#Psyko Boys
lenaretrash · 5 months
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roxisucks · 6 months
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do you want to fly tonight??
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rants-about-opm · 1 year
I hope that eventually we get a volume cover with Saitama or Garou again, I get that they're pretty prominent in these upcoming chapters, but I seriously am dead tired of psychic ladies dominating the front cover.
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
The post-MA Arc Timeline -- So far
Sorry that this is so long, but I've seen that quite a few people are confused over what's happening when. Unusually, the events aren't being told linearly, so here's it as disentangled as it can be.
The fateful dawn (chapter 169)
Garou runs off. Heroes get swept up to Metal Knight's facilities for urgent treatment. All save Saitama and Genos, who have different plans.
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Some unspecified number of days later
Bang gets discharged after treatment, finds Garou, and brings him back to the Hero Association for questioning.
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Heroes file reports of the events of the MA raid. Some of them attract extra attention.
Fubuki and Tatsumaki have dinner at a nice restaurant. Tats has terrible table manners.
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Two days before the events of when we return (chapter 173)
Told in flashback.
Sicchi and Sekingar hold a secret meeting with Flashy Flash, Zombieman, Amai Mask, and Genos to discuss their reports and pool information on God (no ID).
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As a result of Genos's passionate intervention, B Class hero Saitama is promoted to Class A Rank 39. So far, he's the only attending hero who we know to have been promoted.
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The morning of the day we return (chapters 170-1)
Bang accompanies Garou to the police station where he addresses the last of the charges against him, that of dine-and-dashing. The Hero Asociation has decided to let him go. They embark on an apology tour.
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Sicchi reveals that Bang is retiring, but not that he's decided to appoint Garou to be a pro-hero, as he knows it'll cause trouble.
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Forte and friends go looking for the new guy who moved in to Hero Association headquarters three days ago but hasn't introduced himself. Find only King.
The new guy turns out to be Saitama, who is back on the new beach that used to be his neighbourhood, looking for his apartment along with Genos.
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Finds apartment, also monster dog, and weird 'monkey' (Black Sperm, who is desperate for shelter from the upcoming sweep of the MA base wreckage).
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The afternoon of the day we return (Chapter 172)
The Hero Association holds a pitch meeting to well-heeled potential residents, promising that the headquarters provides complete security. The A-Class heroes attending are unimpressed at finding that free security guard duties are the small print for free housing.
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Saitama returns with some items, as well as monster pets in tow. On account of the monsters, he is intercepted by the new security robots but destroys them.
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Metal Knight is horrified, but wisely, decides to keep schtum just in case Saitama turns out to be bad news for him.
Two days later (Chapters 174 - 183)
Amai Mask is given footage of Saitama destroying the robots and is convinced. He is interrupted by his manager presenting a new pop idol/pro-hero boy band group and puts them in their place.
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At the same time, Saitama is being rudely disturbed by Forte and friends, who have finally come to introduce themselves. Forte challenges Saitama to a fight.
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They go to the car park, where Forte is hit by Eyelashes. Fubuki sweeps Saitama up to come with her as she's on an urgent mission.
The mission turns out to be to save Psykos from the clutches of Tsukoyomi, who have sent a representative to collect her. Fubuki and Tatsumaki set up a ruse that gives out that Tatsumaki is so incensed at finding Pyskos on the prisoner's list that she can't help but tear the Hero Association to pieces until she finds and kills her.
It goes a bit wrong, but eventually, the evil psychics are subdued, the freed monsters are killed, and everyone's alive...
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Tatsumaki, shaken at finding out that the Blizzard Group contains traitors, decides to maim Fubuki's hangers-on so that they can't be heroes any longer and Saitama stops her.
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Tatsumaki goes on a rampage trying to beat Saitama, going among other places, through a gang of criminals looking to kill Feather, through the head of a giant pincushion monster, and past the building in R-City Amai Mask is at. Eventually, she's tuckered out and Saitama leaves after telling her to behave better.
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Saitama comes back home to find Forte and co there yet again. Forte has discharged himself from hospital to apologise to him after seeing him fight Tatsumaki.
In the immediate aftermath, Fubuki blackmails the vice chief of operations, McCoy, into allowing the sisters to escape censure and to make it seem as if the headquarters had been attacked by monsters.
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Tatsumaki scatters monster remains around the base, and smuggles out Psykos in one of the pieces. Fubuki retrieves Psykos.
Later -- some unspecified time, may or may not be same day as rest of chapter 183
Tatsumaki gets the credit for defeating the horde of monsters who tried to attack HQ.
Saitama is furious at hearing her take credit, but on hearing the cost of the damage, asks Genos to say nothing.
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Several HA executives call Tatsumaki to explain how it was that Psykos escaped. An unrepentant Tatsumaki insists on being the only one to hunt for the fugitive, holding the executives' misdeeds and the cover up over their head. McCoy seems to know the shit she's up to but is happy to let her run. For now.
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Child Emperor discovers that the HA is covering up a lot of stuff. How much, we have to wait and see.
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garoumylove · 9 months
Just some Garou ramblings I wrote up while discussing why Garou is an anti-villain 💖💖
Garou is an anti villain. Basically the definition of it. An anti villain is defined as having "desired ends that are mostly good, but their means of getting there range from evil to undesirable"
That's all there is to it. He wanted to make a more just world but went about it in a bit of a demented way. He's a little bit fucked up, isn't he? But the ends were always good with Garou. He is a villain to the other characters in OPM minus Saitama, but to the audience he is always an anti-villain.
Garou did do a lot of malicious things, some we might even consider evil. I'm not a fan of MA arc ending so I'm mostly basing my analysis and discussion on the WC when it comes to the end of the arc but the manga for everything up to the surface fight.
Garou is definitely a bully to heroes, especially those that are weaker than him. It's very unpleasant to watch him smash Mumen Rider's face into the concrete. There's no denying that he is the antagonist and he does prevent good being done.
However, despite wanting to be a monster and rule over everyone and walking around with big dick energy and being a sexy cocky bastard, Garou also views himself as a victim which he also is. He's not a victim of the heroes he wants to destroy but he is a victim of bullying and discrimination himself. When he beats up heroes and wants to destroy them, it's to create a better world, in his head, for loser kids like Tareo and like he himself was.
This is why I love Garou and find him so fascinating because he's a complicated mix of victim and villain and it's all so enmeshed and entangled that it's hard to pull the threads apart a lot of the time.
I am angry at him for choosing such a twisted and violent path to achieve his noble if deluded goal but I love him because I can also see the very hurt and angry and insecure lonely young man underneath.
Even Psykos/Gyoro Gyoro says he has a pure heart, he absolutely struggles to give up his humanity. It feels with Garou that this violent path was almost chosen for him, inevitable with the amount of bullying and mockery he himself received.
Him lashing out, constantly wanting to throw hands and defeat 'heroes' which he sees as the embodiment of his childhood torment are his defense and coping mechanisms. He was a boy who never, until he met Bang, had anyone in his corner. He has no adults to protect him or stand up for him or love and nurture him. You have to understand he was a child that was left alone and ganged upon most of his childhood. It's not a surprise he chooses such extreme défenses.
He says to Tareo that no one will be there to save him. He has to get stronger by himself. Garou has never had anyone he could count on. The only way he feels he can survive in the world is by literally becoming the strongest. He can only count on himself and so he will make himself into something unbeatable.
I believe he demonstrates, unwittingly, a lot of kindness and empathy when he discusses how he's doing this to erase injustice in society, to erase bullying and prejudice. He wants kids like Tareo and kids like he once was to have a fair chance at life, something he doesn't feel he was given in my opinion.
Garou is full of anger, but to him it is righteous anger. He acts like a complete cunt towards the heroes, but in his head it's to better society for the downtrodden. He sees the heroes as the real villains and refuses to be their victim any longer like he was in primary school.
It's not clear cut and the complexity of his motivations, terrible methods and naturally empathetic personality make for a very messed up but also kind character.
Garou declares himself a villain to the heroes and inadvertently as a hero to the underdogs of society like Tareo. He just isn't quite aware of the second part even though the audience is.
Garou really is a victim of a self-fulfilling prophecy. He was told when he was a kid by everyone around him that he was bad in one way or another and that's what he ended up becoming. It's quite common for kids to internalise the image others have of them and that's very much what happened here.
I do kind of agree with that he imposed his ideals on the heroes, but at the end of the day it's because he had a noble idea of what a good hero should be and to him none of the existing heroes lived up to that knight in shining armour ideal and he didn't have enough confidence to embody it himself so that was really the only path left for him.
It's interesting because he's so fiercely independent and a lone wolf but he's also such a victim of circumstances...the juxtaposition is fascinating!
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theomnicode · 2 years
So, about the bucket of items Saitama is carrying...
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Are these the only salvageable items he found from inside his apartment that he thought he could immediately use?
No doubt his entire apartment got completely flooded and trashed around, so all the items got massive water damage, flushed away or plain ruined and broken up. Such as the tv he probably saved a lot of money to buy, his laptop, furniture and all the dishware. Cast iron pan, metal hangers and game boy would be sturdy enough to survive...not clothes though.
Saitama found his house, but managed to find even less salvageable items despite having help from Genos than his WC counterpart, because of the apocalyptic Psykos and Tatsumaki fight.
It's no wonder he's moody and walks with heavy, downtrodden steps and acts meek towards King because he expects King to be pissed at him for not taking care of his items and just renounce their friendship then and there.
The one bright spot was that Genos is ok and was with him on the item hunt and even cheered him up...and then he had to go as well and Saitama won't know when he returns.
I wonder if Saitama even remembers he could get 2x S-rank bounty reward because he does not have a habit of announcing anything he does. If he does not, he cannot claim it. Ofc, maybe someone also...conveniently forgot to give him his bounty reward...just like how he has no beeper.
(Please CE do him a favour, please)
If Forte and gang start to pester Saitama too...they probably won't know what hit them if he actually snaps back.
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nyxrev · 1 year
Tsukuyomi Trilogy
Chapter I: Apollo
Chapter II: Icarus
Chapter III: Hermes
Messages, Escapades, ESPionage, Trickery, Unknowns(x), Psyche.
(skip to conclusion if tl:dr)
You see why I said Moon Craters Highway, right …Earth is literally on its way to become another Moon with how dented it is from various battles as if metaphor for God's salty plan to rid…whom I wonder…
It already looks like an isolated dystopian space city, Mars, or Moon colony, whatever sci-fi likes.
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S'long as road work ahead, get'cha car n bail ay. Not to dwell on logistics, but I must wonder just how they escaped—how Spy managed to sneak near rock takoyaki, how both of them got out of it and to their car, consider last we saw they still were immobilized as heroes arrived on scene. Mb Jr. Spy got to his Sr. Agent while Tatsumaki mangled B13, drilled a hole down to their car, n escaped together. Mb Spy got out first from the larger crack Tatsumaki made while with contact to his Agent still stuck, then when heroes came, he tunnelled out of there n they bail like lab rats.
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“Apollo-san! Are you alright?!”
How nice of you ask about your senior but Boy, does he look alright to you?
He's not daijoubu at all
See, Apollo? Thank your precious junior later for he's nice enough to bail you out so speedy.
Btw I assume their hierarchy as such bc the spy asked him with -san honorific & formal speech. I can somehow hear his voice as a specific type of shounen, usually reserved, but dutifully takes action at an order of his management.
For us, it's not until now we actually learn moon agent's name is Apollo (bit ironic, no?). It makes me wonder why a Sun associated person would work for the Moon, ref to space mission aside. Also makes me wonder if his junior's name is Hermes, consider he was spy (messenger) and now driver for our Agent Apollo… just a thought. Why do I feel like one of them (spy) will defect… also spy's shook face at Tatsumaki is priceless.
Not much to add for Greek mythos bc I feel like it's well-known enough, but apparently “Apollo” can mean “destroy”? Which is curious bc he is a deity often associated with creative attributes, but actually, he can both heal (+) and destroy (—diseases).
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He's named the Sun but is he really the Sun? Or is he just another Shadow of the Moon?
Now as they run for their lives back to base with tails between their legs like disgraced dogs,they pass by the grand sight of a tornado's terror of a tantrum. Tatsumaki is so outraged by Saitama she didn't catch the Tsukuyomis on the run.
Tatsumaki has the lead. Tsukuyomi took the hit. They lost not only their generous sum of money donated to secure Psykos, they also lost Psykos herself and they and their dignity got hurt. They only escaped bc Tatsumaki got distracted n too wild but they barely got out with a sliver of their lives and prides. Big, disgruntled loss, if I say so.
Psychic Sisters: +2
Psykos: secured (seized)
Tsukuyomi spy: exposed
Tsukuyomi: –5
Psykos: lost
Money: lost
Health: at risk
Safety: endangered
Dignity: critically damaged
Gearsper, McCoy, Tsukuyomi, Org.
At the end of it all,Blizzards try to be productive with their number: they make use of their group work & personal expertise to exert pressure on execs to extract information and sort out clues.
Cooperation is a Powerful Tool, isn't it. On both sides of the negotiations, of course.
I wonder if the exec noses get bigger as they lie, it's as if Murata drew them such unique noses on purpose. Except they're so terribly obvious liars you'd be a fool to believe them. McCoy? Oh his shady face at the back is coy as he schemes
Here comes Gearsper at a suspicious moment, who proposes they “must've fallen for tricks.” Well, Whose trickery? What sort of tricks?
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Without an answer to my previous question, he assures them Tsukuyomi is merely a rumour, no more than expired gossip, and so ridiculous a rumour it's not even worth to expand on as conspiracy theory.
Hold on boy, care to explain your forehead scar? And Why do you seem to smirk as you speak?
Suddenly, the button on his helmet looks a little too much like the dented Moon God resides on. And his well fit suit looks too neat for hero work …He hides Tsukuyomi's existence, for whom?
He proceeds to list the reason for his logic, with known presence of psychic members at MA, he makes a fair argument, yet his suggestion raises my subconscious alarm.
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Needle Star doesn't say a word but you can tell he's got some thoughts about Gearsper.
Next panel McCoy exhales his obnoxious fumes with a sleazy smile and you just know he's up to no good. Mb he's let Gearsper cover Tsukuyomi, or he's got more schemes to execute.
Eloquent Evil
Remember I said Apollo gives me the creeps. I figured out exactly why he destabilizes every atom of my existence. His speech unsettles me so.It has no particular abnormality but I noticed he tends to not only speak with long (aka polite) conjugation (desu-masu), but also often uses a form used for suggestion, like let's & shall we, or …right? (deshou-mashou). Both are much used as standard formality, totally normal for real life, and expected politeness to strangers, senior, at work, etc. types of non-familiar speech. Except, bc manga & anime tend to use short conjg., and often super casual speech, esp, action shounen or seinen, courteous articulation can feel out of place with boisterous shouts all around you. It's like when smb is excessively civil it feels uneasy rather than relaxed, bc you feel like they're onto some nefarious schemes, down to exact details.
Best example without evil is Forte's 180° switch from fight me to would you mb like to hang out sometime which creeped Saitama out royally.
And right now, the way Gearsper speaks with all his polite desu-masu & deshou gives me prickly hairs on my neck. An uncanny recall to Apollo's courteous exchanges while he tries to KO ppl. Like, do all mad hatters & smiley mask suit-man present themselves so nobly? Sweet words drip poison from an executioner's tongue. Civil mask hides monstrosity without heart.
Gearsper, Without the Gear, Who are you?
I really don't want to doubt his prior merit, or for him to turn out as spy, bc he seemed to actually enjoy work with others like we saw with support team and they seem to get along well too, but if he is a spy, and it was all a ruse to pretend to be loyal to HA then he's damn good sneaky spy.
See, his humble rank makes him perfect for spy work. A little man with little presence. Nobody would suspect him if he is smart and discreet.
He is timid, not loud or keen to show off, helpful when needed & eager to help, nor likes to flaunt his accomplishments.
His mild manners, low rank, and small presence overall mean he's not easily noticed, no doubt a lament for heroes who want recognition, but an excellent way to conceal among crowd & gather precious intel.
Of course he could just be soft spoken, psychic, met the wrong people at the wrong place at the wrong time and felt the need to conceal himself and his past to keep his job, mb he was deemed a failed experiment, who escaped and wants no contact whatsoever with his past, sort of like Zombieman, although he did pursue Genus for clues about the limiter and God.
But for him to step out right now, to basically say: I know Tsukuyomi, but you need not know, bc it is non-existent… It would have been better for him (personally), to not speak at all, than to draw suspicion to himself, spark more curiosity about Tsukuyomi, and essentially expose the existence of the organization even more.
He could be manipulated, who knows. It's hard to read people without their full expression, eyes and brows are very subtle but honest indicators of truth emotions after all.
I was about cite his “weak” psychic power as part of why he's not easy to notice, but we only saw so much of him and he's really not half bad. I just feel like there's more to what his hero rank dictates about his ability. We all know ranks are BS often times.
I rambled about Gearsper's potential psychic capacity before, over here. It's just an old idea but bc his Gear is part of his hero identity, I do want to know what it does and how it works.
Thus concludes my Tsukuyomi arc.
It has been an unforgettable experience, fellow highway adventurers, see you next ride.
Guest commentary brought to you by Apollo's poison pill, with great relief we can tell you the poison has dissolved and he is now asleep :DD
_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
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scary-senpai · 1 year
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So I recently started reading Seek You: A Journey Through American Loneliness (Kristen Radke), and, uh, the whole thing is fucking excellent, but I wanted to leave an excerpt here. Radke is talking about the archetypal “Lone Wolf” hero, which Tatsumaki arguably embodies just as much as Garou, possibly even a bit more:
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This branding is reserved almost exclusively for men.
If we head back to the frontier, men rode alone, they conquered alone, they navigated the wilds of nature and beast all by themselves. Their women remained in hearth-smoking cabins, tending to the heart and hearth and little boys who would some day leave them too.
So it’s hard for me not to draw a parallel here, especially because (at this point in the narrative) Tats has just demonstrated that she is a kick-ass queen who can do both: she can support the physical safety of her family (Fubuki, and by extension Psykos), she can cooperate with other S-Class heroes (Genos), and be receptive to feedback from other people like Saitama.
But she gets to be none of those things, she just has to play nice and remain adorable.
There’s the added complexity of all the damage Tats caused during her temper tantrum so maybe you could argue that it’s essential to soften her image her, but that doesn’t really help anything. It’s more or less a given that HA won’t openly discuss its missteps or the lack of oversight / management that inevitably led to those things. I feel like…..they should have a team of S-class therapists or something? Idk. That’s in my back pocket as a sketch / novel / series pitch: POV you’re a therapist but all your clients are anime protagonists.
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criscura · 1 year
1. how far have you read into the opm manga?
2. which scene(s) would you most want to see in the anime?
3. other than genosai & sonic/mumen who's your fav ships?
!! HalllLLO <3<3<3
All of it! Everything! I read it as soon as it comes out. A new chapter hits and ten minutes later I'm feeding screenshots into Google translate and checking stuff on reverso context so I can understand what they're saying ;;;
Gosh....... I mean the obvious answer is the core touch, right?? And Saitama holding him after. Although because I care about one [1] Boy™, many MANY Genos shots--him doing housework in his dragon body, him absolutely fucking kicking ASS during the big fight with Psykorochi.... If he's on screen I'm going to be happy XD But GOODNESS have there been some great scenes. GOD climbing over the moon, that really scary shot of Evil Natural Water in the ocean, Saitama with Jupiter framing him from behind, the Monster Association being torn out of the ground and seeing how big it was. Also the Pyskorochi dogfight. I am absolutely delighted by that XD I'll be happy with anything though, to be honest ;;; I'm not super-convinced the next season will get all the way to the end of the Garou fight, but I'm easy to please and will be happy with pretty much anything ;;
Batarou!! Batarou (Badd/Garou) is actually my #2, and then it's a bit of a tie between all the rest--Speedal (Mumen/Sonic), Psybuki (Psykos/Fubuki)....Tatsuking? Kingtatsu? King/Tatsumaki. @batneko got me into Amaizomb (Amai/Zombieman) recently too, and then a VERY honorable mention for...Iaiatomic??? Atomic Samurai/Iaian. I'm also fairly into Sonic/Flash XD LISTEN as long as Genos and Saitama are together, I'm really not picky with anything else
Thank you for the ask!! <3<3<3<3
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hiphopintelligence · 7 months
Yung Lean And Bladee Combine Their Sad Boy And Drain Gang Forces On Their First-Ever Collab Album, ‘Psykos’
Yung Lean And Bladee Combine Their Sad Boy And Drain Gang Forces On Their First-Ever Collab Album, ‘Psykos’
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couchpilotspodcast · 2 years
The‌ ‌Captains‌ ‌review‌ TAMAGOTCHI VIDEO ADVENTURE. We have the one and only Baggage Boy Eli on the show. We talk about being passive aggressive, driving, porn, “Poor People”, and cussing. We review this #1997 failed pilot as part of our ANIMATION DOMINATION season. We breakdown the pilot, give you some facts, and give you our very professional ratings. 
Check out the latest episode!
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streetwisehiphop · 7 months
Yung Lean And Bladee Combine Their Sad Boy And Drain Gang Forces On Their First-Ever Collab Album, ‘Psykos’
Yung Lean And Bladee Combine Their Sad Boy And Drain Gang Forces On Their First-Ever Collab Album, ‘Psykos’
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 years
From webcomic to manga: is there a responsible adult?
One scene that I had been expecting to show up in the manga now looks unlikely to happen (not impossible, just unlikely): the scene of an angry Child Emperor working alone at his secret base, scandalized at the failure of the few heroes he looked up to to show when it mattered.
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In the manga, the pressure Child Emperor is under in Class S has been both more explicit, and more outrageous. He’s directly consulted for his technical expertise. He has the unpleasant job of having to try to manage the S-Class -- for ambitious, grown-ass adults, they fight shockingly shy of taking responsibility -- in all their fractious glory. It would also seem that he’s one of the few people who can talk to Metal Knight at all, although it’s not a great relationship. Far from joining forces, Metal Knight washes his hands of the whole affair, much to Child Emperor’s dismay, and goes incommunicado, saying only that there’s a mole somewhere in the camp. 
We really were all set up to see his dwindling faith in his fellow heroes crumble in high-definition. Doubly so when Phoenixman gets a claw on Child Emperor and starts working his poisonous persuasion on him.
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...we learn that there’s at least one person he’s been able to look up to, who looks out for him. Zombieman has been an unlikely role model for Child Emperor and being reminded that he’s out there thinking about him despite everything was exactly what the boy needed to remember why he was doing the things he was.
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We’re shown more than once that others do actively look to protect him.
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We find out that troublesome and idiosyncratic as the S-Class is, they’re all decent heroes at heart. When Atomic Samurai of all people decides to get off his high horse and coordinate the other heroes to help take down Psykos-Orochi, the shock and gratitude on Child Emperor’s face speaks volumes.  Indeed, whatever happened in the rest of the arc, they did not let him down.
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When he’s doubting his judgement, Zombieman reminded him that it’s okay to be human and to have things to learn. If anything, being able to acknowledge that is the opposite of a sign of failure. It’s an important lesson to learn so young.
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I like too that Zombieman points out that he’s not the only reasonable adult whom Child Emperor can approach for help and advice.  Very important that: it’s too easy to try to monopolise a young person’s admiration for oneself.
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And now, let’s talk about the heroes who let him down so badly in the webcomic.
 Blast did show up when it mattered most that he did. Very few saw him (and in the current timeline he didn’t need to step in to take on Garou) but he was there. A pity Child Emperor didn’t see him in person but at least he got to hear of it. Albeit in terms that Blast might not have liked but it’s not like the old man is going to show up and correct the record, is it?
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Even Metal Knight did good. They may not have been on speaking terms any longer, and he may not have shown up in battle, but his prompt clean up of the radioactive fallout and rounding up survivors for treatment went a long way to mitigating the damage done that day. Guess we won’t be getting to see our heroes dying of leukemia just yet.
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Wow, what an experience it’s been for our youngest hero!
He’s at that age where kids may be acquiring a decent degree of functional independence but still need to know that there are older, wiser heads looking out for them and reliable hands to reach out to them. In a way, we never outgrow that -- interdependence is the healthy human state after all -- but knowing that there are some reliable adults out there really makes all the difference in shaping a child’s life to a good adulthood. No joke, people who have turned out okay despite a difficult childhood do speak of having had at least *one* good adult in their lives, even if it was someone they saw only infrequently.
What I really have liked about this is that wholesome as it is, the different experience that Child Emperor has of his fellow heroes does not come about because they’re just super-sweet versions of their webcomic originals. If anything, they’re much more complex people.
What is the case is that they’re credible heroes rather than overpowered do-gooders who have put little work into thinking what they need to do to actually *be* heroes. It stretches one’s disbelief that the guys we see in the webcomic could successfully have been presented to the public as their heroes year after year (and the backlash against the Hero Association speaks to a sense of public betrayal). The webcomic makes it work because the Monster Association debacle was very small and contained but the threat is a lot more serious in the manga, and heroes-in-name-only just won’t cut it. The backlash is probably going to be just as severe though. People just don’t forgive being left in pain, and unfortunately, there is a lot of pain.
Trouble is, Child Emperor is unlikely to forget what Phoenixman told him. Somehow, that poison is going to work its way through and how it comes out remains to be seen.
In short, I love this development but I am still anxious about little Isamu. At the end of the day, he’s still a child who has been captured by adults and tasked with looking after them. I would love nothing better than for him to be able to have playdates with Waganma, Tareo, and their hangers-on, just to be a child again for a while at times. For the breathing space.
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Good luck, Isamu-kun!
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the-nysh · 2 years
Saitama's black during his fight with Garou has the same vibe as of Tatsumaki's when she fought Psykos and said "You said you were going to do what to my little sister?"
Came too late to be used as a threat, then. (As Saitama was tasked to help Garou, not mock and mess around til it backfired and Saitama revokes his own heroism, aaa.) That at this point, all of them (yes even Garou) should direct their ire towards 'god,' the True unwelcome, evil invasive meddler at large here.
That I wonder how much useful knowledge + memories Psykos still retains of Him - cause if her 'power' was split off when Orochi died as the sacrifice, mayhaps she's in a special 'safe' loophole zone away from confiscation (we'll see what her price is; she could still lose her mind to madness like in the wc for ex), if she ever talks about Him whenever she meets Fubuki again? we see what's up with her next.
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theomnicode · 2 years
Divine power? What, how and who?
Since Saitama's divine power is being used to destroy stuff in his anger and protect Genos core in his determination that it not come to harm...what else can divine power do? Besides create apparently anything and any kind of forces in the universe the mind can figure out to do, if we assume inner universe is related to divine power.
So like...if he uses anger to destroy...does it mean the opposite is true? That he can use grief to create?
It is also interesting to note that there's a LOT of people on the first season alone who seems to share the marks of possibly having divine power and leave effects when they hit stuff. The mark of diving power seemingly being glowing eyes. The drive to do anything. Passion. Emotion. Instinct. Battlelust.
I am making a big assumption that divine power is related to the passion, drive etc. of the self, spiritual power and thus the glowing eyes, because of it's divine origin and that Saitama's punches being more emotionally charged means they are stronger and more visible with divine energy effects.
It could still be that divine power and inner universe is different and the glowing eyes are just related to inner universe unlock, but eh.
Sea king seems to be one of the people with divine power: he punches away the rain momentarily and then causes a smoking effect on Saitama's bald head and has glowing yellow eyes. Saitama also parted the rain when he punched Sea king. The smoking effect is either part of the power being used to punch Saitama, friction effect of the powers colliding or the protective effect from Saitama's divine powers protecting him.
Genus says people like the sea folk are notably different from normal monsters, so that would be why.
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Boros when he punches Saitama's cheek has the same wind effect when Saitama serious punches him. And just when Boros gets normal punched and only an eye is left...Boros eye glows momentarily and he pieces himself back together, like he suddenly found a second wind and refused to die because he wanted to live so badly.
Tree of life has been a motif for divine power as well with Psykos.
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I can think of many different applications for divine power that can create life.
Like resurrection.
But since the anime seems to depict holders of divine power with glowing eyes, who in the anime possibly has divine power?
Oh it's actually quite a few.
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The first is ofc, Saitama himself. He awakened his drive and whatever associated with divine power when he became a hero and again inside his dream and fearsomely fights back. The immediately has more emotion when he wakes up and kicks the subterranean king back down.
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Second is Genus, who's basically saying he's gonna carry out the human evolution by himself if he has to. The amount of drive had to be humongous. Then he eventually succeeded and de-aged himself. Crazy.
This actually happened far before Saitama got his divine power, which means it has existed for quite some time at least.
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This guy Geryuganshoop also, seems to be manifesting some kind of divine power. Which would make sense because it manipulated gravity equal to black hole. Then it's blatantly trying to kill Saitama.
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Boros after getting a glowing eye, practically overflows with power and attempts to Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon Saitama and entire earth with it. Probably the reason he survived Saitama's attacks was because he awakened something within or he was determined enough to not die but survive and divine power manifested as life energy.
And last but not least...
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Our boi Genos. Because interestingly enough...his eyes don't glow yellow in the first episode no. It's not his battle mode engagement cybernetic eyes or anything of the sort activating. Genos was just trying to do a ruthless, analytical beatdown on the moth.
But something changes when he accepts to becoming Saitama's disciple. He gets the drive and he starts to become fiercely determined and motivated to win, more emotional and battlelusted even.
It's almost like Saitama gave him part of what makes him so driven and motivated. An impartation of power. That and Genos totally copied Saitama's technique too. Stroke of inspiration, plain copying a move he saw...or something more. Not sure he had the time to look behind him when he was fighting Armored gorilla.
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Genos practically shimmers with visible divine power. He's like "LETS FUCKING GOOOO!!!!"
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Fiercely defending the civilians with divine power and upholding justice.
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When you think about it, have we seen Genos pour as much power into attack before? He says he could now destroy the meteor...but this was very early into his upgrade cycle, so you gotta wonder if divine power didn't aid him here.
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Oh Genos, you're being so cute. You're so angry on Saitama's behalf that your divine power activates.
Very scary.
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You just gotta love how driven this man is for sensei's benefit, like protecting him. He's so devoted. And Saitama is just cheering on the background.
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I sense an ill omen. Concerning the Mad cyborg arc if divine power is involved. Even the terminator right side of the eye is glowing yellow instead of the normal red.
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I do think we possibly unlocked something on Jupiter, because Saitama seems notably more emoting than usual after that, he cracked at least 6 big :D smiles. Forcibly making him experience more emotions and drive than he can handle so he dissociates would probably do that.
According to the Kojiki when Ōkuninushi visited Ne-no-kuni and insulted Susanoo he was submitted to overcome three ordeals, one being described to sleep in a house infested with snakes, centipedes and wasps. This is sometimes taken as another hint that Ne-no-kuni is a subterranean realm. One explanation of the myth contrasts the trials of Ōkuninushi to a symbolic death through rites of initiation that cause one to become reborn into a new life. In this story, death doesn't pollute, it regenerates. The land of the dead also contains the forces of life, tama.
Vaccineman does talk about how humanity keeps polluting eh, like a disease.
I am fairly excited to see where this route takes us and know more about divine power.
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iifeeniexii · 4 years
The Face of Utter Despair
While the MA arc in the WC is truly great, the "despair" part of the MA only begins when Garou awakens. That is not bad at all! If anything, it puts the spotlight heavily on Garou and that is a good thing.
However, the manga has already started to make the characters suffer. Psykos is already pushing Tatsu to her utter limit.
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She puts Tatsu through horrible pain. It's really heart-wrenching to see Tatsu suffer and the pain of watching her suffer is much greater in the manga since we just saw a really good side of Tatsu just a few chapters ago. So, for a lot of us readers, Tatsu has a snarky attitude BUT she is a good hero and overall a good person.
So watching her suffer, hurts. It truly hurts.
We want someone to save her.
Who's that?
Tatsu is saved! Honestly, who is that???
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Wait a second. There were only three other people who were watching the battle. Obviously, that is not King or Tareo. Unless King awakened his inner beast. Obviously we all know that King is Blast. He is just hiding his powers. Hahahahahahaha. (Obviously, that is a joke.)
Honestly, who is it?
Wait a second. The third person apart from King and Tareo was-
Oh shit.
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Also, look its Lightning Max with his tiny telescope? Whatever it may be, it's cute! Also, Tareo! The little sweetheart!
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There is no doubt that he is in the same mindset that he was when he battled EC.
Rational thinking be damned. All he needs is to win this war against these monsters.
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The fire in him has truly awakened. He has let his entire being free in this battle.
He is clearly seeing nothing but red.
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Gotta love this amazing heated moment between Tatsu and Genos. This was what the WC didn't have. Genos saved Tatsu even in the WC but that is never acknowledged again. Here we can see them actually communicating and presumably Tatsu is telling him to
To leave because she thinks she can handle it alone.
To leave because she doesn't think he can face Psykos and he might get hurt.
I don't understand Japanese so all I can do is speculate until Vib and team translate the chapter. (Thank you guys for working so hard to translate the chapters so fast! The entire OPM fandom is truly grateful to you guys.)
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Honestly, I have no idea what is going on with Psykos over here. It's just scary to see her lose her mind for her ideals and the vision she saw. It really makes you wonder what pushed her so far. What was in the vision that she saw?
However, Tatsu and he are together now.
Finally, he is going to strike.
Genos is ready to unleash the dragon inside him.
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