#Regency memes
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This was too good not to share, and I am now putting out into the world the desire for an animated, animal friends version of Pride and Prejudice that does EXACTLY THIS. It would be AMAZING.
For anyone interested in the original: https://www.tumblr.com/pagerunner/191002786668/pride-prejudice-2005-dir-joe-wright
I found the screengrab on pinterest originally, so give the OG poster a like too!
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Pride and Prejudice + Texts, Part Three || Pt2 Pt1
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Kate: *giving Colin insightful advice*
Anthony: 🥰🥰🥰Look at my wife 🥰🥰🥰 Giving the best advice 🥰🥰🥰She’s so smart 🥰🥰🥰 Let me sit back and fully appreciate Kate Bridgerton 🥰🥰🥰
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mcflymemes · 4 months
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (2005) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
you must know... surely, you must know it was all for you.
you are too generous to trifle with me.
if your feelings are still what they were last april, tell me so at once.
my affections and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever.
you have bewitched me, body and soul, and i love... i love you.
i never wish to be parted from you from this day on.
i have struggled in vein and i can bear it no longer.
these past months have been a torment.
i came to [location name] with the single object of seeing you. i had to see you.
are you too proud, [name]? and would you consider pride a fault or a virtue?
we're doing our best to find a fault in you.
i have fought against my better judgement, my family's expectations, the inferiority of your birth by rank and circumstance.
you really do love him, don't you?
please, do be seated.
this is a charming house.
all these things i am willing to put aside and ask you to end my agony.
how are you this evening, my dear?
may i have the next dance, [name]?
my brother gave it to me. he shouldn't have.
i wish you would not call me "my dear."
what endearments am i allowed?
what should i call you when i am cross?
i cannot believe that anyone can deserve you... but it appears i am overruled.
are you out of your senses? i thought you hated the man.
have you no objection other than your belief in my indifference?
i do like him. i love him.
only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony, which is why i will end up an old maid.
i love you. most ardently.
please do me the honor of accepting my hand.
i appreciate the struggle you have been through, and i am very sorry to have caused you pain.
believe me, it was unconsciously done.
are you... laughing at me?
i wonder who first discovered the power of poetry in driving away love?
i thought that poetry was the food of love.
what do you recommend to encourage affection?
i'm very fond of walking.
i do not have the talent of conversing easily with people i have never met before.
perhaps you should take your aunt's advice and practice?
so this is your opinion of me. thank you for explaining it so fully.
those are the words of a gentleman.
from the first moment i met you, your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realize that you were the last man in the world i could ever be prevailed upon to marry.
forgive me for taking up so much of your time.
maybe it's that i find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others, or their offenses against me.
my good opinion, once lost, is lost forever.
i cannot tease you about that. what a shame, for i dearly love to laugh.
i will not and i certainly never shall.
you have insulted me in every possible way, and can now have nothing further to say.
i must ask you to leave immediately.
i have never been thus treated in my entire life.
i can admire you much better from here.
do you talk, as a rule, while dancing?
i prefer to be unsociable and taciturn.
i dare say you will find him amiable.
it would be most inconvenient since i have sworn to loathe him for all eternity.
no one would suspect your manners to be rehearsed.
i've come to tell you the news.
not all of us can afford to be romantic.
i've been so blind.
they are far too easy to judge.
i was wrong. i was entirely wrong about him.
i am well aquainted with you, [name], to know that i cannot alarm you, even should i wish it.
your skills in the art of matchmaking are positively occult.
i've never seen so many pretty girls in my life!
i do not deny it.
has the pig escaped again?
we are all fools in love.
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elysabeththequeene · 7 months
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period drama meme [2/4 couples]: Emma Woodhouse and Mr Knightley
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elizabethofpemberley · 11 months
When your secret admirer makes £10,000 a year, owns a large estate in Derbyshire, but has no subtlety whatsoever:
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ginnyw-potter · 3 months
Spilt Blood sneak peek
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dandiesindanger · 23 days
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Today Dandies in Danger celebrates its 5 year anniversary! What started as a game between friends has flourished into the podcast it is today because we decided to take a risk and record our adventures to share with the world.
Playing in a fantasy space together is so genuinely fun. We've enjoyed watching each other grow over the years, both as artists and as individuals. It’s an honor to be able to pass off each arc to the next storyteller and trust that they can capably lead us on a thrilling adventure and continue to add to the rich world of Dandies.
We are very lucky to have found a group of unique individuals whose talents meld together so well. This podcast takes a lot of hard work, and each of us throws our entire self into making sure Dandies is the best it possibly can be. It's a pleasure to have such reliable and understanding friends.
Thank you, dear listeners, for accompanying us on this journey. We hope you will continue to do so till the end. Your support seriously means the world to us!
Art by @chessalbaneze
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mollykflood · 2 years
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I read Olivia Atwater’s  REGENCY FAERIE TALES series over the weekend and enjoyed them so much I was compelled to doodle some fanart for them. If you enjoy books like HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE, STARDUST, or anything written by India Holden, I would recommend giving these a read! (Her website also has short stories from this universe)
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therentyoupay · 3 months
For the one word drabble prompt: no for Jelsa, please!
You're amazing! ❤️
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Elsa, with her fingers absently twisting the delicate satin of her gloves in her lap and with her gaze lost in the pastoral scene beyond the window, found that she could no longer keep her insistent, fluttering thoughts from drifting toward—no, she could not, would not, entertain the notion that Mr. Overland, with his infuriating charm and careless disregard for propriety, had, against every societal expectation, captured any piece of her heart in any way whatsoever—utterly absurd, she told herself... though, perhaps, with diminishing conviction.
♡ image ♡ ♡ askbox meme - thank you, my love!!
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checkoutmybookshelf · 8 months
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snapewives-supremacy · 2 months
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my friend likes to make memes based on my posts so have fun with these lol
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damselsindicestress · 7 months
If you've ever wanted to see an unhinged teenage lesbian in Regency England win an inordinate amount of arm wrestles with grown men, boy are we the show for you! 💪
Miss Thalia Bronton, everybody! 🎩
If you don't know already, Demons & Daughters is a queer, Regency-era actual play campaign following three young ladies on a harrowing quest to find their missing fathers, uncovering a dark underbelly of magic, monsters and mystery as they go. Every episode so far is available on YouTube! New episodes stream every other Weds on Twitch & hit YouTube the corresponding Saturdays.
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myalchod · 6 months
For the three sentence fic: Silrah and Regency AU 😜
... this is what happens when you ask me for a mere three sentences in a setting we've already tossed back and forth, and I try to find a spot to slot them into that hasn't been speculated on before. It really should have been at least once sentence longer to let Farah speak. Shut up, I hear you thinking over there. 😝
He has known, for his entire life, that there will be things he yearns for that will be denied to him — as the younger son of a family with money but no name, it is all but inevitable -- and so he resigns himself to those immutable facts and concentrates on the paths that are open to him, earns himself a reputation within the army, carves out a place for himself among other men who lack sufficient wealth or breeding (or, more often, both) to become someone in society, and tries not to dwell on the dreams of a life with warmth and comfort and love; his family love him, he knows, and he and his brother have always been close, but the idea of someday coming home the gallant wandering uncle to children not his own does nothing to assuage the hollow ache within him.
When he returns home next, on leave, he has already braced himself to meet his brother’s fiancée; after the letters, few and far between though they have been at the front, he knows her station is impossibly above their own, and that had it not been for financial ruin that the match would never have been made, but each family has something the other wants, and so it falls as ever to the children to solve the problems of their forebearers. Knowing what he does, he has formed his own expectations, never mind how softly his brother had written of her — anticipates a woman born to prestige and heavy with pride, looking down her nose disdainfully at a mere lieutenant, little room in her head for the realities of the world around them; he is, therefore, entirely unprepared for the woman he does find himself facing in the drawing room, poised but firmly grounded, entirely unprepared for shrewd dark eyes in a fine-boned face framed by blonde curls or for the look that tells him she has read him in the space of an instant and is all too aware of his expectations, and that it is he who has been found wanting — not for his lack of station, but for judgement all too clearly misplaced.
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firawren · 1 year
Mrs. Jennings living her best life:
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linkloki · 7 months
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I am literally obsessed with Much Ado About Nothing- *someone* needed to make it gay.
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