koujaaku · 1 year
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Changing it up a bit! Instead of redrawing Luke...... this time, it’s Luke’s FATHER. 😱
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anakinisvaderisanakin · 4 months
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There they all are. In live action and cartoon form. Glorious.
Most people seem to willfully forget Padmé. I'm not most people.
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In a related note, Hayden Christensen freaking nails it as Anakin. Anakin Skywalker as a young adult is a walking pile of traumas in Jedi robes, and his behavior is reflective of that. And Hayden's acting — tone, looks, posture — is reflective of that. He is one hundred percent the troubled young adult who is trying to do his best.
He is freaking excellent.
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comebackali · 8 months
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hayden-christensen · 8 months
hayden being a fan of sw, so excited to be cast in it, giving it his all at 19 only for the reception to be what it was ‘the character was criticised, my performance was criticised, and that part sucked’ like 😭😭😭 we should be so damn thankful that he loves the character so much to came back
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bisexualvader · 1 month
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@prequelsnet Prequels Appreciation Week: Day 4 — Costumes
Anakin Skywalker + Prequel Film Appearances
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anghraine · 21 days
sea-salted-wolverine replied to this post:
Wdym Anakin mind tricking padme isn't real? You could chalk it up to bad writing from Lucas who isn't quite sure that women are people, but its pretty clear that by ep III that her grip on reality is toast. Whether or not it is a conscious effect on Anakins part is up for debate, but it is definitely a thing that happened
Not really the main point of my post, but no, that fan theory is not "real" in the sense of being remotely canonical for the films. It's nothing more than a popular headcanon nowhere even slightly stated to be happening in the actual films as written and produced. There's no reason in Lucas's films to suppose that the Anakin/Padmé relationship was coerced through a mind trick, that Padmé specifically would be susceptible to a mind trick, that she does not genuinely love Anakin or have any insight into his character, that her grip on reality is ever "toast," or that the mind trick (previously depicted as temporary and resistible) would work that way at all. Padmé is underwritten in ROTS in the way that cool girl heroines invented by men are often underwritten as grown adult women and especially as mothers, but that is not attributable to any character in the story.
Yes, Padmé is tired in ROTS and misses a lot of what's going on psychologically with her young secret husband who is in a cloistered order of warrior monks fighting a long-term war far away from her, but she sees the threat of Palpatine and recognizes exactly what his accession as emperor means. Her mind is fine. And in Lucas's films, also, Anakin is never shown using the mind trick on anyone. It's not really his style—it's a sneaky short-term solution whereas he's smart and resourceful enough most of the time, but mainly reliant on overwhelming power and skill. His signature "trick" is the Force-choke, not the mind trick, and it's the Force-choke that he ultimately uses against her—not because he's been using his powers against her the whole time (including when he's not even there, I guess?), but as a mark of how far he has fallen by that point. That's lost if it's not a drastic change from their previous relationship. Padmé's own choices also lose all meaning if she was mind-controlled by Anakin the whole time, and her arc becomes deeply boring.
Tl;dr - it is very far from "definitely a thing that happened." It is a headcanon that doesn't reflect anything the movies are trying to do (whether they fail or succeed at doing those things!) and is, IMO, a pretty terrible headcanon as well in terms of the overall coherence of the story and characters and how their world is shown to work.
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communistkenobi · 2 years
not sure if this was intentional or not but nemik saying in his manifesto “Remember this: Try.” is an interesting sentiment given that “do or do not, there is no try” is like one of the more famous lines from the original trilogy
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slutty-yoda · 1 year
Star Wars Sexy Human Bracket - FINAL VOTE
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gil-estel · 9 months
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My gift for yatsukisakura for @starwarsfandomfests 2023 gift exchange! They requested Obianidala making Christmas food together 🥰
Happy New Year! This was a lot of fun to work on!
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babyscilence · 2 months
Questions I have about clones from someone who has family members in military active duty:
Do they have PT (physical training) when they're not in a combat zone? Like, does the Corrie Guard go for runs around base at oh five hundred every morning?
Do the ground troops have Company PT when they're back on Coruscant for a while? Sure they maybe get shore leave (is that even canon?) But that can't last forever.
Okay and say they do have PT or at the very least they did when they were in training still on Kamino. Do they sing cadence? Did their training sergents teach them songs like
"I don't need no teenage queen
I just want my Deece-15" (slight modification to an actual cadence)
We know in Legends they know Dha Wherda Verda and Vode An but those aren't cadence they're motivation songs.
So what would a clone cadence sound like?
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darthskys · 2 years
Yeah, I like it when Rex and Anakin have a strong bond, but I also think it's really funny to say Rex can't stand his Jedi general; and he has to listen to Cody wax poetic about how his is so noble and kind. And Rex is just like. Well mine's a bastard. How about that.
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anakinisvaderisanakin · 10 months
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We got our hug, guys.
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i honest to god think, by far, the worst job in a galaxy far far away is being the jedi order’s accountant. some poor bastard has to sit there with his little green visor and abacus and count out expenditures for 10,000+ jedi order members (who are a) monks and do not get paid to be monks and b) live for fucking free in space New York City x 1000 so have zero concept of cost of living OR any sense of money management and regularly get scammed into paying triple the amount for muffins and coffee for the break room and routinely do not notice) but also occasionally fun things like a charge of billions of space dollars billed for uhhh an army of millions of men? and you have to chase down grand master yoda and be like um sir, excuse me sir, why is did the order spend $10,000,000,000 on a planet called Kamino for [checks notes] cloning? which i am not sure is legal? and yoda says some vague bullshit like “the will of the force our end of the year fiscal reports are,” because he is 900 years old and still thinks that the currency is ye olde golden doubloon. palpatine cackles ominously in the background because guess who passed econ 101? him, bitch
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comebackali · 1 year
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Obi-wan immediately after he and Siri rescue Ferus from being kidnapped: Why doesn't Ferus smile at me when I walk in a room like Anakin does? Why doesn't Ferus tease me and make snarky quips like Anakin does? I miss Anakin so much, I need to find him right now immediately, I sure do hate being separated from him.
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hayden-christensen · 2 years
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@pscentral event 12: take two - dynamics + anniversary event: get to know the members
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