lovearoma · 2 years
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         confluence   of   gaiety   are   perceived   even   from   abaft   of   sub-rosa   ,   personage   once   quiescent   in   such   shivaree   as   to   not   derive   assiduity   to   ones   self   .   was   luminary   on   mise   en   scène   amidst   meretricious   fluorescence   and   sonorous   diapason   of   most   allegiant   patrons   ,   toilsome   in   extinguishing   reverence   for   beaut   with   every   pantomime   and   affricate   that   dissevers   plethoric   petals   gent   covets   for   even   in   periphery   .   encompassing   cessation   of   musicale   will   homme   exonerate   self   from   plethora   with   vindication   being   climacteric   desideratum   of   lavatory   ,   casuistry   eructed   in   reverie   of   observing   her   though   a   oracle   never   to   be   divulged   .   obeisance   tendered   each   magnate   from   colleagues   to   couturier   once   traversing   vestibule   ,   gucci   loomis   loafer   soles   terminating   gesticulation   once   at   mahogany   with   palpable   appellation   adhered   to   lumber   .   ecru   hues   surveying   milieu   before   arioso   knock   is   quartered   ,   discernible   with   peculiar   cadence   only   starlet   would   individuate   .   @achingblushes​
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cassidystarks · 3 years
Defy (Adam Cole x Reader)
This is a smut fanfic so please beware when reading! If you do not like smut, I HIGHLY advise you to click off of this post! I haven't written smut in years so I hope it's good! Thank you for the submission @your-darkdiva I hope you enjoy :)
y/n: your name
y/r/n: your ring name
y/f/m: your finishing move
There were about five minutes left on the clock, the twenty-time limit had gone by so fast. I was facing off against one of my best friends Anna Jay. She knew about my rivalry with Adam, though no one else did, or so I had thought. There's no telling of all the shit that goes down back in the locker room. I head back into reality and jump up to the top turnbuckle, jumping off to do my finishing move "y/f/m" I landed it just as I had predicted to do so. I hear the three count and I win. I slowly get up, holding onto my abdomen which was in pain due to the match. The referee raises my hand, signifying I had won the match. I walk over to Anna and reach my hand out to help her up.
"You hear the news?" Anna says while walking with me to the backstage area to go grab some water.
"No, what's happening?" I ask curiously.
"Adam has been looking all over the place for you. Not sure why he just has been."
"He's really asking for me to kick his ass, isn't he?" I say stopping and putting my hands on my hips.
"Don't get yourself in trouble. You have a title match next week."
"I know, I know...I'm just gonna go talk to him."
"Y/N, I know you...you never 'just talk'"
"Oh well, I gotta go, I'll text you later."
I start jogging up to my room. I pull out my phone and walk inside. As I shut the door I feel someone grip my arm and yank my phone.
"You know," I hear a familiar voice say. "You shouldn't go leaving your personal belongings out for someone to grab."
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I yell irritatedly.
"Well Y/N, we have unfinished business we have to tend to."
"No. Now give me my phone and get out."
"Afraid I can't do that."
"What did I ever do to you? Huh? You have hated for my ages and you practically have no reason to." I say doubling up my fists.
"You know damn well what you did," Adam says rolling his eyes.
I don't know why I felt something, but part of me felt turned on, and the other part wanted me to rip his face off. His gaze stared at me in the soul, piercing through my body. And I liked it? No...no, he is my rival, this isn't some enemies to lovers arc in a stupid fanfiction. Right?
He walked back towards me and traps me between his arms.
"You knew I liked you...you knew it, but you went off and dated Ethan. That's why I'm pissed." He said.
"You...liked me? How long?"
"Since you arrived here."
"Ethan and I didn't even make it to a month. You still liked me, even when you hated me?"
"I mean, what's not to like about you. You're perfect in every way."
He gazed at me, but never like he did before, his gaze was infused with lust, and I bet mine was too. He leaned in as I felt the distance between us close off. His lips latched on to mine as pure ecstasy rolled in. He let the kiss break off, me wanting more.
"Do you trust me?" He says reaching his hand out for mine to interlock with his.
I nod and take his hand as he locks the door and walks me over to the couch. We kiss again and time glides around us. He slips his tongue out, asking me for entrance which I accept. I start to remove my clothes, breaking the kiss for the slightest second. We both wanted this deep down inside, we just never had the courage to express our true desires. He ponders with my bra, trying to remove it with one hand, the other gripping my lower abdomen. His hand lowers to my inner thigh. He squeezes it as his mouth latches onto my left breast. I let out a small moan as I hear Adam chuckle. He lightly bites my breast, leaving small hickeys on both. He begins taking off my shorts, revealing my panties. I whimper lowly as his hand lightly brushes against the pad of my panties. His thumb pushes up to my clit as he slowly makes circles on it, making me squirm.
He lowers his face between my inner thighs and moves my panties over, exposing my vagina. He starts off with a light kiss and then starts sucking hard, licking up and down into places I didn't know could bring so much pleasure to me. I feel myself clench up and start rolling my eyes in the back of my head.
"I-I'm gonna cum" I say with my breath hitching.
He feels him pull away, not letting my cum. I whimper and cross my arms over my chest as I see him take off his pants. I notice him slip a condom on before facing me.
"You okay with this?" He askes me, I nod, allowing him to fuck me.
He slowly shoves into me, his pace slow and gentle.
"You feel so good, princess."
After I had gotten used to his feel, he started to go faster, leaving me impatient.
"Faster...please," I say slowly as I surrender to my pleasure and release. Adam does as well a few seconds later. He pulls me up and helps me put my clothes back on.
"Hating me, wasn't so bad, it led to this," I say, smiling, and out of breath.
"Yeah, but maybe we should leave the past, and maybe, you could I don't know...be my girlfriend?"
I hug him.
"I would love to."
I hope you liked this! Sorry if it's a bit rushed, I not used to writing smut anymore so hopefully I can get back into the process.
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debbiechanclub · 3 years
Know You Better Now (*new* BTOOT sequel), Part 1
The title is the same, but I assure you the content is all shiny and new! The revamped BTOOT sequel is here!
Thank you to everyone for your patience on this. I just lost interest/direction for the original sequel after Ethan all but disappeared off Dynamite, but I'm honestly kind of glad I did because I like this new version so. Much. More. And we have Kenny's facial hair to thank for it.
So enough talking - enjoy! And please let me know what you think!
Know You Better Now
Synopsis: Nearly nine months have passed since Alex's freak shoulder injury, and she's still not cleared for action. But while Kenny has been a source of strength for her throughout her recovery, all her other relationships are in shambles - and she's finding it harder and harder to reconcile the Kenny she knows behind closed doors with his persona as the "Belt Collector."
Part: 1/?
Pairing: Kenny Omega x OFC x TBD 👀
Word count: 4.6k
Warnings: Language, ANGST
Find more of my fics here.
Tag squad: @galacticstat @hotyeehawman @hdbngsprnva @heelchampbucks @kingswitchblade @bec0m @betsy-bradock @linziland13 @librathepheonix13 @gabbynorth98 @exe-babymox-exe @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @brokenglassslippers @rocca09 @meteora-fc @kawaiikels @adriii-omega @thatgirlforever5 @sugar-melts-mo-fo
May 30, 2021 AEW Double or Nothing
Surgery with six to twelve months’ recovery time. That was the prognosis Alex had received when she’d dislocated her shoulder in September. Now, nearly nine months later, everything had changed.
“Well, there’s good news and there’s not-as-good news,” Doc Sampson started. He’d just completed yet another check-up exam on her shoulder, and Alex could tell he was trying to keep up morale. But she already knew what he was going say. “The good news is you’ve gotten the full range of mobility back. The bad news is the strength isn’t quite there yet.”
She scoffed lightly to herself. It was exactly as she suspected. “So it’s no news, in other words,” she quipped.
“At least it’s not bad news?” Kenny hopefully offered.
Doc smiled sympathetically. “Just keep at it. Resistance bands, weights; you know the drill.”
Alex’s eyebrows arched. “Yeah, I do,” she returned. It seemed like weight training and physical therapy was all she did anymore.
“Just a few more weeks,” Doc said; but in medical-speak, time was relative. Alex knew all too well that weeks could easily mean months. “Good luck tonight, Kenny,” he added, and he went out the door.
Alex’s head fell back and she groaned in frustration. Kenny wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him. “It won’t be much longer,” he assured with a kiss on the side of her head.
“It’s been almost nine months,” she muttered.
“I know. But you don’t want to rush your recovery, especially for something like a shoulder injury.”
She frowned. “At this rate Anna will be back from her shoulder injury before I am.”
“What?” Kenny laughed and hugged her tighter. “No, she won’t. I give it maybe another month and you’ll be back better than you were before. Which reminds me, you should probably have some new gear made. I bet your old stuff is too big on you now.”
The sound of her laugh was muffled by his shoulder. “Because you’ve been kicking my ass every week for the last six months,” she said. If there was a silver lining to her injury, it was that she’d gotten into the best shape of her life what with all the training she’d been doing—and it was all thanks to Kenny. Truth be told, Alex didn’t know what she would have done without him over the last nine months. He’d moved her into his house so she wouldn’t have to struggle through the weeks after surgery alone; he’d set her up with his doctors; he’d driven her to physical therapy appointments and trained with her every single week. He’d been there for her in ways she couldn’t even express, and she’d fallen even more in love with him for it.
It made it that much more difficult for her to admit that the Kenny she knew in private was a far cry from the one who called himself the “Belt Collector.”
“I wouldn’t push you if I didn’t think you could handle it,” he returned with a peck on her lips. “I don’t think anyone’s gonna recognize you out there tonight.”
Alex momentarily tensed in his arms, but she didn’t relax quick enough. Kenny felt it—and he knew exactly what it was about.
“You’re not having second thoughts about it, are you?”
She looked up at him. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t,” she admitted.
Kenny’s face fell. “Alex… we’ve talked about this.”
“I know,” she breathed. She stepped back from him, suddenly anxious. They had talked about it, at length. It was a big statement for her to accompany him for his match tonight, because she hadn’t been seen since her injury. In fact, she’d all but gone off-grid. She hadn’t been on television; she’d barely posted on social media; she hadn’t responded to any questions for comment about her recovery or her thoughts on Kenny’s pursuits. She’d just wanted to fly under the radar until she was back in that ring for good.
But then, two-and-a-half weeks ago, the match between PAC and Orange Cassidy for a shot at Kenny’s AEW World Championship had gone to a no contest. As a result, it was decided that Kenny would defend the title in a triple threat match against them both at Double or Nothing—tonight. And as soon as the match was booked, Alex knew—she knew—that Kenny would find a way to pull her into it.
But she didn’t know if she could—or should—go out there with him. Not with the way things currently were between her and the people she’d thought were her best friends.
Kenny reached out and took her hands in his, and she looked back up at him from the floor. His blue eyes were concerned. But she could tell he was frustrated.
“I want you out there with me, baby. And yeah… I’d be lying if I said Orange wasn’t part of the reason why.”
She frowned. “Kenny—”
“Just hear me out,” he gently cut her off, and she pursed her lips. But she let him continue. “Best Friends are actually supposed to be your best friends, right? But when was the last time any of them checked in on you? I know Chuck did for a while, but Trent? He’s been a complete asshole to you.”
Alex fidgeted, her chest tightening. His words were like salt in a wound—but he wasn’t wrong. At first, Chuck had checked in on her fairly regularly… but his texts and FaceTime calls had tapered off after the first couple months. At the time, she’d just chalked it up to circumstance. She was out of sight and out of mind, and he and Orange had been put through more than their fair share of bullshit by Miro, Kip, and Penelope after Trent had torn his pec muscle in December. She couldn’t really blame him for going quiet.
But then, two months ago, Trent had returned with Kris in tow—and Alex hadn’t been able to chalk it up to circumstance any longer. And when Kris seemingly became an official member of Best Friends, she couldn’t ignore the twinge of jealousy in her gut, either. She felt forgotten. Replaced in person just as much as she had been on the Best Friends t-shirt. And the thing of it was, none of them seemed to even miss her.
Least of all Trent.
Kenny squeezed her hands, redrawing her attention. “Look… I’m not trying to turn you against them. But I can see how hurt you are by how they’ve acted over the last couple months, and it kills me. And yeah, it pisses me off, too. So… why not come out there with me tonight, looking absolutely fucking fantastic, and show Best Friends just how good you’re doing without them?”
Alex’s brow furrowed. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, there was a petty part of her that wanted to do exactly that. But the softer side of her just wanted her friends back.
“I get what you’re saying, I just... I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.”
“I know you do,” he sympathetically returned. “But I’m not asking you to go out there and try to keep Orange from winning. I just want you in my corner. And maybe I want to show you off a little bit, too.”
He grinned and pulled her closer, and Alex couldn’t help the coy smile that pulled at her lips. Through all their ups and downs, Kenny had never failed to make her feel special; wanted. She didn’t take that for granted—especially not now.
“I did bring a really cute outfit to wear,” she said, sliding her hands up his arms. “It would be a shame if it went to waste.”
His smile widened. “Well then you gotta wear it.”
Alex bit her lip in thought. But she didn’t think for long. She put her hands on either side of his face and gave him a tender kiss. “You know I love you, right?”
Kenny gripped her waist. “Of course, I do. I love you, too,” he returned, and he kissed her again. “Come on, you should go get ready,” he said with a pat on her backside. And as they left the exam room, Alex knew that accompanying Kenny for his match was the right decision.
It was the potential consequences that worried her.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Holy shit, I almost didn’t recognize you!”
That was what Stella had proclaimed when Alex walked into hair and makeup. It was followed by a chorus of more of the same, a parade of hugs from everyone in the room—and dozens of questions.
“How are you? You look incredible!”
“Is your shoulder cleared?”
“So, are you officially living with Kenny now?”
“I’ve been dying to know how you feel about everything going on with him.”
And Alex had done her best to field each one of them.
“I’m doing pretty well, and thanks. It seems like I’ve been filling all my free time with working out.”
“No… not yet. But hopefully in the next few weeks.”
“I mean, not officially. I still have my house in Virginia—my cousin’s been renting it out. But I don’t know. It feels like I’ve officially moved in.”
“It is what it is. He’s just being Kenny Omega.”
Thankfully, no one pressed her on that last one.
Instead, Stella was all too happy to dish on all the latest and juiciest backstage news and gossip. Anna Jay and Jungle Boy were an item. Cody had estranged himself from nearly everyone. Callie had left AEW and pro wrestling altogether—and moved in with Cash. Alex had already known about that one, but it was still strange to hear. Looking back, it was hard to believe her friendship with Callie and relationship with Cash had ever even happened at all. It felt like another life; another time.
“You’re all done, my dear,” Stella said. She handed her a mirror—and Alex was taken aback by her own reflection. Long, sleek dark brown hair; glowing fair skin; pouty nude lips; a sexy reverse cat eye that made her hazel eyes pop. She sat up a little straighter. For perhaps the first time in months, she felt herself again.
She thanked Stella and hopped out of the chair, a pep in her step as she went out the door—
She halted in her tracks. Even though she hadn’t heard it in forever, she’d recognize that voice anywhere—Kris. She held her breath and turned around; but relaxed in relief. It was just her and Orange. At least she wouldn’t have to face them all at once.
“Holy shit!” She hurried over and wrapped her in a tight hug before she could even blink. Alex was stiff and awkward as she returned it. She hadn’t expected that reaction.
“Why didn’t you tell us you’d be here tonight?” Kris asked as she stepped back from her. Alex hesitated to answer.
“Um, I thought about it. But given why I’m here…”
She trailed off and looked awkwardly at Jim. He shrugged. “It’s business,” he returned. “So I guess this means you’ll be in Kenny’s corner tonight?”
Alex crossed an arm over herself and nervously fidgeted with the skin on her elbow. She nodded. Jim’s expression remained as indecipherable as ever.
“And you look hot as fuck,” Kris perceptively interjected. “Seriously, I think I might be questioning my sexuality.”
Alex breathed a laugh—
“You should come say hi to Chuck and Trent! Trent’s gonna shit himself.”
Just like that, her smile vanished. Her lips parted in silent question, uncertain if Kris was being serious. But she looked too genuinely excited not to be.
“I… I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Alex said. “I mean, considering the last time I talked to Trent…”
She trailed off and looked down at her shoes. There had been things said by both her and Trent in the heat of the moment that had made an already uncomfortable situation worse. They hadn’t spoken in more than five months, since right before he’d gotten injured. She didn’t think now was the time to start.
“Trent has his head up his ass,” Jim said, and Alex flicked her eyes back up at him, surprised. “You know how he is with this stuff. You’ll probably have to be the bigger person.”
Alex sighed. He was probably right. But again—tonight wasn’t the night. “Now’s just not the time,” she remorsefully returned. “But I’ll see you out there. Good luck—really.”
And before either of them could say anything else, she turned and continued down the hall, digging her nails into the palms of her hands.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Maybe you shouldn’t come out there… you’re gonna distract me walking around like this.”
Alex looked at Kenny through the mirror as he sidled up behind her. He reached up and brushed her hair back from her neck, and she tilted her head so he could press his lips against her skin.
“It's too late,” she returned. “I’ve already gone through all the trouble of getting ready.”
Kenny hummed. “Well, I can take it all off for you, if you want.”
He nipped her neck, and she smirked and squirmed. Her mood had completely turned around from earlier in the night; it was amazing what a little hair and makeup and the right outfit could do. The white bustier-style crop top she wore wasn’t her usual style, but it showed off the hard work she’d put in at the gym—and it didn’t hurt that it made her boobs look amazing. And even though she’d made the outfit more “her” with a pair of distressed boyfriend jeans and her white low-top Chucks, Kenny was right—they probably wouldn’t recognize her out there.
But truth be told, she’d never felt more confident.
“You can later,” she smirked, and she felt a low growl rumble in his bare chest.
“Get a room!”
Alex rolled her eyes. Matt’s voice was an unwelcome interruption from across the locker room. She’d almost forgotten that he and Nick were there.
Kenny shot a glare over his shoulder. “Why are you looking?”
Matt opened his mouth, but two quick knocks on the door cut him off before he could make a smart-ass retort, and then Don Callis walked in.
“We’re up, Ken.”
Kenny smirked at Alex. “Let’s go give the people what they really want.”
He picked up his AEW World Championship, and she helped him secure it around his waist, followed by the Impact World Championship, which he strapped across his chest. Then, he picked up the AAA Mega Championship and old TNA World Heavyweight Championship and held them in each of his hands. And Alex had to admit—it was an impressive sight, Kenny draped in championship gold. She’d be lying if she said it didn’t turn her on.
“How do I look?” he asked her.
She bit her lip. “Good. Really good.”
He grinned, cocky.
They started for the door; but before Alex could follow Don and Kenny out, Matt stopped her. “Alex.” He pushed himself up from his chair and cast Nick a glance. He stood too. She rolled her eyes. They weren’t subtle at all.
Matt gave her a discerning look. “You are one-hundred percent in Kenny’s corner… right?”
Her brow lowered dangerously. Was he really questioning her loyalty now? “Are you serious?”
He shrugged a shoulder. “Well… I know Orange is one of your best friends—”
“Or he was,” Nick interjected.
“—and I just want to make sure that there aren’t any conflicts of interest.”
He smirked, obnoxiously smacking his gum between his teeth. Alex bit down on her jaw. She’d thought that maybe—maybe—Callie’s departure and her relationship with Kenny would have led her and Matt to at least be friendly with each other. But she’d thought wrong.
She gave him a tight smile. “Don’t worry your pretty little head, Matt. The only conflict going on here is the one between what you think that outfit looks like and what it actually looks like.”
He abruptly stopped chewing his gum. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
But Alex was already out the door. She caught up with Kenny and fell in step beside him. “Forget something?” he asked.
She shook her head. “No. Just got held up.”
They arrived at Gorilla, and Don went on and on talking Kenny up, boosting his confidence, assuring that neither Orange nor PAC stood a chance; but Alex tuned him out, nervously looking around. Waiting. And then she saw them: Orange, Chuck, Kris, and Trent.
Her heart jumped into her throat when her eyes met Chuck’s. He flashed her a smile; but it wasn’t as wide or as bright as she was used to.
“Hey. It’s good to see you,” he said, and he gave her arm a squeeze as he passed. She said nothing in response—just a tight grin of acknowledgement. Entirely impersonal compared to how they used to greet each other.
It’s the circumstances, she tried to tell herself.
Orange and Kris greeted her in much the same way, with awkward half-smiles as they walked by; Kris seemed apologetic, for some reason. And then, Trent reached her. His expression was cold, his eyes hard, and then he muttered underneath his breath, just loud enough for her to hear, “Thanks for telling us you’d be here.”
He kept walking, not waiting for her to even process what he’d said, and Alex’s heart sunk petrified into the pit of her stomach.
This was how things were now. She felt stupid for hoping for different.
* * * * * * * * * *
Alex had known it would be difficult to be ringside for this match. But, sixteen minutes into it, she hadn’t realized it would be this difficult.
PAC laid on his back, staring up at the lights courtesy of a bridging deadlift suplex into a pin attempt from Kenny. So, with him taken care of for the moment, Kenny turned his attention to Orange. He pulled his right kneepad down, and Alex had to stop herself from watching through her fingers as he kneed Orange hard in the face, once, and then again. She could feel the eyes of the fans at ringside watching her with keen interest, trying to gauge her reactions. They’d been shocked to see her come out with Kenny, and now her presence provided them with an extra layer of entertainment. At least Chuck, Trent, and Kris weren’t at ringside, too; they’d walked Orange out and promptly disappeared backstage. Alex didn’t know what she would have done if they’d stayed.
Kenny backed toward the ropes, aiming to deliver a third and final V-Trigger. But before he could, Orange held up his hands as if to tell him “stop.” And then he plunged them into his pant pockets and fell facedown onto the mat.
Kenny laughed, but he couldn’t care less. He walked over and started to pick Orange up; but then a revived PAC grabbed him and hit him with a hard forearm. They traded blows and kicks in the middle of the ring until Orange suddenly intervened and hit Kenny with a Michinoku Driver. However, Kenny rolled away and PAC hit Orange with a brainbuster. He covered him, but Orange thankfully kicked out at two.
Alex put her hand on Kenny’s shoulder as he laid underneath the ropes, halfway out of the ring. “Are you alright?”
But he didn’t answer her question. Instead, he said, “Go get one of my belts.”
She looked back at him in confusion. “What?”
“Go get one of my belts in case.”
Alex blinked and shook her head. She could not believe what he was asking her to do. “What? No, Kenny, I’m not doing that. You don’t need—”
But he rolled away, back underneath the ropes into the ring. PAC and Orange were in a precarious position on the top turnbuckle closest to them. It looked like PAC was trying to execute a superplex—but Kenny jumped up and shoved PAC off-balance, causing Orange to tumble from his grip and bounce off the ring apron to the floor. Alex started to check on him—but then she remembered she wasn’t out there for him and stopped short. She ran her hands over her hair, helpless. Inwardly hoping that he was alright.
Meanwhile, PAC had reversed Kenny’s attempt at a One-Winged Angel from the top turnbuckle and sent him sailing across the ring via a sunset flip powerbomb. They stood atop the opposite turnbuckle now, and Alex’s eyes widened in horror when PAC delivered an avalanche Falcon Arrow. But then, Orange suddenly scrambled back into the ring, tossed PAC out, and hooked Kenny’s leg. Every single person packed into Daily’s Place jumped from their seats as Bryce Remsburg slid to the mat and started to count. Kenny barely kicked out before three. Alex leaned her elbows on the ring apron, her head in her hands. That had been way too close.
All around her the fans started chanting, “That was three!” booming in her ears, and she bit down on her jaw. Kenny rolled out of the ring and stumbled over to her. For some reason, she already knew what for.
“Alex, go get one of my belts,” he said again. It was an order, not a question. But she stood her ground.
“No! I’m not helping you win like that!”
He let out a frustrated huff. “Baby, now’s not the time to argue about this. Just go get—”
She cut him off with a gasp as PAC came flying over the top rope headed straight for them. Kenny shoved her out of the way at the last second, taking all the impact himself and getting knocked to the floor. PAC, meanwhile, sprung back up and to the top turnbuckle. He slowly stood—and when Alex saw him jump into the air and perform the Black Arrow, she knew she had just seconds to act. She jumped over Kenny and rounded the turnbuckle as PAC hooked Orange’s leg. And just before Bryce could count three, she grabbed Orange’s boot and put it on the bottom rope.
Bryce stopped the count and pointed at Orange’s foot, none the wiser to what had happened. The fans, on the other hand, showered Alex with thunderous boos. Realizing what she’d done, PAC turned and shot her a glower that seemed almost inhuman. But she just pursed her lips and raised her chin in defiance.
Kenny pulled himself up by the ropes and ducked back into the ring, grinning like the cat that caught the canary, and the match went on, back and forth between him and PAC—until Orange scored another near-fall after he hit Kenny with a frantic Beach Break. PAC then tried for a Liger Bomb on Orange, but he fought out of it and landed a hard Orange Punch across his jaw, dropping him to the mat. Then he gave one to Kenny, and the crowd came unglued.
Orange fed off their energy, pumping himself up as PAC staggered to his feet. He hit another Orange Punch and went for the pin. Time seemed to stop as Alex watched, her heart in her throat and her hands on her head. She didn’t want Kenny to lose at all, let alone like this. But just as Bryce started the count, Don appeared out of nowhere and pulled him from the ring by his ankles.
Alex stood frozen to her spot as Bryce and Don yelled at each other, and she fully expected the former to expel the latter from ringside—but he didn’t. He simply got back in the ring, and the match continued. Don walked toward Alex, straightening his suit jacket. “Good work putting Orange’s foot on the ropes,” he said to her.
She didn’t say anything in return. She didn’t want a compliment from the likes of him.
Back in the ring, Kenny had been knocked to the floor once again—and PAC had the Brutalizer locked on Orange. When Kenny finally made it back through the ropes, he kicked PAC in the face once, twice. But he didn’t let go of his hold on Orange. So instead, Kenny made the desperate decision to hit Bryce with a hard double axe handle to the back.
The crowd booed, and Alex hid her face in her hands. “Come on, Ken…” she breathed. Not like this.
Meanwhile, Don took the initiative to do what Kenny had been asking Alex to do all along. He grabbed the Impact Championship from the timekeeper’s area and tossed it to Kenny in the ring. Kenny caught it, and then he turned and clocked PAC over the head. He dropped like dead weight to the mat, and Kenny tossed the belt aside, the fans still booing all the while.
But apparently, one belt wasn’t enough.
Don tossed in the Triple A Mega Championship next, and as PAC staggered to his feet, Kenny hit him again. Then he threw in the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Alex had to bite her lip to keep from shouting at Kenny to stop. She looked away just before he hit PAC a third time.
Finally, Don handed Kenny the AEW World Championship. He took it and held it high above his head, gloating, reveling in the crowd’s hatred. Somehow, PAC was still moving, trying to stay in the match. But just as he climbed to his feet for a third time, Kenny hit him again and knocked him down for good.
Kenny held the championship up again, parading around the ring. He didn’t notice Orange darting toward him until it was too late. He laid him out with another Orange Punch across the jaw.
Orange crawled toward Kenny, obviously going for the pin; but Bryce was still down from Kenny’s earlier attack. However, it didn’t matter. As soon as he draped himself across Kenny’s chest, Aubrey ran down to the ring. Alex grabbed her own throat as she counted.
But unexpectedly, Kenny reversed the pin and rolled Orange’s shoulders to the mat in a crucifix. Aubrey counted again.
That was it. The bell rung, and Kenny’s music started. Alex let out a breath. He’d won by the skin of his fucking teeth.
She and Don both rushed to Kenny’s side as Justin Roberts officially announced him the winner. He clutched his jaw, and somehow his left hand had been sliced open. “What happened?” she asked, looking over the blood on his fingers with concern. But he wasn’t able to answer her before they were suddenly swarmed by both the Young Bucks and the Good Brothers. Matt and Nick practically pushed her aside as they congratulated Kenny, and Nick and Karl Anderson put an arm each over their shoulders and helped him up the steps to the entrance ramp. And as they all celebrated, reveling in Kenny’s stolen victory, Alex felt a sourness curdle at the back of her throat.
She was in love with Kenny. He’d come to mean the world to her over the last nine months. But she hadn’t signed up for this world.
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xnever-fade-awayx · 3 years
"you know I'll do anything you ask me to"-prompt (sofia by clairo)
just an idea, no pressure^^
AN: Quick note, this is unedited, also this is with default Male V! Enjoy~ 
V groaned as he rubbed at his eyes and slowly opened them. His head was pounding and he felt like he was hit by a truck. He tried to piece together the night before but all he can remember  is Kerry fucking him senseless into the mattress. Which he did enjoy. As V sat up in the bed, he glanced to his side to see Kerry passed out on his stomach, completely naked. 
V got out of bed quickly and he began searching for his clothes to at least put something on. He wasn’t trying to leave before Kerry left per say, he was just trying to make sure he was covered from the paparazzi this time. They ended up using a drone that went undetected by Kerry’s security last time to take pictures of both men completely naked, asses all out. 
The paparazzi called V Kerry’s “current JoyToy” which pissed him off more than it should have. Maybe it was because he was developing feelings for Kerry and wanted to be more than fuck buddies. V shook his head at the thought and ignored it as he threw his jeans on and made his way down to Kerry’s kitchen to try to find some food, some real food. 
V managed to find some bread that wasn’t molding, at least from what he saw, and ate a few slices of that before he was going to dip. He heard the groans of Kerry echoing through the large villa as he woke up, walking down the stairs, still completely naked. 
“Mornin’.” Kerry mumbled out gruffly as he went to the table that had all types of food and began to pick at the stuff on it. 
“Morning. I don’t think it’s safe to eat any of that.” V said as Kerry turned and shot him a small glare. “And I think you should put some pants on before the paparazzi caught you, again.” V tried to tell Kerry as he threw another grape into his mouth. 
“Fuck ‘em. Won’t be the first or last time they’ve seen my gorgeous ass.” Kerry laughed as he walked over to V and looked him over. 
“I was just heading out. Gotta see Vik for a tune up.” V heard Kerry hum in response to what he said. 
“You comin’ tonight? Playing another show tonight with the girls.” Kerry said as he walked over to V and looked into his eyes. V shrugged and placed his hands on Kerry’s hips and pulled him close. Kerry chuckled and moved his arms to wrap loosely around V’s neck. 
“I’ll try to drop by. I think I’m gonna check up on Wakako to see if she has something for me today. Need a few extra eddies for rent this month.” V admitted which caused Kerry to frown at the taller man. 
“You know I can send you some money. You can always ask.” Kerry tried telling his friend as V pulled away and began walking towards the door. 
“It’s fine, Ker. I can make my own money. You don’t gotta act like my sugar daddy. Now, I gotta get going. Vik’s gonna be pissed if I’m late.” V said as he opened the front door and was followed by V. 
“Seven tonight if you come by! Talk to Tasha and she’ll get you backstage!” Kerry shouted as he watched V walking down towards his car. 
“Put on some god damn pants!”
                             « ----------------------------------------------- » 
 Vik had done his check up on V as normal, giving him an upgrade or two but was happy that V wasn’t pushing himself too far. Wakako was happy to see V had assigned him a job that shouldn’t take too long. She had him go to a Tyger Claw hideout and find a person, making sure they were unharmed and alive. There was a shootout, which V tried to avoid, but it was okay. The person he was transporting wasn’t hurt which was a plus but V was a mess and covered in blood. 
Wakako thanked V for the person and quickly transferred the money to V before he drove home to shower and change. His entire shower he thought about Kerry, and about them. He had fallen for the rockerboy about the second time they fucked. It was just a casual friends with benefits thing that would happen once every few weeks then turned into almost everyday. Every concert in the city, V would show up, drink too much with Kerry and then they would end up at his place. 
V wanted to change it and he decided tonight was the night before Kerry and Us Cracks left Night City for their tour across the world. He shut the water off in the shower and quickly dried off before throwing on some jeans and a random shirt, which happened to be one of Kerry’s shirts he stole. Funny story behind the shirt: Kerry was trying to rush V out since Johnny was coming over and Kerry didn’t want Johnny knowing V and him were fucking. So, V grabbed the first shirt he saw and threw it on as Kerry kicked him out. 
V double checked to make sure he had everything before leaving his apartment and heading to get to his car. The entire drive to the venue, V thought of what to say to Kerry and honestly, how the fuck does someone say, ‘hey I love you’ without making it weird or awkward? V shook his head at the thought and said he was just going to do it, fuck it. 
He parked on the side of the building, weaving between the fans trying to get backstage and smiled at Tasha. She had learned who V was quickly and smiled at him and allowed him in. She was telling him how he could chill backstage or on the side during the concert before leading him towards where Kerry was. The moment V spotted Kerry, his heart dropped. He was standing extremely close to another guy, smiling at him and giving him those fuck me eyes he always gave V. 
“Oh, hey V! Glad to see you!” Red Menace smiled at the man and hugged him tightly. Over the last few months, he got close to Us Cracks just like Kerry did. Kerry turned towards the two and smiled as he walked over to V. 
“Decided to show up, I see. Well, I’ll have to give you a special thank you after the show.” Kerry smirked as he made his way to V and closed the gap between them. 
“I don’t know if I’m staying. I, uh, have things I need to do.” V avoided eye contact with Kerry. He picked up the change in V almost instantly as he started walking.
“Let’s go somewhere private, V. Just chat a bit before the show.” Kerry said as he walked towards what was currently his little dressing room. V didn’t want to follow him but did it anyway, so he didn’t anger him. Once the two were in the room, Kerry closed the door behind him and locked it. V stood in the middle of the room as Kerry went to lean against a counter where all the mirrors were.
“Why did you bring me in here?” V finally asked as Kerry turned and looked over the other male.
“What the hell is going on, V?” Kerry asked, his arms crossed over his chest. V just watched Kerry as he sighed out. It was now or never.
“Look, Ker… I-we… well, you know how last week we were in that magazine? And they called me a Joy Toy?” V asked as Kerry nodded.
“Yeah. Those mother fuckers got a bad picture of me!” Kerry said, slightly angry as V shot a glare at him.
“Not the point, Ker. I don’t wanna be known as a Joy Toy, okay? I don’t want to be known as your latest fling or your fuck buddy. I wanna be known as… as…” V couldn’t seem to say it outloud. He felt stupid and embarassed. 
“As.. my boyfriend?” Kerry finished the sentence. V felt embarassed as fuck at that. Kerry walked over to V and grabbed his face in his hands. “You know, V, I’ll do anything you ask me to. And if that is to be your boyfriend, then I’m fine with that.” Kerry said as he pressed his lips harshly against V’s lip. V melted into the kiss before Kerry slowly pulled away.
“I’ve wanted that for a while…” V whispered, causing the rockerboy to chuckle.
“I was waitin’ for you to say something. If this was just meaningless sex, then I was fine with it. I was hopin’ it would turn into something more.” Kerry said before leaning in and placing another kiss to V’s lips.
“So, does this mean Kerry Eruodyne is no longer going to be a slut? No more man whoring?” V teased which rewarded him a quick slap to the chest.
“Shut the fuck up or else I might take back talkin’ about being your boyfriend.” Kerry glared at V as the other male rolled his eyes.
“Mr Eurodyne? Concert starts in 2 minutes.” A voice called from the other side of the door. Kerry and V both looked at the door before looking at each other.
“Stayin’ to watch?” Kerry said as the two walked out of the door. Kerry followed behind V as they began walking towards the stage.
“Of course. For my boyfriend? Anything.” V said as they got to the side of the stage. Kerry smiled and placed a small kiss to V’s cheek.
“I promise after we will go get dinner, something nice, then back to my place.” Kerry said as he got himself pumped for the show.
“Don’t hurt yourself up there. Gonna need you all good and in one piece later.” V teases as Kerry and him share a rough kiss before Kerry rushed up to the stage to start the concert.
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babybatscreationsv2 · 3 years
A King on a Leash ch5
Marvel | Starker
Tony Stark is a powerful man with a beautiful husband and a loyal crime  family, but it looks like he didn't keep his husband on a short enough  leash. After turning Peter lose on a Cuban gang leader, Peter's life is  in danger. The real trouble is that Tony now realizes that Peter is the  only thing in this world that he cares about and he never meant for that  to happen.
Sequel to A Doll on a String
Rating: Explicit
Full Fic
A Doll on a String
Warnings under the cut*
Warnings: murder mention
"We are officially married," Peter said. His skinny fingers traced patterns on Tony's arm. He'd taken to getting manicures, which he made Tony get as well, though he kept his nails quite short to avoid breaking them. His nails were shiny and beautiful. Tony supposed his must be, too, but he thought it suited the dainty quality of Peter's more slender hands.
"The last year didn't count?" Tony asked. He was so warm with Peter laying back against his chest. All he could smell was the natural oil of his hair. He could stay like that the rest of the day and he wouldn't complain.
"It did, but now it's officially official."
"Because why, exactly?"
"Because we had sex and no one even got off and it was still nice. Lazy, afternoon, love making, with no agenda is on the list of married people things."
Tony smiled. He'd like to make a habit of it. Stuffing himself into Peter's ass and then sleeping that way. "It's not too late for someone to get off."
"No, it is. I'm not horny anymore. I'm just happy."
"Me, too. Do we have to say our vows now or...?"
Peter laughed. "You can profess your love to me if you want. I don't mind."
Tony hugged him tighter to his chest and kissed the top of his. "Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark, I love you more than life, money, or power. I am completely whipped. Your slave in the bedroom and out-"
Peter turned around, laughing, and kissed him. "It's cute that you think you're joking."
Tony soaked in the sight of his smile and his shinning eyes. "I wouldn't lie about a thing like that."
Peter went to say something, but Tony's cell phone rang, cutting him off. Tony kissed his forehead. "Sorry, baby."
He picked it up from the nightstand. Happy.
"What's up, Hap?"
"I've got everything lined up for the weekend, but we've gotta talk about the security situation on your end. Do you really want to go in with only two guards?"
Tony sighed. How many times did they need to have this conversation? "You know we don't take men into the meeting, Hap. It doesn't matter how many people I have waiting outside the door."
Peter kissed his cheek. He slipped out of his arms and out of bed. Watching him walk away, Tony almost missed what Happy said. Fuck, that tiny little waist. Fucking perfect ass. He had a bruise on his hip that Tony could remember the exact moment he had held him hard enough to put it there.
"-heard some stuff about Toomes," Happy was saying as he tuned back in. "If I can't be there, I want more men watching your back."
"The more men I have on me, the more opportunities we have for betrayal. I'll take only the best, the ones you trust the most. I'm counting on you to look after Peter."
Happy sighed. "Yeah, I thought you'd say that. What about Rhodes?"
"It'll look suspicious if I bring a Capo with me. Now, I do have a real job for you."
"What's up boss?"
Tony looked toward the door. He couldn't be sure that Peter wasn't eavesdropping, though if he'd wanted to then he could have just stayed in the room. He didn't want to worry him.
"I need you to find out what you can about Suarez. Does he have family, partners, enemies? How many people did we piss off and who should be kissing our asses?"
"Should I be worried?"
"Just dig up what you can, but don't side line Peter's security this weekend. Suarez comes second."
"You got it, boss."
"Thanks, Hap."
Tony climbed out of bed. He followed the smell of garlic and basil downstairs to the kitchen. He rounded the corner and found his husband, dressed in one of Tony's band T's and nothing else. He stood at the stove, stirring a pot. When he heard Tony in the doorway, he turned and smiled.
"Spaghetti night!" he called.
"Sounds perfect, angel." He stood, watching him work, thoughts swirling around his head. How did he protect this life they had? What more could he do? Once Happy provided them more information he could come up with a plan. Natasha would be a vital asset in tearing down anyone who might be dangerous.
She was the only one of his Capos who focused less on the money, the schemes, and more on the artistry of it all. She liked to strategize, infiltrate. Tony provided her the opportunities. Aside from being an old friend, that was why she joined the family. And why she stayed. They worked hard to keep her identity a secret.
"I know the view is incredible, but I could use a hand you know," Peter said. He had this way of smirking that was far too playful to ever be cocky.
Tony joined him at the stove and gave him a kiss. Then he grabbed the supplies Peter had set out on the counter and started preparing the meat balls. Peter chatted to him about his day as they worked.
"There's been a lot of drama lately," he started. "We're doing Cinderella next and of course Gwen in Cinderella. She's been Cinderella since we were kids. Only Tiffany is determined that she should be Cinderella all of a sudden."
Tony couldn't care less about the backstage drama of ballet, but it mattered to Peter so he listened and he didn't miss a word.
"How does Gwen feel about the great Cinderella debate?"
"Honestly, I don't think it ever occurred to either one of us that anyone else would be Cinderella. It makes sense, I guess. Sometimes we ought to share the spotlight. Still, everyone has their roles. It makes preparing for a new performance a lot easier if we don't mix it up."
"Since when do you like things easy?"
Peter smiled at him, eyes a bit surprised. "You're right. We should switch it up. And ya know? I'll step down as the prince and Gwen and Tiffany can sort out who's gonna be who."
"Won't that be controversial with the donors," Tony chuckled.
Peter fake gasped. "Mr. Stark, are you homophobic?"
"Terribly. I won't have any homophones in this house."
"Am I pregnant? Because I think that was a dad joke." Peter wrinkled his nose.
"Should I be worried?"
"Better start painting the nursery," Peter teased.
They had talked about kids a while back and whether or not they might want one. Peter was certain that he didn't. Tony couldn't stand the idea of ending up like his father. Besides, he had enough to worry about when it came to Peter's safety. For sanity's sake, he was happy never having children.
"What did Happy call about?"
Tony didn't flinch, so used to lying. He avoided lying to Peter as much as possible, but this wasn’t something he needed to worry over.
"He was just double checking the security situation for this week. He wants me to take more guards in." He tucked the meatballs into the oven.
"And you won't, of course," Peter smiled fondly.
"Who wants to be the guy who brings an army to dinner?" Tony laughed, drying his clean hands with a towel.
Peter abandoned his noodles to put his hand on Tony's cheek. "I want you to be the guy who comes home to his husband." He turned away again with a sad smiled to drain the pasta.
"You don't have to worry about me, angel. It's only a meeting. Just an annual check up."
"They're still mad about Octavius," he said. Tony watched him pour the water out, sad little frown on his lips.
"Toomes doesn't want to let it go, but Fisk is on our side," he assured him. Peter turned away from, setting the pasta aside.
"And what kind of war will we be in if he convinces Martin Li to take his side?"
Tony wrapped his arms around him. "Are you scared, angel?"
Peter caught one his hands and pressed his fingers to his lips. "Not as long as you're here. I'm only scared when you're gone."
"I'm never gone, my angel. You and me, we're so entwined. You are the greatest extension of myself, the best part of me."
Peter turned in his arms and placed his hands around his neck. "How did we get so tangled up?"
"It was just meant to be, sweetheart."
Peter pressed up to give him a kiss. The heat of his mouth traveled through him and craved more. He pinned him back against the counter, held in his arms. Their lips moved together, the sharp smacking, sucking, sounds of their mouths louder than the sizzling in the oven. Tony kissed him until they couldn't breathe. Then he pressed his lips to Peter's neck. He moaned, pressing against him, as Tony sucked a deep mark into his skin.
"More," he breathed.
Tony held him tighter, fingers digging bruises into his skin. He sucked another mark into his throat, right in the front where there was no mistaking it. Peter sighed happily.
"Again," he giggled. Tony laughed, too, but his lips left his neck to reclaim his lips. He didn't let him go until the smell coming from the oven threatened them with burnt meatballs.
Agony. It was dramatic and codependent, he knew, but that didn't make it any less painful as they parted ways. Technically speaking, they would only be an hour's drive apart, but it felt like so much more. He hoped it would be good for him in the long run. They needed some distance. They spent so much of their time wrapped up in each other. Tony couldn't afford to forget who he was.
The rules of their yearly meeting were that it had to be on neutral ground. Which was the only reason none of them had put any money into what was easily their favorite hotel. None of them owned a square inch of the place or any of the people inside it. So it was safe to assume that there wouldn't be any surprises.
Tony never made a reservation. He didn't want anyone to know which room he would be in until he was in it. Being Tony Stark, of course, they made sure he had one of their luxury suites whether or not there was one available. He didn't have to own the place to gain that kind of privilege. It was the sort of thing he took for granted and that Peter would have appreciated more.
The room wasn't much smaller than his old condo. It felt oddly empty. Tony made himself at home on the couch, trying to fill the space. Four guards joined him in the living space. A fifth walked the line of windows, checking rooftops. He killed time before the meeting by sharing an anecdote with his men. Their laughter helped him settled, helped him feel more in control. Then it was time to freshen up and meet the others in the meeting room.
Tony's suit was navy blue with a yellow and gray stripped tie that demanded attention. A tie Peter had picked out for him the last time they went shopping. He said he needed more than black in his wardrobe. Which is how the blue suit ended up in his closet. Not that Tony didn't own anything colored, but when he was in 'Boss' mode, it was black on black. This meeting was different from his normal work though, so it demanded different attire.
He wasn't the first person to enter the room. Fisk was there already waiting. Once upon a time, he'd believed in always being the last man at the meeting. Until Vanessa had asked him to change that. She said that while the last man may have style, he's also the last to know if there's danger. The first one in could lay a trap for the others.
"Wilson," Tony greeted. He received a smile that was more confidence than greeting.
"Tony," he answered. "I'm glad you're here before the others. I wanted to thank you."
Tony took his seat. His guards were left outside the door where they pretend to be indifferent to Fisk's own men. He knew they talked once the door was shut.
"There's no need. I can hope you would do the same for me."
Fisk nodded. Then he sighed. "Cherish him, Tony. There may come a time when these memories are all you have left."
"If Adrian has his way, that's exactly what will happen."
Fisk waved his hand. "Ever since you gave up the weapons trade, Toomes has been too big for his britches. His designs grow more complex, more dangerous. One day, he will blow himself up and we will be free of his temper." The man chuckled, Tony smiled.
"Hopefully soon," he said. That made Fisk laugh.
The door opened and in walked Martin Li. As always, his suit was white, but trimmed in black in a way that created an almost cartoonish effect.
"Fisk, Stark," he greeted. Tony noted how he made a point to meet both of their eyes. He wondered if Toomes was getting to him. Li had once been Fisk's apprentice. Once, that had meant a lot to him, but Tony wasn't sure it would be enough if Toomes brought up Octavius again.
Toomes arrived soon after. He greeted Fisk and Li, only acknowledging Tony once he had sat down.
"Now that we're all here-" Fisk started.
"Sure, all," Toomes sneered.
Fisk ignored him. "I want to cut to the chase. We have always been five strong. I don't believe it would be wise to change that now. Octavius trusted no one and so left no one to replace him, yet, there is one option we might consider."
Tony was surprised. It made sense to bring someone else in, but he'd been so focused on how to keep Toomes at bay that he hadn't considered a nomination.
"Harry Osborn," Fisk proclaimed.
"Osborn?" Li asked. Tony was pleased that he seemed as taken aback as he felt.
"I know he isn't one of us, but his father had made preparations to step into the circle should we allow it."
Tony scoffed. "You mean, if he and Octavius succeed in killing me and you needed a chair filled."
"Harry Osborn is not his father. He's eager to prove himself and he's prepared to play by the rules."
"I think it's a great idea," Toomes said.
"You mean you want someone else at this table who hates me."
"Now what reason would little Harry have to hate you?" glared the man with the hideous hooked nose.
"He is quite young now that you mention it," Li said. "Practically a child."
Fisk shrugged. "I think he's the best choice. Especially if we each took the time to train him, help him get his feet on the ground. We could give him a trial period and if it doesn't work out, we'll feed him to the wolves."
"Seems like a lot of effort just to have five at the table," Li said.
"New York is a big city," Fisk countered.
"He has a point," Tony said. "If Osborn takes over Octavius's territory, it keeps us from spreading too thin. Besides, we've been arguing for a year now over who gets which of Octavius's operations. Meanwhile his men run rampant doing as they please."
"Exactly," Fisk agreed.
"And how will we convince them to respect this privileged child who is nothing like them? We at least climbed our way to the top. They respect that we were once grunts ourselves," Li asked.
"He'll have to make his own way whether he establishes fear or respect," said Fisk.
Tony flinched. Harry and Peter had a history. If Harry became a boss, if he managed to successfully take over Octavius's territory... What would Peter think of Harry then? What would he think of Tony?
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January 3rd or One's Beginning is another's end (Daughters of Darkness)
This passage contains potentially: Explicit Language, Depictions of Violence (including mentions of blood), Smoking, Slang and maybe some bad translations.
Summary: An introduction to the world of the Daughters of Darkness, through the eyes of series protagonist Kirby 'Gluttony' Lucifarian. The first day and night, from her perspective, of them working for the WWF.
Kirby's POV:
Tuesday. The first day of being 'on the job', Tuesday the third of January 1984. Damien got us into the WWF. … Damien, managed to get us into the quickest rising wrestling promotion, popularity wise. To be honest with you, Damien's given us free reign to get to know people, for now. I don't know anyone here. I've heard of people here, such as the most famous giant in the world, and … Hogan.
I'm not here because I earned it, I'm here because I'm a necessity for the team. That's how I view it. That's how I've always viewed it. Vickie needed someone to make fun of and, well, I'm the easiest choice. Then, in the midst of a darker path of thought becoming clearer in my mind...
Both me and the figure I waltzed into thudded to the floor, "Oh, my good lord. I'm so sorry are you o..."
I looked at the figure before me, taking in how much trouble I had created in the last three seconds.
Taller than myself.
Head covered by a wild afro.
Around double my weight.
André the giant.
Flat on his arse … because of me.
Oh … Shit.
"Are you alright, Mademoiselle…"
I could tell he was searching for a name but didn't know it. Too frightened to even speak I glanced away. I noticed his shadow move.
His footsteps came closer, he sounded … worried, as if he didn't want me to get fired for this.
He picked me up, not off the ground, but so I could stand. I whispered out a small 'thank you', or rather 'merci'. His hands still on my shoulders, he smiled sweetly and nodded, as if to beckon forth more words from me.
"I'm Kirby, or rather, Gluttony. I'm new around here."
André grinned, putting his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer before stopping upon seeing how much taller than every other woman in the company I am.
"Are you, uh …" he searched for the words
"A giant, yes, technically a giantess."
I feel I should summarise the next hour or so, but, André took me on a tour of the backstage area and we talked, about everything. Within an hour I had gained a new friend, a genuine friend, someone who didn't care about my height or looks. I know the only reason he didn't care is because he knows what it's like to be stared at just because you aren't 'normal'.
By the time André's tour had ended it was time for Vickie and Damien's interview with Mean Gene, which I was to attend. I said a goodbye to André and rushed off to perform my usual role.
The Enforcer, or rather, the intimidation device, that's my role in this group, to scare people, that's all I do. Before joining the group I was part of another group back in England, The Celtic Warriors, I was part of a championship winning tag team. Now what am I, a damned intimidation device, a human scare tactic.
The Interview:
Gene's first question for us, actually, Damien and Vickie (whilst I stood behind them and looked 'menacing'), was 'How are you doing so far?'
Damien began, "You know something, Gene, my girls have yet to have a match, but we are doing absolutely fine. In shape, ready to rock, ready to roll. Gene, every one of the Daughters of Darkness are doing fine."
Vickie followed suit, "Just look at us," She gestured to me and then herself, "Don't we look marvellous, Gene."
Gene smirked, "You could say that again, miss?"
"Pride, though you can call me Vickie."
Damien glared at the smaller man, almost as if he was daring him to try and flirt with her.
Gene readjusted and focused in on the prospect of new women in the WWF and the possibility of more matches. "Uh hum, yes, now how soon do you girls think you'll be seeing a match on the cards?"
"Soon, Gene, Soon." Vickie stated, ending the interview by walking off.
The first night after 'work' was surprisingly normal, Damien and Vickie went off in their rental car, taking Holly and Eli with them whilst the rest of us stood around backstage for a while.
Billie brought a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of her purse, lighting one up and walking over to me, sitting down on a box placed near by and blowing the smoke away from me she spoke up.
"What's up with you, Tall-ass."
"Dangerous pastime hermana."
"I know, hermana"
"You collect phrases, don' cha?"
"They may come in handy, Billie, one day."
"You going to the gym tomorrow?"
"Of course. Gotta train. Gotta … gotta settle in somehow, right?"
"Right, mi hermana, I'll see you around, alright?"
"See ya, Billie."
She waved back at me as she walked away.
Billie was the only person who knew that I 'collected' those little phrases that seem like nothing until spoken. Language isn't my strongest aspect, more often than not I'm silent and I try to avoid other peo-
"Hey! watch where you're walking man!" I yelped out, shocked back into the present moment. Instantly regret flooded my mind as I realised who had barged past me to get out of the building.
Big John Studd.
One of the most disrespectful 'giants' in the world of wrestling. famous for being the one man who pisses André off more than anyone else, including the Iron Sheik.
He sneered back a quick, "Who gives a fuck." and continued to stroll away.
That … that fuckwit. Who does he think he is. I felt a gentle hand place itself on my shoulder. I turned, expecting to see Eli or P.G, I was face to, well, chin with André.
"Forget about him," He started, with that same sweet, friendly smile from earlier, "Damien said you may need a ride back to the hotel. I don't recommend you walk back now, too dark out for a young lady such as yourself."
The way his R sounds turned into faint W's and he missed off or faintly implied H's was calming. Almost in the same way that hearing a parents voice would calm a child after a nightmare.
"Oh, uh, it's okay André, I was going to get a taxi."
He nodded in response, somehow both downhearted and curious, as if he knew that I was either lying to him or if I did get a taxi, the immense pain my back would be in the following day. André sauntered off, leaving me, once again by myself.
I don't mind being alone, in fact most of my life I have been alone, always the outcast, it was only when I got into wrestling that it started to change.
I picked up my bag and started walking, buttoning up my shirt up to the top of my chest, my near-neon orange shirt covering down to my mid-forearm, hiding any noticeable tattoos, except the one on my wrist, when I turned eighteen, I got a small, runic 'R' on my right wrist, in remembrance of my uncle Rory, the tallest of my dad's brothers.
It took about an hour to get to the hotel, an hour of walking through a city I'm not familiar with, when I eventually got to the hotel I went straight to my room and locked myself in. All alone, I could practice or train if I wanted, so I did.
I took off my black shirt, shoes and belt and I stood in the middle of the hotel room and practiced punching, then I switched to doing my warmups and working out, push-ups, planks, squats. By the time I finished it must've been around midnight, maybe one or two am. I got some sleep, waking up at six, getting changed into some fresh workout gear and headed straight to the gym.
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You meet all sorts of characters at a gym, or so I've been told. Back in England I would go to my parents house and use our home-made gym to work out. Not an option that I have anymore, however, the moment I got into the gym, I felt like I was in a whole new world, as if I was just getting into the business all over again. I scanned for any faces that I knew, Mr Fuji, Tonga Kid, Sgt Slaughter, Don Muraco, Lou Albano, Iron Sheik, Freddie Blassie, Tito Santana, Jimmy Snuka, Bob Backlund, Gene and Pat, David Schultz, and … who is that?
I walked over to David and this mystery guy, nodding at David and heading to the heavy bag next to them.
"Mornin' Gluttony, André's been talkin' about ya."
"Oh really, Mr Schultz?" I tried to keep my breath noises to a minimum as I continued to hit the bag.
The mystery guy snickered, quickly shutting up after Schultz glared at him.
"C'mon girl, you know you can call me David. An' yeah," He stopped punching and instead leaned on the heavy bag in front of him, forcing the other guy to hold it still "Giant's been talking about him havin' a new friend and how much he likes ya."
"He's a good man, it's good to have friends in new places. Who's your pal, David?"
He smiled and slung his arm around the shorter man, "This here, this is Roddy Piper. He's like you."
I tilted my head slightly to try and make him explain further.
"You are Scottish, right?"
"I'm a quarter Scottish. Anyway, Piper, Do you speak Gaelic?"
"Uh, no, I can play the bagpipes however." his eyes lit up slightly, a sort of mad fire behind a haze of brown or maybe dark blue.
"Well, I'll see you around I guess, I've gotta warm up for later though."
I tried to block the two men out and focus on my own workout but Piper seemed to stick around a lot longer than David. He was still there when my workout ended.
"What do you want?"
"You're a quarter Scottish, you're also a giant. How do you fight? Show me." He seemed to get more energetic the more he talked.
"Right now?"
He nodded, "Right now, c'mon."
He led me to a ring that some other wrestlers were using to brush up their skills.
From the looks of the ring, it was actually used for boxing.
Roddy entered the ring the same way as most six-foot-two guys did, through the top and middle ropes. I tested the ropes, and seeing that they had just enough slack, used them to jump over the top rope.
"I've never seen a girl do that before."
"Mistake number one, I'm a woman, not a girl. Mistake number two, you expected a giant to be normal."
He scoffed out a laugh and got ready to lock up.
We locked up and Piper hit me with a knee to the stomach.
I got him back with an Irish whip into the corner, accidentally winding him by being too stiff.
"You're gonna pay for that, lass." He snarled out, already getting pissed off.
I sized him up, trying to see how high I would have to get myself in order to dropkick him to the mat.
Piper tried to hit me with a running high knee strike but I countered with a dropkick, taking us both down to the mat and slamming my face into the mat.
The mat was a lot harder than I was used to, it felt like I had rammed my head straight into a cinderblock, I started breathing heavier than before.
I rolled over and put my arms up, making an 'X' with my forearms. Piper stopped and walked over.
"You alright?"
I shook my head.
He knelt down and pulled me up into a sitting position.
I hesitated, knowing I had to take my mask off to see what was wrong but truly not wanting to. Piper managed to unbuckle the straps of my mask and winced as he saw what was underneath. My mind went slightly mad not knowing if he was wincing at the injury I had caused myself or the fact that, compared to the rest of the D.O.D, I'm truly the worst looking, beauty-wise, that is.
Hitting my mouth so hard on the canvas of the mat below us, I had managed to hit my mask in a way that the bottom edge, which curved under my chin, cut into my flesh and made me bleed.
I put my hand up to the cut and Piper quickly held my arm by the wrist and shook his head, "Don't you dare."
By the time I received medical aid, which consisted of cleaning the cut and putting a band-aid on it, Piper had given me back my mask and asked if he could work out with me sometime. Knowing that he was currently on a different show, I said sure and we had split ways.
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sheerbeautyreigns · 3 years
Part 34
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Sunday was another lazy day where Joe and Paul slept on and off until noon. They both went down to the hotel gym to get a work out in and then ordered lunch to the room.
After food, Joe jumped into the shower to freshen up while Paul did his usual admin. For the first time in a while, he was feeling content. This weekend with Paul was not expected at all but it was perfect. He hummed to himself as he dried off.
“You’re in a good mood.” Paul commented, appearing in the door frame. Joe smiled at Paul’s reflection in the mirror, watching him come closer.
“I feel good after that workout.” Paul stood behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. “I can think of more workouts that’ll make you feel good.” He smirked before nuzzling the side of Joe neck. “Bet you could,” Joe turned around and kissed him, dropping his towel to the tiled floor. His erection rubbed up against Paul’s leg. “You’re ridiculous.” Paul smiled looking down at the hard cock edging against his leg.
“I can’t help it.” He said with puppy dog eyes. “Well you’re going to have to wait baby. I have to go over some drafts for Raw and get them back this evening.” Paul smooched him on the lips and left the bathroom.
Joe went out to the balcony to have a catch up with his mother while Paul kept himself busy on his laptop. He always had so much going on and Joe never questioned it when he never had time for him. He knew what his position demanded of him. It was going on 6pm when Joe finished up his call, when he went back into the suite. Paul was still at his laptop, on his phone. He passed a glance. Joe could tell something was up. He looked annoyed.
“I need this sorted.” He said sternly. Joe proceeded to the bedroom in order to give him some space. “I don’t give a shit what Vince says, It’s not happening!”
He sounded angry now. Joe swallowed. He rarely heard that tone. “I’ll speak with him myself.” He said before ending the call and going out to the balcony, sliding the door closed behind him. Joe decided to wait it out in the bedroom. Paul came in after about 20 minutes. “You OK?” Joe asked with concern from the bed as Paul entered. “Just trying to make some changes for Raw.” He climbed onto the bed and lay next to the young man. “Sounds pretty serious.”
“Maybe I’m over reacting…” He started. “What is it?” Joe asked. Paul hesitated and looked Joe in the eyes. “It’s gonna be rough for you. I’m trying to get them to change it.” Joe sat up on the bed, Paul followed. “What have they got in mind?”
“Drew”s gonna jump you from behind with a steel chair when you’re doing a promo and he’s gonna put you through the announce table.” Paul felt bad telling him that. He could see the look of dread come over Joe face. “Raw before Summerslam.” He said, deflated. “That sucks.”
“I don’t want to jeapordise you getting hurt. It’s too risky. I’ve made my feelings clear to Vince and creative so just waiting to hear back.”
“If nothing changes, don’t worry about it. It is what it is. I’ve gone through worse before.” Joe said, trying not to sound too bothered. “Thanks for trying though, appreciate it.”
“They can be such jerks.” Paul commented, lying back down, taking hold of Joe so he was lying at his side. “Just gotta think of the bigger picture.”
“That’s right baby. Can’t wait to see you with the title again. You’ve worked your ass off for it. I just don’t want you getting hurt.”
“I’ll be OK.” Joe looked at him re-assuringly. “Things are different this time around. I feel so protective of you.” Paul said running his hands through Joe’s hair before Joe leaned in and kissed him. Paul rolled onto his back while Joe mounted him. He trailed kisses down his neck and abdomen. Gripping the waist band if his cut offs and boxers, Joe slid them down Paul’s legs and gave him a dirty smile as he took hold of his hard cock. “Aww baby,” He lowered his mouth over the head, his tongue sliding out onto the under shaft. Paul let out a moan above. Joe took the length in his mouth and started bobbing his head up and down. “Fuck….feels so good.” Paul said running his fingers into Joe’s scalp as he spread his legs out further. Joe came off his cock and pumped the shaft with his fist more before taking it in his mouth again.
He started sucking harder and slower this time. Paul’s pleasurable moans only spurred him on. Without warning, his cum spurted into Joe mouth. The older man shuddered from above as he came hard. Joe lapped up every drop, much to Paul’s satisfaction. Joe crawled up to him again and lay at his side, spreading his right arm across his chest and putting his right leg over Paul’s.
“You’re incredible.” Paul wrapped his arm around Joe shoulder and kissed him on the forehead.
The next day, Joe arrived at the Pepsi Centre in Denver around 4pm. Paul would be arriving in a little later as he had a couple of conference calls for NXT. Their weekend had been perfect and things were on the right track. Granted, Paul was still pissed about what was going down tonight but it was out of his hands. Vince wanted a good buildup for the Summers biggest event. Not only would Joe be getting attacked by Drew but Bray, Braun, Eric and Luke would also be coming to wreck havok on both himself and Drew. Of course, Joe didn’t find this out until he got to the venue. He didn’t know if Paul would be aware yet and he didn’t want him getting worked up again. He just knew this was going to suck.
Joe waited in gorilla position five minutes before he was due to go out. Drew was waiting around too but he was talking to a couple of crew members. Paul was sat next to Vince in front of the monitors. He looked troubled. Joe wished he could go over and just take him in his arms. He glanced over into Joe eyes with a look that told him to be careful. His music hit. Joe inhaled deeply, nodding at Paul and walked through the black curtain. As usual, the reception was mixed as Joe made his way to the ring. He started his promo telling everyone how sick he is of being overlooked and that WWE needed him as their champion. He then went into how he couldn”t wait to get his hands on the Scottish Psychopath on Sunday and also his “old friend” Bray Wyatt. In the middle of his trash talking, the atmosphere erupted and unbeknownst to Joe, Drew had entered through the crowd, grabbed a steel chair and hit him across the back. Joe fell to the ground, reaching towards his lower back. He whaled on him a few more times as the crowd erupted. Joe tried to slide away but Drew grabbed him and threw him out of the ring. Joe could hear Michael Cole shouting “Drew McIntyre is just ambushing Roman Reigns!” Drew quickly removed the cover of the announce table and threw it on the ground. He pulled Joe up by his hair, picked him up as the crowd roared in delight and slammed Joe through the table.
The chants for Drew echoed throughout the sold out arena as he shouted in Joe's face “That’s what you get! I’m gonna destroy you again on Sunday!” Joe started coming around. When he put his hand to his head, he knew that he was bleeding. He could feel light throbbing in his temple. He must have hit something as he was going through the table. Before he could even move, Braun appeared out of nowhere and hoisted him up over his shoulder and threw him into the ring. As planned, Bray and his guys gave Joe and Drew a beat down until security stormed the ring along with about four officials, telling them to leave. The crowd were going wild so it worked well. Drew was able to walk backstage, just about and as always, Joe would refuse any medical attention, just a couple of officials helping him up the ramp. He held a towel to the side of his face when he walked into gorilla.
Paul looked furious. Maybe Vince didn’t give him any advance warning of the Wyatt’s attack? Paul approached him to check how bad the cut was. “I’m fucking pissed.” He seethed, just enough for Joe to hear. “Go and get checked out. I’ll be here when you come out.”
“Joe, I’m so sorry. I don’t know how that happened.” Drew said coming out of nowhere as he was helped to the medic.
“Its OK man, accidents happen. I need to get this looked at.” Drew felt so bad.
Joe ended up having to get 8 stitches in his temple and was told to take it easy. He was lucky he didn’t have a concussion. Paul was nowhere to be seen when he came out of the medics so he went to the locker room.
Colby and Matthew were the only ones there.
“Man are you OK? That looked pretty bad.” Matthew remarked with a look of concern. “I’m getting too old for this shit.” Joe answered, unlocking his locker. He ached all over and just wanted to lie down. “You’re one tough bastard. You’ll be fine.” Matthew let out trying to make light of the situation. He then turned his attention to Colby. “Man I’m gonna head but I’ll see you in a while.” With that, he left. Joe could feel Colby’s eyes on him as he took his bag out of his locker. “You sure you’re OK?” He asked from behind. Joe looked around.
“Yeah, I’ll be alright. I just need some rest before Sunday. How’ve you been?”
“Good, strange not seeing you as much this last while.” Colby started. Joe forced a smile as he took off his vest. “A lots changed over the last month huh?”
“Things OK with Paul?” He asked cautiously. Joe set his vest aside and opened his bag. “Yeah I’m happy. We’re in a good place.” Colby’s heart sank at Joe words. “That’s good man. You know I had my doubts but your happiness is what’s most important.”
“Thanks man, means a lot coming from you.” Joe's phone rang. It was Paul. “Speak of the devil.”
“Hey, where are you?” He asked. “Just getting my things in the Locker room. I was gonna shower-”
“Babe, I’ve got a car waiting for you right now if you just wanna get to the hotel. I have a keycard at reception for you. I can’t get out of here until about ten so I’ll see you at the Hilton?”
“Sounds perfect. See you soon.” Joe turned to Colby. “Sorry man.”
“Nah its fine, looks like you’ve got somewhere you need to be.” He observed. “He makes such a fuss sometimes…in a good way. I think he forgets I’m a grown man.” Joe laughed.
“Well I’m gonna head on but I”ll probably see you Sunday.” Joe nodded. “Good to see you again man.”
It was 9:45pm when Joe collected the keycard from reception. He knew that Paul wouldn’t be far behind. Again, he had picked a lovely cosy looking suite with soft beige tones and dark wooden decor. It was higher up so the view was amazing. He left his bags by the wardrobe area and kicked off his Nikes. He stripped off and went into the bathroom. It was such a relief to step under the shower. His neck, shoulders and back ached. He would have to see his chiropractor when he got home to Tampa. With each movement, he felt something creak. He dreaded to think how he’d feel after Summerslam. He shut his eyes as he lathered up his hair, gently massaging it in. It felt silky soft when he rinsed it off. When he opened his eyes, he was startled to see Paul standing by the sink watching him wearing only a pair of boxers.
“I didn’t hear you come in.” Joe said, sweeping his wet hair back. “I just wanted to take a moment and enjoy the view.” He shamelessly eyed Joe cock as he slipped off his boxers and moved towards the shower. He stepped under the spray, taking hold of Joe wet body. “How do you feel baby?”
“So sore. It was worse than I thought. I don’t wanna talk about it right now though. I just wanna be here, with you.” This lead Paul to nod. He’d had a tough night so he wanted to make him feel good.
“Turn around baby.” Paul said lowly. Joe obliged before Paul leaned in and kissed him tenderly down the back of his neck, placing his hands on his waist. He could see the bruises forming on his back from earlier that night but he didn’t want to say anything. His right hand moved down towards his ass cheek, which he squeezed. Joe moaned, lowering his head. His fingers found their way into his hole.
“Aww fuck,” the young man let out as Paul fingered him gently. It wasn”t long until he was fucking him, Joe steadying himself against the tiled wall. “I want you so bad,” Paul growled thrusting into him. Their moans and groans echoed throughout the steamy bathroom until Paul came hard. He held onto Joe, pulling him into his body so he was balls deep as he came. “Christ!” Joe let as Paul buried his face onto his wet hair.
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loftec · 4 years
Hi i don't know if anyone haven't ask you about it or i'm the only one who wants to read it but CAN YOU PLEASE SHARE YOUR NOTES (ch.44) i don't know if you were serious about that but i really would love to read them cause i'm obsessed with everything what is ntw related 🖤 hope ur well
Hi friend! It’s possibly just you (or one other person, in case of separate anons) but that is enough! I was absolutely serious. 
Note on the notes! This is not all of it, because my notes for this chapter were often repetitive and very messy, and some older notes were from four years ago when I didn’t bother writing things out properly, so they barely make sense even to me. But! I’ve done my best to sort everything in some kind of linear order, and removed most of the repetition. And, well, you asked for it... sorry! 🖤
Ian shows up in the morning, Mickey digs out the magazine Iggy stole from Amelia’s dentist’s office the other day and confronts Ian about the big-ass article in Rolling Stone about IAN’S BAND, says he’s listened to some of their songs, takes out a paper where he’s written down some lyrics that sound strangely familiar.
You’re famous!
I’m in a band, people know about us right now, tomorrow they might not. I’m not famous.
You’re kinda famous.
Ian talks about Mickey recognizing him because of Frank. Hints that there might be several songs inspired by Mickey. It’s awkward as fuck, didn’t want you to know.
Were you ever gonna tell me?
Oh yeah, I had a plan. 3 dates, dinner and a movie, day out with Yev, dinner at my place turned vigorous love-making. Second prong; cohabitation, engagement, marriage, then on our wedding night I tell you about crushing on Justin Timberlake when I was 12,
then I tell you I’m semi-famous, if it still applies.
Mickey thinks his face might be on fire.
What the?
I’m fucking with you, Mick. Figured you already knew.
This again?
You angry?
No, I’m not fucking angry. Just-
Freaked out.
Kinda, yeah.
You shouldn’t be. Please.
It’s weird that I didn’t know, I feel like a schmuck. (And I’m pretty sure by your count we’ve already been on those first two dates.)
I’m sorry. I thought you knew and by some fucking miracle didn’t treat me different. I’d been gearing up to maybe have to have this conversation on our date, ‘cause it’s shit sometimes, you know? I don’t do interviews and I never talk about myself when I gotta do them, but there’s still a limelight and a lot of bullshit that complicates
I’ve been crushing on you since we met basically, and I thought I’d just… let it run its course, keep my mouth shut about it and deal until it went away and we could remain friends without me fucking it up.
Didn’t work, by the way.
Mickey is talking about it with Etch, who suggests that Ian’s been writing at the diner for a reason.
Etch looks up some lyrics and Mickey caps locks them to Ian
You might have inspired a few lately…
Fuck off. How many?
Since we met? Pretty much all of them.
Maybe one or two made it on to the album, but I wrote those before we really got to know each other so they’re just like… about moments, and how I would feel around you.
Didn’t think of it as creepy but it kinda sounds that way now.
No it’s fine
I won’t do it again.
Said it’s fine. Kinda like it.
You gonna tell me which ones are about me, or is that a secret too?
What are you doing tonight?
Thought you said you were going on tour?
We are, it starts tonight. It’s a small fan club gig here in Chicago.
You have a fan club?
Kinda. I’ll put you on the guest list if you want to come.
(Mickey calls Svetlana to make sure Yevgeny can stay with her over the weekend.)
It’s fine if you don’t want to, we’ll do something else when I get back.
Calm your tits Gallagher, course I wanna go. Needed to make sure I’ve got Yev covered.
Oh okay, good. You’re on the list. Doors at 7, gig starts at 8, no support.
You’ve got no chill.
(Ian doesn’t answer for a while)
I like it.
Good, that was torture. Never doing that again.
(Etch teases him about having his nose in his phone, and makes him aware of new guests arriving)
Gotta get back to work
Yeah, me too. See you tonight?
No chill at all.
Ian invites him to the concert and gives Mickey his phone number. Mickey makes sure Yevgeny stays with his mom on saturday, and after work he goes home and gets ready. Showers and cleans himself thoroughly, puts on cologne and a band t-shirt he hasn’t worn in ages, it’s gotten kinda tight on him since he got it. (He puts on a dress shirt first, tucks it into his pants and glares at his reflection).
He’s on the guest list when he gets there, the girl in the box office can’t find him at first but then Anne shows up and points him out, he’s on the VIP list and gets a pass that he’s told he needs to carry so it’s visible. He makes a point of shoving it in the admission guy’s face, but then shoves the ostentatious thing down the pocket of his jeans. Anne shows him in and tells him about the gig, about how the fan club got started. Anne says he can go backstage but he says he’ll pass, thank you. He gets a beer and finds a good spot, there’s a balcony halfway through the venue where he’s got a perfect view of the stage without having to stand in the front.
They text a little, Mickey says he’s there and Ian says he’ll make a sign when they play a song inspired by him.
run-through of the concert, Ian touches the side of his nose when the song is about Mickey. He’s sexy as fuck, and has some ridiculous stripper moves.
He takes off his hoodie at some point, and sweating through his tank he and Anne put on gloves and start hitting the barrels with crowbars.
Anne is the maestro, maybe Ian crowd surfs at some point? Warren Ellis that violin, man. He has little routines with Anne, and some with Jon too. One song, Anne gets one of his guitars and he does noisy stuff with his violin and plays on the oil barrels with Stran, completely in sync.  
They got some good stage banter going, and at some point Ian does a Tom Waits impression, and Anne groans and says he’ll sing the whole thing if they’re not careful. There’s a reason why he’s
For the encore, Ian touches the side of his nose and they start playing a song, Anne saying that this is a first. It looks like Ian is about to sing, but then it looks like he changes his mind and they start playing a song that Mickey sure as fuck hope isn’t about him. The insufferable man on a date right next to Mickey tells the woman he’s with that they were about to play the mysterious title track from their last album that never ended up on the record
“it’s derivative, but cute”
how can it be a title track if it’s not on the album
the guy talks about how he’s got a friend working as an engineer in the studio and he’s sent him an early demo version. It’s not their best song by far, but it’s cool that pretty much no one else has heard it.
Mickey asks the girl if she’s ok with this joker, and she says she’s fine. He offers to get her a cab or something, if she wants to get out of there.
She says she’s not interested
Lady, if I wanted to get with either of you, it wouldn’t be you. Just sayin, I ain’t picky, but that guy would’ve gotten the boot ten minutes into the date if he were here with me, no offense.
The concert is over, and crowd starts to let up. Then a fight breaks out at the front and Mickey makes his way towards it. It’s over before he gets there, and sees a guy in his 40s with a bleeding nose, and Lip shaking out his fist, a security guard between them.
Mickey talks to the guard and defuses the situation, putting the bleeding man in the position of a sad overzealous fan. It somehow warms Lip to him, absurdly, and he finds himself apologized to, Lip shaking his hand and wincing when Mickey grips his bruised knuckles a little too hard. Lip vaguely explains that that was an old ex of Ian’s, a real piece of work, and then offers Mickey to come backstage with them to see Ian. Mickey declines.
It’s Lip, Carl and Debbie (Liam is too young, and Fiona too pregnant).
“I was drunk, and wrong, and when I’m wrong I say I’m wrong. (IT’S FROM DIRTY DANCING YOU LITERALLY FORGET EVERY TIME AND HAVE TO GOOGLE IT WHENEVER READING THIS NOTE should I really be quoting Baby’s dad in this fic? Probably. If anyone can, it’s Lip.) And Ian tells me you’ve been there for him a lot lately
I wouldn’t say that
But he did, he doesn’t tell me a lot these days, but he told me that.
Mickey gets another beer at the bar as people mill towards the merch and exit, he sits on a stool with an eye on the backstage passage. He watches the band come out to talk to some of the lingering fans and sign shit. Ian comes out and is immediately surrounded by fans, he locks eyes with Mickey across the room and Mickey raises his beer in a silent cheers. Ian comes up to him after a few minutes, he looks damp and exhilarated and unexpectedly nervous,
How was it?
Not bad, Gallagher.
he asks Mickey over. He has to pack up his shit and do the rounds, but he’ll be done in half an hour, tops. Mickey says he’ll meet him outside.
Ian leaves and Mickey finishes his beer, watching Ian talk to some fans, signing shit and taking pictures. He goes for a piss and then goes out for a smoke.
Ian comes out after twenty minutes, carrying two guitar cases and a large wheelie-bag. Mickey takes one of the guitars off his hands and they walk together.
(maybe Ian has a banjo and he gives it to Mickey to carry and Mickey is all really? I wanna kick your ass so bad right now, country boy, but then carries it anyway.) (banjos are cool)
Walk from the club. Mickey mentions talking to Lip. They talk about Ian’s Tom Waits impression. You’re not musically illiterate at all! Talk about Mickey’s Radiohead tee that he stole from a hookup when he was sixteen, he’s grown into it now. Talk about Ian’s onstage dancing, used to be a stripper, well, not saying you can’t still do private performances (?? you know what I mean! this is not what they’re saying but you’ll remember it) (Note from 2020: I DID NOT REMEMBER IT.)
Talk about wanting to learn playing the trumpet. Don’t have trumpet playing lips.
”Sure you and your lips can do whatever you set your heart to, I believe in you.”
Looks at Mickey and smiles.
”You’ve been flirting with me since we first met, haven’t you?”
“Oh nothing.” “Just re-evaluating everything you’ve ever said to me.”
”Re-evaluate this;” gives Ian the finger.
”That an invitation?”
”Fuck you is what it is,”
“sounds like an invitation.”
Ian tells him a little about his different instruments, Mickey picks up the beat up guitar Gus first gave to Ian and strums it, Ian asks him to play him something but Mickey snorts and says he’s counting on getting laid tonight and him playing would be detrimental to that plan. Ian doesn’t think so, but accepts it when Mickey gives him the guitar.
”I’ve walked some thousand miles,” he starts softly, eyes on his left hand, moving over the strings, ”I have slept many hundred nights, and people’ve said hello and bye through the years since you were mine. But don’t think I’ll stop my mourning, don’t I know it’s overdue. Just because I’ve gotten older, none the wiser I cry for you.”
”Honey, cutie, sweetie-pie,” ”My darling boy, sweet old times, as long as I keep you in mind I will remember what love is like. So, don’t think I’ll stop my mourning, don’t I know it’s overdue.”
”Just because I’ve gotten older, none the wiser.”
”I cry for you.”
Ian plays the song and when he’s done, Mickey kisses him and they have really enthusiastic sex on the couch. Mickey is about to leave after when Ian invites him to stay,
How about some long-ass foreplay on the couch and then they move into the bedroom.
They start on the couch, they take it to the bedroom, they collapse on the bed after and Mickey is feeling too good to argue when Ian mumbles at him to “stay”.
(Sings the song, says it doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a song, it’s one quick thought put under a spotlight. Feeling like he should have known Mickey his whole life already. It’s too much, isn’t it? In the kitchen.
”do you normally take guys home and serenade them?”
”nah, don’t think it’d be very effective with most.”
”But you figured I’d swoon?”
”Figured you’d want the truth.”
”which is?”)
??? Need to find a good mix of excitement and new and easy, balanced with ho shit wtf are we doing this isn’t going to end well i think i fucking love him shut the fuck up. needs to be sexy and a little rough, as well as painfully sincere against better knowledge. kissing will do that. they’re doing stuff the way they usually do stuff, but for some reason it feels completely different.
Important that Mickey kisses him.
They stand up and stand chest to chest, Ian says they don’t have to do anything, Mickey says shut up and get naked
he helps ian take his shirt off and kisses him the second his face comes back into view
They fucks on the couch.
OR ALT FADE CUT END and don’t go explicit. Just saying, it’s an option. A valid option.
They can go at it in one of the sequels? Like the roadtrip can be more explicit? If I want? But also not?
I mean, there is such a thing as a nice middle ground right.
I just don’t think I’m interested in going all out porn after 40+ chapters of whatever.
Iggy comes in, is all: guess what I found at the dentist this morning?
M: again? Did Amelia break another tooth?
I: It’ll grow back, take a look at this
E: Did you steal that from the dentist’s office?
M: Rolling Stone, wtf?
E: your dentist’s got rolling stone?
Mickey reads the headlines out loud as a customer comes in and asks Etch about something they’ve lost the other day, and Etch starts rifling through boxes behind the counter as Mickey moves over to sit down in Ian’s booth, rifling through the magazine.
M: what am I looking for?
I: I marked the page
E: what’s this note?
Mickey starts reading the article, realizing that the blurred picture is of Ian, and the interview is with Ian, and holy shit. Ian is legit famous.
Etch starts reading the list of coffees, eventually turning the page over and pointing out that there’s a phone number.
Iggy comes to the diner in the morning, Etch is rifling through stuff behind the counter and Mickey is doing the rounds with the few guests still there after the morning rush.
Iggy shows him the magazine he found at the dentist’s and Etch is in the background like wtf is this, reading from Ian’s note with the coffee orders, Mickey only half listens, trying to take in the fact that Ian is fucking famous.
Etch says there’s a phone number too and Mickey brushes him off.
Then he’s like, hold the fuck up! And gets the note from the trash and tries the number, and Ian fucking answers. And they have the you’re famous conversation on the phone and voila, Mickey has his number and vice versa.
So Mickey calls Ian in the morning, then there’s text talk during the day.
From Ian
So, you’ve had my number for x days and you only now decided to use it?
That’s cold.
From Mickey
You wrote it on a piece of paper you then balled up and threw on the floor, asshole, it’s a miracle it didn’t end up in the trash. didn’t know I had it until this morning.
You suck at this. (This is a nice revelation that he likes, but Maybe that doesn’t come across in text.
Not a complaint btw, just gleeful observation.
From Ian
Are we still on?
From Mickey
Of course.
I probably deserved that.
At some point Mickey starts capslocking and sending lyrics to Ian, who has to explain through text why he’s written songs about Mickey, saying that he’ll point them out tonight.
Isn’t it enough that Ian is famous and kept this fact from Mickey? Isn’t the writing songs business a little creepy? and if he did write songs about Mickey, would he really publish them without Mickey’s consent? No. Maybe I’m deliriously tired and about to fall ill right now, but I actually think I should skip that part. It’s a little sad because it’s been part of this idea for three years, but if I’m uncertain about it now imagine how I’m going to feel about it later?
When I started writing this story, it was supposed to be a quick and silly thing, and now it’s something else. It’s not important or anything, but also it is. To me. And making a decision on the rating was a big deal for me, and I think this is another one of those things. I’ve been holding on to this idea for so long but when I really think about it, is it even romantic? It’s romantic in that kind of teenage dream way, maybe? It’s more romantic to me if they fall in love for reasons other than Ian writing songs. But he’s written NTW, and he still thinks about performing it live, but we skip the whole thing about songs being about Mickey.
So they talk on the phone in the morning, and then there’s a text coming in after a little while asking if Mickey wants to come to the show.
Mickey and Ian text after the show (after Mickey declines going backstage) Ian asks him to meet him round back in twenty minutes. When Mickey goes out there, he sees Ian talking to a couple of fans by the bus and Mickey hangs back to smoke while he waits. The fans leave and Ian looks around, checks his watch, he has a bunch of guitars with him.
I AM LEANING HEAVILY TOWARDS MICKEY KISSING IAN HERE. He’s like “Stop, hold this” giving Ian back the guitar, so he can grab on to him and kiss him, smiling against Ian lips as the guitar tips over and clatters against the asphalt.
They’re outside Ian’s house, Ian says he has to get up at an unholy hour tomorrow. Invites him in anyway.
They’re in the elevator, then they’re in Ian’s apartment. Ian plays him the song, Before sunset ending.
almost none of that rhymed, just letting you know. kinda embarrassing.
(almost none of that rhymed, just letting you know. kinda embarrassing.
yeah, it’s not a very good song. is why we cut it from the record
oh yeah? thought it was ‘cause of the like, intensely personal subject
that too)
They smile at each other like fools and Mickey feels like he is exactly where he’s supposed to be, and there’s no rush. Fade to black.
Etch finds the paper, says there’s a phone number on it. Mickey dials the number and goes out back as it rings out. When Ian answers, he reads a question from the interview and they talk.
He goes back into the diner and basically blows the whole thing off, it doesn’t make any difference to him and he has to go back to work. Yevgeny does his homework and Iggy leaves, and Ian invites Mickey to the gig via text. Etch invites Yevgeny to stay over at theirs for a movie night.
Does Mickey tell Yev about the gig?
Start with Mickey out back, smoking. The phone rings and he waits for Etch to take it, but it keeps ringing. He bangs the door and yells PHONE and then it stops ringing. He kills the cigarette and goes back inside. Etch is behind the counter talking on the phone and going through the lost and found, looking for whatever the caller has lost. Mickey clears a table. It’s afternoon. Etch hangs up but keeps going through stuff in the box, talking to Mickey, when Iggy comes in.
It’s maybe more like afternoon (?) when Iggy comes in and shows Mickey the magazine. He calls Ian and they have a quick conversation (he probably goes outside to have it, to escape his audience) and they establish that Ian is sorta famous. Then they text back and forth a little, until Ian invites him to the show.
Mickey calls Svet to arrange it so Yev can stay with her, and then accepts. He goes home after work to eat, have a shower and change out of his clothes. He wears the only band tee he owns, mostly because it’s funny and because it’s kinda tight and he doesn’t think he looks too bad in it (and a dress shirt is way too much for a concert not-date, not that he tried on a couple first. Then he does a little bit of cyberstalking only to find very little personal information and a lot of crazy fans. Maybe he watches a couple of music videos, but they’re all really weird cartoons so they give him nothing. They’re cool though, and guess the music’s alright, even though he doesn’t have a connection yet to it so it’s hard to tell if he likes it.
Yevgeny calls, because Mickey switched the days and he wants to know why. Mickey asks if he knows about the Broken Bells, and Yev’s like duh who doesn’t? And freaks out when Mickey tells him about Ian. He doesn’t tell him about the whole date situation though, just that he’s going to the concert. Maybe Yev asks for some merch.
Mickey takes an Uber to the venue, even though it’s not too far from the diner (but on the other side, so at least a 30 minute walk) and it seems like they’ve already started letting people in. He hangs back until the admissions office is clear and then tells the lady that he’s on some kinda guest list. She can’t find him, and he’s about to give up and go home when he sees a familiar figure in the background. He calls her Stay-puft first, but then also remembers that her name is Anne and calls her that too. She remembers him, and finds him on a different (VIP) list, the venue staff woman is embarrassed, but Anne is borderline flirting she’s so nice about the mistake. Mickey gets a pass that he’s supposed to keep around his neck, but he shows it to the guards and then tucks it down his back pocket. Anne shows him inside the venue and asks if he wants to come backstage and say hello, but he kindly declines.
He has a quick peruse of the merch table (he checks the CDs, and then sees a smaller table next to the merch with a guy handing out pins, Mickey talks to him and finds out that it’s “fan club” pins to commemorate the gig and Mickey asks if his VIP pass gets him one, it does, and then the guy asks if Mickey wants to sign up for the newsletter) and then gets a beer, before finding a good spot on the mezzanine floor. He’s got a balcony railing for support and beer holder, and he’s got an excellent view of the stage. The floor is filling up with people packing themselves against the front. He texts Ian saying he’s here and they text a little back and forth. He gets someone to watch his spot and goes to the restroom. There, he finds a kid getting cornered by a middle-aged man. The kid looks vaguely familiar and not older than sixteen. Mickey steps in and casually accuses the guy of creeping on a kid and the guy immediately backs off, the kid says thanks and that he’s eighteen (because it’s an 18+ gig) and Mickey says sure.
Getting back to his spot, There is a douchebag on a date behind him that he wants to move away from, but he doesn’t want to surrender his good spot. He decides to tune him out, he’ll hopefully shut up once the set starts. It’s just a couple of minutes after eight when the lights dim and a song comes on louder than before, and the band start coming out on the stage. Ian is wearing jeans and a hoodie, like he normally does, but he’s clean shaven and his normally smiling face is set in blank determination. Anne is the front person, and she commands the audience with the slightest gesture. It’s obvious that the venue is filled with old fans, they all know exactly what to do exactly when she asks them to do it. Ian’s got like four guitars and a whole lot of other shit around him, and he’s super focused on doing his stuff, but now and then he does little routines with Anne and Jon, and gets a big cheer for his occasional solos.
A few songs in, Ian gets up to stand on one of the oil barrels, and Anne starts banging on it with a crowbar. That’s when Mickey starts to really get into it. It’s cool, and it’s a lot harder than Ian made it out to be, but kind of theatrical at the same time. Ian is brilliant, even though he dances like an uncoordinated stripper.
There is banter between the songs, mainly between Anne and Stran (girl sure bangs those drums!) Anne starts banging one of the oil barrels again and Ian and Jon do a little step dance next to each other across the scene.
At some point Ian takes off his hoodie. He’s wearing a white tank and he’s already sweating through it. He gives his guitar to Anne and puts on gloves. Him and Stran do a little bant-y thing and then they start a new song by both banging the barrels in unison while Anne and Jon start playing (maybe Jon plays something else, like an electric piano or a marimba?). At the crescendo of the song, Ian takes out a baseball bat and goes to town on the barrel, sweat shining on his muscly arms and his wet hair flopping down his forehead.
They go off the stage, but come back when the crowd chants a song, stomping their feet and clapping their hands. Anne says they’ve got one more song for them, and they start playing. She moves away from the microphone and it looks for a second like Ian is going to step up and sing. Douchebag behind Mickey tells his date about an unreleased b-side to the last album. But then Ian steps back and says something to Stran, who nods and moves into a slightly different beat. Without blinking Anne, steps back up to the mic and sings the last song.
Some of the crowd lingers by the stage after the lights have gone back on, but most move towards the bar or the merch table. Mickey hangs back to watch the crew take down the stage, and the two oil barrels being handed over to someone in the audience, along with set lists and left-over picks. Walking down from the mezzanine floor to go look for the restrooms, a fight breaks out on the floor. Mickey immediately recognizes one of them as Lip and the other one as the creep from the bathroom, and intervenes by clearly positioning himself on Lip’s side and reminding the creep that he could get him in trouble, the creep backs off and agrees when Mickey tells the security guards it was an accident (in a way that isn’t obviously helpful, but in the end still makes sure that Lip isn’t hurt or arrested for punching a guy) (because he did, he punched a guy, who is thrown out by the guards after Mickey’s intervention). Lip, Carl, Debbie, and Liam is there, but it’s only Lip who knows who Mickey is. He hangs back to talk to Mickey while his siblings go backstage (and PROBABLY DOESN’T tell him a little bit about the guy being Ian’s ex, making it clear that Lip really doesn’t like him). He also apologizes to Mickey for last time. He asks if Mickey wants to go backstage, but Mickey declines. He’s decided earlier with Ian through text that he’ll wait for him and thinks it’s better to do it somewhere that isn’t backstage where he might get asked questions and have to talk to people who aren’t Ian.
He gets another beer and stands in the bar next to the merch, watching as Ian and the rest of the band come out to sign some stuff and shake hands. Ian still looks slightly damp from sweat, even though he’s obviously changed clothes and run a towel through his hair. Mickey wonders if his skin tastes like salt. He drinks his beer.
Ian comes up to him after a little while, asking well? (or texts him, which probably makes more sense? But I also want Mickey to see Ian post-show)
Not bad Gallagher, not bad at all.
Ian looks pleased and asks if Mickey wants to come over, even though Ian has an early morning. Mickey says yes and Ian asks him to wait until they’re done packing up.
Mickey finishes his beer, goes to the restroom (where he sees douchebag by the urinal) and then he goes outside to wait for Ian. (He talks to douchebag’s date and offers to get her a taxi before the guy comes out.) He smokes a cigarette, and before he knows it, Ian is by his side, carrying a fuck ton of guitars. They decide to walk, for some reason, talking on the way.
Ian says he’s got a car coming and they walk a little bit to where they’re getting picked up. They talk about trumpet lips and stuff and Mickey kisses him. They get interrupted by the car arriving, and Ian picks up his guitars and says “you coming?”
Fuck yes
They sit in silence in the car, but it’s a good one. Ian says
Lip told me what you did back there.
He didn’t tell you shit.
He did, told me you stepped in and stopped him from getting arrested
He was getting his ass kicked, someone had to help the guy
And Liam told me you got him out of a tough situation in the restroom
That was Liam? Some pedo’s creeping on a kid by the urinal, I’m not gonna stand by doing nothing.
You know that’s not what happened
Yeah, well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
He isn’t a pedo, and Lip would’ve beat the shit outta him if you hadn’t stepped in.
You defending this guy?
No, trying to say thanks.
You’re shit at it.
Thank you, Mickey
So… friend of yours.
No. (Ian isn’t forthcoming with the info)
Alright, whatever.
And he’s definitely not someone I wanna talk about, tonight.
(Ian is smiling at him, all the promise in the world in his eyes)
Fucking fair enough.
They arrive.
OR Ian joins Mickey outside and they stand around and talk
They talk about Ian’s Tom Waits impression. You’re not musically illiterate at all! Talk about Mickey’s Radiohead tee that he stole from a hookup when he was sixteen, he’s grown into it now. Talk about Ian’s onstage dancing, used to be a stripper, well, not saying you can’t still do private performances (?? you know what I mean! this is not what they’re saying but you’ll remember it)
Talk about wanting to learn playing the trumpet. Don’t have trumpet playing lips.
”Sure you and your lips can do whatever you set your heart to, I believe in you.”
Looks at Mickey and smiles.
”You’ve been flirting with me since we first met, haven’t you?”
“Oh nothing.” “Just re-evaluating everything you’ve ever said to me.”
”Re-evaluate this;” gives Ian the finger.
”That an invitation?”
”Fuck you is what it is,”
“sounds like an invitation.”
That’s when a taxi pulls up and Ian walks toward it
Could use some help with these.
They ride in silence
They carry Ian’s instruments from the car, and Ian says something cute
Mickey’s like “Stop, hold this” giving Ian back the guitar, so he can grab on to him and kiss him, smiling against Ian lips as the guitar tips over and clatters on the asphalt.
They’re outside Ian’s house, Ian says he has to get up at an unholy hour tomorrow. Invites him in anyway.
There he asks Ian to play him something that other people don’t get to hear (mostly to be a cheeky monkey, but also because he wants it) and Ian plays him None the wiser.
I’ve walked a thousand miles to end up in your corner booth
Grinning idiot when you bitch, falling fool for your dirty mouth
Sitting on my busy hands when you swagger by and I say -
Hey waiter, pour some coffee in my cup and bring me my toast, before you fuck me up
I’ve been in some thousand fights and it’s clear that so have you, too
Faded threats and cigarettes, sharp glass polished by the sea
Wish you’d put your hands on me and make your feelings clear
Hey waiter
meet me ‘round the back door, tell me I’ve got it wrong and fuck me up some more
‘Cause I’ve fallen a thousand times but never felt this way before, like I should have met you long ago
Walked with you by my side and had your back through thick and thin
Sickness and health, come what may, and I say-
Hey waiter
pop the damn champagne
None the wiser
you fuck me up again
Hey waiter
tell me you’ll be mine
I’ll give you my life
and fuck you up in kind
I wish I was just a plain white shirt
then you could wear me off to work
and I’d be one of the things you keep close to your heart
soft white cotton wrapped around your heart
(Contrasts have faded now
but color still haunt my mind
And words ripped off from their lines
Make bitter tears flood my eyes
Don’t think I’ll stop my mourning
Don’t I know it’s overdue
Just because I’ve gotten older
None the wiser, I cry for you)
Honey, cutie, sweetie-pie
My darling boy, sweet old times
As long as I keep you in mind
I will remember what love is like
So, don’t think I’ll stop my mourning
Don’t I know it’s overdue
Just because I’ve gotten older
None the wiser, I cry for you
’Cause I always say ’I love you’
when I mean ’turn out the light’
And I say ’let’s run away’
when I just mean ’stay the night’
But the words you want to hear
you will never hear from me
I’ll never say ’happy anniversary’
Never stay to say ’happy anniversary’
Bom-chaka bom-chak 23 verses
And he climbed up a mountain
And he looked around
Some kind of forest
With all these dinosaurs
And he stripped his woman
He stripped her bare
But there was a pterodactyl
21 notes · View notes
zankivich · 5 years
The Arrangement: CEO’s Son/Dom!Shawn x Black Sub Reader Chapter 10
*y/n’s point of view*
The VMAs are important. Important because it’s the launching pad for the rest of awards season. Important because, despite the lack of legitimacy of the show anymore, the general public still tuned in. It was a valuable opportunity to get your artist where they wanted to go. And the VMAs was Normani’s night to make it or break it, which meant it was your night to make it or break it. Everyone was tuning in to see what would happen. Which meant it was a stressful time in your life, one that needed care and precision. So you thought that maybe...maybe there was a way you could take the edge off a little bit.
It’s a Saturday, the week before the show, and Shawn and you had somehow managed to not leave the bed all day. Not even just for sex, though there had been that too, but really just to cuddle and enjoy each other’s company. And so in the time when your head is on his chest and his fingers are drawing shapes in the small of your back, you figure now is as good a time as any.
“Can I ask you somethin’?” you mumble interrupting whatever movie you were watching at the time.
He hummed in agreement. “‘Course.”
“Do you wanna go to the VMAs together?”
“Who, me?”
He leaned up in bed enough to nearly dislodge you from his chest while he went to reach for the remote to pause your movie. Rude.
You rolled your eyes. “It’s not a big deal. Just figured, we’d both be going anyway. Might as well save the planet a little gas.”
He peered down at you with gentle eyes that had you feeling much softer than you should in that moment. Damn him.
“Yea, you just asked me to be your date to a televised award show. Where everyone would see, but no big deal.”
“Well...it’s not like people don’t know right?” You mumbled not making eye contact.
Shawn reached for your chin, tugging your face close so that your eye met again.
“Who, sweetheart? Tiana knows. Brian knows. But we spend most of our time in your apartment or mine. When we do go out, we’re not exactly going where the industry folks go now are we? I don’t mind. There’s nothing I’d love more than to be with you in the public eye, but I--I gotta admit this is a little surprising coming from you.”
“How come?” You asked stubbornly.
“Well...maybe because you seem to think about my dad more than I do?” He admitted softly. “And maybe because--and I’m just guessing here--I think you might be a bit afraid to be seen with me in public.”
That locks you up.
Shawn had a way of knowing you that didn’t quite seem fair. All of your life you had very specific, intentional relationships with people. They knew what you wanted them to know. Nothing more, nothing less. It had never worked that way with him. He seemed to find meaning in every silence that you shared. And that was good! It was good that he could see you and that he cared enough to want to see you. But, it was also incredibly scary. Because it meant you no longer got to hide.
“I...I--I’m not afraid to be seen with you in public, Shawn.”
He smiled sheepishly and tapped your cheek.
“Hey, it’s okay. I--I get it. I understand. You’re important, y/n. Your career is everything to you. I know what it would like to be paired with me.”
It was like reverse psychology or something. Every time he voiced the very things that you had thought before, they sounded ridiculous. What kind of a grown woman wouldn’t be caught in public with her significant other. What kind of bullshit was that? Goddammit.
“This is stupid! We can go to the other fucking awards in the same car, Shawn. It’s no big deal. Why are you making it something bigger than it is?”
Shawn could tell that you were getting annoyed and fidgety so he reached for your hands and placed them against his chest. It seemed to calm you when you could feel his heartbeat beneath your palms. So sappy.
“I’m not. If you want me to be your date, I’m happy to. You just tell me what you need and I’ll do it. Okay?”
He’s so soft and so kind that the anger just leaves you immediately. It’s incredible. And annoying.
You poke at his cheek. “You annoy me when you’re kind.”
“I annoy you?” He chuckled. “How come?”
“Cause I can’t be angry at you with your dumb doe eyes and this chin and your big ass head. I’m gonna be stressed out of my ass that night. And I--I want to be able to find you when I need you. And I’m gonna need you.” You admitted.
His eyes somehow get even softer. His arms wrapped around your waist and he pulled you even closer than before.
“Then I’ll be there.” He said. “It’s that simple.”
*Shawn’s point of view*
She’s beautiful even when she’s scary. Sometimes because she’s scary. That night is the night where the two come together at their strongest points. They’ve got her in a dress that makes his heart skip a beat. It’s a black, skin-tight, velvet number and her braids are in again. Jesus. But she’s also been screaming into her phone for the past twenty minutes, and she’s definitely threatened to take some really important body parts at least three times now. He grips his dick in his slacks a little bit just in sympathy alone.
It was just him and Tiana waiting with her, so when she got off the phone and started rubbing at her temples, someone had to make a move. At this point it was second nature to him. To support her. To be there for her. To ease her mind a little bit. So, when he marches over and cups her face in his hands, holds her close, and kisses her, it doesn’t even register that it’s the quietest the room has been all day. He just waits to feel her shoulders unlock, and waits for that sigh that lets her mouth open enough for his tongue to slip inside. It’s when her body is soft and pliant in his hands, that he knows she’ll be okay. And that’s all that matters to him.
“Okay?” He whispered after pulling away, his thumb still easing at the tension in her neck.
She nodded softly. “O--Okay.”
“Good. We ready to go?” He smiled.
There was a moment when Tiana and y/n make eye contact, and it must be a sort of mind reading of best friends, because he certainly had no idea what either of them was talking about. Or not talking about for that matter. But that didn’t stop Tiana from laughing and it didn’t stop y/n from throwing her hands up and swatting at her best friend.
“Leave me alone, Ti!” She muttered marching for the door.
What a night it was sure to be.
They drove to the awards together. Tiana was in the front seat managing all of the artists that were meant to be on the carpet. Y/n was in the back beside him making sure that every performance was set and ready to go. And unfortunately there he was, also on the phone, making sure that his father’s latest PR stunt went off without a hitch. It meant there was no time to kiss her, or whisper in her ear how pretty she looked in that dress, or all the things he planned to do when he got her out of it later. What he did get? Was to hold her hand. And honestly having her squeeze around his fingers every time she was anxious or stressed or pissed? Was the best part of the ride.
The car pulled to a final stop in front of the venue, and Tiana was already out of the car. Y/n finally stopped to put her phone away and turned to him. For a moment, it was just the two of them. Nothing else. No one else.
“So uh...I’ll go with Normani and my people and you’ll go with your people but we’ll sit together. Both Normani and Sarah will be in the front row anyway so it shouldn’t be weird that we’re near each other. We--We obviously can’t…”
He reached for her palm, threading their fingers together so that she might relax for just a moment.
“Hey. You don’t need to explain to me okay? I understand. I’ll be on my best behavior. I know I might not look like it, but I can be professional.” He smiled playfully. “What I do backstage might just be a different story.”
It gets her to smile and to breathe, and thus it’s worth it immediately. She leans her forehead against his and sighs.
“I just wanna be with you. I don’t wanna do anything else.” She mumbled.
“I hate that it matters. That us being together would upset people.”
“I know, honey.” He sighed and tucked a loose braid behind her ear. “If is makes you feel any better, I think it would give my dad a heart attack. It might actually put him in the grave.”
“Hmmm...good to know. Guess we should get going then huh?”
“Hey, hey. Not quite. Gotta get my goodbye kiss first, right?”
The taste of her smile is enough to get him through the red carpet.
Sarah Leone and Ty Summers have a staged run in on the red carpet. Someone had decided that them arriving separately would only heighten excitement. So, here he was following a teenager around while she got a crack at the dream he’d never know. It was really like his own personal hell on earth.
They meet up and don’t kiss. But they do hug and they do whisper in each other’s ear. It’s word for word from the write up sitting in a binder on his office desk. They’re the most talked about couple there that night, and they’re not even confirmed yet. Jesus.
He’s on the cusp of gagging when his phone vibrates in his pocket.
y/n: try to smile tonight.I know it hurts more than you let on, but you’ll get through it. And I’ll be there too.
He paused in the middle of the carpet, no longer following the herd of people trying to keep his father’s new artist relevant. He read it again. And then again. And then one more time. He could imagine that she was somewhere running around like a chicken with its head cut off. He knew that there had to be a million things on her mind that night, and surely he shouldn’t be at the top of the list. That was natural and understandable. Yet, somehow she found a way to make him feel like he mattered. That the bullshit in front of him was indeed that, even if the public was eating it up, even if it was making everyone around him more money by the second. It did hurt. But he never had to say it, or even allude to it, because she already knew. Of course she already knew. And he loved that about her. He loved her...
Shawn: Thank you. That means more than you could know.
Shawn: I need to see you. When can I see you?
Y/n: I’m backstage already. Not until showtime. Are you okay?
Shawn: Yes. Just miss you. I’ll see you soon.
He was a bit of an impulsive person. It usually worked out for him in the end. When he saw something that he wanted, he never stopped to let himself get in his own head. Instead, he went after it, whatever it was. It was usually the best for song writing too. When he felt something, he felt it so much. And with her? Everything felt like the most important thing. Especially the realization that he was in love with her. Especially that. So once he knew, he wanted her to know; it only seemed right.
And so he floated through the rest of the carpet. Nothing mattered when she was on his mind. He might as well have been back at her apartment playing guitar while she cooked some incredible thing that he couldn’t even dream of creating. It was his happy place and there he stayed until he got to see her again.
*Y/n’s point of view*
“You’re fucking stunning. You are incredible. You are an icon. You are Black and beautiful and bold. Let them know okay? And I’ll be out there repping regardless!”
Normani nodded, eyes wet but not willing to let any tears fall that might fuck up her makeup. This was her moment more than it was yours. You’d done all the work in the world to let this moment matter for her. And now she just had to go out there and do it. There was nothing else you could do. You hugged her and let Tiana lead you from the back and towards the crowd. The lights are hot and there’s cameras everywhere and everyone looks like they’re uncomfortable in whatever outfits they’re in. You stop to kiss Lady Gaga on the cheek, shake hands with one of the Migos, and give little Nas X a kiss cause that was your baby.
At the row where your seat was located, he was sitting there. His suit that night was a deep green and it looked so good on him that you couldn't wait to get him out of it. His thighs were spread wide with no one sitting around him and he was jittering his knees up and down. He went to run his fingers through his hair causing him to finally look up and see you, and he was out of his seat before you could even blink.
“Hi.” He murmured reaching for you without thought.
His eyes widened and he went to pull away as he realized how public it was, but you couldn’t handle another second of being away from him, so you reached to pull him closer in the hopes that a huge might not be too much.
“Hi.” You leaned up on your heels to whisper in his ear. “Missed you.”
“Yea. Same. Look I uh--I need to tell you something.”
“Are y’all gone stand here all night blocking the way, or can I sit down sometime soon?” Tiana interrupted.
You rolled your eyes at her but moved to let her slip into her seat. Shawn and you quickly took your seats, his arm coming to rest naturally behind your chair as he leaned to whisper in your ear.
“I’ve got something I need to say.”
You turned to him.
“Well, okay. What is it? Is everything alright?”
“Yea. Yea, everything’s fine I just… I think that I--”
“Oh shit, babe Normani is up next!” You squealed turning to face the stage again.
“Y/n I have to--”
“After the performance okay? I promise!”
She fucking KILLS. She locks in and she leaves it all out on the floor. Her early 2000 era pop/r&b vibe connects with the crowd immediately. And it’s your job to make sure as much. You notice the way they engage. The clapping. The dancing. The way the cameras follow her, but also the way that they follow the crowd. It’s everything you had expected. It’s flawless.
And at the end of the performance the banner goes up on the screen announcing her solo album dropping that night. It’s the only album drop of the evening, you’d made sure of that as well. It’s perfect. Tiana is already beside you watching engagement. Normani shoots to the top of the twitter trend list. Before the camera even moves to capture the next award, Normani is the most talked about thing of the VMAs. It was all worth it. Just like that. The win for best R&B is simply the icing on top.
You hug Tiana and let her wipe at the tears that had begun to rim at your eyes, so that it didn’t fuck up your makeup. Each of you know that it means something different. She wasn’t just performing for herself that night. She was performing for the world to “get it” in a way that Black women often have to fight for. Normani and her music and her hue and her femininity and her sexuality. All of it would always require a justification that her counterparts, even her former bandmates, would never be asked to give. This was the reason you had fought to sign her after all. Who better to navigate the racist bullshit of the world and the industry, then another black woman? Only you could have given her that.
When you turn back to Shawn his arms are already open for you to step into. He wraps himself around you and you, him. Maybe another tear finds its way into the fabric of his suit, but who’s to say?
“I’m so proud of you.” He whispered in your ear squeezing at your hips.
“It was her. Did you see her?! That was all her.”
He shook his head. “It was you too. You’re just amazing.”
“Thank you. Shit. Wow. Oh my god, what was it you were gonna say to me earlier?”
“It can wait. Don’t even worry about it.”
“Are you sure?”
He reached and gripped your chin softly before pressing a kiss to your cheek. It was so soft you nearly died.
“Positive. Go celebrate.”
The afterparty was in full swing when he tugged you towards the dance floor. Daniel Cesar was performing and Shawn’s hands were on your hips. You were high on life and on the feeling of his touch and Blackness. Always Blackness. You wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned your head on his chest, cheek soaking up the heat of his body. It was less public then the award show and more intimate, so you didn’t mind when his fingers dipped down to your ass a little bit, don’t mind when his nose skims your neck and his fingers dig life into you.
“How are you feeling?” He asked twirling you gently.
“I’m feeling happy. Like the happiest I’ve ever felt I think? Is that weird?”
He smiled and ran his hands soothingly up and down your back.
“I don’t think so. I love that you’re happy. I’m happy too.”
“You are?” You asked leaning off of his chest to peer up at him. “That whole pr thing didn’t get you down?”
“It was starting to and then this really beautiful woman texted me that I should calm the hell down. And so I did.” He grinned.
“Beautiful? I heard stunning was more like it.” You laughed
“You’re right. Stunning is much more accurate.”
His eyes followed you intensely with every move that you made. Intense wasn’t the right word. Maybe it was fondness. Like looking at you was enough to make him happy. How wild was that?
“I wanna tell you something.” He murmured. “I’ve been meaning to tell you all night actually.”
“Yea? What’s that?”
He sent your body around for another spin and then pulled you close so that your chests touched.
“I love you.” He whispered in your ear.
Your heels froze pulling your body to a grinding halt. He peered down at you inquisitively again, hands still holding you close.
“Is that okay? Can I...Can I say that? Shit should I not have said that? I shouldn’t have said that.”
He pulled his hands from around you and swept nervously through his curls. His eyes were still kind even when they were frantic. For a second you couldn’t believe that this was the same person you’d met that night all those months ago. You couldn’t believe he, of all people, was standing here telling you that he loves you. But he was. And he did. And somehow, somehow you did too.
“Y/n, I--I’m so sorry. I’ve just never done this before and I thought that--that I should tell you how I feel about you. That you deserve to know that you know? You don’t have to say it back at all I just...I wanted you to know. Cause I felt it, and that means something ya know?” He rambled.
“I love you too.”
His eyes widened. “You do?”
“Well don’t sound so fucking shocked about it. What’s not to love?”
He burst out into a grin and reached for you again, lifting your toes just barely off of the ground as he swept you around the room again. His lips found yours and he smiled even there. How dare he be so sweet.
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack one day you know that?” He sighed.
You kissed gently at his cheek. “I’m sorry.”
“That makes me so happy.I love you.”
“I love you!”
You dance for the rest of the night and you kiss and you make each other laugh and you get way too drunk at the open bar. But it’s good. You’re not thinking about the next thing on your plate. He’s not thinking about his job, or his dad. It’s just the two of you against the world. And you were really starting to like those odds.
“What did they fucking super glue you into this thing?!”
After three minutes of hot and heavy kissing, you’d finally begun to notice that Shawn was not making as quick work of your dress as he usually did. He flipped you over onto his bed and begun to work on your zipper in hopes of sometime that night actually having sex with you.
“I believe in you, sweetheart. You can get it.” You encouraged.
It was in the middle of Shawn fingers trying to undo said dress that you spotted the book on his bedside table. You didn’t think anything of it at first, just let your eyes skim the spine of the book in interest. When it clicked, it clicked, and your heart sort of stopped just as he accidently ripped your givenchy dress.
“Holy shit I’m sorry. I’ll buy you a new dress. Like tomorrow. First thing, I promise!”
Your mind; however, was focused on other things.
“Are you...Are you reading White Fragility?” You mumbled.
“Yea. I did some digging on white people for black live matters? They have like a book club or something, and this one was at the top of the list along with The New Jim Crow by uh Michelle Alexander I think her name was?”
You rolled over onto your back to see your curly hair doe-eyed boyfriend who had somehow found the time to start reading about white supremacy behind your back.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“I’m sorry, you thought you would just mention white people for black lives matter, and we would, what? Continue with the night? I would let you cum in me or something?”
Shawn shrugged. “Well...I don’t necessarily need to cum inside you, though it’s kind of my favorite way to end the night. But...Yes? No? I’m not sure what answer you’re looking for.”
“You’re learning.” You mumbled in confusion. “W--Why?”
He leaned up so that his body was no longer poised over yours, hands dipping awkwardly into his pockets.
“Because it matters to you. So, it matters to me. Also I’m learning that it’s supposed to matter to everyone. White people just suck”
You followed him unconsciously body leaning up off the bed to reach for him. Your hands skim his thighs and settle around his waist. You’re at a loss for words, and that is completely and utterly new. The softness in his eyes tells you that he’s nervous, that he’s so much more concerned with  making you happy than you even thought imaginable.
He cups your cheek gently peering down at you from above.
“Is that okay? Did I--did I fuck it up somehow?” He whispered.
You smiled. You beamed. You practically cried.
“No. Not at all. You did good.” You assured him.
He reached down gently to taste the smile on your lips. Your broken zipper left the thin straps of your dress falling off your shoulders as he led you gently back against the sheets. It’s a lot long of just kissing. Of just touching. Of just loving. It’s perhaps the first time in your life where you don’t feel the need to give so much, because he’s right there to take care of you already. You’re not alone anymore. He wouldn’t dream of having you be alone.
“Wanna take care of you.” He hummed against your throat, lips gentle and soft.
You sighed softly, thighs bracketing his hips as he pushed down searchingly against your heat.
“Please.” You begged. “Take care of me.”
*Shawn’s point of view*
She invited him to the studio. Something about working late, and if he wanted to “maybe spend some time together” he was welcome to come. But even he wasn’t that naive. She’s inviting him to the studio where Khalid is recording, and it’s definitely going to blow his mind. But, he packs up from work and nearly bolts his way to her. It’s a super famous studio in the heart of the city. Everyone from Gaga to Elton John to Prince had recorded there at some point. It’s a beautiful place of beautiful, rich history. He’d been there once before with his dad, but never had he gotten the chance to sit on an actual session before. When she meets him outside so that security doesn’t turn him away, he’s perhaps a little too excited if her eyes are anything to go off.
“Hi!” He exclaimed, wrapping her up in his arms immediately.
She chuckled. “Someone is happy to see me. Or is the studio you’re happy to see?”
He rolled his eyes and tugged playfully at one of her curls which were down for once in a blue moon.
“It’s you. Always you...I’m just happy to see you in the studio.” He grinned.
“Yea, yea, yea. Just be cool white boy, we do things a little differently then Mendes industries.”
She surely wasn’t fucking joking.
The room is completely dark except for blue lights and candles. It’s not full to the brim of people, like some other sessions he’d sat it on in the past. In fact it seems like it’s just the producer and Khalid. When she pulls him into the room there’s a thin veil of weed smoke that gets thicker where Khalid and the producer were passing a blunt back and forth. When y/n walks into the room the affection and the respect is clear. He wraps his arms around her waist from where he’s sitting in the chair and smiles up at her and she pats lovingly at his hair. They look more like siblings then they do client and manager. It’s unlike anything he’d ever seen at his dad’s company.
“Stop smoking and come say hi to Shawn, big head.” She smirked hugging him back.
Needless to say he felt a bit out of his element, until he met him of course.
Khalid was kind of like a teddy bear. A big, soft, shy teddy bear. His voice was just as soothing when he spoke as when he sang and he didn’t seem to care about how you viewed him at all. He’d never met anyone that was just so effortlessly cool, immediately.
“You must be something special. She never brings nobody to the studio.” Khalid smirked at y/n who immediately flicked him upside the head.
“And I never will again if you don’t behave. I thought you wanted to get the track finished today? The only thing finished around here is that blunt and my patience. Come on.”
He laughed and made a quick bowing motion with his hands towards her before making his way back into the booth. She lead him to the couch and the producer set him up to record the next verse. One second he’s just sitting there holding his girlfriend’s hand watching her do her job, and the next he’s immediately transfixed. Khalid sang with his eyes closed and you could just feel the way that he felt the music. Every note was this beautiful little soundwave and it drove him absolutely crazy to watch the perfection happen.
The verse ends and his heart just sort of deflates the second no more singing is happening. His fingers immediately began to tingle and his feet wouldn’t sit still. He was just aching to create.
“You like?” She hummed running her fingers through the curls at the back of his head.
He just sort of beamed at her softly and cuddled himself deeper against her side.
“So much. This is my favorite part of it all, ya know?” He sighed. “The making something out of nothing. I love it.”
“Yea? You wanna get in the booth?”
His eyebrows shot up on his forehead as he froze in front of her.
“What? Like in front of Khalid? No! Are you kidding?”
She snickered. “Shawn look at you blushing like a school girl!”
“It’s not funny, y/n. Stop.” He hissed.
“I’ve never seen you like this.” She giggled. “This is comical.”
“Stop it.” He whined. “I’m delicate.”
“You sure are, my love.”
Khalid comes back out again to listen to the playback. There’s a note in the second half of the verse that doesn’t fit right. The producer recommends that Khalid does some falsetto work. He squirms in his seat at the suggestion.  It’s not that it’s the worst idea in the world. It’s just that it’s the worst idea in the world. His girlfriend watches him for a few more seconds before pressing a kiss to his cheek and standing up.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom. You try not to explode there, big guy.” She giggled.
*15 minutes later*
*y/n’s point of view*
You open the door and it is almost comical how much weed smoke pours out in front of you. It only takes one look toward the mixing console to see that your plan had worked ridiculously well. Your boyfriend was leaning with his long ass legs crossed over one another with a blunt in one hand and the other making wild gestures in the air as he spoke to Khalid and the producer, Mike, like some hippie professor in the classroom.
“I’m serious. The whole thing is a build right? You’ve got these beautiful ebbs and flows that are sitting in the soundwaves. If you look at the actual wave of the vocal and the instrumental you’ll see what I’m talking about.” He pauses to take another hit of the blunt and then points to the screen. “See. Do you see that? If you put a falsetto there? It ruins all of that magic you just spent two minutes creating. If you really want to follow this pattern that you already created, which is already beautiful, sing it down the octave. Jus trust me, bro.”
Bro. Your boyfriend had turned into a pot smoking vocal production expert bro in the time it took you to walk a block around the studio and pretend to pee. Who the fuck would’ve thought.
“Fuck it. Let’s see if the white boy’s right.” Khalid murmured already heading back for the booth.
You paused just inside the door and watched closely just to see what would happen. Before Mike hit playback, Khalid sang randomly a couple of times. He tried it on various notes to get a feel for what it might sound like. He lands on one and pauses to look towards Shawn.
“What about that one?”
Shawn nodded but looked up into the air like he was visualizing the notes or something.
And it happens. He sings is this effortless sort of way, but with the breath support of someone who knew what the hell they were doing. If you would have sat in a meeting, as you had hundreds of times, and he sang even that note, your spine would have straightened. It’s something immediate about him. It’s that thing you look for in every artist, and you’re lucky as hell if you ever find it. No wonder Manny wouldn’t let his work see the light of day. He’d be huge. Bigger than anything Mendes Industries had yet to accomplish. And Manny would have to live the rest of his life knowing that the best thing that ever happened to him, the best thing to ever come from him, had nothing to do with him at all. It was all Shawn.
Khalid stares at him. Mike stares at him. He takes another hit of the blunt and coughs his way through it, like he couldn’t sing his ass off. It’s rude for sure.
“Try now.” Shawn suggested.
Khalid looked around him to finally land his eyes on you. You’d never mentioned Shawn sang, or did anything beyond the scope of his job at his dad’s company. You knew that you didn’t need to. It was effortless for him. The pieces were all there, and they fit together seamlessly. When Shawn turns to look at you his cheeks get red, and he has the audacity to hide the blunt behind his back like you might not be able to see the smoke wafting up from behind him. But the light and the happiness in his eyes isn’t drug related in the slightest. He just loves to create music. And you kind of love to watch him do it.
You finally closed the door and walked delicately up to your boyfriend. You reached your arms around him until your fingers touched the blunt and you happily took it from him to set between your own lips.
“You heard the man.” You breathed on an exhale. “Try it now.”
*later that night*
You push him onto the bed face down in the hopes it’ll keep him quiet long enough for you to change. He was a chatty one when he was high, which knowing him you probably could have guessed. Less philosophical though, and more happy big ass puppy. By the time you got into bed he was already forcing himself into your space, head on your chest and arms around you. He liked to be held and he liked to hold. Physical touch was a big thing for him. So you gave it to him as much as you could.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled into your shirt. “I didn’t mean to intervene in the session. The producer was just...so wrong.”
You chuckled and squeezed at his shoulders.
“Don’t apologize. I’m glad you and Khalid hit it off. He’s young and still relatively untainted by the industry. I’d like to keep him that way if I could. It’s good for him to be around people without ulterior motives.”
“Okay.” He whispered. “It was also just so much fun.”
“Yea? You’re a very talented little thing aren’t you?”
“I don’t know about all that. I just know I love it. More than anything. Besides you of course. I love you a whole lot. The things you do to me, woman? Sheesh. It’s too much to handle.”
This made you laugh beyond belief. His eyes were closed and his lips frowned rumpled against your shirt. But he was just as chatty as could be.
“Is that so? And just what do I do to you?”
You expected vulgarity, something about your ass or your tits or the sounds that you made. Honestly that would have been more than fine. You loved the way he seemed to find endless sensuality in everything that you were. But the answer he offers instead is different.
“You just make me feel warm. All the time. When you hold me and when you kiss me and when you take my hand when we’re walking down the street. Everything about you is the sun. I can’t even tell that it’s cold outside cause when I’m with you it might as well be summer. I’ve never felt anything like it before. God, I love you.” He sighed. “Shit. We like just said that shit to each other. I said too much didn’t I? I shouldn’t have said all that. I’m sorry. I’m really baked right now.”
You bit your lip peering down at this man with the ability to make you feel everything, and with the heart and the emotional intelligence to share just how you did the same for him. And it felt really good. It felt like love and warmth and home. All wrapped up in a person. It was perfect.
“Don’t apologize. That’s the kindest thing anyone’s ever said to me. I love you. Go to sleep.” You whispered.
He nuzzled deeper into your tummy and definitely pressed a kissed against your belly button the adorable bastard.
“I love you too. You’re my sun, babe.”
You hold him extra tight that night.
@simpledomain @liliane106 @thecurlsofgod @xeuphorically-moonstruck @euphoric05 @daijanicole @bruhh-whateven @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @decewill @goldiean @bitchacho25 @bruhh-whateven @justbeingoceana @loveylangdon @iloveshawnieboi @september-lace @valedictorian65 @dimestorebieber22 @MixerMani @lifeoftheparty74 @sinplisticshawn @kamahriii @disaster-rose @justbeingoceana
Arrangement Taglist: 
@moonlightmendes22  @cottoncandyshawn @iloveshawnieboi @shawnsblue
@claredolphinbear24 @peterbrokenparker @blackharry @shawnwyr @speakingofmari @moniehp @softmendesss @ydolansss  @MixerMani @kitykatnumber @chonmnds 
206 notes · View notes
imagine-young-g · 5 years
Hello  G fam! It’s been a while but I’m back. I’m not too sure for how long but I am back. A lot has been happening in my life, and I have not been able to be as dedicated as I could be to this page. I hope you all enjoy this story about a gorgeous, normal, single mama that just so happens to be FWB with the one and only Young Gerald.
“Zay! Where are you hun?” I was calling my little sass for sometime now and she just wouldn’t answer.
“Zay….Zaybrie. ZAY!”
“I’m right here mommy you don’t have to yell,” she muttered.
My gorgeous little sass looked up at me while fumbling with the zipper to her favorite panda jacket. I never thought in a million years I would be here. 23years old, rollers in my hair, stressing over a trip to the grocery store, and staring down at my mini-me. I had Zay when I was 19 years old. She was the product of an mentally and sometimes physically abusive relationship. My ex was just not the ish like I had once thought. We were high school sweethearts and he wanted a military life, I on the other hand wanted to embrace the world. If it wasn’t for my pregnancy I most likely never would have made it out. She is my saving grace and literally only reason I haven’t been locked away due to insanity.
“UGH! Mommy I can’t do this! It’s broken.”
My train of thought is broken as my disgruntled 4 year old is completely over the zipper on this damn jacket. I didn’t even know why she wanted to wear this out. The jacket is worth more than gold to this little girl since her best pal G got it for her the last time he was in Tokyo at some hip Japanese boutique. The tag says it was an adult small but by the looks of it, it could have passed for a child’s shmedium. I easily guide the zipper together and with a little zrrrp its up.
“Baby. Why do you wanna wear Panda to the store today? It’s a little damp out, aren’t you afraid of getting it messed up?”
“Mommy we live in the Bay it’s always moist outside.”
Ugh! That word is like nails on a chalkboard for me, but of course G knows this and still decided to teach my 4year old to say this word to completely throw her mother off every chance she got. This cake is moist, my hair is moist. Mommy my skin is moist.” Any chance this little girl got to say it she took it.
“Because Mommy, we’re gonna meet up with Gerry today and I want him to see that I love my jacket.”
She was the only girl I knew in the world that could call him that. Gerry, or G as I like to call him, is none other than the Bay Area kid G-Eazy. I met him about 3 years ago when Zay was barely old enough to walk. I had been working at a local diner, and going to school full time when one rainy Saturday morning a mob of sweaty drunk dudes come barging in at 7am demanding coffee, pie, and whatever grease filled meal they could put in their bellies to prevent a hangover from hell. I was overworked, underpaid, exhausted, and at my wits end; so when this tall jerk of man tried to holla at your girl I was not having it. He tried the whole “Hey Ma!” Come here with one finger bit. I naturally walked over and asked if there was anything he needed. To his reply of “You see I made you come over her with one finger imagine what I could do with two.” I was so beyond pissed I through a glass of ice water and told his ass to cool down. My boss saw, asked me if I knew who this fool was, and fired me when I blantantly said I could give a fuck. As I walked out of the diner I heard loud steps running after me. I being the street smart girl that I am turned around and straight punched this dude in the face.
“Damn ma! First you soak me then you floor me? I gotta know who you are now that I damn near fell for you.”
At that point I lost my shit again. I went on a whole tangent of who do you think you ares and why don’t you fuck offs. I turned around after I thought I gave him a piece of my mind and he followed me asking me all kinds of questions. I don’t know when or how it happened but I began to answer them. We eventually got on the subject of me being single with a kid and how he admired that. He walked me the 8 blocks all the way home to my mom’s house. We exchanged numbers and have been “friends” ever since.
“Ohhh I see. You’re trying to look cute for Gerry?”
“No Mommy, you’re trying to look cute for Gerry since you got the rollers in your hair. I just wanna say thank you for my jacket.”
Damn my kid caught me. So what if I wanted my hair to look a little nicer than normal for when I saw G. I mostly wanted it to look nice because it never fails that when I’m with him we end up on some tabloid. Everyone pretty much knows that we just fuck each other, I mean even my own grandmother knows it. It turned into that after a drunk night I went on tour with him and Zay. I’m not sure what came over us but as she slept in my bunk I was in the back of the bus with G.
I’ll never forget that night, not because I have feelings for him, but because he has to be the best lay of my entire life. He had just finished his last number I mean It and every time he said “If I ever said I fucked your bitch…” he would look at me with pure lust in his eyes. He ended the show. Ran off stage to the back where we all followed. Zay was wearing her purple sound blocking headphones on the verge of sleep, but she stayed up to give Gewy a hug. As soon as she got it she passed out. The after party in the back of the stadium was cut short since we had to pile on the bus and head to San Diego. I was shocked when a group of girls that somehow managed to get backstage asked to get on the bus and “rock G’s World” were turned down and told to scram. Everyone began to go towards the busses when G grabbed my hand and guided me through the crown of groupies and photographers. Once we were safely on the bus G made an announcement.
“Yo if any of you motherfuckers wanna be loud go on the other bus. This is the quiet bus tonight. Zay’s gotta sleep and I ain’t in the mood for the bull shit.”
People began to pile of the bus into the other bus leaving only a handful of crew members, G, a few of his homies, me and Zay. Zay was fighting her sleep as we sat on the burgundy couches that were just before the bunks in the little kitchen area. She kept playing peek-a-boo with an exhausted raspy voiced G, but he kept playing with her. She sat on his lap facing him and just kept staring at his face. She would grab at his nose, poke at his eyes, grab his eyebrows, and put her little hand over his mouth where he would then play nibble on her fingers causing her to squeal. She kept rubbing her eyes till eventually she wrapped her arms around G to give him a hug and she passed out. Her little body was completely calm and at peace with him as she let out little soft snores. G stood up and took her to the bunk that was designated for her and I. It was a bottom bunk and he made sure no one was allowed to sleep on the one above. He laid her in the middle of the bunk covered her with her little peach baby blanket, and placed pillows all around her so she wouldn’t roll over or roll off the bunk. He even stuffed pillows on the side facing the aisle so that if she did roll there was a little wall there to protect her. I stood there watching him do all this in shock. He then motioned for me to come see the job he had done.
“She’s a stunner you know. In 15 years we’re gonna have to beat the dudes off with a stick to protect her.”
“We? G we’re homies, I told you I’m not looking to date. I gotta finish..”
“School. Yeah I know. I’m attached now. Just because we ain’t nothing doesn’t mean I’m never gonna be here for her.”
“G you say that but what happens when you keep going and touring? We can’t keep tagging along. I’m almost done with my degree and before you know it, I'll be a social worker working a 9-5.”
“True but come on Caily, you’ll be able to come out sometimes. You and Zay. I want you a part of my life even if we’re just friends. I love this kid.”
I could tell he was being honest despite the alcohol. I just wanted a stable figure in Zay’s life so I didn’t think a rapper could be that (I was eventually proven wrong.)
“Okay G. But if it gets too much, you’re the one that’s gonna have to tell Zay you’re out.”
“Never gonna happen!”
“Never say never.”
“I’m telling you it’s never and I never lie.” He smirked and bit his lower lip giving me those dreamy brown I want you eyes. I was wearing a cropped When It’s Dark Out T-shirt hand cut by me, some high waisted boyfriend jeans, kicked off the chucks a while ago so I was barefoot showing off my home pedicured black toenails. He on the other hand was freshly showered, hair wet and floppy, wearing a black hoodie, matching sweatpants, socks, and slides. He looked my body up and down again and licked his lips. I ignored this look having seen his crew do it millions of times. I walked back to the couch and he followed. I sat back and sipped on my water as he kept eyeing me.
“Nothing Cails. I just like looking at you.”
“That is so corny my dude,” I laughed-talked at him.
“I’m serious Cails.”
“That’s just the whiskey talking you dork.”
“Nah I’m dead serious, you’re just too stubborn and think your un-loveable to notice.”
“Oh so now you love me?”
“Yeah I got a love for you girl. You’ll never reciprocate it so I’ll just keep it,” he put his finger to his lips motioning a shhh.
“Hmm okay Gerald.”
“I like it when you say that. I like how you say it, Gerald,” he attempted to mimic the syllables like I say them.
“You’re drunk my dude.”
“Yeah maybe. But I know when I’m sober the pain feels worse because I can actually feel it.”
He looked at me with these soulful, sorrow filled eyes. I could tell in that moment he meant every word. He could tell I picked up on this vibe and leaned in. I felt the tip of his nose touched mine and pulled away. I quickly stood up.
“I better go check on Zay.”
As I walked toward the bunk he followed me. I was about to pull the curtain open when we grabbed me by my arm and spun me around. I was now looking up at him and seeing the intense lust in his eyes. His left arm was still holding on to mine as his right hand cupped my face and pulled me in for a kiss. His lips so soft and so sweet against mine as he just held them there against mine. He pulled away to see my reaction. I couldn’t move. The kiss stuck my feet to the floor causing me to be planted their hoping for another. He kissed me again this time with more passion making me kiss him back. We stood their in a full on mack sesh until he pulled away and walked towards the back of the bus where he sleeps. In that moment I had a choice. I could either crawl into the bunk with my daughter or run to the feeling I have been missing my whole life and give in. Before I could give it a second thought, I began to run towards him.
He turned towards me just in time for me to put my arms around his neck and kiss him. Our lips crashed against each other causing each of us to go completely numb and breathless. He mumbled “jump” while still in my kiss. I hopped up wrapping my legs around him as he began walking me towards the king size. He pushed the button to shut and lock the door behind him as we kissed. He plopped me on the bed and pulled his hoodie off over his head with one hand like all men do. I could feel myself getting wet as he then pressed his freshly bare torso onto my body. He gave me another hard passionate kiss, this time sliding his tongue over my bottom lip begging for me to allow him in. Begging to go deeper and begging to explore me. I gave in slipping my tongue into his ready opened mouth. This passionate kiss cause a throaty moan to escape from him. We kept kissing as he grinded his hips into mine, causing me to whimper. He began to kiss my neck and work his way up to my earlobe as his hand went up my shirt pawing at by titts making me moan and getting my wetter by the second. He pushed up my shirt and bra exposing my D cup titts and flush pink nipples. He admired them for a moment before giving one of my nipples a teasing lick. He stared deep into my eyes as he did this, then he began to suck on my titt as he rubbed and pinched my other nipple. I began to grind up my hips to meet his as he sucked all over both titts leaving raw love bites around each nipple. He licked at each bite causing a tinge of pain to go through my body. It was a good pain, a needed pain. By this point I was completely soaked and ready for more. He kissed down my faintly stretch marked tummy as he made his way take of my pants. As he pulled them down, I sat up on my knees, pulled my bra and shirt all the way off, wrapped my arms around him and kissed. His bare chest against my titts felt absolutely amazing. I could tell he loved it just as much as I did by the way he grabbed me closer to his body. He then brushed my hair away from my neck, then gave my hair a nice pull as he kissed my sweet spot on my neck just before my ear causing me to moan out and claw my nails along his back, and through his hair. As I clawed over him he moaned in my neck shooting warm air against my ear driving me wild. I turned his body to where I could lay him down on the bed. I pulled away from the kiss, gave him a good sloppy lust filled one ending in a lip bite before playfully pushing him on his back. I began to kiss his neck, and bite on his earlobes driving him wild. Doing so caused me to give my ass a smack shooting a tingle up to my nipples making my pussy twitch. I kissed down his body having him release little moans. I sit up on my knees again, giving him a lustful look as I began to rub his cock through the sweatpants. I pull them down revealing a beautiful pink hard cock dripping with precum. I pull the pants all the way down, removing his socks as well and begin to place kisses all over his cock as my hand caresses his balls. His breath begins to deepen as I kiss up his long thick cock towards the tip. I hold it up and look deep into his eyes and place it in my mouth. As it enters my mouth I hear his breathing change again. I wrap my lips around half of his cock and suck as I bob my head up. A moan escapes his now parted lips as I repeat the process a few more times, taking him deeper into my mouth each time. I suck up with a pop and tap the tip of his cock on my tongue.
“Ohh you dirty girl. You look so good with my cock.”
“MMMMhmmmm,” is all I let out as I take his cock back into my throat, the hum causing a vibration around his cock making him close his eyes as I begin to make oral love to his perfect 8 inch cock. Up and down, up and down, I can feel him throbbing as I bob my head taking him as deep as I can go without gagging. Ever so often I shove him all the way down past my tonsils to the point where is balls are practically in my mouth. A breathy “fuck” is the only thing that escapes his mouth each time I deep throat him down. I laid there on my belly sucking his cock for a good solid 5 closer to 10 minutes when he stopped me.
“MMMBaby stop...get over here.” He seductively growled as he pulled me up towards his face. I had my legs on either side of his body as he pulled me in for a kiss.
“HMMWhat’s wrong you can’t handle it.” I asked him as I placed kisses on his lips, along his jawline, and towards his neck.
“Uhhbaby I can it’s just I don’t wanna cum in your mouth.” He then guided my head back into the position where he could kiss my pouty lips. He slipped me the tongue and gave me a passionate french. I could feel his tongue dance with mine in my mouth in the most sexy ass way. I wanted to be cheesy and ask him where he wanted to cum but I couldn’t break from that kiss. We stayed in that position kissing like that for a while. During that time I guess I had slid down his body because I could feel the tip of his cock brush against my thong covered taint and swipe along my ass. When he felt that he let out a moan in my throat driving each of us wild causing me to grind down and hump his cock. I could feel his tip perfectly glide against my clothed clit sending waves of desire through both our bodies. I humped down on him only 3 times before he flips me over and in a lustful rush kisses down my belly to the line of my thong. You couldn’t tell how wet I truly was through the black cotton material until he rubbed his entire hand over my pussy.
“Damn Caily you’re so fucking wet.” He rubbed up and down admiring how flooded my pussy got at the sins we were committing. He quickly pulled thong off over my feet and discarding it God knows where. He began to give hard bites and kisses all along my thighs teasing my core with his warm breath. He gave a kiss right above my clit causing my hips to thrust up towards his face.
“MMMBaby you want this huh? You want me to eat this perfect pussy?” He looked me dead in the eye begging for permission and I nodded allowing him to begin his work. He licked a long straight line from my taint, between my wet lips, up past my clit leaving a kiss at the top of my pubic bone. This sent shock waves through my body. I grabbed my tits and began to toy with my nipples. This view caused a reaction in Gerald I never saw before. Like a rabid beast he began to devour my pussy. The combination of harsh licks, and clit sucking had me grinding my pussy in his face. He loved it. Every grind he would smirk and stick his tongue in my pussy, flattening it out once inside filling my pussy. Then came the fingers. He started by teasing my entrance with two fingers as he sucked my clit blowing my mind. He just kept toying with me as he sucked up all my pussy juices and grinding on his perfect face.
“Damn G finger me please.” I begged at this point. His face was in complete shock as he shoved his two long fingers up my pussy causing me to moan out and bare down hard.
“Fuuuck Baby you’re so damn tight.” My leg was now resting on his back as he made this statement. He was staring at my pussy in amazement as he now was knuckles deep in. He used his thumb to swipe my clit as he just completely finger blasted me. I was a wreck just moaning and grinding my hips feeling how amazing his fingers felt inside me. Then...he started eating my pussy again. The combination of licks and clit sucks while he was knuckles deep had me a complete mess. I was grabbing him by his hair begging him to stop or even slow down but he wouldn’t. This was right where he wanted me. He kept going and sucking to the point that I felt my entire body crash as I came. I came hard on his fingers, bearing down and trying to run away. He held me by one leg and kept sucking and finger fucking. It wasn’t long before I came again. I was a wet shaky mess as he began to slurp up all my juices. He pulled his fingers out of my pussy and I could see how wet they were. He lapped up the rest of my juice as I shuddered. When he reached my clit, I had to pull away because damn it was sensitive. He smiled as he sat up on his knees. I sat up just as he was about to lick me off his fingers. I grabbed his hand and began to suck my juices off his fingers. His face was priceless as he let out another “fuck” under his breath.
I kept licking and sucking his fingers as he watched for a seductive minute until he crashed his lips into mine. He wrapped his arms around me pulling my onto his thighs. I could feel is cock beneath my pussy just begging to enter in and explore me. I began to grind my hips down as he smacked my ass playfully. I little out a whimper causing him to smack a little harder. I moaned into his kiss as he now smacked my ass even harder but still the reserve in fear of hurting me. He began to maneuver his body as if he was going to lay me down, but before he got the chance I reached in between our bodies and guided his cock into my tight, dripping pussy. I looked him deep in his eyes letting out a gasp and creating a hitch in his breath. I slowly began to work my hips down causing his cock to climb deeper into my pussy with each small bounce. The slew of curse words spewing from his lips as I rode that fat cock, moaning and whimpering wanting him deeper yet. As I bounced up and down, his mouth met my tits and began to nip at my skin and nipples. I began riding sloppy as my legs were ready to give out due to the sheer pleasure being shot through my core and the hot spark of pain from my tits as he sucked my nipples to the point of being raw. He laid me down on my back, making sure to give me a deep long kiss as he began to pound into my pussy.
*Smack. Smack. Smack* is all you heard as he drilled his 8 full inches deep into my guts. With every thrust I whimpered into his kiss. “Fuck fuck fuck!” Is all I could let out as he fucked the absolute shit out of me. He went from kissing my lips to sucking on my neck as I clawed his back causing him to growl in pure sadistic pleasure. I don’t know exactly what he did, but with the slightest swivel of his hips, he was now hitting my spot at a different angle. Before I could even let out a sound I was seeing stars. It was the fastest build-up of electric butterflies sending currents down to my core releasing what felt like a million volts of earth shattering electricity throughout my body. He could feel me cum as my pussy began to drip even more and my walls strangled his cock.
“Fuck babygirl you’re so damn good. You like how I fuck this tight ass pussy huh?” He growled those words through clenched teeth as I begged him to keep fucking me just as he was. He swiveled his hips again sending another orgasm through my body. I bared down a little too hard and almost pushed him out.
“Nah-uh don’t you fucking push me out. Open up that pussy baby,” he begged. I did my best eventually coming down from my high in the slightest allowing his cock to go balls deep again. I knew he was getting close as his “fucks” were more frequent and his stroke was getting sloppier. I wanted him to cum so bad. No just because I didn’t feel like I could take another orgasm, but because the giver in me wanted to see pure pleasure rush over his face as he busts. I knew exactly what would push him over the edge. I reached down as far as my hand could and began to fondle his balls.
“FUCK! Oh my God, damn baby! Yes!” He was so close still. It was time to completely go for the kill.
“Cum for me Gerald! Bust that fat load in my tight little pussy. Come on baby fill me up with you cum! Nut in me baby!”
“Fuck you want that baby?!”
“Yes baby! Bust that nut all up in this pussy!” He began to grunt and thrust into me harder than he had before. I could feel the electric butterflies coming again but this time right from my pussy. I started to grind my hips the opposite of his hitting my spot a completely different way sending me to the moon. I squeezed his balls as hard as I could without hurting him and that was it. My body began shaking as I heard him pleading to God and calling out my name. I could feel his warm cum fill me up inside as he kept pumping and I kept grinding. My legs began to shake and before I knew it my entire body was a moaning quaking mess beneath G. Him seeing this decided it would be a good idea to reach down and rub my clit. If felt my whole body clamp up and a rush began to rise from my pussy. I felt like my clit was about to explode when all of a sudden, a shock wave left my body and squirt burst all over his cock. He was so turned on he kept thrusting until neither one of us could take it.
He pulled out his cock and fell next to me completely spent. I was still quivering feeling the aftershocks hit my clit like waves after a tsunami. I was a panting fool with no words being able to form out of my mouth. I could hear him next to me at a complete loss for words. With neither one of us speaking, he turned the ac down low and removed the top sheet I had completely destroyed, only leaving the fitted and the comforter. He covered the both of us and pulled me close to spoon. Damn, not only could he fuck but he wanted to cuddle too? I was getting comfortable and about to doze off when my mind went straight to Zay.
“Oh no Zay!”
“She’s fine.”
“How do you know G? She’s probably awake crying for all we know.”
“No she’s fine. Trust me!”
“G let me go check on her.”
“Listen you could do what you want but I know she’s ok.” Before I could protest he was rolling his body over towards the night stand. I assumed he was about to whip out a blunt and smoke it up, but instead he pulls out a video baby monitor. There she was. My little baby completely zonked out and snoring away.
“I put that in the bunk just in case you wanted to sleep in the bunk above her. I wanted you to have peace of mind and to rest easy.”
I could not believe how incredibly sweet he was. I ended up staying the entire night with him, fucking him one more amazing time before showering and going to lay down with Zay. Ever since then we had been fucking around whenever we got the chance. It was good for us. I didn’t have to worry about a random guy coming in and out of Zay’s life, he didn’t have to worry about a commitment. In the end we were just two friends with needs that could go to each other no matter what. We were both damaged so this worked for us.
“Yay Gerry’s here! Gerry’s here!” I opened the door and there he stood. All 6’4” of him wrapped in leather. Smiling so big you though he won a Grammy.
“AHH Zay Zay! *muah* What’s up lil mama?” He wrapped her up in a big hug squeezing her like she was his own. He tickled her sides causing her to squeal in delight that her friend was here.
“What’s up Big Mama?” He said causing me to roll my eyes because he knew I hated that he called me that.
“Yup there she is haha.” He put Zay down and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“You ready to go G? We gotta hit the mall while the kiddies are still in school so we can get everything done.”
“Yeah fo’sho. Let me just take a leak and we’ll bounce.” He made his way to the bathroom and I put on my official G-Eazy letterman from forever ago. I was fixing my lipstick in the mirror when I feel his presence behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered how he missed me in my ear.
“G! Come on, not in front of the kid.”
“I know I know.”  We had made a deal that we would never act like a couple in front of Zay in order to keep the peace. We didn’t want to confuse her because she already knew who her dad was and we didn’t want to mess anything up. He gave me a weak smile as he picked up Zay and headed out the door. He had driven his mustang over so I was assuming that’s what we were rollin’ in.
“Really G? I thought we were going incognito?”
“We are! The black beauty is stealthy and sexy.”
“Yeah Mommy. She’s stealfy and sexy.”
“G! You look what you’re teaching her!”
“Zay Zay you can’t say that word till your 75.”
“What word?”
“That 2nd “s” word.”
“AHHHH it’s burning my ears,” he shouted as he covered his ears. Zay kept trying to repeat the word a few more attempts as he buckled her into her seat, each time causing G to “shout” and cover his ears. Eventually she stopped and we were on our way. We made our way to the mall and began to shop around. G buying anything and everything Zay wanted. He loved to spoil her no matter the cost. He would try with me but I just wasn’t into all of it. We walked up and down the mall for what seemed like 10 years. We bought snacks along the way but I was so hungry nothing was helping. We eventually stopped for a pretzel at a kiosk outside of a jewelry store in the mall. We were eating the salty treats and drinking the tart lemonade when Zay made a discovery.
“Look Mommy! Look at the pretty rings!”
“Yeah baby they’re pretty huh?”
“You should by one mommy!”
“No Baby mommy doesn’t need one.”
“Why Mommy?”
“Because Baby, only engaged people get those rings.”
“What’s engage?”
“It means people who are getting married.”
“Gerry you should buy one for my Mommy so you can get married!”
“No he shouldn’t Baby now come finish your pretzel.”
“Come on Mommy! You would look so pretty with one.”
“No Baby. Come sit down!”
“Please Gerry! Buy one so you and mommy can get married and have another baby, and you can live with me in my room and and and…”
“Zay! No enough. Now come and sit down.”
“I would Zay Zay but you’re Mommy won’t let me buy her one of those.”
“Why? Mommy why are you so mean?”
“G?! Seriously? Shut the Frick up!” I shot at him between clenched teeth and rage filled eyes. I could not believe that he had just said that to my 4 year old! Especially after all the talks we had about this. He asked a few times about why not? Why not? It’s like because dude! We can’t! I could feel my blood boil as Zay went back to eating her pretzel. I could tell G knew I was beyond livid because he wouldn’t even make eye contact with me. His jaw was clenched like he had something to be pissed about. We finished our snack in complete silence and G was so gone mentally even though his body was there.
“Come on, let’s get you guys home.”
“Gerry! Can we go to cheesecake house and get food? I hungry!”
“No baby we just ate.”
“No mommy we ate a pretzel, not dinner. Come on Gerry? Please?!” At that moment my stomach growled causing both Zay and G to look at me.
“You good?” He asked slightly concerned.
“Yeah I’m chill.” I coldly replied not making eye contact at all.
“Come one let’s go get you some dinner and call it a day.”
“Nah for real. It’s good G.”
“Nah we going and then we’ll call it a day.” He said with a little more force behind his tone. We walked to the car and G put all the bags in the trunk. I strapped Zay in and I could feel him staring at me as I did so. Normally he would make some joke about how good my ass looked but he was so beyond pissed he didn’t say a word. He zipped through traffic like a bat out of hell, white knuckling the steering wheel until we arrived at the restaurant. He handed the keys to valett, took Zay out of her seat and walked into the restaurant. I followed behind him and we were sat at a table in the back. G ordered some pasta dish, and Zay copied him ordering the kids version with chicken. I opted for some fettuccine and shrimp alfredo with a small salad. Zay sat next to G eating away and playing with him the entire dinner. G ignored me and continued to eat with Zay. He didn’t even bother me for a shrimp like he always does, instead he said:
“Ooh playing it safe now yeah Cails.” He never called me Cails unless he was pissed. Zay picked up on it but kept trying to lighten the mood. She kept poking G saying “tickle tickle,” getting him to fake laugh. I ate my meal in silence as the two of them carried on. Zay eventually ordering oreo cheesecake off of the pig girl menu so her and Gerry could share. I sat there continuing to be ignored till Zay quieted down. G finally cooled down enough to talk.
“So why did you blow up Cails?”
“We’re not talking about this right now. Not in front of Zay”
“She’s about to pass out soon then we can talk. Because we are going to talk.” He was right. It didn’t take but 6 minutes before she was completely passed out in the booth. It was now fair game. He looked at me and I had nothing to say.
“Aren’t you going to say anything?”
“There is nothing to say? We have a good thing going why ruin it?”
“Really? You’re ok with what we got?”
“Yeah don’t ruin a good thing?”
“We’ve been fucking with each other for like 3 years and you can honestly tell me you have no feelings for me other than just friends?”
“Yeah. I mean, it hasn’t been 3 solid years. You had your girls in between. Besides you said we were good.”
“Only because you never give me a heads up as to what you feel.”
“I told you I don’t feel! I just go. I don’t have time to sit back and feel. I have to do what’s best for my daughter.”
“So what you think by having a loving man who would literally die for you and the kid isn’t the best thing for her?”
“Well if that loving man wasn’t always rolling out then yeah maybe?”
“I roll out to provide and because it’s my passion. Just like you stay behind as a social worker to fulfill yours.”
“She needs stability! You think living on a tour bus or from hotel to hotel is stable? Besides you can’t just decide you want a life with us just because you got a bond with the kid.”
“A bond with the kid? Well Damn? I thought every time I fucked you we had a bond? I’m not just here for the kid! I’m here for you to but you don’t want it!”
“You never let it be known! You always said we were good with how we were. You even had other girls and I had no one else!”
“I had other girls because you never made the effort!”
“I never made the effort? G I literally would fuck you any chance we got! How is that not making an effort? Hell no! You are not blaming me on this one!”
“I have told you I want to be with you multiple times! You keep saying nah we’re good. I always tell you I love you..”
“You always tell me you got a love for me! Never that you love me!”
“Because the last time I told you that I loved you, you didn’t say anything.”
“When did you tell me you loved me?”
“The very first night I fucked you! I told you I loved you and you just looked at me like I was some sad Son of Bitch!”
“I didn’t think you were serious! I literally thought you were saying that to get me to fuck you! But at the time it didn’t matter to me because I just wanted to fuck!”
“It didn’t even matter? Wow. I told you how I felt and it didn’t even matter?”
“At the time I didn’t think you were sure.”
“Well what about now? What do you think now?”
“I think you are just getting over another break up and you’re ready for the next.”
“I literally broke up with her because she wasn’t you. She wanted to settle down and I couldn’t because all I could think about is you.”
“G! You shouldn’t have done that. She made you so happy.”
“You make me happy! You are what I want! What do I have to do to prove..that to..you,” his voice cracked at the end of his sentence. The tears began to flood his eyes and my heart began to flutter. I knew he was being honest, and I knew deep down in my heart that he cared. But was I willing to risk it all. My stability, my job, my life, all of it would be changed if I decided yes. All these thoughts were flooding my mind when I saw movement from across the table. A wooden box was placed in front of me and a huge sparkler of a ring inside.
“Caily. Baby Girl. Big Mama. You are literally the reason I get up in the morning and take my raggedy ass to the studio when I don’t feel like going. I keep grinding so I can provide for you and Zay. Yes it’s my passion, but I would give it all up tomorrow to have a stable life with the two of you. I want to go to bed with you, wake up next to you, and be in your presence for the rest of my life if you will have me. Caily Rhiannon Zavalos; will you marry me?”
I sat there across from him with tears in my eyes and warmth in my heart. I wanted what he wanted but how could I ask him to give up his entire life for me? How could I give up my entire life for him? How did any of this make sense. Before I could say a word I heard the sweetest little voice:
I looked over to see Zay’s sleepy eyes wide with happiness at the site she saw. In that moment I knew that I would have to give an answer. Say yes and give Zay the family she deserves and finally find happiness for myself; or say no to save G from losing out on his passion. But which answer was the right one?
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 82Xs1)
"Bridge Parties & Strippers"
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Ashleigh runs into Pete first. He's furious and headed out of the venue.
"What the hell is going on?" She asks him.
"Dude..." He shakes his head.
Giving her a quick run down of the events between Colson, Luna and BeBe.
"BeBe's was here!?" Ashleigh asks shocked.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's STILL here. Luna fucked her up." Pete tells her.
"I don't doubt it... And can you blame her? Why would he even do that??" She asks.
"No... And I don't know. You seen 'em, they were all Booed Up OnStage, announced their engagement and not even an hour later, THIS shit is going on." He answers. "Let him know I went to see Kate.... He's on some fuck shit right now, so he probably won't even notice." Pete tells Ashleigh. Shaking his head before kissing her cheek GoodBye.
"Another mess to clean up..." Ashleigh sighs "Fucking Kells." She thinks annoyed. Even before Luna, there's always been constant chaos with him.
Curled in a ball on the floor clutching his balls, Colson opens his eyes. Pain is shooting through every nerve of his body. Focusing, he sees a bloody Bleta on the ground not far from him. Closing his eyes again, he groans as he rolls onto his back.
"Fuuuuck... That Bitch dick punched me so haaaard.... I wish Bleta would just go awaaaay...." He thinks of the second girl Luna has knocked to the ground in a violent rage. "In my defense... They shoulda shut the fuck up." He tries to justify their injuries to himself. "Oh FUUUCK... My balls..."
Colson opens his eyes again to Ashleigh standing above him. She has no sympathy.
"My balls, Ash..." He whines.
"I don't care, Kells...." She dismisses him.
"Fine. Then, at least get Bleta out of here. I can't deal with that right now. Please." He asks, looking up at her.
"Whatever." Ashleigh shakes her head as she walks away.
The room is still full. The Band, Crew, Girls, Vendors. There's a shit ton of people everywhere BackStage.
Looking around, the word LAWSUIT flashes through Ashleigh's mind. Thinking of Luna and the advice she's given her regarding spin control, Ashleigh puts on her Boss Bitch pants.
She signals The Band over to her. As they head her way, she looks up generic Non-Disclosure Agreements on her phone. She quickly downloads and fills it out, emailing it to Slim.
"Listen, we gotta clean this shit up. Slim, I emailed this to you." She says, showing him her phone. "I need you to print out, what?" She sighs, looking around the room. "Three hundred copies to be safe?" She asks out loud to his nod. "Everyone needs to sign one before leaving. Use your charm. Try not to make it a big deal."
"Gotcha, Ash." He agrees as his phone dings with the email.
"How many people are with BeBe?" She asks to their head shakes of I Don't Know. "Run me back the first three copies." She instructs Slim.
"Bet. I'll be back." He agrees, heading to The Bus.
Turning to Baze, AJ and Rook, Ashleigh directs them next. "I want you to keep everyone in here having a good time. Once Slim gets the NDA's, help him. Please. With charm." She asks as she reminds them of the key component. "One of you run up. See if there's any ready. I gotta get BeBe to sign first." She finishes.
All three nod in agreeance. AJ heading to The Bus. Rook and Baze to attend to the room.
"Help me get her out of here?" Ashleigh sighs again as she asks Benny.
"No problem G-H..." He teases her as he puts his arm around her shoulder.
"I'm gonna fucking kill 'em both." She laughs lightly, catching the Luna reference as they walk towards BeBe.
Colson has decided to play opossum. He can hear Bleta calling his name a few feet away but refuses to acknowledge her.
"Maybe if I just lay here, she'll think I'm dead... Ugh... I feel like I'm dead.... She destroyed my baaaalllls" Colson mentally cries to himself.
Still on the the ground. Still holding his whole junk. He stays perfectly still when he hears Benny and Ashleigh approaching. Peeking out of the sliver of one eye, they pass him. He hears Ashleigh speak.
"Hey... Are you okay?" Ashleigh asks BeBe as she and Benny help her up and hand her a towel.
"No. I think that psycho bitch broke my nose!" She cries through the cotton.
"Are you here with anyone?" Ashleigh pries.
"No. I came to surprise Kells." BeBe answers, looking at her bloody hand as the other holds her face together.
"Did he invite you?" Ashleigh asks.
"No!" BeBe looks up, angrily. "I wanted to see him because he owes me an explanation for this Brooklyn Cunt or whatever the fuck her name is... He's fucking me then blocks me a month ago and all of a sudden he's getting married?? What the fuck is that!?" She shoots a glare between Benny and Ashleigh. "Besides, the way he was speaking to me, didn't seem like he put a ring on anything." She says snidley.
This pisses Ashleigh off.
"So, what happened?" She asks the million dollar question.
"She came up talking shit to Kells so I told her she could get her ass beat. That's when she head butted me. Like a fucking goat. Who does that?" BeBe winces from snaking her head while her hand holds her nose in place.
AJ taps Ashleigh on the shoulder. He slips her a clip board with a pen and a few copies of the NDA.
"So, you threatened her and she protected her life?" Ashleigh manipulates BeBe's words. "I'm gonna need you to sign this." She says handing the clipboard over.
"What? No." Bleta says pushing it away.
"You just admitted fault. If you sign this no one can speak about tonight or sue you." Ashleigh does NOT know where these incredible lies are coming from.
Neither does Benny, but he likes it. Encouraging BeBe to sign the paper also, he throws Kells name into the ring. Overwhelmed and in pain, BeBe scribbles her signature.
Ashleigh isn't a lawyer but she knows that what they're doing right now is technically illegal. "Most American contracts are signed under some form of duress...." She tries to reassure herself. "Murica'!!" Her brain insists, pushing her on.
Face hurting, embarrassed and wanting to get out of there, Bleta shoves the clipboard at Ashleigh.
"Can I fucking go now?" She asks, irritated as she pulls the blood soaked towel from her wound.
"Yeah, come on, Benny and I will walk you out." Ashleigh says as they guide her outside.
Once in a cab, Ashleigh leans in.
"Some advice, woman to woman? Luna and Kells are something different. It doesn't matter what he said to you, I guarantee she'll be back in his bed tonight and they'll be fine tomorrow. Save yourself the heartache and let him go." Ashleigh says as kind as she can.
With more than just her face hurt, BeBe simply closes the cab door.
Still laying on the floor, Colson waits until the coast is clear before he stands up. Looking around, he can't find Luna.
He watches, confused as Slim, Rook, Baze and AJ walk around having people sign papers. Seeing Ashleigh and Benny walk back in, he heads over to them.
"Where the fuck is Luna?" He asks firmly.
"She split with Nikki and her friend Sam..." Ashleigh answers.
"Oh, yeah? Fuck THAT Bitch." Not caring what His Boys are doing, he turns and shouts. "YO FUCKERS, WE OUT. NOW!!"
Ashleigh sighs for the hundredth time in less then an hour.
"Follow them?" She asks Benny.
"That's my job.... You know, if they keep snappin' out and disappearing separately, you might wanna bring in Bullet..." Benny says, looking down at Ashleigh.
Bullet is Colson's other bodyguard. Ironically, his government name is also Thomas.
"You honestly think that when Luna's pissed, she's gonna let anyone follow her anywhere??" Ashleigh asks Benny as if he's silly.
Both of them already knowing the answer.
"Facts... Extra hands wouldn't be a bad idea with those two though, Ash..." He continues to make his case.
Sighing again, Ashleigh agrees to call Bullet. Clearly they can't handle Kells and Luna on their own.
Benny kisses the top of her exhausted, little head before he follows The Madness outside. Slim coming over to hand her a stack of papers.
"I think we got 'em all..." He breathes out. "I gotta catch up with them. Sorry you gotta deal with this bullshit, Ash!" He kisses her cheek before jogging off.
"It's my job... And my bestfriend." She thinks as she flips through the NDAs. Debating on if she should call Monica on Luna's behalf.
In the back of the cab, Luna's phone rings. It's Pete.
"Hey!" She answers. "Yes, I'm Okay. I'm with Sam." She replies to his questions. "I'll be fine, Petey!!" She laughs as he teases how THAT'S what he's worried about.
Pete then unloads onto Luna his feelings about Colson and tonight. Listening, she doesn't speak until he finishes.
"Don't be mad at him, Petey... I know why he did what he did. I made him jealous and he tried to do the same..." She explains to their friend.
Pete tells her how she's making excuses for him the way she used to for Justin.
"Pete." Luna never calls him that and he knows it. "It's not the same..." She trails off. Pete doesn't know about her affair with Tommy. "I need you to trust me. He wasn't right but he had his reasons." Luna partial explains.
Her words stop him. He's known Luna for a long time and knows she doesn't put up with being disrespected. Knowing that both she and Colson are extremely complicated individuals, he accepts her shut down with a promise of lunch. SOON. Luna agrees with a grin.
Pete and Luna end their conversation with Be Safes, Love Yas and A Definite Lunch.
Hanging up, Luna turns to Sam. She's wedged between her and Nikki in the back of the cab.
"Where we goin'?" She asks.
"Mothafucken' Bridge Party, B!!" Sam exclaims to Luna's excitement.
Luna turns to Nikki asking if she wants to change as she pulls a red scarf out of her bag. Drapping it around her shoulders, Luna's dressed in cutoffs, a tank, stockings and Docs. It's what she performed in. Always Bridge Party ready.
"Fawk NO!! I look FABULOUS, BITCH!!" She exclaims to both Luna and Sam's laughter.
"Yo. You said he had his reasons... Why?" Sam asks Luna directly.
Sam and Luna have known each other since 6th grade. Making Sam one of Luna's oldest friends. Being based in NY, Sam knows EVERYONE. Not just Nikki and Pete but Justin, Ashley, Mack, Frannie... Even Jackson. Sam being Luna's drummer in their band Dysfunctional Baggage, they'd seen a lot and been through a ton of shit together. Sam was who Luna first called when she found Justin. Not 911, not his mother or her grandmother. Luna called Sam. Rushing over, Sam had witnessed Luna break in a way she'd never allow anyone else to. Or probably ever will again. Luna trusting Sam beyond her life.
Before Luna can answer, they pull up to the corner Sam requested. Tipping the cabby, the three women jump out.
"THIS IS GONNA BE SO FAWKING FUUN!!!" Nikki exclaims, wrapping an arm around both Luna and Sam's laughing necks.
Hitting The Bus first, Colson changes. Slipping a cool, pink, silk shirt onto his body, he thinks of Luna.
"Bet she's wit fucking Tommy. Whore." He tries to convince himself before he heads out into his own recklessness. Knowing he's wrong.
The Bridge Party is raging. Making Luna happy to be home. Linking arms with Sam and Nikki, they skip down into the music and lights.
NYC's party scene is a culture all in it's own. Heading under the bridge, it's like a multicolored, twisted, high school reunion. Luna and Sam seeing people they love. Nikki running into others she hasn't seen in YEARS.
"Wanna get on?" Luna asks Nikki with a grin as she opens her mouth.
She has a blotter and three single stacks on her tongue.
"FAWK YEAH!!!" Nikki grins, ready for another Nix&Loons MessABout.
Colson and The Band are a Flashers, an elite gentleman's club in NYC. Not that they're gentlemen or anything.
Tossing bills everywhere. Asses all over him, Colson pounds drink after drink. He's trying to erase Luna from his mind. He's got about an eight ball left over from the half ounce from Philly. Pulling it out, he dives face first.
He's on a mission. Not necessarily to overcome as many women as he can like before but to forget One who is like no other. Standing with a beer and drink in hand, joint in his mouth, he leans down to pick up another shot.l
Wanting to erase ever meeting That Brooklyn Bitch.
Luna is living her best freaking LIFE!! And she doesn't give a FUCK. Music flows as she dances with Nikki and Sam.
"I HAVE FUCKING GLOSTIX!!!" Luna exclaims as she bounces to the side to dig in her travel bag.
EVERYTHING is in there. Clothes, drugs, makeup, things to play with, candy and SCARVES.
Luna ties a flowered one around her head as she brings back GloStix and lollipops to her grateful friends.
They continue to bop and groove. Luna is tripping her PUSSY off. Playing with the red scarf around her body as she dances with Sam and Nikki.
"WATER!!!!" Sam shouts after what feels like two beautiful lifetimes but is probably only an hour.
Nikki and Luna nod in agreeance.
Bridge Parties are the ancestors of WoodStock. The grandmother of a non-profit festival, if you will.
Making their way to the water table, there's ten old orange Gatorade coolers set up. The City knows what's needed to party.
Grabbing her water bottle out of her bag, the three friends stand, drinking water continuously. Raving over it's Holy Greatness.
They laugh and catch colors. Trails and magical objects. Keeping close to one another to not be lost upon their voyage.
Bellies full of life fluid, they fill Luna's water bottle before going to squat and pee. What does Luna have? Toilet paper and baby wipes because LIFE.
They pee together, alllllllllll the way at the end of the bridge. Nikki teasing Luna how she's an Old Lady when she has hand sanitizer too.
Still living in the real world, Sam reminds Nikki.
"Nah, Boojie. Remember... THAT'S how we roooooll!" Sam teases Nikki as she squeezes her friend. "Dirty hands, Bitch!!!" Sam shouts laughing.
"Ahhh... Get the fawk owf meeee!!" Nikki laughs, hugging Sam back. "Nah... That shit was good."
Nikki agrees with a smile. Her hallucinating soul, mind and heart floating back to the early days of her career and their friendships.
Together the three of them grab hands. Skipping into the lights like they have no worries or cares.
Slowing down, Luna remembers. "Yoooo... I have chalk." She grins as she reaches into her bag.
Plunking down right where they are, the three artistic friends begin to display their tripping minds. Like a Mandela. Once they're gone, it too will be. Shortly after.
Colson's leg is jumping. He's high as fuck and still irritated. Downing shots as a pretty blonde wiggles up and down him. She's doing nothing for him.
"Take you in the back, make you feel better?" She offers as she bounces her tits in his face.
"No thanks." He says, pulling his head back and shoving a hundred towards her.
Insulted, she rises off of him.
Slim's been watching His Boy all night. Taking this as his opportunity, he slides over.
"What's good, Dawg?" He asks his bestfriend as he hands him his pen.
"Shit, Man." Colson puffs on it hard.
"So... Tonight is nothing?" Slim leads.
"Tonight was fucked, Homie." Colson responds, hitting the pen again.
"Talk to me, Brotha..." Slim continues to lead Colson.
Leaning back, Colson hits the pen a few more times. He's trying to collect his angry, confused and as always, inebriated feelings.
"She seen Tommy today." Is all he says.
Colson's a lot like Luna. He doesn't like his things to be touched.
Slim nods. He knows it's a contentious subject with Colson and Luna.
"Why?" He asks.
"I don't know... We didn't get that far. She told me and..." He looks at one of his longest friends. "And I shoved her. Hard enough to break a mirror." Colson looks down as he says the last part.
"Shit, Man." Is all Slim can say.
"I know... I don't know why the Fuck she was with him though." Colson starts to get angry again.
"She didn't say why at all?" Slim asks, not believing that if Luna was gonna pull some shit, she'd be careless.
"A fucking business meeting or something.... I don't know." Colson answers.
"Dawg. Do you know who this Tommy cat is? Like really? Besides from Luna?" Slim asks, suddenly worried Colson doesn't know what he's gotten himself into.
Colson shoots him a dirty look. He remembers what Benny had said.
"Dawg. He's like THE BIGGEST hitter in NY.... You know Luna's got her hands in a lot of shit. Remember how she freaked out over the picture of them? It could be business. HIGH FUCKING BUSINESS, Homes." Slim sighs. "Look, I don't know up from down when it comes to LunaTic because that bitch is wild, but what I will speak on, is she ain't never done you dirty and I ain't never felt her motives as dirty. Even if she got dirt wit this Tommy cat. That was before you... You really think she fucked him and came back to you?" Slim cuts to the chase.
"Nahh..." Colson says with an irritation to his certainties.
Another girl walks up on them. Colson shrugs as he throws his arms out. The girl takes this as an indication to climb on top of him.
Never thinking he'd take a chick's side over his boy's, Slim shakes his head as he watches another girl slither upon Colson.
Luna texts Ashleigh, hitting her Google locate. Letting her know where she is in The City. She goes on to apologize for not bringing her with her, promising to be back soon, to hit her up if she needs to.
"I should've fucking grabbed her..." Luna thinks. "If anyone needs a fucking escape, it's her...." Luna deciding her and Ashleigh will have an official MessAbout.
Sam climbs onto the cement wall Luna's sitting on, she's lost her shoes. Nikki is dancing free in the night.
That's the thing about The City, you can be everyone and no-one at the same time.
Nikki's appreciating being no-one in this moment.
"So... You never answered my question..." Sam asks Luna.
"Hmm?" She hums.
"Why? Why would you even consider marrying him after we spent tonight under a bridge like we're 19 because he wanted to schmooze up on some twat?? Are you not trading a junkie for a whore?"
Sam's words cut deep, but not enough to phase Luna. A calculated woman who knows what she expects out of this life, Luna doesn't care to explain.
"Sammy. I tell you. You know I'm not without fault. Neither is he. But love is love and sometimes that shit makes people jealous and they retaliate. I fucked her up for her OWN words. Not his actions. He may have antagonized it but let's not act like he fucked that bitch on the middle of the floor." Luna tells her friend.
Both always one to call a spade a spade. Neither bullshit.
"You know murder was the case that they gave me." Sam states, eyeing her friend.
Even tripping balls, Sam is very much like Luna. She don't fucking play.
Bursting into laughter, Luna grips Sam. Squeezing her tight.
"Let's go find your shoes, Bro." Luna laughs.
Lacing fingers with Sam before they begin their hunt.
Nikki comes running up with one of Luna's scarves on her head. She attacks both her friends with a hug.
"I FAWKING MISS THIS, YO!!!" She shouts, pecking Luna and Sam with kisses.
Luna relates to one of her greatest friends. Unhappily for the first time ever. Her third eye realizing how much she hates being out of her element.
"I wonder if she'll come back..." Colson thinks as another random ass grinds against him. "Maybe I should hit her up... No. Fuck that. She fucked up first... Not me." He stubbornly thinks as he slides a bill into the g-string in his face.
Sam and Nikki are dancing within the crowd as Luna sits by herself. Finding a random lighter beside her she flicks it.
Giggling at the colors radiating off of her finger tips. She wishes Colson was with her.
Tripping out of her mind, Luna closes her eyes and imagines him bouncing around with her. She grins at the idea of his excitement. Then her mind jumps to red. The blood. The girl. The anger.
Luna whips her eyes open. Knowing how to stop a bad trip, she leaves the lighter where she found it. Jumping off the ledge, Luna heads into the crowd. Letting the beat take control of her body as she finds her friends.
Still slamming lines, Colson's not hungry when they leave the high class strip club.
As everyone one else gobbles down pizza, he continuously checks his phone. Leg bouncing maniacally off the floor.
He wants to know where the fuck Luna is. But like an Asshole, he won't contact her.
"Ahhhh!!! I haven't had THAT much fun in SO long!!" Nikki laughs in the back of their cab.
It's rounding out 6A. The sun is coming up. The day is done and Luna had a fucking blast.
"That's why I don't ever wanna be famous..." She groans, placing her head in her hand. "You're so fucking busy and miss out on all the cool shit... For what??? Your fucking name on people's lips??" Luna snidley complains.
"Not all of us can be born with a silver fucking spoon, Loons." Nikki cocks back.
"Shut the fuck up, Nix." Sam comes to Luna's light defense. "We both know Patti didn't raise Loons as a baller and even if she did, Loons don't give a fuck about that shit." Sam states with a knowing smile.
"Enh... You got some truth in that." Nikki smirks. "But royalty is royalty and you can't deny that shit."
Luna and Sam don't dispute the truth.
"I love your rich, white ass doe!!" Nikki laughs as she hugs Luna.
Their cab pulling up in front of her Upper Eastside buiding.
"BOOJIE." Sam laughs calling Nikki out.
"Fawk you!!" Nikki laughs as she hugs her friends GoodBye.
Sam and Luna heading back to The Bus.
Walking onto The Bus, it's awake and aware. Luna grabs Colson by the collar of his shirt. Dragging him with her, she leaves Sam. Knowing she's been on tour before and that Boys are no obstacle for her.
"Kitten.." Colson starts to say.
"Shut the fuck up" Luna states as she grips the back of his neck. Kissing him fiercely.
She may understand Colson's jealously but it does not excuse his shove. Luna has a strict Don't Hurt Me Unless I Ask For It policy. He broke that. And now, she'll make him pay.
Releasing him, she demands he strip as she pulls off her own clothes.
Colson listens. Pulling his shirt off and dropping his pants for her. Happy she's in their room but starting to grow pissed over Tommy again.
Luna shoves him on the bed.
Climbing on top of him, she kisses his mouth with anger as she plays with her folds. Opening herself enough for her to jam him inside her tight pussy.
Even furious, his girth is too much. Luna cries out from his cock as she tries to work him into her.
"Kitten.." He says again.
Clasping her hand over his mouth, Luna tells him to Shut The Fuck Up as she rides him to her pleasure.
Not one to be told what to do, even by Luna for too long, Colson losses his patience.
Grabbing her ribs, he flips her over on the bed. Luna wraps her legs around him as he drives into her.
"Tell me what to fucking DO..." He taunts huskily in her ear.
This infuriates her. Using all her strength, Luna flips him off her. Keeping his dick in place, she rides him like she owns him. Because she does. Placing her hand on his throat as she bucks against him, Luna demands Who The Fuck Does He Belong To.
He gasps out "YOU."
Colson is stronger than her. Gripping both hips, he easily tosses her back off of him.
On top of her, as her head hangs off the bed, he demands Who's Pussy Is This as he punishes her with his dick.
Hips jolting against him, Luna diverges. "NOT YOURS IF YOU DON'T ACT RIGHT!!!"
She bites his neck hard, causing him to whimper. Flipping him back over, Luna commands his body.
She fucks him strong and hard. The rage and anger from the last couple days only peeping out.
Pulling his hands to her ass and holding them there, Luna shifts Colson deep into her. Using his body until she's done with it.
Feeling herself cum, not caring but knowing he did too, Luna drops on to the bed beside him. He doesn't get the luxury of staying inside of her.
"Kitten..." He hums as he reaches for her.
"Don't fucking touch me." Luna spits out, swatting his hand away.
Just then The Bus jerks to a stop. It was only a two hour ride to NJ.
Luna climbs off the bed, throwing on her clothes from last night.
"Don't think we're fucking good. At all." She states before grabbing her bag and marching out of their room.
Word Limit (1 of 2)
To be continued....
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Too Young to Fall in Love Chapter 7 (Dirt!Nikki x Reader)
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Title: Too Young to Fall in Love 7
Summary: Nikki Sixx was a hard partying musician on the strip. He never expected to fall in love with anyone, until a girl knocked on his dressing room door looking for a ride home and took his breath away. Just like everything else Nikki did; the drugs, the money, the music; Nikki went hard with love. (Y/n) Bass never expected the bassist of Motley Crue to be the one to shake her calm and calculated life up. She had a plan. Graduate school, become an epic producer, and watch from behind the scenes as her brother’s band rose to fame. Nikki and (Y/n) were perfect for each other, too bad her brother, Tommy, didn’t think so.
Series warnings:  Smut (18+ Please), drug use, language, referenced miscarriage, drug overdose, mentioned attempted suicide, out of character moments for everyone in the band, the timeline might be a little screwy but it’s fanfiction! I know nothing of music production and my medical knowledge is really screwy, so it won’t be accurate.
Check out my Patreon for more!!!
“Hey loser!” Athena laughed.
“Bitch.” (Y/n) laughed. “Sorry, I got sidetracked.”
“Oh? And what exactly distracted you to the point that you got “side tracked” huh?” Athena teased.
“Her new boyfriend.” Vanessa teased. (Y/n) let them into the house.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” She told them.
“Not yet anyways,” Vanessa muttered too Athena. “He is hot and they are cute together.”
“Oh? Who is it?” Athena asked. (Y/n) shot a glare at Vanessa.
“No one. Just a guy I met when I was ditched at the concert.” (Y/n) told Athena.
“See, it was a good thing I left you back there you got to meet someone!” Athena smiled. “But I am sorry I left you behind. That was shitty of me.”
“It’s okay. You and Tommy both left me, so it wasn’t just you.” She flopped on the couch.
“(Y/n),” Athena said softly. “You know I kid around, but I am proud of you. You are doing better than myself or Tommy every could in the brains department.”
“Does he know how smart you really are?” Vanessa asked. “I mean, he knows your in college, but does he know you skipped grades and are probably graduating by Christmas?”
“I don’t like to brag.” (Y/n) said. “Plus, what if he thinks I’m just some nerd or something?” Vaness and Athena looked at each other.
“(Y/n),” Athena said softly. “Where is this coming from? I know Tommy is an asshole but that’s because he’s jealous of you. I mean hell, I was a little bit jealous of you, but we all have our strengths and weaknesses.”
“He’s just...he’s so cool and I live at home. I don’t have a car. I just feel like we’re so different and I can’t figure out why he likes me.” She sighed. “Anyway, pizzas here.” She went up to get it. Athena looked over at Vanessa.
“Who is this mysterious “cool dude”?” Athena whispered to her.
“Sorry Thena,” Vanessa shook her head. “Not my place to tell you. I am loyal to the end.”
“Damn. I thought I could get the details.” She sighed. “I wonder if I know him.”
“Thena, she really likes him. And what you and Tommy filled her head with is not ok,” Vanessa sighed. “She is so unsure of herself that… what she needs is confidence. We know she won’t get it from Tommy but you’re her sister, she needs you.”
“I’m gonna kill Tommy someday.” Athena sighed. “We’ll take her shopping tonight and get her a kick ass outfit.” (Y/n) came back with the pizza for them.
“Ok, so after Pizza we have some time to go out and shop for some clothes!” Vanessa smiled as she grabbed a slice and moaned in satisfaction.
“Shopping? Why?” (Y/n) asked. “Why do we need to go shopping? Do I not have the right clothes?”
“(Y/n),” Athena said gently, “for a date this special where a you really like a guy… sometimes it nice to get something new and make yourself feel good.” Athena gave her a pat on her cheek. “Trust me little sister, you are gorgeous, and your clothes are fine, but this is to knock him dead.”
“Well, okay.” She ate her pizza. “Let’s do this then.”
“(Y/n)?” Athena looked at her.
“Yeah?” (Y/n) asked, looking over at her sister.
“You know you’re beautiful right?” her sister smiled at her. “Tommy is an asshole and just jealous that he only attracks skanks. But sis, you are amazing and you know that mom and dad are proud right?” (Y/n) nodded and smiled some.
“Thanks ‘Thena.” (Y/n) smiled at her. “You guys make me feel a lot better.”
“That’s what sisters and best friends are for.” Athena said as she hugged (Y/n).
“Now, I just gotta deal with a small little lie I might have told him…” (Y/n) sighed. “I told him I lived in the dorms with Nessa. He’s been dropping me off there instead of here.” She looked around. “Maybe while mom and dad are gone, I could slowly start moving into the dorms? Or I could tell him something happened and I had to move back home?”
“Ohhhhh, ouch.” Athena winced. “That one is tough, I mean… what are you going to tell mom and dad?”
“I don’t know,” (Y/n) sighed. “We came up with the plan of me living at home since the college is so close, so I could just commute there and save some money. He’s gonna think I’m a big liar about everything.”
“Not if you tell him about why you lied about it,” Vanessa sighed. “He shouldn’t be kept in the dark about this. I mean sure he’ll be mad. But if he doesn;t get over it then he isn’t the guy for you. However, he does seem like a nice guy. You never know.”
“Nessa is right (Y/n/n),” Athen ate another slice of pizza. “This is something you should come clean about.”
“On the first date though? Well, technically third, or fourth.” Athena coughed some. “You okay?”
“Third or fourth?” she took a sip of water. “I thought this was a first date?”
“She’s seen him a couple of times by chance since meeting him a t the concert,” Vanessa covered for Y/N. “So officially where he picks her up and takes her on a nice date yes. But, they have seen eachother in circumstances that have turned into date.” she cleaned her hands and looked to Athena and (Y/n). “Well? What are you bitches waiting for? Let’s go.”
“Look guys, I know your brother is in Motley Crue, but do we have to listen to them?” Vanessa asked. “This album is kinda annoying.”
“You’re just jealous.” (Y/n) laughed, but she ejected the cassette and Athena turned on the radio. “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” came blaring from the car speakers.
“Better?” Athena asked Vanessa with a laugh.
“Much!” Vanessa smiled as she sang the lyrics. “This is the perfect song for us!” (Y/n) smiled and leaned back in her seat as she looked out at the strip as they passed. Motley Crue’s name on the sign at the Whiskey and she wished that she could see Nikki. She wondered if he was even thinking of her.
Nikki sat in the dressing room, he sighed softly wishing that (Y/n) would be out in the audience. Shaking his head he tried to concentrate on the gig. He didn’t notice the other guys looking at him weird.
“Dudes,” Tommy whispered to Vince and Mick. “How hot is this chick?”  
“She’s pretty hot.” Vince admitted. “Just saying, they don’t work out, I’d do her.”
“She’s smart. And doesn’t spend ten minutes trying to find the right words.” Mick added. Tommy looked over at Nikki.
“I have to meet this chick!” Tommy whispered. “What does she look like?”
“Can we seriously stop talking about my girlfriend as if I’m not in the room?” Nikki glared at them. “You guys sound like a bunch of old hags. Hell Mick is an old hag!” Nikki said as he tuned his bass.
“I’m THE old hag asshole. Get it right. Dumbass.” Mick grumbled, getting his guitar.
“Hey, I’m just saying she’s really hot.” Vince shrugged. “Can’t wait to meet that friend of hers though.”
“Well man I just can’t wait to meet this chick!” Tommy gave a grin and nodded his head. “If she’s as hot and smart as you say she is, I’m impressed she isn’t imaginary.”  
“Like the three of us idiots got together and planned up a fake girl to piss you off?” Nikki asked.
“Actually, that does kinda sound like something we’d do.” Vince laughed.
Nikki shook his head, “Can we focus please, we go on in five.” he said getting the set list ready.
“Yeah, yeah.” Mick said. Tommy got his sticks and stretched.
“Let’s do this my dudes!” Tommy called out.
The boys went out and played to a full house. Nikki was able to focus only because he reminded himself he would be seeing (Y/n) tomorrow. He smiled at the crowd not looking at anyone in particular as they rolled through their set. He swore a couple times he saw (Y/n) in the crowd, but nothing.
After the set was over, they made their way backstage.
“I gotta go get some new pants.” Tommy groaned.
“What’s you do pee on them?” Vince snorted.
“Awwww, did little Tommy wet himself?” Nikki added.
“NO! I got paint all over this and not even a cool color.” Tommy whined.
“Oh the humanity,” Mick said in a monotone voice. “Someone call the national guard! It’s a travesty to fashion.”
“You guys are all assholes.” Tommy sighed. “I stole these from my sister anyway.”
“Which one?” Vince asked.
“Might have been (Y/n)’s, but I’m not sure.” Tommy said. Mick looked up and looked from Nikki to Tommy.
“(Y/n)?” Nikki muttered and shrugged. “Sounds like my girl’s name, small world.”
“Huh? Really?” Tommy looked at Nikki. “You’re girl’s name is (Y/n)? I didn’t think it was that common.” he shrugged.
“Well, I’m out. See you guys later.” Nikki said, heading out.
“Same. Gotta get new pants. Later!” Tommy yelled. Mick looked over at Vince.
“Holy shit.” Mick told him.
“What?” Vince said as he fixed his hair getting ready to pick up some chicks.
“Nikki’s dating Tommy’s sister.” Mick said, a little in shock.
“What!? You’re crazy man, no way.” Vince dismissed him and sighed. “It’s just a coincidence that they have the same name, that’s all. Besides, (Y/n) is way too hot to be Tommy’s sister.”
“She looks like Tommy!” Mick said. “You can see it in the eyes!”
Forever tags:  @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af-imagines @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @teller258316  @horrorpxnk
Motley Crue Tags:  @primal-screamer @waywardprincess666 @twistnet @saint-of-los-angeles @vader-kai @motleyfuckingcruee @sharon6713 @kawennote09 @2dead2function @nikkisixxwiththebass @flamencodiva @iamtiber-andtiberismusic @jayprettymuchomw @charlyallise @you-know-im-a-dreamer @livingdeadharley @motleycrying
Too Young to Fall in Love Tags:  @kingbouji3 @leximus98 @thekidbakerinthetardis
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
Poly Wanna? Ch. 7
This is probably my messiest chapter YET. We get some action too, and some pain and even some violence, so TW for that. I didn’t put a warning on the ffnet post, but I think most of the readers read this here anyway and only my two muffins read on that end. They know who they are. At any rate, prepare to drama to the fullest reality TV style extent.
Lemme know if I need to take you off the tag. Idk who’s actually reading because I’ve only heard from a couple of people, so idk if y’all still interested.
@adorkable-blackgirl  @chenoahchantel @ciara-knightly @cactus-con @up-the-tube @riebellion  @itsyaapollochild@oof–musicals @lesbian-so-what @woahjusttakeiteasy-man @meadowstryingtobepretty @imma-sensitive-btch @okaygal21 @midernacht @divinereign4ever @xoxoemille
The Unspoken Stories
“You know how sometimes, people say things like ‘I had a feeling about this’ or ‘I simply just knew,” or anything else to indicate that they possessed some intuition about things? I often wonder where that comes from? Is it like Charlotte says - the universe, energy, spirit, etc or whatever, or is it something inside of you that just tells you, like a superpower? I don’t tend to have a lot of intuition about many things. I tend to try to assess what I see, but I’m usually battling with multiple questions about exactly what that is. I don’t have any intuition that I know of, so the feeling that I’ve been getting around Char and Jasp… I think it’s probably wishful thinking, but they’re warming up to me.”
Jasper decided that a good place to maybe talk out some of Charlotte’s tension, as it related to Henry and the other two girls was to have them air it out at the spa. Henry and Charlotte both thought that was a terrible idea, but he raised a good point, “Would it be better at a fancy restaurant, at dinner, where drinks might be thrown? Or at one of our homes, where possessions might be damaged? At least if things go poorly, everyone can go to a different room and get some stress relief treatment.” 
“Why are your expectations filled with violence?” Charlotte wondered, knowing that he probably was lowkey accusing her of possibly whipping somebody’s ass. 
She wasn’t violent, so much as she had been more likely to fight since her breakup with Henry. That was the first time she struck someone in anger, and it felt good at the moment, but definitely bad afterwards. Even if she hadn’t hurt her wrist, she hurt her pride. She let him make her so mad that she resorted to putting her hands on someone. She didn’t like that about herself. And, it made it easier for her to be willing to put her hands on others, since then. Boxing helped, though. Punching a bag instead of punching people, whether or not they deserved it, kept her from punching her dad right in the chin any time that she saw him.
“Because, I’ve had to pull my girlfriend backstage for fighting customers,” Jasper answered simply.
“Wasn’t a fight. He grabbed me and I defended myself.”
“You broke a glass over his head. I’ve DROPPED those glasses, numerous times. Do you know the level of not with the shits you have to be to break one of those on a human being?” Jasper wondered.
“He had a thick skull,” she said and shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not violent. I’m defensive. There’s a difference. Whenever I punched at Henry, it was a reflex to him grabbing me when I was trying to leave and was already pissed. I’ve only ever hit men who made me feel threatened or violated my space. They might rule this world, but I’m not a part of any man’s inheritance.”
Charlotte had a WHOLE regimen planned for the day. She had checked on the prices and made a checklist of what she was having done and they had decided that their chat could be held in the steam room. She and Jasper rode together, of course. He had his hair pulled up into a tiny bun that she kept snapping photos of and K(her)SL. Along with the stubble on his face, he looked so “Daddy,” and she lived for it, but that bun was SENDING her. 
The owner of the spa (the one with the history with Henry that he never quite acknowledged) made sure to be there herself to make sure that the group was treated fairly. Charlotte hoped to see some juicy backlash, but Henry was already there when she and Jasper came in, sweet-talking her. There were flowers there and a handwritten card. She was guessing that he apologized… She stopped Jasper and asked, “Is that Henry’s handwriting?” in a quiet voice.
“Girl, no. Henry has a pensman.”
“That’s not a real word.”
“Somebody writes letters for Henry?”
“Whenever he wants to suck up extra hard. The dyslexia, you know, makes letters from him more heartfelt?”
“But, if he didn’t WRITE it himself, how is it heartfelt?”
“She doesn’t know he didn’t write it.” Charlotte started to put him on blast, but they needed to have the big conversation and she could always clarify with homegirl, later. There was no way that she was gonna just let that woman be played out by this boy again. 
Henry smiled at Charlotte and Jasper as they approached. “Look who it is! My favorite people!” He cheered and went to hug them. “Got you some flowers,” he said and handed each of them a yellow rose. 
Jasper forced a smile, but looked sad. Charlotte definitely noticed and wondered, “What’s wrong?” She was on the alert and ready to defend him, if need be. He gave her a kiss on the temple and whispered that he’d rather not get into it. “So, whenever Henry and I were… involved, if he did something mean or hurt me, he’d always apologize with yellow roses. He said yellow roses were for apologies to your friend, and since I’m his best friend, he never wanted to let any kinda problems go unchecked or any kind of hurt he caused me to go without apology… When I went to the hospital, he didn’t even come to see me, but he sent me six dozen yellow roses and I honestly thought that I’d never get another from him. I had a lot of feelings when he handed me a single…”*Starts crying and gets up.*
The spa owner got a whole bouquet of various apology flowers, but since they were having a spa day, Henry felt like single yellow roses were the way to go for his company. He knew that Jasper would get it, if nobody else did. Jasper seemed pretty emotional about it. Henry didn’t have the intuition to know whether it was good or bad. Charlotte had the intuition to know that it was a mixture of both, but she didn’t know the context and that irritated her.
Chloe and Bianca showed up, holding hands and laughing together. Chloe had on some open toe shoes and Charlotte looked down and asked, “Getting something done with those feet today?”
Chloe smiled awkwardly and laughed a little, “Should I?”
“It’s up to you,” Charlotte said, then unintentionally, but intentionally looked right at the camera as she tried to stifle a smile. “My mother used to tell me that I had to remember to moisturize so that I wouldn’t be ashy. I didn’t realize that Chloe needed to moisturize too.” 
Bianca said, “Oh, we should TOTALLY get our feet done!”
“I saw a foot mask made especially for crack repairs,” Charlotte suggested. Henry tried really hard to not laugh, realizing that even though her voice was very sweet, that was most likely shade. Chloe’s feet were looking kinda worn.
“Charlotte must have some kind of foot fetish or something. She was REALLY centered on my feet! What people don’t know is that I’m an athlete. I’ve been on multiple reality show challenges and have even won some seasons. So, yes, my feet are a little less feminine than the girl who can’t decide if she’s a singer or a scientist. I’ve actually gotta get out there and grind.”
“Would you like a naked steam room?” The owner asked. Henry looked around at his company. Bianca and Chloe looked down for it. Jasper didn’t seem to care (or maybe he didn’t hear. He was staring at his rose). Whenever Henry made eye contact with Charlotte, she had a raised eyebrow DARING him to say yes.
“I think we’ll be good in one with clothes?” He said, still looking at Charlotte to see if her face changed. She relaxed a little. 
“Robe sizes needed?” 
Charlotte snuggled up to Jasper and wondered, “Are you gonna be okay?”
“Yeah,” He looked up at her and smiled. She was a happy part of life. He didn’t need to dwell on the dark parts. “I was just thinking about how lucky I am now, versus how it could have been, how it used to be.”
She nodded, “Well, you won’t be able to bring that into the steam room. You wanna put it in a locker and I can maybe preserve the petals for you when we get home?”
“No,” he said and tossed it into the trash. “I don’t need to hang on to any of that.”
She didn’t know what any of that meant, but she wrapped her arm around him from the side and leaned up to make him bend down for a kiss. “Jasper threw my rose away. I didn’t know if that meant that he didn’t accept my apology or if it meant that there was nothing to be forgiven, but it hurt to see. But, Charlotte, she kissed hers and she put it away safely. I know that she’s probably gonna save the petals, like she used to… or I hope. I don’t have intuition, like I said. I’m guessing, here.”
Charlotte kept her spa shoes on her feet, grateful to have them. Who knew what those roach stompers Chloe had might bring into the room with them? Jasper was sweating before they even got into the room. He and Charlotte sat next to each other, Bianca and Chloe sat across from them and Henry tried to figure out where he might be best seated… He decided across from Charlotte and Jasper, since they were what was really important to him and he wanted to look them in the eyes as they did… whatever would be done here today.
“Okay, so, thank you everybody for coming here today. I don’t want to ruin this place for you, so I sucked it up and apologized to the owner, even though most of that was all in her head. I just want everything out, like I told Jasper. I want to deal with it head on and show everyone that I have changed and I want to introduce you to who I am now. I want you to get to know me, today, as I am… But, I also understand that might not be possible without addressing the shit that I’ve done in the past, to everybody here, really. If anybody has any questions or comments, I am open for them.”
Charlotte looked at Jasper, “You wanna talk to him about something between the two of you?” Maybe, Jasper might open up now that they were having this time together. She knew that he wasn’t okay and all she wanted was for him to be better. This whole thing was more of Henry’s idea, she gathered, to curb his guilt, but if Jasper could benefit from it; she wanted that more than anything she wanted for herself. She must really love that dude, she realized.
Jasper cleared his throat and said, “I’m not that concerned with our past. It ended very miserably for me and I didn’t come here, today, or agree to the show to rehash any of that or relive it. But, I’ve been rehashing and reliving things, and you’ve seemed fine. If I want to know anything, it’s about right now. Right now, what is it that you want, Henry? Why are we all here?”
He said in a very low and soft voice, “I just want you two to love me again.” 
Jasper noticeably, immediately went soft and nodded his head. The answer was good enough for him. “What I think a lot of people don’t understand is that no matter WHAT happened between Henry and I, no matter how he hurt me or how I processed it; we were best friends for most of my life. My dad and his mom used to be super close and we were brought together before either of us were conscious about our surroundings.” *Tears up* “We were… soul mates. However you consider that to be. We were connected at the soul, like one person, for a huge portion of my life - my entire fucked up childhood, there was nobody that treated me better than Henry, and why wouldn’t I forgive him for mistakes that were made when we were young and he was already hurting? Nobody gets to control how I choose to respond with him reaching out and asking for my forgiveness. Maybe that’s stupid. Maybe it’s foolish, but how do you hate a part of yourself forever? Even the less shiny parts, you have to figure out a way to live with, and Henry has been a super shiny part and a super dark part of ME. Not just my life, but a part of me. I’ve carried him in my heart since before I knew what love was. Of course I could love him again. I do love him. I never stopped. I never would stop.”
Charlotte wasn’t as moved in the same direction as Jasper, and to be honest, in hindsight, they probably should have had separate conversations, because seeing Jasper just forgive him in his heart, while he might not have actually said it out loud… that made her heart harder. He noticed the darkening of her features as she glared in Henry’s direction and took her hand and kissed it, trying to smooth her over. Because him loving Henry didn’t take anything away from him loving her. He loved both of them for different reasons, in different ways and he never wanted to be apart from her, no matter what kind of love he had for anyone else. “What did you do to him, Henry? What would make this big hearted, kind spirited person who has always taken mistreatment from loved ones with a grain of salt… What would make him turn against you? I do some things that I’m not proud of to Jasper every single day and he still loves me. We watched his parents not give even pinches of fucks about him all throughout school, and he still loved them. We saw him idolize our boss, who wasn’t really that fond of him for many years, and he loved him… So my suspicious self, my smart self, I have to always wonder what in the world that you did to somebody that I LOVE, with most of my heart to make him not love you?”
“I didn’t stop loving him,” Jasper injected. She gently pulled her hand away. “I only say that to say… The things that you’re saying right now, they’re very triggering and just stirring things up and it's not really like that, so please…”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered and nodded at him, empathetically. He took a deep breath and leaned back. “I didn’t mean to…”
“It’s okay, Babe.”
“Please, don’t do that. I hurt you and I don’t want you to just brush it off, like it didn’t happen. Everyone needs to be held accountable for what they do.”
“Every time somebody hurts someone, it isn’t necessarily on purpose. I think that intent matters,” Jasper said. “I love you, too. I don’t care if you hurt me, because I know that wasn’t your intent.”
“But, you’re still hurt.”
“And you feel remorse for that. Don’t beat yourself up.” He hugged her. She was soft, but she was still wondering, “Seriously, what did he do to my man to have him in the bad way that I’ve heard he was in after they broke up?”
Charlotte heard one of the other two girls mumble something and her head snapped in their direction so fast that they both startled. “Did you have something to add? To help out? He didn’t say anything about wanting your love, so what’s the tea? Why are YOU TWO here? Oh, yeah, to discuss your part in all the bullshit.”
Bianca cleared her throat and said, “I was simply saying that you two are so good together that I don’t know why you even care about what Henry wants, at this point.”
“I thought that me and Henry were good together at some point too, but you didn’t right? And that’s fine, you’re entitled to feel how you feel and do what you do. You’re grown, you were grown at the time, and you weren’t involved with me, so I never came at you or confronted you or anything like that. But you, both of you, came over to our place, smiled in my face, played nice with me, and both of you weren’t about shit, behind my back.”
Bianca scoffed a chuckle and said, “Well, we were all pretty young when all of that happened. I had recently learned that you were the one who initially suggested that Henry ask me out, and Chloe felt some kind of way about it…”
Chloe threw in, “Henry and I hadn’t officially broken up, but you were pretty accepting of another girl being brought into his life, back then.”
“GIRL! You are really here, sitting here telling me that the reason you were disrupting my love life was because of something that happened when we were in school?” Charlotte cackled, but there was a terrifying anger in it. “BITCH. PLEASE.”
“Well, today, it’s like 6 or 7 years since that happened and you’re still mad. For me, at the time, it had been maybe about the same amount of time, I was younger, and I thought that Henry had just moved on because of distance, when really, he moved on because you pressured him to move on. I wasn’t even mad that I had lost Henry, but when I found out, I was hurt about it, so I wasn’t that concerned about your relationship, just as you hadn’t been concerned about mine. We’re ALL older and wiser now and I’ve moved on.”
“You’ve moved on because you didn’t have something important taken from you. You had the chance to go be on TV or be with Henry and like any kid would, you went with TV. Henry had a crush on Bianca and I, as a friend, supported that. When you left, in my head, that was that. What you did to me, we were grown and Henry and I were in a REAL relationship. And to this day, I’ve never come at you about it or anything. So, for me to be trying to console Jasper, who was SUPPOSED to be your friend and for you two to be having a little side conversation, ah kee keeing and shit… Man, fuck y’all. Y’all are so fake. To this day. You’re both some fakes and Jasper deserves better friends.” Charlotte was fuming.
Henry finally spoke up and said, “It was my fault. I shouldn’t have been airing out things to Bianca, but when that started, you and I were having some issues and I couldn’t talk to Jasper or any of our mutual friends about it, and I didn’t really have a lot of alternatives.”
“So, fuck me?” Charlotte asked and laughed sarcastically.
“At the time, I was worried that talking to you about it wouldn’t be received properly. So, I started talkin’ to Bianca, and a few things came out - that weren’t necessarily secrets, but stuff we had never talked about. I was actually speaking pretty generally about it all when I told her that you were the one that encouraged me to ask her out, and she told me that she’d kissed Kid Danger when we were together and I told her that wasn’t important anymore and we just were chilling and laughing and connecting. I didn’t expect it to turn emotional. I didn’t expect her to talk to Chloe about what she’d learned. Whenever Chloe asked me about it, I very nonchalantly told her the truth and it was years before, so like you said, we were kids, I didn’t think anything of it. But, I didn’t know that she felt hurt to find that out. Sometimes, we hold on to things that happen, not specifically because of that event or the person involved, but because of other things in our makeup.”
“Okay, but if she was still feeling a way, she could have said, ‘Hey Charlotte, I know this was a long time ago, but it’s fresh to me, because I just found out that you openly supported my first boyfriend moving on while I was away for a little while, and I’m having trouble feeling okay about that.’ We could’ve discussed it. Not… started a group chat with the two of you to fish for information about our problems and then deliberately try to drag me.”
“It wasn’t like that,” Chloe said.
“I read the entire thread. It took me hours, because it was months of inappropriate things. You started it off with a little disparaging joke about how you three could be the Charlotte is the Blame Club. Bianca had told you about my “prude problems,” and you wanted to let Hen know that you two were there for him, if he needed to blow off any steam. “Emphasis on blow, lol.” 
Chloe was speechless. She didn’t even remember most of that chat, but apparently it had mattered to Charlotte. 
Bianca said, “I promise, it was completely innocent, in the beginning. We thought it was kinda funny that you two dated so long and you didn’t do certain things for him.”
“It's nobody’s business what hangups that I have, but since everybody’s business is out right now, I will say this, I wasn’t able to slut around when I was young. My mother tried to be supportive of me being sexually aware, but long story short, she was very sexually wholesome and I didn’t do anything with anybody until Henry. So, yes, it took me a while to get into the habit of things. This boy didn’t even wash his legs whenever we got together, so no, as a science minded person who understands how germs 
work and shit, I didn’t wanna be doing a lot of risky stuff with him. And whenever I WOULD do something, I had to be sure everything was clean and clear and ready. Henry was the one who didn’t feel like “going through all of that for a BJ.’ Okay. That was his choice, just like it was my choice to not get ball sweat or ball hair anywhere near my face and mouth area! Maybe you’re fine with musty nuts in yours. I wasn’t. And that was MY. BUSINESS. With MY. BOYFRIEND. But, it's not your fault that he told you that. It WAS your fault that you shared it with Chloe, because if he wanted to share our business, okay, but why did you feel like you could share it?”
“Because I didn’t give a damn, Charlotte!” Bianca snapped. “I’m sorry that early college years, I didn’t care about privacy or things like that. It sounded like a scandal and it was humorous to me. I didn’t know that it would become what it became, which, even right now, wasn’t anything very important to me. It was a part of my life as a young adult. I’m sorry that it affected you like it did. I truly am. You seem like you were very kind to Henry and I feel like what we did made you less kind. I’m sorry that I helped you become this bitter person…”
“BITCH…” *Camera shakes and moves around through a lot of shuffling and winds up on Charlotte, getting tackled by the security* “This bitch got me injured. Couldn’t even angrily speak my mind without being seen as a threat.”
Jasper was pulling on the guard, “Get the fuck off of her! She didn’t DO anything!” Charlotte was screaming, in pain and Henry was signaling to cut the camera. The camera didn’t stop. They might need the footage. Chloe and Bianca had rushed to the other side of the sauna and Henry and Jasper were both fussing with the guard. “You get the fuck out, You’re fired. Hell no! You don’t get to grab her like that, are you serious?” 
“What is happening?” the owner of the spa asked from the doorway.
The guard said, “She was about to attack, and that’s where I have to step in. It’s my job.”
“SHE STOOD UP AND WALKED TOWARDS HER!” Henry yelled, at the same time Jasper yelled, “SHE DIDN’T EVEN TOUCH HER!” They were both yelling about how Charlotte sometimes gets in your face, but she wasn’t violent and threatening to press charges and insisting that he left immediately before he got his ass kicked. They heard Charlotte groaning and went to check on her. 
“I’m pretty sure he bruised my ribs,” she said crying. “Whenever the guard tackled Charlotte, everything happened so fast that I froze for a moment. But, when I snapped to… This motherfucker, a big grown man, had slammed my girlfriend onto a hard tile floor, crushing her and pinning her down in the process, and… I have never been more pissed in my entire goddamned life.”
“Whenever the person I hired tackled Charlotte for essentially standing up while angry, I felt responsible for that. She was hurt. It wasn’t as serious as it could’ve been, but he’s got size on her and the situation - you see a tiny woman, in a bathrobe, in a steam room approaching another woman, you can easily step in front of her and maybe ask her to step back. Tackling her was so unnecessary and infuriating.”
“I was in so much pain. I hit my tailbone on that tile, and my elbow. I bumped my head when I reflexively tried to get away and he slammed me back down telling me to hold still. If they show that footage, you’ll probably see my entire puss. He had me straddled, restrained and bruised me up pretty bad, including how hard he pinned me down. I looked like somebody beat the hell out of me and I felt like it. Because I dared to walk in a white girl’s direction while Black and pissed.” *Sighs hard and shakes her head.
Charlotte was hurt enough that she just wanted medical attention and didn’t care how that happened. Henry and Jasper took her to the ER and once she was treated, Henry insisted that she stay at the brownstone to recover. It had more room, and was more luxurious and she accepted. She was going to be resting and taking meds. Jasper collected her stuff from home to bring over. “You wanna stay? I have much more room than I need, or even two people,” Henry said.
“No. I’ll let you two try to work some things out while she heals. Maybe it can be a double healing. If she asks me to come to stay, then I’ll take you up on the offer. I think she’s just trying to process the attack by herself and I’m glad that you’re providing a safe space for her to do that.”
Henry nodded. “I can’t believe that happened.”
“I can’t believe that we didn’t kill him,” Jasper said. “But, then I’d be in prison and she’d still be injured.”
“Yeah, I might pay him a visit in the suit later. Asshole.”
Jasper nodded. “Well… I’ll have my phone right by me and on the loudest setting if she needs me. Take care of my bae.”
“I’ll take care of her like she’s mine.”
“Not… That much,” Jasper said and partially smiled. 
“We didn’t really finish the conversation…”
“We did. Sorry it didn’t happen how you hoped, but… I think she at least feels a little more trusting now. She’s staying here, isn’t she? Just… work with what you’ve got. I’d love for the two of you to patch things up. I miss the three of us.” Jasper and Henry hugged and Jasper left. 
Henry peeked in on Charlotte. She was passed out, asleep and medicated. Jasper had set her things in certain places that Henry was sure were how she must’ve liked them. Jasper was really good at stuff like that. “Sweet dreams, Char,” he softly told her.
“Night,” she said, mostly in her sleep.
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thequeenofadream · 6 years
Painting a Picture of Perfection (Brian May x Reader)
Summary: you, an up and coming artist, were in the park looking for some inspiration. you suddenly saw a curly haired guitarist and you were very much enlightened. 
Words: 2,762
Notes: swearing, veru fluff, freddie x mary, probably wrong timelines
A/N:  thinking of making this into a series cause i can imagine (Y/N) and Bri’s first date and etc! please tell me what you guys think <3
🖌 tagging: @obsessedwithrogertaylor @malekdarling @i-padfootblack-things
You were an art student at the Ealing Art College in 1970 and Your next assignment was to take inspiration from daily life, but nothing was really that interesting. You were sat on the grass in the park with your close friend and roommate, Mary, and the most ‘inspiring’ thing you had seen was a leaf falling off a tree. You sighed, not having clue what to do. Mary noticed your distress and put a hand on your shoulder.
“It’s fine (Y/N), maybe you’re just having some sort of artist’s block. I’m sure you’ll get over it”
You tried to fake a smile, but it was too obvious that you weren’t happy. You just did not see anything in particular that sparked a flame in you creativity. Everything just seemed monotonous and black and white. Mary stood up, giving you an empathetic look.
“I’ve gotta head to work, but you get home soon, okay?” She was sort of like your mother at some points. Reminding you that you’re a human and humans eat, sleep, socialize and so on. You just nodded, even though you know you’d probably lose track of time or wander about aimlessly.
She gives a knowing look, before heading off to the shop that she has worked in. You were alone now, and didn’t bother you that much. It gave you more room to think, but you couldn’t help but still feel empty.
It was that moment when a dark brown curly-haired man entered your vision. He was extremely tall and held a acoustic guitar in his hand. It seemed that he had just entered the park and was looking for a place to lounge about.
The sight of him intrigued you, so you decided to watch on.
He sat under the shade of a tree and started playing his guitar, experimenting with different notes. You could barely make out what he was playing since he wasn’t within close proximity of you, but from what you could hear, it sounded amazing. The chords he played came to life and told their own story. That spoke to you in more ways than you could count. It seemed that seeing someone divulge in their own artistic endeavors inspired you.
It was either that or you had caught feelings for the random stranger or quite possibly both.
The music was quickly drowned out by all the thoughts and ideas that came to your head. You sketched them down, trying your best to capture the essence of them before the moment passed. You had drawn him playing the guitar sitting under a tree, different stories and colours escaping from his guitar and into the sky. It was quite a sight to behold, you just needed to colour and shade it in.
You wanted to go up to the man and ask who he was, but when you looked up from your sketchbook he was gone. Your giant grin had faded into a small frown as you realized you missed your opportunity to talk to a cute, talented guy. You let out a deep exhale you didn’t even realise you were holding until this moment. You decided to go back to the flat and finish up the sketch.
“I’m home!”
You slammed the door shut and saw Freddie, Mary’s boyfriend, laying down on the couch with no Mary in sight. He was actually a classmate of yours in one of you classes, he thought you were great and vise-versa. He looked up at you, startled by your entrance. You just raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was up to now. He was fully clothed thought so that was nice.
“and what is Mr. Mercury doing here? Mary isn’t due till 5 o’clock.” You asked as he sat up straight giving you some room on the couch. You sat down beside him and placed your backpack on the floor next to the couch.  
“Thought I could get here early so we could leave together for my show, but I actually also wanted to talk to you.”
He said it proudly, feeling responsible for being early. You’ve never actually seen him perform so you thought about tagging along tonight. You’ve definitely have heard him sing but now with the band. Anyways, The plot has thickened. You wondered what he could possibly talk to you about, then again he usually just asked about class notes so it was probably no big deal. You let him continue.
“Could I see how your newest assignment going?”
His eyes lit up curiously, wondering what you had accomplished so far . Your face quickly turned beet red as your mind tried to rack up an excuse to why he most definitely could not. You couldn’t just saw you were inspired by a really cute stranger and drew him and didn’t even tell him. He quickly noticed this and it was his turn to raise an eyebrow.
“Something interesting happen?” He asked eyeing the backpack you had left on the floor. You were quick to shake your head
“Uh no-It’s just-uh-no”
It was as if your mind had just shut down and you couldn’t say or do anything. You were frozen. Fred took this an opportunity to snatch the sketchbook in your bag and make a beeline to the bathroom. You were quickly snapped out of your trance and ran after him, but it was too late he had locked the door You knocked on the door furiously demanding him to let you in. You grabbed the closest thing to you and used it as a threat.
However Freddie knew you were far too nice to do so. He opened up your sketchbook to see a drawing of his bandmate, Brian May, under a tree playing the guitar. How curious he thought. Did you know that was Brian? Did you talk to him? Most importantly, did you develop a crush for the guitarist? He needed more details and gave into letting you in. He unlocked the door to see heat radiating off of you due to the anger and embarrassment.
“Give me that.”
You said taking it out of Freddie’s hand. You marched back to the living room and grunted as you sat back down, arms crossed. Freddie followed quietly and cautiously, thinking of how he could bring it up without pissing you off any further. He sat down on a recliner next to the couch, giving you some space.
“It’s really good.” He broke the silence with a compliment, hoping you’d forgive him. You took a deep breathe and decided to stop overreacting. You looked up and gave him a soft smile. “Thanks.” You said shyly, in contrast to the emotions you were displaying just earlier. He smiled back, happy that you had calmed down.
“So where’d you get the inspiration.”
You decided to just come clean. It wasn’t as if it were strange to talk about someone you had thought was cute. Mary talked about Freddie all the time, so you could surely talk about someone you developed the slightest crush on.
“I saw this guy in the park.” You started as Freddie leaned in closer, listening intently.
“He sat under a tree in the park and started playing some music which I thought was really nice. I got inspired and drew well.” You held up the sketch, feeling a little more confident. “Anyways, by the time I was done, I didn’t notice that he had left.” Your expression looking miserable as you remember you hadn’t even gotten his name. Fred then thought of plan to get two of his friends a date and watch you unravel at the sight of your mystery crush. He smirked at the thought, while you were still too flustered to notice.
“Don’t worry, (Y/N). You’ll probably see him again.”
Fast forward to an hour later, you were with Mary and Fred on your way to bar he was performing at tonight. It was about a five minute walk away so it wasn’t too bad. You slightly felt like the third wheel, but they did their best not to let you feel that way. You were coming up to the bar and you saw all the light from the bar practically gleaming off the windows. You thought they must have one hell of a set to get to perform here.
Fred stepped in first and held door open for you and Mary. You gave him a small curtsy and you both giggled at how formal you two were being. He led you two backstage to see a blonde, blue eyed drummer, a brunet bassist and-
“Oh no.”
You had let the words slip right out your mouth and everyone had heard. You went back your flustered state and wanted to hide in a bush. Freddie tried to keep in his laughter as he saw you go turn as red a tomato. You saw him out of the corner of your eye and you started regretting that you didn’t shove the candle up his ass.
“(Y/N), this is Roger Taylor, John Deacon, and last but not least, the charming Brian May.” Freddie smirked while pointing to the respectively. You had accidentally made direct eye contact with Brian and quickly looked away. He was so much more pretty up close. You couldn’t even look at Brian and just desperately tried to escape the situation. Mary sensed your discomfort; at times like this she knew just what to do.
“(Y/N) and I are gonna head to the bathroom for a second, we’ll be right back.” Mary smiled apologetically. She linked arms with you and hurried down the hall into the bathroom. You just went along with it, seeing as you had no real other choice.  She closed the door and looked straight at you.
“Okay I know Roger’s hot and all, but-”
“No, no it’s not Roger.” You said awkwardly scratching the back of your head, not really knowing how to say this again. You explained the situation to her and she responded with an ‘Ohhhh.’ She felt bad, but she was trying to hold in laughter because of what Fred did, however it she could not hold it in any longer. She started laughing and all you could do was grunt like a child.
“It’s not funny.” You said crossing your arms for what felt like the hundredth time. She apologized in between laughs, but you were still mad. After the laughter had died down, she spoke up again.
“So you have a crush on Bri?”
“You could say so.” You finally admitted, smiling like a schoolgirl with a middle school crush. Mary let out a squeal as quietly as possible and you just rolled your eyes. “What am I gonna do?” You asked, feeling nervous to even step back outside.
“Just be you.” She said as she opened the door for you, gesturing you to leave.
“Hey, sorry for that, we’re back.” Mary said letting go of your arm. You looked around to see the once again, all with their instruments. You waved at them, no really feeling like talking as of the moment. Brian was the first to come up to you and hold out a hand.
“Hey (Y/N), I hope you’ll enjoy the set later.”
You nodded and took his hand shaking it gently. Him being there, already improved the set by a 100% so you didn’t see how it could go wrong. Roger and John had also introduced themselves to you before they head out onto the stage to perform. You all talked together, about your interest and such, but you were really hitting it off with Brian and you could not be any happier. Before you left, Bri told you that he’d see you in the crowd. You basically had a mental breakdown because you didn’t know if he meant you as a plural or a singular noun.
The show was great and you really felt their energy blowing the roof off the place. You felt like you were in an arena with thousands of people and Queen was at the center of it all. The way Freddie entranced the crowd was amazing, he could get them all to scream the lyrics at the top of their lungs. John was clearly great at the bass and he would also move around the stage, slightly. You could tell he was a tad shy, but desperately trying to break out of his shell. Roger was essentially a perfect drummer; You couldn’t tell how he had control over all of the rhythms, and how he had done the solo during ‘keep yourself alive’.
Last but not least, there was Brian. He was perfect. You could tell that music was truly his passion and that enchanted you beyond words. You tried not to stare for most of the time, but you couldn’t help it. He’d occasionally flash a wink or smile and you’d giggle. You just wanted him to kiss you softly under the light of a thousand suns; something so sweet yet so intense.
As the set came to an end, you met the four of them backstage to see they were already packing things up. You and Mary tried your best to bring them out into the van and you all finished up quicker. After that was all over, you all decided to go back inside for a round of drinks or two, all except Brian, because he was driving later on.
Sooner or later, you were left alone with Brian sitting on the stools, watching everyone else dance to some other music. You decided it was your time to be confident while you still had alcohol in you so you spoke up.
“I actually saw you earlier.” You said as he looked up at you, curious to hear what you had to say. “At the park, I think you were playing some songs.” You continued, waiting to hear what he’d say.
“Oh, why didn’t you come over?” He did remember seeing a pretty girl off in the distance at the park, but she seemed concentrated on something so he didn't bother. He wondered if that was you.
“Well, actually the tunes you played were so good that it inspired me to draw. I’m actually an art student like fred.” You confessed, feeling like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders that would last only until his next question.
“What’d you draw?”
You contemplated whether exposing yourself or running away once again, then again running away was all you ever seemed to do. You decided you needed to step up and show him. Freddie said it was good after all. You hesitated for a moment, but then started rummaging through your bag to find it. You pulled it out and opened to the page you had been looking for. You handed it to him, awaiting his response.
Brian thought it was absolutely wonderful; he didn’t even imagine anyone could portray him a such. Although it looked unfinished, he was impressed by all the small details you had caught and how creative it was. You left him breathless.
“It’s not finished, bu-”
“No, yeah don’t worry it’s really wonderful. It’s brilliant.”
He couldn’t take his eyes off of it. You couldn’t help but smile at the ground, flattered by his compliments. Once he was done, he looked back up at you and handed you the book.
“It doesn’t come off as creepy, does it?”
“No, no. It’s magnificent. I wish I could draw half as good as you. You really are talented, (Y/N).”
And as if you thought you couldn’t blush any harder than all the previous times, Brian May had proved you wrong. You were much more than relieved to see that he loved it. It warmed your heart.
“Well, I wish I could play the guitar just as good as you, you inspired me after all.” You laughed, feeling confidence run through your veins. Bri now blushed, thinking about how he inspired you like that. He couldn’t believe he sparked that kind of passion in you.
“Forgive me for being a tad forward but maybe, I could inspire you a bit more next friday night?” He responded, leaving you starstruck. You didn’t actually think you’d get this far so you had no idea what to do other than to say yes, so you did.
“I’d love to Bri.” You smiled sweetly as you took his hands intertwining his with yours.
That was where it all started.
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peachyjie · 6 years
Only U || Zhu Xing Jie
A/N : Yes I know this is the 2nd Jie’s scenario i will be posting AT THE SAME DAY. But i gotta promote him so all of you will fall for him more the boy gotta eat too you know
Requested : Yes, the request was so funny. I actually had fun writing this (Request still open lovelies! 💕)
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Pairing : Zhu Xing Jie - Reader
Cameo : A softie and 2 troublemakers (Xiaogui, Justin, and Yixing!PD) *i had to add YX kay*
Genre : fluff i’m spoiling all of you tbh
Summary : Huba, that’s a way to make him feel irritated in a span of 0.1 second. But for you, it’s the softest and lovable thing he could ever ask for.
Episode 6,
It took him a long time to keep up with the cool and cold concept before it was all destroyed in just the span if 5 seconds by Xiaogui.
Xingjie swore his pain will never die down, especially now even his fans calls him with the nickname
That one nickname that ruins his cool image.
First of all, he does not sound like a Huba. No, his voice is too deep, too rich and too cool to even sound like that high-pitched pokemon monster.
Secondly, he does not look anything near a Huba. Xingjie felt like Xiaogui is questioning his good looks because rather than a cutie, Xingjie feels like he is a badass. Cough
And lastly, he wondered how a talented man who can sing, rap, dance, until doing magic trick got compared to a tiny monster?
“Huba, huba, hubaaaaa”, Xingjie annoyingly looked at Xiaogui. Xiaogui have a wide smile on his face provocating the older, Xingjie never felt so much need to slap that face of his.
“Ge, you resembles so much like a Huba. They don’t need to do anymore animation. They could just use you”, Xiaogui announced making the room roars in laughter.
“I will murder you one day, Xiaogui”, Xingjie hissed to the kid. Xiaogui looking back at his Ge in an unamused face just shurgs.
“Sure you will, Huba-ge”, making sure to emphasize the last word to piss the older off, Xiaogui went out of the room
Xingjie stared blankly in the training room. This is going to be his 3rd performance practice and everything is going on so well. Until break time came, and his headache came.
“HUBA GEEEE”, he flinched by the tone that Justin came out with. Xingjie’s face unamused.
But it didn’t last too long before Xingjie lost it and started headlocking Justin, almost murdering the younger.
“Call me what? I dare you to call me one more time, Huang MingHao!”, he roars. His arm locking the younger’s neck with a look of rage.
“I’m sorry!!!!”, Justin screamed, cracking his voice in the end. “Sorry for what?!”, Xingjie roars back.
The other trainees? Well they don’t want to bother a wild Huba on loose.
Xingjie was really close on forgiving the poor yellow head child, but Justin being Justin.
Hah, we all thought
“Sorry, Huba-ge”, taking the time of Xingjie being shocked. Justin slips away and ran out of the room. It didn’t take Xingjie too long to snap back to reality, chasing the younger.
“HUANG MINGHAO! Get your ass back here!”, he roars in the hallway.
Basically, this is his life now. A Huba.
Xingjie wondered quietly on stage, how did he managed to get this kind of treatment. What did he do in the past until Karma gets him this way?
Because right now, not only his members and trainees are calling him Huba. His fans are calling him Huba, but even his mentors are calling him Huba
Oh that’s not why he is complaining also.
Even his girl is calling him Huba, his beloved started calling him that after the last episode was aired and he swore, he could murder everyone right now.
There was also once where Xiaogui and Justin teaming up pranking him. They glued posters of Huba everywhere in the training room, then they decided its a good idea to gift him some Huba dolls. Xingjie swore he wished he had a knife that time.
Little did he know, standing in the sea of fans hid you. Holding a small banner with his name, your eyes sparkles when you saw him on stage. All posh and ready to dance.
You didn’t tell him you were on set, it was a small surprise you want to give him after being away from each other for almost 3 months.
Amazingly, the production team reaches out to you with this proposal. And of course you immediately agreed and flew to China without second thought.
You are always amazed when you see Xingjie on stage. Because on stage, he’s that confident guy everyone can fall for. Whilst off stage, like normal humans, he’s timid yet shy but intimidating for some reason.
You ran to the backstage, bowing to the head director. He welcomes you with a smile.
You looked at all the boys, quickly noticing where Xingjie is. You can’t help but put a bigger smile on your face.
“I want to say thank you for your performances tonight, I’ve seen such hard work and it was all paid magnificently on stage.”, you see Yixing started talking as the trainees turns all of their attention to him.
“After this shoot, please. Have some rest, drink enough water and take care of your body. See you next time”, at the same time Yixing said his greeting, the trainees began to loosen up and started talking.
Then you see it, the mischievous Xiaogui and Justin. They slowly crept behind him, and soon was pinning him down.
Xingjie caught off guard was soon yelling. “Huba gone wild!”, Justin yelled. Xiaogui was cackling at the side, holding Xingjie down.
You laughed slowly at the sight. You knew Xingjie never liked being called that in person. But you find the nickname so cute, you can’t help but use it yourself.
When Xingjie finally got loose from their grasp, he wildly took them in his hands. Pinching their cheek, hard.
A sea of screaming and yelling soon continues on, making the whole set a mess. It wasn’t until Yixing had to come back, clearing his throat gaining everyone’s attention.
“Hub-I mean, Zhu Xingjie.”, Xingjie stared at his PD in confusion. Even PD is calling him that? Oh, come on!
“So, I see you’ve been stressed for the past days due to constant bickering with Justin and Xiaogui”, Xingjie sighs.
“So, the production team decided to give you a small gift”, Yixing said. Looking at you, he nodded. “A gift for our Huba!”, Yixing said teasing the younger.
Xingjie was confused. But his confusion turns into surprise when he heard a loud-
And he was tackled by a small embrace. The whole studio erupted in more yelling and screaming. He stared at you, who have a goofy smile on your face.
You giggled. “Hi, Huba”, making him groan.
“Ohhhhh, Huba-ge is so whip!!!!!”, Xiaogui teased. “No fair!!! How come she can call him that and not get murdered?!”, Justin whined in advance, getting a hit from Zhengting.
The other trainees started staring at you, amuse at how you are able to control him. “Miss me, Huba?”, you questioned still smiling.
Xingjie had to admit, out of all people who can call him Huba. He finds your’s cute. Too cute
Because whenever you call him with Huba, your face immediately lights up. Eyes sparking, with a big smile on your face.
It droves Xingjie to the edge
Secretly he enjoys that, but he doesn’t want to admit it.
So pretending not to like it made it more provocative, so you kept doing it to annoy him
“Why are you here?”, he questions softly noticing how the trainees became quiet to stare at the live chinese drama in front of them.
“To meet you, of course!”, you said giddly. Jumping a little on your heels.
“Hey, Huba-ge! Aren’t you gonna kiss her?”, Justin provoke the older. Xingjie swore, if he kills Justin right here, right now. He would not regret a single thing.
But he was far grateful because Zhengting and Chengcheng decided to pull that yellow head down and gave him a good amount of beating.
Not wanting to be in the center of attention, he drags you off camera to an empty hallway. He stared at you in awe.
How long has it been since he last saw you?
A month?
He never knew how much this show took all of his time and attention. Seeing you now, in front of him. He realized how much he misses you.
“So you don’t miss me?”, you pouted.
“Maybe?”, he shurgs playfully. Laughin when you hit him playfully.
“I thought Huba’s are supposed to be cute and nice?”, you tease him. He gave you a small smile, you’re too dense to know the big affect you do to him in such small actions.
“Are you going to stop calling me a Huba?”, Xingjie ask you softly, almost whispering.
You thought for a while before you tiptoe, pecking his lips.
Gosh he misses that too
“Never, Huba”, you said playfully. His smile only got bigger.
“I like calling you Huba, it suits you”, you laughed. Circling your arms around his waist, you rest yourself on his chest.
You miss him, a lot
“And you don’t seem to mind”, you laughed. Xingjie grabs your chin slowly and pulls down to press a kiss on your lips.
It took him 3 full months to be away from you. And having you in front of him now is everything he could wish for. He just needs to let this moment last longer.
Just a little bit longer
When he pulls away, you whined from the sudden coldness. He laughed.
You held his gaze, filled with adoration and sincereness it could drive you wild.
“Yea, maybe I do like it when you call me that”, he said softly.
“Huba”, you said to him.
He pecks you one more time on the lips, making you giggle.
“Only you, Y/N. Only you”
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natasha-cole · 7 years
It's the Little Things
Inspired by the fic title game and the idea from @atc74.
I wrote this quickly, so it’s not very good.
Pairing: Rob Benedict x Reader
Summary: Reader is having a terrible weekend at con. Nothing is going right and she feels like a failure at every thing she does. Rob makes it his mission to do nice things for her; giving her little gifts and compliments when he sees that she’s feeling down. Little does Rob know, it’s those small gestures that turn everything around.
Word Count: 2275
Warnings: fluff
You knew it was going to be a bad day the minute you woke up. If the fact that your flight had been delayed the night before, causing you to get into the hotel in the wee hours of the morning hadn’t been enough to clue you in; the fact that you had just woken up to realize that you had failed to set your alarm was the kicker.
You groaned out loud; still exhausted and pissed off that you had forgotten. You had just enough time to get ready if you chose to forgo breakfast and coffee. You trudged to the shower and washed the airplane smell off of yourself in record time; making sure that you had time to at least look presentable.
Your hope that maybe you were wrong and the rest of the day would run smoothly for you had been destroyed when you burned yourself on your hair straightener. You assessed the damage, now even more irritated that things were only getting worse. You quickly covered up the painful burn on your neck, knowing that you didn’t have a lot of time to try to hide it better; but wishing you did because you knew your cast-mates would point out exactly what it looked like.
With a sigh, you gathered some of your belongings and headed downstairs to hopefully make it to the con in time.
The morning started to run a lot more smoothly. It helped tremendously that Rob was waiting for you you with coffee when you finally showed up. You happily took it from him, taking a sip too quickly and burning your tongue in turn.
“Dammit,” you muttered as you placed the coffee down.
“Sorry, I just picked it up. I should have warned you that it was hot.”
“It’s my own fault,” you replied. “Thank you though. You’re a lifesaver.”
“I heard you got in late. You also weren’t here at your usual time, so I assumed you were having a rough morning.”
“Well, things can only get better from here, right?” You said with a forced smile.
“Hey,” he said, giving you a confused look as he stared at your neck. “What’s that?”
“Oh,” you replied; blushing as you covered your wound with your hand. “Flat iron burn. It’s not what it looks like.”
Rob nodded his understanding as he left the room to start the con. Unfortunately, he hadn’t been the only one to notice the mark, and most of the morning was spent explaining to your friends what had happened.
To top off the pain that you were experiencing, you now had everyone teasing you; which only made you feel grumpier. There was no way this day could get worse.
You waited backstage as Rob and Rich introduced you for your panel. You were unusually nervous this time, hoping that your bad day wasn’t going to stay bad forever. You had a sinking feeling that this panel would not run as smoothly as they usually did. When you heard your music start to play, you put on a smile and bounded up onto the stage.
You wish that you could say it was the bands fault, or even Rich’s. You wish that you could blame it on cords or instruments, or something else having been left haphazardly onstage when you made your entrance. Hell, you wish you could say that Rich tripped you or something. But, there was no explanation for the way you had wiped out right as you came on stage, falling flat on your face right in front of a huge crowd and your friends. Truthfully, you had tripped over your own two feet and you knew it.
The band stopped playing the second you made contact with the ground. You could hear the gasps from the audience and the pause in Rob’s singing as they all waited. You could feel your face heat up and the humiliation was worse than the pain in your elbow. You took a moment, trying to think of a way to make this all less embarrassing.
Just as you were about to crawl offstage and hide, Rob was leaning next to you. He placed a hand on your back and asked if you were okay. From your spot face down on the ground, you turned your head toward him. You gave him a weak smile and nodded. You decided it was best to not run and hide, no matter how embarrassed you were now. So, you allowed Rob to take your arm and help you up. You brushed yourself off now that you were standing; telling Rob that you were okay again when he asked once more.
Rich walked over, handing you a mic as he gave you a look as if to say ‘I’m sorry.’
“It wouldn’t be a Y/N panel if I didn’t mess something up,” you chuckled as you turned your attention to the audience. The crowd laughed with you and applauded now that they all saw that you were okay.
After the worst panel of your life was over, you headed back to the greenroom. Not only had you fallen in front of everyone; but you had really struggled with some of the questions and continued to make a fool of yourself. Not to mention that you were now in a lot of pain from the fall.
You sat on one of the couches and pulled your sleeve up to assess the damage to your elbow. It hurt to move it and you could see that it was already turning black and blue. You frowned as you poked at it, unsure of how to even handle it right now.
“I thought you could use this,” you heard a voice say. You looked up to see Rob, standing in front of you and holding an ice pack out to you.
“How did you know I’d need this?” You asked with a smile.
“Well, I saw you fall. I knew your elbow was going to suffer the worst of it.”
“Ugh, I’m so humiliated,” you mumbled as you took the ice pack from him and began to nurse your elbow.
“You handled it well,” he replied as he sat next to you. “I would have ran off stage and never returned.”
“Trust me, I wanted to.”
“Hey, I gotta get back out there,” he said. “Let me know if you need anything else.”
“Thanks Rob,” you replied as you watched him leave.
You managed to escape more injury that day. You also skipped out on karaoke seeing as how you couldn’t bear the idea of embarrassing yourself in front of another crowd.
You had hoped that Saturday would be better; and it was better up until photo ops started.
You were on a roll; ushering fans in as you posed with them, everyone smiling and having a great time. It wasn’t until Rob snuck in on your ops that things went south again. You were posing with a young girl when you felt someone sneak up behind you. You turned quickly to see that Rob had crashed your ops, a huge grin on his face. You smiled at him as he moved to the other side of the fan. In true Rob fashion, he reached around both of you, holding onto you as he squeezed you both tightly. You laughed and thanked the girl as she left.
Now that Rob had surprised everyone, he made the movement to leave and let you have your ops back. As he tried to remove his arm from your shoulder, you suddenly felt a tug at your hair. Rob frowned and pulled his arm a bit harder.
“Ow!” you shouted, feeling the pull on your hair as he tried to move his arm away.
“Oh,” he muttered. “Your hair is caught in my bracelets.”
Instead of trying to gently fix the situation, he tugged again and you yelped.
“Stop!” you shouted again.
Before you knew it, you had handlers and even Chris gathered around, each one trying to untangle your hair from Rob’s bracelets. You could only watch as the waiting fans chuckled and pointed. Of course today was still going to be a bad day.
Once you were finally free, Rob apologized profusely. You told him that it was okay, even if your head was tender from your hair being nearly pulled out.
At the end of your ops, Rob found you again. This time, he had brought you a bag of Reese’s.
“What’s this for?” You asked.
“It’s a peace offering for nearly ripping your hair out earlier,” he replied. “I also know they’re your favorite and I can tell that you’ve been having a bad weekend.”
“Chocolate fixes everything,” you smiled as you opened the bag. “Thank you.”
The icing on the cake came during SNS. Yes, the past two days had been embarrassing and painful; but you kept on going anyway. Tonight however, you didn’t know if you could do one more day of con at this rate.
It wasn’t until you found yourself onstage with the rest of the cast during the concert, singing along with everyone to “Purple Rain” when you decided that you should probably just tap out. You were standing with Rich and Briana at a mic, singing your heart out when Briana reached over to remove the mic from it’s stand. You weren’t sure why she was doing it, and before you could think, she had yanked it away from the stand and directly at your mouth. There was an audible sound of feedback over the speakers at it made contact with your face. Everyone turned to look in your direction as you quickly covered your mouth as you felt wetness on your lip.
You could taste the blood before you felt the pain. Briana stared at you in horror when she realized what she had done. Before anyone could check on you or say anything, you made a hasty exit off the stage; not before you slipped on the first step and landed on your ass.
Once you were safely backstage; you sat in a chair and a handler immediately approached you with a towel. You thanked her and placed in on your mouth so that you wouldn’t bleed all over yourself. You fought back the urge to cry just then. You were tired and fed up with how bad the weekend had been going and you only wanted it to end already.
When the concert had ended, everyone piled backstage; Briana immediately coming to you to apologize. You forced a laugh, letting her know that it was okay as you waved her off.
You stared at the ground, feeling sorry for yourself when you felt someone grip your shoulder softly. It was Rob who was at your side again.
“You okay?” He asked.
“I’ll be fine,” you replied.
“I think that you could use a drink,” he said with a grin.
“No way. I’m done for the day.”
“You don’t wanna go to the after party?”
“Nope. I’m going back to my room where I won’t hurt myself and try to forget everything that has happened.”
“I’ll walk you back,” he responded with a smile.
When you had made it back to your room, and you had only dropped your room key three times before you finally managed to get the door open, you thanked Rob and said goodnight.
“Can I come in?” He asked.
“What about the party?”
“We party after every concert,” he reminded you. “Besides, I have a feeling that you need someone around tonight.”
“It’s fine,” you replied. “It’s just been a really rough couple of days.”
Before you could stop yourself, you started to cry. All of the frustration from the weekend had built up and you couldn’t take it anymore. You had been humiliated on multiple occasions and your entire body ached from the constant injuries.
“Please, don’t cry,” Rob said as he moved to you, immediately wrapping his arms around you to hold you tight.
“See, I’m embarrassed again,” you sniffled. “Now I’m crying like a baby in front of you. You must think I’m an idiot.”
“I don’t think you’re an idiot,” he replied as he rubbed your back to sooth you. “I just feel bad that I can’t do more to help you feel better after the terrible weekend you’ve been having.”
“Are you kidding,” you chuckled. You leaned back to look at him, tears still staining your cheeks even with the smile that you now had. “Coffee, ice pack, helping me up after I fell, chocolate… you did more to make me feel better than anyone else could have.”
“Still, none of that makes up for how bad your luck has been.”
“At least you tried,” you said. “Plus, you’re here now. That means the world to me.”
“You sure you don’t want to try to go out and have fun?” He asked.
You shook your head, wincing as your smile made your split lip sting.
“No. I think it’s best to stay in tonight.”
“Okay, we’ll order pizza and watch TV,” he offered.
“See,” you chuckled. “You think that you’re not making me feel better, but it’s all of those little things that do make me feel better. I’m lucky to have you in my life.”
You saw him blush slightly at your words.
“Well, I mean, obviously I’m not fixing anything, and I’m certainly not helping to prevent all your injuries; but I’ll always be here with chocolate or ice packs or anything else you need.”
“Trust me,” you replied, “that’s all that a klutz like me could ever hope for.”
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