herpsandbirds · 8 months
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Odina decoratus, family Hesperiidae, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Photograph by Sugitani Atsushi
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teelguy · 9 months
Dear bionicle tumblr:
Which dark hunter would be the best date and why
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idoltoons · 12 days
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No es su diseño completo, pero al menos se da una idea de la apariencia de Odina.
Me agrada pensar que Odina de alguna manera entreno a Everett durante el tiempo que pudieron conocerse, y aunque esta haya podido encariñarse un poco con este, la intención final de su entrenamiento era simplemente lograr que el hijo superara a la madre, para luego este se "hiciera cargo" de la guardiana. Porque morir a manos de su primogénito iba a ser más doloroso para la guardiana que morir a manos de cualquier divinidad.
Pero bueno, la historia no acabo como se tenia planeado...
Casi todas las divinidades desaparecieron juntos a muchas otras criaturas mágicas, entre ellos, Odina, por lo que nunca tuvo la suerte de presenciar la derrota de la guardiana de la naturaleza.
Pero esta bien, pues al menos, Odina no pudo enterarse de la futura muerte de Zádeon a manos de la guardiana.
Eso la hubiera destrozado...
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johnny-guitarr · 11 months
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ey yo we got any CRYPTID COFFEEHOUSE ENJOYERS around here???
i've been eating up all the new sprites for the upcoming update so i had to draw my girl odina :^)
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sunshinemage · 7 months
A little late to the ockiss24 party but I looove Audra Odina, her story, and overall character design. I'm a sucker for aasimars. Hence why I too have an aasimar D&D OC but she’s a fallen aasimar so draaaama! Kyrie Silbersonnen is her name and she's a blood hunter. So maybe after some time has passed as they eventually warm up and get to know each other better, this OC kiss idea comes forth: Kyrie coming back from rooting out a cultist's nest, covered in blood, and Audra going into full cleric mode. Kyrie then gives her a kiss, either on the cheek or forehead, to assure Audra that she's fine, she just needs a bath and probably a nap. Or go with whatever floats your boat. 😊
audra does worry a lot so reassuring kisses are much appreciated 💜
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let's just pretend this happens after the much needed bath :p
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sepublic · 1 year
Now I want to elaborate on the Makuta of Odina as our big bad villain. The thing about Vamprah is that he’s a hunter, and one who has taken a vow of silence; He acts animalistic, all things considered, and wears the Mask of Hunger, which adds to his motif as a predator who feasts on prey. 
One of the earliest descriptions of Makuta was that of a “raging, kicking, screaming beast” and it’s a depiction that’s really stuck with me. Less of a person or god and more of a monster, an animalistic force of nature incomprehensible to the Matoran. 
When Makuta was first introduced, it was as the master of the Rahi, powerful and dangerous beasts that have been placed under his sway by masks he infected. This precedent was not forgotten later down the line, when 2003 established Rahi Control as one of Makuta’s powers, and it was eventually revealed that the Brotherhood of Makuta’s original purpose was to create Rahi for the Matoran Universe. 
So Makuta in this story is the apex predator, the leader of a pack; The most powerful beast in the land, for whom all others answer to. And an unnatural, ravaging monster with endless hunger, and a taste for sport. There’s a sadistic side to Makuta, who ravages ecosystems like an invasive species.
Humanity has a primordial fear of beasts lurking in the darkness, waiting to strike; Unseen with only our imaginations to fill in the gaps. So let’s incorporate that idea for the Makuta of Odina; A creature who brings darkness with it, enveloping the area in shadows for Makuta to hide in and strike unseen. Like Shelob from Lord of the Rings, and especially like...
You ever heard of Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal? It’s a wonderful animated show, about a caveman and his T-rex surviving against some horrible odds in prehistoric times. My favorite episode is the The Night Feeder, and the titular beast is a cryptid that strikes only at night, in total darkness. It remains entirely unseen for the whole episode, so you can only see from its perspective, and glimpse the damage it inflicts on prey and environment alike.
We only get to see the Night Feeder’s dreaded true form in the last minute of the episode, for a few seconds. This is after our protagonists learn that its fear and weakness is fire; Fire which brings light, which allowed humanity’s ancestors to conquer the darkness and explore new horizons. The Night Feeder is beaten as it is seen and revealed, stripping it of the infinity of the unknown by making it quantifiable via comprehension.
I want to play with that idea; A thematically protean creature that can be anything, whatever its prey imagines, because it’s a Schrodinger’s Cat situation where if you can’t see it, who knows what it is? And thus so many options are on the table. Makuta is a monster of shadows, so the way to defeat it is with light; Light thematically reveals its true form, taking away both the shadows it uses to hide itself, but also taking away a lot of the mystique and fear Makuta employs. It is no longer a formless entity, you can see now that it’s limited to the physical form that is illuminated. Like Jean Jacket from Nope, seeing the beast is a form of victory over it.
And it’s neat that I bring up the idea of monsters and beasts that must be hunted, primordial times and whatnot. Because Vamprah’s domain in G1 is the very headquarters of the Dark Hunters... So what if we took that name literally in this adaptation? You’ve got this mercenary group, not exactly good guys, but our protagonists hired against an even greater threat. Makuta ravages livestock, it slaughters entire herds for no other reason than the fun of it, while eating something unknown from its prey that cannot be interacted with.
Enter our Dark Hunters; A group of trophy hunters, monster hunters, that kind of thing. They’ve conquered the most elusive and dangerous cryptids, but this is their greatest hunt yet. They learn the mistake of underestimating the Makuta; They think they’re the masters of the shadow? The Dark Hunters believe it’s their territory and camouflage from which to strike? Their greatest asset has now been turned against them by the Makuta. 
Our protagonists can be Dark Hunters with explicit ties to hunting and/or animals; Such as Airwatcher, Savage, Charger, etc. Tracker and his pet bull are must-haves, as is Primal, whose name and use of a simple spear feels VERY relevant given the influences I’m incorporating into Makuta here. The Hordika Dragons can be a pack of hunting dogs, feared and reputable, only to fall against the Makuta. 
There’s definitely the tension of Man VS Nature, Man trying to conquer the wilderness and its animals, taking trophies. Maybe Makuta is a punishment sent upon these Dark Hunters, who kill for sport, and now find themselves on the receiving end of a karmic beast who inflicts the same. It eats light, spreading the night and darkness across Odina, thereby spreading the Makuta’s territory. It can only strike in shadows, but when it does, it’s virtually unstoppable. Courage is tasty and Makuta knows its scent, devouring bravery to leave nothing left of its prey but terror in their souls as they are shredded.
While other Dark Hunters rely on fancy tools and machines that fail in the face of the supernatural power of Makuta, Primal (whom I shall refer to by the name Nuoka given by creator Peter Dolan), our main protagonist, prevails in his simpler toolset; He hearkens back to the ancient hunters of prehistoric times who fought like animals and thus better understood them. He can fight on Makuta’s level, by Makuta’s rules, and actually make it out alive. Firedracax is another hunter with a specific grudge against a species of pack predators, whose whole power is fire; This could thematically put him at odds against Makuta as another main protagonist.
There can be some discussions of industrialism vs nature, the idea that perhaps a society more removed from it isn’t necessarily better. Cities aren’t necessarily more ‘advanced’ than a nomadic society, after all. This ties into Nuoka as a former member of a tribe, who has his own defense against the prejudices of other Dark Hunters. Likewise, civilization may not be as divorced from nature as it likes to think; Society is still a part of nature and thus has a responsibility to it. 
Makuta is a challenge to human arrogance; Not literal human arrogance, these characters aren’t human. But you get what I mean. The shadows have birthed a dark creature, like the Grendel that Beowulf fought, or many other beasts sent by the gods and/or nature to punish humanity’s hubris. Makuta is the Scorpio to the Dark Hunters’ Orion. Maybe Makuta was once a hunter named Vamprah, who was cursed for his bloodlust with a form that reflected his heart, and even infects others with this transformation to create Rahi.
I like to think the Makuta of Odina resembles the Makuta Nui set from G1; A more animalistic take on Makuta that never showed up in the story but was nevertheless deemed canon. It looked bestial enough that for the Maze of Shadows game, the developers even declared it the set depiction of the Ash Bear! This can be Makuta’s true form, revealed in its final moments when light finally triumphs over its darkness, just as Nuoka manages to slay it. This beast spoken of around campfires is now just a campfire story.
I also want to consider incorporating the Rahkshi here as Makuta’s brood; Creatures who wield staffs resembling man catchers, which is a karmic reversal of man trapping beast. The Makuta Nui combiner takes some visual cues from the Rahkshi, since it’s made using pieces from Makuta; Himself resembling his ‘sons’ and vice-versa. So the Makuta of Odina can resemble a more animalistic, bestial Rahkshi, foregoing a tool for massive claws and fangs. Makuta’s visage takes cues from from the Avsa, Kraahkan, Makuta Nui, and Rahkshi.
In darkness, Makuta stalks and hunts its prey across multiple environments, apparently flying and swimming; Suggesting it DOES shapeshift, or maybe it just comes across that way in the confusion and chaos of the dark. Survivors disagree on what they saw of Makuta, who can say for sure? Other Rahi act as smaller bosses for our protagonists to build up through, and maybe reconsider their treatment of beasts, at least for Nuoka. When Makuta is slain, there’s definitely the implication that Nuoka has been motivated by his experiences to bring a change to how the Dark Hunters operate in irreverence to nature, and if necessary, stop them altogether.
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cagedchoices · 4 months
🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 I'm sad I can't make a special icon this year because my computer is toast, but Westworld is for the gays and I forever headcanon Caleb as a bisexual lad. 🩷💜💙
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dekunobou · 1 year
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[Image ID: Three BNHA OCs sitting together.
The one on the left, Utone Kakuno, has slightly wavy black hair and large black wings. He's wearing a black turtleneck halter top, jean shorts, blue leggings, and purple socks. He has a white feather on a necklace.
The character in the middle is Tosaki Kunio, a tall teen with gray skin and straight black hair. Part of it is covering his right eye. His left eye is yellow with black sclera. He is swearing a green sweatshirt and white pants. His hands are a black that fades into the gray of his arms, and his right hand is wearing a maroon half-glove.
The final character on the right is Chizu Odina. She has long black hair tied in a braid and glasses. She is wearing a loose yellow sweater with a red tank top underneath and blue jeans.
Utone and Chizu are sleeping, both leaning on Tosaki's shoulder. Tosaki looks slightly embarrassed. End ID]
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arcanetrivia · 1 year
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Queen Odina IX of Brrr Muda by Federico Avila Corsini (dibujandoalmargen) on Instagram
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jubileebloom · 2 years
MLP FIM Season 1 Reimagined: Episode 2
"Welcome to Ponyville"
A sunny morning in Canterlot. Twilight and Spike are in a train station with their luggage, and Shining Armor, Night Light, and Twilight Velvet are all saying their goodbyes and wishing them well. They get on the train and set off for Ponyville. (Yes, I know it was a chariot with Royal Guard pegasi originally but I like this better.) Cut to Spike excitedly staring out the window at the scenery, wondering aloud what Ponyville will be like, with Twilight nodding along and "mm-hmm"-ing while very much not paying attention to what Spike is saying because she has her nose buried in a book. Spike notices this and throws in a "maybe the pegasi make it rain lemonade and cherry pies every other Thursday," and Twilight gives the same "mm-hmm," met with a disgruntled Spike who swipes her book from her magical hold.
Spike: "You aren't listening to a word I say, are ya?"
Twilight: "I'm sorry, Spike, I'm just trying to find all I can on this Nightmare Moon pony. Princess Celestia says she's prepared, and it's not that I don't trust her, I'm just worried because she didn't seem worried and this feels like something to be worried about and I-"
Spike: "You worry about everything! C'mon, there's still more than half a year before the next Summer Sun Celebration."
Twilight: "That's less than one full year! Do you know how much time it takes to prepare for these sorts of things?"
Spike: "Do you? Have you ever done this before?"
Twilight: "Well… no, but I'd rather be safe than sorry!"
Spike: "Why don't you worry about what the Princess assigned you, and once you start on that, you can go back to doom-reading. Deal?"
Twilight sighs, but agrees. "Deal."
They go back to wondering what Ponyville will be like as the camera cuts to a shot of the train from the outside, eventually panning up and out to show Ponyville in the distance. Cue theme song.
(A/N: I'm not always going to write out dialogue nor do I think of dialogue I write as being absolutely concrete in this AU but I'll have ideas for it sometimes.)
Twilight and Spike get off the train at the Ponyville station, and are immediately greeted by the former librarian, Quiet Quill, who's there to bring Twilight to the library.
(Middling quality drawing of Quiet Quill.)
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They walk over to the Golden Oak Library and Twilight happily looks through the book selection. Quiet Quill mentions that there's a room prepared for them upstairs, and then says she'll show them around town, since Twilight and Spike are new here. Twilight is hesitant, but Spike is eager to get to know Ponyville and at his insistence, Twilight agrees to come along.
After stepping out of the library, Quiet Quill turns to greet Pinkie Pie, who greets her back before looking at Twilight, gasping loudly, and running off. Twilight seems baffled by this interaction, but Quill has already moved on and is explaining some of the history of Ponyville. Twilight and Spike continue to follow her, a bit weirded out but nonetheless continuing.
What follows is much like the original first episode of the show. Quiet Quill takes them to visit Sweet Apple Acres, where Applejack and her family is introduced as everypony is getting ready for the Apple Family Reunion, and Applejack insists on sharing some of her family's delicious apple treats, which Twilight eventually agrees to. They then return to the main part of Ponyville and we get to see some background ponies. Definitely Cheerilee and Mayor Mare, and maybe some other more prominent background ponies like Lyra and Bonbon or Derpy. At some point, Rainbow Dash zooms overhead, nearly knocking into Twilight. Rainbow quickly comes back and apologizes, and while Twilight is a little miffed, she's also impressed by Rainbow's speed and dexterity. Dash brags that she's the best flyer in all of Ponyville, and bets Twilight that she can clear all the clouds in the sky in ten seconds flat, which she does. After saying goodbye to Rainbow, they eventually meet Rarity at her boutique, who immediately starts fawning over Twilight after hearing that she's from Canterlot. Afterward, Quiet Quill says she's introduced Twilight to all the key ponies of Ponyville and to go to them if she needs anything, and excuses herself to finish packing for her move to another town to be with her family. On the way back to the Golden Oak Library, they overhear Fluttershy singing with a chorus of birds and attempt to say hi, but Fluttershy goes quiet and doesn't say anything understandable until she notices Spike. She joins the two on the way back to the library, only really talking to Spike the whole way, until they reach the library and Twilight bids Fluttershy a forced goodbye.
Twilight is happy to be back at the library and away from all the other ponies, but Pinkie Pie has returned with a crowd to throw Twilight a "welcome to Ponyville" party, complete with Pinkie talking at her very fast about how she realized that Twilight was new and absolutely had to throw her a party. She tries to be polite and stay at the party at first, but eventually loses her temper and tells Pinkie to leave and that libraries shouldn't be loud. She then goes upstairs, and Spike apologizes on her behalf, saying that he'd love to go to another one of Pinkie's parties at some point, which seems to cheer her up a bit.
Spike follows Twilight upstairs, finding her staring out of her window at the newly-risen moon. Twilight reiterates that Nightmare Moon is her main concern, and she doesn't know why Princess Celestia had barely talked about it. Spike just says that they both need to get some sleep, and that Twilight can go back to worrying in the morning. Reluctantly, Twilight goes to bed, with a bit of tossing and turning and monologuing about her anxieties after Spike has fallen asleep.
Cut to next morning, at the crack of dawn, with Twilight walking downstairs and to the front door of the library. Spike follows her, half asleep, and asks her what she's up to. Twilight opens the door, and then admits she doesn't really know what she's doing. She looks out at the view of Ponyville from the front door, and Spike comments that this is going to be home for a while, so they might as well settle in. Twilight argues that the ponies of this town are "simply too ridiculous," to which Spike reminds Twilight of Princess Celestia's assignment and says that maybe there's something she needs to learn from them. "What could I possibly learn from ponies like these?" Twilight says, as the camera shows the view of Ponyville in the sunrise. The sunlight fills the screen, cue end credits.
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herpsandbirds · 9 months
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Hieroglyphic Flat Skipper (Odina hieroglyphica ortina), family Hesperiidae, Lornie PCN, Singapore
photograph by Michael Soh
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nattarthetimedragon · 11 months
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Dark Hunter Locust (he/him). For years this sentient Rahi was being studied and experimented on by Makuta Chirox in his lab on Destral. As Chirox was studying Locust, the bug was studying all the other Rahi that Chirox made. Locust was often given masks, something none of the other Rahi were ever given. Sometimes when the masks were worn he could breathe underwater or see through walls. One day Chirox got a new test subject, a Tatoran named Torau. she was from the Tren Krom Peninsula and made a deal with Chirox to be his test subject for getting out of there. Torau taught Locust how to speak matoran. Soon Torau and Locust became close friends. then one day Makuta Gorast destroy the lab. In the chaos Locust got his claws on a Huna and was able to sneak out of the lab. When trying to go back for his friend he saw Gorast taking all the Matoran from the lab away. Locust tried to fallow them but was not able to get to them before the air ship left the island. For many years Locust searched for his friend but no Matoran wanted to help a beast of Rahi. Some were only willing to trade information for doing mercenary work for them. Over time word of a Rahi that can use Kanohi and was good mercenary reach the island of Odina. The Shadowed One sent for Locust to be brought before him. finding out about Torau he promise to help finder her if Locust swore loyalty to him, Locust was more than happy too. The Shadowed One gave him a Faxon to help him take out his targets. Little did Locust know that she had been killed the day she was taken in front of her Village to make point to never betray Gorast. The Shadowed One's agents discovered this information and reported it back, the information did not upset him at all he was going to have the Tatoran killed anyway. Now he had info that can weaponize Locust fully against Gorast need be, until that day the Shadowed One can just string Locust along.
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idoltoons · 20 days
Como dato-
La guardiana de la naturaleza una vez que madre tierra le dejo a cargo de engendrar a 4 nuevos guardianes de la naturaleza, ella desde un principio tuvo en mente a Zádeon para lograr el objetivo de tener hijos.
Aunque no habían tenido suficiente para conocerse, lo poco que la guardiana supo de este le enterneció.
Zádeon era uno de los únicos humanos que estudio la naturaleza a su alrededor con el propósito de saber como crear diversas medicinas a base de hiervas. A veces usándose a si mismo como persona de prueba, pero todo con el objetivo de traer soluciones a diversos malestares frecuentes en su comunidad.
Sus medicamentos naturales eran casi milagrosos, esto haciendo que fuera muchas veces solicitado para ayudar a otras especies ajenas a los humanos.
Hasta que un día, una de las divinidades le ofreció un lugar en su palacio como el curandero principal para su ejercito.
Odina era una divinidad conocida por su participación en batallas saliendo esta siempre ganadora. Batalla donde esta divinidad estuviera involucrada, batalla que ganaría ella. Una bestia imparable, fuerte, inteligente y estratega. Tenia un ejercito a su merced de fuertes soldados, muchos de estos entrenados por ella para estar al servicio de las hermanas del tiempo y "La Bestia".
Odina era una fabrica de héroes, eligiendo a diversas criaturas que necesitaran ser pulidas para convertirlas en héroes que serian conocidos por todo el mundo, era su profesión.
Odina encontró a Zádeon encantador, lindo, nunca nadie había despertado sentimientos tan sensibles en ella, pero Zádeon lograba sacar ese lado tierno que no sabia ella que tenia.
El rumor de que Odina estaba hechizada de amor por el humano Zádeon se compartió de divinidad tras divinidad hasta llegar a oídos de la guardiana de la naturaleza.
La guardiana, quien no solía sentir agrado por Odina, tuvo más necesidad de tomar a Zádeon como el futuro padre de sus hijos.
Cuando Odina se distrajo con su ejercito, la guardiana tomo a Zádeon sin previo aviso y lo llevo a su palacio.
Cuando Odina se entero, en cuestión de segundos se manifestó ante la guardiana exigiendo a su humano de vuelta. Desafío a la guardiana a una batalla y la que ganara se quedaría con el humano.
La guardiana, siendo consciente de que Odina JAMAS había perdido una batalla, pidió la intervención de la entidad más poderosa de ese entonces, aquella criatura conocida como "La Bestia".
"La Bestia" pidió que ambas dieran sus motivos para quedarse con el humano.
Odina explico que Zádeon era quien se encargaba de curar a su ejercito cada que ellos regresaban de la batalla.
La guardiana explico que necesitaba a un padre para dar a luz a 4 nuevos guardianes que cuidarían de la tierra, su naturaleza y cada criatura que habitara en esta.
Fue entonces que "La Bestia" cuestiono a Odina, pues era sabido que como divinidad, tenia poderes curativos que podía usar con su ejercito, por lo que Zádeon no era necesario en su palacio. En el caso de la guardiana, sus motivos eran validos, por lo que permitió que el humano se quedara en el palacio de la guardiana.
Odina a partir de ese entonces jamás volvió a entregar a sus guerreros para estar al servicio de ninguna divinidad, y nunca más participo en ninguna batalla. Dejo de crear fuertes héroes de corazones nobles y se encerró en su palacio casi todo el tiempo.
Claramente al no estar feliz con la idea de que Zádeon fuera destinado a quedarse con la guardiana a jugar a la familia con ella.
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josiesullysblog · 2 years
You are my dream
~Neteyam x Fairy Na’vi reader
~Angst and a bit of fluff
~Summary-You are a very rare type of Na’vi, you have large white wings and long golden brown hair going all the way down to your feet. After a terrible accident, you end up with a hurt wing and meet a very nice na’vi.
~Note-me 🤝🏿 starting another story before finishing other stories. Don’t worry guys I’ve seen your comments and I’ll be finishing the other ones I haven't and the requests you have sent are being made!
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You sat still as your grandmother braided your hair, Ani, was her name which held great power. Your father and mother were the leaders of your tribe meaning you were to follow behind them. The oldest of three, you were held to many standards. You were never to mingle with the children of your clan, you had too many chores and duties even if you wanted to. Your grandmother tucked your hair, securing the small hairs wouldn't go loose, “Euroa, my beautiful grandchild,” she held your chin making you look at her, you smiled big at the woman. You wanted nothing more but to make her proud, for her to deem you as “worthy,” but you were merely still a child.
“Euroa, in the next few years your life will change completely,” she grabbed your arms making your body face her. “Your duties will double and you will be expected to mate,” your eyes lingered on the older woman, “Grandmother, what if I’m not ready?” She looked you in the eyes, “you are the family's hope, Euroa.” She smiled at you, “it is up to you, to support us and the tribe.” You took her words in like a sponge, “you must find a suitable mate to carry on the legacy.”
She flashed her wings, they were much larger than yours and held history. “I’ll do what is right, grandmother!” You flashed your wings and a smile. She patted your head, “I know you will.”
As the years passed you kept what your grandmother said to heart, now at eighteen you’ve developed as a woman. You’ve proven yourself to the tribe yet something was missing. Someone was missing.
You had dreams of walking along the shore with a boy, but you could never see his full face. Yet, he made you feel loved and safe. You could never tell your parents or anybody, they’d think of you as crazy. But you found yourself daydreaming about this boy. How he held you so tight as if you were something special, and most of all you felt at peace. Never had pressure to be great, you simply were just you.
You heard the many stories of the forest people, who bravely fought again the sky people. You sometimes wondered if you could go and see the rest of pandora, but that was strictly prohibited. Venturing away from your tribe's lines was something your younger brother, Jacy, did often.
You watched your younger siblings play, and you wished you could play with them. They looked so free, free from duties, obligations, and fear. You watched as your sister, Odina, flew quickly after your brother. You got up following to see what was wrong.
“Jacy, get back here!” You heard the cries of your sister, “Jacy, please come back!” you were next to your sister attempting to get him to listen, “oh, you guys are exaggerating,” you anxiously watched as he was close to the edge of the cloud.
“Jacy, please be careful,” you kept turning around making sure no one saw you three. “Euroa, we are fine no one is coming to get us!” You and your sister shared a face before she headed toward the boy. “Not you too! Please for the sake of me let's head back!” your pleas went in one ear and out the other as the two began to play.
“Come play with us!” your sister said which gained a laugh from your brother, “you know she is unable to, imagine if mother saw her.” his words hit deep, but we're the truth. As you were getting ready to yank both of them inside a huge gush of wind came knocking Odina off her feet. Unable to catch herself with her wings she went falling, but as you were quick on your feet you grabbed her flinging her toward your brother who caught her. You attempted to stabilize yourself but it was useless, before the world went dark you heard the screams of your siblings.
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Neteyam had been in a rut.
Or that's what his father said, he couldn't pay attention to anything. His mind felt like it was scrambled and he couldn't get it straight, but when he went to sleep everything became clear. He heard the laughs of children and a woman running around. He never had a clear face of these people yet, he became attached to them. He quickly yearned to go to sleep to see them, but he knew better than to slack off.
His parents worried for him often watching him drift off completely as if he was somewhere else. The look on his face was one Jake knew all too well, his boy was in love.
“So, who is it?” Jake finally was able to get the boy's attention, “what do you mean?” Neteyam, who was busy watching his younger sister, looked puzzled. “Well, you’ve been daydreaming, paying less attention, so who's the lucky girl?” Neteyam smiled thinking of the girl in his dreams, he could never say anything they’d think of him as mad. “You wouldn't believe me,” he shrugged his question shifting his attention to Tuk. The little girl ran around before stopping to play with flowers.
“Try me.” Jake sat down giving the boy his attention, “well, I’ve been having this recurring dream.” His dreams plagued his mind it was almost like he lived two lives. “There's this girl and I can never see her face yet-,” he stopped himself from speaking anymore. “You probably think I’m crazy,” Jake sighed before looking forward, “I don’t think you're crazy, Ewya could have chosen you.” His words gave the boy great comfort, “I never see her face, yet I would die for her, I would kill for her. Is this normal?” Jake tried to be understanding I mean his son just laid a lot on him. “Well, no it is not normal but your feelings are valid,” Neteyam felt comfort for the first time in the last few months, “will these dreams ever go away?” Jake sighed, “I don't know son.”
That night Neteyam lay in bed wide awake. His mind kept going back to the previous conversation he had earlier. He had fallen in love with a piece of his mind. How could he ever mate? He’d never love them the way he loved this woman in his dreams. His thoughts consumed him till he fell asleep.
The next morning he followed his sisters, Kiri and Tuk, while they collected flowers and other stuff. “You seem like you are on another planet, Neteyam,” Kiri, as much as everyone else, noticed how off the boy has been. “Just been thinking,” his mind fell back to his most recent dream. The girl was braiding his younger sister's hair while singing a song, “well snap out of it! It’s weird,” Tuk said before running a little further away from them. “I’ll try,” He smiled as the group kept walking.
“Tuk, come back!” Kiri called for the girl, but she was nowhere to be found. “Neteyam, did you see which way she went?” Neteyam who was already running to find her stopped in his tracks. “What? What do you see?” Kiri caught up before gasping, Tuk quietly went toward her siblings, “what is that?”
“It’s a fairy, but they live nowhere near here,” Kiri spoke softly, “so, how did she get here?” The girl shrugged, I’ll go get mom and dad,” she went to turn to face Neteyam who looked completely shocked.
It was like he completely forgot how to breathe. You, you were the girl he yearned for. The girl he saw every night, was the one who made his heartbeat. He approached the girl slowly before bending down to see her better.
You had woken up, on the floor, dirty, and had no idea where you were. You couldn't stop thinking about how much trouble you would be in. You got up and tried to fly, but your wing was hurt. You saw the small cut, nothing major but you definitely could not fly. “Maybe I can climb my way up,” you tried climbing the biggest tree you could find, but it was useless. You were stuck. With no idea what to do, you sat and cried. You cried for what felt like ages till you felt a gaze on you quickly turning around, you made eye contact with a boy.
Your vulnerable eyes met him, dancing together like a forbidden romance. Butterflies swarmed your stomach, it was just like the dreams you had, was this the boy? “Hello there, are you hurt?” He broke the silence and you continued to stare before speaking up, “I’m Euroa,” it came out barely a whisper before tears followed behind it. “Hello, Euroa I’m Neteyam!” he tried to keep you from crying but it was useless.
“Kiri, what are you talking about?” Neytiri and Jake followed behind the girl. “Woah,” Jake watched as the the girl cried, he had never seen a fairy before. “None of this should have happened,” you cried trying to defend yourself to the boy, “I’m the best flyer in my tribe, but I could never go home again I’m in such trouble!” Neteyam listened as you spoke, well tried your beauty rendered him speechless. You got up quickly causing everyone to step back your long hair revealing itself, look!” You shot your wings out showing them the cut you had, “I’m hurt and I can't fly, and I don’t know where I am,” You pushed yourself into the boy for some comfort. He soothed you, whispering in your ear it was going to be okay.
Neytiri stepped forward, “honey, where do you come from?” You looked at the woman, “I live in the sky.” Tuk smiled going closer to you, “how did you fall?” you sniffed, “well, my siblings were playing near the edge of town, and odina almost fell so I went to go help her and couldn't stabilize myself.” Your mind couldn’t remember anything else from that point.
“Well, all that matters is getting you to full health,” Neytiri softly grabbed your hand dragging you into their home. Your eyes sparkled at all the new creatures and plant life you saw. Your eyes immediately fell onto Neteyam, “we do not have these flowers back at home!” Your heart raced as he smiled back at you, confusing you.
Neteyam’s chest tightened as he watched you walk into the tribe. Everyone looked at you, especially boys who whispered to each other. Your eyes looked around with such wonders, like a baby walking for the first time. Your hands held a grip on Neteyam's forearm as if you were to let go, he’d disappear.
“In here,” Kiri directed you into a large room, as you walked in you noticed a boy who looked like Neteyam but was smaller. “Woah,” he said getting up to get a closer look but was stopped by Neteyam. “This is Euroa, Lo’ak.” Lo’ak smile widened at his brother's possessive behavior, “hello, Euroa.” You watched the boy wink at you as he left turning to Kiri, “I believe there was something in his eye,” Kiri let out a laugh while having sat you in front of her, “no, he is trying to flirt with you!” You made an “o” shape face.
Neteyam scoffed before looking at the two girls, “his poor excuse of flirting,” Kiri bit a smile back, “can you open your wings for me, please?” You did as said and she applied cream, while the youngest of them all found her way in there, “how is it like in the sky?” You smiled, “very beautiful! I could never love the sky so well if I had no childhood in it.” Tuk’s eyes grew big as she listened to how you explained your home, Neteyam watched with fondness. You were the most beautiful thing his eyes has ever seen, “if it were not the sky, where the clouds came up every day,” you grabbed the little girl’s hand and started playing with the air causing a light breeze to which she gasped, “that I used to play with.” Kiri patted your back, indicating you were finished. You gave a small turn, “thank you so much!”
Your smile warmed the girl up, “anytime! You should be good to fly home by tomorrow,” you nodded at her words. Your smile faltered as you thought of home. The trouble you would be in, your grandmother. “I can show you around!” Neteyam said which you gladly nodded to.
You listened carefully to what he had to say about everything, making sure you did not miss a word. He brought you to an area where he said, “you can see the stars the best.” You watched with amazement. You felt at peace with the boy as you felt his stare on you.
“What,” you said smiling at the boy, “nothing it's just your very beautiful,” You blushed as you looked at your hands, “I’m sure everyone back at home calls you that.” You shook your head, “I’m far too busy with my studies for anyone to notice me,” Your smile fell a bit, “I’m the oldest, the next leader.” You stood up and walked around, “this is the first time in a while I’ve felt free.” Neteyam smiled before going close to you.
“Do you have a promised mate?” You shook your head, “is there someone you want?” You thought for a bit, “well, I’m sure my grandmother-” Neteyam grabbed your hand before shaking his head. “I’m not asking about her, what do you want?” His question caught you off guard, no one has ever asked you that before. “I do not know,” he smiled at you which you smiled back. “I have to be great all the time. My grandmother’s opinion means very much to me,” You leaned a little closer to the boy, “do you know how it feels to have to always be the best? That your every move is being watched with judgy eyes?” Neteyam nodded sadly, “to always have to be perfect, or you're a complete failure.”
You nodded, “yes, exactly that!” You giggled a little as you watched the boy in front of you laugh. That feeling came back, taking over your stomach. You rubbed your belly, “does your stomach hurt?” You quickly stopped, “no, whenever we are together you make my stomach feel funny,” His laugh engulfed the small area. “That means you have a crush!” You sat there flustered, “oh, I've never had one before,” there were plenty of boys in your clan that we're handsome, but not like Neteyam.
“It’s okay I have a crush on you too,” You smiled hard, “ that means we can mate-,” your sentence was caught short by what was happening in the sky. Your face paled as you looked at Neteyam, “it’s my family.”
AHHHHHH! This took me two whole days to finish! I hope you all enjoy it!!
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sunshinemage · 8 months
for oc kiss 2024 if you have an oc who would like to smooch one of mine please feel free to drop an ask 👀
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c-g-ricks · 1 year
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BONOTUS/// [Commonly known as “AXE”] The Shadowed One’s former court jester/executioner. Originally stationed within the Odina fortress, theatrically slaying any Dark Hunter who’s transgressions had been deemed especially displeasing. Confirmed to have met his demise when he challenged the Shadowed One himself to a duel as the ‘ultimate jest’ and was subsequently revived upon the Red Star. Skilled acrobat, dramaturgist, and armed with an axe capable of slicing Protosteel. Also equipped with a jester’s bauble [“BIG FACE”] suspected to be a modified Staff of Illusion. Despised by the majority of Dark Hunter population aboard the satellite.
\\\STATUS: Granted sanctuary on Order of Mata Nui base in exchange for critical information needed for Odina fortress disarmament.
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