ttimekeepsrollingby · 4 months
Se robaron la comida
Descubrieron dónde esconde Milei parte de la comida comprada por el gobierno anterior para repartir a comedores. Miles de niños desnutridos no pueden perdonarlos. Sin palabras La gran Cecilia Rosetto pic.twitter.com/ECaxdAyMgO — raul kollmann (@tunykollmann) May 24, 2024 El Gobierno admitió que tiene 5 millones de kilos de alimentos retenidos en galpones “Efectivamente esos alimentos existen.…
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elbiotipo · 7 months
La falopa política del día:
Petovello, la ministra de "capital humano" (si Oceanía de 1984 viera eso diría "che paren un poco") y reikista, parece que quiere renunciar, aparentemente tuvo un brote de nervios después de una discusión con Caputo y ahora les dijo a los jefes piqueteros que vayan a marchar a la plaza y le pidan a él plata para los comedores. kinda based ngl. No puedo imaginar la reacción en LLA. Renuncia inminente.
Mientras el gobierno austero de Milei sigue poniendo más "expertos en comunicaciones" (o sea jefes de trolls en redes sociales, algunos como el inútil de John Doe de twitter) con sueldos millonarios, Iñaki, el libertario troll original, está atrincherado en su oficina en Casa Rosada, se rehúsa a que lo echen. Caputo analiza llamar a la policía.
Macri está presionando para quedarse con el PRO y poner ministros en el gobierno. Su mayor contrincante es Karina Milei que quiere poner a su gente. Mucho bardo, pero basta que sepan que Macri le dice "tarotista vende tortas" y que "no le va a poner los puntos".
Villarruel, la vicepresidenta, se reunió con gobernadores aliados en Salta y les dijo que apoyen a Macri. Todo parece indicar que está queriendo tomar el poder con Macri si cae Milei.
A todo esto, Milei está adicto a Twitter y se desconoce que está haciendo, exactamente. Aparemente está en delirios de dolarizar con Caputo y solamente habla con la hermana. Muy Fuhrerbunker todo.
Bueno, aparte de la vez que se reunió con Marco Rubio de EEUU con una foto ridícula donde parece un gnomo.
Todo parece indicar que Argentina ya no va a una recesión, sino a una depresión para marzo y abril. No les voy a hablar de esto porque lo pueden ver en la calle.
Todo lo de arriba pasó en el transcurso de ayer y hoy.
Al momento de este post, la presidencia de Javier Milei lleva 2 meses y 11 días. *click*
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satorugojowidow · 4 months
Since the government of Milei started, they have stopped the distribution of food to thousands of soup kitchens and community kitchens around the country, that with the increase of prices of food have everyday more demand. During the six months of government the poverty reached 57% of population and 18% of indigency. The minimum wage is 230,000 pesos while the basic basket of food cost is 830,000 pesos. It was denounced that 5 tons of food sit in warehouses as the government cuts soup kitchen deliveries. The Justice ordered the deliverer of the food, Federal judge Sebastián Casanello ordered the Ministry of Human Capital, headed by Sandra Petovello, to develop a plan in 72 hours to distribute the five tons of food stored in warehouses for social aid that were not distributed for “immediate execution.” The government of Milei has said they will appeal the decision as they refuse to deliver the food. They claim that they will keep the food for an “emergency”. However during their government two major climatic emergencies happened in Bahía Blanca and Concordia and no help has been sent there. 
Argentine Social Debt Observatory of the Argentine Catholic University (UCA) which indicates that “57.4% of the Argentine population is in a situation of poverty, within which more than 60% of children and adolescents are found. , of which 32% suffer from food insecurity - 14% severely."
The government not only is not sending food, they stopped sending medications. Since Javier Milei took office on December 10 until last April more than 50 people died who had been receiving treatments that were discontinued. While medications prices have increased more than 170% since November, according to pharmacists.  Organizations of patients with cancer, chronic and autoimmune diseases presented a collective judicial protection, which fell to the Federal Administrative Litigation Court No. 7, so that the Directorate of Direct Assistance for Special Situations (Dadse) responds for the files in process.
When asked about the economical situation of workers whose salary can’t cover their basic needs of the month, Milei said “if people don't reach the end of the month (with their salary), they will be already dead”.
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lulumoy13 · 10 months
perdón, pero vieron que el Ministerio de Salud y tres mas se desintegran y se va a pasar a llamar CAPITAL HUMANO a manos de Sandra Petovello que estuvo en los 90 también. Hace mucho no tenía tantas malas noticias en un día.
update: es la que dijo que ser gay era igual a tener piojos.
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laplupludetuvida · 3 months
Ley de Bases aprobada, Petovello no renuncia, manifestantes PACIFICOS detenides y trasladades a penales federales y en su segunda noche privades de su libertad, Milei pelotudeando en el extranjero y sus cOmUnicAdOs OfiCiAlEs, y ENCIMA el clima en llamas con 22 grados con lluvia en un 14 de junio. Todo para el orto. En fin.
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simon-roy · 7 years
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This Saturday!!!!!! Come on out and chill with us! #Repost @hotcommodeity (@get_repost) ・・・ This is also that weekend this weekend, with even more special guests added it's a madhouse! A madhouse, Milhouse! #repost Oh Canada🎶🇨🇦 Vancouver, Canada🎶 City of ... I dunno, condos and filming locations, Ryan Reynolds n stuff. Oh, also they have this 8th Dimension Comic shop ... 🎶down onn main streeet🎶 where they're having an event for Cayrels Ring. Shannon Lentz'll be there with @simonamroy @alchemichael and Aaron Petovello (who, if they have a 'gram, I haven't found it yet) Cayrels Ring also had art from @stokhole @sandi_lanz @aaronconley77 @fareldal @royalbrandon @grimwilkins @cassiexkelly Filya Bratukhin ... am I missing anyone? No? Good. Get thine fine behind to Canada. Drive a ticket car through a mountain if you have to😉❗️ #comics #comicbooks #instoreevent #signing #creators #indies #selfpublished #cayrelsring #shannonlentz #kickstartersuccess #8thdimensioncomics #buckaroobanzai #blueblazers #secrets (at The 8th Dimension COMIC STORE - Vancouver B.C".)
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vancouvercomics · 7 years
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Debuting at VanCAF 2017: Horror of the Khor Chapter Three (24 pages, full colour) Available from Shannon W. Lentz
In the first Chapter of Horror of the Khor we followed Figyelmez as she and her crew searched for a new home world. What they found was Orthoro, a world full of life and resources. The only problem was it was already populated by Celisuam. A peaceful race terrorized by the moon dwelling Khor.
So shocked by the Khor’s brutality towards the Celisuam, Figyelmez recommended ignoring Orthoro and continuing the search for new planet to colonize. Unfortunately another was never found, leaving Fig, her daughter Jovobela and her people to prepare for a return to Orthoro for war.
Chapter two picks up ten long years after Figs return to Orthoro. The Khor War has been raging ever since, leaving Orthoro and the Celisuam ravaged. After Jovobela successfully rescues her mother Fig from the clutches of the Khor, they are faced with massive crisis. The Khor have taken over one of the Pranesi capital ships are are bringing the war to Pranesi. All of the Pranesi forces withdraw and begin the return to Pranesi, leaving Fig and Jovo alone on Orthoro. Yet there is hope in a rumored AWOL platoon of Khor soldiers who have fled the war, living in exile in the cold mountains. The key for their survival may lay in their hands.
This next chapter, the third of four, picks up directly after chapter two and finally reveals who the Khor are and what their motivations may be.
Also featuring a Tale of the Khor War written and illustrated by Aaron Petovello, one of the collaborators of CAYRELS RING.
$6 (Chapter 1 &2 will also be available)
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alchemichael · 8 years
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Kickstarter ends on Friday and we are close! 79%. This is the last week! if you dig sci fi comics check it out! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1616453141/cayrels-ring-issue-one-of-a-sci-fi-comic-book-seri
A sequential tale of science fiction, world building and family, weaved together with the help of top indie comic artists.
Aaron Conley 
Cassie Kelly
These are the B&W scans of my pages. pen and ink 11x17
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cloudscapecomics · 7 years
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Launch party of local science fiction comic, written by Shannon Lentz and with art by Simon Roy, Alchemichael, and Aaron Petovello.
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ttimekeepsrollingby · 9 months
Milei como alumno de Macri
Desfachatados, incorporando la tecnología mafiosa de la extorsión a la vista de todos, el gobierno de Milei aprieta a los necesitados para que no ejerzan sus derechos. Sandra Petovello detalló la política social del gobierno: «El que marcha no cobra» La ministra de Capital Humano no anunció mejoras en la asistencia social luego de la fuerte devaluación e insistió con amenazar y estigmatizar a las…
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elbiotipo · 7 months
chimentos dicen que milei engaña a la fatima florez con lemon pie, la verdad si yo fuera la mina lo que me ofenderia es que sea milei el infiel, imaginate que alguien como milei te ponga los cuernos, te queres matar.
Lemoine dijo hace poco que tuvo una relación con Milei "hace mucho" (también hay rumores bastante fuertes con Petovello). Yo creo que él tiene una relación abierta con Fátima y con otras mujeres, y los dos se entienden de esa manera porque (según él) andaba en tríos y demás así que...
Por alguna razón inexplicable hay gente que lo encuentra atractivo en serio. Pero prefiero no pensar en su vida sexual.
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mgwarriorposts-blog · 6 years
Mission remission accomplished
by Brad Petovello
Hello! My name is Brad Petovello, from Edmonton, Canada. I was diagnosed with
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Brad Petovello*
Myasthenia Gravis in August, 2012 . And I have been in remission in the last 4 years. This is my MG journey.
In late 2011 (October) I started losing weight, as well as having slurred speech and the inability to swallow. I went from 165 lbs to 121 by the end of December 2011. A series of…
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aion-rsa · 8 years
Prophet’s Brandon Graham & Simon Roy Kickstart New Sci-Fi Comic Series
Since Brandon Graham and Simon Roy’s “Prophet” series ended last year, fans may be looking for a new sci-fi epic to fill the void — and, if so, Graham and Roy’s new Kickstarter project may just be the answer. “Cayrels Ring” is a crowdfunded independent comic series that features Graham and Roy’s work as well as the work of other artists who previously contributed to “Prophet.”
Helmed by “Horror of the Khor” creator Shannon Lentz, “Cayrels Ring” is described as a “40 page, full color comic book that builds a new galaxy, featuring many worlds and many people.” He adds the story will be told in an anthology style that “takes multiple short stories, illustrated by different artists, stacking them up to make a single cohesive story.” From the preview art posted on the project’s Kickstarter page, it’s apparent that Lentz and his collaborators took some of influence from the works of Moebius.
Titled “Rend It,” the 40-page first issue tells the story of Jamitch, “a scientist trapped on a planet sized supercomputer gone suicidal. Jamitch manages to escape and goes searching for his unknown grandchild. The fallout of his actions and the fate of the suicidal supercomputer is far reaching.” The issue is comprised of eight chapters, each one a five-page story by a different artist.
In addition to Graham and Roy, the series also includes Prophet artists Farel Dalrymple and Grim Wilkins, both of whom have contributed to Image Comics’ anthology series “Island,” which Graham edits. “Cayrels Ring” also includes the work of Alchemichael, who did the cover art for the latest issue of “Island”; Aaron Conley, the co-creator of Dark Horse Comics’ “Sabertooth Swordsman” series; relative newcomer Filay Bratukin; and Aaron Petovello, the creator of “Pro Patria Mori,” a webcomic about the first World War. The series will be colored by Cassie Kelly, who has worked on Oni Press’ “Invader Zim” series.
According to the Kickstarter page, the first chapter has already been completed and Lentz anticipates a release date of October 2017. For more information about the rewards and the project itself, you can check out “Cayrels Ring’s” official Kickstarter page.
The post Prophet’s Brandon Graham & Simon Roy Kickstart New Sci-Fi Comic Series appeared first on CBR.com.
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