#Second Hand Imported Packaging Machinery for Sale
indiabizzness · 3 months
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Super Efficient Second Hand Packaging Machinery Sale - IndiaBizzness
Discover top-notch, second-hand packaging machinery at IndiaBizzness—a trusted platform offering efficient solutions tailored to your business needs. Our extensive range includes high-quality machines meticulously maintained for optimal performance. With competitive pricing and reliable service, IndiaBizzness ensures seamless transactions and customer satisfaction.
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galaxymachinery33 · 1 year
Why Choosing Second Hand Machinery Can Give Your Business an Edge
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In today's fast-paced business environment, companies are constantly seeking ways to optimize their operations while reducing costs. For those in the printing and packaging industry, investing in machinery can provide numerous benefits. Why buying second hand offset printing, flexo graphic, and cutting machines is a wise investment for businesses.
Cost Savings
One of the most obvious benefits of investing in second hand machinery is cost savings. Used machinery can be significantly less expensive than new equipment, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to reduce their expenses. By purchasing used machinery, companies can allocate more resources toward other areas of their operations, such as marketing, sales, and research and development.
Quality Equipment
Another misconception about used machinery is that it's of inferior quality. This is not necessarily true. The machines have been well-maintained and are still in excellent condition. In fact, many companies choose to upgrade their machinery even when it is still in good working condition, which means that secondary equipment may not have been used for very long at all.
Reduced Downtime
When a business invests in new equipment, there is often a learning curve associated with getting the equipment up and running. This can result in downtime, which can be costly. However, operators are already familiar with the equipment, so there is no need for extensive training or downtime. This means that businesses can start using the machinery immediately, without any loss of productivity.
Increased Flexibility
Another benefit of investing in secondary machinery is that it can provide increased flexibility for businesses. By purchasing used machinery, companies can test out different types of equipment without committing to a large financial investment. This can be particularly useful for businesses that are just starting out or for those that are looking to expand their operations.
Environmental Friendly
Finally, investing in second hand machinery can also have environmental benefits. By purchasing used equipment, companies are reducing the demand for new machinery, which can help to reduce the carbon footprint of the industry. Additionally, many companies that sell used machinery also offer repair and maintenance services, which can help to extend the life of the equipment and reduce waste.
Investing in secondary offset printing, flexographic, and cutting machines can be a wise decision for businesses. From cost savings to increased flexibility, there are numerous benefits associated with purchasing used machinery. So, if you're in the market for new equipment, consider the benefits of investing in Galaxy machinery.
At Galaxy Machinery Incorporation, we understand the importance of quality and reliability when it comes to printing and cutting solutions. That's why we offer only the best equipment, along with exceptional service and support to ensure that our customers get the most out of their investment. We also provide comprehensive training and maintenance services to help our customers get the most out of their equipment.
If you're looking for top-quality printing and cutting solutions, look no further than Galaxy Machinery. With a commitment to excellence and a dedication to customer satisfaction, we offer unmatched solutions for businesses across a wide range of industries. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services and to experience the difference for yourself.
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updatenews-fan-blog · 5 years
Indian Textile Machinery Industry
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Textile industry in India is considered as a pioneer industry, as India's industrializations in other fields have succeeded through the resources generated by textile industry. Though, from the early 1970s to the beginning of liberalization in 1992, the industry tended to be isolated as measures taken by the Government (with the apparent objective of protecting the cotton growers, the large labor force and the consumers) have constantly eroded its prosperity.
World over, the Indian textile industry is considered as the second largest industry. It has the biggest cotton acreage of 9 million hectares and is considered as the third largest producer of this fiber. In terms of staple fiber production it comes fourth and sixth for filament yarn production. The country reports about one fourth of global trade in cotton yarn.
With over 15 million people employment, the textile industry accounted for 20 percent of its industrial production. Covering textiles and garments, thirty percent of India's export comes from this sector, in terms of exports it is the largest contributors for the growth of Indian economy. In spite of high capital and power cost, the Indian textile and garment sector's strength comes from the availability of cotton, lower labor costs, well skilled supervisory staff and plentiful technical and managerial skills.
Although very few countries are endowed with such resources, today's globalization has brought new opportunities for the India textile industry. Concurrently, it is exposed to threats, particularly from cheap imported fabrics. Thus, India has to fight for her share in the international textile trade. Even if it is assumed that WTO will mean better distribution of the world trade, the benefits for India will not be any different than for the other developing countries. The Indian textile industry would, therefore, have to not only rely on its strengths but should also endeavor to remove its weakness.
India's apparel exporters, though, have been employing various strategies to make sure that they remain competitive in the liberalized trading environment of 2005 and beyond. Many manufacturers are taking action for improving production efficiency through advanced automation system, re-engineering of production systems, merging separate production units and backward and forward integration of operations and are keen to expand their production capacity in anticipation of enhanced demand in 2005 and beyond Among other manufacture are seeking changes through diversifying their product ranges, exporting high value apparel and improving their design capabilities and some of are planning to raise added value by setting up joint ventures with foreign firms, to take benefit of their technical, design and marketing proficiency. Others are making relationships with foreign buyers to increase their marketing capability.
Support has also arrived from the Indian government in the removal of restrictions on investment by large companies and foreign investors. The Government has also provided assistance to expand the infrastructure for exporters and has given incentives for techno-logical up-gradation. Though, most important restriction is the inflexibility in labor laws, which cause it hard for large firms to cut their workforces when require.
Textile industry in tenth plan
The Tenth Five Year Plan of India (2002-2007) forecasted a GDP growth rate of 8 percent for which an fabric waste in garment industry growth of 10 percent is predicted.
The aim of the Tenth Plan is to facilitate the textile and apparel industry to:
. Develop world class state-of the-art production facility to accomplish and maintain a leading global position in production and export of textiles and clothing.
. Withstand demands of import penetration and uphold a dominant existence in the domestic market.
. To accomplish these aims heavy funds are needed in technology and modernization in critical areas particularly in spinning, weaving, knitting, finishing and apparel sectors.
. The technology up-gradation scheme (TUFS) introduced in 1999 intended to make investments component attractive. This scheme has been established to promote modernization and technology up-gradation in the specified sectors of textile and jute industries.
. The Government of India has also declared the National Textile Policy-2000 to expand a sound and vibrant textile industry. The objectives and plunged areas of the national textile policy cover technology up-gradation, enhancement of productivity, quality consciousness, product diversification and so on.
Schemes to strengthen investment in textiles during the Tenth Plan cover:
Rearranging spinning capacity
At present nearly 38 million spindles are already existed. About 10 million old spindles required to be scrapped, and another 15 million spindles to be modernized. Adding on, about 3 million new spindles have to be set up during the Tenth Plan period.
The decentralized power loom sector, which reported 68 percent share of the cloth in the country, is in very strong and immediate need of renovation. The textile package declared in the Central Government included renovation of the weaving sector with 2.50 lakhs semi-automatic/automatic shuttle looms and 50,000 shuttleless looms.
There are nearly 2324 precessing establishments in the country of which 83 belong to composite units, 165 to semi composite and others 2076 are self-governing processing houses. Among of 227 establishments are modern, 1775 are of medium technology and 322 are obsolete establishments. Reconstruction of finishing units will need a huge financial expenditure.
Schemes for expansion and development of the knitting sector, technical textiles, and woolen and jute industries are to be considered. The textile Engineering Industry is to be encouraged to modernize and offer state-of-the-art technology to the textile industry and through focused textile machinery R&D efforts, domestic reaches and development are to be initiated.
Growth in the textile machinery
Due to high investments on renovation of plant and machinery in the textile manufacturing industry, the manufacturing of textile machinery, their parts and accessories rose last fiscal by 25 percent to Rs 1,668 crore from Rs 1,341 crore in the previous fiscal.
According to the Textile Machinery Manufacturers' Association of India (TMMAI), the industry also witnessed its capacity of consumption at 55 percent during the year.
But, on the other hand the total projected demand of Rs 4,200 crore of the textile industry, a major contribution was satisfied through imports. This has identified for an urgent requirement on the part of both the user-textile industry and the textile engineering industry (TEI) to start a joint assessment to reverse this movement, said the outgoing Chairman of TMMAI, Sanjay Jayavartanavelu.
On the event of the 45th annual general meeting of Textile Machinery Manufacturers' Association of India, Jayavartanavelu said the surge in demand for textile machinery has initiated the TEI to make production capacity bigger to satisfy the increasing demand, particularly in the spinning machinery sector. The units in the industry were dynamic to step up production to cut down the delivery period.
This is regardless of the truth that they had to compete with longer delivery schedules from main machinery suppliers. In spite of this, the TEI should make an effort to satisfy the demand in volume/quality and performance with effective after sales service.
The TMMAI Chairman felt amendment in fiscal policy and elimination of hurdles being faced by the TEI required to be effected to make the indigenous textile machinery sector gain strength and scale up its technology and export competitiveness. The areas of fiscal modification needed are letting down the rate of excise duty on textile machinery from 16 percent to the merit rate of 8 percent, continuation of the relaxation in excise duty, which should be extended to inputs required for making of specified textile machines.
The intermediate products required in producing textile machinery as well as spares should be put at four percent excise duty subject to actual-user stipulation. At the same time, the present customs duty concessions on specified machines must be detached and one common rate of import duty of 10 per cent should be charged for all textile machines.
The TMMAI Chairman also emphasize the requirement for early creation of a Rs 2,500-crore development fund for TEI to facilitate the units to use on R&D, infrastructure building, export promotion and plans on environmental protection.
Recent developments in technology
In the international textile and clothing trade, the elimination of decades old quota system has thrown up new challenges as well as unlocks new prospects for the Indian textile industry.
According to the vision statement made by the ICMF for the textile sector, by 2010 the Indian textile industry has the potential to have the market size of worth of $ 85 billion from the present size of $ 36 billion. This development can be gained by the opening of new domestic as well as export segments. Textile export could arrive at $ 40 billions mark by 2010 from current 12 billion dollar level. Result on export side can be measured satisfactory during the last six months. For receiving the prospective business, the textile industry has to move towards value added products. The most value addition in textile segment is created by the apparel segment. Processing, fabric manufacturing and spinning segments in order to make quality apparels will require up-gradation
During last decade, there has been observed fast progress in machinery/technology. A concise representation of modern developments in a range of areas is given below.
Manufacturing facility in blowroom line has enhanced to 800 kg/hr with a prerequisite to work 3 mixings all together. To process broad range of cottons, the latest blowroom is provided with automatic bale opener with integrated mixer and cleaning systems. For the latest carding machine as a substitute of one licker-in, multiple licker-ins is built-in serially. And provide more stationary flats. For feed roll, doffer, web doffing, maintenance free digital drives are used. The whole card clothing can be separated with a less function of operation. For full flange of operation, a variety of systems like NEP control, flat control and waste control etc., are integrated.
For modern draw-frame machine, delivery speed up to 1000 mt/minute made possible with an alternative of automatic draft control mechanism which gives out requirement for gear change for controlling draft and delivery speed. In few machines separate deliveries can be restricted without help. Supplier also offers draw frame which can be connected to carding machine. It is stated that owing to digital autoleveller the precision measurement is in its height on an average one meter CV of sliver can be controlled below 0.4 percent.
Combers speed up to 400 nips/min is possible due to technological advancement. From latest comber up to 1.3 tones/day productions is achieved. Touch screens display system also provided with these machines. The display covers production data, process setting, machine parameters setting and fault message display. To save installation time many machines are provided with fully assembled in four modules.
Latest speed frame are offered in atomization system including all the operations. All the functional set ups can be fitted on electronic panel. Bobbin size 6" x 16" or 7" x 16" can be available. There is an availability of alternative of manual or auto doffing. Machines are provided upto 160 spindles capacity hence considerable saving in the operational cost possible.
In the latest ring spinning system winding geometries are further give to maximize result with less winding tension. Hence, superior draft up to 80 are received with higher spindle speed (above 20000 rpm). A number of other features of modern ring frames are adopted with inverter drive for spindles, independent spindle ring rail and drafting system drives, fast doffing system with no trailing ends. Ring frame up to 1344 spindles are provided. In presents rotor spinning system, diverse yarn can be spun in several part of the machine. It is feasible to get package of changeable density. All the technical factors and machine adjustment can be controlled by computer. In the latest rotor machine it is viable to make a package with 30% higher package density than old rotor machine.
In the latest winding machine path of ring cop from bottom to winding head is further developed. Hence, superior control of winding tension produces lower augmentation in hairiness. The adaptable knotting cycle combined with tailored acceleration dynamics facilitates to alter production system. The immediate controlled cylinder inverter and suction motor inverter are provided for energy conservation. Modern vortex spinning system is available to spin cotton yarn at a speed of 400 mt/min. The technology was previously applied for spinning synthetic blended yarn only.
The latest DREF spinning system can make numerous kinds of multi-component yarns. The drafting unit can manage all kinds of synthetic fibers such as aramid, preoxidised fiber, polyamide, phenol resin fibers and melamine fibers. The machine is able to perform with several cores. The manufacturing facility is achieved as high as 250 mtr/min and fineness of yarn can be from 0.5 to 25 nm.
Weaving The important aspects of modern weaving preparatory/ weaving machines are reviewed as under:
Machinery producers of both weaving preparatory and weaving machines have received gain in technological aspects to make fault free fabric for the garment sector. Nearly all the machines are provided with electronic control panels and micro-processors controls which monitors and control the machine utility to satisfy the fabric quality need and modification in design styles.
Maintenance of machine has turn out to be stress-free due to proficient lubrication system and improved machine design and substitution of mechanical tools with electronic control system. There is an obvious progress to resource the components and auxiliary equipment from the selected good manufacturers rather than making themselves, hence decreasing the cost of the machines. In latest rapier looms weft insertion rate ranges from 1200 - 1500 mt/min. Many looms are provided with weaving a broad range of fabrics. In many weaving machines weft insertion rate is achieved at higher and ranges from 1800-2500 mt/min.
Latest sizing machine is provided with uniform size pick up facility across the warp sheet and for least amount hairiness and loss in elongation. These are maintained by temperature control and moisture control devices. Squeeze pressure can be maintained by programmable controller to synchronize the compressing at all the speeds. Stretch monitoring instrument is imparted to control the stretch.
In recent times the quality requirements imposed on a knitting factory by its customer have become even more precise due to greater emphasis on the reproducibility in case of repeat order. Typically a modern knitting machine has following features as:
Automatic computation of fabric reduces speed, feeders per course, stitch/cm and elongation
Automatically managed thread infeed by inflowing the needed thread infeed per cm
Automatic management of height modification through computer
Automatic supervision of yarn infeed and yarn tension
Through user friendly software, computer helps to make the goods on the selected pattern
New generation processing machine incorporates microprocessor controls. Various process parameters can be programmed in microprocessor for strict adherence of processing conditions. Apart from good control, machines are also energy efficient and features are incorporated for the reduction of consumption of chemicals, water and steam etc. The developments are also taking place keeping environment requirement and eco-friendly processing while manufacturing the textile products and safer conditions for those involved in the manufacturing.
Process control or quality control
In the area of cotton testing, latest instruments are mostly available as High Volume Instruments (HVI) and are prepared with automatic sampling. They also evaluate short fiber content and maturity index values besides testing of length, strength and fineness parameters. It is stated that maturity values are fairly precise. Instruments are also provided with test color, trash neps and fluorescence values. Few suppliers are offering bale management systems.
For the manmade fibers and its connected instruments offered with the measurement in denier, tenacity, elongation and crimp properties. From the creel, robotic arm can carry the fiber samples automatically.
In the part yarn quality, latest evenness tester can measure, evenness, imperfection and intermittent errors at a greater speed. Many of them instruments are prepared to measure hairiness, diameter variation, shape, and dust as well as trash contents. Single thread strength testing machine are provided with a testing speed of 400 mt/min. The machine is prepared to take out 30000 tests per hour. It is noted that weaving operation of the yarn can be expected advanced with this machine. Some of the single thread strength machines are fitted with automatic yarn count determination device.
Yarn fault classification device has shifted to the winding machine from the laboratory. Data of entire yarn lot can be readable from the winding machines. Electronic check Board can perform the yarn grading, based on yarn output and observed by applying CCD camera and software to measure yarn report. Instrument can also offer fabric simulations if needed.
In fabric testing, automatic fabric inspection device can examine grey and single cotton dyed fabrics for all materials covering air bag fabrics and glass fiber fabrics. The imperfection can be recovered from their reports and images. In the area of process control and management ERP systems are establish which supply 3-tier solution covering the online data acquisition, offline data entry cum reporting device and intelligent business management device. fabric waste in garment industry
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armmotorsports · 4 years
Know Your Rights – What Happens When Buying a Used Car goes Wrong?
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Hunting for used cars is a national past-time. Whether you’re in the market for a bargain, or are a collector trawling through barn finds and small ads, looking for that dream motor – you can find a huge selection of vehicles at some top notch prices. Most sellers are decent people, looking to run a business, or simply trade up on an old car, but this doesn’t mean mistakes can’t be made.
Cars are complex pieces of machinery with many working parts. And because of this there’s a lot that can go wrong. Sometimes, even with the best will in the world, vehicles will be sold with faults that go unnoticed by the seller. What can you do if you’ve bought a car that’s not working quite as expected – and more importantly – if you and the seller disagree on a mutual course of action, what does the law say?
Consumer Rights Act
Any vehicle that you purchase from a professional business, is automatically covered by the consumer rights act. This has the following statutes:
Satisfactory Quality
Anything sold in the UK has to meet the demands of satisfactory quality. This can be quite tricky to establish with second hand cars. However, you would expect a vehicle to not break down within two weeks of purchase, and a relatively new car should perform better than a considerably older model.
Fit for Purpose
Your purchased vehicle should work as expected. If it cannot perform the standard expected functions of a car, then it’s not fit for purpose. However if you have been clearly told and informed of a fault, such as a dodgy electrical window,or central locking not working properly, then you wouldn’t be able to claim under the consumer rights act.
As Described
If there are clear inconsistencies between the advertising and product descriptions of your vehicle, and the actual vehicle itself, such as a difference in engine capacity or year of manufacture, then the car has been illegally sold, and you should be entitled to a refund. On this basis it is important to keep records of all communications, and to ask sellers to put details in writing, giving you a paper trail of information if your new car doesn’t quite match the promises.
Faults Repairs and Refunds
If you have found a problem with your car, then you can return it under the following rules:
Short Term Refund
Has the seller breached the terms of the consumer rights act? If this is the case, you should be able to return the car to them immediately, and request a refund. Dealers will have to prove that you either knew about the fault, or have caused the fault, to refuse the refund in this scenario.
30 day to 6 months
You can return your car to the dealership, and demand a refund, if you have found a fault in the first 30 days to 6 months. The onus of proof is on the dealer in this instance, requiring them to prove that the fault was not present in the car, However, under UK law the dealer should be given a reasonable right to repair the damage. Should the repair not be satisfactory then the buyer is allowed to demand a full refund. 
Been driving the car around? The seller could in this instance factor in the wear and tear on the vehicle and deduct it from any refund.
After 6 months
The burden of proof passes onto the buyer after 6 months. You are still allowed to go back to the dealer, but now because you have been enjoying the car without complaint, it is assumed you were happy with it following your purchase.
Maximum time for a refund claim
Believe it or not you have up to 6 years to claim from the seller. As time passes however, claims are likely to become increasingly difficult, as it becomes harder to prove that the fault existed at time of sale.
Consumer Protection: Unfair Trading Standards
If a dealer has breached the Unfair Trading Standard Regulations (2008), then you can ask for a refund, repair or may even be entitled to damages in court, should the car purchase lead to other losses – such as the brakes failing, causing considerable damage to other cars or even property. These include:
Giving false information – in any format that misleads the buyer about the quality or specification of the car.
Giving incomplete information – or so called lying by omission. Leaving out important details about the condition of the car, such as checks, previous repairs or accidents or mileage details.
High pressure hard sales techniques – forcing the consumer to make decisions regarding finance, cover or warranty packages.
 Failing to act in accordance with reasonable expectations of acceptable behaviour – for instance contravening industry standards.
Breaking specific codes of practice – such as claiming to be authorised by a public body, or falsely stating that there is only a limited time window when the car will be available.
Buying Privately
Be careful when purchasing privately, as this will not afford you the same cover as doing business with a registered dealer. However there are several financial benefits to using a private seller, as prices tend to be lower, and you can pick up some clear bargains.
Two rules sellers must abide by include the seller being legally allowed to sell the vehicle (i.e. it’s not stolen or on finance for example) and it must match the description. We would always advise you to be cautious about meeting sellers – make sure you go to their address, and make a car check before you buy. Read more about test drives and avoiding dodgy seller tricks. 
Finally, the car cannot be damaged and must be roadworthy. If it is not roadworthy, the seller is legally obliged to tell you, and the vehicle can only be purchased for scrap.
Buying from a Dealership
As with private sellers, a dealer must tell you if a car has problems. As they are a business, an official dealer will be subject to all the commercial rules listed at the start of the article. However, from a more practical point of view, we would advise you to always check the car thoroughly before you part with any money. Remember, even if you have breakdown cover or warranties, your rights are not affected, and you can still go back to the dealer if you believe the car had a pre-existing problem.
Buying Online
Purchasing online provides you with the same rights as purchasing from a dealer – including if you buy from an online auction. Your purchase is covered by The Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013, giving you the following rights:
Right of cancellation – you can simply cancel the sale up to 14 days after placing your order.
You must return – the vehicle within 14 days under the terms of the act to receive your refund.
The seller has 14 days – to process the refund from the date of your return.
Buying online from a private seller, gives you the same rights as buying directly from a private seller – including purchases from online auctions.
Buying from an Auction
Yes, auctions are the place to pick up a bargain. You get the excitement of bidding on a vehicle and getting the vehicle you want at a knockdown price can be an adrenaline rush. That’s why it’s so important not to get carried away in the moment, and forget the due diligence, as you’re afforded very few rights once money has changed hands.
Most auctions will have specific terms and conditions, dictating the arrangements behind the sales. You’ll find many vehicles are sold as seen, to avoid complications, which means you must inspect the car thoroughly before buying.
Also if the car is stolen or sold illegally, your arrangement will be with the seller, rather than the auction house. Check the paperwork for guarantees and cooling off periods, so you know the situation before you get on the floor and start making bids.
Valid Reasons for Rejection
The law only allows you to reject a car under the fit for purpose rules if it is actually defective. You’re not allowed to turn round and claim that the seat belts are uncomfortable or you’ve fallen out of love with the colour.
However, if there are minor faults with an older, high mileage car, the seller can claim this is fair wear and tear, if they are not impacting the operation of the vehicle. But this doesn’t mean they can fail to disclose important information – for instance, if the car has been in a major accident or has been clocked. Both valid reasons for demanding your cash back.
Other Protections
In addition to your own due diligence checks, you should be aware of the following:
Finance companies ­– purchased your vehicle on finance? In this case it will be the credit provider that is responsible for the sale rather than the dealer, if there are any problems.
Different types of card – can result in different purchasing rights. Use a credit card and the issuer and dealer may have joint liability under the consumer credit act 1974.
Don’t rely on dealer checks – as these can often be sub-standard. If you are intent on buying a car and want to be sure that it’s of sufficient quality, and there are no skeletons in the carburettor, then perform an HPI check.
Citizen’s advice bureau – get help from the experts if you’ve had a bad experience. Make sure you get professional legal advice before you go charging back into a dealership. Knowing your rights will allow you to approach a dealer or private seller with the facts, giving you a better chance of getting your cash in an adverse situation.
Keep on Buying Second Hand Cars – Good for the Pocket and the Planet
Nothing in life is simple. Even purchasing brand new cars can come with a risk, and remember that many of the savvier car buyers out there will claim a new motor can depreciate by as much as 30% the moment the tyres leave the forecourt.
Buying second hand cars is a great way to save money. Remember that with the right due diligence before you buy, and a little research, you can not only cut down on your spend – but you can also reduce the dangers and hassle, should things not quite turn out as expected.
The post Know Your Rights – What Happens When Buying a Used Car goes Wrong? appeared first on BreakerLink Blog.
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konnraelectronics · 5 years
The role of the connector
With the development of technology, people's quality of life is getting higher and higher, and electronic products such as TV, telephone, and computer are gradually spreading to people's daily lives, so connectors are widely used. As long as there are electronic products in the home, the connector is generally used.
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The connector of the connector is mainly used to connect data, signals and power between network equipment and mechanical facilities. It is inseparable in daily life or industrial production.Industrial connectors are often used in harsher environments than indoor wall outlets, but we don't notice them. Here's what you can do to see what connectors are easy to ignore. First, in terms of rail transit, such as on a train or a high-speed train, how can you talk more stably, browse the web faster, or watching high-definition shows? We often know how important it is to be in a daze on the train, and the connector is responsible for the stable transmission of the signal, allowing you to enjoy smooth WiFi. When watching an event, such as a tennis match, the connector can be mounted on the referee's chair and connected to the referee's computer to ensure normal power and communication. It can be said that the game went smoothly, and the connector was indispensable. When watching a show, such as a pop rock concert, aatrical performance or a musical, the connector provides reliable, robust signal transmission, and an exciting performance is inseparable from it. In power stations, especially in outdoor switching equipment, industrial connectors perform their unique performance. It is often exposed to the sun, wind, dust, rain and ice to provide a safe connection to the control cabinet. Reliable, tried-and-tested connectors are particularly popular in terms of wind energy, such as the fan's pulping system. On the robot, the connector is also inseparable. Due to the presence of the connector, the robot becomes easier to operate and easier to automate. In the production process, such as 3-5 axis machining center for CNC control, boring, milling, drilling machinery, the multi-axis linkage CNC system can not be separated from the connector, open USB, TCP / IP network DNC processing and data transmission . In fact, lathes, plastic processing machinery, printing presses, metal processing and wood processing machinery, electric cranes, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, food, and beverage processing and packaging machinery use connectors to connect power, signal and data. . This is a Siemens distributed drive product. The left drive and the right motor are connected by an orange cable. The ends of the cable are connected to the HARTING connector. It is conceivable that if the connector is not used and the fixed cable is used, the equipment on the left and the right sides will not only be fixed in the distance, but if it is necessary to move or transport, it is extremely inconvenient to move the two devices together. With the connector to connect, the two devices can be packaged and transported separately, and it is quite convenient to split at any time! The advantage of the connector is that the connector is interspersed with it in our living field, or it is clear or fuzzy. The clearest manifestation is the embodiment of the mechanical connector, the instrument with the interface at both ends, plays the role of connection. The advantages of the connector make it expand in the field of application in life, and it also shows a different role. The convenience brought to our life cannot be underestimated. What advantages does the connector have? First, The bridge function of the connector and its convenience. The connection function of the connector changes the gap of the large space of the global space, and connects the combination of the large space, thereby realizing the connection between the three-dimensional planes and realizing the unity of the plane. This is the biggest advantage of the connector, and is small. ,Convenience. Secondly, the connector is simple and precise. Once it is found to have connection problems, it is easy to repair and replace. Moreover, the connector can be upgraded quickly, and the internal components can be refurbished and replaced. This is a cost-saving and safety guarantee for the entire project. More important meaning. Again, it is easy to repair and upgrade quickly. Finally, the flexible design of the connector is one of the main criteria we chose. The connector is designed to be small, easy to install, easy to remove, and guarantees its safety and integrity. Classic theory. Therefore, connectors as an electromechanical component play a huge role in our lives, providing a bridge connecting systems, subsystems or components, transmitting signals or energy, which is an indispensable product of electrical and electronic products, realizing this shore and the other shore. The combination, like a bridge, propped up the entire road. Since the connector is so important, how can we choose a connector of our own in practical applications?
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(Image from the internet)
How to choose the connector that suits you? In fact, the connector is good or bad. In fact, it mainly depends on where the connector is mainly used and what performance needs to be met, because each connector is designed and developed. The focus is on the so-called "the best for yourself." So, if you want to choose a good connector, you can consider the following aspects. 1. What type of connector is connected? Where to use these issues is the first consideration, which determines the type of industrial connector selected. Because of the wide variety of connectors, the same company has many types of connectors, such as HARTING Technology Group, including industrial connectors Han®, PCB connectors, I / O connectors and fiber optic data line systems. A variety of connectors. Therefore, as users need to understand their own needs and choose the connector that can meet their needs. 2, the performance of the connector After selecting the type of connector, it is necessary to determine what environment the connector works in and what features need to be met, such as the temperature, humidity, and durability of the connector working environment, transmission speed and so on. Because even if you choose which type of connector to use, there are many connectors in the same type that can satisfy different performances. So the second step in the selection is to determine what features the connector needs to meet. 3, the third step of the quality selection of the connector is also a very important step, because at this time the user already knows what kind of connector he needs, and finally needs to determine which connector to buy. Because the different manufacturers produce connectors with different materials and different production processes, the quality of the connectors produced will definitely differ. As the demand of users continues to increase, nowadays the connectors of different brands appear on our side, so that we don't know how to choose. At this time, the power of the brand will come into play. There are only a handful of companies with better connectors in the market. It is a test of time. So choosing a good brand connector is often equivalent to choosing a good quality connector. For example, HARTING Corporation focused on the development and production of connectors as early as 1945. It is now one of the world's largest manufacturers of connectors and connectors, and its connectors are also the most popular brands on the market. one. Now you know how to choose the right connector. Interpersonal interconnections between people, and industrial interconnections require reliable contact through mechanical and mechanical, mechanical and non-mechanical tight connections, so connectors are extremely important for industrial development. It is more important to choose a good connector.
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phgq · 4 years
PH Navy upgrades arsenal to defend waters
#PHinfo: PH Navy upgrades arsenal to defend waters
The BRP Jose Rizal, the Philippines' first missile frigate is docked at Subic Bay, Zambales. Philippine Navy chief Vice Adm. Giovanni Carlo Bacordo said efforts to upgrade the Navy remain intact despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. (File photo courtesy of Naval Public Affairs Office)
PASIG CITY, Dec. 29 (PIA) -- The Philippine Navy has upgraded its arsenal to effectively defend the country's territorial waters as part of the government's efforts to modernize the military.
Early this year, the Navy commissioned its first-ever missile frigate, the BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150), this, despite the challenges brought by the ongoing COVID-19 health emergency pandemic.  
"Despite the COVID-19 pandemic greatly affecting the implementation of the AFP’s Modernization Program this year, the Philippine Navy has remained in high spirits in terms of developing its capabilities. For one, the Navy has seen the arrival of its first modern frigate, BRP Jose Rizal in May of this year," Navy chief Vice Adm. Giovanni Carlo Bacordo said.
The BRP Jose Rizal is capable of conducting anti-air warfare, anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, and electronic warfare operations and was officially commissioned last July 10.
A few weeks after its commissioning, the ship and its crew were deployed to the biennial "Rim of the Pacific" (RIMPAC) exercises off Hawaii, which took place from Aug. 17 to 31.
Bacordo said this deployment is considered the "maiden deployment" of the brand-new missile frigate and called the participation of the ship and its contingent to the RIMPAC as a "sterling one".
Also, no defects were reported aboard BRP Jose Rizal during the two-week maneuvers.
"No reported safety and security incidents. No weapons, communications, electronic(s) and information (system) hull, machinery, and electrical sys(tem) derangements (were) reported," Bacordo earlier said.
He added that BRP Jose Rizal’s participation in RIMPAC 2020 highlights the competence and capability of the ship and its crew to undertake various maritime operational scenarios, may it be multinational operations with other partner nations, maritime security of commercial shipping, or operating on its own or with its onboard helicopter against surface and sub-surface adversaries.
"[The] FF-150 took advantage of RIMPAC 2020 to train as a team, put the ship at pace with possible real-world scenarios, and the crew to gel during this time," he said.
Bacordo said the ship's participation was also recognized by its US counterparts, specifically US Navy Third Fleet commander Vice Admiral Scott D. Conn, who earlier said they are happy to have the Philippines participating in RIMPAC with BRP Jose Rizal.
To recall, the BRP Jose Rizal was launched at the Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) shipyard in Ulsan, South Korea on May 23, 2019. Its sister ship, the BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), on the other hand, was launched in the same facility on November 8 last year.
The contract for the two ships amounted to P16 billion and an additional P2 billion for weapon systems and munitions.
Aside from the arrival and commissioning of the PN's first guided-missile frigate, another highlight for the Navy this year is the partial delivery of the 10 high-speed and fast boats contracted for the Naval Special Operations Command (Navsocom).
"In addition, in August of this year, the Navsocom also saw the partial delivery of seven out of 10 high-speed and fast boats acquired under the modernization program and meant to boost special operations capability. These are currently undergoing sea trial and technical inspection procedures," Bacordo said.
Also of great importance for the PN was the acquisition of the ScanEagle unmanned aerial system with the assistance of the United States,
"Further, the PN has received through (Foreign Military Sales) FMS the donation of ScanEagle unmanned aerial system (UAS), composing of eight air vehicles, four ground-control stations, and other components that can greatly contribute to the ISR [intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance] operations and RDANA [rapid damage and needs assessment], and support to humanitarian assistance and disaster response (HADR)," Bacordo said.
Also included in this package are training for the operators and maintainers (10 pilot and six maintainers, four image and video data processors) to ensure optimized utilization," he added.
During the formal turnover of the ScanEagle UAS last Nov. 25 at Naval Base Heracleo Alano, Sangley Point, Cavite, Bacordo said the arrival of this platform will allow the Navy to greatly expand the coverage of its internal security, territorial defense, HADR, and maritime law enforcement missions.
ScanEagle unmanned drones
This is the first fixed UAS to be operated by the Navy. The ScanEagle and its associated equipment, worth USD14.79 million, were acquired through the Maritime Security Initiative Program of the United States.
It was requested by the PN in 2017 and was formalized in February 2019 after a series of dialogues with the Philippines’ Joint US Military Assistance Group (JUSMAG-Phil).
"Another milestone was achieved just recently which includes the successful negotiations for the Lot 1 (Platforms) & Lot 2 (Combat Systems and Missiles) of the Fast Attack Interdiction Craft-Missile (FAIC-M) Acquisition Project. This resulted in the provisions for an additional one unit with one set of remote combat weapon systems (on top of the programmed eight units FAIC-M) for the PN and an upgrade of the Naval Ship Yard -- without additional cost to the government. Hence, the PN expects to obtain a total of nine missile-equipped FAICs in the coming years," Bacordo said.
The FAIC-Ms, Bacordo said, are expected to replace the force of patrol killer medium (PKM) or medium-sized patrol craft, with deliveries expected to start in 2022.
The project, approved for inclusion in the Horizon 2 project list of the Revised Armed Forces of the Philippines Modernization Program, has a budget of P10 billion and is for multi-year contracting.
Four of the FAIC-Ms will be armed with non-line-of-sight (NLOS) missiles with pinpoint accuracy and a range of 25 kilometers while the other four will be armed with machine guns and light automatic cannons.
With the FAIC-Ms, the PN shall have the capability to defend the key sea lines of communications (SLOCs), such as Mindoro, Balabac, Sibutu, and Basilan Straits against conventional threats.
While operating in restricted waters, the FAIC-Ms can interdict surface threats and launch NLOS missiles safely using the surrounding littoral areas as maneuver space and cover.
Another important event for the PN in 2020 is the successful conclusion of the five-day sea acceptance trials (SAT) of BRP Antonio Luna, the second missile frigate ordered by the Navy from HHI.
The SAT started on Dec. 14 and ended on Dec. 18.
"As the second installment of the Frigate Acquisition Project, the FF-151 or BRP Antonio Luna concluded its five-day Sea Acceptance Trials recently on 18 December 2020 in South Korea. As a result, the PN is expecting to welcome this modern vessel in February 2021 and project delivery remains to be right on schedule," Bacordo said.
BRP Antonio Luna
In a media statement, Rear Admiral Alberto Carlos, head of the PN's Technical Inspection and Acceptance Committee (TIAC), declared that FF-151 is compliant with the agreed technical specifications after personally witnessing the warship's performance during the sea trials.
"[The] FF-151 is 95 percent complete at this time. All machinery and combat systems were subjected to test procedures as stipulated in the contract and were observed to be working properly. More importantly, I'm happy to announce that FF-151 passed the prescribed standards and procedures," he said.
Carlos said upon completion of the SAT, BRP Antonio Luna's completion rating is almost 100 percent. This, he added, will pave way for the frigate re-docking and final outfitting before delivery early next year.
Also, Bacordo said parallel with equipment acquisition is the command’s effort on base support and sustainment development that would address the facility requirements for the upcoming deliverables of the PN modernization program like the missile storage facilities and repair of piers and other major infrastructure, among others.
"Moreover, the non-material aspects that are crucial to the overall effort of the PN modernization are considered through the Capability Synchronization Matrix. As a crucial management tool, the matrix is seen to identify, program, integrate, implement, and monitor the overall capability development of the PN," he added.
This also includes alignment of materiel and non-materiel capabilities covering training activities that would enhance personnel competency for our personnel, doctrines development, force restructuring and organizational development, and human resource development.
Also, the PN chief is pleased to announce that the Navy is continuing its efforts in supporting the local defense industry research and development under the Self-Reliant Defense Posture program.
"In 2020, in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology, we have seen the active implementation and near completion of 'Project Buhawi' or building a universal mount for heavy-barrel automated weapon integration for naval vessels," Bacordo said. (PIA NCR)
* Philippine Information Agency. "PH Navy upgrades arsenal to defend waters." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1062645 (accessed December 29, 2020 at 02:31PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "PH Navy upgrades arsenal to defend waters." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1062645 (archived).
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homeaid500 · 4 years
HomeAid HA500 Review : Best Garbage Disposal for Small Homes
Disclaimer: The products featured in our Top Pick List are chosen independently and without conscious bias following our Product Review Procedure. We may receive commissions from purchases made via our links at no additional costs to you.
 HomeAid HA500 Review : Best Garbage Disposal for Small Homes
 The HA500 from HomeAid is one of the best-selling models of garbage disposal in the US. The HomeAid HA500 can be seen as a typical representative of quality and sensible cost of the whole series.
 Regarding the brand’s long history, HomeAid has more insights on waste disposing than any company out there. Not only that, years of service have given HomeAid deep understanding into homeowners’ needs and requests, which makes them a company to be trusted to old and new customers alike.
 Nearly 30 years, the HomeAid company has worked to provide kitchens with both durable build and satisfactory shredding in their products, suitable for all pockets. The HA500 series show that.
 HomeAid HA500: A Quick Review
HomeAid HA500 is no stranger to waste disposal enthusiasts. The unit is with simplicity in designs, durability in construction and appropriate strength in motor selection.
 Let’s dig deep into the machine to see why, apart from the fact that HomeAid is one reputable company, the unit is still one of the best on the market.
• Sturdy build
• Durable motor
• Stainless steel grinding disk
• Easy to install
• Reasonably priced
• Quiet
• Pre-installed power cord
• Only 1/2 HP
 1. Motor & grinding chamber
The most important part of a garbage disposal is easily the motor, as it usually is for any electrical machinery. It is the mechanical heart, the soul, the everything. So it’s only logical to talk about it first.
 HomeAid HA500 possesses a ½ HP AC motor, spinning at 1700 rpm. ½ HP is about 370W. 370W is not exceptionally strong or anything (the average blender/mixer is around 900W), but it sure is sufficient. Hands in hands with the grinding chamber (which is completely different from the blades of blenders or food processors), the machine has enough tools to finish the job with ease.
 Bones aside, there’s pretty much nothing the machine can’t grind to mulch. Fruit peels, root and skin from vegetables, eggshell, etc. you name it, and it wouldn’t take long either (something between 5-10 minutes in total after the waste of a regular dinner.)
 Truth be told, sure it can grind them all up, but I would not go as far as ruling out all possibility of jamming caused by the same garbage that the machine is supposed to manage effortlessly.
 The ½ HP AC motor offers an effective amount of power to deal with almost all types of food waste. Follow the suggested operating instructions and no major problem should present itself during the machine’s lifetime.
 2. Next is the second most important part of the machine: the grinding chamber. First off, it is completely distinctive to the blades assembly of a blender or processor. It doesn’t even have blades. Instead, it is a combination of a spinning plate, two impellers, and a grinding ring.
 As the garbage touch the plate, the impellers will drive them against the grind ring, which has “teeth”, and break them down to small particles.
 With proper care, as suggested in the manual, the motor and chamber can be fully functional for more than 10 years.
 Unless you frequently drop metal objects down the chamber, the coating is not likely to be damaged.
 Also, a chamber with that many grooves and corners will most definitely get jammed. But more on that later.
 3. Noise
One of the two major problems of garbage disposals is the noise they make when operating. Apparently, it is somewhat a signature sound of the appliance.
 However, in the last few decades, noise pollution has received lots of attention and efforts have been made to suppress such potential health hazard. As a result, the noise of disposal machines has recently been considered a concern.
 HomeAid HA500 adopted AC motor, its operating sounds less than 50Dbs.
 4. Jamming/ humming
Here’s the other major problem: jamming. The HomeAid HA500 will get jammed. That’s just factual. You either have to live with it or buy a high-end model, which has technologies specifically designed against such a problem.
 5. Dimensions
Prior to a buy, homeowners should pay a bit of attention to the space that the appliance is going to take. As cliche as it may sounds, size does come proportionally to power.
 But the issue should not be as serious with the HomeAid HA500 as it is with stronger machines. The model is the most standard disposer out there on the market. It is designed to slide in your under sink cabinet like a bucket.
 Literally. The unit is 11.4″ in height and 6.3″ in width, precisely similar to a small cylindrical bucket. The average base cabinet is 36 inches high and 25-¼ inches wide, which will still have plenty of room left with the HA500 inside. As stated before, the model is the most standard disposer there is.
 By the way, the machine is not light nor heavy. It’s about 16 lbs. But weight is not gonna be a regular problem since it will most likely stay in its little place for a long while.
Overall, judging by the cost and what it has to offer, the purchase would be fair. If you don’t mind manual tasks, jamming shouldn’t seem too much of a problem.
 The unit is most suitable for an average home with three to four people, who only require a practical, standard unit and don’t wish to spend more than 120 bucks on it. Other than that, the machine is not bad at all.
 Zhejiang Rosun Kitchen & Bath Technology Co., Ltd. is a manufacture of quality garbage disposer and accessories since 1992 with a registered capital of USD 1.5 million. It’s located in Yuhuan, Zhejiang Province of China, covers areas of 75,347 sq. ft, owns 129,167 sq. ft of workshop with more than 200 experienced workers and staffs.
 Rosun established Disposer laboratory with an independent R&D team, together with a complete production system from moulding, casting, precision machining, polishing and assemble workshop since it’s founded, HomeAid has provided professional OEM & ODM services for numerous customers overseas and domestic.
#HomeAid HA500
#garbage disposal
 ***For more detailed information, please Google - HomeAid Garbage Disposal.
 We are a factory which specialized in garbage disposal & kitchen utensils.
What services can we provide?
1. Customize packaging according to your company’s brand & logo.
2. Wholesale, retail or dropship garbage disposals to you at the Factory Price!
3. Professional OEM & ODM services.
4. Design the shapes and sizes of garbage disposal according to your instructions.
5. Quick Delivery: small orders, 1-60 machines, we have stock on American warehouse, which located on Dallas, Texas.
6. Delivery: orders quantity over 60 machines, we’ll ship them from Ningbo, China.
 As a professional manufacture, we do made-to-order manufacturing at a competitive price and good quality.
We are supplier of many world-famous brands and provided professional OEM & ODM services.
We own a senior R & D team and play a world leading role in AC motor garbage disposal.
>>> The attachment is our latest catalog.
 If you need item samples & catalogue, please email us without hesitation, it’s pleasure to serve you.
We hope to build long-term business relationship with you, looking forward to your inquiries.
Adam Liu
B2B, OEM & ODM Sales Manager
 Zhejiang Rosun Kitchen & Bath Technology Company
Address: Qinggang Industrial Cluster District, Yuhuan City, 317606, Zhejiang Province, China
Tel: +86-15968803981
Fax: +86-0571-87298697
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indiabizzness · 5 months
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Enhance your business with our range of pre-owned packaging machinery available at IndiaBizzness. Achieve peak performance and cost-efficiency by investing in reliable equipment at a fraction of the price of new. From fillers to labeling machines, our pre-owned inventory offers top-quality solutions to streamline your packaging process. Trust in our machinery to boost productivity and meet your packaging needs effectively. Elevate your operations with our dependable used packaging machinery today.
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wikimakemoney · 4 years
You want to sell by subscription, but are you ready?
30-second summary:
Subscription sales is the new nirvana – almost every company wants to add on or convert to subscriptions
Most companies’ technology is not set up to allow them to do subscription sales
Simply buying new software won’t solve the problem
Think through the entire process and unify the front and back office to succeed with subscriptions
COVID-19 and its economic impact have sparked a massive sales transformation for many companies. They are adding on or boosting recurring revenues in order to create stability alongside growth. During the pandemic, we’ve seen this everywhere: local cafes selling subscription coffee plans, yoga classes via Zoom and car makers selling luxury add-ons via subscription. Even “old school” manufacturers have accelerated the trend.
For example, a tractor manufacturer selling a software package to help farmers improve crop yields. And so far, the big winners during COVID have been those companies selling products and services via subscription.
In order to manage the sales, production and delivery process from lead to revenue, most large companies use ERP (enterprise resource planning). ERP software manages contract configuration, finance, production and supply chain– the “back end”.
The most common ERP software include SAP, Oracle and Microsoft Dynamics. Companies also use customer relationship management (CRM) software, such as Salesforce, to configure, price and quote goods (aka the “front end”).
Typically, these two systems work well together. There is a clear handoff between the front end and the back end. But adding subscription revenues requires change throughout the front and back ends and how they connect.
In other words, you now need to build a Lead-to-Revenue system that is able to handle all of the ways you sell, serve, monetize and deliver to customers.
Another way to think of it is that in traditional companies, the front end and the back end are siloed. But that doesn’t work when you introduce subscription or recurring revenues into a line of business.
A subscription model requires a cohesive approach to both your business practices and your technology – serving as an orchestrator, defining a process that helps the front and back office work in unison.
Growth can create problems
Without proper forethought and planning, businesses that add on a recurring revenue model often follow a similar pattern.
At first, as recurring revenues are in their infancy, the inherent underlying issues aren’t readily apparent, allowing companies to use existing processes with some manual intervention.
Unfortunately, as the recurring revenues grow, those manual fixes become unsustainable, resulting in errors and the need to add headcount. Businesses must support complicated calculations during the quoting process and enable contract alterations such as upgrades, add-ons and swaps.
Existing processes and tools across Sales and Finance, which will now rely on manual intervention, cannot support the volume of activity, and create a ripple effect across service, delivery and the customer experience.
The process then becomes inefficient and costly, hitting revenues and eating away at profits. What worked to drive business forward can become a hindrance. The only way for the recurring sales to grow profitably is look holistically at both business process and technology transformation
In a typical, more predictable business environment, it might take years for companies to get to this point, but COVID-19 has accelerated the process.
Businesses experiencing strong growth now face the very real risk of eroding critical profits through disjointed processes, tools and technologies across the front and back office.
Sales transformation isn’t enough
Unfortunately, when companies think about transformations like this, they tend to see this as only a problem with their sales process. They often believe buying a new software system will “fix” sales.
As a result, they fail to work through the impact recurring revenues will have on their company’s full business operations – especially finance.
That oversight can add to an already costly project. Companies that want to transform business processes to manage recurring revenues must create a new handoff between CRM, CPQ, contract life management (CLM), billing and ERP systems – and that can be very tricky.
In a recurring revenue model, the sales process does not end when the contract is signed. That means you cannot simply hand the sale off to your ERP system, which is how most sales processes are configured today.
Billing is also more complex, so CRM systems must allow for contract changes, upgrades, add-ons and swaps – something that isn’t possible when back office and front office systems are siloed.
For instance, you sell a piece of machinery for $1 m. The sales team, working in its CRM system, configures and prices the package and hands it off to Finance to create contracts and invoices.
The buyer also wants a $1,200 yearly contract for software that allows the machinery to communicate with other applications in the factory. But if a half a year later, the buyer wants to upgrade to a newer version with more functionality, is your system equipped to handle that?
Thinking through the whole process
The most important thing any company can do is have a good think about the entire process – not just sales. However, what often happens is that the company simply tacks on a new piece of software, in either the front office or back office, designed to handle subscription sales. That is unlikely to fix the problem.
Instead, the company should think about two things: First, how do you avoid the pitfalls that will lead to performance erosion and economic decline; and second, how do you optimize across the entire business to maximize the recurring revenue opportunity.
The answer for both? Companies must modernize lead-to-revenue operations across the front and back office to boost growth and efficiency and create a better, stronger customer experience. The new model has to be dynamic, unifying and customer centric.
Unlike a one-time transaction, recurring revenue is based on an ongoing, evolving relationship.
The recurring revenue architecture must be flexible enough to support customers no matter where they fall on the continuum, from premium subscriber with constantly changing add-on services or upgrades, to one-off sales.
Making it work for the customer
Customers expect subscriptions to be easy and fluid. They expect to be able to change or cancel at any time. Therefore, you have to work harder behind the scenes to keep them happy. Your sales and billing processes must be designed to simplify the customer experience and reduce friction.
Change like this will require the support of investors, employees, partners and others important to your success. The benefits to employees, who will be asked to make many changes, and investors, who might be concerned about cost and risks, may not be obvious.
Ultimately the toughest sell will be to customers, who must see the benefit of change and feel better served, not taken for granted.
This will require strong coordination and a shared vision between all areas of management and staff but can lead to significant process optimization throughout the business, from marketing and sales to contract management, renewals, legal and customer service.
As high-growth organizations address market opportunities, they must recognize the symbiotic relationship between the front and back office. Selling, serving, delivering and managing are all related and interconnected within the customer journey.
Companies that understand this and take the critical step to develop a cohesive and effective lead-to-revenue strategy, will be best positioned to operate a successful and profitable recurring revenue business—in the COVID-19 age and beyond.
Sean Joyce is currently EVP of Technology and Strategy at Navint. Based in Chicago, Sean is an expert in cloud technologies and has spent the last 10 years helping companies make the transition to recurring revenue both as a client advisor and as a marketing, product, and implementation leader for leading software companies including Salesforce, Apttus, and Zuora.
The post You want to sell by subscription, but are you ready? appeared first on ClickZ.
source http://wikimakemoney.com/2020/09/03/you-want-to-sell-by-subscription-but-are-you-ready/
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365xinwen · 5 years
Cardboard Box Maker
How a cardboard box is made at Kite Packaging. As a result of their high quality, secure performance and lengthy service life, our products are sought after by prospects in Spain, Chile, Venezuela, Greece, Honduras, Malaysia,the Philippines, Russia, and so on. Finally, the offcuts of paper is recycled and used to provide more containers and other paper products, many corrugators now produce packing containers in the most eco-friendly way doable to ensure that their processes are carbon-neutral. The potential for cardboard box manufacturing is huge; almost all industries want some time of cardboard packaging and the booming e-commerce trade is probably the biggest consumers of cardboard containers. Practically eighty one% of the packaging in any trade is finished utilizing corrugated cardboard boxes and has the most important market share in e-commerce, logistics, cosmetics, prescribed drugs, and footwear trade. The slowdown in the oil and gas business augmented the slowdown in demand for consumer and industrial merchandise, which in flip, hit the packaging industry on this area. Corrugated paperboard accounts for more than half of all of the paper recycled in the US. S & G Solutions is proud to deliver this exciting line of boxmaking machinery to the U.S. and Canada, offering an answer that is precise, sturdy and simple to operate. It is designed on the basis of corrugated field machine BM2508, which removes the slotting perform, remains creasing and reducing functions. The size of a box will be measured for both inside (for product fit) or exterior (for handling machinery or palletizing) dimensions. View our sustainable box making machine solutions, software, consumables and providers below, and please contact us to speak with our corrugated box making machine manufacturers with any questions you’ll have. Our cardboard field machines have only a sixty second setup time and are designed with the user in thoughts. 12 On the end of corrugator, a slitter-scorer trims the cardboard and cuts it into massive sheets called box blanks. SHH-B2 high speed computerized paste field machine possesses the SHH-800 and SHH-B all functions, Used imported electrical home equipment, and equipment for export with a rubber roller Paper will be pressed collectively by the processes as well as possesses the features of gorgeous modeling, high velocity and can made more large bins and many others, It’s essential gear in packing printing industry. The demand for products from various industries that may gasoline the expansion of the packaging business is the major issue fueling the growth of the distributors in the corrugated box making machines market. Let us assist you to make the most of our value-added merchandise offerings to satisfy the demanding needs of your native market and clients. About 28% of those are paper product making equipment, 16% are packaging line, and thirteen% are carton printing slotting die-reducing machine. The worldwide corrugated box making machine market is predicted to develop at a CAGR of greater than 2% throughout the forecast period, 2017-2021. As an finish-person, you’ll find that our box making machines give businesses of all sizes larger control over their packaging process. All our Boix tray forming machines with their specification for the perfect packaging solutions on your merchandise. Know-how is eternally altering, and so are our suppliers and Carton Box Making Machine who at all times keep their standards excessive and has fostered innovation in all the pieces they do. From their methods and finish products to how which might be preserving and protecting the surroundings. Completed containers are then stacked and despatched to a banding machine to be wrapped and shipped. Grain path of the paperboard – Proper grain direction will enable straightforward printing, automated gluing, scale back bulge, and scale back shrinkage. Our packaging will protect your merchandise, while taking care of the setting. With customized graphics for labels, folding cartons, corrugated displays and more, our team will ensure your product stands out. Zhejiang Guangya Equipment Co.,Ltd is an expert producers of scorching foil stamping and die slicing machine with long history.Since its establish we’ve always insisting on the policy of Achieved success by high quality,Integrity is base,additionally pay attention to new product development and continual designing machine, we adopt high and new know-how from home and merchandise may be very standard in home market and already exported to over 70counteirs or region corresponding to Europe,North America,Center East and so forth.
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Designed to be robust, they are comprised of corrugated paperboard, which accommodates air columns. We now have a gradual raw materials supply chain and produce most elements of the machines in-home. The paperboard and cardboard trade demand been relatively steady for the past 5 years. The corrugator machine cuts every board various times, relying on the scale of the box. Originally of this process, kraft rolls from the paper mill are loaded into an enormous machine known as a corrugator. The cardboard field manufacturing industry is the most important paper-changing trade within the USA. Corrugated bins are used for packaging client and industrial goods. It’s not just , but other homegrown e-commerce corporations are also using cardboard packages over plastic packaging. Relying on the required energy of the box, corrugated containers may be made of one, two, or three layers of flutes and liners. Included in the yr 2009, we Krishna Gross sales Company” are counted because the reputed manufacturer and trader of Corrugated Box Making Machine, Rotary Die Cutting Machine, Corrugated Carton Making Machine, Corrugated Board Plant, and so forth. Compack machines might be arrange as a single feed, an inline feed (with as much as four automatic, raw material sources feeding into the machine), or as a lateral (side by side) feed with up to four computerized corrugated feeds. Briefly, it’s important to observe the Air Air pollution Prevention and Control Act, requirements and regulation and even meals-associated rules in case you are producing packing containers for the food business. Design & Production of Corrugated Packaging & Displays. Whether or not you’re a box plant, or an end-user trying to create customized containers in-home, our machinery is cutting-edge and can cater to your wants. When manufacturing bins we speak about two several types of liners, that is the material that lies on prime and beneath the fluting and creates a corrugated board. The CORRUGATED FIELD MAKING MACHINERY import commerce sector contributes considerably to the general GDP proportion of India. Furthermore, with the sustainability concern on the rise, we are able to anticipate much more packaging firms in the future who will deliver unique designs and produce quite a lot of boxes from a wide range of paper material. Cardboard Assistance is a participant within the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate promoting program designed to supply a method for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Cardboard Help additionally participates in affiliate programs with Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, Homedepot and other sites. Being a B2B business, you will have permanent customers who will need boxes frequently. He named it the kraft course of as a result of it produces a robust paper that resists tearing, splitting, and bursting. It has paper feeding unit, adjusted unit, glue unit, forming unit, finished products amassing unit and likewise counting unit. As a result of this machine is so quick to arrange it ends in very low value containers of the best grade for both small and large runs. In case of continuous production it only takes 30 seconds per box. The Corrugated & Paperboard Container Trade: An Analysis of Current Markets & Prospects for Future Development. We provide six different paper cup machines SPB seven hundred, SPB 750, SPB 850, SPB Super 850, SPB 950, SPB Tremendous 950. The growing consumption of food throughout globe that fuels the growth of the food packaging business and the rising demand for food and beverage products that may drive the demand for corrugated boxes, will augment the expansion prospects of the market in this section. Considering today’s state of affairs, it’s protected to say that cardboard box manufacturing is a lucrative enterprise. Compared to plastics, styrofoam and other supplies, the folding carton and corrugated cardboard boxes are thought of to be a greater inexperienced packaging solution by the shoppers. Over previous four years, we now have invested over 1 Million dollars to develop our aggressive box machines, it contains BM2506 small field making machine, BM1206 short run field making machine, and BM2508 cardboard box making machine.
The supplied products are examined in terms of high quality to ship solely defect much less vary from our aspect. Since then, pulp processing, paper making, and corrugating operations have been developed to a excessive state of effectivity and productiveness. We hope that our value for money merchandise will allow you to in growing your enterprise for many years to return. This corrugated cardboard box making machine with excessive efficiency has handed the CE certification. We have been an energetic corporation with extensive market for Used Paper Egg Carton Making Machine, The product will supply to all over the world, comparable to: Suriname , Curacao , Rome , We warmly welcome home and abroad customers to visit our firm and have enterprise discuss. Explore the detailed product pages to search out all it’s worthwhile to learn about any field making machine. Kraft and Test paper can also be used to create the fluted paper in between liners which lastly create a strong board. We comprehend the fact that majority of import corporations in are energetic in sourcing distinct ranges of products including raw materials, machinery and client goods and so forth. Subsequent, it’s a must to procure machinery, which will range depending on the kind of box you want to manufacture. affords fifty seven,111 carton box making machine products. There are 10,610 carton field making machine prices suppliers, primarily situated in Asia. A quick guide to cardboard containers by Kite Packaging. All Boxmatic machines might be equipped with two or three-out manufacturing and as much as three smart flexo print models. Recycling and different environmentally pleasant processes will continue to grow in importance in the future of corrugated cardboard. In-home making of corrugated containers contributes to reduction of outsourcing costs. Our execs are lessen prices,dynamic sales staff,specialised QC,sturdy factories,high-quality services and products for Corrugated Carton Box Making Die Cutter Machine (ML-1600), The product will provide to all over the world, similar to: Albania , Sheffield , Swansea , “Make the women more attractive “is our sales philosophy. Most typical varieties of containers in demand embrace mono cartons, commonplace box, giant box, packing containers in 2,3,5,7, ply. All kinds of carton field making machine prices options can be found to you, such as beverage. Another 6 million tons of uncorrugated boxboard or paperboard have been additionally produced to be used in folding cartons. Corrugated field making machine is a equipment used to creating corrugated packing containers. The machines discover their strategy to various market sectors: from agricultural to industrial use in meals and non-food sectors. At the moment, in the corrugated cardboard trade, designers are creating modern containers that require four-shade printing and complicated die-reducing. On the primary of Corrugated Field Machine BM2508, it provides the function of die-cutting handle holes on either side of the carton box. A semi-computerized cardboard box producing machine will price your roughly $ 120,000, whereas full-scale production plan will cost you $ one hundred eighty,000. Cardboard field making machines include an enormous host of advantages that optimize your field-making course of. The life of a carboard box by Kite Packaging. The technology is pretty reducing-edge for the cardboard box business. Different uncooked materials are used to finish the corrugated cardboard after production. It may possibly also present the most appropriate corrugated packaging field on demand for furnishings, hardware equipment, e-commerce logistics and other industries. It is now very common for these liners to also be made up of a considerable proportion of recycled content material, sourced from outdated cardboard or different sources of second hand paper. I utterly suggest SPB equipment to anybody looking to purchase machines. For more data on corrugated boxes, click on here to browse our resources. 1 Manufacturing a corrugated cardboard box begins with the pulping of wooden chips within the kraft (sulfate) process.
These endeavours embody the provision of personalized designs with velocity and dispatch for Manufacturing unit Value Corrugated Cardboard Box Kraft Paper Transferring Carton Box, The product will provide to all over the world, resembling: Bangladesh , Latvia , Finland , With the objective of “zero defect”. That means, is it generally safe to compost the entirety of the field: cardboard, the ink that is printed on it, and most significantly, the glue that’s used to stick the sides of the field collectively. If lengthy-time period storage of corrugated containers in excessive humidity is predicted, further strength and moisture resistance is named for. We manufacture and provide Excessive Pace single facers, Rotary reel to sheet cutters, Sheet Pasting machines, Sheet urgent machines, Rotary creaser slotter, Board Printer, Printer Slotter, Rotary Die and lots of such machines. Field blanks requiring only simple, one-colour printing and die-slicing might be run by a stand-alone die-cutter, print station, and curtain coater to supply water- or grease-resistant containers. So as to give you comfort and enlarge our business, we even have inspectors in QC Crew and assure you our best service and product for Excessive Productivity Carton Paper Box Erecting Forming Machine, The product will supply to all around the world, corresponding to: Thailand , Chile , Haiti , We always stick with the tenet of “sincerity, high quality, excessive effectivity, innovation”. Engineers and designers begin with the wants of the particular mission: cost constraints, equipment capabilities, product traits, logistics wants, relevant rules, client needs, and so on. This venture profile intimately foresees establishing of unit to produce corrugated board and bins. The demand for corrugated packing containers is also anticipated to increase from other Southeast Asian countries as these consumable merchandise haven’t reached the maturity stage. Positioned in Kolín within the Czech Republic within the prestigious Industrial Zone Ovcary, in their state-of-the-art facility that homes machine and parts manufacturing, meeting and present room areas. ACM 900, ACM 4500, ACM 9000 these are the paper bowl machines we provide in the massive market. During 2010-2015, the global demand for fast-moving client items (FMCG) witnessed a substantial development, and contemplating the excessive demand for digital products, the market for corrugated boxes is anticipated to witness growth throughout 2016-2021. The packing containers are processed at around a hundred containers per minute, whereas the cut off papers are sent for recycling. Typically, cardboard packing containers have a test paper interior liner, and a Kraft paper outer. These containers are very sturdy and have high safety requirements compared with the other modes of packaging equivalent to cardboard packaging. Right this moment, there are nearly 2000 cardboard field manufacturers with trade employment of 140K. Fast-rising pine trees present the primary uncooked material used to make corrugated cardboard. 5. The estimates are drawn for a manufacturing capability generally thought-about techno-economically viable for mannequin sort of producing activity. At Packsize we offer a variety of corrugated box making machines designed to help your organization save time and improve productivity, whereas decreasing costs and your carbon footprint. Carton Pack has an array of machines and gear for producing cardboard packing containers and cardboard packing provides. It allows you to create containers that are the proper measurement and form on your product. Furthermore, the consumers are expected to see a major enhance in the cost of corrugated cardboard by 4 % than final year. Expert manufacturing workers use a pc terminal and printer to prepare a job ticket for every stack of box blanks produced by the corrugator. Boix Europe is the primary seller for Boix packaging machines in Europe and market leader in forming and gluing each corrugated and strong board packaging. Corrugated containers are made in box plant factories.
The corrugated box making machine market in EMEA noticed a decline in demand for corrugated boxes during 2012-2015 within the wake of low crude oil prices, which led to the overall financial slowdown within the Middle East region. It’s now probably the most advanced and multifunctional field making machine, offering every kind of personalized packaging solutions for finish users in addition to box plants. The 2 liners are then adhered to the board by the machine; the cardboard is then cut each side with a circular noticed to give the board straight sides. Fashionable for his or her energy, sturdiness, lightness, recyclability, and cost-effectiveness, corrugated packing containers are used for the delivery of quite a lot of gadgets. If you are planning to begin a cardboard manufacturing business, this article provides you with all the mandatory details from equipment to legal permissions. Because our machines present brief and medium run options, offering containers that meet niche customer calls for is easy and doesn’t take away from your lengthy-run processes. On account of growing manufacturing in Europe and China, cardboard costs within the USA dropped marginally. With 120+ Carton Sealing & Packaging Options with a wide variety of excessive velocity Case Sealers, Carton Sealing Tape, Box Erectors, Box Formers and Excessive Velocity Box Tape Heads, BestPack is your one cease shop to automate your packaging process. The most dominant player within the trade is the only-wall corrugated board which accounts for over ninety % of all manufacturing. Carton Field Machine BM2508-Plus is similar to BM2508 to a large extent, which is a multifunctional carton field packing machine of horizontal slotting and scoring, vertical slitting and creasing, horizontal slicing. We provide world buyers with a complete resource for their packaging needs akin to low cost China Carton Box Making Machine. A wide variety of carton box making machine options are available to you, comparable to paper bowl machine, envelope making machine, and egg tray machine. Cardboard Assistance is compensated for referring traffic and enterprise to those corporations. SPB Machinery has one of many largest assortment of paper product machines and I’ve always been amazed by their dedicated assist and after-sales service. It is a perfect equipment to supply paper box such like hamburger field, chips field. You now not must rely on third events, but can produce customized boxes, in small or medium runs, the moment they’re required. These different grades of corrugated cardboard can be made by combining totally different grades of kraft paper. You can even select from ul, ce. In addition to from paper slitting and rewinding machine, winding machine, and printing machine. This report focuses on Skilled International Corrugated Box Making Machine Market 2019-2024 volume and worth at Global degree, regional degree and firm degree. Glue energy, bursting power, compression, and extremely accurate dimensional assessments decide the quality of the manufacturing process. Throughout 1992, greater than 25 million tons of corrugated cardboard have been produced in the United States. In this report, Technavio covers the market outlook and development prospects of the worldwide corrugated box making machine marketplace for 2017-2021. As expert staff run batches of box blanks by way of the flexo machines, particular person boxes are pulled and inspected. Among all elements of the cardboard box manufacturing trade, there was an exponential increase in the demand for inexperienced production both by the federal government and consumers. The demands of multiple handbook handlings, automated sortation, and uncontrolled stacking in vehicles or air containers put extreme stress on bins, box closures, and the contents. BM2508 is a fully computerized carton field making machine for corrugated cardboard, appropriate for field plant with small amount orders and massive measurement cartons, which successfully solves the issue of scattered orders. A complete one stop sourcing platform for packaging & printing suppliers, producers and factories, we are large enough to be able to supply an expanded product line of labels and packaging design capabilities but sufficiently small to be able to provide the private service that’s still so very important in enterprise today.
The post Cardboard Box Maker appeared first on Diy Script.
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mpatni-blog · 5 years
Advanced Ceramics Market Global Analysis, Trends, Size, Share, Manufacturers, Segmentation, Sales Revenue and Growth Analysis Forecast to 2023
Advanced Ceramics Market Overview:
Advanced ceramics cater to the various end-use industries such as electricals & electronics, machinery, automotive, pharmaceuticals, and defense, among others. Advance ceramics garner a huge traction owing to the enormous demand from the electrical, electronics and packaging industry.
The augmented demand and uses are some of the key driving forces escalating the advanced ceramics market on the global platform. Market Research Future (MRFR) in its recently published study report asserts that the revenue contribution of the advanced ceramics market is expected to increase by a substantial monetarily growth by 2023, registering a phenomenal CAGR during the period 2017 to 2023.
In the aerospace, automotive, chemical industry, some specific applications such as static build-up, ensuring quality controlled electronics applications foster the overall demand for advanced ceramics supporting the market growth exclusively.
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Advanced ceramics also find its application in the burgeoning semiconductor industry where these ceramics protect semiconductors against the heat, chemical abrasion, and corrosion while providing enhanced thermal conductivity during the extreme manufacturing process.
On the other hand, high costs associated with advanced ceramic is expected to impede the market growth, restricting its uses and encouraging the development of similar, low-cost product. However, increasing sales of advanced ceramics are supposed to define the market landscape.
Advanced Ceramics Market Key Players:
The fervent players leading the global advanced ceramic market include CeramTec GmbH (Germany), CoorsTek Inc. (US), Kyocera Corporation (Japan), Saint-Gobain Ceramic Morgan Advanced Materials Plc. (UK), Materials (US), 3M Company (US), Rauschert Steinbach GmbH (Germany), Dyson Advanced ceramics Limited (UK), Superior Advanced Ceramics (US), and NGK Spark Plug Co., Ltd. (Japan).
Advanced Ceramics Market Regional Analysis:
The Asia Pacific region is expected to continue with its dominance over the global advanced ceramics market due to the increased sales in the industries such as electrical & electronics, machinery, automotive, and pharmaceuticals in the region. India and China backed by the substantial consumption of the product in the electronics and automotive sector of those countries, account for the key driving force substantiating the market growth in the region.
Additional factors contributing to the market growth in the region are the competitive manufacturing cost, favorable government regulations, the rapidly increasing defense budget, and the increasing application areas of the product in the modern armors.
North America acquires the second-largest position in the market of the advanced ceramic, emerging as a lucrative market, globally. The presence of key automobile companies such as General Motors, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler, positively impacts the market growth in the region.
Advanced Ceramics Market Segments:
The Advanced Ceramics Market can be segmented into four key dynamics for the convenience of the report and enhanced understanding;
By Product Types:                            
Monolithic Ceramics, Ceramic Matrix Composites, and Ceramic Coatings among others.
By Materials:                                    
Titanate Ceramics, Alumina Ceramics, Zirconate Ceramics, and Ferrite Ceramics, among others.
By End-Users:                                  
Electricals & Electronics, Machinery, Automotive, pharmaceuticals, Military & Defense, among others.  
By Regions:                                          
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), and Rest-of-the-World (ROW).
Advanced Ceramics Market Table Of Contents:
1 Executive Summary
2 Scope of the Report
3 Market Research Methodology
4 Market Landscape
5 Industry Overview of Global Advanced Ceramics Market
Advanced Ceramics Market Table Of Contents to be Continue……,
Advanced Ceramics Market List Of Tables:
Table 1 World Population By Major Regions (2017 To 2030)
Table 2 Global Advanced Ceramics Market: By Region, 2017-2023
Table 3 North America Advanced Ceramics Market: By Country, 2017-2023
Table 4 Europe Advanced Ceramics Market: By Country, 2017-2023
Table 5 Asia-Pacific Advanced Ceramics Market: By Country, 2017-2023
Advanced Ceramics Market List Of Tables to be Continue……,
Advanced Ceramics Market List Of Figures:
FIGURE 1 Global Advanced Ceramics Market Segmentation
FIGURE 2 Forecast Methodology
FIGURE 3 Five Forces Analysis Of Global Advanced Ceramics Market
FIGURE 4 Value Chain Of Global Advanced Ceramics Market
FIGURE 5 Share Of Global Advanced Ceramics Market In 2017, By Country (In %)
Advanced Ceramics Market List Of Figures to be Continue……,
Request Brochure of Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/advanced-ceramics-market-1604
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topicprinter · 5 years
Hey - Pat from StarterStory.com here with another interview.Today's interview is with Scott Unkefer of Just Panela LLC, a brand that sells 100% unprocessed cane sugar.Some stats:Product: 100% unprocessed cane sugar.Revenue/mo: $125,000Started: June 2015Location: Boulder, ColoradoFounders: 3Employees: 10Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?My name is Scott Unkefer and I’m the Founder and CEO of Just Panela LLC. “Panela” is the name for the form of Unprocessed, Unrefined, Artisanal, and Organic Cane Sugar in the Region.We have been in Whole Foods Market – Global for 2 years along with nationwide and regional coverage in thousands of Natural Foods markets and chains. We also sell as an ingredient to a rapidly growing list of food, beverage, and distilled beverage products. The primary ones being Rum, Chocolate, Baked goods, Cold Beverage, Kombucha, and Espresso based.We have 2 operations:Colombia, South AmericaWe purchase, package, and export, amongst a number of other things here. So this is or ERP operation so to speak.Boulder, ColoradoWe manage the importation (Customs and FDA Clearance), Shipping & Logistics to our Fulfillment centers, Distributor and customer relationships and fulfillment, Sales, and Marketing. So this is our CRM operation so to speak.Our flagship retail product is our 1lb bag seen here.imageimage… And a picture of the Founders and Partner – Farmers. Or, “Panaleros”.imageLeft to right: Scott Unkefer (CEO, Founder), Ivan Vasquez (Partner and a leading “Panela”/ Cane Sugar expert in Colombia), Robert Thomas (Co-Founder), Diomes (Packaging Manager), Roosber (Packaging)Our current Annual Income is $1,500,000/ year.What's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?I had just moved to Medellin, Colombia in 2011. I would, about every morning, go to my local “Juan Valdez” brand coffee shop and notice these single serves of “Panela” ‘endulzante’. Spanish for ‘sweetener’.I wrote it off as just another artificial sweetener but my curiosity got the best of me. I asked the barista “What is this Panela stuff?”. They replied “It’s sugar!”. Alright I’ll give it a try. I opened a sachet of this fluffy golden powder.It wasn’t a crystal or hard like a rock like refined or turbinado sugars. I put it in my cappuccino and that was the famed “ Aha! ” moment. It made for the best cappuccino I had ever had.My favorite business entrepreneur quote comes from Difference, Written by Bernadette Jiwa. It goes something like this:Panela did that for me. It’s organic, unprocessed, unrefined, and natural. It is not crack cocaine - chemical sugar. It keeps the natural properties of the cane grass including taste, texture, color, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.Take us through the process of designing, prototyping, and manufacturing your first product.Here’s an interesting part; The Colombians didn’t see Panela as a sweetener. They saw it as… Panela.It is/ was it’s own food product separate and aside from a straight sweetener or ingredient. In Colombian lore, and some of it is true, it has various beneficial health properties to it. It is a stomach soother for an upset stomach.This does seem true to us too. It relieves cold and flu symptoms mildly as well. A hot panela and lemon tea is made. I’ve even heard it said it’s good for your teeth! This is a tough one to get behind. It does have a very high recommended daily intake of Manganese. An extremely valuable mineral that I’m told is pretty rare in the standard North American diet. And it is good for bones.Here’s another interesting part; When I arrived to Colombia and the idea, the “Paneleros” (panela farmers), were a dying heritage product and trade in the country. There were a few reasons for this;1 - It was considered a “low class product”.Because the “campesinos” (rural Colombians) used it and made it. Colombia can be very Classist in this sense. And for, say, some financially-enabled Colombian entrepreneur to get involved with Panela would not be a ‘high class thing to do’. And in this same vein the children of the Paneleros didn’t want to continue to ‘work in the fields’ in the family business. In one elder Panelero’s words; “My boys they just want to move to Bogota and become soccer stars”.2 - There was never any real positioning post-farmer done with the product.In fact, the powder was hard to come by. The Paneleros considered that final step extra, unnecessary work instead of just making these “hockey pucks”. An incredibly hard disk of panela sold to the markets that then the end user had to chip apart with an ice pick and put in hot water for it to dissolve. It didn’t occur to them to get it to a powder form for much easier consumption or dissolution.So I discovered it and proceeded to position, or, re-position it for the North American and greater ‘western’ market. We sell to Australia, Spain, France, Kuwait, and of course Canada as well. And have ongoing negotiations with Germany and the Gulf Countries.Design and product qualityWe have won awards both at CoffeeFest (Best New Product - Consumables) and Fancy Foods NY (5 of 5 stars, Product Quality) for our Design and Product Quality.imageYou’ll notice we had an artist draw the “USDA Organic” into our front brand character art. We were called up by both the USDA and our Nationwide distributors telling us this is “illegal” and we cannot apply an altered version of this seal on our labeling. Bah Humbug.Manufacturing & ChallengesThere is NOT a powder-like food substance in the world that is more difficult to package and micro-package than Panela. As we say; “Much better for human consumption, terrible for [packaging] machine consumption”.It is NOT a crystal or a rock like all other cane sugars. Thus it dissolves incredibly well and fast. For machines, however, this means it melts easier and faster. Sticking and accumulating to different steps of the weigh, form, fill, or seal steps that packaging machines are employed to do. We theorize that this is a major driver as to why ‘Big Sugar’ keeps granulated sugar in the forefront of human consumption. It has ½ or 1/3 of the machine and human labor time to package as Panela does raising the cost a great deal.We are the manufacturer. We don’t contract-package. We felt it was completely necessary to own the product packaging/ manufacturing and we were right for two reasons:Because of the difficulty in packaging and micro-packaging Panela, we have had to introduce a great many customizations to the packaging machinery. We have also had to work directly with our Panelero Partner to produce 3 distinct forms of pulverized panela.A very-low-humidity panela for the individual serving size sachetsA slightly more humid panela for the 1, 5, and 55lb.A very minimally ground form of panela for the Rum worldThe second reason is, we could not put the production in the hands of a third party in a country like Colombia where, time and delivery dates are extremely loose concepts. We already have an incredibly complex supply chain with some of our packaging coming from overseas simply because it doesn’t exist in Colombia in the form we wanted. And then dealing with strikes, road closure either from natural or human conflict occurrences. And clearance of containers out of Colombia and Into the U.S. It actually took quite a while to gain the trust of shipping logistics companies in Colombia to trust and believe we were in the business of exporting the powdery substance that we export and no other.Describe the process of launching the businessAs mentioned, this was a multi-national business from the beginning. And none of ‘us’ had experience in import/ export, packaging, or natural foods industries prior! So it was trial by fire and learning in real-time in the truest sense it could possibly be.On top of which it was a ‘couple of gringos trying to ship pallets of powdery substance out of Colombia to the U.S. It couldn’t have looked more suspicious. I was laughed out of meetings with a couple logistics companies in the first year or two. They wouldn’t touch us.The points of success that allowed us to get over the trust hurdle:Getting a facility and getting it in the right place (pictured below)Luckily we decided on a facility very near the airport outside of town. As such our bodega (facility) group was full of flower exporters and thus export logistics companies.This solved about ½ of the trust problem that we were doing what we said we were doing. The next thing we did is talked to the Porteros (Gate Security) about if they had any family; brothers, sisters, cousins, that wanted to come package for us. Of course they did. That’s how it works, particularly in Rio Negro, Colombia. This gave all parties involved, the shipping logistics company and the bodega community in our gated bodega space 100% trust that we weren’t up to nefarious exports.imageColombia Packaging FacilityFrom a case or two to a 40-foot container took us 4 years.We were not a heavily funded company, about $300K put in. With this we had to buy packaging machines (plural), straddle stackers, sealers, industrial shelving, electrical facility work, and ‘get off the ground’ costs and a completed supply chain that, for some products, goes from China (bags) --🡪 Colombia(packaging) -🡪 Miami (import) -🡪 Ohio (Flex Fulfillment from parcel to pallet).“Get off the Ground” – from a Marketing and Sales perspectiveIncredible productWe had an incredible, unique, award winning product with award winning labeling and art.A great storyWe, and Panela both, had a great story - “A couple of gringos in South America combining and bridging their culture and business culture with a cultural heritage product that is self sustainable and naturally and organically cultivated from fledgling farmers that were dying a slow death and that needed us as much as we needed them. It wouldn’t be offensive or wrong to say farmers have no marketing or positioning expertise at all. As mentioned before they were selling hockey pucks!Introducing it to the MarketOnce we had GOOD Food Brokers and packaged product targeted to both the Coffee world (individual serving sachets) and the Grocery world (1lb bags) we went to CoffeeFest NY and entered and WON the show for Best New Product – Consumable!imageNext, we went to Fancy Foods NY, the most important and competitive food show there is. We entered the product competition there sighting our winning at CoffeeFest. And with that we were 1 of 5 food products chosen in the entire show! The Panel of judges, by the way, being the head buyers 7 of the most important Natural Foods and Grocery businesses in America.Well, we were the only product to receive 4 out of 4 stars panel-wide for our product!imageFood BrokersBefore doing all of what I wrote before do this; Identify the top tier regional food brokers in the regions your product works. Take your product to them and see if they are already rep’ing a competitive product and if not are willing to represent Your brand and product(s) and take you on. We were very lucky in this regards.The Sugar/ Sweetener category in any market is considered a relatively low velocity category and as such much lower competition as well. So finding top tier food brokers that aren’t under contract with a competitive category product wasn’t that hard.So there are two questions:1 - Is the food broker already rep’ing a product in your category and therefore unable to represent yours?2 - If not, are they willing to represent yours? If the answer to number one is ‘No’, and the answer to number 2 is ‘No’ then you don’t have a good product and should probably reassess your product, business, and brand.Warning on food brokersThe entire model food brokers are based on. As well as the entire Natural Foods/ Grocery Industry is best analogized by Newman’s Own. Or in my case, Wholesome Sweeteners.A product line that occupies at least 1 entire shelf in a category. With an entire product line that occupies an entire shelf there is enough movement (sales) that justify the $$ model that the food brokers, and the distributors, and the retail work on.Can you actually crack into the Natural Foods/ Grocery world without them? No I think not. They are necessary for the first couple of years even though they are a cost center.Category Buyers will NOT even look at you or your new-to-the-market product(s) and brand without the Cesarean thumbs up by a known, respectable food broker. It is a revolving door industry. All those food brokers used to by category managers for Natural Foods/ Grocery. They build up their network that way and become brokers.We, however, are 1 to 2 SKU’s in a low-velocity category in a market therefore long term the food broker model does not work for us. What we do have is an ingredient. Thus we have Rum, Chocolate, Cookies, BBQ sauces, Kombucha, and a number of other food or beverage products that we sell to. 😊Since launch, what has worked to attract and retain customers?Having Whole Foods Global carrying our product has had an ongoing effect of educating and attracting exactly the customer profile our product is designed for.One thing I don’t think many food/ beverage manufacturers realize is that the distributors are also their customers. Since management and maintenance of the distributors is something that has become 100% my responsibility I’ve made personal relationships with my counterparts in all departments I interact with at the distributor companies too. Not just the SRM (Supplier Resource Manager). But the specific regional buyers, the trucking/ shipping managers in the warehouses, etc. Also, the port people that manage our containers and pallets passing through the process of being a product on a boat, to in a port, to leaving a port. I make everyone my friend. And so many people don’t do that to them and for them that they are particularly appreciative of it!We have become more web-savvy as well. But we also make it a point to send personal, human emails and responses to every order that comes in through our website. This helps a lot with reorder.It’s pretty funny, we’ve even had the Stripe Billing System guys whose service we use order from us. Hah!How are you doing today and what does the future look like?For competitive reasons I really want to say what our current and quarterly business plan and focus are on. I can say that it’s been interesting.There are other cane sugars from other parts of the world that did exist in the states and have all but disappeared. Demerera, Muscovado being two well now.They mysteriously disappeared completely in retail and almost completely in bulk and that’s driving different ethnicities of customers to us once they find out about us as well as regional and other non-nation-wide natural foods distributors to pick us up.imageThrough starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?In countries like Colombia 90% of the companies try to pay workers as little as possible. And then they wonder why they are getting stolen from and have such high churn rates. Pay people a living wage!They’ll be proud to work for you and feel like they’re a real part of the company. The current minimum salary here is, I believe, ~$260 dollars a month ☹ Who can live on that? We haven’t lost one facility worker in 4 years.What platform/tools do you use for your business?Whatsapp is easily the most used business communication tool throughout out business. From Austin, Tx to Boulder, Co., to our Coworking office in Medellin to our Packaging Facility 45 minutes up the Mountain in Rio Negro. All sub-middle-class Colombian do not own a laptop. This is one big reason why.Gsuite is of course heavily used. And we’ve finally gotten around to using Quick Books and produce Profit and Loss statements, balance sheets etc.imageWhat have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?High Tech Ventures by Gordon Bell, cofounder of Intel. It is out of print. I know, that helps a lot doesn’t it! .I read everything. I think Forbes and WSJ are the two best business periodicals.Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?Don’t work on stupid ideas!I have a friend down here in Medellin Colombia for example right now that wants to get in the game of importing e-cigarettes etc. This is an example of a stupid idea. It’s basically a tobacco product. So customs is going to consider it almost illegal to bring in and importing to ‘anti-importing’ countries like Colombia is brain damage to begin with let alone something that is clearly for commercial purposes, by a gringo, that’s basically a tobacco product. Everyone is going to hate him.I bring money in and employ people and export a beautiful product Colombia is very proud of. Everyone loves me.Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?SalesResearch and Identify the top 3 regional specialty/ gourmet/ natural foods independent store distributors in the markets we’re not in and get our products into their distributorship.PR/ Marketing. Work on our marketing from web to podcasts to submitting our educational material about all things panela and Just Panela®We have great story and it needs more dissemination. Thanks Starter Story for contacting us and making me write our story!Linkshttp://[email protected]://www.facebook.com/justpanela/https://www.linkedin.com/company/justpanela/https://www.instagram.com/justpanelacanehttps://twitter.com/justpanelaskype: sunkeferimageLiked this text interview? Check out the full interview with photos, tools, books, and other data.For more interviews, check out r/starter_story - I post new stories there daily.Interested in sharing your own story? Send me a PM
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marketrf39-blr-blog · 6 years
Automated Material Handling Market Size, Key Players, Investment Opportunities, Top Regions, Growth & Forecast by 2023
Market Highlights:
Market Research Future published a Half-Cooked   research report on “Global Automated Material Handling Equipment Market Report - Forecast to 2027” – Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2027
The major growth driver of automated material handling market includes increased adoption of automation in the manufacturing and warehouses industries and constant evolution innovation in automated technology that aids to reduce the time and overhead expenses of material handling. Furthermore, the increased demand for automated system in different verticals such as automotive, pharmaceuticals and chemical industries are expected to boost the demand for automated material handling market over the forecast period. However, high cost for installation, shortage of technical expertise, high maintenance costs of equipment and system are some of the factors which are hindering the growth of automated material handling market.
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Major Key Players
The prominent players in the market of automated material handling are- Schaefer Holding International (Germany), Daifuku Co. Ltd (Japan), Dematic (U.S.), Murata Machinery (Japan), Mecalux (Spain), Vanderlande Industries (U.S.), BEUMER Group (Germany), Swisslog AG (Switzerland), Kardex (Switzerland), Intelligrated (U.S.) among others, are profiled in MRFR Analysis and are at the forefront of competition in the global Automated Material Handling Market.
Industry/ Innovation/ Related News:
May 15, 2018 – Toyota Advanced Logistics North America, Inc. (TALNA), a leading global provider of end-to-end supply chain solutions announced the completion of the acquisition of Peach State Integrated Technologies (USA), a material handling integration and strategic supply chain consulting, and engineering firm. This deal supporting TALNA’s growth strategy will help it offer an expanded network of services and knowledgeable supply chain professionals to its clients.
April 30, 2018 – Cincinnati Incorporated (US), a leading global manufacturer of a wide variety of metal fabrication equipment including Laser Cutting Systems, etc. launched its new machine handling system, namely - Multi Axis Rapid Cincinnati Handling (MARCH) for automated handling of metal fabrication materials. Designed to be used with the manufacturer’s lasers, MARCH is available in standard and high-density configurations that can vary from simple load/unload to expandable towers.
Regional Analysis
Globally, Asia-Pacific region dominates the Automated Material Handling market owing to the presence of numerous manufacturing plants in the various countries in the region. Most of the nations in APAC are in their developing phase, hence are open for the foreign investors, therefore, allowing the international players of multiple domains to open the manufacturing unit in these countries.
Furthermore, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to grow significantly in the space of power quality equipment (PQE). Automated Material Handling also facilitates the distribution and production of materials majorly in the e-commerce industry. Thereby, booming eCommerce and PQE industry will provide a great impetus to the growth of the APAC market of the Automated Material Handling.
Europe accounts for the second largest market for the Automated Material Handling, in terms of revenue and market size. Resurging economy coupled with the booming regional industrial sector combined with the augmenting workplaces safety concerns, especially in automotive, food & beverage and metal & heavy industries, will propel the regional market growth.
North America region, on the other hand, accounts for the third largest market for the Automated Material Handling owing to the presence of numerous manufacturing plants primarily in the US. The proliferation and uptake of advanced technology foster the market growth mostly.
Browse Complete Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/automated-material-handling-market-1029
Segmentation by Product: Robots, Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS), Automated Conveyors and Sortation Systems, Automated Cranes, Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV)
Segmentation by System: Unit Load Material Handling Systems, Bulk Load Material Handling Systems
Segmentation by Software: Warehouse Management System, Warehouse Control System, Warehouse Execution System
Segmentation by Function: Storage, Transportation, Assembly, Packaging, Distribution, Waste Handling.
Segmentation by Industry: Automotive Metals & Heavy Machinery, Food & Beverages, Chemical, Semiconductor and Electronics, Healthcare, Aviation, E-Commerce, Others (paper and printing, and textile and clothing)
Segmentation by Region: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa.
About Market Research Future:
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.
Market Research Future
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mikemortgage · 6 years
Canada moves toward imposing potential new tariffs on steel imports amid dumping fears
Justin Trudeau’s government is taking a key step toward imposing potential new tariffs and quotas on certain steel imports, with his finance chief saying a surge in foreign steel may be disrupting the market.
Finance Minister Bill Morneau announced a 15-day consultation on potential safeguard measures on seven types of steel imports. The provisional measures would be applied if the consultation shows producers are being harmed, Morneau said Tuesday, signaling there’s already evidence that’s happening.
“We have seen increases in imports; that’s an important reason why we have come forward today,” Morneau said during a news conference at Hamilton, Ontario-based ArcelorMittal Dofasco. Second-quarter trade data from Statistics Canada show a spike in shipments from countries like Brazil, India, Turkey and Germany. “That surge in imports leads us to be concerned that we need to consider what measures to take.”
Federal government to investigate steel dumping in Canada in wake of U.S. tariffs
Trump’s steel tariffs hitting autoparts makers, as Magna cuts sales targets
Trump’s own economy is hurting his efforts to bring trading partners to heel
The seven product categories include inputs for the auto sector and rebar used in residential construction. The government said in June it had three categories in mind, prompting companies to call for a more extensive list to be included. Canada will now consider whether additional products beyond the seven should be added.
The moves would be part of the widening impact from President Donald Trump’s trade battles, which resulted in U.S. tariffs of 25 per cent on steel and 10 per cent on aluminum that were imposed on Canada, the European Union and other nations in June.
Steel rebar at a condominium construction site in Toronto.
The seven classes of imports subject to potential provisional measures announced Tuesday are:
– Steel plate, used in heavy machinery and transportation manufacturing;
– Rebar, used heavily in construction;
– Energy tubular products, used in oil and gas exploration, extraction and transmission;
– Hot-rolled sheet, used in construction and the auto sector, among others;
– Pre-painted steel, used in construction, industrial packaging and appliance manufacturing;
– Stainless steel wire, used in manufacturing of pins, nails, springs, filters and conveyor belts; and
– Wire rod, used in manufacturing of automotive and industrial components, wires, springs, fasteners and nails.
Bloomberg reported in June the Canadian government was preparing new measures including a combination of quotas and tariffs targeting certain countries including China to prevent them from diverting steel shipments into Canada.
“We know that because of the unfair tariffs imposed by the United States, other countries will be seeking alternative markets for their steel products,” Morneau said. “Canada is now at risk for a surge in imports of steel products, which could harm Canadian steel producers and workers. From our perspective this is just unacceptable.”
The EU has imposed its own provisional safeguards to ward off steel that might otherwise have been sent to the U.S. Canada produced 13.7 million tonnes of iron and steel products last year, less than one percent of total global production.
The head of a major Canadian steel group said measures by other countries should force Canada’s hand to protect its sector.
“All of the producer community would agree that ideally we’d like to return to a situation where there’s fair trade in steel,” Joseph Galimberti, president of the Canadian Steel Producers Association, said in an interview ahead of the announcement. “The government has to take similar steps to protect Canadian producers or face pretty serious consequences as a result of global diversion.”
Some steel importers and fabricators have been pushing back on any potential safeguards, arguing they will negatively impact the Canadian economy and raise costs in sectors including housing or infrastructure.
The safeguard could be a tariff that applies only to imports that exceed a certain target volume, similar to a format used by the EU, according to a notice from Canada’s finance department.
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indiabizzness · 6 months
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Discover high-quality, automatic used imported packaging machinery for sale at IndiaBizzness. Our selection offers reliable solutions to streamline your packaging processes, ensuring efficiency and consistency. From filling and sealing to labeling and coding, our machinery is meticulously maintained and ready to integrate seamlessly into your production line. Upgrade your packaging operations with our affordable and dependable options. Browse our inventory today for the perfect fit for your business needs.
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kenresearchblog · 6 years
Japan Corrugated Box Market Outlook to 2022 : Ken Research
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The report titled “Japan Corrugated Box Market Outlook to 2022 - By type of box (Slotted, Die-Cut and Others), by End Users (Processed Food, Fruits & Vegetables, Electrical Appliances and Machinery, Pharmaceuticals, Detergents & Cosmetics, Ceramics, Glassware & Sundries, Mail Order, Parcel Delivery & Moving, Other Foods, Textile Products And Others)” provides a comprehensive analysis on the Japan corrugated box Market. The report covers various aspects including introduction and genesis, market size by revenue, segmentation by type of box (Slotted, Die-Cut and Others), by end user (Processed Food, Fruits & Vegetables, Electrical Appliances And Machinery, Pharmaceuticals, Detergents & Cosmetics, Ceramics, Glassware & Sundries, Mail Order, Parcel Delivery & Moving, Other Foods, Textile Products And Others), by type of flute (Single, Double and Triple), By color and Non-Color and by Region (Kanto, Kinki, Chubu, Okinawa and Others). Major players have been profiled in the report including Rengo Co. Ltd, OJI Holding Corporation, Chuoh Pack Industry Co. Ltd., Tomoku Co. Ltd., Kariya Shiki Co., Ltd., Hiradan Corporation, Aichi Corrugated Cardboard Co. Ltd., Itoh Corrugated Industrial Co. Ltd., Ryohei Corrugated Co., Ltd. (Hako Hira Cardboard Kabushikiisha), Taiyo Corporation Ltd., Maruichi Corporations, Misuzu-Shigyou Inc, DAIO Packaging Co. Ltd., Tokai Paper Co. Ltd., Dynapac Corporation and Yamakoh, Co. Ltd., Dainippon Pax Kyoto Corporation). The report also covers Value Chain Analysis, Government regulations, buying decision parameters from end user point of view, Snapshot on Japan Kraft paper, corrugated board market, Export and Import trade scenario, along with analyst recommendation and macroeconomic variables.
This report will help the reader to identify the ongoing trends in the industry and anticipated growth in future depending upon changing industry dynamics in coming years. The report is useful for cardboard manufacturers, corrugated packaging manufacturers, processed food companies, E-commerce companies, investors, potential entrants and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to ongoing and expected trends in the future.
Japan Corrugated Market Size and Overview
Market Size: Japan corrugated box market is in its late growth stage The Japan corrugated box market is highly correlated with Japanese economy and with the recovery in the economy the demand for corrugated packaging for beverages and packaged food will increase therefore increasing box demand. The domestic consumption of corrugated boxes increased from year 2012 to 2017. The growing processed food industry in Japan is one of the key drivers for corrugated board market. Over the past few years, the introduction of new farm and food technologies coupled with cost-effective international transport has increased the trade of food products.
Market Segmentation:
By End User
In 2017, processed food segment has dominated the Japan corrugated box market. Processed food segment has contributed the highest share in terms of sales volume. Processed food is leading and the growing industry in Japan and the fast paced lifestyle of consumers has led to an increase in consumption of processed food as a replacement of homemade meals. In 2017, fruits & vegetables contribute the second highest share followed by electrical appliances, pharmaceuticals, ceramics, mail order, other foods and textile products. Other end users are disposable diapers, hygiene products for the elderly, pet related products has least share in 2017.
By Type of Box
In 2017, regular slotted type of box has dominated market in terms of sales volume. Regular slotted boxes are most preferred as they are easy to manufacture and moreover, the production is also fast. Die cut type of box has contributed the second highest share in terms of sales volume. Other type of corrugated boxes include full telescope box, partial telescope box, corrugated tray often used for display purposes, corrugated corner pads used for product support and cushioning.
By Type of Flute
In 2017, Single Flute type of box has contributed the highest share in terms of sales volume. These types of boxes are highly preferred as they are ideal for storing groceries and most stores hand out their goods to customers in such boxes instead of common jiffy bags. Double flute boxes has contributed the second highest share followed by triple flute boxes in Japan corrugated box market in 2017.
By Non-Colored and Colored Boxes
In 2017, non-colored box has dominated the market. Non-colored corrugated boxes are preferred by those end users who have to pack and store the products in the warehouse or godown. They are generally manufactured on end user demand and are used for packaging food and beverage items such as noodles, biscuits and others and children related products such as toys, games, soft toys and others.
By Region
In 2017, Kanto region has contributed highest share in terms of sales volume. Kanto region dominated because of better infrastructure development. Kanto region has a number of electrical and metal industries thus increasing the demand of corrugated boxes. Kinki contributed second highest share followed by Chubu and Okinawa in terms of sales volume in Japan corrugated box market in 2017. Other region such as Tohoku, Chugoku, Shikoku and Hokkaido has least share in 2017.
Competitive Landscape
Japan corrugated box market is fragmented with the presence of around 2,000 organized and un-organized players. Majorly, the manufacturing location and distribution channels witness both regional and cross border trade. Capacity expansions and additions to the existing product portfolio to cater to the growing demand are the major strategies adopted by industry participants. Rengo Co. Ltd. is the leading company in Japan corrugated box market with the highest market share followed by Oji Holdings Corporation in terms of production value of corrugated boxes. Other leading companies are Chuoh Pack Industry Co. Ltd., Tomoku Co. Ltd., Kariya Shiki Co., Ltd., Hiradan Corporation, Aichi Corrugated Cardboard Co. Ltd., Ito Corrugated Industrial Ltd., Ryohei Corrugated Co., Ltd., Taiyo Corporation Ltd., Maruichi Corporations, Misuzu-Shigyou Inc., DAIO Packaging Co. Ltd., Tokai Paper Co. Ltd., Yamakoh, Co., Ltd.
Future Outlook to Japan Corrugated Box Market
Japan corrugated industry is expected to increase at a CAGR of single digit in between the 2018 and 2022 in terms of domestic consumption due to the elevating demand from the end user segment in order to store and transport their end products. Rising demand of food product packaging and increasing demand for lightweight packaging materials will augment the growth of Japan Corrugated box market. Shelf ready packaging is also increasing as it significantly reduces the workload for unpacking and displaying products. This trend is now popular in supermarkets and as the retail market is growing up the demand for such type of packaging is also increasing, thereby increasing the need for corrugated boxes.
Corrugated Board Market in Japan
Corrugated board is prepared by gluing one or more fluted sheets of paperboard (corrugating medium) to one or more flat sheets (called facings) of linerboard. Japan ranked third among the production of corrugated cardboard. There are different types of corrugated board available which includes single face, single wall, double wall and triple wall. In 2016, Kanto region has dominated the market in terms of production of corrugated board in Japan corrugated board market. Kanto region dominated because of better infrastructure development. The region is ground for a number of electrical and metal industries thus increasing the demand of corrugated boards. In 2016, Kinki region contribute the second highest share in terms of production of corrugated board. Automobiles, machinery, electrical equipment, textiles, and processed foods are the most growing industries in Kinki which are therefore growing the demand for the corrugated board in the region. Chubu region contribute the third highest share followed by Okinawa, Tohoku, Chugoku, Shikoku and Hokkaido in Japan corrugated board market in 2016.
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