naehja · 2 years
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Kirio: *admits that has tried to blow the school, and potentially kill everyone inside*
Kirio: *also admits that he got excited to see despair on his own face*
Teachers: where have we failed with this kid?
Also look Momonoki is horrified and angry, Orias is shocked and very disappointed and Dantalion is just fully shocked/disgusted, so much he can’t even even be angry.
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sillygirlvibing · 7 months
Who's the finest man in mairuma? And why is it Orias oswell?
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mac-kd8 · 1 year
Where are Your Wings Iruma-Kun?
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What if Ali didn’t think quickly enough to create Iruma a fake pair of wings?  What if Iruma actually got scars from his past hardships and trauma? What would the teachers of Babyls do when one of their beloved students tried to escape from their questions about his past? And to be honest, they really don’t know how to deal with a kid who has been through the most illegal form of torture in the entire Netherworld.
                  Chapter 1: Meeting Professor Balam for the First Time
“It’s most likely that Imaginary Creatures live in a peaceful environment. However, the Netherworld’s ecosystem is unforgiving.” Professor Balam stated after finishing his drawings on the chalkboard.
He then walked over to where Iruma was being held down by vines while talking to the class.
“ That's how we demons developed our wings.  In the race for survival, wings are essential tools.  Even without horns, you can escape safely as long you have…huh?!  ” There was a short pause when Balam try to search for Iruma’s wings. 
No matter how much Balam touches and felt around the young boy’s back, Balam couldn’t find any traces that Iruma had what pretty much all demons had.  The professor being shocked was an understatement, he was completely mortified at the chance that one of his students doesn’t possess any wings.
Balam can't or will not believe that a demon as young as Iruma had gone through the worst type of pain known to demon-kind.   Without wasting another second, Balam picked up Iruma and run in the direction where the teacher's lounge was located.
“Master Iruma!” Alice called his master's name as he and Clara watched the white-haired teacher carry Iruma like a sack of potatoes.
When Balam loudly slammed open the door it got the attention of all of the teachers who were currently occupying the room.  Buer Blushenko, Morax Momonoki, Marbas March, Orias Oswell, and Bars Robin then turn their focus onto the 2 new incomers.
“Pardon me! Someone!!” Balam shouted when entered the teacher's lounge.
“What’s the matter, Professor Balam?” Robin asked worriedly, not used to seeing the giant teacher in such a panicked state.
“It’s an emergency!  This boy doesn’t have any wings.” Balam then pointed to the sweating boy.  Everyone only raised an eyebrow at Balam's statement, knowing that he can sometimes jump to conclusions.  Buer only scoffs at Balam’s statement, pretty much all demons in the Netherworld have wings, it’s even more ridiculous for Balam to think someone young as Iruma has none. Buer then made eye contact with the blond Astrology teacher. Orias Oswell was thinking the exact same thing as his coworker. 
It’s common knowledge in the Netherworld that the few demons who are wingless are usually strong full grown demons who can defend themselves.  Not children who are learning the basics of magic.  It’s simply impossible or a miracle for Iruma to last this long in the Netherworld without any wings.
 “Of course he has wings,” Robin stated in his usually cheerful tone.
“He might just tuck his wings into his body.” Momonoki tries reasoning with her coworker.
“Or maybe they're just really tiny,” Orias suggested nonchalantly.
 “He doesn’t have wing roots,” Balam exclaimed, which made all of the teachers a little more suspicious of the boy. To ease everyone's nerves and his own, Robin decided he would be the one to check if Iruma really didn’t have any wings. 
No matter how much he twist and turn his way out of the giant teacher’s grip, Balam was just too strong for the human boy to even stand a chance of escaping.
     So many emotions and thoughts were running through Iruma’s mind, realizing this may be the end of the road for him.
“Nooooo, If I knew I was going to be eaten today, I would tell just how much I appreciate Grandpa and Opera for giving me a great life.  And what would Alice and Clara do once they found out that their own teachers had eaten their friend?” Time moves slower for Iruma as he remembers all of the memories he made with his best friends. 
“I never even get to tell them how much they mean to me, I never got to tell them that I’m actually human. 
 Alice, Clara, I’m sorry that I couldn’t keep my secret for just a little bit longer.” Iruma mentally apologized to everyone who had loved and cared for him as he accepted his faith.
Iruma only closes his eyes, hoping that his teachers will devour him quickly enough so he won’t feel anything.  After  5 seconds went by, Iruma wonder why he wasn’t in the demons’s stomach already. When he looked at his teachers for the first time after they saw his back, he didn't see hunger or any type of blood thirst in their eyes    
No one had their claws out,  no bite marks, no pain, just empty tense silence.
A hand-covered Momonoki’s mouth, trying her best to hold back a gasp.  Robin’s knees gave out as his body shake in horror. 
“His wings?!” Buer whispered under his breath.
“Those scars,” Marbas commented only to himself.
If only the clueless blue-haired boy knew that in the Netherworld, if a demon doesn’t have wings that doesn’t automatically mean that they are human.  For all his teachers know, Iruma is a young demon boy who has been through the most horrendous and traumatic experience that even most seasoned demons couldn’t handle.
Chapter 2 https://www.tumblr.com/mac-kd8/721977396410155008/where-are-your-wings-iruma-kun?source=share
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"I don't have one." You stated firmly hands on hips. "Oh, come on, everyone has a favorite. Even Kalego has a favorite." Orias pointed to the brooding demon who sneered at the accusation. "I most certainly do not have a favorite."
You raised an eyebrow and gave him a look. "Your mouth says one thing, but your actions say another." You watched as he stormed off. For someone who is so mature, he can throw so many tantrums.
"I don't have a favorite." You stated again. "That can't be true, what about baby-chan?" Raim asked. You gave her a blank look. "What about my little jellybean? I don't favor her over the others." Robin popped up from behind. "Wouldn't they favor Iruma more anyway he is their flesh and blood."
"That's not a very good reason to favor someone, Robin-San." You state calmly. "I have no favorite." You repeated. "Why, though? It must be hard to remain neutral, yis?" Suzy-san asked. You blinked. "Not really. They're all mine." The stern tone in your voice left no room for arguments.
"How can I not love all of them? Or think that each one has the capability to drive me insane? They are all my children, and I won't let them think that they are second to anyone when it comes to my love."
It wasn't a competition. How dare they try to make you choose. "Okay, but say the building is burning. Who would you grab?" Prompted Dali-San. You glared at him.
"Alice can control flames, Kerori has ice, which can me melted into water, dropping the temperature and slowing the rate of the fire. Goemon has the power of wind, which, if used properly, can help the flames die out or be redirected. Picero can smother the flames with his earth magic, I have personally made sure that Clara carries at least 10 full fire extinguishers with her everyday as well as med kits and other emergency supplies."
You began counting on your fingers while maintaining eye contact. "That's five capable children that don't need rescuing right there. Next, we have Soi, who is smart enough to always stick by at least one of his classmates at all times. But for the sake of the argument, let's assume he is separate. Soi understands that he can't remain invisible in this situation. Nor is he allowed to remain quiet. He'll have to make noise and be heard so that one of his classmates can reach him if he's in danger and they will come."
"Elizabetta is never alone. There is no scenario where she is, so don't try to convince me otherwise. She's smart enough to know she needs to help the others remain calm in this type of situation. Soi was kind enough to help me help her learn the entire school's layout and all possible escape routes, and both of them will be fine."
You tilled your head a moment. Seven down six to go. "Lied would be able to locate his classmates and figure out which zones are the most dangerous by using their senses. So he'll know which areas are safer for him to reach. Then there's Kamui who will not have the assistance of animals at this time. Kamui needs to find a safe area cause he's a burn risk with those feathers but that doesn't mean he's helpless. His classmates will most likely be using their familiars for help or to track others. Kamui only needs to find one and he's safe."
Nine, you smiled thoughtfully. "To be honest, Sabro is reckless and will jump through the flames without a thought. He'll most like find others while risking the most exposure to the flames. Then there's Allocer who knows about 40 different ways to put out fires, multiple flame resistant spells, has the entire place memorized to a T, and most likely knows where all emergency supplies are all while contacting emergency services on his phone cause I know out of all of them he'll use a brain."
Eleven... leaving iruma and Jazz. "Jazz knows all escape routes for any emergency before he even steps into a building. He has a good sense of magic and is not the kind to just overlook his classmates needing help. He's not gonna give up easily, especially if he thinks someone is counting on him. And as for Iruma." Taking a deep breath you just gave them a plain look.
"Do you honestly think after all that boy has accomplished a mere fire is going to be his downfall? I'd be more worried about the building than the kids." How dare they underestimate your kids.
"So no, I wouldn't save any of them." Folding your arms across your chest, you set a firm line in your belief. Orias whistled. "Little cold, don't you think?" You frowned.
"Cold is not having an ounce of faith that any of them would make it out alive. I don't have favorites. They all get 5 minutes, then I go and grab all of them. There is no only one crap."
You walked out of the room, still pondering. Maybe you should make the kids have backup walkie talkies in case their phones don't work. Kalego-San might take interest in watching them perform in safety situations. Who knows? It might come in handy later.
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miano-oscarwilde · 2 years
Those three at the back 😂
And then Kalego sensei gets a message from Opera ✌️😆
Finally a rocking contribution by misfit scans, I can't Stop laughing 🤣
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madmarchhare · 2 years
Look how Iruma's classmates (non misfits) all back away from Kalego!
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Also, poor Momonoki Sensei
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ellidena · 2 years
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meabh-mcinness · 1 year
I would very much like to ask you about something soft if you please.
I would very much like to see iruma who has been turned back into a toddler seeing the reader and balam as his parents!
Like just little baby bluebell iruma happily holding balams and readers hand as they walk down the hall of babylus.
Just reader also being protective over iruma(epically right now with what our boy is going through!) Just giving him the love and car he really didn't get from his parents.
Just soft family times! Is all I want!
Thank you for taking the time to read this and please have a good whatever time you currently have and thank you for reading.
Thank you so much for requesting this. I didn't realize how much I needed babyboy Iruma until now, and managed to get this out in time for Mother's Day! Also, happy Mother's Day to all the great mom's out there, especially @snippychicke who is the best discord parent ever.
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Family Day
Despite your very anti-kid-abuse views, you very much wanted to throttle Schenell. The kid was a genius, no doubt about it, and you were very proud of him for being able to do this at all. You just weren't entirely happy about the consequences or that it happened to your son specifically.
Having been on your way to Shicirou's classroom to drop off the textbooks he ordered, you'd been quickly distracted. A loud explosion sound followed by lavender-coloured smoke pouring out into the hallway from a room a few doors up. After working here for months, you weren't too concerned (even Orias-sensei somehow had a student set the astronomy room on fire just last week), until you realized which door it was up ahead. That door didn't belong to a classroom, but a battler room.
Iruma's battler room.
Heart pounding, you dropped the textbooks and raced for the door. Images floating through your head of what could have happened. An experiment went wrong, Kirio sneaking back in, a different intruder having crept in? Atori swept through your brain uninvited, you could quite easily see the thin spindly man sneaking back in after failing to grab Iruma once.
One hand on the door, throwing it open further, the other reaching to grab the dagger Shichirou had gifted you. Iruma injured, Iruma being eaten...
"Iruma!" ... Iruma?
You blinked in surprise as you took in the scene before you. On the ground in front of a lab table covered in vials and beakers of different substances lay Schenell. The newly turned third year who was obsessed with the student council president if you remembered correctly. One of the vials, partially filled with a liquid the same colour as the smoke you saw before, was clutched in his hand. A look of despondency etched onto his face as he stared at a pile of clothes lumped together on the floor in the middle of the room.
Iruma's clothes, your mind supplied, with no Iruma in sight.
You were about five nanoseconds away from attacking the third year and demanding where your son was when you noticed the clothes were squirming and making noises. No, you suddenly realized, it was babbling.
A tiny head poked out from the pile with a familiar shock of blue hair attached to it. You blinked once, twice, and then shut the door, trying to comprehend what you saw. Opening the door again, you once more took in the scene. Yup, it was still the same. Only now, that tiny head was turned towards you.
The wide, shimmering blue eyes of your son stared up at you. His scythe-shaped ahoge started to wave fast in excitement as he recognized who you were. Short chubby arms suddenly appeared next to his head, rising up towards you. Tiny hands grasping in your direction in the universal sign of 'up' babbling at you all the while. You were almost certain you heard the word 'ma' leave his lips. You hadn't even registered moving, but the next thing you knew, you were lifting him up into your arms, his now oversized shirt wrapped around him under his armpits. Coos leaving your mouth at how adorable he was.
A shuffling noise caught your attention and your instincts immediately had you clutching Iruma to your chest, almost baring your teeth at the possible threat. Only to remember Schenell's existence. A quick glance had you confirming that it was indeed the third year moving to get up. He looked almost in tears as he stared at the mostly empty vial. You would feel bad if he had been working in a safe environment for potion-making, and if your child wasn't a victim of his shenanigans, again. As cute as Iruma was in this form aside.
"Mama," a voice called to you, tugging on a free strand of hair to get your attention, or perhaps just to play with the shiny strands. Looking down at the toddler in your arms, the first thing you noticed was the matching set of glimmering azure eyes staring at you. One petite fist was wrapped around your hair, the other clutched to your blouse, and it took everything in you not to squeal at the sight. 
OK, so maybe you were a little happy about the consequences.
"Yes, Iruma?" you answered with a smile, taking the hand holding your hair so that it can latch on your own much larger one instead. He was just so tiny now. Before, he had stood at around your height, and now he was less than half that. You were very tempted to take pictures, only that would require putting him down. Which was an obvious no-go, how could you possibly let this cutie down?
"Mama...upset?" Iruma asked, eyes so wide and bright before dimming at even the possibility of upsetting you, turned to stare at your clasped hands as if contemplating if it was OK.
"What? Honey no! Of course, I'm not mad at you." Your hand quickly moved to cusp his large cheek, watching them puff up as his came with and subsequently was squished in-between. Your thumb started rubbing the side of his face in a gentle, rhythmic manner. Starting from the top of his forehead, continuing down his cheek until you hit your own hand, before starting the whole process over again. He leaned into the touch, almost purring as he nuzzled you. You felt your heart clench, if you weren't reassuring him, you just knew you would implode from the cuteness that was a toddler Iruma.
Perhaps instead of strangling Schenell, you would subtly give him some kind of reward instead.
Speaking of, you saw him slowly inching his way towards the door of the Magical Tool's Battler, out of the corner of your eye.
"Schenell if you move one more muscle I will have you in detention until the end of the school year." His entire body froze, but you could see in his eyes that he was deciding whether or not it would be better to run anyway. You were known as one of the nicer teachers, after all, surely your detentions couldn't be that bad?
"With Kalego-sensei." you continued on. The fight immediately left him as he slumped down to his knees. It really paid that Kalego was the strictest teacher in the school sometimes. You almost felt bad for the headache you were about to cause him with this. Almost.
Still, now what to do? Iruma, as charming as he was, couldn't stay as a toddler. Especially if whatever had been done kept him permanently as one until it was reversed, which meant you needed the reversal now. You really didn't feel like trying to contain the entire misfit class from killing the third year or constantly trying to steal Iruma.
You turned to fully face Schenell, eyeing him up. He certainly looked dejected, but was it because he had been caught doing something, again, or did he genuinely feel bad? Well, there was one way to find out. Taking a deep breath, you tried to gather your thoughts. You didn't want to scare Iruma after all, but Schenell would 100% try to worm his way out of it if you were too soft.
Clearly sensing the danger, Schenell launched into an explanation of what had happened. In his endless quest of gaining Ameri's love, he had decided to try appealing to her maternal side and had attempted to create a de-ageing potion, only to be startled when Iruma had popped out of one of the piles of artefacts. Probably trying to sort through them still, even after a year of doing so. Evidently, the potion had worked, made obvious by Iruma's now rather small form. The resulting explosion sound of Iruma turning younger had been what had drawn you in.
And now you were here, with a 14-year-old toddler in your arms (and wasn't that a weird sentence to think) and a third-year to discipline. A sign left your mouth before you could stop it.
"And do we have the antidote to said potion?" You asked hopefully. Maybe you would be lucky for once and this entire thing could be swept under the rug before it inevitably exploded into something bigger. And it would, it always did when Iruma was involved. The blank stare on Schenell's face before it fell into realization quickly answered your question in the negatives, dashing your hopes. Of course, he didn't. He probably hadn't even been able to test if it actually worked yet when Iruma had accidentally intercepted him.
A sigh left you as you thought over your options. You could of course call Sullivan, but somehow you had the feeling that he would try and prolong Iruma's exposure as a toddler rather than fixing it. You understood entirely of course, having adopted Iruma as a teenager meant even you hadn't got to see him in his full child stage before. This was a rare opportunity to exploit, being able to enjoy that stage. Unfortunately, your rational side argued back that Iruma didn't deserve to be left in this form. Especially when you knew you would have absolutely hated to be left as a toddler had this happened to you. So Sullivan, and by consequence Opera, would probably be your last choice for once.
This left you with either the other teachers or locking Schenell in this room until he came up with a cure. While it would be equitable to have him fix his mistake, it could also take a very lengthy time. Who knew how long he had been working on this one, much less how long it would take to make the reversal?
Which left you the other teachers, but who to ask that wouldn't squeal to Sullivan? Dali-sensei as the overseer of the new magic battler would be a good choice, he likely knew of something similar or at least the process of reverse engineering magic to get results. He was also one of the biggest gossips of the entire staff. This meant the entire school would somehow know within five minutes, and you would have a hoard of students and teachers to fight off when they inevitably tried to get a glimpse of him. 
Momonoki-sensei was also possible, as someone who came from a family whose bloodline magic was to master all magic types it was entirely possible she had some kind of reversal type she could use. But could magic reverse potion effects? It was certainly possible, but you simply didn't know enough of the two subjects to be certain. This event was a rather forceful reminder that you needed to do a lot more research to catch up to even the basics of the Netherworld. 
Kalego was also an option, while grouchy and strict, it was quite obvious that he cared for the entire misfit class, with Iruma as a particular favourite. He fully believed in helping students to the best of his abilities and leaving one as a toddler would go against that code, and as a rank Chet, it was entirely possible he had access to more powerful magic than Momonoki-sensei at rank Zayin.
The problem with those three teachers boiled down to one thing. Not a single one of them knew that either Iruma or yourself were human. While you didn't believe any of them would actually eat you(well Dali-sensei was honestly a wild card), you didn't know if they would run straight to Border Patrol either. Especially with the knowledge that Kalego's older brother was the second most powerful member there. Familial ties were usually worth far more than some being you just met.
Which led you to your last and most preferable choice. Shichirou was also a rank Chet, had knowledge in healing magic (even going as far as making his own salves and tinctures), and already knew of your rather human status. It was highly likely that if he didn't already know a solution, he could contact someone who would without exposing either of you.
And if you got to spend a little extra time with the demon you were courting as a result, well, that was no one's business but your own.
Mind made up you shifted Iruma to be carried fully on your hip with only a single arm for support and dug through your pockets for your hellphone. Pulling out the small device, you shot off a text asking if Shichirou was free to help you with a 'little problem' in Iruma's battler room.
Pausing you glanced at Schenell again, an idea forming. Well, it's not like you couldn't have the third-year demon working on a reversal potion for detention while also working on the problem with Shichirou. It would be both opportunistic for the third year and punishment if you set it up with the right teacher. Such as a waspish guard dog, who just so happened to be looking over detentions this week and was already in a foul mood from dealing with Robin's familiar class this morning.
With a smile at Schenell that probably came off a bit more villainous than meant given the way he paled further, you sent off another text to Kalego letting him know that he would have another student joining him after school and that you would give the full story later. Followed by another text to tell him that Iruma would not be attending his afternoon lessons today.
You had barely seen the return text of agreement from Shichirou when you heard the clacking of talons clicking against the floor and felt the vibrations of his heavy feet hitting the ground before Shichirou rounded the corner into the room. The tall demon still had to duck his already slouching frame into the room, gloved hand grasping the doorframe to keep balance as he did so. 
Briefly, you wondered what it must be like to be so tall, before shaking the thought away to focus on the situation at hand. 
"Hel...lo...?" He blinked in surprise at the scene before him. And you supposed it was a rather odd one. You standing there, with a child on your hip, phone in hand, as you stared down a student before you.  You gave him a tired smile, as Iruma wiggled to lean back out of your arms to look at the newcomer. His eyes went wide and his ahoge started wagging again once he noticed who he was looking at. 
"Papa!" he cried out while reaching his arms towards the gargoyle, squirming in your hold to reach him. Both Shichirou and your eyes widened in shock at Iruma's words. Your mouth opened and closed, no sound coming out as you looked back and forth between the wiggling toddler and the flabbergasted demon. 
Shichirou's eyebrows were raised to his hairline, and you were certain that if his mask was not in the way you would see his jaw drop open. "Pa...Pa?" he muttered as he slowly took staggering steps towards you. You turned so that you were better facing him, and in hopes that maybe Iruma would settle down before you dropped him. 
Shichirou's eyes were darting back and forth between you and Iruma, and you could see the gears turning in his head. Before you could ask what he was thinking, Iruma jerked hard enough to reach Shichirou now that he was closer that you had almost dropped Iruma, quickly shifting your arms to have a new hold on him. Shichirou even crossed those last few steps quickly, arms stretched out slightly just in case you had. 
You really didn't want to let him go, nerves still a little strung out from your earlier fear that something had happened, but you trusted Shichirou. He would never willingly harm either of you, far more likely to harm himself long before he hurt you. With a small sigh, you shifted Iruma once more before turning your attention back to Shichirou. 
"Would you like to hold him?" Shichirou gave you a startled look as if the thought hadn't even crossed his mind despite Iruma still struggling to reach him while crying out 'papa'. 
"You would trust me with your child? Even with my strength?" A snort left you before you could stop it. Of course you would, though you understood that despite you're reassurances he would probably always hold reservations and insecurities due to how strong he was. 
"I've trusted you with Iruma since we first met," you said while carefully holding Iruma out for him to hold, "Just because he's shrunk doesn't mean I trust you any less." Shichirou carefully took Iruma into his arms, a soft happy squeal of 'Papa!' accompanying as he did so. 
Whereas Iruma was easily the same size as your torso he was quickly dwarfed in Shichirou's large frame. The gargoyle demon cautiously cradled him in one of his arms, the small boy fitting almost perfectly in the crook of his elbow. His free hand moved slowly to run his fingers through Iruma's hair before running down the side of his face before starting the process again.
 Quickly putting your hellphone into camera mode you snapped a picture of them. This was most definitely becoming your new background photo. 
Suddenly Schichirou's hand stopped moving as his eyes widened once more as he fully processed what you said. Eyes darting across the toddler's face as he took in his facial details and the very telltale sign of the scythe-shaped ahoge. 
"Iruma!?" Shichirou said startled, staring down at the boy who was snuggling into his chest while in his arms with a new look of surprise and curiosity on his face. 
"Yep, Iruma. He was hit with a de-ageing potion that Shenell here created," you pointed towards the third year still sitting on his knees. His face was pale now that the demon who was still rumoured to run experiments on students was here and his attention put on him. He had forgotten about the rumours that you two were courting and obviously, you would call the highly-ranked demon to come deal with the problem if so. Schenell wanted to cry as his brain ran through all the different torture scenarios the rank chet could perform on him, of course, nothing was worse than never seeing his waifus again. 
Schichirou's eyes narrowed at Schenell and he tilted his head, free hand leaving Iruma's head to clasp his mask in thought as he observed the third year before speaking. 
"And how, exactly, did Iruma get hit with this potion?" He asked, eyes still zeroed in on Schenell like a bird of prey. Getting even paler at being addressed, Schenell launched into his explanation again, stuttering here and there throughout. Diving further into details than he had originally given when prompted by the gargoyle, though the overall story was still the same. He had wanted to capitalize on Ameri's maternal side, so he made a potion that was unfortunately splattered on Iruma when he had startled Schenell. 
Once the boy had finished, Shichirou nodded. Stroking his mask some more, before he suddenly pointed his finger at the Schenell, causing the boy to flinch, and launched into a rant about the dangers of creating new potions when there wasn't someone else to watch his back. Especially in areas that weren't built with that kind of use in mind and where anyone could stumble in on them and become a casualty, like now. Shichirou's hand went back and forth from pointing at Schenell and petting Iruma's head in a fast motion, even blurring at times as you watched it go back and forth like a ping pong ball. 
When the rant had reached over five minutes though with no sign of stopping, you felt a slight bit of pity for Schenell, as you were quite certain his soul was in the process of leaving his body at the long tirade. Though, you had no intentions of stopping Shichirou until you focused back in on Iruma and noticed he kept grabbing at Shichirou's shirt and knawing at it, until he saw the large hand come back to pet him and tried to capture it to bite instead. Occasionally he would screw up his face like he felt uncomfortable before he started biting. 
Oh, you suddenly realised. Iruma was getting hungry. As a 14-year-old while he was never truly hungry, he was constantly snacking on food, and toddlers, while not eating as much did eat more often. Their tiny bodies ran through the fuel far quicker than older humans, and a quick glance at your hellphone confirmed that it was actually an hour past lunch. He would be sneaking a snack in class right about now. You were slightly surprised he wasn't crying out from starving. 
You placed a hand on Shichirou's arm, before raising the other to tilt his head towards you. His voice tapered off as he stared at you in confusion, eyebrows knitting together before you motioned to Iruma. 
"As much as I would love to leave you to your scolding, we do need to fix Iruma soon. And if we can't do that, we need to at least feed him before we have a very angry toddler on our hands." His eyes widened again at your words before he nodded. 
"Is there anything left of the original potion?" He asked turning back to Schenell. The younger demon's spirit appeared to return to his body and he quickly held up the vial he had still been grasping this entire time. Shichirou leaned over and grabbed it, holding it up to the light and twisting the vial around to examine it.
"We can fix Iruma, right?" you asked. 
Shichirou nodded before replying, "Don't worry, because we still have a bit of the sample from the original potion it'll be easy to make a counter one to reverse its effects." He turned towards Schenell, "I'm assuming you wrote out the ingredients and the quantities of each one?" Schenell nodded his head furiously. "Then it'll be even easier to make one. Most likely we'll just make copies of the ingredients list and the directions before handing this off to Dali-sensei. He'll have a cure by the end of the day no doubt."
Shichirou lightly placed one of his hands on Iruma's head, ruffling the hair a little, causing the small boy to laugh in delight at the ministrations, before he grabbed the large hand and brought it to his mouth to lightly bite one of the gloved fingers, suckling and gnawing on it like a newborn. Shichirou's eyes crinkled as he smiled behind his mask at the reaction, no doubt just as happy as Iruma clearly was. 
You raised an eyebrow at him, "And he won't jabber at all? The last thing we need is Sullivan finding out and going overboard with Iruma." You could already see the massive piles of toddler clothes and toys Sullivan would buy and the millions of pictures that would be shot.  Along with the school website being redesigned all over again, and the school newspaper would probably be forced to redo their afternoon editions just to include this. Not that they would probably mind, Iruma was one of their favourite subjects to cover after all.
Though you wouldn't be too mad about having some pictures. Maybe a lot of pictures...
"If you don't want Sullivan-sama taking Iruma, why don't you just kidnap him first?"
You blinked in surprise. "Pardon?"
As you walked through the backways to the cafeteria, a hand grasping one of Iruma's tiny ones so that he couldn't wander off, his other clasping one of Shichirou's fingers, you could see a few wandering students staring at you. They do quite a few double-takes at seeing you and shichirou with a very obvious toddler in between you. You undoubtedly knew that this was going to be all over the school in minutes, but you couldn't bring yourself to hurry up Iruma when he was having so much fun swinging your hands. 
Shichiro stops in front of the entrance of the cafeteria and takes a peek in to make sure it's mostly empty before continuing in, heading straight to the kitchen area. You follow along pliantly, mostly focusing on Iruma's babbling as he seemed to be singing a song of some sort, while he swang your hands to an unknown beat. Your hand slowly sneaked to grab your hellphone to take a photo of him, making sure the flash was off as you snapped a picture before stashing your phone again before Iruma could notice. 
You were starting to understand why Sullivan just carried a camera bat around with him. 
Reaching the kitchen, you both chatted with the chef a bit as he handed a large bundle of bento boxes stacked on top of one another and wrapped in a cloth to act as a handle and help keep them together. When he noticed the tiny Iruma drooling over all the food scents, he laughed before motioning you to stay and left for the back. You managed to exchange a confused look with Schichirou before the chef came back with a tiny box. 
"A treat," he said, "for the little one," as he gave you both a big smile along with the box and waved you out. You had barely managed to say thank you before you were ushered out by Iruma as he tried to follow the scent of food in Shichirou's hand. You laughed as you were briefly pulled into a circle by the excited toddler, before reaching down and grabbing him up into your arms, spinning him in a circle above you, before settling him on your hip again. His squealing laughter rang out through the courtyard as you exited the building. 
It was one thing to trust holding his hand in the halls of the school, it was another to trust it out on the open grounds. Schichirou's story of he got his scar in the first place, flashed through your mind briefly before you shoved it down. Iruma was safe with both you and Schichirou here, and nothing could change that. 
The weather outside was a pleasant temperature of neither too hot nor cold, with a small breeze blowing through occasionally. You could vaguely hear the demon birds screeching in the distance and the rustling of leaves as different critters moved along the branches of the trees. The sky for once is mostly clear with only a few clouds buzzing by, allowing the suns' rays to shine down on you with a gentle warmth. 
"It's beautiful isn't it?" Shichirou says as he starts walking through the courtyard towards the greenhouse set next to the diabotany tower. He held a door open for you and you ducked inside with a thank you before looking around in awe at all of the different plants growing about. There were no raised flowerbeds or even pots, instead, everything grew directly from the ground leaving you feeling like you were walking on a cloud with the soft grass underneath your feet. 
Iruma looks around in awe enjoying everything that surrounds him, before spotting a small blonde demon watering some of the plants, with an excited squeal he pointed her out to the both of you while simultaneously drawing her attention to your arrival.  She turned towards you and waved, putting down the watering can as you drew closer. Letting Iruma down, he immediately made his way towards Suzy-sensei and she started cooing over his small form.  
"Thank you, Suzy-sensei, for letting us do this."
"It's no problem, yis." Suzy waved off the thanks and continued to coo over Iruma's tiny form. Forming small flowers from her hand to wave in front of him, watching as his small hands consistently try to grab at them, only for the flowers to pull back at the last moment.
A shrieking laugh tore from Iruma when one of the flowers dashed forward and booped him on the nose before retreating quickly again to keep from being grabbed. 
"And don't worry, I won't tell anyone you're here, yis."She said before retreating the flowers back and waving goodbye cheerily at you, cooing once more at Iruma before leaving towards the door. 
You waved back, before quickly grabbing Iruma so he couldn't follow her. Instead directing him towards a grassy patch area, filled with blooms that mostly closely reminded you of clovers and honeysuckle, to sit on as Shichirou started unpacking the bento boxes. He distributed the boxes among you, revealing sandwiches, salads, and other delicious-looking treats. Well, as delicious as Netherworld food could look to your human eyes. Regardless it all smelled so appetizing and as Iruma dug with gusto you took small bites of your own meal. 
When you took a glance at Shichirou though you noticed he was hesitating, one hand over his mask as if debating whether or not to take it off. With a quick look over at the meal, you realized that not a single thing here could actually be eaten with his mask on, and he would have to take it off if he wanted to partake. While you were slightly sad he still wasn't comfortable just taking it off in front of you yet, you also understood. Insecurities were hard to let go of. 
Putting your sandwich down, you instead grabbed his fork and took a bit of his salad leaned up and slowly unlatched his mask for him, making sure to move slowly enough that he could stop you if he wanted. With the mask off, you press a kiss to the corner of his mouth where the scar was before drawing back slightly, putting the fork in front of his mouth to eat with a smile on your face. His face was flushed but he obediently opened up and took a bite, taking the fork for himself as he chewed. 
With a grin on your face at your accomplishment you went back to your own meal, keeping an eye on Iruma to ensure he wasn't eating too quickly or making a mess. Occasionally leaning over to wipe his nose when some of the sauce somehow gets on it, or help him break up larger pieces into smaller ones. 
When you all had finished you watched carefully as Iruma sprang up and ran about the area, investigating everything he saw from the different flowers to a random pebble he found, as you helped Shichirou clean up. Though you were a little anxious at letting him run about, you assumed you had nothing to fear when Shichirou had simply smiled at the small boy and did nothing to stop him.
As if sensing your anxiety, a gloved hand ran through your hair and you looked up to see Shichirou smiling fondly at you. "Don't worry, this is the safest greenhouse Suzy runs. Nothing here is carnivorous, though you may see a few chomping on each other. And my vines are blocking the only entrance so he can't escape," He said pulling you closer so that you were lounging in his lap. His long legs sprawled to either side of yours as your back met his chest. 
With a soft sigh, you nodded and instead focused on the white strands of hair tumbling over his shoulder and down yours. With a mischievous smile, you went about collecting the long stalks of the clover-like flowers that you could reach before braiding the snow-like hair. Fingers moved quickly to twine the strands with the clover until you were left with one thick braid peppered with green flowers and sharp purple leaves, tied off with one of the grass strands in replacement of a hair band. 
You had been so focused on the task that you hadn't even noticed Shichirou's eyes widening before doing the same thing to you with a blush covering his face (later you would find out that messing around with another's hair in such a way was only done between family members and mates. You had essentially claimed him without even realizing it), only instead of doing one thick braid, his fingers moved deftly to create multiple little ones with the top half of your hair before weaving the bottom half of your into a larger one, throwing the smaller braids and flowers in as he worked to create an elaborate braid from your hair. 
 Light humming filled the air, as Shichirou fiddled with braiding the flowers into your hair. With a start, you suddenly realized it was Shichirou producing the sound in his contentment.  "Sto'ry! Sto'ry mama, sto'ry!" Iruma demanded your attention with a bright smile on his face as bounding back towards you covered in pollen and dirt and clambered into your lap fully, staring up at you expectingly as Nigipnir moved from your shoulder to wrap around the boy's shoulders. You couldn't help the smile that formed on your face and you settled in, leaning forward slightly to wrap your arms around him so Shichirou still had room to play with the strands as he finished the braid. 
"Yes mama," Shichirou rumbled from behind you, still messing with your hair, "Tell us a story." 
You threw a fond glare over your shoulder and he grinned unrepentantly at you, "Alright, a story it is. Let's see, this story will start as all good ones do. Once upon a time, in a place not so far away. There lived in a forest, a proud wolf who guarded his territory with a ferocity unlike any other, and a wise rabbit who helped all who came across her and shone with a beauty never seen before." 
Iruma stared up at you captivated as your voice weaved the story, hands moving dust off the dirt and pollen that had gotten everywhere in the few minutes you had looked away, before running your fingers through the blue strands on his head. With the length it was at you wouldn't really be able to weave the larger flowers into it like yours and Shichirou's but you could still play with it regardless
Between the warm air, the scent of flowers wafting around, and your voice flowing through the air weaving a tale about the wolf and the rabbit finding love, it wasn't long before Iruma was starting to doze off. He was so close to sleeping, just needed that extra push and yet the story was done. For a second, you debated on telling another story until you realized Shichirou was still humming. More quietly now, so that both he and Iruma could hear you, but still there was a light vibration rumbling from in his chest. 
Well. You could work with that. 
"You are my world, my darling. What a wonderful world I see," The lyrical notes left you easily as you booped Iruma on the nose, causing him to let out a sleepy giggle. He snuggled further into your lap, face burrowing itself into your lower abdomen and tiny hands wrapped around Nigipnir like they were a stuffed animal. Though judging by the purring noise they were making, they didn't seem to mind too much. Your hand moved to go back to petting his hair as you fully leaned back into Shichirou's embrace, back flush to his front. "You are the song I'm singing. You're my beautiful melody."
As you sat there with Iruma in your lap and Shichirou wrapped around you, you rather felt like you could fall asleep too in this peaceful environment. A large part of you wishes that this moment would simply be frozen forever so you didn't have to go back to the real world. 
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marbas sensei scares me like man's so chill and happy but he was straight up prepared to centipede jazz if team iruma hadn't interfered
idc if the centipede was nerfed or whatever, he told orias that he wanted to use the actual thing 💀
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naehja · 2 years
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Robin and Orias.
Robin is like Azz and Clara : he’s the SNACK POLICE XD
Also the familiarity that he shows by caughting Orias like that
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xatsperesso · 2 years
So we know 3 homeroom teachers in Iruma Universe
Kalego => Misfits
Buer => Class D
Dantalion => Eiko's class
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Also apparently he teaches Demon history, like Balam (since Balam replaces him when he has his wicked phase)
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So from what we know:
Suzy => Herbology
Orias => Astrology
Momonoki => Magic
Dantalion and Balam=> Demon History
Robin=> Stuff about Familiars
Marbas => Torture
Morax and Furcas => Magical knowledge
Murmur => Psychology
Ifrit => ??? (probably some advanced magic? or figthing lessons?)
Buer => Healing spells/magic
Ipos => ???
Hopefully we'll get more insight about what the rest of the teachers teach before the manga ends
But most the things taught will either help the students in their day to day life or help them survive
Like herbology will help them identify dangerous plants
Magical knowledge either to be able to understand other people's magic, or to be able to experiment with their own magic (doesn't sound like much but oh boy would you want to know what's gonna work and what's gonna blow up in your face in a life or death situation)
Torture will either help them in the future when they torture people to like get info or something, or in case they are getting tortured so they know what to do to increase their chance of survival
Psychology so that they can read other demons body language and be able to know how to act based on their emotions
Healing cuz they are surrounded by dangerous plants, monsters and demons since it looks like picking fights between demons is normal
Also half the events we've seen until now is about survival?? Like how dangerous is there world that they need to take these lessons? That taking these lessons is normal to them
Students suspect that one of their teachers experiments on the students??? And most of them seem to believe this rumor????
How dangerous is their world???
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umeji-imeji · 11 months
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Ink study on Welcome to Demon school! Iruma-kun (volume 30, chapter 260) by Osamu Nishi I really like Orias-sensei's design! And I loved to see the professors fight during the Heartbreaker ♡
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truly-yours-hvens · 2 years
do you have any ideas/headcanons about the wicked phase of the teachers ?
During the Balam introduction chapter, we read that Dantalion has had one
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but we don't heard anything else about teachers having their wicked phase.
We have seen both Azz and Sabro in their own and they act very differently especially Azz who lose all his composure and who is totally feral (until Sabro use the "safeword")
We see a student trying to eat another during his wicked phase.
For Iruma it was not really a wicked phase, more a more assertive and cocky of him. He was more edgy too but stayed the same kind boy deep in heart.
Atori and Kirio clearly returned to origins so they are not good exemple neither.
But for the teachers?
Kalego who must focuse on discipline to be sure that Cerberion doesn't go feral.
Ifrit who can call a beast of fire. who can create so much fire too.
Balam who is terribly strong.
Orias who can make sure that he's TOTALLY lucky.
Suzy who can create any plants.
Also we don't see Dantalion fights, since what he did against Azz was barely a fight but he must be very strong too.
the teachers who have their wicked phase take days off to not be in contact with students. So they take precaution to not hurt anyone, they must keep some control on themself. For the students who start one and who are dangerous for the other students, they are isolated immediatly by the students council.
But the teachers? I'm both curious and afraid to imagine their wicked phase.
[WARNING] very long rant and theorizing, obvious favoritism between the teachers, I’m bad at punctuation
For their wicked phase I don’t believe that they are truly “wicked” rather I think a demons wicked phase simply enhances the emotions that are already there and make them go haywire or twists them in a way
I’ll use Sabnock’s wicked phase for reference, we see that WP! Sabnock fights rather aggressively, and is easily taken by the tides of battle, However he never loses sight of what is needed to be done. We see that despite being at odds with a dangerous teacher he is still concerned for his Kohai’s safety rather than concentrating of the battle at hand
We see him do this a few other times but as normal Sabro
During the Walter park arc, while fighting the carmine dragon (I believe that’s the name of the beast) although fighting and defeating the dragon would be cool Sabro decided on a tactical retreat knowing him and Azz couldn’t have defeated the dragon no matter how hard they tried. Even knocking sense into Azz when he still attempted to fight the dragon
Even earlier in the heartbreaker arc while on the SOS mission rather than fighting Momonoki-sensei head on he stops Buer-sensei from approaching the First years showing he isn’t as gutsy and muscle brained as he was believed to be
Even Iruma’s (although technically not a “normal” evil phase) and Azz’s WP is a somewhat twisted mirror of what they usually act like
Azz tends to be destructive and quick to attack someone if they even look at Iruma weird, Similar to his WP he attacks anything that is within his grasp without a second thought (Including the fact that the reason he unleashed his evil phase is due to the Dorodoro brother Indirectly insulting Iruma)
Iruma on the other hand is still insistent on helping others even in his WP albeit more cocky and confident on what he wants but still the same caring boy underneath still helping when asked to
With this logic and extremely long rant out of the way I do have a few ideas/theories
Tbh, this guy always acts like he’s on his WP, but I think his WP is slightly more uptight and angry. with the duty to keep Cerberus in check, dealing with the Misfit’s shenanigans and opera my idea of a wicked phase is more on the “Pissy maxed to 101%” type of stuff
With Ifrit I think
Now contrary to Atori’s beliefs I think rather than getting angry and having a temperament, I think his skinship get’s maxed out
During Balam’s introduction chapter we see that although his habit of petting anything breathing within his area is there it is kept under control, during his evil cycle his skin ship get’s out of control and he straight up picks anyone who he finds interesting and keeps them at his nest in addition his Intimidation goes up by a 100%
I feel like his this could go 2 ways
1. Tired version of orias (the one we see when iruma is touring the teachers dorm) will take over so the whole time so he’s either trapped in his room and in a bad mood
and 2nd is He turns slimy, basically dollar store sergeant furfur actively playing tricks on staff members, cheating using hi bloodline magic that king of stuff I prefer the 2nd version to be honest
Tbh, I’m not entirely sure with Suzy-sensei, I guess I can see her acting creepy possibly her plants accidentally go on a rampage here and here but that’s all
Now normal Dali-sensei is the type to start shit for his own entertainment a prime example of this is during the harvest festival arc when he loudly announces that lead had the pot of ending
I think Dali-sensei’s WP turns him a sadistic causing problems both big and small for his own entertainment, It would make sense that he and the other staff members wouldn’t want him around students
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gia-is-fangirlin · 2 years
Chapter 270
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"I made sure to cook him rare" Ifrit sensei that's still not ok lol
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This is the correct response to a minor hitting on you, by both the teacher involved and the other teachers
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Poor Robin, I didn't even think of that... lol I like the idea of Marbas, Orias, and Robin being the newbie squad
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Balam cute 🥺
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I love the teachers so much 😭
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 10 months
Luck? Ha!
A grumbling Jazz and an exhausted Allocer trudge through the door. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why the pair is so upset. Or rather who made them upset.
A certain red demon was the main suspect on your mind. But still, you might as well find out what the menace did now. "What happened this time?" You asked.
"I don't know why we keep falling for his stupid tricks!!!" Jazz rants as Allocer flops down into your lap. You stroke the boys' mane as he joins in.
"He keeps using the same tricks, but even though we're aware of it, we still fall for it." "You'd think we'd get lucky and win once, at least."
"Luck? Ha!" You snorted. You couldn't help yourself. "Jazzy sweetie, luck is a crutch. It is a concept that far too many rely on."
"But doesn't o-" "Orias-san, your sensei can certainly will things in his favor thanks to his bloodline magic, but he doesn't use it often." You cut off his argument.
"His use of it can be extremely dangerous for himself. Depending on what he uses it for, he can suffer from side effects of his magic. Or as he calls it bad luck. The bigger the risk he takes, the stronger the consequences are for him later."
"Either way, how is it they keep winning? I want to wipe that smug look off that bastards face just once!" You chuckle as Jazz gets riled up over Furfur again.
"The answer is rather simple, my darlings." You say as Jazz sits next to you. What a cute pout. You mean brooding, yes, definitely brooding and not pouty at all.
Both boys look at you expectantly. "Information." Is all you say. Allocer tilts his head at your remark. "Are you saying he's more knowledgeable than us?"
You can't help but coo at his confused face. "Not exactly, my dear, you see... it doesn't determine who's smarter. No, it's the knowledge you do have and how you use it."
Both boys frown obviously, not understanding. "Hmm, how to explain..." You lean back against the couch, thinking. Your eyes spot a deck of cards on the coffee table. No doubt left by one of the other kids.
An idea comes to mind. "Let me try in a way you might relate to." You pick up the cards. Shuffling them as you begin to speak.
"What's the probability of drawing the Ace of spades out of a deck with no jokers?" You remove the jokers from the deck and draw the Ace of spades. "Normaly, it's one in fifty."
You set that deck down and grab the unopen deck on the table again. You removed the jokers. "But what if it's a brand new deck?" The boys eyes widened as you asked this.
"The positions of the cards in a new deck are typically identical, so that means if you take the jokers out and draw the card at the very bottom." You again show them the Ace of spades. "It's Ace of spades almost 100% of the time."
Jazz trembles in rage, realizing what you meant, and Allocer is clenching his fists. "That's right, my dears. Nobody said anything about it being a new deck. Rather... neither of you thought to ask."
You can see the wheels turning in both boys' minds as you said this. You set the cards down again. Driving your point home.
"Being in the "know" gives someone the power to turn the probability of winning from a 1.92% chance to a hundred. Evidently, it's often the more knowledgeable party that becomes the victor." You had given them much to think about.
"So, you were aware of him cheating. That's a good start. But until you understand the true aspect of whatever he convinces you to play, he is going to win."
Jazz is seething, and Allocer remains quiet, obviously trying to think about what you said. "So you just need to become the more knowledgeable party, my sweets." You patted both of them on the head.
"You really think we can beat him?" Allocer asked. "Oh, I know you can. It may take some time. But once you manage it once, you'll be able to do it again till you knock down that wall."
You chuckle. Impossible goals were something your children were overly fond of after all. It was only a matter of time before they bleed that greedy demon dry.
Elsewhere general Furfur sneezes. "Someone must be talking about me. I bet it's my cute underlings! I'll have to see them again soon!"
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redphunart · 2 years
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OC x Canon the 14th misfits
‘ I never thought of my Devi future to lives near demon who have this luck without using spell!’
Stolas Clover said to himself. His sweaty hand grabs the poor juice bottle tightly when it’s come to announced Tricky Award. The surprising fireworks from Iruma-kun’s idea are beautifully shown as glowing flower in dark sky so no wonder that this prize coming for them. What a name!
“ fufu Congratulations! Yis- “ He slowly pat on Iruma’s back to sent him to the front row . His four cloverleaf tail wagging unstoppable from overwhelming happiness.
That decision, he made it right. To join Magical Tool batra instead of Demonic botanical Batra w-well to be honest that suited him more because of his bloodline abilities but this place where he joined be at Iruma’s side also lovely as well .
‘The demon who can dodges every harmful things on first day, get familiar grumpy sensei and even get rare occasions on rank that enough to shown whether not Iruma-kun is either strongest or Luckiest demon ever existed although he just rejected all of my hypothesizes with humble. I can tell he’s powerful as Orias sensei! It’s my ambition to get observations on this pure lucky demon! ’
In name the son of Stolas, He will take full observation on plants Iruma-kun! Which Iruma kinds of called him friend? Never mind I will be the most supportive servant to luckiest demon in the realm! Aside from Az-azz and Clara. . .yis���
Note : He is my first Oc in m!ik 💚💚 so I just made him to be kind of Suzy’s little brother/son I can’t decide that yet you can suggest it
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