#Rodrick Heffley Gif Sets
k-fangirledits · 4 months
ALL New DOAK Gif Sets Thus Far As of Wednesday Morning/Night IDK (it's like 1:08 a.m as I'm scheduling this out tbh 😅😅😅😅) 06-12-2024
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crljhnn · 1 year
Sleepy kisses
Pairing: Rodrick Heffley x gender-neutral Reader
Summary: You like giving your sleeping boyfriend kisses on the cheek. Your boyfriend likes receiving kisses on the cheek. But then Rodrick gets greedy.
No physical description; No use of y/n
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: A bit of conflict but no intense angst
[Posted on AO3 as well]
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In your opinion, your boyfriend is just the cutest when he is asleep.
There probably aren't a lot of people that would agree with you on that one. However, in your eyes, his slight drooling and open-mouth snores are just adorable.
Maybe this impression could be explained by the fact, that you both were still in the very early stages of your relationship. Having just made things official a few weeks ago.
That's why you couldn't resist giving Rodrick a small kiss on the cheek or the forehead whenever you found him asleep. Which, now that you think about it, has happened a lot more often in the last few weeks than it used to.
Rodrick was taking a nap after school when he made a great, revolutionary discovery.
You two had plans to hang out that day, so after your extracurriculars were done, you went straight over to the Heffleys' house. A difference you noticed that day, was that you weren't greeted at the door by your boyfriend like usual, but by his mother. After exchanging a few quick pleasantries with Susan you made your way up to his room.
Hearing someone come up the stairs Rodrick woke up. Assuming it was his mom he decided to act like he was still asleep, to avoid whatever chore she came up to assign him. So when he felt the bed dip beside him, created by you sitting down, he was surprised to hear your voice, instead of Susans, greeting him.
He was about to 'wake up‘ when he felt you gently placing a small kiss on his forehead, accompanied by a short gush about how cute he was.
And just like that Rodrick was hooked.
Everyone else calling him cute would have probably set him off, but when it came to you, every tiny compliment made butterflies burst in his stomach. You probably weren't even capable of offending him, even if you tried to.
After throughout research (aka fake sleeping a lot in your company) he came to the conclusion, that you just seemed to like to give him small kisses whenever he was dozing off.
Little did he know, that you were just as willing to give him those when he was awake. All he had to do was ask.
However, Rodrick being the dumb, lovesick puppy he was, decided that the most logical way to make use of this new information was to 'sleep‘ every time you entered a room. That way he would get the most kisses possible.
You on the contrary started to get worried. There seemed to be something wrong with your boyfriend lately. He was sleeping a lot more than usual, and that said something if you are talking about a lazy teenage boy, who even before took at least one nap a day.
Maybe it was a medical issue that caused him to get tired all the time. You hardly ever saw him not asleep. Was he not sleeping at night? Did he struggle with night terrors? Is there a way you can help?
When you first noticed his new sleeping habit, his naps were still limited to the first few minutes after you reached his house. The routine usually went something like that: When you arrived he would be asleep, you would gush a bit about him a little and give him a quick smooch. Then he would wake up about 10 minutes later.
But then it really started to pick up.
You would only leave the room for a short amount of time, for example, to use the bathroom or to get some water. Before, Rodrick always used to do things like getting you something to drink, for you. He was constantly jumping at every opportunity to do something nice. But all of a sudden he stopped. Now, after doing the small task yourself, you would return to find your boyfriend asleep.
And then he started to fall asleep with you right next to him. He would put on a movie or some music, then lay down on his bed or couch, and just minutes later he'd be out.
Another realization you have come to is that you didn't get to hear his soft snores anymore, which you used to adore so much. But that was likely because he didn't reach a deeper sleeping phase, right? That must be the reason, right?
One day you were coming over unannounced and that was when you saw it. While climbing up the stairs to Rodricks room you already called out a greeting, alarming your boyfriend of your presence. Like always, he threw himself straight onto his bed, closing his eyes.
What he hadn't realized, was that you were already able to see him from the position you were at.
And at that moment the self-doubt started. Did he not enjoy being around you? Was this his way of getting out of talking to you? Was he going to break things off?
Your thoughts kept spiraling, convincing you of the most horrible things imaginable. You felt hurt and tears were building up in your eyes embarrassingly fast. You had to sit down.
In the end, you came to the conclusion, that he never actually liked you and probably was making fun of you with his friends all along. Or he fell in love with someone new. Or he just decided one day that you were revolting. That must be it.
While you were drowning in self-doubt, Rodrick was getting impatient. Where was his kiss? Well, he knew he was probably pushing the limits a bit, but come on, that was no excuse for you to deprive him of his precious kisses.
Sneakingly opening one eye, he looked over at you, covering up his movements with a blatant fake yawn, trying to figure out what you were waiting for. What he wasn't anticipating, was to find you looking rather distraught, like you just saw a ghost and were about to start bawling at any moment.
Hastily he scrambles up and reaches for you.
"Baby, what's wrong? Oh my god don't cry, please don't cry." He was panicking. Rodrick had no idea how to comfort you. Now awkwardly petting your head. He was not prepared for this. Should he get his mom? She would surely know what to do. He didn't know how to console someone.
During his inner monologue, you were pulling away from him. "Why don't you like me anymore?" You sounded pathetic but were too upset to care about it right now.
Were you overreacting? Probably. But you're allowed to. Rodrick was your first everything. Your first real crush, your first real boyfriend, the first person you held hands with romantically, and your first kiss. You didn't know how to handle a situation like this, making everything quite overwhelming.
"What?" how the hell did you come up with that? He liked you, liked liked you. "Why would I be with you if I didn't like you? Who put this nonsense in your head? Was it Greg? I swear-"
"It was you! You don't like me anymore. What does your brother have to do with that?"
"Me?" What had he done to give you that impression, 'Come on Rodrick, think'.
"Yeah," sniffle "You don't want to spend time with me. And to think I was concerned for you! I was researching all the possible reasons for you to be so tired all the time. All while you were faking the whole time, solely to get out of hanging out with me! Why didn't you just say it outright? You coward!"
"That's not true!" Rodrick was nervous. How was he supposed to explain the real reason behind it all without making a fool out of himself? "We always still hung out after I woke up, so your theory doesn't even make sense. And I was always actually asleep!"
"That's not true. I literally just saw you throw yourself onto your bed the second you heard my voice."
"I was sleepwalking."
"I wanted to scare you?" He was grasping at straws.
"Oh okay, that explains it all, sorry for the misunderstanding."
"Really? Great. So I was thinking we could- hey what are you doing?" Rodrick stopped in the middle of his sentence when he saw you standing up and crossing his room.
"I'm leaving. I can't force you to tell me the truth, but I also won't be sitting here playing 'happy relationship' with you."
You pulling away was the last thing Rodrick wanted, so he had no other option than, to tell the truth.
"No wait, I'm gonna explain. But it's embarrassing."
You cross your arms, still standing at the top of the stairs, ready to leave but again willing to hear him out.
He had no idea how to start.
„I just- how do I say this, look, you were right, I was fake sleeping.“
Honesty it is.
„Oh wow, I would have never been able to come up with this.“ You were indeed able to come up with this.
„But it was an accident, I swear!“
"Rodrick," You looked exhausted. "How the fuck do you fake sleep on accident?"
"It was an accident! At least the first time."
That doesn't explain much to you. The whole situation was still weird and confusing.
"So you just decided to make it a habit? And why were you fake sleeping in the first place?"
"The first time I had just woken up because I heard someone coming up the stairs. And because I was still in a daze from just taking a nap, I forgot our plans or that you were coming over. At least for a second. So when I heard footsteps I assumed it were my mom's and she was coming to bug me. So to avoid that, I acted like I was still asleep. Then I realized it was you, but before I could say something, you-"
"You kissed me. And then I thought if you saw me sleeping again, you would also kiss me again, and you did. So I just continued acting asleep around you." Saying it out loud made him feel kind of ridiculous.
"Crazy suggestion, we are literally in a relationship, why didn't you just, I don't know, ask for a kiss?"
"Just ask?" he didn't believe that to be an option.
"Yeah. Like, 'Hey can I have a kiss?'."
"And then you would have kissed me?" It couldn't be that easy.
"Yeah? And you could also have had real kisses, rather than only ones on the cheek or forehead." Why was this so hard for him to grasp?
"Wow." He was still a mixture of skeptical and mindblown.
"So can we agree that from now on you just ask if you want something from me, instead of making me think you have some disease or lost interest in me?"
He nodded, still having a dazed, stupid look on his face.
"Thank you. And sorry getting so worked up over that."
But Rodrick was hardly listening to you, still stuck on the fact that he could just ask you for a kiss. He was pining over you for way too long, so now he had to sometimes remind himself that you were dating now. He had to try it out to believe it.
"Can I have a kiss?"
"Of course."
You lean over to give Rodrick a quick but sweet kiss.
"It worked, you kissed me."
Your boyfriend is an idiot. A cute idiot though.
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sykoangels · 1 month
movie star
paring: Rodrick Heffley x hyperfemme!reader
warnings: oral sex (f! Receiving) , sex tapeunprotected sex
author note: im literally in love with rodrick!!! sooo enjoy this is gonna be feeding my delusions unfortunately
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Rodrick Heffley is a character to say the least he could be a bit bitchy, but he was crazy talented. He’s the frontman of the band Loaded Diper a band he created with his friends. Back in freshman year, he was holding auditions for a new guitarist due to the one he had moving overseas. You went to the audition and got in with flying colors. Rodrick wanted something different from the band and you had to look and the talent. Your aesthetic was very different from the rest of the band, but still leaned into the emo aesthetic as well, but not too far off that they would get called posers. You loved wearing fishnets and baby tees, especially ones with crazy sayings on them like “I heart men whimpering” or “#1 gaslighter.” The band was doing well, especially throughout high school but now you're a sophomore in college doing the band on the side for extra money well also studying music technology because you want to become a music producer.
But you were keeping a secret at least from the rest of your bandmates. You and Rodrick have been in a friends-with-benefits relationship for about six months. This came about after the winter tour had concluded. One minute you guys were talking at a Christmas party and the next minute you were bent over a dingy bathroom sink and some random college frat house. You didn’t mind this since you always thought Rodrick was very attractive. If you were honest with yourself, he fit every piece of criteria when it came to your romantic partner. Handsome, tall, musically inclined, and a bit pathetic looking he checked all the boxes. He wasn’t even bad at sex either. Maybe the rumor you heard about rockstars are right they’re really decent in bed. It was getting difficult to hide the friends with benefits relationship since now they are preparing for our summer tour, which means we’re constantly around our band mates each other 24/7 no breaks.
The air was thick with the scent of stale beer and sweat as the last chords of their set reverberated through the dimly lit club. The crowd roared, their voices a mix of excitement and exhaustion after a night of headbanging to Rodrick Heffley's band. You, the lead guitarist, felt the adrenaline still coursing through your veins, your fingers tingling from the rapid-fire strumming. As you stepped off the stage, Rodrick caught your eye from across the room. His smirk was mischievous, a silent acknowledgment of the secret that only the two of you shared. You made your way through the throng of fans and backstage hangers-on, your black micro mini skirt swishing against your thighs, fishnet stockings adding a touch of rebellion to your hyperfeminine style.
"Great set tonight," he said, his voice low as he pulled you into a corner, away from prying ears. "Always," you replied, smiling coyly. "But you know what would make it even better?"Rodrick leaned closer, his eyes dark with intrigue. "What's that?""A little after-party of our own," you whispered, your breath warm against his neck. His hand found yours, fingertips grazing softly. "I like the sound of that."
With a nod, you both knew the plan. You slipped out the back door, the cool night air a stark contrast to the heat inside. He quickly made it to the van loading up the instruments before sending a quick text to the under bandmates saying that you didn’t feel good and that you were going back to his place to rest. You guys called a taxi and made it back to Rodrick’s place. The drive to his place was short, the city lights blurring past as you both lost yourselves in the moment.
Inside, the apartment was quiet, the usual clutter of instruments and band posters giving way to an intimate setting. Rodrick pressed you against the wall as soon as the door closed, his lips finding yours in a hungry kiss. Your hands roamed over his chest, feeling the soft fabric of his band tee beneath your fingers.
"Wait," you murmured against his lips, pulling back slightly. "I need to remember this moment forever.”
Rodrick nodded, understanding flashing in his eyes. You walked over to the camera set up on its tripod, a sly grin playing on your lips. Flicking it on, you adjusted the angle to capture the both of you perfectly. "Are you ready baby” he asked, his voice husky with desire. You turned to face him, your outfit a stark contrast against the darkness of the room. "More than ready," you breathed, your heart pounding in your chest. Rodrick closed the distance between you, his hands gentle as they cupped your face. His lips met yours again, this time with a tenderness that spoke of deeper emotions hidden beneath the surface. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, feeling the hardness of his body against yours. "You look so fucking pretty babe," he murmured, his gaze tracing every inch of your exposed skin.
"thank you baby" you whispered back, your fingers trailing down his chest to the button of his jeans. With a deft flick, you undid it, sliding the zipper down slowly, deliberately. Rodrick groaned, his hands gripping your hips tightly. "Fuck, I need you so bad," he muttered, his voice thick with lust. You smiled, a thrill running through you at his words. "Show me," you challenged, your eyes daring him to go further.
He didn’t need to be told twice. Rodrick lifted you effortlessly, your legs wrapping around his waist as he carried you to the couch. The camera captured every moment, the lens focusing on your intertwined bodies with an unflinching gaze. Settling you down, Rodrick knelt between your legs, his eyes never leaving yours. His hands were reverent as they explored your body, peeling away layers of clothing with careful precision. You gasped as his fingers found the edge of your panties, slipping beneath the delicate fabric to tease you.
"Rodrick," you whimpered, your head falling back as pleasure surged through you. "that’s it good girl" he hushed, his lips brushing against your inner thigh. "Let me hear you." You obeyed, biting your lip to stifle the sounds that threatened to escape. Rodrick’s mouth replaced his fingers, his tongue darting out to taste you, sending waves of sensation crashing over you. You gripped the cushions beneath you, your body arching towards him, seeking more.
"Fuck yes” you moaned, your voice breaking the silence. "Oh fuck yes " Rodrick chuckled, the sound vibrating against your sensitive flesh. "You like that, huh?" “ I love it oh fuck” you admitted, your eyes fluttering shut as he continued his ministrations. The camera watched silently, capturing your expressions of pleasure, the way your body writhed under Rodrick’s skillful touch. You could feel the heat building within you, the tension coiling tighter and tighter until you thought you might explode.
"Rodrick," you cried out, your voice raw with need. "Please, I need—" He didn’t let you finish. Rising to his feet, Rodrick positioned himself above you, his eyes burning with desire. You reached for him, guiding him inside you, the sensation overwhelming in its intensity. You both shuddered, a symphony of sighs and moans filling the room as you moved together, each thrust pushing you closer to the edge."Look at you," Rodrick panted, his forehead resting against yours. "So thirsty for my fucking cock like some groupie whore”
You nodded, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. "yes your groupie whore," you agreed, your voice barely above a whisper. As the climax approached, the tension coiled tighter and tighter within you, until finally, it snapped. You cried out his name as waves of ecstasy crashed over you, your body convulsing with the force of your release. Rodrick followed soon after, his own cry mingling with yours as he spilled himself inside you, his body shuddering with the intensity of his orgasm. As the afterglow of their passionate encounter began to fade, you and Rodrick lay entangled on the couch, the camera still recording your every breath. The room was filled with a mixture of scents—the musky aroma of sweat mingled with the faint hint of your perfume, creating an intoxicating blend that seemed to encapsulate the intensity of the moment
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lodeddiperactivate · 1 year
I hate you more! | Rodrick Heffley x Reader
Author's note: So not sure if people still read Rodrick Heffley fics but I had this idea (and could not find something similar that's already written) where the reader decides to sabotage Rodrick from getting it on with Heather. Reader is at the top of the highschool food chain and is friends with Heather, but hates Rodrick so she sabotages him. A classic enemies to lovers!
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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You feel like you've been living a double life. You get straight As because, well, your allowance is tied to your grades. But what most people don't know is that you typically sneak out at night to hang with your boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend. You smoke, you party, you skip town without your parents ever knowing. But during the day, you looked like someone who goes to church every Sunday. In fact, you're quite impressed at how you're handling this double life. You learned, at a young age, that all there is to life is observing the people around you, and using those observations to your advantage.
Well, you thought to yourself, it's time to test these theories all over again as you move into a new town, new school, new classmates, and new friends. Unfortunately for you, your new neighbor doesn't seem to grasp the idea of a nice and quiet Sunday morning. You decided to pay them a visit, and maybe remind them that their garage isn't soundproof enough for the noise coming out of it.
You walked up to the door and gave 3 loud and firm knocks, waited a couple of seconds until you hear footsteps.
You expect the mom to open the door, which is why you brought cookies as a means to be a good new neighbor but you were greeted by a tall and dark-haired guy with eyeliner. He eyed you up and down in frustration before landing his gaze on the plate of cookies in your hand.
"What do you want?"
You forced yourself to be civil. "I just came here to give you cookies. We just moved in next door when I heard this sound coming from-"
"Yeah yeah, thanks for the cookies!" And with that, he slammed the door in your face. The audacity! You scoffed and started to walk away. The noise had not died down, and you walked away not believing how rude and ill-mannered your new neighbor was. God, if it means hearing this noise every weekend, you might beg your parents to move again.
First day of school. You were pretty confident with your social skills so highschool is a cake walk for you. Living a double life means you ought to know how to act in certain situations.
First period. You were introduced to the whole class. Your introduction was amazing. Everybody loved you. You had come into that room, dressed to impressed, and you even cracked a joke that made everyone laugh. Well, everyone except for your neighbor who's in all of your classes by the way. He was too busy talking about his band to basically anyone who's not deaf. What's worst is that you're sitting behind him.
Because of your peak social skills, you were sitting with Heather that day for lunch and apparently, they're at the top of the highschool food chain so that works for you too. You also learned that your neighbor, Rodrick, obviously had a crush on Heather. Since you sit behind him, and Heather sits beside him, you have observed all of the tell-tale signs that he's desperately in love with her. You smirked at the idea, and the endless possibilities of making his life a living hell.
School bell rang and everyone hurriedly packed their belongings. Heather asked if you wanted to go to the mall. You agreed and she told you to meet her upfront. Rodrick obviously heard this, and based from his expression, he was surprised that Heather and you are that close already. When everyone had left the room, you called out to Rodrick to set your plans of destroying his life in motion.
"Heyyy," he asked, curious why you were talking to him after he slammed the door in your face. He decided that it would be nice to at least be on your good side since you're friends with Heather so he started with an apology, "Listen, about what happened, I'm sorry but Sunday is the only time I can practice with my band. It's hard work, you know."
You smirked at his half-ass apology but mostly because you can see right through him, but you had a mission, "Oh don't worry about it! Actually, I wanted to tell you that Heather has a message for you."
As soon as you mentioned Heather's name, it was like something inside him had turned on. "Yes?"
"She's too shy to tell you this herself but she kinda has a crush on you. But she can't be too obvious because you know, in dating, guys make the first move, right?"
"Yeah," he said trying to comprehend every word you just uttered.
"Yes, so she doesn't want to go out with someone who did not officially ask her out. You know?"
"Yeah!" He said again as if he had solved a puzzle in his head.
"Okay, so tomorrow at lunch, why don't you "officially" ask her out?"
Jesus. You couldn't comprehend how slow this moron is in front of you. You were practically spoon-feeding him. You decided to repeat what you said just to make sure he gets it.
"Tomorrow. At lunch. Ask Heather out?"
"Yes. Okay, I can do that." He said trying to hype himself up.
You walked away feeling good about your plan when you decided to add one final touch to it. You looked back and called out to Rodrick.
"Oh, and don't forget, Heather looooves grand gestures!"
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dark-vader28 · 8 months
New Girl
pairing: rodrick heffley x fem!reader
summary: Reader and her family are new in town, the heffleys invite them over for dinner as a welcome, blah blah blah, rodrick offers to give reader a drum lesson and makes a fool of himself doing everything in his power to impress you
warnings: swearing? tooth-rotting fluff. pls this is my first fic so im sorry if this is terrible, not rlly proofread
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Your family had just moved in to Plainview, settled in a cozy home on the corner of the street. Once summer ended, you’d attend Crossland High School as a senior while your younger brother, Jake, would be starting 7th grade at Westmore Middle School. You dreaded school, even in the years you lived in your hometown, surrounded by your friends. Now that you were the new girl, you were sure it’d be all the more worse.
Your younger brother, Jake, on the other hand, made company so easy and made it seem like starting a conversation was as easy as knowing your own name. Sure, he wasn’t very popular, but he never went a year without a new friend or even a whole new group. You were sure he’d already be making friends on the walk to school.
While you were staring at your packed bag that you refused to unpack, in denial that your family had really moved, when the doorbell rang, echoing through the still house. Your attention was diverted and you snuck out your room, quietly walking to the railing by the stairs where you could have a clear view of the front door. You crouched down, hoping you wouldn’t be seen as you watched your mother strut to the door. The door swung open and there was a friendly smile waiting behind, holding some tupperware in her arms.
You were watching and listening, hardly moving or even breathing as they talked. The woman at the door, whose name you heard was Susan Heffley, was welcoming your family to Plainview. You heard them suggest a dinner this weekend so they could meet each other’s families; your mother had mentioned yours and your brother’s age which coincidentally were the same as the Heffleys. You let out a groan as your mom agreed to the dinner.
Mrs. Heffley left a few moments later, wishing your mother another welcome with a gentle smile before walking out the door. Surely she seemed nice but having to attend to dinner with a family you didn’t know was a long dreaded thought of yours.
The rest of the week seemed to go slow as you anticipated the inevitable dinner. You were also attempting to accept the fact that you were truly stuck in Plainview now unless you decided to move out and away when you turned 18, but you knew the thought was pointless considering it meant you’d have to be prepared by then.
When Saturday rolled around, you had finally unpacked your bag, trying to be a little more positive about living here. But that was a lie. Truth was your mom hounded you about living out of a suitcase and told you off for not unpacking. Not wanting to get in any more trouble, you hurriedly unpacked that night, throwing a pair of jeans and some shirt on your bed in the process for you to wear to dinner.
It was 5:50 and you were scrambling to finish up the last of your makeup and hair. If there was one thing your dad hated, it was being late, and you would likely be the cause of it. You had postponed getting ready for so long, procrastinating until there were few minutes to spare. You weren’t sure why you cared so much about your appearance, assuming that you would never talk to that family after tonight.
Jake’s fist pounded on your bathroom door, causing you to jump from the unexpected burst of noise. You nearly burnt yourself with the straightener you were holding. You quickly set it down and swung the door open. You were ready to scold your younger brother but he spoke before you.
“Mom and Dad said we’re leaving now, why aren’t you ready?” he asked. You rolled your eyes and pushed him away from the door, closing it.
“Just one more minute!” you shouted from the other side of the door. He knocked on the door a few more times and when you refused to answer, he gave up, grumbling something under his breath as he ran down the stairs.
A minute turned into two, then three, and then it was 5:59 and your dad was knocking on the door. You turned off the straightener and unplugged it, checking your reflection one last time before hurrying out the bathroom.
Considering how close your houses were, your family walked to the Heffley’s house. Right before the clock turned 6:01, your family was at the door, ringing the bell. You heard a few hushed murmurs from the other side of the door before the same familiar face that had come to your house before swung open the door.
Mrs. Heffley welcomed you in, closing the door behind you. A man, who you could only assume was Mr. Heffley, stood next to Mrs. Heffley, extending out a hand towards your father, then your mother.
“Frank Heffley,” the man introduced, smiling politely. He shook your hand and then Jake’s as Mrs. Heffley introduced herself and the littlest brother, Manny, that she held in her arms.
Then, bounding down the stairs comes a boy, somewhere between 11-13. He comes to a stop next to Mrs. Heffley and wears a nervous smile.
“And his is my second eldest son, Greg,” Mrs. Heffley beams. One after another, you all shake his hand, introducing yourselves. “Greg, you and Jake are both in seventh grade so maybe you’ll make good friends,” Mrs. Heffley comments. Jake smiles a little and Greg is hesitant to return the smile, unsure if he likes your brother.
Mrs. Heffley turns to Greg, whispering something private to him while your father exchanges pleasantries with his father, earning a warm smile from your mother. Greg shrugged at whatever Mrs. Heffley had said to him and she frowned.
It wasn’t long before another set of footsteps came running down the steps, this time a tall boy with dark, messed and fluffed up hair, wearing some graphic tee tucked only in the front behind a pair of dark jeans. He looked your age and from the conversation you had overheard earlier that week, you knew he was your age. But… what did that matter? You had no intent on talking to this family again.
“And this is Rodrick,” Mrs. Heffley introduced, not sounding nearly as enthusiastic as she had been when introducing Greg and Manny. The smile she wore seemed fake as she glared and Rodrick and nudged him. He looked confused, shooting her a look before he noticed my father’s outstretched hand. He shook my parents’ hands as we were all introduced once more, thankfully for the last time. You seemed to catch Rodrick’s eye, and your name was the only one he seemed to remember. He repeated your name in his head, making sure it stuck in his memory. The other names faded from his mind as your families walked to the dining table. A few extra chairs had been added to fit your family, which sat on one side as the Heffley family sat on the other. You faced Rodrick with Jake on your right and your mother on your left. This was already the longest evening of your time in Plainview.
Mrs. Heffley was bringing a plate of food as your fathers chatted away. Rodrick, Greg, and Jake were quick to pile heaping amounts onto their plates. You were the last to go for food, not expecting to eat much since you didn’t have much of an appetite that night.
The parent side of the table was lively, laughter filling the air while it was nothing but the tap or light scrape of the metal forks against the plate on your side of the table. Jake didn’t seem to mind, happily eating away at his food, nearly to the point of asking for seconds. You had picked at the homemade food, taking a few bites ever so often. It smelt amazing, almost giving you your appetite back.
But the worst part of the night wasn’t how they were strangers you were having dinner with, or how empty and silent your half of the table was, but rather how you kept finding Rodrick’s eyes. They were awkward glances where you’d both be caught looking at one another and you’d both avert your gaze as quickly as it had been found. It kickstarted your heart every time, sending a wave of embarrassment flooding through you which was shown through in the heat rising to your face. You were praying someone on your end of the table would feel the silence and ease the tension but with every glance you and Rodrick stole, the atmosphere felt heavier.
The buzz from the other side of the table faded, leaving a few painful moments of entire silence before your dad spoke, speaking to Rodrick this time.
“Was that your van outside?” your dad inquired, hoping to spark up a conversation after noticing the deafening silence.
Rodrick stole another look at you on his way to address your father. He nodded, shifting in his seat a little. The silence was beginning to make its dreaded reappearance and in a desperate attempt to prevent it, you foolishly decided to keep the conversation rolling.
“What’s the name painted on it?” you asked, and Rodrick’s eyes had quickly fallen away from your father to meet you.
“Löded Diper, the name of my band,” Rodrick replied proudly. You attempted to repress a smile. The name was ridiculous and it had you holding back a laugh but something about the confidence and the happiness in his tone made you forget the name and brought a grin to your lips.
“A band, huh? What do you play?” you questioned, shifting in your seat, leaning forward so your attention was nowhere but him. His lips curved up into a smile as his movement mimicked yours, facing you. You could see Susan and your mom smile at each other, gushing at how suddenly you and Rodrick were getting along.
“Drums,” he answered, and the other conversations resumed from the parent side of the table. Greg and Jake were silently watching you and Rodrick talk, both shocked that you had even acknowledged him. Jake knew you weren’t one to engage like this upon first meeting someone, especially not with someone like Rodrick. And Greg was sure you were way out of Rodrick’s league, whether it was from a relationship or even friendship standpoint. Greg and Jake seemed to read each other’s minds and started talking, filling the once silent half of the room with chatter.
“I always wanted to learn drums,” you commented sheepishly, breaking the eye contact you had been holding. He seemed to light up at that, sitting up a little taller.
“I could teach you,” he blurted out, rather loudly. Everyone seemed to glance at him for a moment before ignoring it and resuming their conversations. You found his gaze again and a smile crept on your lips.
“Really?” you asked. He nodded, and your smile curved into a smirk. “Well, of course, you’d have to been good at drums to teach somebody. Prove you’re any good and maybe then you can teach me.” He paused for a moment before he chuckled, leaning back in his chair as his once awkward demeanor became cocky.
“No no no, i’d be doing you a favour. And i don’t need to prove anything. I’m a great drummer. Right, Greg?” Rodrick asked, hitting Greg on the chest. Greg hadn’t been paying attention but held his chest where he had been hit as he nodded, agreeing to whatever Rodrick had asked. “See?” You rolled your eyes, your bottom lip slipping between your teeth to hide your smile.
“The poor kid is terrified of you,” you chuckled. You turned to Greg this time. “Don’t take any of his shit.” Greg smiled brightly and Rodrick seemed flustered that you hadn’t taken his side.
“Oh, come on, I’ve never done anything to him,” Rodrick defended. He wasn’t a great liar. You glanced at Rodrick before looking back at Greg, raising your eyebrows.
“Is he telling the truth?” you asked. Greg shot a look at Rodrick before laughing and shaking his head. You giggled. Rodrick’s face was turning red and he shoved Greg again.
“Dude! Deny, deny, deny!” Rodrick pestered, pushing Greg. Another laughter escaped your lips.
“So you admit you were lying!” Rodrick froze, his face dropping.
With the exception of Rod, your side of the table was in a fit of laughter. The other side had stilled, admiring how well you seemed to be getting along despite Rodrick being the butt of the joke. He’d felt embarrassed for a moment but hearing your laughter had a bright grin spreading across his face which eventually broke out into laughter. Your stomach and face started to hurt from laughing for too long and you let a few desperate pants as you leaned back in your seat, arms wrapped around your stomach.
Over an hour had passed and your families couldn’t have been getting along better. Greg and Rodrick had told you endless amounts of stories. You learned about The Cheese Touch and the thought of it made you gag, imagining that moldy cheese sitting on the dirty hot blacktop for years.
You asked Rodrick about his band, which he went on and on about until Greg told him to can it. Rodrick might’ve hit him again if Mrs. Heffley hadn’t glanced over at them and scolded Rodrick.
Nearing the end of your time with the Heffleys, you hesitantly asked Rodrick if he was serious about the drum lesson. Sure, your reason was purely because you had always wanted to learn how to play but it seemed as the night went on, your reason was slipping to wanting to see Rodrick again. You didn’t want to have to wait until summer’s end to be with him. He didn’t seem like the greatest influence and you were already sure your parents weren’t too fond of him, but something about him had you drawn towards him like a moth to light.
The Heffleys were escorting your family to the door, chatter still in the air, when you turned to Rodrick. You swallowed the lump in your throat and prayed your voice would come out normal.
“So… about that drum lesson,” you started, not meeting his eyes, but you still saw the smile tug at the corner of his lips.
“Tomorrow?” he suggested quickly, stopping to face you. You looked up, your brow slightly furrowed. “O-or another day. I mean-” He was blabbering, trying not to sound eager or desperate and a grin stretched across your lips.
“Tomorrow sounds great,” you replied. He relaxed, smiling a little.
“Yeah, yeah, cool,” he mumbled, pretending to sound uninterested. You pushed him gently and he couldn’t hide the smile. You rolled your eyes at him, a light laugh falling from your lips. That sound would be stuck in his brain all night as he lied awake, admiring you and feeling like he had dreamed you up cause he wasn’t sure someone like you could be real.
Your family said their goodbyes to the Heffleys as the four of you walked out the door. You headed home, unable to lose the smile of excitement as you thought about your plans for tomorrow. You were so distracted in your thoughts that you hadn’t noticed your parents talking to you until your brother nudged you to snap you out of your daze.
“Are you alright?” your mom asked worriedly, putting a comforting hand on your shoulder. You flashed her a smile and nodded. “Well, how was your night then? Did you like them?” Then to your father, “I thought they were nice, don’t you think?” Then back to you. “How was Rodrick? I was a little worried he was a bad influence.” If you hadn’t stepped in, your mom might’ve pestered with you questions until the end of the night.
“It was fun. I had a good time,” you reassured. She smiled as you reached your front steps.
When you finally got back to your room, you reveled in the once dreaded house that seemed like a punishment. You were now filled with anticipation, wishing it would be Sunday already so you’d get to see Rodrick again. Your mind hadn’t decided what was so endearing about him. Maybe it was his desperate, miserable attempts to impress you that made you nearly giggle like a school girl or his dark shaggy hair that fell in messy strands. But you didn’t let yourself think about that for too long, saving yourself from falling down that rabbit hole.
As the cool air from your open window filled the room and the pale moonlight danced across your skin, you were coaxed into sleep, smiling as you thought about your night.
Maybe Plainview wasn’t as bad as you had believed it to be.
a/n: well… first fic ig. i’m sorry if this is complete shit. i just felt like i should post something after having this account for 6 months and posting nothing. there are a few requests in my inbox that i do intend on getting to at some point i promise, im just a little slow with all of this 😭 let me know what you think and if you want more of these!
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bouncybongfairy · 1 year
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Opposites Attract
Rodrick Heffley x Fem Reader
Summary: One Friday after school, you are trying to practice for an important audition coming up. As you start, you suddenly hear an obnoxiously loud drumming coming from next door. After arguing back and forth for a while, it becomes clear that neither of you is budging. You desperately need this rehearsal time and ask him what it will take to get the peace and quiet you need. He tells you he'll stop if you let him take you on a date tomorrow to the Drive-In tomorrow night.
Word Count: 2k+
You were sitting in the last period, trying to get some homework done. It was Friday and you could tell everyone was itching for the weekend to start. Once you noticed that you only had 5 minutes until the bell rang, you started packing your bag up. Unlike most students, you had to stay after school and rehearse for your 1st chair violin position on Monday. You grabbed a tissue and cleaned your glasses, watching the clock as time dragged by. Once the bell rang, you stayed seated until most of your peers exited. You would just be waiting as kinds shoved their way through the small opening. After the doorway was less crowded you made your way to the E-wing where the music room was located. You were close with your orchestra teacher and she would let you stay after class in order to get a little practice in. It was nice to have the entire room to yourself, you took your violin out of the case and started tuning. After you had rosined your bow, you started practicing when you heard an off-rhythm drumming. At first, you were trying to ignore it, unfortunately, you would find yourself focusing on the drumming while counting rests. Eventually, you couldn’t take it so you packed your violin up and tried to find where the music was coming from. 
You went into the theater and saw someone banging away at a drum set that was placed in the middle of the stage. You immediately recognized the drummer as Rodrick Heffley. He had certainly made a reputation for himself this year, getting caught spray painting the side of the school; doing donuts in the parking lot, and of course, you knew he smoked. He was sweating and his shaggy hair was sticking to his forehead. His eyebrows were furrowed because of how much he was exerting himself. He was really lanky but his arms were toned, mostly likely due to how much he plays. He was wearing an Arctic Monkeys t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black skinny jeans. His backpack, which was covered in buttons and pins, was sitting next to the drum kit. He reached down to pull a water bottle and took a drink. His head was tilted up and a couple of water droplets were running down his throat. You walked passed the aisle of seats and approached him, when he noticed you he immediately paused. 
“I’m really trying to practice and I can barely hear myself think over your banging,” you said crossing your arms. 
“Well, what do you want me to do about that? I’m trying to practice too, you know,” he said. 
“I have an audition this Monday and I really need to be 100% focused during this practice,” you explained. 
“I have a gig next Friday and also need some quiet time,” he said. 
“If I give you 10 bucks will you please let me practice?” you proposed.
“Actually I have a better idea, what if we went out tomorrow night? We can go see the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie at the Drive-In,” he said. 
“Really? Do you even know my name?” you huffed. 
“Y/N. I would ask you if you know mine but I’m pretty sure you do,” he said, smirking at you.
“Well then, can I give you my number?” you asked. 
“Sure can,” he said. You climbed up on stage and grabbed a pen out of your jacket pocket. You grabbed his hand and wrote your number on his hand. 
He thanked you and then you quickly made your way back to the music room. You continued on with practicing but were now preoccupied with thinking about what you just agreed to. Not having much experience with dating, you felt a little nervous. Rodrick seemed so confident with talking to girls, that was part of the reason you liked him. You just didn’t want to come off as naive or clueless. Eventually, you come to the conclusion that you can no longer focus on the music and have your mom come to pick you up. The entire car ride and even once you got home you couldn’t get your mind off him. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t find him attractive. He just had that bad-boy vibrato that only certain guys have. Not to mention you two completely and utterly fit the trope of the sweet girl with the bad boy stereotype. Most of your friends, especially the ones that you took orchestra with, always talked down on metal or angsty music. You, on the other hand, felt differently. Music that isn’t your taste isn’t bad music and most people your age couldn’t seem to grasp that. All your friends saw him as a grimy skater boy but what was wrong with that? You even asked them why they would be ashamed to be like the guys their famous idols pretend to be. Getting tired of the anxiety thinking about tomorrow was causing you to wash up and head to bed. 
The next day you start getting ready around 6:30 pm. You were sitting on the floor of your bedroom, in front of a mirror that was propped against the wall. Separating your hair into layers you slowly began flat ironing. You had gotten a text from Rodrick that said he was going to pick you up around 8. Although you still had some anxiety, you were really excited. This was going to be your first date and the fact that it was with someone you were so attracted to made it that much. It took you 10 minutes to get your left lash to stick but you were finally done with your make-up. You changed into a jean skirt, a black v-neck, and a white sweater. By the time you were fully done, he texted you that he was on the way. You practically jumped out of your skin when you read it. You felt like your blood was running hot and cold at the same time. Your mom gave you 20 dollars and a kiss on the cheek before she left. When you walked outside your house, the first thing you noticed was his van. It also smelt like his cologne but not in an overwhelming way. You knew he had a band but you didn’t realize it was named Loaded Diper. Practically skipping down the driveway you climb into the front seat. The first thing you noticed was the A.C. being on blast, you were also surprised by how clean everything was. 
“Hey,” you greeted him. 
“Hi, you look really pretty,” he said, which made you blush. 
“Thanks, so are you excited to see the new TMNT movie? I heard it got really good reviews,” you said. 
“For sure, I’ve been looking forward to it for a while,” he said. 
You drove in comfortable silence up until you got to the Drive-In. You offered to pay but he ignored you and your pleas. Once he found a spot in the back, the two of you made your way to the snack bar. It was a vintage 60’s theme which you thought was cool. There were records hung on the call, all the booths were cherry red and the floor had a checkered pattern. As you waited in line, Rodrick put his arms around your shoulder which made your stomach flip. You were surprised by how much he ordered. Seriously, you hoped he wasn’t expecting help. You helped him carry everything back: nachos, popcorn, fresh chocolate chip cookies, two slurpees, and two hotdogs. When he parked, he turned the van around so that the back doors were facing the screen. He opened the doors and you were actually surprised by how much effort he put into it. There was a thick layer of blankets stacked on the floor of the van. Several pillows lined up against the driver and passenger seats. A small battery-powered lantern was hung from the center of the ceiling. There were stickers all over the interior of the car which made you smile. It looked so cute and cozy. You slipped your shoes off and climbed into the back with him. You were nervous, to the point where your teeth were chattering a little. The trailers that played before the movie were still running; he had already eaten half his nachos. 
“Where do you put all that?” you joked. 
“We’ll never know,” he said. 
“Are you nervous?” he asked, pointing to your legs that were shaking a bit. 
“A little, I’ve never been on a date before,” you admitted, taking a sip from your Slurpee. 
“Since we’re sharing secrets, you’re the first girl that actually said yes when I asked. Even then you only did it to rehearse,” he said, wiping his mouth with a napkin. 
“After I gave you my number, I only practiced for like 15 minutes because it was all I could think about,” you said. 
“Really?” he asked, genuinely surprised.
“What is so unbelievable?” you asked. 
“I don’t know, I guess I just didn’t think I was your type,” he confessed. 
“That’s fair, we don’t necessarily run with the same crowd. I have to admit though, usually all the guys I’m around are scared to get a bit of dirt under their fingernails. It’s not like I seek trouble but I really like you, your style, taste in music, and demeanor you know?” you said. 
He was blushing really hard, looking down so that his hair covered his eyes. You could still see his smirk though, it made you feel giddy knowing you had this effect on him. He pulled a pen out of his pocket, at first you questioned whether he should be smoking when he had to drive home. He reassured you that he had a high tolerance and that the effects would wear off by the time the movie ended. You were really nervous, especially because you’d never smoked before. He took a couple of hits to show you how to properly inhale. He also reassured you that if you didn’t want to or didn’t want him to smoke then it was okay. This warmed your heart, knowing that he didn’t want you to feel pressured. You grabbed his hand, feeling too insecure to hold it yourself. You took a big hit and then coughed it out, the smoke burning your throat. He laughed as you took a huge drink of your Slurpee to help the stinging sensation. After taking one or two more hits, you could feel it kicking in. You couldn’t stop giggling which was amusing to Rodrick.
“Now I understand how you can eat all this food,” you said while taking a big bite of a hotdog. 
“Your eyes are so red,” he laughed. 
“Really?” you asked, grabbing your phone and looking at your appearance. 
“Can we take a selfie together?” you asked, he nodded his head yes. 
You scooted closer to him and took a selfie with your back camera with flash. When you showed Rodrick he was impressed with how well they came out. After that, he started talking to you about what his plans were for his band. You were surprised with how far ahead he had thought into the future; you know, about what type of label he wanted to be signed to and merch that he wanted to design. You told him about how you wanted to make movie scores and he thought it was really cool. It was now completely dark and the movie was starting. You covered your legs with the blanket and turned to face Rodrick. He had just taken a hit and blew the small hit into your face. You playfully inhaled which made him laugh, you then kissed his cheek. He turns and smiles at you before giving you a quick peck on the lips. After you cuddle up to him, resting your head on his shoulder, and start enjoying the movie. o
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mozzarella-stickz · 2 years
Lovers Rock: Rodrick Heffley x F! Reader
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Author’s Note: Special thanks to @celootaku1 for telling me I should write this :) Hope you enjoy! Sorry it’s like months late though…
Summary: A panic attack in the school cafeteria leads to a chance encounter with none other than Rodrick Heffley.
Warnings: anxiety, panic attacks, probably OOC Rodrick don’t hate me. Otherwise lots of fluff <3
You were certain this was the worst day of your life.
As soon as you woke up, the impending doom of the day seemed to loom over your head, your brain repeating over and over how bad today was. Your head felt fuzzy and confused, your body shaky and riddled with random jolts of anxiety.
It all came to a climax during lunch time, when the smells, sounds, and godawful fluorescent lights of the cafeteria all become to much for you, and you bolted. You grabbed your lunchbox, excusing yourself from your table, and bolting out to your car in the parking lot. The school was well aware of your condition, and all you had to do was nod and they let you out.
You slammed your door shut, the panic setting in. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. Your breathing cycled over and over, rounds of seconds of holding and exhaling.
Unbeknownst to you, was the guy sitting in the van parked right next to you. Rodrick Heffley had decided he did not want to go so Spanish that day, instead choosing to take a nap in the back of the van. He was rudely awakened however, by slamming doors and the loud beeping of the car’s lock system.
“Jesus Christ,” he groaned, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
Rodrick climbed to the front of the van, looking at his window at the commotion. He noticed you sitting in your front seat, breathing in and out as tears flowed down your cheeks, smearing your mascara down your face. He felt a little bad now, panic attacks were something he’d dealt with a lot in middle school. He took a deep breath, opening his van door, and knocking on your window gently. You jolted up, and he winced. You took another deep breath in, before rolling your window down.
“H-hi?” you said, voice weak and shaky. You were absolutely confused as to why Rodrick Heffley was knocking on your window, much less doing so in a nice way.
“You okay?” he asked, shuffling a little as he leaned down to your window.
“Not really,” you sniffled, wiping your eyes.
“Do you want to talk?”
“There’s really nothing. I had a panic attack over nothing.”
Awkward silence between you both. Rodrick because he wasn’t quite sure what to say, and you because while you appreciated his concern, you really did not feel like talking at that moment.
“I can go if you want…”
Rodrick looked at you, slightly puzzled. It didn’t seem like you wanted him to be there, but your outburst was strange.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to yell, I just…”
“Nah, I get it.”
“You can get in if you want.”
Rodrick opened your car door, sliding into the passenger seat. You leaned your head back into your seat, continuing your breathing slowly and gently.
Rodrick sat, watching you. You were always such a fun-loving person, caring and kind, smiling like nothing was ever wrong.
Your heart started to settle down and your head cleared slightly. You checked your phone, seeing a few texts from your friends asking if you were alright. You smiled, but set it down. You would reply later.
“Thanks for sitting here,” you said, turning towards Rodrick. “I really appreciate the concern.”
“Yeah, anytime. You sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, just sometimes I wake up with the worst feelings of anxiety for no reason. Today was one of those days. Cafeteria was just too much today.”
“I get it. In middle school, I used to get super anxious all the time. But my way of coping was just to not care, I guess.”
“I wish it was that easy.”
“It was hard, but that’s when I started to drum too. Helped me with the nerves and shit.”
You giggled a little, wiping your eyes. You pulled down your mirror, groaning at the raccoon eyes look you were pulling off right now.
“I’m a mess!”
“Hey, no worries, I have an idea.”
Rodrick bolted, rushing into the front seat of his van for something. After a few minutes of sifting through not done homework and fast food bags, he grabbed a small bag. Sitting back down in the seat, he opened it and pulled out an eyeliner pencil. You cocked your head, looking at him with a “what the fuck” look.
“I wear it for gigs sometimes. I carry it around just in case any pretty girls need it.”
Your heart fluttered at that comment.
“Close your eyes,” he said. You obliged, tilting towards him. He lined it around the top of your eyes, smudging it a little with his fingers.
“Okay, open.”
You did, and then he drew a small line underneath the bottom of the rim of your eye. Taking his pinky, he smudged it, wiping away the flakes of mascara along with it.
“Alright, done.”
You flicked your mirror down, examining his work. You smiled in astonishment, you looked wicked cool and totally smudged on purpose.
“I love it!” You squealed. “I look awesome! Thank you so much!”
You sat in silence, examining it. You looked so…not you, and it was so sick. You checked your phone again, seeing it was almost time for lunch to end.
“Crap, I gotta go,” you said, sighing. Instead of pocketing your phone, you handed it to Rodrick in a bold move.
“Can I get your number?” you asked, “Just in case?”
“Huh…oh OH yeah, um of course!”
You giggled again at his shock, handing him your phone as he put his number in. Rodrick handed your phone back, his hands so shaky it was endearing.
“Thanks again, Rodrick. See you soon.”
You exited your car, bolting back inside. Rodrick shut your car, staring at you walking inside. See you soon. His heart fluttered a little, something that hadn’t happened since Heather Hills sat next to him in class several years ago.
Later that evening, Rodrick felt his phone ping in his pocket, picking it up he read a text from your presumed number.
Attachment: 1 image.
He opened it to see a picture of you holding an eyeliner pencil in the makeup section with a smile on your face.
Another text from you that said:
had to get my own since i looked so cool! thanks again <3
His heart fluttered again, this time at an alarming rate. He typed out a response, palms sweaty and hands once again shaking like a leaf in the wind.
of course, pretty girl <3
From the other end of the phone, you felt faint. You set your phone down, letting your brain formulate a response. You typed it down, breathing in and out before sending:
do you want to hang out this weekend?
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redcoralpot · 1 year
Smudged (3) Rodrick Heffley X M! Reader
Anddd it's here!
Warnings: Mentioned eating disorder otherwise not specified.
Summary: You were busy enough in life, too busy for what school planned to throw at you; at everyone. A boy you know well seemed to come up with an idea to manage that.
Word Count: 2.7K
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A white pillowcase smashed against a mess of blonde hair, “Get up.”
Heather’s eyes scrunched up, her first action of the day being to glare at you with an unreasonable amount of venom. The sky outside was just starting to shine through the blinds in her bedroom, clashing against the pink theme of it all. She was never quite the morning person, but frankly, waking her and Holly up was simply your duty; it has been since it was just the two of you.
“School’s been in for two weeks, you should be used to this by now,” you snickered, backing away from the bed.
“Get out of my room!”
That was the only warning you got before she initiated her revenge, sending the poor, soft pillow flying once again. You balanced onto your toes as you shut the door as quickly as you could; the only proof that the object hit the target was the loud thump on the thin wood, “Be careful not to mess up your precious cotton pillowcases!”
“They’re satin, you freak,” Heather yelled, echoing in the hallway you retreated down.
Holly’s room was the second farthest away from yours, only being beat by your parents’. The only thing that separated it from the rest of the house was a tie-dyed sheet; her choice, of course. With careful fingers, you peeked inside, seeing your little sister shifting and groaning in her blankets.
Softly, “It’s time to wake up, I got your favorite cereal downstairs.”
She shot up, staring at you with wide eyes, “Really?”
“Of course I did! Not a day goes by where I don’t spoil my favorite little sister, now does it?”
You disappeared back behind the sheets when she scrambled out of bed, eager to get dressed. The stairs groaned underneath your covered feet, almost as if they were as unenthusiastic about the day as you were. Both of your parents leave for work earlier than most now that Holly was old enough to be left alone with her older siblings, but because Heather rendered herself helpless in the morning, the role of caretaker was left to you. 
All three of you have to leave for school at seven, so you wake your siblings up to greet the morning at six o’clock sharp, no more, no less. You as yourself get up an hour earlier in order to gather your own things, pack lunches, pack Holly’s bag, and have time for yourself. It was exhausting, always, but it was worth it to see the two of them shine.
The kitchen was adjacent to the dining room, with warm lighting to start the morning off in the right mood. You dug your fingers into the cardboard seal on the cereal before popping open the plastic bag inside, not bothering to use scissors. It never spilled everywhere, after all. As you heard Holly’s light footsteps swirling down the stairs, you shook a serving into a ceramic bowl, setting it beside a cup of milk on the usual table. Heather never ate breakfast, and no matter how hard you tried, she insisted that she needed to skip in order to keep up with her dream body. If you pushed it, she snapped.
When Holly finally appeared and slid into her seat, you sat in a chair beside her, “How’re classes going? I heard this is the year you finally start switching classrooms for periods.”
“They’re going good, I guess.” She sighed, pouring the milk into her breakfast, “My teacher for English already handed out the project prompts for this year, but I don’t wanna do it.”
“Wait, wait, what the hell? Already?”
“You haven’t gotten yours yet?”
“No, not in my school. Isn’t it against the rules to get a head start?”
“It was only a day before you, so I don’t think so,” she grumbled, mouth full.
“Well, it should be.”
“Nobody’s started working on it yet.”
You threw your hands up in the air, laughing, “Still!”
Over the oven, the clock blinked at you. You ruffled Holly’s hair, while she turned her head towards you, adorned with a milky mustache, “We have to get going soon, your stuff’s leaning on the door.”
She jumped out of her chair, running to the bottom of the stairs to call upwards, “Heather! We gotta go!”
“I just need five more minutes to finish getting ready,” Heather replied, half silenced by the sound of the bowls settling into the sink.
“Nuh-uh, we have to go now!”
Holly shuffled her shoes on, sitting down to tie them neatly. Your twin hurried down the stairs, squishing past the other girl on the way down, flipping her hair behind her back. She opened the door, and shivered as the early chill seeped into her bones. Heather grabbed her bag alongside Holly’s, practically throwing it in the car before placing her own down in the backseat. You double checked the oven, lights, and sinks, before shoving Holly out the door and locking it behind you. Heather called shotgun, therefore Holly had to squish herself in between everyone’s backpacks. The car started with a weak, stumbling roar, and you were on your way.
The world was only just starting to wake up in a blur outside the windows as the voice of a young woman sang throughout your vehicle, interrupted with the occasional tapping of Heather texting her friends. She never stopped keeping up with her social life, it seemed. However, while everyone else was lost in thought, one thing stuck in your mind.
“Hey, did you get your prompt?” you said, glancing at the girl beside you.
Heather did not even look up from her screen, “Duh. You haven’t?”
“So… that’s a no.”
As you pulled into the parking lot of the school, lined behind an endless row of cars, she smacked you in the arm, “Why are you in the drop-off line? I’m driving the girls to the mall after school today, I told you last night.”
“Okay, okay,” you hissed, turning the wheel, “you didn’t have to hit me!”
“Don’t get a spot too far from the school, either!”
Your car slowed to a stop and powered off, as you slipped the key out and handed it to Heather, “I’ll kill you if you lose that– now both of you, shoo! Get out!”
Its doors were slammed shut, and it locked with a beep. You leaned against the hood of the vehicle, watching carefully as your two sisters entered the school. It was a plain-looking building, which the school pathetically attempted to fix with a few colorful flower bushes. The air around you was silent, as quiet as a parking lot could be, and you turned to walk the rest of the way to your school building. Yet, before you could step any farther, a white van screeched past. Deafening music screamed out; it was distorted from how roughly the driver was maneuvering potholes. Oh, how bad you felt for the passengers, did the driver even have a license? You shook your head, glad that you had the sense to keep an eye on your sisters.
The school you went to was not far away, simply a few buildings down the opposite side of the street. Due to their close proximity, they were always competing in everything; from student count, finances, even to awards. So much so that they had devised a competition to be held between the schools each year to contribute to the state curriculum. It was annual, of course, and every single one of the projects made would be showcased and judged based on a variety of categories. Whichever school gets on the podium the most, well, you get the point. That doesn’t mean it’s not a pain in the ass, however.
The day went quicker than usual, with you patiently awaiting the class of which you would get your prompt and category; English. You were set on it enough that even Daniel noticed, poking and picking at you the entire day, finding time to do it in the hallways when you did not have classes together. He reached his hand back towards you, fingers making a crude attempt at stealing your eraser.
You slapped it away as the bell rang, the seats in the classroom filled, “What’re you doing?”
“Lightening the mood, ever heard of it?” he whispered back, craning his neck to look at you.
Students around the two of you were passing papers back, the teacher’s eyes glaring holes into Daniel’s head. He squeaked, taking his prompt, and proceeded to throw the slip of paper behind him. It fluttered in the air, and came to a rest on the top of your nose. He earned two more holes being burned into him as it slid gracefully off of the tip. For revenge, you leaned forward, your hand hovering over a stray lock of Daniel’s hair. He had opened his own paper, shoulders scrunched, and you yanked the strand in favor of reading it.
He yelped while you raised an eyebrow, “Tree vandalism, huh?”
“What the fuck, dude,” More groans arose from the class around you, “what did I do?”
“You know what you did.”
“Ms. Kawiti already avenged you with whatever this is, please do tell me what tree vandalism is!” He rolled his eyes.
“Well, what’s the category?”
“Environmental Science– I hate that class, you don’t understand.”
You slouched against your desktop, “Loser. I bet they chose that on purpose.”
“If you’re so confident, why don’t you open yours?”
“I was getting to it!”
Daniel scooched his chair around, almost unheard in the chatter-filled room, when you thumbed the slip open. Percussion; musical. Ah, yes, now you could understand the reaction of everyone else. It felt like the administration grouped together all of the staff to give all of the students the worst prompts imaginable, even the janitor. Even God himself knows that the janitor hates them all, rightfully. Perhaps this was his plan to avenge himself and any of the past janitors as well, after a decade of working there. Perhaps you could plead for mercy, even as the class around you fell silent.
He squinted his eyes, attempting to read it upside down, “That isn’t too bad, unlike something someone got.”
“Since when can you read like that?”
“Since now,” Daniel said.
You scoffed, crumpling the paper and tossing it in your bag, “I don’t even know anything about percussion.”
“Well, the whole point is to research a topic, so,” he waved his own, “Google it, go to the library, pay the music teacher a visit for the first time this year. At least you get to have fun with yours!”
“Yeah, true, I won’t be stuck studying trees.” At that, Daniel stuck up his middle finger, scowling. 
A singular finger tapped his shoulder, a ring adorning it. You hid a smile behind your hand as Daniel slowly turned, getting tenser with each second that passed. His eyes followed the figure upward, until they finally met her own. Ms. Kawiti, in all her glory, stood firm in front of his desk with pursed lips; an action that gave you a better look of the tattoo of which ran down the bottom of her lips to her chin.
“Class was dismissed five minutes ago, boys. And Mr. Ivanov, if I see that behavior in my classroom again, I won’t hesitate to give you detention.”
Daniel shrunk in his seat, “Yes, ma’am, understood.”
She strolled to the front of the classroom, and busied herself with a stack of papers. He wasted no time shoving his materials into his backpack, heaving it onto his shoulder, and most likely busting the door hinges with how fast he ran out. You allowed yourself to remove your hand from your mouth, snickering. As you got up to follow your friend, the teacher looked up from her papers with a certain twinkle in her eye.
“Remember that working with another student is prohibited; have a nice day.” As you slipped out of the classroom at last.
Daniel was waiting for you outside, and trailed behind you as you appeared. He grabbed a string on your bag, per usual, in order to not lose you in the waves of students crashing into the both of you. You pulled him along, leading him to the quickly emptying rows of lockers in the hallway. This is where the pressure on your backpack stopped, and Daniel slammed open his door. The lock holding yours open clicked under your fingers, allowing you to dump the contents of your bag inside while its pins shook. 
He loudly asked, “Is it just me, or is she horribly strict?”
“Every teacher is strict to you, dude, you just hate school.” You hissed, “If anything, Ms. Kawiti is the least strict teacher that we’ve ever had.”
“She did let me off with a warning for flipping you off instead of detention.”
You smacked his back, “You’re one lucky man, Daniel. She won’t let you off that easily next time.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me.”
He zipped up his bag, hitting you with it as he tugged it on. You made a face at him, only to see him smirking at you, before darting down the hall and towards the two large exit doors. Your jaw tightened, teeth grinding against one another. Even as you chased him from a distance, you could hear his cackles only getting louder as you started to close it, reaching out a hand to grab him by the collar. Daniel knew he couldn’t outrun you; he never once had beaten you in mandatory track practices in middle school, much less now. He lasted a grand total of thirty-two seconds before you seized him by the back of his neck, a mere foot from the doors. 
“You lost.”
Daniel cursed, “I have a heavier bag than you, of course I did!”
“Excuses, excuses.” You flicked his nose before setting him on the ground outside of the building, joining him shortly. The last thing you wanted was to pay a visit to the principal’s office simply because a teacher saw you playing. 
As you slid down the railing, accompanying the boy jumping down the stairs, he said, “Where’s your car? Aren’t you driving home today?”
“Nah, man. Heather wanted to take the girls and Holly out to the mall.”
“I could drive you home, if you want.”
You huffed, “No thanks, wouldn’t wanna be a bother.”
Daniel held his hands high in the air, backing away towards his car, “If you say so.”
“See you tomorrow, tell me how the research goes.”
“You better text me when you get home, don’t make me wait until math in the morning to see if you got kidnapped!” he yelled, slamming his door shut and peeking out the window.
Instead of answering, you stuck out your tongue at him as the engine roared. Really, you could have sworn he flipped you off again before pulling out of the lot, speeding off until you would be able to see him the next day. You chuckled, shifting the weight of your bag onto your other shoulder, starting onto your journey home. Heather and Holly should both be out of school by now, despite the fact that your school releases earlier than theirs, and should be on their way to the mall. You can’t steal the car back now, can you?
That is all you could think about as you crossed the street, running across the sections where cars were lined, peering at the entrance in hopes of seeing your siblings. Instead, you could only see a puff of brown hair hurtling towards you before a body hit you, an arm curling around your neck and spinning you around. You hurled over, trying to throw the person off of you, not wanting to take Daniel’s words seriously. A grunt and a smack rang out as he hit the floor; you stumbled a few steps back. 
A cough, “What was that for?” Rodrick spluttered.
You exhaled in a hurry, “Oh my god, it’s you.”
“Of course it’s me, who else would it be?”
“A kidnapper,” you responded dumbly.
He rolled onto his hands and knees, shaking as he staggered onto his feet once again, “Damn, I just wanted to say hi.”
“What part of hi requires you to jump on me?”
“The friendly part, duh.”
You stayed silent, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. He seemed to pick up on your mood, scratching the back of his neck, his voice still hoarse from the fall. 
“I need you to do a favor for me.”
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pineappleciders · 2 years
Yoo hoo !! I’d like to request Butters, Craig, Wendy, and/or Tweek with a reader who is their older sibling. The reader is in their late teens & has the sarcastic older sibling thing going on, like the same vibes as Rodrick Heffley, Kat Stratford, or Daria. Thank you ^^
butters, craig, wendy, and tweek with a stereotypical older sibling reader
A/N: i'm the youngest out of 4 and my brother was very rodrick coded so this is based off that also i love this gif
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butters stotch
honestly being raised by the same parents it's a miracle you didn't turn out exactly like him LMFAO
he is constantly getting noogies from you and whenever you high-five or pat his back you do it way too hard and he goes "owie" and then giggles. or cries idk
if you drive him around or pick him up from school he's always asking if you can stop at mcdonald's and gets all sheepish when you deadpan at him
looooves piggy back rides. put him on your shoulders or back and like pretend you're an airplane and he loves it. and then like throw him onto the bed and he gets all giddy and tells you to do it again
he's always knocking on your door and asking you to play or draw with him. he gets sad if you ignore him or tell him to go away
always dragging you into his games!!!!! like you don't want to but he does puppy eyes to get u to roleplay as professor chaos' enemy (or sidekick!) and if he makes you play with the rest of the kids too they all cry super hard when you destroy them😭😭(esp cartman)
he would forever think ur awesome if you got payback on cartman for him. like idk beat eric up or threaten him and butters thinks you're the coolest person in the world
craig tucker
lots of middle fingers. lots of them
when he flips you off you tug his middle finger up and slam it under his nose (like the 'you have something on your shirt' thing but with his middle finger LOL) and he gets all pissy after
you had to put a 'fuck off' sign on your door to get him to stop annoying you whenever he's bored. you two are always competing for your parents to take your side
you love to tease him about tweek. like you twirl your hair and giggle and kick your feet on his bed talking about how he's finally getting bitches while he's trying to do homework
you keep hiding his hats but somehow he always has another. he's like charlie brown but with blue chullo hats
lots of punching. you punch his arm all the time or swat his head and at first he retaliates but then you hit him even harder and he stops (albeit angrily)
trolls you all the time by messing up your room and fucking idk. he seems like the type of dude to set up a treasure hunt to find like your phone he hid or something LOL he sets up riddles and everything
you beat him up for it
calls you emo when you go through a phase and bullies you for it. you call him a homo and he shuts up
wendy testaburger
you're always ruffling her hair and flicking her forehead. like just in normal conversation it's a habit to flick her head or nose to emphasize a point
she definitely comes to you a lot about her problems, like socially and stuff. always ranting to you about stan in your bed and you're just praying that she shuts the fuck up
you have helped her with a lot of her issues though!!!!! like it's reluctant but you give her a lot of good advice about boys and friendships. even if you gag whenever she brings up her boyfriend
i imagine you listening to like. hard rock or metal when you're going through an edgy phase and wendy either makes fun of you for it or comes into your room and starts headbanging with you. probably both
always wants you to play games and do stuff with her. like she gets barbie and the twelve dancing princesses and is scratching and begging at your door for you to try it with her
and she LOVES just dance. you're like flopped on the couch out of breath because you're old as shit and she's like happily dancing away without breaking a sweat
if you're a girl, she's always making you sleep in her room and do skincare and girl stuff. she calls it 'girls night'. if you aren't a girl she still does it but she doesn't call it that LOL. makes fun of you if you don't want to do it because it's 'for girls'
tweek tweak
if you hit him he hits you back. hit him harder he hits you harder. he gets his ass beat but he is determined not to go down without a fight!!!!
when you work the same shift at tweek bros you're constantly slacking off and blackmailing him into doing all the work and not telling ur parents LMFAO. it annoys him so much
you spook him with like scary stories and stuff because you know he freaks out over it. and you regret it when he comes into your room at 2 am with a blanket asking to sleep in your bed tonight
he tells all his friends how you 'torture and bully him' and how much he hates your guts. but he really can't deny that he appreciates you when you're helping him with a panic attack
asks you how to be cool. you tell him you were just born that way and that he'd never be as cool and awesome as you are. he got sad
he isn't the type of sibling to tattle to your parents, but he will if he's trying to blackmail you or get you to do something for him. and he gets all smug about it too
tease him about craig and he gets super defensive. you pick him up by his collar like a kitten and he flails around all angry. it's hilarious but he forever holds u to a grudge for it
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slaymybreathaway · 1 year
All I Wanted - Roderick Heffely x Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 742
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"Y/n come over," Rodrick said through the phone, his room was in the attic of the house so he didn't really have to whisper.
"Why? What's up?" y/n said as she sat on her at her desk, putting on eyeliner just for fun. Her room was in the attic, too.
"Don't you wanna see Greg's face when I trick him into thinking it's the first day of school?" he said. Y/n could sense his smirk through the phone.
"Yanno, I would love too but I just got into bed. Damn," she lied.
The girl could hear footsteps coming from the other side of the phone and then the sound of curtains opening. "Liar. You're a bad girlfriend," Rodrick said.
Y/n winced in defeat as she walked over to the window. She could see straight across, to the Heffley's house. Rodrick stood waving through the top window.
"I'm not your girlfriend, Rod," Y/n said with no expression.
The L/n's moved in last year and it wasn't long before the Oldest Heffely brother made his feelings for the Oldest l/n sister very clear.
Y/n made an effort to show little to none romantic intrest in the boy but somehow, he just wouldn't back off.
"If, I come over will you stop telling everyone that I'm your girlfriend?"
Y/n crossed her arms. She could see Rodricks's visible disappointment through the window.
"Alright, fine," he sighed.
Y/n hung up the phone and put on her shoes. She crept down the stairs slowly, trying not to wake her family.
When she got halfway down the stairs she heard a little voice. "Y-y/n," her little sister, Janie, spoke while rubbing her eyes tiredly.
Y/n walked up the stairs and picked up the three year old. The little girl clung to her like a koala. "Come on honey, let's go back to sleep. I'll buy you some ice-cream tomorrow afternoon. Does that sound good?"
Janie nodded, sleepily. The second her head hit the pillow, she started to snore.
"Phew," y/n whispered as she returned to her original mission.
She made it out of the house with no further obstacles and as he walked next door, she could she Rodrick standing at the porch.
"What took you so long?" he whispered.
"Little sister caught me. I bribed her with ice-cream," she whispered back and walked through the front door.
They walked up two sets of stairs to rodricks room that was... Surprisingly clean. "It's not a pigstye in here," y/n crossed her arms.
Rodrick raised an eyebrow. "Why would you think my room would be messy?" he asked.
Y/n walked to the bed. "I can see more from my window than you think," she shrugged.
They sat on his bed, talking for a while. Rodrick was showing y/n his ideas for new Loaded Diaper songs.
"Yeah and there's this one. Which I really like but it's a duet and none of the other guys would like this kind of song so I might just keep that one for myself," he explained.
Y/n looked at him confusedly. "So you are able to tell everyone that I'm your girlfriend but you can't even ask me to duet a song with you?"
He looked over at her "Wait, you can sing?"
Y/n giggled and nodded.
"Alright cool. We have practice here every Friday after school so just come by," Rodrick smiled.
In that moment, y/n forgot what she had against the black haired boy.
An hour had passed and they were still in the same place, only this time, they were listening to music off Rodrick's ipod through his earphones. Each of them had one earbud in.
'All I Wanted' by Paramore started playing. Rodrick cringed, its the most 'girly' song on his playlist. He looked over at y/n to see her opinions on it when he had realised that she had fallen asleep.
He had really grown to like this girl but the only way he knew how to show his emotions was to be painfully obvious. He wished that he worked differently but hey, would it have led to her in his bedroom?
Rodrick lay down beside y/n , putting his arm around her waist just as the chorus of the song kicked in.
All I wanted was you
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minawritesfanfic · 4 months
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Backyard boy Part 5
Rodrick Heffley x Reader
Work count: 2.5k
Summary: After another hang out sessions with Rodrick somethings become clearer, but after hanging out with your friends things have potentially gotten murkier
Part 5
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“Ugh, I forgot how outrageous snack prices were here, popcorn and nachos be damned!” I said stuffing my mouth with a small handful of the large popcorn cradled in my arms, Rodrick just laughed at me as he nudged me with his elbow.
“Oh cheer up, we brought plenty of other snacks for cheap to make up for it.”
“I know, I know but seeing the prices rise higher and higher every time we come? I’m starting to understand why my mom’s always sighing when she pays for gas.”
Rodrick just laughed again patting my back as he shook his head, I rolled my eyes as we found our seats in the theatre. We climbed over a bunch of people before we found the perfect seats with two empty spots next to them, I grinned as I pulled Rodrick down into the seat beside me. The theater was unsurprisingly filled with people and chatter, likely due to this being one of the biggest movie releases of the year.
“Do you think they’ll make more Hunger Games movies?”
“Of course, it’s too good! I think I’ll die if they don’t, like look at this theater. I didn’t even know there were this many people in our town.” I glanced around the theater where others sat chatting excitedly waiting for the movie to begin.
“I swear there isn’t but ours is probably the only good movie theater in the area, the other ones are dingy as fuck.” I laughed at his comment but an older lady in front of us turned glaring at our profanity.
“You’re right about that I bet, my old movie theater was practically falling apart. You could rarely go there to see a movie because it was almost always closed for maintenance.” The lights in the theater dimmed and more of the pre-movie ads played.
Before long the movie began, and the speakers boomed and echoed through the theater allowing you to hear the familiar music the movie opens up with. I set my nachos on my lap before grabbing a bit of our shared popcorn, I ate slowly as I was entranced by the movie. Occasionally I glanced over at Rodrick who was watching just not nearly as enthusiastically as I was, he glanced over at me feeling me staring, and smiled before turning back to the movie as he adjusted in his seat some more. I turned away as well a bit embarrassed he caught me staring but glad it was dark so he couldn’t see the heat rising to my cheeks or the dopey grin I had.
As the movie continued on Rodrick had finished off the rest of the popcorn and abandoned the bucket on the floor, now he slumped over resting his head on top of mine as he’d fallen asleep. Thankfully he wasn’t snoring like he usually does but of course, he chose to use me as a pillow during his mid-movie nap, I just rolled my eyes and brought a hand up to ruffle his hair. I let my hand trail down to his soft acne-free cheek and then back into my lap, it still baffles me how someone who thinks soap is a recommendation has such clear skin yet I rarely do. I chew roughly on my candy as I calmed my irritation and watched the movie but my mind still drifted back to Rodrick and his beautiful, long, and curly black lashes. His chocolatey dark brown eyes his stupid straight but curly hair, the stupid all-black clothes he wears, and his silly little band that he still won’t let me hear play. I sighed dragging a hand over my face as I came to realize something I should’ve realized ages ago.
“I like Rodrick…”
★ ✮ ★
The walk out of the movie theater to Rodrick’s car was quiet, save for his occasional yawning. Normally riding with Rodrick was the most relaxing thing I could do, we’d listen to music and I’d let my arm hang out the window or prop my feet on the dashboard. Suddenly the van felt so small and the music felt quiet, all I could hear was my own heartbeat and how close Rodrick was to me.
I glanced back over at him as he pulled onto my street, his window was open so the air blew wildly behind him. His was gaze surprisingly focused on the road, I noticed for the first time how long his lashes were and the way his lips sat partially open as he focused. I hadn’t realized how long I’d been staring at him until he was suddenly looking back at me with those gorgeous brown eyes of his and that stupidly smug smirk.
“There’s either chocolate all over my face or… you’re checking me out. I know I’m hot so it’s okay, but we’re uh at your house.” He started confidently but as quickly as it came out his ego deflated as he looked away slightly embarrassed, which gave me a moment to compose myself.
“Oh no, you’ve got something on your face. Right…. Here!” I reached out to him pretending to wipe his lip before quickly flicking him on his forehead.
Rodrick flinched pulling back and glaring at me, “Ouch! You’re such a dick, how could you do that to my handsome face?!”
“It’s that same ego that made me flick you in the first place, so it’s your own fault. But thanks for the ride Rodrick, I seriously had fun hanging out today. I’ll see you Monday, yeah?” I said as I grabbed my bag off the floor of the car, I smiled at him taking another long look at him.
“Yeah yeah, I had fun too. I’ll see you Monday, don’t trip on your way out though.” He teased as he unlocked my door to which I just rolled my eyes.
I waved at him as I opened my front door and watched him pull off, I couldn’t help but smile to myself as I entered the house. My mom sat on the couch as her favorite show whilst dad lay in her lap already dozing off. She turned to look at me with a knowing look and I internally groaned anticipating what she was going to say.
“Did you and your lover boy have fun?”
“Yeah we had fun, I’m going to my room now Mom.” She just raised a brow and chuckled waving me off as she went back to her show, running her hands through Dad's hair as she did.
I shut my bedroom and rested against it, I was finally alone. Alone with my thoughts that is, I couldn’t stop the heat that rushed to my face as I processed everything from today. I have the biggest crush on my best friend and practically went on a date with him, but my biggest gripe was the fact that a boy could be so fucking pretty, maybe prettier than me. I groaned and flopped onto my bed, I grabbed one of my pillows and hugged it to my chest as I stared up at the ceiling. I wasn’t sure what to do about the fact I had a crush on Rodrick, I just hoped it wouldn’t make things different but what would happen if I ever told him how I felt?
I shook the thought from my head, it was too early to even think about confessing. Maybe this was just a fleeting crush, I needed to give it some time before I just rushed into an impulsive confession and got my heart broken. At least I should figure out if it’s a genuine crush and if he might like me back. And thus began operating ‘Win the drummer boys heart’.
★ ✮ ★
Renatta and the gang had invited me out roller skating with them, which was a blast. Reese and I were the only ones who knew how to do tricks so we spent most of the time one-uping each other or trying to do something involving the both of us, all of which just ended with us both falling on our asses way too many times. Alejandro and Renatta casually skated hand in hand chatting in front of us. Cecily and Nolan on the other hand both sucked at skating and mostly hung out at the arcade off to the side of the rink.
Skating and gaming tuckered us all out and we went over to the food court area, we all ordered differently but ended up eating off each other's plates and bowls. I glared as Nolan stole even more of nachos though I just took some of the fries that came with his burger as revenge, but beyond the food stealing sharing, we talked and talked. Well, mostly Renatta who had all of our attention as she told us about the ever-so-romantic date she went with her boyfriend who she refuses to introduce us to. They drove out and did some things in the city before coming back to eat under the stars in the field behind his house, Renatta’s eyes were practically heart-shaped as she swooned and dramatically recounted her date.
“He got me flowers and burned all my favorite songs onto a CD, then like in a movie we kissed under the stars as the smiths played in the background,” Renatta said dreamily before nibbling on one of her cheesy fries.
“Aren’t you two smitten, you guys have been dating for what two months now?” I said with a grin to which Renatta nodded and opened her mouth to coo on about him more but Resse interrupted her.
“If we’re talking about smitten we should be talking about you and Rodrick rather, I’d love to know what’s going on there,” Reese said and all of a sudden the entire table’s attention was on me, I gulped sinking into my seat with a reddened face.
“Wh-what do you mean..? We’re just friends.” I cringed knowing how unbelievable I sounded and I could feel the way they were rolling their eyes.
“You know exactly what they mean, Reese and I were at the theater too the other day. I saw you too all cuddled up and giggly.” Cecily said leaning forward on her elbows as she sipped from her slushie, I just sighed knowing I had to tell them eventually.
“We’re really just friends… but I’d be lying if I said that’s all I wanted to be,” I said looking away with a heavy blush, I tried to hide my embarrassment behind my own drink as I took a long sip.
“Ha! I knew it, pay up losers!” Alejandro said holding his hand out happily, Nolan groaned handing him a ten-dollar bill and Cecily, Reese, and Renatta did the same.
“I can’t believe you guys are placing beta on my love life!!” I said trying to hold back a laugh and keep my angry expression.
“It wasn’t my idea! I thought it was childish, but they called me chicken and I am no chicken.” Nolan said raising his hands defensively but Alejandro just clucked at him, so I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Oh yeah sure Nolan, whatever helps you sleep at night.” I teased and Nolan held a heart to his chest feigning heartbreak.
“So what are you going to do, are you going to tell him how you feel?”
Before I could respond Reese butted in again, “But what about that stuff with Heather?” The table went quiet and they all just looked at me and glared at Reese who was oblivious to the tension. I just sighed with a shrug, I figured now was probably a good time to tell them anyway though I’m sure at least some of them had figured it out.
“You are so blunt but you’re right Reese, I should probably talk to her first. I’m sure you guys figured it out but when me and Heather met a few years before we had a short fling.”
Everyone either nodded or let out quiet yesses, except for Reese who seemed pleasant surprise but just nodded along anyway. After the brief awkward movement, we went back to chatting about more light-hearted topics, though I fell back from the conversation as I had a lot on my mind. Eventually, we all parted ways for the night.
Renatta was driving me home, it was just us in the car and it was slightly awkward. I couldn’t tell why though but she seemed to be a bit tense, as we sat at a red light she turned to me with furrowed brows.
“Do-do you think you still have feelings for Heather?” I was taken aback by the question and that wasn’t at all what I was expecting her to ask of be worried about.
“Oh uh, no I don’t think so. It’s been so long now and I barely know her, all I know for sure is that I definitely like Rodrick more than her.” I said hoping that would be a sufficient answer but I was curious as to why she asked, Renatta seemed to relax a bit at my answer and continued to drive as the light turned green.
“Good, good. I just-“ she hesitated for a moment as she glanced over at me, “I can be honest with you right?”
“Yeah of course, what is Ren?”
“So you know the ‘guy’ that I’ve been dating right? The reason I’ve kept it so hush-hush is because well, it's not a guy. I started dating Heather, and I know I said I hated her but she can actually be really sweet. She just has a big personality is all, so I just didn’t want things to be awkward if you did still have feelings…” I turned to look at Renatta who refused to meet my eyes, I was surprised by her confession but I just smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I promise things won’t be awkward, and I honestly think you two make such a cute couple. How come you haven’t told the others yet though?”
“I don’t know, I just wasn’t sure what you’d guys say. I’m dating another girl, and out of all of them, it’s Heather. Not to mention she also wanted to keep it a secret, she doesn’t want her parents to find out.” She said with a sigh as she pulled up along the curb outside my house.
“I see that’s a tricky situation, but I think when you guys are comfortable you should tell the group. I know I haven’t known you all as long but I think they’ll welcome you both with open arms, so don’t worry too much okay? Thanks for hanging out and the ride, I hope you have a good night.” I pulled Renatta into a hug, she hugged me back tightly nodding along to my words.
We hugged for a good while before I finally got out of the car, I waved goodbye as she drove off and I headed inside with a lot to think about. What I was going to say to Heather, was how I was supposed to either find Rodrick likes me or get him to like me. It was only the third month of school and everything seemed so complicated, at least Thanksgiving break was coming and I’d had time away from school to think. I just hope I don’t wind myself into something even more troublesome.
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k-fangirledits · 3 months
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lodeddiperactivate · 1 year
I hate you more! Part 2 | Rodrick Heffley x Reader
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
Summary: Reader sabotages Rodrick's chances with Heather. A classic enemies to lovers!
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Rodrick has been acting weird all day, and by weird, entirely quiet. You were worried he found out about your plan and was mad (even hurt) at what you did so you thought he was ignoring you on purpose. When lunchtime rolled around, you did not expect anything, more importantly, you did not expect Rodrick pushing through with asking Heather out. To your surprise, he still did, and it was indeed embarassing!
The cafeteria was chaotic with all the students sitting down and eating with their own cliques. You were sitting with Heather and the girls, and were talking about the upcoming English test by the end of the week, when all of a sudden you heard a high pitched noise as if someone was plugging something to the school sound system. You turned around to see Rodrick and his merry band of losers, the Loded Diper, setting up their music equipment. Your eyes lit up when you see Rodrick with a bunch of roses in one hand and a nervous look. Your gaze went from him to Heather, and a faint smirk appeared on your face.
Rodrick began on a not so great start because his microphone probably wasn't plugged in correctly, a screeching noise echoed throughout the entire cafeteria, gathering everyone's attention.
"Heather Hills," he began. Heather looked at him with fear as to what Rodrick will do or say next.
"Ever since we had Math class a few grades back, I knew," Rodrick had started walking towards our table.
"I knew that we," he stopped at our table, in front of Heather, handing her the roses, which Heather ignored so Rodrick decided to put it down the table.
"We were meant for each other," Rodrick breathed deeply and there was a pause. No one was sure if he was waiting for Heather to respond.
"1, 2, 3, 4, Ohh ohhh ohhh ohhh," then Rodrick started singing (badly) Justin Beiber's Baby.
"Are we an item? Girl, quit playin' (Yo, uh-huh) We're just friends, what are you sayin'? (Yo, uh-huh) Said, "There's another" and looked right in my eyes."
By this point, everyone was singing along with Rodrick despite his total lack of tune. Maybe they were singing because he was such a dork or maybe because they were making fun of him. Who knows? All you knew was that you were delighted when Heather, obviously furious, stormed out of the cafeteria. But just before she walked out the double doors, she passed by Rodrick and said, "As if! Loser!"
The entire cafeteria's laughter was deafening. A few grade schoolers, one of which was Rodrick's little brother, was laughing with his friend and everyone else. Rodrick seemed lost and his pained expression almost made you feel sorry for him. He looked over at you and you prepare yourself for a confrontation, but he didn't. He simply walked out of the cafeteria, leaving his band mates behind. Yup, that confirms it, you're the worst person in the world.
First period after lunch, Rodrick was nowhere to be seen. Your teacher announced that he had to go home because he wasn't "feeling well." Yup, that made you feel worse about what you did.
Heather told you how embarassing it was and how he was a complete loser. You tried your best to defend him, but in Heather's case, it was indeed embarassing. Rodrick may be a good drummer but definitely not the best at singing. You said you had second-hand embarassment when he was singing, and Heather and the others laughed. This made you feel worse that you decided you're going to visit him and apologize after school.
You had declined Heather's offer to hangout after school, saying you have to study for the English test, which you will. But first, a peace offering, you were planning to buy him some kind of band shirt but there's no way you were gonna spend that much on him. Besides, he started it. This had all played out in your head, and you were trying to convince yourself that this was not your fault and that Rodrick started all of this. In the end and after much deliberation, you decided to buy him Red Bull from a convenience store because well, this was what you can afford.
Three firm knocks on the Heffley's residence door before Mrs. Heffley opened the door.
"Oh hello sweetie, may I help you?"
"Oh hello Mrs. Heffley, I'm Y/N. I'm one of Rodrick's classmates and also your new neighbor." You paused, not sure how to ask about Rodrick. "I was wondering if Rodrick is feeling any better?"
"Ahhh," she said inquisitively, as if she knows something? "Yes yes, the L/Ns, please come in."
You thanked her and stepped inside the Heffley residence. His younger brother, Greg, was in the living room playing video games and you waved at him as a form of greeting. You haven't been officially introduced but you were glad he waved back.
"So Rodrick is up in his room and would not come out since he got home a few hours ago," she paused before continuing. "Something about a stomach ache?"
"Rodrick's just mad because he embarassed himself in front of the whole school!" Greg shouted from the living room.
"Greg! That's not a nice thing to say!"
"But it's the truth, she was there," and Greg pointed at you. You tried to avoid their gazes and simply say, "It was an eventful day indeed, for everyone." You paused, for quite some time actually. "May I see Rodrick now?"
"Ah yes, go ahead upstairs."
"Thank you, Mrs. Heffley."
Rodrick's room was in the attic. You knocked a couple of times. The first few knocks, silence. The next few knocks, you heard him shout "Go away". You decided to not say anything because if he knew it was you, there was no chance in hell he would open the door. The next few knocks after that, you heard footsteps.
"Mom, I told you I'm not feeling-"
"Hi," you said timidly.
Rodrick slammed the door on your face. You rolled your eyes, this was not the first time he did that. You knocked again. Silence. You knocked a couple more times.
"What do you want?" He said from the other side of the door.
"I brought Red Bull."
"I don't want it." He said. You thought about what you were going to say next.
"Uhmm so have you studied for our English test this week?"
"The English test. Have you studied yet?" By this time, the door creaked open, and Rodrick's head poked out.
"Is this a trick question?"
"No," you said firmly. How is this a trick question? Maybe you just lost his trust in every possible sense.
"Then, why did you ask me about a test when you have knowingly destroyed my life on purpose?!" He said as he swung the door open while walking up the stairs to his actual bedroom. Guessed this was your invitation to come in.
You closed the door behind you and walked up the few flight of stairs into his attic room. It was a typical guy's bedroom, messy and unorderly. You weren't sure where you were gonna sit down so you just stand there while he plopped himself on his bed, clothes everywhere.
"I'm sorry okay."
"Is this because of that time I slammed the door in your face?"
"I already said I'm sorry!" You were frustrated because you kept reminding yourself that he started this. Yes, it was a bit petty to embarass him in front of everyone at school because he had slammed the door in your face or that his band was being too loud on a Sunday morning, but majority of what happened was still his fault - or at least you tried to convince yourself that it was. It was his idea to sing in front of everyone with that voice. You sigh in defeat. You threw the Red Bull at him and it landed hard on his chest.
"Ow! What'd you do that for?"
"You deserved it," you murmur under your breath but Rodrick heard you.
"Listen here, little Miss Perfect..." Rodrick stood up walking towards you but just as he was to finish his sentence, both of you heard the door knob twist and footsteps walking up the stairs.
"Wazzup kids, what're yall talking about?" Mrs. Heffley said in her best attempt to speak what she thought was teenage "lingo".
"Hello Mrs. Heffley, we were just...talking about..."
"Our English test!" Rodrick finished your sentence.
"Ohhhh" Mrs. Heffley was surprised Rodrick would engage in anything academic.
"Yes, I was handing Rodrick some of my notes."
"Oh that's right, you won first place at the spelling bee in your previous school, right?"
"Oh yes," how the hell did she know that?
"I ran into your parents the other day at the supermarket. You know, it would be very helpful if you can tutor Rodrick with his English."
You and Rodrick both looked at each other.
"Oh no, I can't. I'm not that qualified."
"Yeah Mom, she's not. The spelling bee she won was probably just a fluke anyway."
"Rodrick, that's not nice!"
"No worries, Mrs. Heffley. What I meant by not qualified is that no one is. Rodrick is untutorable," you said as you pointed a finger at Rodrick to which he flicked.
"Yeah well, at least I don't spend my entire life trying to be someone I'm not just so that people will like me!" Rodrick responded by pointing a finger at you.
"Yeah well, at least I had won something in my life."
"A spelling bee? Please!"
"At least, I didn't made a fool of myself in front of the entire school because I was too dumb to realize something."
At this point, the intensity of the gazes between you and Rodrick would burn a whole in the moon.
"Alright alright, Y/N, it would be such a huge help if you can tutor Rodrick," Mrs. Heffley started to appeal to you but you had made up your mind, that is until...
"I'll pay you $100 a week!"
"What?! Pay me $100 a week to study instead!" Rodrick exclaimed.
Your trip to the Heffley's was not something you had expected, and how that trip ended was also not something you had expected. Guess any form of interaction with Rodrick will surely surprise you.
Now that you'll be seeing him a few days a week to tutor him, maybe you can use this time to regain his trust? If only he can stop being annoying and full of himself, maybe you guys will have a chance at a real friendship - but then again, all this banter makes it much more interesting.
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shiftingaround · 2 years
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ introduction
hi there!
my name is nira, i’ve known about shifting for about 3 years now, but have mostly only been lurking other than the occasional tiktok comment here and there (@/myrealitymyrules on tiktok).
i have not been attempting to shift the entire time. i took an extremely long break (i would say roughly at least a year) just to concentrate on myself and my mental health with the occasional sporadic shifting attempts here and there.
more information about my dr’s below the cut!
i have a lot of dr’s but my main one is currently my set it up dr! (this will change a lot, so i will update this as it changes)
  ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ all the dr’s i shift too are as follows:
my waiting room
9th member of stray kids dr
anyone but you dr
content creator/twitch streamer dr
descendants dr
diary of a wimpy kid dr
fantastic beasts dr
k-pop girl group dr
hogwarts university dr
merlin dr
pretty little liars dr
red dead redemption 2 dr
resident evil dr
set it up dr
stoked dr (2009 fresh tv cartoon)
stranger things dr
the office dr
the umbrella academy dr
top gun: maverick dr
hazbin hotel dr
black butler dr
fame dr
monster high dr
criminal minds
if you shift to any of these places or even if you’re just a shifter in general (18+ only) please don’t hesitate to reach out! i NEED shifting friends so badly because i have literally none!
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ my s/o’s in each dr are: (some of these I’m not comfortable disclosing, mostly just because I’m embarrassed, so if something isn’t listed, that’s why or i just haven’t decided or haven’t scripted an s/o for that dr yet)
9th member stray kids dr - 3racha (bang chan, seo changbin and han jisung) (25 years old, 23 years old and 22 years old)
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descendants dr - harry hook, uma, gil (20 years old)
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diary of a wimpy kid dr - rodrick heffley (20 years old)
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fantastic beasts dr - theseus scamander (27 years old)
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hogwarts university - draco malfoy (20 years old)
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merlin dr - merlin and gwaine (21 and 23 years old)
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pretty little liars - jason dilaurentis (19 years old)
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set it up dr - harper and charlie (27 and 28 years old)
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stoked dr - fin and reef (both 20 years old)
stranger things dr - steve harrington (19 years old)
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the office - pam beasley and jim halpert (23 and 25 years old)
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the umbrella academy - five hargreeves (he does age, and he will be 19 years old already he first gets back from the future, and is the same physical age as Aidan is IRL because we’re only a year apart)
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top gun: maverick - jake ‘hangman’ seresin (22 years old)
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hazbin hotel - lucifer morningstar
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criminal minds - derek morgan
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fame - callum turner and austin butler
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but yeah! that’s all of those.
i also really want to hear about your dr’s! that’s my favourite part about shifting!
where are you shifting? why are you shifting there? who are you shifting for if anyone? all that fun stuff!
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rememberingnoah · 2 years
u lied to me, u said u made moodboards "very badly" 😤 EXPLAIN URSELF /lh
rodrick heffley taught me to set the bar as low as possible so when i give a mediocre performance it appears to be better than it really is
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trickkombowerskru · 3 years
I’m Sorry Women-Rodrick Heffley Imagine
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Request: Anonymous:  Rodrick imagine about his girlfriend being there when he has to "apologize to women"
A/N:  This request is literally a year old and I am so sorry for the long loooong wait anon. Thank you for waiting this damn long and being patient with me
Warnings: None
You were in the basement listening to Löded Diper rehearse, somewhat zoning out as Ben “sang”. Honestly all of the guys had musical talent they just needed better songs, or at the very least someone other than Ben fronting them.  
You shook that thought form your head, wanting to be supportive of your boyfriend, even if their lead singer sucked. You decide to open your phone to check if you had any missed messages when Susan stormed in. 
“Rodrick,” she shouts
“RODRICK,” she tries louder and that does it as the music comes to an abrupt halt. 
“I need to talk to you. Inside. Now.”
“Go ahead and talk, we’re a band, we have no secrets,” Rodrick insists, getting up from his drum set. 
“Alright fine. What is this?,” Susan questions holding up an issue of Moto Mama’s. 
You look at him with an inquisitive expression. You honestly didn’t care if your boyfriend had bikini mags or not. At the end of the day you knew he was into you 100% and no bikini cover girl was going to shake that fact. 
Still you couldn't deny the whole situation was extremely amusing to watch, as he had just stuck his foot in his mouth, the way only he can, by now having to answer to his mother in front of the guys and you. 
He points to it with his drumstick denying it “That’s not mine.”
“It was in your backpack”
“No it was in my room ohhhhh,” he replies, realizing he just dug himself even deeper into a hole.
Now is when you bite your tongue to keep from bursting out in laughter at the whole thing. 
“Does owning this magazine make you a better person?”
“Did it make you more popular at school?”
“Yes,” then suddenly he looks back at you on the couch pinching the bridge of you nose, shaking your head. Which in reality you were doing to keep yourself in check. 
“Noooo,” he quickly tries and fails to save himself.
“How do you feel about having owned this type of magazine,”
“Ashamed,” he answers with a drumstick point
“Nice,” Chris chimes in behind him as Susan nods and inches closer to him.
“Do you have anything you want to say to women for having owned this offensive magazine?”
“I’m sorry women,” he responds and the guys clap, and that was it you couldn't hold back anymore, you strategically let some air escape your nose as you slapped  your hand over your mouth.
Susan walks over to you and Rodrick turns to meet your gaze.
“Do you have anything to say to Y/N for having owned this filthy magazine?”
Rodrick looks down and then back into your eyes.
“I’m sorry if finding this out offended you Y/N,” he half asses.
You just smile and nod.
“It’s alright Mrs. Heffley, really. I’ll make sure he never buys another magazine like that ever again,”
“Thank you Dear.”
She turns back to face Rodrick.
“You’re grounded for two weeks.”
“Okay settle down Susan, I think one week is plenty,” he responds.
You sigh, your boyfriend really never knew when to stop digging his own grave in situations like this. 
She turns around once more.
“Make it four weeks and I’m gonna need the keys to your van.”
“My van?,” he questions.
“Hand them over,” she replies.
He sighs, reaching into his pocket, and fishing out the keys, handing them to her in defeat.
“Damn, the rough bro,” Ben says once Susan is gone and you start letting your laughs out. 
“Why are you laughing? Now I can’t take you anywhere,” he states.
“You just had to keep talking, I’m sorry it was funny,”
“So you’re not mad at me too?”
“Of course not, I could care less what you look at when I’m not around, it’s not like you’re talking to that motorcycle chick or anything. Besides,” you get close to his ear.
“Whose body do you look at more anyway? And even though you’re grounded I can still come over.”
“They wouldn’t let you in,”
“They will if they think I’m helping you with school stuff, and then we can do..other things,” you promise.
“Ohhhh ho hooo I do love other things,” he replies.
You kiss him, then laugh as you sit back down on the couch to let the practice finish. 
God your boyfriend was really...something, but you wouldn't want to have him any other way. 
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