#She tends to feel like an outcast ig
foxyverserambles · 3 months
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Can I request HC for RFA + Minor duo (soz Vandy) with MC who loves kids and babies? Eg. MC would get slightly teary from seeing cute babies on IG or if they go w/ their S/O and saw a kid, their heart would melt straight away like "OMG they're so adorable!" (For Baehee and Zen's case, assume MC saw a co-worker/fan/customer who brought along a kid and MC gets super friendly like *cue baby language towards the kid and somehow the kid gets along with MC*)
Personally, children terrify me with the amount of responsibility they require as well as the dedication it takes to be a good parent. I respect anyone who has the gall to do it. But definitely not a good idea for me personally which is okay too! God, I hope I did you right, anon.
Yoosung Kim
° Oh my God. MC just got somehow more adorable than he thought they could? Yoosung feels some kind of way when he sees how excited or bubbly you get around children, you’re just so nice and it really makes his face turn red when he incidentally imagines what a future would be like with you where the both of you have kids together. He’s frankly, not going to admit it outright at first or anything, he’s just going to appreciate this from afar until you’re both a little older and more prepared for that kind of conversation.
° Him baby.
° He's still young. As are you! So the idea is off the table until later in life, of course, but boy whenever you get into that mood it makes him red.
° "Uh. Whatcha watching there, Y/N?" He asks as he sees you teary eyed from either laughter or joy.
° "....My friend's baby is super cute, and I can't help but watch whenever she posts something!" comes the muddled explanation from your lips. "I really like seeing babies doing cute stuff, makes me hopeful for our future."
° You're beaming and he's mortified.
° You want to... with him?
° Boy, he can hardly handle kissing you the first couple of times and you're already onto the future when you might have kids. His heart is weak but he can't deny how adorable it is to see your face light up.
° Upon seeing his red-face, you have to reassure him. "Don't worry, Yoosung. You have no idea how red you are right now! That's still a long time away!"
Hyun Ryu
° You have no idea what that is doing to the beast. Your sheer enthusiasm is really something that amuses him. The way that your eyes light up and the way your smile looks when you’re playing a game with a toddler really makes him chuckle. Unlike Yoosung, he’s going to verbalize his interest and tease you a little bit about you. Because he definitely wants kids sometime in the distant future with you when the timing is right, unlike the internal struggle that either one of the Choi brothers would be through, Zen’s connection with the idea of parenthood is different.
° He had it pretty bad, but he promises to do better, and he intends to uphold that. Zen will do better and never make his kid feel like they’re outcasts or not good enough. His fear isn’t in that he thinks he’ll become like his parents, it’s all channeled into becoming a better person. It’s a healthier manifestation of his issues but even he isn’t immune to thinking he might make a bad choice here or there.
° You met with some old friends and he saw the way you just instantly brightened with a kid in the room. It must be something about you because you can get enraptured in the smallest of thing and the simplest of things.
° Like, wow, you look super into making that kid believe his hiding spot is perfect.
° "You're pretty good with kids, Jagiya."
° "Haha. I guess so. I never really noticed. I'm just fond of them. I've always wanted to be parent."
° "...Is that so? I can help you with that."
° Uh oh, watch out MC, the beast is going to be unleashed if you aren't careful with your word choices.
Jaehee Kang
° One of your friends came over to the cafe and brought along their child, and you immediately took to the scene to say hello and amuse them for their parent long enough so that they could get a coffee and relax for five minutes. And you're surprisingly very good at handling the situation, in a way that impresses Jaehee. It's another side of you that she had not known. Your compassion has no bounds and you seem to want to help everybody.
° You radiate strong parent energy when you're like that and Jaehee has to admit that she's impressed. She had never imagined either of you as the type to have children but this cements the idea that if you did decide later on to do that or something like that, you would be a perfect fit for it. And the way that you always light up when you're amusing children just makes her feel even better about you.
° Jaehee is most put together person among everyone and she always tends to have a plan in line. Routine and day to day, she's more than ready to be able to add a child into that mix if the situation allowed. She's not always the most confident but boy will she do great as a parent because she knows how to handle messes. She doesn't exactly remember what it was like to be with her family but she knows it would be nice to build a new one with you.
° Jaehee often finds herself smiling in your direction at the counter when you coo at babies.
° You'll catch her staring and tease her for watching you like that. "Jaehee, are you jealous?"
° "Of course not," she'll say. "I just like watching you caring for children like that."
° She also would love to see you stare at her like that. Low-key.
Jumin Han
° It was one thing when he saw how gentle you were with Elizabeth the 3rd, and it is another thing entirely when he sees you with a kid.
°That really invites those domestic feelings that he's always longed for in his life. His home life wasn't always the simplest when he was a kid, and he didn't exactly get a rounded experience that every other person has been able to have. So, for him to be able to imagine being able to have that kind of life in his future really does it for him. Like, oh boy, he can work with this.
° You're always in a place that he hasn't been able to connect with the moment you're around a kid. Your face lights up and you're so bubbly and kind. It's like you flipped a switch and he really loves seeing you like that!
° You would be holding a friend's kid, cooing at it, humming a song underneath your breath, and man oh man, Jumin feels some kind of way about all of that.
° "Y/N, how do you feel about children?" He asks.
° Clearly oblivious, and unknowing of what he meant, "I love kids, Jumin, I thought that that was abundantly clear with my attitude, why do you ask?"
° "I meant for us."
° "Oh."
° Good luck with that!
Saeyoung Choi
° Oh, no. His MC is too cute for him!
° He cannot handle the amount of cute that happens every chance you get around some children. It's obvious to him right off the bat that you've got a lot of compassion to give to the world and of course you had to be the kind of person that somehow attracts the attention of every kid in the room. It doesn't matter what you've done or what you said, kids just seem to know what you radiate. You're a trustworthy person and innocent things pick up on that immediately. Seven knew your heart and type well before you worked your way into his heart.
° Similiar to his brother, he would have this internal dialogue that makes him feel like he won’t be cut out for it. It isn’t as bad as the fears that Saeran would feel, but it’s damn near close. Would he be a decent parent? Would he do the right thing? Would he royally fuck up? Because he wants to he a better person to everyone around him, including his own possible children in the not far future.
° It's actually you that makes the world of difference in his fears by helping him work on that fear as you often help out friends who have children, and your family who have younger children.
° You would be hanging out with a child while babysitting, likely working on a puzzle or something together on the carpet. Encouraging them whenever they did something right as well as pointing out the next step low-key, and the minute that you caught Saeyoung staring that was it for him. You don't take no for answer at times like that. He's roped right into this before he can say anything and it turns out he's not as horrible as he thought he might be.
° You have a way of easing out his nerves and that makes it a lot easier for him to talk with children and humor their imagination. His childish nature actually works pretty well with most kids so that persona isn't hard to come out naturally when he's pressed.
° "Saeyoung," you scold him afterwards, knowing what he was thinking. "You shouldn't be scared of children, you're a natural at caring for them!"
° Wounded pride. "Not as well as you are, Y/N."
° "That's only because I've been working hard at it. You didn't even have to try. I know you love kids, you'll be great with our children when it comes down to it." You say.
° Reassurance and teamwork really makes the dream work.
Jihyun Kim
° Jihyun loves the way that your face lights up when you're with children. The warmth of your heart really sets him on fire, and he decidedly cherishes this side of you because it's sweet.
° Even though it's been rocky for such a long time for him, he was trying to care for Saeran and Saeyoung when he was practically a kid himself. He doesn't regret trying to help those brothers even though it turned out the way that it did. That's the one thing that has stuck with him in spite of the fears. Caring for children, your biological, or adopted, it's a rewarding thing! It's something that he believes in and won't ever be shaken from. He might be hesitant to take that step in his own life again, in the fear that he make a horrible choice that lands somebody in trouble again.
° It would take a very determined MC who helps him learn otherwise to allow him to want to be a parent again to another child but he'll prove himself.
° It's easy for you to keep up with children, and he catches you in the midst of playing a game with a friend's kid and the way that that kid is so excited about you makes him think that you could be a great parent.
° "You've been hanging back for a while, Jihyun, do you prefer watching then participating?" You would tease him for standing in the doorway, just watching from afar.
° "No, no. I just like seeing how your face lights up, Y/N." He would say, looking away. "You're great with kids."
° "Are you just saying that cause i cried at that video with the baby last night?"
° "No way."
° Probably. You'll never know for sure, now will you?
Saeran Choi
° His struggle is probably the worst out of this group.
° It’s not a bad thing, per se, it’s just that he fears children. No, it’s not that. He wouldn’t mind children if they were the others his brother had, or possibly even some of the other RFA members. It’s that he fears the idea of parenthood. He doesn’t think he’s ever going to capable of that, and that feels like a failure to him. He gets that his MC likely would want to be a parent and he loves the way your face lights up when you see kids it’s just -
° There’s a disconnect. Oh, he can envision his MC being a great parent to someone. But! He cannot see himself in that place. He struggles to see himself in charge of another life; Its hard enough for him to keep himself alive most days. It’s this lingering fear that he’s had for a long time where he might turn into his parents. He fears the sheer idea alone that he could ever be as awful as they were to him to his own children. Just the thought of raising his voice to a child makes him want to spin into a panic attack and dissociative fit.
° This would even be after a few years of really trying to get himself better, too, he can’t just shrug that fear away. It'll always be a part of him and he's tried to accept it.
° But, he knows how you are with kids. He respects that and stays out of the way most of the time when you're engrossed.
° It's when he's sitting alone with the kid and you had to leave the room to take care of something and you've left him alone with this kid, that he's put on edge. Of course this would happen. But, its not awful, it's a soft spoken child who hasn't said a lot since you left the room. He would manage a small "hi," and so would the kid. Awkward, to say they very least.
° Unfortunately he's not you so he doesn't know what to do.
° And when the kid starts to cry a little, he panics.
° What is he gonna do?
° You'd come back to the situation thinking it would be alright, and yeah, you're right. Saeran's taken it upon himself to ease whatever fit the kid was having by offering to share some of his sweets. That's one way to work your way into a kid's heart. Its moments like that that reassure some of Saeran's fears. The way that you smile at him when you see he's handled his fear, that's what makes him feel so great about himself for once in his life.
💜 Mod Kait 💜
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maycs-blog1 · 7 years
hey lovelies!! i’m viv, and you can read a bit abt maya (and me) under the read more. just a heads up, this is long as fuuuuck i’m so sorry.
edit: so tired i forgot to add this, if u wanna plot feel free to hmu or like this and i’ll approach u bubs! lol damn i’m good at this rp thing .........
okay so basics, my pronouns are she/her and i’m 20, and i reside in cst. some things u should know abt me, i get carried away w my writing a lot so if you don’t want a thread to get longer please just let me know and i’ll pull it back so quickly lol! i just have a thing for detail anywaYS
here is a lil abt my masterpiece maya
ok so lets start off w how she is now, she’s kinda like that person that seems like they know everything but it’s not like she throws it in your face. she just has that old soul vibe ig, so ppl see her as a natural leader. also shes a photographer @ the starry night gallery u feel so like ya. her work is rly like, introspective as fuck like u have to kinda interpret how the subjects in her photos are feeling.
from mayas perspective tho like she’s just doing her own thing. she’s naturally independent and a bit of an outcast, and she has been that way for a while so she tends to embrace it. like she just doesn’t pay attention to what other ppl are doing bc she thinks like , each life should be individual
this doesn’t mean she’s mean, she’s actually kinda nice and maybe inspiring is the right word - like she will push anyone to do anything they’re passionate abt, whether she agrees w it or not bc she believes everyone should do their own thing 
but like ... if u get on her bad side (would most likely happen if you’re errogant or somethin, like acting like you’re above all bc maya thinks we’re all equal regardless of status) hm u just dont wanna be  there ok
anyways, her bg ( bio on 4th tab if  ur up for reading a novel)
she had a normal life up until like 12 like cookie cutter dinner every night at the family table and church on sundays type shit and like ...
then her bro was born and since he was kinda a miracle bc her parents werent supposed to be able to have kids after maya he started gettin attention ig and maya was used to being a single child for her whole life
so maya starts rebelling bc she meets this girl valarie who ends up being her best friend and is rly rebellious blah blah blah and it breaks her parents up, her dad moves away w her young impressionable brother and maya is left w her emotionally unavailable mother
fast forward to her sr yr she got her heart broken by some popular boy who aint shit and her best friend got w him after maya so like she was like fuck this and moved away to brighton to make amends w her dad and brother right
so she gets there eventually after like months of anxiety abt meeting them, and her brother has no fuckin clue who she is he thinks hes an only child and his mother abandoned him so like
maya has to gain her brothers trust all the while hating her father but eventually gains his trust and then her brother disappears in all of this shit and wallah we’re at the end of the story
now she takes pictures and shit abt the disappearances like of ppl who have lost ppl idk im tired i cant explain it but like shes like an artist ig lol aeuyvegjb bye i suck so much 
she’s emotionally damaged but uses it to her advantage is the one takeaway u could have from this idek
i dont even make sense anymore
one more edit bc fuck lol maya is poly and she identifies as female. she/her my lovelies.
what is grammar
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vernicle · 7 years
Life of Kylie | Kylie Jenner Considers Herself an “Outcast” | E!
The E! star tends to make a shocking confession on "Lifestyle of Kylie", stating she "can not relate to a great deal of persons." Watch.
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