manfrommars2049 · 3 years
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Tarte au citron [OC] via DessertPorn
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ask-poniverse · 7 years
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Hm, Viridian doesn’t look too happy. I wonder what she might be thinking. On the other hoof, Viola seems to find it funny. 
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thefoodadvice · 2 years
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Practicing my Cantonese roast duck for Mid-Autumn festival :) by poniverse | Follow on Instagram, Pinterest& check our Website
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spacegate · 5 years
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A character commission featuring a whole table top rp group, as their poniverse player characters. So many pones! This is a cover to their current campaign :3 From left to right: Mischief | blueberrysnow Kite | Zetamaxr Remedium | Their player Aurumaea | laskvurel Yuka | Amarra_burrger Aranya | Thier player And in the background being a jerk, is Eris | mephis They are doing their best :3
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feathery-dreamer · 2 years
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I’ve been writing down meme ideas for a few weeks now, so here is a batch of handcrafted shitposts, freshly made today with my own computer
(second pic is a reference to an event in the Poniverse discord, bottom two were inspired by last week’s trip to Berlin through Belgium)
alt versions of the Antwerpen one
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askdaisydandfriemly · 6 years
celestia passed away and now i'm the ruler of equestria my new title name is queen luna, would you like to support the lunar republic
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(MOD: Thanks for being patient @queenlunastuff!
Daisy Daedal’s poniverse is pretty close to MLP:FIM canon, so Princess Celestia is alive and well here. She’s gonna be suspicious of anypony that says otherwise.)
Feel free to ask Daisy Daedal or the ponies close to her a question
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diamond-song42 · 7 years
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Pone Reviews 66: School Daze, Part 1 and 2 IT'S HERE! Welcome back to Pone Reviews. I have been so excited to share my thoughts on our new season opener with you. I won't leave you waiting: Here's my take on "School Daze!" To start, the moral. "Everything is unique, so the way we teach must be adapted to be unique as well." The episode stresses this with friendship specifically, but it's really applicable to any subject. Learning "by the book" isn't a great way to learn for many people. The simple classroom format with blackboard lectures and workbooks can go over people's heads. That's why each subject that is taught should be changed depending on the subject. Look at the School of Friendship curriculum, for example. It's hard to instill kindness when it is on paper and not hands-on. Teach it with cute animals! Laughter is similar. Can't do enjoyable activities like games and magic tricks when you're just reading about them. The whole situation reminds me of how traditional colleges don't mesh with some people when trade schools, beauty schools, or liberal art schools would do the trick. And I appreciate that the show is up to the time. They're not shunning traditional education: They're showing that different things work for different people and different teaching methods work for different subjects. Thanks, show! Now, the plot. Turns out the world is more than just Equestria... let's open a school! I'm going to get really philosophical here, guys. If anything, I believe this episode is actually a political commentary on racism. Chancellor Neighsay was insistent on going by the book, which is understandable with his organization basically being the all-mighty school dictator. His big problems were rooted in how he saw the yaks, dragons, griffons, hippogriffs, and Changelings. Neighsay believed the non-pony creatures were lesser than the ponies and thus undeserving of the same lessons. He partially based his decision to close the school on how the five non-pony students "attacked." Of course, the leaders were pissed, but he stood by his opinions. Neighsay's behavior brings to light a sad but real truth our world faced (and still faces). I am having trouble formulating words to describe this situation as it is such a strong subject. What was our nation's mindset that we thought lesser races weren't full people? It is an especially important message in this political climate. Somehow, we still think we have the right to be cruel to people of other races, genders, and sexualities. If anything, we should treat the character of Chancellor Neighsay as a reminder not to be that way again. We *can't* go back. As the song said, friendship always wins. It's moments like these that remind me how much I love and appreciate this show. (Seriously though, if you are a white supremacist, get the hell off my blog. I don't want trash like you near anything I create. Back to the review.) Here are some more moments from this episode that are going into the yearbook: *Ocellus. Every time Ocellus was on screen. She is a gem and must be protected at all costs. She is so pure. I love her so much. This blog might be converted to an Ocellus appreciation blog. *Gotta hand it to the students for thinking of the Castle of the Two Sisters. It's isolated and has tons of areas to live in. Also the students running away together has to be one of the sweetest things I've ever seen in this show. *DANG STARLIGHT! That pep talk was incredible. Mad props. *"STAIRS!" Silverstream is basically a bubble child. You know Cameron from the Total Drama series? She's the female equivalent of him. Her finding out about all these outside things may be a bit annoying to some, but I find her enthusiasm absolutely delightful. *Maurice LaMarche as Chancellor Neighsay everypony! For those unaware, Maurice is a voice acting god. He has done roles in animations like "Pinky and the Brain" and "Zootopia." So seeing him here is a great surprise. And he'll be back! Don't suppose we could get Rob Paulsen to do a role alongside Neighsay next time? *THE MOVIE IS CANON, FOLKS. THE MOVIE IS CANON. *The Gallus puppy dog eyes kill me. PWEEZ GWAMPA GWUFF *Gotta get an appearance from our favorite grey Pegasus... what was her name again? *The students' plan to reappear during the Friends and Family Day party is... actually pretty good. I like logic and the logic makes sense. Good on ya. *PUKWUDGIES! Another Harry Potter creature emerges in the Poniverse. *Love the busts of the Pillars of Old Equestria. They essentially formed the Mane 6's partnership - it would be right to give them some love at the school! *Oh, what up, Pharynx! I love the look on his face - he's just as confused as the rest of us. *CUPCAKES ARE BEST CAKES!!! And here are some moments from this episode that are getting an F: *Gotta love how Twilight says that the school is for every creature when Yona, Silverstream, Ocellus, Gallus, and Smolder ARE LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES OF THEIR SPECIES ATTENDING THE SCHOOL. (Spike doesn't count as he isn't a formal student.) *"They're gonna think I'm an egghead!" You admitted yourself in "Read It And Weep" that you're an egghead! *Is Grampa Gruff the grandfather of every griffon? We know he's at least Gilda's grandfather, but Gallus calls him Grampa, too, making Gallus and Gilda either siblings or cousins. It's all so confusing. *Poor Thorax being the only foreign leader who cares about peace. *Is Sandbar an orphan? He was the only significant student without an escort. *"Not even a princess can do whatever she likes when it comes to shaping young pony minds." Yeah, but... you're an all-powerful princess. Isn't that kinda the point? *How did that school building get put up so fast OH SCREW THIS *Fluttershy, I love you, but your gullibleness never ceases to amaze me. *The FRIENDSHIP School exercises corporal punishment! Also, they're fighting after what seems like a few days. Maybe it doesn't take that short of time for lessons to sink in? *Geez, Twilight shot back from her grief unusually fast. It's almost a bit unsettling. *Though the fight says a lot about how the Mane 6 aren't getting across to the students, it is a little brash to fight in a friendship school. *Chancellor Neighsay might be a big priss, but some of his points regarding the other creatures are valid. The Changelings, though they've been reformed for some time here, have only been nice for a little while in Equestria, not to mention Chrysalis is still on the loose. Meanwhile, Flash Magnus and the Royal Legion fought dragons in the past, with the dragons attacking first. And the yaks literally DECLARED WAR after the ponies didn't quite get their traditions right. *Twilight's kinda right - party cannons in a classroom might not end well. To close it out: An educational episode with outstanding political messages and adorable Changelings. Excuse me while I buy all the Ocellus merch. 4.5 out of 5 rainbows 🌈🌈🌈🌈% Thanks for reading my first Season 8 Pone Review. Come back Saturday for another throwback episode featuring a map adventure! Let's do this, Season 8! Diamond out!
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whoovesnassistant · 7 years
I'm pretty sure he's on 12. Maybe not. I saw a really long time ago, and it might not have been you drawing this, but the Doctor ended up in the poniverse as the 11 and regenerated into a pony.
That’s Discord Whooves, who is a completely different Doctor altogether and has no relation to Whooves and Assistant, aside from the small cameo he made in episode 7 when the dimensional walls were weak.
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ponyvillelive · 8 years
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The Poniverse 2016 Secret Santa Event is Underway!:
Happy Holidays, everypony!  AppleDash has introduced a new Poniverse holiday event called Secret Santa!
For those who don’t know what an online Secret Santa is, you sign up, provide a bit of information about yourself to help out the Secret Santa, and when the time comes, you’re matched with someone else to give a gift to.
If you are interested in participating in this event, please visit this thread in the MLP Forums for more information and an FAQ.
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ask-poniverse · 7 years
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Ohhhh this is what everypony was staring at! Yes, you heard Pixel right! Two new mascots. Sunshine Serenade and Misty Nights. The mascots of the up coming social media mlp site, Canterlot Avenue. 
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feathery-dreamer · 4 years
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someone on Poniverse suggested FlipAClip to try animating on mobile
so here are some tests, all frame-by-frame for now
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liracrowned-blog · 9 years
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Pixel Wavelength. Princess of internet.
Pixel Wavelength Pointy by LiraCrown
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ebonytailsorigins · 9 years
I’ll be on, watching the whole thing for less than thirty minutes owo (Since I need to leave >~<)
At the moment we have minty root​ answering questions, and later, Cast ^-^
Remember, this only goes on for about three hours o3o So if you have any questions, head onto there!
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ask-poniverse · 7 years
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What is it?! What’s the announcement?! What’s Nova looking at?!!!
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