theladyofthelibrary · 11 years
1. Post the rules.
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you.
3. Tag 11 people with your own questions.
4. Let them know you tagged them (ask, message, etc)
Asked by starrynightsarebright
1.What’s your name?
My name is Alexandra but I don't like since it seems kind of stuffy to me so I go by Lexi.  But despite my dislike for my name I love what it means, Defender Of Men or Defender Of The People.  It's Greek. (Also alternate name of Cassandra)
2. Favorite animal?
My favorite is either an elephant or a white tiger.  Elephants because I think they're really cool, and white tigers because if you look at the symbolism behind them I feel they're my spirit animal (as weird as it sounds)
3. Favorite book?
Uh I have a few, Pride & Prejudice, The Crown of Embers, To Kill A Mockingbird, Divergent and Missing You.
4. Favorite song at the moment?
At the Moment?  Let it Go from Frozen and Merry Go Round by Joe Hisaishi.
5. How are you doing?
Not great?  I'm really stressed and I'm getting over a cold and very worried about things.  I'm also not getting enough sleep.
6. Do you have brothers or sisters?
Two younger brothers.
7. Are you in a fandom? 
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA  You're kidding right?
8. What’s your pet peeve?
Telling me to shut up.  Even if you do it really nicely it pisses me off so much.  It's just what happenes when you're really a talkative child.
9. Do you have a favorite memory?
I have two.  One's a story about a bathroom, bad impressions of southern Ladies, and my Best Friend.  The other is the whole week of my last year at camp.  It was just the best week ever.
10. Do you have any weird talents?
Um, I'm good with reading a room/people?
11. Name something that makes you happy.
Best friend, Gummy candy, traveling, hot guys.
Now for my questions!
What's the number one thing on your bucketlist?
What's your spirit animal?
What's you're favorite anime?
What book are you reading right now?
Do you like school?
How's life going for you?
Favorite movie?
What do you like to do on the weekends?
Name something that makes you happy.
Who's your Role Model?
Are you Seeing anyone?
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Answer this with 10 random facts about yourself and send this to your 10 favorite followers. xx
Ok... well, first off... >
1. I enjoy doing math. Mostly algebra. I don't really enjoy geometry.2. Currently I have a couple books put down, but I need to really edit the heck out of them.3. I'm an Aries. If I had been born on the right day (I'm about a month early) I'd still be an Aries. 4. I give up procrastination for Lent.5. The above means I'm Catholic. 6.  My favorite color is actually co-colors: purple and orange. If a situation comes when I need to choose between either, purple will win for flavor but orange for color.7. I have a mild addiction to frozen citrus beverages. 8.  Over the course of my life I've switched my Hogwarts house. The only one I've never placed myself in is Hufflepuff. (You're still cool, Badgers!) Right now I'm in Slytherin. Thanks, Pottermore...9. I don't like dark chocolate. 40% is my upper limit. Bad experience with some 90% means I'm never going there again.10. I have my own radio show on Fridays from 10-11 over at my college's station. You should totally check it out this Friday.  
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So I know I’m not great at answering these on time so I’m sorry this took me a while. But regardless, I shall answer it now! Thankyou so so much to the fabulous howdidyoucometobehere for tagging me in this. Here goes! 
1) Why did you choose your url?

I got it from one of those URL generator websites (I know, sue me) , I think it was because I thought it sounded kinda poetic and cool. Plus I am a HUGE lover of Greek Mythology and come on, who doesn’t think that Calliope or Clio don’t have a few secrets between them? ;) 
2) What is your nick name? 

I get lots. My parents call me Alz. To my best friend, I’m Holmes. And to my girlfriend, I’m Enj, or Achilles. (Not sure I deserve to be compared to such characters, but hey ho...) 
3) If you could own a fairytale/fictional pet, what would it be? 

A tiny baby dragon please. 
4) Favourite colour?

Red. Hands down. You all know why. 
5) Favourite song? 

Hmmm...At the moment? The Story - Brandi Carlie 
6) What are your top three fandoms? Les Mis (and musical theatre in general), Song of Achilles/Greek Mythology...and I guess OITNB...
7) Why do you enjoy tumblr?
I like having a place to put my thoughts, and encounter different viewpoints, find out about things happening in other countries. And plus, it’s kinda relaxing to just scroll through your dash and daydream.
“Oh, that’s poetic...That’s pathetic...” (DID YOU GET MY RENT QUOTE?!?! ...I’m sorry...) 
8) Tag 9 people you’d like to fill this!
walkthr0ughhellwithasmile sassysassyfangirling assbuttytea mytheatrenevercloses pagesonthebarricade atanvarnie cynics-and-romantics theballadoftveit transcourf
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tagged by anterrros - sorry this took me so long to do! thankyou for tagging me! :) 
repost this. do not reblog & tag ten people you want to get to know better.
name: alice 
nicknames: holmes, alz, enjolras, ginge, probs more that i cant think of rn 
birthday: 6 Nov
gender: female 
sexual orientation: bi or pan dunno still floating around in the nebula of i dont know do i even care help
height: around 5'6 and a half (the half is very important, because when added to the half inch soles of my doc marten boots, it puts me on equal height with my gf) 
favorite colour: RED (the blood of angry men!) 
time and date at current moment: Mon 22nd Dec 23:49 
average hours of sleep: 4 or 5 if I'm lucky 
lucky number: 5 or 3
last thing i googled: ”soy milk drink recipes”
one place that makes me happy: i cant remember the name but there is this secluded garden in the middle of my home city where my gf took me on our second date and it is my most favourite place 
how many blankets i sleep under: one feather quilt 
tagging: sassysassyfangirling, tardistogongen, grumpyclassicist, spielbach, accept-nothing, rebelsandpoets, wild-antinous, feuillysheart, gaypheromones, wabbitwanderer95
Sorry for bothering you if you're not interested guys, but i love getting tagged in things, so maybe you might too? Hopefully? Just feel free to ignore this if you wish. Thanks for reading. :) 
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1. always post the rules.
2. answer the questions the person who tagged you asked, then write 11 new ones.
3. tag 11 people then link them in the post.
4. tell them you tagged them.
5. My questions … 1. What’s the weather like where you are ? It was really hot and soooo sunny and like, 30 degrees...and i got sunburnt today 2. Describe yourself physically ! I'm five foot 6 tall. i have strawberry blonde hair (i dyed it red and its slowly trying to get back to blonde...), blue eyes.  3. You’re going to transform into an animal ! But which one ? A bluebird. 4. What’s your wallpaper like ? A picture of me and my niece  5. Something really awesome will happen tomorrow ! How your day should be like to be perfect ? i would get to sleep most of the day, see my friends, watch tv, chill, catch a musical maybe  6. Do you have pets ? A cat and 3 chickens.  7. What color are your eyes ?  dark blue. 
8. Which color is your heart ? scientifically? reddish pink, metahorically? purple 
9. You now have a power ! What’s your power ?  Telekenesis 10. Tell me 3 nice things about yourself ! I speak latin, I have six awesome cousins, and I do musical theatre 
11. Last one ! How are you today ? still sunburnt :( 
Now my quetions !
1. your favorite(s) show(s)? Sherlock, Catfish: The TV show, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sunday Politics, BBC The Big Questions. 
2. Music(s) group(s) you like ? Frank Turner, Edplant, Regina Spektor, Mary Lambert, Muse, Boston, Queen, The Killers. 
3.how do you spend your week ends ? Sleeping, working, and on sundays i have drama class. 
4.Your favorite(s) school subject(s)? Sociology, Psychology, Physics, Biology, French, Latin, Classics. 
5.Which character of J.J.R Tolkien would you like to be ? 
Legolas. He’s so quiet, and he’s awesome with a bow! 
6. Do you believe in allliens or ghosts or angels or whatever ? Scientifically there has to be some kind of alien or other life force. (See: The Drake Equation)  As for ghosts? Who knows? I’ve seen some things I can’t explain…but…meh…I’m not convinced yet. 
7.From which country and city you are ? 
Norwich, UK 
8.Your favorite(s) tumblr blog(s)? um…
9.what does scare you the most ? Robots, and the dark. 
10. More tea or soda ? Tea (Fruit Tea!) 
11. Did you know you’re fucking awesome ? Thankyou, mon ami. I am sure you are also. 
So now my questions 1. What is your favorite animal?
Tigers or Butterflies. 2. If you have to choose one book which one would it be?
Um…That’s so hard! Probably my encyclopaedia from when I was a kid. Love that book. 3. What is your favorite hobby?
Archery, Or playing the flute/piano. 4. What subject do you hate the most?
I like all my A- Level subjects…But at GCSE I hated Maths (I miss it now though! :( ) 5. Which person from Supernatural (If you don’t like SPN then Doctor Who, Sherlock BBC or Merlin) 
Dean. 6. What is your favorite colour?
Red! (THE BLOOD OF ANGRY MEN!) 7. Where on the world would you like lo live and why? London, for the politics, or Paris. 
8. Which Doctor is your favorite Doctor? (psst Doctor Who not your actual Doctor)
Ten. 9. What Teen movie do you like the most?
Um…I don’t watch many…maybe…’ten things I hate about you’? 10. If you could be a superhero(DC, Marvel, X-men….) which one would you be? Phoenix (Jean Grey) or Mystique
11. Tell me a pun or a joke. Not a real question but I don’t care
Did you hear oxygen and magnesium are dating? 
(lol, im sorry) 
Okay, my questions! 
What’s your fave dance move? 
You can never wear socks, or never wear shoes, pick one?
Hot Chocoltae or Chocolate Milkshake?
What was your best kiss ever? Why? 
Favourite song?
You can marry one fictional character, who and why?
Do you like your name? Why? Are you named after anyone in particular?
Favourite pizza topping?
Do you play any instruments?
What’s your ideal job?
Would you rather be able to paint well, or sing well? 
I tag
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