#Owe her zeni (Android 18)
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krillin-fanfic · 6 years
P.D.A. (Public Displays of Annoyance)
Time for day two! I was originally going to try the anniversary prompt today but was struggling to start. Meanwhile, a cute little scenario popped in my head and so... here we are. Sharing food time! With special appearances by Bulma and Chi-Chi. (audible crowd gasps) Hope you enjoy.
“It's disgusting!” Chi-Chi giggled. “Oh Bulma, don't be like that. I think they're adorable.” The heiress crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. “It's so shameless. And at my party, no less!” Today had been intended by Bulma to be her day. Capsule Corp, under her leadership, had just acquired one of the largest luxury air car manufacturers in the world. Therefore, it was only logical to allow all her friends to bask in her glory and congratulate her; a party was in order! Unfortunately for her, she hadn't counted on her seating chart placing her directly across from the two newest lovebirds. Krillin and the Android girl were in plain sight; giggling, kissing, the girl resting her head on his, half in his lap, no less!  And all this stealing attention meant for her accomplishment. And, she reluctantly admitted, making her feel just the tiniest bit jealous. Chi-Chi rested her cheek on her palm and swooned. “I remember being newly in love. Such a wonderful, happy feeling.” Bulma looked away and pouted. “Well the least they could do is cut out the PDA. It's entirely inappropriate in this scenario.” She grabbed her glass from the table and took a sip. Chi-Chi's brow curled upward and she cocked her head. “Ah, Bulma, are you sure that's the reason you're upset?” She smirked a bit. “I think you might just be a little bit jealous that Vegeta doesn't do these things for you.” Bulma spat her drink and stood, fists balled at her sides. “That's ridiculous, I am not jealous of that Android girl or her relationship, thank you very much! Besides, I don't exactly recall GOKU getting all romantic in public with you either!” Chi-Chi smiled into her teacup. “Nope, he didn't. But I also came to accept that long ago. Goku's wasn't really normal with his expressions of affection, and if that's indeed a Saiyan thing, it stands to reason Vegeta would be the same, doesn't it?” She gestured to the couple down the yard. “Krillin's a normal person, Bulma, like you or me. He's gonna be more openly affectionate, he's gonna have those early-relationship butterflies, the giggles, the silly phone conversations. And he's been blessed to find someone after waiting for so long. Can't you just be happy for your friend?” Bulma stood silently, appearing to give it some thought. Seeing 18 feed him yet another piece of chicken off her fork, however, seemed to push her over the edge. “Nope. Nope, I've gotta say something right now.” She stomped across the yard, ignoring Chi-Chi's plea not to make a scene, and came face to face with the couple, giggling in secret, no doubt over something stupid and sappy. Something pointless they both found amusing in their endorphin-infused state. Krillin was the first to look up and notice her presence. “Oh, hey Bulma!” he beamed at her. “Really great party you've got here. Looks like a lot of people wanted to come congratulate you on your big business deal, huh? Oh yeah,” he grinned raised his glass to her, wrapping his arm around his date's waist. “Congratulations on the big deal!” Bulma's gaze shifted briefly to the blonde with him. She too was smiling broadly and nodded. “Congratulations, Bulma. Krillin was gushing over this all morning. Seems he's quite proud of his friends and what they've accomplished.” Bulma hesitated. She's come over fully intent on telling them off, stopping their excessive canoodling on her lawn, but... seeing that girl so friendly... seeing Krillin smile like that... He was the happiest she'd seen him in... well... ever. “T-thank you both. I'm glad you decided to come...” she grinned. “And super glad you finally brought your girlfriend over, Krillin.” She punched him lightly in the shoulder. “You two should come by more often. I could use the distraction, and I've got all sorts of questions for-uh...” She looked at the blonde. “What name do you go by?” “Just 18 is fine,” she replied. “And I'm not so sure about swinging by too often, I'm afraid. Things still aren't so good between me and, uh-” she gestured to the side of the lawn with a nod “Mr. Grumpy Monkey over there.” She smirked. “I kinda almost get the feeling he doesn't like me being here.” Bulma turned to see Vegeta standing across the lawn, shooting 18 a death glare even as he stuffed his face. “Oh, Vegeta. Yeah, don't worry too much about him, I keep him in check.” She grinned. “If he wants that gravity room to stay in anything close to working order, he won't dare misbehave.” She looked over and shouted. “Will you, Vegeta? Don't raise your eyebrows at me, I know you can hear us over there.” Vegeta mumbled something and started shuffling toward the buffet tables. “I better go see if I can't soothe mister ego before he decides to go pout somewhere. Take care. Oh, and Krillin?” she smiled softly. “I really am happy for you guys. Congratulations. I mean it.” Krillin returned the smile and pulled 18 a little closer. “Thanks, Bulma. Means a lot, coming from you.”
Once she was out of earshot, Krillin smirked at 18. “See? I told you she wouldn't blow up at us. Now you owe me 50 Zeni.” 18 scoffed. “Yeah, yeah. I guess she's not as bad as she seems. For someone who built a remote designed to rob me of my person-hood again.” “Aww babe, don't be like that, she felt it was our only option at the time.” “Yeah, yeah... truth be told I'd have done about anything to stop that bug too, I guess.” He gave her a reassuring squeeze and she smiled. Oh, uh...” he gestured to the empty seat next to him. “Did you wanna sit in your own chair now?” 18 thought for a second before laying her head back on his. “Mm, nah. I kinda like this seat better anyways.”
I do love when 18 brings out Krillin’s old mischievous side. :P Hope you liked it and thanks for reading.
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