puppy-the-mask · 8 months
I think giving Rant a friend in the underground would fix him, but it'd also make him worse in a completely different way. Like he'd be the most co-dependent, attached at the hip little freak you'd ever meet. He's still dramatic and hypersexual, he's just not as rude about it and doesn't emulate Mutt's behavior when he starts breaking hearts.
He'd also probably grow a small resentment for his brother in this timeline, he still thinks he's the coolest and wishes he was more like him- but with a bit more self confidence from a friend, that same someone else paying attention to him, and them dragging him out of his house, it's a small feeling of abandonment that festers as the years go on because this friend is physically there for him more than his so called brother ever has been. And yet Mutt continues to have the AUDACITY to hate his friend. Because Mutt would, legit, HATE them because he's ✨Overprotective✨ but only when it comes to lasting figures in their lives. If it's a random person he's taking home for a one night stand thats just fine but someone that stays? Mutt himself is uncomfortable with the concept because he's spent so long without anyone choosing to stay for him that he reacts negatively to genuine care. And because he sees Rant's social life as an extension of his own, because in his mind all they have is each other, Rant having a genuine close friend Also triggers that discomfort and makes him feel like Rant's being stolen away.
Anyways i've been reading those fics where reader falls into the underground and grows up alongside the skeletons and gets thrown into another universe with them and was wondering how it'd be for my boys and yeah... it'd be interesting.
Over time Mutt would soften up, the more he visits and sees the friend genuinely cares about Rant and that they Aren't Leaving no matter what, when they cement themselves as a constant in his mind he'll start being more teasing with his jabs and less hostile until they have a more friendly, affectionately insulting relationship. He'd gain a respect for them when he sees them helping Rant in a time of need when Mutt can't be there due to his job, and sees that they care as deeply for hir little brother as he does. This would also make the friend the first person Mutt's never seriously flirted with, as Rant would Actually Kill Him (Not really but it'd be a HUGE fight). He'd still mess around and jokingly flirt but it would never mean anything, because Rant would actually get jealous with this specific person. He's fine with sharing, just not this one. This is his person.
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puppy-the-mask · 9 months
Thinking about Mutt
I don't think he would really use petnames unless he was serious about someone. He'll call someone handsome, beautiful or like beau or boo. Nothing really serious since he isn't Into Them
But whenever he actually loves someone he'd call them Babydoll (even the men), Hot-stuff, Sugar. The ones that would make you cringe hearing at a club bathroom but he somehow makes sweet or endearing when he says it. It's always in softer moments
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puppy-the-mask · 2 years
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Mutt and Mal have very different vibes but they can come together about one things… Killing Mal’s husband
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puppy-the-mask · 2 years
So I've been thinking about Stratum; Alternate Route and I usually think about Ave and the kids but I haven't really expanded on how her loved ones might feel. Like just imagine you’re Rant for a minute, You’re 15 and you’ve lived isolated for the last 2 or so years in a heavily boobytrapped house with only your older brother who only visits sporadically due to his work (who you can’t even leave the house with in case someone sees you two together, for your own safety) and your best friend through those 2 years, a Human who has to leave regularly but has a scheduled visiting routine that you look forward to and rely on- walking with her being one of the only allowances for you to leave the house(Mutt didn’t let him at first but Rant was very convincing and wouldn’t give up- threatening to start telling people he was Mutt’s little brother and other such things until he relented, though he was totally already doing it regardless- he just didn’t feel bad about it after getting Mutt’s approval ^w^). 
And then she suddenly stops showing up
Rant Spirals
He’s trapped alone with his thoughts and wonders what he did wrong, if she’s mad at him- even though she seemed normal when she left, maybe something came up? Maybe she’s just late? It gets BAD, days pass, then weeks, then a full month passes until eventually once he’s cried all his tears and screamed his voice raw and is just so utterly exhausted- for the first time he feels resentment for his once best friend- in the second month resentment becomes hatred as he decides that she’s left him. He doesn’t know why but she abandoned him just like he’d feared- part of him whispers it’s his own fault but deep down he just knows It’s All Her Fault. She’s the one that fucked up, leaving him behind is gonna be the worst decision she’s ever made. And he’ll never forgive her for that. 
A year passes more lonely than ever, his resentment hardening into a hard shell around his soul that makes it easier to keep others away. He still gets quiet when he remembers that this time of the month is when Ave would stop by but he’s starting to stop noticing- only really feeling the stings of hurt when it hits the month she first left him. Mutt vows to rip her apart for what she’s done to his brother, stealing the vibrancy he used to exude despite the circumstances.
And then a froggit shows up at his doorstep
This Froggit immediately starts questioning him- but when he retreats and lets the traps do their work he finds that- while the first dusted- more take it’s place as his home is invaded by a wave of small froggits, all led by a lone distorted figure. A Froggit on two legs wearing a cloak of black feathers, just like Ave used to wear. And when it finally stands before him, looming over him as he cowers in the corner, it demands that he tell it where it’s sister is. The conversation that ensues Guts Him
Ave has been Missing for the last year and despite Anty looking high and low, sending their froggits to every corner of the underground and the forested mountain above they can’t find her. And now they need help, anything he knows about her whereabouts or any possible leads- or if he’s had her stowed away somewhere running from her responsibilities to her family. Which is what Anty had initially assumed, begrudgingly stating that if she had run anywhere down here, she’d run to him. And boy doesnt that sting? He’d honestly assumed the worst of her and come to find out she hadn’t abandoned him- she’d been taken… She’d Been Taken From Him. the words ring in his head as he numbly stared for a minute- letting it all process as the burning fury he’d felt at her betrayal is suddenly doused in gasoline. All that hatred and rage is now put towards a new purpose, making whoever Dared to steal his best friend away from him Regret They Were Ever Born. He decides that the only way to make up for all the time spent hating her rather than searching he has to be the one to find her. He has to save her or he can never forgive himself, he sometimes wonders what she’s doing at that moment as he falls asleep. He hopes she can sleep well but that same part that before had blamed him for her loss tells him that the longer he spends in bed the more she’s hurt, that at any moment he could lose her forever if she’s not already dead. And a secret third part tries to convince him that she really did run away, that Anty and the rest of her family were abandoned too- who in their right mind would stay underground when they could just walk through the barriers to freedom? It whispers that it’d be so much easier to hate her again than grieve her loss a second time
#Stratum; Alternate Route#Rant(oc)#Purpfell!Sans#casual conversation#Genuinely- Rant is one of my favorite characters to psychoanalyze#there's just so much to him#he's a sweet ball of unhealthy coping mechanisms and i just wanna hold his hand- tenderly smooch the corner of his socket and say#'babygirl you've got issues'#'you are not mentally stable'#it's ok though we can get through this together#he's both relieved when he sees her again but their relationship will never be the same#they've both changed too much#they'll still love each other again- just in new ways that fit them better#and he's also devastated to see the state she's in after Fell's experiments#whenever she starts to open up about what happened to her he literally can't be there for her- he has to leave the room he just can't-#handle it#he knows it's shitty of him- not being there for his best friend after a life changing traumatic event because of his own guilt#but any mention of the labs makes him want to throw up- he feels selfish but Ave assures him it's okay and he can see in her soul she doesn#'t blame him- he can see it hurts a bit but she doesn't blame him which just kinda makes it worse#he wishes she would- he still feels bad about hating her but even if she found out (from Mutt) how he'd felt after her disappearance#she still wouldn't hate him#she's become a much calmer person- compared to what she went through everything else just seems inconsequential. And it's not like Rant had#any way of Knowing what had happened to her- she rationalizes it and just can't bring herself to hate someone she so genuinely loves#memories of him are some of the only things that kept her going- he was one of the things she lived for#Spite may be a powerful tool but without the right motivation what's the point? How is she going to survive to spite the world if there's#nothing in it to drive her to want to keep living?#other than to annoy fell but that gave out a year or so in when the pain outweighed the satisfaction of seeing him annoyed at her continued#existence- she played it up like that was her only source but really she wanted to see her family- she wanted to show the kids how a real#older sibling treated their little brothers- she wanted to live for the people she loved#and she'd be damned if she let anything- especially this cocky ass toothpick- stop her from completing her goals
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puppy-the-uncensored · 10 months
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A shirtless Mutt sketch, you caught him after a shower :3
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puppy-the-mask · 1 year
Too Much and Not Enough; they’ve all known each other for about a year. Rant is working late and Mutt and Mimic are hanging out. They decide to go to a party- normal so far. (spoilers for the fanfic I haven’t written XD)
Disclaimer I have no fucking clue what real parties are like: so they end up in a circle of mutt’s acquaintances playing some kind of truth or dare or spin the bottle game. Mimic is in Mutt’s lap cause otherwise it Will be taken by someone else and it’s annoying trying to hang with your friend only to have someone all over them. Mutt finds this amusing and is just like ‘hell yeah cuddles’. Of course- inevitably someone tries to shoot their shot and dares Mutt to smooch the most attractive person in the circle for an entire minute… things to not go as that person had planned
Now Mutt’s already learned his lesson about randomly smooching Mimic at parties- he did it once and regretted it- so This Time he has a plan! He 1) asks permission 2) has her turn to face him and finally 3) Kisses Everywhere But The Lips up until the last second where they were hovering just over- and then the timer runs out and he snaps out of it and acts like the last one didn’t almost happen/it was all to fluster cause he Totally was keeping track of time.
By this point in time Mimic has caught feelings and whenever they feel them they immediately squash their crushes down back into friendlier feelings. The boys have seen this and have decided to let her come to them when she’s ready. After the minute is up Mimic is hiding in their hands and Mutt’s jacket- but he notices that for the first time Mimic hasn’t repressed her romantic feelings- and continues not to for the rest of the night.
They get back to the guys’ place, they figure mimic may as well spend the night since her apartment is in the other direction and she’s Mutt’s ride. They’re cuddled on the couch watching TV when finally it gets brought up. Mimic is unbelievably embarrassed that her friends had Seen Her Romantic Attraction For A Year and said nothing- she apologizes cause she figures that’s super weird but she really can’t help it, especially rn Cause no matter how hard she tried she just can’t stop Thinking About It and all the build up just hits them at once and in the heat of the moment they don’t care if this is just gonna be a one time thing they never talk about again or what their relationship will be like going forward- they just wanna go for it. Come morning the two decide to stop ignoring their feelings(coughMimiccough) and give this relationship thing a go. Rant gets home from his night shift and joins them for breakfast- and suddenly becomes Very Awake when they tell him. He will not sleep until he too gets a smooch, and is Very Happy when he does. He just about cries when Mimic calls him ‘My Love’. Mutt is ‘Darling’ but she uses any pet name, those are just the most common/the ones associated with them.
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puppy-the-mask · 1 year
Fun fact: If you refer to Rant as ‘My Love’ he will cry
Because of this all his love interests will choose that as his cute pet name
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puppy-the-mask · 1 year
Mimic: …Are you trying to seduce me with my own voice?
Rant- in mimic’s body: Is it working?
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puppy-the-mask · 1 year
On some angsty shit tonight, thinking about a confrontation between Mimic and the boys. They’ve been becoming better while mimic’s life has just gotten worse.
While trying to discover things about themself they end up backsliding- rejecting the femininity that they were starting to warm up to, rejecting all things sexy, flirtatious, and sexual (their humor, fashion, etc.)- becoming more repulsed with the ideas and internalizing that those things are bad and that any want for them is too- but only for mimic themself, these concepts are fine for others. All the confidence that they built in their body shattered- crop tops buried at the bottom of drawers.
Eventually things get brought to light when Rant- in Mimic’s body, gets sexually harassed by one of his and Mutt’s ‘friends’. He deals with it but what they said stuck with him, the next day (when he’s back in his body) he tells Mimic about it and that he’ll deal with it. He didn’t expect to turn around and find them crying. “I’m sorry.” “What are you sorry for- you did nothing wrong!” “I’d always assumed you wouldn’t care…”
Imagine that, your first real friend saying that they didn’t think you’d care enough to be there for them. That has to be absolutely Soul Crushing hearing that, your friend has been suffering in silence because they thought you’d dismiss their problems- which they only have because you’ve built a reputation as a player and, since they appear female and hang out with you, that must mean that they’re a slut playing hard to get. And somehow, despite being able to read a person’s very Soul, neither brother noticed.
I imagine they all sit down and talk about it and when the brothers remark ‘how could you think that’ all mimic can say is ‘I can’t read you like you read me’ ‘it’s impossible to tell what you’re thinking’
I can see Mutt blaming himself, he had thought that mimic and the guy at the party was a one time fluke. But really it was months of pent up aggression finally coming to a head- he should have known that there’s no way that someone would react so drastically if it hadn’t been built up to/been happening time and time again.
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puppy-the-mask · 1 year
Mutt- literally just standing there
The creator of his world having a one sided enemies to lovers moment up in the clouds because the more they loathe him, the more they think about him, the more they wanna smooch his stupid handsome face
I’m talking about myself :))))))))) realistically if we ever met I’d probably not like him but he wouldn’t even know who I am until something happens that we end up around each other more- like working at the same job or something. Thus- one sided enemies to lovers.
TGIS IS PLAUGING MY BRAIN AS AN ACTUAL STORY IDEA GDMIT though I’m more a ‘Karmatic Medium’ faceless/formless entities that interact with the world through the scales of Karma. They are allowed to interact with those with good karma through small acts of kindness and those with bad through minor to major inconveniences. Some KMs decide to stick to those with bad karma and focus on doling out justice while others focus on positive things and spreading kindness, others drift and affect the world as they see fit or sporadically. You are one such morally grey KM- you drift through the world watching mortals, becoming attached to one of the many ladies that Mutt just so happens to break the heart of- when he keeps showing up you decide to follow him to see if he’s really so bad as he seems and develop a vendetta against him. Then one day you’re watching him and waiting for an opportunity to cause an inconvenience when there’s a break in, him and Rant almost get shot but in a fit of rage you grab the end of the gun and crumple it like a tin can- nebulous form becoming visible as you say that this you’re the one in charge of this one’s judgement. The guy pulls the trigger and it backfires- literally. Gun explodes out the back and the dude’s blood paints the walls in the shape of your sillouette as you look back at the two skeletons- eyes aglow with supernatural light. Then you vanish. Back in the incorporeal realm you quickly capture the whole badass scene on a vision sphere- recording the last couple moments- stick the orb in your chest where it absorbs and joins your other things in your pocket dimension of clutter- and you close your hand, recalling the blood back into the guys body and teleport away to dispose of it so that they don’t end up in jail for murder. You then decide to teleport back to your favorite person but end up back at the bro’s apartment- your superior, a rather cold KM named Daniel, has bonded you to Mutt for the rest of his mortal life as penance for influencing the corporeal world and killing the criminal. You argue that all you did was break the gun- it’s not your fault he still pulled the trigger- but it’s all in vain. You’re now stuck with him, you remain Incorporeal and invisible- avoiding them as long as possible so that they don’t even know your there and you can wait out this sentence, but you can’t be completely unseen by Mutt- he can still see you in reflections. Things come to a head when he goes out to a party one night and encounters another Bound Pair. The mortal notices a faintly glowing ring around Mutt’s left wrist that even he couldn’t see and brings it up. The man sitting next to him is Kenny- his bound KM, a chaotic neutral KM who actually likes watching those with bad karma and attached himself to his mortal willingly. He knows you because you’ve lived in the same areas and chats with you even before you become corporeal. Which only happens because unexpectedly- while you were explaining your situation to Kenny- his Mortal told Mutt all about KMs and to prove it had him recite an order that forced you into a corporeal state. Now you’ve been discovered! And Mutt doesn’t hate this set up all things considered- it may be a punishment for you but it’s quite the gift to him. There are restrictions of course- he can order you to do anything but you can still refuse. The only things you have to follow are ones that coincide with Karma, so if he tells you to be a dick to someone with bad karma you gotta do it. Or if there isn’t a specific person being affected, if the order helps him to gain good karma then you have to do it to, as a way of helping your bound to be a better person. He can also summon and make you incorporeal by reciting an order in a dead language but you bypass it by rewriting conditions through making contact with his bracelet and ‘rewriting’ it with your magic so that it’s more a message at the back of your head telling you he’s calling you than a warp straight to his lap. After making that revision you walk away to at least drink some at the party.
Kenny tells Mutt that he probably shouldn’t let you touch his bracelet- explaining what it allows you to do- and follows you for more teasing about your situation because ‘it’s so amusing when they’re angry- they’re even cute when they murder people *looks happily at the vision orb you copied and gave him of the gun scene*’ Kenny’s Bound mentions that apparently ancient mages found ways to alter the contract too through either bracelet (you have a similar bracelet btw) but it’s a lost art. You end up continuing your life of wandering around and watching your favorite people but then mutt bothers you enough for you to pop in and yell at him- he’s on the couch so you wrap over into a position where you’re standing on the cushion, in his face, and have your hands on either side of his head as you yell ‘what the fuck do you want!?’ It scares the shit out of him and he jumps before recovering and saying he wants you to show yourself to his brother so that he knows what’s going on.
That’s as far as I got with scenes but some more tidbits are that in this world KMs are the basis for lots of myths and religious creatures, having been recorded in many different ways as guardian angels, regular angels, demons, even djinn if you stretch it. Since the KM enacts magic at the bound’s behest which could look like wish granting- though depending on the scales of karma things might not go as planned, they might not have through the repercussions of such a request, or the KM is just tricky like that and thus the stories of djinn granting wishes with nasty consequences. KMs can take any form and change it at will. a KMs magic can do seemingly anything but that’s only on the incorporeal plane- if they want to affect the corporeal world it either has to follow the whims of karma or, while corporeal- to follow what is possible with Normal magic. Those that are bound can do whatever their Mortal companion commands, even if karma is against it- the conditions from before are ONLY if the KM DOESN’T want to follow the orders, meaning orders that fit those conditions would have to be followed regardless of if they want to or not. This gives a Bound KM much more influence over the corporeal world but strictly as their Mortal sees fit. KMs can bind themselves to mortals on their own, or be forced by someone stronger than them- but only if they commit a crime by KM standards, which depending on the KMs superior can fluctuate wildly. the time that they are bound is dependent on the severity of the crime. In the story You get bound to Mutt because you killed someone for him- the punishment essentially forcing you to own up to it and making you go all in- if you killed this person for him then now you have to stay by him for the rest of his life. And in this AU Monsters live a LONG time. The incorporeal realm is basically just where KMs exist while invisibly floating around the Corporeal realm. In Art terms- if the corporeal world is the base layer than the incorporeal realm is the layer above it- you still see both but the 2nd layer is overlayed on top without touching the 1st. The 1st can’t see the 2nd but the 2nd can see the 1st. All this to explain how you essentially just go invisible to mortal eyes. Also- the only reason you saved Mutt is because you can’t make him suffer your wrath if he’s dead. So you saved him just to cause him bad luck and minor inconveniences until you were satisfied and felt you’d done enough to him for hurting one of your favorite mortals. In the story you get attached to lots of mortals- never bounding yourself to anyone. You like to keep it free and not get tied down, which is why Kenny was so surprised to see you connected to the guy who had broken one of your pet mortals’ heart. KMs live forever and are nigh impossible to kill so they tend to be curious about death since they can’t experience it- this is why you’re so nonchalant about the gunman exploding right in front of you because of what you did- death is a mortal and foreign concept to KMs that may peak their interest but could never incite fear into them unless it’s fear of a mortal’s death but even that is rare as it’s been so long that they’ve all been alive that they’re all used to watching mortals die
All KMs have their own pocket realm/room for storage if their things that changes depending on their will. Yours is that overgrown/woodland library from your dreams with the big leaf hammock overhand in the center area, there is no center part of the ceiling and it opens up to a beautiful vivid twilight sky with shining stars all across it- the stars actually being your massive collection of vision orbs. Aside from a few you keep floating around the library or right up in the hammock to calm you as you drift to sleep. In the story you get close to Rant and allow him entry- shifting to a bigger form before hugging him- basically ‘absorbing’ him into your body similar to the vision orb and acting as the portal to get him there. He’s fascinated by all the ancient books and stories and Plays in long dead languages- he wants to learn them. You end up making and entrusting him with a key that allows any door to become a gate to your room, the only caveat being that Mutt isn’t invited and can’t go in your room with him since at the time the two are still at odds.
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puppy-the-mask · 2 years
Realizing that Amp and Rant have two very different responses to trauma- Amp’s line of thinking is more quickly accepting of whatever bad thing happened to her, quickly adjusting to her new normal and convincing herself it can’t be helped despite having ways to change it. While Rant focuses on where others failed because obviously if he’s in this situation then he did all he could. It’s a very ‘you weren’t here so there was no way for you to help’ vs ‘why weren’t you here you could’ve helped!?’
She retreats inwards and ignores her emotions while he lashes out at those around him
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puppy-the-mask · 2 years
Another Rant Thought(tm)
Rant as a Yandere- specifically in the context of Stratum with Ave (Tw; Yandere, Manipulation, Self Harm)
In my last post I established that Ave is his only other point of contact with the outside world other than his brother- both of which are only there for a very limited time before leaving him alone again due to their jobs. In this world Rant would have latched onto Ave after the attack that gave him his facial scars- trusting her to look after him while his face was covered in bandages alongside Mutt. Before that they had gotten close but she wasn't his obsession until he realized how warm her hands felt cupping his face while rewrapping his bandages- or how her care and genuine hope for his quick and easy recovery bled into her food through her intent when she cooked for him (accidentally making healing items, which she didn't even know was a thing she could do!). He loved being able to snuggle up to her on the couch and 'fall asleep', he found out after the first couple times that since she couldn't tell if he was actually asleep or not he could just slump onto her and she would just lay down and cuddle with him since she didn't want to wake him up. For one blissful week he was in heaven, before she had to leave again. Mutt still took excellent care of him but he couldn't ignore the dull ache in his soul when she was gone. He ate through the leftovers she left him with fast, not letting Mutt touch a single bit of it. She visited as much as possible, even running herself ragged to get back and check on him before having to run back to the level she had been in before on more than one occasion. But eventually he recovered and both went back to work, the loneliness stung more than ever and as time passes he slowly realized why- he initially felt horrible for his obsession over his best friend but over time he just couldn't help it. I've said before but Rant is one of the most emotionally intelligent skeletons, so he was able to figure out the nature of his feelings and how unhealthy they had to be... but the longer he ignored them the more sweetly these intrusive thoughts whispered to him. Wouldn't he like to have her around more? Wouldn't he like to have her Home safe and sound, not having to work herself down to the bone every day and stressing about the outside world? The more he came to terms with what he wanted the more her leaving hurt until finally- after months of their normal routine- he grabs her arm as she turns to leave.
She's surprised and confused- asking if anything is wrong, wanting to know why- and he tells her. He tells her he needs her, he can't handle watching her leave- how it hurts him to see her walk out that door. She tries to remind him that she always comes back but he counters, what if she doesn't? what if she leaves and never comes back? she sits back down with him and calms him down from his panic. He almost tries to Make her stay but he's well aware that she's stronger than he is. He can't make her stay in a direct sense, but he knows now that he Can make her Choose to stay, and honestly that's all he wants, he wants her to choose him and only him.
The next time she comes by he brings it up again, having had plenty of time to write up reasons why she should stay. It was safer here, she wouldn't have to work her ass off for a faction that would kill her the moment they didn't need her, they wouldn't be able to get her here in a completely different level, she wouldn't have to fight and scrape and kill anymore, and he Knows how much she hates that- he's the one she cries to when the nightmares and guilt become enough to suffocate her. He uses every possible reason he can think of to get her to see his side of things but she still rejects him. over and over they fight about it whenever she comes to stay with him- until he realizes it'd be best to back off and rethink his tactics.
And then he gets a devilish idea, a horrid and emotionally manipulative idea that he Knows she'll despise him for, but he's just so desperate and he Knows that her Kindness and Loyalty will always be her greatest traits and weaknesses. They're what he loves about her- and why he's so certain that he'll get exactly what he wants from his plan. He stages an accident that ends with him breaking something, and just like he expected Ave came running- always eager to treat him. It worked like a charm, with the side effect of Mutt coming home more too! And though they'd figure out his game after the first couple times he knows that neither would ever stop looking after him- and outright boasts that that was exactly why he was confident enough to go through with it when Ave tearfully asks him why he'd do such things to himself- they stay as much as possible for fear that he may do something worse should they leave him alone again. Ave and Mutt become much closer after Rant's plan is revealed- setting up a schedule to ensure one of them is home as much as possible.
Rant is the kind of Yandere that would kidnap his obsession, wanting their attention and love- but prefers to charm and/or manipulate them into falling into his trap staying with him of their own volition. He is an actor after all. But kidnapping is as far as he'd ever take it, he'd never harm his obsession- leaning more towards the worshipping type- though he typically prefers to be the one his partner worships, at least on the outside- he wants them to think of him and him only. He's clingy and demands attention and, while he'd very much prefer not to, he isn't above hurting himself to make them stay and keep their attention on him. He'd thrive with a Kind or Loyal soul, using their caring nature or their memories and prior relationship with him against them to keep them by his side
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puppy-the-mask · 2 years
Rant’s female counterpart would be called Rave, Mutt’s would be Tramp and she’d go by Ram
This is them
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puppy-the-mask · 2 years
Rant X Reader One-shot; Soft Things
Tags: established relationship, gender neutral reader, fluff
It was getting late as you settled into bed, Rant sliding in behind you and pulling you close. You’d already turned all the lights off, the dim glow of the moon and stars outside filtering through the blinds the only thing lighting the room.
Rant held you against him, your back to his chest as he hummed. His boney hand slides under your shirt at your hips and up your side, moving back down towards the mattress as he traces along your stomach, phalanges lightly pressing into you
It’s become a habit of his whenever the two of you cuddle like this. His hands would always find their way under your shirt and he’d pass the time caressing the skin of your abdomen. Sides, hips, stomach, lower back- anywhere he could touch without you getting onto him.
“Rant, love?” You whispered. In response he gave you a squeeze and hummed- tired but content “why do you like touching my stomach so much?”
“Soft” he mumbled into your shoulder, planting a soft kiss there. You thought about the times you’d felt your stomach, it was pretty soft… that tracks
“Hmm, yeah. I like soft things too” you immediately felt kinda dumb considering he already knew that. He huffed a laugh behind you
“Damn, guess you don’t like being with me very much then” You placed your hand over his
“Nah, just means I like you even more” you turned your head and kissed his skull, smiling as you felt him move behind you and catching glimpses of purple light shining over your shoulder.
Things were quiet for a second as you surrendered to the peace of night.
“Turn around” Rant’s voice suddenly broke the silence. You responded with a half hearted groan, hiding a little smirk. He intertwined his fingers with yours, pressing your hand into the mattress as he pushes himself up. “Darling…? Dearest…? Beloved~”
“Hm?” You chuckled a little while he tried to get you to respond, softly kissing the knuckles of the hand he’s holding
“Turn around” you couldn’t hide your grin
“But I’m comfyyyy~” you whined dramatically, not even opening your eyes to look at him
Instead of trying to get you to open your eyes he launched himself over you to lay on your other side. Finally you opened your eyes, giggling
“Ah, well hello there my love- didn’t see ya there”
“Cheeky” you hummed happily, waiting to see what he was up to “Say it again”
“Say what? Which part?”
“That I’m better than soft things. I want you to say it again for me.” He held you close, nearly forehead to forehead with the space between you illuminated by his eye lights. You felt your heart squeeze at such a simple request, chuckling as your cheeks grew warm.
“That’s adorable” you watched as his face tinted purple and blue- but kept his expectant smile. You looked him in the eyes as best you could as you spoke “ I love you more than soft things”
You kiss him on the forehead, right between his sockets and his eyelights dilate, glowing brighter and becoming fuzzy at the edges. His gaze moves from your eyes, to your smile, to your chest where your soul is no doubt swirling with love and affection.
You can see him melt into the mattress with a lovesick grin on his face, feeling much the same yourself as you fall asleep in each others arms.
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puppy-the-mask · 3 years
I’m reading my WIPS for fun and wanted to share one of my favorite paragraphs I've ever written. 
Though I couldn’t help my curiosity over what they must look like if I’d tolerated this kind of setting. Strangely enough I couldn’t remember anything that would have this kind of result- if anything I remember going to sleep in my own bed… stars don’t tell me I’ve been kidnapped- swept away in the night like some amatuer, but how? I’m sure I’d have woken up, on top of that there's no way that Mutt would have allowed such a thing to happen under his roof, not to Me. No, there has to be some logical explanation behind this change in scenery.
This is from Rant’s POV in a story where he suddenly switches bodies with someone he’s never met before, this is their first switch and I love this paragraph in particular because I feel like it perfectly shows how he thinks. It starts with him immediately assuming he had a one night stand and that the person must’ve been hot cause the room he woke up in is messy. So that bit is more about him and his habits whereas the last bit of the paragraph he’s confused about how he got there and immediately throws out the idea that he could’ve been kidnapped. Sure it’s because he would’ve woken up- but the real reason is that he is so confident in Mutt’s ability to protect them, he has so much faith in his brother that the very thought that anything could happen to them with him around is illogical.
I don’t touch on it often, in fact I don’t think I’ve ever even mentioned it out right but Rant thinks the world of his brother, he looks up to and admires him so much. And all it takes is this one paragraph to realize that. 
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puppy-the-mask · 4 years
Writing something for myself about my Purpfell boys and IMO these are some of the best tags I’ve ever written
“..., Did I mention everyone has issues?, Their first date should be to Therapy, ...”
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