#Sarasota Art Museum
Last week, K.C. Casey stood on a small stage dressed in gold Rocky Horror Picture Show shorts and a see-through blouse to give their college commencement speech. It was a speech that wasn’t supposed to happen, and it almost didn’t. The ceremony, which took place in front of hundreds of the New College of Florida’s graduating students and their family members on May 18 at the Sarasota Art Museum, wasn't the school’s official commencement event, but an alternative graduation, organized by students as an act of exuberant defiance.
This alternative event was a way for students to take a stand against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his plan to make New College the latest target of his public education culture war.
For the last few months, students at the small college in Sarasota have been locked in battle against the Governor and the DeSantis-appointed right-wing board of trustees who have been working to transform the liberal school into a conservative campus in what was called a “hostile takeover” by the college’s former president. The new board closed the Office of Diversity and Equity at the college, and promised to make the school more like Michigan’s Hillsdale College, a private Christian college that doesn’t take any public funds or accept students who need government aid so that it can circumvent federal rules, including Title IX policies against sex discrimination. And while students and faculty fought back against their machinations, DeSantis continued waging his offensive, recently culminating in the Governor’s signing of three education-related anti-LGBTQ bills on New College’s campus.
These changes inspired Casey and their peers to organize the alternative commencement, an event that is the latest example of ways students on campus, including a large group of LGBTQ students, have pushed back against efforts to restrict their rights and educational freedom across Florida.
“It's as simple as I didn't wanna shake hands with someone who is trying to destroy our school,” they said. “The inspiration was a middle school field trip [because of] that sense of innocence and joy that is really hard to find at a time like this.”
Other students wanted graduation to emulate their years on campus. “It's the goal to graduate on our terms,” said Kacie, a student at New College whose last name has been withheld for safety reasons. “The school they want to create is not the one students have been going to.”
In spite of everything, the alternative graduation was also a moment to celebrate. “I am in awe of the freedom and strength that can be found through community and self-expression,” Casey told the crowd during their speech. “At an event like this, it’s just a bit easier to remember that we deserve to feel joy and love, and we deserve to be celebrated.”
Because DeSantis has been targeting LGBTQ people in Florida and at the college, the event was explicitly about queer joy, and organizers went out of their way to make sure LGBTQ students would feel safe and celebrated. There weren’t any caps and gowns at the graduation, but a whole lot of rainbow and pink and blue flags. The event was an undeniable success: Of 119 graduating New College students, 90 showed up, Casey said, adding that about 60 professors also attended. Upon arrival, students, encouraged to wear whatever they wanted, were greeted with piles of pronoun pins and white t-shirts for their peers to sign. The event included college bands and a series of speeches, including a keynote speech from Maya Wiley, the president of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. Organizers and Attendees said the event highlighted how queer joy is the ultimate act of resistance.
"That meant celebrating art, celebrating our identity, fighting for our values, fighting for what we believe is the truth and what we believe to be free and educational freedom," Casey said.
While DeSantis' efforts would make New College less tolerant, students at the school have defied himn by hosting inclusive chess tournaments, dances, garage sales, rallies, and, of course, protests. In February, about 300 students and parents, some dressed in Handmaid's Tale outfits, protested a board meeting held by the new right-wing administration, the Associated Press reported. Students say it all amounts to the same thing: a commitment to maintaining the New College's reputation for being a safe, alternative space.
Though the tiny New College may not seem like a likely battle ground for LGBTQ and civil rights, the school was once known as a safe haven. DeSantis previously said he “rejects woke ideology” and will “fight the woke in the schools.” So it’s not surprising he targeted New College, a school where three quarters of students identified as liberal or very liberal, according to a 2019 survey. The school also boasts the slogan “educating free thinkers, risk takers, and trailblazers,” and Casey described it as “a place that allowed [students] to explore themselves and a vast range of identities and perspectives.”
Right now, Florida is one of the most politically hostile states towards LGBTQ people in the country: Republican lawmakers have introduced an onslaught of anti-trans bills, including major restrictions on education. Last year, DeSantis ushered in the “Don’t Say Gay” bill that prohibits discussion of LGBTQ issues and gender identity. This year, it’s been hard to keep track of the sheer number of anti-trans policies introduced in the state and together the bills restrict gender affirming care, criminalize healthcare providers who provide gender-affirming care, threaten gender affirming parental custody, and ban the use of public funds for gender-affirming care for people of all ages.
Last week, when DeSantis signed the bills on New College’s campus, he also signed SB 266, which increases the power and duties of the board, adds more reviews for tenured professors, and updates the core curriculum to restrict courses that teach “identity politics” or are “based on theories that systemic racism, sexism, oppression, and privilege are inherent in the institutions of the United States.”
When word got out that DeSantis was on campus, New College students quickly mobilized. Kacie said around 70 students showed up at the school’s administration building, where DeSantis was holding a live streamed press conference. In the livestream, audible chants for academic freedom can be heard in the background.
“It was a beautiful moment of collective solidarity and action. Our actions were made communally, and it felt like they opened up the cracks of possibility and hope,” Ellie, a graduating student who was present, told VICE News.
“We are fighting as hard as we can to keep our dignity,” said Kacie. “We won't back down and let it be taken away from us easily.”
Now, students like Kacie fear that the school they love is being destroyed, and wonder if they should leave.
“It's been really, really difficult because like, even if I do leave New College, my grandparents are here. I’m five minutes away from one and 30 minutes away from the other,” Kacie said. “I'm really connected with my family. And so it's really difficult trying to make this hard decision of leaving.”
No matter what, though, Kacie said they will keep protesting on behalf of the college.
“Joy is a form of resistance,” they said, adding that politicians are “doing all of these things to make us lose our motivation and to make us lose our drive. And the fact is we are incredibly resilient students. We are queer students living in Florida…We have survived through this before and we're going to continue surviving through it.”
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longlistshort · 1 year
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With all of the recent Sarasota posts, I thought I’d put up this fun painting, Spirit of Sarasota by Asa Cassidy, for “Throwback Thursday” this week. The painting was part of  Tampa Museum of Art’s 2022 exhibition, Poetry in Paint: The Artists of Old Tampa Bay.
From the museum about the painting-
Asa Cassidy was a New York City lithographer who, in 1924, sold his lithography interests and moved to Sarasota to devote his life to painting. Cassidy loved the beauty of Sarasota Bay and built a home on Bay Island. His painting “Spirit of Sarasota”, depicting a 1920’s bathing beauty riding a tarpon in Sarasota Bay, hung in Sarasota City Hall for years.
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ncfcatalyst · 2 years
Ringling exhibit “Glimpse of the Artist” co-curated by New College student, celebrates Newtown art
Within Sarasota, there is a hidden gem which has been pushed to the sidelines throughout the town’s history: the celebrated African American community, Newtown. However, in recent years, the community has begun shifting into the spotlight as one of Sarasota’s most vibrant, artistic and historic destinations, showing its untapped potential. Thesis student Lauren David was invited by Sarasota…
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centuriespast · 4 days
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GRANACCI, Francesco Assumption of the Virgin 1517-19 Panel, 228 x 205 cm Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota
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cadmusfly · 6 months
Non Comprehensive List of the Nice Spanish Paintings That Mysteriously Ended Up in Marshal Soult's Collection
Sourced from the essay Seville's Artistic Heritage during the French Occupation in the book Manet/Velázquez: The French Taste for Spanish Painting, which can be downloaded for free on the Met's website which is frankly awesome but i wish someone OCRed their book
In 1852 at the sale of his collection, there were 109 paintings up for sale - 78 from the Seville School, including 15 Murillos and 15 Zurbaráns.
It's interesting that Soult wanted to legitimize his ownership of these paintings via receipts and official documentation - the biography of him I was machine translating talks about the king questioning his collection and him pulling out receipts for each painting. But, well, the essay puts it like this: "The existence of an official letter can be explained by Soult's desire to dress up in legal or formal terms what was in reality theft or extortion."
I might put excerpts from the essay in a different post, but for now, let's look at the list! Modern locations of the paintings are in parentheses, and I must say, for an essay critical of historical reappropriation of artwork, a lot of these artworks are still extant. Not a dig or anything, just an observation.
I do not condone extorting or stealing priceless Spanish artworks anyway
On with the show!
Murillo The Immaculate Conception (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid) Virgin and Child (Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool) Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Nursing the Sick (Church of the Hospital de la Caridad, Seville) Christ Healing the Paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda (National Gallery, London) The Return of the Prodigal Son (National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.) Abraham and the Three Angels (National Gallery Of Canada, Ottawa) The Liberation of Saint Peter (State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg) Saint Junipero and the Pauper (Musée du Louvre, Paris) Saint Salvador de Horta and the Inquisitor Of Aragon (Musée Bonnat, Bayonne) Brother Julián de Alcalá and the Soul of Philip II (Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Mass.) The Angels' Kitchen (Musée du Louvre, Paris) The Dream Of the Patrician (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid) The Patrician John and His Wife (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid) The Triumph of the Eucharist (Lord Farringdon Collection, Buscot Park, Farringdon, England) Saint Augustine in Ecstasy [Not sourced from the above book, from a Christies auction actually]
Herrera the Elder The Israelites Receiving Manna (unknown/destroyed?) Moses Striking the Rock (unknown/destroyed?) The Marriage at Cana (unknown/destroyed?) The Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes (Musée d'Amiens, destroyed in 1918) Last Communion of Saint Bonaventure (Musée du Louvre, Paris) Saint Basil Dictating His Doctrine (Musée du Louvre, Paris)
Zurbarán Saint Apollonia (Musée du Louvre, Paris) Saint Lucy Musée des Beaux-Arts, Chartres Saint Anthony Abbot (private collection, Madrid) Saint Lawrence (State Hermitage, St. Petersburg) Saint Bonaventure at the Council of Lyon (Musée du Louvre, Paris) Saint Bonaventure on His Bier (Musée du Louvre, Paris) The Apotheosis of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Museo de Bellas Artes, Seville) Saints Romanus and Barulas (Art Institute of Chicago) paintings of the archangel Gabriel and Saint Agatha (both Musée de Montpellier)
Cano Saint John with the Poisoned Chalice and Saint James the Apostle (both Musée du Louvre, Paris) Saint John Giving Communion to the Virgin (Palazzo Bianco, Genoa) Saint John's Vision Of God (John and Mable Ringling Museum Of Art, Sarasota) Charity and Faith (present location unknown; 1852 Soult sale) Saint Agnes (destroyed in fire in the Staatliche Museen, Berlin)
Uncertain source, thought to be Murillo at the time A Resting Virgin (usually identified as The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist, Wallace Collection London) The Death Of Abel Saint Peter Saint Paul
Other artists in his collection whose specific works weren't named Sebastiån de Llanos Valdés Pedro de Camprobin José Antolinez Sebastiån Gomez
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bygones-bby-plus · 5 months
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Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL, circa 1980s
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jadeseadragon · 2 years
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Fede Galizia (ca. 1574 – ca. 1630), Judith with the Head of Holofernes, 1596, John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL, USA.
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vlkphoto · 10 months
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Scrambled Eggs to Bugs Bunny
Léger & Gregory murals bookend the expanse of the United Nations General Assembly Hall. New York City, NY.
Swept panorama.
Mural, East Wall (Scrambled Eggs) Mural, West Wall (Bugs Bunny) The United Nations General Assembly Hall is flanked by two large murals designed by French artist Fernand Léger (1881 – 1955).  In the artist’s early works he created a personal form of cubism, which gradually evolved into a more figurative, populist style. He took imagery from the modern age including consumer materials and is sometimes considered the first Pop-Artist. While in New York, he was struck by the advertisements on Broadway which influenced some of his work, such as colours outlined in black. He practised, studied, and taught at the Sorbonne in Paris, at Yale University, Connecticut, and in Oakland, California, and returned to France in 1945. His work was featured at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 2013. The mural on the east wall consists of red, white and dark blue organic shapes on a dark grey background. Upon seeing the mural in 1952, President Harry S. Truman from USA, referred to it as “Scrambled Eggs,” thus dubbing a long-standing nickname for the work. The mural on the west wall is a free-form creation in blue, white and orange on a dark grey base. US President Harry S. Truman called it “Bugs Bunny” upon seeing it in 1952, thus dubbing a long-standing nickname for the work. For these two murals, Leger was unable travel to the United States himself. Leger made the designs and prepared two maquettes of the murals but then gave them to his former student, Bruce Gregory, who traveled and executed the two murals.   Bruce Gregory (1917 – 2002) was an accomplished artist and teacher. He was exhibited in several museums including, MoMA in New York City, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA, and Foster Harmon Galleries of American Art, Naples & Sarasota, FL. The mural was an anonymous gift through the American Association for the United Nations and was presented to the UN on 31 December 1952. Donor Region: Others (Institutions, Foundations, Individuals) Donor: Anonymous (through American Association for the United Nations) Classification: Paintings & Works on Paper Materials: Mixed Medium: Mixed media on plaster on metal mesh Location (Building): General Assembly (GA) Location floor: 2nd Floor Donation Date: September 19, 1952/December 19, 1952 Artist or Maker: Fernand Léger and Bruce Gregory Dimensions: 34 x 34 ft.
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junior-reyes · 11 months
Virtual Sketchbook 3
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The painting “Rest on the flight into Egypt” by Paolo Veronese is a oil on canvas painting that is almost 8 feet tall and is 236.2 x 161.3 cm. The painting would be bought and sent to the John and Mable Ringling Museum in 2008.
Research on the artist:
Now lest talk about Paolo Veronese, one of the most gifted painters in his time. “His distinctive style was developed early, and he secured many commissions for both religious and secular paintings.”  “His painting style showed a harmonious balancing of forms and color to create a serenity for which he became celebrated.” Veronese is known for story telling in his paintings and in the painting “Rest on the flight into Egypt” he did not disappoint.  Veronese was very popular, with american collectors and this is how many of his work ended up in the Ringling Museum in Sarasota Florida. After some research I the painting, it is said to be done by his son also, his son’s name is Carlo Caliari, after visiting the museums in person they had a little description and his sons name was also on the description, so maybe that’s true. Which I think is really cool a painting, with a dad and son.
Research on the paining and its background/ THINKING:  
 Now let’s talk about the painting I want to explain the painting itself and after some research I found out on the painting and that, “is based upon the New Testament Gospel of Matthew 2: 13-15. Warned in a dream that Herod the King was searching for the infant Jesus to kill him, Joseph took him and his mother away to safety in Egypt where they remained until after Herod's death. Also “Mary and Jesus along with Joseph are seated in a landscape, their belongings lie on the ground, and they are assisted by angels who serve food. A palm tree, emblematic of the Christian martyr is part of the scene.” Now that we got background of the painting out the way let’s talk about the painting itself,
Details and physical qualities about the painting:
 The painting is huge and consists of many different colors and shapes, some examples are the blue wrapped around Mary as she is holding the holy child. The sky in the background is also blue. After some research at the time the color blue was often associated with royalty and could also be a symbol of the heavens. We see the use of green in the trees and some brown on the ground, these two colors give the feeling of earth, and it gives us a setting in the painting. We do also, see some shapes in the painting, we see many curved lines, and this gives the effect of movement, and it creates the landscape in the picture. We see this in leaves, the clouds in the back and on the clothes each person is wearing. However, lets take a second and explain the painting, in the painting we have Mary and joseph and a child. The child is known as Jesus. They create the royal family. They are in the center and are the focus point of the painting. We also see many more things in the painting, we see angles, we see a donkey and a blue cloudy sky in the back. I already explained, what I think the sky represents, however I want to talk about the angels, I believe, the angles are protecting Mary, joseph, and Jesus the angels are seen giving them food and looks to be guiding them or protecting them, maybe they are doing both. Also, we see them around a tree, the tree could be a symbol of cover, and this is where they are resting, we can see their belongings on the ground and the angels are giving them food as they sit and rest.
How the paining made me feel and why did I pick it and its importance:
 This painting made me feel, calm and happy, mainly because of the colors, I feel like the use of gold blue and green make it me feel safe and happy. Everyone in the painting is gather around looking at baby Jesus and it just makes me feel happy and I can’t really explain why. This painting is a renaissance type of art, and this fits in perfect with Veronese other works of art. This painting showcases Veronese in many ways, it shows that many of his paintings do have a story in them and that every painting he does has a meaning and Cleary gets it across in this painting. And finally, the importance of this art was to tell a story of the royal family and to do it in a painting, where nothing moves but, being able to still story tell through a painting is incredible and I believe this is why it is on display at the Ringling Museum and why it is so popular today. Not many artists are able to do what Veronese did. And I picked it because , as I was walking through the museum, this painting caught my eye, more than any other painting and I knew I had to learn more about it, and I’m glad I did,
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nataliakoptseva · 2 years
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Judith with the Head of Holofernes, by Francesco del Cairo, c. 1633-1637, oil on canvas - John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art - Sarasota
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ncfcatalyst · 2 years
Eight student discounts to start taking advantage of
Eight student discounts to start taking advantage of
College is almost universally known as a time where money may be tighter than usual. Teens are taught that after high school, the more schooling you receive, the higher your salary after graduation may be—but until the student reaches the aforementioned goal they are left to pinch pennies where they can. This article serves to showcase valuable discounts at local businesses where students may…
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travelarii · 9 days
Unforgettable Experiences: Unique Things to Do in Venice, Florida for a Special Trip
 Venice, Florida, known for its charming downtown and stunning Gulf Coast beaches, offers more than just your typical beach town activities. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or returning for another round of sunshine, this hidden gem on Florida’s west coast offers plenty of exciting and offbeat experiences. Here are some Unique Things To Do In Venice Florida that will make your trip truly unforgettable.
1. Hunt for Shark Teeth at Venice Beach
Venice is famously known as the "Shark Tooth Capital of the World." For a truly unique experience, spend some time combing the sandy shores of Venice Beach in search of prehistoric shark teeth. These little treasures wash up frequently, making it a fun and rewarding activity for all ages.
2. Explore the Venice Myakka River Park
For those seeking an escape into nature, the Venice Myakka River Park offers a peaceful retreat. Kayak or paddleboard along the scenic river, where you might spot wildlife like manatees, alligators, and exotic birds. It’s one of the Unique Things To Do In Venice Florida that provides a refreshing break from the beach scene.
3. Take a Ride on the Venice Gondola
Experience a slice of Italy right here in Florida by taking a Venetian gondola ride through the city’s waterways. Glide through the canals as your gondolier serenades you, offering a romantic and charming way to see Venice from a different perspective. It’s a one-of-a-kind experience that makes your trip extra special.
4. Visit the Historic Venice Train Depot
Step back in time at the historic Venice Train Depot, where you can learn about the city’s rich history and its connection to the Ringling Brothers Circus. The depot, built in 1927, has been lovingly restored and now serves as a museum with fascinating exhibits on Venice's past.
5. Dolphin and Sunset Cruise
Embark on a magical dolphin and sunset cruise, where you can enjoy the calm Gulf waters and marvel at dolphins swimming alongside your boat. The stunning sunset views make this one of the most Unique Things To Do In Venice Florida, perfect for a romantic evening or a serene end to a day of exploration.
6. Venice Fishing Pier
For fishing enthusiasts or those who simply love beautiful coastal views, the Venice Fishing Pier is a must-visit. Bring your fishing rod or just stroll along the pier, enjoying the ocean breeze and the picturesque surroundings. You can even spot dolphins from here or enjoy a meal at Sharky’s on the Pier.
7. Visit the Venice Museum and Archives
Discover the local history at the Venice Museum and Archives, which showcases the area’s rich heritage through intriguing exhibits. Learn about the early settlers, the impact of the circus, and the unique development of this coastal town. It’s a great way to gain a deeper understanding of Venice beyond the beach.
8. Legacy Trail
For outdoor adventurers, biking or walking along the Legacy Trail is one of the top Unique Things To Do In Venice Florida. This 10.8-mile trail runs through Sarasota County, offering beautiful scenery, shade, and wildlife sightings along the way. It’s a peaceful and scenic way to explore Venice and its surrounding areas.
9. Explore the Venice Art Scene
Venice is home to a thriving arts community, with galleries, studios, and public art displays scattered throughout the city. Don’t miss a visit to the Venice Art Center, where you can view rotating exhibitions and even participate in workshops. You’ll discover plenty of local talent and creative inspiration here.
10. Snorkeling at Service Club Park
For a unique underwater adventure, head to Service Club Park, where you can snorkel and explore the marine life just off the beach. The waters here are clear, and you might even stumble upon more shark teeth while snorkeling! It’s a quieter, less crowded alternative to Venice Beach but just as beautiful.
Final Thoughts
Whether you’re in search of natural beauty, historical charm, or off-the-beaten-path activities, Venice, Florida, offers a variety of experiences to make your trip one-of-a-kind. With these Unique Things To Do In Venice Florida, you’re sure to create lasting memories in this beautiful coastal town. From shark tooth hunting to gondola rides, Venice is brimming with special adventures waiting for you to explore!
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elsie--young · 1 month
Why Should I Travel to Florida?
When I started planning my next trip, I was overwhelmed. There are so many amazing places to see. Europe has its history, Asia its rich cultures, and South America its vibrant landscapes. But then I asked myself, "Why should I travel to Florida?" What does Florida offer that other destinations might not? I realized many travelers are probably facing the same dilemma. So, I dug deeper, looking for the answer, and what I found might surprise you.
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Agitation: Florida's Hidden Appeal
I’ve traveled to many places, but Florida has a unique pull. It’s not just about the beaches—though they are world-class—but the variety and accessibility of experiences. You can start your morning watching a sunrise on the Atlantic coast, spend your afternoon exploring the vast wilderness of the Everglades, and end your day with a sunset on the Gulf coast. The fact that Florida offers so much diversity in a relatively small area is mind-blowing.
Let’s talk numbers. Florida welcomed over 131 million visitors in 2019. That’s more than most countries! Why? Because there’s something for everyone. Whether you're a theme park enthusiast, a nature lover, or a history buff, Florida has got you covered. The state boasts more than 1,300 miles of coastline, with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. In fact, Clearwater Beach has been voted the best beach in the U.S. multiple times. And if you’re into nature, the Everglades—a UNESCO World Heritage Site—offers a one-of-a-kind experience. It's the only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles coexist.
But it’s not just about the natural beauty. Florida is a treasure trove of cultural experiences. Take Miami, for example. It’s a melting pot of cultures, where you can explore Little Havana and taste some of the best Cuban food outside of Cuba. Or visit St. Augustine, the oldest city in the U.S., where you can walk the cobblestone streets and feel like you’ve stepped back in time.
Solution: A Personal Journey through Florida
So, why should I travel to Florida? Because every time I visit, I discover something new. My last trip was a perfect example. I decided to explore beyond the well-known attractions and delve into the local culture. I started in Miami, where I joined a food tour in Little Havana. I tasted authentic Cuban sandwiches, drank fresh mojitos, and listened to live salsa music. It was an experience that engaged all my senses and made me feel like I was in a different country, all within the U.S.
From Miami, I drove to the Florida Keys, a string of islands that feels like a tropical paradise. I snorkeled in the coral reefs, spotted dolphins, and enjoyed fresh seafood by the water. The laid-back vibe of the Keys was a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Then, I headed north to Orlando—not for the theme parks this time, but to explore its lesser-known attractions. I found charming neighborhoods like Winter Park, where I took a scenic boat tour and discovered the city’s history through its architecture and museums.
Finally, I made my way to the Gulf Coast, where I visited Sarasota and its beautiful Siesta Key Beach. The white quartz sand felt like powder beneath my feet, and the sunsets were some of the most breathtaking I’ve ever seen. Sarasota also surprised me with its vibrant arts scene, from the Ringling Museum of Art to local galleries.
Why Florida? It’s a Journey Like No Other
Traveling to Florida isn’t just about ticking off tourist spots. It’s about the journey—experiencing the diversity of cultures, landscapes, and activities that the state offers. Whether it’s the adrenaline of riding a roller coaster, the serenity of a beach sunset, or the richness of local cuisine, Florida has a way of creating unforgettable memories.
For me, the answer to “Why should I travel to Florida?” became clear after experiencing it all firsthand. It’s not just a vacation; it’s a multifaceted adventure that caters to every traveler’s desires. So next time you’re planning a trip, consider Florida. It might just be the perfect destination you’ve been searching for.
And if you're traveling with family, Florida is especially rewarding. From the magic of Disney World in Orlando to the sandy shores of Destin, there are countless options for everyone to enjoy. To explore more, check out the detailed guide on the Best Vacation Spots in Florida for Families—it’s packed with ideas to make your family trip unforgettable.
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aeonenterprises · 2 months
Top Sarasota County Builders: Finding the Best Partner for Your Dream Home
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Building a new home in Sarasota County is an exciting adventure, but finding the right builder can make all the difference. With numerous options available, it's crucial to choose a builder who understands your vision, works within your budget, and delivers quality craftsmanship. In this guide, we'll explore the top Sarasota County builders and provide tips on selecting the best partner for your dream home.
Why Choose Sarasota County for Your New Home?
Sarasota County is a beautiful region known for its stunning beaches, vibrant arts scene, and high quality of life. It offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural attractions, and modern amenities, making it an ideal place to build your dream home.
Benefits of Building in Sarasota County
Scenic Beauty: Enjoy the breathtaking views of the Gulf Coast and lush landscapes.
Cultural Richness: Sarasota is home to numerous theaters, museums, and galleries.
Excellent Amenities: Top-rated schools, healthcare facilities, and recreational activities are readily available.
How to Choose the Right Builder
Selecting the right builder is crucial to ensuring a smooth building process and a high-quality finished home. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing among Sarasota County builders:
1. Experience and Reputation
Look for builders with a proven track record in Sarasota County. Check their portfolio of completed projects and read reviews from past clients to gauge their reliability and quality of work.
2. Customization Options
Consider how much flexibility you have in customizing your home. Some builders offer a wide range of design options and upgrades, while others may have more limited choices.
3. Quality of Materials and Workmanship
Ensure the builder uses high-quality materials and employs skilled craftsmen. This will impact the longevity and durability of your new home.
4. Transparent Pricing
Choose a builder who provides clear, detailed pricing information. Avoid hidden fees and ensure you understand what is included in the contract.
Steps to Building Your Dream Home
Once you've selected a builder, follow these steps to ensure a successful building process:
Step 1: Initial Consultation
Meet with your builder to discuss your vision, budget, and timeline. This is the time to ask questions and clarify any concerns.
Step 2: Design and Planning
Work with the builder's design team to create a floor plan and select materials. Ensure all your preferences are incorporated into the final design.
Step 3: Construction
The builder will manage the construction process, keeping you updated on progress. Regular site visits can help you stay informed and address any issues promptly.
Step 4: Final Inspection and Handover
Before moving in, conduct a final inspection with your builder to ensure everything is completed to your satisfaction. Address any last-minute adjustments before taking possession of your new home.
Finding the right partner among Sarasota County builders is essential for a successful home-building experience. By considering factors such as experience, customization options, and quality of workmanship, you can ensure your dream home becomes a reality. For more information and assistance with your new home project, contact us. We’re here to assist you through every part of the process.
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art-appreciation-blog · 2 months
Virtual Sketchbook 3
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          John Ringling had the Ca’ d’Zan built as a vacation residence for him and his wife, Mable, for the winter. They specifically commissioned Dwight James Baum, an architect, to design the Ca’ d’Zan because of his work with designing revival-style. John's love for older European design and style and Baums ability to recreate said style only solidified the success of this building. 
          The Ca’ d’Zan is 36,000 square feet and 56 rooms big. The majority of it is made of custom-made terra cotta. The structure itself includes columns, balconies, stairways, detailed trims and windows, and pops of color that are incorporated through paint and tiles. The majority of the building is a neutral color with some sort of orange. The accents are in a variety of colors including blue, red, green, and yellow.
          Baum used inspiration from the Ringlings’ travels throughout Europe, especially their travels to Venice. The mansion features architectural styles such as Venetian Gothic, Italian Renaissance, Moorish, and Spanish-inspired elements. Some parts of the Ca’ d’Zan are very balanced. For example, if you were to look at the building from the back where the dock is, then you would see this wall of arched windows that are perfectly symmetrical and centered with the marble flooring that makes up the back patio. This part of the mansion is also centered to the rest of the dock. I would say that there is emphasis on the windows. Even though there are many windows, every single one is somehow separated from the rest of the building. The arches alone help with this, but then there is also the color difference outlining the windows that contrast from the color of the actual building. One other thing that seems to be emphasized is the top stairwell to the viewing tower at the top of the mansion. Not only is it the tallest point in the mansion and visible from any angle outside of the mansion, it is also in a tiled pattern that isn't obviously seen on other parts of the mansion.
          The Ca’ d’Zan, along with the rest of the Ringling Museum, is a very important part of Sarasota history. The Ringlings’ development of the museum allowed the Florida population a chance to easily explore art from other cultures. The Ca’ d’Zan specifically opened a door of architectural design for Florida in the twenties. I'm sure that the Ringlings weren't the first to have a building like this made, but the development definitely helped inspire other developments in Florida. 
          I chose the Ca’ d’Zan for this assignment because every time I visit the Ringling Museum it is the first thing that catches my eye, even from a distance. This waterfront property serves as a way to glimpse into the lives of John and Mable Ringling, and a way to see architectural designs from far away places that I might never be able to visit. In general I just think this is a beautiful building, but it is also one that reminds me of my family. I have visited the Ringling Museum many times throughout my life, and most of the time it is with my family. They all live far away, so visiting the museum now and passing by places where we all had fun, including the Ca’ d’Zan, just makes me happy. 
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Proof that I went. I know its not in front of the Ca’ d’Zan, but this is one of the alcoves that you can go into from any of the paths. If you zoom in you can see my pink entry band. There are many states in this area and I recommend going just to take pics. I did take the picture that is at the beginning of this though.
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inboundremblog · 4 months
Luxury Oceanfront Homes For Sale In Florida: Where Elegance Meets the Sea
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Credit: Image by Tracy Chacksfield | Source
Luxury Oceanfront Homes For Sale In Florida: Exquisite Gems in the Sunshine State
There is no better place than in Florida for individuals searching for fancy beach life. The state is known for its beautiful coast, diverse culture, and incredible history; luxury oceanfront homes for sale in Florida are some of the best places to live.
Whether you're looking for recreational activities to have fun, peculiar sights that this state is also famous for, or stunning views of this world-class paradise, Florida has it all.
In this article, we will reveal features that enhance the overall desirability of waterside properties in Florida.
In Florida, recreation is one of the significant activities locals engage in, and most people understand this well since it is not rocket science. It is a destination for outdoor entertainment and tourism. It is another facet the state offers, rich in diversity and suitable for all ages.
No matter if it's boating, jet skiing, surfing, fishing, snorkeling, or scuba diving, Florida has water-related activities for children and adults. Even golf lovers have fun-packed activities, such as playing golf in Florida.
Water Sports and Beach Activities
Every Destination has unique features, but the sand on the beaches of Florida and the water's cleanness are famous worldwide.
People living in houses along the oceanfront can easily access these beautiful beaches and, therefore, overindulge in water activities. Water sports that enjoy tremendous popularity include snorkeling and scuba diving, and it is a well-known fact that Florida has several of the best diving locations.
The Florida Keys, for instance, are a big attraction for divers; the coral gardens and variety of fish are stunning.
There is always a supply of fun and wet activities for those who prefer to avoid being fully submerged in water; options include paddling, canoeing, rowing, paddles, and even sailing.
Most luxurious oceanfront homes for sale feature a dock to accommodate boats, watercraft, and those within the house.
Golfing and Tennis
Florida also has less than a thousand golf courses, making it a golf lover's dream state. Well-known golf course architects develop private golf courses in many luxurious societies to provide residents with an exceptional golf experience.
Also, tennis players can get the best playing fields that most communities have embraced by constructing private tennis courts and hiring trained personnel to train them.
Cultural Background and Specific Tours
It will show the sunny side, such as the beaches and games, and Florida's historical and cultural side. It has everything from meaningful prehistoric structures to funny, weird attractions.
Historic Landmarks
Florida boasts a relatively rich historical past, with several historic sites and exciting places. In Florida, it is worth visiting St. Augustine, the oldest city in the United States. Visitors can walk through the cobblestone streets, historical forts, and nicely built houses and feel like they have been returned in time.
Other famous historical landmarks include the Kennedy Space Center, Hemingway House and Museum in Key West, and the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens in Miami.
Unique Attractions
Florida offers many fascinating activities that attract numerous visitors. The Everglades National Park is on the UNESCO World Heritage list, and tourists are presented with one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world.
There, people can get on an airboat, walk in the park, and view alligators, manatees, and many species of birds.
From an art and culture perspective, Miami and Sarasota cities, in particular, have rich artistic and cultural activities with dozens of galleries, theaters, and museums. For example, there is the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, the Art Deco Historic District in Miami Beach, and many others.
Wildlife Viewing
Owners of houses on the coast of Florida usually have a chance to meet several kinds of animals. The state's coastal water includes dolphins, sea turtles, and manatees, which can frequently be spotted around New Smyrna Beach.
Many species of seabirds, including pelicans, herons, and ospreys, can easily be seen by birdwatchers.
The Florida Keys are the most suitable part of Florida for observing wildlife. Wildlife Trail, over 2000 miles long, has some significant features in the Keys where different bird species and wildlife can be viewed.
Natural Habitats
The natural landscape of Florida is as varied as the state's population. Some of the ecosystems available in this state include the salty water environment of the ocean shore, the salt marsh, the mud or salt flats of the coastal region, the freshwater of springs and artesian aquifers in the northern central part of the region, and the pine flatwoods in the southern part of the region.
Most luxurious homes are located near these coastal areas, giving the inhabitants direct and near access to many tracks, parks, and other conservation lands.
Luxury Oceanfront Homes
Undoubtedly, the most valuable assets in Florida's real estate markets are the selected oceanfront properties with luxury homes. These amenities include breathtaking views, first-class locations, and much more: a luxurious, comfortable, and convenient lifestyle.
Architectural Elegance
Florida's luxurious oceanfront homes are designed to be elegant and classy. This style features symmetrical and straight lines, built-in minimalist designs with open floor plans, and substantial window areas that naturally bring in light and incredible ocean views.
These homes include beautiful finishes, stylish appliances, and incredible smart home equipment, guaranteeing a comfortable and premium standard of life.
Exclusive Amenities
Owners of apartments in luxurious oceanfront buildings are privy to several facilities that add to a comfortable lifestyle. Most homes in the said areas have features such as a private swimming pool, outdoor kitchen, and a large standard outdoor patio area ideal for barbeque or reception.
The compound offers heightened security and privacy, with features like CCTV surveillance, high-end security personnel, and gatehouse receptionist services.
Most luxury communities offer amenities such as gyms, spas, and recreational areas to physically inclined people. Other amenities include a private marina and golf and tennis courts, which enable the members' exclusion from any exercise since they are found within the compound.
Investment Potential
Housing in Florida, especially an oceanfront luxurious home, is prophetic of a luxury lifestyle and an investment that guarantees profit.
The performance of the real estate industry in the state has recorded steady increases over the years, especially on issues related to ocean fronts. Due to the scarcity of suitable parcels of land that can host such properties, such assets are considered valuable and sometimes experience price appreciation.
Further, Florida's tax structure, including no income tax, also benefits the wealthy population to invest in. The state also has a healthy tourism business, making it a great rental business since many luxury homes could be used as seasonal homes.
Luxury oceanfront homes in Florida present a quality of living that enhances the environment, allows physical activities and is complemented by all apparent comforts. The beautiful sands of the beaches, the colorful population, the historical sites, and the variety of fauna exist in Florida.
The Sunshine State’s oceanfront homes are the best for investment and vacation homes; thus, if you seek to own a magnificent property on or near the water's edge, Florida is your ultimate Destination!
For further details or to explore the neighborhood, visit our website at https://middlefloridakeysrealestate.com/florida-middle-keys-waterfront/oceanfront/.
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