#Princess Leia golden bikini
tomrogerscomics · 1 year
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4x6" ink sketch of Princess Leia in her famous golden bikini! $35 (with free US shipping) if you want it! Etsy link
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emptyjunior · 2 years
"James Kirk was flirting with women all the time, he was chasing them down on every planet" girl He was the one being pursued. He was the plucky blonde being grabbed by the neck and swooped into a kiss.
If there's a sexy teaching you how to play pool sequence I can promise you He is the one being bent over
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If there's a hostage scenario He is the one being forced into the skimpy princess Leia golden bikini
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Anyways, I just don't think he should get the credit for this. Like I guess yeah he was hooking up but it's not cause of His moves. These alien women have Rizz okay and they know what they want
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Hi. I love your stories. I have an idea for a ficlet. I would love one where Randy Orton and the reader go to a haunted house and he protects the reader from all the Scary things
Aww thank you so much sis! Hope you enjoy what I did! 🙂
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Title: Haunted House Pairing: Randy Orton X Reader Summary: You and Randy decide to visit a Haunted House on Halloween night and you get so spooked he has to protect you. Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination. Content/Trigger Warnings: None. Just fluff and an attempt at comedy.
NOTE: I have never done a Haunted House before, so bear with me. I hope I did this correctly.
Haunted House
“I don’t know about this,” you said, taking Randy Orton’s large hand. “I’ve never been in a haunted house before, Randy.”
“Oh, come on, Y/N,” Randy coaxed, his bright blue eyes flashing. “It’ll be fun. Besides, you can’t go to a Halloween carnival without visiting the haunted house.”
You were both dressed up for Halloween as Han Solo and Princess Leia from the Return of the Jedi. Your costume was complete with the golden bikini and a super long clip in braid.
“Yeah but they say this house is actually haunted,” you argued. “Like, for real. That’s like deciding to pay the Amityville house a visit! Are you crazy??”
Randy chuckled, and brought your hand to his mouth, kissing it softly. “Why so scared? I’ll protect you.”
“I don’t doubt you’d try,” you replied, “But how are you going to protect me from a ghost, or worse, a poltergeist?”
He chuckled again and led you up the walkway toward the house. “It’ll be fine. If it gets too bad, we’ll find the nearest emergency exit and leave. Deal?”
You nodded reluctantly, “O-okay.”
You went through the, what used to be, white gate of the picket fence which framed the large yard and walked toward the front door. A small group of teenage girls were behind you, already giggling hysterically. 
“Somehow, I think if we’re stuck in front of them the whole time, I’m gonna be ready to climb the walls before this is over,” you remarked, with a roll of your eyes.
“Don’t worry, they’ll be more quiet when they get scared,” Randy chuckled deviously. “And I can always scare them worse than this house would.”
You nodded your agreement with a soft hum of approval.
He was telling the truth. Randy was an insanely attractive man, but he could definitely turn into a scary lunatic when he wanted to–usually when he was wrestling or filming a segment for the WWE.
You stepped up to the first step of the porch, and–
“ROAAAR!!” A Freddy Krueger leapt out from behind the open front door.
At the same time, you jumped out of your skin and your hand shot to your chest as the teenagers squealed, and Randy laughed aloud.
“This is gonna be fun,” he exclaimed.
“If you say so,” you said under your breath.
You both stepped into the house, followed by the annoying teenage girls, and you were already cringing when a goblin flew by your face, shrieking in laughter, it’s ragged clothing brushing across your cheek.
“It’s just a bunch of jump-scares,” you griped to Randy. “Can’t we just forget about this?”
“Once you enter, you don’t exit,” came the killer’s voice from the Scream films. Right behind you. You turned and immediately screamed at seeing Ghostface run at you.
“How the heck did he hear me,” you demanded. “I wasn’t talking that loud. Randy, this is freaky.”
“Relax, babe, it’s just part of the show,” Randy said, leading you forward. “I won’t let anything touch you.”
“Okay,” you agreed reluctantly, letting him take your hand and lead you further into the house.
You both turned down a hallway and immediately heard a door slam in the near distance followed by a woman’s scream. You couldn’t decide if it was sound effects or if the “for real” haunted house was beginning to show its true colors.
That thought nearly sent you into a panic. “Randy, I really want out of here. Please.”
“Okay, baby, we can leave,” Randy said, turning you toward the way you’d just come. He affectionately squeezed your shoulders. “We’ll go back out the front door since we already know what is lurking there.”
You nodded as he led you, and you immediately felt bad. “I’m sorry. I know you wanted to do this.”
“No worries, babe. It’s not a big deal. I just thought since you’d never been to one that it’d be fun for you. If it’s scaring you that bad I don’t want you to do it either.”
“Sir,” an authoritative voice said from behind the two of you. You turned and saw that “Freddy Krueger” was acting as hall monitor, so to speak. “Sir, you’re not allowed to leave back through the front door. I’m afraid you have to go through the remaining haunted house to get to the actual exit.
“Please,” you started. “I’m freaked out and I just want out of here.”
“There’s only a couple of hallways to get through ma`am.”
It was surreal for Freddy Krueger to be speaking so politely to you. But polite or not you wanted out of this house and you wanted out now.
“I don’t care. I’m not going and you can’t make me,” you said feeling childish, but nonetheless justified.
“Look, Freddy,” Randy started sarcastically, popping his knuckles and clearly losing his patience. “We’re going out the front door. If you don’t like that, I don’t think there’s a lot you can do about it.”
“I can stop you from going through the door.”
Freddy was getting pretty snarky.
“And I can slap the taste out of your pizza-faced mouth,” you said in retaliation.
“Now listen,” Freddy started, pointing his finger blade at you. “I-”
“Don’t you dare point that blade at me,” you cried indignantly. You let loose and slapped him across the face.
“HEY!” Freddy was suddenly angry and latched onto your arm with his gloved hand. 
“OW,” You cried, as the metal of the glove dug into your skin. The blades were thankfully dulled down to where it didn’t actually cut you, but it still hurt.
“Okay, that’s it,” Randy said a second before driving his fist into Freddy’s face. 
Freddy was down for the count.
“Come on, let’s get out of here,” Randy said, taking your hand and heading for the front door.
You both hurried through the door and were instantly out in the cool night air.
“Thank you, baby,” you said softly as you walked away from the house and headed out of the carnival toward Randy’s car.
“No one's gonna put their hands on you on my watch,” he said, as he walked you to the passenger’s side of the large SUV. “No one.”
He opened the door for you and helped you into the seat, before gently closing the door again. Then he was jogging around to the driver’s side and getting in himself.
“I love you, Randy.”
He looked over at you and smiled. “I love you too.” His dimples appeared then. “In fact I was going to do this after the haunted house, but Freddy screwed it up,” he chuckled, pulling a velvet box out of his costume’s pocket. He opened the box to reveal a diamond ring. “Y/N… Would you marry me?”
“Oh my God, Randy! Yes!” You squealed the words and latched onto him kissing him passionately. “Yes,” you said again, as he placed the ring on your finger.
“I’m glad.” He said, reaching over and kissing you softly. “You’ve just made me the happiest man on earth.” He started the car as you admired your ring.
“And you’ve made me the happiest woman on earth,” you replied, gazing at him. “Let’s go home and celebrate,” he said with a wink.
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grantspectortrash · 2 years
Bad To The Bone
pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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summary: Halloween night, King Steve on the cusp of Good Steve, and a shared love for The Karate Kid. Flirting that you'd never admit to, a party that you'll never forget.
word count: 3.2K
A/N: aha honestly? I just wanted to combine my love for Steve Harrington, Cobra Kai/Karate Kid and Halloween all into one place. Hope you enjoy! Requests are open btw <3
It's Halloween 1984 and somebody is dressed as a skeleton.
But not any old skeleton - they're dressed up as Johnny Lawrence's skeleton, headphones around his neck and all, completely identical to the costume in The Karate Kid.
You wonder how long it took them to create it, and how many times they went to the cinema in order to memorise it down to the very last thread.
You can't see their face, but they're on the dancefloor and they are killing it - no Halloween pun intended.
Tina is the one throwing the party, claiming that she is the 'ghostess with the mostest'. Her house is large enough to host all of your classmates and more. You're pretty sure that there's some underage kids hanging out and drinking in her backyard, but that isn't your problem.
And, while you take in the scenery and stand in Tina's kitchen, you contemplate why you ever thought dressing up as Mr Miyagi was a good idea - bald cap and all.
Robin, your best friend in the entire world, had bailed on you this Halloween. Sure, maybe she couldn't get out of going to her cousin's wedding, but why did it have to be the same weekend as Halloween? The pair of you were always Batman and Robin, and surprisingly you were always Robin. That joke never got old, not to you at least.
Most girls, if not all, at the party had gone for the sexy side of Halloween dress-up. Sexy ghosts, sexy nuns, Princess Leia in her golden bikini. One very specific, very skimpy, sexy E.T. who had lights glowing from her boobs instead of her finger.
You think it's the first time you've seen an alien that wants to get probed. Alas, you digress.
The Johnny Lawrence poser is dancing as '(Don't Fear) The Reaper' is playing from the large speakers that Tina has borrowed from her boyfriend Chris.
Although you're not very close to Tina, you get the urge to tell her that while she's dancing with her friends, Chris is making out with Stacey in the downstairs bathroom behind you.
Each time their hankering bodies collide with the bathroom door, you take one step further into the kitchen and one step further away from whatever is going on inside that bathroom. You're grateful the music covers their noises.
Nobody has spoken to you in about twenty minutes, and the only conversation you did have was when someone, clearly already drunk and dressed like Danny Zuko yelled "Wax on, wax off!" in your face as he grabbed yet another beer bottle from the kitchen counter.
You had wondered if he had a Sandy to pair up with, but when he sauntered back into the crowd you saw the mass of T-Birds waiting for him.
Hiding out in the kitchen has it's privileges. You had already swiped two bottles of the cheep beer yourself, and now you nurse the second by taking tiny sips at regular intervals and clutching the bottle tightly just so that you have something to do with your hands.
The song ends and a new one starts, and you watch as the skeleton gestures to some of the people he's with - you don't recognise any of them.
His thumb jabs over to the direction of the kitchen and soon he's snaking through the throng of costumed people on the dancefloor, all drunk or high to a varying degree.
As he gets closer you wonder if he'll see you. You wonder if you know him. You still can't see his face; the makeup is deceiving and his hair is hidden by the hood of the costume.
The skeleton-clad boy moves to the other end of the kitchen, his back to you. He grabs a bottle from the counter and absentmindedly cracks the cap off with his teeth. It's an act you're sure a dentist wouldn't approve of, but it comes across as quite an impressive act, and a slightly attractive thing to do.
He pulls the cap from his mouth and flicks it onto the counter. It's only then that he takes in what's been going on in the kitchen.
There's a guy who's been stood over the punch bowl for the last ten minutes, tipping in various bottles of spirits and mixers and meticulously stirring it, all while dressed as a baseball player.
A couple, dressed as Fred and Daphne from the Scooby gang, have been arguing just as long. Their hushed tones are hidden by the music, but whatever is going on neither of them are happy about.
And then there's you. And the skeleton boy can see that.
He turn towards you fully, grinning, and it's only then that you wish you hadn't been staring at him all night. You wish you hadn't created an idea of who he might be in your head. Because he smiles and it's unmistakeable. It's pretty and popular and all the girls love it.
You have to stop yourself from cursing.
"Oh shit, Mr Miyagi. Better stay away from you." He takes a sip from his beer and leans casually on the counter beside you.
He is no longer skeleton boy, the guy with the bad dance moves and the good taste in movies.
He's Steve Harrington. King Steve. Douchebag of all douchebags. And your crush since about eighth grade, not that you'd admit that to yourself. Or him.
And sure, the crush faded in and out, because it was never going to be reciprocated, and honestly you didn't care.
But tonight he looked like Johnny Lawrence, and you had to keep reminding yourself who he really was under his clothes and all of that makeup.
A bully. A rich boy. A reminder of why you didn't need a guy in your life.
And yet, even after all your reminding, when he's dressed as Johnny Lawrence he's almost someone else. Almost the guy you created in your head.
"Yeah, one wrong move and you're dead, Harrington." You reply, rolling your eyes and taking a sip of beer for good measure.
Steve brings his own bottle to his lips, and laughs.
"It's Y/N, right? We have maths together." He asks, and you're surprised he even remembers your name let alone the classes you have together.
You nod.
Steve smiles then, almost proud of himself for remembering, and it's difficult to picture his real face under all the makeup - all you can see is Johnny Lawrence and it's beginning to become a little flustering. No, frustrating. Yeah, that's what you mean. Frustrating.
He says something just as the music gets cranked up. 'The Monster Mash' is playing at a deafening volume, no doubt something the neighbours won't appreciate, along with the smoking and yelling and all the other noises omitting from the house.
You look over at the dancefloor to notice Tina is gone - you hope she's not looking for her cheating, scumbag boyfriend. She's better without.
You turn back to Steve, "Huh?" You have to practically yell to be heard.
Steve repeats whatever he said, only for you to not hear him again. You shake your head.
This time, Steve rolls his eyes. Then, he's ducking his head so it's close to yours and his lips are against your ear. His breath is warm and it sends a spark straight down your spine.
"I said, only hot chicks can pull off a bald cap, I'm impressed."
He pulls away and suddenly the heat isn't from his breath, it's across your cheeks and burning the tops of your ears.
You don't want to admit to yourself that it's because of Steve fucking Harrington, so you blame it on the fact he looks like Cobra Kai's bad boy.
"I - uh, umm..." It very quickly seems like you can't find your voice. You swallow hard, hoping to clear the lump in your throat. You don't know what to say.
And Steve's loving every second of it. There's a smug look on his face, and undeniable sparkle in his brown eyes.
You're about to yell at him. Steel yourself and tell him what's what, when the music gets cut.
Everybody turns to the speaker, including you and Steve. Whatever moment the two of you shared passes. Tina's ripped the cord, and she's standing there in her cheerleading outfit, shaking a pom aggressively.
"Where's Chris?"
As soon as she yells his name, Stacey storms out of the bathroom behind you. Her hair is a mess and her identical cheerleading outfit is ripped. A lipstick stain smears the right side of her face.
"You said you'd broken up!" She's marches across the kitchen and Steve pulls you close to him so that you're out of the girl’s way.
Seconds later, Chris appears. His trousers by his ankles and lipstick all over his face and exposed chest. A line of kisses trail all the way down to his boxers.
"Stacey! Tina!" He stumbles across the kitchen, making his way behind you. Once he passes, you push yourself away from Steve, aware of how close the pair of you were.
The two girls start yelling, moving towards the direction of the front door as they start grappling each other. Tina has Stacey by the hair, while Stacey is trying to shove Tina's pom down her throat. Chris hauls ass behind them, yelling apologies that neither of the girls are paying attention to.
They leave through the front door, and the yelling becomes fainter as they move across the lawn. Someone dressed as a ghost pulls the front door shut, and plugs the speaker back in. The music commences, quieter this time.
"Holy hell." You shake your head and finish your second beer of the night. The alcohol hasn't affected you yet, and it's making you feel left out. Everyone here seems even a little bit tipsy. Apart from you. And, well, maybe Steve too.
"Yikes. That’s depressing." Steve replies, and without asking, leans behind him to grab you another bottle. He does the teeth thing again with the cap and you laugh.
"That's a very Johnny Lawrence move, you know."
That earns a grin from Steve, his real teeth showing instead of the fake skeleton teeth painted on his skin. "What can I say? I'm bad to the bone."
You try to hold in the laughter. For someone who was meant to be cool and popular, Steve was proving to be quite corny.
You take a risk by asking, "Talking of bad boys, why aren't you flooded with your usual admiring fans tonight?” Then you carry on, just to add the illusion of disinterest, “And Tommy?”
Then, you take a long sip of your third beer until the embarrassment of asking goes away. You nearly drain the bottle.
"Well," Steve says, glancing over to the masses of dancing girls who are all dressed up like sexy cavewomen. The actual cheerleading squad.
"They found out I was dating Nancy Wheeler, and I had to stop basketball practice to get my grades up. All of which apparently made me lame. And then Nancy dumped me, yesterday actually. So turns out I'm not as cool as I once was."
He reaches out to touch the fake Mr Miyagi beard stuck to your chin. You slap his hand away, with no real heat behind the act.
"Hence why you're talking to me." You laugh, a little bit of the alcohol taking effect now. Your insides feel warm and you're not worried if your comment seems insensitive. Steve doesn't seem to mind.
And the fall of King Steve is almost intriguing to you. He was funny. And had good take in films. And was talking to you like he actually cared.
"Yeah. Right. Hence why I'm talking to you." Steve's voice is full of sarcasm. But, he's smiling. A real genuine smile that makes you think that maybe Steve Harrington isn't so bad. Maybe.
His clinks his beer bottle with yours then, and tips his head up to take a long swig from his bottle. You watch as his Adam's Apple bobs.
You take a sip after he takes his, and he watches as you do. Some impulse draws him closer to you, and he pulls the bald-cap away from your head. You take the bottle away from your lips and take your natural hair out of its hairband. It falls roughly, kind of sweaty and bobby-pinned in place, but Steve nods anyway.
"Much better." He says, and winks.
It's in that moment that you think something passes between the pair of you. Something special, something that's yours. A strange acknowledgement of something that's just begun.
But hey, maybe it's just the alcohol talking.
You pull the fake beard away from your face and set down the third empty beer bottle of the night. "Want to go outside?"
Steve nods.
Five minutes later you find yourself on a swing set with Steve beside you. The beer bottles and the music are forgotten. There's only a couple people outside, all appreciating the slightly quieter outdoors. Two guys are sharing a joint and are deep in conversation, but they're not in hearing distance.
Wherever the love-triangle of Stacey, Tina and Chris got to is a mystery, but you're glad the drama is nowhere near you.
Steve's pulled the skeleton hood off now, revealing tufts of messy brown hair. His heels are dug into the ground, and truth be told he's a little bit too tall for the set, but he swings slightly all the same.
The sky's pitch black but the tree above you has been bombarded with enough fairy lights to attract an entire moth family. The lights reflect in Steve's eyes.
"I'm sorry about Nancy, by the way." You don't know what makes you say it, but the words come out of your mouth anyway.
"Thanks, Y/N. I think you're actually the first person who's actually said that. Everyone else is glad that we’re done."
There's a tinge of hurt in Steve's voice, and he won't meet your gaze.
"Are you glad you’re done?" You ask even though you can already guess the answer from the look on his face.
"Yes, and no. I don't know. She's in love with someone else. I have to respect that. Maybe what we had was love, maybe it wasn't. Whatever."
You know it shouldn't, but his comments gains a laugh from you, "King Steve respecting women, who would have thought it?"
Steve cracks a small smile, almost painful, and suddenly you feel bad.
"Sorry." You say, "That was in bad taste."
He looks at you then, all soft eyes and skeleton makeup. "No, it's okay. You're not wrong."
There's a brief silence between the two of you, and you watch as the couple dressed as Fred and Daphne - who were arguing the last time you saw them - are stepping out of the back door in tandem. The guy’s hands are on the girl’s ass, her's are in his hair. They're snogging at a rapid rate, and not even looking where they're going. They find a tree, and start making out against it. Their kissing noises are off-putting.
"Well at least now I'm single I don't have to be embarrassing like that." Steve laughs, but the act seems perfunctory. "Anyway."
He stops swinging and looks at you, scanning you quickly before smiling. He leans over to poke you on the knee. "What about you?"
You frown, "What about me?"
Your question gains a smirk, "You know. Are you dating anyone? What's up in the world of Y/N?"
"Oh, well, not much." Your hand comes to the back of your neck, suddenly feeling awkward and exposed. Your fingers itch to be holding another bottle of beer - where was that liquid courage when you needed it?
"I'm single. Very. Always. And it's fine, I guess. Yeah. I'm fine."
Under all his face-paint, Steve's left eyebrow quirks up at you, "You sure?" He's trying to hide a smile, and you move to lightly hit his foot with your own.
"Shut up, Harrington."
"No, come on. You must have thought about someone though. Like the prom's coming up soon, who would you ask?"
You groan, burying your face into your hands. Fuck sake.
Steve moves then, you can feel it more than see it. You peek through your fingers to see him crouched in front of you, his hands coming to rest on your knees. There's a warmth radiating off him, one that you can't ignore.
"Y/N, why're you hiding from me?" Steve's voice is barely a whisper. It gains another spark down your spine, one that circles back around your body and straight into your heart.
You were going to have so much explaining to do when Robin got home.
"You." The words come out of your mouth in a mumble, and you're still hiding behind your fingers. Steve moves them for you. You become very aware of his hands on yours, the way his fingers interlock with yours and rest between your knees. It seems easy. It seems right.
"What was that?" You can tell he's not trying to be mean. He's genuinely curious. His fingers slip out from yours and you end up squeezing your fists tight.
"I'd ask you. You know, the version of you that isn't a dick, anyway."
Steve smiles so hard to the point where he ends up looking kinda goofy, and ultimately, a little bit pleased too.
So, you do the only thing you can think of. You push him with your knees and it sends him landing on his ass.
He guffaws, “Damn, I was right. Gotta stay away from Mr Miyagi."
You stand up and offer him your hand; he takes it.
Steve brushes himself off before looking at you again. He notices the tint in your cheeks, definitely not just from the alcohol this time.
"Tell you what, considering that I'm not cool or a dick anymore, do you think you could handle being friends? Go from there?" There's a gentleness in Steve's voice that fully convinces you maybe King Steve is dead for good.
Maybe tonight, dressed as Johnny Lawrence, there's some sort of symbolism there. The last night of being a bad boy.
You nod, embarrassed and endeared all at the same time. "Sure. Cool. Works for me."
Steve sticks his hand out, cracking another smile, "I'm Steve Harrington. Nice to meet you."
You can't help but laugh, even if you do take his hand and accept the shake. It's almost like a deal. A secret between the two of you. And you have no idea how it happened.
"Hi, Steve. You know, for someone who's been popular for a long time, being a corny loser kind of suits you."
"I guess so. Perhaps hanging around with you has that effect."
You're both smiling, but you hit Steve in the stomach all the same. It leads to an all out Miyagi-Do vs Cobra Kai fight, although you're not really throwing your punches and Steve's totally letting you win. But this is a friendship you didn't know you needed. Hell, maybe is was going to be more than a friendship. And it seems wonderful - an unexpected treat on a Halloween night.
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piglet26 · 9 months
Rey...A Mary Sue?
When it comes to the Star Wars fanbase.....Disney is the maker of many of their own problems. Disney has blown things out of proportion. They've attacked their own fanbase and then hidden behind that very slander to avoid criticism. They haven't honored the very audience they seek to make a lot of money from, not to mention the franchise. They've bounced around between visions trying to please everyone and then pleased no one.
However, the Star Wars fanbase is also to blame for many of their quarrels, grips and dissatisfactions with the franchise. Oh, you don't like the corporatized Disney sequels? Well I remember you didn't like the prequels which George Lucas actually did them. Disney sequels are too comedic? The movies would've been better if there was less humor? Well the prequels were too whiny, political and serious.
It's not enough that Disney films are more diverse, have a female lead and have more females on the production side..... unless those characters are saying, doing and being portrayed exactly how the fanbase would like.......then Disney is still misogynistic and racist.
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Carrie Fisher, The Princess, faced sexism, ageism and body shaming from both Disney and the Star Wars fandom prior to returning for The Force Awakens. Since he passing obviously many people would like to forget about this or flat out bury it.
Carrie Fisher tells British Good Housekeeping that she was pressured to lose more than 35 pounds to reprise Princess Leia in The Force Awakens: “They don’t want to hire all of me — only about three-quarters! Nothing changes, it’s an appearance-driven thing. I’m in a business where the only thing that matters is weight and appearance."
She first donned that golden slave bikini when she was 27. Thirty years later, Carrie Fisher’s back as Leia in “Star Wars,” but apparently some viewers thought she’d look exactly the same. The 59-year-old actor was the unfortunate recipient of a barrage of hateful tweets from critics who felt the need to tell her she’s aged badly in the past three decades. She Tweeted, "Men don't age better than women, they're just allowed to age." Meanwhile, Harrison Ford looked old and Mark Hamill looked liked a drunk.
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All of this is to say the question of whether or nor Rey is a Mary Sue isn't a simple one. While Disney LucasFilm didn't develop the character as well as they could have.... the audience largely had double standards. Rey, as a woman, had more work to do to win over an audience already suspicious of the feminization of Star Wars.
Let's address the criticism
Why does Rey seem so skilled?
Rey works for Unkar Plott scavenging. It would make sense she understands engineering and mechanics. She has to understand how things work, which parts are valuable and understand that about multiple forms of machinery. How does she fly? Just fly, not even combat fly. If in her introduction she was shown to be flying commercially maybe people would've let it go, I'm not sure. Luke and Anakin by contrast turn out to be expert pilots who fight in combat..... no one questioned a thing and one of them is a child. When she initially flies the Falcon she does an alright job and in the three sequels films we never see her fly in combat. Finn never learned how to fly!!!! He famously needed a pilot, yet, got a crash course in The Last Jedi enough to fly at the end against the First Order. She speaks droid, but all our protagonist in Star Wars do. Someone has to be able to understand them.
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Rey has no flaws and she's so perfect.
No, actually she's not. Rey is extremely vulnerable, lonely and requires validation. She fears she's gonna be an old woman cleaning gear on Jakku, but she doesn't leave. The only character she really relates and connects to.... is the villain. Yes, she's likable and she's suppose to be because she's our protagonist. Who the hell finds fault with either the character or the production team for trying to make their main character likeable?! Other characters are attracted to her. It's important to note that most force users come off as charismatic, magical and attractive.
Does Rey have a personality?
Yes. Many people get held up on the fact that Rey seems to be bubbly and happy despite growing up in isolation in a tough environment. Initially, with Finn, she comes off pretty hostile and untrusting. It was only when she assumed he was resistance (something safe) and he went along with the assumption that she relaxed a bit. She responded with anger at him just grabbing her hand, but when he showed concern for her then she reciprocated. Neither Finn nor Rey have proper social development which explains why they latch onto one another. Not to mention both are outsiders thrown into pivotal roles without much concept on how to deal with those roles.
Rey is also very childlike. It's something Kylo Ren tries to push her out of. She waits around for her family for years. She licks plates and plays with the resistance helmet. She latches onto people. She latches onto Finn once she trust him. She latches onto Han perceiving him as an ideal father figure. When she forms a connection to Kylo Ren she latches onto him. She's loyal to the people and things she cares about. There were things that could have helped Rey become a fuller developed character. Rey can fight but we never learned WHY she learned how to fight. Has she been stolen from a lot? Has she been attacked? Was she trained? Rey was taken at a young age, what schooling did she receive? Did she just learn trade work? In the novels, her character is obviously developed more, but Lord! People really act like any oversight of character development was a feminist statement about perfection. In reality, it was a film trying to balance multiple characters in a 2.5 hour film.
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Rey doesn't have any training and yet is so magical with the Force.
Rey is assisted by The Force. Force users can use the force with very little understanding of it or training. Anakin as a 9 year old is just winging it. So there's that. Now the first time she encounters Kylo Ren, she's terrified and running/shooting for her life. When he force freezes her she's helpless. When he puts her to sleep with the force, she has to be rescued by men.
Now this is the most important. Her bond with Kylo Ren is one of the reasons she's able to access more of and learn about the force. "A Force dyad, also known as a dyad in the Force, was when two Force-sensitive beings had a unique Force-bond—that was unbreakable—that made them one in the Force. The power of a dyad was as strong as life itself, with the individuals forming the dyad sharing a connection that spanned across time and space."
They don't play this up enough in the movies. In the novels it's clear that their minds bridge. She's able to access Kylo's mind from understanding how he accessed her mind. Their bond boost both of their strengths in the force. It's important to note that Rey's abilities actually terrify her.
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Rey knows more about the Falcon than Han Solo.
She explained that Unkar Plott installed a compressor which Rey was aware of and both Han and Rey agreed put stress on the hyperdrive. After her assistance bypassing the compressor Han is firming in control of The Falcon.
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She beat Kylo Ren at the end of the Force Awakens despite never holding a light saber.
Well, I agree with this one. Kylo Ren wasn't trying to kill her. He was sparring with him and testing her talents. If he wanted to kill her, there was a convenient cliff he could've pushed her over. He wants to train her and he wants her.
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Daisy Ridley is a talented and charismatic actress.... she just isn't recognized for it. The fandom looks for flaws, weaknesses and reasons to complain. I don't want to take away anything from the males in Star Wars. I want them to be great. Honestly A Song of Fire and Ice is how I'd like to see more men and women written. Some are good, some are bad, some are great, some are horrific and all are flawed.
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fiddlesolo · 2 years
men who sexualize princess leia’s golden bikini will not see heaven
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klaaswolfvanrijn · 1 year
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iomontecillo · 2 years
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Continuation: The “Librarian Bigolow Incident” becomes a popular meme at school for a week. 23 expects “this Will bow over some time”, as the “joke” continues to swish from mouth to mouth like a baseball loogie recycling between swingers at a 50 Shades Of Gray themeparty. The meme takes a new life of it’s own, reincarnating into bedazzled Newbies of his face in a Golden princess Leia bikini and an Oprah-pre-weightloss-look-alike passed in as Jaba The Hut throwing dollar bills. Now “Gray’s 23” is the meme-boy-classic gang-Thang with sparkles and candystripes becoming the alias of this year’s upcycling of crack. The “Gray-Buck” becomes a new brand of bitcoin as a means to launder black market products. Gray Boy 23’s nightmare is now a Cult icon for the hobbyist underground petty crime scene. https://www.instagram.com/p/CjYB253thLD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Princess Leia's Golden Bra
Eddie Munsonx fem!reader (just referred to as she because I didn't say her name or Y/N)
Summary: Eddie's girlfriend got Leia's famous costume to surprise her boyfriend, but he had a few objections that she was definitely not expecting. Just a fluffy and funny little idea I had.
warnings: allusions to sex I guess?
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    She stared into the full length mirror on the bathroom door, then back to the VHS box cover of Return of the Jedi, then leaned in to try and make the hair go a little more up. It was a party store costume, not the highest quality but Princess Leia’s  golden bra got the point across even when it was plastic.
    She felt butterflies in her stomach at the thought of Eddie waiting in her bedroom for a special surprise she had promised. She turned and frowned at the look of all that exposed stomach and the bit of indented back fat that spilled over the band no matter how hard she tried to rearrange it until she got frustrated. Stupid costume. Carrie Fisher probably had backfat in it too.
    She took a deep breath and shook sher shoulders a little to get into kind of a sexy mood. She and Eddie had been sleeping together for a few months now, neither had a lick of experience beforehand but experimenting and learning with him had been….fun to say the least. But this felt a little more embarrassing, like if she said the wrong thing then he’d laugh at her and she wouldn’t blame him because if he came in dressed like David Bowie in Laberynth and he started talking she’d think it was pretty funny too. The problem was was that she didn’t want to be laughed at. For a second there she considered calling off the whole thing and just walking in naked, but the costume had been like…thirty bucks. That was too much of an investment to not even try. She sighed, straightened her shoulders, and went to walk towards her bathroom. 
    When she walked inside Eddie was laying back on her bed with his socked feet danging over the side and repeatedly throwing something up in the air and catching it.
    She straightened her posture and somewhat awkwardly leaned up against the doorframe in what she thought was a sexy position and cleared her throat. He sat up and his eyes went wide, but not necessarily in a good way. She looked down anxiously at herself, wondering if she had gotten it wrong.
    “Why are you wearing that?” He asked, more confused than turned on. She stared at him like he was a fucking idiot.
    “Because Carrie Fisher is super hot and your celebrity crush? I thought you’d like it if I dressed up as Leia.” She said, crossing her arms to cover herself uncomfortably until she knew what exactly was going on.
    “Well, yeah. She is super hot, but-”
    “Edward Munson if you are about to say that she’s super hot but I can’t pull it off, I'd advise you to rethink and say something else.” She cut him off sternly, and his eyes went wide and he waved his hands in front of him to ward off the wrong idea.
    “No! That's not what I meant! You look - well, okay, it’s- you are extremely extremely hot. I just don’t know why you picked…that Leia outfit.” He said quickly.
    “Because this is the sexy one?” She asked, now really confused. She didn't like the way he was looking at her like he couldn't believe she didn't know what he meant. 
    “Do you have any idea what Leia was going through when she wore that outfit? It’s literally called the Slave Leia outfit! She was captured and being exploited by Jaba the Hutt and Han was frozen in cryolite and they had been betrayed by Lando Calrizian and-”
    “Eddie.” She said dryly until he stopped. “Are you saying to me that you don't think that I look hot in a fucking gold bikini because princess Leia isn't empowered in the scene she wears it in?" She asked absolutely incredulously. She wasn't even mad anymore, honestly it might be the funniest thing that's ever happened to her. 
       He at least had the decency to look a little embarrassed but nodded. "That is what I am saying, yes."
   "You are the only man alive that would make that objection, you know that, right?" She said. At first he was worried she was mad but then he saw her expression as absolutely hysterically delighted. 
    "Anybody that actually paid attention to the movie would say the same thing."
   That actually made her laugh aloud. "Holy shit baby, no. They wouldn't." 
"They should- OOH! You should get the green outfit she wears on Endor. You'd look hot as hell in that." He said seductively. 
"Isn't….isn't that the poncho?"
"I mean it's the outfit that she commands the ewoks to victory in destroying the second death star, saving the galaxy and all its inhabitants but sure- call it a poncho." He said with an incredulous laugh like she was the one saying something ridiculous. 
"I'm not a scientist, but I want to study your brain." She said dryly. 
"That's probably fair and maybe not a bad idea. My brain thinks some crazy shit sometimes." He said enthusiastically.
"Yeah, you do. Like saying your girlfriend would look hotter in a green poncho than a gold bikini." She said, and he glanced up at her to see if he was in trouble but she was smiling. 
"I mean, if it was a different gold bikini I'd be on the floor right now."
"Anybody ever tell you that you're kind of a freak?" She asked affectionately and he grinned at her.
"Course, badge of pride baby. And I mean… dressing up like a Star Wars character to turn on your weird boyfriend? Sounds like you're kind of a freak too." He said lovingly.
She smiled warmly and sat down next to him, leaning in to kiss him but he leaned back. 
"What's wrong?" She asked, and he glanced down to the outfit.
 "Seriously? You actually want me to take it off?" She asked, annoyed.
"Please. And not in a sexy way that will just remind me more of what Jaba did to her…." He said solemnly, and she laughed in utter delight and disbelief for what felt like the 100th time in the past 2 minutes. 
"Baby this outfit was like thirty bucks and I don't think I can return it because you can't wear a bra with it." She pointed out. 
"I'll pay you back for it. And maybe buy you a green poncho- I wasn't joking about that."
"I think I love you." She said in fascination. 
"Because you want to study me?" He asked, softly smiling, looking at her face that was full of affection he didn't really understand until he remembered every time she every said something so utterly ridiculous that he couldn't help but look at her and wonder what planet she came from and how quickly he could get her someplace private to show her how much he loved just how fucking weird she was. 
"Can you change into something else so we can fool around?" He said, and she threw her head back cackling and got up to pick something else out. 
Though the costume didn't get used for its intended purpose and sat in the back of her closet forever, she didn't regret it for a second because every time Eddie showed himself as even weirder than she previously thought she somehow fell harder and he knew he did the same. 
She'd find the poncho another day, because she knew that it would either lead to something sexy, or far more likely, knowing Eddie, hiding behind his couch and shooting fake laser pistols at each other until they had ended up making out on the floor of his trailer after a lot of very committed and very intense non sexy role play and slow burn romance between enemies that would probably last all day. 
She was okay with that.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
What kind of couple costumes would Malec, Sizzy, Clace, and Jemma wear for a Halloween party?
Sizzy would definitely go for Han Solo and Princess Leia (in the golden bikini) I think they would look GOOOOD. 😎😎
Malec as both Disney princes. Alec as Eric (simple outfit but he would look sooo handsome) and Magnus as Aladdin 😍😍😍 (I just wanna see him shirtless excuse me)
I can see Clace as something VERY cute. Maybe Simba and Nala. Just hopping around in lion onesies 🥺🥺🥺
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st-hedge · 3 years
Ancient au link n gan in bikinis 👉👈
Oskdhfhehehehehehejebegehegehegehw *shoves link into the Princess Leia golden bikini of doom*
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mulberrysilk · 4 years
Aww what a fluffy way to start the morning! Also, how did you know I was craving some soft Makki 🥺 It's nice to hear that he has this side of him since he's usually depicted as being a tease/mischievous, laid back and so confident in bed. I'm curious as to how he ended up asking you out, after the first time and even proposing (I have a feeling he had to do it 'properly' since he was rejected in 'put on a show' HAHA! Not that he wouldn't try asking/be hopeful it would work after rounds of great sex again and again 😆). Only if it picks up your interest!! Have a nice day!
HAHAHA THANK U💕 this was so sweet of you. I was craving soft Makki too 🥺 he is just boyfriend material. I like to think this side of him came about because he was finally taking someone seriously and a relationship seriously. Probably saw you and was just like ‘ I don’t believe in love at first sight but damn.’
cw: suggestive jokes, fluff
You know that Oreo moment that Ross and Rachel had in friends. I just thought of it and I just think that’s one of the ways, you knew Hanamaki Takahiro, the hot, laid back, best pussy eater, funny guy, was finally taking whatever it was between you, seriously.
It also all started with that one time you two had sex. Just one hook up because the both of you were blown off by your respective dates. Hanamaki had suggested to chill at your place since it was cleaner and bigger, so of course you said yes, and it was normal. Then his visits almost became something you didn’t want to stop, and he had no intention of not crashing at yours whenever he had a chance.
“Yeah, nothing more hot than a guy in a suit and uniform,” you chuckled, swirling the remnants of your beer in its bottle. “How bout you? What’s your secret costume fantasy on a girl?”
These conversations were normal too. He felt so comfortable and at the same time, his heart was racing.
“Princess Leia in the golden bikini,” he quickly answered.
Your brows raised, Makki wondering if he finally scared you off. What he didn’t expect was for you to smile and reply, “Nice.”
Oh he was in love. He definitely was.
“You know I’ve done that before, Princess Leia fantasy thing. I think I still have it, I’m not sure,” you wondered out loud, Makki blushing at the thought of you in the skimpy outfit. “Wanna see?” You winked at him, only making him even more red in the face.
“Not till I take you out on a couple of dates first!” He blurted out, averting his eyes form your form that was imagining you in that Princess Leia get-up.
“You mean that?” Your voice softened, immediately grasping his attention.
“W-well...,” he rubbed the nape of his neck before sighing. “Yeah.”
“You’re so cute,” you chuckled, leaning back into the couch and gazing up at him with the gentle smile that was recently the last thing he thought about before he sleeps. “So when?”
“When are you taking me out on a date?”
“OH! Well, um, Friday? Is Friday good? If that’s not good then Saturday is fine too—
“Friday is great,” you nodded, trying to hold back your giggles which you failed at miserably. You can never remember a moment with Makki where you weren’t smiling or laughing, and little did he know, that’s what made you so fond of him. “I’m glad you finally asked me out.”
“I’ve tried countless of times, what are you talking about?” He scoffed, a small smirk on his face, his heart in raced in his chest at his chance.
“Hiro...you told me you liked my face then ran off.”
“I was flustered!”
“On Valentine’s Day you were going to feed me chocolate and it fell down my shirt, and you reached into—
“Ah! I was trying to get it for you!”
“Your fingers were touching my boobs!”
“You have nice boobs.”
Y/N: 🙂
*insert friend’s reference *
“Nice? They’re nice? Just nice?”
“Well—“ he didn’t understand why you were getting so worked up.
“Hiro. Mittens are nice.”
“Okay I’m sorry! You have a really great, amazing set of breasts.”
You nodded at him, and let out a breath. “Thank you.”
After a brief moment of collection, Makki muttered to himself but you didn’t quite hear him .
“I think I love you.”
“What did you say?”
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aestheticsontrial · 7 years
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Carrie Fisher in 1983. 
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dailyreverie · 3 years
I couldn’t find any Princess Leia costumes at Target (though I have a dress that could work for Endor!Leia), so Imma be Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas
Oooh a Princess Leia costume would be so amazing!! Were you planning on wearing the white dress or the golden bikini? Maybe they'll stock more when the day is closer, you should definitely wait for it!
Sally is a great choice too! I went as Sally once when I was like 12 and I remember loving the costume!!
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klaaswolfvanrijn · 1 year
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be-dazzled · 4 years
Sore Loser
Pairing: Mirajane Strauss, Laxus Dreyar Series: PAINtball Series GRUVIA version (It Won’t Hurt)
Writer’s Corner: So, this was a really cute, just passing series while we are stuck with a bad case of writer’s block. So far, I only have two chaps for this series but who knows inspiration might strike. Maybe the girls win again? Hehe. Enjoy!
Mirajane Strauss was a kind-hearted, easy-going, all-smiles woman. In other words, she was just a little ball of sunshine who got along with everyone. Until, you throw her into the battle field. Then, welcome to the dark side.
“Laxus!” cried Natsu. “Take your girlfriend away!”
“You pussies!” The woman shrieked, running havoc at the Fairytail Paintball Playground.
Despite winning this year’s ‘Boys vs. Girls Paintball Game’, the guys had to crouch behind the makeshift barrels, hiding from the crazy woman running the paintball gun at anyone in sight. It didn’t matter that the guys won. Mira felt cheated. So, she conveniently ignored their cries of surrender and open-fired at them.
Watching his five-foot-three-inch girlfriend go psycho at the guys like some kind of avenging warrior, it kind of made Laxus feel proud. His little goody two shoes making all those sons of bitches cry, putting fear in their trembling hearts. To top it all off, she was spewing cusswords at all the guys, some of whom were twice her size. Laxus was grateful he had to serve as mediator in this year’s game. Otherwise, he’d be hiding behind the barrels too.
Loke demanded, covering that sensitive part targeted by Laxus’ psycho girlfriend, writhing on the ground in pain because he made the mistake of walking up to the fuming monster.
“Or no one in here will have kids. Ever!”
If he wasn’t burying his head on the ground in pain, Laxus was sure he’d find tears rolling down the Casanova’s religiously moisturized cheeks. But the biggest flirt of the century was right. If Laxus wouldn’t put an end to it, he’d be there the rest of the day watching the guys get their balls served to them. Laxus had better things to do, such as claiming his prize a.k.a the Dark Side Mirajane shooting the paintball gun indiscriminately. So, he walked up to the other half of the monster duo, wrestled the paintball gun out of her hands and hefted the hostile Mirajane over his shoulder.
“That’s enough, Mira.” said Laxus, patting her cute butt as Mirajane wildly wiggled over his shoulder for freedom.
“Not until I give them a piece of my mind!” refused Mira, throwing a fist at the guys behind the barrel. “You wimps! Why are you hiding now?!”
Laxus audibly sighed. “I think you’ve given them enough.”
The woman stopped struggling from his hold as Laxus carried her back to his car but she focused all energy calling the guys names. “Cry babies!” yelled she. “You don’t have balls! Hah. You don’t even deserve one!”
Laxus bit down a laugh. The woman was heartless. He reminded himself never to get on her bad side, ever. He realized the guys have finally discovered him taking care of their ‘problem’ since they started coming out of hiding and shouting back at his angry warrior.
“Well, what now? You sore loser!” He could place that voice everywhere. The same voice begging him to take out the avenging girlfriend – Natsu.
“We beat you this time!”
“Oh yeah?” retaliated she. “Put me down, Laxus. I’ll show them what ‘beat up’ supposed to mean.” Mira turned to him, propping a hand over his shoulder, ready to climb down him to smack someone. “Those spineless bastards.”
Laxus tightened his hold over her, slapping her butt this time to get her to keep quiet.
Didn’t work.
“Wait ‘til I get down from here you insolent bastards! I’m going to kick your balls up to your–”
That’s when the screaming started again. He didn’t need to look back to know what was happening. Chose not to. Because the cries gave him a clear picture of what was coming down in that battle field - a bloodbath. Some begged for their lives, some screeched in pain, and some just lauded the sacrifices of their fallen comrades.
“Yeah, that’s it Erza!” Laxus’ little monster cheered on. Whistling and yeah-ing at the other half of their monster duo.
Laxus shook his head. He was just a few steps away from where he parked his car. His friends called for him, pleading for his help. As much as he wanted to take care of the redhead too, he got his hands full of one sore loser.
“Give them heeeell!”
“Are you still pouting?”
Obviously, she still was. But Laxus kept his silence as he pulled and led Mirajane into the lobby of his building.
“That freaking bastard!” She erupted after stepping into the elevator. “What a sly bastard. I didn’t even think Gray’s capable of that.” She spewed, crossing her arms underneath her chest. “What a sly bastard.” She mused, her brows meeting in the middle, eyes boring a hole at the steel doors.
“You would have done the same.” His voice was low and easy to miss except that Mira easily caught on to it.
“What?” She stared at him with disbelief. “What the… how could you even… hah. I can’t believe you’ll take their side.”
He wasn’t actually taking anyone’s side. Laxus was stating facts. But just like that, all of Mira’s anger was directed at him.
“Unbelievable.” She shook her head, hardening her jaw at his betrayal. Then, an outraged gasp bounced around the closed box. “So that’s why you get to have me as prize?” Mira concluded. “But you didn’t even join in the game.” Even if Mirajane’s height only reached his shoulders, she still stared up to him as if they were equals. Laxus loved that about his woman.
Laxus turned to face her, that accusing little thing glaring at him with questioning eyes. He bridged the gap between them, his purposeful strides intimidating her into taking steps back until there was no room to step back to. “Well, baby…” He planted both arms on either side of her head, resting his body against hers. “I saved those crybabies from this crazy woman shooting at them,” his lips hovered over her parting ones. Laxus pleasingly watched as his almost-kiss melted that angry expression on her face.
And oh how much she was anticipating that kiss.
With triumph in his voice, Laxus leaned into her ear. Slowly, he whispered, “Mine to do,” and he spoke the next words in that way he knew did things to her. “Whatever. I. Want.”
Mirajane jumped at the sound of the elevator ding. She marched out of that really, really cramp and really, really hot elevator before she forgot all about her anger and his betrayal. When did it get so hot in there? She asked herself as her feet brought her to his unit. All the while, fanning her reddened cheeks with her own hands.
A few minutes later, Mira was standing in the middle of Laxus’ apartment, confusedly staring at that golden, she dared call bikini, Laxus presented to her.
“You want me to wear that?” She questioned, expecting him to change his answer.
“Yes.” But of course Laxus has made up his mind. Handing her again the garments, this time more insistently, he reminded, “Don’t forget the hair too.” He totally ignored the way she narrowed her eyes at him and plopped to the couch to wait for Mira to get changed.
When it looked like he wasn’t going to cave in, Mira gave up and started for his bathroom.
“Fvck Gray.” She cursed under her breath.
“No, no, no, babe. You know I get jealous when you say some other guy’s name after fvck.”
Mira stopped and turned around.
“That wasn’t what I meant.” She quickly denied. But with a teasing smirk, Laxus waved her to move along and get changed into that sexy costume. It cost him a fortune but Mirajane in a Princess Leia golden bikini? Totally worth it.
One secret fantasy all the guys his age had was about to come to life and Laxus couldn’t wait to get his hands on it. He didn’t have to wait long as Mirajane materialized before his appreciative eyes, clad in the whole ensemble: copper brassiere, red loincloth, gold-plated arm-wrap, and last but definitely got the gears going was the gold-plated collar around her neck. And as Laxus demanded, Mira had her long silver hair parted in the middle and pulled into rolled buns on either side of her head. She watched the movie with him, albeit reluctantly. Mira had a faint idea what she was supposed to look like.
Laxus’ own Princess Leia. All the nerds at their parents’ basement must have died of jealousy.
Laxus ran his tongue over his lips like a predator about to devour his prey. Mirajane didn’t miss that, the way he bit his lip and how he was seemingly undressing her with his deep brown eyes. She felt her stomach knotted with the hot gaze that drank her in and she tried to ignore her own lust that flooded her body.
Undeniably and quite clearly turned on, Laxus walked up to Mirajane, holding her blue eyes captive. He stopped in front of her, mere inches away that the cups of her brassiere brushed against his hard chest. He had that half smile, that smirk that told Mira he owned her. At that moment, she thought that he might be right because Mira could hardly keep herself standing with that undeniable electricity bouncing between them. And when Laxus ran his fingers over her exposed skin, she felt the static surged through her veins. A light touch with an explosive effect.
“Your skin is so beautiful.” He said in a low rumble, only taking his eyes off of her to see where he was touching. “I wouldn’t want to ruin it.”
Mira didn’t understand what he was driving at until she watched him take out a rope from behind the couch and a camera. One thought crossed her mind and she wasn’t sure how to feel about it. But her heart was pounding loudly than it did earlier than when they were inside the elevator.
“Laxus… what are you…”
“Oh, this?” He dangled the rope in front of Mira’s stunned blue eyes. “Just a little payback, my slave.”
Mira matched Laxus’ measured strides with a step back but he was quick to catch on.
“Remember when you enjoyed hitting me with that whip of yours?”
Last year, when the girls bagged their second win and Mirajane got Laxus as her prize, the sweet and innocent girlfriend had the opportunity to show another side of her that not even Laxus has seen before – dark and domineering – who secretly enjoyed a little bondage and discipline, dominance and submission. She not only made him wear a crop top which read ‘Mira’s Little B*tch’ but Dominant Mira introduced him to a whole new world. He would be lying if he said the bondage and the whips didn’t scare him at first. It freaked him out how this alter ego enjoyed inflicting both pain and pleasure, something his Mirajane would never take delight in. The girl couldn’t even kill a bug! Or so he thought. But later, he seemed to have understood. He, a proud man, suffered through her dominance and now, Laxus was ready to give Mirajane a taste of her own medicine.
Well, sort of.
“Now, give me your hands.” ordered he, to which Mirajane complied.
Laxus watched her intently while he bound her wrists with the rope. Mira couldn’t handle the heat; she shifted her gaze and stared at her hands being wrapped together.
“Just remember my safe word–”
“–Bunnies. Your safe word is ‘bunnies’.” finished Laxus as he finally tied one end of the rope. Then, he took a step back to take a look at his masterpiece. Laxus took in her perfection, nodding satisfyingly to himself before he took a photo to memorialize this moment.
“Laxus!” complained Mira, dazed at the bright flash that almost blinded her.
But the master took his time waiting for the photo to develop and dry out. “Just a little remembrance.” said he. He looked at the Polaroid of slave Mirajane and frowned. Unfortunately, pictures couldn’t capture the perfection that was in front of him. Slave Mirajane was even better than any dream he had of this moment. But on those nights that he’d like to look back fondly on this very moment and Mirajane wasn’t around to do an encore, those photos would serve as substitute, albeit poorly.
“Now,” he threw the camera and the photos behind him, landing on the cushion of the couch, “let me remind you of who I am.” He grabbed the other end of the rope and wrapped it around his hand as he bridged the gap between them. “I’m the master, you’re the slave. That means I can do whatever I want.” Then, he pulled hard on the rope, jerking Mirajane towards him. He stole a quick peck from a surprised Mira and reminded her once more, “Whatever. I. Want.”
His deep brown eyes were full of promises – hot and wicked. Mira understood her role and, as an obedient slave, she averted her eyes away from him, cheeks turning hot and rosy.
“Yes, Master.” She consented with a small voice.
“Good girl.”
Holding on the rope, Laxus led his slave into his bedroom where a whole night of dominance and submission awaited them.
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