#Reblogging cause i'm actually going to be responding to stuff here now
fleshengine · 2 days
What happened to your friend does sound awful, but it doesn't sound like something that's actually unique to trans women. Someone making false claims after a bad breakup and people believing claims of victimization are fairly normal occurrences across the board, especially since people do generally believe it's praxis to believe all victims immediately. The fact that your friends came around in a matter of days is a better than average result.
Hi Velvet, I think this is the second or third time you've come on to one of my posts where I talked about transmisogyny and tagged it as such. Those posts don't get a ton of traction, do you just like... patrol the transmisogyny tag or something?
Anyway I do not feel a need to clarrify myself to you. But I will add that there were a lot of details that I didn't add to the post, stuff I will not be discussing, that solidifies my belief that it was an example of transmisogyny. I'm not at liberty to talk about some of it, and for the rest I honestly just do not care enough to defend myself to you. I lived my life and you read a rant about it.
That aside, do you know how many transfems I know who have been made out to be rapists/mentally ill after they broke up with their partners? Do you want me to list all the normal occurences across the board that have made me personally terrified to show others intimacy? Why is it that when someone says "that trans girl is a rapist!" people believe her but when trans girls say "we keep getting called rapists, this sucks" we get people like you telling us that it's normal to be made out into a charicature and systematically cut off from your entire social group?
Now that I've got that out of the way, let's dig into your word choice.
"What happened to your friend" this voice is so passive it's going 45 in a 50. "What that guy did to your friend" is much more direct and active, that's a sentence fragment that drinks orange juice with its breakfast. I probably would've accepted "what was done to your friend" because even though it's passive it still emphasizes that someone did something wrong. But you didn't even do that. Instead you completely removed the idea of fault from the equation, no one did it, nothing caused it, it was divine intervention that my friend nearly lost their entire support network.
"does sound awful" it doesn't sound like anything. It is awful, through and through. I hate the man that did it even though my friend has forgiven him.
"better than average result" average what? Messy breakup or transfem targetting rumor mill? It was a better than average result, I can attest to the average and it's not good. I'm glad I was there to sway people back to reality.
Moving on, you only addressed one of the two things I mentioned. I said "break up with a trans woman and unperson her" and "unperson any trans woman who's minorly annoying." You completely skipped the whole "a guy tried to tell people I was a gaslighter because I asked him to stop calling my friend a sociopath" bit. The post wasn't even saying that what happened was specifically transmisogynistic (it was), I was literally just talking about how stuff I was hearing mapped onto my life.
I also find it interesting, how you put this in an ask instead of a reblog. A reblog puts whatever I said on your account, an account I've heard you regularly use to support transmisogynists. I'm happy to talk to you more, genuinely I like to argue and you seem interesting enough. But I want what I say on your account. I'm not going to respond to another ask or reblog on this one until you reblog the original. Here I even got you a link.
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izakiisdead · 2 years
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ii there's no romantic stuff in this oneshots, just happy moments with team 7 (excluding Kakashi)
ii likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
Requested by : No one :3
Genre : Fluff (SFW)
Team 7 x Bunny Male!Reader
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It was a sunny day in Konoha. You were peacefully minding your own business drawing in your room since there's no missions which means its a day off for you and the team.
As you were drawing you heard a knock at your door, you put on a hat to hide your bunny ears and rushed downstairs. The atmosphere went from a house to a mochi and sweets shop because your house is connected to the shop that your family owns. You were a little confused why is there a customer today, the shop is always closed on Sundays.
You opened the door thinking it was a customer but it was actually the rest of team 7. You forgot that you were supposed to have a picnic with them. Your ears perked up which cause your hat to lift up a little. Naruto and Sakura gave you a huge hug while Sasuke just stand with his arms crossed looking at you. You looked at him with a confused face and he chuckled under his breath.
''(M/n) chan ! Are you ready to go on a picnic we planned last week ?'' Sakura asked with a huge smile on her face. You nodded in return, ''Yep !'' You responded with a smile as you patted both Sakura and Naruto's head.
''Please wait for a moment!'' You rushed back in, leaving the trio confused but that confusion turned into joy and excitement when they saw what you came back with.
''Here !'' You made a drawing and a candy for each of them but you didn't make a candy for Sasuke because he's not really a fan of sweets so you made him his favourite snack, onigiri with a side of fish and tomato.
You saw his face lit up a little and it soon went back to his usual expressionless face.
Naruto and Sakura was crying tears of happiness. ''(M/n) chan.... WE LOVE YOU !!!'' they said in unison as they pulled you in a tight hug.
''Its nothing... lets get going now !'' You gripped your picnic basket tightly before heading to the picnic's destination.
The four of you walked together, you in between Sakura and Naruto, Sasuke is beside Naruto.
As you three were walking Naruto decided to ask you something.
''Hey, (m/n) chan, why do you always wear a hat ?'' He asked while walking. ''Does it look bad ?'' You asked him with a pout. ''N-no it doesn't! I'm just curious why.'' He responded as quickly as he can when he saw you pout.
''Well... I dont have any reason to do so..'' You lied. ''If you dont have any reason then... can you take it off ? I'm curious'' Sakura said as Naruto nodded. ''I'm curious aswell.'' Sasuke stated which surprised You, Sakura and Naruto.
''W..well I promise its nothing, I just think hats are nice !'' You said, nervously. ''Guys, lets just leave (m/n) and his hat alone. Plus we're already here.'' Sakura said with a sigh as she was pointing to our final destination.
The four of you sprint to the spot and properly set ul the picnic.
You guys are sitting under a Cherry Blossom Tree because its pretty.
The four of you enjoyed the picnic, Sakura and you were happily conversing over food while Naruto and Sasuke were just bickering about who can eat the fastest.
Naruto stopped bickering with Sasuke for a moment which left Sasuke a little confused. He thought of something mischievous to take off (M/n)'s hat.
He sneakly climbed up the tree and prayed to Kami he doesnt die doing it. After he properly positioned himself, he’s said under his breath that he’s going to launch at (M/n) Sasuke looked at him confused.
When he finally launched himself, you noticed Naruto's shadow and since you didnt have much time to react his body fell on you, your hat fell off causing your bunny ears to spring out.
Sakura and Sasuke was shocked about what Naruto did. Sakura, as fast as possible made sure you’re alright and gave Naruto a whack on the head for potentially hurting you.
You watched the two, completely ignoring Sasuke who was right beside you.
“Bunny ears huh?” He said in his monotone voice as he tried touching it. You squirmed and your face went red when he tried touching your ears. That’s when you realized that your bunny ears are completely exposed. Sakura and Naruto heard your squirm then looked at you and Sasuke.
Their faces lit up when they saw you.
“B-BUNNY EARS ?!?!” Sakura and Naruto said in unison. They ran to you gave you a big hug which flustered you. “You’re so adorable (M/n) !!” Naruto said energetically. “Un ! Un! Why did you hide them (M/n)? You’re literally so cute !” Sakura agreed with Naruto for once (joking joking ww)
“W-well I thought that it’ll creep you guys out-“ You expressed. “WHAT ?!?!” They shouted which made you curl up your ears. “Why would we be creeped out ? We literally have Naruto here, you’re the last thing that’ll creep us out.” Sasuke stated as an irk mark appeared on Naruto. “YOU !!!” Naruto shouted. “What is it loser.” Sasuke replied which cause Naruto to get even more mad.
“Those two will never stop bickering will they ?” Sakura sighed as she puts her arms on your shoulder. “Mhm, at least our group is quite lively” You chuckled.
“(M/n)” Sakura sternly said your name which caused you to look at her. “if anyone bullies you for your bunny ears remember that me, Sasuke and Naruto will always be by your side to defend you!” Sakura stated as she puts her hands on your shoulders , you nodded at her statement. “Thank you Sakura” You responded as you gave her your signature closed eye smile.
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I’m so sorry for the lack of posts, Ive been really stuck in a writer’s block and now I finally have the motivation to write :’P
Here’s some of my fav ss ! :
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just an update?
Hello my maggots, Asmi here. I'm really sorry that I haven't replied to a lot of the stuff I've been tagged in/reblogs/DMs, it has been a... chaotic two days. I promise I'll get to them soon, as soon as my mind calms down a bit (to its ordinary level of chaos, I mean).
In an update on the 10khaos, for those who haven't heard, my hair is indeed now Crowley red, the Discord server is made (and currently broiling in utter madness, the Youtube channel has also been made and I have an idea for the first video, and I will soon set forth and adopt the Crowley, Aziraphale and Adam plants.
So as for the irl mind stuff, it's basically that the red hair brought up the question of whether or not I'd be able to go through with college, design school starts in May-ish.
(um mild tw for bullying and a mention of transphobia, skip the next two paragraphs if that is a trigger for you)
I've been in college before, that was design too, for three months. And I had to drop out because I was being isolated and bullied by everyone there including the dean, as well as a lot of transphobia and discrimination on the basis of mental health issues.
Soooo... yeah. There's also the fact that the new college will be far more conservative and I live in India and it's all really a shit of a mess. So my mum asked me to think about whether I wanted to do distance learning instead, since I already am a designer and have done projects.
It's a lot to think about. And my head is being all messy, ya know how it is. If any of you have advice or experience with distance learning, that would be amazing, actually.
(Also my family were kind of really mean about my Crowley hair)
(Oh well)
(I love it and I have you amazing maggots so)
Anyway yes I just wanted to say what was going on so that you know why if I don't respond immediately to things going on :") And if you want to interact with the other maggots, the Discord server is always there, links get messed up on posts but I'm sure @arkytiorlecter or @howmanyholesinswisscheese will send you the invite link if you need it. It's in one of my posts, but things do tend to get lost on my blog, don't they?
No matter what I want you all to know that you are so, so loved, you are more than enough just by existing and being your beautiful selves, and you have made my life immeasurably better. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I love you I love you I love you maggots. I promise I'll go through the notes soon and cause chaos :") So beware. It just might take a day or two for me to get back to my usual frequency of chronical onlineness (which is my happy place muehuehue).
Have a wonderful day, and remember to eat and sleep and hydrate and take meds if you need to.
All my maggoty princely love for you, Asmi
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Hello hello everyone.
I've seen that quite a few people who started following me lately have very different opinions than yours truly.
Now, I'm just going to assume it's because you want to see what someone like me has to say about certain things, though I actually doubt that is the case given how you respond to other people.
But yeah, assuming everyone is going to have the best intentions from here, I'd like to say this:
I love having conversations with people who may view the world in a different light. I think dialogue is the best way to advance in society and not create a further divide.
However, all of you must know that if you follow me, you'll probably run into a lot of opinions you won't agree with, since my ideas are diametrically opposed to yours. Those ideas and jokes may make you angry, and that's fair. I'm not standing on a high horse claiming that certain ideas also don't make me angry. But that is the reason I don't follow political blogs that hold them.
Now. The last thing I want is causing further resentment and divide. I've stated many times that I think there's waaay too much of it right now.
So, if you already know that following me will only lead to hateful comments and scathing anonymous asks, I respectfully ask you to unfollow me, maybe even block me. While those messages do nothing to me, I imagine that getting to a level of bitterness so high that forces you to send that message does.
Let me be a bit of a hippy here. I want to build bridges. Not burn them down. But if those bridges only lead to hate and unsolicited attacks, well... Let me be a bit of a Trump here, I'll build a wall. Lol.
But, if after reading this, you actually want to keep following me to get a better grasp on another view point, then you are more than welcome, and I hope the stuff I reblog doesn't bother you too much.
TL;Dr: if you want to follow me just for an excuse to get mad, don't. There is no good reason. If you want to follow me to have a civil conversation, you are more than welcome. Just don't risk getting mad at pixels on a screen. It isn't worth it.
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yooniesim · 1 year
any suggestions for becoming a sims based blog? I used to do it back in the hayday of sims 3 but it's been YEARS and I still absolutely love making sims, but I'm too shy and nervous to interact with the community ;;;
hi nonny! this is a complicated question that I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask lol but let me try it out. I think I'm gonna separate it into two parts for ease of reading. And sorry if it's a bit more cynical than you probably expected. I've just learned a lot i wish I had done from the start, lol. So here we go.
Sims content
Post whatever tf you feel like. If you love making sims, post the hell outta them and don't worry about what anyone thinks. There's no one perfect type of content to appeal to everyone; the community is made up of a million smaller niche ones. Editors, sim makers, gameplayers, storytellers, cc makers, etc. If you're passionate about it, you'll find people that love your posts. So don't worry too much.
Don't get too hung up on editing, if you want your pics to look "better" then use gshade/reshade and/or simple psd actions to your liking. Don't let it get stressful cos it ain't worth it. If you don't enjoy editing, don't do it at all. (I wrote more about how I edit & make it easier in this post)
Try your very best not to worry about notes. I know it's hard. Everyone wants their stuff to be seen, but when it comes to engagement on here, you're aiming for quality over quantity. A few awesome mutuals commenting on your stuff is way better than 600 silent likes. Also, having more attention sucks bc it brings the vile swamp rats out of their holes to see what shit they can stir up. The brief serotonins aint worth it. Just aim to find a few cool ppl to talk about your sims with cos thats all that matters.
If you want, find bachelor/ette or similar challenges ppl are doing and submit sims for them. And once you get some mutuals/followers, open sim requests so you can make sims for people. It's super fun and awesome to see your sims in other people's games! And you don't have to talk too much if you don't feel like it, but it's an easy way to get involved with others.
Social stuff & safety
Comment on peoples posts often if you like them. Engage with ppl. Reblog posts you see you like but don't really have any reblogs. I know you said you're shy but, this is most of the way to actual have mutuals that enjoy talking to you and comment on your stuff as well. You can just not talk if you want but it'll make it harder to have any engagement unless you're really good at edits or cc making.
Don't get involved with drama/discourse, it means nothing and amounts to nothing. If you're going to boost someone else's post, look into it first and look for evidence that it's even true before you reblog. If people hate on you in your inbox, block the anon and don't respond even to laugh at them. Block anyone that gives you bad vibes. They look at you funny, breathe wrong, use a color you don't like. Block. If anyone tries to start shit with you, block & completely ignore them & don't comment on it. It hurts, but there's nothing you can do about it, and people will move on if you ignore them.
Don't reveal any personal info about yourself on here or to anyone in DMs. Don't use your real name. Don't have anything connected to your other socials. Don't trust anyone on here with your vulnerable emotions, past trauma, etc. And don't say anything in DM you wouldn't feel comfortable with everyone else on the internet potentially seeing.
If you pledge to people on patreon, be aware that your email will show up on their end when you do. Dont use your real name as your patreon username.
If simblr is causing you stress, you feel like your mental health is suffering, take breaks. Log off or delete the app for a while.
And... I think that's all I can think of for now. If there's anything else detailed you wanna ask about feel free. But these are just my general thoughts. Good luck, nonny :)
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blackbozo · 4 months
"Go ahead, put anything."
You know what Tumblr? I might just take you up on that offer.
This link is for my boyfriend, Taylor. And Taylor only. If you aren't Taylor, and you come in and edit this. You're a fucking monster. I'm trusting that no one fucks with this. Please. Don't prank me. This is probably the only way that my baby boy can talk to me right now. Please. You can read it. But.. Don't talk to me about it. Don't edit it. Cause it's for me and my boyfriend only.
PLEASE take the time to read this before interacting!
Here's some stuff to know about me!
My names Benjamin, I am 13, and I got Tumblr recently.
I'm not new to Tumblr, but I wanted to make an actual account when I was of age so I wouldn't be smitted by the Tumblr Gods.
Uhm, I go by all pronouns, and I am Omni Male Pref, and I'm poly, currently dating the sweetheart that is Taylor over at @montygatorshusband!
I like a lot of things, so ask me questions on stuff if you also like
Minecraft (Cringe, I know, but I still like it)
Stranger Things
Murder Drones
The Amazing Digital Circus
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Bendy and The Ink Machine
Bendy and The Dark Revival
Anything else Bendy-
The Owl House
Star Vs The Forces of Evil
I'll probs add more stuff to this list but thats it for now
Anyways, I am aware of
Gravity Falls
You can ask me my opinion on it but it might not be accurate cause I'm not super into it.
Homophobic. You're just gonna be mad at me.
ZOOPHILLIES. Furries and Therians, you aren't Zoophiles, you're good and safe here.
Uhm.. If you're someone from school who finds my account. Just DM me. I won't respond to your asks.
Anyways, I'll add stuff to this cause it'll be pinned.
Talk to me! Reblog and like my stuff to your hearts content! I like attention but don't wanna admit it.
Just be chill here. Please talk to me if for any reason you're mad at me. My DMs are always open if you need to vent or someone to talk to! I'm in the CDT timezone and I can't use my phone past 9pm. I do anyway but don't expect me to respond. I still have school too so-
Yeah! Basically, chill, have fun here! Enjoy your scroll, and have a good day/night! You are all lovely.
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lykaios2 · 5 months
blog hiatus details
if you're reading this you probably saw my blog title so let me explain (tl;dr at the end)
life has been a tad crazy at the moment (moment meaning like the past 3 months as of posting this) for a few reasons. i am currently doing my first year of college/running start so dealing with that and adjusting to a different workload/workstyle has been interesting and frankly time consuming. my family has also been going a bit crazy and while it doesn't really affect me personally it sometimes does take a portion of my thoughts. i am also just kind of in that age where i'm preparing for the real world; driving a car, getting a job, college, etc. and while i have thankfully got through my horrendous seasonal depression (it was so bad this winter) it is only replaced by anxiety so that's pretty epic as well.
throughout the past few months the busyness and mental illness caused a really bad lack of motivation, and as you may have noticed i just started reblogging like hell. i did feel a bit bad about it ngl. on the bright side, i do have a few ideas in store for when i finally get back my motivation and time (which might be soon). also hopefully with the seasonal depression out of the way it'll be easier for me to get over any negative thoughts i have about doing art
also i slowly just kinda forgot about this blog with life needing my attention a lot more. when i come back, i'll probably make another blog for rb'ing, so i can make more meaningful posts here on the main blog. i did get the classic "doing it for the likes" feeling a lot, and i probably will still have that when i come back, but i'll try to be doing stuff for myself more. maybe i'll also actually get good at art
i also apologize to those who have been tagging me in stuff, i do feel really bad about not responding. i miss you guys and i am super excited to come back, i just need to prepare myself a bit more
tl;dr: life has been crazy, motivation has been down. i have ideas for when i come back, which is hopefully soon. also i will try to change my view on how this blog works and operates
anyway thanks for reading all this, see you guys soon ❤️❤️❤️
also i am dating someone now. whoops 🙃
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willel · 1 year
Why is twitter so toxic? I think you wrote something about it some time ago, that on tumblr, for instance, there’s no immediate incentive to write a hit post and then to come up with the most outrageous claims that create "engagement"? Or because it’s not really about direct conversation made of short messages when everyone wants to "win" the argument, but favors calm analysis instead. Anyway, I just can’t go there anymore right now, too much hate and stupidity, I’m glad there’s still blogs like you and a few others to enjoy some ST escapism.
Twitter's short form context was pretty great when it came out years ago. "Tweets" were generally someone putting random thoughts out in the aether or a quick notification or an alert to check out news on this site or that site. I feel like it wasn't meant for what it is today, for people to be interacting with each other in a meaningful way. Like, what are you gonna talk about in 100 characters or less? That's why you'll sometimes see old tweets of celebrities floating around of the most random nonsensical statements with no context. That's what twitter was as its core.
Now combine that with people starting to use twitter for more than just random thoughts that popped into peoples head. It started to be used for political activism (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) and fandom activities.
We all know how bad politics fandom can get on long form sites like tumblr and reddit. Imagine how much worse it is when you cut away all context and nuance to fit in a tweet.
Imo, it set twitter on a downward spiral. Doesn't matter how much they increase the character limit, the culture now is tweet fast. React fast. Argue fast. If you lose, resort to other means. Anything to win. Anything to get your tweets more attention that the other person.
It's like a game. I'm sure that plays into the desire to be "famous" that a lot of social media enjoyers crave.
I'm not saying tumblr is much better, but I feel the culture here is more like "take your time" or "time doesn't matter, old stuff is good". Tumblr does have an issue with people not reblogging content, causing good posts and content to go unnoticed given there is no real algorithm here, which is sad. But for the most part, ain't nobody here trying to get famous. Everything is talking and creating stuff for the sake of it.
Most of the time even the people arguing here are arguing about stuff that happens off site or they stay in their corners and tag correctly. (if you don't tag correctly and start fights on purpose, I immediately assume you must be from twitter)
People who have been here on my blog for a while are probably thinking "Tch, what do you know about fandom conflict?" and let me tell you, in my youth I participated in a ship war. It was just one,but still. I didn't resort to name calling or doxing people though, that's for sure. I wrote essays and essays in response to people, defended my ship, made stuff for my ship (which I still do), the whole shebang. It was all here on tumblr and deviantart. I do have a twitter for that fandom but I don't use it for any drama. I can say the drama on twitter is MUCH WORSE than anything I experienced on tumblr.
That is the ST fandom on twitter in a nutshell. No one can mind their own business. They're constantly spying on each other, posting using common search terms of the people they don't like and then acting surprised when the people they don't like respond to them. It's all like a game. Every blue moon when I go there to see if there's WillEl things, inevitably I will see shippers using it to fight against each other or crap on Will or El.
Once a week it's the same suspects saying the same things over and over again. Finding something pointless to be mad about. Sending angry anon messages. Never actually sitting down to enjoy the ships/relationships they claim to be a fandom of. Cannot mind their business and always have something negative to say. Denying what is literally in the show because they personally don't like it. Literally the worst kind of people to have in your fandom. (I associate that kind of behavior with like.... Riverdale drama or something. Sorry if you're a Riverdale fan. Lol)
In conclusion, yeah. I think twitter is that way because the short form context has breed a culture of "win or lose". Mixed with a little bit of celebrity idolization and a desperate desire for people to interact with you even if it's negative.
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fanganedit-beach · 2 years
Iroha... the painter... baby..
I apologize for the late response , gathering the screenshots for the analysis was difficult lol. So i'll cover Iroha's fte's on this post and if this analysis gets support i'll reblog with a follow up analysis of her actions in game (though i'll mention stuff about the kg here of course)
Iroha isn't a decieving character, so analyzing her fte's were much easier than the other ones i've watched and tried to analyze (which i'll try to cover later) Anyways let's get started, First lets start with this.
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In iroha's first fte, she explains painting helps to calm her down when she's in a rough spot. We'll stick a pin on this as this point will become importantish later. Taking what she says and thinking about what happens with her throughout the game I believe she means rough spot as in when she's stressed, I think it'd make the most sense she'd paint while stressed since this has probably been a built in response to pressure since her childhood, so its not necessarily the painting itself that calms her down than it being just a natural response after such a long time of being pressured to paint.
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Also in her first event, Sora asks iroha if she can watch iroha paint, iroha says yes of course but she also responds with this as well. Iroha doesn't stutter much during her events so I think this is a way of showing the pressure of having someone watch her paint, once again because of her backstory iroha was watched a lot while she tried to draw so even if sora had no ill will, her watching iroha paint probably reminded her of that time (only a little bit) and it caused her to feel pressured, thus her feeling the need to work extra hard in sora's presence.
This isn't really too relevent, but I thought it'd be a neat thing to add
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These are the kind of paintings iroha usually paints, she does all sorts actually.
But she also on rare occasions also draws
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Manga. However her events make it clear that she's not very good at drawing it. For whatever reason the talent given to her with divine luck seems to not apply to her manga drawings.
This is also another addition I thought would be good to add
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This is something iroha says during her second fte if i remember right, its one of her responses to sora's multiple choice answer. From what I remember sora clarified something she said to iroha because she didn't understand what she meant the first time. This is actually pretty common for iroha in her event to not really understand what sora means at times, So Iroha has difficulty understanding stuff people say sometimes, which in full honesty I actually kinda relate to, I'm sure a lot of people can relate to this too.
Now, iroha's favorite types of manga!
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She likes slice of life and comedy, its understandable that iroha going through what she did would just want to enjoy light hearted things, I could just be reading into it too much here though.
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But what really gets iroha into a certain manga is the characters, if she likes the design of the characters and they are cool she'll enjoy it no matter what genre. This is also just another relatable moment with iroha tbh.
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Back to deep analysis, I thought this would be important to add because usually iroha is depicted as selfish but when she realizes she's only talking about her own interests, she apologizes (again relatable) So I thought i'd just add this to remember that while iroha acts selfishly its mostly survival wise and as a person iroha is pretty considerate of others feelings.
After this sora actually encourages iroha to draw her own manga, and while iroha is hesitant at first;
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Because sora told her so iroha decides to, though with the amount of dots i think iroha honestly wasn't sure about doing it but since sora insisted she didn't bother to talk back. I might be looking too deeply into this part but this might be a small piece of evidence showing that iroha has a in general issue of saying no.
On to her next event, iroha shows sora her manga but as mentioned earlier, it didn't turn out as great due to her given talent not working with manga drawings. So sora says it doesn't look that great and the story wasn't understandable.
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Iroha obviously doesn't take it well, and while she quickly cheers up I can't help but feeling bad for her in this moment, it makes me think of all the times back during her past where she would be constantly scolded for not drawing in a way that was satisfying to her family.
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Like I said she quickly cheers up, though with her using her nervous sprite during this line I can't help but think she just said this to comfort herself. Honestly it just made me think about all the times iroha tried to tell the cast to think positive, and how maybe this might be a common thing she says to herself for comfort and assumed this would work for the others too.
So she tells sora she'll remake the manga and it leads to the next event, and sora's response is much better saying the story is more understandable (though the art is still not great) and she responds with this.
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The line itself isn't anything too big, but its the sprite she uses during it that interests me. She responds with her crying smile sprite, and honestly its just heartbreaking. Sora was probably the first person to compliment her on her manga.
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And she is, she's the only person who's ever liked iroha's comic's, its genuinely such a sweet moment when you think back on it.
And a bit after iroha explains why that's the case.
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Yup. Iroha's parents are those kind of art snobs. Iroha's parents don't see manga as an art and what counts as art to them is only the ones in museums.
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And because of that iroha wasn't allowed to read manga, she had to hide the manga she had just so she could. And when her mom found her secret stash she ruthlessly tore the manga apart, so iroha never really got to enjoy what she liked.
After this we get the most infamous scene in iroha's events, the uh two boys kissing drawing on the back of her manga. Of course its obviously a shock and kinda odd but the one notable thing about it is iroha's response to sora seeing the doodle.
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She actually gets super embarrassed by it, it doesn't matter what choice you make she still responds with her insisting sora forgets she ever saw it. So i'm pretty sure its just a private thing she doodles for one, and another is it kinda makes sense? I guess? Iroha didn't get much freedom as a kid so she probably never got the chance to actually explore things like relationships or sexuality, and seeing how the lgbt is commonly viewed i would like to believe this was just iroha trying to show a bit of rebellion and explore sexuality now that she can and not...the other thing.
And finally iroha's final event, she invites sora to her room so she can paint a self portrait of her. Remember the first point I made? Well now I can finally take out that pin.
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As Iroha doesn't actually like to paint, in fact its upsetting for her.
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Her entire family does all these types of art, and all have a name in the art world and influence, and probably enjoys it possibly more for the fame though.
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But iroha doesn't, she draws everday and can paint with such skill, but its not what she actually wants to do in fact with all that's been done to her she's upset by it and probably can't stand it. But comic's, the one thing she's not an art master at is what really makes her happy.
After this explanation sora encourages iroha to stop painting and instead focus on drawing manga, which iroha states she'll try to do. obviously this doesn't happen considering the multiple times she paints in the game, which brings back my first point that painting has sadly just become a reflex for her at this point when she's under pressure.
And this is my analysis on iroha's fte's, I hope I did good with this its my first time doing something like it after all. If anyone would like a follow up analysis like i mentioned in the beginning, just send an ask :)
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khmarrenian · 1 year
☁︎a small-silly-sorta abt + tag system pin post (will be edited as i feel the urge to silly return)
hey there; i do stuff and like lot's of stuff and have trouble doing things on time. a bit busy atm so i might respond late (sorry abt that!!)
i go by any pronouns (not including neos, ie just he/she/it/they), and i forgot what my name was!! (can't wait to get one ehehee-)
☁︎ ukr/eng + learning latin and polish (im trying (help) ☁︎ ∞ minor (late teens) ☁︎ creeps, westsplainers and vatnyks dni (if dni lists are still a thing) ☁︎
i'm sick of my old tag system so HERE YOU GO
#%иїо, for most reblogs
#art-rbyay, for reblogs of art by others
#queueeey, queue tag
#aCtualoriginalstufftent, for =} once in a blue moon (original posts, includes text posts)
#.ao, for a variety of things from 3am-postin' to 10 braincell posts and random thoughts
#khmartdump, an art archive sort of thing. posting old art or other such creations that may or may not be quality but sure are ~memories~.
#khmarrkin, for wips, discussions about them and whatever project i feel urged to work on at the moment
#khmarrawrings, - sillier doodles and some (often unfinished) sketches
i generally tag spoilers with the format of *titleacronym*S#E#spoilers (eg tgammS2E1spoilers) for tv shows, and "*fulltitle**year*spoilers" (eg thestepfordwives1975spoilers) for films. if a thing is tagged as a spoiler for the episode of a tv show assume it's spoilers for every following episode/installment. I'll often use 2 spoiler tags eg #tgammS2E15spoilers and #tgammS2E7lightspoilers where S2E15 is a brand-new episode that is the main concern of a post, but the post may still be a spoiler if you haven't watched S2E7 - it may be a smaller spoiler (say, a new character) but is still a spoiler, and you might want to steer clear. In all cases I'll be using variations of "*titleacronym* spoilers" (eg tgamm spoilers) alongside the aformentioned tags. I'll try to stay consistent with my spoiler tagging (and use more spoiler tags in general) so you hopefully don't get spoiled, and I apologize for the confusion caused by this fairly convoluted system!!
you can check out my old tag system in the about page - some of my old posts use that old system so if you stumble upon them, checking that might be useful. Here's some stuff I'm into and which you may find on this blog (depending on how things go and whether i,, yk, actually post:
Wander Over Yonder
The Ghost and Molly McGee
The Owl House
Bee and Puppycat
(+Gravity Falls, OtGW, Steven Universe, She-Ra and SVTFOE but i'm not too into them rn)
Keytars, if that counts
Lemon Demon
Tally Hall
Jack Stauber and Will Wood to some degree. Although I'm not too well-versed on either to be fair.
The Beatles
The Stepford Wives (1975)
Stranger Things
Horrible Histories (+the six idiots themselves)
that's it for now. I'll update this whenever I please, mbyeeee *have a great day whoever you are btw
0 notes
resowrites · 2 years
A Bird In The Hand - oneshot (request).
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Summary: Henry’s girlfriend reaches breaking point when he informs her he has to go away yet again…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Girlfriend!OC
Warnings: angst, fluff, relationship difficulties/argument, language, pet names, nondescript OC body type/appearance, lightly proofread.
WC: 1548
A/N: My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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A Bird In The Hand - oneshot.
"So? Did you miss me then or not?" Henry smirked as she emptied his suitcase, deciding what needed to be either cleaned or packed away.
"Not." She refused to meet his eyes but he could see she was smiling.
"Yes you did, don't bloody fib."
"Nope, not even remotely." She zipped up the suitcase and went to slide it under the bed.
"Er, leave that out actually… I'll need it again in another week." Henry looked at her sheepishly, not wanting to have to drop that particular bomb so soon after he got back.
"What? Why?" He looked towards his feet, the disappointment in her eyes a bit too tough to bear.
"Look I'm really sorry. It isn't what I want either, but my agent in LA wants me to meet with a director next week… she thinks I've got a good chance of landing a lead role." Henry trailed off once he realised an invisible wall had gone up between them. She bit her lip slightly and then nodded her head, backing out of the room so she could finish sorting out. He chased after her. "Darling wait a minute, I can see you're upset, so let's talk about it." She spun around to face him once they both reached the bottom of the stairs.
"What's there to talk about Henry? You want to go to LA, so you're going to LA." His eyes narrowed as she walked toward the kitchen.
"Now wait a minute, I have to go darling… he wants to meet me in person. Otherwise, I may not get the role." Henry placed his hands on his hips, watching her ram a load of his clothes straight into the washing machine.
"I said I understand, I’m pleased for you darling. Now, what do you want for dinner? I was going to make lasagna but I'll make something else if you'd like?" He rubbed his forehead, keen not to make the situation any worse but at the same time, desperately wanting to fix it.
"Do you really understand though? Look, I've had some success but I have to go after the bigger and better projects… they don't just land in my lap. But that doesn't mean I don't love you or appreciate what we have any less. I always ask you to come with me but you usually opt to stay here. So what else am I meant to do?" She stared at Henry for several moments but ultimately decided not to respond. Instead, she started fetching the ingredients from out of the fridge.
"Dinner will be ready in about an hour if you want to go take a shower." He sighed and stepped up to the counter, gently taking the stuff from her hands.
"Darling we need to talk about this. What good is it pretending everything's okay when it's not?"
"Henry for the last fucking time, I don't have an issue with you leaving next week!" Henry crossed his arms, his own frustration now bubbling up.
"See? I want to try and fix this but you just snap at me. Let's be honest, shall we? You like playing the martyr, you don't even need to work as hard as you do. I have enough money for you to be able to step back a bit and spend more time with me, but no, you choose to stay here. It isn't me who's causing this situation - it's you." She wanted to scream. Instead, she calmly removed herself from the kitchen and raced upstairs, refusing to let him see the tears now blurring her vision. She slammed the bathroom door behind her, locking it so quickly that she almost caught her finger in it. But he didn't come after her, all she could hear was the front door slam and eventually the car backing out of the driveway. She fought back her tears, refusing to break down. Instead, she quickly undressed and hopped into the bath. The coldness of the enamel jolted her body and finally caused her to sob uncontrollably.
Henry returned about half an hour later though he didn't come up to try and find her straight away. She was still laying in the empty bath, her head aching and mind muddied by the whole situation. She didn't even hear him climbing up the stairs or knocking gently on the bathroom door. "Darling, are you alright? I'm sorry, okay? Come out and join me downstairs, I got us a takeaway." When she made no reply he started getting worried. "Darling just open this door so I can see you're alright? Then I'll leave you alone if that's what you want." She wanted to go to him, to talk and to try and make everything alright. She just didn't have the energy.
"I-I'm fine. Just leave me please." Her shaky voice frightened him and he began to wonder if they might not be able to get past what he'd said.
"Okay darling, I'll be up to check on you in a little while. Please try to come down for something to eat. Or I'll bring it upstairs if you prefer?" Again, she couldn't answer him. Henry sighed and leaned his head against the door.
After he'd finished eating alone he trudged back upstairs, hoping she'd either want something to eat or be curled up, fast asleep. Instead, he found her tucking her pillows under her arm while she searched for a blanket. "What are you doing darling? Come on, get to bed, we've both had a long day." She tried to get past him but was too tired to resist when he clasped her by the shoulders. "I'm not going another night without you sleeping next to me." She sighed and slumped onto the bed, her eyes closed even before her head hit the pillow. He stripped and took a quick shower, returning to find her almost asleep. He climbed into bed, gently pulling her towards him until his body was cupping her bottom and lower back. "Good girl…" He whispered as he kissed the still damp hair on the side of her head.
Henry was up before her the next morning and decided to cook a full breakfast. He didn't realise she was already sitting downstairs, scrolling through her phone, as he crossed the living room holding a large tray of food. "Ah, there she is. Good morning gorgeous girl. I was going to bring you up some breakfast. Here we are, we can eat together now." She mumbled back a good morning as he lowered the tray onto the coffee table and began pouring her some orange juice. "Do you want tea as well? Or coffee?" She chucked her phone aside and grabbed a slice of toast while she thumbed the tv remote.
"No thanks," He sighed. "What?" Her voice came out sharper than she intended.
"It's nothing darling, I just hoped that now things have calmed down a bit, we might be able to talk." She sighed, putting the toast back down and chugging back the orange juice instead.
"There's nothing to talk about." But Henry persisted.
"Yes, there is. Look, my trips away are as hard on me as they are on you. But I need to find a better balance because it's clear you don't think I prioritise you enough." She quickly cut in.
"Don't put words in my mouth Henry. I respect how important your job is to you and I've never expected or asked for more than what you do already." He looked down sadly.
"But you should expect more. It's normal to need me, to want me around more. All relationships take work and ones like ours even more so, but we can we do it, I know we can." She bit her lip, clearly choosing her next words carefully.
"Look, I chose this life and accept it because I love you. But I'm not sure I can sacrifice any more of myself..." Henry swallowed hard.
"Oh darling, I know you're scared and believe me… I am too. But I've promised to do more. I can't get out of going to LA next week and I understand if you can't come along this time. But will you come with me on the press tour? I've already told my agent I'll only be doing two weeks instead of four. If not, then how about I take you away for the two weeks after that? Sometimes we're just going to have to meet each other halfway." She sighed again, realising that given their different desires and personalities, this was the only way of making what they had work long term.
“Would it be okay if went away in this country though? You know how I hate getting on a plane.” He grinned broadly, by the time summer rolled around, he’d have no desire to step onto yet another plane either.
“Of course! What were you thinking? Peak district? What about Jersey? There’s still plenty I haven’t shown you there—” she leaned in and gave Henry a long kiss, wiping the bread crumbs out of his beard as she pulled back.
“I’ll leave it to your good judgement darling, just so long as we’ll be together… no camping though.” He chuckled and drew her in for another kiss.
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To be updated on when I post please follow @resowrites and turn on post notifications.
@greensleeves888 @marytudorbrandon @identity2212 @ignis-writes @inlovewithhisblueeyes @itsafansworld07 @pinkhippo44 @luclittlepond @ignis-writes @f1-hoff @kebabgirl67
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tinyproprodigy · 3 years
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"A sober New year" - Julian x Male Reader
||Notes : you will be briefly addressed as "He/Him/sir" || + || hope I got his personality close to his.||
|| Reblogs are welcome! ||
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He. Was. Trying.
All night he had managed to stay away from any type of liquor as weird and strange as it may have been for him to walk sober amongst semi drunk party guests for the first time in forever-
Why was this happening? Did he quit drinking all together? all of a sudden? No, that would be a far fetched lie. This all stemmed from a conversation he had with Asra a few days back at the Rowdy Raven.
Asra listened in amusement as his friend ramble on about how Nadia planned this event for the new year, how she planned that event. But most of all, he was excited about the liquor she had managed to get.
"I'm telling you, this stuff is amazing!" He praised as he sipped his normal rum, asking for another cup already
"Kir Royale. A French cocktail." Another sip as he continued. "Only had it once and it was enough to get me obsessed with it!"
"then why don't you order it often?" Asra asked, gesturing his glass towards the bartender for emphasis.
"Asra, Asra, Asra. If the good stuff were to be found everywhere, it wouldn't be that much of a good stuff now would it?" He asked teasingly, getting a huff of mock exhaustion from Asra as he responded "The pumpkin bread made by the Baker is good stuff AND there's a lot of it so I don't know what you're talking about."
"right you are." Julian laughed, choosing to surrender this time.
"is the drinks all you're excited about?" Asra asked after a light pause in the conversation, calm eyes watching Julian as he waits for an answer.
"But of course not! I'll be able to show y/n the famous Kir Royale drink and have him taste it. I'm pretty sure he'll like it since it has a fruity... I'm feeling like I'm saying something wrong?" He slowly asked, taking note of Asra's unamused look.
"okay, let me help out your pityful soul for a sec."
And just like that, the plan was set. No drinking till midnight. An excruciating trail but one he was willing to put up with. Apparently this was a last time sort of thing, as there would be no traces of the drink the next day.
"hey" you called out, stepping beside him as you both watched the guests enjoy themselves. "Hey y/n! Enjoying the party?" He asked, gesturing to the scenery a bit dramatically. "It's almost midnight, might wanna go back and have fun before it strikes midnight."
"what do I look like? Cinderella?" You asked, laughing a little as a waiter walked past with drinks and snacks.
"would you like a drink, sir?" They asked you in a well mannered tone. Their posture and small smile showed professionalism.
"No thanks, I'm good."
"And you sir?" They turned to Julian, who was desperately trying to avoid any interaction between him and the waiter. "Me? Nah heh..I'm great!"
Watching him with squinted eyes, something clicked in your brain. A small devilish smirk crossed your lips as you turned to the waiter once more. "Actually, I think I'd like one."
That itself caused Julian's gaze to snap back to you, which you did not miss from the corner of your vision. "Right sir." The waiter smiled as he handed you the glass with a skilled hand and walked away to cater to the other guests.
Taking a whiff of the glass was amazing on its own. The fruity-sweet scent was relaxing and refreshing. "Wow, this actually smells delicious." You commented, glancing up at Julian.
"That should be expected! My reviews are nothing but accurate." He nervously chuckled, inching away from you as you kept on insisting he sniffed the drink too.
Listening you commenting on everything about the drink was slightly excruciating for him. The smell, the taste- even the drinks look.
What he didn't know was how you had barely drank much from the flute glass. Your intention was never to accept the drink for yourself to begin with- even though it tasted like heaven from the small sip you took.
"huh?" He asked in confusion as he watched you nudge the drink at him. "Oh, I don't really"- "I don't mean sniff it." You chuckled as you stood up straight. "I got it for you. I don't wanna drink it."
"I don't- you drink it." He nudged the drink back at you, forcing a smile. "No, you drink it." You nudged it back, forcing a smile of your own.
After a bit of bickering, you two sat in silence as the glass sat on the table Infront of you, untouched.
"why aren't you drinking?" You asked, huffing in exhaustion. "Are you sick?"
With a laugh, he shook his head as he explained what had lead to the no drinking rule. "Pftt"- you held in a laugh as he watched you in mock sadness as he wiped fake tears away with the table cloth "What's so funny? You're laughing at my struggles!?"
"No, no. Sorry." You laughed, shaking your head. "That was actually pretty sweet of you to do."
"then, there is no issue, yes?"
"no, there still is." You sighed, clasping your hands over his soft yet scared ones. "That doesn't bother me. As long as you're enjoying yourself too, i don't mind. What's important is that you and I are both having fun."
"Right..." He smiled, feeling slightly embarrassed. "How foolish of me- then let us have fun together before it's midnight, what do ya say?"
Just as he had said that, the count down began.
"Have fun within ten seconds, that's new." You teased, as Julian rolled his eyes and extended a hand for you with a soft smile. Placing yours in, you shifted closer, closing your eyes with a soft smile of your own as he placed a palm on your cheek, then resting his forehead on yours.
His thumb brushed your cheek
Your face tilted a bit
Soft lips met yours as the count down ended, a ruckus erupting around you bit the sounds distant. Like going underwater. His focus on you and you only.
"happy new year!!"
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Meeting the parents - corpse husband
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I'm a sucker for like "meet the parents/family" fics, so could you do one where you've been dating corpse for a while and your parents still don't know him, all they've seen is the pics you've posted on you private Instagram which never includes his face, they just see his dark aesthetic which makes them a little hesitant. Then when you bring Corpse to meet them, they put that together with his voice and him being kinda closed off due to being nervous and stuff and so they prejudge him a little. But it all ends fine, they realize that he's actually really sweet and they end up loving him.
Genre: fluff, angst but not really
Warning: shy corpse
Pairing: corpse husband x reader
Blog appropriate for all ages
Please don't post any of my content anywhere else without my permission.
Comment and reblogs welcome!
"Are you ready?" You asked corpse as you walked up the steps to the front door to your parents house.
Corpse sighed, "yeah, I guess." you can tell corpse was nervous and you didn't blame him. Corpse was shy, barley interacted with people, something you understood. You didn't want to do this but your parents were dying to meet him after seeing faceless pictures of him on your instagram. Now here you were.
"it's going to be okay babe, just take deep breaths." You said before knocking on the door.
Your mother answered a few seconds later. She squealed, wrapping her arms around you. "My baby, you're here." She placed a kiss on your cheek before pulling away. She turned to corpse giving him a soft smile. "And you must be corpse. It's nice to meet you honey."
She gave him a hug causing corpse to give off a shy laugh. She pulled away, sighing. "Alright you two come in. Let's meet your father."
You and corpse followed your mom into the kitchen where your dad was sneaking food. Your mom smacked his hand away. "Honey meet corpse, corpse meet y/l/n."
Your dad stuck out his hand, pressing his lips into a thin line. He wasn't sure what to think of corpse who was dressed in all black. "Nice to me you son."
Corpse shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you as well."
Your dad sighed, "well, shall we eat?" You smiled, "yes." You responded. Your mom Walked past you to the table. "Well let's eat."
You turned to corpse giving him a grin. He smiled shyly and followed you to the table.
You, corpse and your family ate dinner together. Small conversation was made and corpse was slowly and slowly slipping out of his nervousness.
After dinner, you all settled on the couch to talk. Your dad was the first to talk, and it was to Corpse.
"I gotta be honest with you, at first I thought you weren't going to be that great but after spending some time with you, you're very calm and down to earth. I can tell y/n really love you as well."
You turned to corpse seeing him smiling softly. "Yeah, I really love her as well. She's beautiful and smart. She's really amazing."
Corpse turned to you, smiling. Of course you caught onto Corpse saying he loves you, which was the first time. You couldn't wait to tell him the same later. Meeting the parents went perfectly
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tsui-no-sora · 2 years
I am on a talkative mood rn so yes have this <3
To be fair I am a lurker pretty much and I was so close to being a lurker with Karmaland too; the only reason I made a side blog was because I wanted to make a pun out of the url (Quackity with K of Karmaland - Kuackity).
I didn't see more than a couple of reblogs, maybe a tag or two in the future of that blog. I am usually nervous talking like in text cause I am not the most elocuent person nor the one with the best gramatic and wording.
But I think you were the one who made me want to become active, I just couldn't help responding to your takes and the back and forth of input made me so happy that I decided to invest myself in this of being active and voicing things.
Thanks to you I made a pinned comment (yes my example was your own, sorry), I started liveblogging (seeing you reblog my live blogs was special), you were my first ask (and probably the reason I have gotten asks since most are anons and you told me I had it off), I made banners cause I saw you made one, and so many little things.
Now I have 30 followers (is not a lot maybe to some but I was always on 2 in my main), a lot of posts, people reblogging content, adding their own, I have guides now, and anons with special names and so much.
I am sappy now, but thank you so much. I am so glad to be your mutual (you my first mutual too) and I am just happy in general to be able to droo here, or in your tags, or see you in my tags, in my asks. Just yeah 💜💚
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Sorry I read this and then I re read this and then I read it again because I was freaking out I took screenshots of it so I don't lose this ask
You don't know how happy it makes me hear that me yelling back to the posts you wrote made you want to be more active I have never really been active in any fandom before except for one where it was literally just me and my irl friends posting for each other it's really difficult for me to get enough confidence and energy to post my fics and to post my analysis about things even now I still have so many posts on drafts because I get nervous and scared easily you are really like the first person I have interacted like this with ever
You are also the reason I even get asks and stuff now I have always been used to just sending them and lurking around but now I mostly get at least one or two asks a day you don't know how insane that is to me and trust me I get it 30 doesn't feel like a lot compared to other people but I had my main for about eleven years now and used to be really active on it and never got past like 10 followers and they were all irl friends so it is a lot
It's so cool being told you made the banners because you saw mine because I loved the banners you made and immediately wanted to use them and I inspired my own pin posts out of the blogs I looked up to the Liveblogs thing as well I got more interested in posting my random thoughts in real time because I saw you doing the same and I wanted to keep reblogging and interacting
I initially thought that posting about Karmaland was just going to be me yelling to the void with maybe one or two reblogs here and there you don't know how happy it has made me to actually have somebody to speak about my Minecraft series with and somebody to send asks and reply to posts back and forth to make theories and headcanons with it's really the best part of fandom
You are the first mutual on this fandom that I actually speak with consistently and I really love your posts and I'm glad I helped you get a little more confidence to share them with the world our community it's rather small but I like that it exists and we are in it you know it's really cool it warms my heart and you even got your anons with cool names
Thank you too for being such a cool person and hanging out with me in my blog I love hanging out in your inbox and in your tags all the time
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
I am doing ok :> I just have intense mood swings and i'll go to my doctor soon. maybe it's a hormonal issue?? or maybe it's mental illness-
i usually don't check my social media profiles that much. I only go on here reblog some funky shit, post my art and look if u responded to my asks :>
MY GIRLFRIEND? man i love her so fucking much- I can't my heart. she's so perfect. I wanna be with her all the time (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
I did what u recommended. I like kept the instagram acc but like emptied it ig. and I uninstalled it. imma make a deviantart page today :> yeah it's mostly for art I think.
YES imma scorpio uwu
actually at first I didn't feel very comfy cuz of what happened, but since i got together with my gf, it's been...nice? they r all so supportive and it's like so awesome, cuz I feel so valid there. and jeff recently came up to me and said: "yo if u ever need a hug...i- i'm here u know" and then I went: "jeff do u need a hug???" and he said: "HUH??? ME? NO I- yeah kinda" and then we hugged :> so I think we r besties now uwu! AND i finally met candypop OMG... it was so cool. i have been starting this habit of a subtle everyday clown makeup (that was the conversation starter) and lj and me have been hangin out. he was like: "wanna meet candypop?" and I got so excited...u don't understand :>>>> it was so much fun.
BEN missed me telling him abt u. I was forced to paint his nails while giving him updates on all the fics and stuff... it was nice tho ^^ he liked the hug and he is also super proud of u for everything u do <3 "tell them to keep going, they r awesome and valid and they can do anything they put their mind to!"
I would just have to say exactly what he did. I am bad with words so I am happy he is good with them lol
tysm <3 I adore u too ❣
I have super intense mood swings too, so you’re not alone! Everything’s gonna be ok, promise
I REAPIND RO UR ASKS IN LIKE AR LEAST 3?? Hours cause i get so excited ehheheheheg and want to TALK WITH U ALL THE TIME.
I’m glad u guys are going good! ONG PROUD! Look at u making your devianart art acc!! GRRRR my best friend blue is also a Scorpio!
I’m so happy 🥺🥺 that u feel validated there, and Jeff is being the SHIT RN! He’s so cute! I feel like I would be the bestest of friends with him, I relate to him a lot 😋,,, fuckkkn and u got to meet candy pop. Sheesh man I’m so jealous rn, I WANNA DO SUBTLE CLOWN MAKEUP BUT IDK HOW.
omg he missed you telling him about me? Shut the FUCK up before I fall more in love with him. I am literally head over heels would die for him. But you already know this. I feel like it’s embarrasing, idk why hm.
Fuck. Fuck he really just gave me the validation. Fuck. Great now this is prime crying material. I will be using this- don’t worry I will. God I just wanna hold him and cry while he holds me, I just wanna be next to him for a second Man. What I would give for a second.
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racebox-of-higgars · 3 years
//plops down at table with three notebooks//
Good evening.
You shall now be the subject of my rambling and info-dumping, seeing as you have recently reblogged a post about invading your ask box to do just that.
So, buckle up, my beloved mutual, for I am about to talk your damn ears off.
We all know historians are heterosexist shabuire, yes? Yes? Good. So I've taken it upon myself to send an f-you to all of them and collect evidence for one of the historically accurate ships they so desperately try to erase. The one in question here is, of course, Alexander Hamilton x John Laurens, or more commonly known as Lams.
I've done... a lot of research, to put it mildly. And yes, as a matter of fact, I do consider reading letters from the late 1700s and screaming because I can feel my heart MELTING as research.
Anygay, there's a lot that I have right now so I'll just hit the highlights, because if I go completely in-depth with everything I've found, this'll be thousands of words longer.
The year is 1779. The month, April. The date... unknown. Which sucks. Alexander and John have fought together for years at this point and are very close... friends. This is the first time they've been truly separated. The letter open with:
"Cold in my professions, warm in my friendships, I wish, my Dear Laurens, it might be in my power, by action rather than words, to convince you that I love you. I shall only tell you that ’till you bade us Adieu, I hardly knew the value you had taught my heart to set upon you. Indeed, my friend, it was not well done. You know the opinion I entertain of mankind, and how much it is my desire to preserve myself free from particular attachments, and to keep my happiness independent on the caprice of others. You should not have taken advantage of my sensibility to steal into my affections without my consent. But as you have done it and as we are generally indulgent to those we love, I shall not scruple to pardon the fraud you have committed, on condition that for my sake, if not for your own, you will always continue to merit the partiality, which you have so artfully instilled into me."
So pretty much what this opening paragraph is saying is this: "*Sexual innuendo* And I'll keep telling you that until you die. So you know I hate everyone and don't want to have any attachments to anyone. But you've managed to worm your way into my heart, even though I didn't want it. So now that you've done it, please keep doing it, for you if not for me."
Now that's just hella gay. Like, hella fucking gay.
The middle paragraphs are mainly talk about the war, so skipping those for the end because that's when things get spicy as FUCK.
Alexander asks John to find him a wife and goes into great detail about exactly what he wants in a wife. I saw a theory somewhere (I can't remember where) that Alexander was actually describing John and yeah, it pretty much checks out. Keeping in mind deliberate irony is a thing.
So then he goes on to say: "...mind you do justice to the length of my nose and don't forget, that I ⟨– – – – –⟩." 'Nose' is a slang term. And the - - - - - are crossed out words. We'll get to those later.
The last sentence of this letter is: "I have gratified my feelings, by lengthening out the only kind of intercourse now in my power with my friend." and I find this. So. Sweet. He's pretty plainly missing John. And just- he uses the word intercourse. How- how is that platonic? This is gay. They're gay. It's gay.
In almost all the letters that survived, they're signed with "Yours", "Affectionately Yrs.", "Yrs most sincerely", "Yr affectionate", and "Yrs forever" from Alexander. "Adieu, my dear boy", "My love as usual", "You know the unalterable sentiments of your affectionate Laurens", and "Yours ever" all came from John, with the last being the most common. That's... also not terribly straight. Something additionally interesting is that John's father, Henry Laurens, called his wife, Elenor, "Dear girl." That would make it explicitly romantic in his eyes. John also called his wife that in the only surviving letter from him to her. Oh yeah, he's married and has a kid, btw.
So pretty much how that happened was John's boyfriend Francis Kinloch broke up with him, he banged Martha probably 'cause he was sad and pissed and had a lot of feelings, she got pregnant, then he married her out of pity. Alexander knew none of that. And they were really close. The only reason he found out was because he happened to stumble upon some stuff he shouldn't have, and he was pissed. The whole paragraph about him detailing the wife he wanted? Pretty much petty payback.
Devoted is an interesting word, isn't it? Stronger than it's synonyms, such as caring or loyal. So if we skip ahead a few years, Alexander is engaged to Eliza. He tells John about this, John responds, and in his next letter he says: "...as if after matrimony I was to be less devoted than I am now." He's telling him, "Don't worry, I'll still love you as much as I always have. Just because I'm getting married, it doesn't change my feelings for you." Again. Heterosexual explanation? None.
" I hate Congress—I hate the army—I hate the world—I hate myself. The whole is a mass of fools and knaves; I could almost except you and Meade." Keep in mind that at this point now, Alexander was married. And he didn't include his wife in the exemptions. Only John and one of his closest friends, Richard Meade. Dunno 'bout you, but that seems rather telling to me. He also says at the end: "My ravings are for your own bosom." And I can't. His ravings are for John's heart I can't.
These are just some of the highlights of my nearly six thousand word book on this subject. I would happily copy/paste it all, but I'm not gonna subject you to that XD For full viewing the link is here, should you wish to listen to me ramble and rant in more detail.
Thank you for allowing me to dump this all on your lap, and I shall now bid you adieu. //vanishes back into the shadows//
HI, sorry it took me so long to answer this, I’ve had a pretty full-on day. 
This was actually super interesting to read. I actually did a little bit of research into this about a year ago, when I was writing Lams fanfiction, so I knew about the ‘cold in my professions, warm in my friendships” letter, but not any of the others, so thanks for this!! It was a really fascinating read, and I definitely learned a lot from reading it. Have a good day :)
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