marv3l-drag0ns · 1 month
holding my phone case and minecraft tuoys close its me and my art against the world
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Les Amis Modern AU: What They Wish Others Believed About Them (Part 3).
[I kind of wrote this in response to some general trends in characterising the Amis. There are some stereotypes which I'm not quite comfortable with.
[Also, OMG I didn't think people would like these posts so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thaaaank you to all who gave the cutest hashtags, y'all are so encouraging!]
[Also, I'm sorry I just posted on R and Eponine today. :'(
Just have a lot on my mind. I'll write on JBM tomorrow, promise.]
• He. Is. Not. Weak. Seriously, he could really do without those people who think he's a broken mess who loses absolutely every bit of self respect when he sees Enjolras. Just because Enj had shut him up with harsh words on like one occasion does not mean that he lets Enj or anyone walk all over him on a regular basis. He is NOT a doormat, not by a long shot.
• He could also REALLY do without those people with massive saviour complexes who swoop in to save him from the big, bad world. He accepts tons of help and love from the Amis, but will not accept any kind of pity service, damnit (and they know it). And it takes a lot of strength to plow through alcohol addiction to sobriety.
• He is pretty much a guardian angel in bars because of his history with addiction. He knows how much drink can a person take, and which drink they should avoid. With Bahorel, he hovers around the rest of them, snatching away glasses when the lightweights get too drunk, and replacing them with glasses of water. That he can box also comes handy. Sometimes. Heh.
• Not every point he says to oppose Enj is a cynical barb. And they don't always have screaming matches in the Musain. There have been many days of trading constructive criticism, because R has a lot of first-hand experience about the city. R usually knows the fine line between Enj getting combative and Enj getting hurt/frustrated, and has learnt not to say something so cynical that he crosses the line.
• Like everyone else, R is also learning. He is working on his prejudices, realises that some his past jokes were insensitive, sometimes even sexist or ableist, and actively corrects himself and others around him.
• Further, their relationship did not start with a dramatic makeout session mid-argument. Because both of them are on the way to being mature adults who know that aggressively displaying sexual tension is not the best way to start a relationship.
• It is not just Enj he's generally cynical to. He's cynical, that's it. And he does enjoy arguments with the others, where there's mutual exchange of knowledge, because he does not ever believe that the rest just parrot what Enj has to say. He has captured everyone's argument face in his sketchbook: Ferre waving his hands about, Courf's eyes widened mid-rant, Feuilly's eyes narrowed with a brief, brusque comment, Jehan's smiling like a cat who got the cream when their argument hits home, Bahorel thumping the desk in jovial agreement, Marius processing what he's hearing. He kinda likes Les Amis L'ABC too, not just the people there.
• While there are rough days when his self esteem runs sub-zero, there are days when he is super happy with himself. These are not exactly blink-and -miss either. The Amis cherishes his beaming smile when he defeats Ferre on Trivia Night, sings beautifully on Karaoke Night, paints an AMAZING picture of all the Amis in a protest and shows it off to all of them, cooks a meal which JBM raves about, and, on one memorable occasion, makes a V important point in a meeting that leaves Enj starry-eyed. There are things he hides from them because he's too shy and doubtful, but they are decreasing.
• There are days when he goes into a house-cleaning spree. Like the scrubbing tables-dusting-throwing out piles of trash-cleaning corners with q tips-kind of spree. Which leaves him so exhausted that he can't get out of bed the day after. So yeah, his place isn't always shabby.
• She is tough. She is blunt, and to the point. But she is not rude without reason, just to be edgy or something. And definitely doesn't throw around idle threats. Most of the Amis find her very pleasant, actually. She gives a small smile to everyone, cracks dry jokes, lobs scrunched-up balls of paper from across the room and fights with Courf for the caramel popcorn bucket. She doesn't yell to make a point, but speaks it aloud with a lazy drawl while fiddling with a rubber band ("Bull", she says, eloquently enough). To new people, she is just that shy and suspicious, so she doesn't really talk.
• The thing she wants the most is to feel safe. Hence she is often quiet, suspicious and moody. She feels really upset if people think she's horrible (or a "bitch", like she sometimes hears random people say about her) just because she cannot trust people enough to be all smiles and rainbows, even though she wants to be. She also feels really vulnerable, and is always scared that people wil leave her or hurt her once they know that she panics and cries a lot. She feels safe with the Amis, and many a times you'll find her as a sniffling burrito on someone's couch. THIS DOESN'T MEAN SHE'S WEAK, THIS MEANS SHE HAS A LOT OF SHIT GOING AND NEEDS RELEASE. -_-
• Her preference for dark clothes started because dark clothes seemed easier to maintain. She needed lesser amounts of detergent, and could stretch it out for longer before the inevitable laundry walk. She had actually asked Jehan for goth fashion tips to liven things up, and they had provided her optimal options (like dark lipstick). Still, she doesn't wear fishnets everyday, and just saves them for "special occasions".
• She is one of R's best friends. But no, she is not his personal babysitter. She doesn't go chasing everyone who she thinks has hurt him immediately, neither does she always haul him around when he's down in the dumps. She usually gives him sound advice, checks on him whenever she gets breaks between shifts, and if she cannot help, sends an Ami or two along.
• Her go-to way of showing disappointment in anyone is to send them a voice message stating exactly how they have fucked up (in an ice cold voice) and giving them the silent treatment until they fix things or apologize. Only once did she go nuclear on someone, no one wants to talk about it.
• Ep is a big sap. She does not really conceal her love of heart-shaped Valentine cards, pink roses and candles. Don't forget that she grew up in fair comfort tilll her preteen years, and she had exposure to much sappy media. While the Amis were surprised initially, she makes them take it in stride. She gets a strawberry cake every birthday, complete with pink balloons et al. (organised by Courf). She dreams of going to Disneyland.
• In the face of danger (men following her on the streets or something), her first response is flight, not fight. She knows that fighting can often make things worse, and cannot afford frequent trips to the ER. She can fight, though. She just doesn't want to until absolutely necessary, for self-preservation. She's brilliant at amateur first aid.
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
The Modern Wife
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A/n: Literally I’ve been so obsessed with the idea of this I had to mess up my schedule and write this. Also, omg will you look at that edit job??? I have never used photoshop in my life and look at that!!! Also special shoutout to Celi @poeticallyspaghetti​ for helping me so much with this
See how many Austen quotes you can spot!
Warnings: Slight cursing, mention of violence
Word Count: 11.5k
Summary: Miss Y/n L/n is the talk of the town. She is one of four gorgeous sisters. Her father is a successful politician who travels frequently back and forth to London. She is beautiful, poised, and absolutely unobtainable. Every man in town had been asking for her hand, all except a certain Colonel. Things are turned upside down when Miss L/n is forced into an engagement.
Genre: history!au, enemies to lovers!au, regency!au, historical!au, pride, and prejudice!au
“OW! Not so tight, Harry!” I screamed holding onto my bedposts as my maid and friend, Harriet pulled the laces tight on my corset. “Harry, are you trying to kill me?” I said with a laugh. The small thin plank of wood in the boning pressed hard against my chest and pushed up my breasts as high as they would go for no reason other than to put them on display. 
Ironic that it was unseemly to show my ankle but my cleavage could parade about the world openly. For the next forty minutes, Harriet proceeded to help me get dressed. The pale yellow frock complimented my skin nicely. Harriet always knew what I looked best in. She sat me down at my vanity while she fixed my hair, untwisted the fabric that tied my curls. Before she could finish my eyes glimpsed movement outside my window. 
Bolting up from the chair I ran down the hall, fabric billowing behind me. I rushed passed several servants as I made my way down the sunlit passageway. “Miss Y/n,” our butler, Mr. Carson, exclaimed as I nearly ran him over. Thankfully he did not drop the glassware on his tray. “I’m sorry, Carson!” “Don’t worry about it, my lady.”
With a bright smile, I burst through the large entryway doors and was met by a gracious morning breeze, A carriage had pulled up in the driveway and a woman a few years older than me was exiting the cab with the help of a footman.
“Cecilia! You’re home!” 
Wrapping my arms around my elder sister I gave her the biggest hug imaginable. The sound of our laughter could most likely be heard from anywhere on the grounds. I was once again reunited with my sister. She had not been gone but a few months since her last visit, but it felt like ages to me. 
“I should hope I get the same welcoming as my wife,” Turning away, I saw my sister’s husband stepping out of the carriage, a kind smile on his face. “Of course, Chan. I could never forget my brother in law.” He gently gave me a hug before returning me back to my sister. 
“Is father home?” I shook my head, leading my sister arm in arm into the house. “No, he has yet to return from London.” She scoffed and held my hand tighter. “But, it is the beginning of spring! How can he miss your birthday?” Carson greeted Cecilia and Chan with a warm welcome before we continued to the parlor. 
“Do not worry. Papa said he would return in the next few days in time for the ball on Saturday. Tomorrow we girls will simply have to celebrate my nineteenth birthday together.” Chan left us to talk while he helped tried to help Carson and the footmen with the bags, much to Carson’s displeasure. Chan never could really get used to having servants do things for him.
“Where are Charlotte and Emma?” Cecilia was referring to our two younger sisters. Charlotte had turned sixteen this year and little Emma was now ten. “They are in lessons right now. Papa is still positively adamant we are all educated to the highest degree.”  “Of course, he is.”
My sister filled me in on everything that had happened in Dover in the past few months. She and Chan had moved there after they got married, much against father’s will. “Oh, Chan got a letter before we left. He said the Colonel was in London and met up with father. He might come back to Surrey for the spring.” 
Cecilia laughed as disdain took over my face. “Wonderful. There go my hopes of a lovely spring.” “He isn’t that bad, Y/n.” The Colonel was around Cecilia’s age, in his very early twenties. He was the one who introduced Chan to Cecilia. Chan had served in his infantry and had grown quite close to the young officer. 
Father adored the Colonel. Anytime the Colonel returned to Surrey, Papa would insist on us inviting him to our residence. Everyone loved the Colonel. He was a brave man who had done his country proud in the war, taking over his father’s position in the midst of battle after he tragically perished. There was just something about him that made me hate him. He walked around like he was entitled to everything around him. 
“Does that mean he’ll be returning with father?” Cecilia nodded as her husband entered the room. “Who?” Chan asked sitting across from us. “Colonel Han,” Chan nodded with a soft smile on his face, adjusting his jacket. “I assume so. Miss Y/n why are you asking about him? If my memory serves me correctly, the last time he was here you called him ‘Death’s head on a broomstick’,” 
“Well, it was rightly deserved. I’m simply asking because I would like to know when to board up Whitewater so that he simply can’t get in.” 
Cecilia’s bright blue eyes crinkled as she laughed. Running footsteps could be heard coming down the hall. In raced two girls who practically jumped on Cecilia. “Cecilia, we missed you!” Emma sang in her soft voice. Charlotte went and gave Chan a gentle hug as well. 
The next day we celebrated my birthday. Chan and Cecilia got me a lovely gift, a gorgeous leather-bound sketchbook. I knew there was no way they could possibly afford something of such quality, but Cecilia insisted I take it. Carson and the staff celebrated with us making and sharing a beautiful cake. The next two days went by quickly. Chan worked on his music, the girls continued their studies, and Cecilia and I spent the time walking the grounds and gossiping about anything and everything, with Harriet often joining us
On Thursday afternoon, Charlotte and I were strolling near the banks of the creek, for which our estate was named. The clear water quickly rushed along making almost a soft song with the wind in the trees. Soon, we began to grow tired so we headed back to Whitewater.
As we reached the estate, my eyes were drawn to a carriage and a horse stationed outside. No one was expecting visitors so it must mean father was home. Charlotte and I raced into the house, grins filling our faces. 
“Papa! Are you home?” I called out. Charlotte heard voices in the parlor, so we both ventured into the sitting room. “There are the rest of my beautiful daughters!” He exclaimed, getting up and wrapping his arms around us. It felt so good to have my father’s arms wrapped around me again. His familiar smell of burning wood and lavender. 
He pulled away and kissed each of our cheeks. “Girls, you remember Colonel Han Jisung.” I tried to hide the grimace on my face but failed. Of course. That’s whose horse was out front. My eyes fell on the man standing near the window. He wore a dark navy overcoat and pristine black boots. While his somewhat smaller and shorter than some of the other military men I had met in the past, there was no doubt about the way he commanded the room.  His shaggy brown hair was tousled from the ride back to Surrey. 
His dark eyes were hidden as he bowed and took Charlotte’s hand. A proper way to greet a lady. “Yes, unfortunately, I do remember,” I said rolling my eyes. “Believe me, feelings are the same Miss L/n.” The Colonel said giving me a curt bow. Rolling my eyes, I sat down next to Cecilia, who nudged me, giving me a look. 
“Papa, how was London?” Charlotte asked happily. Father smiled and sat back down near the fireplace. Mr. Han remained standing near where Chan was sitting. “Perfectly fine. Everything is well. It seems Napoleon’s advances in England have stopped for the time being. Also, I met quite an intriguing man and invited him to have dinner with us this evening.” 
“Is he handsome, Father?” Charlotte asked. “Charlotte, do not ask such things.” Cecilia scolded, gently pushing our sister back in her seat. “I should think so. Colonel, you are welcome to join us for supper as well.” 
“I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“You do most days anyway,” I muttered under my breath.
Ignoring the look he sent my way I turned back to father. “Nonsense! You shall join us!” The hour seemed to drag on. Father and Mr.Han seemed to only talk about the war. Papa only paused to ask Cecilia and Chan about Dover and Chan’s music. To be fair he only asked because Cecilia forced him to be civil with Chan about his work.
Soon, The Colonel decided he should return to his estate and unpack his things. “Thank you for your time. The visit was lovely.” He said graciously. Giving everyone a short goodbye, he mounted his horse and made the travel to Ruxfield Manor a few miles to the west of Whitewater.
“That was an eventful visit,” Cecilia said wrapping her arm in mine.
“It was a delightful visit-perfect in being much too short.” 
She laughed at my comment as the two of us climbed the stairs to get ready for dinner in a few hours. Harriet helped me change for dinner and pinned up my hair leaving a few twisting strands loose framing my face. “Carson told me your father and his guests are already in the sitting room,” I sighed picking up a handheld mirror as she clasped a necklace around my neck.
“Well, then we should join them.” I stood up, smoothing the dark green fabric of the dress Harriet had picked out. As I exited my bedroom, the door next to me opened as well to reveal my sister and her husband dressed for dinner. As we approached the parlor, Carson opened the door and announced us.
“Miss Y/n and Mr. and Mrs. Bang.”
All heads turned towards us as we entered the room. Two men stood up at the announcement. One was the Colonel, purely out of respect for the women of the household. His eyes never even moved to the door. The other man wore a dark almost velvet-like coat and he carried himself with high prestige. 
He had deep brown eyes and sharp features. “My darling girls,” Father exclaimed before setting down his glass of sherry. He came and kissed both of our cheeks. “Father,” I said, latching onto his arm. He led us over to the men and our sisters. 
“Mr. Han,” I said trying not to roll my eyes. He gave me a curt nod and then returned to his seat. “Y/n play nice,” Papa said jokingly. “I am, Papa!” 
“Miss Y/n,” The other man said bowing before me. I couldn’t help but give him a questioning look as he took my hand and placed a soft and chaste kiss on my skin. “Oh, and to whom do I owe the pleasure?”
“Angel, this is Mr. Lee. He is a barrister in London. Minho, this is my second eldest daughter.” Mr. Lee stood up straight and looked me over with a gentle, but mischievous smile. “The pleasure is all mine. Your father has told me so much about you.” 
“Oh has he now! All good things I hope!”
“You can you tell the difference?” The Colonel mumbled, taking a sip of his drink. 
“Oh please, you are hardly agreeable yourself.”
“I do not wish people to be very agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of being forced into casual pleasantries.”
Thankfully, Carson entered the room, saving the Colonel and myself from getting into yet another altercation. “Dinner is ready to be served in the dining room.” Mr. Han scoffed when Minho bowed once again and offered me his arm. The eight of us ventured into the dining room where our new light bulbs brightened up the space from the ceiling. Father was obsessed with every new invention.
Papa took his place at the head of the table, the girls on either side of him. Cecilia sat across from her husband and the Colonel was seated next to her and across from me. Mr. Lee was seated at the other end of the table.  
Polite conversation was heard throughout dinner. The girls discussed their studies with father, who then bragged about our education to Mr. Lee. Dinner was lovely as always. Mr. Lee was beyond courteous and thanked Carson and the staff for the meal. We engaged in polite conversation. Mr. Lee seemed to pride himself in small talk because the conversation never got any bigger. “You know green is my favorite color. It is almost as if you wore that dress to see me smile.”
To be frank he was quite boring. He seemed no different than the other men I had met except for the fact he seemed fascinated by the cats on his estate. Cecilia sent me a pitiful glance and I did my best to hide my expression from Father. 
“Doori is just so mischievous. And Soongi! You would love Soongi!” Cecilia stifled a laugh as I downed the rest of the wine in my glass. I was too preoccupied forcing the alcohol down my throat that I didn’t notice Mr. Han’s soft laughter at my struggle with Mr. Lee. 
“Since we are all here and getting along so well, I would like to say something,” Father announced to the room. Carson ushered the footmen out of the room and back to the kitchen before turning back to Father at full attention. Every eye at the table was on Papa.
“After much discussion and thought, I have decided that it is time for Y/n to be married.” 
All eyes turned to me. I froze and looked around the table. Excuse me? When did my father talk to me about this? He was just marrying me off to some random noble?
“Mr. Lee and I have agreed. We would like to announce an engagement by the end of the summer.” 
This time all eyes turned to Mr. Lee at the other end of the table. “What?” Cecilia says breaking the silence that had lasted for much too long. I could do nothing but stare at the table. There were too many emotions flying around and none of them were particularly good let alone ladylike. Everyone, even the Colonel looked between my father and Mr. Lee with widened eyes. Chan watched his wife struggling to comprehend my fate. The girls stared at me looking for an answer. I felt the Colonel’s stare like a weight, when I looked up he was looking anywhere except my face. He let out a hefty sigh with an emotionless expression as he soon became fascinated with the chandelier.
“Did you think to ask me how I felt?” Papa looked at me, his eyebrows raised in curiosity. “I didn’t think you would much care,” All of my sisters seemed shocked at his words. Father had always been so set on us making our own decisions. He always wanted us to be happy, especially after our mother had passed.
“Just because Cecilia decided she did not want to marry a noble doesn’t mean you can pass this onto me!” Cecilia looked down at her plate. It was no secret that Papa was outraged at her marriage to Chan. “This has nothing to do with your sister.” 
“You are sending me away! Why not just make this punishment even worse? Send me off with the Colonel, make my life completely miserable!”
“Y/n L/n!” Father yelled standing up. 
“Father you are at fault here too,” Cecilia said standing up. She rushed over and led me out of the room and up the stairs. When Harriet saw us down the hall she rushed to us and opened the door to my bedroom. “Did you hear, Harry?” You looked at the girl who sadly nodded. Of course, she had heard. People in France had heard the argument between me and Papa. Cecilia helped Harriet calm me down and change before placing a kiss on my forehead and leaving to confer with her husband. Slowly I slipped into a deep sleep hoping to forget the events of this night.
The next afternoon my sister and I strolled through the lanes of Surrey on our way to the dress shop. Cecilia had convinced me to come out and get a new dress for the ball tomorrow night with her. Despite my protests, she and Harriet dragged me out of bed and helped slip by my father’s study and into town. 
I had to admit, I was thankful to be away from Whitewater. Walking into the dress shop with my sister on my arm felt freeing. Like I wasn’t about to be engaged to a man I had absolutely no interest in. 
Breathing in the smell of the wood and the fabrics put a smile on my face. Cecilia ran over to the rolls of blue fabric. I had missed coming to the seamstress with my older sister. In Dover Chan and Cecilia didn’t have enough money to get a new dress more than once or twice a year, so Cecilia was thrilled to come with me. 
“What color do you think you would like?” Cecilia shouted from over her shoulder, pulling out a dress with baby blue fabric and white lace. I shrugged and sorted through the different dresses. “I will wear anything but green. Minho would not stop talking about how I wore his favorite color at dinner.” Cecilia laughed as I brushed passed a light green ensemble without hesitation. 
“Why don’t we send you in black since it is going to be your funeral anyway,” Cecilia said throwing a black frock at me. I laughed and returned the dress to the seamstress. “Y/n, what about this?” She handed me a gorgeous red dress that was embroidered with pearls and gold thread. 
“I have not worn red since we were little girls. It’s absolutely gorgeous!” The seamstress helped us try on the dresses before we paid for them and changed back. Cecilia laughed as I recounted the conversation with Mr. Lee as we walked out of the shop. I felt uneasy. Like something was off. Looking around I saw several young men from the town walking about and standing near shops but they all seemed to be looking anywhere but me, which was very abnormal. 
“Do you think they heard about the engagement? It isn’t even official yet!” Cecilia said, reading my mind. An exasperated sigh left my chest. “Nor will it be. I will marry Lee Minho over my dead body.” 
“Oh, Miss Y/n!” a voice called out from across the street. 
Looking for the source of the deep voice I found Lee Felix, Colonel Han’s aide. And of course, next to him, was Colonel Han Jisung himself. My sister laughed as the Colonel and I both grimaced. Despite the second protests of the day, Cecilia dragged me over to greet the two soldiers. 
Han and Felix gave the two of us military level bows and Felix greeted us happily. “I see you two ladies are enjoying today’s fine weather.” Mr. Han said looking around at the scenery, his hands behind his back and his posture incredibly straight. “Yes, Y/n and I were out shopping for an ensemble for the ball tomorrow.” 
Felix’s grin grew three times larger. “I see that!” He said pointing to the folded dresses in our arms. “Oh Colonel, Miss Y/n picked out a red dress! What a coincidence!” Han spared me and the dress in my arms a glance before scoffing and looking at Felix. “What is a coincidence? Do tell,” I said, a smirk falling on my lips. “Jisung was just saying how gorgeous the red roses were at Ruxfield.” 
“Ow-” Cecilia nudged my stomach with an innocent grin on her sweet oval face. “Y/n just adores roses! She was sketching them in the garden, just the other day.” Cecilia’s blue eyes sparkled as she nudged me once again. What was she getting at? They were just flowers. 
The Colonel looked up at my words, his eyes slightly widening. He quickly recovered and trained his eyes on the ground. “Well, Felix and I have much to attend to. I am sure we shall meet again tomorrow night.” I rolled my eyes as Han mounted his horse, Felix following close behind. 
“Come, we must prepare for tomorrow night, given this new information!”
“Cecilia! What new information? Stop pulling on my arm!”
The carriage rumbled to a stop in front of the Hall. My father the girls and I were all in one cab, while Chan and Cecilia rode in a separate carriage. A footman opened the door and helped me down from the cab. He gently took each of my sisters’ hands as they exited as well. The music swelled as we entered the Hall with our father in front of us.
Emma quickly ran off to the table filled with sweets and hour devours, and Charlotte was towed away by her friends. “Miss L/n!” Turning, I saw Mr. Lee pushing his way through the crowd. Wonderful. The last person I wanted to see.  Like a leech, Mr. Lee latched himself onto my arm. “Are you quite good at dancing, Miss L/n? I fancy myself quite the dancer. They do all the latest court dances in London you see.”
“If you would excuse me, Mr. Lee, I am quite parched,” I said interrupting the never ending stream of words. “Yes, quite alright. I shall miss every second you are parted from me!” Minho said placing a kiss on my hand. Begrudgingly, I plastered a smile on my face and maneuvered my way through the crowd. 
Spotting my sister’s golden brown hair, I moved through the flood of people. Her beautiful baby blue dress stood out against the dark colored suits and dresses around her. She stood next to her husband and another man. “Cecilia, thank goodness.” I heaved out in a sigh. “My dear sister, you look ravishing! Don’t you think so, Mr. Han?” Turning I saw The Colonel dressed in fine navy blue. His eyes drunk me in with a disenchanted expression.
“She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me; I am in no humor at the present to give consequence to young ladies with such ‘modern’ attributes.” 
Only to uphold my social presence and reputation did I refrain from slapping him. How could he say something so ghastly right to my face. Before I could fire back Chan interrupted, questioning his friend. “Han, do you plan on joining in the festivities? I certainly plan on bringing my adoring Cecilia onto the dance floor tonight. There is absolutely nothing like dancing after all. It is one of the first refinements of a polished society.” He sighed, rolling his eyes and placing his hands behind his back in a seemingly military sense. 
“Certainly, sir; and it has the advantage also of being in vogue amongst the less polished societies of the world. Every savage can dance.” “Not every savage-” Cecilia ventured. “I assure you, Mrs. Bang. Every savage can. Even damn Napoleon, so no I do not think I shall partake in the such an adolescent event.” 
The urge to shove his head up his ass grew stronger within me by the second, but I don’t think anything would be able to move past the gargantuan log shoved up there already. “Well, my dearest, would you accompany me onto the dance floor.” Chan said with a bright smile, offering a hand to his wife. Her lace gloved hand slid into his with a smile. Just as they were leaving a voice called out over the sea of guests. 
“Miss L/n! Where are you my love? Miss Y/n?” My eyes widened as I saw Minho’s head bobbing through the crowd. “Ah! Miss Y/n! There you are!” He said pointing in my direction. 
“Oh lord help me. Quick!” Without thinking I grabbed the nearest coat sleeve and pulled the man out onto the dance floor, a new dance beginning. “What in all hell?” He exclaimed, eyes turning to saucers. 
A sigh of relief left my lips as Minho walked right passed my previous location, still looking for me. Music swelled and the couples around me started dancing so I joined in with my partner. My heart skipped a beat when my eyes fell on Mr. Han standing in front of me, gently holding my hand and bowing. I curtsied to him and focused on looking for Mr. Lee in the crowd. Hopefully he wasn’t too close. Absentmindedly I followed the steps of the dance, my palm pressing lightly against the Colonel’s as we moved through the steps and turns of the dance. 
Halfway through the song, my eyes followed Mr. Lee as he searched for me into another room. This time a sigh of relief escaped as my focus turned back to the dance. I then became very aware of Mr. Han’s hand on my waist. “Mr. Han, I didn’t realize you could dance.” I jested a smirk playing on my lips. His face remained the same but there was something about his eyes that was different. 
“Miss L/n, I said any savage can dance. I am not excluded.” 
I was left without a retort. I simply stared at him as he circled and came behind me, one hand on my waist, the other gently holding my outstretched hand. The feeling of his chest against my shoulder  was unfamiliar but somehow inviting. He smelled like gun powder and old books. My eyes couldn’t seem to break away from his as we turned and moved with the music. 
The entire world seemed to dissolve away and all I could see was how he was looking at me. How he was holding me gently and cautiously, as if I was a butterfly in his palm. He had a softness in his eyes I had never seen before. The kind that showed a tortured past. Had he always been this handsome? 
Somehow I had never noticed the smooth lines of his face. The soft curve of his lips. The sharp angle of his jaw and the color of his warm tan skin from being in the sun on the battlefield. I had been completely oblivious. I was too stubborn to see the honorable man in front of me. I was even unkind to him on so many occasions yet he looked at me with such a hidden admiration. 
Our movements came to a stop and the Colonel stayed by my side, my hand still resting gently over his. I couldn’t seem to tear my eyes away from his stare. 
“Miss Y/n,” A voice called. Everyone was looking at me. Looking at us. Confusion and suggestion plastered on their faces. Suddenly the Colonel’s hands removed themselves he moved a good distance away from me. 
“Next time you would like to hide from your fiancee, use someone else as a shield. I would much rather not be involved in the manner.”
With a sharp, curt bow the Colonel excused himself and rushed off, disappearing into the bustling and whispering crowd. The gossip seemed to stop when Emma ran up to me, her big bright eyes sparkling. Leaving the moment between myself and Mr. Han behind, I danced with my sisters the rest of the night and did my best to fend off my soon to be fiancee. 
Hours later the evening drew to a close. Emma was already asleep and had returned to Whitewater with father a few hours earlier in our carriage. Charlotte and I walked out of the Hall our arms linked and laughing about Lady Moss’s hair piece. “Can you believe it?” Lottie laughed out of breath.
A yell from the street pulled our attention. “Your master stepped over the line!” A huge crowd had surrounded two very young men near the road. A fight had broke out between two footmen. I winced seeing a blow land on the smaller one’s face and another to his cut. My eyes widened when I caught a glimpse of his face. It was Felix. Colonel Han’s aide. 
“Lottie, go find Chan and Cecilia.” Nodding, she ran back into the hall to find our sister. I pushed my way through the crowd trying to see what was going on. Felix was doing his best to hold his ground against the other boy. It looked like Minho’s steward, Seungmin. “I have no control over what the Colonel does. You’re crazy!” Felix said blocking another swing. 
“Hey! Break it up! Stop this juvenile combat!” A voice boomed. Han himself pushed through the crowd and plowed through Seungmin, a hand clutching the collar of the boys shirt. “You do not touch him. If your quarrel is with me then face me so. Do not be a coward and go after my aide.” There was a fire in his eyes and Seungmin looked terrified. The power Han exuded would frighten any man. 
Seungmin, regaining his composure, threw a punch at the Colonel, landing on his jaw. While he seemed mostly unaffected, Seungmin took the opportunity to wriggle out of Jisung’s tight grasp. Han scoffed, and threw of his coat, rolling up his sleeves as well. “You will certainly regret doing that.” The crowd cheered as Han took a strike. His slim form allowed him to move with agility and strike with force. It was clear that Seungmin was done for. 
Another person burst through the crowd as Han threw Seungmin off of him. Minho caught his steward, pulling him up by the arm. He took Seungmin’s cheek in his hand and examined the boy’s beaten face, before handing him off to another footman. His glare then targeted the Colonel who stood out of breath and dark brown hair tousled. 
“How dare you assault my boy?” Minho screamed, pointing a finger at Mr. Han. “Do not jump to assumptions, my friend. Your boy att-” “First you try to seduce my fiancee in front of the entire town- then you assault my aide!” Han let out a breathy laugh before pointing at himself. “Me? You think I would ever be interested in the a woman such as Miss L/n?” His finger moved to point at me, but my glare in his direction was ignored. 
“Your man attacked mine first! It is you who needs to apologize! I will not have my staff humiliated and beaten by scum like you or your servants.” Han said beginning to get an almost erratic look in his eyes. “That’s it,” Minho said throwing his coat onto the ground. Without hesitation he leaped into the fight. The crowd cheered them on as I watched in horror.
“Stop! Stop this right now!” I screamed, but no one listened. Mr. Lee’s fist connected with Han’s temple, making his eyes go dark for a moment, before returning. Mr. Lee took the opportunity to throw Han over his shoulder and onto the ground before my feet. 
“Mr. Lee, stop right this instant! Both of you! There is no use fighting over me! this is complete nonsense.” Mr. Han’s eyes rolled over to me as he sat up. He winced as he moved to stand up. It took all of my power not to break his stare. 
“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn about you.”
Why did his words wound me? The hurt must have shown on my face for a brief moment because once again his eyes softened. Before he could say something Mr. Lee took a cheap shot, his fist flying across Han’s cheek. My eyes did not fail to miss the drops of blood that landed on the dirt. Han wasted no time in fighting back. 
“ENOUGH!” I screamed. Reputation be damned. I was finished. I had enough. Storming up, with all my strength I pushed the men apart. The two seemed insistent on continuing the brawl. The only thing stopping the Colonel from destroying Mr. Lee was my hands pushing against his shoulders. “You know nothing about me!” My loathsome future fiancee shouted.
“You are only trying to buy her from her father; like she is some prize!” Han sneered. “She is not some timepiece or your stupid pet!” Hearing a yell from Mr. Lee I turned to stop him only to feel a strike against my head. My vision started to blur and my head started to spin before I felt myself fall to the ground. 
Every person froze. Mr. Lee and the Colonel watched in horror as I collapsed to the ground barely conscious. Not a second later Chan burst through the crowd with Cecilia in tow, breaking up the fight. She gasped seeing my body on the ground. Quickly she rushed to my side and cradled my head in her lap. 
“Quick! Someone help!” Felix, still recovering from his beating, rushed over without hesitating. With some struggle, he got my partially limp body in his arms as Cecilia led him to where our carriage should have been. Han seemed to snap out of his shock, and he rushed to Felix’s side. “Mr. L/n took their carriage. Felix, we’ll go in ours.” Nodding, Felix turned and rushed to the Colonel’s cab and gently placed me on the seat. Cecilia placed my head in her lap as Han jumped into the cab with us, worry painted all over his face. 
Felix jumped up into the coach’s seat. Han pounded on the carriage wall and screamed for Felix to go. “Felix, hurry! To Whitewater. Take the back road it’s  faster!”  Han prayed that they could return to my estate fast enough to call a doctor. When the carriage pulled to a stop, the Colonel took me from Cecilia’s lap and held me in his arms, letting my head roll onto his chest. 
“Into the house! Carson! Carson, call the physician!”
Mr. Han carried me up the steps of the porch and impatiently yelled at Felix to hold the door. The poor boy rushed up and let Han carry me through the doorway. Han cautiously handed my semi-conscious body over to Carson. His brow furrowed, concern flooding his features as he watched my loving staff rush to my aid. Carson placed me gently on a sofa  and Cecilia carefully undid the tight curls in my hair so my head had somewhat less pain. 
 Han could do nothing but stand off to the side watching in distress. “Miss Bang...please let me offer my assistance-”
“You have done enough,”
Cecilia did not mean her words to come out as harsh as they did. He knew that. He scolded himself at his thoughts. ‘If only Y/n had not gotten in the way.’ ‘Lee Minho will pay for what he has done.’ A touch on his shoulder brought him back to reality. Turning he saw Felix, a frown on his face. “Sir, we should return to Ruxfield. I will be sure to inquire of Miss L/n’s health in the morning.” Almost as if he was giving him no choice, Felix guided the Colonel back to his carriage and the two departed. 
The next morning I awoke to find both Cecilia and Harriet sleeping beside me. Harriet even in her sleep was still holding cloth wrapped ice to my forehead. Sensing my movement, Harriet woke up and asked millions of questions about how I was feeling. 
Cecilia then woke up not long after. She recounted what happened  after the fight and then left to let me change for the day. The next week went by with no word from the Colonel. Felix came by the first morning to give his apologies at the Colonel’s request. Sadly, Mr. Lee visited almost daily. I had taken to sketching in the book gifted to me by my sister, hoping this would come as a distraction from remembering certain interactions from that night. 
The afternoon was perfect. A light rain had come in the morning, leaving droplets on the the flowers in the garden. Now the sun was out and shining, as I sat on a bench outside with my sketchbook amongst the flowers. “My lady you have a visitor.” Carson said from the stone walkway. The garden had somewhat of a keyhole stone path, with a fountain and stone circle at the center. Mr.Carson stood near the fountain. Through the water you could see the outline of a man’s over coat. “If it is Mr. Lee send him away. I am in no mood to entertain him today.”
“Mr. Lee is not the one asking for visitation,” A smooth deep voice spoke as its owner moved from behind the fountain. 
Colonel Han stood a little in front of Carson, looking at you with a serious expression. The same he wore every day of his entire life, except it his eyes. His eyes once again held that softness, as if it was a sight only you could bring out of him. “I’d have to jump off a bridge if I was that cat loving bigot.”  A hint of a smile slid onto his lips. 
He was correct. Mr. Han was nothing like Mr. Lee. Han was rough. He had edges. He never primped himself like Mr.Lee did. I couldn’t help but drink him in. His dark hair was shaggy and he only wore a simple shirt and the old navy overcoat he seemingly never took off. His boots were dirty and scuffed, but well taken care of. A sign of his daring acts but military discipline. A blush came over my cheeks as I remembered the feeling of dancing with him, his chest against my back.
“Jis- Colonel... to what do I owe the pleasure.” I closed my sketchbook and placed it beside me on the stone bench. “Papa is in London, but he should return by nightfall.” In all of my life I had never been nervous in front of a man other than my father. I believed a woman should be a strong and elegant vision, not simply standing behind a man but beside him if at all. So why could I not meet Mr. Han’s eyes. 
“I’m not here to see your father. I’m here to see you.”
My eyes widened at his words. Nothing was different about him. He still stood straight with his arms behind his back, keeping a respectable distance form me. His face remained stoic as if he was reading from a war plan. “Thank you, Carson. You may leave us,” 
It was Han’s turn to be flustered upon hearing my words. Being the respectful man he was he always adhered to the social protocol of a woman and man never being alone unless with a chaperone. Carson raised his brow in question, but complied, entering the house.
A moment of awkward silence followed. Then another. And another. It was almost like Mr. Han had lost the ability to function after being alone with me. Nervously, I played with the fabric of my dress. What could he possibly want to discuss with me. We have hardly had a pleasant conversation in our entire lives. “Miss Ln-” His words halted when I looked up at him. His eyes went immediately to my face. I knew exactly what he was looking at. The bruise from that night. It was lighter now, having had a week to heal, but still visible.
“Oh Y/n...” He reached out as if to touch my face, but thought better of it and pulled back. There was no longer a wide expanse between us. He now stood only a few feet away from where I sat.  “We are not even wed, and yet I have already forsaken you and broken a valiant code...” He muttered under an aggravated sigh.
He was grateful that I didn’t hear it. “If you are indeed here for me, please enlighten me of your purpose for I am in the dark.” I said pushing a strand of loose hair around my face. As he opened his mouth to speak a deep voice called his name. 
“Colonel Han!”
Felix came running out of Whitewater. He was out of breath and his hair and clothes were out of place, like he had just gotten off his horse. He handed on a sealed envelope and whispered something in Mr. Han’s ear.  Immediately, Han opened the letter with his long nimble fingers. His eyes quickly scanned the letter, leaving me in anxious silence. 
“What is it?” I asked on the edge of my seat. Han handed the letter back to Felix and whispered something back to him. Felix spared me a glance before leaving us alone. 
The Colonel raked a hand through his already slightly disheveled hair and turned his back to me. Something was compelling me to reach out to him. “Jisung,” He turned at the sound of his name. My mind had yet to register the fact this was the first time I had actually said his name. He on the other hand, did notice.
“What is the matter?” He sighed and looked back at the house. Felix was standing by the door, discussing something with Carson. “Napoleon has resumed his advances on the border.” It took me a moment for me to process the information. This was news that was not for me to hear. “Why-”
“They are calling me to the front line.”
I couldn’t speak.
“Felix gave me my orders just now. I leave in the morning.”
This meant so many things. This meant our country was once again at war with France. It meant Father would have to stay in London. It meant Mr. Han would be sent to the heat of the battle commanding easily a thousand men in combat. It meant Jisung...was being sent into battle that he might not come back from.
Why did I even care? I was in line to be engaged. Granted it was to a spinless snob I practically loathed. “I may be a bitter married woman when you returned. Then our arguments will be that much more interesting.” Another look flashed across his face. Almost like he was disappointed that was what I had chosen to say. Like he had wished I had asked him to stay.
“Let’s hope for the both of us that is not true when I return.”
Before I could understand his words Felix returned, this time with Carson behind him. He came to Mr. Han’s side and urgently whispered something in his ear. Han nodded and brushed him off before turning back to me, his eyes growing soft. Gently, he took my hand. All I could do was watch as he brought it up to his lips and softly kissed my knuckles. 
It was an action I had experienced many times from many men. All seeking for my hand in marriage. But this. This was different. This felt intimate. Like the kiss was burning itself into my skin as if to mark me for life. His eyes joined mine as he pulled away. 
“Colonel, we have to go.” Felix said breaking the silence. Han slid his hand from mine and he turned to follow Felix back to Ruxfield to prepare for is departure. My body could do nothing but watch him leave.
“You’re all grown up now, Miss Y/n.” Carson said. He had the kindest smile on his face as he came to sit on the bench, pulling me down with him. “What do you mean, Carson?” He sighed, taking my hand in his. Carson was nothing like my father. He and my mother were very close and Mr. Carson always seemed like a real father figure in my life. He was the one who taught me to dance, and what books I should read, and even how to play poker. 
“You are falling in love. I would know that look anywhere.” Love? With the Colonel. Impossible. I despised him. Right? “I am not in love. If I was in love I would be getting married.” He chuckled and patted my hand. “Aren’t you though?”
“Carson, do you see me voluntarily marrying that mess of a man?”
“Are you speaking of Lord Lee or Colonel Han?”
Blinking, the thought crossed my mind. Of course I was talking about Mr. Lee right. I was set to marry him. Was Carson saying I should marry Mr. Han? Marrying Colonel Han Jisung. The thought had never crossed my mind. Now that it did, why did my heart swell.
“Of course I’m speaking of Mr. Lee. Father would forbid anyone else.” Carson nodded, looking over the garden. “So, are you saying there is someone else?” He took my silence as an answer, smiling. 
“An unhappy alternative is before you, Y/n. From this day you must be a stranger to one of us. Your father will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Lee, and I would never see you again if you do.” 
A warm, fatherly smile filled his eyes. “Do you love him?” There was no question of who he was talking about. “While I have lost my heart, I shall not lose my self control. I will not become one of those silly girls running around with their heads in the clouds controlled by love.” Carson laughed and picked a flower near the bench.
“Silly things do cease to be silly if they are done by sensible people in an impudent way.” 
Before I could respond I was interrupted by what seemed like the fourth time today. “Y/’n! Y/n!” Cecilia ran out of the house a grin from ear to ear. Emma and Charlotte followed hot on her heels. Her light blue dress blew behind her as she ran over to us. “Y/n, I’m pregnant!” After blinking a few times I wrapped her up in a hug and cheered. Carson joined us and we all went inside to celebrate Cecilia’s news, leaving the conclusion of my conversation with Carson in the back of my mind.
Spring came and went. Soon came the long months of summer and with it came heavy summer storms. The Whitewater creek was filled to capacity and quite dangerous. Father had come home from London and the tensions had been high ever since he returned. Papa seemed hell bent on my marriage to Mr. Lee. 
Every chance he got he brought up the engagement. I was starting to think Carson may have been right. Every mention of Mr.Lee drove me further away from him and made me wonder about another man...far away. 
Another man who didn’t write. Not once. I found myself jumping to the door when Carson delivered our mail to our rooms. Weeks passed and still I heard no word from him. Weeks turned into months until it became the middle of summer. Still no word from the Colonel. Not even to my father about the war. I was beginning to worry something had happened. Certainly he wouldn’t forget about me after a goodbye like that? Why did I even care? I hated the man. Yes, I hated the man. I had all the right to hate him if he wasn’t going to send me even one letter. 
Another summer storm raged outside my window. “Miss you will have to leave your room sometime.” Harriet said, hanging up some of my laundry. “If Cecilia will not leave her room then I too shall not.” Harriet laughed as I watched the water pelt against the glass. “Miss Y/n, your sister is ordered by the doctor to bed rest. Chan is taking care of her. You are simply sulking over your engagement.” 
“I am not sulking over my engagement.”
“Then a certain Colonel perhaps? Maybe the lack of a letter?” 
Before I could correct my friend, Carson knocked on the door and entered. “My lady, your father wishes to speak to you in his study.” I sighed, turning back to the window. “Carson, I am in no mood to speak to Papa.” Harsh winds blew the trees in the forest just outside the estate. “My lady, he is leaving for London in an hour. He is insistent on speaking to you.”
Carson gave me a small smile. He was probably right. It was better to simply speak to him before he left than ignore him until he returned home. With a sigh, I got up from my window seat. Harriet straightened my dress and adjusted the loose but proper style she had done to my hair this morning. I knew exactly what awaited me behind the heavy wooden doors. My knuckles softly wrapped against the oak. 
The gruff voice of my father echoed as I opened the door. He sat at his desk writing a letter or some other important document. “Papa, you wanted to talk to me?” I said standing near one of the many bookshelves in his study. “Yes, about your marriage.” 
“Papa. I already told you I will not marry Mr. Lee-”
“The date has been set. You will marry Lee Minho in one month’s time.”
My jaw dropped in disbelief. “Father!” He didn’t even look up from his work. “Do not ‘Father’ me. You knew this was going to happen. You will marry Mr. Lee. You will do as your told. It is your duty as a woman of this household.” What? My what?
“My duty as woman?” 
“Father, I have no duty as woman. Especially to you. I will not marry a man who I do not love. It is not my duty to obey your every command!” This was when he chose to look at me. His eyes turned cold. “Y/n L/n. You are my daughter. You will do as I say!” Rage filled every inch of my body. “No! I will control my own life! I will not marry him and that is final! Times are changing. It is time you changed with them, Father!” The sound of his chair screeching against the wood floor made me flinch. “We are a family of tradition! I will not let your silly misguided modern values change our family!”
His voice boomed loud enough for the entire estate to hear. “What would mother think of this! She would never-” “DO NOT BRING YOUR MOTHER INTO THIS!” A book  flew across the room. Never the less I stood  my ground, staring straight back at him even though tears threatened to spill over my eyes. 
“I wouldn’t have to if you would just be-” 
“If you are going to continue this kind of behavior then I want you out of Whitewater until you come to your senses!” 
A silence followed; the kind that hurt. The kind you could feel- like needles plunging into your skin. Rain continued to fall on the roof and windows like bullets. 
“So be it.” 
With word I stormed out of the study and towards the door. Shouts from the staff could be heard behind me as I burst through the doors and out into the rain. “My lady! Y/n!” Carson called. My feet carried me to the stables. Grabbing a saddle and mounting the closest horse I rode out into the storm.
Finally able to let tears flow away from any eyes, I screamed. Never had I felt so much agony. My own father was shunning me. The man I admired had abandoned me and was sent to war. The man I despised was forcing me into marriage. My skin burned as harsh rain pelted against it. The wind blew through my hair pulling it loose.
Even through all this pain it felt...freeing. It felt amazing to run through the forest outside of Whitewater, thunder rolling in the air and rain showering down. My heart still wretched in pain. I missed my family, despite our arguments. Most of all I missed Mr. Han, despite our many many differences.
A loud crack boomed through the sky and a flash of white burst in front of my horse. I screamed as the horse  reared, throwing me off its back onto the forest floor. I felt a pain against the back of my head upon impact. The horse sprinted away in fear leaving me stranded. 
“Help!” I screamed into the dark. My legs struggled to hold themselves up and my vision started to become blurry. It became indecipherable what was rain or tears on my cheeks.
The world started to spin as I walked forward. I must have been ‘walking’ for hours. The cold had started to set in and the rain showed no sign of stopping. By now I was miles away from Whitewater and the closest estate was fifteen miles east.
“Help me...” 
My dress was getting heavier and heavier despite the fabric being so light before. It clung to my skin and my hair hung in dark wet strands in front of my face.  Over the thundering storm I thought I heard hoof beats through the forest. I must have been hallucinating. Not being able to hold myself up anymore, I leaned against a tree.
Definitely hallucinating. I was even hearing his voice now. How did I remember what his voice sounded like? Exhaustion started to set in, the pain and cold making my eyes droop and my body feel even heavier. 
“Y/n? Y/n, where are you?” 
Through my blurry vision I thought I saw the outline of a horse and rider wearing a dark navy coat. “Y/n!” My strength was wearing thin. Taking a chance, that it wasn’t my imagination I pushed myself off the tree and stumbled forward. “Oh god! Y/n stay where you are I’m coming!”
Hooves pounded against the ground growing closer. My head started ti spin even more as the rider jumped off his horse and rushed to me. Before I could fall, I was taken in a pair of strong arms. The edges of my vision started to blackout, my hearing came in and out, and my body shivered trying to keep itself warm. The person clutched me to their chest and pushed the wet pieces of hair away from my face, desperation in their deep voice. “Miss L/n? Y/n, can you hear me? I’ve got you now. I’m here.”
My throat felt dry. “The Colonel...he-he didn’t write to me. I’m...I’m still waiting for his letter. I can’t leave...” The rider sighed and I tried to make out his face. “Do you know Colonel Han? He told me not to get married...so I didn’t...” The words came out in slurs but they came out nonetheless. The rider clutched my head to their chest gently. 
“I know, darling, I’m sorry.” He gently laid me on the forest floor and took off his coat wrapping it around me. “I couldn’t even though I wanted to.” Gently he picked me up as if I weighed nothing and moved over to the horse. Through my haze I heard him curse. Even in my state I knew there was no way he could get myself and him on the horse safely. 
“Stay with me, darling.” I tried to focus on the rider’s words as he tried to figure out how to get me to safety. The exhaustion won out, leaving me in the darkness. 
Colonel Han kept his head. He couldn’t panic. Not even when he saw her eyes close shut. “Damn.” His dark hair clung to his forehead as he searched for a solution. She wouldn’t last much longer. Her body was already freezing in his arms. 
His horse was too high to lift her up and Ruxfield was too far to walk. Why was she outside of Whitewater in the first place? In a storm? Whitewater. Whitewater was no more than five miles away. He could make it there. Forgetting about his exhaustion from the ride back from the front line, Jisung adjusted the woman in his arms, resting her head against his chest and his arms under her legs, he began walking all the way back to Whitewater. 
His arms and legs burned as he climbed over the last hill. He couldn’t help but smile as he saw Whitewater in the distance through the rain. “We are almost there, darling. Hold on for me.” He just had to hold on long enough to reach Whitewater. To see Y/n was alright.
With his last burst of energy, Jisung burst through the front doors of Whitewater. “HELP! I need a physician! Someone help!” Several staff including Carson rushed up to him, seeing Y/n in his arms. “Quickly, upstairs!” he said, making a path for Jisung. She shivered in his arms as he carried her down the hall and up the stairs. 
“Harriet call the physician! Tell him it’s an emergency!” A girl he had scene with Y/n before nodded and rushed to call a doctor. “Y/n! Where is she! Y/n!” Cecilia called rushing to the Colonel. “Cecilia, love, move!” Chan said wrapping the woman in his arms. “Where is Father? He should be here!” She said as they moved passed her. “Your father left for London.” Carson said. 
Carson rushed to push open the door to the girl’s bedroom. The Colonel gently placed the girl on her bed and let the staff rush around the room to help her. All he could do was watch as the only woman he had thought about for the past four months lay helpless on her bed, shivering. 
A pair of strong hands pushed him softly out of the room and into the hall. He looked up to find Chan. “Han, you are freezing.” “I am fine,” He tried to get a look back into the room, but a maid closed the door. “You need to rest. You just returned on leave.” 
“Chan I will be fine!” 
Reluctantly, the man left Jisung alone in the hall. He watched as people walked in and out of the room, rushing with towels, blankets, wet clothes, new clothes, even hot kettles. Soon a physician arrived and entered her room. It felt like hours that Jisung had waited outside her door. Finally the girl, Harriet, walked out. She jumped when he grabbed her arm.
“Give me an occupation miss-or I shall go mad.”
Taking in the man’s tired state she handed him a towel. “The doctor says Ms. L/n hit her head and has a serious case of hypothermia.” She watched as Mr. Han sighed and ran a hand through his wet shaggy hair. “Please let me do something. Anything.” All she could offer was the smallest smile. 
“You’ve done all you can possibly do. Thank you for saving my mistress.” 
With a sorrowful nod he watched as she walked away. “We would be happy to set up a room for you, sir. We would be happy to keep you updated on how the lady is doing.” He gave Harriet a kind smile. “That would be very generous, Miss. I’ll only be staying for the two nights, if that is alright. I have orders to return to the line.” With a nod, Harriet went to prepare a room for the Colonel.
During those two days, Mr. Han never left her side. He stayed by her bedside helping Harriet and Cecilia with anything they asked. One the morning of his departure he gave Cecilia the name of his personal carrier. “If there is any change please let me know. The letter will go directly to me.” She nodded and took the piece of parchment watching the Colonel leave once again.
Sunlight streamed through my window. My head pounded and my body still felt cold.  Slowly I slipped out of my bed, feet placing themselves slowly on the cool wood floor. “You are awake!” Cecilia screamed. Rushing over she practically tackled me back onto my bed. “Cecilia, the baby!” “Oh I don’t care you are okay! Thank heavens you are okay!” 
I couldn’t help but smile as she hugged me. “Chan will kill you if you hurt his child before it’s even born.” “Shhhhhhhh! Not now. My sister has returned from the dead.” Laughing she hugged me even harder. 
“Oh! I almost forgot.” She pulled away and rushed to my dresser. When she returned she had a letter in her hands. “This came for you yesterday. You have been asleep for almost a week. You needed quite a lot of rest. I don’t blame you.” She handed me the envelope with a small smile. “Wait, where are you going?” I asked as she started to leave my room. “I think I should leave you alone with that.” Something about her smile made me laugh.
My shaking hands opened the letter with my name addressed on it in rough but elegant handwriting. When I opened it the familiar smell of gunpowder and old parchment reached my nose. The same handwriting greeted me as I read the letter.
“Miss Ln,
I have written this letter many times, but have been a coward to not send it. I had hoped I would be home to say this-but it seems Napoleon has different plans than I. 
Miss L/n, I would like to apologize from the bottom of my heart. There were a thousand times I wanted to write to you, but events on the front line prevented me. I would like to apologize for not getting to you sooner that day. I wish I had been there soon for you, my darling. 
I pray that by the time you get this letter you are not yet married to that insolent pitiful disgrace of a man. Though the timing may be off I have something to ask of you. Something to confess...
Miss L/n you have bewitched me- body and soul. To what time I fell so deeply under your spell, I cannot recall. I know not the hour or the spot or the words or even the look that lay the foundation. I was in the middle before I even began. What a proud fool I was. To think my stubbornness was the only thing keeping me from you.  In vain I have struggled, but it will not do. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and...love you.
It seems as if the only thing keeping me alive in this battle is the image of you smile. I would die a thousand deaths for that smile.
I have heard your father’s news of your wedding. I beg of you. Do not follow through. I hope that perhaps there is something I can offer. Miss L/n...should I return, I would like to humbly request for your hand. I know I have no right to you, nor should any man. You are the most strong woman I have ever had the pleasure and fortune of meeting, and to me it makes you the most beautiful woman to walk this earth. 
I hope to hear from you soon, my darling. Until then, I shall be fighting for the day that I do. I long for the day I am home. 
In hope,
Han Jisung”
I sat in disbelief. Colonel Han Jisung had written me a letter professing his love. He proposed... Leaving the letter on my  bed I walked to the window. The audacity. To ask me over a letter? A knock sounded at the door pausing my pacing. “Enter,” Harriet paused when she saw the look on my face. “Miss, what’s the matter.”
“Harry, I believe I have a serious decision to make.” 
 Months passed. Summer turning into mid fall. Father’s supposed wedding date for me had long passed. Each time Mr. Lee had visited Carson had turned him away. More letters from the Colonel had arrived, but they all said the same thing and soon they came to a stop. Cecilia had given birth not to long ago, to a beautiful baby boy. Chan and my sister had named the child Benjamin. 
News came that the war ended, England victorious. Soon I would be expecting a visitor. I sat in the garden with my sketchbook, drawing the few flowers that were left in the beds among other things. A certain face had popped up in the pages of my book several times. “Miss Y/n,” I looked up to see Carson walking down the pathway. 
“You have a visitor.”
A smirk fell across my lips. “Well, I believe I have been expecting him so let us not keep him waiting any longer.” With a smile, Carson returned into the house to fetch my guest. Patiently, I waited for the guest to come out and see me. I heard the sound of boots against the stone pathway and smiled.
“Good afternoon, Colonel.”
“Yes, indeed, Miss L/n.”
There was a nervous expression on his face. Once again he looked like he had just returned from active duty. His dark hair had grown a little longer and he wore the same navy overcoat again. His shirt underneath was covered in black powder and some of the buttons were undone to reveal his tan and slightly toned chest. Yes, definitely just returned. Returned with no time to change apparently. 
Quickly I brought my attention back to my sketchbook in hopes that it would hide the heat spreading on my cheeks. “Did...you receive my letters?” Self control regained, I turned my attention back to Mr. Han. “Why yes, Colonel Han, I did in fact receive several letters.”
“And you are not married...”
“No, I am not.”
The man stood perfectly still in military fashion, his hands clasped behind his back. “Well are you going to speak? You certainly did not come to Whitewater just to stare at me did you?” Shock crossed Han’s face. It was evident he had not expected me to speak to him like this. It was fun to see the stoic Colonel flustered. 
“I came to ask you response. You never wrote back to me.” I shrugged, getting off the bench. “Response? I don’t remember ever being properly asked a question.” He sighed running a hand through his hair, a habit that I had missed while he was away. “I do recall asking-” “No, Colonel Han. You requested. You, sir, never asked me anything. So why should I dignify you with a response.” 
Maybe it was the smile, or the slight twinkle in my eye, but he laughed. A sound that I had never heard from the man. It made me want to memorize every sound and feature of his face when he laughed. “Then, should I ask you properly, Miss L/n?” It was a genuine question, not of simple jest. “There is no harm in questions.” He took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. 
“Miss L/n, will you please allow me the great honor of making you my wife?”
“Excuse me?”
His eyes widened at my quick response. “I’m sorry Colonel, but I cannot promise to be any man’s wife who sits prettily in a corner and who is expected to obey every word he says. I won’t be expected to just sit around waiting for you-...him- to come home.” 
“Wherever you are is my home; my only home.”
There was sincerity in his eyes. Love. “Mr. Han,” He sighed taking my hands in his. Though his touch was still unfamiliar, it felt sure and safe. “Miss L/n, please let me speak.” He practically begged. I waited silent for him to continue.
“I am half in hope and half in agony. If your feelings are still what I assumed they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged but one word from you will silence me on the subject forever.” He searched my eyes for an answer. 
“Miss L/n, I am in love with you more than you will ever know. I want nothing more than to be with you. To wake up to every morning- to fall asleep next to you every night. To stand next to me, not behind me. I am in love with your wit, and your charm, and how you always keep me on my toes more than any battle ever has. I am in love with your modern values and your spontaneity.” Han’s hands were rough against mine, his slender fingers ghosting over my skin.
“Y/n...Will you marry me, and do me the honor of letting me be your husband?”
Han’s dark eyes looked into mine- indeed half in agony and half in hope. He looked at me as if everything in the world that mattered to him was standing in front of him. The look in his eyes couldn’t help but make me smile. I was in love with Colonel Han Jisung and it couldn’t be helped.
“Really?” He asked. “Of course.” He smiled and looked down at his hands still gently holding mine. “May I?” He asked softly, glancing between my eyes and my lips. It only took a small nod for him to act, pressing his lips softly onto mine. My head begin to feel dizzy in the best way. His fingers traveled up the bare skin of my arms and then down to rest on my waist, bringing me closer. Han smiled as my hands pressed against his chest, kissing him back. 
“I love you, Jisung. With all my heart.”
“It took you long enough to say it, my darling.”
El Fin
Requests are open my lovelies!
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bisexualsforprompto · 5 years
Miraculous: Reborn Chapter Five
Omg it’s been so fricking long I’m sorry
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What their history teacher neglected to tell them was that the assignment assigned the day prior was going to be unbelievably difficult. They only had one day to work on it, and they had barely made any headway in study hall.
Damian huffed to himself as he watched Mari stare intently at a book.
I could’ve done this much quicker without her. He brooded to himself, although deep down he knew that was probably a lie. Mari had worked much faster than he expected.
“Aha!” She smiled, pointing victoriously to a passage in her book. Her eyes lit up, and if possible her smile made her eyes look more blue. Damian finally noticed her freckles too.
He felt a smirk tug at his lips by how excited she got a small triumph. Not unlike Jon, he noted. Ugh another Jon.
But maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing, he decided when he saw her tongue stick out slightly from her focus as she wrote into her notebook.
“Okay!” She exclaimed, snapping her notebook shut, “Done with the research! Now off to the project part.” She let out a small groan, “Any ideas?”
Damian held his sketchbook closely to his chest, not ready to let her see it. “Perhaps we can devise a poem and be done with it all.”
Mari pouted, then she smiled smugly, “Wanna take the easy way out, huh Damian?” She jibed.
“W-what?! No!” Damian spluttered, how insulting how dare she-
Oh...Damian realized as she saw her hold back a chuckle. She was joking.
Well two could play at that game.
“Very well, what do you suppose we do oh great Dupain?”
“Well...if you’re not opposed...maybe we could meet up later to work? We don’t have a lot of time now, but I can probably explain my idea.”
Damian hesitated, he didn’t want to bring this girl back to the manor. Solely because he wasn’t sure he could trust her, certainly not because he didn’t want her to judge him for being a Wayne.
“We can meet up at a nearby coffee shop once school is over. I’ll inform father. What’s your idea?” Damian asked as he pulled out his phone.
“Well...I’m an amateur designer.” Mari said, looking slightly flustered, “And I thought since the project is an extension of what we’ve learned maybe I could design some period appropriate clothes? Just a sketch of course, I doubt I’d have time to actually make something seeing as its due tomorrow but-“
“May I see what you have?” Damian interrupted.
Mari nodded slightly before pulling out a black book, not unlike his own sketchbook. She handed it to him and immediately looked away, embarrassed by her own work.
Damian flipped through the pages, “These are more than adequate Dupain.”
Mari blushed at the praise. Damian considered showing her his own drawings, but...considering he would seldom show his family or even Jon his sketches he was not inclined to show his to a girl he’d known for not even a full day. He handed the book back to her just as the bell rang.
“I’ll meet you outside of the main entrance when school ends. Goodbye Dupain.” Damian said hiking up his book bag and heading off to his next class.
Of course she was in his next class.
And the one after that too. She was even in his last period, which meant Mari Dupain was in All. Of. His. Classes.
He understood, she was gifted academically and so was he, so they would share classes. Plus, the private school was relatively small in the number of students who attended, but still there was no other person Damian shared all his classes with.
Suffice to say, if he hadn’t tolerated Mari before he’d need to now considering the new circumstances. Just as the final bell rang, instead of meeting Marinette outside he walked to her desk and silently waited for her to gather her things.
“I’m ready!” She beamed, zipping up her backpack.
Damian eyed her, small and frail at first analysis. Her backpack had accumulated lots of books because she had transferred so late in the year.
“Would you like me to carry something?”
“No! I’ll manage! Thanks for asking though-“
“Ice Prince Charming.” A girl snickered on her way out to her friend. Damian glared at them both. Then without another word he walked with Mari out of the building.
“Why do they call you that?” Mari asked as she walked with Damian through the halls to the exit.
“Not that it’s any of your business,” Damian stated harshly before seeing her deflated expression and softening, “But it’s because I’m a black sheep here I suppose. I don’t play by their rules— that is, date, socialize, be on the football team, etcetera.”
“Huh, you seem normal to me.” Mari said, of course, unbeknownst to Damian she was leaving out the part where she hadn’t been with another human that wasn’t her parents, a villain, or Chat Noir for six years.
Damian side-eyed her, not sure how to respond. He realized quickly that she expected no response. It seemed her conversations were organic and raw, rather than ones in which the other person already knew what the next was going to say and planned for it. She wasn’t bothered by the silence that they walked in, which was odd, considering that she was a teenager most of which talked just to hear themselves talk.
Reaching the school’s exit, Damian pushed open the door for her.
“Thanks!” She chirped.
“Damian!” Jon called from across the courtyard, slowly registering Mari’s presence, “Oh, hi Mari!”
“Hi Jon!” Mari waved while Jon dashed over.
“So...what are you two doing now?” Jon asked, a glint in his eye as he smirked at Damian.
“If you must know, we’re heading to the local coffee shop to finish a project.”
“Ooooh!” Jon exclaimed. Damian knew what he was going to ask next before the boy even asked it.
“And no, you cannot come with us.”
“Bummer. Oh well, I have to go back to my parents’ house anyway, but I’ll still see you later for...ya know?”
Damian sighed, great cover Kent, “Yes.” He gritted his teeth and led Mari away.
“Here.” He said, pulling out a spare helmet from his bag. “I’m assuming you’re not afraid of riding a motorcycle.”
Mari brightened, “Yeah! My Nonna and I rode all the time before I di- before she died.” Marinette sighed internally for her quick recovery, even if she kind of had to lie about her grandmother being dead.
“My condolences.” Damian said as he cleared his throat. Marinette could tell it was sincere which made her feel a lot worse…
Damian got onto the motorcycle and made sure to get close enough to the handlebars so that Mari would have enough space. He was really hoping she wasn’t stupid enough to hang her arms around his shoulders.
As she got on, he realized she was very proficient at being a passenger. She got on quickly and placed her hands on the tank to stabilize herself. Mari’s helmet was already on, so Damian started off.
He started driving slightly slower than normal, just because he wasn’t sure how comfortable she was riding a quick pace. That could mess both of them up if she wasn’t ready.
It wasn’t a big deal anyway, as it turned out, the coffee shop was less than a mile away from campus and they arrived quickly.
Damian hopped off the motorcycle and extended his hand. Mari took it daintily as he pulled her off the vehicle. She dismounted easily as well. She handed his helmet back to him and they walked inside.
“Alfred, I found something interesting.” Bruce said as he pulled up a document on his computer.
Alfred looked over the document once and sighed, nothing really new, “You can deal with that later Master Bruce. There’s another matter that requires your attention.”
“Oh?” Bruce asked, raising and eyebrow, but not taking his eyes off the screen.
“Remember when Master Damian said earlier that he was going to work on a project? Well, it seems it was a partner project and pictures of him and his school partner are all over social media.” Alfred typed into the Batcave’s computer and pulled up Twitter, the most trending post was a picture of Damian helping a girl his age off his motorcycle in front of the coffee shop and the caption read, “Does the youngest Wayne have a date?!?!?!”
Bruce sighed, “Just tabloid gossip, nothing new.” He eyed the picture again, “Though maybe I should look into this girl…”
He scanned the picture in quickly and had the results he was looking for within minutes, “Mari Dupain. Moved from Paris, France to Gotham not too long ago.”
Alfred rubbed his temples, “Dupain...as in-“
“How will you tell the young master?”
“He’ll...understand.” Bruce sighed, “Maybe not right away, but he will eventually.”
Alfred looked at him disapprovingly.
“Okay, you’re right.” Bruce muttered, “I'll talk to him about it when he gets home...I hope he’s not too attached to that girl...he’s not going to be happy.”
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sincerelymarinette · 5 years
A Recorded Life - Miraculous Ladybug (3/50)
Words: 1482 Chapter Summary: Marinette's fans find out she's friends with Adrien Agreste and begin to freak out. To give the fans what they want, they record and post their first video featuring Adrien, with Alya helping behind the camera. As Marinette's fans love Adrien, what will come of the videos on her channel? Author's Note: Things are starting to pick up! This story is so much fun for me to write and I'm so happy people are enjoying it!
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ao3 / wattpad
The Moment You’ve Been Waiting For...
Marinette...you know Adrien Agreste?? OMG
I can't believe you go to school with Adrien Agreste the model!! You HAVE to make a video with him!
I love the Agreste fashion lines! Adrien seems so sweet!
While I'm still confused Paris has actual supervillains and superheroes, I LOVE Adrien! I want to see him in a video!
You guys would be so cute together. Pleaseeee do a video. Give the fans what they want.
It was all Marinette's comment section was talking about. Adrien had never really been in a video of hers before, as most of her second channel videos were filmed in her room, or only with Alya in public. Marinette should not have been as shocked as she was about her fans freaking out about Adrien being her friend and in a video, but she didn't think it would get to the point where it was all people talked about.
Her Twitter feed was full of people talking about the recent video and how they wanted Marinette to do a video with Adrien. Instagram comments were all about Adrien, how she needed to post more pictures of her and her friends. People wondered about Adrien and his father, as they are typically private people, they wanted to see more about Adrien from the short, funny video.
It was Friday, and they had school off that day. So, naturally, Marinette called Adrien to ask if he had seen anything about the video. It only went up yesterday, so it was possible he had no idea. "Hey, Marinette! Just the person I was going to talk to!" Adrien answered.
She giggled. "Have you seen the video?"
"Of course I have! And all the comments on everything, wow," He awed. "Your fans are something."
"They seem to like you," She commented. "Do you want to join me for a video? I think it would satisfy everyone," She asked him.
"I would be honored. When do you want to get together?"
Marinette thought for a moment when she pulled out her schedule. "Alya and I have a scheduled time tomorrow for a recording, so she would be able to help us with it. If you're available tomorrow, I mean."
She could hear Adrien smile. "The sooner the better, right? I'm free all day tomorrow- father  tomorrow is out of town and Nathalie convinced him to let me keep the day off," Adrien answered.
"Great! Alya will be at my house at ten tomorrow, so see you around then?"
"You know it!"
Alya stood behind the camera and pointed to Marinette. "Okay, ready whenever you are," She said, making sure the lighting was good, the battery would not die, and it stayed in focus.
"You're sure it's not a problem that we speak in English?" Marinette asked Adrien for the third time before the video started.
Adrien shook his head. "Yes, I'm sure. All of us know English, we're good. Remember, I was homeschooled most of my life and had nothing better to do with my time?" He reminded Marinette. "I know multiple languages and English is not a problem."
"Alright." Marinette looked to Adrien and back to the camera. Taking a deep breath, she started the video. "Hi, guys! I'm Marinette!" She smiled. "And today I'm here with my friend Adrien! He was in my video over the debate if Ladybug or Chat Noir is better, and the number of people who wanted to see him in a video was insane. So, we did it."
Adrien smiled and waved. "Hi! I'm so excited. I can't believe you guys wanted this so badly."
"I can. You're a world-famous model, Adrien!" Marinette laughed. "It's no wonder people were surprised we know each other."
Adrien shrugged. "My dad is the famous one...I'm just your typical guy!"
Marinette nodded slowly. "Riiiight," She exaggerated.
"Hey Marinette, how come Adrien's never been in a video before? You trying to keep his gorgeous face hidden from the world?" Alya joked from behind the camera.
If Marinette we're still fifteen, she would have flipped out about Alya mentioning his gorgeous face. But the fact that they're all eighteen, she's learned to contain herself, mostly, around her crush. "Well, I try to keep my one channel separate from my personal life...and normally the second channel revolves around you and me. So again, keeping things separate from my life?" Marinette shrugged.
"That's a lie. It's because I'm always so busy, I barely have any free time. You'd think my schedule would have lightened up as I grew older, but no, it just meant more things for me to do. I blame no one but my schedule for never appearing on the channel," Adrien laughed. "Maybe we should start the video now?"
"Well, we're going to do a design competition. I found these," Marinette held up some booklets made for kids with pre-sketched models and stencils for clothing in the books. "And we are going to duel it out using the books. Stencils can be used, but extra points for no stencils. Now, it wouldn't be a challenge without a time limit. So, we have fifteen minutes to complete our design! Sound good, Adrien?" Marinette asked as she finished the rules.
"Sounds like you're going to kick my butt, but I'm ready," He concluded.
Marinette nodded with a smile. "Alya, what is the theme we are designing for?"
"Spring. Create a spring themed outfit, male or female, appropriate to wear in rain or shine. Professional, but ready for the warm weather," Alya read off the paper. Neither Adrien or Marinette knew the theme prior, and Marinette's mind was already bouncing from idea to idea. Alya held up a timer as she stood behind Marinette and Adrien and smiled as she saw both contestants get ready. "You have fifteen minutes...starting now!" Alya announced and they started to get to work when the stopwatch beeped.
Adrien stared at the paper for about a minute before his pencil even touched the paper, while Marinette was already working on a full design. Adrien kept looking up at Alya for help, resulting in laughter coming from behind the camera. "You are literally the son of a famous fashion designer...how are you not able to do this? You have fifteen minutes," Alya reminded him.
The fifteen minutes flew by quickly and Adrien only shook his head at his design when Alya asked the two of them how it went. "Well, let's take a lot at our results! Since Adrien is so confident in his design, let's see Marinette's first," Alya smirked.
Marinette held up her sketchbook to show a male model. He was wearing a business-casual outfit, but it was written off to the side what colors would be used. The suit was white and there was a light green tie with it, and black pants. The spring colors were tied in around the outfit, including the green tie and suspenders, as well as yellow lines on the white shirt. "I would have colored it if we had more time," Marinette said. "But really, it could be so much better."
"I would love to see how you make it better, that could be very awesome," Adrien complimented. "Mine is crap," Adrien said and showed his sketchbook. "I could not come up with anything, so I drew based on Ladybug? I don't know. Ladybugs are spring insects. So that is why there is a ladybug pattern. Plus, she's a fantastic hero," Adrien smiled.
Alya and Marinette looked to each other and burst out laughing. "Adrien," Marinette started, "I'm sure Ladybug will appreciate the compliment, but you should really stick to your day job as a model. Designing does not seem like it is your strong suit."
Adrien put his hands over his eyes and tried to keep himself from laughing. "Next time we do a video, can we not do anything around designing? I would much rather prefer showcasing literally anything else."
A big smile grew on Alya's face. "Yes! I have the best idea for a video for the two of you! For the other channel, no designing!" She said. "Marinette, finish the video so we can get working on the next one!"
"Everyone's a director these days," Marinette rolled her eyes. "Thank you guys so much for watching! Make sure to follow Adrien, Alya, and me with the links in the description to keep up on all our shenanigains, and I will see you in the next video. Bye!" Marinette said, and the video faded out. As Marinette turned off the camera, Adrien looked between the two girls.
"What's the other video idea?"
@lady-of-the-roses-and-lilies @bookishserendipity03 @avatheexceed @gkz10  @coccinellegirl @kat-thatoneweirdo @strawberryblondish @snow-swordswoman
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bumblebet-20 · 5 years
What we left behind
5sos x reader
warnings: swearing, divorce, angst (oh so much).
Couldn't have done this without my boo @aspiringwildfire
“Happy Birthday, Enid!” Everyone yells after I blow out the candles, tossing up confetti they held in their hands.
“What did you wish for, Ed?” Calum asks, face covered in frosting from the chocolate cupcake.
“You know I can’t tell you, Cal!” I giggle slightly, turning towards the slice of strawberry cake in front of me.
“I can’t believe my baby is 7 today!” My mum says, suddenly behind me and nearly squeezing the life out of me.
“Hey, Ed! Let’s go play!” Michael exclaims on the other side of the yard, holding a yellow ball in his hands. A quick giggle escapes my lips as I quickly move out of my mum’s arms, running over to where he stands, followed by Calum and Luke.
“Be careful of your dress honey!” My mum hollers as we chase the ball, her words barely reach my ears as I focus on beating the other team.
We played football until the sun set, the only time we took a break was when people left and I had to say goodbye to them. Daryl came out and brought us inside for dinner, only us four and our parents remain to finish the celebrations.
“Eat up kids, we’ll set up the tent in a bit.“Liz says, setting down a box containing a large Cheese pizza in front of us.
-After finishing the pizza and getting the tent set up, we settle in our sleeping bags, the only source of light being the lantern in the middle of our circle.“Did you have a fun birthday?” Michael asks, stopping his game of ‘Crazy Eights’ with Calum.“
I had a blast! You three made it great” “
Aw, Ed! We’ll always be here to make your birthday awesome” Luke exclaims, pulling me into a tight hug. The others soon join, causing a dog pile and loud laughs to erupt from all of us.
Once the laughter calmed down and we resumed our previous games, a thought ran through my head “Hey guys? Can we all agree to remain friends no matter what?” 
“Of course! Nothing will tear us apart” Calum says, earning agreement ‘yeahs’ “We’re gonna be best friends for life!” Luke hollers
.-10 years later (2012)-“Come on,Becks! We can’t miss this!” I exclaim, grabbing the hand of my best friend, weaving through the crowd outside the building and stopping in front of the stage, waving at the boys while they are getting their instruments ready.
“Oh! Here are our seats” She points to a round table filled with chairs right in front, our names scribbled on paper. 
“Hey girls,”Joy says, taking a seat in her designated chair, Mali following right behind her. 
“Everyone else is right behind us, “Mali says, motioning to the door where the familiar heads of the Hemmings’ bobs over everyone else.
Once everyone got settled in their chairs, Luke taps the microphone lightly.
“Hello, we are Five Seconds of Summer and welcome to our show!” Luke says into the microphone, earning a round of applause and a ‘whoop’ from me.
“1,2,3,4!” Ashton exclaims before the music begins, filling the nearly empty space with the beginning of ‘Unpredictable’. My foot starts to tap at the beat, unable to contain my smile when Lukes’ voice fills the room.
“She sit at home with the lights out” Rebecca sings lowly next to me.
“Seeing life in different colours” We finish together, pretending our hands are microphones.
“Thank you for coming! This has been Five Seconds of Summer! Good night!” Luke exclaims into the mic before walking off stage.
“Alright, let’s go see our boys,“Liz says as she stands up and heads to the doors where the boys went off from.
“Mum!”  Luke exclaims, running to her once we all enter their changing room. All the boys greet their families before I’m swiftly picked up by Ashton and spun around.
“Alright,put her down before you hurt someone, “My mum says, stopping Ashton from spinning my brains out and gently places me on solid ground.
“So, food anyone?” David receives shouts of agreement in return.The parents walked ahead to the cars while we took our time heading out.
“Oh boys! I made some gifts for you” I dig around my bag before finding the plastic baggy, taking out four bright bracelets, each one having a letter for each boy. Rebecca takes two and puts them on the right boy’s wrist.
“Are these friendship bracelets?” Michael asks, twirling around the orange one on his wrist.
“Yeah. I just thought that you boys are gonna make it big someday and I just- don’t  want you to forget about the little people” I awkwardly shuffle my feet across the concrete floor, suddenly feeling embarrassed that I even did this.
“I love it! What better way to signify our friendship than with a bracelet!” Ashton tugs me into a hug, squeezing me tightly.
“Alright you kids, let’s go!” Liz says from the end of the corridor, motioning with her hand to come.
“We better go, don’t want an angry Liz on our hands” Calum comments as we all walk towards the door.
[1 month later]
I hum quietly as I braid Becks hair, the two of us deciding to have a sleepover at my house.
“Have you been watching the videos they upload? They’re gaining a lot of views” She says quietly, busy drawing in her sketchbook.
“I know, it's about time people realize their talent”
A knock on my window makes us jump as we turn to it and see Calum’s face pressed against it.
“Cal, what are you doing?” I question once he’s inside.
“ You won’t believe the news we just got” Becks and I share a confused look before returning our attention to the bouncing boy.
“Well? Spill dude” Calum gives her an unamused look, but continues to bounce.
“Okay so we’ve been getting a good number of views on our covers and earlier we got an email asking if we’d be interested in opening for this group-”
“What group?” Rebecca asks, curiosity getting the better of both of us.
“One Direction” Both our jaws drop at the name.
“That’s amazing Cal! I told you you boys would get famous one day!”
“We sign the contract tomorrow and start working out a setlist”
“When do you guys leave?” Calum nervously swallowed at the question.
“Three months” I feel my heart drop at how soon they’ll be leaving.
“Senior year starts in three months…”
“We know, but this is such a great opportunity and this is the boost we need to become famous”
“I’m so happy for you guys!”I exclaim overly eager, earning an odd look from Rebecca.
“We just knew you would be!” He flashes us his award winning smiling before slipping back out the window.
“Alright, spill. That was such a fake congratulations.”
“I’m- I’m happy for them”I fiddle with the brush I was holding.
“Bull. Shit. I’ve never seen more forced joy than right there.”
“What’s gonna happen when they leave for tour? We’re gonna stay behind while they go off and make a name for themselves.” 
“Aren’t you happy that they got this opportunity? This is what they want” I sit on the edge of my bed and she joins, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“Yeah but- I can’t help but think that it was supposed to us 6. Forever. No one and nothing can come between us”
“They’re still your boys. Now-” She stands, grabbing my hands on the way. “Let’s go get some ice cream and watch movies.. We can deal with this later” I laugh but follow her out to the kitchen.
[5 months later]
“Any response yet?” I simply shake my head at my mum’s question, returning to the book I was reading. “They’ll text back. Just got to be patient honey.”
“Yeah” I reopen IMessage and all texts to them since they left have all been left on read and I can’t figure out why. “I’m going to hang out with Rebecca for a bit” I say after reading her text, receiving a simple ‘mhm’ from my mum.
“And they haven’t even said a simple ‘hi’ or ‘ thanks’?” Rebecca questions, popping a crisp in her mouth.
“Nothing. Did- Did I do something? Should I have sent mail or-”
“Ed stop. You did nothing wrong, okay? They’re hormonal teenage boys, we should really expect this behavior.. But that by no means excuses their rudeness.” I go quiet, opting to play with my sandwich.
“They’re performing in Sydney in two weeks.. I was thinking of stopping by” I casually say, not looking up from the food.
“Alright.” I look up at her, shocked by her response. “I don’t agree with this idea but I’m not not gonna let you do this- definitely not alone.” She puts her hand over my own, offering a soft smile. “Now. About this Art assignment”
\night of concert\
“Okay, the plan is as follows: we go to the concert. Park where we see tour buses and wait. Find the boys and talk. Ending the night with pizza, candy and scary movies at my place.”
“Sounds like a well thought out plan.” I take one last look at myself, adjusting my top before turning to my brunette friend. “Ready?”
“Ready” We loop arms, skipping the whole way to her car.
“Damn, they are loud” Becks jokingly says from our position against the car, listening to our boys play.
“They sound good (feels good hehe :D)” I comment, pushing some of the gravel around with the toe of my combat boots.
We remain in a comfortable silence until the doors swing open and familiar voices fill the air. I look over at her, wide eyed.
“Now or never babe”
“What do I-”
“Hey boys!” She screams, making them all turn around, alarmed looks on their faces.
“Uh- Hi” Luke says, waving awkwardly in our direction.
“Enid here would like to talk to you boys. In private”She nudges me forward and I take timid steps to them.
“Let’s go in the bus” Ashton opens the door for everyone before closing it behind him.
“Why’d you guys do it? Why did you just up and ignore me?” They nervously look at one another before Calum steps forward.
“We- uh got busy?”
“If you wanted to still be my friend you would’ve made an effort” I state, crossing my arms across my chest.
“We do it’s just that-” Luke begins but I cut him off, anger starting to run in my veins,
“What happened to ‘remain friends no matter what’”?
“You don’t understand, our life is so crazy now! We still consider you a friend, not best friend but, friends. Why are you still upset about this? It’s not like we completely abandoned you” Michael says from his position in a chair.
“ You couldn’t say ‘hey thanks!’ when I congratulated you?”
“Yeah bu-” Ashton tries but I cut him off.
“You could’ve tried.. But you ALL decided I wasn’t worth the effort!” I take a few slow breaths to try and keep calm “I tried to keep this friendship when you guys left but, not much I can do when you won’t even try”
“We still want a friendship. It’s just gonna be a little different now” Ashton says, taking timid steps towards me.
“No. If you wanted a friendship you would’ve kept up with it. None of you even reached out when my parents went through a horrible divorce. I really needed my best friends support but I got nothing.”
“We didn’t know your parents divorced Ed” Michael explains, all four of them clearly looking distressed.
“Stop. Stop right now. Our parents all still talk so you would’ve been told about it but sure, let’s play dumb. Also, that nickname is reserved for close friends and none of you are that.”
“ Alright,let’s all calm down and think about this rationally.” Ashton says, trying to mediate the best he can.
“I’ve already said everything that I wanted.Goodbye” I quickly leave the bus, practically diving into the passenger seat.
“How did it go?” At the sound of her voice I immediately break down in tear, sobs shaking my whole body. “Oh honey no shh” She brings me into her side, rocking us slowly. “They didn’t deserve your friendship. You’re too kind and you need someone who will love you for yourself and not make you cry like this.”
“I’ll never trust them again” 
AND THAT’S PART 1 HOLY SHIT I’M SO EXCITED. please let me know your thoughts but be nice cause I’m a small bean :3
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5hineefanaccounts · 5 years
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160529 - Inkigayo pre-rec She Is + Live + Minifanmeeting
OMG 좋아 performance today is AMAZING
Jonghyun is wearing black and red style, so so adorable ㅠㅠㅠ But it made him hot so he kept fanning himself
They started the perf on Jonghyun and two dancers behind a curtain with their silhouettes only. So so good
They started the song and stopped it quickly so Jonghyun was like "uh?" Then they asked him to go backstage so we all whined ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
The camera was filming closely Jonghyun's face behind the curtain so we all screamed. His facial expression were so cuuuute. He kept repeating "왜? 왜?" And the staff was laughing at the situation before explaining to him so he laughed ㅋㅋㅋㅋ So adorable ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
When he left he said "bye bye" that's so cuuuuuute
He said he didn't have breakfast and asked us if we ate ㅋㅋㅋ
I'm so tired I can"t remember what happened clearly OTL He talked more to us but I'm not 100% sure of what he said ㅠㅠㅠ
He talked about his face showed on the screen in front of us ans how embarassing it was ㅋㅋ Then he bend dowb and covered it with his hands ㅋ
Black pants, black hat and red oversized sweater ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
We started saying 수고앴어 to Jonghyun but he didn't hear us, the pd saied that it was done so he asked really cutely "it's done?" ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Jonghyun was so cuuuute ㅠㅠㅠ While waiting he danced so cutely to the girl group’s song
He also made sure to wave at every lightstick he saw ♡
While leaving after the interview he bounced down the stairs on rythm to up10tion song ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
When Jonghyun arrived a group was performing and few girls were screaming really loud he got surprised and looked at them shocked ㅋㅋㅋ
Jonghyun was so cute he picked up some confettis to send on Twice members and it went all on him ㅋㅋㅋ His confused face ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
He danced to Twice song before leaving the stage ♡
He was so happy with our fanchants, especially the "김종현 김종현" part with all the other groups on stage ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Some even joined us!
When the staff came to tell him to stop to have everybody on stage for the ending he got sooo scared, that was adorable ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Jonghyun was bouncing by himself at the back during the whole ending, so so cute
He bowed so low to eberybody, more than 90° such an amazing humble sunbae ㅠㅠㅠ
Jonghyun waved at every lightstick when he left the stage and bowed to us ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
All the shawols who were at the live are walking to the fanmeeting place 2 by 2 behind sm staff. We look like kids on a school trip hahah
OMG Jonghyun cuteness has no limit ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
He took pictures with us and pictures of us. Event selca ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
He kept saying how many we were and kept thanking us, I can't ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
He even tried to count us hahah he said he was gonna calculate it but then was like "well no it's too hard, you really don't know how many?"
He ate an ice cream ㅠㅠㅠ He actually ate half of it and fans told him to finish it before leaving ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
He made some paper from the ice cream drop and told us he will pick it up and, at the end he went looking for it and picked it up ㅠㅠㅠ
We asked him to walk around us and he kept saying no because it'll bother the staff but in the end he did it!
He put some ice cream on his sweater and we all whined. He told us it'll be alright it's just ice cream ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
He said that he finished his schedule for the day! And that he'll go home and play video game ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
We asked him to do the 샤 샤 샤 from Twice song, he went "what? Why that? No!" But did it shyly ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Some random people were walking and looking at him wondering what was going on and he bowed to them a few times
He said there's no solo concert planned for him! We asked when will SHINee concert be and he told us to ask SM and not him ㅋㅋㅋ
He told us that the fanchant part during the dance was really cute and he even did 김종현 김종현 like us really shyly ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
He asked us our favorite song from the album and it's been a terrible mess everybody screaming song titles so he laughed really hard OTL
He started talking to us then went "what should I say" and decided to answer questions and the very first one was about his hair ㅋㅋㅋ
When he ran around us his sweater fell from his waist so he put it on his shoulders. It was moving with the wind look like superman ㅋㅋ
He said there will be a lot of fansigns because he love that, he find it fun to be able to interact closely with us ♡
He told us he's not gonna go to Sketchbook ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
 Jonghyun : I have a fansign tomorrow!
Shawols : No you have two!
Jonghyun : Oh really? Okay so I have two fansigns in Seoul tomorrow~
Shawols : No~~ Ilsan and Gwanghwamun!
Jonghyun : Oh I have two fansigns in Ilsan and Gwanghwamun tomorrow!
After Taemin now Jonghyun's messing up his fansign schedule ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
 He asked us if we ate and we all answered ice cream OTL
We told him to eat and he told us to also eat a lot ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
He said he was not a lot on twitter anymore because we complained about it ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
He talked about twitter and wifi, that he’s only on twitter when there's wifi? I'm not so sure about the link it was confusing haha
Jonghyun said that he really wanted to do SNL and asked us what we wanted to see, a lot screamed pick me and 샤샤샤 and we went "oh nooooo" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
When we asked him to walk around us someone told him that Taemin did it. "Ah Taeminnie did it... still no." ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Always taeminnie ㅠㅠㅠ
We asked him to wear the pink outfit, he was like "alright; alright I will" and then moved to another question OTL
He said he can't wear glasses on stage because it's dangerous they might fall but he'll wear them at fansign to please us! So sweet ㅠㅠㅠ
A few seconds after he started talking, a girl's balloon escapde her and arrived right on my lap a few rows behind her. The balloon went so high that Jonghyun did a small stop in his talk to look at it OTL Then he asked if it was why some didn't have balloons? Because they fly away ㅋㅋㅋㅋ He told us it was so so pretty ♥ And during the fanmeet a few other flew and everytime Jonghyun looked at them ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
He asked for movie advices and we answered Minho's movie ㅋㅋㅋ He shouldn't have been surprised ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Actually Jonghyun said why he was not going to sketchbook. One reason is the packed schedule, he said another one but I didn’t get it
He talked about Amber! I wanna know what he said, people were screaming questions around me, I couldn't hear ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
I'm so so tired that my brain couldn't focus all along and I missed some parts staring at him OTL
When Jonghyun opened his ice cream he strugled a little and we all went "cuuuuuute" then he bite it and everybody was "ooooh" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
When he took the selca with us he was bending back at us and lost a little his balance while getting up. He then realized that a photographer was right in front of him so he asked her if she took that on picture and she said yes so he whined ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ After he asked her to take picture of him with us, he kept repeating "you're so many you don't even fit in!" So adorable
I don't trust Jonghyun to upload the pictures so SM I'm counting on you. I so want them
Jonghyun's face when he focus really hard to understand us
That was such a loooong day. But thanks to fellow shawols, as usual it was great! We shared snacks all day ans took care of each other ♡
cr: @_misnaa
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hq-cuties-pls · 7 years
Can I request Asahi Azumane and Kuroo Tetsurou scenarios (separate) in which they get to know their s/o through the internet chat? After a loooong time they decided to meet and see how their relationship would develop irl. They didn't send a single pic to each other so this first meeting... Can be interesting. (Bonus: S/o is vv shy and a little bit scared of touch but didn't told them about it.)
I used Recovery of an MMO Junkie as a huge influence on these. I loved writing them, though! They were super fun!! Enjoy~Admin Emma
Breaking his leg was by far the dumbest thing Asahi had ever done. He would regret getting that damn motorcycle until the day he died, especially where a mild crash with it resulted in him being totally hung up in bed for at least six weeks, possibly more. He spent a solid day and a half after getting out of the hospital pouting. He was bored, damn it, and he could only handle so much of Daichi and Suga’s company before they either had to leave or he was ready to bodily throw them out, broken bones be damned. If Suga made one more Evel Knievel reference, Asahi might have to forget he was a nice person.
After he pouted, he got to work on his homework and his studies. His time in the hospital put him a bit behind schedule, and this way he could get caught up and then some. Maybe even get ahead, or do some extra credit. It really seemed to work out perfectly; he was a slow studier, and his mild attention issues often got the better of him, so it could be a great way to kill a lot of time.
Except that he lasted about four days before his brain felt fried and he just couldn’t take it anymore.
After getting caught up on his reading, watching as many trashy dramas on Netflix that he could handle (it wasn’t many), checking out that anime Suga’s… person kept recommending (he made it to episode three), and killing a few pages in his sketchbook, he hadn’t managed to make time go any faster. He was still hung up in bed. He could get up to go to the bathroom and that was about it. He was ready to climb the walls, or maybe just crawl out of his own skin.
About two weeks into his sentence, Daichi recommended an MMO he’d been playing with his girlfriend. It had really appealing character designs and a high skill floor, so it seemed the perfect solution. He made his character as pretty and bishonen-esque as he could just for shits and giggles… the farthest thing from himself that he could. He named his character Vaughn because he’d watched most of Vision of Escaflowne while he’d waited for the game to install and he was obsessed. He took up the starting quest and started exploring.
Within an hour, he had a chat notification pop up.
Nina: Hi there! Are you trying the Devil Dungeon Event?
Asahi was skeptical at first, because he didn’t see which avatar had pinged him, but then he saw someone doing some sort of pre-animated wave emote. He waved back before responding.
Vaughn: Yeah, I was thinking about it. Still have to grind, though.
Nina: Actually, our tank sort of bailed on us. My group could run you to 20 really fast and then we could do it together.
Asahi was still skeptical–he’d heard about scams like these–but he really did want to try the event, and on his own it would definitely end before he could even attempt it. He figured he’d just bail as soon as they started asking for personal information or money or something.
Needless to say, things went a lot quicker with three higher-level characters helping him out and outfitting him. He was invited into their group chat and he learned they were especially funny, but Nina-san was very nice. She seemed to just keep the group together, seeing as the two DPS players were ridiculous humans. They played and grinded through levels and chatted until Asahi looked up and he’d been playing for eight hours. They’d done the dungeon twice and walked away with several loot boxes he couldn’t wait to open.
Nina: Goodness, I didn’t realize it was so late. Thanks for helping us out, Vaughn-san.
Vaughn: Don’t mention it. It was fun.
Nina: Would you like to game with us again sometime? You’re really good. Is this your first character?
Vaughn: In this game, yeah.
Nina: That’s surprising! But the guild is taking part in a raid tomorrow night after we all get off work and school and stuff. What time’s good for you?
Asahi scowled, though not at Nina. He’d just started to forget that he was literally stuck in bed.
Vaughn: Aahh… I’m sort of free whenever. I can’t get out of bed for another month or so.
Nina: OMG are you sick!?
Vaughn: Broken leg. Crashed my motorcycle.
There was such a long pause–so long, Asahi was afraid Nina had disconnected–but she came back eventually.
Nina: That’s so cool! Well, the motorcycle thing… not the broken leg thing.
Vaughn: I appreciate that.
Nina: Anyway, we’re hoping to get started no later than 7:00 or so, so DM me whenever you log on, kay?
With that, she was gone. Asahi should have been tired, given how late it was, but he was strangely exhilarated. Despite the fact he’d just spoken to her in snippets about the game and they’d each given perfunctory details about their lives, he felt connected to Nina in a way. Maybe it was the barrier of the screen… that he could talk to her. He’d never been able to talk to girls like this in real life.
Assuming Nina is a girl. She could be anyone. She could be Daichi for all you know!
Asahi shook his head to banish his intrusive (if sensible) thoughts. He snapped his laptop closed, not bothering to shut it down. He couldn’t get to sleep–he was too giddy–and he had trouble pinning down why.
Over the course of the next few weeks–between doctor’s’ appointments, PT and slowly-but-surely returning to classes and eventually, practices–he kept logging on every day to play at least a quest or two with his guild, but mostly to talk to Nina. She (and he was convinced she was a she) seemed to like talking to him. Sometimes, after the entire guild logged out and it was late and they didn’t have any more quests to do, they’d just go to a private area and talk about nothing. He learned all about her, and she learned all about him. She was ecstatic when she found out they lived close enough to each other.
After a long time, he finally figured out why it was so hard to say goodnight every night; he was in love. It wasn’t long after he made this realization that Nina and him had… the conversation.
Nina: So, you’ve been logging on a lot less lately. I take it your doctors are letting you back out there?
Vaughn: Yeah, I’m mostly free. Doctor Nishimi isn’t thrilled that I’m back at practice, but I don’t have much of a choice. I’m on scholarship and my leave of absence has already been extended.
Nina: You can’t overdo it! If you hurt yourself even worse, you won’t be able to play at all!
Vaughn: Don’t worry, one of my teammates had a friend with a bad knee back in high school. He’s making sure I take it easy.
Nina: Look, I know we’re both busy and all, but… Vaughn I think I might… could we meet sometime? Soon?
Asahi froze. Hadn’t he wanted this to happen? Wasn’t this end game? Or… well, would it be weird? There was a distinct possibility–the only thing he knew for sure about Nina was her love of this game (and any loot box that guaranteed something extra pink and extra adorable). But that wasn’t it… and he knew it.
He knew that if he met her, she’d have to see him. In all his 188 cm glory, with his fucking man-bun (which he still hadn’t gotten rid of, for some reason) and goatee and too-wide shoulders and his scary face… and she’d reject him. And he didn’t want Nina–his Nina–to reject him. Not when it was so good.
Despite all his fears and trepidations, though, he did want to meet her. He wanted to see Nina for real. And go on a date and buy her coffee and call her by her real name. So he agreed to meet on their next day off.
Which was the next day.
He was looking for a pink cardigan, which sounded just… too cute. He shouldn’t have been surprised, given Nina’s enthusiasm for all things cute and pink in the game. He swallowed hard, debating if he should get decaf today so as to not act completely spastic when he finally met her. He tugged on his wine-colored sweater, trying to not put too much pressure on his left leg, and waited. He didn’t want to be too overt scanning the crowd, in case Nina was there and thought he was a molester or something. Then he’d go to jail and Nina would think he stood her up, which just… wouldn’t be good.
“Um.. excuse me.”
Your small voice at his elbow nearly made him jump, but it was worth the fright, because you were wearing a pink cardigan. His eyes widened at the bright smile. You were so cute!
You grinned even wider, a precious pink blush across the tops of your cheeks; “Actually, my name is ____. You must be Vaughn, then.”
“Asahi,” he corrected. “Azumane Asahi.”
“Well, then, Azumane Asahi, should we get a table? This place has amazing crepes, and their coffee is actually really good given the price.”
He smiled, a bubble of pressure releasing from his chest. He followed you to a shaded table under the kitschy awning, ready to get to know you for real.
Kuroo had a dilemma. A quandary, if you would. A predicament. It was the shittiest predicament ever, and he was pretty sure that if he brought up his predicament to Yaku he’d get his balls ripped off for being “ungrateful” but it really wasn’t that simple. See, his dilemma was just this; he liked two people.
Now, to people who’ve never gone through such a trial, it wouldn’t be so bad. Liking two people and all. And some people could take advantage of the fact, especially given how young he was and how prevalent casual dating was. But people weren’t Kuroo. People weren’t the serial monogamist who looked like some sort of casual-sex God (apparently… Kuroo still found that high school reputation highly unsettling) but was in reality a giant cuddle spoon full of shmoop and love.
The other problem was he didn’t exactly know the other person he knew. He gamed with them from time to time, when he got a free hour or so, but they communicated mostly via Skype’s chat function. He’d never even seen their picture. He didn’t even know their real name. But they were an awesome person–they put up with his sense of humor, they could keep up with him, they didn’t seem to mind listening to him pour his anxieties all over them at 2:30 in the morning when school was hard and grad school applications were piling up and what the fuck even is a statement of purpose? And they just… listened. And it felt so nice to just be heard.
And then… well, and then there was you. He didn’t have quite as intimate of a relationship with you as he did with his online friend, but he still liked you. You and him had similar classes, similar taste in music and movies, even similar senses of humor. There were times when he’d tell his online friend a joke only for you to nearly parrot it at him the very next time you saw each other. Most of all, though, you were sweet and caring and beautiful… and for that matter real. Like, he knew you were real. And that was the problem.
His online friend had never seen him, so they got to know him separately of his reputation and his appearance. He could really be himself, whereas sometimes with others–even you–he always felt like he was putting up a front. It wasn’t any fault of yours, it was just an old habit that was hard to break. It was hard showing everything to someone and having them reject it… he knew from experience.
He didn’t know what to do about any of this, but he knew that if it was keeping him up at night he should probably solve it soon. The problem was that there were three people he typically went to when it came to this sort of thing, except Bokuto was at this hyper-intense training camp with the rest of the National team hopefuls, Kenma was caught between research for his undergrad thesis and applications to grad school, and, well… the other person was Nao-chan…
He huffed under his breath, opening his laptop and tapping it impatiently to get it to load faster. He pulled up Skype; Nao-chan’s icon had the little yellow bubble next to their name that showed they were away. Kuroo decided to message them anyway and hope they’d get back to him when they got back.
Kuro-kun: I have a conundrum. Can you talk?
Kuroo smirked at his own name. It was his handle in the game he played with Nao-chan. It wasn’t exactly creative, but too much of his mental energy went to school and maintaining his volleyball scholarship to come up with fancy names for his MMO characters. He went to get his bag to maybe work on some studies, thinking that Nao-chan probably wouldn’t be at their computer for a long time.
Instead, the little indicator lit up with a new message.
Nao-chan: Sure thing, Kuro-kun. The doctor is in. Tell  me about your mother.
Kuroo laughed; Nao-chan could always get him to laugh. They were a lot like you that way.
Kuro-kun: Very funny, Doctor. It’s stupid, but… well, it’s kind of serious.
Nao-chan: Are you dying?
Kuro-kun: Not any more than most people. No, it’s more of a moral quandary.
Nao-chan: Oya oya? Now this I have to hear.
Kuro-kun: I know it’s weird hearing this from me, but could you be serious for a second?
Nao-chan: Sorry, sorry. Bad habit. Seriously, Kuro-kun, you know you can tell me anything. Talk to me
The little heart emoji made this so much harder, but he didn’t want to tell Nao-chan that.
Kuro-kun: See, it’s like this. There’s this girl in like… half my classes. And she’s smart and pretty and she’s really nice. She likes the same music and books and stuff as me, and we have a lot in common and she likes my friends…
Nao-chan: She sounds perfect
Kuro-kun: That’s sort of the problem. I mean, it would be easy to just… pretend that she was the only one. But the problem is I like someone else.
Nao-chan: More than her?
Kuro-kun: Not more or less… just different. See, I can be honest with this person. I’ve told them things I don’t tell anyone. I’ve let them see a side of me I don’t let anyone else see. But I’ve never even seen their face. Maybe if I knew what they looked like… if we talked face to face, it would be easier. Then this other person would be confirmed real and… I sound like a raving lunatic, don’t I?
Nao-chan: Kuro-kun…
Kuro-kun: It’s you, Nao-chan. I like you. I like you a lot. I don’t.. I don’t want this to end. I want to get to know you better and see you and… all that other gross coupley stuff that couples do. Like get coffee and talk about our day without euphemisms. I want to see your smile and hear your laugh and I want to talk to a person when I talk instead of just typing it out. I totally understand if you’re not comfortable. Those are just my feelings.
There was a long pause. A heartbreakingly long pause. Nao-chan went horrifically silent. It was long enough that Kuroo sat and questioned every decision in his life that had lead this moment. He paced around his apartment twice, fed his cat, got a snack, boiled water for tea, and had a very minor panic attack in the time it took for them to respond.
Their response wasn’t something he could have ever anticipated.
Nao-chan: Do you have your webcam set up? If so, don’t respond. Just… start a video call with me.
Kuroo didn’t question it. He immediately hit the little video button, not caring that his laptop was probably in a place where he looked like shit on camera, and his apartment was a mess, and he was pretty sure he was wearing Bokuto’s Spyair sweatshirt, which sent so many wrong messages…
Then, his screen filled with a face. Your face. Your… your perfect, beautiful smiling face. You looked just as surprised as he was, but that gorgeous look of shock and awe was something he wanted to see over and over and over again.
“Hey there, Kuro-kun,” you said, somehow sounding so much better now that he knew who you were. “Nice name, by the way. Did you spend a whole ten seconds thinking about it?”
He couldn’t even defend himself from your teasing. He was too busy trying to not embarrass himself by breaking down into the most ridiculous tears any grown ass man had ever produced. He didn’t have to choose… he could have it all.
When did he get so lucky?
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beanwaitingforya · 7 years
DaiSuga Art Students AU Part 3
Inspired by @priintaniere‘s cute art and hc’s
Some notes (and bonus) at the end :) Click for PART 1 and PART 2
all mistakes are mine
Sawamura Daichi was frustrated. 
Daichi had been itching to see Suga's sketches since the first time they were paired together for class. He knew it was a bit invasive to request such a thing, but he really couldn't help himself. Not after he barely got a glance at Suga's work in class, despite his insightful critique. Not after all those study sessions. Not after days of watching Suga out of the corner of his eye glancing surreptitiously over his notebook. To be fair, Asahi had to point it out to him. Daichi never would've noticed if his friend hadn't mentioned it at work after their first study group all together. They had been prepping dough for tomorrow morning's set of bagels, when Asahi had spilled the beans. Or rather, complained how every time he asked Suga a question, it took him an extra ten seconds to respond, and they usually ended up looking for the answer in the textbook anyway. Sure enough, the next evening when they were studying together in the library, Daichi observed Suga doing less studying and more scribbling, or so it seemed. The fact that he had to sit at an angle and use his the reflection of his phone screen to basically spy on Suga was something he was going to ignore. But he hadn't gotten any studying done in the past couple days, so when Asahi got up to get more coffee, he finally just asked Suga. "Suga, could I see your sketchbook?" He really needed to see what was in there. For art-related reasons, of course. "I know some people are protective of their work, but I never really had a good look at the portrait you did of me a couple of weeks ago." Daichi hunched his shoulders, bracing himself for rejection. For whatever reason, Suga looked absolutely terrified. His fingers turned white as he clenched his notebook to his scarf, as if to protect it from outside invaders. "Sorry if I'm being nosy, I just hoped..." Daichi mumbled, sinking back into his armchair and resigning himself to defeat. "Just forget about it, sorry, Suga." He rubbed his forehead, trying to smooth out the crinkle there, and reached over to open his textbook again. Daichi didn't want to screw up their tentative friendship, because here was one more person that didn't find him so intimidating. His serious nature and dedication to academics seemed to scare almost everyone else away. "Sawamura..." Suga whispered. Daichi whipped his head back up, slightly hopeful. Suga had placed his sketchbook on the table, as if to slide it to him, but had one hand pressed down on it. "Daichi is fine." What did he have in his sketchbook anyway, buried treasure? Daichi was growing more curious by the second. "Just...please don't laugh..." Suga breathed, so quietly Daichi barely heard. He slid the sketchbook over, albeit with the worst frown on his face, like he has to give up his first-born child. Daichi reached over to grab it and Suga finally let go, crossing his arms and dropping his head to the table. "Why so miserable?" Daichi chuckled. "It really can't be that bad- oh-" And he flipped open the sketchbook to see his own face staring back at him. Daichi blinked. Well, his likeness wasn't exactly staring back at him. It was staring at a book on a library table, exactly like the one they've been studying at for the past several days. Strong, definite, broad strokes surrounding careful lightly added details, like the molding on the table, or the hair at the back of Daichi's neck. He flipped to another random page. Him sipping a hot chocolate (he's never liked tea or coffee). A cartoon Daichi carrying his art portfolio. Another page, was that the back of his head? His hand? One small doodle of Asahi, looking a bit grumpy as he scowled at a textbook, chewing on the end of a pencil. But then another hand, a torso that wore a shirt that looked suspiciously familiar, and shoes that he definitely wore yesterday. "Suga," he started. Suga peered at him from the table, his face half-buried in his scarf. "Suga, these are amazing." Suga blinked. "Suga, you-" "Look, Sawamura, I know what it looks like, but I couldn't help it, I sketch all the time, I didn't even realize I was sketching you so much, but you're so nice to draw and you're just such a great subject, you even stay still for long periods of time and-" "Suga."  Daichi dropped his hand on Suga's shoulder, intending to steady him, but Suga flinched back. Daichi tried again, removing his hand and using it to slide the notebook back across. "It's Daichi. And if you wanted to sketch me for practice...well, just say so, I don't really mind." Gingerly, he bumped the edge of the notebook against Suga's nose. "Well, to be honest, it's kind of embarrassing, but I guess I'm flattered. I completely understand the need to practice, so just go ahead and sketch me." He paused. "I'd appreciate being able to see the sketches afterwards, though." Suga sucked in a breath as Daichi's face appeared at the other end of the sketchbook. Daichi had leaned in close to whisper, close enough for Suga to feel his breath, close enough for Daichi to smell Suga's distinct scent of mint and coffee. Suga's warm brown eyes sparkled, and it looked like he was about to say something when approaching footsteps startled them both. "Ahhh, they got my order wrong so I had to wait longer for them to remake it," Asahi said, plopping into his seat with a sigh. Daichi and Suga both jumped, straightening and staring at Asahi. Daichi let go of the notebook, and a soft thunk on the table made Asahi look up from his coffee. Too close, thought Daichi. He was way too close. He looked over at Suga, who was looking right back. "Did I...interrupt something?" Asahi said tentatively, eyes darting between the two. "N-no," Daichi stammered. Why did he feel like he had been caught red-handed stealing cookies from the cookie jar? "I was just asking Suga about his sketchbook," Daichi said, belatedly looking over to Suga, who was furiously shaking his head. "Ah, sor-" "Ah, so you asked him then? Hey, Suga, do you mind if I take a peek?" Asahi started to reach across the table. Suga's grin was lopsided and a bit forced, but he still smiled and told Asahi, "Sure, why not," as he reluctantly slid the book over. "After all, Daichi's already seen it." Daichi watched Asahi's eyes widen as he flipped through the pages. Asahi looked up. "Suga, do you-"
"Not another word!" He didn't yell, but Suga said it with enough force to close the book and slide it back across the table. Suga's defensive response surprised Daichi, but what really surprised him was Asahi's knowing smile as Suga stuffed the book back into his bag. Asahi opened his again mouth to say something but Suga was shaking his head again but this time it was slowly, accompanied by a scary smile. Asahi chuckled and turned to Daichi to ask him if they needed to know about Leonardo da Vinci for their test tomorrow. Suga sighed, tugging at his scarf and exposing a bit of creamy, pale skin. Daichi had the distinct feeling he had missed something. 
Bonus: Featuring Suga’s freakout  POV Shit, shit, shit why didn't I just say no, he is going to KNOW for sure now, why did I do that, why is he laughing what is going on. What? Is he dense? Is he really that clueless? Daichi, c'mon, are you really gunna let me skate free here...omg he doesn't know, he doesn't know why is my heart leaping through my throat every time he says Suga HE WANTS ME TO DRAW HIM MORE I now have permission to draw his se- handsome jaw and pretty eyes and strong hands yes yes yes, OMG NO ASAHI DON'T YOU DARE -sighhh- safe.
Bean says: this one is a little shorter but there’s bonus suga material sooo *shrugs*  I think I actually enjoy Suga POV better? hmm... Anyway I had another part that I had added on to the end but I decided to scrap that and it will probably turn into...a whole part on it’s own whoops. Also I have roughly ~2500 words written for the next couple parts so it shouldn’t (key words: SHOULD NOT) take me a decade to post the next part? Any feedback you have is welcome :) Hope y’all enjoy~ (Next part Suga will be less flustered because he is blessed with Clueless!Daichi ahaha)
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