Durges are cool but you got any unhinged TAVS???
Funny you ask because I was literally just babbling at my friends about this nerd, lmao.
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This is Leaf! She's a wood elf ranger [hunter] who was dumped in the forest as an infant and raised by an owlbear who, for some reason, decided not to eat her.
She learned Elvish and Common from another character of mine [Carlisle] who taught her in exchange for survival skills. She's a gremlin lady who probably eats dirt.
Although if you mean like... evil unhinged, I do have this guy;
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This is Nymril Do'afin, a half-drow cleric of Talos. He is an angy bitch. He has the same mother as another character of mine- Caelus- and was born in the Underdark to a drow noblewoman and a human man. In an attempt to escape, Caelus and Caelus' father got out, but Nymril's dad died, while he was retrieved and brought back to his mother. Her treatment traumatized him to hell, and he came to hate her, drow society, and especially Lolth. He HATES all of them, and he hates Caelus for not coming back to save him [not realizing that Caelus has been trying to do that all this time].
So he became a cleric of Talos, chaotic evil god of storms, in a sort of transactional worship. He gains power and the favour of Talos, and Talos gets to witness the destructive power of Nymril while he tries to burn the world down as an act of revenge against it.
He's going to date Minthara, and together they will be AWFUL. In the best way. I love them.
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wonderlandcrows · 7 years
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Life is hard when you’re supposed to be a hero
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assventuring · 7 years
Kinkshamed squad adventures session 10
After their triumph on the undead horde that was attacking Shadowgrange, the group is exhausted. They loot the teenager’s body and find money, a letter and a bell. Eah ( @roboloca ) , Surina ( @arigonartworks ) , Nym ( @kaijucorps ) & Gneiss ( @kerrtrash ) are really into the money even though they almost all died. They’re happy, except Nym who’s troubled since Omaeri almost for good.
They were rejoicing until they learn that Siegfried, Gneiss’s cousin, maybe the one behind it all. While the greed squad is looting, Omaeri & Lucas are helping priestess Flora and Silvia. Let it be known that Flora is ripped and can take her big gf on her back no problem. Surina wants to scorn Remi but it doesn’t go as well as planned. He blames her for the death of his friends. They tried to be strong but it wasn’t enough, they tried to protect themselves since they had no one else but it wasn’t enough.
So, they go back to the inn to sleep, Eah, arms open, welcomes her bed. Surina is being ‘‘emo’‘ and is moody af , she doesn’t want to talk about it. Gneiss falls quicky asleep too. Omaeri and Nym go to Immeral’s room, to discover what was the bell they got. They discover it’s a ghoulcaller bell, but they don’t know how to activate it.
On the way back to their room, Nym notices that Lucas room is ajar and lets Omaeri go to the squad room while he knocks on the door. Lucas opens, without a shirt, he was tending to his wounds. Nym ask if he can help him and Lucas let him in. As they’re tending to each others wounds, Nym notices that Lucas has a lot of scars on his back, old scars which he ask about but Lucas suddenly becomes cold and intimidating. It is not a good subject for him but he opens up (because Nym rolled higher fhsiofds) . They share stories and when it’s over , Lucas thanks Nym for taking the time to help him and Nym answers that he doesn’t mind at all, that he likes being there with him. To which Lucas gets very flustered, he’s not used to people saying that to him despite being a huge flirt himself. He comes back towards Nym, and put a strand of hair behind his ear and leans towards Nym.
The drow, not missing a beat, pulls Lucas into a kiss and draws him near . Lucas following the motion finds himself on the top of Nym. Lucas is very gentle despite it being his first time, he learns very fast (Rolled good). It had been a long time since Nym felt that loved.
The party wakes up, and notice that Nym and Lucas are missing, but they come later. Surina being very emo right now, she doesn’t talk but Eah is very interested in what happened. She ends up knowing that something happened but not what. The party remember that Flora was gonna do a celebration for them so they go to the chapel.
Arriving to the chapel, a lot of familiar faces are around, wounded & priestesses, nonetheless, the atmosphere is a joyful one. After thanking the ‘‘heores’‘ , she brings forth a chest which is full of money. They all interact with some previous npcs, Eah with her friend Temperance, Surina & Remi …
Nym and Omaeri gets to finally talk and they finally say ‘‘ I love you ‘‘  to each other. Maybe they’ll finally be happy together …. They don’t know, but Nym said he would try. Omaeri is also 100% ready to die, and he wants Nym to be ready for it as well.
And then, they meet Thokk, Kragnar’s boyfriend. More bara tiddies which the squad appreciate a lot (especially Eah)
Next stop for the squad, Mauer estate to see the end of this.
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self-shipper-snowdrop · 5 months
there cant be THAT many
[Anon clarified in another ask they meant BG3 OCs lol]
There is. Not including my self insert, I have 51 characters.
No, that isn't a typo, I used a line counter to double-check my list. For extra breakdown here is some extra details below!!!!!! Names of the babes included <3333
Divided by races:
Human - 3 [Quimei, Aurelia, Marigold]
Elf - 6 [Maple, Iantha, Carlisle, Narah, Tianae, Shari]
Half-Elf [including half-drow] - 8 [Hel, Astoria, Azure, Celyn, Caelus, Nymril, Pryderi, Tysha]
Drow - 5 [Wisteria, Anath, Sinara, Kelaste, Masae]
Half-Orc - 2 [Babette, Justine]
Halfling - 2 [Lydia, Peony]
Dwarf [including Duergar] - 5 [Pearl, Jade, Bryony, Seela, Chanterelle]
Gnome [including deep gnomes] - 3 [Storm, Sera, Francesca]
Tiefling - 8 [Lune, Mercy, Mara, Edmond, Natari, Raelia, Marlia, Kirsikka]
Githyanki - 3 [Quinn, Vetra, Jin'leth]
Dragonborn - 6 [Frost, Morwen, Juniper, Jasmine, Terhi, Suvi]
Divided by classes:
Barbarian - 3 [Morwen, Terhi, Tysha]
Bard - 3 [Lune, Sera, Francesca]
Cleric - 12 [Wisteria, Anath, Storm, Maple, Mara, Pearl, Vetra, Nymril, Pryderi, Carlisle, Seela, Masae. Yes, cleric is my favourite class why do you ask]
Druid - 3 [Frost, Chanterelle, Raelia]
Fighter - 3 [Quimei, Iantha, Justine]
Monk - 3 [Astoria, Narah, Jin'leth]
Paladin - 4 [Babette, Caelus, Juniper, Aurelia]
Ranger - 3 [Quinn, Peony, Edmond]
Rogue - 3 [Hel, Marigold, Marlia]
Sorcerer - 4 [Celyn, Bryony, Natari, Tianae]
Warlock - 3 [Mercy, Jade, Sinara]
Wizard - 7 [Azure, Lydia, Jasmine, Kelaste, Kirsikka, Suvi, Shari]
Of these, the Durge characters are Mercy, Azure, Narah, and Natari, who are all varying levels of giving in/resisting.
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wonderlandcrows · 8 years
Kinkshamed Squad + Corpses
  THE GHOST: You walk for hours in a dark forest where the air is oppressing that you hesitate to breath. The forest makes you paranoid, as if alive, but seemingly everything around is dead and as long decayed. That’s when you stumble upon a skeleton. There’s nothing you can distinguish that could tell who it is so you get closer, it’s then you realize..you’re trapped. Blood everywhere, you can’t see anything, and suddenly you find yourself in hell, how did you get here? And your sins are crawling to find you and there you find a husk of the a man that once was. You recognize his insignia….  this is Nymril Elkraen’s . You’ve heard of him, he was called the Ghost Slayer of Ulvenwald, he apparently saved the city a long time ago, but there’s darker things too… His eyes are blank not the emptiness kind of blank ..but just pure white with rage and there’s appear a demon behind him, you don’t recognize it but it smile and release it’s ‘‘pet’‘. The Hero lunges at you and you’re no more.
THE THIEF: You walk in search of treasures, this forest is big, there’s a lot of hiding places. You and you’re party get attacked by a demon, you wonder how it got there, it’s not their usual hunting spot at all, nonetheless , you run for your life. You find a cavern, the entrance well hidden but it catches your eyes. There’s something about it…You’re alone, you worry about the traps that could be in here but your greed takes over you like a sudden rush. You need to go farther. You need to! It’s incredibly dark, so you light a torch… the cave seems to get smaller the farthest you go in and yet no treasure….Nothing. It’s almost ….peaceful. You begin to believe that it should be better to go back , when a small light appears before you. It’s seems like a firefly, except it emits a reddish glow and more begins to pop up, you take it as a sign to walk farther. What you assume to be firefly stops around a crouched up form, it’s quite…fascinating how someone could go that far. The humanoid form, is tiny , is it a child? As you take your time to inspect it, you finally notice the firefly-like lights are standing where the eyes would be it’s creepy..But what’s more interesting is that you notice a lot of shines in the corpse. You came all this way, you deserve it right? As you extend your arm to take an item, a decayed arm stops you with a surprising force, a lot gurgle emits from the corpse you panic. In your head, you hear : ‘‘ You shouldn’t steal from a dead woman….. You do not need it……..’‘ You know now, you’ll die, but you can’t stop thinking how beautiful it is to see the lights floating around, how the riches are glistening inside the small body and suddenly it’s all black.
THE BRAVE : You’ve always been curious about this forest. You remember the stories of your grandmother, she said that this forest used to flourish with live and that it was the most beautiful place in all the land. Now, it’s merely a shadow of it’s past glory…….It actually looks more like a bog. It emits toxic fumes, people can’t live around the area anymore, you can’t even hear insects. They must have been disintegrated by the acidic liquid destroying everything. You recall the story of this place…. This was used has some kind of arena for a legendary battle between a dragon and a dragonborn. The strong dragonborn fought bravely but it wasn’t enough to defeat the evil dragon who had undergone some kind of mutation, to save her love, she sacrificed herself. At least that’s what you heard. But it’s wasn’t just that, if someone were to traverse the acidic farbog, it’s said they would get some kind of legendary power. You had to try. You almost did it…. You remember getting there and seeing the corpse of this giant beast, everything was worst around it except a small patch inside of it. It was full of greenery…. Just this single patch….It’s a fountain. The water , seemingly pure, went out through the skull of a dragonborn. As you stepped into the grass patch, everything wilted and decayed quickly, the water turned into pure acid, you tried to go back but it was too late…
THE SELFLESS : As your adventure reach an end, a beautiful area awaits ahead. Lush greenery, animals you’ve never seen, beautiful flowers…. It feels surreal. And yet, as stunning as it is…. you can’t help but to feel somehow sorrowful. You notice in the middle of this haven, a statue….Or at least you think it is. It has a humanoid form, it’s seems to be made of wood. There’s not much resemblance to any heroes or entity you’ve ever heard of. It’s like, it’s jotting out of this weeping willow, who seems to be protecting it… The statue seems to be praying, not the usual way you see it done. The eyes are hollow… You can see a nose but no mouth. You prepare your camp when you hear sobbing, you turn towards the wooden statue. The sound is indeed coming from there…. Flowers and plant life is coming out of the hollow eyes, they don’t seem to be coming to hurt but that’s when you notice a black blemish on where the heart would be…..It’s spreading very fast… Into the group, into everything, suddenly it turns into a nightmare. The wooden figure, still crying , only now, wilted flowers, stands up. You try to run, but vines jots out of the ground and keep you in place. It holds your face and you see a mouth forming and it speaks to you, in a softer voice you imagined : ‘‘ I …-I have to keep her…alive….. I’m her ….champion. ‘‘ The mouths open whole and you feel weaker as if , whatever this entity is, was draining you of your life force. You see yourself drop, but you feel no sadness. You are part of the forest. You will live forever, the forest returns to this little safe haven, to wait for it’s next victim. The champion prays to our lady, as he had always done in the past and continue to do so even after his…. death. Technically, he is not dead, but not alive either. Just like you, just like the thousand of souls flowing through the forest. Stuck here forever.
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wonderlandcrows · 8 years
Kinkshamed squad Session 7
This was my first time DM’ing and I had a great time!! ♥ Anyways, onto the more important things that happened....
So we began this session by the squad flanking the acting-mayor of Shadowgrange, he almost died. He’s not dead, but he has a shattered knew, which is very bad.
There’s chaos in town, therefore, someone comes to tell Captain Levi about it and he just wants to leave but the squad is too busy trying to persuade Levi, that he actually went crazy instead of those fuckers attacking him for no reason. He doesn’t believe them but his men does, after all Eah ( @roboloca ) is very convincing. After some talking, the Captain and one of his guard walks away.... The Squad decides to follow them but stealth is not a strong point except for Nym ( @kaijucorps ) who hides behind Surina ( @arigonartworks ) , she is big and tall (find surina a gf 2k17).
After they follow them, they stumble upon a group of refugees who talks about an army, they are panicking, screaming. The priestess are trying to help everyone, guards are running left and right. Omaeri and Gneiss ( @kerrtrash ) asks what’s happening, and seemingly a giant force of zombies is walking towards this town right at this moment. The squad, being the terrible people that they are, decides to leave them to their fate to investigate the riverside which they heard could have some clues about cultists.
However, they get at the gate and they’re being said that something big is happening and they shouldn’t leave the town right now, if they do, the doors probably won’t be open for them again. Surina, intimidating her way through, gets the squad outside. What these dumb-asses didn’t exactly thought through is that it’s the middle of the night right now, and it’s best to not venture out as night, with undead venturing in the area it’s even less safe to do. So , they just end up camping in front of the door of Shadowgrange with another group of refugees. This group of refugees is different, they seems to be sick, to which the squad reacts by getting away from them except Omaeri and Gneiss who spend the night tending to them.
Eah, Surina and Bucket cuddle up and sleep together (so cute).
In the morning, Omaeri and Gneiss have collected information, and Omaeri tells them that they should stay in town to help them. Nym is being a little shit. No but, Omaeri and Nym gets in a little........dispute in front of the party but quickly compose themselves. They convince one of the guards that was on the look out that they were actually refugees and to let them (back) in.
They want to know more informations so they go to the Chapel, where the previous refugees were trying to get in. They need to find Priestess Flora but she doesn’t seem to be there, but they find they’re friend, Temperance, she brings them to Flora’s house where they see He Skan, the inn owner and later Captain Levi who’s not happy to see them again. They discuss what to do, and they reach a decision. They need to stay and defend the town but evacuate those who can’t fight. In between, Surina got roughed up a little bit by Silvia, Flora’s girlfriend,
Of course after hard work (I wouldn’t call it that but okay), they went to the tavern to get drunk and that’s when the bonding session began. Everyone opened up about why they were there and what’s their objective. Omaeri and Nym opened up about their relationship a little, to which Eah wants DEETS ( So does Surina but she has more dignity ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) , It was a really good moment!!! We got to see Surina interact with children, the main one being Remi. She is now a hero to the refugees children. And after that, they talked some more. Omaeri and Gneiss convinced people to help them to defend the town.
At night, Nym make a deal with a demon B) Which, we haven’t seen the consequences yet.... And that’s where we left off!
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wonderlandcrows · 8 years
I can't believe that Omaeri " I will ignore you for 2 years because I'm petty" Siannodel said that he's going to stay at Nymril's side because that's where he's most confortable. And that's canon.
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wonderlandcrows · 8 years
A short resume about what happened in this week session
So Gneiss ( @kerrtrash ) have a private talk with Flora and then Surina ( @arigonartworks ) did as well. But oops, Eah ( @roboloca ) listened to Surina and Flora’s talk in doing so she learned that Surina had been contacted by the church to infiltrate the cult ( seems shady hm..) that has been apparently tormenting the village .
After that, Eah goes to talk to Temperance, her new tiefling friend! She asks about her parents, which is kind of awkward but Eah doesn’t give a fuck. (She’s planning a marriage we all know it....)
The squad , forgetting Immeral in the church, goes towards the Mayor’s house , to find more clues to Katarina’s whereabouts.
Meanwhile, Rev ( @dieonik ) goes to the Bountiful Heron, who’s owners seems shady af. Naivara knows too much to be innocent. She also said to Rev that the cultists could be find by the river in the west. Having his mindset to find the hammer, he goes to find the others who are currently on their way to the mayor’s house.
As we get there, Rev gets out of the shop and calls us out to tell us that we should go to the river but first we decide to explore the mayor’s house. We investigate the doors, to break into the house like a good visitor would do (hfdnlkzx) . There was some kind of spell that was protecting the back door, preventing something from getting out?
Eah goes in first, but then notices that it’s pitch black inside,, even with her low-vision she can’t see shit so she goes behind Surina because she’s scared and there’s something not right. Omaeri arcana check and deduce that it’s some sort of magical darkness and tells Nym ( @kaijucorps ) to go inside first.
Nym goes in and then followed by Surina. They listen to see if there’s anyone else in here, and there is. It seems like something is picking up glass shards. Also Nym, being a blood hunter, has a feature which can help him detect creatures, in doing so we learn that there’s 4 undead and 1 creature that’s approaching below. After that, Rev and Gneiss enters by the other door and gets attacked by unknown entities. At some point, Omaeri , Surina and Rev lights up a torch and it does helps in the darkness! Much less than expected but still it’s enough to see the creatures to fight them. After the fight (Bucket mvp) , Omaeri investigate the remains and finds out that the rotting corpse of the mayor is in here instead of being in the ground at the cemetery the squad passed a day earlier. Nym, having no class, loots the mayor’s corpse (lmao).
Omaeri goes upstairs, following a blood trail that leads to a music room. Surina, Nym and Gneiss follow him . And that’s where we stopped.
We’re pretty sure there’s a puzzle with the instruments in the music room also we’re going to abandon the quests and form a band.
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wonderlandcrows · 8 years
Are y’all ready for another long ass resume of what happen this week on the kinkshamed squad show? Because it’s happening.
So last week, we fell asleep at a inn. We began the session by waking up at 5 pm. Nothing seemingly happened while we were sleeping.
First thing to do when you wake up is obviously convincing your (ex)bf to lockpick the door and then realize that he’s not totally a rogue and he doesn’t have lockpicks. Omaeri looking awkward af in the hallway of the inn, the Owner comes to ask what’s wrong and Omaeri just used Eah ( @roboloca ) as an excuse , saying she was sick .Since Nym ( @kaijucorps ) is tinier than Omaeri, he could hide behind him to sneak to that room.
Also, second order of the day is to rob this kind family. Gneiss ( @kerrtrash ) goes to the owners room to steal their shit but doesn’t steal everything (you know , to be considerate). We obviously haven’t eaten in a while , so Omaeri asks about how much would it cost for them to eat. The group has to go to the tavern again (the same one we spent all last session in lmao also twice in the same day). After a long stretched out sigh , Omaeri tells Gneiss that they need to pay 30 sp for a meal (it wasn’t actually all that wrong lmaO) to mess with her. Like the little shit he is, Omaeri screams at the people in the room to wake tf up, Gneiss goes in and convince Surina ( @arigonartworks ) with food.
We get to the tavern to eat, Omaeri spots Immeral and sits with him and successfully flirts with him. They talked while the group was eating and deciding what to do ( aka thank u because I’m so bad at flirting irl I cant roleplay it to save my life)  Also asked him to join the group. Gneiss realized that Omaeri lied about the price. And Eah paid for the dinner (lolol lost 2gp). Also almost blown bucket’s cover there. (My bad)
To get the keys to Gneiss’s shop. First thing Rev ( @dieonik ) does is to try to loot the place. Not so stealthy , Gneiss notices and then he can’t (but he gets it in the end....bruh). Surina notices a switch by the fire place, before anyone else can do anything Omaeri press on it which opens up to a staircase going downstair. Looks like Gneiss cousin had an underground lab, before the party (except Omaeri) could explore it, creatures popped up also a dwarven vine men.
Before killing the vine man, Gneiss tries to talk to it. It responds! It was under Rev’s spell so it couldn‘t attack us, but it succeeded it’s str save so it attacked us again. Nym killed it while staring down Immeral (no one knows why....)
Gneiss has a plant kink™
There’s another vine creature, called Thorn and Gneiss persuades it that the group won’t attack it. They talk for a while, it’s shaped like a friend. Gneiss loves her new friend. Rev searches for loot and he finds 3 pair of gloves, but doesn’t tell the party and sneak away from the crime scene since he basically just stole from Gneiss. He goes upstairs and start looking around for more loot (you monster!). He finds a metal chest and pries it open, Omaeri tried to stop him but...(nat 20 vs nat 1 ). Inside there’s a snakeheaded wip (kinky™). Omaeri screams to Gneiss to tell her that Rev is stealing her shit but he bolt through the door which Omaeri was standing in front of, he tries to hit Rev with his quarterstaff, it doesn’t work.
Gneiss gets upstairs and starts fighting with Omaeri, which Surina stops just to be resume again in the basement because of chemicals. Her cousin was an alchemist and he had chemicals lying around (actually I took it from a box) and I tried to test their effects on a tree . Gneiss stopped Omaeri from doing that because the tree was/is(?) important to Siegfried (idk how to write his name). Then Omaeri tries to pour it onto the Thorn but Gneiss stops him again and kick him out of her new house. Omaeri asks Immeral if he wants to come with him, because why not really? . They go out, there’s a note on the door from Rev that says that Omaeri stole shit and that he locked up Rev out.
Omaeri shred the paper and takes a deep breath.
‘‘ I’m going to kill him . ‘‘
Good times.
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wonderlandcrows · 8 years
I’m sure our DM ( @omgkalyppso ) had many great things planned for this session but we’re a bunch of nerds that spent 3 hours in a bar flirting (not adequately ) with people that we don’t know their names at all. (No names are needed for one night stand lolol)
So, we arrived at Shadowgrange , safe & sounds, uninjured (for the most part.... *cough cough* ) We met twins guards, and honestly to most of our party humans all look the same anyways so it didn’t make much a difference. One of them didn’t like us very much.... Gneiss ( @kerrtrash ) kind of gave him a reason to. We had to pass some kind of test to see if we were not supernatural creatures and Gneiss stole the holy symbol they use for that. Also, to a certain degree we were protecting Bucket ( still can’t believe they let it in the city christ)
We passed by a cemetery and Rev & Gneiss went to look at it. We learned that the mayor had passed away recently. Also Gneiss asked about her cousin to Kragnar. Rev ( @dieonik ) slapped Kragnar ass. (Good shit). Omaeri tried to steal Kragnar’s cat, Speckles. He succeeded but the cat didn’t like him very much unfortunately. The cat went under the wagon to never be seen again. (Tbh I don’t know what happened to the cat look it’s probably okay?) Also Omaeri managed to get paid for riding with Kragnar (thank you high persuasion).
After that, Kragnar proposed that we get a drink. It’s a date ( not really but let us dream) . We entered the bar, and not a lot of people around. Not surprising seeing as it’s like 10 am. There’s 6 people in the establishment.
Rev says ‘‘ Not now!’‘ which is kinda strange so Gneiss ask him what this is about, she succeed to know more (thanks to good roll on her part but also bad luck on die’s part  lmao) . Gneiss learns that Rev has spirit, or at least a voice , that talks to him; telling him to kill creatures and that sometimes this voice speaks to him when he’s with other people (y’know no biggie).
Gneiss begins to ask around for information to the maid/waitress (I don’t remember...) about her cousin which she got his house now. Also asking what happened around. She learns that the mayor died and after his death his daughter went missing and that the mayor’s daughter was in a relationship with her cousin. While they were talking, Omaeri was asking the bar keeper some informations, which he tried to make Omaeri pay for. Omaeri said he would only if the information was worth it ( I never payed the bar keeper my bad oh well).
Then we shifted the conversation to a priest which Gneiss tried to flirt with (very badly ) ,fortunately (Or not depending where you stands) Rev was there to be her wingman. After some words were spoken, it was decided that Rev is an extremely bad wingman (0/10 would not recommend) and that priest was too young for Gneiss (baby she says!). Rev gets kicked for being a bad wingman ( doesn’t affect him much with a roll of 3 lmao )
Eah ( @roboloca ) whispers that she doesn’t trust the man in the armor and hides behind Surina (that was really cute). And a man began talking to Surina ( @arigonartworks ) about her doggo from hell. She somehow managed to convince him that it was a malformation of birth. He’s very interested to know more about Bucket but Surina is reluctant to say that’s it’s actually a demon dog (who knows why?). He ask what arcane is. He’s seriously too cute (cinnamon roll 10/10 would flirt). His name is Immeral and he’s a stranger of Shadowgrange, common is not his first language and he apologize if Surina doesn’t understand. ( The guy has a big book to write notes in!!! like he’s just so cute pls) Surina says that common is not her first language either they bond over this (?).
We discover that the priestess is a tiefling! Gneiss calls Eah over because friends!! They’re both happy to see another tiefling (heart warming). They discuss where they come from.
Rev & Gneiss are at another table with a soldier. They start talking to him. First thing Gneiss asks is his age, the man is in 60. Gneiss throws her hands in the air and screams ; BABIES . (She’s old....not that old for a dwarf tho lmao). She goes away from a table once more. Rev tries to make conversation to the old man to learn more about him. At some point Gneiss returned to the table, and after some time Rev groped the old man. (we’re not the kinkshamed squad for nothing). The old man goes away. Rev returns to talk to the priestess , Temperance, and wants to know information (roll intimidation) and screams at Eah’s new friend. She tells him what she knows, and goes away. (Another victim) Eah is a little upset by this and goes to Surina’s side.
Surina has business to do with Katarina. We don’t know what. She also pets Eah’s head ( Eah is adorable ) and to make people stop asking Surina what’s the deal with Katarina, Gneiss tells the party that Rev has a voice in his head that tells him to kill stuff sometimes. Rev hears that and wince (how could u betray him like that).
Before going out, Omaeri winks at Immeral (he’s 2 cute).
We go to an inn, tries to convince Kragnar to give us more money to pay for the rooms. Doesn’t work, Only Eah get some (1 gp, Kragnar is BROKE lmaooo) he winks and wave good bye. We get rooms. Omaeri and Nym ( @kaijucorps ) are in the same room, Surina, Gneiss, Eah, Bucket & Rev are in another room. There’s an occupied room at the end of the hallway, which Rev listened in for moans. (supposedly because of the undeads but we know.... Rev, we know.)
Also Kragnar is totally our bf (as in boyfriend) lmao
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wonderlandcrows · 8 years
Listen, we got attacked by skeleton men and one party member got unconscious and another three almost did as well while Nym ( @kaijucorps ) and Omaeri plus our guide was chilling in our wagon.
Bodyguards definitely wasn’t paid enough for this. Our guide; ‘‘ This is exactly why I pay you for wtf’‘ Nym, Omaeri and Eah ( @roboloca ) wants a refund. We paid 1 gold for this trip and we ate shit. We did not sign up for this. Eah stole her money back.
We then stopped for the night, we played cards. Rev’ ( @dieonik ) is our own lil master at cards, we all lost. Surina ( @arigon-reblogs ) is definitely not putting money on this game, Omaeri lost a collection plate. The last game before we got attacked by shadows, Gneiss won her pride back (by cheating). Omaeri tried to create dices, they didn’t look very good ..Gneiss tried to refine them, didn’t give the best results and then began to brew some beer. I think Nym got kinkshamed between those two fights, I don’t remember exactly when.
In our second fight, our guide got knocked unconscious and Surina as well but everything went fine, we decided to go fast. (gotta go fast™) Omaeri kicked Nym for dabbing. A boom happened and fiends attacked us, we did very well but not as well as the other fight because guys holy shit. So we investigated where those fiends came from and we found a cave, we all rolled low on stealth so we decided to lit up some torches (it was lit™) There was a bunch of charred corpses and then there was a little man and a demon dog. Rev’‘ casted marionette to control the demon dog and made him attack his master. We didn’t do anything, the dog fucking wrecked his master. We still have the dog because animal handling checks, and now it’s Surina’s , she named him bucket.(We call him bucket but it should buckets? maybe? He has 2 heads). We came back to our wagon and Kragnar was questioning our decision with the doggo , we convinced him that the dog was fluffy. We decided to go slower now, Omaeri did not appreciate and gave a little kick to Nym. (Omaeri is 500% salt how did this happen). Eah rode the demon dog, great times.
We stopped at the bridge to see if it would support us. Rev’ went to check it out and got attacked by spiders. Omaeri slapped Kragnar to wake him up, dealing 2 points of damage. Nym got kinkshamed again in battle. We defeated them without any difficulty really. The party learned that the guilded ram horn that Omaeri had picked up earlier had a demonic symbol on it and Gneiss ( @kerrtrash ) was upset that Nym& Omaeri kept it secret. Omaeri got fucking stabbed after punches were proved ineffective.
Omaeri has no fucking chill or whatsoever and I love him and I love everyone else’s chara. ♥♥
It was a great game.
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assventuring · 7 years
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@kaijucorps ‘ Nym carries around a 10 pound ‘Bara tiddy torso’
@kerrtrash‘ Gneiss is judging
Gneiss: Skullfucker, I ain’t even surprised anymore
Nym: Judge all you want, you’re still groping a dead bara tiddy
Gneiss: Gotta respect the tiddy
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wonderlandcrows · 7 years
As he fell unconscious from the attack of that young teenager, he looked at his love for what he thought would the last time. Rather to feel scared, he felt oddly at peace, even though he wanted to help his new-found friends. This was not the first time that Omaeri was facing death but it was the first time that he didn’t feel terrified at the thought. He opened his eyes again, but to a familiar sight. The forest he grew up in, the sun gently touching his face, the wind brushing slowly his skin… He felt happy. A happiness he hasn’t felt in a long time. A figure approached him, as it got nearer, he began to recognize who it was. The leader of the Hollow woods, his mother. It has been 10 years. Omaeri has conflicting emotions regarding her mother, she died because of him; she was so important to their people. She was helping with relations with cities & villages and was keeping the other clans in check. He wasn’t around other druids much, but he kept himself informed, therefore, he knows how much turmoil her death caused and it’s all his fault. Another figure appears beside his mother. He doesn’t recognize him, the only thing he knows for sure is that it’s a demon. With his red fiery eyes, his horns, and a perturbing smile, he approaches. He begins to speak; his voice is a delight to the ears.
-         Hi, it’s nice to meet you after seeing you so much in my toy’s dreams. Omaeri Siannodel isn’t it? This scenery is…surprising. Well, different than what I imagined, it almost makes me sick. Each to their own, I guess. No matter, this is not why I’m here, I apologize, I tend to ramble a lot. Ask Nymril, he could tell you about it.
Despite the demon being incredibly beautiful, he gave off a displeasing aura. Omaeri’s clan had to deal with demons quite often so he was used to them but this one is different and has he mention Nym’s name, Omaeri flinch a little bit. This demon knew Nym, it made him worry, in what circumstance would he have gotten to know him and since when? Since Omaeri wasn’t answering, Belial pressed on.
-         Aren’t you a rude one? Didn’t your lovely mom, and he reaches for her, teach you better that?
Has Belial stroke Ashaa’s face, he watches for any reactions from Omaeri. He gets a stare but nothing more.
-         Well, if I wasn’t already busy with my current toy, I would take pleasure in breaking you. Anyway, I have a deal to propose to you. As I’m sure you know, Nymril cares a great deal about you and it’s too soon for him to break. It would just be a shame, don’t you agree? At this rate, you’ll die. However, I can offer a deal, you live and everyone is happy. There is just a small price… After all, I can’t just give away life for free. A life for a life, this is the regular rule. However, I’m ready to make an exception for you.
-         I don’t do deals with demons. You must think I’m stupid. If … If my time has come so be it. Then, I’ll die.
Omaeri was on the defensive. He knew the danger of making deals with demons. Being a druid, they went against everything he stood for. Except… He knew this wasn’t truly about him, it was about Nym. In everything else, Omaeri knew to keep his cool and to keep himself level-headed but regarding Nym, decisions suddenly became complicated. He could do anything for him, that’s why he was there in the first place.
-         Darling, we both know it isn’t true. You want to live. Understanding one mortality does not make you ready for it nor does it make you want to die. So, how about you stop being stubborn and do what’s best for all parties involved?
Belial was now standing in front of the half-elf druid, looking down on him with piercing eyes. The demon was now losing his patience and he didn’t have much time either to conclude a deal, life is a fleeting thing.
-         Do you truly want Nym to destroy himself over you? Do you truly want Nym to die because of you? Once again, killing the person you love the most. I don’t think it’s a burden you’re ready to take on. You know nothing of what true suffering is and so help me Asmodeus, do not test me.
Omaeri didn’t know what to say to this. He barely lived his life and while he was ready to die, he was not ready to let Nym’s happiness die. He loved him. He was the most important person in his life and yet he hadn’t told him. They didn’t even completely talk things trough about their fight. There was so much Omaeri wanted to do with Nym. The exchange with the demon made him realise that. This unpleasant individual was right. Even though, Omaeri came to term with his mortality, he was not ready. There was too much to do, to much left unsaid. He had to get closure at least.
-         … Who do I have to kill?
-         You haven’t met the man yet, his name is [censured bc reasons]. He should be quite easy to find, so you don’t need to worry about anything. Now, I shall bid you farewell, you have quite the journey awaiting you.
-         What will happen once I do it?
-         Well, it’ll be a surprise. I love surprising mortals! We’ll see each other again, can’t wait to see you again Omaeri Siannodel.
With those last words, the pleasant vision of his home slowly faded away, he could feel himself coming back to reality, to himself. As much as he would have liked to stay with his mother, living in pure happiness, not having to worry whether he’ll life or die tomorrow … He had to, for Nym. He would destroy himself before he hurt his love once more.
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