#SSE Come To Their Senses And Stop Pretending Its 2012 challenge
valedale-rose · 2 years
Ok I scrolled through my feed for a bit and WHOAAA
School is starting, I'm busy, and I don't have much time to organize my thoughts - but I'm reading everything other users on here have to say about the horsegirl thing SSE is trying to push and I.. want to say I'm shocked the company would market in such a way but sadly it was pretty easy for me to predict that they would market in this sort of way.
It's sort of baffling - some aspects of SSO are really cool and inclusive! But it's so clear that the company should be doing so much more than they are. I don't understand why they find it so hard to include people who are not cis female in their actual marketing, why they refuse to acknowledge and create meaningful things that support the rest of their players. For a game that's supposed to be inclusive and kind they.. aren't even doing the bare minimum rn. I doubt they don't have the resources to achieve much better things.
Not to mention the way they tried to brand their movement as reclaiming "horsegirl" like it's something as derogatory as a slur. Of course, I understand that it can be a harmful phrase, I'm no stranger to bullying lol, I think the intentions with what they *tried* to do were good. But... Why did they think this approach would be the best one
I've sort of grown to expect this from the company though. I don't know what else to say atm except I'm disappointed but not surprised.
However, I will give them the benefit of the doubt for now. For now, I'm holding my breath. They commented something on the ig post about the feedback they were getting and "passing it along". Let's hope they actually do
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