#SH OC equivalent character 1
omegansamurai · 5 months
A My Hero Academia/Silent Hill Crossover Fusion.
Chapter 13: A Matter of Knowing
Rated: M
Summary: Ochako and Jasei experience a detour, so they go to a bank to somehow progress their search. Tsuyu arrives at the McDonalds, only to meet up with another person. However, she soon finds her clue.
Ships: IzuTsu, IzuMomo, KyoShou, KyoTen, slight KatOcha.
Okay! So, I finally updated this! :D Tell me what you think! Or if it's your first time reading this story, then please do read from the beginning and tell me what you all think! ^_^ I love feedback! :D
Thank you for reading! :)
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le-morte-d-belle · 1 year
Chapter Three (finally...)
Title: Linger
Chapter Three: Lessons, Letters, and the Restricted Section Pt. 1
Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy
Main Characters: Selena Calderon (OC), Ominis Gaunt
Pairing: Pre!Ominis Gaunt x Selena Calderon
Warnings:  Angst, hurt/comfort
Notes:  A short story inspired by Hogwarts Legacy. Some liberties were taken and certain events will not follow the original story within the game beat for beat. Characters have been aged a year (6th year).
Summary:  Selena Calderón was a fool to yearn for a man she could not keep. Ominis Gaunt was too sanguine to think he could keep their hands clean. Sebastian Sallow was the string that held all three together. And, in the wake of his absence everything around Ominis and Selena was unraveling. Try as they might, they could not live life without him. Selena would not be left lingering for a friend who might be on his way to Azkaban. A short story about the struggles of moving on, finding new love and realization.
Previous Chapter: Chapter Two
“It's more than just ‘pushing someone out,’ you know." Ominis began. “Occlumency is completely shielding one’s mind against a Legilimens. Or those trying to access your thoughts and feelings so they may influence you.” 
He paused here, seemingly aggravated by an unknown entity Selena couldn’t protect him from. His hands, which once were melded into her own, had begun to fight with the rest of him. Open. Close. They dragged themselves up and down the wool fabric— never finding a place to rest. Selena itched to return to the closeness they once shared, but Ominis had pushed them apart. It was a reminder, a small warning to the both of them that their journey to the Room of Requirement wasn’t some friendly get-together. 
He was to teach her another way to survive, just as Sebastian had before.  
It hadn’t appeared prevalent then, but the  Auror’s use of Occlumency had stirred an inferno within Ominis.  Selena had been attacked prior to this one instance. She had found herself on the end of a wand countless times, so adding another aggression against her to the list wasn’t much of a feat if she was honest, but Ominis was furious. His anger and heat were things she had learned to become unfamiliar with. What caused him to become so motivated to protect her from this one thing when it was unlikely Selena would be assaulted again? What was he not sharing with her? 
When he started anew, Selena felt even more lost than when he first proposed she learned to become an Occlumens. “As you know, my family and I are Purebloods, the elite of the elite, in part to Salazar Slytherin’s blood flowing through us.  As a child, I never thought much of it, but for the rest of my family, this was the divine proof of our superiority. It—it was so stupid, honestly. This way of thinking just fostered bitterness and jealousy. 
Aunt Noctua was different, though. Before—she disappeared, shouldering their disgusting beliefs was easy. While my family was not what you would call homely, Aunt Noctua made everything within the manner’s walls more lively. I’d probably gone mad if she wasn’t there to constantly rescue me from their insanity. Especially when I let it be known how much I didn’t care about blood purity. Or my lack of regard for following an ideology that tortured others for the pleasure of it. I was much more interested in Aunt Noctua’s stories and the muggle equivalent of Herbology.”
“Gardening? You garden?”
“Yes, or well, I used to. It was the only thing I truly shared with my mother. It's not exactly the same thing, though. Merlin forbid, my mother got on her hands and knees to plant some daisies or whatnot, but the act of breathing life into new seedlings or listening to the whispers of all the different flowers around us was exhilarating.”
His face had lightened up at the small memory, and an unspoken sense of relief flooded Selena as whatever troubled him early seemed to be fading. “That sounds beautiful, Ominis. I really wish I could see it.” 
“I wish I could show you,” he agreed. “Unfortunately, it doesn’t exist anymore.”
“Oh! I’m sorry. What— what happened to it?” His hands began again. Open. Close. Up. Down. They were burning themselves into his slacks. “It's okay. You don’t need to share with me, Ominis.”  
The young man just shook his head.  
A few long moments passed as Ominis tried to steady himself. Words came and went, floating in a hazy mess as they tried to straighten themselves into phrases of reassurance. None of them, however, wanted to be spoken. So, Selena did the only thing she could do, take hold of his moving hands and shield them with her own.
 “How strange.” 
“Who? Me?”
“Yes,” Ominis laughed. “You and Anne have only met a handful of times, yet you both comfort your friends the same.”
“We do?” Selena croaked unsurely. He gave her another nod and radiant smile. Their similarities appeared to bring him further peace. Something she knew should make her happy. Ominis had shared another piece of himself— a beautiful memory that was meant to bring them closer, and they did. She was honored he felt so comfortable with her. They were friends, and that was how things were supposed to be. 
So why did she feel the need to drop his hands and leave because he found serenity in her and Anne’s commonalities?
“Hm. Anne could never let things lie. She always made sure Sebastian and I knew we had somebody. You’re the same way, just a little less refined and brash.” Ominis teased. “It's the Gryffindor in you, I suppose. Always running into things without thinking. I can see why Sebastian found you so entertaining.”  
“I live to please, I guess.”
“Well, either way, I must say I am grateful for it. Your friendship and theirs.  All of you are more of a family to me than my own.”
“Ominis, I—”
“Don’t. I’m alright.” He gripped her hands tighter and at last brought their separation to an end. “There’s no true love between my family and I. To them, you were only important for the blood you carried and the marriages you’d make. My siblings and I knew nothing but rage and pain. We were made to practice all the Unforgivables on one another so that we may one day use them against all the muggle-borns and blood traitors for tainting the beauty of our society.”
“That’s horrible!”
“It was my life until I came here, to Hogwarts, and met Sebastian and Anne.  I was never any good with them, and when I was successful, they only worked because of my anger towards having to cast it. I couldn’t understand how it came so easily for everyone. People like my older brother, Marvolo, relished in his use of them— even when he’d use it on us younger siblings. He found joy and power, but I couldn’t see anything but the horror of it. I’ll never be able to forgive myself for utilizing my turmoil and disgust to harm such innocent people. However, there was one good thing that came from it.”
“I fail to see what that could be.”
He laughed once more and slowly burrowed the sound in the soft strands of her hair. “You know, the easiest way to beat the Imperius curse is to know Occlumency.” 
“So, you wouldn’t learn Imperio earlier, but you’ll use it on my best friend?”
Her heart dropped. “You can stop the Imperius curse.”
“To a degree.”
“But—,” he had let her cast it on him. 
There was no fight. 
No struggle. 
She had forgotten all about that incident— banished it away to the far corners of her mind to be forgotten and shadowed by the scars of everything that happened afterward. Ominis had allowed her to overtake his mind and manipulate him knowing he could shake off her lousy attempt at the spell. Selena wanted to be furious, let forth a fountain of betrayal and outrage over his lack of disclosure for having the ability to stop her. She just couldn’t.  Ominis had warned her, and she still went ahead and cursed him anyways. 
“I’ll take all the responsibility.” 
So this is what he meant that night in the catacomb. 
This was the responsibility she was supposed to take. Ominis had willingly sacrificed himself and placed his throat at the tip of her wand— a wand that was supposed to be held by a friend. He had believed in her. He had seen how Selena would do anything to help her friends achieve their goals and obtain solace with the comfort she brought because of her assistance. She had failed him, and still, Ominis played witness to the kindness she shared with others. He watched as Selena handed out those parts of her to everyone else but him. 
“Why didn’t you stop it?”
“It doesn’t matter anymore.” He made to straighten up, but Selena didn’t want to release him from her hold. Not yet. Not when she could barely accept being added to the list of monsters who took his trust and molded it to match her own interests. Ominis quietly sighed and eased his hands from her own. “What’s done is done.”
“I know, just—”
“Oh for Merlin’s sake, let it go, Selena. I’m alright.” 
She knew he was. Out of the three of them, Ominis had always been the strongest. Friend or foe, the young man would let it be known how foolish and wrong everyone was when others would keep such thoughts behind pressed lips. He was their bright burst of light shielding them from the heavy cloaks of a Dementor.  So, Selena knew he would be alright, but that didn’t make the guilt any easier. 
“This isn’t what we came here for. Come now, face me so we may begin our lesson.” 
“Fine,” She relented in a hushed sweep of air, dissipating the thick thread of tension between them. “I’m a sucker for this newfound assertiveness so I’ll comply this one time.”
Ominis rolled his eyes and settled deeper into the other end of the couch. “Thanks. Though I don’t believe I’ve been behaving any more different than before.”
“Fair. You’ve always been a little bossy—”
“—I beg your pardon!”
“But I don’t know, I just feel that you seem a little more sure of yourself. Since, you know…everything that happened with Sebastian and Anne.” 
They’d fallen quiet again, fading back into the misery that Selena found herself tied to. Ominis was throwing her a line to grab hold of so she might be brought back to the surface, but here she was, trying to pull him under with her. Ominis deserved better than that— better than her. 
“It's a good thing though! Like I’ve said before, I very much enjoy this side of you. Anyhow, carry on, Professor Gaunt.”
“Right. Well, I think we should start with how well-trained your mind is already.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I have your permission, yes?”
“Uh, sure?”
“Alright! Yes, do with me what you will Ominis.”
Ominis shot her a look of humored annoyance and ignored her teasing by taking out his wand. The faint glow of red at its tip was drowned out by the bright hues of yellow and orange of the fire behind it. Swishing to and fro, Ominis bounced the wood on each pad of his fingers. Selena waited for the rotation of his wrist and the murmur of a spell, anything to show her friend had begun their lesson. But Ominis continued flickering his wand in small circular motions and kept her focus on the repetition of it. Brown eyes followed smooth lanky fingers as they spun the rich bark of English Oak round and round before her. 
Selena never noticed when Ominis eventually said, “Legilimens.”
[Yesterday Morning - Headmaster’s Office]
“Good morning! Ms. Calderón, wasn’ it?”
“Um—yes, sir,” the student softly mumbled.
“I’m Auror Kaur and this is my partner, Auror Gawley. We’d like to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind?”
“Questions? Oh, uh, I guess that's alright?”
“Perfect!” The blonde, heavy-set man smiled widely at her with his browned, yellowed teeth. “You’re in your sixth year, yeah? Pretty late to be starting school. How’s it treating  you?”
“Fine,” the sixteen-year-old murmured reluctantly. 
“That’s good to hear! After all the things we’ve heard you have been involved in, what with the dragon and troll and whatnot.” 
“Um, thank you?” Selena stuttered. “I didn’t really— do much.”
Laughter bellowed loudly out of Kaur. “Nonsense! Escaping a dragon and taking down a troll are very impressive feats, Miss Calderón. Why, I don’t know of many witches or wizards who can boast that they’ve come face to face with at least one of them, let alone both.”
“Right, right. Just trying to make her feel comfortable.”
The makeshift space created for their meeting in the Headmaster’s office provided Selena with no comfort. Nor did Auror Kaur’s false pleasantries. She sat worriedly in the chair before them, unsure of their true purpose for being at Hogwarts and her need to be in their presence. Worries and fears crawled their way through every nerve in her body. They weren't here for Sebastian, were they? Did they happen to know anything about his sudden disappearance?
“I don’t mean to be rude but is Sebastian alright, sir? Headmaster Black mentioned—“
“All is well, dear. He’s safe and with his sister.”
“Anne? But Sir, I don’t understand. What happened? Why was he taken out of school?”
The second Auror, a man much older than his partner, reached forward to grasp the blonde and sighed down at the two of them irritably. “We’re here to investigate the death of Solomon Sallow.”
“Come off it, Kaur. There’s no beatin’ ‘round the bush ‘bout it.”
Selena straighten quickly in her worn and dated armchair. The Aurors bickered in harsh tones before her, but the raging war within Selena held her focus. Pointedly, she schooled the features beating themselves against the bars of neutrality. It screamed and raged, demanding the student’s attention be turned to it. The men knew nothing. They had to know nothing. It was the reason they were here, right? 
All Selena needed to do was breathe. Breathe and act as if she knew nothing. 
“Solomon’s dead?”
“Aye,” Gawley grunted. “Mr. Sallow has unfortunately passed.”
“But—wait! What about Sebastian and Anne!” Selena allowed a quiver to shake her lips as she gently dropped her head to her chest, perfectly woeful and beautifully innocent. “Merlin, I can’t—Oh gods.”
Auror Kaur muttered a “Poor thing” before the screech of his chair rang out as both he and his seat made their way to settle beside the Gryffindor girl. “You three were quite close from what the Headmaster shared. I— we can promise you your friends are safe, and if—”
“Oy! Don’ coddle her.”
“Goodness, gracious Gawley! Can’t you see how upset she is—here, dear, don’t mind him, you can use my handkerchief—a little more tact and sensitivity would be much appreciated!”
Selena sank deeper into the chair, folding herself further away from both men. Let them argue all they want as long as the show entertained the two of them, Selena would continue with her one-woman act and fish them for as much information as possible. From the corner of her eyes, she caught the swirling of the eldest man’s wand dancing within the shadow of his robes— waiting, watching, listening for its cue to come out and be known to all those who sat in the dim glow of the Headmaster’s office. 
“Um, excuse me, sirs? Would you be able to tell me what happened?” Selena mumbled, eyes never leaving Gawley’s wand. “I just—are they alright? Can I see them?”
“So polite! Unfortunately, as this is an ongoing investigation, we can’t tell you any more than what we have.”
Ah, this was how they were going to lead the interrogation.
Auror Kaur continued to smile widely at Selena without notice of her deception. Gawley, on the other hand, didn’t seem inclined to be as welcoming as the other. There was no doubt in the Gryffindor’s mind that the older man didn’t fall victim to her charade. Towering and stocky as he was, the man seemed to love hiding behind the abundant ray of friendliness and concern that Kaur exerted abundance of.  The longer Selena let their conversation continue, the quicker her downfall would come. She would need to end this talk quickly and run with as much information as she could pull out of them.
“Was there anything you needed me from then, sirs?”
“What was Sebastian Sallow’s relationship like with his uncle?”
“For Pete's sake, Gawley.”
“It's alright, Mr. Kaur!” Selena finally returned the clingy blonde’s smile. “I can’t really say much, but I know Sol— Mr. Sallow and Sebastian didn’t always see eye to eye.”
“And you don’ know why?”
The teen turned to face Auror Gawley with a frown. “Uh, well, it isn’t really my place to say.”
“I see.”
“Sir,” Selena pushed again. “Are you sure everything’s alright? Sebastian—”
“Is fine. Like we said.” Auror Kaur assured. “We’re just trying to get to the bottom of things. Solomon was an old friend of ours, and though he may have hung his badge, once an Auror, always an Auror.”
Fucking hell.
Friends? Solomon Sallow still had friends in the Ministry? Why hadn’t Sebastian or Anne said anything? Killing a man was easy, unfortunately. Trying to cover up the death of a still influential one was trouble. This investigation was spiraling down a path Selena couldn’t control or predict. How did she end up five steps behind? What did she miss? The distance between her and the Aurors grew wider and wider with each sentence. Something was amiss. Why were they so concerned with Sebastian? 
“It's why we’re here,” Kaur continued. “Some of Solomon’s friends were concerned over his sudden passing and came to us. Poor things, to come to learn they lost an Uncle so soon after losing their parents. How—”
“That's enough, Kaur!”
“Stop being such a sour kneazle, Gawley.”
The older man rolled his eyes and motioned at the blonde with his wand. A dramatic puff of air raced out of Kaur’s lips, signaling his annoyed reluctance as he slunk away from his seat beside Selena and returned to the other man’s side. “Seems like we’re done here.”
“Wait!” Selena shot up, her chair loudly clacking to the floor behind her. “Sirs, please. I’m not sure what you think, but I can promise you, Sebastian had nothing to do with it. Despite their differences and arguments, Sebastian loved his uncle just as much as he loved his sister, Anne. Sirs, you have to help him— them. I know losing their uncle has hurt them, and while I’m grateful you’re helping look into this, I think you're suspecting the wrong person.”
“Suspecting? I think you got it all wrong. Young Sallow isn’t a suspect at all. We’re jus’ coverin’ our bases.” It was Gawley’s turn to share a crude, friendly smile with Selena. “However, why don’t you share why you think we’re suspectin’ ‘em? Maybe it’ll help find the real culprit, yeah?” 
“I— well,” she began unsteadily. “You asked me about his relationship with his uncle, but you never asked about Anne’s.”
“Ah. Jus’ standard protocol is all. You’d only spoke of ‘im. Figure you’d know more than wit’  youn’  Miss Sallow.”
The man was playing Selena, and she had unknowingly been partaking in their game all along. How easy it must have been for them to realize she was hiding something. They’d use her emotions, manipulate each and every one of her moods, and blindly drag Selena down into the jaws of a sleeping dragon. Merlin, how pathetic.
She could battle poachers, ride graphorns, and wield powerful ancient magic but not see the trap right in front of her. 
What a bloody joke she had become to be guided on a deceitful path of comfort words.
Heat rose within her, and though she should have known better than to continue with their conversation, their intended seeds of doubt had been planted. Selena had allowed that bud to grow inside of her, given time for the roots to settle and let it soak up any sense of calm she held before. 
With a sigh, Selena raised her head to stare at the older men in front of her. “I’m worried about him— them,” she confessed. “Especially after what happened the last time we were there.”
“Hmm? And why’s that?”
“Take your time, dear. Only share if you don’t mind doing so!” Kaur chimed. 
“It’s— sorry,” Selena murmured anxiously. 
“You’re fine. Take as long as you need.”
“Right, thank you, sir.” 
Her heart wouldn’t stay seated. So many thoughts fought for attention inside the cages of her mind, and Selena didn’t know how to wrangle them all back into a coherent list. 
“There was nobody else. I came alone.”
Oh, Sebastian, what had he gotten them into now?
He had continually sacrificed himself for Selena, and now with the ball in her court, the gnawing phantom claws of hesitation held her back from doing the same. He was guilty, but was it worth losing her friend to Azkaban? Should she confess their sins and let them truly take Sebastian? Did the Aurors even really know what had gone on? 
Selena needed to fix this.
Where was that dumb Gryffindor courage that her Slytherin friend loved to tease her so much about?
“If you want to get the most out of your time at Hogwarts you're going to need to break the rules now and then.”
 And like a match had been struck, the floodgate of words began rushing out of her. “Yes,” she began in a rush— lies spilling out of her easily once freed from its confines. “Yes, the last time we were together, Sebastian, Anne, and I—there was an argument. Nothing physical, but Sebastian and Solomon fought over Anne. She’s—she’s really sick, and all we wanted to do was take her out. Which we did, but—we ran into Rookwood.”
“Rookwood. As in Victor Rookwood?” Kaur interrupted.
“Uh, yeah. He was insisting we knew where the location was to some lady’s house, but Sebastian and Anne never heard of her before. He wouldn’t leave us alone despite us telling him this. We tried to tell Solomon about him once we got away, but he didn’t believe us and was more upset that we’d taken Anne out. He sent us home soon after that.”
“I don’t think I quite follow, Miss Calderon. What does Victor Rookwood have to do with Solomon—”
“—What business would Mr. Rookwood have in Feldcroft?” Gawley growled.
“I…I don’t know, sir. I—it was just strange that he was questioning us about the whereabouts of something we knew nothing about.”
Kaur looked at Selena wearily. “This— isn’t really helpful.” With a sigh of his own, the blonde man slumped forward to rest himself on the desk before him and accidentally knocked into Gawley’s outstretched hand.  A small clunk rang out as Gawley’s reddish brown wand slipped from his grip. For a moment, all eyes found themselves drawn to the lost object. They watched as the wand rolled onto the floor listlessly— tethering between the shadow of the desk and the glow of the morning sun. 
Selena, more so than the rest, was entranced by it. 
She followed the back-and-forth swaying of the chestnut wood and stared at the thing as it struggled, almost as if it couldn’t make up its mind as to whether or not it wanted to be illuminated or shrouded in darkness. Such an odd thing for a wand to be doing. Why was the thin stick still moving? Shouldn’t it have lost all momentum by now? 
How odd.
How odd.
Her mind sounded so echo-y. What a strange thing to be happening. Were her thoughts usually like this?
Something wasn’t right. 
Something was slithering, coiling, lounging in the outskirts of her thoughts. This thing was burrowing its way behind the blockades and vaults she dare not open.
She needed to it stop moving.
She needed to get it out.
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Harry Potter OCs- Others
A/N #1: I decided to divide my ocs for Harry Potter since there are so many. These specific ocs are mostly just side characters that I may mention in my fics. I just figured it would be easier to show you them than to have you guess because I'm lowkey bad at descriptions lol. Some may have their own fic but for the most part they're just secondary characters.
A/N #2: Some ocs have two pictures. The first pic under each description is the oc as a student then the second is them after Hogwarts
Marauders Era
Golden Trio Era
OC Count: 11
Name: Cairo William Lupin 
NickName(s): Kai/Cai
Birthday: January 4, 1959
House: Gryffindor 
Career (after Hogwarts): Magizoologist
Status: Halfblood
Patronus: Koala
Likes: Relaxing, writing, rainy days, sketching, spicy food
Dislikes: Werewolves (aside from Remus uwu), loud music, sour candy, coffee, outdoors
Personality: Calm, relaxed, chill, cautious, sweet
Ship: Isadora Diamandis
Cairo is not a werewolf but he’d do anything so his baby brother wouldn’t have to suffer that fate 
People often wonder how he and Isadora fell in love because they are opposites
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Name: Isadora Artemis Diamandis
NickName(s): Issa, Dora
Birthday: May 16, 1961
House: Ravenclaw
Career (after Hogwarts): Tutor for magic 
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Peacock
Likes: Dancing, music, sunshine, flying, colorful things
Dislikes: Being bored, negativity, darkness, sadness, responsibility
Personality: Happy, eccentric, excitable, compassionate, curious
Ship: Cairo Lupin 
I read somewhere that Pandora Lovegood’s maiden Name would be something Greek so I found a Name that I liked and rolled with it. Isadora is Pandora’s younger sister btw
After Pandora died, rather than grieving for a long time, Isadora embraced the colorful wardrobe her sister used to have 
They were close as two peas in a pod until Pandora died, and Isadora was devastated by it 
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Name: Judith Clara Stix
NickName(s): Judy
Sibling(s): Jessica Stix
Birthday: January 13, 1982
House: Ravenclaw
Status: Halfblood
Patronus: Kneazle
Likes: Oceans, cooking, forests, thriller books, hot chocolate
Dislikes: Spiders, darkness, coffee, chalk, closed spaces 
Personality: Passionate, witty, kind, loving, careful
Ship: Seamus Finnigan
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Full name: Odette Jewel Arquette
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: May 1, 1976
House: Papillonlisse (Beauxbatons equivalent to Gryffindor)
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Swan
Likes: Fashion, designing, spring, sweets, interior design
Dislikes: Chores, outdoors, sour candy, yelling, harsh criticism
Personality: Crafty, detail-oriented, intricate, artistic, classy
Ship: Davet Dumont (Frenchman from Beauxbatons)
She’s mostly unseen because she had graduated before the events of Goblet of Fire
She now works under Madame Maxime (headmistress of Beauxbatons) as her assistant
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Full name: Noelle Juliette Arquette
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: December 24, 1977
House: Ombrelune (Beauxbatons equivalent to Ravenclaw/Slytherin)
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Reindeer
Likes: Learning, riddles, Christmas, her sisters, studying, bonfires
Dislikes: Slander, physical work, fireworks, dogs (allergic), trying new things
Personality: Clever, intellectual, careful, mindful, witty
Ship: Roger Davies (Ravenclaw boy)
She and Fleur are best friends (they met because they’re the same age and are in the same house (they also share a dorm)) 
She met Roger at the Yule Ball, where he had been Fleur’s date. After Fleur showed no interest in him romantically, Noelle pursued him
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Name: Aquilia Willow Black
Nickname(s): Ilia, Lia,
Parents: Sirius Black, Auradona Ferns (deceased)
Birthday: February 28, 1980
House: Gryffindor
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Bay Mare
Likes: Music, learning spells, learning about her mother, playing piano, dancing
Dislikes: Sirius, potions, Umbridge, bullying, exercise
Personality: Scared, strong-willed, passionate, loving (conditionally), 
Ship (if any): Terrence Higgs 
Extra info:
Aquilia met Terrence through Draco when she went to him about her dark mark
The three got close and while Draco has Cecily, Aquilia and Terrence go out and eventually become a couple
She and Draco convince Terrence to fight on the good side with them
They're both there for her the first time she and Sirius try to make amends
Sirius doesn't trust the guys at first but the trio os a packaged deal so he would have to get over it
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Full name: Elsa Liviana Lionel 
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: May 8, 1979
House: Gryffindor 
Status: Halfblood
Patronus: Asiatic Lion
Likes: Hugs, animals, vanilla, nice shoes, outdoors
Dislikes: complaining, detention, strawberries, cowardice, sparring
Personality: Courageous, determined, daring, chivalrous, adventurous 
Ship: Lee Jordan 
Elsa and Lee actually met through Vega since he’s a quidditch commentator
Sometimes when she has time she’ll help commentate games and is usually Lee’s censor 
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Full name: Brooke Alayea Dimas 
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: August 30,1980
House: Hufflepuff
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Honey Badger  
Likes: Puns, babies, spring, candy, clouds 
Dislikes: Being rushed, lots of noise, bugs, alchemy, no choice
Personality: Loyal, friendly, honest, kind, gentle 
Ship: Hermione Granger
Brooke knows nothing about muggle things and always asks Hermione to tell her about some muggle thing she finds 
She’s like the younger female version of Arthur Weasley 
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Full name: Vega Anne Andor 
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: September 27, 1980
House: Ravenclaw 
Status: Muggleborn 
Patronus: Golden Eagle
Likes: Postcards, quidditch, pretty nails, swimming, wind chimes 
Dislikes: Doing nothing, laziness, winter, strong perfume/cologne, show-offs
Personality: Clever, wise, witty, athletic, intelligent 
Ship: Fleur Delacour 
She’s definitely the most athletic of the group and is even on the Ravenclaw quidditch team 
She met Fleur while Traveling to France one summer before the Triwizard Tournament then they reconnected when the Tournament came around 
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Full name: Iris Adelina Basil
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: May 4, 1979
House: Slytherin 
Status: Pureblood 
Patronus: Green Pit Viper Snake 
Likes: Bonfires, knick-knacks, simplicity, sleeping in, listening to music 
Dislikes: Dressing up, large jewelry, attention, bitterness, surprises 
Personality: Ambitious, leader, achievement-oriented, logical, resourceful 
Ship: Blaise Zabini 
Iris is having ✨none✨ of that blood superiority slander and refuses to associate with anyone who has it
That’s why everyone was shook when Blaise began renouncing blood superiority to others 
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Group notes: 
All four of them met on the Hogwarts express in their first year and instantly clicked
Despite being in different houses they’re the best of friends, which surprises most (especially when it came Elsa and Iris, who were in rivaling houses) 
They are the literal description of what their houses should be/represent right down to their patronuses (the good traits of their houses at least) 
They’re almost always seen together or near each other 
Name: Julia Nora Abbey
NickName(s): Julie, Jules
Birthday: February 13, 1927
House: Hufflepuff 
Status: Muggleborn 
Patronus: Puffskeins
Likes: Large sweaters, Hogwarts, earrings, hair bows, music
Dislikes: Dancing (in front of people), bullies, competitions, blood, staying outside for long 
Personality: Calming, adorable, melodic, funny, nerdy
Ship: Tom Riddle
This obviously takes place in an au where Tom didn’t become Voldemort, he became the DADA professor 
Julia and Tom met in school, where they were Potions partners 
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
8 Anti LO Asks
1. It doesn’t really make sense for a long term comic such as LO to have such a drastic change in the artstyle, and even more you can’t really call it an improvement when all the interesting parts of the art style are now gone and all that it is now it’s just some basic same-face and body art style with barely any backgrounds. RS is incredibly talented for illustrative artwork and it’s really a shame she’s not doing that anymore and instead has left it to her team, with leaving them very messy sketches. The artstyle in the beginning had life and glamour and now it’s just very dull and boring. That’s not an improvement
2. I genuinely can’t think of any man in LO that’s even half way decent. Poseidon maybe? Hephaestus? Those are the only two I can manage, meanwhile the rest are either Rachel purposely ruining them because of her own biases (Zeus, Apollo, Thanatos to an extent) or are “good” men who are just creeps who disrespect all the women around them and are super creepy and obsessed over a literal teenager who acts like a child (Hades, Ares, Hermee, Eros, etc). The women aren’t much better either. 
3. About Perse making Hades childish: (this is no way defending him, just some speculation, and tbh I doubt that RS has thought this through haha) I wonder if he becomes a horny teenager around her because she’s a goddess of fertility? Would that have any affect on him? Doesn’t excuse his creepy ass behavior, but could explain it a bit, I guess?
4. Okay so I'll be honest I dont really see any reason to 'simp' over Any of the LO characters?
Also, not to start sh*t, but - I think part of the reason why some of the LO fandom does not like Zeus (and perhaps gives Hera more leeway - at least in terms of cheating) is because:
Mythologically Zeus is a known cheater / rapist (Io for example, or Semele)
They see Hera cheating a Zeus as okay (its not) because he's been known to cheat on her in the past / fans see Hera cheating on Zeus with Hades as 'justified revenge' for what he's (Zeus) put her through
I'll be honest I dont really see Zeus (or Hades for that matter) as good rulers because
Despite other deities (like Eros) doing 'acts of wrath' - they get away with it because they often have someone to back them up (like Aphrodite offering to sleep with Zeus to get her son out of trouble) - but the one time Persephone does something wrong (an act of wrath) - Zeus wants to give her the Prometheus treatment - mainly so he can feel like an in control king whos subjects respect him
The reason this sound so odd is because of RS writing choices. Zeus is a grade A d*ck who is willing to destroy a 'young girls promising career' because she made 1 mistake that one time. But at the same time the act of wrath is framed oddly because Demeter doesn't want her daughter to get in trouble so she covers it up (its like the equivalent of hiding a murder from the cops).
Zeus wanting to Prometheus Kore seems overly harsh because she is a Child. (Well a teenager) - so it adds to the "Zeus is a d*ck" card, because she doesnt have the life experience to "get away with" stuff like the other deities because she is young AND sheltered.
Like again, the whole concept of Human Laws applying to Gods is so confusing:
Would Zeus have been this harsh if Demeter had simply come forward in the first place about Persephone's murder rampage? Why did she blackmail / get other deities involved to cover it up? Is Zeus THAT much of a d*ck in Demeters eyes that she knows he would harshly punish a child for something "she didnt mean to do" (killed mortals based on a feeling?)
Why is there a motherf*cking trial in the first place? Do All the other deities get the right to a fair trial or is this a special case? (Like can any deity just offer to sleep with Zeus and he'll let them off the hook?). If the other deities had commited the same crime would the trial / punishment be the same or does Zeus just have a rage boner because he was lied to? If thats the case then why are the other deities taking Persephones side during the trial? (Ares I can maybe understand cause hes the God of War and stuff but everyone else is taking Perse's side because their either her personal friend or family member (Hecate, Hermes, Demeter, Hades etc).
Why are there certain laws like "Zeus cant get to Persephone because she has clemency in the underworld" but other deities - including Leto, Demeter and others (like Perse's nymph family) can just stroll into Hades house? Why is Hermes still on house arrest? Why are Hades + Persephone throwing a house party when shes on trial for scythe crimes??!!!
Why are the gods bound by such petty squabbles?
The way RS set up the governing "laws" in universe just doesnt make a whole lotta sense. Also, sorry this got ramblely.  
5. Tbh i don’t think that Hades acting differently when he’s with Persephone is a bad thing, as a concept. But there are many issues with this such as the fact that Persephone is barely legal and Hades act like an actual child around her. Obviously when you’re with someone they are going to act different than they do when they are at work. The problem is that Hades essentially goes from the “cold-scary king” to a 17 year old hormonal boy when he’s with Persephone. And him making out with her in a middle of a store or them golfing with diamonds or him making out with Persephone again in front of his workplace is not exactly acceptable behaviour from a king. If Hades acts all lovey-dovey with Persephone when their at their home together it’s different, but when they’re at a public place they can’t really do that. I would say that he has to keep a status about him but from what we’ve seen all the citizens of the underworld hate him and don’t respect him at all, from yelling at him to actually fighting with him, so idk how much status there is actually attached to him 
6. I swear, the majority of the “cute” HxP moments in LO just seem like a single father dealing with his hyperactive 8 year old over the supposed future intimidating rulers who Rachel is obsessed about talking and drawing their sex life. Is it really that hard to depict Persephone even acting like a smart teenager at the very least, as opposed to an airhead grade schooler? It doesn’t scream cute to me, it seems more like a father/daughter relationship. It’s just weird. 
7. i mean, i have a LO oc who's persephone's brother (fertility god) between demeter and zeus. dude got thrown into tartyrus to cover up the affair and now serves cronus. he was the god of summer, and my reasoning was demeter's seasons/harvest + summer thunderstorms. wrote a whole minific i will never post about him and persephone realizing everyone around them are assholes and healing together. so the mistress-of-zeus oc isnt that weird.
8. I’m not a Zeus stan by any means, but I do find him one of the most interesting characters, and one that RS has, in her attempts to make him be the worst ever to make Hades look better, actually way more interesting and compelling than the majority of the cast. He doesn’t lie or whine to the audience he’s some good person like Hades when he’s not, he owns that he’s a dick and doesn’t bullshit the audience into thinking he’s someone he’s not. RS tries to show us he’s a “bad” king, yet we see no proof it beyond what, he wants to uphold the law P broke and doesnt kiss Hades’ butt? That’s not a bad king, it’s a good one that he doesn’t let family ties or lust cloud his judgement, unlike Hades or Hera, for example. I don’t condone his cheating either, but it’s not fair to hate him for it, but love it that Hades cheated on Minthe so he could get into a teenager’s skirt and praise Hera for sleeping with her brother in law while punishing Zeus’ mistresses because she’s being a fake “loyal” wife. Just because he’s a deeply flawed, even a bad person doesn’t make him a bad character. Hades and Hera and even Persephone are awful people who do worse than Zeus, yet they’re loved and praised for it, all while being written with the depth of a puddle. 
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