#People with Kodak Pocket Instamatic cameras
kommabortsig · 3 days
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icarusthelunarguard · 4 years
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
The gods are against you this week: R-N-Jesus and the Great God Murphy have totally had it with you and they have screwed with every die roll and coin flip of every game you’re involved with this week. Make a burnt offering to the Hitty-Titties and MAYBE they’ll be lenient.
Don’t buy Chinese food this week; just get all the ingredients and make it yourself. The most expensive part will be a quality wok and fire ring to put over your stove. Fair warning: these do NOT work well on induction stovetops. If you don’t have a gas burner already, just consider moving to a new apartment.
You keep trying to organize your life and keep failing spectacularly at it. Maybe it’s time to admit that your Filofaxes and Palm Pilots just aren’t as efficient as you’d like them to be.
Cancer Moon-Child
You’re nostalgic for the 60s because that was the last time someone could run naked in public and get away with it. Good luck having someone identify you from a grainy, blurry, Kodak Pocket Instamatic 300 camera shot without a flash cube on it back then. Today, you’d be featured on TicToc inside of 3 minutes!
Your heroes are all broken. Batman? Survivor’s guilt over his parents. Tony Stark? Kinda the same. Simba? Uhh.. same thing. Superman? Uhhh… Ok, so… ALL superheroes are apparently broken. So how about you just believe in yourself for a change. What do those heroes have that you don’t? A writing staff - so go write your own future - and anyone getting in your way, take an eraser to them!
Baked goods are in abundance this week, which is both good and bad. If anyone asks you if you like, “M-m-m-m… Banana Cream Pie”, push the damned thing up into their face and walk away. Remember, you will not be convicted by a jury of your peers.
Time for your musical talent to come through! We know you’re out of practice playing an instrument, but you talk all day anyway, right? So then write lyrics! Write what you know about. Now’s your chance to write the songs, “My mom doesn’t miss me,” and “I love the smell of plastic.”
There are some dirty socks hidden somewhere in that bedroom of yours. Please find them and discard before they start a new plague. If you’re not sure where they are, just follow Toucan Sam’s mantra; “Follow your nose, it always knows!”
Halloween is still Seven Months Away. Stop prepping for your next big holiday display. You’ve got five months before Spirit Halloween starts opening shops again. If you wanted to get a proper start, you should have bought out the store November 1st!
Do something for yourself for once. Specifically buy some flowers. You can splurge on roses or carnations or orchids if you want to be showy about it. BUT! If you ask the florist if they have some Dead, headless roses and tell them you want to decorate for an Addams’ Family theme, they might just give them to you for free!
No one likes your shoes this week. Wearing sneakers… or, sorry.. “Trainers” if you’re a snobbish Brit, is one thing. But constantly telling everyone that those are, “MY! AH! DEE-DIS!” is so 1986. Unless you’re walking around with a boombox and a sheet of cardboard, just… just stop it.
Ok, pay attention this time, Pisces. There is a recessive trait dubbed “talpid2” in chickens that hasn’t been an active gene in almost 70 million years. When it’s activated by genetic mutation it’s lethal, meaning that fertilized eggs will last MAYBE 18 days….. We lost Pisces again. Ok, everybody else pay attention - this mutation gives chickens alligator-like teeth! Yeah, so, remember, there is a non-zero chance that chickens will revert back to their dinosaur form! Maybe Pisces can be the first people sacrificed to the new avian overlords.
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Contexts of Practice - Intimate Lives - Own Research
History of family photographs
By the end of the 19th century cameras and equipment started to become smaller and less expensive which began to grow amatuer photography because they were affordable to more people. This included cameras like the ‘Vest Pocket’ being invented which was a light handheld camera which made photographs instant.
These amateur photographers were what created family photographs which you usually see in an album. As previously said, these were amateur, meaning they were not techinically skilled or composed in any way and were just quick snapshots. Photographs became less staged and more natural, capturing the moment. However, the meaning outweighs the ‘bad’ photographs as the point of them was to capture a memory, like a typical family holiday to the seaside.
In the ‘60s and 70s two different cameras were popular for men and women. The 24/36 Reflex camera  for men and the Kodak Instamatic for women and children. This meant women could take up photography which had previously primarily been a male dominant hobby.
Jonas, I., (2010). A short history of family photography. [online]. Paris: Available at: http://photosouvenir.chateauversailles.fr/en/short-history-family-photography [Accessed on 23rd January 2017, at 11.50].
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