#Rolli Lucarotti's Recipes from Corsica
readthefeed · 13 years
My Fiadone
Some of you may not know but I have a always had an interest in Corsican cuisine but haven't been able to study up on it until recently. I've stumbled across just a few Corsican cookbooks that are written in English, (my French is a little rusty!) so even though the island itself has a very interesting culinary history, it is still largely unknown outside of Europe.
Luckily for me, I was gifted one of those cookbooks for Christmas; my aunt surprised me with Rolli Lucarotti's Recipes from Corsica. Whenever I receive a new cookbook I immediately go to the desserts section, and one dessert in particular caught my eye. The fiadone is often likened to a cheesecake, but I don't think that quite does the job when describing this unique sweet. It's light and refreshing, and the perfect end to a delicious meal. I'm glad I chose to make fiadone for my first foray into Corsican cookery, and I highly recommend you try it.
My Fiadone
adapted from Rolli Lucarotti's Recipes from Corsica
Ingredients: 17.6 oz. or a rough pound brocciu or ricotta (I used ricotta as it seems near impossible to get brocciu in the States) 2/3 cup caster sugar 4 large or 5 medium eggs zest of 1 large lemon 1 tbsp. eau de vie pinch of salt Directions:
Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Butter and flour a 9" springform pan and set aside.
Separate the eggs. In a bowl, combine the yolks, sugar, lemon zest, eau de vie and cheese until smooth.
In a separate bowl, add the salt to the whites and whisk them into soft peaks. Fold some of the whipped whites into the cheese mixture, then fold the mixture into the remaining egg whites until combined.
Transfer the mixture to the springform pan and bake for 30-35 mins until golden brown on top. Remove from the oven and let cool for at least half an hour before slicing and serving.
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