#Pennsylvania Health Insurance Plans
eloisemia · 4 months
How Pennsylvania Health Insurance Plans Are Evolving To Meet Changing Needs?
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Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans are continuously evolving to meet the changing needs of individuals and families in the state. From adapting to shifts in healthcare trends to responding to legislative changes, Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans are committed to providing comprehensive coverage options that address the diverse needs of their members. 
Here's how these plans are evolving to meet changing needs:
Expanding Telehealth Services: One significant evolution in Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans is the expansion of telehealth services. Telehealth allows individuals to consult with healthcare providers remotely via phone or video conferencing, providing convenient access to medical care from the comfort of home. With the rise of telehealth technology, Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans are increasingly covering virtual visits for a wide range of medical issues, from routine check-ups to specialized consultations.
Increasing Mental Health Coverage: Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans are expanding coverage for mental health services to meet the growing demand for mental healthcare. This includes coverage for therapy, counseling, and psychiatric services, as well as access to mental health hotlines and crisis intervention services. By prioritizing mental health coverage, Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans are helping to destigmatize mental illness and ensure individuals have access to the support they need.
Addressing Substance Abuse and Addiction: Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans are also evolving to address substance abuse and addiction by providing coverage for substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation services. This includes coverage for detoxification, counseling, medication-assisted treatment, and support services for individuals struggling with substance use disorders. By expanding coverage in this area, Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans are playing a crucial role in combating the opioid epidemic and supporting individuals on the path to recovery.
Offering Flexible Plan Options: To meet the diverse needs of their members, Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans are offering more flexible plan options with customizable features. This includes high-deductible plans with lower premiums for individuals seeking to minimize monthly costs, as well as more comprehensive plans with higher premiums for those prioritizing extensive coverage. By providing a range of options, Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans empower individuals to choose the plan that best fits their budget and healthcare needs.
Promoting Preventive Care and Wellness: Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans are increasingly emphasizing preventive care and wellness initiatives to help individuals stay healthy and avoid costly medical expenses down the line. This includes coverage for preventive services such as vaccinations, screenings, and annual check-ups at no additional cost to the individual. Additionally, some plans offer wellness programs and resources to support healthy lifestyle behaviors, such as smoking cessation programs, weight management counseling, and fitness incentives.
Enhancing Digital Tools and Resources: Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans are investing in digital tools and resources to improve member engagement and satisfaction. This includes online portals and mobile apps that allow members to access their plan information, track claims, find in-network providers, and manage their benefits from anywhere, at any time. By offering convenient digital solutions, Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans are making it easier for members to navigate their healthcare experience and make informed decisions about their coverage.
Adapting to Regulatory Changes: Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans are continuously adapting to regulatory changes at the state and federal levels to ensure compliance and alignment with evolving healthcare laws and policies. This includes updates to coverage requirements, benefit mandates, and consumer protections, as well as changes in reimbursement models and payment structures. By staying abreast of regulatory changes, Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans can continue to provide high-quality coverage and services to their members while remaining compliant with applicable laws and regulations.
In conclusion, Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans are evolving to meet changing needs by expanding telehealth services, increasing mental health coverage, addressing substance abuse and addiction, offering flexible plan options, promoting preventive care and wellness, enhancing digital tools and resources, and adapting to regulatory changes. By embracing innovation and responding to shifting healthcare trends, Pennsylvania Health Insurance plans are committed to providing comprehensive coverage options that support the health and well-being of individuals and families across the state.
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batboyblog · 4 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #20
May 24-31 2024
The EPA awards $900 million to school districts across the country to replace diesel fueled school buses with cleaner alternatives. The money will go to 530 school districts across nearly every state, DC, tribal community, and US territory. The funds will help replace 3,400 buses with cleaner alternatives, 92% of the new buses will be 100% green electric. This adds to the $3 billion the Biden administration has already spent to replace 8,500 school buses across 1,000 school districts in the last 2 years.
For the first time the federal government released guidelines for Voluntary Carbon Markets. Voluntary Carbon Markets are a system by which companies off set their carbon emissions by funding project to fight climate change like investing in wind or solar power. Critics have changed that companies are using them just for PR and their funding often goes to projects that would happen any ways thus not offsetting emissions. The new guidelines seek to insure integrity in the Carbon Markets and make sure they make a meaningful impact. It also pushes companies to address emissions first and use offsets only as a last resort.
The IRS announced it'll take its direct file program nationwide in 2025. In 2024 140,000 tax payers in 12 states used the direct file pilot program and the IRS now plans to bring it to all Americans next tax season. Right now the program is only for simple W-2 returns with no side income but the IRS has plans to expand it to more complex filings in the future. This is one of the many projects at the IRS being funded through President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act.
The White House announced steps to boost nuclear energy in America. Nuclear power in the single largest green energy source in the country accounting for 19% of America's total energy. Boosting Nuclear energy is a key part of the Biden administration's strategy to reach a carbon free electricity sector by 2035. The administration has invested in bring the Palisades nuclear plant in Michigan back on-line, and extending the life of Diablo Canyon in California. In addition the Military will be deploying new small modular nuclear reactors and microreactors to power its installations. The Administration is setting up a task force to help combat the delays and cost overruns that have often derailed new nuclear projects and the Administration is supporting two Gen III+ SMR demonstration projects to highlight the safety and efficiency of the next generation of nuclear power.
The Department of Agriculture announced $824 million in new funding to protect livestock health and combat H5N1. The funding will go toward early detection, vaccine research, and supporting farmers impacted. The USDA is also launching a nation wide Dairy Herd Status Pilot Program, hopefully this program will give us a live look at the health of America's dairy herd and help with early detection. The Biden Administration has reacted quickly and proactively to the early cases of H5N1 to make sure it doesn't spread to the human population and become another pandemic situation.
The White House announced a partnership with 21 states to help supercharge America's aging energy grid. Years of little to no investment in America's Infrastructure has left our energy grid lagging behind the 21st century tech. This partnership aims to squeeze all the energy we can out of our current system while we rush to update and modernize. Last month the administration announced a plan to lay 100,000 miles of new transmission lines over the next five years. The 21 states all with Democratic governors are Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin.
The Department of Transportation announced $343 million to update 8 of America's oldest and busiest transportation stations for disability accessibility. These include the MBTA's the Green Line's light-rail B and C branches in Boston,  Cleveland's Blue Line, New Orleans'  St. Charles Streetcar route, and projects in San Francisco and New York City and other locations
The Department of interior announced two projects for water in Western states. $179 million for drought resilience projects in California and Utah and $242 million for expanding water access in California, Colorado and Washington. The projects should help support drinking water for 6.4 million people every year.
HUD announced $150 million for affordable housing for tribal communities. This adds to the over $1 billion dollars for tribal housing announced earlier in the month. Neil Whitegull of the Ho-Chunk Nation said at the announcement "I know a lot of times as Native Americans we've been here and we've seen people that have said, ‘Oh yeah, we'd like to help Indians.’ And they take a picture and they go away. We never see it, But there's been a commitment here, with the increase in funding, grants, and this administration that is bringing their folks out. And there's a real commitment, I think, to Native American tribes that we've never seen before."
Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged $135 million to help Moldavia. Since the outbreak of Russia's war against neighboring Ukraine the US has given $774 million in aid to tiny Moldavia. Moldavia has long been dependent on Russian energy but thanks to US investment in the countries energy security Moldavia is breaking away from Russia and moving forward with EU membership.
The US and Guatemala launched the "Youth With Purpose” initiative. The initiative will be run through the Central America Service Corps, launched in 2022 by Vice President Harris the CASC is part of the Biden Administration's efforts to improve life in Central America. The Youth With Purpose program will train 25,000 young Guatemalans and connect with with service projects throughout the country.
Bonus: Today, May 31st 2024, is the last day of the Affordable Connectivity Program. The program helped 23 million Americans connect to the internet while saving them $30 to $75 dollars every month. Despite repeated calls from President Biden Republicans in Congress have refused to act to renew the program. The White House has worked with private companies to get them to agree to extend the savings to the end of 2024. The Biden Administration has invested $90 Billion high-speed internet investments. Such as $42.45 billion for Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment, $1 billion for the The Middle Mile program laying 12,000 miles of regional fiber networks, and distributed nearly 30,000 connected devices to students and communities, including more than 3,600 through the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
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kp777 · 2 months
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
July 17, 2024
The Vermont senator said Musk has done "an exceptional job of demonstrating a point that we have made for years—and that is the fact we live in an oligarchic society."
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday took the unusual step of applauding Elon Musk—but not for reasons that the Tesla CEO and world's richest man would likely find flattering.
In the wake of reports indicating that Musk plans to inject $45 million per month into a new super PAC supporting former President Donald Trump's bid for another four years in the White House, Sanders (I-Vt.) thanked Musk for doing "an exceptional job of demonstrating a point that we have made for years—and that is the fact we live in an oligarchic society in which billionaires dominate not only our economic life and the information we consume, but our politics as well."
"And let me be clear. While the size of Musk's financial contribution is particularly egregious, he is not alone in attempting to buy this election to further his own needs," Sanders continued. "Other billionaires are also playing a significant role—in both political parties. Oh, I know... here goes Bernie Sanders again about Citizens United and the role of money in politics. I have no shortage of critics who accuse me of being boring and of hammering away at the same themes year after year after year."
"They're probably right. I am repetitious, but that’s because the problems we care about are only getting worse," he added. "Let's be clear. It has never made sense to me, then or now, that a tiny clique of people should have incredible wealth and power while most people have none."
"While people like Elon Musk try to buy elections for Donald Trump, people who work for low wages, have no health insurance, can't afford prescription drugs, and can't find affordable housing are giving up on politics."
Citing unnamed sources, The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg reported earlier this week that Musk has pledged to donate $45 million per month to America PAC, whose founding donors include ultra-rich tech investors who are part of Musk's social circle. The New York Timesseparately reported that "one leader of America PAC told a friend that the group expected to have a major donor who would make donations in four batches, adding up to as much as $160 million over the course of the campaign."
The Journal and Bloomberg stories—which Musk denied with a meme that included the words "fake gnus"—followed reports that Musk had already given the super PAC a substantial sum of money despite his March declaration that he is "not donating money to either candidate for U.S. president."
Musk formally endorsed Trump on X—the social media platform Musk owns—following an assassination attempt against the former president this past weekend in Pennsylvania. Conspiracy theories about the attempt on Trump's life proliferated rapidly on X, with the help of Musk himself.
The Tesla CEO's name did not appear on America PAC's disclosure filings for June, which could mean that he donated to the PAC earlier this month.
Musk, who is worth over $250 billion, is one of more than a dozen billionaires supporting Trump and his newly chosen running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio). Axios and the Times reported Tuesday that Musk personally lobbied Trump to make Vance his vice presidential pick.
Musk and other U.S. billionaires got $1 trillion richer during Trump's first four years in office, gains fueled by massive tax cuts he signed into law in 2017.
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Sanders wrote in his email Tuesday that Musk's influence on the 2024 election could be particularly pronounced given his ownership of X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.
Musk, Sanders wrote, has used the platform "to amplify the voices of conspiracy theorists who deny the results of the last election and spread the dangerous idea that Democrats want to allow mass, undocumented migration to the country to replace, electorally, the votes of white people."
"The reality is that while people like Elon Musk try to buy elections for Donald Trump, people who work for low wages, have no health insurance, can't afford prescription drugs, and can't find affordable housing are giving up on politics," the senator continued. "They see the rich getting richer as they use their wealth to buy influence, and wonder whether anyone in Washington even knows what is going on in their lives."
Sanders argued that to end the pernicious political influence of Musk and other billionaires, it is essential to elect candidates who support overturning Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the 2010 Supreme Court decision that spawned the super PACs now playing a massive role in the nation's elections.
"It is an issue that should concern all Americans—regardless of their political point of view—who wish to live under a government that represents all of the people and not just a handful of powerful special interests," Sanders wrote. "Taking action is not just good politics, it is also good policy. Because the truth is, campaign finance reform is the most important issue facing us today, because it impacts all the others."
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Should health insurance programs reimburse patients for their use of medical cannabis products? In a growing number of states, the courts are saying “yes.”
In the most recent example, a Pennsylvania Appellate Court ruled that workers’ compensation plans must cover cannabis-related expenditures when an employee uses it to recover from a workplace-related injury. The court ruled that employees in Pennsylvania possess “a statutory right” to be reimbursed for medical marijuana expenses that are reasonable and necessary to treat a work injury.
“The MMA (Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Act) specifically mandates that no medical marijuana patients be denied any rights for (the) lawful use of medical marijuana,” the Court said.
“The MMA (Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Act) specifically mandates that no medical marijuana patients be denied any rights for (the) lawful use of medical marijuana,” the Court said.
The Pennsylvania Court is not the first to issue an affirmative verdict in this matter. Courts in several states, including Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico and New York, have provided similar opinions – determining that the denial of compensation claims would be antithetical to the legislatures’ express findings that cannabis is a state-legal therapy.
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chiro19454 · 1 year
Personal choice chiropractor north wales Pennsylvania
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In November, millions of voters in red, blue and purple states voted on the future of our health care directly on the ballot. And Senator Warnock ran his re-election campaign and run-off on health care. Health care, and Warnock, won decisively.
Voters decided to expand Medicaid in South Dakota, meaning more than 40,000 low-income South Dakotans will finally have the health care they should have had years ago. More than 17 million Americans have gained health coverage as a result of Medicaid expansion, part of the Affordable Care Act that became optional as a result of a 2012 Supreme Court decision. Every time expansion of health care through Medicaid is on the ballot, health care wins.
In Arizona, the voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 209, the Predatory Debt Collection Act, with a whopping 72% approval. This measure will protect Arizonans from predatory debt collection, including families suffering from medical debt.
Voters in states as varied as Michigan, Vermont, California, Kentucky and Montana supported abortion rights. In Michigan, Vermont and California, voters approved ballot measure enshrining abortion rights into their state constitutions. In Kentucky and Montana, voters rejected initiatives to restrict access to reproductive health care.
And in Oregon, Measure 111 passed. Voters there made Oregon the first state in the nation to guarantee affordable health care as a constitutional right. Now the state legislature needs to deliver on it, perhaps by moving forward a state-based public health insurance option as Colorado, Nevada and Washington have done so far.
Senator Warnock just won re-election in Georgia as a champion for lower drug prices, as did candidates across the country last month such as Representative Susan Wild in Pennsylvania.
Health care was on the ballot across the country, and the results are clear: Americans want affordable, accessible health care.
This issue is personal for me, because I've been on the front lines fighting for my health care and for the health care of 135 million Americans with pre-existing conditions like me. I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in 2017. The day after my first chemotherapy treatment, Republicans in the U.S. House voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act – the insurance paying for the treatments I needed to survive. But health care voters fought to defend the Affordable Care Act from a Congress and President determined to repeal it. We won.
And in the past couple years, health care voters have finally seen progress from Congress: with the American Rescue Plan making health insurance more affordable than ever, and the Inflation Reduction Act lowering prescription drug costs for seniors and allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices at last. Yet already those gains are under attack.
Whether voting to expand health insurance through Medicaid, protect families from medical debt, preserve the right to reproductive freedom, or guarantee health care as a human right, Americans showed up and made their priorities known. Health care is a winning issue, no matter the state or political party of the voter.
Voters in South Dakota and elsewhere also demonstrated that state legislatures are blocking overwhelmingly popular legislation. It's time for Representatives in the remaining eleven hold-out states including Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, to do their jobs. They must represent the interests of their constituents by finally expanding Medicaid so low income Americans in their states can get health care too.
It's also time for Congress to get on board and work to expand lower drug prices to all, instead of threatening to take away what gains on affordable prescription drugs we made through the Inflation Reduction Act.
And once again, we are reminded that the majority of Americans support affordable, legal and accessible abortion access. Abortion is health care. We must continue to advocate for reproductive freedom and show our elected officials that their restrictions on our bodies are unwarranted and unwelcome.
Our fight for affordable, accessible health care continues. There's so much more to do, from tackling prescription drug costs for the rest of us not on Medicare, to ensuring lower health insurance costs to ensure everyone can get access to care.
Voters want health care. Listen up, elected officials.
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Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web https://www.merchant-business.com/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-to-receive-od/?feed_id=210638&_unique_id=66f2d9d68609a #GLOBAL - BLOGGER BLOGGER For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21.The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending many summers in Elderslie, St Elizabeth, which is the birthplace of her parents and grandparents.Dr Dunkley grew up in Ensom City, St Catherine, where she attended St Catherine High School and graduated as valedictorian in 1989, before transitioning to Wolmer’s Girls for sixth form.She then moved to the United States on a student visa to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science and education at St John’s University.“When I came, like most immigrants, I had to work and put myself through school. Sometimes I was working three jobs at once. I waited tables, I had a cleaning company, just to make ends meet,” she revealed in a recent interview.  On completing university, her plan was to return to Jamaica, so she settled her credit cards, gave up her apartment, sold her car and then a phone call from St John’s offering her a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s in International Law changed the trajectory of her life.“I took that scholarship and the rest was history. I ended up being here from that time. I never went back home,” she notes.With a Doctorate in urban education from Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, Dr Dunkley has excelled as a deputy superintendent, principal, teacher, and coach, deeply committed to advancing educational equity and excellence.Though not physically in Jamaica, her passion for helping to develop the country has never wavered.She notes that she has several businesses in the land of her birth.“I have been one of those Jamaicans who have had the opportunity to come to the United States but have always planted roots in Jamaica and ensured the viability of the Jamaican ecosystem and infrastructure,” she said. From January 2020 to December 2022, Dr Dunkley served as the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative for the Northeast United States, which covers 14 states, where she played a pivotal role in fostering partnerships that advance Jamaica’s national development goals.“I led during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with a team of phenomenal individuals across the 14 states,” she says, noting that some 52 events were spearheaded by her team over the three-year period.During her tenure, Dr Dunkley created infrastructure for inclusive engagement across states by establishing a think tank comprised of state leads and sector leaders in the areas of health and wellness, education and innovation, economic development and empowerment, crime and citizen security and faith-based partnerships.Along with her team, Dr Dunkley secured US$3.6 million in forgivable government loans and grants through technical assistance for more than 30 small businesses.Her team also provided temporary housing, food, financial, and counselling assistance for 125 international students who were displaced by the pandemic and collaborated with Remnant Church of God Seventh-day to feed 300 families weekly across Pennsylvania.In addition, she led the registration of more than 500 individuals across Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Census 2020; provided pro-bono immigration assistance to 25 international students through immigration attorneys; engaged in policy discussions and advocacy with various government ministries and agencies, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; and activated critical partnerships with the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.Dr Dunkley’s contributions to academics, philanthropy and the diaspora have garnered her a long list of accolades.
“I am energised by giving and by serving. The greatest gift in terms of serving the diaspora in this capacity has been the Jamaican people. I have to commend the team – the think tank, our sector chairs and our state chairs, who are absolutely fantastic.“Even the young people who were stranded in Ukraine, we were one of the first calls, because people knew that we had built this ecosystem. I’m just privileged to have the opportunity to serve others,” Dr. Dunkley said.  She describes herself as a “quiet worker and giver” who has always believed in advocacy and national advancement.Dr Dunkley is humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the Order of Distinction.“I don’t do service with any expectation of reward, so it’s a tremendous honour and I share this honour with all my partners in the diaspora,” she said.“Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD Loop News Reporter Tue, 09/24/2024 – 08:52…”Source Link: http://jamaica.loopnews.com/content/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-receive-od For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21. The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending … Read More
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bravecompanynews · 5 days
Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web - #GLOBAL https://www.merchant-business.com/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-to-receive-od/?feed_id=210637&_unique_id=66f2d9d587f60 For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21.The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending many summers in Elderslie, St Elizabeth, which is the birthplace of her parents and grandparents.Dr Dunkley grew up in Ensom City, St Catherine, where she attended St Catherine High School and graduated as valedictorian in 1989, before transitioning to Wolmer’s Girls for sixth form.She then moved to the United States on a student visa to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science and education at St John’s University.“When I came, like most immigrants, I had to work and put myself through school. Sometimes I was working three jobs at once. I waited tables, I had a cleaning company, just to make ends meet,” she revealed in a recent interview.  On completing university, her plan was to return to Jamaica, so she settled her credit cards, gave up her apartment, sold her car and then a phone call from St John’s offering her a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s in International Law changed the trajectory of her life.“I took that scholarship and the rest was history. I ended up being here from that time. I never went back home,” she notes.With a Doctorate in urban education from Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, Dr Dunkley has excelled as a deputy superintendent, principal, teacher, and coach, deeply committed to advancing educational equity and excellence.Though not physically in Jamaica, her passion for helping to develop the country has never wavered.She notes that she has several businesses in the land of her birth.“I have been one of those Jamaicans who have had the opportunity to come to the United States but have always planted roots in Jamaica and ensured the viability of the Jamaican ecosystem and infrastructure,” she said. From January 2020 to December 2022, Dr Dunkley served as the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative for the Northeast United States, which covers 14 states, where she played a pivotal role in fostering partnerships that advance Jamaica’s national development goals.“I led during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with a team of phenomenal individuals across the 14 states,” she says, noting that some 52 events were spearheaded by her team over the three-year period.During her tenure, Dr Dunkley created infrastructure for inclusive engagement across states by establishing a think tank comprised of state leads and sector leaders in the areas of health and wellness, education and innovation, economic development and empowerment, crime and citizen security and faith-based partnerships.Along with her team, Dr Dunkley secured US$3.6 million in forgivable government loans and grants through technical assistance for more than 30 small businesses.Her team also provided temporary housing, food, financial, and counselling assistance for 125 international students who were displaced by the pandemic and collaborated with Remnant Church of God Seventh-day to feed 300 families weekly across Pennsylvania.In addition, she led the registration of more than 500 individuals across Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Census 2020; provided pro-bono immigration assistance to 25 international students through immigration attorneys; engaged in policy discussions and advocacy with various government ministries and agencies, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; and activated critical partnerships with the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.Dr Dunkley’s contributions to academics, philanthropy and the diaspora have garnered her a long list of accolades.
“I am energised by giving and by serving. The greatest gift in terms of serving the diaspora in this capacity has been the Jamaican people. I have to commend the team – the think tank, our sector chairs and our state chairs, who are absolutely fantastic.“Even the young people who were stranded in Ukraine, we were one of the first calls, because people knew that we had built this ecosystem. I’m just privileged to have the opportunity to serve others,” Dr. Dunkley said.  She describes herself as a “quiet worker and giver” who has always believed in advocacy and national advancement.Dr Dunkley is humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the Order of Distinction.“I don’t do service with any expectation of reward, so it’s a tremendous honour and I share this honour with all my partners in the diaspora,” she said.“Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD Loop News Reporter Tue, 09/24/2024 – 08:52…”Source Link: http://jamaica.loopnews.com/content/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-receive-od BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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boldcompanynews · 5 days
Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-to-receive-od/?feed_id=210636&_unique_id=66f2d9d482d98 For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21.The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending many summers in Elderslie, St Elizabeth, which is the birthplace of her parents and grandparents.Dr Dunkley grew up in Ensom City, St Catherine, where she attended St Catherine High School and graduated as valedictorian in 1989, before transitioning to Wolmer’s Girls for sixth form.She then moved to the United States on a student visa to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science and education at St John’s University.“When I came, like most immigrants, I had to work and put myself through school. Sometimes I was working three jobs at once. I waited tables, I had a cleaning company, just to make ends meet,” she revealed in a recent interview.  On completing university, her plan was to return to Jamaica, so she settled her credit cards, gave up her apartment, sold her car and then a phone call from St John’s offering her a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s in International Law changed the trajectory of her life.“I took that scholarship and the rest was history. I ended up being here from that time. I never went back home,” she notes.With a Doctorate in urban education from Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, Dr Dunkley has excelled as a deputy superintendent, principal, teacher, and coach, deeply committed to advancing educational equity and excellence.Though not physically in Jamaica, her passion for helping to develop the country has never wavered.She notes that she has several businesses in the land of her birth.“I have been one of those Jamaicans who have had the opportunity to come to the United States but have always planted roots in Jamaica and ensured the viability of the Jamaican ecosystem and infrastructure,” she said. From January 2020 to December 2022, Dr Dunkley served as the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative for the Northeast United States, which covers 14 states, where she played a pivotal role in fostering partnerships that advance Jamaica’s national development goals.“I led during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with a team of phenomenal individuals across the 14 states,” she says, noting that some 52 events were spearheaded by her team over the three-year period.During her tenure, Dr Dunkley created infrastructure for inclusive engagement across states by establishing a think tank comprised of state leads and sector leaders in the areas of health and wellness, education and innovation, economic development and empowerment, crime and citizen security and faith-based partnerships.Along with her team, Dr Dunkley secured US$3.6 million in forgivable government loans and grants through technical assistance for more than 30 small businesses.Her team also provided temporary housing, food, financial, and counselling assistance for 125 international students who were displaced by the pandemic and collaborated with Remnant Church of God Seventh-day to feed 300 families weekly across Pennsylvania.In addition, she led the registration of more than 500 individuals across Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Census 2020; provided pro-bono immigration assistance to 25 international students through immigration attorneys; engaged in policy discussions and advocacy with various government ministries and agencies, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; and activated critical partnerships with the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.Dr Dunkley’s contributions to academics, philanthropy and the diaspora have garnered her a long list of accolades.
“I am energised by giving and by serving. The greatest gift in terms of serving the diaspora in this capacity has been the Jamaican people. I have to commend the team – the think tank, our sector chairs and our state chairs, who are absolutely fantastic.“Even the young people who were stranded in Ukraine, we were one of the first calls, because people knew that we had built this ecosystem. I’m just privileged to have the opportunity to serve others,” Dr. Dunkley said.  She describes herself as a “quiet worker and giver” who has always believed in advocacy and national advancement.Dr Dunkley is humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the Order of Distinction.“I don’t do service with any expectation of reward, so it’s a tremendous honour and I share this honour with all my partners in the diaspora,” she said.“Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD Loop News Reporter Tue, 09/24/2024 – 08:52…”Source Link: http://jamaica.loopnews.com/content/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-receive-od #GLOBAL - BLOGGER For service to the Jamaican Diaspor... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-to-receive-od/?feed_id=210635&_unique_id=66f2d9d323b53 For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21.The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending many summers in Elderslie, St Elizabeth, which is the birthplace of her parents and grandparents.Dr Dunkley grew up in Ensom City, St Catherine, where she attended St Catherine High School and graduated as valedictorian in 1989, before transitioning to Wolmer’s Girls for sixth form.She then moved to the United States on a student visa to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science and education at St John’s University.“When I came, like most immigrants, I had to work and put myself through school. Sometimes I was working three jobs at once. I waited tables, I had a cleaning company, just to make ends meet,” she revealed in a recent interview.  On completing university, her plan was to return to Jamaica, so she settled her credit cards, gave up her apartment, sold her car and then a phone call from St John’s offering her a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s in International Law changed the trajectory of her life.“I took that scholarship and the rest was history. I ended up being here from that time. I never went back home,” she notes.With a Doctorate in urban education from Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, Dr Dunkley has excelled as a deputy superintendent, principal, teacher, and coach, deeply committed to advancing educational equity and excellence.Though not physically in Jamaica, her passion for helping to develop the country has never wavered.She notes that she has several businesses in the land of her birth.“I have been one of those Jamaicans who have had the opportunity to come to the United States but have always planted roots in Jamaica and ensured the viability of the Jamaican ecosystem and infrastructure,” she said. From January 2020 to December 2022, Dr Dunkley served as the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative for the Northeast United States, which covers 14 states, where she played a pivotal role in fostering partnerships that advance Jamaica’s national development goals.“I led during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with a team of phenomenal individuals across the 14 states,” she says, noting that some 52 events were spearheaded by her team over the three-year period.During her tenure, Dr Dunkley created infrastructure for inclusive engagement across states by establishing a think tank comprised of state leads and sector leaders in the areas of health and wellness, education and innovation, economic development and empowerment, crime and citizen security and faith-based partnerships.Along with her team, Dr Dunkley secured US$3.6 million in forgivable government loans and grants through technical assistance for more than 30 small businesses.Her team also provided temporary housing, food, financial, and counselling assistance for 125 international students who were displaced by the pandemic and collaborated with Remnant Church of God Seventh-day to feed 300 families weekly across Pennsylvania.In addition, she led the registration of more than 500 individuals across Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Census 2020; provided pro-bono immigration assistance to 25 international students through immigration attorneys; engaged in policy discussions and advocacy with various government ministries and agencies, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; and activated critical partnerships with the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.Dr Dunkley’s contributions to academics, philanthropy and the diaspora have garnered her a long list of accolades.
“I am energised by giving and by serving. The greatest gift in terms of serving the diaspora in this capacity has been the Jamaican people. I have to commend the team – the think tank, our sector chairs and our state chairs, who are absolutely fantastic.“Even the young people who were stranded in Ukraine, we were one of the first calls, because people knew that we had built this ecosystem. I’m just privileged to have the opportunity to serve others,” Dr. Dunkley said.  She describes herself as a “quiet worker and giver” who has always believed in advocacy and national advancement.Dr Dunkley is humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the Order of Distinction.“I don’t do service with any expectation of reward, so it’s a tremendous honour and I share this honour with all my partners in the diaspora,” she said.“Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD Loop News Reporter Tue, 09/24/2024 – 08:52…”Source Link: http://jamaica.loopnews.com/content/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-receive-od BLOGGER - #GLOBAL For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21. The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending … Read More
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onlinecompanynews · 5 days
Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web https://www.merchant-business.com/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-to-receive-od/?feed_id=210634&_unique_id=66f2d8b340827 For service to the Jamaican Diaspor... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21.The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending many summers in Elderslie, St Elizabeth, which is the birthplace of her parents and grandparents.Dr Dunkley grew up in Ensom City, St Catherine, where she attended St Catherine High School and graduated as valedictorian in 1989, before transitioning to Wolmer’s Girls for sixth form.She then moved to the United States on a student visa to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science and education at St John’s University.“When I came, like most immigrants, I had to work and put myself through school. Sometimes I was working three jobs at once. I waited tables, I had a cleaning company, just to make ends meet,” she revealed in a recent interview.  On completing university, her plan was to return to Jamaica, so she settled her credit cards, gave up her apartment, sold her car and then a phone call from St John’s offering her a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s in International Law changed the trajectory of her life.“I took that scholarship and the rest was history. I ended up being here from that time. I never went back home,” she notes.With a Doctorate in urban education from Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, Dr Dunkley has excelled as a deputy superintendent, principal, teacher, and coach, deeply committed to advancing educational equity and excellence.Though not physically in Jamaica, her passion for helping to develop the country has never wavered.She notes that she has several businesses in the land of her birth.“I have been one of those Jamaicans who have had the opportunity to come to the United States but have always planted roots in Jamaica and ensured the viability of the Jamaican ecosystem and infrastructure,” she said. From January 2020 to December 2022, Dr Dunkley served as the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative for the Northeast United States, which covers 14 states, where she played a pivotal role in fostering partnerships that advance Jamaica’s national development goals.“I led during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with a team of phenomenal individuals across the 14 states,” she says, noting that some 52 events were spearheaded by her team over the three-year period.During her tenure, Dr Dunkley created infrastructure for inclusive engagement across states by establishing a think tank comprised of state leads and sector leaders in the areas of health and wellness, education and innovation, economic development and empowerment, crime and citizen security and faith-based partnerships.Along with her team, Dr Dunkley secured US$3.6 million in forgivable government loans and grants through technical assistance for more than 30 small businesses.Her team also provided temporary housing, food, financial, and counselling assistance for 125 international students who were displaced by the pandemic and collaborated with Remnant Church of God Seventh-day to feed 300 families weekly across Pennsylvania.In addition, she led the registration of more than 500 individuals across Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Census 2020; provided pro-bono immigration assistance to 25 international students through immigration attorneys; engaged in policy discussions and advocacy with various government ministries and agencies, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; and activated critical partnerships with the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.Dr Dunkley’s contributions to academics, philanthropy and the diaspora have garnered her a long list of accolades.
“I am energised by giving and by serving. The greatest gift in terms of serving the diaspora in this capacity has been the Jamaican people. I have to commend the team – the think tank, our sector chairs and our state chairs, who are absolutely fantastic.“Even the young people who were stranded in Ukraine, we were one of the first calls, because people knew that we had built this ecosystem. I’m just privileged to have the opportunity to serve others,” Dr. Dunkley said.  She describes herself as a “quiet worker and giver” who has always believed in advocacy and national advancement.Dr Dunkley is humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the Order of Distinction.“I don’t do service with any expectation of reward, so it’s a tremendous honour and I share this honour with all my partners in the diaspora,” she said.“Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD Loop News Reporter Tue, 09/24/2024 – 08:52…”Source Link: http://jamaica.loopnews.com/content/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-receive-od #GLOBAL - BLOGGER For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21. The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending … Read More
0 notes
Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-to-receive-od/?feed_id=210633&_unique_id=66f2d8b221a90 For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21.The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending many summers in Elderslie, St Elizabeth, which is the birthplace of her parents and grandparents.Dr Dunkley grew up in Ensom City, St Catherine, where she attended St Catherine High School and graduated as valedictorian in 1989, before transitioning to Wolmer’s Girls for sixth form.She then moved to the United States on a student visa to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science and education at St John’s University.“When I came, like most immigrants, I had to work and put myself through school. Sometimes I was working three jobs at once. I waited tables, I had a cleaning company, just to make ends meet,” she revealed in a recent interview.  On completing university, her plan was to return to Jamaica, so she settled her credit cards, gave up her apartment, sold her car and then a phone call from St John’s offering her a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s in International Law changed the trajectory of her life.“I took that scholarship and the rest was history. I ended up being here from that time. I never went back home,” she notes.With a Doctorate in urban education from Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, Dr Dunkley has excelled as a deputy superintendent, principal, teacher, and coach, deeply committed to advancing educational equity and excellence.Though not physically in Jamaica, her passion for helping to develop the country has never wavered.She notes that she has several businesses in the land of her birth.“I have been one of those Jamaicans who have had the opportunity to come to the United States but have always planted roots in Jamaica and ensured the viability of the Jamaican ecosystem and infrastructure,” she said. From January 2020 to December 2022, Dr Dunkley served as the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative for the Northeast United States, which covers 14 states, where she played a pivotal role in fostering partnerships that advance Jamaica’s national development goals.“I led during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with a team of phenomenal individuals across the 14 states,” she says, noting that some 52 events were spearheaded by her team over the three-year period.During her tenure, Dr Dunkley created infrastructure for inclusive engagement across states by establishing a think tank comprised of state leads and sector leaders in the areas of health and wellness, education and innovation, economic development and empowerment, crime and citizen security and faith-based partnerships.Along with her team, Dr Dunkley secured US$3.6 million in forgivable government loans and grants through technical assistance for more than 30 small businesses.Her team also provided temporary housing, food, financial, and counselling assistance for 125 international students who were displaced by the pandemic and collaborated with Remnant Church of God Seventh-day to feed 300 families weekly across Pennsylvania.In addition, she led the registration of more than 500 individuals across Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Census 2020; provided pro-bono immigration assistance to 25 international students through immigration attorneys; engaged in policy discussions and advocacy with various government ministries and agencies, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; and activated critical partnerships with the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.Dr Dunkley’s contributions to academics, philanthropy and the diaspora have garnered her a long list of accolades.
“I am energised by giving and by serving. The greatest gift in terms of serving the diaspora in this capacity has been the Jamaican people. I have to commend the team – the think tank, our sector chairs and our state chairs, who are absolutely fantastic.“Even the young people who were stranded in Ukraine, we were one of the first calls, because people knew that we had built this ecosystem. I’m just privileged to have the opportunity to serve others,” Dr. Dunkley said.  She describes herself as a “quiet worker and giver” who has always believed in advocacy and national advancement.Dr Dunkley is humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the Order of Distinction.“I don’t do service with any expectation of reward, so it’s a tremendous honour and I share this honour with all my partners in the diaspora,” she said.“Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD Loop News Reporter Tue, 09/24/2024 – 08:52…”Source Link: http://jamaica.loopnews.com/content/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-receive-od Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web - #GLOBAL BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
0 notes
Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web https://www.merchant-business.com/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-to-receive-od/?feed_id=210632&_unique_id=66f2d8b0f0d08 #GLOBAL - BLOGGER BLOGGER For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21.The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending many summers in Elderslie, St Elizabeth, which is the birthplace of her parents and grandparents.Dr Dunkley grew up in Ensom City, St Catherine, where she attended St Catherine High School and graduated as valedictorian in 1989, before transitioning to Wolmer’s Girls for sixth form.She then moved to the United States on a student visa to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science and education at St John’s University.“When I came, like most immigrants, I had to work and put myself through school. Sometimes I was working three jobs at once. I waited tables, I had a cleaning company, just to make ends meet,” she revealed in a recent interview.  On completing university, her plan was to return to Jamaica, so she settled her credit cards, gave up her apartment, sold her car and then a phone call from St John’s offering her a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s in International Law changed the trajectory of her life.“I took that scholarship and the rest was history. I ended up being here from that time. I never went back home,” she notes.With a Doctorate in urban education from Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, Dr Dunkley has excelled as a deputy superintendent, principal, teacher, and coach, deeply committed to advancing educational equity and excellence.Though not physically in Jamaica, her passion for helping to develop the country has never wavered.She notes that she has several businesses in the land of her birth.“I have been one of those Jamaicans who have had the opportunity to come to the United States but have always planted roots in Jamaica and ensured the viability of the Jamaican ecosystem and infrastructure,” she said. From January 2020 to December 2022, Dr Dunkley served as the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative for the Northeast United States, which covers 14 states, where she played a pivotal role in fostering partnerships that advance Jamaica’s national development goals.“I led during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with a team of phenomenal individuals across the 14 states,” she says, noting that some 52 events were spearheaded by her team over the three-year period.During her tenure, Dr Dunkley created infrastructure for inclusive engagement across states by establishing a think tank comprised of state leads and sector leaders in the areas of health and wellness, education and innovation, economic development and empowerment, crime and citizen security and faith-based partnerships.Along with her team, Dr Dunkley secured US$3.6 million in forgivable government loans and grants through technical assistance for more than 30 small businesses.Her team also provided temporary housing, food, financial, and counselling assistance for 125 international students who were displaced by the pandemic and collaborated with Remnant Church of God Seventh-day to feed 300 families weekly across Pennsylvania.In addition, she led the registration of more than 500 individuals across Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Census 2020; provided pro-bono immigration assistance to 25 international students through immigration attorneys; engaged in policy discussions and advocacy with various government ministries and agencies, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; and activated critical partnerships with the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.Dr Dunkley’s contributions to academics, philanthropy and the diaspora have garnered her a long list of accolades.
“I am energised by giving and by serving. The greatest gift in terms of serving the diaspora in this capacity has been the Jamaican people. I have to commend the team – the think tank, our sector chairs and our state chairs, who are absolutely fantastic.“Even the young people who were stranded in Ukraine, we were one of the first calls, because people knew that we had built this ecosystem. I’m just privileged to have the opportunity to serve others,” Dr. Dunkley said.  She describes herself as a “quiet worker and giver” who has always believed in advocacy and national advancement.Dr Dunkley is humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the Order of Distinction.“I don’t do service with any expectation of reward, so it’s a tremendous honour and I share this honour with all my partners in the diaspora,” she said.“Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD Loop News Reporter Tue, 09/24/2024 – 08:52…”Source Link: http://jamaica.loopnews.com/content/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-receive-od For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21. The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending … Read More
0 notes
Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web - #GLOBAL https://www.merchant-business.com/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-to-receive-od/?feed_id=210631&_unique_id=66f2d8af3f309 For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21.The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending many summers in Elderslie, St Elizabeth, which is the birthplace of her parents and grandparents.Dr Dunkley grew up in Ensom City, St Catherine, where she attended St Catherine High School and graduated as valedictorian in 1989, before transitioning to Wolmer’s Girls for sixth form.She then moved to the United States on a student visa to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science and education at St John’s University.“When I came, like most immigrants, I had to work and put myself through school. Sometimes I was working three jobs at once. I waited tables, I had a cleaning company, just to make ends meet,” she revealed in a recent interview.  On completing university, her plan was to return to Jamaica, so she settled her credit cards, gave up her apartment, sold her car and then a phone call from St John’s offering her a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s in International Law changed the trajectory of her life.“I took that scholarship and the rest was history. I ended up being here from that time. I never went back home,” she notes.With a Doctorate in urban education from Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, Dr Dunkley has excelled as a deputy superintendent, principal, teacher, and coach, deeply committed to advancing educational equity and excellence.Though not physically in Jamaica, her passion for helping to develop the country has never wavered.She notes that she has several businesses in the land of her birth.“I have been one of those Jamaicans who have had the opportunity to come to the United States but have always planted roots in Jamaica and ensured the viability of the Jamaican ecosystem and infrastructure,” she said. From January 2020 to December 2022, Dr Dunkley served as the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative for the Northeast United States, which covers 14 states, where she played a pivotal role in fostering partnerships that advance Jamaica’s national development goals.“I led during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with a team of phenomenal individuals across the 14 states,” she says, noting that some 52 events were spearheaded by her team over the three-year period.During her tenure, Dr Dunkley created infrastructure for inclusive engagement across states by establishing a think tank comprised of state leads and sector leaders in the areas of health and wellness, education and innovation, economic development and empowerment, crime and citizen security and faith-based partnerships.Along with her team, Dr Dunkley secured US$3.6 million in forgivable government loans and grants through technical assistance for more than 30 small businesses.Her team also provided temporary housing, food, financial, and counselling assistance for 125 international students who were displaced by the pandemic and collaborated with Remnant Church of God Seventh-day to feed 300 families weekly across Pennsylvania.In addition, she led the registration of more than 500 individuals across Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Census 2020; provided pro-bono immigration assistance to 25 international students through immigration attorneys; engaged in policy discussions and advocacy with various government ministries and agencies, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; and activated critical partnerships with the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.Dr Dunkley’s contributions to academics, philanthropy and the diaspora have garnered her a long list of accolades.
“I am energised by giving and by serving. The greatest gift in terms of serving the diaspora in this capacity has been the Jamaican people. I have to commend the team – the think tank, our sector chairs and our state chairs, who are absolutely fantastic.“Even the young people who were stranded in Ukraine, we were one of the first calls, because people knew that we had built this ecosystem. I’m just privileged to have the opportunity to serve others,” Dr. Dunkley said.  She describes herself as a “quiet worker and giver” who has always believed in advocacy and national advancement.Dr Dunkley is humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the Order of Distinction.“I don’t do service with any expectation of reward, so it’s a tremendous honour and I share this honour with all my partners in the diaspora,” she said.“Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD Loop News Reporter Tue, 09/24/2024 – 08:52…”Source Link: http://jamaica.loopnews.com/content/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-receive-od BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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amarisbella21 · 6 days
Pennie Health Insurance And Preventive Care
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Pennie, Pennsylvania's health insurance marketplace, emphasizes the importance of preventive care as a fundamental component of overall health and well-being. By making preventive services accessible without additional costs, Pennie encourages individuals to prioritize their health and engage in proactive measures. 
Here’s how  Pennsylvania health insurance plans address preventive care.
Coverage for Preventive Services
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), all health plans offered through Pennie must cover a variety of preventive services at no additional cost to enrollees. This means that individuals can access these essential services without having to pay deductibles, copayments, or coinsurance. Key preventive services include:
Annual Check-Ups: Regular visits to a primary care provider help in monitoring health and catching potential issues early.
Screenings: Plans cover a range of screenings, such as blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and cancer screenings (e.g., mammograms, and colonoscopies).
Immunizations: Vaccinations for children and adults, including flu shots and other recommended vaccines, are covered to prevent infectious diseases.
Counseling Services: Preventive counseling for issues like tobacco cessation, obesity, and mental health support is included to promote healthier lifestyle choices.
Encouraging Early Detection
By providing free access to preventive services, Pennie facilitates early detection and intervention. Regular screenings can identify health issues before they develop into more serious conditions, leading to timely treatment and better outcomes. For instance, early detection of conditions such as hypertension or diabetes can significantly reduce the risk of complications, enhancing overall health.
Promoting Healthy Lifestyles
Preventive care through Pennie also encompasses resources and services that encourage healthy living. Counseling for diet, exercise, and mental health is available, helping individuals make informed lifestyle choices. This focus on holistic health supports the prevention of chronic diseases, which can significantly impact quality of life and healthcare costs.
Access to a Wide Network of Providers
Pennie health insurance plans typically include a network of providers who offer preventive services. This network ensures that enrollees have access to qualified healthcare professionals who can perform necessary screenings and check-ups. When selecting a plan, it’s important to verify that your preferred providers are in-network to maximize your preventive care benefits.
Flexibility and Convenience
With various plans available on Pennie, individuals can choose coverage that aligns with their needs and preferences. Many plans offer flexibility in scheduling appointments for preventive services, allowing individuals to fit healthcare into their busy lives. Whether through in-person visits or telehealth options, accessing preventive care is more convenient than ever.
Educational Resources
Pennie provides valuable educational resources to help individuals understand the importance of preventive care. Through their website, enrollees can access information about recommended screenings, vaccinations, and lifestyle changes. This knowledge empowers individuals to take charge of their health and utilize available preventive services effectively.
Annual Open Enrollment Period
During the annual open enrollment period, individuals have the opportunity to review their health insurance options and ensure they select a plan that emphasizes preventive care. It’s crucial to consider not only premium costs but also the extent of preventive services covered when making a selection.
In conclusion, Pennie health insurance prioritizes preventive care as a cornerstone of effective healthcare. By covering a wide range of preventive services at no cost to enrollees, Pennie encourages proactive health management, early detection, and healthy lifestyle choices. This comprehensive approach not only improves individual health outcomes but also reduces long-term healthcare costs. For Pennsylvania residents, utilizing the preventive care benefits available through Pennie is a vital step toward achieving and maintaining optimal health.
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tiffanyrivers · 24 days
Detailed Overview to Mental Health Rehabilitation Facilities in Lancaster, PA: What You Need to Know
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Mental wellness rehab facilities in Lancaster, PA give a variety of therapy possibilities for people battling along with mental health and wellness concerns. Nevertheless, deciding on the correct center can easily be a tough task, especially for those unknown along with the requirements that distinguish efficient treatment plans. To guarantee effective rehabilitation, it is vital to very carefully assess a facility's credibility and reputation, accreditation, and experience. Yet what details elements should you focus on, and how can you examine the quality of care supplied? Recognizing these key considerations is necessary to making an updated decision - and finding the correct center for an effective healing adventure.
Picking the Appropriate Facility
When seeking intensive outpatient program Lancaster, PA, selecting the appropriate one could be an uphill struggle. This decision is essential as it will greatly influence the performance of the treatment and total well-being of the person. It is necessary to examine a number of aspects, featuring the center's credibility and reputation, accreditation, and experience in offering psychological wellness rehab in Lancaster, PA. People must explore the center's treatment approach and validate it lines up along with their details necessities. The personnel's qualifications, know-how, and experience in dealing with psychological health and wellness concerns should likewise be actually assessed. In addition, examine the center's features, site, and supply of support services.
Treatment Possibilities and Services
Beyond the a variety of programs offered, mental wellness rehab facilities in Lancaster, PA, are actually likewise specified through the array of treatment options and services they provide. Helpful treatment typically entails a combination of evidence-based therapies, clinical interferences, and holistic strategies. In Lancaster, Pennsylvania, facilities may use specific, team, and household treatment sessions, and also cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and trauma-informed care. Medication control is additionally a critical element of several recovery programs, as it can easily assist ease signs and symptoms of psychological health and wellness disorders including depression, anxiousness, and bipolar affective disorder.
Qualifications and References Matter
In the landscape of intensive outpatient program Lancaster, PA, the certifications and credentials of team member participate in a pivotal part in determining the effectiveness of therapy plans. When seeking rehab services, it is actually necessary to verify the credentials of the facility's workers, featuring specialists, professionals, and physician. A trustworthy rehab establishment should possess a staff of certified and skilled professionals who concentrate on psychological health and wellness treatment. Search for team member who store postgraduate degrees in their industry and have pertinent qualifications, like Qualified Qualified Consultant (LPC) or even Certified Clinical Social Employee (LCSW).
Admitting to a Location Process
Once you have actually recognized an ideal partial hospitalization programs in Pennsylvania, with a group of trained and experienced specialists, the next measure is actually to browse the admittances method. This method generally starts with an initial evaluation, which might include a phone or even in-person evaluation to calculate the individual's details necessities and criteria for mental health and wellness treatment in Pennsylvania. During the course of this analysis, the facility's admissions staff will compile info about the person's case history, mental health record, and existing indicators. They might additionally talk to regarding the person's insurance coverage and monetary scenario to find out the greatest program of therapy.
Psychological health and wellness rehab in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, needs cautious factor of a variety of aspects. An in depth strategy to choosing a location involves analyzing track record, accreditation, experience, treatment procedures, and staff qualifications. Ultimately, the chosen facility ought to provide a supportive setting that deals with particular demands. Effective psychological health and wellness treatment is actually contingent upon lining up treatment options along with personal demands. Proper certification and certifications are necessary in making sure a productive recovery experience.
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