#Romance Harmony Kent
Smorgasbord Book Promotions - Meet the Authors 2023 - #Poetry Harmony Kent, #Poetry M. J. Mallon, #Historical #Family #Romance C.E. Robinson
Welcome to the 2023 series of meet the authors. This series offers me the opportunity to not just share my personal recommendation for the author, but to also check for new books I might have missed, changes to biographies and profile photos and check links. I also I hope will introduce you to previously unknown authors to you and their books. As the curator of a towering TBR like most of you, I…
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sallygcronin · 2 years
Smorgasbord Posts from my Archives - Previous Reviews from 2022 - Oh Baubles: A Christmas Romance Novella by Harmony Kent
Smorgasbord Posts from my Archives – Previous Reviews from 2022 – Oh Baubles: A Christmas Romance Novella by Harmony Kent
Over the next few weeks I will be sharing my reviews for books I posted between January and June 2022. I read two Christmas themed stories over the holiday period last year and here is the second from award winning Harmony Kent – Oh Baubles: A Christmas Romance Novella. About Oh Baubles After a tragic accident one Christmas, Charlene loses her husband and her leg. Scarred and damaged, the losses…
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thestoryreadingape · 2 years
Smorgasbord Posts from my Archives - Previous Reviews from 2022 - Oh Baubles: A Christmas Romance Novella by Harmony Kent
Smorgasbord Posts from my Archives – Previous Reviews from 2022 – Oh Baubles: A Christmas Romance Novella by Harmony Kent
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authorlauren · 3 years
Oh, Baubles
This #book is called Oh, Baubles by Harmony Kent. It's technically a novella which makes it a quick and easy read for anyone traveling for the #holidays. #bookreview #indiebookclub #romance #christmasstory #writingcommunity
I meant to post this book review a little sooner since it’s a Christmas read. However, I’ve been a little occupied listening to another audiobook for a future book review. This one is called Oh, Baubles by Harmony Kent. It’s technically a novella which makes it a quick and easy read for anyone traveling for the holidays. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. This is a short, sweet Christmas story about a…
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stacitroilo · 3 years
NO SUCH LUCK Tour Stop 2: Harmony Kent #bookrelease #romance #novella
NO SUCH LUCK Tour Stop 2: Harmony Kent #bookrelease #romance #novella
Ciao, amici! Day two of my tour is sending us all the way across the pond to a supportive blogger and talented creative. She’s a colleague at Story Empire and a constant source of inspiration. I’m talking about Harmony Kent. I hope you’re no stranger to Harmony’s work. She writes poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, and I find it impossible to say which she’s best at. I’ve read nearly everything…
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rijanjks-blog · 3 years
Book #Reviews! @JoanHallWrites @harmony_kent @WendyWrites1 @judypost
Book #Reviews! @JoanHallWrites @harmony_kent @WendyWrites1 @judypost
I have had a month of fabulous reading and want to share the cream of the crop! https://www.amazon.com/Bounty-Hunted-Mystery-5-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B088P9G25W/ Blurb: Bounty hunters come to Muddy River to capture its amiable bartender, Derek Fang, Raven Black, a demon and the town’s enforcer, warns them off because the vampire hasn’t committed any crime. But a succubus who was Derek’s lover…
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ithinkimblue · 4 years
Can I have a dance ?
100 ways to say I love you:
Number 14 - “Can I have a dance?”
Rating: K
Relationship: Tim Drake x Conner Kent/Kon-El
Fluff, Romance
1 chapter / 1k words
Link Ao3
Summary: Today was prom day and Conner was kind of stress cause i still didn't have a plus one. He wanted to invite his best friend/date-if-Tim-wanted-to but men! It was hard to confess his love. 
Hello everyone! English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance for the spelling mistakes that you might see. This fic pop in my mind because of one post on @blondetins’ tumblr named “100 ways to say I love you” Recently, my love for the Batfamily reached the high of the Wayne Tower, and I think about them and their different love stories all the time. I was time to write something about it! Happy reading!
If you asked him, this night was the most stressful moment in Conner’s short life. Even going on mission and facing the end of the world seems less stressful.
But this night was also one of the most beautiful that in ever lived.
The day before begun quite casually. As usual, Kon woke up late and was force to use his super speed to prepare his stuffs so he wouldn’t be late.
He flew to his high school, landed behind an empty building nearby and ran at normal speed the few meters’ left.
As soon as his feet touch the ground, his ears were overwhelmed by all the chatters filling the school.
Of course! With his super busy schedule, Kon had totally forgotten that prom was tonight… And he didn’t have a date yet.
Well, that wasn’t exactly right. He could have found one month ago, but he declined every request. Not that he wanted to go alone. In fact, he knew exactly who he wanted to invite but the situation was way more complicated than it sounded. Cause he lived in a small town in the depths of Kansas and he wanted to invite a boy and not a just a friend and not any boy: Tim Drake-Wayne himself. And if this wasn’t complicated enough, Tim didn’t know what Conner felt about him. They were just supposed to be best friends and Kon still hadn’t got the guts to tell him. But if he didn’t want to go to prom alone, he knew exactly what he had to do.
With that idea in mind, Conner spent his entire morning thinking about what he’ll say, what he’ll do, so much that at the end of his last class of the day, before midday, he didn’t even remember a thing his teachers said. But… clearly, he didn’t give a fuck. He had other things to do.
Soon as the last bell rang, he left his school and fly as fast as possible to the Kent’s farm. There, he sent a simple text to Tim, asking to meet him if he wasn’t not too busy.
As usual, his best friend was more than ready to sacrifice a few of his working hours to spend time with him and said yes almost instantly.
Full of stress, Conner put his Superboy outfit, his earrings and some make-up on before living for Gotham. Usually, he avoided wear make-up at Smallville. It was a small town and people already looked at him weirdly since he began living with Pa’ and Ma’ at the farm.
But he wanted to be as handsome as he could be before seeing Tim and he also felt more like himself as Superboy than as Conner, the farm boy, copy of Clark Kent. He liked too much his piercings and leather jacket.
Finally ready, he took one minute to warn Pa’ and Ma’ that he was going out before taking off.
Direction Gotham, and more precisely Wayne Enterprise’s roof top.
The fly was actually really helpful for his stress. Kon always loved flying. It made him calmer and helped him think more clearly.
So, when he arrived in Gotham, he was relaxed and super happy to see his best friend/maybe-boyfriend-if-Tim-loved-him-back.
As soon as he entered the city, he immediately spotted Tim’s heartbeat, harmonious as usual. This was always reassuring knowing, even miles away, he could hear that nothing was wrong and that Rob’ was okay.
Arriving near WE, it took him two seconds to see Tim, sat down on the edge of the roof, watching the horizon. And he took him the exact same time to join him with a cheerful “Hello.”
Tim responded with a smile before offering Kon some M&M’s© that he probably stole from the vending machine he installed next to his office (he could totally pay for it, but it was more funny to steel it since Jason told him how). Being the CEO offered so advantages.
“So. What’s up?” Tim started talking. He’s always the one who start when he saw that Kon wanted to but could find the words.
“Oh. Nothing out of the ordinary. Kansas is boring, so is school and I just wanted to spend some quality time with my best friend.”
“Not wrong. School is boring. But are you sure everything is alright? Not like I dislike seeing you more often but it’s rare that you offer a meeting in the middle of the week and in the middle of a day without reasons. I mean, we’re going to see each other in less than two days at the Tower so… I was just wondering.”
Deciding that that was never be a right moment and that Tim made it easy for him by insisting, Kon had tried.
“Actually… You’re right! I wanted to see you cause I’ve got something to ask. But… It’s kinda hard to say so… please don’t interrupt me…” Kon’s tone sounded like begging but he didn’t care.
“As you wish.”
“So… since I’ve officially start high school, I began to learn all the things that teenagers are supposed to do. Things that aren’t saving the world every Tuesday.” Tim laughed at his joke and Kon relaxed. “One of those things is… prom. And especially the tradition to invite a plus one. But… like the idiot I am, I totally forgot about that and… It’s not like I don’t know who inviting. In fact, I know exactly who I want to spend my night with but… it’s complicated.”
“All of our lives are complicated anyway.”
“I said no interruption!” Kon pretended to be mad and apparently, his fake angry face was like by Tim who let a small grin slip on his face. “I was saying. It’s complicated… See… you’re my best friend. I’ve known who since forever, and I don’t want to ruin or friendship or anything but… I want to ask you something.”
“Hey!” Tim stopped him and gentle stroke his hand on Kon’s cheek. “Nothing can ruin our friendship. You hear me? Nothing! You can tell me anything, and I’ll always be her for you, no matter what."
Kon blushed a little. Tim’s eyes stared at his. There were so beautiful, so full of… everything… Quietly, Conner pressed his hand against Tim’s, still on his cheek.
“I…” He took a long breathing and finally asked. “Do you want to go to prom with me? As a more than friend plus one!” That’s it! He said it.
For a few seconds (to long if you asked Kon), Tim seemed surprise. But a tender smile quickly replaced his startled expression.
“If you mean in a boyfriend kind of way, then I’ll be happy to go with you.”
It was now Conner’s time to be surprised.
“You… you… what does that mean?”
“It means that I like you too dummy!”
“Oh” Kon was incapable of saying anything else, in choc to see his feelings returned.
That’s how Kon ended up, in an old Clark’s suit, in the ball room/gymnasium of his high school, waiting for his date (who was late).
He was happily speaking to his friends about gossips, classes and unimportant stuffs trying to kill time.
But he couldn’t hide that he was a little bit worried. It took balls to invite a guy to dance in one of the most homophobic state in USA.
So Kon wasn’t hiding that he was kind of scared of the reactions of his friends, of the reputation he was going to give the Kent.
However, at the second he heard known and really specific footsteps, he turned his eyes to the entrance just in time to see Tim waking in. And just like that, Conner forgot every fear that he had. Tim was… radiant.
Knowing him, he certainly randomly picked one of his suit. It was simple, like every other boy in the room. But he wore it like he was born in it and Conner couldn’t detach his eyes of him.
His friends tried to understand what was happening to him but he ignored them.
Rapidly, he hurried in Tim’s direction, a big smile stuck on his face.
“Hello beautiful, you’ve got wonderful eyes you know that?” Kon was sure his stupid line will please Tim, or at least made him blush.
“You dork.” Ah! Tim was discreetly laughing! And blushing! Objectives completed. “Show me the bar instead of playing the idiot. I’m thirsty and everyone is starring.”
“Oh… Yeah. You’re right. This way.” Rao… He already started babbling. And Tim was right, everyone was starring and some in the crowd even recognize Tim. It must be said: Tim was known by the tabloid and even in a modest town as Smallville, people known him.
During a hot minute, Conner started regretting ask him to come.
But a hand on his made him forgot all the bad thoughts he had. Tim put a worried look on him and Kon smile at him, silently saying “Nothing’s wrong, don’t worry.”
Smiling back, Tim put down his drink on the table nearby and pulled Kon toward the dance floor.
 “Can I have this dance?”
Kon laugh at the question and switch roles. He was now pulling Tim towards the other dancers.
They quickly faced each other et started dance like nobody was watching them. And he didn’t take long for them to bring each other closer.
At the end of the dance, they ended up chest against chest, breathless. Looking at each other, the logical choice for Kon was to lean toward Tim’s face. Tim’s eyes couldn’t leave his. And the young CEO’s face seemed saying one thing “Kiss me”.
So Kon obeyed and kiss him.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 5 years
all the good girls go to hell
Summary: Alya and Kagami break down.
Warnings: Torture, murder, mentions of child abuse and neglect, mentions of children being sold, references to sexual situations. 
 Alya had a normal childhood. Sure it was a bit effed up from time to time- Nora had anger issues and her boxing was only discovered later in life- but it was normal. Busy parents, babysitting your little siblings when you were only nine and your sister was off somewhere and-
 Okay so maybe it wasn’t so normal.
 Alya… didn’t have much to complain about though. She was fine right? Everything was okay. 
 It was fine.
 “Sugar, you’re amazing,” said the grubby handed man as he grabbed at Alya. She giggled and managed to escape his grasp. Alya was a blue-haired girl with a skimpy outfit showing everything off.
 “Naughty Mister! I’m on shift.” She pouted at him and he laughed. Inside she laughed at the reminder she’d bugged him with a tracker when he’d grabbed at her.
 Heroes and saving the day and journalism. It’s all she wanted. Alya dreamed of one day being like Lois Lane or Clark Kent and reporting on her own heroes. She dreamed of being famed for her words. Having Ladybug appear? Cemented that. Having a best friend, a boyfriend… it all cemented it. 
 Then Lila showed up. At first, she’d paid into it. It sounded awesome. But slowly Alya started seeing the cracks, the truths. She felt awful and begged on bended knee to Marinette who’d accepted. It would go back to the way things were.
 Or well she thought.
 “You’re my best friend,” a woman sobbed onto Alya’s shoulder. Alya soothes her, paying her back as the woman cried. Alya was brunette that day, with green eyes and frumpy clothing. “I’m so stupid!”
 “Aw honey, ya ain’t stupid. He’s the stupid one.” She soothed, grabbing the woman’s phone and tossing it away, snapping a small hacking bug on it for Max. “C’mon don’t let him talk to ya anymore, alright?”
 Lila was… something. To this day Alya doesn’t know what. But she was a rat. She knew how to play the game and her lies for some reason just… worked. Even when they were ridiculous. 
 People believed them. People looked at Alya and her friends and beloved rumours. Alya’s parents stopped wanting her to watch her sisters. Bad influence. Nora eyed her sometimes but never said if she believed the rumours.
 Her baby sisters… they did. And they hated her.
 “I’m sorry,” sobbed the man. “I’m so sorry baby…”
 “No, you’re not!” Alya shouted, bottle blonde with blue eyes and a fake chest. “You’re nothing but a liar and a cheat!” In Alya’s pocket was a USB full of files on the gun trafficking the man was doing. She was done with him. 
 She hadn’t been sure when she started her relationship with Chloe. Her and Nino had kind of talked about a third occasionally but that was casual. Chloe just made her so mad she just did it. Luckily Nino liked it. 
 And it was wonderful. Her parents did not approve and it just added to the rumours but Nora actually pulled her aside to say sorry. For like everything. Including the effed up bits of their childhood. 
 She felt like she could breathe. Maybe.
 Then Chat was stabbed and he was Adrien and Ladybug was Mairnette and things went to hell.
 “Sup Nora,” Alya said into the phone, a redhead with grey eyes that day. She smirked and winked at a handsome man across the room, a man with his fingers in various drug rings.
 “Not much. The brats are doing good after mom and dad lost custody.” Nora replied. Alya smiles softly. 
 “That’s good. I’m happy you’re all doing better.”
 “You doing alright?”
 “Oh just doing my job, I’m keeping safe. Promise.”
 They beat Hawkmoth and instead of their happy ending they were hurt. Instead of their happiness, they got fucking Lila muscling in on their glory, their earned achievement. 
 And then she pushed. And she nearly killed Marinette. 
 They all just… snapped. 
 Alya wished she was the one to kill her.
“Sup baby,” she kissed Nino as he approached her, confusing the pathetic sob in front of her with a ring in his hand. “Got the info on the drug ring?”
 “I did. Got the info on their finances?” Nino asked and the dumbass stared in horror. Alya grinned, her hair going from pink to her normal shade, her glasses reappearing.
 “Baby you know me.”
Kagami had a shit childhood. She had to be the best. Everything has to be perfect, she had to be perfect. Or she’d end up like her siblings. She had a lot but no one knew. Her mother gave them away. The League of Assassins likes them. The Council of Spiders did too.
 Kagami wondered how many siblings she had.
 She was a tool, her mother’s next reach into the world. Her mother’s hopes and dreams. 
 Kagami sliced through the man’s throat, hot sticky blood covering her. She sighed. The man hadn’t bothered being a challenge. He’d basically given up as soon as she started.
 How disappointing. 
 “Mother would be upset.” She said casually to no one before she left the scene. 
 When she moved to Paris she’d been scared. Would mother give her to the League now? Would she be safe? But instead, she met Adrien. Adrien who smiled and laughed and who mother wanted her to marry. 
 Mother got what mother wanted even if Kagami wasn’t sure about romance. 
 Kagami found friends though. Adrien was a great friend and he led her to more friends. It was… awesome. 
 Then Lila happened.
 Kagami dove under a sword strike and threw wind at the man, blowing him back hard enough to slam into the wall with a sickening crack. But Marinette wanted his head so she’d bring it. She walked right up the man, lifting the sword and bringing it down with a thud.
 “Messy,” She grumbled, staring at the blood. “Though somewhat fun. Perhaps I’ll pick up your sister tonight. She seems fun.” Kagami told the corpse before she took the head and walked away.
 Lila didn’t really touch her so much. Her mother knew they were lies but… 
 People hated her friends. She didn’t like that. She didn’t like the looks and the sneers and the snarls. She didn’t like how they glared. She wanted it to stop.
 It got worse when Kagami’s things were destroyed- when she was glared at and sneered at. Her mother did not approve. Luckily she couldn’t vanish. Not yet. Not when Adrien was her friend and he would see if she vanished.
 She was safe. For a while.
 Kagami glared at the body in front of her, feeling heavily annoyed. 
 “What’s wrong Dragon?” Asked Marinette as she came into the room, dressed in a nice black suit. “Oh. Well, who is this?”
 “An annoyance Horse will have to track,” Kagami growled. “He scared off my partner for the night.” She glared even more at the body. Marinette sighed.
 “Sorry. I’d offer but neither of us like the bottom.” Kagami sighed.
 “Correct. Hmm… is Snake up?”
 “He is. Have fun.”
 It all went to hell when Gabriel showed he was Hawkmoth and ran his own son through. They saved him. They all died they saved him and they were bonded ever closer to him in a form of harmony. 
 And Kagami was in danger again. 
 She got lucky that Adrien still dragged her into the spotlight, that he kept eyes on her. That he needed someone to be his voice.
 But Lila was trying to change that. 
 Kagami drove her sword into the gut of the ninja in front of her, a snarl on her face.
 “Tell Ra’s I Said go fuck himself.” She announced to the shadows, knowing others waited. “I won’t go to him. My mother had no right to sell me and I will cut anyone down who tries. I did it to her too.” Her mother lying on the floor after Kagami had cut her down, after learning she’d been sold, filled her mind and she bared her teeth. 
 She would not be part of the League when she had her own team already.
 Lila nearly killed Marinette. Nearly killed Ladybug. And no one gave a damn. Not even Marinette’s parents. It made her blood boil and her lungs fill with fire and smoke.
 Was it any wonder they snapped?
 She was just happy Lila died at her hands. 
 “Please!” Lila screamed as Kagami drove her sword down, separating her leg from her body. Kagami had already claimed her arms, her blade hot and preventing blood loss from killing her. “Please stop.”
 “No.” Kagami grinned, vicious and deadly. 
 She wouldn’t stop. 
@northernbluetongue @ines-nz  @seraphichana, @glasswolff, @crazylittlemunchkin, @miraculous786, @viinaa08, @18-fandoms-unite-08 @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @my-name-is-michell @emjrabbitwolf @starsshineandgivehope
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Oceans Between Us
by WomanofStars
Lightness and darkness; the sun and the moon; day and night, all are two faces of the same coin. To Batman, there is no similarity, no harmony between the two. To Wonder Woman, the similarities are the secrets she keeps to herself, her weaknesses she never allows to surface. This is the epic love story between the Sun (Wonder Woman) and the Moon (Batman). Two teammates hopelessly in love with each other; one too stubborn to acknowledge the similarities, and the other just her best. Through the many oceans of life; jealousy, danger, hope, anger...will they find themselves where they need to be to finally accept each other and their fate.
Words: 1946, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Justice League - All Media Types, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Batman - All Media Types, Wonder Woman - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman), Clark Kent, Flash (DCU), Wally West, Shayera Hol, John Stewart (DCU)
Relationships: Diana (Wonder Woman)/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Friends to Lovers, Jealousy, Humor, Secret Crush, Adventure & Romance, bmww - Freeform, Series
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/39755727
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Smorgasbord Posts from my Archives - Previous Reviews from 2022 - Oh Baubles: A Christmas Romance Novella by Harmony Kent
Smorgasbord Posts from my Archives – Previous Reviews from 2022 – Oh Baubles: A Christmas Romance Novella by Harmony Kent
Over the next few weeks I will be sharing my reviews for books I posted between January and June 2022. I read two Christmas themed stories over the holiday period last year and here is the second from award winning Harmony Kent – Oh Baubles: A Christmas Romance Novella. About Oh Baubles After a tragic accident one Christmas, Charlene loses her husband and her leg. Scarred and damaged, the losses…
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sallygcronin · 2 years
Smorgasbord Book Reviews Round Up – July 2022- #Romance Jan Sikes, #Poetry Harmony Kent, #Dogs #Caravans Jacqueline Lambert, #Flash #Poetry M.J.Mallon, #Dystopian Teri Polen, #Western #Romance Sandra Cox
Smorgasbord Book Reviews Round Up – July 2022- #Romance Jan Sikes, #Poetry Harmony Kent, #Dogs #Caravans Jacqueline Lambert, #Flash #Poetry M.J.Mallon, #Dystopian Teri Polen, #Western #Romance Sandra Cox
I had some great reading time in the garden during July and here are my recommendations from the month. This review is for the first of four biographical novels by Jan Sikes based her own life and lifelong love story. Flowers and Stone. My review for the book July 9th 2022 This is the first chapter in the passionate love story of a young woman enjoying the freedom of having left a restrictive…
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fameinhistory · 4 years
Tiwa Savage
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Tiwa Savage biography Tiwa Savage, is a Nigerian singer, songwriter and actress. Born in Isale Eko, she relocated to London at the age of 11 for her secondary education. Background information Full Name: Tiwatope Savage Born: 5 February, 1980 Birth place: Isale Eko, Lagos State, Nigeria Alma mater: University of Kent, Berklee College of Music Famous as: Singer, songwriter, actress Spouse(s): Tunji Balogun (m. 2013) Children: 1 Musical career Genres: Afrobeats, R&B, pop, hip hop, soul Instruments: Vocals Years active: 1996–present Labels: 323, Universal Motown Capital Island
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Early childhood and educational career Tiwatope Savage was born on 5 February 1980, in Isale Eko, Lagos State, Nigeria. Her family relocated to London when she was 11 years old. While attending secondary school, she was a trombone player for her school's orchestra band. Savage graduated with a degree in accounting from the University of Kent, and started working at The Royal Bank of Scotland. She did backup vocals for English singer George Michael at the age of 16, and lent vocals to other musicians such as Mary J. Blige, Chaka Khan, Blu Cantrell, Emma Bunton, Kelly Clarkson, Andrea Bocelli and Ms. Dynamite. Savage enrolled at Berklee College of Music and graduated with a degree in professional music in 2007. While reminiscing about her experiences there, she said she was motivated by the drive and passion of the younger students. She also said she needed the school's atmosphere.
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Music career and accolades In 2006, Savage participated in the UK edition of The X Factor and advanced to the final 24, but ended up being the 12th person to be evicted. While participating, she had difficulty dealing with the limelight. She said, "You have to always realize that people are watching. When I got the bad news that I wasn't getting through it was a really painful time. But you still have to learn how to hold that until you get home. Because you don't want to just let everything out. People admire you and want to see that you're strong; they don't want to see you breaking down." In 2009, Savage signed a publishing deal with Sony/ATV Music Publishing. The deal allowed her to write for Babyface, Kat Deluna, Fantasia, Monica and Mýa. She has received songwriting credits for her contribution to Monica's soul-tinged ballad "Catch Me". Her collaboration with Fantasia on the song "Collard Greens & Cornbread" earned the American recording artist a Grammy nomination in 2010. Savage wrote Jaicko's "Oh Yeah", featuring Snoop Dogg, and Deluna's "Push Push", featuring Akon. She performed background vocals on Whitney Houston's album I Look to You (2009). Inspired by the growth of the Nigerian music industry, Savage moved back to Nigeria and signed with Mavin Records in 2012.
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Once Upon a Time, record deal and endorsement This album is straight from my heart and it's something that I've worked so tirelessly for. A lot of people wondered why it took me so long a time to drop my own album. That's because we had to go through a lot of legal processes to clear some of the samples that we used, and that took us some months. Also, we wanted to work with notable producers outside the shores of the country like Oak who produces Rihanna. So, we had to work around his schedule and waited for them to have our time. But this album is something that I really took my time with because I didn't want it to be the usual Nigerian album that contains just party tracks from the beginning till the end. -Tiwa Savage, speaking to Vanguard about her debut studio album In December 2011, Savage co-hosted the second season of Nigerian Idol alongside IllRymz. She made her film debut with Joke Silva and Ireti Doyle in the stage adaptation of For Coloured Girls. Savage established the 323 Entertainment record label with her former manager and husband Tunji "Tee Billz" Balogun, to whom she got engaged on 5 February 2013. She joined Mavin Records in 2012 and was one of the lead acts on the label's compilation album Solar Plexus (2012). While attending Berklee College of Music, she networked with musicians Keith Harris, Derek Pate, Scott Coleman, Radar Ellis, and Darien Dorsey. In an interview with journalist Brenda Pike, she said she collaborated with producers Chuck Harmony, Warren "Oak" Felder, and Sossick, among others. She said her debut studio album would include songs in her native tongue. Tiwa Savage was featured on the remix of "Oyi" in 2012. Prior to collaborating with Flavour, she recorded her own version of the song. In celebration of the 52nd anniversary of Nigeria's independence, Savage performed her rendition of "Arise, O Compatriots" for Ndani Sessions. In November 2012, she collaborated with Waje, Praiz, Timi Dakolo and Pamela Egoh on the Ovation Red Carol theme song "Higher". Savage started recording her debut studio album Once Upon a Time in 2010. She held an album listening party at the Wheatbaker Hotel in Ikoyi in May 2013. During the listening party, she revealed the entire track list of the album and announced Iceberg Slim, Sarkodie and General Pype as featured acts. The album was released to the Nigerian public on 3 July 2013. It was released on iTunes a day before its official release. Savage named the album Once Upon a Time in order to portray the positive stories about her life. She said she wanted to motivate other upcoming artists by telling them that, once upon a time, she was a little girl in Isale Eko who dreamt of being a star. The album was supported by seven singles—"Kele Kele Love", "Love Me (3x)", "Without My Heart", "Ife Wa Gbona", "Folarin", "Olorun Mi" and "Eminado". It also includes political songs like "Middle Passage", which is about the struggles of African men in a foreign country. Once Upon a Time was nominated for Best Album of the Year at the 2014 Nigeria Entertainment Awards. It was also nominated for Best R&B/Pop Album at The Headies 2014.
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Philanthropy work and endorsement deal Tiwa Savage has been involved in many youth empowerment and breast cancer screening projects across Nigeria. She helped raise money for an organisation that builds schools in her hometown. Savage signed an endorsement deal with MTN Nigeria in July 2013, reportedly worth ₦30 million. She also signed endorsement deals with Pepsi, Forte Oil and Maggi.
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R.E.D and Roc Nation deal On 31 January 2014, Savage released the Spellz-produced "Love in Yellow" in celebration of Valentine's Day. The song has elements of retro R&B and funk. Savage was featured on Reekado Banks's 2014 single "Turn It Up", which was produced by Don Jazzy. On 1 May 2014, Mavin Records released the Don Jazzy-produced "Dorobucci", featuring vocals from Savage, Don Jazzy, Dr SID, D'Prince, Reekado Banks, Korede Bello and Di'Ja. On 19 May 2014, Foston Musik premiered the Savage-assisted remix of Patoranking's "Girlie O". The song was produced by WizzyPro. The music video for the song was shot and directed in London by Moe Musa. On 7 June 2014, Tiwa Savage performed at the 2014 MTV Africa Music Awards alongside Miguel, Flavour N'abania, Davido, Mafikizolo, Uhuru, Oskido and Professor. The Moe Musa-directed visuals for "Wanted" was released on 28 May 2014. It features Savage wearing a nude body suit and touching herself suggestively. The video's release prompted a huge public backlash across various social networking sites, including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. In June 2014, Savage collaborated with Mi Casa, Lola Rae, Sarkodie, Diamond Platnumz and Davido on "Africa Rising", a song for DStv's campaign of the same name. The campaign was created to inspire Africans to partake in community-based social investment projects. The accompanying music video for "Africa Rising" was shot and directed by South African production house Callback Dreams. The artists performed the song at the Africa Rising launch ceremony in Mauritius. On 19 December 2015, Savage released her second studio album R.E.D, which is an acronym for Romance, Expression and Dance. The album features guest appearances from Don Jazzy, Olamide, Dr SID, Iceberg Slim, 2face Idibia, D'Prince, Busy Signal and Reekado Banks. It was primarily produced by Don Jazzy, with additional production from Baby Fresh, Altims, Spellz and P2J. The album was supported by two singles: "My Darlin" and "Standing Ovation". Its deluxe edition was released in February 2016 and features guest vocals from Wizkid and P-Square. R.E.D was nominated for Best Album at the 2016 Nigeria Entertainment Awards. Savage recorded the album while pregnant with her son. The album was made available for free digital streaming on MTN Music on 21 December 2015. Within 24 hours of its release, it became the music platform's most-streamed album. The album was promoted through the website i-am-red.com. In June 2016, there were reports in the media that Savage had signed a management and publishing deal with Roc Nation. On 29 July 2016, she made it official by announcing the deal through her Instagram account, making her the first Nigerian artist to be signed to the label.
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Sugarcane, MTV EMA and record deal with UMG Savage performed on the Liberty Stage of Jay Z's Made in America Festival. During her performance, she brought out Young Paris for a performance of "Best of Me" (Remix). Savage released her debut EP Sugarcane on 22 September 2017. It features collaborations with producers and guest artists such as Wizkid, Spellz, Baby Fresh, Maleek Berry and P2J. It explores themes of love and was recorded in English and Yoruba. Sugarcane was nominated for Best Album of the Year at the 2018 Nigeria Entertainment Awards. Savage revealed to The Fader magazine that she did not have any plans to release the EP, but decided to put out the project after recording so much music for her upcoming album. Sugarcane is a mixture of Afropop, funk, house, pop music, R&B and trap. On 24 August 2018, Savage headlined a concert at The O2's Indigo venue. General admission tickets sold out hours before the event. The concert featured additional performances from Don Jazzy, Reekado Banks, Di'Ja, Dr SID, WSTRN, Awilo Longomba, Mystro and the Alternate Sound Band. Prior to the concert, Savage held a pop-up shop on Berwick Street. In November 2018, Savage won Best African Act at the 2018 MTV Europe Music Awards, becoming the first woman to win the category. Savage released the melodic track "One" on 15 November 2018. Produced by Killer Tunez, it touches upon themes of gratitude. Akinpelu Oluwafunmilayo for Legit.ng described the song as an "Afrobeat song with a soft tempo and smooth rhythmical flow". On 2 December 2018, Savage performed at the 2018 Global Citizen Festival: Mandela 100, which took place at the FNB Stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa. News about her performance at the festival was first reported in July 2018. The video for "One" was released on 7 December 2018. Directed by Clarence Peters, it was shot at a local beach in Osoroko, Lagos. In January 2019, YouTube took down the video for "One" following accusations of copyright violations. Due to not being able to verify a copyright violation, YouTube restored the video on 2 March 2019. On 13 March, Savage was added to the lineup of artists who performed at the 2019 Wireless Festival. On 2 May 2019, Universal Music Group announced the signing of Savage to a seven-year publishing and distribution deal. It was also revealed that she left Mavin Records Efe Ogbeni of Regime Music Societe and Vannessa Amadi-Ogbonna will be responsible for executive producing all of her projects under the label. Savage's future music will be released through the label's operations in more than 60 countries. In July 2019, Savage was featured on "Keys to the Kingdom", a track she co-wrote for Beyoncé's soundtrack album The Lion King: The Gift. She appeared on the track alongside Mr Eazi. On 5 September 2019, Savage released "49-99", her first single with Motown Records. The song references the line "49 sitting, 99 standing" from Fela Kuti's 1978 hit "Shuffering and Shmiling". Described as a blend of Afrobeat, R&B and pop music, "49-99" features syncopated percussion, humming background harmonies and crisp snares. The Meji Alabi-directed video for "49-99" features colorful imagery and symbolism. One of the video's scenes references the iconic portraits of Congolese schoolgirls taken in 1972 by photographer Eliot Elisofon. Another scene, in which Savage is laid out with lengthy braids, is reminiscent of Diana Ross' flower-accented look from the late 1960s. On 19 November 2019, Savage released the Black Jheerze-produced track "Attention" and the Pheelz-produced track "Owo Mi Da" as standalone singles. In "Attention", she admonishes her love interest for the lack of attention he is putting into their relationship while in "Owo Mi Da", she makes cut throat remarks at an unnamed borrower. Savage performed background vocals on "Èkó", a slow-burning ballad from Coldplay's eighth studio album Everyday Life (2019).
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Family and personal life Tiwa Savage is married to Tunji "Tee Billz" Balogun. On 23 November 2013, the couple held their traditional marriage at the Ark in Lekki. The couple's white wedding was held on 26 April 2014 at the Armani Hotel in Dubai. On 1 January 2015, Savage and Balogun announced that they were expecting their first child together. Six months later, Savage gave birth to their son. On 28 April 2016, Balogun accused his wife of infidelity and his mother-in-law of witchcraft. In a 45-minute interview conducted by This Day newspaper and Pulse Nigeria, Savage extensively addressed her husband's lengthy social media posts regarding their marriage. She debunked her husband's infidelity claims and accused him of financial recklessness, drug addiction and abandonment. She said her marriage to him is over.
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Album and EPs by Tiwa Salvage Once Upon a Time (2013) R.E.D (2015) Sugarcane (2017) Reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiwa_Savage Read the full article
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Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett has always been a favorite of mine. I read it for the first time in 2008, and for the second in 2013 when I was preparing to give it out for World Book Night. 
Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett are two of the best fantasy writers of our time, and this novel is written by both of them, together, swapping notes. Here’s a basic outline of the plot: the end of the world. Here’s a bigger outline: Aziraphale and Crowley, angel and demon, aren’t as excited about the appearance of the Antichrist as their superiors are. They’ve gotten rather used to the human world. The Antichrist also appears to be a quite normal, though quite imaginative, boy, and under his direction, the world begins to end—Atlantis rises and aliens circle to spread their message of harmony. And through it all, Anathema Device is following along with the story thanks to the prophecies of her ancestor, Agnes Nutter, the only prophet who got everything right—which is precisely why her books never sold very well.
The book is funny, twisting, and magical. There are one or two jokes that always put me off, but they are a total of four lines in a book of many. Here are some of my favorite lines from this read:
“Evil in general does not sleep, and therefore doesn’t see why anyone else should.”
“A screaming, glowing ribbon of pain and dark light* *Not actually an oxymoron. It’s the color past ultra-violet. The technical term for it is infra-black. It can be seen quite easily under experimental conditions. To perform the experiment simply select a healthy brick wall with a good runup, and, lowering your head, charge. The color that flashes in bursts behind your eyes, behind the pain, just before you die, is infra-black.”
“This is how Newton Pulsifer looked as a man: if he went into a phone booth and changed, he might manage to come out looking like Clark Kent.”
“Jaime had never realized that trees made a sound when they grew, and no one else had realized it either, because the sound is made over hundreds of years in waves twenty-four hours from peak to peak. Speed it up, and the sound a tree makes is vrooooom.”
“Crowley said nothing. Plan A had worked. Plan B had failed. Everything depended on Plan C, and there was one drawback to this: he had only ever planned as far as B.”
“Watch out for that pedestrian!" "It's on the street, it knows the risks it's taking!”
My favorite moments include the alien scene—I was laughing the whole time—the descriptions of the constant clandestine secret agents meeting up in St. James’ Park to feed the ducks, the idea that humans do a better job than demons because we have more imagination, and the poking fun at the histories and literature of witch hunting, which I understood better this time around after having taken a class on exactly that (I also understood more biblical references after my three further years of religious studies). Gaiman blends overtones of Ray Bradbury’s Dandelion Wine into a riot of a recreation story that jumps from hilarity to hilarity, all while highlighting, first and foremost, the imagination of a young boy with his friends and the friendship (fans—including me—argue romance) between a demon and an (asexual) angel who have been by each other’s side on the human world since the beginning. 
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SING | Part 1
Genre: Romance
Words: 3249
Warnings: Lots of theater/vocal performance jargon
Summary: Dan is the lead in his school’s show choir, the Hearts of Berkshire, where he writes all the music and practically runs the entire group. Their biggest competition is the Rawtenstall Grammar Counterpoints, led and instructed by a very hot Mister Phil Lester. After the Counterpoints crush the Hearts at the national competition, Dan harbors a grudge to get back at them next season. Then Dan’s forced to leave Berkshire and transfer to Rawtenstall, and all bets are off when Mr. Lester asks Dan to sing for him. 
Part 1: Harmony and Counterpoint
If you ask anyone, they’ll tell you there have never been more teenagers in the West End than the night of the National Show Choir Competition. Every show choir and glee club in the United Kingdom traveled to London for a chance to compete for the trophy, and while everyone gets a consolation prize and a great weekend in the city, it’s not a weekend to take for granted. At least, not for the competitors.
Approximately fifteen minutes before their scheduled performance time, the Hearts of Berkshire captain and lead Dan Howell walked through the back halls of the theater to deliver his set list to a judge runner. This deadline was the same for every competition, just in case disaster ever struck, but this ritual was getting very old very quickly. You’d think it would already be old after three years of it, but Dan was eternally stubborn. Besides, it was better than having the judges guess what you’re singing. Dan scoffed at the thought. This probably benefited the choirs who had no shot at the title, which of course didn’t include his.
The Hearts were an institution, an all-male a capella group with six national titles to their name, and Dan’s been there to lead them to two of them. He was there for a third as well, but that was before he took over. He’s only continued the tradition, and all the boys in the group respected him for it. That, and his killer pipes and arranging skills. They always win first place in the choir competition, which is the most important, but in past years other titles like Best Arrangement and Best Soloist have alluded them.
With this year’s setlist, Dan hoped to change that.
The runners’ room was a small dressing room filled with production assistants for the judges, who were out in the audience at that moment listening to a bottom twelve choir from Kent. Dan wasn’t concerned about them. There was really only one to be worried about…
One of the runners approached Dan right away when he entered the room. “The Hearts?” she guessed.
Dan grinned. “That would be us.” He handed her his stationary, which had their three songs printed on it in red ink.
She added it to her clipboard and gave Dan a smile of her own. “I’m rooting for you guys. You’re always so good.”
“I know,” Dan replied. He gave her a nod and turned to be on his way back to the green room to continue rehearsing, but he almost smacked right into another body in the doorway. That body was much taller than Dan was, and smelled amazing. Like expensive cologne.
“Whoops, my bad,” it was a man, and he gave Dan an easy smile. His eyes sunk down and seemed to zero in on the heart pinned to Dan’s lapel, marking him quite obviously from Berkshire. “You’re a Heart,” he pointed out, looking back up.
After being struck for a second at how blue this man’s eyes were, Dan nodded. “I’m the Heart,” he replied. Being the one who did most of the work, he reserved the right to say that.
“Ah,” the blue-eyed man’s smile grew a little wicked, “Daniel. You’re very talented.”
“Dan,” he corrected straight away, “And I know. That’s why I’m in the position that I am.”
“Right. I’m Phil Lester,” he said and held his hand out. Dan shook it, and at the same time, he wondered where he had heard that name before. Once they let go, Phil gestured ahead of him. “I should go turn in the setlist. Pretty important.”
Once again Dan nodded. “Right, of course. See you,” he said and stepped aside to let Phil inside the room. He was only a few steps into the corridor when he heard the voices filter from inside the runners’ room. It was the same woman who took Dan’s setlist.
“Mr. Lester! I’ll take that.”
“Thank you, Karen. I have high hopes for this season. We’ve gone in a bit of a different direction.”
A pause. “I see. I don’t recognize any of your song titles.”
“That’s because I wrote them.”
Dan froze. He knew he recognized that name from somewhere…
“Really? Maybe it’ll be gold this year for the Counterpoints.”
“Let’s hope so. Good seeing you, Karen.”
Of course. The steepest competition of the night, the only other a cappella group in the competition, the current holders of the Best Arrangement title; the Rawtenstall Grammar Counterpoints. They were co-ed where the Hearts were only boys, and they had an actual advisor with a music degree to lead them. Dan heard through the grapevine that was show choir based Tumblr blogs that the Counterpoints coach was a babe and a half. And damn were they right.
The Counterpoints have been second place to the Hearts for years.
As Dan was still frozen in the corridor, Phil Lester walked right past him out of the runners’ room. “Break a leg out there.” The smirk was practically audible.
In a huff, he stomped back to the Hearts’ green room, because damn if the Counterpoints were going to beat them with originals. No. Not his group.
As soon as he entered, the others could basically feel that something was off. Some of the boys near the door looked concerned. They all matched; Berkshire Academy of the Sacred Heart had uniforms, like most schools, and the group always performed in them as a sign of pride and consistency.
“What happened?” asked another of the senior members, Thad.
Dan swallowed. “I met the Counterpoints’ coach.”
The energy in the room changed from apprehensive to interested, and a couple rose to their feet to get closer, hungry for gossip.
“What was he like?”
Dan held up his hands for quiet. “What they say is true, he is very, very attractive,” he told them, “But all that is beside the point. Their setlist is comprised of only originals. The coach wrote them, his name is Phil Lester, and he sounded sure that they were going to win.”
“They’ll have to beat us first,” stated Steve, a younger member whose uniform was a bit too big for him.
Still, Dan nodded in reply. “Exactly. And we are champions, aren’t we?” There were nods and words of agreement. “We know a capella. We’re the tradition of a capella. We’re classically trained, we’re all males, and we’re student run. We deserve to win, and we’re going to run those northerners into the bloody ground!”
“Yeah!” The group fist-pumped into the air together.
Dan grinned. “Our performance will be in less than ten minutes. Let’s do some practicing, and we’ll be sure to show them who really owns that stage,” he stated. With Dan at the head, the Hearts of Berkshire gathered around the piano, and they rehearsed their setlist for one last time.
Later, the lights were dim, and the Hearts were waiting in the wings to be announced. Dan bounced on his toes but held in all other impulses to fidget. His uniform needed to look immaculate for the performance or the looking good factor would not be on their side. Also, he was not happy with their performance time. They were the current title holders, they should be performing last, but apparently, the times were assigned randomly and there would be three groups going after them. One of them was the Counterpoints. He hoped that this wouldn’t hurt their chances of retaining their place.
Dan was soon handed a microphone, as the soloist, and told it was time to go on. Right beforehand, he turned to the rest of the group. “This is it, guys. If any of you mess up, we lose. We need to be perfect to win and beat those goddamn Counterpoints. So let’s go,” he implored them seriously. They all nodded in reply, and then Dan led them onto the stage.
“And now welcome to the stage, the reigning champions of the Masters of Show Choir national competition, the Hearts of Berkshire!”
When the lights came up, Dan raised his head and the microphone to his mouth, and four counts later their opener started. It wasn’t his favorite song of their setlist, but it was the most difficult, just for the sake of getting the crowd’s (and the judges’) attention. That and the second song went off without a hitch and with much applause, which gave Dan even more confidence in their winning and their choice to do a ballad as their finale instead of in the middle. It was a bit of a change from traditional performances, but if they didn’t change with the times then they weren’t going to get anywhere.
The ballad put Dan in the light on the apron, while the Hearts formed two small arcs behind him. He hoped to knock this one out of the park with just his voice alone, and at the same get that Best Soloist award.
“Oh, Shenandoah, I long to see you, Look away, you rollin' river,
Oh, Shenandoah, I long to see you,”
When the rest of the group came in, all the lights brightened to highlight the lines. This number was different than the rest of their set, as this was the only number where Dan soloed the entire time and there was no dancing. It was meant to be slow with a focus on the vocals instead of the entire spectacle. In Dan’s opinion, this was the way to draw a crowd’s focus. That, and a spiced-up American folk song.
“Look away, we're bound away Across the wide Missouri.”
Dan could see the Counterpoints in the left wing out of the corner of his eye. They were huddled together between two of the legs, watching intently, and Phil Lester was standing in the front with his arms crossed. They must be going next. Since Dan was focused on his song, he didn’t have time to think about it, but he could swear the coach was smiling. Like he was impressed or even encouraging his competition.
Pathetic. Dan would show them.
“Now the Missouri is a mighty river Look away, you rollin' river Indians camp along her border Look away, we're bound away Across the wide Missouri.”
When their performance was over, the applause signified that there was no way they wouldn’t win. Dan first bowed on his own, then led the Hearts as a group to the cheering. The Counterpoints haven’t even gone on yet, but still he was confident. The audience loved them, he was sure the judges did as well.
On their way off the stage, their competition was still standing in wait. Dan met the eyes of Phil Lester for just a moment, and the latter spoke up. “Great performance,” he said.
“Thanks, I know,” Dan replied shortly, then followed the Hearts on their way off the stage without saying anything else. Fraternizing with the enemy was not something that was in their best interest, especially when their coach was so cute and all their members were telling them how good they were.
It felt like they were hardly off the stage when the Counterpoints jogged on to take their places. The Hearts spun around, still backstage, and looked to where their competition was setting up on a dark stage. They looked to Dan, wondering if they should continue to the green room like usual or some other instruction. Dan nodded towards the door to the house, and they left the right wing and filed in to take seats in the audience towards the back.
“Please welcome to the stage the current runner-ups and holders of the Best Arrangement award, the Rawtenstall Grammar School Counterpoints!”
There was a smattering of applause and some cheering. Thad, who was sitting beside Dan, started to clap but Dan reached over and grabbed his wrist to quickly end it. No one was going to pretend they were watching this for entertainment; it was simply for judgmental purposes. And spite.
Before the lights came up, the clapping started. Not applause, it was a rhythm. Cla-clap-clap. Then when it did brighten, the entire group was clapping the very quick and snappy rhythm, and a boy was walking towards the front of the stage. He was smaller.
“Woke up whistling like the wind blows Looking out my window just to see the shine.”
And then, for a quick moment, all the males of the group sang a lick. Dan’s eyes went wide. It was only about three counts, but there were enough bass notes in there to make the Whiffenpoofs cry all the way from America.
“Baby, you might call it crazy, how I'm acting lately Skipping through the sky,”
The lick came again, and the lot of the group joined in the backup of the little soloist. He looked smaller than the others around him, and there were a lot of others. All grouped together it didn’t look like the Counterpoints had a whole lot more singers compared to the Hearts, but now it was obvious that they did. They spread out throughout the entire stage, and each one stood out in lovely crimson red get-up that was each just slightly different. They were definitely not dressed in school uniforms.
“I see so clearly why I'm always feeling free So I sleep when my dreams looking like reality Don't it feel like Na na na na na na na na na, na na na na na”
And then the na-nas continued, and were joined with the clapping and choreography that would crush choirs that aren’t a capella. Besides their countertenor soloist, there were two others at the front of the group who seemed to be leading the rest. Dan studied them, and couldn’t help but compare himself to Counterpoint leads. The smallest, the countertenor, had all the high notes of a girl with the masculine appeal of a baby face. To his right was a tall blonde; his pecs could barely be contained by his button up which suggested he went to the gym on a regular basis. And on the left was a girl with flowing brunette locks and dark skin, and just an outstanding look.
Dan scowled. These were all advantages to put the Counterpoints above the Hearts in presentation.
The bridge of the song made several of the Hearts drop their jaws. The bass notes returned, and this time they were in three-part harmony, which was amazing. Dan couldn’t believe they had enough talented basses to harmonize the part… the Hearts couldn’t do that. Not really. The arrangement of this song was genius. Soon after that thought, Dan remembered that Phil Lester had written the songs for the entire set. He hoped the judges took into account that Dan was a student, and he took care of all the arrangements, and there was no way he was as talented as a teacher. Before he watched the Counterpoints, he could only hope as much.
Dan didn’t really pay attention past the opening number. That taste was all he needed to make his judgements. They were much better than they were last year, and no doubt that was because they lost. And while their sheer vocal and dance talents lessened his confidence just a bit, Dan was sure that the performance was just a bit too much. The flashy clothes, the pop song, and the choreography combined was a lot for a show choir and perhaps it didn’t fit into their category.
Besides, there was no way that little countertenor could out-sing Dan.
Once all the groups had performed, everyone was sitting in their designated seats in the audience for the awards. Thankfully the Counterpoints were on the other side of the house. Dan could still see them. It was a little nauseating that they were all holding hands as they waited, even with their coach.
“We might not win,” Thad leaned over and whispered.
“We will. Our fiercest competition paraded around that stage like it was an EDM concert, I doubt they’ll take out a group like us,” Dan scowled at the stage as the lights came on over a table awards and the panel of judges, “Like I said. Integrity trumps showboating.”
The awards started, and fifth place went first. There was a list posted on the website every year with official scores and places, but the top five got to be honored in front of everyone. And between fourth place and third place the smaller titles were given.
Here, the Hearts clapped politely for each award. Fifth place went to a school from Somerset, fourth to Kent. Then, everyone started to pay attention for the smaller awards. Dan sat up a little straighter.
“This year’s Best Arrangement award, judged on originality, musicality, and demonstration of skill goes to…,” the judge paused as he tore open the envelope, “No surprise, the Rawtenstall Grammar Counterpoints! Arrangement by Phil Lester.”
Dan’s expression darkened, but he still clapped slowly while Phil jogged onto the stage to accept the plaque and shake hands with the judges. His group was clapping and cheering obnoxiously in the background. He waved to them with a giant smile on his face before walking off of the stage and back to his seat while the judges moved on.
“And this year’s Best Soloist award, based on technique and overall performance goes to…” the pause was agonizing while the host picked up the plaque to read the name, “Dan Howell from the Hearts of Berkshire!”
The Hearts burst into loud applause, and Dan’s stomach exploded into butterflies within him. Not of nervousness, more of surprise, but then he quickly buried that. As he walked from his seat to the stage, he wore a grin of pride. He deserves this award, he was obviously the best. Take that, tiny countertenor of the Counterpoints.
He climbed the stairs and took the award from the host, then shook each of the judges’ hands. He got a congratulations from each one, and then he went back and sat down. He was very happy with the award, but he wanted to get on with it. There were still three places to announce.
Third went to Cambridge. The Hearts all clapped very politely, as usual, but now the anxiety was fresh in their chests as they waited for the next pace. They had yet to be mentioned, but neither had the Counterpoints. Dan thought the tension air could have been cut by a knife. And when second place was announced, he could have cut anything with a knife.
“Second place and the runner up for the championship goes to… The Hearts of Berkshire!”
The Counterpoints all but erupted across the house but were quickly hushed. Dan hissed at his group to try and look happy, and together they walked to the stage to accept their award. Dan once again took it from the host, shook all the judges’ hands, and led the Hearts to stand next to Cambridge on the stage. His heart sunk even more when they announced the champion.
Amidst the applause and the cheers, Rawtenstall accepted their award and looked thoroughly happy and victorious. Phil Lester held up the trophy for the whole team to see, which inspired an entirely new round of cheering and carrying on. Cambridge clapped politely, and some of them even looked genuinely happy for their place. Dan, however, was seething. Those northerners were in for a storm come next season.
Songs featured in this part:
Shenendoah– arrangement by Peter Hollens Na Na Na– Pentatonix
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am-flying-solo · 8 years
OOC Week: Day Five
I'll mostly focus on english-spoken media, for the sake of convenience here.
Favourite band(s): Sons of Perdition. I've yet to listen to something by them that I dislike. Death country is my jam, y'all. But also: Reverend Glasseye and His Wooden Legs, The Peculiar Pretzelmen, Tiger Lillies, Nicole Dollanganger, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Tom Waits, The Goddamn Gallows, Dresden Dolls, Evelyn Evelyn (and, alternatively, Amanda Palmer), The Brothers Bright, Lana del Rey, The White Buffalo, The Exploited and Johnny Cash.  
Favourite song(s): Hurt, by Johnny Cash. I know it's a cover, but it's probably the only song that has ever left me a complete weeping mess after first hearing it. It was such an intense experience. Johnny Cash speaks to my soul. 
Favourite book(s): Germinal, by Émile Zola. It changed my life. It was in this book that I've truly learned the meaning of revolution. It shaped me to believe in the things I do today. Some other favorites: Skippy Dies, by Paul Murray, Flowers in the Attic, by V.C. Andrews. The Phantom of the Opera, by Gaston Leroux.
Favourite quote: "Do not go gentle into that good night; Rage, rage against the dying of the light." by Dylan Thomas. 
Favourite movie(s): Freaks, by Tod Browning (yes, the 1932 romance-horror classic that's still banned in Texas. Shame on you, Texas). Brothers of the Head, by Keith Fulton and Louis Pepe. Gummo, by Harmony Korine. Literally, everything by Harmony Korine.     
Favourite tv shows: Carnivàle aka the HBO show that no one else has watched. The Walking Dead, my pointless, nihilistic mess of a zombie soap opera, The Netflix Marvel Trinity (Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones), Preacher (have you seen it? GO SEE PREACHER), House MD, Westworld, Downton Abbey, Stranger Things, The Get Down, Inside Number 9, Over the Garden Wall, Steven Universe, Avatar: The Legend of Aang.   
Are you active in any fandoms right now? Not really - I check the tags of things I like every now and then, or check fanfiction and the such, but I'm always just lurking.
What fandoms were you active in? Avatar: ATLA was my first fandom, and I was very active in it, being one of the mods of the biggest Avatar community in Brazil, and even lending a hand in subtitling the new episodes back in 2006 (god, I'm old). Since then, I haven't been particularly active in any other fandoms, but I've got a handful of Marvel and Hamilton fanarts that I'll eventually share with the world.
What tv shows or movies did you watch as a child that were fundamental to how you grew up? Ok, I grew up with that fucked up stuff from 90s Nickelodeon, and boy, was it weird. Ren & Stimpy, Catdog, Rocco's Modern Life. Plus Cartoon Network's really weird shit, like those little short episodes they aired at night, including Tales of Worm Paranoia and Malcom & Melvin. Apart from that, some 80s classics like Mad Max, Rocky and Robocop, that were gritty and violent in a way shows aren't allowed to be anymore, and horror movies like The Exorcist (I was ten the first time I saw it, it scared the fuck outta me), Poltergeist and Evil Dead.
What’s one thing you collect(ed): Pins and needles. I was a weird kid.
Spotify or youtube? Spotify is a hell of a lot more practical, but Youtube is free.
Netflix or those sweet, sweet illegal downloads? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Netflix, but my generation was all about free internet, sharing content, and illegal downloads, and it's so ingrained in me that It often frustrates me when people say they haven't (and won't) watch something because it's not on Netflix. 
Have you ever been to a concert? If so, whose? Yes! I haven't been to many because they're usually very expensive and it hasn't been a priority, but I've seen Steppenwolf, Yes! and Esperanza Spalding. My favorite was Bad Religion - it was a free concert and I swear half the city was there. I got a place very near the stage and sang Infection at the top of my lungs. Actually got kicked in the face that day by some dude on a mosh pit. Adrenaline was so high I barely registered it. It rained like hell through most of the night and we were all just screaming with mud up to our calves, soaked to our bones and as happy as we've ever been.   
OTP: The infamous Stony (Steve Rogers/Tony Stark), Cersei/Jaime and Sandor/Sansa (don't judge me) from A Song of Ice and Fire (let's stick with the books), Thomas Barrow/Jimmy Kent from Downton Abbey, Sirius Black/James Potter (yes, the less popular marauders power couple), Daryl Dixon/Happiness from The Walking Dead. 
NOTP: Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanoff. BRUCE BANNER/NATASHA ROMANOFF. Clarke/Finn from The 100. I don't think I've ever hated a pairing more than I hated Clarke/Finn. God, I STILL hate Finn.  
Currently watching: The Walking Dead, Westworld, Sons of Anarchy.
Currently reading: Hollow City by Ransom Riggs, Abarat by Clive Baker, Nimona by Noelle Stevenson and Pride, Prejudice & Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith.
Currently listening to: "Lonely Man" by Those Poor Bastards.
If you could make everyone read one book, which would it be? Germinal, by Émile Zola or Kropotkin's "Anarchy".
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Smorgasbord Cafe and Bookstore Update - #Reviews - #Romance Jacquie Biggar, #Historical #Paranormal Roberta Eaton Cheadle, #PostApocolyptic Harmony Kent
Smorgasbord Cafe and Bookstore Update – #Reviews – #Romance Jacquie Biggar, #Historical #Paranormal Roberta Eaton Cheadle, #PostApocolyptic Harmony Kent
Welcome to the first of the author updates this week with recent reviews for authors on the shelves. The first review today is for USA Today Bestselling Author Jacquie Biggar – Secrets, Lies & Alibis (Wounded Hearts Book 8) About the book An elusive danger brings two obstinate lovers together for the sake of their unborn child SAC Agent Amanda Rhinehold is driven to succeed, so it’s a bitter…
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