sarmaril · 1 year
One of my fav versions of Codywan is with Cody who serves absolute darcyesque cunt. I'm talking Cody who maybe falls a little bit in love-at-first sight with his general and panics and absolutley overcompensates with strict professionalism to the point of rudeness. Who shores up his vulnerabilities like defenses on a battlefield and takes to protecting them with the same gusto he applies battlefield tactics to.
A cup of tea with the general? Surely he has better things to be doing with his time. There's an army to run. (He's never wanted to say yes to anything more in his life.)
The first time he recovers Obi-Wan's lightsaber he brusqueley returns it with a stern warning about irresponsibility. (He stays up that night remembering it's weight in his hand, how it almost felt happy to be there?)
And then wearing down inevitably, waves against the shore, worn down to smoothness until they fit together perfectly and it's just. Oh. Where do we go from here.
Just. Them falling in love without meaning to. Them falling in love without wanting to! Can love bloom! Even on a battlefield!
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hyakwixgar · 2 years
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First complete drawing of the year and first victims of "what if they died" among my ocs this year
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sercphs · 11 months
About Devona: Threats
⠀⠀⠀⠀Friendship Lv. 4
"One cannot find reason for her hatred of me. One refused to give her a signed card for Genius Invokation, and in return she threatened to kill me... And for some time she chose to threaten me in various ways for seemingly any reason she saw fit. It is the first time that one hast ever felt truly unsafe within the Windgepeitschte Länder der Freiheit."
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"There is something truly wrong with that one... All of this started over a signed Diluc card for Genius Invokation, and for months mein Fräulein could not hope to have a restful night's sleep..."
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About Devona: Oz's Secret
⠀⠀⠀⠀Friendship Lv. 6
"Mein Fräulein is unwilling to address anything relating to her in any serious capacity. Because of Devona, the Knights of Favonius have been forced to personally take care of der Kaiser und Kaiserin der Verurteilung in mein Fräulein's absence. I have not yet informed her of the fact that Devona has attempted multiple times to have assassinations carried out on her and her family. Please do not tell Mein Fräulein this, as she already has too much weighing on her mind in recent days, and I will personally assure that the problem is taken care of for Mein Fräulein's sake."
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fctedivided · 20 days
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Unprompted ask. - @boomania sent:
"Let me get this straight, miss Mare." Basil furrows his brows at the smaller girl. Scanning, observing. He's noticed it before, BUT this is the first time he's gonna confront her about it. "Are you a human? A Melusine? A half-human Melusine?"
"Eh?" That certainly caught her off-guard as Basil was the first one who ever asked about her very being. While it seemed to be a straightforward question, Mare was truthfully a bit uncertain.
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"I, well, I'm born as a Melusine, and I can change myself into a human for an extended time. But at the same time, I can also become something else." She became silent for a second before shaking her head. "I'm just not sure..."
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boomania · 2 months
all the funds and assets that the Racht siblings had were probably seized and/or frozen by the IPC
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mashed-potatoes-art · 10 months
Bantiarna Gheimhridh / Lady Winter
Tágann sí ag bás an fhómhair, 's ag damhsa na deireadh duilleoga 's ag racht goil na n-éin ag tús an codladh chruinne.
Bánaíonn mo bharraí, le síoc 's sneachta, 's Cuireann sí an leac oighir ar na haibhneacha 's na lochanna.
Taispeánann sí dom na réalta is soilsí sa spéir na hoíche, 's mise i mo theach teolaí, ag taitneamh as teas na tine.
Fágann sí ag breith an tearrach, nuair a éiríonn na chéad bláthanna, 's a dhúisíonn an domhain, le ceol na n-éin.
Cuirim coróin na cróch ar a cheann, nuair a thagann sí póg fuar dom 's deirim léi: "Slán leat, feicfidh mé tú an bhliain seo chugainn, A Bhantiarna Gheimhridh, tá tú i mo chuimhne 's mo chroí ".
She comes at the death of autumn, and at the dance of the last leaves, and at the weeping of the birds at the start of the world's slumber.
She whitens my fields, with ice and snow, and she puts the ice on the rivers and lakes.
She shows me the brightest stars in the night sky whilst I am in my cozy home, enjoying the warmth of the fire.
She leaves at the birth of spring, when the first flowers bloom, and the world awakens with the song of the birds.
I put a crown of crocus' on her head, when she gives me a cold kiss and I tell her: Goodbye, I will see you next year, Lady Winter, you are in my memories and my heart.
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bwaindead-dogs · 4 months
this is Racht, their name is pronounsed however you want to pronouns it. their pronounce are they/it/ze
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adoption code below!
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wxndswept · 3 months
"It is imperative that we need to find a way to sneak miss Ruan Mei out of the Space Station without anyone knowing it's for a visit to Director Racht's ship, Yuuki." Basil contemplates, offering her an entire sleeping catcake that he found from the seclusion zone. "Also, do you eat these? Can I taste one?"
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"You touch that cat cake and I'll make sure you don't come back." The threat was real. "Besides, getting Mei to leave the station isn't a matter of her being allowed to or not. She comes and goes as she pleases. She just doesn't want to go to your ship because she doesn't like Dev."
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aetherose · 4 months
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@boomermania sent: UWAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! IT'S HER! IT'S REALLY HER! "M-MISS ROBIN! MAY I HAVE AN AUTOGRAPH?!" Clearly his clothing suggest he's from the IPC - a higher-up of some sort - and he's handing her a notebook and a pen! "I-It's for one Basileus Racht, m-ma'am...!"
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Robin pauses when she hears his voice, recognizing that tone; an excited fan eagerly wanting an autograph from their idol. She's quite used to this, and is always happy to make someone's day this way. So, she turns to Basil with a sweet smile, taking the notebook and pen carefully. "Oh, of course!" She notices his clothing, that he appears to be an IPC higher-up, and though it does make her a little wary, from what it seems, he's no different from her other fans. So, she writes her signature in one of the pages of the notebook, and hands the notebook and pen back to him. "There you go~ I hope you have a good day, Basileus!" She waves, ready to leave if she's not stopped.
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thegeminisage · 6 months
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME. last night we watched tng's "phantasms" and ds9's "melora."
phantasms (tng):
it's really sad when i can't get into a data episode because i love data and he's the specialest boy in the whole world
i think what ultimate put me on the side of "pass" was freud being involved. i'm grateful that the episode made it clear he was a hack, but still. holodeck bad
i wish the nightmares had been spookier but i did kindof love what we got. deanna is made of cake and worf is eating her (out) with as much gusto as he possibly can. beverly is sucking (off) riker by the bar. so true. this was my favorite part of the episode
i did NOT like data stabbing deanna. this is the second time recently i have felt forced to side against data. feels bad man. but please treat deanna really niceys
i also feel like if people had listened to data earlier about everything we wouldn't have gotten this deep in it......
i loved the kitty!!! i love spot. i was so worried data would hurt him i'm glad he made worf catsit also i loved watching worf hold that cat like he was trying not to touch it. it was a very well behaved set cat to tolerate this for so long
i think picard is a pussy to not just tell that admiral he doesn't wanna go to the party. like, man up, dude. and it's if mandatory, then just get it over with
melora (ds9):
two julian episodes in a row!!! ds9 is a little weird with distribution sometimes, i felt we had two kira eps in a row too at some point
i was actually ducking and covering waiting for "oh yaaaay we cured the disability!!!" and i'm so glad they did not do that. early on there was an alarming comment about how dax hadn't seen a wheelchair in centuries and i was like Oh No and then i realized she meant one with like wheels instead of a grav motor. girl, captain pike had one of those like 105 years ago. be serious. actually wait did his even have wheels.........whatever
the flying scenes were SO GOOD? i was prepared for bad special effects but it actually looked VERY believable
i love it when julian has game even though i also love it when he's a cringefail loser
sketchy klingon restaurant my beloved. they tried to feed her half-dead racht and she was not having it. then he serenaded them later. 10/10
whatever quark and odo had going on this episode was really funny as usual bc odo was just like man i wish i COULD let that guy kill him. that guys prosthetic was fucking amazing by the way. but i feel like we haven't heard mch from odo or kira lately...i miss them. i miss garak too.
i hope this ep was groundbreaking when it aired in 1993 or whenever. i feel like it did a pretty good job considering what a landmine the subject can be. not perfect, but passable
TONIGHT: tng's "dark page" (noooo) and ds9's "rules of acquisition" (NOOOOOO)............i have a feeling it's gonna be a rough one.
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ancicntforged · 11 months
basileus "lucy" racht mpreg
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"He does look good with a big belly, yes."
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filmjunky-99 · 1 year
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s t a r t r e k d e e p s p a c e n i n e created by rick berman, michael piller [melora, s2ep6]
'I like a customer who knows what she wants.' - klingon chef
'There's nothing worse than half dead Racht.' - melora
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the-uss-wossname · 2 years
Wait no but ALL of the Klingon dishes we see aren’t kosher. Gagh and Racht are definitely not kosher because they involve creatures that are alive. Targ most likely isn’t kosher because Targ are similar to boars, and the slaughter practice would not be kosher because there are no Jews involved. Obviously any of the seafood is out of the question. Almost all of their other dishes are prepared using some kind of blood or involve parts of the animal that are not kosher. The only way to keep kosher on the Klingon homeworld is to be a vegetarian lmao.
I’m sure that there would be some argument about what alien cuisine would count as kosher but I feel like most Klingon food is pretty clear cut on that front. Fascinating.
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sercphs · 4 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀For the last time, he is not dating literally every woman that isn't Devona Racht. Stop spreading this rumor, Devona Racht.
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fctedivided · 5 months
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Unprompted ask. - @boomermania sent:
" General Trie, are you a manwhore? " -Asked a curious Basileus.
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"Wow, wow, amigo, you know this comes as slander, you know? I rather see myself a ladies' man, pretty good one I might add. Surely you can see this fits me a lot more, right, little buddy?~" Trie winked at the other.
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boomania · 7 days
i have determined the modern YGO decks the Racht siblings' play (final)
Basil is Tearlaments
Devona is Kashtira
They are not escaping the fishperson and space invader allegations respectively in regards to their archetype choices
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