#Pjo Au idea
bugwolfsstuff · 11 months
Some past characters that died should have came back in SoN or atleast at some point in HoO!
Like someone fucking give me Percy facing down Luke Castallan in Alaska.
Or Leo meeting Beckendorf
Or Piper meeting Silena
Or hell Castor, Lee, Michael, Luke, Silena, and Beckendorf (I think that's all of them) randomly fucking showing up at some point to give Annabeth and Percy some fucking truama
Rick really wasted an opportunity with the doors of death plot.
I'd write it but I have like 50 different w.i.ps already, and I have no fucking clue which book at which point id set it in (and I remember jack shit about SoN anyways)
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wolffox-makes-art · 1 year
Cute Pjo AU idea i thought of since I'm a sucker for family fluff and love Hephaestus with all my heart both in myth and PJO
Instead of not sending Leo to camp after he loses his mother (seriously why the fuck did he not tell Mr D or someone to go get this fucking kid) Heph just straight up snatches this kid up and raises him
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snoelledarts · 2 months
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“When will you learn to stop and take care of yourself for once?”
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aroaceleovaldez · 4 months
Jasico, particular pre-HoO Jasico, as a dynamic is inherently hilarious because it almost always inevitably results in Nico just wholesale ditching the Greeks. He's Roman now, babey! Surrounded by Romans. CHB is naught but a passing memory and he's never going back. he's got Jason he's got Hazel and Reyna and Frank and he is all set.
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we-ezer · 21 days
nico is heartbroken when percy tells him that he and annabeth are getting married. he won’t come out of his room in hades’ palace. seeing how heartbroken his son is, hades offers a solution. so nico knowing how horrible what he is about to do is but finding himself doing it anyway brings some drinks to percy’s apartment to share in celebration of his marriage.
percy wakes up in the underworld and while he is still groggy, nico pours pomegranate wine into his mouth.
he is now trapped in the underworld as persephone was.
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iheartgirlzn · 2 months
AU where when percy is missing in heroes of olympus he meets meg on the streets and they become homeless buddies and he helps her escapes the beast , so when ‘lester’ brings her to camp they’re like “WOAHHH HOMELESS BUDDY‼️” (or something like that)
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HOO if they were in a band/orchestra - boys edition pt 1 (Percy, Jason and Leo)
Percy Jackson- Guitarist
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i honestly don't know if I'm being cliche or something, but percy seems like someone who just picks up the guitar and strums it a little before leaving. Like the guitar is a light hearted instrument that you can self learn fairly well, we all know percy HATES tutors of any kind (unless it's annabeth) and would probably like figuring things out himself, so he'd just strum it until he somehow got the tunes he'd want and would probably look up YouTube tutorials lmfao. I feel like sally would like listening to the beatles, and percy would listen along aswell and get inspired to play and perform like that for his mom one day?? A green flag mama's boy till the very end lol. He would eventually start to play guitar of most kinds (bass, electric, acoustic) he'd start with an acoustic first, because it's less intimidating but he'd grow to LOVE electric tbh. So he'd definitely be the sub guitarist of the band. I think his favourite genre would be jazz or rock.
Jason Grace- Violinist
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Okay the violin is literally HIS kind of instrument. I feel like he'd really enjoy listening to classical music like vivaldi- the seasons, Mozart's violin Concerto No.5 in A Major, Dmitri Shostakovich's waltz no. 2, etc. especially because if we hc camp jupiter as having something even remotely fun like camp orchestra (camp half blood can be the band bc we KNOW camp jupiter is too uptight and proper for having rock, metal or jazz bands freely, they seem more of the orchestra type) then I KNOW jason would be the lead Violinist tbh. He probably picked that up as a toddler and ended up loving it, it helps him ease into his stress from harsh practice. Also, if he does join a band in camp half blood at the same time, he'd be a lead vocalist tbh. I feel like NOBODY expected jason to be a good singer because people are used to his 'rough' and gruff voice, but it's actually really sweet and melodious, he just roughens it up for his duty as a war leader. He'd have a silky melancholic edge to his voice that's super unique and perfect for singing heartbreaking ballads, also since he's a latin speaker, I feel like his pronunciation of certain words would be very eloquent and he'd have a slight accent that everyone is really intrigued by.
Leo Valdez- drummer
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ahh okay so we know how much leo loves tapping and fidgeting right? I feel like drums would be his DREAM instrument because they relieve his stress and nervousness. He'd just tap his drums in his free time. I feel like piper would be the one who would tell him to audition as the drummer in the band, seeing how well he actually drums. He'd genuinely enjoy the drumming. OH OH OH he'd love to use the crash cymbal on his drums (yknow like the steel plate looking things) in the end of each performance for the IT factor of the performance ahh he'd smile the whole time looking so badass. I feel like his position as the drummer would give him immense confidence because everyone compliments him sm.
tagging people who asked me to :) @lizzzzzzzzzzzzzz---lol @boldofyoutoassumeicanspell @themythecho
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reddamselette · 3 months
“So,” Thalia started with a smirk that turned into a teasing smile as she approached the table set outside a small, unknown cafe where Jason sat in a chair with sky blue irises looking away from the menu and at her. “What’s got you all glowing and lovesick, little brother?”
Jason laughed breathlessly and folded the menu closed, placing it on the surface as Thalia took her seat across from him and reached for the preordered water, the glass covered in droplets of condensation. As she drank through the straw, Jason scratched his cheek and glanced away. Before he could speak, he heard his sister snickering under her breath. “Shut up. You don’t even know what I’m going to say.”
“I don’t need to. It’s all over your face, you know. You’re very vague in your letters and messages so tell me. Who is it?”
“Well, um,” Jason paused with a breath, rubbing his palms together and continued, “it’s a he. And he’s…we’re just friends. That’s all it is.”
Thalia nodded, stirring the ice with the straw. She tilted her head with a small smile, the teasing quality of the corner of her lips disappeared and she asked, “That’s all it is but you want something more, right? Why don’t you talk to him about how you feel?”
“Why didn’t you? With Reyna.”
They stared at each other for several passing, silent moments. The wind blew past with a breeze that rustled the loose strands of their hair and bit at the skin of their noses and cheeks. Thalia wasn’t smiling and the airy, light tone of Jason’s voice was much more harsh than he intended.
Thalia pursed her lips and set the glass on the table with a soft clink. Electric blue eyes found the passing cars that shrunk and disappeared into the horizon, listening to the soft chatter of pedestrians walking past with laughter and smiles or an aura of seriousness and melancholy.
“We never truly managed to say the things we want to say, do we?”
“No. We don’t.”
Thalia picked up the menu and flipped it over, scanning the contents of the ingredients of the meals listed along with the prices on the side in red print. “Tell him, Jay. Before you lose him too. Heartache…is never something I would want for you.”
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a-headcanon-a-day · 16 days
Okay, normal highschool pjo AU , heres who would be who.
Nico would be asleep after first period
Will is the one guy whose really good in music class
Thalia is also really good in music class but not like Will. Will is good with ukeleles and the acoustic guitar and shes the one that can play any and all greenday songs on the drums.
Chiron is the principal and Mr. D is the teacher that genuinely just really hates kids and does NOT want to be there
Annabeth is like the only one taking notes. If not that shes reading, even if the teacher is talking. Nobody tells her to stop reading either.
Percy is the one always asking to copy off peoples notes or homework. Also he was the only one that successfully memorized the water cycle.
Leo is the really loud class-clown except hes different because hes actually funny. Hes also always in the tech lab. And in the ww1-ww2 sections and history he was always trying to figure out how all the bombs and military machines worked. Also he somehow always got hid work done and turned in even though he never paid attention
Hazel is always braiding SOMEONES hair in the back of the class
Piper has all the cool highlighters and spends the majority of class listening to music. She also uses hearts for periods and for like the dots on her i's
Jason is just there. Nobody really knows what hes doing but hes there. That or he was the history nerd.
Grover is the one that always chews on his pencils (ifykyk)
Clarisse is the one getting in another fight every lunch period
Silena is the one who doesnt bring a pencil case school. Only a makeup bag. And everyone loves her for it because she shares and helps people with their makeup.
Rachel is the artist that everyone wants to partner with to do like art projects if that makes sense. Also people are ALWAYS asking her "omg can you drew me!!1!!!1!!1!!!1" (average artist experience)
Reyna is the mom of the group that brings snacks and pencils for everyone.
Frank is the one that knows every fact about every animal.
Lester is the guy that looked like he was too old to be there. He didnt have any friends but sometimes people would talk to him out of pity.
Luke is the one who pretended to like everyone but never did and everyone else pretended to like him but never did
Naomi is the mom that shows up for everything. Assemblys, plays, anything. Shes there
Stoll brothers are he ones that graffiti the bathroom stalls
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Anyway have some Leo and Esperanza thoughts set in a universe where she’s alive:
-Definitely knew Leo was bi before he told her. This kid is not able to be subtle about his crushes ever 
-She was the first person Leo ever came out to. Just hugged him for ages and kissed his head and told him he’s perfect exactly how he is and she’s always going to love him no matter what 
-They Iris message almost daily when Leo first gets to camp. He’s so excited when he makes his first friend and gets to introduce her to Piper. Leo and Piper met in this universe because they were the oldest out of the kids claimed right after the Titan war and arrived at camp at the same time and they just clicked immediately 
-Let’s say in this universe Gaia doesn’t wake and Leo and Piper just sort of find an injured Jason on a mission by coincidence (make that “coincidence” because someone (Juno) decided it was time to mend the rift between camps and having CHB nurse one of the Camp Jupiter praetors then return him to his own camp unharmed was a good starting point)
-Jason stays at CHB for a while for diplomatic reasons and they properly become friends
-Esperanza definitely side-eyes Jason when he visits them for the first time because at first glance he gives off similar vibes to some of the football player kids who’ve bullied Leo before and she is Concerned but Jason withers so fast under her gaze that she ends up concerned for a completely different reason 
-Jason scrambles to try and tell her all the reasons why he thinks Leo is the most incredible person ever actually and yeah it turns out she really likes this kid (though she’s starting to get increasingly worried about what his home life looks like if some light glaring has him this rattled)
-He loves her cooking (but not as much as Leo’s. He’d never tell her that though)
-She doesn’t push Jason to talk about his home life or family but makes it very clear that he’s free to stay over whenever he wants. Fundamental mom instinct to wrap that boy in a blanket and make him hot cocoa.
-Esperanza is Jason’s first encounter with an adult that’s genuinely kind and caring towards him and he’s really really shocked about it. Like worrying amounts. He needs her to like him or he Will Die actually, especially because that’s Leo’s mom
-Esperanza definitely picks up on the vibes between Jason and Leo before Jason and Leo do. This isn’t even her being especially perceptive they’re just incredibly obvious and also idiots (I say this with affection)
-One summer Leo Iris messages his mom randomly in the middle of the day beaming but will not tell her what’s up. For like fifteen minutes he’s just smiling and fidgeting away talking about a whole bunch of nothing at all until she grins and asks “did you finally ask Jason out” and Leo just looks at her gobsmacked because he has no idea how she could have possibly figured that one out
-Jason tries to learn Spanish in parts to impress her and he is So Bad At It at first. She thinks it’s really sweet and is very encouraging (unlike Leo who just makes fun of his boyfriend for his shit pronunciation)
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bugwolfsstuff · 11 months
Cant get over this kinda stupid au idea
Leo's mom, Esperanza becoming a mania like Beryl after dying.
No fucking clue. Maybe something to do with Rosa or Heph? Or maybe the fates and Hera?
What brought upon this idea?
Also no fucking clue lmao
But it could be used for some heart-shattering angst
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nicercymybeloved · 8 months
Very attached to the idea that if Percy had been a woman she would have been named Ariadne. Like, I know that Persephone is a popular fanon name for female Percy because it's a nice way to keep her nickname. I've also seen Andromeda used by some because she lives a long life with Perseus in the myths. But Sally would have at least considered it right? Because Ariadne's a popular female figure in mythology, linked to both Theseus and Dionysus, two other famous figures in mythology. She was a clever mortal princess who was dealt a bad hand because her father's arrogance allowed him to think that he could get away with defying a god, just like how Poseidon's arrogance allowed him to think that he could get away with breaking the pact he made with Zeus and Hades. And in the end, Ariadne survived both her family's legacy and Theseus's abandonment, becoming Dionysus's immortal wife in both the PJO universe and in many retellings of the myth of the Minotaur and Theseus in real life. Ariadne got to live out her happy ending just like how Perseus did in mythology, which is the main reason why Sally even gave Percy the name Perseus to begin with. Am I delusional to think that Sally would have given a female Percy the name Ariadne? Who the fuck knows. But I'm so attached to the idea that it literally just supersedes any other name I could have come up with
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snoelledarts · 4 months
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Jercy but Jason transfers schools and meets Percy, who convinces Jason to join the cheer squad to piss his stepmom Hera off.
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soldrawss · 8 months
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I know you're out of the PJO fandom (me as well), but I got a sudden wave of nostalgia when an animatic of yours popped up on my youtube feed. You influenced my art journey so much—like, I remember tracing over your art over and over again with paper so I could learn your style.
Now I can recognise bits of you in everything I draw so I think that's neat :)
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ashoss · 3 months
Did you see the preview for next volume of The Boy Wonder? I'm so excited for Tim and Damian brotherism!! And Tim being Red Robin again!! It got me thinking about demigod Tim and his relationship with Aphrodite/Venus and no this isn't me projecting my feelings about Tim onto his godly mom, what are you talking about-
(I'm gonna go with Venus since you said you're pretty set on Roman!Tim, but obviously this applies to Aphrodite as well)
Venus is shown to really love her kids, so of course, she loves Tim! Her beautiful boy who's brilliant and loving and brings honor to her name, reminds them all that Venus may be a goddess of pretty things, but she has the power to bring gods to their knees. I feel like she definitely favors him; it's why she gave him such an interesting love life! But unfortunately, since she knows all the details of his love life, she can't badger him about it like other parents do. So you know what she CAN and DOES nag him about instead? His costume choices. He doesn't talk to her very often, but every time he does, she needles him with pointed suggestions on how to change his costume. Honestly, he should just let her take the reins, she'll whip up something he's sure to love, and it'll make him look so handsome! And Tim has to be like, "Mother, you honor me. You are so generous, but that really isn't necessary" in an extra placating way because his mother is a very powerful and temperamental goddess.
Meanwhile, Venus is just bemoaning her son's fashion choices. Sure, she can forgive the red-yellow-green eyesore because Robin was a legacy and a title, gods can understand titles. And even though she thought the red-and-black was so dreary, she was truly so touched by his gesture to honor his alien friend! As expected from a child of love! But every new costume since then has been downhill. She blesses him with beautiful long hair, and he covered it with a COWL? A COWL! And what was that brown and yellow monstrosity?? A child of hers, wearing BROWN! Will the horrors never cease? At least he went back to red-and-black, and with wings this time! She does so love a good wing motif. Wait, no, what is that black suit with red and green accents, are those BROWN shoulder and knee pads-
(Honestly, he should let HER design his costume! That way, it'll be perfect and befitting the child of beauty, desire, and victory! She'll even be gracious enough to let him pick one of the colors, as long as it's not brown.)
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asljhd oh my god i can totally imagine this being the Venus/Tim dynamic. any time Tim changes his costume Venus just,,, appears and heavily sighs before telling him EVERYTHING that's wrong with it . i feel like she'd get soo fed up she just like. snaps her fingers and he's in a new costume and she just leaves.
and if i go the half venus/half athena route they both show up and pick apart his costume "ugh Timothy Dearest, this is such an ugly shade of green" "Timothy, you should add some more protection in this area" "You're covering up your beautiful hair??" "Make sure the cowl is more protected than that to avoid head injuries, Timothy"
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his grandmothers (???) are far worse than bruce is.
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aroaceleovaldez · 10 months
oh also i stand by, funniest possible pjo werewolf au of any kind is having Nico be a werewolf (because he fought werewolves in canon and got the scars). Maybe Thalia is a werewolf too (cause the Hunt has the pet wolves). But Jason is very decidedly not a werewolf. He knows werewolves exist. But he is not a werewolf and he is very disappointed about this and doing everything in his power to figure out how to become a werewolf. If any of his friends are werewolves he is BEGGING them to make him a werewolf. He's so mad about this.
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