#Red Puncher
alphamecha-mkii · 1 month
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Power Rangers Zeo - Red Battlezord
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queenvernage · 3 months
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chouriki sentai ohranger | episode 22: the (classified) combination order
╰┈➤ “now i'll show you what our robots can really do!”
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lehoodcollector · 7 months
Added a new shelf! Mcfarlane Toys Prehistoric Batman, Robin & Batgirl. Mcfarlane Toys Swamp Thing and Executive Replicas Red Sonja.
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mangolon · 5 months
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It's like Kuuga vs Daguva, I say every time two guys punch each other in the face.
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year
miura on his way to blame himself for deaths that aren't his fault: 🚶
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fcb-mv33 · 1 year
Ted during the Australian race was so embarrassing😭😭dude we get it your English😭
Anyways sky sports have the races on for the next two weeks for catch ups including qualis🥰
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hayatheauthor · 21 days
The Anatomy of Punching a Character in the Face
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Punching scenes are a staple of action sequences in many genres. Whether it’s an intense brawl, a quick defense, or an emotional outburst, a punch can carry a lot of weight both physically and narratively. As a writer, it’s essential to understand what really happens when a fist meets a face—from the immediate impact to the longer-lasting effects on both the person getting punched and the one throwing the punch.
This guide will help you craft authentic, detailed, and believable punch scenes by exploring different areas of the face, types of punches, and the aftermath of such an impact.
1. Target Areas of the Face and Their Vulnerabilities
A punch isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. Depending on where the fist lands, the consequences will vary significantly. Different parts of the face have varying levels of vulnerability, and targeting these areas produces different effects, from knockouts to broken bones.
A. Jawline: The Knockout Zone
The jawline is a classic target in many fight scenes, especially when knockout punches are involved. This area is highly vulnerable because a hit here causes the head to snap to the side, leading to a sharp rotational movement of the brain inside the skull. This movement disrupts the brain’s communication and often results in a temporary loss of consciousness—what we commonly refer to as a "knockout."
Common Effects: Dislocation or fracture of the jaw, loss of consciousness, slurred speech, and severe pain.
Visual Aftermath: Swelling around the jawline, bruising, and possible misalignment of the jaw if broken.
B. Nose: Breaking and Bleeding
The nose is another vulnerable target, known for being easily broken. It’s not just a fragile bone structure, but it’s also connected to many blood vessels, meaning a direct punch to the nose often results in immediate bleeding. The nasal bone can fracture, causing difficulty in breathing, and in some cases, the nose may need surgical intervention to reset.
Common Effects: Intense pain, bleeding, difficulty breathing, potential for a broken nose.
Visual Aftermath: Blood running from the nostrils, swelling, and significant bruising around the nose and eyes.
C. Cheekbones (Zygomatic Bones): Bruising and Fractures
The cheekbones are one of the more solid structures in the face but are still susceptible to breaks, particularly from a heavy blow. Damage here can lead to not just bruising, but potentially severe injuries that can affect the entire facial structure.
Common Effects: Fractures of the zygomatic bone, swelling, bruising, and pain extending to the eye socket.
Visual Aftermath: Black eyes, noticeable swelling on one side of the face, and a sunken appearance if the bone is fractured.
D. Forehead: A Hard Target
The forehead is much harder than most parts of the face and is less vulnerable to severe damage. However, punches to the forehead can still cause pain, disorientation, and dazing of the recipient. While it’s less likely to result in a knockout, it’s effective in dazing an opponent, especially if the puncher’s goal is to create an opening for another strike.
Common Effects: Swelling, redness, and potential concussions if hit with enough force.
Visual Aftermath: Redness, minimal bruising, and a dazed expression.
E. Eyes: Black Eyes and Swelling
A punch to the eyes is particularly brutal because the area around the eyes is delicate, and the skin is thin. It’s not just about swelling but also potential damage to the orbital bones. The impact can cause "black eyes," characterized by intense bruising and swelling that may close the eye shut for days.
Common Effects: Swelling, black eyes, potential orbital bone fractures, temporary blurred vision.
Visual Aftermath: Discoloration that starts purple and turns yellowish-green as it heals, swollen shut eyes.
2. Types of Punches
Not all punches are created equal. The type of punch thrown can drastically change the outcome of the scene, both in terms of damage and realism. Understanding these different types of punches will allow you to convey more varied and dynamic fight sequences.
A. Jab: Speed and Precision
A jab is a quick, straight punch, usually thrown with the non-dominant hand. It’s not meant to be a knockout punch but more of a setup punch to create an opening or keep the opponent at a distance. Jabs are fast and can be disorienting, especially if they repeatedly land in quick succession.
Common Effects: Light bruising, potential cuts, and swelling in the area hit.
B. Cross: Power and Impact
The cross is a powerful, straight punch delivered with the dominant hand. It’s often aimed at vulnerable spots like the jaw or nose. Unlike a jab, the cross is meant to deliver a significant amount of force, and when landed properly, it can cause serious damage.
Common Effects: Knockouts, broken bones, severe swelling, and bruising.
C. Hook: Lateral Devastation
A hook is a wide, circular punch that targets the side of the head, particularly the jaw or temple. It’s one of the most powerful punches and is often used with the intent of knocking the opponent out.
Common Effects: Knockouts, severe disorientation, potential for concussions, and jaw dislocations.
D. Uppercut: Lifting from Below
The uppercut is thrown upward, usually aimed at the chin. It’s a devastating punch that can lift the opponent’s head and jolt their brain, leading to knockouts. Uppercuts are especially dangerous when they land cleanly on the jaw or chin.
Common Effects: Knockouts, broken teeth, jaw fractures, and disorientation.
E. Haymaker: Risky but Powerful
A haymaker is a wild, swinging punch delivered with as much force as possible. It’s often thrown with reckless abandon and is easy to dodge, but if it connects, it can deal significant damage. Because of its wide arc, it leaves the puncher exposed to counterattacks.
Common Effects: Knockouts, severe bruising, and possible fractures if landed correctly.
3. Punch Wounds: What They Look Like and Healing
Punches to the face leave lasting marks, some immediately visible and others taking days to fully form. Understanding the aftermath of a punch will help you describe the physical toll on your characters more accurately.
A. Immediate Effects
Swelling and Redness: Swelling can begin almost instantly, particularly in areas with soft tissue like the eyes and lips.
Bruising: Bruises start off as red, then turn purple, blue, and eventually fade into yellow or green as they heal.
Bleeding: Punches to the nose, lips, and even cheeks can result in bleeding, either from the skin breaking or from internal damage like a broken nose.
B. Long-Term Injuries
Black Eyes: Punches near the eyes can lead to bruising that darkens the skin around the eyes, giving it a purplish hue.
Fractures: Broken bones, such as the nose or jaw, may require weeks to heal, and in severe cases, surgery may be necessary.
Scarring: If the skin is cut open, there’s the potential for scarring, especially if stitches are required.
C. Healing Process
Bruises: These typically take about a week to two weeks to heal, with the colors shifting as the body absorbs the blood trapped under the skin.
Fractures: Healing from fractures can take several weeks to months, depending on the severity.
Swelling: Swelling can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days, with cold compresses helping to reduce it.
4. How the Punch Affects the Puncher
While we often focus on the person receiving the punch, it’s important to remember that throwing a punch can also take a toll on the puncher.
A. Physical Strain
Knuckle Damage: Hitting a hard surface, like a jaw or forehead, can cause damage to the puncher’s knuckles. This is known as a “boxer’s fracture,” where the small bones in the hand break due to impact.
Wrist Injury: If the punch is not aligned correctly, the wrist can absorb too much force, leading to sprains or breaks.
Fatigue: After multiple punches, especially in a drawn-out fight, the puncher can become fatigued, leading to less powerful or accurate strikes.
B. Emotional and Psychological Effects
Adrenaline Rush: For inexperienced fighters, throwing a punch can lead to an adrenaline surge, which can cause tunnel vision or reckless behavior.
Moral Conflict: If the puncher is not used to violence, they may experience guilt or shock at the damage they’ve caused, especially if the recipient is significantly injured.
5. Psychological Impact of Receiving a Punch
A punch to the face doesn’t only cause physical damage. For the recipient, it can have a lasting psychological effect, especially if the punch was unexpected or in a vulnerable situation. Writing this aspect adds depth to your characters and shows that a punch is more than just physical pain.
A. Shock and Fear
Fight or Flight Response: Getting punched can immediately trigger a fight-or-flight reaction. Some characters might freeze or retreat, especially if they’ve never been in a physical altercation before.
Loss of Confidence: For characters not used to violence, being punched in the face may cause a significant loss of confidence. They may question their own strength, bravery, or ability to defend themselves.
Increased Aggression: Alternatively, the punch may trigger a rage-fueled response, pushing the character into aggressive, reckless action.
B. Embarrassment and Humiliation
Public Fights: If the punch occurs in front of others, there’s often an added layer of humiliation. Characters might feel embarrassed, even if they weren’t at fault.
Internalizing the Event: The recipient of the punch may carry the emotional impact for a long time, replaying the event in their mind, feeling shame, or seeking revenge.
C. Post-Traumatic Stress
Lingering Anxiety: In extreme cases, receiving a punch can cause anxiety or even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Characters who’ve experienced significant trauma might relive the event through flashbacks or become hyper-vigilant, avoiding confrontations in the future.
Fear of Future Confrontations: A character who’s been severely beaten might actively avoid scenarios where they could be hit again, making them overly cautious or paranoid.
6. Writing Tips: Making It Believable
Writing a punch scene isn't just about describing the physical action. To make the moment believable and impactful, you’ll need to consider various elements—from pacing and sensory details to character psychology and aftermath. Here’s how to make your punch scenes authentic:
A. Build Tension Before the Punch
Foreshadowing Conflict: Build up the tension before the punch is thrown. Is the character agitated? Are there verbal warnings or body language that suggests things are escalating? By slowly ramping up the tension, the eventual punch feels earned and inevitable.
Use Dialogue: A heated exchange of words can make a punch more meaningful. If the punch follows a particularly cutting remark or threat, it adds weight to the action.
B. Focus on Sensory Details
Physical Sensations: Describe not just the punch itself, but how it feels. Does the skin split? Does the puncher’s knuckles scrape against teeth or bone? Is there an immediate sting or delayed throbbing pain?
Sound: The sound of a punch can enhance the realism of the scene. A dull thud as a fist connects with soft tissue, the crack of a bone breaking, or the splatter of blood hitting the floor are all effective auditory details.
C. Show Immediate and Delayed Reactions
Physical Reaction: After being punched, characters rarely shake it off immediately. Staggering, falling, or momentarily losing their vision are realistic reactions. You can also show how the puncher feels—did their hand hurt from the impact?
Emotional Fallout: Punches are often emotional events. Show how your characters feel right after—whether it’s satisfaction, regret, or shock. The emotional weight of a punch can be just as impactful as the physical consequences.
D. Consider the Aftermath
Healing Process: Don’t forget that punches have a lasting impact. A black eye will take days to heal, and a broken nose could require medical attention. Characters might have to deal with soreness, swelling, or difficulty talking and eating.
Ongoing Tension: A punch can dramatically shift relationships. A once-trusting friendship could be shattered, or a bitter rivalry could be born. Make sure to carry the emotional weight of the punch forward in your story.
7. Common Misconceptions About Punching
Many writers fall into the trap of perpetuating unrealistic portrayals of punches. These misconceptions can make your scenes feel less authentic or overly cinematic. Here’s how to avoid them.
A. The Myth of the "Clean Knockout"
Reality: A punch to the jaw might cause a knockout, but it’s not always instant. In real life, knockouts are often messy and unpredictable. The recipient might stagger or struggle before finally losing consciousness, and they could wake up with serious concussions, memory loss, or nausea.
B. Punches Always Cause Immediate Bleeding
Reality: While a punch to the nose often causes immediate bleeding, not all punches result in visible blood. Even when skin splits, it might take a moment for blood to pool and become visible. Bruising and swelling often take hours to fully appear.
C. Punching Doesn’t Always Lead to a Win
Reality: Throwing a punch doesn’t guarantee victory. The puncher could hurt themselves, miss entirely, or end up escalating a fight they weren’t prepared for. Additionally, punches to the forehead or temple might not have the knockout effect portrayed in movies—they could just make the puncher’s hand hurt more than the opponent.
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drenosa · 6 months
Somewhere out at sea an Express Cruiser the Valean Fishing Vessel "The Raging Sloth" lazily rides the waves
Ren: *Behind the wheel, a bicorn on his head, humming a sea shanty to himself* This is nice.
Jaune: *Watching over a set of heavy duty fishing poles* Thanks for reminding to take my motion-sickness meds, guys. I almost forgot them in the excitement.
Sun: *Sitting on a deck chair, brewski in hand* Hey, no problem my guy. We all got a little excited.
Neptune: *A face on a Wide-Scroll that's hanging from the cabin wall.* Yeah, weird how that happens.
Sage: *Standing with Jaune, minding the poles* Still, it's great to just be away from everything for a bit. Just us, the water, the fishing poles...
Scarlet: *On the upper level of the boat* A large boat approaching fast!
Sage: And large boats approaching fast... Wait what?
A larger vessel is making a beeline for the Raging Sloth. Before long it pulls up beside them.
Sun: We should... should we be worried?
Jaune: *Sharing a look with Ren, who slowly nods* Yes. Yes, we should probably be worried.
????: ~Ahoy, Boyos!~
Jaune: Not probably... Definitely.
Yang: *Standing on the deck of the larger vessel (The Dolphin Puncher) in swimming trunks and a most flattering bikini-top, a straw hat sits on top of her wild blonde locks* You guys thought you could just go out to sea and NOT invite me?! A Patch-girl born and raised? I was fishing long before I started punching! And I started doing that before I could properly walk.
Jaune: *Trying to find a way out, looking at the rest of the guys* Well... it might...
Ren: *Placed his bicorn on top of Jaune's head, has fled deep into the boat's cabin*
Sun: *Finding the fishing poles very interesting*
Scarlet: *Minding his business up top*
Sage: *Joined Scarlet*
Neptune: *Disconnected Scroll call*
Jaune: Traitors. It might have slipped our minds our little. Say... who's also there with you?
Nora: *Sickeningly sweet tone, in a cute pink one-piece with frills* ~Oh, Renny.~ That tub of yours better have a captain's cabin.
Ren: *Muffled noises of a barricade being erected*
Nora: *Heading into the cabin* Oh ho ho, I do like a challenge.
Jaune: Right... And the rest is there too, right? Weiss paying?
Weiss: *In a white and blue bikini, sarong and a very wide-brimmed hat to keep the sun from her perfectly pale skin* Against my better judgement, yes. Just be thankful I've got access to my own private, and very sizable, funds.
Blake: *Already on The Raging Sloth, wearing a form-fitting diving suit with the front zipped down, she's watching the fishing poles with Sun* These waters are renowned for their tuna. I was never not going to join because of that.
Ruby: *In swimming trunks, Menagerie-patterned shirt and a Patch Strikers Cap* Our dad's got the local record for most fish and biggest fish caught back home. Imma gonna get those international prices, buddy!
Jaune: Well, it's lovely of you to be here, I guess. Uhm. Where's Pyrrha?
Yang: Oh yeah... she's hyping herself up.
Jaune: What's that supposed... to... *Sees the last person appearing next to Yang*
Pyrrha: *In a red and green patterned bikini that accentuates each and every curve of her perfectly toned body, her brilliant long red hair freely cascading down her back, has a shy but radiant smile as she greets Jaune* Hello, again.
Jaune: *Blinks once, twice* Oh... Hello to you too.
Yang: Alright, dumb stuff out of the way. Let's get to business!
Various noises of various levels of excitement rang out that day.
No-one was allowed, nor had the intention of entering the captain's quarters. The noises scared everyone, but Ren was congratulated afterwards by all the guys on board.
Sun caught the biggest tuna, it was lost to the greedy, hungry belly of one Blake Belladonna who "Regrets nothing!".
Ruby caught the biggest tuna that the rest managed to keep Blake away from.
Weiss did not catch a sunburn, surprising everyone including herself.
Jaune did not get motion-sick, also surprising everyone.
Pyrrha finally got her hands on her knight. The knight is still somewhat confused but happier than ever.
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crystalandparrot · 4 months
RC9GN x Reader
New Season
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Not my art!!
NEW SEASON OF RC9GN!!! This takes place AFTER the Sorcerer's defeat
If you would like to know what voice actors I had in mind for the new characters, I'll make a skippable chapter about it.
This is very different from my other stories! This (Y/n) is MAINLY based on Donnie from ROTTMNT. She can be seen as autistic, but for the sake of not writing too many details, I'll stick to the basics. If you want some chapters that have more details about autistic characters, I can write a few one shots. I don't want ANY exclusion. Without spoiling too much, her weapon is also VERY much like Donnie's. Lots of attachments, tools, and things that could further a plot line. A lot of the technology will be the same but it will all have different purposes. This is gonna be really out of my comfort zone, as most (Y/n) I write are somewhat based on me. If it ever gets too confusing or to OOC, let me know. I want to clarify, (Y/n) is NOT Donnie, I just don't see a lot of reader inserts or x readers with a truly intelligent reader and I thought it'd be cool. The Donnie inspiration was mainly because Ben Schwartz voices Leo from ROTTMNT and Randy.
I want to preface as well, if this does not become a Reader insert, this will be a slow burn. Again, getting out of my comfort zone.
"Congratulations! You have punched all the graves!"
With their signature move, Howard Weinerman a Randy Cunningham congratulated each other, but before they could completed said, 'slappage', Howard moved away.
"Now that we've finished the final final Grave Punchers game, we should talk about the Ninja situation." Howard stepped away, leaving Randy with his fist in the air.
"Okay, I know I'm gonna sound like a broken record on this but...there is no Ninja situation?" Randy asked, dropping his hand.
"Exactly! There is no Ninja situation!" Howard pointed to Randy's desk, where the mask and Nomicon lay, the book still disguised by a Math book cover. "Your Ninja stuff has been sitting at that desk all Spring Break! The stuff's probably collected dust by now." Howard complained.
"Pfft!" Randy waved his hand and crossed his arms defiantly. "N-no, no it hasn't."
Howard raised an eyebrow and blew a large gust of air at the Nomicon. A cloud of dust flew off and towards the boys, causing them to cough.
"Okay, okay. You might have a point." Randy walked to his desk and grabbed his mask. The red lines pulsed softly. "But, the Sorcerer's gone. And with him gone, McFist has no reason to fight me." Randy waved his hand for emphasis.
"Doesn't he hate the Ninja?" Howard asked.
Randy guffawed, "No one hates the Ninja!"
"I hate the Ninja!" A scratchy voice boomed throughout the circular room. "I just wanna punch him in his stupid Ninja face." He grumbled, slouching in his chair. The short burly man mashed his fists together angrily for emphasis. The man's face turned bright red, starkly contrast from his dark Judge's robe, hence the name they all knew him by.
"Whoo, take 'er easy there, Judge. You'll get wrinkles." The melodic voice came from the dark skinned woman sitting to the right of the Judge. She was staring into a compact mirror, although her counter parts were unaware as to how seeing as her fluffy hair was covering her eyes completely. With one hand holding the mirror, she used her other hand to apply bright red lipstick, the shade on the bottom read, 'Snake's Blood'.
"Yeah, you're starting to look like McFist." The sassy voice came from a tall tan man with brunette hair, elegantly styled.
"I am not-!!" The Judge angrily stood, his face red. He took a deep breath and sat back down, gently setting down his gavel after he angrily held it over his head. "I am not like Hannibal McFist."
"What's with this obsession over the Ninja lately?" The woman asked, setting her compact mirror back in her purse. "We're perfectly fine with how we're operating things now."
"And it's not like the Ninja notices small crimes, he's more focused on Monsters and Robots, right?" The brunette asked.
"Not anymore." The Judge shook his head. "The Sorcerer's gone, and with him out of the way, those Robots are soon to follow. It won't be long before he gets desperate." The Judge reached across the table and grabbed the small remote that sat in the middle. Pressing the red button, a projection appeared on the wall being the skinny brunette. "Last night. The Ninja overturned our truck of stolen money, the cops found it right after." Pictures of a dark figure, with, what looked like, a large mallet standing on top of the overturned truck, red and lights flashing behind them, making the lines on the suit look purple. The Judge turned off the projection.
"So we gotta go bigger." The woman smirked.
"How do you figure?" The brunette asked.
The woman, about to answer, stopped as her phone rang. She pulled it out of her blazer and answered sweetly, "Deputy Mayor Kranski. Oh, hi, hon!" Kranski giggled quietly, holding her other hand up to the phone to try to conceal her words, "I'm in a meeting, honey!" She stood straight once more, hand back at her side. "Yep, meatloaf is on the top shelf."
"Kranski." The Judge rolled his eyes.
"Okay, love you too. Buh-bye." Kranski smiled sweetly, hanging up.
The brunette looked at his nails out of boredom, then looked back up at Kranski. "You were saying?"
"The Ninja is used to dealing with larger threats. So why don't we give him one?" Kranski smirked, folding her hands together.
The Judge's eyes widened, "And how do you suppose we do that?"
"We don't exactly have the funds to do that. And before you start, I'm a rich designer. You want a guy to build robots, you should have gotten my old roommate." The brunette checked his nails again.
"Once again, you offer no help, Damien." The Judge rolled his eyes.
"But, I did hear that your old high school is having an invention convention in a few days. Maybe we could...sponsor one of the brilliant students to help us?" Damien smirked.
"My old high school..." The Judge looked off in the distance, remembering his old days in school. He rubbed his Norrisville alumni ring as he recalled the happy, the sad, the humiliation...oh the humiliation... "That might just be the best idea you've had yet." The Judge smirked.
The three began laughing, first small, then growing to loud chaotic laughter.
"Just you wait, Ninja. We're coming." The Judge smirked.
"I don't know about this (Y/n)."
"Bucky, you're gonna be fine. I'm a scientist—"
"You're fourteen!" Bucky interrupted.
"Still technically a scientist." (Y/n) poked her head up from behind her desk, goggles plastered on her head. The left lens was wide and red, much closer to the metal band connecting the goggles than the right lens. The right lens was slightly extended past the left and was blue. "Move to the right a bit." She commanded, motioning with her hand for her companion to move to his right.
Buck looked down at the ground and shuffled to the right, now more centered on the red 'X' on the ground.
(Y/n) grinned and gave a thumbs up, a noise of confirmation exiting her lips before she resumed her fast typing.
"So what does this do again?" Bucky asked, looking around at the dangerous equipment aimed at his head.
"Oh this? It's just a simple home alarm." (Y/n) waved her hand above her screens so Bucky could see.
"Simple, right." Buck nodded, but did not agree at all. "Has anyone ever told you that you tend to go a little overboard?" Bucky asked.
(Y/n) peeked around her screens again, goggles now over her eyes, "No, why?" Without waiting for an answer, she continued typing.
Bucky anxiously tapped his arms to his side but stopped once one of the large metal arms adjusted near his head.
"Okay!" (Y/n) clapped her hands and stood, slightly scaring Bucky. "If I did this right, you shouldn't get hurt! At least not too bad." (Y/n) mumbled. Flipping her goggles back onto the top of her head, she added some last minute adjustments.
"What was that?" Bucky asked quickly, sweating in all uncomfortable places.
"And 3, 2,-" Before she could press the 'enter' button on her large complicated keyboard, all of her screens changed to a cute emoticon of her face. The emoticon had half lidded eyes, goggles, and a lazy smirk, much like the counterpart that made it.
'School. School. It's time for the most important time of the day. School. School. As Galileo said,"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."'
(Y/n) turned off the alarm with a sigh. "As much as I'd love to listen to quotes from famous scholars all day, Galileo is right. It's time to discover new truths!" (Y/n) stood, finger raised in the air boldly. She grabbed her (f/c) satchel (A/N: sorry, just a question. Would you guys want you to have more inclusive things like (f/c) or (f/drink) or should I keep it Donnie-esque? Keep the favorite color purple and the favorite drink flavorless juice.) and Bucky's bag. She pulled her phone out of her (f/c) hoodie and began typing quickly with just her thumb, her previous excitement suddenly disappearing. (Y/n) began walking out of the dimly lit room, eyes trained on the screen. "You might want to follow quickly, because I accidentally pressed the button." (Y/n) said as she rushed out of the room.
The beeping of the mechanical appendages and weapons powering up around Bucky, made him gulp.
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birdycage · 2 months
The aim of the game is to answer and then tag some mutuals you wanna know better or catch up with!
Thank you for tagging me @b0n3d0g ♥
Favorite Color: Red, purple, and black--but I honestly like most colors.
Last Song Played: Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl by Chappell Roan. I very rarely listen to modern pop music, but I find myself enjoying her music a lot.
Currently Reading: I recently read Mort by Terry Pratchett and I really want to get Reaper Man next, but currently I'm mostly reading fanfics.
Currently Craving: Chocolate satin pie and coffee. Once a month on one of my grocery shopping trips I'll pick up a pie to enjoy a slice with some coffee after I get home. Just a little treat for going out to do something I don't really enjoy XD
Coffee or Tea: I love both. I usually have one cup of coffee in the morning, then I'll drink tea the rest of the day.
tagging: @abnormal-artist @sleeplesstories @citrine-elephant @pikabysss @b0ulder-puncher @curio-z @intothenightgarden @arcanamouse and anyone who wants to do this! Also, no pressure if you don't want to ^-^
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technicolortrenchcoat · 2 months
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Check out my beautiful fucking funnel weaver spider her name is Matilda and she has a twin named Marjorie. There's like 8 large funnel weavers living in the siding by my back door and so far I've got names for 4 of them (Matilda, Marjorie, Ethel, and Claudia) so if you've got some names that feel like they fit the vibe I'd love ideas
[ID: A large funnel weaver spider sits at the entrance to her web. You can see several dead bugs caught in her web, which becomes denser and forms a funnel which she sits at the mouth of. The spider is a yellow toned tan color and has cute little mouth punchers (i do not know their name) which are sort of red. She's very cute.]
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queenvernage · 4 months
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chouriki sentai ohranger | episode 19: the new robo's red impact
╰┈➤ “ohred... this is what we're protecting.”
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tintreach-cleite · 11 months
Kendal: Remade incarnation of a trapped god
Alinua: Chosen vessel of primordial Life
Erin: Elemental Magnus possessed by the void
Tess: Chosen by the sky and certified dragon puncher
Dainix: A weapon of fire, tempered by soul flame
Falst: some random cat boy
Between the importance of all Falst's party members and the weird light slashes he made, I think it's safe to assume that red has something up her sleeve that will make Falst much more interesting than he already is.
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biomic · 5 months
Top 5 Sentai Mecha theme songs?
man this could change depending on the day, but off the top of my head
5. gouyuu! grateful phoenix
4. yuuki bakuretsu
3. makka na toukon!! red puncher!!
2. keisatsu gattime! patkaiser
1. combination! vroomagine
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kayssweetdreams · 5 months
The Perfect Finale Ch40
Meanwhile, Back in the Real World...
Kaylo stared at the door in worry. It had been quite a while and both maestros, nor the human group still have returned yet. The pink haired girl stared worriedly at the costumes. While being away from Wonderworld made the Tims and Negati begin to fade, the costumes began to look more...human, as their magical parts began to dissappear. One of the Dawn Butterflies wings began to fade away, as their antennas turned to hair, while a Key Mouse's tail began to vanish, and it's ears shrunk to human size
Unfortunately, this also made them very weak as well. "When...When are the maestros coming back?" Asked a Paladin Puncher, as he played with his newfound arms "U-Um...I'm not too sure. They still have to get their powers back." Kaylo replied, trying to ease their worry. "I hope that they're OK..." A Guardian Bird asked as her beautiful wings began to fall away to normal arms. "I-I'm sure they're fine!" Kaylo said, trying to remain optimistic.
A sudden beat in her combined Wonderworld heart however said otherwise. She felt a sudden pang as she could suddenly see Balan and Lance running for their lives from what looked to be a giant red Negati, and Yin glaring angrily at something...or someone. Kaylo gasped as she looked around wildly, the costumes staring worriedly at her. "What's wrong?" A Inky Blaster that could be mistaken for Lucy asked.
"I gotta get to Wonderworld now! The maestros looked like they were in danger!" She said. A Whirling Wolf turning human blocked the door "No! You can't go in there! Not while the Banished Maestro is looking for your heart! Going in there now would be suicide!" He said. "But Balan and Lance need help!" Kaylo tried to argue, but a Double Jumper and Double Trouble grabbed her arms and began dragging her away from the door.
"You must understand! Yin is a MONSTER! He will destroy you if he gets the chance!" The Double Jumper said. However, once again, Kaylo's emotions ended up amplified thanks to the heart, causing her to blow them, and the rest of the costumes back. The auditorium around them had transformed into a more wondrous theater, and the doors looked more grand, now decorated in gold, and Drops.
Looking around, Kaylo dashed towards the door, ignoring the protests of the other costumes. A rush of multiple emotions rushed through her, but her main concern was helping the maestros against Yin. She slowly opened the door, feeling the pulse of the heart beating against her chest. Wonderworld was in DIRE need of its heart...especially when Yin was threatening its very existence.
Without a second thought, the pink haired girl walked into the door, making the costumes get worried, as they began to turn human even FASTER. "Oh no! Oh no! She's DOOMED!!" Jellyjolt panicked as her tentacles became hands.
It was only a matter of time before it was too late...
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anotherwvba · 6 months
Learning on the Job pt. 3
The WVBA Gym was abuzz with activity, as it was every Wednesday morning. Von Kaiser’s thick German accent and authoritative voice boomed as he worked with the children’s class. On the other side of the gym, a hip hop beat played loudly as Disco Kid’s “Grands’ Glove-Up” boxercise class for senior citizens was in full swing. And amidst all of this, boxers and hopefuls alike trained hard with their coaches, either for upcoming fights or hoping to get the opportunity to compete in the WVBA’s rings.
Beside one of the many rings in the gym, Gemma, Skye, and Mika were running through a ladder drill to hone their footwork. Skye’s coach Vanessa and Gemma’s stunt coordinator Dudley watched on closely, Vanessa providing most of the feedback and encouragement. 
“C’mon, ladies! Smooth like butter, slick like ice,” Vanessa called out. “If the other girl can’t hit you, she can’t beat you.”
Skye circled from the front of the line to the back, “Yes, Coach!” As she started her next lap through the ladder, Skye saw Gemma struggling with the swift and precise movements, “You’ve got this, Goldie! Let’s go!”
“C’mon you blasted…” Gemma muttered to herself, her face turning red, more from frustration than exertion.
Mika, in line behind Gemma in the drill, saw Gemma’s awkward movements and whispered to her, “Gemma, you can do this. Deep breaths and relax. Don’t overthink it.”
“Left, right, back, quick quick, slow… Argh!” Gemma exclaimed, her aggravation coming through clear as a bell.
“You’ve got this, Goldie,” Skye encouraged, noticing Gemma’s frustration. “Find your rhythm, girl.”
“Oo, take it easy,” Mika chimed in, “One step at a time.”
Despite the encouraging words, Gemma found herself stumbling over the rope ladder and her own feet. She tumbled forward and crashed to the floor, knocking the wind out of herself. Mika took a knee at her side as Gemma got to her hands and knees, gasping for air, catching her breath.
“Dammit to bloody…” Gemma whispered to herself as she regained her wits. Breathing slow and deep, she saw a pair of clean and neat black boxing boots come into view. They were accompanied by her stunt coordinator’s refined British accent.
“On your feet, Miss Golden,” Dudley said with a steady voice. “Focus and start again.”
Mika helped Gemma to her feet and Gemma glared daggers into Dudley. “If it’s that bloody easy, Mister Dudley,” Gemma snapped, irritation lacing her voice, “why don’t you show us how it’s done? I don’t understand how a dance routine is going to help me punch someone or, more crucially, keep from getting punched?”
Dudley was silent as he calmly knelt down and tightened his shoelaces. As he stood, he held Gemma’s gaze, “Coach Maxwell, if you please.”
“Sure,” Vanessa answered, moving to face Dudley who had taken up position at the front of the ladder, his back facing it. “Ready when you are, Dudley.”
“In your own time, Coach Maxwell.” Dudley settled into his wide boxing stance, hands in a peak-a-boo guard, his base as a power puncher evident.
Vanessa smiled and snapped into her own stance, arms in a half-guard position, a light boxer’s bounce finding rhythm. Then… jabs flickered toward Dudley’s face that weren’t just fast, they were sudden. With every jab, Dudley fluidly and deftly moved back out of range, speed and grace his size shouldn’t allow. Vanessa pressed forward, jabbing at a persistent pace, but without pattern.
A broad smile formed on Skye’s face as she watched alongside Mika and Gemma. “Look at ‘em go! They’re amazing!”
Mika nodded and leaned close to Gemma. “Watch their feet, not their hands,” she whispered.
Gemma cast her eyes down and focused on the two coaches’ footwork. Not only were they flawlessly executing the same footwork drill that the girls had been running, Dudley was doing it backwards! “Impressive,” Gemma whispered with genuine admiration.
“Each drill is a piece of the puzzle,” Mika said. “We learn the skills one by one, but that’s so that we get comfortable enough with each one that we can use them all at once in the ring.”
Skye chimed in, “Can’t dance if you don’t know the steps, Goldie.”
With eyes on them from throughout the gym, Dudley and Vanessa finished the drill. Von Kaiser even had his kid’s class watching, “Meine kinder, a round of applause for ze excellent demonstration.”
Clapping sounded from around the gym causing Vanessa to blush slightly and Dudley to give a polite and stoic nod to those applauding. “My thanks, Coach Maxwell” Dudley said as he extended his hand, “I greatly appreciate your assistance.”
“Any time, champ,” Vanessa shook Dudley’s hand and smiled.
“Miss Golden,” Dudley turned to Gemma, fixing his gaze on her, stern but supportive. “The art of boxing is far more than simply punching your opposition. Further, a real bout involves a great deal more than simple choreography. One must anticipate their opponent’s movements, be prepared to improvise their own, and have technique honed to the point of instinct.”
“It’s kinda like dancing with some random person in the club,” Skye said, resting a reassuring hand on Gemma’s shoulder. “You don’t know their moves or their rhythm. You’ve got to read their dance moves and anticipate where and how they’ll move next to keep up the dance with them.”
Vanessa smiled, “And if you are a good enough dancer, your rhythm takes over and you start leading the dance, not reacting to it.”
“You’re doing way better than you think, Gemma,” Mika said, placing a reassuring arm around her shoulders. “Relax and keep practicing. Soon enough, it’ll be instinct.”
Gemma politely removed Mika’s arm, something Mika didn’t expect and that took her aback. “A question, Miss Mika. There’s something I don’t quite understand. Why? Why help me learn when you could easily defeat me Saturday? You’ll likely defeat me regardless, but why give me any opportunity?”
Mika took a deep breath, “Because boxing isn’t about beating someone up.”
“That seems rather contradictory to the objective of the sport,” Gemma said flatly.
“It does,” Mika chuckled, “but it’s true. Boxing is about testing yourself, mentally, physically, and emotionally. The mental test is chess in real time, anticipating and outthinking your opponent. The physical test is bringing your whole body into focus to execute the blows and defenses. The emotional test is the pain, the excitement, the crowd, the win, or the loss. And through all of that, if the test isn’t hard…”
“... it isn’t worth taking,” Gemma finished. “Like performing Hamlet with a classically trained Shakespearean actor. If you bring all your skills and talents to every scene, you’ll see where you stand and it’ll drive you to improve.”
Mika smiled, “Well, I’m not an actor, but that sounds right to me.”
Gemma returned the smile, “Well I’m not a boxer, but I hope to provide a suitable test.”
“You are not a boxer… yet,” Dudley spoke clearly from the ring. “But we will strive toward that goal. For the picture and, perhaps, for yourself.”
Skye and Mika both nodded their support and approval, bolstering Gemma’s spirits and her resolve.
Vanessa sat down on the ring apron, “Enough lollygagging, ladies! We ready to get back to work?” Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, a suddenly serene look came over Gemma, as if something suddenly clicked. They are my castmates, she thought, and the cast is only as good as its weakest member. Mika, I’ll not let you down. We will put on a two-woman show for the ages.
Star Mika is an OC belonging to @cyrah-is-cool101 and is used with permission.
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