dandanjean · 2 months
À l’intersection
J’ai un rapport particulier avec le concept de généralisation. Cela induit une certaine forme de distorsion de ce que nous observons, un certain raccourci de l’esprit qui nous tend à nier la singularité des différentes formes de vie. Il est possible d’observer des ressemblances sans vouloir tout classer par l’identique. Il en est de même aussi avec le concept de comparaison, qui entretient…
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lolochaponnay · 11 months
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christophe76460 · 2 years
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Deux trains de supprimés Un wagon plein à craquer Des visages familiers Quelle drôle de matinée ! Avant de t'énerver Sur une situation passée Sur un fait entrain de se dérouler Pense que c'est peut-être ta destinée Pas de hasard, tout est calculé Tout est programmée Alors arrête de cogiter Accepte ce qui vient de t'arriver Dieu sait ce qu'il fait Il sait comment tu vas gérer Alors ta situation a changé Mais c'est pour qu'Il puisse se glorifier Il n'est pas là pour te rabaisser Il veut toujours te relever Même si tu es tombé Ce n'est pas une fatalité Garde tes yeux sur Lui, fixés Pense à Dieu dans les difficultés Il est là, toujours à tes côtés Cris à lui sans hésiter. Dans la vie, essayons donc de relativiser Dieu sera toujours là pour nous aider Amen !! #sauveur #plans #parfaits #aider #secours #Dieu #relativiser #focus #difficile #obstacles #Destinee #Gloire #matinee #Situation #changement #chretien #chretienne #chretienslifestyle #poeme #poesie #poesiecontemporaine #douleurs https://www.instagram.com/p/CjDGf4YMgSm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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2001hz · 1 year
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Hajime Sorayama (2006)
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misericordieux · 16 days
Je pense que 2024 est une grosse blague pas drôle racontée par Jean Claude Le Beauf en vacances à Saint André de Cubezac.
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fefeman · 2 years
People take criticism too seriously.
You joke a bit about an artist's habit or a game plot or something, and before long people are talking like it's "the death of good art" or something.
bad art is not as dramatic as you make it out to be.
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chaotictomtom · 1 year
pas pole emploi qui doit envoyer des mails pour dire "svp arretez de nous solliciter autant on a remarqué une grosse augmentation de demande et questions concernant les indemnisations et vos droits pour genre vivre on comprend que vous voulez des réponses mais bon attendez tranquille jsp hihi ✨" 💀
#de l'augmentation de gens qui demandent des indemnités pour vivre et manger🤔🤔 bizarre#c'est de pire en pire les services d'aides#ils sont débordés parce que de plus en plus de personnes sont dans la grosse merde#et derrière y'a des services comme la mission locale où les conseillers depuis janvier 2023 reçoivent des refus pour TOUTES les demandes#d'aides d'urgence. ils ont également plus le droit de donner un billet de 20 quand la personne est dans la merde la plus totale pour manger#l'aide de la cej qui a remplacé la garantie jeune a encore changé et ne dure plus que SIX MOIS. si tu as le malheur de sortir de formation#avec la rfpe aka l'aide qu'on te donne de 500/mois parce que t'as ZERO revenu à côté bah pour la cej c'est trop 👍#donc tu peux te faire niquer 2 mois d'aide sur les pauvres 6 mois de cej. si t'as un loyer a payer et genre. tu dois bouffer bah temps pis#derrière les services d'assistance sociale pareil tu sors de formation et t'as olus AUCUN revenu bah t'es trop haut dans les barèmes vu que#y'a ça prend sur TROIS MOIS en arrière ou purée tu gagne 500/mois c'est beaucoup trop en fait t'es riche à ce stade là#vraiment au bout du bout jamais on s'en sortira les pauvres j'ai juste plus une once d'espoir.#tomtom_is_rambling#tomtom_communique#je vent pour pas sauter du 3eme jvais pas vous mentir#jsuis fier que depuis pas mal de temps je relativise et arrive à tenir le coup malgré tout les bails mais là#là y'a plus rien qui me donne de l'espoir c'est fini pour de bon je pense.#oh well
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suckmyballshoney · 2 years
Broke: France is losing
Woke: no cars will burn and no one will throw fireworks at my window again tonight
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momsforroadhead · 2 months
Sometimes i'm like "ugh i'm so tired of my life" and then i think wait a minute. Tomorrow i get to go to the pool and eat a little sandwitch and cake and iced tea at the café and the sun is gonna be shining. Girl it's 10.40 pm you've been up on your feet working since 4 and haven't eaten since 3 you're just tired. Period.
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harxu · 3 months
I havent seen much being posted abt what's been happening in France folliwing the European elections but believe me that shit is crazy. I'm curious for the non French ppl that follow me tho: have you heard about it?
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vicholas · 7 months
I've seen zionists in tumblr opting for the strategy of relativising genocide by framing the situation as "complex conflict between two indigenous groups" and it's just.
Even if you accept the premise of both Isralies and Palestinians as indigenous groups, this is changes nothing about the genocide. The Rwandan genocide also involved two indigenous groups from the same region. It's still genocide.
This framing feels like a bad strategy to get people to think this is some kind of intra-community conflict so they stop talking about it but it's just so fucking dumb if you know the first thing about genocide.
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If I was to just explain why their understand is missing context - and ignore the feelings - then I worry that would normalise the idea that the feelings are about Louis and can be assuaged by facts about the nature of music careers. Acknowledging the feelings as separate from the facts is the only way I know to respond to this sort of anon.//
You do you. If that’s how you go through life, fine! Acknowledging the feelings the way you do is mostly patronizing and relativizing! Say what you wanna say but its really not that hard to show understanding and empathy while making a point about how you don’t agree with the way people respond to Louis music career. Not everything needs to be approached in such a cold and political way like you do it all the time. Emotions are valid.
As I've said a couple of times now - I don't think emotions are valid is particularly useful framework. Emotions exist. They're not either valid or invalid - they just are. If people bring their emotions to me I'm going to respond to what they say - and I think at this point people are reasonably aware of the range of responses I might give.
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enarei · 10 months
"I have repeatedly and unequivocally condemned Hamas. I have repeatedly said that the 7 October attacks were unspeakable and horrific. Apparently, this is deemed insufficient. In the German context, the term Zivilisationsbruch (“breach of civilisation”) is used by scholars as a reference to the Shoah [the Holocaust]. In effect, the museum is arguing here that they can’t show my work because I have not acknowledged an equivalence between the Holocaust and the 7 October attacks. To demand that such an equivalence be pronounced, as a condition for exhibiting my work, is to effectively demand that I relativise the Holocaust. In order to comply, I would have to betray my fundamental understanding of the Shoah as a singular historical event. Need I point out the absurdity of Germans dictating to Jewish people how they should articulate their reactions to the heinous massacre of Jewish people at the hands of terrorists? What will come next? Will every Jewish person in this country be asked to retrospectively condemn the Shoah and unequivocally deny having empathy for the Nazi regime?"
"The notion that every progressive Jew in this country can be assumed to be harbouring antisemitism unless they publicly denounce Hamas is patently ridiculous. One is apparently guilty by default, until one declares oneself innocent. This reminds me of the post-9/11 climate, in which Arabs, Muslims and Sikhs who did not publicly condemn the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center were automatically suspected of condoning al-Qaida."
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2001hz · 1 year
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Relativison (2006) artwork illustrated by: Hajime Sorayama
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anarchotolkienist · 1 year
If Zionists had actually been "like Nazis", there would not have been a single Palestinian left alive in Palestine in 1955. None of you know fuck-all about Nazism or about the Holocaust, and the only reason that is your go-to instead of South Africa or the colonisation of North America is because you want to relativise the holocaust in order to stop having to answer uncomfortable questions in your own head, to not seriously engage with anti-Semitism and with Jewish history. It is lazy, and dumb, and unhelpful. Stop it.
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eretzyisrael · 9 months
by Mark Birbeck
The problem we face runs far deeper than a lack of respect for one important institution. For over 75 years, the Western world recognised the singular evil of the Holocaust and the Nazi’s genocide of the Jews. But in recent years, these historic crimes have been routinely relativised. Indeed, you can see this clearly in the angry responses to the Auschwitz Museum. The museum was bombarded with tweets insisting that Israel’s war with Hamas is actually a ‘genocide’, that Israelis are the new Nazis and that the deaths of civilians in Gaza are somehow comparable to the Shoah.
This Holocaust relativism isn’t just confined to academics, activists or social-media influencers. World leaders are in on the act, too. President Erdoğan of Turkey received warm applause last week for a speech in which he compared Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Hitler, and claimed that Israel treats Gazans like the Nazis treated Jews. This week, the South African government lodged an accusation of genocide against Israel in the International Court of Justice (which Israel will challenge).The memory of the Holocaust is not only being downplayed here. It is also being weaponised to attack and delegitimise the world’s only Jewish state.
Encouragingly, after revealing the loss of 7,000 followers, the Auschwitz Museum announced that it had gained 53,000 new followers in a single day. Clearly, there are many decent-minded people out there who still recognise the unique significance of the Holocaust. But there is still a concerning minority who are determined to relativise it, to downplay it and to use ‘Never Again’ as a weapon against Israel. We cannot afford to let this bigotry fester and grow.
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