jainarepellista · 7 years
Tower of God S2ch282 Rough Translations
And a Happy New Year~
What do I do now.
I could catch them in the next stage.. // But it'll become annoying if they disappear into the Hidden Stage..
..It looks like there is a problem.
Yes, the new data people were displaying suspicious behavior..
...Do they know about the secret of the Hidden Floor?
...It.. seems so. // Although I'm not sure if they know anything more than that..
.....Hmm.. is that so..
Actually, there's a person who got in the King's Cradle.
He is probably one of their companions. // They are certainly not normal people. I'm not sure what their objectives are either.
We shouldn't touch them until Zahard-nim gives his orders // and let their nemeses deal with them instead.
He might become greatly angered if we make a mistake here. // And if Ed'an-nim or the Libra of Balance interferes, we won't be able to handle it. // It is important that we eradicate them all at once.
Do not forget that our utmost duty is to guard "that", and to hide Zahard-nim's location. // We will dispose of them when they try to access Libra.
So.. what do we do? // If we happen to meet the Big Breeder in the next stage..
It's highly likely.. // But still, you can't just give up looking for your companions, can you?
We'll have reinforcements once they meet up with Ed'an-nim. // I think it's better if we continue completing the stages and looking for your companions.
..It can't be helped.
Then let's keep going-
[card] STAGE 3 Rough Land
But it's weird..
I felt a great chile while were leaving the stage a moment ago // But now it's gone like it didn't exist at all. (Well, the place was quite cold..)
What could it have been, that freezing aura...
??F Hell Train - Koon Ed'an - 05
Two days later
Team Boro Hidden Stage ???
We've finally arrived.
This is the place where Father resides.
Residence of Koon Ed'an's Data Palace of Spears
!! At last~ // We're finally here, Sachi!!
Did you even do anything except press the buttons on your sin meter...
Oi, what are you talking about! I finished off my nemesis too!!
Yes, and there was a lot suffering thanks to you. // Your nemesis looked like a monster in a movie from when I was young.
Shut up, Sachi!! It was really scary!!
..Yeah, it was really strong.
(Really annoyingly)
You're late!!
What? A woman's voice?
Who's there!?
B-big sister..!! [T/N: Again, noonim is used which is a more respectful version of noona]
Why are you late, Asensio.
Father got tired of waiting and left the palace!!
What? This kiddo is your sister?
(Boro, don't be rude!)
D-don't speak so rashly!! // It's just that she cleared the Hell Train at such a young age!!
Her name is Koon Maschenny Zahard!!
..Stop talking about the outside me, Asensio.
Outside, she's among the strongest princesses who has received the 13 Months!!
What!? // A 13 Month princess!?
(That kiddo is?!)
Yeah!! That's how great my sister is!!
I said stop it.. it's embarrassing.
By the way, Maschenny-noonim. // What do you mean father's gone?
I mean exactly that. // He was waiting for you all day yesterday, and then he just left me without a word.
..That's bad news.
Well.. wherever Father is, it'll be easy to find his presence for sure.
He must be there.
Run, run!!
My body won't cool down now that it's this warmed up.
I wish to meet you soon. // Son of "V".
Team RaKoonBaam // Stage 7 Bull's Labyrinth
Congratulations for clearing the champion villain!! // Now, you can move to the next stage once you get to the exit!!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Get rid of the bull and save the little villains. This one was different from the other quests.
Y-yes, indeed.
Androssi, how's it on your side?
We're done over here. I think we just need to find the exit?
*Contact within the Hidden Floor is possible if you register them in your sin meter.
With this, we can pass through this stage. // It's good that Big Breeder didn't appear but we still haven't found any of our companions.
What..? I felt a sudden chill..
Koon-ssi, is it..!!
Big Brother.. [T/N: she calls him oraboni as opposed to oppa]
An observer!?
It's been a long time, Big Brother Aguero.
I did not expect to see you in the Tower like this
This voice..!!
I'm so relieved that you thought of me as your nemesis
I'm waiting for you in this place. // Come quickly.
Or else, one of your companions might disappear-
She's a very cute child wearing a red dress. // Right now.. I feel really strange.
Like I want.. to kill something..
So.. I might just kill her if I can no longer bear it, you know?
!! // Is it Miseng-ssi!?
We should go and save her!!
...No, Baam.
I think I should go alone.
You guys should look for the exit first. // I'll leave one of my lighthouses. Contact me if you find it.
Looks like she's my nemesis so I'll deal with her.
Let's go.
.......... // Okay..
.......... // As I thought..
It was you. // Khisea.
.....You're here alone? Big Brother.
I thought you'd go together with your companions.
..There's no need.
Because you don't want them to find out
how filthy of a human you are?
Do you want to hide the fact that big sis died because of you?
Fight me. // Big Brother.
If you win, you can kill me and take the girl with you. // But if I win, I will take your life.
Outside.. I only just hated you...
But I.. really want to kill you right now.. // I can't stand it..
So you are my nemesis.
I guess there's no other choice. // But to fight you.
Thank you, big brother.
For giving me the opportunity to kill you!!
Baby Growler
So you didn't forget. // That I could neutralize your lighthouse with this growler that I received from mother-
Everything that she needs has been recreated..!!
As always, it's hard to block
Trail of her dagger that is fast as lightning...!!
Your flesh is so warm even when it's just data.
As if you're not mere data but the "real person" himself.
With this, perhaps mother-
could feel a bit better?
You murderer.
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