#OOPARTs anyone?
pankslushix · 4 months
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We should normalize drawing yourself with your favorite characters as the secondary set of characters from your favorite album/track/artist or whatever the fuck that includes characters like that....
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sonicasura · 21 days
In the Star Force/Digimon Crossover
I have 2 scenarios of when the other OOParts activate
During the Plesio Surf fight the Pirate OOPart starts too activate from Plesio Surf who is using the Lake which I headcanon is connected too the Ocean for his own selfish want of wanting more rateings and money at the expense of Mess Village
Saurian starts too react during the second Solo fight in Whazzap, this triggered out of wanting too protect Bud and the Saurian wanting too stop Solo from hurting anyone as the OOpart is tugging at Solo telling him too stop his attacks on Bud as it is senseless and not the Saurian way too attack others who are weaker and seek no quarrel
Ninja is when Geo and Sleuth get the OOPart from the shrine, this scenario is 2 fold as this scenario involves Hollow and Pat. this scenario ends with Geo and Sleuth battling a revitalized Gemini Spark. Ninja activates when Geo's feelings of kinship and wanting too help Pat surge during the battle and the NInja Tribe On is now Geo's
I am still coming up for a scenario for the Angel Tribe On
Tell me your thoughts on what's here, I love too hear them!
I love what you got so far. Each Oopart responding to a certain moral or aspect that the respective tribe has. Pirates respect the sea for her bounty, Saurians don't pick on the weak, and Ninjas assist their allies in need.
I feel like Angel would be a trial sort of awakening. Testing Geo's character as even the kindest soul can fall to darkness if they're not careful. It would also be something only him and Omega-Xis can do to really fit the trial motif.
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@obfuscatingveil asked: I gotta! From Gundham: Monomono!
Send 'monomono' to receive a gift from my muse courtesy of the monomono machine! - Accepting! For multis, please limit to 2 muses.
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A skull made out of a single piece of crystal. It is wrapped in mystery, as it is thought that older civilizations did not have the tools to make such a thing. It’s known as an OOPArt.
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Oh, she possessed great fortune today! Not only had Sonia had the opportunity to use a normal vending machine, she'd been given a wonderful prize and knew just the wonderful person who would adore it the most. Without hesitation, she eagerly held it out to Gundham, a big smile included with the gift.
"This is for you, Tanaka-san!" She announced, eyes sparkling with interest. In him? In the present? In both? Well...yes. "I hope this crystal skull suits your domain as the Supreme Overlord of Ice! Perhaps it could be used in a future séance or other ritual? It is shrouded in mystery, much like you. How exciting!"
Of course, it could be used as a creepy paperweight. Or with added pillows or soft blankets, a place for his smaller animals to curl up with or against. But Sonia believed there was a far darker destiny in store for her gift: if anyone would use it ways suitable for the occult, it would be Gundham.
Perhaps he'd even ask her to join him.
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big-fan-10 · 4 years
Song of The Day: October 31 2020
Todays Song of The Day is Ooparts Final Remix from TWEWY.
The song is a nice steady battle theme that quickly picks up, and was composed by Takeharu Ishimoto with the lyrics being sung and written by Ayuko Tanaka and Mai Matsuda.
Anyone who can correctly predict the composer of the Song of The Day or the Source Game if it has one will get a mention
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gamenu · 4 years
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The World
          Power is a heady thing. Do you have what it takes to control it? 
          You thought you did, for a long time as you gained more and more. Power only begets more power, after all. Mind your breaking point, mind your load, mind how high you’ve climbed up the ladder; it’s against regulation to stand on the top rung. You could get hurt up there. You could fall. I’m not sure that I could catch you, so high above the rest of us. 
          Don’t look down. Mind the ceiling fan.
Tagged by: @vorubjorn​ Tagging: @catncore​, @orresnatcher​, @willbeshot​, @enviedsin​, @sleptsin​, @mallcus​, @baphometed​, @cosmicstardreamer​, @cosmosfated​, @weatherford​, @sextilleon​, @klarazy​, @ooparts​, @calvastra​, @marakasu​, @hariolor​, @tryferotis​, @rakkirrrowch​, @odigcs​, @zephyrises​, @kukyc​, @miburoni​, @rotinthedark​, @soarae​, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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desktopdust · 4 years
Scrapped Shooting Star Sonia Ideas
After over five years of work, the Shooting Star Sonia series is officially over.  Initially I had ideas for it to run a bit longer, but after experiencing some burnout while writing Red Joker I felt it would be best to wrap things up in Event Horizon.  Of course, once I get an idea I have a compulsive need to talk about it, so detailed here are my original plans for anyone who might be curious.
Event Horizon itself didn’t change all that much.  Information would still be provided about the MBN cores, though perhaps not quite everything; Sirius would have had the xarium rather than Blitzar, so there’d be no Rogue Xa yet and Solo would take the metal back at the end.  Naturally, the ending is where the biggest change occurred: originally, someone from Planet XM would express interest in continuing to have Sonia and friends test the Meteor Breaker Numbers, and give them one year to prepare before the experiments begin in earnest.  How ominous!  Everyone would realize they need to get stronger, and to facilitate that, Sonia would use the EM Compatibility Tuner to interface with the Rosetta Compiler, becoming the new Administrator of the Black Hole Server.
Next thing I wanted to do was actually a super short side story, the obligatory Boktai crossover.  More specifically Boktai DS/Lunar Knights, since that’s the one that did a crossover with SF1.  Though I never did get into Boktai proper, I always found it neat that Battle Network and Star Force had these ongoing crossovers, and I wanted to keep it going.  It was a very basic idea: Sabata ends up in the SF universe and gets possessed by an FM-ian (I believe I was thinking Vulpecula?), so Django follows and teams up with Sonia to stop him.  No one would be showing off their new powers here, it’d be too soon for that, but there’d probably be hints.
The main event would’ve been Shooting Star Sonia 4: Rosetta Orbit. (A Rosetta orbit occurs when an object is moving fast enough to not be sucked into a black hole, but not fast enough to entirely escape its pull.) A year has passed, and so Planet XM begins dispatching a series of Meteor Breaker Numbers for Sonia to fight.  I thought the major bosses all being on par with previous final bosses would be a cool way to raise the stakes, and I went with two themes when designing them: the seasons of the year, and other Mega Man series.  For instance, the first MBN to appear would have been Vernal Ronin, a skeletal samurai robot meant to evoke Mega Man Legends (it’d look Reaverbot-esque, it’d been observing the heroes from the moon for some time now) and spring (“vernal” means spring, samurai are associated with cherry blossoms which only bloom in spring).  I also wanted each MBN to be accompanied by an XM-ian who had some sort of reference to the Roll of the respective Mega Man series, though I had done less work on that. (Vernal Ronin would have been overseen by Cophin, an excitable engineer.)  The other MBNs were Estival Rampart (summer, ZX), Autumnal Specter (autumn, Zero), and Brumal Transgressor (winter, X), with a recurring boss in the form of an XM-ian named Aeim who fought by operating a separate entity named Solstice_Harbinger.XM (EXE).  Ultimately, the gang heads to Planet XM to find the newest MBN, the Equinox, which has been enhanced with all the data gathered over the course of the story and resembles the Yellow Devil from Classic.
On to transformations, Solo would obviously unveil Rogue Xa at this point, and I liked the idea of Geo working with the Sages of AM and WAZA to merge the Star Forces into a single, absurdly powerful form inspired visually by the unused concept art for an Angel Tribe On.  With Geo and Sonia no longer needing the Ace and Joker Programs, I thought it would make sense to pass them on--have Bud take the Joker Program and Luna take the Ace Program.  Sad to say I never got to the point of designing these forms, but I think it would’ve been fun.  Also, I was contemplating the idea of Zack operating Magnes similar to a Net Navi, probably also developing a way for him to enter a controlled version of his Spade Magnes form; I wanted him to be involved and this seemed like an easy way to do it.  There was also the possibility of Jack wanting to help and becoming a new iteration of Acid Ace, but I didn’t come to a decision on that.  Other than that...I think Shepar was also going to have a way to temporarily take on the form of Chalice Libra?  Everyone else was kind of on their own.
Now then, Sonia...as I said, she’d be drawing power from the Black Hole Server, which is powered by Adha. The last time she used this energy to transform was when she held the OOPArts, and I wanted to tie back into that. So, similarly to then, Sonia would draw on the Black Hole Server using the EM Compatibility Tuner, and then use the power of her Brother Bands to get it under control.  These forms, called Orbits, would change her appearance and abilities to be similar to the Wave Form of the specific Brother she’s calling on at the time, probably with some design elements from Sirius thrown in.  I wanted one for each element and was planning Luna Orbit, Bud Orbit, and Claude Orbit...but was at a loss for an Elec form. Since Gemini didn’t stick around I didn’t think giving her a Pat Orbit would be a good idea, and Couronne doesn’t have a Hunter and thus can’t make a formal Brother Band.  I could’ve ignored that restriction, or found a way to justify her Band with Zack giving her a Magnes-based form, but nothing was ever decided on. However, just like with the OOPArts, this power would have sometimes run wild, causing Sonia to enter a berserk state and forcing one of her allies to hit her with her elemental weakness to shock her out of the form.  For this reason, she would exclusively stick to forms that have elements...until the final boss.  The Equinox would adapt throughout the fight and develop ways to counter all four elements, so with no choice, Sonia would use Geo Orbit to get a form combining Mega Man’s powers with her own, defeating the Equinox and saving the day.  Then, she goes berserk.  Her friends would find a way to calm her down eventually, of course, but this would sort of make Sonia the true final boss and I thought that was kinda neat.
So, with the pinnacle of the MBN Program destroyed, the XM-ians would be kind of freaking out--here’s where we’d get the full story of the origin of the program, and how it was originally meant to protect Planet XM in case a certain angry god ever showed up.  Sonia being Sonia, she’d say that if anything happens, she’ll protect them.  The XM-ians are moved by her kindness, and decide that maybe they should stop building war machines after all.  After that, there were two more small things I wanted to do, either as two short stories (4.5 and 4.55, I think?) or as two Epilogues for RO.  Firstly, that thing Planet XM is so afraid of would show up, and what do you know, it’s Duo.EXE!  When I was planning for Red Joker I remembered how, leading up to SF3’s release, there were a bunch of theories that Meteor G had some connection to Duo, and I wanted to do something with that.  The ultimate story then (and this holds true to an extent for the final product as well) is that Duo’s violence in the name of “justice” only spread pain and fear, which led to the XM-ians developing the MBN cores to fight against him, which only led to more pain and fear through their own actions as well as through the cores ending up in others’ hands.  It’s an ongoing cycle of violence that is only broken when Sonia steps in to convince people to try a peaceful solution.  Capping it off with Sonia the idealist versus Duo the extremist, probably resulting in Sonia helping Duo to grow beyond his programming and be more productive than destructive, seemed like a fitting, fun way to go.  After that, I just wanted to have one last fight between Sonia and Solo--Geo Orbit Harp Note vs Rogue Xa in deep space to finally settle their rivalry!  I didn’t decide a result, but it definitely would’ve involved Solo properly opening up and telling Sonia he respects her and all that.
(Also a very specific joke I wanted to use in RO and couldn’t find a good place to integrate into this post: when the head of the MBN Program is explaining it to Sonia, she’d say they still have MBN-001 through 008 on display, but only have records for MBN-010 and up.  Sonia asks about MBN-009, and her guide scowls and says “We don’t talk about number 9.” You know, referencing the other Mega Man.)
(And, there is one other idea I had, a spin-off to shift to after resolving the history of the MBN cores, but it’s detached enough that I think I can turn it into a standalone story in the future so I want to hold onto it for now.  Probably best I take a break from writing Star Force for the time being, but I really like the character designs I thought up for this one, so one day, I hope to put them to use.)
Once again, I want to thank you all for your interest in Shooting Star Sonia--I hope I was able to entertain you! It was a bit rocky at times, but in the end, I’m glad I embarked on this journey, and I’m eager to get to work on a new one.  Until next time.
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danganronpa-21 · 5 years
It is very late and I thought of a question that I really want to ask so here goes: if the survivors of V3 were a part of the hopes peak saga, how do you think they would fit into the world of Danganronpa 21? I understand if you don’t want to answer this because it’s V3 related I’m sorry if it’s not a good question but I think it would be fun to imagine Shuichi, Maki, and Himiko trying to get accustomed to normal life along with the rest of the cast.
Hey, don’t worry! Your question’s just fine, and even if I’m not the biggest fan of V3, I’ll totally answer. I do like some of it, after all!
Shuichi, I think, would absolutely be Kyoko’s apprentice. That’s the number one spot I can see him in a Danganronpa 21 context. After all that he’s been through, he probably thinks that he might be able to do some good with his skills – even despite the feelings he’d had about the job in the past. Unfortunately, I think that means that on certain cases, he’s a bit of a glorified babysitter. Seiko is still the heiress of the Kirigiri family, after all. She needs to help out with cases sometimes as apart of her training.
His relationship to Kyoko is probably pretty weird. I would definitely say it’s in the way of “Kyoko cares about Shuichi, but Shuichi can’t tell”. Seeing someone younger than her, who had survived the same things she had, would probably make her feel a little like she needed to look out for him. I imagine Shuichi would feel somewhat uncomfortable around Kyoko’s cold demeanor, but would try his best to do a good job at her side. Being the one looking after her daughter would probably only add onto that pressure. Still, I think Shuichi would get along with Seiko well enough. She’s an intelligent little girl with a lot of confidence; if anything I imagine she’d be an encouraging presence for him. She’d probably be tugging him along all the time, so eager to work with him and prove to him what she’s capable of. She treats him like a friend and thus Shuichi quite likes her, although her general impishness and disobedience can sometimes make her a bit of a headache for him to deal with. 
Honestly, apart from those two, Shuichi probably isn’t close with so many of the others. Like everyone else in the world pretty much, he has no idea that the cast of SDR2 is even really still around. So his connection to them is nonexistent. As for the surviving THH cast, he’s sort of just… friendly. He’s probably only met most of them a couple times, if Kyoko invited him to a party of some kind as a colleague. The people I would say he likes most from this group are likely Aoi and Makoto, as they’re easy to talk to and are generally kind people. In turn, he finds Byakuya and Toko especially challenging to speak with, as Toko tends to assume she’s being insulted and Byakuya is still very much… himself. He doesn’t hold much of an opinion on Yasuhiro, despite his ear being talked off about OOPArts at some gatherings. 
Shuichi’s relationships with the children are also probably limited. He knows a lot about Kameyo and Junichi given that they are Seiko’s friends, and she talks about them a lot, but he’s never really seen so much of the kids themselves. When he’s around at one of those social gatherings, the kids are usually off playing somewhere. He doesn’t know and is not close with Sakura, Leon, Natsumi, or Phoenix at all; and he sort of knows Hope and Koichi. For those last two, it’s mostly on account of the fact that they’re Kyoko’s kids. He recognizes their faces from the pictures in his mentor’s office, and talks to them a little bit when they’re around. Definitely sees about of his own insecurity in Koichi, and feels soothed by Hope’s cheerful nature. Sometimes. Other times, it makes him think of Kaede and that just hurts.
As for Maki, I see her taking some time to reflect on some of the things that she felt during the killing game. If placed in a DR21 context, I could see her using her skills as some sort of peacekeeper. Not necessarily as an assassin, but she could absolutely use them to quell anyone who is trying to disturb the peace. Since the world wouldn’t snap back into a normal state just like that, I could see Maki helping manage despair uprisings in the areas that were struggling a little more to get back on their feet. She would be like a protector of the people, ensuring that those who lived in the harsher parts of the country (and in this specific case, Tokyo) could go about their lives safely and comfortably. Not exactly as a form of law enforcement, but really something along the lines of ensuring that eventually, the country would be able to get back on its feet. I should also note that I don’t see this as something done by Future Foundation. Almost like a civilian-made group, I’m thinking.
I don’t personally see Maki having many relationships with the other Survivors from Trigger Happy Havoc and Goodbye Despair. In terms of the Goodbye Despair cast, she’s likely kept in the dark (like so many others) about what happened with them and often finds herself more comfortable that way. She mostly just wants to deal with things as they come up, for that’s mostly the way she seems to have lived her life. From the Trigger Happy Havoc cast, I imagine she finds the most interaction with people like Kyoko and Byakuya. She interacts with Kyoko more due to the fact that she is frequently made to investigate the happenings in the parts of the city that Maki oversees. Since despair would still be pretty high in some areas, Maki definitely helps her out in getting the details of riots, assaults, murders, all that bad stuff. The two of them have a purely professional relationship, with both of them being pretty cold at first glance, but they admire one another for the work they put into their jobs. Kyoko is regarded by Maki as a respectable woman, while Kyoko regards Maki the same – but with a little added appreciation, as she’s a friend of Shuichi’s. Thus Maki maintains a bit more importance to the detective than she knows. 
As for Maki’s relationship with Byakuya, it’s mostly on account of the donations he makes to the relief efforts. While at first she is adamant about her disgust of him (what kind of man says he’s only providing money for aid to ensure that his own life is better?), she finds that she slowly grows to appreciate the contributions he makes to the relief effort. While not particularly caring, he is willing to pledge great sums of money to ensure that the city gets back to its former glory. And if funds are cut, she knows she can count on him to bust in saying that he somehow had some cash to spare – even when she knows he didn’t. 
I personally don’t see Maki having any relationships with the children of DR21. Maybe Seiko, if she were briefly brought upon a case, but I think Kyoko would be less likely to bring her daughter on certain cases in rough parts of town. Especially since, for awhile, child kidnappings in the name of despair were pretty common. 
I’m a little boggled on where I’d put Himiko in this timeline. Is it weird of me to say I’d put her somewhere working with children? I mean, a cute, talented magician in a world-in-recovery-post-apocalyptic timeline? She’d be a huge source of comfort for people, especially the little ones who were born into such a confusing and troubling time. I could totally see her being a performer who goes around to schools and businesses and all those places that are slowly returning to their former grace and just absolutely igniting them with joy. 
In this case, I think it probably earns her a bit of a reputation — so I think she does have a little more attention from some of the Survivors. Especially considering that out of the six of them, Toko is the only one who doesn’t have a child. I think she’d definitely earn some appreciation from Aoi, Kyoko and Makoto as morale boosters, and who knows, maybe she’d be scheduled to visit Hope’s Peak during its first couple years to cheer everyone up! I like to think that there could even be an aspiring Reserve Class magician who goes to ask her about some of her tricks. As for some of the other Survivors, though, I think Yasuhiro would be unusually mystified by half of the stuff Himiko does — and would come up with these weird theories to how it works. He’d only be right sometimes, but most of the time he’d just be throwing out random theories. I don’t think Himiko is terribly amused by them, and keeps insisting that all of it is just real magic. 
As for relationships with the children, I don’t know how well she’d know any of them. Probably just on a surface-level, I think. Acquaintance relationships at most. If she had a favourite amongst the kids, it would probably be Kameyo, as she’s inclined to wholeheartedly believe in things like magic and monsters. Kameyo would probably think that Himiko and her magic tricks are just like, the coolest thing ever and I imagine Himiko probably takes great pleasure in having someone who just so totally loves what she’s doing.
In a DR21 context, the survivors of V3 would probably each be finding their own way in the changing world. I think one thing’s for certain though, and that’s the fact that they choose to stay together. I sort of picture them with a crappy downtown Tokyo apartment that they share. It’s probably kind of shabby but it’s got two bedrooms and a working bathroom and kitchen, so they don’t mind too much about how it’s not the best. They probably take turns cooking meals for one another, and likely do the same for the household chores. After the events of their killing game, I don’t think they’re anywhere near to being entirely back on their feet yet -- but they’re getting a start, and that’s what matters most.
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ufosightingsfootage · 5 years
Does anyone know what this creature is - or is it a creature? I'm thinking that this might be CGI? I posted I think another part to this on my Facebook page UFO Sightings Footage. Check out our website's at: www.ufosightingsfootage.uk www.ufosfootage.uk www.ufostoday.uk www.amazon.com/shop/ufosightingsfootage 👽tag a friend 👽please like and share 👽turn on notifications 👽 @ufosightingsfootage #ufosightingsfootage ufosfootage #ufostoday #strange #weird #orb #ufohotspot #usmilitaryufo #militarycraft #strangecraft #silverufo #ufo #ufos #realufo #bestufovideo #realufovideo #moon #ovni #moonufo #cloudufo #moonufosarereal #ovnis #moonufos #cloudufos #ets #extraterrestrial #weird #orb #orbs #ufovideo #ufosvideo #realufovideos #bestufovideo #realufovideo #alienagenda #yourthoughts #youdecide #goodufovideo #et #uap #uso #disclosurenow #nasa #skunkworks #jpl #esa #mit #marsufo #ovnis #memes #misteries #humor #enigmatic #ovnifootage #xfiles #ufology #spaceshipmoon #apollomissions #spacex #ufoovni #lol #ironman #ufologia #alienigenas #alieninvasion #aliensarehere #astronomia #astronomy #machupicchu #megaliths #ancientorigins #advancedancestors #ancientwisdom #trueorigins #paradigmshift #archaicknowledge #ancientworld #ancientsite #outofplace #alternativehistory #oopart #foriddenknowledge #antediluvian #ancientcivilization #uncover #ancients #coveredup #alienartefacts #ancientconspiracies #disclosurenow Repost @ibintang77 (at Poulton le Fylde) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3vKa0ZgDMV/?igshid=6yemjbzfog78
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groovepawn · 6 years
mun meme!
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tagged by: @rollinggirlrunahika ♡
rules: tag 15 people you’d like to get to know better
tagging: @dvngrs, @layersofuntruth, @tragectory, @composerwithashotgun, @shinjukusurvivor, @undyinglegends, @dawnled, @gamenu, @ooparts, @def-march, @catncore,  FUCK IDK Y’ALL ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO WHO THE FUCK KNOWS 15 PEOPLE
relationship status: married! 8/15/2018 ♡♡
lipstick or chapstick: chapstick b/c i only use lipgloss lol
three favorite foods: crawfish, zuppa toscana, donuts
song stuck in my head: no tears left to cry by ariana and even tho i love it i’m fuckin SICK OF LISTENING TO IT ALL DAY EVERY DAY also lost girl by jyongri thanks @shibuyacrossed
last movie i watched: moana with my hubby!!!
top three tv shows: stranger things, descendants of the sun, michiko to hatchin
book i am currently reading: undercover princess & decoy tale
time: 11:14pm
dream trip: disney at least once lol and while i’m there the coast!! and tokyo
anything you want: a fucking day off so i can play twewy for hours on end also an ice cream sandwich and that mr. mew doll
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mrluvian · 3 years
SCP: The Sphere
I tried to make a story of SCP like or OOPARTS-like story here.
Disclaimer: This is just a fantasy writing. I did not do further research whether there's a same story like this or not.
The Sphere, as the name suggest, is a a metallic Sphere of unknown origin, firstly covered in layers of unknown of hard soil (before being opened by our research team), then buried under normal earthly soil, it is 5 meters in diameter and is made of unknown material never discovered on earth or anywhere of known planets. The weight is approximately to be weighed around 1000 kilograms.
Firstly discovered by enthusiastic group of archeologists, The Sphere is found in [REDACTED] location, hidden roughly 45-50 meters below the surface of the earth in the middle of jungle.
It's location also has ancient ruins and rocks surrounding it of unknown civilizations. The rocks around it is normal earth materials. This discovery of the sphere is also regarded as ancient artifact of unknown mysteries for the archeological studies.
The Sphere has been moved into a secret location for further investigation by the organization.
Upon closer examination, XRAY and CT-SCAN cannot penetrate the Sphere object, and it emits strange small dose of harmless radiation. Since it's considered dangerous -- and until declared it's safe, the [REDACTED] organization has officially retrieved it and placed under secured facility for further study. All personnel who tried to investigate closer than 10 meters must wear all protective gear, just in case there's unwanted effect lingering.
All brute force effort to open such as prying open, drilling, hammering, burning, firing, dipping in acid or other solution, tumbling and so on has been in vain. The organization has also used all kinds of radiation exposure, sun exposure, sound exposure, heat and cold exposure, to all kinds of extraterrestrial conditions (such as that mimics the condition of Mars millennia ago) and also earth conditions from different time periods (such as those from Jurrasic Period), and energy such as lasers and electricity to activate or open it, but all to no avail. Placing other lifeforms such as cattles or livestocks does not seem to bother it at all.
The organization has able to detect a small microscopic, scattered life force within inside, but also one significantly bigger lifeforms inside, moving slowly, but seemed dormant, at the size less than 1 meter. This is a significant discovery, as that means the sphere's content is not purely inorganic (such as bomb), or perhaps not just a machine or some kind of mechanisms, perhaps it's containing something important.
Few months later, on October 19XX, a scientist name Dr [REDACTED] proposed a new way to open it, or at least the outermost layer of it, by doing [REDACTED] process using machine called [REDACTED]. Under 4 hour-long process, the machine proposed by Dr [REDACTED] has been able to tear down the outermost layer of the sphere, which is in fact is just an 'extraterrestrial' layer covering what's beneath a metal surface of unknown origin. Again, these materials can come from earth since it may be a new material but it has never been discovered.
The metal surface then washed by pumped purified water, and it seemed the color is almost gold and in pristine conditions, no mark or scratch, just pure sphere of gold-colored layer. Disclaimer: the material detected is not gold (aurum), only in color.
Scientists and most geniuses people on Earth, who has been approved by the organization, has been contacted to give analysis of the subject since there is no other way to open it, we can only assume with logical sense. Here are some of the theories, all identities are not disclosed:
1. It's a biological-virus type bomb, sent here to destroy earth and all living beings, can only be activated either by inside, or when the time is right, and the sphere will open.
2. It's a creature that has escaped from it's dying planet and sent here to breed or survive,
3. An ancient sphere that contains malicious creature or biological creature from the past, origin of Earth, with bad intent, sealed away for millennia by bygone civilizations.
4. Perhaps just another ooparts or ancient machine, buried inside, and somehow the bacteria or creature from years ago survived.
5. An anti doomsday device that can withstand natural or manmade disaster to preserve whatever's inside for future generations and can be opened with the correct mechanisms.
6. A drone from unknown civilizations sent here to survey the earth.
7. A symbol of wealth of the past since it's color is gold.
Learning from the analysis and theorists and there is no supporting evidence anywhere found from ancient civilizations descripting this golden sphere, the Organization deemed this artifact Safe since it currently poses no threat to humanity, but it still hold unknown potential because the materials detected on the sphere has never been discovered anywhere on earth or known planets, and therefore life forms detected inside could also pose a very serious threat to humanity, but not now.
As for now, the Sphere is located in a Starlite (a material that can witsthand nuclear blast) -made room sized 10x10 able to withstand an explosion should it ever occur from inside, laying on the floor with some tools to held it in place. The room is also equipped with disinfectant and flamethrowers should it one day open and release a new type of virus and bacteria, or even unwanted creature. If it ever explodes, the reinforced Starlite room should be able to hold it, the facility is also used as a nuclear shelter, far beneath underground. The facility is sealed tight and only using remote surveillance. No cleaning or scheduled maintenance needed as all effort to open or scan it has been in vain.
Research team Dr [REDACTED] has proposed that the sphere is to be moved outside planet Earth in case it ever opens, and he/she suggests to move it into Moon and placed there for future research. The organization will strongly consider this.
End of report.
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uapro · 4 years
A brief list of Paranormal Phenomena which are real, which you can actually observe / measure / experience or otherwise accept as actually occurring
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: I am concentrating exclusively on the phenomena here, whether the described effects/events actually exists. That’s it. Their causes/sources, whether they actually stem from a paranormal/supernatural energy or being is of no concern to me, not at the moment, only that we can actually see/experience/witness or otherwise be assured that the event/effect actually exists. So what follows is a list of phenomena which is both claimed to be paranormal and is absolutely real -- they can all be experienced, observed or are otherwise accepted by the mainstream to exist.
I am not defining “Paranormal” nor am I determining what is or isn’t paranormal. There are paranormal “Aficionados” online, they have their websites, their Wikis & encyclopedias and I leave it to them to define what they mean when they say "Paranormal.” I’m not placing words in anyone’s mouth, I am listen to what people are saying when they are talking about paranormal phenomena, and pointing out when those phenomena genuinely exist.
Okay, so now for a list of paranormal phenomena which are absolutely real – that people can (and perhaps do) see, measure, experience for themselves, or are otherwise accepted as true by the mainstream…
Totally unexplained: 
1. Medical miracles 
2. Glitches in the Matrix 
3. Deja Vu 
4. The two-fingered “Levitation”
5. Birth order 
6. Acupuncture 
7. Stigmata 
NOTE:  In some cases, like Deja Vu, there are many explanations offered, but if one of them is the right one nobody has ever shown it to be so. 
In the exact same sense that a crime with LOTS of suspects is unsolved, a paranormal phenomenon with LOTS of potential explanations remains unexplained.
NOTE II:  One may argue that just because a natural/conventional explanation has not been agreed upon (much less proven) it does not mean that such an answer will never be found. In many cases it is probable that an explanation will be found. Or not.
Totally don’t need explanations:
8. Cryptids 9. OOPARTs (Out of Place Artifacts) 
NOTE:  We don’t really need an explanation for why the Coelacanth or the Bili Ape remained “Undiscovered” for so long:  NOBODY WAS THERE TO RECORD THEM! Cryptids, the real ones at least, are NOT where people are – or at least modern scientific people. And once we do find them, all the conventional observations/measurements/etc are recorded and become readily available.
Fake Cryptids, like BigFoot, are “Found” where humans are. Although Bigfoot is supposed to live way off yonder in the woods, he is always seen where people are – even close to housing & highways! 
Fake Cryptids:  Are where people are, yet never leave real evidence.
Real Cryptids:  Existed where people are not, thus eluding scientific observation & evidence collecting.
OOPARTs (Out of Place Artifacts)  follow a similar pattern.
Real OOPARTS like the Baghdad Batteries and Antikythera Mechanism are produced using materials & techniques known to exist within the cultures they are attributed to. It is the way they were put together – their function – which sets them apart. There is nothing unusual about the materials used to produce the Baghdad battery, and they certainly didn’t require any tools or manufacturing techniques which we can’t attribute to the culture they are  found within. What sets them apart – makes them “out of place” – is their apparent use as an electrical battery! Fake OOPARTs are very different.
A fake OOPART, like a “Spark Plug encased in rock,” are completely alien to the culture and/or time span which the hoaxers attempt to attribute them to. Spark plugs, for example, are a post-industrial invention, and for good reason. A variety of materials & techniques goes into their manufacture, as well as a certain level of technological advancement to understand the underlying science. So in the case of fake OOPARTs we are missing a people (or other species), a culture to manufacture them. There’s literally nothing, no context what so ever.
10. Rods 11. Crop circles 
NOTE:  We never needed to “Explain” Rods or Crop circles. Any group of school children, with the proper supervision, could replicate the most complex Crop circles. And, Rods? The mere fact that people were always present at the recording of the “Rods” without ever seeing anything unusual was a powerful clue!  The video/film recording process is less than perfect, and “Rods” could not only be explained by the limitations of recording speeds (frame rates) but predicted by them. 
Accepted as real but not yet proven:
12. Ball lightening
NOTE:  There are those who have even claimed to have produced Ball lighting in the lab! Problem is, without actually observing/measuring (testing) this Ball lighting in nature, there’s no way to tell if the similarities are more than superficial.
Honorable mention:
13. UFOs 14. Ghosts
The fact is that people really (and often) do see things which they can not  identify. It happens all the time. This includes things up in the sky. But any serious investigation of these sightings is hampered by rampant hoaxing and a monstrous body of folklore/mythology which has become as much a part of “UFOlogy” as anything real. To give you an example:  Project Blue Book
Now, to “UFOlogy” Project Blue Book is something of a bible where the government itself – through the air force – “Admits” that there are things investigated that just could not be explained… leaving oh so much room for flying saucers.
PROBLEM:  Project Blue Book was in operation during the very height of the Cold War, and during a period of rapid technological development i.e. The Space Race!  Every branch of our military, PLUS the CIA, PLUS (later) NASA were building & testing secret aircraft & missiles as well as conducting classified operations. Yet, not a single “Sighting” ever turned out to be a secret military/CIA/NASA test or operation, according to Project Blue Book. There is a simple reason for this:
Not being allowed to divulge the secret testing/operations, when witnesses reported such events as “UFOs” the military explained them away as something else, or even classified them as “Unknowns.”
There. We include just one obvious fact and a cornerstone of “UFOlogy” comes tumbling down…
Ghosts are even worse in that they’re completely undefined.
What are Ghosts?  Dead people?  Then how do you explain that ghosts of the living are often seen? Witnesses often report “seeing” people in places where they were not -- the ghosts of the living!
And what does a ghost look like? According to some, a perfectly normal person. And to others a shimmering light. Or Smoke. Or even a disembodied head, arm… ANYTHING. Ghosts are often totally invisible as well.  And if we attempt to describe their behaviors we have a similar problem where there’s a conflicting list of traits, all very dissimilar, not anything approaching a rule.
Think of this:  If a number of different people described an animal the way a ghost is described – with many different,  competing physical descriptions, behaviors & traits – we’d all conclude that they had seen different animals. Plural. That, they hadn’t witnessed the same thing at all. So why assume that all the various kinds of “ghosts” are indeed ghosts, much less real? Why not assume the obvious, that people giving very different descriptions are witnessing different things?
Put short:  “Ghosts” appear to be a number of different phenomena all grouped as one… if we go by reports/descriptions.
So that’s why I avoid UFOs & Ghosts.
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kuipernebula · 5 years
Still torn on who the Slider is for the Haruhi AU
Really it’s between Yasumi or Tsuruya.
Tsuruya is more popular and well-known, with an iconic design and a rapport with the SOS Brigade. She is close with Mikuru - enough that I could feasibly make them GF’s so she’s also a branch of the SOS Polycule, i.e. the focus of the AU - and she’s generally weird already.
The problem is Tsuruya has such a specific weirdness about her, that is based entirely in it being unknown and far greater than anyone would expect from how she acts. For Example: Her family’s unknown occupation (possibly MIB) and the Oopart she and Kyon found and promptly vowed to never speak of again.
Unlike Tsuruya, Yasumi did officially join the SOS Brigade. Her backstory’s clean slate allows me to fill in the blanks for a slider, plus she could also fill a spot as a branch on the Polycule, as Mikuru’s GF. (Thinking about Snow Mountain Syndrome, she easily could stand-in for Mikuru’s implied attraction to Haruhi, without the Dirtiness of how Haruhi treats Mikuru.) And she’s really cute - her iconic Smiley Face Barette is just very good.
But she’s... mostly unknown even by fans, despite having an adorable design. Also her age was a Whole Thing - she was a First Year introduced when the cast was in their Second Year (Mikuru in her Third), and at the end of Surprise told Haruhi she was “actually a Middle Schooler” to explain why she couldn’t actually join. But she also didn’t exist so like, I feel reasonably justified in just making her a first year and being done with it.
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ciairvoyant · 3 years
ok but hear me out: talentswap au’s.
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arminizewithme · 8 years
Hello! I recently saw the zexal powerpoint you made (which was so funny omg) and you mentioned that zexal had a bunch of symbolism and lore on one slide. Could you please explain some of the references you've noticed? I love learning about those kinds of deeper connections, and I only was able to catch a few when I watched the show! :0
Certainly!! I’mso glad you liked it! Here’s alink to the powerpoint if anyone wants to see.
(I accidentallydeleted this reply when i was almost done and had to start all over /wheezes)
*Lotta Zexalspoilers below:!*
Religious/MythologicalImagery & Lore:
Faustian Pact: Kaito’s deal withMr. Heartland to hunt Numbers (and therefore photon-transform, mess up his ownbody, and steal souls) in exchange for saving Haruto. Kaito straight-up tellsYuma that he takes souls because he “made a deal with the devil”, letting Yumainfer that Heartland is “the devil”. Damn straight.
Pandora’s Box: Yumaopening the gate in episode 1 and releasing the Numbers cards (and Astral).Pretty sure the manga straight-up mentions Pandora’s Box. In the legend,Pandora released all the evils of the world, and only Hope was left in the box.And, well. Hopeis Yuma’s Numbers.
Beelzebub/Lord of the Flies:MR. HEARTLAND OH MY GOD. It’s pretty clear that he has a fly motif in Zexal II,between his first appearance and new suit and later Barian form. Beelzebub isthe name of a demon, interpreted as the devil himself in some traditions: ademonic fly, prince of Hell, symbol of gluttony. Heartland.
Eliphas Levi: Frenchoccult and socialist author and Eliphas’ namesake. Much like how Eliphas wantedto deprive Astral World of (actually necessary) Chaos, Levi wrote of “the end ofthe people’s martyrdom and the “resurrection” of Liberty: the perfectuniversal, socialist order”.  He alsowrote about “transcending” religious tradition, like how Eliphas wanted to “rankup” and achieve a higher existence without the work of Chaos. I’m not clear where humans fit into thismetaphor, but Levi accused the Church of tainting the teachings of Christ (muchlike how Yuma/Chaos tainted Astral).  
108 Earthly Sufferings:We know of 108 Numbers cards (99 released + Numeron Dragon + Barians’ 7Over-hundreds + Don Thousand’s No. 1000). 108 is significant in Hinduism aswell as Buddhism, where is is the number of earthly desires/temptations thatpeople must overcome to achieve Nirvana.
Pegasus: Durbe casually owns awinged horse, ndb. In Greek mythology, Poseidon created Pegasus, and I’m prettysure that Zexal’s Abyss straight-up IS Poseidon. So there’s a Nasch connection.
Crucifixion: Astralis crucified at least twice in the first series: by No. 96 in episode 20 and byIII in episode 47. Jesus’ crucifixion is central to the narrative ofChristianity, and Astral is arguably a Christ figure.
Other thoughts Ididn’t put in the PPT:
Biblical roles:Astral as Jesus, Eliphas as God in heaven, Don Thousand as the devil, No. 96 asthe Antichrist.
Nasch as Lucifer,a fallen angel who was once good but then allied with evil.
Tachyon: Misael’s Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon is named after a hypothetical particle thatmoves faster than the speed of light; therefore, a one-up to Kaito’s Photon Dragon. Basically tachyons would heck up everything we know about physics (and philosophy), tying them to the Chaos Theory. Hello, Barians and Chaos.
Dyson Sphere: V’s ace monster is a hypothetical megastructure that completely encases a star and absorbs its energy output. It’s been explored a lot in scifi, and scientists think that actually building & implementing one would lead to discovering intelligent alien life. Fitting that V built the portal to Astral World!
Ursa Major: The Seven Barian Emperors are named after the seven stars of this constellation: Dubhe (Durbe), Merak (Merag), Phecda (Vector), Megrez (Gilag??), Alioth (Alit), Mizar (Misael, though he’s literally ‘Mizar’ in the dub), and Benetnash (Nasch).
Entropy: The scientific expression of disorder; this is mostly me guessing, but I think Zexal’s Chaoshas some links to Entropy.
Other References:
Heraldry: Tron’s deck ofHeraldic Beasts is a reference to the design/display study of armor and crests.Interestingly, “the use of helmets with face guards during this period made itdifficult to recognize one’s commanders in the field when large armies weregathered together for extended periods, necessitating the development ofheraldry as a symbolic language.” Makes me think of Tron’s mask when he’s nolonger recognizable as Byron. Heraldry is also related to Vexillology, which may bethe origin of Tron’s dub name, Vetrix?
Out-of-place Artifacts: III’s deck of OOParts (or Chronomalies) is a reference to artifacts that seem too advanced (or display things too advanced) for the time period they’re from. Ie, ancient “batteries”, hieroglyphs seeming to represent helicopters, etc. Makes me think that III is probably really into cryptids and conspiracy theories.
That’s all I can think of for now…! Feel free to reblog/add on if you think of anything else.
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big-fan-10 · 4 years
Song of The Day:October 31 2020
Today’s Song of The Day is Ooparts Final Remix from TWEWY
This song is a steady battle theme that quickly picks up. The Music was composed by Takeharu Ishimoto, while the lyrics were written and sung by Ayuko Tanaka and Mai Matsuda.
Anyone who manages to correctly predict a composer for the next Song of The Day will get a mention, same for if someone manages to predict the game where it featured in if it has one that I’m aware of.
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gamenu · 4 years
What Are You Really?
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The Diviner
          you understand the fluidity of existence, and know that even with everything planned out, fate can change the course with just one event. 
          you turn to something to help you explain whats outside of your own hands- whether that be differing energies, higher powers, or simply coincidences. 
          you know so much, but also nothing at all, and even that you both know and dont know. you trust your gut and prepare for pitfalls in life.
Tagged by: @kukyc​ Tagging: @catncore​, @baphometed​, @weatherford​, @cosmicstardreamer​, @cosmosfated​, @sextilleon​, @kronefrosset​, @sleptsin​, @enviedsin​, @littlebadger​, @omniversus​, @orresnatcher​, @rotinthedark​, @kiboumukou​, @willbeshot​, @rxcusant​, @valorxdrive​, @fakepriest​, @unmachine​, @unweapon​, @prcmettere​, @zephyrises​, @destinychose​, @lightcreators​, @mamaterasu​, @quartlet​, @ooparts​, @ndeavor​, @gxntil​ and anyone else who wants to do it!
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