#React Js development services
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vipul-dhok · 1 month
Looking to Hire ReactJs developers? You’ve come to the right place! Resourcifi, a leading ReactJS development company, allows you to hire ReactJS developers and gives you access to the most experienced team of professionals with diverse experience across many industries. Hire ReactJs developers with extensive experience across 12+ industries. Best ReactJs development services at Part-Time, Full-Time or an Hourly basis. Get in Touch.
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step2gen · 2 months
Welcome to the world of React Hooks! In this blog, we're going to take a deep dive into React Hooks, exploring how they revolutionize the way we build complex applications with ease. Whether you're new to React or a seasoned developer, understanding hooks is essential for creating efficient and maintainable React applications. Read more....
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mydailynewupdtaes · 2 months
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The Future of Web Development with React JS | Mobiloitte
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digital-aptech · 5 months
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thereactcompany · 7 months
How to Send Form Data Using Axios Post Request in React
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Many developers use React, a leading programming language for app development. Industry leaders prefer React for cross-platform application development. A proper understanding of React and the library is essential to work well for the project. If you want to handle react project properly, you can hire react developer and finish the task.
As a React developer, sending form data to a server in react with the Axios. Processing axios is an important javascript library. It is the best way to make HTTP requests from a browser or nodejs. Individuals must understand how to use the Axios to make a post request and send form data.
About Axios:
Axios acts as an HTTP client for JavaScript that works in browser and node.js. It is an easy-to-use and lightweight library that delivers the perfect interface for HTTP requests. Axios can build on top of XMLHttpRequest API and fetch API. 
On the other hand, it supports promise API and intercepts responses. Axios is responsible for transforming requests, canceling requests, and response data. It is excellent for changing JSON data and provides client-side support to safeguard from the XSRF. It supports browsers like Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Edge, and IE.
Form data:
Form data is the encoding type that transfers to the server for processing. Other encoding types can be utilized for non-file transfer like plain, text, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, and a lot more. React developer helps you in sending form data in react projects with Axios.
If form-data lets files to include in form data, plain or text propel data as plain text without encoding. It is applicable for debugging and not for production. Application/x-www-form-urlencoded instructs data as a query string. Encoding type can be included in HTML with enctype attribute. 
Send form data in the Axios request:
Sending form data in the React app to the server is an important task among many developers. Axios is an important library for making HTTP requests quickly in React. You can understand the important process of sending form data in the react project using Axios. 
While using Axios, developers easily make post requests and set the data they wish to send as a request body. If you carry out this process, you can utilize the Axios.post() method that acquires two arguments. It obtains arguments like server URL and data you need to send. 
FormData object joins two fields with matching values. It makes HTTP requests to specific URLs with a FormData object. It uses them as a request body and sets the content-type header to multipart or form data.
Once the request is successful, the response can log into the console. If the request is abortive, the error response can log to the console. Using Axios in the project requires installing Axios first. You can install it with the proper command.
Launch react project:
Whether you have a project already, you don’t need to launch. If you don’t have any projects on your device, you can create them first. 
You can open a terminal and run the required command. 
npx create-react-app axios-form
Once project creation is over, you can go to the project directory.
Install axios:
To use Axios for post requests in the React project, you must install it properly. You can use the following command to install the Axios.
npm install axios
After successfully installing the Axios, you can carry out sending the form data in a project with the Axios post request.
Create form component:
When it comes to the React project, you must make a new component for form. You can name it and save it with .js
// src/Form.js
import React, { useState } from ‘react’;
import axios from ‘axios’;
function Form() {
const [formData, setFormData] = useState({
name: ‘’,
email: ‘’,
const handleChange = (e) => {
const { name, value } = e.target;
setFormData({ …formData, [name]: value });
const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
try {
const response = await axios.post(‘YOUR_API_ENDPOINT’, formData);
console.log(‘Form data submitted successfully:’, response.data);
} catch (error) {
console.error(‘Error submitting form data:’, error);
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<br />
type=” email”
name=” email”
<br />
<button type=”submit”>Submit</button>
export default Form;
In this component, you can label the form with two input fields. You can utilize the useState hook to deal with form data. Axios is ideal for making the post request when the form submits successfully.
Import and apply form component:
After creating the form component, you need to import and apply the form component to the project.
// src/App.js
import React from ‘react’;
import Form from ‘./Form’;
function App() {
return (
<div className=”App”>
<h1>React Form with Axios POST Request</h1>
<Form />
export default App;
Replace your_api_endpoint:
In the form component, you can replace your_api_endpoint with the actual endpoint. It is easy to send the form data in a project and complete them easily
Run React application:
After the above step is over, it is time to run the React application with the following command like
npm start 
React application is running and allows you to access it in the browser. You can fill out the form and click the submit button. You must view the form data that is sent to a specified API endpoint in the browser console. You can try the necessary steps for the form data sending in the project utilizing the Axios post request. 
Overall, the above details are useful to understand the process of sending the form data in react with Axios. With the help of a hire react expert, you can get the proper guidance and support to handle this process. 
Experts assist you in integrating the form component with the server-side endpoint and dealing with the data effectively in a project. Axios makes a form data sending process in the react app development project. So, you can work with the skilled and knowledgeable react expert and obtain an ideal solution for challenges. 
The React Company : Empowering Developers in React Technology.
Don’t Hesitate to Get in Contact for More Info.
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pattem · 7 months
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Explore unlimited possibilities with our React JS development services. From dynamic user interfaces to seamless web experiences, our team crafts innovative solutions to stay ahead in the market. Explore our services and partner with us to drive the growth of your business.
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mobiloitteinc02 · 7 months
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React JavaScript Development solutions in Mobiloitte USA
Visit: https://www.mobiloitte.us/
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kisworks · 10 months
Elevate Your Digital Presence with Expert PHP Development Services
Empower your digital journey with our PHP development services – where innovation meets efficiency. Our expert PHP developers are in action, harnessing the power of this robust scripting language to craft dynamic, scalable, and secure web solutions tailored to your business needs.
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How To Create A Login Page In ReactJs - An Ultimate Guide
Websites have both public and private pages. A public page is available to anybody, but a private page requires a user login. Authentication can be used to control which users have access to which pages. When a user attempts to view a private page before logging in, our React application must handle it. We'll need to save the login credentials once they've properly authenticated.
We'll create a dummy API that returns a user token, a login page that retrieves the token and an authentication check that doesn't reroute the user. If a user is not authenticated, we will prompt them to check in before enabling them to progress without requiring them to visit a separate login page.
What Is ReactJS?
ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library used for building user interfaces or UI components. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React is often employed for creating single-page applications where data can change over time without requiring a full page refresh.
Key characteristics and features of ReactJS include:
Component-Based Architecture:
React follows a component-based approach, where the UI is divided into reusable, self-contained components. Each component encapsulates its own functionality, state and rendering logic, making it easier to build and maintain complex UIs.
React allows developers to describe the desired state of a UI and it automatically manages the updates when the underlying data changes. This leads to more predictable code.
Virtual DOM (Document Object Model):
React utilizes a virtual representation of the DOM, called the Virtual DOM. It creates a lightweight copy of the actual DOM, allowing React to efficiently update and render only the necessary components when there are changes. This approach results in improved performance and faster UI updates.
JSX (JavaScript XML):
React uses JSX, which is an extension to JavaScript. JSX allows developers to write HTML-like syntax within JavaScript code, making it easier to describe the structure and appearance of UI components. JSX is then transpiled into regular JavaScript by build tools like Babel.
Unidirectional Data Flow:
React follows a unidirectional data flow, which means data in a React application flows in a single direction, from parent components down to child components. This makes it easier to track and manage the state of your application.
Declarative Syntax:
React promotes a declarative approach to building UIs. Developers describe what the UI should look like based on the current state and React takes care of updating the actual UI to match the desired state. This declarative syntax allows for more straightforward code and reduces the risk of bugs caused by manual DOM manipulation.
React Ecosystem:
React has a vast ecosystem of libraries, tools and community support. It integrates well with other libraries and frameworks, such as React Router for routing, Redux for state management and Axios for handling HTTP requests. This rich ecosystem enables developers to extend React's capabilities and build robust applications.
Add The Container:
To add a container to your React application, you can create a new component that serves as a wrapper for your content. This container can help with layout and styling and it's a common practice in web development.
Let's assume you want to add a container around your `Login` component from the previous example. Here's how you can do it:
1. Create A Container Component:
   In the `src` folder, create a new component named `Container.js`:
   // src/Container.js
   import React from 'react';
   const Container = ({ children }) => {
   export default Container;
   In this example, the `Container` component is a simple wrapper that takes `children` as a prop and renders them inside a `
` element with a class of "container". 
2. Use the Container Component in Your App:
   In your `App.js`, import the `Container` component and wrap it around your `Login` component:
   // src/App.js
   import React from 'react';
   import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
   import Container from './Container'; // Import the Container component
   import Login from './Login';
   const App = () => {
     return (
  {/* Render the Login component inside the Container */}
 {/* Add other routes here */}
3. Add CSS for the Container:
   You can create a CSS file to style the container. Create a new file named `Container.css` inside the `src` folder:
  / src/Container.css /
   .container {
     max-width: 800px;
     margin: 0 auto;
     padding: 20px;
   This CSS will give your container a maximum width of 800 pixels, center it on the page and provide some padding around the content.
4. Import the CSS in Your App :
   In your `App.js`, import the CSS file:
   // src/App.js
   import React from 'react';
   import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
   import Container from './Container';
   import Login from './Login';
   import './Container.css'; // Import the CSS file
   const App = () => {
     return (
 {/ Add other routes here /}
Add the Route
To add a route to your React application, you can use the `react-router-dom` library. This allows you to navigate between different pages or components based on the URL.
Assuming you want to add a route to a hypothetical dashboard page, follow these steps:
1. Create a Dashboard Component :
   In the `src` folder, create a new component named `Dashboard.js`:
   // src/Dashboard.js
   import React from 'react';
   const Dashboard = () => {
Welcome to the Dashboard!
2. Update App.js with the New Route :
   In your `App.js`, import the necessary components and create a new `Route` for the `Dashboard`:
   // src/App.js
   import React from 'react';
   import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
   import Container from './Container';
   import Login from './Login';
   import Dashboard from './Dashboard'; // Import the Dashboard component
   import './Container.css';
   const App = () => {
     return (
    {/* Add a new Route */}
   In this example, we've added a new `Route` with the path `/dashboard`, which renders the `Dashboard` component.
3. Update Navigation :
   If you want to navigate to the dashboard, you'll need a link. You can create a link in your `Login` component:
   // src/Login.js
   // Import the necessary components
   import React, { useState } from 'react';
   import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
   const Login = () => {
     // ...existing code...
     return (
           {/* ...existing form inputs... */}
Go to Dashboard {/* Add this link */}
   The `Link` component from `react-router-dom` is used to create a link to the dashboard page.
4. Test the Application :
   Start your React application and navigate to the login page. You should see a "Go to Dashboard" link. Clicking on it will take you to the dashboard page.
Before you start working with ReactJS, it's important to have a basic understanding of certain web development technologies. Here are the key prerequisites you should be familiar with:
HTML/CSS: You should have a good grasp of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) for creating the structure of web pages and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for styling those pages.
JavaScript (ES6+): React is a JavaScript library, so a solid understanding of JavaScript is essential. Familiarize yourself with ES6+ features like arrow functions, destructuring, classes and modules.
Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager): React projects are typically managed with Node.js and npm. Make sure you have Node.js installed on your machine. You can download it from the official website: [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/). npm is included with Node.js.
Basic Command Line/Shell Usage: You'll need to be comfortable navigating and running commands in your terminal or command prompt.
Text Editor or IDE: Choose a text editor or Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for writing your code. Popular choices include Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Atom and others.
Basic Knowledge of JavaScript Frameworks/Libraries: While not strictly necessary, having some experience with other JavaScript libraries or frameworks (like Angular, Vue.js, or jQuery) can give you context for understanding React's approach to building user interfaces.
In conclusion, ReactJS is a powerful JavaScript library for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. Its component-based architecture, virtual DOM and efficient rendering make it a popular choice for web development projects.
TAGS: How To Create A Login Page In ReactJs - An Ultimate Guide, Looking for React Js Development Service, Connect Infosoft, Looking for React Js Development Company, Looking for React Js Developers, React Js Developers Team, React Js Developers Team in India
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christgsane · 1 year
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Elevate Your Web Experience with TGSANE's Expert React JS Development Services
Discover unparalleled excellence in web development with TGSANE Technologies, your trusted React Development Company. Our seasoned experts harness the power of React JS to craft seamless, lightning-fast web applications that captivate and engage. Elevate your online presence today with our tailored React JS Development Services. Experience the TGSANE advantage!
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How to Choose the Right React JS Development Company
Discover the key factors in selecting the right React JS development company for your project. Our guide provides insights into evaluating expertise, experience, and reliability to ensure your ReactJS development needs are met seamlessly. Make an informed decision with tips on assessing portfolios, client testimonials, and development methodologies. For the best React JS development services, call us at +1 (315) 210-8382.
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braininventoryusa · 1 year
Why You Should Consider Outsourcing React JS Development in 2023
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Quick Summary: React.js is an effective open-source framework that can be used to develop interactive user interfaces for both online and mobile applications. React.js is an ideal solution for anybody who needs to come up with a highly responsive, fast-loading website or application that won’t weigh down the internet connection as it’s loaded. Furthermore, it works seamlessly in a wide variety of devices running on different operating systems (Windows, iOS, Android), so customers can easily navigate their way through your site or application on a phone, tablet, or desktop computer.
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Why Should You Outsource React JS Development?
Cost Effectiveness: Many businesses are finding that outsourcing React.js development is an excellent way to save money and time. This saves money by eliminating the need for internal staff or expensive software development, eliminates lost profits from hiring engineers from competing businesses, and relieves business owners from other responsibilities such as personnel management. In addition, it helps avoid risk because developers work on a job-site basis rather than being hired for a specified time period like other businesses would offer contracts for.
Scalability and Flexibility: The most cost-effective and beneficial way to handle technology tasks is to hire a team of remote React JS developers. Having an external team allows you to dip your toe in new technology without overinvesting in it due to commitments with a full-time or part-time employee. Hiring a remote development team gives you more operational independence and frees up hours in the day that would otherwise be spent managing updates, bug fixes, and support tickets from staff. This is the best way to use technology without disrupting staff or draining your budget.
Reusability of Code: The framework’s building blocks are, in fact, just components. The only requirement is that each component should be independent of the others and work as its own isolated unit. To improve the usefulness of the code and make it readable by machines, ReactJS generates a unique identifier for each part of the structure. This helps in rearranging the whole structure simply by changing these identifiers without causing modifications to other parts.
Continuous Scalability: React.js applications often require scalability to accommodate evolving user needs and company growth. Outsourcing development enables organizations to easily scale their resources in response to project requirements, ensuring efficient resource management, cost savings, and the ability to respond swiftly to changing market conditions.
24-Hour Assistance: Outsourcing your development tasks can lead to greater efficiency, provided that you structure your project in a way that you receive assistance 24 hours a day. This can be achieved through proper communication and planning throughout your project’s development lifecycle.
Reduced Risks: If you’re thinking about hiring a contractor to do work for your company, you’ll want to protect yourself from the risks of the job. That means creating a contract between you and the contractor that covers what the contractor will do, how long it will take them to do it, how much they’ll be paid, etc. These contracts also need to address what happens if the contractor doesn’t perform up to expectations.
Best Practices and Knowledge: React.js development outsourcing companies have essential skills, knowledge, and experience to support your project’s goals and objectives. Their expertise helps influence a strong understanding of the internal workings of React as well as how it interacts with the surrounding environment. They’re able to create applications that meet your user requirements by investing time into research and development.
Higher Quality at Lower Costs: Employing React.js developers with extensive experience, diverse skill sets, and a deep grasp of React development tools can come at a significant cost, whereas outsourcing to specialized companies often provides access to skilled engineers with industry expertise and established best practices at a more cost-effective rate.
React.js is quickly growing in popularity as a JavaScript library. It provides developers the ability to build powerful and fast user experiences. The way it works behind the scenes has many intrigued by the possibilities. What started as a proof of concept has turned into one of the most preferred libraries for building web applications. It’s no surprise that many companies are looking to outsourcing software development because this means they can get a website that is structured exactly how they want it to be. Outsourcing has become a standard practice these days. A lot of companies are partnering with agencies and freelancers to get the work done without having to hire additional resources. But, at times you need just that – extra resources. This could range from extra hands to support your existing development team or even build out a new product. If you are looking for high-quality React.js developers who can execute your vision, then Brain Inventory is the place for you!
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smtlabsio · 1 year
Exceptional ReactJS Development Services by SMT Labs
Are you in search of a distinguished ReactJS Development Company? Look no further than SMT Labs. We specialize in providing exceptional React JS development services, meticulously crafted to cater to your specific business requirements. Our offerings encompass a wide spectrum, ranging from custom ReactJS development to seamless UI/UX design and development. 
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ReactJS Development Company | React JS Development Services | Appteq
Appteq: A leading React JS development company, delivering high-quality web solutions with expertise in building responsive and interactive user interfaces.
Appteq Technology Solution: A trusted ReactJS development company, specializing in building dynamic and interactive web applications. Our skilled team of ReactJS developers leverages the power of this popular JavaScript library to create scalable and efficient solutions.
From single-page applications to complex web interfaces, we deliver cutting-edge solutions that provide seamless user experiences. With expertise in ReactJS frameworks and technologies, we ensure robust functionality, responsive designs, and optimal performance.
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