#Price was not impressed Ghost scared his favorite son
temeyes · 11 months
Ghost with all out skeleton outfits doing a T pose and levitate
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wearing 1pc of skeleton-themed clothing adds +25% power to Ghost's skills
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AsheXReader price of war part 9
This part wasn’t even in the outline, I just wanted to have some free writing fun. Sorry I haven’t been updating either one of my stories that much, I’m working and going to school, but thank you guys for sticking around.
“Ha! You see that!” Y/n said to Hubert as she hit a tree with a bolt of thunder.
“Yes. You might be able to fry a chicken with a bolt like that.” Hubert said.
“Well I’ve had to work on my magic by myself, Mr. too busy hanging out with Edelgard after school hours.”
“We have important business.”
“I bet y’all are making out.”
“You couldn’t be farther from what’s the actual truth.” He told her. “And what about you? You’ve been having late visits from..oh what’s his name...Ashe-“
“Ubert-Hubert! Ha! And yeah we’re friends, sometimes friends hang out like you would know anything about that vampire man!” Y/n teased. 
“I don’t think your family would be too happy if they found out all your time was spent with a commoner.” Hubert told her. 
“They can suck on some lemons then.” She told him. 
“Y/n, I hope this isn’t a bad time.” Edelgard said joining the picture. “I must be taking Hubert with me to town.”
“Oh of course! Take him! He’s been chatting my ear off with curses and hexes!” Y/n after dramatic and then did a not so secret wink at Hubert. 
“What was that?” Edelgard asked about winking.
“Nothing.” Hubert told her. 
“Oh my goddess! Just go have a grand time! Don’t get complicated feelings and enjoy your youth!” Y/n yelled as they walked away. 
 Y/n didn’t want to be alone with her thoughts. Hubert did he’d her with the anxiety of his words! Of course he had to bring up her mother! She liked Ashe and she doesn’t care what her mother thinks! Her mother is gonna wanna hire him as a knight! That doesn’t settle in the stomach well...they’re friends not supposed to be boss and employee! It was more complicated than that!
The kids were put back to battle against Slyvain’s brother. It was a tough month to prepare for, Gilbert even made his presence known. Students kept apologizing to Sylvain that they were going to put an end to his life, but Slyvain told the world he didn’t care. 
 The mission was simple, kill Miklan and his bandits and retrieve the hero relic. Their hide away was an abandoned fort in the kingdom. It was towering over the students before they entered. Ashe wondered why this wasn’t for the knight of serios to complete? Why make blood kill each other? It was maddening to watch Slyvain hide the pain. It was no secret why the family tossed Mikilan away, but it was still heartless to pit children against each other. 
 Y/n was forced to keep up with the front lines in order to keep Dimitri, Ingrid, Sylvain, Felix and Dedue healed. The bandits were ruthless, they didn’t care that they were facing bright eye students. They wanted blood to spill. It was hard being an archer in a close quartered building, luckily he was well versed with an axe. When the front lines got the throwaway son, the building began to shake and lose its structure. Old bricks fell out of place. 
“Y/n, look out!” He called to the girl, staring in horror at a beat he couldn’t see.
Ashe wasn’t as lucky, he was hit in the head with a brick. He could hear, but not move an inch. Not even a real enemy that took him out, but some debris. 
“Ashe? Ashe! Goddess! Ashe are you alright?” he heard Y/n. She turned the boy over and saw the blood streaming over his face. She quickly put her hand over the wound and began healing. Her other arm was used to hold Ashe in her lap and keep his head supported. “What the hell is that thing?” Y/n cried, still holding onto Ashe. With all his might he tried moving his hand to grab Y/n’s wrist. Her healing hand held his hand first and put it on his chest and went back to healing his head. “I’m not gonna let anything else hurt you tonight, not another bandit, brick or that thing!”  She whispered.
 Ashe ended up losing the rest of his consciousness. His eyes didn’t open at the sensation of waking up. His head was splitting, but there was a soft hand caressing his cheek. A soft hum welcomes him back into the world. His green eyes began to open to see Y/n was the one in the room with him. He was relieved and rubbed his face more into her hand. 
Once the battle was over, Y/n had gotten Ashe into the infirmary. Manuela was impressed by the work that was done on Ashe. She left the two students together, maybe it was her womanly instinct, or maybe because she had to take care of more students. The way Y/n was looking at Ashe, she knew now what her feelings were. How her stomach dropped when she saw him get injured, or how she heard he visited her when she was injured, or the ghost night, he was her favorite person. She felt a little disgusted with herself, caressing his face, while unconscious. She would never have the guts to do that if he was wide awake. But she couldn’t help it, he was injured in pain, no one to comfort him. His green eyes opened only a little bit, but she knew he wasn’t fully awake. She wasn’t flustered by her own actions, she wanted him to feel comforted in such a dire moment. He may have lost his parents, Christopher, Lonato, but he wasn’t alone.
 “You’re gonna be just fine, Ashe, I promise.” She told him ever so gently. 
“Y/n…” he breathed. Her (colored) eyes widen. It was a declaration of love or anything, but the way he said it, not fully there, he said her name like it meant something. His hand reached for her wrist and this time his fingers curled around it. “Thank you….”
 Ashe wasn’t sure if he was dreaming or not, the last thing he remembered was getting injured, and Y/n rushing to his aid. He couldn’t move, but he didn’t hate the environment. He knew it was Y/n from her voice that his mind or eyes were seeing. His sight was still too fuzzy to make out defined shapes. He wanted to thank her for abandoning the battle to ensure he wasn’t going to die. Whatever she saw back there in the battle, she risked herself settling by Ashe to save him.The warm movement over his cheek let his senses know it was her hand. Her body shifted and their faces were only inches apart. Her bright (colored) eyes stared into his half lidded green ones. She pressed her cheek  to his. He wasn’t knowing what to expect, but it wasn’t that, his body was too sore to react though, or maybe it was the chain of his dreams keeping him still.
“I was really scared, Ashe.” she whispered in his ear. 
 Ashe was able to muster enough strength to curl his fingers around her wrist of the hand holding his face. This action shocked the girl. That’s when the reality of her actions started to have a real weight on her. 
“But don’t worry, things are working themselves out!” she pulled away, brushing his gray hair back. “I’m gonna replace your bandages, just rest up!” her voice was shaking with every work as she tried to spring back to her usual self, pretending she did not just do what she did.
 Ashe did come around in the ifmirany, again, but he was met with Manuela this time, and he was stronger when he awoke. He was met with a series of questions and tests, his eyesight, could he move his arms, walk in a straight line. Manuela explained his injury, but it was probably not as bad as they thought. Due to mental state, his body was more susceptible to collapsing. She empathized getting rest, and finding closure, easier said than done.
“I’d let you go now, but Y/n said she was going to bring you your breakfast.” Manuela said.
“Was Y/n injured at all?” Ashe asked.
“Just a couple of scratches, I heard Felix kept an eye on her. She did take good care of you while you were unconscious on the battlefield.” Manuela smirked.
He got flustered at the thought. Luckily his head was only injured so she didn’t have to remove any armor or clothes.His throat dried at the thought. His dream began to haunt him, what if it was real? He liked her, but when he touched her she seemed uncomfortable. She was probably getting him food to ask him to never do that again. 
“Well, I hear footsteps. I’ll leave you two alone.” and now Manuela was misinterpreting the entire situation!
His mind was racing. Yeah, Y/n let him touch her when he was showing her how to wield bows and axes, but that was personal gain! Maybe it was fine, he grabbed her wrist when they were on the battlefield, but it could have been the heat of the moment she didn’t notice. He didn’t even mean it! It was just instinct! Y/n came through the door, and his heart was ready to just explode and beg for forgiveness.
“Hey, I brought you breakfast, I had Dedue make it!” Y/n said like nothing happened.
 She was putting on a brave face trying to be so strong even though he had to of creeped her out. He was trying to find the right words, but his mouth was going dry just thinking of what he did to her.
“I’m glad to see you’re sitting up, you were out for sometime.” she continued as she unwrapped the dish.
Maybe he could start with a thank you! Thank you for healing me, sorry for being weird when I was unconscious could be a good line. He saw her hand go straight into his face waving up and down.
“Are you okay? Did you lose your hearing?” she asked.
“Ah! No, no!” he was going off like a jitterbug. “I was just thinking...uh, thank you for taking care of me.”
“Well of course, I’m a healer.” She took the meal into her lap, and got the silverware. “Are you well enough to feed yourself?”
“Yes! Yeah I can feed myself!” He took the dish out of her lap. He didn’t actually know if he was or not, but he was eating by himself. He didn’t want to burden her with more work.
 But of course that action backfired in Y/n’s mind. Ashe has to hate her for what she did for being a creep, taking advantage of him in such a state by caressing his cheek. She had to be the most selfish person in the whole world.
“Hey, can I ask you something, Ashe?”
Oh no! She's gonna ask why he was such a creep!
“When I was watching you, not like a stalker, just you know for symptoms or anything, I uh was wondering if you could just forget about it, it was just the heat of the battle, and-”
“Yeah let's forget it, no hard feelings?” he was asking.
“You sure?” she thought it was a statement he was making about the situation.
 Manuela was listening and just wanted to kill both those students for their poor communication skills. Byleth was rubbing off too much on them.
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