, brought from Earth with the colonists who have somehow managed to survive and stick with people down to a ridiculous amount of luck and the affection of three small girls. They have started to interbred with some other water fowl, making them larger (but not much) and giving them the ability to camouflage- much to the dismay of their keepers. Ducks are contained to a few islands, although they are being brought elsewhere, and are considered to be sacred on a few of them.
Quail - fat hummingbird-like creatures that can hover about a foot off the ground for up to a minute.
Rabbits - shaped like tiny bears with long, fanned ears, these animals are an easy meat source but considered by many to be a pest due to their burrowing nature.
Hamsters -basically capybaras with bigger teeth.
Dogs. They were many dogs who arrived with the original colonists, however they died or were lost during the journey while trying to protect their humans. A single puppy survived the journey and was pampered and spoiled until they died of old age. There are wild dog-like creatures with purples steaks who people are trying to domesticate. They are on one the peninsula and are seen as a gift and a good omen by all people. (Unknown to all of them, a few dogs who were lost managed to find and join a pack of these so they are the descendants of the original dogs).
Cats. Like dogs and ducks, many dogs were brought along on the original journey. Unlike dogs, most cats had no interest in sticking with the people they came with when their were so many new types of rodents and mice to chase. They are thriving on the mainland despite it's many dangers. A few remained with people, and there are discussions about which native species they might attempt to breed them with to prevent their extinction (If any are compatible). Other arguments are that they should allow the few remaining cats to retire and die out and be replaced with 'ferrets'.
Ferrets. Hairy snakes with two short front legs with claws for burrowing, and two shorter back legs. Likes to climb trees, buildings, people. Notorious food thieves.
Any other suggestions are more than welcome!
I think I am almost ready to start writing some short stories set in one or two of the islands. Almost. (Novel WIP is staring silently at me.)
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sad-scribble · 2 years
the true genders:
Male Female RAT Danish Venezuela K-Mart™️ Dick's Sporting Goods™️ Goggobite Hamburg Cheeseburg Borb Gorb Pay Less Shoes™️ Vampire Warewolf Thing™️ Clinically Insane but a Blorbo Clinically insane but Just Insane Kidney Donor 5 Gay Rats 7 and a Half Men Trans (Either) None Other Prefer Not to Say (Coward)
Other Genders Include: Home Owners Association of Vicksburg, Virginia Gaylord, Michigan Hell, Michigan Hell, Norway Wal-Mart Super Centers Ararcho-Anarchist 1800-588-2300 Empire Today™️ Bob Ross Chia Pet Red Beans and Rice Ikea Cafeteria Worker Indiana Resident Bermuda Triangle 5th Grader 6th grader High School Freshman High School Senior Mesothelioma Domino's App, Featuring, Hatsune Miku™️ Play-Doh Monstrosity Made of Origami Yucatan Peninsula Cuba Ancient Roman Norse Mythological Being It™️ Other Other.
Other Other Genders Include: Battle Cat 277 English Men named Gary 1 Child named Gerry 16 South African Children Home Owners Associations of Ottawa Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Louisiana Gumbo Mississippi North Texan Oklahoma Panhandle Native American God Cancer (Star Sign of Crab) Cancer (Disease) Lobster Shrimp Fried Rice Waddle Dee Amalgamation of the Fears of the Next Person you Meet Lusty Argonian Maid Köttbullar Chicken Noodle Soup Served Hot and Fresh on December 17th, 1942 Sheep Goat Goat Simulator Goat Simulation Skeleton Skeleton but Cooler David Shy Guy Secure Contain Protect Red Man™️ Omori Player Hard Boiled Egg Other Other Other
Other Other Other Genders Include: Me! :-) Green Man™️ Bangkok, Thailand Shay's Rebellion Alexander Hamilton's Husband Alexander Hamilton's Wife Scottish Dr. Pepper Dr. Bright Tumblr User Fly Swatter Pepsi Cola™️ Nestle™️ Swiss National Banks Federal Reserve Fallout 76 SCP-035 John Garfield (President of the United States) Garfield (Cat) Narrator from Stanley Parable™️ Every Kiss Begins with Kay™️ Everybody Wants to Rule the World Madagascar (Movie Series) Madagascar (Island) Elephant 2 Trucks Isle of Man Dos Islas Del Caribe French SCP-049 New South Wales Rochester, New York Swedish Meatballs Effects of Male Pattern Baldness on Italians 9Gag User Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Floridian South Texan Black Beans and Rice Other Other Other Other
Other Other Other Other Genders Include: Pepperoni Shakespeare's Play, Macbeth Beowulf Homer (Simpson) Homer (Author) Political Candidate German Polish Femboy 67 Children with Knives A Hamster Spinning a Wheel in Someone's Head FemMAN Dos Amigos Restaurant Chains North Sentinel Island Odin Ice Giant Skylander Disney Infinity™️ Guitar Hero Nintendo Wii Spaghetti Tacos Jerusalem Crème Brule Humunculous Spanish At Least 31 Years Old MIT Graduate BenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenrey Hey! Listen!
Celeste Flying Spaghetti Monster The Computer from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Target™️ SCP-079 Oyster Pirate Ninja Robot from the Future Robot The Thing™️ Blob 1990's Rendered 3D Sphere Youtube Poop Mist Flying Chinchilla Gingi Robot Chicken
what you want more?
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bikepackinguk · 1 year
Day Fifty-nine
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Up and at 'em by Stranraer golf course this morning, the stiff winds jave persisted through the night but the shelter of the trees allows getting some breakfast cooked up before hitting the road once more.
It's a couple of miles back down to Stranraer proper to load up on some water, then it's back off southward up the hills to the A716.
Whilst the sun is shining nicely, the winds are coming in over the hills from the southwest and causing a good deal of work, hitting me diagonally and not only buffeting me to the side but causing a great deal of drag as the road carries on through the foothills.
There's lots of pretty farmland being passed through here, with bronze fields of wheat and forests of corn alongside fallow fields full of daisies, but I can't savour the sights too much due to having to keep my head down through the gusting winds.
I take a short break at Sandhead, which features a nice little bay, before slogging onward again.
A lot of the stretches of road here are in fairly poor condition due to weighty farm traffic, which furthers the work required to keep going. And the winds continue to rise along with the climbs.
By the time I push up the hill and in to Drummore I'm feeling pretty worn out, and have a bit of a longer break for lunch bu the small park which offers a little respite from the weather.
This is a really damn tough day so far. A combination of high headwinds, long climbs, heavy traffic, and poor road surfacing, is a full set of the things I dislike riding with. But there's still further to go, so not much option other than to grind it out.
From Drummore, it's more climbing up over the hills past Damnaglaur as the winds begin to gust to gale force levels.
As the road narrows to a single track it throws some big undulations along with being fairly busy with traffic from other sightseers.
Passing on through the pastures full of cows and sheep on the end of the peninsula, I'm forced to push the bike most of the last way as otherwise I'd be blown over by the howling gale rushing in over the sea, but with a final effort up the last hill I finally get in to the Mull of Galloway Lighthouse.
I have a bit of a potter around to take in the impressive views here. The Isle of Man is just visible on the horizon, with the coast opposite shining in the sun. Looking back up the coastline I've come down, the far stretch is shadowed by rain from the clouds pouring over from the west.
The strong winds are at their worst up here with many folk struggling to stay on their feet, so I make a short retreat to grab a coffee at the cafe and give the legs some needed rest.
Time for the return trip! I walk down some of the initial hills due to the intense crosswinds, before mounting up and getting going.
One disadvantage of panniers is their surface area in a headwind, which causes a great deal of extra resistance and work. But witha tailwind like this, they act like sails to help speed me along, and soon I'm flying back round the hills towards Drummore at breakneck pace.
With the wind finally in my favour, it's comparatively easy going after the intense labours of the morning, and I zoom back up the road before stopping off for a brief breather at the picnic spot by the sea at Ardwell.
As I head north I'm getting beneath the very dark clouds that are drifting across the skies and heavy drops of rain begin to come down, but the high winds mean the clouds are passing swiftly by, making for some scattered showers but nothing torrential.
Further along, I swing back through Sandhead again to top up on water, and have a brief chat with a couple of Brummies. Gotta love small world syndrome!
I take the turn off the A road finally to head northeast and suddenly it's blissfully quieter, with the traffic practically vanishing. And as the road passes along an MOD firing range, the winds begin to calm down as well.
The rains are still coming intermittently though, and I am thoroughly worn out by all of today's hard effort, so I'm pondering an earlier finish for the day. Which is well timed as I roll around the corner and come across Torrs Warren just before hitting Dunragit.
With the rains starting to intensify, I've setup beneath the shelter of a nice big ash tree to batten down the hatches for the evening and get a mich needed lie down.
Until tomorrow!
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chaletnz · 1 year
Puno: Amantani Island
From the floating islands it took about another hour and a half to reach Amantani Island located further out in Lake Titicaca, and in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t seem too bad considering from northernmost to southernmost points in the lake the travel time is 24 hours! The island has 5000 inhabitants and they all must be married. However, once married there is no divorce so they must be certain. After three years together, a couple will either marry or split up as is the custom. For couples marrying, it will be on a Sunday in August. Everyone on the island is invited and will celebrate together for 7 days as your once in a lifetime moment to be the centre of attention. Everyone has a turn to be elected as the leader, with a new leader every year as chosen by the people for the people but if you’re not married you cannot lead. Work is strictly designated as either women’s work or men’s work which is why marriage is so important on this island as a couple must have the combo to contribute to their society. There are no police though so it’s a very safe little island! Communities come together to build houses for each other, all hands on deck to build a house from the ground up in 2-3 days, they need only to ask for help and have their materials ready to go. Our walk was a steep uphill climb from 3,800m to 4,000m above sea level and then we were at the town’s main square with a small shop that opened once we arrived so that we could buy some drinks and snacks. We walked for about an hour around the terraces of the island, stopped by a herd of sheep walking past at least three times. It was very peaceful and quiet, small paddocks with a handful of sheep grazing and sunny skies over the water - I took photos and think you could easily mistake the scene for New Zealand. We’d walked the full circle of the island and it was time to return to the peninsula for lunch in Llachon at Casa de Oliver y Sebastiana. They prepared two courses for us, pita bread with pico de gallo and quinoa soup, and then the main dish which was grilled trout with rice, chips, and vegetables. It was pretty good but gave me a little bit of a stomach ache afterwards. We watched the storm rolling in over Puno and reluctantly made our way into it as we were returned to the city. I dropped off my bag and then headed straight back out to get some photos of the cathedral before it got too dark, and also picked up some pastries anticipating a full day on the bus tomorrow to reach La Paz. I treated myself to a passionfruit tart as dessert too. I’ll never know for sure what exactly did it but at some point here I ended up food poisoning, it started at 10:30pm and woke me up at least four times to throw up. I had chills, fever, the works- but somehow I got through the night, made it onto the bus the next morning at 7:30am, and lived to tell the tale!
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wanderella-w · 1 year
⚠️BLOG HIJACK⚠️ (day 50)
Everybody, please stay calm, raise your hands in the air and one-by-one leave a like in the comment section in an orderly fashion. Roger is taking over! 🚨
Yesterday (25 april) began with another trip to the Spar in Abbotsbury. As I, Roger, had forgotten to buy bread as Ella requested and opted for cider instead, we were among the first customers of the lovely neighbourhood supermarket in this pittoresque town at 7 am.
The town looked like something straight out of a BBC murder detective. Luckily, no bodies were found, but spending the night on the chapel hill was rather creepy, especially since we were sleeping next to a forest full of crows. For your information, a group of crows is called a "conspiracy" 👀.
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We set off well-motivated to reach Portland around 2 pm. The day before we pushed ourselves to our limits, or atleast mine, to ensure we could. A few passerby told us Portland was beautiful, and since the peninsula looked densily populated on the map and there were many holiday parks nearby, we thought it would be a tourist heaven — perfect for our well-deserved afternoon off.
As we were walking to Portland, a pretty yet not as spectular scenary as compared to the landscapes we had seen in the days before, we were dreaming of an AirBnB with a bathtub. We walked through fields, saw a pheasant (a bird I had never seen in real life before) and even spotted a herd of fully-wooled sheep.
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The path became increasingly muddy the further we got. I was particularly excited to walk trough a "danger zone", a military practice area. Ella mentioned she had seen quite a few of them already, but since it was my first time, I didn't know what to expect. Except for a few danger signs and an abandoned military post there was nothing to see. No shells or unexploded bombs on the ground :(.
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We pushed ourselves to walk as far as possible before our break around 12 pm. After all, the further we would walk, the earlier we could drink piña coladas in the sun on the white sandy beaches of Portland!
We contacted an AirBnB in the historical center of Portland, and with 12 km behind us and our bellies full after lunch, we set out to the peninsula. However, the more we approached Portland, the more industrial it looked. The bridge connecting Portland with the mainland was full of traffic, and instead of the palm trees we conjured in our head by that time, we saw a Lidl and an industrial port on the other end of it...
When we arrived in Portland, we were a bit, how to put this nicely, dissapointed. There was no city center, let alone a historical one, no attractive beaches, no palm trees and no sun-tanned girls dancing the hula.
What we did find was a nice, yet avarage, English working-class town decorated with the occasional St. George flag. Disillusioned, we entered a pub called The Britania which was already inhabited by a few locals having their Tuesday 2 pm Guinness. The AirBnB host canceled the reservation, and my leg started to hurt quite badly from the strain of the last few days. Quite the situation we had to deal with, as we still didn't know where to sleep.
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After going through some options, we decided to camp out in the wild again, no matter how tired and unshowered we were. We bought some food in the supermarket and got back on the trail.
At least we thought so. Portland doesn't have any architectural eye candy, but does have some bueatiful cliffs. Beautiful, if you are on the right side of them. Sadly, we had walked the wrong way, along the beach and not on top of the cliffs, and my left leg was hurting more and more.
Ella lent me her walking poles and we made our way up to the top of the cliffs. As we strolled through a statue park, I hobbled alongside her, my leg aching more and more. After a while, we finally stumbled upon an even patch of ground where we could pitch our tent. I must admit, as soon as we saw the location, we fell in love; It was only 10 metres from the cliffs edge and boasted a breathtaking view of the sea, the cliffs and the stretch we hiked that day.
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In the end, it was a challenging day that ended on a high note. Though we didn't get the afternoon of we had anticipated, we managed to cope with the situation together. All's well that ends well.
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drogba-prospect · 12 days
Art Financing Case Study: Sheeps and Drakes & Hens as a House Pet. Homestead as a Second Property for Artist Residency Husbandry with AgTech Education. No Cows, Horse, Dogs, Cats, or Rabbits.
Rambouillet FX Listing Pegs: Copper & Gold; Agriculture Central Hedge Fund, Mining Unions, Peninsula Agronomique Engineering, Commodities Options Exchange (Credit Spread Options, Farm REITs, Crop Production; Fertelizers and Seeds; Equipment; Distribution and Processing Stocks, Ag ETFs and ETNs, Ag Mutual Funds), Tableau Économiques, Investments Farms REITs, Scallops Mollusk Razor-Razorblade Model Port Economics, Art Financing Bon Vivant.
The History of Mise en Place
While mise en place is now ingrained in kitchens across the world, this wasn’t always the case. Near the middle of the 19th century, Auguste Escoffier, a former soldier, entered the culinary world. As he advanced through kitchens, he used his experience with strict military systems and clear rules to develop the mise en place system.
At first, not everyone agreed with Escoffier’s rigid organizational methods. However, once they saw how mise en place helped with kitchen workflow, these previous naysayers adopted the practice. Today, this technique is one of the foundations of any functioning kitchen.
In French, mise en place means “putting in place.” We’ve discussed using this strategy or philosophy to apply it to your morning routine and prepping your work area, but you can take it even further. When you set aside all the things you need to get out the door in the morning, that’s mise en place. When you follow an evening routine with your kids (e.g., bath, books, bed), that’s mise en place too. When you open a select set of browser tabs and apps that you need to work on—sans distracting sites—yup, mise en place.
Chef de Cuisine: Sometimes called the head chef, a chef de cuisine is responsible for day-to-day kitchen management. Depending on the size of the business, they may be at the top of the kitchen hierarchy and report directly to the restaurant manager or owner. They have a largely supervisory role, ensuring the kitchen operates smoothly and taking the lead on creating menus.
Rambouillet Brillat-Savarin Culinary Linguistics Hedonistic. The Hedonic Paradox (also called the Pleasure Paradox) states that if you seek pleasure or happiness for the sole purpose of achieving it for yourself, you will fail. Instead, you must pursue other goals that will bring you happiness or pleasure as a side-effect: Pardicé Minuit: Sensory Experience, Culture Expression; Rambouillet Barter Economics and Brillat-Savarin Cheesemonger Farmer's E-commerce. Rambouillet Brillat-Savarin Hedonistic; Planetary Intelligence: Venus (Taurus) Rising, Mars (Aries) Sun, Mercury-Sun (Gemini-Leo) Moon, and Jupiter (Sagittarius) Fleur-de-lys; Lens for Fashion/Fragrance: Spring Cleaning for New Year's Party Resolution; What if we handled fall and Spring and planned in the Winter; Work Quarters Eisenhower Matrix; Hedonic hunger or hedonic hyperphagia is the "drive to eat to obtain pleasure in the absence of an energy deficit". Particular foods may have a high "hedonic rating" or individuals may have increased susceptibility to environmental food cues. It is derived from the concept of hedonism, which by definition is the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life. Hedonic eating is a form of eating in which one eats for pleasure rather than for energy needs. A chapter 13 bankruptcy is also called a wage earner's plan. It enables individuals with regular income to develop a plan to repay all or part of their debts. Under this chapter, debtors propose a repayment plan to make installments to creditors over three to five years. If the debtor's current monthly income is less than the applicable state median, the plan will be for three years unless the court approves a longer period "for cause." (1) If the debtor's current monthly income is greater than the applicable state median, the plan generally must be for five years. In no case may a plan provide for payments over a period longer than five years. 11 U.S.C. § 1322(d). During this time the law forbids creditors from starting or continuing collection efforts. The limited liability company (LLC) is a corporate structure that protects its owners from being personally pursued for repayment of the company's debts or liabilities. Michelin Star SPORTS Stadium Platform NYY Steak.
Bagel and Lox & Husbandry or Fishmonger & Brillat-Savarin Cheesemonger (Triple-cream cheese or fromage triple-crème is cow's-milk cheese which contains more than 75% fat in its dry matter. Triple cream cheeses taste rich and creamy.[1][2]): Farmer's E-commerce and Ghost Kitchen; https://youtu.be/zkGQ4bDg_Y8?si=YeajPobKMymv1Ygr
Husbandry Junk Food/Sephora Cosmetic Plantation Cash Crops: Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream Cake/Sheep, Fried Dough & Dark Chocolate with Hazelnut/Musk, and Breakfast Bagel/Exotic Option; https://youtu.be/Y9b5HBSpbqs?si=CRmBNbvfIIvN09wR
Rambouillet-Iron Barter Economics Technology Index Supplier Technology Retail Business Clusters; Iron from food comes in two forms: heme and non-heme. Heme is found only in animal flesh like meat, poultry, and seafood. Non-heme iron is found in plant foods like whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and leafy greens. Non-heme iron is also found in animal flesh (as animals consume plant foods with non-heme iron) and fortified foods. (Source: https://nutritionsource.hsph.harvard.edu/iron/)
FarmVille is a series of agriculture-simulation social network games developed and published by Zynga in 2009.[3][4] It is similar to Happy Farm[5] and Farm Town.[6][7][8] Its gameplay involves various aspects of farmland management, such as plowing land, planting, growing, and harvesting crops, harvesting trees and raising livestock.[9][10] The sequels FarmVille 2 and FarmVille 3 were released in September 2012 and November 2021, respectively.
Switch from Luxury New Worth to Hedonistic Husbandry Homestead REITS
Pleasure Paradox or Hedonistic Paradox
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roomchailimited · 1 month
Coastal Drives and Majestic Mountains: A North American Nature Tour
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North America offers a dazzling array of natural wonders, making it a paradise for those seeking scenic beauty and outdoor adventure. From the rugged coastlines of California to the towering peaks of the Rocky Mountains, this vast continent is home to some of the most breathtaking landscapes on Earth. Embarking on a journey through these diverse environments promises an unforgettable experience for any traveler.
Starting along the Pacific Coast, one of the most iconic routes is the Pacific Coast Highway in California. This legendary drive offers sweeping views of the ocean, with cliffs dropping dramatically into the sea below. As you wind your way through Big Sur, you'll find yourself immersed in a world of towering redwoods, misty mornings, and the endless expanse of the Pacific. Stops along the way, like the charming towns of Carmel-by-the-Sea and Santa Barbara, offer a chance to explore the local culture and cuisine.
Heading north, the coastal beauty transitions into the majestic peaks of the Canadian Rockies. In British Columbia and Alberta, the landscapes shift dramatically from the ocean's edge to snow-capped mountains. Banff and Jasper National Parks are must-see destinations, where turquoise lakes like Lake Louise and Moraine Lake are framed by towering peaks and dense forests. Whether you're hiking along a mountain trail, kayaking on a crystal-clear lake, or simply soaking in the view, the Rockies offer a sublime connection with nature.
Crossing over to the United States, the journey continues through the Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado, where the rugged terrain offers a different yet equally stunning perspective. The Trail Ridge Road, one of the highest paved roads in North America, provides panoramic views of alpine tundra and lush valleys. Wildlife enthusiasts may spot elk, moose, and bighorn sheep, making this region a haven for animal lovers and photographers alike.
Further south, the Blue Ridge Parkway in the Appalachian Mountains offers a more serene, rolling landscape. Stretching through Virginia and North Carolina, this drive is known for its vibrant fall foliage and gentle, mist-covered mountains. The Smoky Mountains, part of this range, are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and offer some of the best hiking trails in the eastern United States. The region's deep cultural roots, reflected in traditional music, crafts, and storytelling, add a rich layer to the natural beauty.
For those who crave a mix of coastal and mountain experiences, the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State provides a unique combination. Here, you can explore the rugged coastline with its tide pools and sea stacks, and then venture inland to the Hoh Rainforest, one of the few temperate rainforests in the world. The Olympic Mountains, with their glacier-capped peaks, are perfect for both summer and winter activities.
Throughout this journey, travelers will find endless opportunities for adventure, relaxation, and immersion in nature's splendor. Whether it's the thrill of navigating a mountain pass, the tranquility of a forest hike, or the awe-inspiring sight of a coastal sunset, North America's diverse landscapes offer something for everyone.
For those looking to experience these natural wonders, Roomchai Limited provides customizable travel packages that cater to your specific interests and preferences. Whether you dream of coastal drives, mountain hikes, or simply soaking in the beauty of North America's wilderness, we can help you craft the perfect itinerary. Discover the beauty and majesty of North America with Roomchai Limited, where your journey is our priority.
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We were on some narrow, dangerous roads today - it was exhilarating. Perhaps the “Turn back now” sign should have given it away. This road “Conor Pass” was voted the most dangerous road in Ireland. Thanks for choosing this route Sarah, you must trust me. The road was wide enough for one car and a sheep. The problem was that there were cars coming from both directions and sheep. The fog was thick, the traffic jammed, we were on the edge of a cliff - such a thrill! You can’t make this stuff up, good thing I insured the rental car.
On we went down the Dingle peninsula where I took a wrong turn. I decided to follow the road down to a beach - through the narrowest road we had seen yet. We ended up on a huge stretch of beach covered in sea weed. It was beach for as long as the eye could see. Click on the panorama shot to get a sense of it (top left).
Sarah wanted to head towards the Gallarus Oratory which is believed to be over 1000 years old, and is the best preserved ancient church in Ireland. Went went inside the dark, damp, simple stone structure and could just imagine believers gathered in that space praying and singing a thousand years ago. There was a single candle high up near the entrance - you can see the little red candle if you look closely. It was faith inspiring, and a gift to visit this place. We were all alone, no one around, it was pouring rain, and we walked down a pathway bordered by pink fuchsia - we are grateful.
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We finished the day at our B&B with sheep outside the window, and a fresh piece of pie and tea from our host Phil (Philomena). We are off to a pub for dinner, then to bed early. Thanks for sharing our journey.
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bike42 · 1 year
Wednesday September 6, 2023
We dodged it for 44 months, but COVID caught us at an inopportune time - on a tour in Ireland. Jeff started having a sinus headache last Saturday and by Monday he was pretty miserable (we chocked it up to the hot bus ride). He had a long nap when we arrived at the B&B, but rallied for a walk to the castle and the group dinner. The next day we were on the bus all day with our M&M tour. We popped into a pharmacy at lunch that day to buy Sudafed and COVID test kits. The Sudafed gave him immediate relief and he functioned well the rest of Tuesday.
Wednesday morning we got up, felt ok but each did a COVID test. His was immediately positive - similar to when Lori was teaching Ryan and I how to test and he went positive just before Christmas 2020. My test was negative and I felt fine. I went down to breakfast to find our tour leader, Peter, and grab a tray for the now quarantining JT. Since he’s had symptoms for over three days now, we we’re hopeful he’d be able to travel with the group on Friday when we head south to the next hotel.
He insisted I go out for today’s tour, so I did. The tour was several spots around Sligo. We started at Carrowmore Megalithic Cemetery. It took me awhile to figure out where we were and what we were seeing, but we had a fantastic guide that led us to different Stone Age tombs built by Neolithic farmers. She was a great combination of historian and archaeologist! A similar story to other places in the world where the farmers came and pushed indigenous people inland.They grew cereal crops and domestic farm animals (cows, sheep and chickens).
They estimate probably 50-55 monuments were originally here, some were likely dismantled over the years. Inside the tombs they found grave artifacts: remains (primarily cremated), quartz crystal, tools and pieces of pottery, jewelry from sea shells, pins made from deer antlers.
The tombs were desecrated in the 1800’s, later part of the 1900’s archeologists came and discovered that these were actually Stone Age monuments. There are 250 tomb monuments in Ireland - 100 in Sligo area
Our guide talked about the surrounding area, and pointed out Benbulben, a flat top mountain across the valley - she said no monuments there as the sun and moon don’t intersect. She also pointed out Knocknarea, the mountain with a very large carin monument on top, which led to her story about Queen Maeve. Legend says she’s buried in the monument standing up. Probably largest passage tomb that’s been left undisturbed.
The coolest passage tomb was the Listoghil chamber. Twice a year, the sun illuminates the perfectly aligned stones - Oct 31st and April 30th. The guide shared a photo from several years ago (see photo). They don’t see it every year because normally, Ireland can go many days without seeing the sun!
Our next stop was the Strandhill Peninsula for a stop at the Atlantic Ocean. We had two hours to walk the beach and have lunch on our own. Supposedly, this is the best place to surf in Ireland, and there were surfers out there but the waves weren’t that great. I walked the beach and dunes for a bit, overlooking a little RV park with Knocknarea in the background. I joined a few others in our group for a panini and a pint and enjoyed the outdoor patio on the beach.
After lunch we drive to another tomb monument - this one with more extensive stonework. It occurred to me that all of these would be more spectacular to be viewed from above! James brought his guitar along and sang two songs for us there … one called “Buried in Stone,” which he wrote after his brother disappeared in Montana.
Our last stop of the day was “Atlantic Sheepdogs,” for a spectacular talk by Martin and a performance of herding by his amazing 4-year old Border Collie, Moe. She was wicked smart and clearly takes her job seriously! The farm has also dedicated itself to conservation of some ancient breeds of sheep that were on the verge of extinction. I was surprised to learn that the value of wool is practically nothing! These sheep are bred primarily for meat these days.
We drove through Sligo and the bus stopped to let people off if they wanted to stay in town. I rode back to the hotel and Jeff was feeling pretty good and ready to get out and get some air. It was just over a mile walk back down to town, a nice walk. We strolled along the river and found a spot we could sit outside and have a burger. We passed on the milk shake, but our waiter convinced us to try the sundae with hot caramel and crumbled biscotti cookies. Yum yum.
We walked back to the hotel and Jeff went back to quarantine in the room and I joined most of the group for a 90 minute M&M show. It was so cool to be sitting right in the front and watch their fingers fly over the guitar strings. Peter joined them for a few tunes with percussion, and even sang an Irish tune for us.
Lots of talent in the room. Several people were headed out to the pubs to find more music, but I was starting scratchy throat and headache so I headed back to the room to try to sleep.
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safereturndoubtful · 1 year
Three days on the Lunna peninsula, and it’s Dumplings
Thursday 3rd August
Lunna will stick in my memory for a long time, chiefly due to the hospitality of its residents, all six of them, in just three houses.
When we arrived we went as far as the road goes, to the peninsula’s northwest side, and a farm called Outrabister. We hadn’t been parked up for long when the owner of the house, no longer a farm, came to say hello. 70 year old Frank lives with his Jack Russell named Joe, in the huge house, which must be at least six bedrooms. We chatted for a while and he invited me over a cup of tea later in the evening.
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The reason I was on the peninsula was to hike to track that goes around it, but in two sections. It can be done in one, but would be a serious mission, as on the ocean side the path is nothing more than sheep trods, and quite often not even that. It’s boogy, deep with heather, steep-sided and plenty of up and down. Sections with cliffs mean you have to come inland for some way, so the distance is far more than initially estimated. It’s in the Cicerone book, and more evidence that the author hasn’t actually walked the trail himself.
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The first half though, to the headland, is straightforward. On this section I met a Swiss couple who visited Shetland every year, and even walked the same trails every year. They just walked the first section, then returned on it. They recall, they told me, 18 years ago, when they took on the return, that I did, and said they would never do it again. It was a challenging but thoroughly rewarding hike, but one that I won’t be doing annually for the next 17 years..
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Back at the van I drove back 5 miles or so, to Lunna House and parked at the jetty opposite it (pictured above). I wasn’t there long, and the modern-day equivalent of the Laird, the farmer, came to say hello. These old Manor House’s with their Lairds going back hundreds of years have some pretty dodgy history, and guys like Hamish have to work pretty hard to shake it off.
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Lunna is a fascinating example of such a place. In the 18th century there was a fishing station at Lunna, the large ‘bod’ or booth, is next to where I stopped, and is still in really good condition. It was used in the Second World War by the Shetland Bus operation (that I wrote about previously). Boats were hidden here, and the House held ammunition, radios and even smuggled saboteurs. It’s church, or Kirk, the ruin of the old one, it’s graveyard, and new building, was opposite.
At the top of the hill in the Hunter’s Monument, from which the Laird could check the movements of his fishermen, in case they were landing their catch elsewhere.
Hamish was working as a chef in Edinburgh when his father died suddenly 5 years ago, and he came home to run the farm. He has set up a section of the huge house as tourist accommodation, built a pod for tourists also, and set up a butchery next to the bod on the jetty to process lamb. He now employs two butchers. As well as running the farm, which is sheep and cows.
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On Thursday I hiked the second section of the coast, heading north on the ocean side from Lunna, knowing it would be tough. But this section has lots of small lochans and the scenery is much less harsh and wild. During my time at Lunna the weather was dry, but with a north westerly wind which made the 13C feel cool. This first section of the hike ranks right up there with the best I’ve done on Shetland. The most spectacular part was the descent to Loch Fostersgeo. Roja was as impressed as me, and tore down to it desperate to add it to his collection of lochs he has swum in. Pictured below, and second above.
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We stayed two nights at Hamish’s bod, and met a few of his business acquaintances he was showing his butchery off to, as well as a couple of tourists he had staying. Other than that, there was no one around at all. It was another wonderful place to stay. Hamish offered electricity, toilets, showers, water, even a small kitchen, but I needed none of that.
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This morning before I left we hiked the hills to the south for a few kilometres, on the high point of one of its dumplings is the Hunter’s Monument. It was colder today by a couple of degrees, the wind shifting to the north. The range of temperatures throughout the year isn’t very big, especially on the coast. 11C today, feeling like 7 or 8, could be any day of the year really.
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I shifted south after lunch, sticking on the east coast, getting steadily closer to Lerwick, and as I do so, there is a bigger population, slightly bigger.. That means there are less options for parking up for the night. I had a couple of places in mind, and neither were suitable. Eventually I settled at the small turn around at the end of a road where I want to hike tomorrow, Kirkabister.
In other news, August arrived, and with it no news of a date for my hip operation, so I called the North Cumbria NHS. Last time I did this was just after I was back from Europe in May, and they told me they were scheduling referrals from December. I was referred on 1 February. This time I called they said exactly the same, they were scheduling December, and had moved only a couple of weeks due to catching up on cancellations. Bad news?… well no, not really. This enables me to book a Eurotunnel and make a plan for September. My preference for the treatment had been December, and that could still be the case…
So, I booked a train to Calais for 1 September, and will now spend some hours on research for the first days of the new course, heading for Croatia, the Dinaric Alps, the Via Dinarica, into Bosnia and Montenegro. More on that soon..
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dorasireland · 8 years
the goat's path by Dora Meulman Via Flickr: Whitecaps on the sea
a winding country road-
in the March wind.
dora meulman
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dorameulman · 8 years
the goat's path by Dora Meulman Via Flickr: Whitecaps on the sea A winding country road- in the March wind. dora meulman
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worldwanderings-net · 3 years
Sheep's Head
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Sheep's Head promises to be one of those places which would blow you away. These places are very common in Ireland, especially in West Cork. This is one of the reasons why I decided to come here. Unfortunately, the weather this way was not coorperating. The constant fog was very persistent that ordinarily I wouldn't have even considered going out but I was already in the area and it was my last day in Cork so I should at least familiarize myself with these place for a next visit. Sheep's Head sits at the very end of the Sheep's Head Peninsula. It is a long finger of land not unlike several places here here in Cork. It is amazing to see how many peninsulas are there in this small area of Cork alone.
Continue Reading in Worldwanderings.net
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heartysworld · 2 years
For all we know || Daemon Targaryen x Reader
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A/N: Hello loves! How are you doing how's your day going? Today I'd like to say something about a comment that I got on one of my fics, the person was concerned about reader being Daemon's sister. All I want to say as a response is, have you seen/read the show/books? That's like a normal Tuesday there, also, this is a fictional world, everything can happen there, because it's fictional. We don't romanticize in*es* in real life!!! Keep that in mind,and also if someone finds this disturbing,just don't read it!
A turn of the moon had only passed after your marriage to Prince Daemon of house Targaryen when you were called to his mother,Alyssa's, private chambers. This so called marriage was nothing more than an alliance between the Targaryens and the Martells, rules the peninsula of Dorne in the far south of the continent. This, however, did not mean that the newly wed couple was not obliged to participate in any marital activities. A moon later your marriage to Daemon was still unconsumed.
" Princess Alyssa ." You said, stepping inside the chambers, curtseying. Your mother-in-law smiled at your politeness, slightly bowing her head as a response.
"Please sit, my dear. I think it is time for us to have a chat. Like a woman to woman. Do you have any suspicions to why I sent for you today?" She asked, one of her hands taking a hold of yours.
"I think I do know." You answered,voice a bit shy
"I know how stubborn my son can be,Y/N. However, that does not mean you can't return his attitude. These late night broodings of his is becoming too much while you just stand by the sidelines, doing nothing." The Princess said, her teeth gritting every time she mentioned your husband's unfaithfulness.
"What should I do, mother? My husband is never approaches me,he only does when it is required or when he is in need of somebody to listen to his rants. He never touches me like a husband should." You said,voice desperate. One of the things you loved about Daemon's mother was the fact she accepted you as her own child, always caring and gentle.
"I know what kind of a woman you are,Y/N. You are beautiful, smart, attentive. You are not a sheep,my dear,you are amongst the dragons now,so be a dragon! Seduce him like the whores from the Silk Street had done! Bare his children! There is nothing more powerful than a woman whose husband is satisfied. You have my protection, Y/N. Nobody could hurt you if you try,not even my own son." Your mother-in-law said.
Her words gave you assurance and confidence. You could do it, he was your husband and you were his wife. There was nothing shameful in seducing your own husband.
"Tonight, I shall send him to your chambers. This will be the time when you sink in your claws and never let go." She added.
With that your visit ended.
Night has fallen, it was almost time to go to bed,but you had no such plans. Earlier, after you had taken a bath,you asked for one of the most beautiful nightgowns that you owned,a wedding gift from your mother. You were supposed to wear it on the first night after your marriage,but since that did not happen, now was the perfect time to put it to use.
The nightgown was a silky midi-dress in black with thin velvet straps, hugging your form through the night. It displayed the upper parts of your breasts, making them very noticeable for the human eye.
Just as you were taking in your appearance in the mirror,the wooden door of your chambers opened revealing no one else but your husband.
The second you turned around, facing your husband,he stopped in his tracks. Daemon's eyes followed over your form, up from your eyes, going down your half naked body,down to your legs.
"Welcome, husband. I am happy to see you are back. Must have been an exausting day." You said, taking a few steps closer.
"It was,indeed. Those fools from the City Watch know nothing of how to keep a kingdom's streets clean of bastard's rubbish." Daemon spat out, walking towards the bed where he began unfastening his leathers. You admired his muscly body while he undressed, slowly getting closer.
"You must be exhausted, my dear. You also look very tense,let me try and help." You said, taking one of his hands in yours, leading him to the chair in front of your vanity and making him sit down.
Your hands slowly crawled from his back,up to his shoulders as you massaged his tense muscles.
Daemon did not want to admit it,but that was much needed. Nobody ever asked about his wellbeing,how he was ,if he needed something. When he was with his mistress, Mysaria ,all she wanted was for him to stick his cock inside of her, satisfying her desires and possibly blessing her with a child that would secure her safety in the kingdom.
You,on the other side, stood here now,behind him as you took care of him.
Your hands found a sensitive place on his body,one that needed a lot of care so that It could stop hurting. The second you touched it a slight moan escaped Daemon's mouth, indication of your correct choice of approach.
"Oh my dear, you need a break from all this,your back is full of stiff spots,if you keep it that way you will fall sick. I want you to be well, Daemon,you are my husband." You said quietly,head leaning closer to his ear as you spoke. Meanwhile,your hands had moved from his shoulders down to his front,now laying on his chest as they roamed freely over his loose shirt.
A small grunt was his response,but it was enough for a smirk to appear on your face.Daemon's eyes were closed while you worked your way down to his body. A gentle kiss was laid on his neck,followed by a few more over his shoulders.
You didn't even realize when he had you in his arms,pinned against the vanity in your room. His lips moved hungrily against your, tongue swiping across your bottom lip, allowing Daemon entrance by the moan that left your lips at his gesture.
You were in euphoria, your husband was actually with you now, kissing you as if the world is about to end.
You felt Daemon's hands go down to your butt, squeezing it tightly before he scooped you up in his arms, carrying you to your bed,not letting go of your lips.
There were clothes in every corner of the room,you nightgown long gone and Daemon's shirt and pants thrown away somewhere close. His mouth and hands worshipped your body like a goddess, like a precious gift that was to be kept safe at all costs. His left hand laid on your lower stomach, preventing you from squirming away while he had three fingers slipped inside of you,moving in and out painfully slow,the sounds produced were drowned out by your moans as the only thing that left your lips was your husband's name and quiet pleas for him to let you finish over his fingers.
But your husband was a stubborn man, one that enjoyed watching people beg for mercy before he claimed their lives with his sword. Now, it was not much different. Your sweet voice was like honey,and the small "please, I'm begging you" was like music to his ears. He felt like he could finish just by listening to you.
His fingers left you open before him,a frustrated yell coming out of your mouth caused by his cruel games and experiments.
Daemon leaned above you, staring at your eyes, the fingers that were inside of you mere moments ago now crawled into your mouth,him letting you taste yourself.
You breathed harshly as you watched him nestle himself at your entrance, preparing yourself for what was to happen. Your body burned with desire but there was always the grain of fear.
As if sensing your nervousness, Daemon held your left cheek, caressing it right under your eye. You felt the tip of his cock touch your most sensitive area and shivers shot through your body.
"I'm not going to hurt you." Your husband whispered,his lips mere inches away from yours. The moment he kissed you,you felt him move his hips into yours, entering you slowly. Your discomfort was drowned by the kiss, making Daemon smile. The feeling of your body squirming against his made him even harder.
The tight walls of your pussy squeezed him so hard he felt like coming right away,but he couldn't,not just yet.
The fist few strokes were slow and gentle,until your body was relaxed against his, pain slowly turning into pleasure. The second Daemon sensed this he started fastening his pace which made you grip the sheets underneath you, your back arching as his name loudly shot out of our mouth. If the windows of your chambers were opened, half the city would've heard of Prince Damon's nightly activities.
There was not an inch of your body that Daemon did not conquer that night, the same was for you. The two held one another awake all night, only falling asleep for minutes before you awoke again, full of energy for another round. By the time it was sunrise you and your husband were already passed out underneath the covers of your bed, bodies naked, entangled with one another.
It didn't take long for the news to reach the Old Princess' ears, delivered by one of her trusted maids herself who was the one to wake the young Prince and Princess, witnessing the two together in bed,the bloody sheets she found later oy confirmed what had occurred the night before.
Ever since then, Daemon couldn't get enough of the newly found affection for his wife. He sought her on his own, having found a sense of comfort and peace whenever she was with him. The two couldn't get enough of each other, spending the night making love and the days seeking each other out.
A few weeks later you were told by your mother-in-law herself that Daemon has not been spotted on the Silk Street ever since the day he bedded you for the first time. Pride filled your chest,that meant he only wanted you,and intended to keep it that way.
"I don't know where my mind has been all those months. To abandon my loving wife alone all on her own." Daemon said as he picked up by the waist, spinning you around the gardens of the Palace. You laughed loudly, happiness filling your chest. That was all you wanted,for him to love you and see you as his wife,as someone to go to when he needed comfort and peace,not a woman who only married him for the royal privileges.
"All I wanted was to be a good wife to you, Daemon. Yes,my house might have used me as a pawn in their game, but I value you,you are my husband, and I have grown to love you." You said,now pressed against his chest as you stared at his good eye.
You saw a genuine smile appear on his face, which was followed by another sloppy kiss.
With the corner of you eyes,you noticed a shadowy figure watching you from afar. It was Mysaria, without a doubt. You had never seen her in person but judging by the description of her you had heard a while ago,that was her unmistakably. Your sight fell on her as you kisses you husband, holding his face in your arms.
Months later,you found yourself expecting a child. Your monthly was late twice in a row, indicating something must be not right. A visit to the Maester's tower only confirmed your suspicions. Daemon was happy, not that he showed it to anyone besides you, his wife. He was going to raise a child the way be wanted and thought was right, away from all the rubbish of the royal court.
When the announcement was made about another little babe joining the royal family your eyes met Alyssa's, receiving a nod and a knowing smile from her.
It was now the night after the festives in your and the babe's honor. You stood in front of a mirror in your room,still in your dress, admiring the swell of your stomach where your child laid. Meanwhile, Daemon was leaning against the table at the centre of the room, staring at your form with a weird smile.
"And what are you looking at,my love?" You asked, hands holding your stomach.
"I'm just thinking about the things I want to do to you." Your husband said,the smile on his face still standing.
"Is my pregnant state arousing you,my Prince?" You asked, stepping closer to him, taking his hands in yours, placing them on your belly.
"Every state of yours does that to me,my love." Daemon said, pressing you closer to his body, pecking your forehead.
"I can't wait until she's here." You murmured against his chest.
"She?" Your husband asked with a raised eyebrow. "How do you know it is going to be a daughter? It could be a son for all we know." He asked, chucking at your frown caused by his counter response.
"It will be a daughter, I'm her mother I can feel it. I have the dragon's blood in me. I can feel her fires licking at my womb." You fought back, only furthering your husband's enjoyment from annoying you.
He placed another kiss on your forehead, laughing quietly at your words.
"If you say so, let it be a daughter. She will be loved unconditionally anyway."
It was,indeed, a daughter. Aleana Targaryen was born on a spring summer day a few months her parent's discussion about wether were about to have a son or a daughter. Daemon was correct, she was loved despite being a daughter. Her parent's love was stronger than every other power in the known world. As soon as little Aleana was old enough to travel with her parents, Daemon wasted no time arranging the so desired journey to Dragonstone where the two of you planned on raising your daughter.
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cliquestitsandicks · 2 years
Ok but a short film about a BLACK ON BLACK lesbian couple who was going to attend the family reunion together, but one of them dies a few months prior, aneurysm or something (hear me out). And she wasn’t “out” to her family. She wasn’t exactly in either though. They just never talked about it and never had to because she lived hundreds of miles away and saw them maybe once a year.
Her girlfriend doesn’t really know how to navigate it all. And when we see her it’s always like she’s a bit distracted, like something else always has her attention. You don’t see her give in to the grief fully, just a few tears here and there before she’s off again doing something we can’t see off camera. She doesn’t have many numbers for the family of her girlfriend, but she calls the one she does have to let them know. They insist on taking care of the funeral arrangements. She doesn’t care about that though. She knows it doesn’t really matter. It’s a body in a hole in the ground, not the person, the spirit, she’d loved for so many years. She mourns with her own family as well as their found family and friends, but when she goes to the funeral, she just kinda sits on the end of third row, behind the parents & siblings on the first, aunts & uncles on the second, staring off into space because it’s all so surreal. They know she was important to her, just not how important. Well..except for one.
He’s the black sheep brother the parents are ashamed of for some dumbass reason. He arrives to the funeral late, smelling like a 8th and febreze, but freshly shaved and lined up with his best black button up, dry-cleaned slacks, patented leather shoes, and a black coat. It’s 90 degrees outside in this peninsula we call Florida. So the coat is out of respect. He doesn’t do suits, and fuck a tie, but this is Sis. He swags in walking to the front with all the “I dare somebody to say something” attitude he can muster and immediately spots her and where she’s seated versus where she should be. He stops and squats next to her countenance softened he gently grabs her hands and whispers “Trish?”. Travis. Her twin. “I’m so sorry.” He says the next part with a lump in his throat, “you don’t belong back here.” Then he stands up, pulling her up with him and wraps her in a tight embrace that reminds her so much of her girlfriend, floods her with so many memories, that she falls apart.
They pretty much stick by each other’s side at the afterparty (BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT A REPAST IS, FIGHT ME), the black sheep and the question mark - a pair of uncomfortable conversations in the flesh. Somehow the family reunion becomes a topic and she hears someone say “damn shame. She was coming this year for the first time in how long?” “Yeah and bought 2 tickets for the cruise”. She feels eyes on her, but still none come to express their condolences. She swears she feels Tracy’s touch before she hears Travis’s whisper “you good?” She squeezes his hand. They go.
She returns home and tries to resume life with a massive void. We see flashbacks of their sweet love story that ends with her curled up in their california king bed silently sniffling while the email with their cruise confirmation sits on the end table under Tracy’s favorite watch. The bed is way too big for just the two of them. Then we hear a knock on the door and it creaks open. She looks up, smiles through her tears “I didn’t say come in”. “Sorrrry”, a little girl about 4 peeps in, “can we sleep with you, mama?” Her brother, identical in every way but gender sticks his head in too, “pweease?” She pretends to really contemplate it, “just for tonight ok, then back to your own beds”. They trot in gleefully — him with a stuffed Simba, her with a stuffed Okoye. They climb in bed in front of her. The last image we see is where Tracy used to be on the other side of them, holding her wife’s hand (they’d made it official 6 months ago, on the little twins’ birthday).
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