#Oh Eshie-chan`!
quanticat · 6 years
what i was reading recently and some other cool stuff
some stuff I’ve been reading recently. I’ve had a few books arrive as well –– gonna wait till the weekend and post pictures of them all at once though.
I read the first half of this old tezuka thing, angel island
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rather odd work, could get whiplash going back and forth over the plot development at the beginning. some funny stuff. probably not his most notable story. The melodrama is real.. kinda. it get’s a little more interesting / silly further in. It’s hard to decide if the main villain is scary or humorous.
~ some more stuff posted after the break ~
I also read joou sama no eshi by kaworu watashiya. dang this manga is really good. really funny, especially - lots of biting humor. And it’s interesting to look at watashiya’s art - it’s really developed a flexibility. She mostly sticks to drawing a kind of full-bodied sensual style for this one, but oscillates back and forth, with some sections that parody other manga styles or give clever commentary seemingly on watashiya’s own experience as a mangaka. The characters are well written overall, feeling like genuine high schoolers (or struggling mangaka turned temp teacher) without becoming overly annoying archetypes.
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Like for example, this is a manga that some characters collaborate on as a manga club project –– watashiya nails the contemporary moe design and font typography.
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and then later the mangaka is working on an accompanying manga for an in-production anime, and again watashiya has the art style down pat
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I tried reading the water dragon’s bride, but it was really bad. This was one of the few pages I liked. 
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it has nice covers, but just.. there’s not much there it seems, to be honest. disappointing - well, at least that’s what I got from it. If it gets better let me know.
I also read ressentiment, and that one was pretty good though it started going a little off the rails towards the end. Hanazawa did a really great job of creating striking contrasts/parallels between certain panels.
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I really liked the tone of this scene. The earlier mysterious stuff involving Noah was curious as well, though there was some stuff that wasn’t followed up on, which would have been nice to know more about.
Another really enjoyable read was toyoda minoru’s takeo chan bukkairoku, the story of a matter of fact girl cursed with the most unbelievable perpetual bad luck. His writing is so snappy, and his art so stylistic, it’s just great. shades of yamakawa naoto in that solid inked, geometrical design and thick lines. Very much his own thing though, artistically. 
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Geez his art is so cool
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 Actually. I also finally got around to reading Made in Abyss - I even watched the anime too, it was pretty good, especially thought (for the anime) the soundtrack was very well done. The art in the manga is really striking and very different from most others’ work. very ethereal feeling, I gotta pick up some more tankobon for this one. See what else the author’s worked on.
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Contrasting sharply with those, I finished the murder fantasia “Ichi the Killer”. That one was okay - good at times, but the ending again left me disappointed. Also, the plot was overall, much too predictable, which is fine but the few things that would have made it more interesting, such as explaining more of the character of “oji-san” never came to pass.. and then some aspects of the ending just felt kind of weak - disconnected from the story’s psychological set-up. Overall it was an alright read though, but I definitely liked homunculus more. extremely violent.
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I (finally) read this short but very interesting book by sato shuho, who is probably considered a bit of a maverick mangaka I suppose, about his experiences and effort to change the publishing model in Japan, and shift to self publishing his books through an online portal (mangaonweb). Lot of very interesting stories in it, and it reads very casually, like a series of blog posts. It’s super cheap, so I definitely recommend checking it out (got it as a kindle ebook).
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Other interesting news... there’s a webcomic “Heart of Gold” running a kickstarter to print physical books, which wraps in a couple days:
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I saw a cool looking magazine on twitter, I might pick up a copy if future issues have more interesting content..
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Also kind of interested in this German comic coming out soon (maybe already out, I didn’t actually check the specific date!?)
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and I’m really excited about seven seas’ release of Claudia, someone posted a picture on twitter a while back and the book looks really pretty.
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I saw this dojin online.. don’t know much about it, but the cover’s really neat so.. I might end up picking it up. I guess it’s some kind of fan book.
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There was a cool kojiro matsumoto exhibition not too long ago as well. He also did a group one with a couple other cool artists.
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My DeDeDeDe shirt got positive comments.
Oh also Inio Asano was at TCAF:
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As for me, I tried making a niconico account with country set as Japan, but it still wouldn’t let me watch vids from Japan.. I assume through browser profiling? Anyone else done this, do I need to just get a vpn or something? Was too lazy to try and figure it out. 
I’m dealing with a lot of job related stress right now, so just trying to get through this stretch.
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kamipansakana · 11 years
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