#Norges Bank
notayesmanseconomics · 3 months
Where next for interest rates as Switzerland and Norway place their votes?
The interest-rate story in 2024 appeared to be clear cut as we entered the year fired up by hints from the Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell. At that point bond markets surged and would have expected one and maybe two cuts by now. Whereas we were told this over the weekend on Face the Nation. Bank of America’s prediction that the Fed will cut interest rates this year, but not until December, is…
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designmiss · 10 years
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Corone norvegesi pixellate https://www.design-miss.com/corone-norvegesi-pixellate/ La #Banca centrale della #Norvegia ha annunciato il 7 ottobre le due #proposte vincitrici per la progettazione delle nuove #banconote corone norvegesi.
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bodoposten · 2 years
Stortinget behandler grunnlovsforslag
Torsdag 12. januar behandler Stortinget flere grunnlovsforslag. Blant forslagene er at Stortinget skal tre sammen tidligere og å åpne for å fremme borgerforslag på Stortinget. Grunnlovsendringene må vedtas med 2/3 flertall, og 2/3 av representantene må være til stede når vedtaket fattes. Grunnlovsendringer trer i kraft straks, altså også før de er kunngjort, med mindre Stortinget bestemmer noe…
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emblakaridotter · 2 years
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rjzimmerman · 3 months
Excerpt from this story from Canary Media:
Buildings everywhere need to get off fossil fuels in order to help the world avoid climate catastrophe. Yet owners of large commercial buildings in New York City are especially feeling the pressure: The groundbreaking Local Law 97 takes effect this year, requiring buildings of more than 25,000 square feet to meet specific emissions limits, which become more stringent in 2030, or face hefty fines.
One cutting-edge retrofit project is underway at the corner of Hudson and Charlton streets in lower Manhattan. The 17-story Art Deco office building, built in 1931, is ditching its fossil-gas boiler for uber-efficient electric heat pumps that are both heaters and air conditioners. They’re key components of a system that aims to heat and cool the building more efficiently by capturing thermal energy that would otherwise be wasted.
The state is backing the demonstration project, which could serve as a model to decarbonize the more than 6,000 high-rises that punctuate New York City’s skyline. As part of the Empire Building Challenge, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) awarded $5 million to the 345 Hudson project in 2022, which also has more than $30 million in private funding.
Project leader Benjamin Rodney estimates that once the project is complete in 2030, the building will use 25 percent less energy than a conventional design and reduce greenhouse gas pollution by 70 percent relative to 2019 levels. As the grid cleans up, he expects the figure to climb to 90 percent by 2035. The deep emissions cuts will allow the building owner, Hudson Square Properties — a joint venture of Hines, Trinity Church Wall Street, and Norges Bank Investment Management — to avoid more than $200,000 in fines annually starting in 2030.
But more importantly, it could help other building owners determine how best to eliminate emissions — a crucial task given that nearly 70 percent of the city’s carbon pollution stems from the fossil fuels used to heat and power its buildings.
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nando161mando · 3 months
▶️In a display of support, a Norwegian choir stages a performance outside Norges Bank in Oslo, urging Norway to sever financial ties with Israel's occupation.
#WeAreAllGaza #FreePalestine
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Norwegian Bokmål for Total Beginners (January 2024 Crash Course)
25. Nordic Countries
Welcome to day 25! We're doing pretty well here, huh? :D Today we're learning the names for the nordic countries!
land (n) - country
Norden - the north (specifically the nordics)
Norge - Norway
Danmark - Denmark
Sverige - Sweden
Finland - Finland
Island - Iceland
Færøyene - The Faroe Islands
språk (n) - language
nasjonalitet (m) - nationality
Grammar: Language & Nationality
Unlike English where we can change the word of the country in any number of ways to get the language/nationality (France -> French, Germany -> German, Norway -> Norwegian, Sweden -> Swedish, China -> Chinese etc), it's pretty easy in Norwegian: it'll always end in -sk:
Norge -> norsk (Norwegian)
Sverige -> svensk (Swedish)
Danmark -> dansk (Danish)
Finland -> finsk (Finnish)
Island -> islandsk (Icelandic)
Færøyene -> færøysk (Faroese)
This pertains to both the language and the nationality:
Han er norsk. Han snakker norsk. (He's Norwegian. He speaks Norwegian)
Vi er finske. Vi snakker finsk og svensk. (We're Finnish. We speak Finnish and Swedish)
Den islandske mannen snakker islandsk og dansk. (The Icelandic man speaks Icelandic and Danish)
Er dere færøysk? Snakker dere færøysk? (Are you Faroese? Do you speak Faroese?)
Note: all countries are capitalised just like in English, but languages and nationalities aren't.
Your turn!
Here's a list of countries in alphabetical order. Find your country and tell me what languages you speak! If your country or language isn't there, you're welcome to look it up, reblog and add it (there's like 200 countries and over 7000 languages in the world so I'm not gonna list them all, sorry. I chose the countries I did because I have or have had followers of those nationalities)
I'll go first!
Jeg kommer fra Storbritannia. Jeg er britisk. Jeg bor i Japan. Jeg snakker engelsk og norsk, og jeg lærer meg japansk. (I come from the UK. I am British. I live in Japan. I speak English and Norwegian, and I'm learning Japanese)
Argentina/Argentinian -> Argentina/argentisk
Australia/Australian -> Australia/australsk
Austria/Austrian -> Østerrike/østerrisk
Belarus/Belarusian -> Hviterussland/hviterussisk
Belgium/Belgian -> Belgia/belgisk (Flemmish = flamsk)
Bosnia & Herzegovina/Bosnian -> Bosnia og Hercegovina/bosnisk
Brazil/Brazilian -> Brasil/brasiliansk
Bulgaria/Bulgarian -> Bulgaria/bulgarsk
Canada/Canadian -> Canada/kanadisk
China/Chinese -> Kina/kinesisk
Croatia/Croatian -> Kroatia/kroatisk
Cyprus/Cypriot -> Kypros/kypriotisk
Czechia/Czech -> Tsjekkia/tsjekkisk
Egypt/Egyptian -> Egypt/egyptisk (Arabic = arabisk)
England/English -> England/engelsk
Estonia/Estonian -> Estland/estlandsk
France/French -> Frankrike/fransk
Germany/German -> Tyskland/tysk (Yiddish = jiddisk)
Georgia/Georgian -> Georgia/georgisk
Greece/Greek -> Hellas/gresk
Greenland/Greenlandic -> Grønland/grønlandsk
Hungary/Hungarian -> Ungarn/ungarsk
India/Indian -> India/indisk
Ireland/Irish -> Irland/irsk
Israel/Israeli -> Israel/israelsk
Japan/Japanese -> Japan/japansk
Korea/Korean -> Korea/koreansk
Latvia/Latvian -> Latvia/latvisk
Lithuania/Lithuanian -> Litauen/litauisk
Mexico/Mexican -> Mexico/meksicansk
Moldova/Moldovan -> Moldova/Moldovisk
The Netherlands/Dutch -> Nederland/nederlandsk (Frisian = frisisk)
New Zealand/New Zealander -> New/Ny Zealand/new/ny zealandsk (Aotearoa = Aotearoa)
Palestine/Palestinian -> Palestina/palestinsk (Gaza = Gaza, the West Bank - Vestbredden)
The Philippines/Filipino -> Filippinene/filipinsk
Poland/Polish -> Polen/polsk
Portugal/Portuguese -> Portugal/portugisisk
Romania/Romanian -> Romania/rumensk
Russia/Russian -> Russland/russisk
Scotland/Scottish -> Skottland/skotsk (Scots = skotsk, Scottish Gaelic = skotsk-gælisk)
Serbia/Serbian -> Serbia/serbisk
Slovakia/Slovak -> Slovakia/slovakisk
Slovenia/Slovenian -> Slovenia/slovensk
South Africa/South African -> Sør-Afrika/sørafrikansk
Spain/Spanish -> Spania/spansk
Thailand/Thai -> Thailand/thailandsk
Turkey/Turkish -> Tyrkia
The UK/British -> Storbritannia/britisk
Ukraine/Ukrainian -> Ukraina/ukrainsk
The USA/American -> USA/amerikansk
Vietnam/Vietnamese -> Vietnam/vietnamsk
Wales/Welsh -> Wales/walisisk
Zimbabwe/Zimbabwean -> Zimbabwe/zimbabwisk (Shona = sjona)
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adito-lang · 2 years
Norwegian multiethnolect - kebabnorsk
I recently finished the novel Hør Her'a! by Gulraiz Sharif, and one of the most interesting aspects of the book was how the main character, Mahmoud, uses what is commonly referred to as kebabnorsk, a language variant of Norwegian that incorporates words and grammatical structures from languages spoken by immigrants in Norway such as Arabic, Kurdish, Urdu, Pashto, Somali, Berber, Tamil, Turkish, Persian, Balkan languages, and Spanish. It's used widely among young people in multiethnic neighborhoods, especially in eastern parts of Oslo - this is also the setting for Hør Her'a!
Researchers refer to this language variant as a norsk multietnolekt (Norwegian multiethnolect), since it is not spoken by just one particular ethnic group. Others use the term asfaltnorsk, arguing that this language variant is an overwhelmingly urban phenomenon. Norwegian multiethnolect emerged from immigrant youth communities, particularly those in eastern neighborhoods of Oslo, and since the 1990s has spread to broader youth populations. The term kebabnorsk itself was first used in a Master's thesis, titled Kebab-norsk: fremmedspråklig påvirkning på ungdomsspråket i Oslo, by Stine Cecile Aasheim in 1995.
While reading Hør Her'a! I often referred to this site which explains the meanings and origins for some of the most common words. I've included sentences from the book. Sometimes the spelling differs, since there's no standardization.
asjko - å ha sex (from Berber) Alle som har vært på pornhub vet at hvite mennesker elsker å bli piska og slått mens de ashko.
brursanklem – "bro-hug" (brorsan/brursan means "bro" and comes from Swedish slang brorshan) Vi gir hverandre brursanklem.
gåra/gåri - I couldn't find an actual translation but from the context of these two sentences I assume it's a (derogatory) term for ethnic Norwegians, similar to potet. Jeg står der og føler at vi har blitt skikkelig gåra familie. Wannabe gåri!
jette - å dra, å stikke (unknown origin) Han jetter så sjapt, løper av gårde.
kæbe - jente, dame (from Arabic) ”Det går bræhhhhhh, din wannabe kæhhbe, vi har mange flere! Pappa mamma kan lage en sønn til! (This is said in an ironic/teasing way by Mahmoud to his little sister, who is trans)
kæze - å banke opp (unknown origin) Hun dama kan klikke for alt, hvis hun hører dårlige nyheter fra hjemland, hun kæser oss.
lægs - penger, oftest kontanter (from the Somali word “laax” with the same meaning) Men for å erobre hovedstaden man må ha fluser, penger, lægs, kachinglyd i lomma. (flus is another word for money)
loke - å henge rundt uten mål (unknown origin) Jeg viser han somaliere, forteller han at mange av dem loker dagen lang og ikke gjør en dritt. (The novel explores the rivalries/prejudices between different ethnic groups in Mahmoud's neighborhood)
sjofe - å se (from Arabic) Akkurat nå forbildet hans er Elsa og Moana, fordi han sjofer dem hele tida.
schpa - digg, bra (from Berber) Du er brun og bra! Bare oppfør deg i livet, så går alt schpaa!
tisjar - forræder/sviker (origin unknown) Da han plutselig blir fokusert, han tisjaren der! Jeg viser onkel Aker Brygge og festningen, forteller han at tisjarer som gikk imot Norge under andre verdenskrig og ditcha landet sitt ble skutt der.
wallah/wollah – sverge (ved Allah) (from Arabic) Jeg elsker deg, brur, du vet ikke, brur, hvor mye jeg elsker deg, wollah!
zebb - penis (from Arabic) Han ser uomskjærte zebber, blir sjokka igjen.
It also has to be said that prejudice exists towards this language variant - unfortunately no surprise, considering it's mainly used by young people with an immigration background - with people labelling its grammar as "wrong" Norwegian, since it for example doesn't adhere to the V2 (verb in second position) rule, or separate subject and object forms of pronouns. For more examples, check out this fun video:
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collapsedsquid · 1 year
Referendum to sell all state assets to Norges bank
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johnnyquanart · 2 years
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Norges Bank Kristiansand, Norway Just a building that caught my eye. It's been around since the end of the 19th-century. The construction about also made it of compositional interest to me. Did a lot of exploring downtown while here. Was quite warm when I visited. Would love to visit this city again in the future!
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nautilus1954 · 2 years
What's something interesting to you personally about Vincent's life as a human? Or is there not too much lore behind his past?
Oh where do I begin >=]
He was born in a rather wealthy family. Not rich rich, but richer than most. His father worked in stocks as well as mines, and got a few good scores in the markets. He eventually decided to move his family to the states where most of his mining operations were.
Vincent (who was 5 at this point) wasn't necessarily scared of the ocean, mainly because he was to busy being sea sick ALL the time. He has a low tolerance for sea sickness so those 9 days where torcher for him. Half way through the trip, his father was able to bring him down to the holds of the ship in hopes of him losing his sea sickness. When they got to the engine room, Vincent's sea sickness vanished completely from the sight of that giant iron monster snorting in chorus. If any of you seen a reciprocating marine engine, then you realize the absolute astonishment Vincent had with the thing. This would impact his life by him having a curiosity with anything mechanical.
After they had gotten to the states, Vincent's father had a large house built in an open field, and had Vincent enroll in school. He had a good taste of what bullying was like being that... ya know... he's "different" apparently... yeah the kids in school where a bunch of dicks.
To try and fit in more he tried sounding more American and dropped all words that where British, almost that is. He wouldn't say "Where's the loo" or ask for "crisps" (for all you single minded Americans, loo is "bathroom" and crisps "chips") He could never go full american accent but he settled for a mix of two. He still uses his mixed voice to this day and can go full UK if he wanted, but he's just used to the mixed voice a this point.
From there to 1903 is pretty uneventful. He learned to play Violin at the age of ten and was actually quite good at. Got into art, and began to help build things with his father. He also got an interest for reading those classic novel like "Jules Verne" and "H.G Wells". His favorites being "Around the World in 80 Days", "Master of the World", "The Time Machine", and "War of the Worlds". [You though I was gonna put "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" didn't you. Sike >=]]
1904 his father was going on a business trip back to England. He had done these trips before, and ecationaly he would bring his family with him. This time however, he went alone to New York and left for England. All was smoth sailing and got to England on schedule. Did his work. Then set of back to America on board the S.S Norge... The ship was lost near Rockwall and lost 700 out of 800 passengers and crew.
Both Vincent as well as his mother where both devastated by the news, and this is where Vincents fear of natrual bodies of water peaked. His mother was absolutely heartbroken by the news, but they still had money. When someone dies and there money is in the bank, then that bank is now entitled to that money being that it belongs to no one now. Finders keepers. But Vincent's father never trusted banks, so he kept all the savings in checks and put them in a safe. This meant that now Vincent's mother had to be entitled to the business, and so she did. At the time, men found it odd and in somecases, offensive that a women could operate a full scale business, and Vincent had a few fist fights about the subject, most of which he won, but she ran it, and did a damn good job until 1921.
Vincent would make it an ecation to visit his father's tombstone once a month. A tradition he still keeps up to this day.
Vincent's mother didn't like the idea of living alone for the rest of her life, and that's somthing that stems out to Vincnet later in life quite dramatically. She remarried an industrialist by the name of Jonathan in early 1905 and had a child by the name of Morgan, who was Vincent's little sister. I'm gonna keep Jonathan anonymous for now.
As Vincent got older, he found that kids in school started trying to be his freind, but he was keen in what they were trying to do "Freinds give eachother things right? So what do I of all people have to give but money" he would say. His same attitude was towards the women who would flirt with him and where even wishing to Ummm... "give him somthing he wouldn't regret" if he paid them. This somewhat scard him for eternity, and forever had the notion that someone was always out to get somthing from someone.
When he turned 14, he began working for a small branch of the "Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company". New factories means new jobs, and engineering jobs for that matter. He quite quickly rose up the ranks as being an electrician for the electric dynamos. He wouldn't call himself a young genius when it came to the stuff, he just learned quickly and had a nack for electric energy. He was fascinated by its mysterious force and power, and sometimes experiment with it as well. He got electrocuted many times, but still came back for more. He wasn't obsessed with it, he was just fascinated by it.
From there to 1909 I want to keep anonymous as well just to be secretive X]
So yeah... I just looked at your question again could of wrote you what should of been a simple sentence. But no, I give you a hole damn passage. Hope you don't mind <=]
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Where next for interest-rates?
We find ourselves in the middle of a bit of a barrage from central banks on the subject of interest-rates. Yesterday evening the present round of rises was kicked off by the worlds main central bank. At today’s meeting the Committee raised the target range for the federal funds rate by 1/4 percentage point, bringing the target range to 4-3/4 to 5 percent. And we are continuing the process of…
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johnroeluna · 2 years
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Christian Heinrich Grosch, Den første Norges Bank, 1921-1925
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bodoposten · 1 year
Kortbruken økte i Nord-Norge i juli
Nordmenn handlet for 50 milliarder kroner med BankAxept-kortene i juli. Vekstvinneren ble Nord-Norge, som hadde 1,3 prosent høyere omsetning enn i fjor. Vestland fikk 4,6 prosent lavere omsetning enn i fjor. Foran årets sommersesong var forventningene høye blant norske reiselivsbedrifter og handelen. Totalt sett ble det en nedgang i kortbruken i juli på 2,6 prosent, men i Nordland og Troms og…
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dxbcap · 2 years
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Meet Nico, one of the big shots of global investors and hedge fund managers! 🚀
Let me introduce you our fund management consultant, Nicolai from Norway. He graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and London School of Economics. Nicolai is the CEO of Norges Bank Investment Management and he is responsible for investing the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund, which is the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund. He founded with his wife the AKO Foundation, which focuses on education and the art. Among others, the AKO Foundation has provided funding for the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation. He is a known and recognized art collector in private life. Nico's role is to help us to set up our emerging fund. He will be with us for 2 months and I think we're gonna be succesful with his proficiency. 💪
Ismerkedjetek meg Nicoval, a nemzetközi befektetők és fund manager-ek egyik nagyágyújával! 🚀
Engedjétek meg, hogy bemutassam Nektek alapkezelési tanácsadónkat, Nicolait Norvégiából. A híres Wharton-on, a Pennsylvania Egyetem közgazdasági szakiskoláján, valamint a londoni közgazdasági főiskolán végezte tanulmányait. Ő igazgatja a Norges Bank Investment Management-et, továbbá ő felel a híres Norvég Alap befektetéseiért, ami a világ legnagyobb szuverén alapja. Feleségével megalapította az AKO Alapítványt, ami az oktatásra és a művészetre összpontosít. Az AKO jelentős támogatást nyújtott többek között Jamie Oliver közétkeztetési alapítványának is. A magánéletben ismert és elismert műgyűjtő. Nico szerepe a csapatban, hogy tanácsaival segítsen nekünk felépíteni és sikerre vinni az alapot. 2 hónapig lesz velünk, s úgy vélem, szakmai tudása és tapasztalatai garancia a közös sikerre. 💪
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vietnamjournal · 2 years
Dragon Capital thành cổ đông lớn của PTSC
Dragon Capital thành cổ đông lớn của PTSC
BNEWS Quỹ đầu tư Dragon Capital đã chính thức thành cổ đông lớn của Tổng Công ty cổ phần Dịch vụ Kỹ thuật Dầu khí Việt Nam (PTSC, mã chứng khoán PVS) sau khi mua thêm 1,4 triệu cổ phiếu PVS. 3 trong 5 thành viên của nhóm Dragon Capital đã mua 1,4 triệu cổ phiếu PVS gồm: CTBC Vietnam Equity Fund mua vào thêm 1 triệu cổ phiếu PVS, tăng tỷ lệ sở hữu lên 2,2596%; Norges Bank mua thêm 300.000 cổ phiếu…
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