#No joke: 6 times comedy changed the way we live
runningfrom2am · 8 months
sejanus and coryo not understanding what r is saying when she is quoting a line has got to be one of my favourite things.
“Oh, only being able to hold you without retraumatizing you.” sir-
i love how no matter how much changes in the story, coryo’s hatred towards birds STAY. the boy hates them more than everything.
lennox is making some points with that guilt and love one. being smart is genetic it seems.
you know what? i agree with sejanus so much on the arena part.
i desperately needed someone to tell them what she did in the arena and i’m glad it was sejanus, out of the three who know it. the fact that neither lucy gray nor lennox will be able to process this information as truly real because r, really? oh, how devastating. girlie had convinced herself that [salt->???->staying alive]
“All you did by surviving was make everything weird.” me, one day, probably.
the real comedy is coryo not understanding the joke. also, beatrice the queen <3
she closed her book! she put her book into her bag! she wouldn’t have done that had she not been keen on talking with him. she hadn’t when he first came. 🥹
the fact that she was about to die thinking she was in love while hardly knowing him and now that she is alive, she is living the “what could have been”.
i’m 99% sure that lennox has a calendar where he circled the day coryo will leave, hopefully, with a red marker.
“Watching his eyes- but nothing changes. Baby blue. Worry. More worry.” all i will say is that, this is emotional 🥲
bro i just edited part twenty and it’s over 6k words so get ready hahahah. anyway, let’s dive into this for now!!
1. no me too hahah it’s so funny and coryo tries so hard but sejanus is just always so normal and honest about not really understanding. like at the very beginning when he was like “i thought we were supposed to be mentoring you”, but coryo has always seen her as some kind of walking poem. sejanus loves her honestly, coryo has put her on a pedestal. (not that it’s a bad thing or that he doesn’t love her honestly but he doesn’t try really hard to make her feel understood and she doesn’t even mind)
2. oh my god yeah the DRAMA going on in this man’s head 24/7 hahaha
3. yeah there’s no way that would ever change. (and that makes me believe that tybs will really grow on him lol)
4. we’ve BEEN SAYING THIS like lennox just gets it
5. like,, no one ever thought to ask sejanus what he thought? he was the only other person there! smh
6. literally like they needed to know. she tried to tell lucy gray, but she made the active choice to not tell lennox, even though she doesn’t know the extent of what she had done. (well, she does, she just can’t admit it yet)
7. me now honestly
8. beatrice is such a girlboss i literally love her sm
9. coryo didn’t even have TIME to process the significance of that, he was so focused on keeping her attention 🥹 and bless her HEART she is trying so so hard
10. omg yeah and she totally knows that too 🥹 she’s been comparing them to that story from the very beginning, she doesn’t even know what to do now that she’s seeing the other side. (but also, it’s extremely tragic in a different way, seeing as now she can hardly be around him without shutting down when she wants to be with him so bad)
11. HAHAHA IM SO SURE HE DOES. he is counting down the DAYS
12. as per usual lucy gray was 100% correct and his haircut has made all the difference. she knows her bestie so well
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popculturebuffet · 3 months
Junteenth Special: The Blackening (Patreon Review for WeirdKev27)
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Happy Juneteenth all you happy people! It's once again time to celebrate black liberation with me, a man so white I blend into most doorways and friends episodes.
While the irony of that isn't lost on me, I do this because it's an important holiday that really always should've been something white dumbasses like me at least knew about. You'd think Missouri Schools would teach "This is the day we finally treated black people like people and not property".. but then again this is the kind of state where their once again attempting to pass a bill that bans "critical race theory" despite heavy opposition telling them "Stop this nonsense", so I really SHOUDLN'T be that surprised. It also taught Missouri keeping slavery as "a part of our past we're mildly ashamed of" and not "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT. SERIOUSLY WHY WERE WE SO FUCKED UP. MY GOD CHILDREN. Now it's time for lunch everyone get into the cafeteria for some horrifying rice abomination with your meal. "
Still we celebrate and while Kev backed this year's review and had the idea to do one, I suggested this one as it's a film i'd been meaning to get to and owned, and one that perfectly fit: The Blackening. The Blackening is a 2023 horror film that most places mark as 2022 because it aired at a festival before delays. I go with the wide release in it's native country because that's when most people could see it, when it's marketed and when most people could consider it came out.
Pedantic nonsense aside, the Blackening is a horror comedy from Tim Story, who you may remember from such films as The 2000's Fantastic Four Films, Barbershop, the recent Candy Cane Lane and Ride Along. I wouldn't from the last one because I already spent one insufferable trip in a car with Ice Cube, i'm not doing it again. Are We There Yet? Scarred me for life... great work in Mutant Mayhem though just stay away from cars Ice Cube. And Kevin Hart.
The Film was based on a short by Dewayne Perkins, which I watched and was hilarious and the core of it was kept: conversational jokes about black culture and horror cliches, with the core of the sketch itself (Voting on one of them to die so the rest can live), being a key scene in the final flim and the joke of someone wretching as they try to say something stupid makes it into the film.
The result is a clever film about blackness, how people change over time, and horror tropes. While satrizing horror tropes isn't new, Scream 6 came out the same year, the way Blackening does it is clever, not overdoing it but having it be just present enough. And look i'm a sucker for meta meditations on horror: I love the Scream franchise and The film The Final Girl, so this film already had me but it also has likeable characters, a ton of great jokes, and a clever villian, while having some genuinely creepy stuff. While this leans more into the comedy than the horrror, the horror's still present and masterfully done. Check this film out if you can and if i've sold you enough. If you still want to go ahead with the rest of the review feel free but be warned full spoilers under the cut.
Cabin in the Woods Woooooo-oooo
The Blackening follows 7 close friends who went to college together reuniting for a cabin in the woods. And like many a thing, they lampshade how sketchy going to a cabin in the woods feels and with this, the mutilator, cabin in the woods and the evil dead franchise they absolutely have a point. And that's not even a fraction of the films with this sort of premise.
The group was invited by their old friends and married couple Morgan and Jay. Morgan is played by Yvonne Orj of Insecure (A series I haven't seen but want to watch) and Jay Pharaoh, who I have seen (for lack of a better term) in invincible as bullet proof and The Venture Bros: Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart as Nuno Blood. Unfortunately for these two their the scream style opening kill, finding a racist as hell board game with a racist caracture in the middle and while having the sane reaction of "taking a picture of it".. are still stupid enough to play it and soon get taken out, Jay with an arrow to the neck and morgan ambigiously kidnapped. It creates a nice sense of tension. We know one friend is dead, one might be, and their walking straight into a trap.
We soon meet the group and since the Blackening has a LARGE cast and most of them live to see the credits, let's break them down.
Lisa (Antoinette Robinson from Dear White People): The calm rational one of the group. She's mostly defined by her relationships in the film, with said relationships being one of the films only arcs for the characters involved. This isn't a terrible thing as our friend group still feels real enough we don't need a tidy character arc for everyone. Still Lisa feels like she got the shortest end of the stick out of the cast and is mostly bouyed by Robinson being a great actress and having a great role in the climax. Lisa is best friends with...
Dewayne (Dewayne Perkins himself): Dewayne is a delight, an openly gay man (something that only comes up part way and casually at that but it's nice it's just in there), and Lisa's best friend. The two have a somewhat co dependant relationship with Dewawyne feeling he needs to protect her. He's also objectively hilaroius when he's not involved in sniping at someone we'll get to next. My faviorite gag with him is him getting introspective and weird on shrooms.. only for Shanika to point out he's always like this and hard cut to him dancing to 777 by Silk Sonic. Dewayne can be annoying though as he spends most of the film pissy at Lisa over
Nnamndi (Sinqua Wells, Teen Wolf, American Soul, Power): Lisa's boyfriend who she just got back together with after a rocky as hell relationship in college where he cheated on her constantly. He's genuinely trying to change but most of the group are worried it won't stick. Dewayne, having been the one there every time he did that shit, is especially a fucked up little whiny bitch about it. He has a valid point to be worried and to be upset Lisa didn't tell him.. but at the same time I can kinda get why she held off not telling him given he procedes to mope around the cabin and brings it up even when their being threatned by a killer. It's thankfully not to the point it gets anyone killed or gets super tiresome but i'ts just.. hard to care. The film tries to use this as it's core.. but it's far more intresting when the freinds are just riffing on one another than with this friend vs lover argument. It only dosen't bring down the film because Lisa eventually calls their asses out pointing out to Nnamindi that Dewayne absolutely has a reason to be upset.. but that this also isn't Dewayne's buisness, she didn't ask him for his help, and that she can take care of herself: College was a long ass time ago, she knows what she's risking with this and the three reconcile.
King (Melvin Gregg, American Vandal, Snowfall): My faviorite of the group mostly for his horrible "king's kool aid": which is Kool Aid with an assload of sugar and vodka mixed in. I love how proud he is, how he tries to hype it up.. and how he still does even after the Conesus is it tastes like ass. He also has a quick wit. He also somehow survives a full on arrow to the chest holy shit. He's also implied to be a former Gangster, but has moved on from that.. though he still brought a gun. But I like how they have one without it breaking the plot: it makes sense someone might have one for protection, especially in increasingly racially fraught times where stupid white people are especially agressive and obnoxious, but he has to use it to shoot the door off, thus leaving it out of play long before the killers meet them face to face. And yes I said killers, plural. The film may be it's own thing.. but it does feel very scream in places and I support that. He also has a white wife. That is used primarily for jokes which only works because the group in general razzes each other a lot. Not something i'm super comfortable with a lot but I do have friends like that who will take the piss out of each other, so I get it.
Allison (Grace Beyers, The Gifted): Speaking of taking a piss
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Allison is for the first 2/3 mostly the "one they mock for being biracial" and the peacekeepr of the group, trying to help manuver the whole Nmandi Dewayne thing, though she's also aware Kim is lying through her teeth about them being just friends. To the film's credit though they give her more to do in the last part: she accidently gets high on adderal, so not only does Beyers get a lot of great material for Stoned allison, she also gets to punch one of the killers to death with arrowheads tucked between her fingers, think...
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Shanika (X Mayo, American Auto): The most outspoken of the group and the only one to drive down alone, stopping a convience store to get glared at by a threatening white man, with one eye who naturally turns out to be one of the killers. I also applaud her for grabbing rap chips and generally being a lot of fun in her reactions to the shit going down. She tends to stir it up a little, but is ultimately kind and when the chips are down incredibly badass, taking one of the killer's crossbows and using it for herself towards the end. She runs into the final member of our party
Clifton (Jermaine Fowler, Coming 2 America, Superior Donuts, Murder at the Edge of the World): Clifton is the odd man out in the group. He's , to put it blunty, a fully grown Urkel
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Jermain Fowler is hamming it up as he's awkard, nerdy, won't shut up about his android phone charger (which having had android I CAN relate to but my god man), and no one is sure why the fuck he's here as no one was expecting him. He WAS a friend of the group.. but it's clear they never really kept touch. He's honestly annoying, but is kept to the back a bit till the big "Whose the blackest scene". There's more to him as you can probably guess by the mountain of red flags.. but we'll circle back to that.
So we have our magnificent seven, who have a good time: they play some spades, a card game I hadn't heard of till watching L'Ron Readus' video on the movie (Which I highly recommend) but comes up a decent amount and is a favorite of the group.
Naturally the group start to get suspcious their friends are missing and eventually find the game. The film really uses the horrifyingly racist caracture well as it's the killers logo for when they pop on the tv and the voice they use for it is really hushed and creepy, using a very real very horrifying symbol of racial sterotyping to good effect. The masked killer(s) also use it, with black hoods, ala Black Christmas, but with white chalk drawn across the mouth because of course there that level of mother fucker.
So their told Morgan will die unless they play the game right and we get a great sequence of them trying to figure out how long second aunt viv was around. The answer of course is three seasons but it's fun to see them use things like nicky. It's also fun when asked something about NAZ's blunts, we see Nnmandi do the math on screen.
Eventually though the Killer, being a dick throws them a trick question: Name 5 black people from friends. I love the slow revelation that ALL of them clearly watch friends despite trying to watch it. White as hell the show may be it's reach is long. Though living single is the better show, let's be real, it's just not shown nearly as much as it should be, though I do see it has at least daily reruns on one channel and is on hulu. It' sa trick answer as the correct answer is "I don't watch it".. which is really just the killer fucking with them. As we find out later Morgan was already dead.
With Morgan dead the Killer decides to get vicious and forces them to pick "the blackest one of them", an expanded version of the scene from the sketch that can be hilarious but is also nicely cutting in places, as Allison calls them all out for trying to pick her when their constantly questoning her blackness due to being biracial, something that bothers her way mroe than she lets on and makes those jabs worK: she brushes them off.. but they clearly DO hurt and everyone noticably stops after this.
Naturally.. everyone picks Clifton: he was there supsciously as they quicly point out, isn't likeable and his attempts at proving how not black he is.. lead to him saying he voted for trump... TWICE. Yeah unsuprisingly they all vote him out. He quickly dies and even with the Trump thing, they do feel bad a person "died".
The doors are opened after Nnmandi destroys the game board, with everyone agreeing fuck this shit.. and the masked killers responding with "Alrighty then murder time". They didn't say that and what they were probably thinking is so vile and racist it makes me upset.
The group argue about what to do next; Stay and fight or go for help. Allison has the unevible task of suggesting the obvious but stupid option: Let's split up gang. I love how she gags saying it, how she knows it's the LAST thing to do in a horror film.. but both ideas make sense. It's also nice in it's execution in that for once it's NOT the stupidest idea in the world: most time people split up in a horror movie it's one at a time MAYBE groups of two if your lucky, which when your being stalked by one person, is dumb. Here the group simply splits in half to take two entirely logical courses of action: Go for help and take out the killer on their own turf while they have time to prepare. As far as they know and the film's implied there's only one killer, so it sends him after only one party, and if it's the rescue one they at least have a chance to loose him in th ewoods, and if it's the one at home, it's three on one.
So they split into two teams: Allison, King and Shanika go for help, Lisa, Nnamandi and Dewayne stay behind to prepare.. and thankfully work out their shit.
Team Allison ends up running into one of the killers and we get a pretty fun fight scene as Shanika beats the shit out of him, king at least stabs him once before that and allison wolverines him as mentioned before. It's a fun fight scene and a nice way to turn the tables: normally a killer in horror would've killed all three of them, maybe ONE of them surviving for a possible sequel. With the Blackening, the characters not only get to live but strike back. It isn't the only horror film to do this, but it's a refreshing subversion: our characters go thorugh a lot of shit but no one really had to die and they still lost two friends, with their deaths proving the killers are dead serious.
Meanwhile the other team runs into Ranger White, who looks suspcious as fuck but is as guilty as red herring. Ranger White showed up earlier to hassle king and be a white dumbass, and is our obvious red herring for the evening. And our only white guy. And Deidrich Bader who does a great job, playing the role entirely stone faced and being both a convincing asshole at the start, but his turn to being helpful if stupid here works. Sadly being mildly offputting, obestructive and finding the killers mask in the woods means he gets locked out of his own car and stabbed with an arrow. I REALLY love the killers use of arrows, a way to give them a ranged weapon that's still horrifying, see Shawn's horrible death in the opening, but has a chance of survival and makes perfect sense once we find out who the killers are, as well as making sense for our red herring: While the ranger HAS a gun, that could be traced a lot easier than a case of arrow through the neck. Not saying you can't trace an arrow through the neck, but you don't leave finger prints on an arrow. Probably. And you do if you don't use gloves.
Thankfully the rest of the party come in and Shaniqua gives Killer #2 a taste of his own arrow through the neck. They find out the two guys are the ones who rented the cabin and one of them is naturally the creepy guy from the gas station and I like how despite not meeting the killers that much before.. this reveal works. We never knew WHO rented the house to Morgan, and it was clear they were sketchy, and Ranger White mentions they usually only rent to families.. with our heroes outright saying the quiet part he's trying not to loud by adding "white" to the word. IT also explains the weapons: their hunters and their motivations are pretty simple: their racist assholes and being payed to kill black people was an easy pitch. As our heroes find out... someone HIRED them, meaning whoever was actually behind this is out there..and return to find Clifton's dead body.. and him pulling a billy loomis and waking up. Clifton was behind it all
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Yeah I did get spoiled on this as I wasn't sure I was going to ever watch the film, so I watched L'Ron Readus' video on it and highly recommend it. You can find it here. It's what convinced me to buy the film and the reason this review is here, so I couldn't help but give a shout out. He's a great youtuber and has great mini essays on black and queer themes in media.
Even without it.. the twist is pretty obvious: no one really seems to LIKE Clifton and some of them struggle to remember him, he shows up abrubtly with a weak excuse his car broke down, and it feels VERY weird Morgan didn't tell anyone he'd be coming or would suprise them with this. Nnmandi being hidden made sense: Dewayne is a raging dick about it and might not have come. But no one was going to say no because Clifton was coming they'd probably just be dispaointed it'd feel a bit weird having someone they haven't spoken too since college there. It helps he feels the least.. real. Not because he's a nerd, that's entirely normal and King himself is a bit of a dork and even Dewayne sings the O'Reily autoparts theme at one point. Said gag is one of my faviorites as when trying to figure out WHOSE after them, she mentions an online argument where a guy got mad at her for saying the O'Reily autoparts jingle was more ubiquiotus than the natnional anthem. Which... I agree with Dewayne she has a point and I love everyone singing along to the "auto parts" part perfectly. Clifton really couldn't be more obvious if he were wearing a sign saying "I didn't murder anyone today promise".
It works mostly because while there are obvious clues he shoudln't be here, he could've just crashed and as far as we know the killer is a white man way too burly to be him. The film sets him up as a red herring.. then reveals him as the mastermind.
His reason for it is also brilliant, and is why the scream comparisons: like many a ghostface, his reasons are somewhat sympathetic.. but still so out of touch with what actually happened and who was actually responsible in the situation that you still want to see him die. He explains he had a drunk driving acccident... and is clearly pissed he has to lead them to the why: They were playing Spades, and he was bad in it since no one in his state really plays spades and rather than teach him, in his eyes the others were teasing him, with Lisa jokingly "revoking his black card". For them it was just the kind of ribbing you do during spades and they do in general, but Clifton took it personally, got extra drunk due to the pain.. and accidently hit a woman with a his car, getting four years in prison.
The thing is Clifton is to a degree sympathetic: it's hard to fit in and likely harder when your seen as "too white" just for being yourself. That you don't fit in and no one's really trying to help you. I've been there with the latter. Sometimes fitting in with a crowd is hard and it can be easy to take an insult way too personally: i have extra trouble with that. It's easy to see why what was just a joke hit him hard. When you have a deep well of self loathing and a bad need to be accepted , being seemingly rejected and constantly mocked can take a toll. I learned over time some assholes just aren't worth it while for others teasing is just how they react and they can dail it back. The group likely woudl've mocked him a little.. but don't seem so dickisht hey wouldn't of apologzied had he called them on it. And if he didn't then sometimes the hard truth is it's better to be alone than be freinds with someone who dosen't respect you. This group dosen't seem the type, but we see them as adults, not young adults, so it's hard to say.
What isn't.. is that Clifton took the wrong message. Instead of those.. the message was "They ruined my life, I wasn't black enough, they rejected me, they were the assholes" which again they kinda were, but it wasn't intentional. He took a sarcastic statment as gospel and proof that he needed revenge. He wasted the rest of his life trying to get back at people who didn't evne remember they hurt them instead of moving on: I've had my share of assholes in my life... and i've left them behind. They were far worse than the group here, but you move on. The gang did fuck up, I belelive that, but they all fucked up in other ways.. and as we've seen grew: Nnamandi was a serial cheater who constnatly said he'd change but didn't.. but is now really changed. Lisa is willing to give him another shot but is mature enough to know he's on thin ice. Even within the film Dewayne realizes he's been too overprotective of lisa and should trust her judgement. The group all cahnged and evolved.. while Clifton remaind the same angry kid he was blaming the world for something that ultimately was his fault. He drank a lot, someone died, and he drove into them.
Thankfully for them Clifton was dumb enough to lock two of them out, and while Lisa and co stall, their able to eventually disarm the asshole and kill him. OUr story ends with our heroes triumphant.. if not calling the cops because HAHAHAHAHAHA NO .. JUST.. NO. and calling the fire department because "they don't shoot people"... with bullets maybe not. With a hose.. yes. A goofy gag to end a great film.
The Blackening.. is excellent. It's funny, has some genuine scares, and nicely subverts a lot of horror tropes while talking about them cleverly. It's hard to be meta in horror as Scream has done a LOT of it and lead to a lot more films doing the same, bu tthe Blackening pulls it off with flying colors and is well worth checking out. Happy junteenth and thanks for reading.
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zukkaart · 10 months
10 characters | 10 fandoms | 10 tags
Thank you @fanfic-gremlin-ft-trauma for the tag ily 😭 and I love talking about my faves so here we go 🤸 *long-ish post*
1. Sokka: A:tLA: Okayyyy so as someone who is Inuk she whole S/NWT meant so much to me as a kid and still means so much to me now but Sokka just hits on a different level because he’s the oldest sibling (as am I) and therefore charged with everyone else’s safety in one way or another. He also is the one who deals the killing blows bc the others can’t or won’t stomach it which I relate to hevily
2. Bolin: LoK: He reminds me of my husband what else can I say? They think he’s a pretty, strong, stupid, earthbender/ which to an extent- he is. But he’s just smart in different ways than others and genuinely has a heart of gold and just wants to give everyone endless love
3. River Song: Doctor who: we have the same hair so immediately yes. She also has one of the best and most heartbreaking arcs in cinema history and I will fight about it. She destroyed the universe to save her husband then said “I don’t do weddings” and honestly…I get it bc same
4. Castiel: Supernatural: MY SON DESERVED BETTER. He lost his home, his family, his faith, everything he had known for THOUSANDS of years because he fell in love with humanity Dean. He constantly tried his best and yes messed up but was always treated so harshly as if he didn’t have to LEARN how to have human morals and the only people he had to base off of was the boys who are in no way a good bar to measure that by
5. Amber: House of Anubis: oooh pretty ditzy blonde girl comic relief character- but she becomes one of the most fully fleshed out deep characters and ends up being the reason they solve most of the riddles and find the artifacts. She loves her shopping and texting but when the heat is up she always rises to the challenge and shows out. Queen of my heart
6. Flame Princess: Adventure Time: raised to be evil but falls in love and has to learn how not to harm people even though it 100% goes against her nature. And even after all that she is still treated like a villain by everyone but Finn basically. I have ASPD and I constantly feel like I also have to be something I’m not in order to not harm the people around me and the ones who let me be me are few and far between. She is me I am her
7. Sherlock: See above lol, he has ASPD (sociopathy) and so do I. Plus I’m studying to be a CSI. Seeing a character with my same illness shown in the real raw form and not like the “yeah they’re a sociopath but their character arc is learning how to be a good person!” Ew. They let him be cruel and clever and just authentically HIM. Of course he’s checked when necessary but ultimately no one ever tells him he needs to be fixed because of it bc they understand that part of him can’t be changed
8. House: kind if similar as above. I don’t super love the drugs but he takes no shit and dicks around because he knows he’s the best there is. Endless pranks, self destructive tendencies, smartest person you’ll ever meet, what more could you ask for? It’s also super awesome to watch a character/show that isn’t so focused on being “politically correct” that it forgets how to make good jokes.
9. Sejanus: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (book): People say Katniss is Lucy’s revenge but NO she’s Sejanus’ revenge, and so is Peeta. Sejanus was the one who hated the games, tried to actually help the tributes and districts and stop the games. He wanted revolution way back when Snow was a teenager and didn’t even live to see it. The only difference between him and Everlark is the fact that they had a whole rebellion ready to back them. He should have been alive to take the place of Coin/Snow and I stand by that.
10. J.B. Merlin: Bundle of Joy: this is so crazy niche if anyone knows it DM me immediately I’m begging you. An absolute icon this entire movie. The center of a comedy miscommunication trope. Has no idea what’s going on but refuses to let his son walk out on his baby (that’s not actually his but he thinks it is), immediately assumes the baby was named after him, then delivers the iconic line “I don’t care who the father is! I’M the grandfather” homie wanted a grandkid and didn’t care what he had to do to get one 😂 10/10 wholesome character
Now for tags. Sorry if you’ve been tagged already! And if you haven’t please participate if you so wish
@avatar-lorra @judebellinghamswifereal @momos-servants @chitsangenthusiast @dancergirl131 @zukosasukelovebot (I think you’ve been tagged already but ily 🤟) @picnicbitchsokka @your-royal-momoness @oldpotatoe @bisexuallsokka
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karamoonilia · 2 months
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I don't support LGBTQ+. This is a bit of a complicated topic but let me explain: I am not an LGBTQ+ person but when it comes to LGBTQ+ characters in games I like like Undertale and Deltarune, if I have a headcanon or something similar about them, I unintentionally seem to support LGBTQ+ when describing their orientation. And I may occasionally make LGBTQ+ jokes. But I still have respect for LGBTQ+. (If you are uncomfortable with this text, it will be deleted or shortened.
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My OCs:
First OC showed up in here; Nathaniel Reginald Voss
"Ask Natt" all posts:
1. How's your day going?
2. Hm?
3. 24/7 Coffee
4. Comedy Company
5. Play?
6. Nervous Hug!
7. Some Sweets.
8. Relatives..?
9. Dude, u have Touchhobia :D ?
-To be continued-
What is your Undertale AU about?
- I just made some changes to the concept and story. Monoctale or Undermonoc; as the name suggests, is an AU where each character has a monochrome version of themselves, meaning a single color (black-white-shades of gray). Each character's monochrome version reflects differently in reality; a psychological distress experienced by the character can create their monochrome version, or a rare power deep within their souls can cause them to exist semi-physically, for example.
For example, the formation of the monochrome versions of some characters: Asgore: Asgore is a character with Multiple Personality Disorder in this AU. The way we separate him from the monochrome version is; We divide his name into two as "As-" and "-Gore". "As" is Asgore himself, the first and only personality that should exist in the body. "Gore" is Asgore's monochrome, aka his much more cruel version. Thanks to "Gore", Asgore was able to dare to take the lives of those little children. Making the barrier like this was actually "Gore"'s idea and "As" couldn't stop him and allowed him to carry out this cruel plan. At least the same thing didn't happen with Frisk. While "Gore" had killed other humans brutally, when Asgore was going to fight Frisk, "As" was in control and since he wanted Frisk to win, he fought in a way that Frisk could defeat him without using his real power, just like in the game.
Do you also have a Gravity Falls AU?
- Yes, but it was cancelled after Book Of Bill came out.
I got tired here, I'll add more as things come to mind.
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lightfulonion · 2 years
hello @skijjiki!!! thanks for tagging me friend!!!!
Favorite time of year: every single day that i grace this beautiful planet ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ I unironically love Christmas so much. I love the cold and I love the fact that we can slack for a little bit and I love having an excuse and indulge myself by seeing and meeting with my loved ones. I also love spring! (<- spoken with the privilege of someone who only has mild allergies) And summer when it isn't boiling outside!
Favorite drinks: boba, COFFEE, ginger ale, wine (the semisweet ones and especially semisweet red wine ❤), fresh squeezed orange juice, HOT MILK WITH HONEY and generally whatever has sugar in it
Collect anything?: Littlest Pet Shop!!! When i was in kindergarden there was that one kid that had SACKS of lps and from then on i decided that it was my fate to defeat them... (i just said to my mum to buy me lps whenever she could and i also asked her every christmas to tell santa claus i needed the big packs with them) I also have collections of rocks and shells from different beaches that i went to! Lately i try to collect stickers from cons and such (<-literally has went to one (1) con so far) and chupa-chups cans bc they look pretty 👉👈 (not sponsored)
Favorite fics: OH BOY OH BOY! DO I HAVE THE FICS FOR YOU! I'll try to be brief: 💼 OK NO JOKE, I'll try to be brief: (in no particular order, except for the first one) 1) it's not living (if it's not with you) by brella (hq!!) TOP 1!!! IT DOESN'T GET BETTER THAN THIS FELLAS! Legit, tsukkiyama isnt even my thing but this one ticks all my boxes: desperate lead? check. the grumpy one mellows out for the sunshine one? check. the inherent value of change and becoming better by loving and wanting to express it properly and by that becoming a better person? check. GROUNDHOG DAY AU?? YES PLEASE! It's.. It's very good. Please give it a read if you want. (brella has written many good hq fics btw please check them out!) 2) Work-Related Risk Factors by parkernoir (mp100) Case fic, angsty and probably my favourite mp100 ever! It has Serizawa! It has Tome! It has Reigen trauma! It made me cry my eyes out in agony! I have a very soft spot for this. It has serirei in it but mostly it's gen if i remember correctly? yeah 3) beginners by silvercistern (mp100) fair warning it's about sex and it doesn't have just steamy scenes, it discusses generally sex and stuff. That being said it has ace Reigen in it and it made me cry 👍 4) The Negligible Self by ch_am (mp100) anything and everything by camp is a gift honestly. Angsty generally, full of whump specifically, it makes the soft, tender moments hit better and it's still in progress! Join the fun as i lose my mind with every single update! Yay! (people in the comments in ao3 are also trying to find out what is going on and it's fun) (it has a prequel too which is really good and canon-adjacent) 5) Kintsugi by SpicyChibi (mp100) it took me a week to recover from reading this. mp100 fanwriters have a way of capturing the vulnerability of serirei in a way that physically hurts me. Tender, good, I love them, I love them, I love them. Ongoing and 90,000 words so far. 6) Like A Cheap Suit, You Can Wear Me Out by Vulcanodon (mp100) written like a romantic comedy and made me laugh at every twist and turn of the plot. The last scene is forever ingrained in me and it actually makes me emotional. Case fic again and a very fun one 7) Heart Rate Rapid by Justkeeptrekkin (mp100) teacher au, all the children in one class, ongoing, literally finshed it yesterday, ACE REIGEN BELOVED. (so far no explicit content so don't pay too much mind to the rating, there are discussions of sex but only briefly and on a surface level) I love their banter and the transition from friendship to something more... sigh 8) where the night goes by bigspoonnoya (hq!!) 'the sad gay with the happy ending' tag got to me. I love bittersweet stories with happy endings (can you tell) and this one has kagehina in it.... utterly head over heels for stories where they meet many years later. 9) fake it, make it by zadderlee (hq!!) FAVOURITE KAGEHINA FIC RIGHT THERE! ongoing since good old 2019 but the author has said they are going to continue it at some point! good characterisation, i had forgotten how good it is but i keep getting back to this. 10) That Baby Does Not Belong to You (But It Could) by multifascinate (talkativelock) (hq!!) bokuaka with baby hinata. need i say more. oh, yeah and they are 20-somethings. And in college. the romance aspect is there but it mostly focuses on other things. And i love it.
anyway these are my ao3 recs bone apple teeth (pay attention to the content warnings and the tags. thanks!)
Favorite video games: i am an awful gamer but generally the story-based ones intrigue me and the ones that are fun to play together with friends! Disco elysium, Ace attorney, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros and animal crossing!
i tag @livingonyoghurtandspite @horson @raph-red-fan and whoever wants to do this ✌ ( cough please give me fic recs i beg cough)
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cyarsk52-20 · 2 years
newsone_official If Will was wrong for slapping Chris, he was wrong because it was violent and uncalled for—not because he did it in front of white people. When is the last time you heard about white people ceasing violent white shenanigans because they’re afraid of embarrassing the white race in front of Black people?
Many people on social media pointed out, Chris Rock can bash a Black woman, joke about poor Black people and produce a whole documentary about Black hair in mixed company, but God forbid white people see him hit a Black man who hit him first.
That would be a travesty—if you care way too much about what white people think.
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Op-Ed: Chris Rock’s Diss Against Will And Jada Was Strong Until He Started Tap Dancing For White People
Rock can bash a Black woman, joke about poor Black people and produce a whole documentary about Black hair in mixed company, but God forbid white people see him hit a Black man who hit him first.
Posted March 6, 2023
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I‘m not sure when Chris Rock became such a controversial figure among Black people, but it must have been before Will Smith smacked himin front of the entire world from the Oscars stage last year. And it must have been some time after the mid to late ’90s when he was churning out comedic classics like his specials Bring the Pain and “Bigger & Blacker, because back then it really seemed like we were pretty unified in our love for the comedic stylings of Pookie from New Jack City.
And, content-wise, his comedy really hasn’t changed much.
So, on Saturday, Rock’s latest Netflix standup special Selective Outrage premiered. Was it any good? Well, that depends on who you ask. In my not-so-humble opinion, most of the live-streamed set, which he performed at Baltimore’s Hippodrome Theatre, was pretty unremarkable. Not necessarily bad, I just didn’t find myself laughing out loud as much as I did when I watched Rock specials back in the day.
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Maybe it’s because, like Dave Chappelle, Bill Burr and pretty much every straight male comedian over 45, he started off his set lamenting largely fictitious “cancel culture.” It just gets tiresome to hear comedians moan about how no one can say anything even remotely offensive without getting in trouble, just before saying those very offensive things on stage without any fear of getting in trouble for it. I’m also always baffled when Black people use the word “woke” in the same context white people use it.
Or maybe I just wasn’t terribly interested in things like his thoughts on Meghan Markle or his family life or being single and trying to date and find love despite being a “hoe,” or his continued loud and wrong claim that women experience more social privilege than men or how everyone these days is always playing the victim. Because once it leaked that he was going to be talking extensively about Will, Jada and the slap, that was pretty much all I was tuning in for. And he didn’t get to that until the last 10 minutes of the special.
Now, there are some folks on Black Twitter who think Rock should have been over it by now. It’s been nearly a year. Chris needs therapy, not a stage. He should have addressed it when it happened, not now.
Here’s the thing: Even if Rock wasn’t still worked up over the slap, which he clearly is, he still would have HAD to address it in his first special since it happened. If he didn’t, everyone would have been wondering why he didn’t. The think pieces would have been about how he declined to talk about it and a million writers, Twitter users and other assorted media people would have been analyzing to death his continued lack of transparency and unwillingness to open up regarding his feelings on what happened.
I think a lot of folks are “selective” in their ability to remember how the drama-addicted media actually works. Even as someone who honestly thought folks were overreacting to the slap, I wouldn’t try to tell Rock how to feel about it or when he should be over it, and I would have been surprised if he stood on a stage and talked for an hour with nary a mention of the thing everyone was waiting for him to talk about, whether they’re willing to admit it or not.
And talk about it he did.
Seriously, Rock went full 2Pac “Hit Em Up” with this one.
“Y’all know what happened to me, getting smacked by Suge Smith,” Rock began before praising himself for taking the hit like boxer Manny Pacquiao and then going in on Jada Pinkett-Smith and her “entanglements,” which he blamed for all the fanfare surrounding their marital woes in the first place.
“His wife was f–king her son’s friend,” he said. “I normally would not talk about this…but for some reason, these n—-s put that sh-t on the internet!”
From the Washington Post:
Rock said Smith’s masculinity was then called into question, but it was Rock who wound up paying the price. “Everybody called him a b—-,” he said. “And who’s he hit? Me. [Someone] he knows he can beat.”
Pinkett Smith was not spared from Rock’s criticism, either. Rock said it all started after comments she made in 2016, when he was hosting the Oscars a previous time. “She starts it … I finish it,” Rock said. (His version of all of this is sure to be finely combed over and debated in the days ahead.)
Again, Rock’s Ice Cube “No Vaseline”-style rant against Will and Jada got mixed reviews among watchers, and especially among Black people.
People, of course, noticed that he was still so affected by the slap that he messed up his final joke on the matter by momentarily mixing up Smith’s movie Concussion with his newest film Emancipation.
Speaking of which, a lot of Black people took issue with Rock saying he watched the film just to see Will get whipped. (Which, I mean, I get that it’s a slave movie and it wasn’t a good look for Chris to be “rooting for massa” as he put it, but we’re talking about an actor playing a slave getting whipped by an actor playing massa. It’s not like Chris is cheering on slavery. It’s just a movie and it was just a joke.)
Personally, I only had one real issue with Rock’s Dr. Dre “Dre Day”-like roast of Will and Jada, and it came at the very end when he was explaining why he didn’t hit Will back that night.
“I got parents. And you know what my parents taught me? Don’t fight in front of White people,” he said.
Seriously, WTF?
Look, regardless of whether you’re “Team Chris,” “Team Will” or “Team Jada,” you have to admit Rock was on his way to giving his special a strong finish with his clap back. Why sully that by signing off with a shucking and jiving, borderline sunken place expression of fear of the white gaze? It’s like, he came so close to sticking the landing, but, at the last second, he started tap dancing for Caucasian approval instead.
If Will was wrong for slapping Chris, he was wrong because it was violent and uncalled for—not because he did it in front of white people. When is the last time you heard about white people ceasing violent white shenanigans because they’re afraid of embarrassing the white race in front of Black people? Rock even talked about the Jan. 6 World War White People rebellion at the U.S. Capitol, which he cited as an example of white men wrongly thinking they’re losing power in America and playing the victim because of it. What he didn’t mention is that those white people should have felt ashamed for behaving the way they did for non-white people to see. 
And as many people on social media pointed out, Chris Rock can bash a Black woman, joke about poor Black people and produce a whole documentary about Black hair in mixed company, but God forbid white people see him hit a Black man who hit him first. 
That would be a travesty—if you care way too much about what white people think.
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bredforloyalty · 2 years
i watch rnm 06x07 (late, as always) and wow the show just keeps getting worse! my issue isn't even the meta jokes (and the jokes ABOUT meta jokes), it's that it's so boring! it's completely lost it's charm imo. like some episodes this season have been fantastic but overall she is flopping </3
ohh it's interesting that you think that, thank you for indulging me angel :] <33
i wanted to answer this later (contrary to popular belief i have ""obligations"" mainly bc of something called """university""") (🤢) but it wouldn't let me rest so let me just say this: you're right but i don't agree gydnfy but also i agree.
i didn't like the latest episode, this is nothing that others haven't said but pointing out that a concept is forced, that it sucks, doesn't make it suck less haha.. "not a likable premise" is right, i don't know if we were supposed to disagree with rick but i mean, i couldn't, it's like the joke is just on the audience now. and it felt like the writers needed to vent. i still enjoyed some moments a lot and actually when i watched it with my sister i forgave some jokes i groaned at the first time, like it grew on me just a tiny bit on a second watch but it's a no from me, specifically because of the meta bullcrap
i also happen to have a problem with what morty (as in the writers through morty) said about creativity, i'm no big shot tv show writer (lmaoo) but i think if that's how they view art/creating, we've got some ,, issues mayhaps! but it's whatever that's just one detail, my real complaint is that the episode wasn't really fun, creative or funny, and it felt like it hated itself. sorry for being harsh it's out of genuine love. and i think when a show's actually clever, there should be no need to remind us and poke fun at trite concepts and at shitty jokes. it's not like i know better but umm 🧐 get off the high horse and Do the clever stuff, Balance sci-fi with drama and comedy, Be earnest. or perish, you know. but that's just my opinion
anyway sorry i went on a bit of a tangent there, the season as a whole isn't a flop in my opinion, it's just all in the process of evolving. there are things that changed that i'm happy about and things that i'm not happy about.. the pacing felt smoother, apart from maybe full meta jackrick they didn't do that thing where they take on too much in a single episode (and then it's a fast-paced mess full of incomprehensible sci-fi jargon gydgxy), i think the storytelling was a bit better... i like what they're doing with canon, i like that they chose to take away portal travel and make the first half family-oriented and more sitcom-y, i think that was needed. bethcest was daring. i think there's a lot to like about this season
whether the show's truly funny at this point is arguable (but if you don't think it is funny at all, why watch lol) - i think there were a decent number of laughs, it's not the best r&m can do, it's not a Great season, but i'd argue this show has never been consistently great. unless you count the first season! kind of. being a season one elitist is one way to live but it seems a bit limiting and i really do enjoy each of the five seasons before this to varying degrees and for slightly different reasons. shows that aren't sure what they're doing from the get-go or shows that aren't sure how to keep up interest and keep the story going and have it be consistent are always highly divisive because like,, they give you a lot to play around with.... a lot to consider, many different things you can like about it. so of course we have different ideas of what it should be
i don't even know what the point i wanted to make is, but i will say that i don't see season 6 as worse or boring, i see it as different. fundamentally different, maybe that's why it can't be as funny or funny in the same way or satisfy me personally. with the many people who seem to love the new developments, rick being gentler and whatnot, i'm inclined to say "the ideas i have about the best direction for rick and morty and the ideas the writers have (+ the wishes of long-time fans) are growing farther apart" instead of "the show's deteriorating"
we could've had more morty this season. the show is its best imo when the rick-morty dynamic is front and center and that's where my personal dissatisfaction and my ideas and wishes come in: i think season 6 does many things right, but the aspect of this show that's the most integral to my enjoyment and that made it particularly special to me is barely there anymore. i am not interested in rick being careful, apologetic or considerate, especially with his grandson, that's not what i signed up for and they couldn't make me believe the shift in the dynamic or appreciate it, really. i just think rick and morty are less compelling this way, in that regard it's boring to me too!! and i never opposed rick becoming a better person/less controlling! lol i just don't buy it if it happens this way. i saw someone say the show lost its teeth, i referred to it as having been castrated gyshy and i do feel that. i miss the teeth.
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khizuo · 3 years
Moon's Big and the Let's Play as a Roleplay Medium (sorry in advance for this way-too-long post)
okay hermitcraft s8 is still on my brain so can I just say. there's just something that's so interesting about the let's play format as a roleplay medium. and the hermits really got it down to a science and deconstructed it in s8 to make one of the most entertaining mc series I've ever watched.
so here are some of said thoughts compiled in a list of no particular order, because my brain can not formulate a sensible meta yet.
1. the minecraft let's play has basically been around as long as minecraft has been. we know how they work. the youtuber starts out with the same greeting they always use, they lay out some goals, they work on said goals, and then they sign off, all in about twenty or so minutes (give or take). if the cc is on a server, there might be some shenanigans and banter, including whole episodes dedicated to some funny roleplay plot, because playing minecraft with friends is fun and leads to great content; but usually they will still have individual projects which they work on.
2. we knew s8 was breaking the mold when they started and a lot of groups of hermits revealed that they were basing together instead of making individual megabases. throughout the season we've been talking about how hc s8 has been more collaborative than any season that's come before it, that it's incorporating more lore at one time than ever. the cc's have also talked about how they've been breaking out of their comfort zones a bunch.
3. however, the hermits never changed their format through all of this. they still made lets plays—more highly polished and edited lets plays than the lets plays of before, maybe, but that quality increase has been happening for a while now. the let's play format provides an anchor, a throughline from past seasons. it keeps the season grounded in familiar territory, even when weird supernatural stuff started happening.
4. the let's play is a style of content that was never built with a 4th wall in mind. I mean, the cc is basically talking directly to the viewer most of the time. this means that suspending disbelief is way more difficult for the viewers of a let's play than the viewers of a play, movie, or even standard rp. there are already video essays out there talking about how the youtube video as a format is predicated on the youtuber building parasocial relationships by directly talking to an audience. long story short, you aren't supposed to suspend your disbelief when you watch a let's play. the authenticity of the person playing the video game is ingrained in the format itself, to the point where it's expected.
5. of course, this has never stopped let's play series from having lore; but it's usually played more for comedy than in a standard roleplay because, again, the viewer expects they're watching a real live person playing a video game, not a character's journey in said video game. lighthearted lore can give more imaginative viewers something to latch onto while reassuring them that the cc's behind it are still themselves (or the selves they project on screen for the internet). in the viewer-youtuber conversation, lighthearted lore is like an inside joke for fans of a let's play.
(by the way, I'm talking mostly about vanilla survival let's plays right now. I know there was some serious roleplay under the let's play format back in the day, but most of them were with more modded gameplay. I'm sure there are exceptions, but I'm talking very generally.)
6. so having done all that rambling about the let's play as a content format, let's return to hermitcraft s8. things start out pretty much as expected. hermits basing next to each other means that the number of shenanigans have been turned up to eleven, but they're still relatively lighthearted, all things considered. other than some plots that are played completely straight from the start (like the hermatrix), we're looking forward to a season that, besides an increase in jokes and collabs and a decrease in the number of megabase projects, seems about right for the hermits.
7. the season continues and the shenanigans just keep escalating. I'll use boatem as an example because it provides an easy one, although I know all the other hermits can also provide excellent examples. things that start out as one-liners ("potato boy") become plot relevant (shapeshifter mumbo). storylines start small ("boatem inc") and then get weirder and weirder (I will never get over the boatem company cars and mumbo's replacement). it's a slow evolution, but there's definitely an evolution. watch an early hc s8 episode and then a later one right next to each other, and you'll see what I mean.
9. and I think that one of the things that obscures the tone shift is the let's play format. even when the moon got big and blocks started floating and earthquakes started happening, the let's play format still tricked my brain into thinking things were normal. (because it's a let's play, right? cc!Scar just built a Star Wars inspired wagon for his sand and gravel shop in Super-Fast-Build-Mode, like in any other Scar let's play! Yeah the blocks are moving and the ground is shaking, but there's always some weird background lore happening these days. Just the Hermitcraft server doing a little cosmic horror like it does every season, right? :D)
(hey, maybe that was just me. but judging from the amount of posts that didn't believe Moon Big would actually end the server, I don't think I'm alone.)
10. well, things didn't just go back to normal. the moon kept getting bigger, the earthquakes more violent. the blocks stop coming down. every weird and wacky solution the hermits employ fails, and instead of it just being a funny "lol funny shenanigans am i right" the tension on the server builds. but the hermits have been taking all the bits pretty far this season. what's to say this isn't one of them— oh no.
I'm going to highlight grian and bdubs' final s8 episodes as videos that employ the let's play format to the fullest as roleplays.
11. grian spends his last episode frantically trying to put the finishing touches on his base. he does timelapses. he talks to the viewers about how happy he is with the base's completion (without ever cutting to the back lmao). trying to finish procrastinated areas of a base last-minute before the hc season ends is a very grian thing to do. and if you cobble nothing but the building segments together, you can almost trick yourself into thinking that it's just another hermitcraft let's play episode. I mean, it follows the established format pretty well: grian greets the viewers, lays out his goal to finish his shop interiors, shows himself working on said interiors, then steps back to show the viewers what he's completed. plus there funny shenanigans on top, as a sweet bonus!
but well. there's the huge moon in the background of it all, providing a sense of urgency to grian's project and disrupting him whenever he tries to go about it normally. there are already a ton of better posts talking about how tragic grian's final hc s8 episode is, but basically what I'm saying is that it wouldn't work so well if it wasn't a let's play. it weaponizes the familiarity of the let's play format to blur the lines between cc and character. the impending physical threat of the moon in the background make it so that things that would normally get read as cc!grian going about doing his normal let's play things are instead read as the final, desperate actions of his character trapped in a dying world.
like, take the cut where he walks around midnight alley and talks about how proud he is of his hc s8 base. that's a normal let's play thing to do for grian. but with the huge moon in the background, it also feels like a hopeless man reminiscing on his progress right before he has to leave it. it reads both ways. it's a let's play convention turned emotional, with nothing about it fundamentally changing.
12. bdubs makes a very different last episode from grian, but he still uses the let's play format to the fullest. first of all, it kind of falls into the category of "world tour" let's play episodes, which are also an established staple of the genre. of course, it's no ordinary world tour—there's a giant moon in the background of it all, and bdubs is acting disconcertedly cheerful in the face of the impending crash.
but that's the thing—let's plays are cheerful! again, it's kind of supposed to feel like they're just talking to you directly (something something everyone projects a certain version of themselves on social media, idk, I'm not a professional psychologist please don't sue me if I get things wrong).
and yet, it feels wrong here. everyone else is panicking about the moon crash, and here's bdubs checking his profits, talking happily to his pets and the viewers, even making a sponsorship cut. through the hints he drops in his episode, it feels like character bdubs is putting the let's play as a facade for the viewers (I mean, see his message to Tango—he is clearly aware of what's going on). It transforms the let's play in itself into a roleplay from within the hermitcraft planet, played by a doomed man trying to stay cheerful as his world ends. whereas grian's use of let's play convention blurs the line between cc and character, bdubs' use of let's play convention makes the character the cc.
13. yeah, it's meta. and you can argue that the hermits have always been doing this—I mean, there's been distinction between the hermits as characters and the hermits as cc's for a while now—but imo hc s8 (as well as 3rd/last life, empires, etc.) has solidified the minecraft let's play as a roleplay medium from a nebulous possibility into a modern mcyt staple. if there was early mcyt that was doing this, i'm sorry for missing this, but as someone who has watched back into older hc seasons and has also watched mcyt since 2013, this is what I've observed.
14. anyways, it's cool as fuck. also moon big.
(edit: made some small wording edits.)
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horansqueen · 2 years
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❤  chapter 1 ❤ chapter 2 ❤ chapter 3 ❤ chapter 4 ❤ chapter 5  ❤ chapter 6 ❤ chapter 7  ❤ chapter 8  ❤ chapter 9 ❤ chapter 10  ❤ chapter 11 ❤ chapter 12  ❤
❤ written from both Niall and Ophélie’s POVs ❤ i don’t proofread, I never do, I hate it. ❤ OU comedy/fluff/smut/romance ❤ 3.1k ❤ i accept requests and ideas for this story, so message me in my inbox! ❤ idk if its good but... its up lol ❤ if you want to be notified when this story is updated (or be taken off the update list) CLICK HERE
I glanced at Niall as he was driving, my elbow leaning against the door as my hand was holding my head. It's not that I didn't want to go to that party, it's mostly that I didn't want to see Viktor on my days off. I noticed Niall looking at me for a few seconds before putting his attention back on the road and for some odd reason, it made my heart jump in my chest.
"I can turn around and bring you back home if you prefer." he proposed gently, licking his lips. "We don't have to go if you don't want to."
I started nibbling on my bottom lip nervously without really knowing why. He was being kind these days and I liked it. I didn't know how he felt about that kiss we had shared at my favorite spot but all I knew was that it had nothing to do with PR. I had done it because I wanted it, and from the way he had kissed me back, he clearly wanted it too.
We hadn't talked about it. I just got pissed when I saw the headlines on the next day. Apparently, paparazzis had followed us and had taken pictures of us while we were kissing. It pissed me off more than I could explain, especially that I felt like it was a very private kiss that was not supposed to be public, but I could only guess that it was something a lot of famous people had to go through. Personally, I hated it, and I felt violated in a weird way. The articles were not bad. In fact, they talked about how in love we looked, and how nice of a couple we were, but it still didn't sit right with me because of the pictures. It shouldn't bother me, after all, that was the whole point of this fake relationship, but it did and I couldn't really explain it.
"I promised you we'd go, so we're going." I let out gently, sending him a soft smile.
"Pet, it's just a party. If you'd rather not go, it's okay with me."
This time, I turned my head completely to look at him. I loved the way he was driving with his legs spread, his knee close to mine, and I let my eyes move up from his thighs to his arms, his neck, and then his face. Suddenly, I realized how pretty he was. I always knew he was handsome, but at that exact moment, I realized he was more than that. Perhaps it was just because I didn't hate him so bad anymore that I could see him better, or just because I was not so busy arguying with him, but either way, I was the one who had changed and I didn't know how I felt about it.
"No, I want to go." I replied low.
He glanced at me and sent me a smile before nodding and putting his attention back on the road. We didn't talk for the rest of the ride but the way he held my hand as soon as we got out of the car made something stir in my stomach. Was it simply because he wanted this to be real or did he actually enjoy holding my hand now?
I pushed all those thoughts away when we found Lewis. He took me into a tight hug and gave us drinks before we followed him around. I was glad I hadn't seen Viktor despite the fact that we were at his place but there were so many people that I hoped I would be lucky enough not to cross path with him at all.
We sat in the living room, moving closer to each other whenever we wanted to talk, to make sure our voices could be heard over the music, and when Lewis made a joke, I blinked a few times, realizing all I had been doing in the past few minutes was to stare at him. I had no idea what we were talking about, I was just mesmerized by the way he smiled and laughed, his head falling back on his shoulders and his eyes shining from the lights in the room and the alcohol in his veins.
It made my heart jump so high in my chest that I had to swallow hard to make sure it wouldn't just escape. I quickly got up and Lewis stopped mid-sentence as they both looked up at me.
"I need... I need air. I'll be back later."
I left before any of them could answer and quickly reached the backyard. There was only a few people on the terrace but I walked past them and sat down in the grass, on the other side of the pool. I didn't understand how I felt anymore and it was bothering me. I didn't want to like Niall, or worse, and somehow, I felt like it was inevitable. I also tend to fall for people who didn't return my feelings and I was not ready for an other heartbreak. I was here for the career I always dreamed of, not to fall in love with some ex-boybander with a pretty face.
That thought made me grimace : I knew Niall was more than that, and I knew that no matter what I was trying to do, I couldn't lie to myself forever.
I lied down in the grass with a sigh, moving my knees up and closing my eyes. I thought moving away from Niall would make things clearer for me but it didn't. I breathed in deeply, trying to get rid of this weird sensation inside me, until I felt a presence near me. As I opened my eyes, I surprised myself wishing it was him joining me, but my heart skipped a beat when I noticed Viktor, smiling at me. He quickly sat next to me and I held my breath, feeling suddenly uneasy.
"Good evening, I didn't think you'd come."
"Niall wanted to come." I simply pointed out, making it quite clear that I didn't really want to be here.
"And you do anything he wants to?"
I breathed in again but decided to remain silent this time. I didn't want to argue about Niall. In fact, I didn't want to have a conversation with Viktor at all.
"Anyway, I'm glad you're here."
I blinked a few times and frowned, my eyes roaming on his face as he turned my way to look at me. I didn't like his tone and I didn't like his smile. Everything Viktor did and said made me uncomfortable. It was nothing new, I have always felt that way about him, but somehow, it was even more obvious at that moment.
"It's working, you know. I got the message."
"What message?" I asked, frowning even more.
"I know you're dating him to make me jealous. I know you regret not accepting to date me when I asked a few weeks ago."
"You didn't want to date me, Viktor, you wanted to fuck me, that's a big difference." I explained, getting a bit annoyed. "And I'm not dating Niall to make you jealous. In fact, nothing I do has anything to do with you."
"You know, you're gonna have to tell me the truth at some point if you want this to work."
I was about to answer something but when I felt his hand on my thigh, I felt nauseous and moved my leg away. "Don't touch me."
"Come on, you know you want this."
I didn't have time to react and within a second, I felt his body weight over mine. I couldn't believe he was doing this here, when so many people were in his house, only a few meters away, yet I was not sure it would help me in any way. He moved between my legs as I tried to hit him with my feet, the heels of my old rainbow converse meeting the middle of his back, and I got even more nervous when I felt him get hard against me. I didn't know what else to do and started fighting him back, using my nails to scratch his face and slap him whenever I could as my heart started racing.
"Hey, calm down." he whispered, grabbing my wrists and holding them on the ground as I tried to get out of his grip. "It'll be quick."
I was trapped under his body and I felt tears reaching my eyes, not really knowing what to do. I breathed in and started screaming as I was trying to fight him again. I yelled as loud as I could, begging for help and hoping someone would hear me.. anyone. It seemed to take an eternity but suddenly, Viktor was not on top of me anymore.
I was a bit surprised when Ophélie randomly got up and left. She had been acting weird recently, especially after that kiss she initiated, but I didn't want to rush her or make her uncomfortable so I decided not to talk about it. The problem was, every time we were alone together, we wouldn't mention the elephant in the room, but it was still there. I wanted to know how she felt, I wanted to know if she regretted it, but I didn't have the guts to ask her and I was mad at myself for being so coward.
I was not really listening to what Lewis was saying anymore, I just kept glancing around in hope to see Ophélie somewhere but all I could see was a lot of drunk people dancing and laughing.
"Mate, you alright?" I turned to my friend and just nodded quickly before he sighed and rolled his eyes. "How about you try and find her, yeah?"
My eyes roamed on his face and he raised his eyebrows with a small and amused smile on his lips. Normally I'd play the polite card and keep listening to whatever he was saying but this time, I just couldn't.
I just nodded and he did the same. It was all it took and I jumped on my feet, following her steps. I ended up on the second floor, looking in all the rooms and seeing a few things I really didn't want to see, but finally got back downstairs, feeling a bit stressed. I couldn't find her and I was scared something had happened to her, or that she had decided to leave by herself.
I reached the kitchen, grabbing a beer in a cooler and I heard it. A long scream that made a shiver run along my spine. I almost choked on my beer and threw it on the counter as I started running. I was pretty sure I had heard the bottle fall on the floor and break but I didn't care. I just pushed the people in my way to reach the backyard. The screams were louder and I knew it was her, but what I saw was not what I had expected.
She was throwing her feet at Viktor who was holding her down on the ground and something inside of me made me want to kill him. Literally. I ran to them and grabbed him by his hair, pulling him away from her and pushing him
"Stay the fuck away from her!"
I had pushed him so hard that I noticed a few hair left in my fist and quickly opened it to let it fall.
"This is none of your business!" Viktor yelled back, making me take a step closer to him.
"You fucking made it my business when you tried to fucking rape my girlfriend." I replied low, trying to contain the fire inside me.
"Rape? Oh please." he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
I knew I should calm down and leave, but I also knew it was about time someone put him back in his place. Without thinking, I took a step closer and threw my fist in his face. He took a step back and fell into his pool as I breathed in and out deeply. It looked like a bad teenage movie and I just shook my head at the irony that he and Ophélie were filming that kind of movie at the moment.
When he pulled his head out of the water, I took a step closer and shook my head slightly. "If you get close to her again I swear I'll rip your eyes out."
Before he could say anything, I turned around and walked back to Ophélie who was still sitting on the grass, crouching down to look at her.
"Hey, angel, are you alright?"
It took a few seconds until her eyes moved up to meet mine and my heart twisted in my chest. I knew she was doing the best she could not to cry and I raised my eyebrows at her, my lips parting slightly.
"Do you want to leave?" I whispered, making her nod. "Can I help you up?"
I didn't want to touch her without her consent, especially now that she had just been assaulted, but when she nodded again, I held my hand out to her. I helped her up and quickly, she snuggled close to me, her nose brushing gently against my neck. I brought her away from everyone and noticed a few people filming us with their phones. It annoyed me but I didn't mention it. I just brought her to my car as fast as I could.
I helped her in the car and put her seat belt on as she remained silent, and finally sat behind the wheel before starting the car.
"I'm bringing you back to your place." I let out gently. "Don't worry."
"No. I'd rather go to yours."
I glanced at her, a bit surprised by her words, but simply nodded and did as she asked. When I parked, I turned to her, noticing she had her feet on the bench and was curled up in an attempt to protect herself.
"Petal, do you need help?"
She shook her head and breathed in before getting out of the car. I quickly did the same and walked with her as she wrapped her arms around herself. She let herself fall on the couch and I quickly rushed to the kitchen to make some tea. I brought cups and put them on the coffee table in front of her before walking to my room and coming back with a blanket. I sat next to her, wrapping it around her shoulders and waited a few seconds. Slowly, her eyes moved up and I licked my lips, once again not daring to touch her.
"It's over, you're safe."
Quickly she threw herself in my arms again and I pulled her closer to me. She was almost laying on me, her face in my neck, as I held her tight against me. I could feel her shake lightly in my arms, and immediately knew she was crying. I closed my eyes, kissing the top of her head gently and inhaled deeply. I didn't know what to do or say to make her feel better so I just kept my mouth shut and hugged her in the dark.
I don't know how long we stayed like that but after a while, she fell asleep and I let my fingers run gently in her back to soothe her. I tried not to think about how much I hated Viktor to focus on Ophélie but I was angry. It took me a while to fall asleep too and when I woke up, she was still asleep. I moved a lock of her hair off her face and pressed my lips together.
It was hard to believe I hated her only a few weeks ago, but did I really? And why was I falling for some random girl I was only pretending to date? When the picture of us kissing on her secret spot was all over internet, I could have seen in her eyes that she was angry. I was not sure if it was because we had been spied on in a special moment or just because her hidden spot had been exposed. If I wanted to be honest, though, I had been surprisingly pleased to see the picture. I hated all the gossips and the fact that they literally followed us to take that picture was definitely appalling, but looking at the way Ophélie had kissed me made me believe there was actually something between us. It made me think that this kiss was not random, or just for fun. There was something between us : no one kisses like that without feelings, no matter how good of an actor they were.
Ophélie whimpered low and I held my breath, staring at her as her eyes fluttered open to meet mine. I noticed the black traces on her cheeks, dried tears that had seemed to stop time, and I licked my lips.
"Good morning." I whispered, making a small but sad smile appear on her lips.
She sat up and tried to tug at her hair but the mess was cute and the left corner of my lips raised up a bit.
"Hi." she said in a low tone, her eyes avoiding mine. "Look, I'm sorry for last night."
"No, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I didn't get to you faster."
This time, she turned to me and sent me a fond smile before bringing her hand to my cheek. I held my breath but she just shook her head slowly. "Thank you, Niall."
I swallowed hard, fighting the urge I had to kiss her. I wanted to answer something sweet but before I could say anything, she got up, letting the blanket fall back on the couch. "I really need a shower, if it's okay."
"Yeah yeah, you know where the stuff is, go ahead."
I waited until I heard the bathroom door close and closed my eyes against, sighing loud. I grabbed my phone on the floor and checked at all the notifications with a groan before clicking to a link someone had sent me. The headline almost made me throw my phone on the wall. There were a few pictures of me hitting Viktor and one of him in the pool, with the title in large letters. 'Niall Horan is jealous of Ophélie King and Viktor Montalvo's relationship!'
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elpercotreviews · 2 years
All Time Favorite Mangas Part 2 (completed only)
That’s right, I remembered I had a tumblr. We will now commence part two of my all time favorite mangas, and of course, like I said before, these are only the manga that are completed.
6. Gokusen
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If I had to pick something that was truly truly my all time favorite manga, it’d probably have to be Gokusen. It’s labelled as a josei, and I don’t know anyone who’s read it, despite its decent success. Gokusen also has an anime adaption as well as a live action adaption and I have not seen either, nor do I plan to lmaooo.
Basically Gokusen is about this woman who becomes a teacher at a really rebellious all boys school, while also trying to hide the fact that she is the daughter and heir to a prominent yakuza family. I would say the main focus of the manga is fighting and comedy. The manga is super funny with a ton of jokes and gags, and I’ve actually reread Gokusen multiple times.
And yes, I will address probably the biggest issue of this manga which is the age gap and difference in power between the female lead and her main love interest. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS I do appreciate how the manga tried to offset the issues by making the FL a ditzy idiot and the ML really mature, but that didn’t change the fact that she’s his teacher .... IDK They also technically don’t kiss until like this special epilogue chapter thingy a whole year after the manga ended. So yeah tbh idk how to feel about it. The manga itself suprisingly didn’t have too much of a focus on “romance” per se because the ML only confesses his feelings at the VERY end, like this within the last like twenty pages of the entire manga. And the FL sorta-ish kinda doesn’t reciprocate??? SORTA IDK. Basically she’s kinda just like flustered and shooketh by it and they almost kiss but get interrupted. So yeah Imma forgive this relationship on the ground that it doesn’t start at all until the ML is graduated, a legal adult, and she is no longer his teacher.
DESPITE ALL THAT, like I said, this is genuinely my favorite manga that I’ve reread time and time again. It’s not very long either, like under 100 chapters so technically if you’re a fast reader like me, it can be read in a single day. For context, I read the entirety of Naruto in about a week lol. If you like comedy, and yazuka manga then I highly recommend.
7. Hirunaka no Ryuusei aka Daytime Shooting Star aka one of the best completed shoujo mangas out there
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OKAY OKAY, this one’s a pretty mainstream favorite for those in the shoujo manga audience, BUT THERES A REASON FOR IT MMKAY. AND I HAVE A REASON FOR IT TOO. This manga holds a deep and special place in my heart for multiple reasons. AND BECAUSE I NEEDA GO IN DETAIL, THERE WILL BE SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS
Okay FIRST. THE STORY. OMG, okay I think what sets this manga apart is how mature and realistic feeling the story feels. The characters are all really relatable and feel ya know, REAL. And IDK the vibes of this manga are just not really able to be replicated. Cuz the mangaka’s work after this one, Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet ... SUCKED. And I’m saying this as a big fan of that mangaka (I’ve read all their short stories as well).
But on a more personal note, back when I was in high school, I had a boyfriend who was 19 while I was 16. He was half Japanese and I swore he looked like Shishio-sensei (those were rose tinted glasses, he was probably way uglier tbh, plus he was a total asshole). Reading this manga made me feel justified in the relationship, since the main character Suzume also had a weird situationship with an older guy. OH BOY I WISH YOUNGER ME HAD SOME MORE SENSE BUT THAT’S TOO LATE NOW ISN’T IT. And if you know how this manga ends, you already know she doesn’t even end up with her teacher, god bless. Back when I was younger and in that toxic relationship, I always wondered why did Suzume pick Mamura. I never understood it, because the teacher always felt like the main character. But when my relationship ended and I stayed single for a bit, it made me realize that was kinda the point of the manga. Suzume’s feelings for her teacher were supposed to be one-sided/unrequited sorta-ish. Because a relationship between a student and a teacher is obviously a big NO-NO. So of course, she ends up with Mamura, the guy friend who was nice and always there for her in a platonic way, and then eventually of course in a romantic way. The mangaka's short stories were also like that too where the main character moves on from an unrequited/inappropriate love to someone who is more age appropriate. And this is why the author’s OTHER manga fails BTW, because that whole message is THROWN AWAY and the FL ends up with a dude who’s double her age deadass in such a weird and unrealistic situation tbh. Yeah ... idk why they decided to completely switch up and fumble the bag like that. But ANYWAY, I have a lot of love and respect for this manga because it helped me really reanalyze and think about my own love life and relationships.
Also Mamura is such a sweetie pie. I’m such a sucker for his character type now that I’m older. Obviously I used to be wayyyy more into Shishio-sensei’s type but I’ve matured and can see why Mamura was for the win bwahaha.
8. Ouroboros
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If you’re like one of the 10 people reading my tumblr, then you may or may not have expected this to be something I love. I’mma start keeping things short cuz TBH, I started this post like MONTHS ago, and it’s taken me this long to write soooo here we go.
Basically Ouroboros is about two orphans who have a beloved carer/teacher. When they’re young she gets murdered and it all gets like covered up and shit so they vow revenge on the person who murdered here and all the cops that covered it up. In present day, Ikuo is a detective and Tatsuya is a yakuza member. They work together behind the scenes to uncover the truth and get their revenge.
Ouroboros is one of my favorite completed manga in the seinen genre because it has kinda everything I like about the genre. It’s dark, it’s gritty, it doesn’t hold back its punches. The main female character and sorta love interest is actual INTERESTING and her life doesn’t evolve around the main guy. She has her own story and her own shit going on too.
The main two characters are also very interesting in their motivations and personalities because they are two very different people but share a common bond and goal in life. I really liked their relationship and how the interacted and worked together.
TBH the art style is kinda more on the ugly side, but it’s definitely tolerable and there are some scenes that looked pretty good.
Tokyo Ghoul AND Tokyo Ghoul Re (until the very end oof)
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My opinion for this is NOT a hot take, cuz multiple people seem to have this similar sentiment.  Since Tokyo Ghoul:re is a direct sequel I’m counting them as together mmkay. I loved Tokyo Ghoul and I loved Tokyo Ghoul:re. They were so good, all the characters, the worldbuilding, the lore, the abilities, etc. Ghouls were such an interesting and cool take on the like vampire/demon-esque category and no other manga I’ve seen has any sorta similar creature to ghouls. At least, not to this level of depth and development. I also absolutely adored the art style and thought it was soooo good. I also love Kaneki Ken and I’ve seen the anime (not the :re anime I heard that shit was kinda wack). BUT if you asked me what the FUCK happened in like the last 15/10 chapters of Tokyo Ghoul:re, I could not tell you to save my life.
SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS I gotta be honest, I genuinely don’t think I can properly recall wtf happened after that one ghoul/investigator guy died. Everything after that was a blur to me. I remember Touka getting pregnant, and Kaneki turning into some giant ugly ass tumor thing and THAT’S ABOUT IT.
I thought the set up for the sequel was SOOO good. The introduction of ghoul investigators, having Kaneki have this dual/forgotten personality. I thought Kaneki as Haise was really cute and sweet. So it just sucks that the moment that Haise is gone, you lose your “likable” protagonist. And now you just have this guy that’s all evil and dead inside. Like I know this is a common theme in stories, and in shounen manga, of living long enough to turn into the villain, but idk I feel like it didn’t work for Tokyo Ghoul, especially the weird tumor monster ending was so random feeling and wtf, and just URGH.
Such a good manga ruined by the ending and inability to close out and tie the story up. I feel like Kaneki’s story coulda ended in such a better way. Cuz this isn’t even dramatically sad or emotional in a good way that pulls your heart strings. I remember reading the last chapters and truly going like “girl what the fuck is going on.”
Blade of the Immortal
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I liked it. Pretty good. Just ... another issue of women being written off really weirdly, pushed to the side kinda issue. Not too bad but definitely noticeable where the main female character, despite how LONG this story is, never truly has any real character growth and awkwardly always remains needed to be saved and weak. Still good story and would recommend it for people looking for a kinda classic old-time samurai story.
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PART 1 of 6 of the Owl Deity Hooty Theory
(TLDR at bottom of post)
Over several long months of research and analysis since March of 2020, I have been following an utterly fascinating thread of potential misdirection and subtle details throughout The Owl House, and today, I would like to start weaving together of what I believe could become one of the biggest and most cleverly disguised twists in the entire show.
To begin, let’s take a look at the B plot of Understanding Willow:
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On first glance, it’s an ultimately inconsequential sidestory with the sole purpose of justifying an excuse to keep Luz and Amity in Willow’s mind, as well as providing some well-needed room to breathe and release tension after the veryemotionally charged confrontation with Inner Willow. After half an episode of Eda and King outdoing the other in ridiculous ways to win Gus’ vote and Gus running off in frustration at the end of the episode from Hooty’s inane rambling, it’s easy to laugh off Gus’ pick and assume that nothing/of value was said when he closed the door for the interview.
However, if one pays close attention to that very scene, Hooty actually canstill be heard (if faintly) underneath Eda and King’s grumbling, interestingly talking about how “It all started with a hunt. Blood red skies. That’s right, I was created-.”
Now, while it may seem silly to focus on dialogue from Hooty of all characters, this A) tells us that there was an event in the past involving blood red skies and a hunt of some kind, B) that Hooty had been created close to said event, and C) implies that what he knows but can’t tell as a story worth a damn is EXTREMELY important to be included and be hidden in such a manner.
For comparison, the only other instance of dialogue being tucked away in the background in the entire show is in Wing It Like Witches:
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During the lecture at the beginning of the episode, the history teacher openswith lore on Belos appointing a head witch to each coven over 50 years ago, immediately cluing in the audience to try and decipher the rest of the lecture as it moves to the background. Adding to this is how the musical sting when Luz shows off her movie obscures what he says even further, making it even more of a intriguing puzzle that the creators clearly intended for viewers to pick up on and attempt to solve.
In contrast, the hidden dialogue of Hooty’s interview is much shorter and not as hard to decipher as the teacher’s history lesson, but at the same time, there are few to no indicators whatsoever in that scene to clue in the audience to even check for something like that. It comes at the end of an episode where most viewers would have been paradoxically tired out and driven abuzz by the revelations of Amity and Willow’s relationship, doesn’t attempt to draw much attention to itself, and frames itself as a comedic subversion of audience expectations with neither the “greatest witch who ever lived” or the self-proclaimed king of demons being picked by Gus.
Instead, he picks someone that the show portrays constantly as an oblivious and gullible idiot after being described as a “state of the art defense system” at the very beginning of the series. Someone who, despite it being played for laughs, is scarily capable of casually subduing Lilith offscreen one episode and then beating her and an entire squad of Emperor’s Coven members without even the slightest change in personality or temperament.
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Someone who, due to being the Owl House itself, could be considered the titular character of the entire show, yet is taken for granted by those who inhabit him and barely gets any respect from even the cutely patronized King - including when Hooty could be interpreted as having potentially been full on DEAD for a time given the use of extremely cartoony X eyes and a lack of vital signs in The Intruder.
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And someone who Eda at best tolerates and at worst abandons in personal interactions and only occasionally acknowledges him when he’s actually doing his job. Yet at the same time is so implicitly trusted beyondprotecting her home to the point where - when up against the closest person Eda has to an equal outside of likely Belos - the only actually recognizable spells Eda used in combat were 1) stereotypical energy blasts, 2) a single shield spell in Covention, and 3) a noticeably large reliance on imitations of Hooty above any other spells she could have decided to use instead.
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In short, the show repeatedly tells us he is just an idiotic gag character through and through, but at the same time demonstrates he has immense power through both onscreen and offscreen demonstrations, implicitly tells us his importance ahead of time through Eda’s imitations in actually serious situations, and treats his interview and origin story as - if not even more- important to keep secret than a long lore dump about how Belos’ reign works.
After all, there being only two instances of hidden background dialogue in the entire season is already intriguing on its own, but for one to get plenty of clues to draw in people’s attention and for the other to be treated as just another gag about a “mere comic relief character” - aka a good way to draw away attention and lower one’s guard - heavily suggests a far deeper significance buried under layers of misdirection, comedy, and conditioned audience expectations.
I mean, when Eda bragged about being “a bad girl living in a secret fortress,” Hooty followed with a remark about how “I’m the secret.” While that line may sound like Hooty simply being confused as part of a one-off on the surface, it’s an odd dialogue choice for the writers to pick when you think about all the other reminders of his nature as the house itself throughout the season. With the precedent these moments set, it would have been much more appropriate for him to latch onto the “fortress” side of “secret fortress” AND it would have been just as equally funny of a joke about his awareness skills, but instead, Hooty broke away from the established trend to say something that would make people suspicious were it to come from anyone else.
In a way, this reminds me much of the many subtle bits of foreshadowing strewn across the show, like Luz unknowingly describing Amity in Witches Before Wizards and Eda burning a hole through Luz’s coven type quiz that coincidentally selected the same track she had taken at Hexside as “a punky potionist.” At the time of airing, these initially seemed like one-off jokes, but eventually came back in full force several episodes later with Amity’s hidden sensitive feelings and love for the Azura books becoming clear in Lost in Language, and the reveal of Eda’s school track in Something Ventured, Someone Framed with her school misdemeanor pictures.
That said, compared to these individual bits of minor foreshadowing, the jokes about Hooty in Understanding Willow appear to simply be the most obvious pieces in a giant puzzle, implicitly and outright telling attentive viewers that there’s a major mystery to be uncovered here.
In fact, I feel bold enough to say that we could be looking at a twist on a similar scale to that of the Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz and Stanford Pines twists in Steven Universe and Gravity Falls respectively, what with this particular puzzle piece coming from how Gus wanted to make THE greatest interview of all time, and how he was looking for someone who was “interesting, accomplished, AND noteworthy:”
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Note the emphasis on the ‘and’ here, as Gus had made a big deal that “people aren’t meantto be all those things” at the beginning of the episode, so as a result, stripping away all the comedic framing of his subplot leaves the intriguing implication that whoever - and, perhaps, what- Hooty is, they really are the most interesting, accomplished, AND noteworthy person out of everyone.
I could go further and talk about why I suspect the mystery surrounding King’s origins, whether true or not, is partially meant to misdirect us from paying attention to Hooty, or how the TOH crew’s could be disguising legitimate clues to his nature among made up and highly meme-able joke answers in order to proliferate said concepts throughout the fandom - thus letting us do all the dirty work of getting ourselves used to the ideas and used to dismissing them at the same time - but to bring things to a close for now, I’d like to leave you all with a question that I’ll start answering next time:
What does it mean when both the most powerful and notorious witch on the Boiling Isles and the possible actual king of demons/the Titan itself/something don’t match up to a house? And what do you think it is that makes him so special to warrant such misdirection?
TLDR: Between Eda’s golem spells, the show stressing his nature as the titular house, his implicit strength, and the odd dialogue and structure of Understanding Willow‘s subplot in relation to him, I believe I have good reason to suspect the show has been giving us many hints towards Hooty being much, much more important than it would like us to currently believe or even joke about. Particularly, through clever uses of comedy to establish and enforce a strong audience bias against looking closely at him or unironically taking him seriously, and to potentially plant the seeds for something I will start exploring in Part 2.
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notahorseindisguise · 2 years
fun facts about me!
im 17 years old
i live in australia, in nsw 
im mostly a boy ig, but i use any pronouns and just dont care
im bisexual
i am, by family, a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints. by belief, im not sure yet!
i have adhd and probably other stuff 
i really love bugs and want to be an entomologist
you can call me Corn, but thats just a nickname, short for Corben
i have 2 pet cats, milly and pebbles
i am really really mean to people, because bullying is how i show my love. if that is an issue for you please let me know and ill change it!
i also use a lot of gendered terms as well as petnames for just. everyone. so if “bro” or “babe” makes you uncomfy, make sure you tell me too!
i very purposely wear day of the week underwear only on the wrong day cause i think its hilarious
i have a slight lisp, very slight, its only really noticeable when i say a bunch of s words in a row and you are looking to notice it. i have this because in preschool i did my s sounds slightly different to how we were taught, but i never bothered to fix it
i get excited when im talking a lot about things i love, and when i get excited, a bit of a stutter comes out, and i like, get stuck on a word, and keep repeating it until my brain buffers the next sentence
i have a lot of self confidence because i stopped making self deprecating jokes and started making self aggrandizing jokes and guys, faking it til you make it really really works
i really like comedy, not just as in i like makng jokes, although thats true, but i like dissecting comedy and talking about it the way a film critic would talk about the dark knight or something. i really like pulling it apart and looking at the behind the scenes. i also think its funny to rate people jokes out of 10.
ive never properly played a game of monopoly. the only game ive ever played i had to leave around halfway through. im a monopoly virgin. 
if youre reading this, reply “autonomic”. just because i think its a fun word to say and i doubt anyone is actually reading all of this.
i had a couple of recurring nightmares as a kid that brought me quite face to face with a cosmic horror, i dont believe it was real of course, just a creation of my mind, but still, im mostly unphased by that genre, although i still love it because its just so cool to read about
i have never opened my eyes underwater for more than half a second, because it hurts me too much. ive opened them up underwater a little bit just to wash them out or to see if i could, but they always hurt too much for me, so ill be wearing goggles underwater for the rest of my life
when i was a child my family would call cuddles from me “dorben” and say “corben give me some dorben” whenever they wanted cuddles. this is not an open invitation to use this for when you want cuddles from me this is just a fun fact about my childhood
one time at a family camp when i was like. 6 or 7 or something, i told my mum i needed the toilet but she didnt wanna walk me down to the toilet block, so she told me to just go in the bush. i protested, but she told me itd be fine so i went to the bush. later i was crying and i pulled her over to where i had gone, and she saw a shit laying on the grass, where she thought i was gonna piss. through my tears i said “mum, you were WRONG, WRONG, WRONG-O!!”
also once when i was half asleep i pissed in the bin in my bathroom instead of the toilet
theres some fun facts about me!! some of these important, some i just thought were random and funny. i will add to this when i think of more random parts of my life. have fun!
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deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
I've gotta say, I find the concept of Bedlund trying to Ben-Hur Jensen absolutely hysterical. I'm just imagining Jensen getting a script and being like "Ben?? What's this? Is this gay? This seems gay????" and Ben just soothing him like a frightened horse.
Hahaha - Look it wouldn't be the first time. What is this verb we're working with? Okay. Strap in everyone. The Multi-Oscar-winning 1959 movie 'Ben Hur' had a bunch of gay subtext. The writer, the director, and the second lead actor all knew that Charlton Heston's character, Ben Hur, was gay. However, one person didn't find out until the 1990s: Charlton Heston. The consensus on set was "Don’t tell Charlton, because he’ll freak out." and when Heston found out in the ninties, freak out was exactly what he did. (x) [the movie may have gotten a reference from Misha back in season 6 (x)]
Whether this happened with Jensen on SPN depends on two things.
Was the character of Dean intentionally written as Bi and, if so, at what point did that become true?
Did anyone tell Jensen? Did he figure it out? if so, when?
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I personally DO believe at this point, I really do, that Bedlund - Ben Hur'd Jensen. I think it was part of the writers room but not all of it, until it was. (Which RN I believe finally happened under Dabb.) I think Jensen wasn't in on it, until he was. So for me? I think he really was in the dark at one point. But at what point that changed? Probably only he can answer that question. and RN? He ain't talking.
In the meantime we can only look at things Jensen has said on the subject - Like this unbearably ambiguous GIF set from @nikadd. Was this tongue in cheek? Legitimate ignorance? You're killing me, Jensen. That cheeky lil smile, Jensen. Nvm - I'm going to kill you instead. It's for my own survival. No hard feelings right? You understand.
We can look at the text for number 1 - and I do that uh - a lot - see the blog name #Dean Was Always Bi
For number 2 we can look over some points when we got clues from what Jensen thought was going on [regardless of whether they make sense based on his jacting or directorial choices I guess] and get left wondering whether at any point he felt pressured to lie for his career, for self protection, or to protect the narrative from the network: 
2010 - 'We're missing the gay angel' (x) (Season 5 gag reel) (x) “Sorry man, not what the show’s about.” Jared: One of the good and bads about playing the straight [non-comedic] character on the show… Jensen: What wait? I’ve been playing him so wrong
2012 / S8 - Trenchcoat - Jensen talking about how sometimes they change the lines because they're way too gay. Calls Cas a third brother
2012 - "What's Destiel?" Ben Edlund: That’s some weird shit. Jensen: Is this something that you created, Ben? Ben: You don’t want any part of that.
“Don’t ruin it for everyone now” “I still don’t know what the question was. I’m going to pretend I don’t know what the question was.”
2013 @ JIB, re Dean’s reaction to Aaron’s flirting in the season 8 episode Everybody Hates Hitler,  (x)
“And the scene wasn’t written to be that kind of - I mean - It was written to be awkward.  Ben Edlund wrote the - my favorite line in that scene was ‘carry on . citizen’ that was - I almost couldn’t say that with a straight face I was laughing so hard.  But it was - you know - it was comedy. It was a comedic moment in the show and fortunately Dean gets a lot of the comedic moments in the show and it was just, you know, Ben was poking fun at the fact that - you know, how can we make this very kind of manly, heterosexual guy uncomfortable - uh -you know, or  or have him back on his heels and throw him off his game a little bit.”
The thing is - Bedlund and Phil Sgriccia made very clear on the commentary track that THEY saw this scene as a 'romantic comedy kind of fluster' "This potential for love in all places."
Ben Edlund calling the writer’s room a boy’s club in 2013 (x)
Misha Collins telling Destiel fans they aren’t Crazy in 2013 after some executives said they were (x).
2014 Jensen says he was glad there wasn’t much Dean and Cas in season 9  - HA Hah HAH (x)
“I think the whole Cas and Dean thing has gotten out of hand”  “I don’t think there’s anything secret to their relationship even though a lot of people wish there was” REMINDER - that season we got the nightstands acknowledgement and “play him like a jilted lover” and the “he dumped me James” cut and -
I certainly know that Misha and I don’t play that. SIGH. they Ben Hur'd Jensen.
2014 - the fan fiction joke - 10.05
“I didn’t have a positive reaction, The first time in I think 200 scripts I went and sat down in the showrunners office and said, ‘What in god’s name are you doing?! Why? I need to understand why this is happening.’” “[Carver] gave very eloquent answers and did a great job of explaining why we were doing what we were doing, I guess I had been aware of this ‘fan fiction’ for a while and I felt like maybe if I ignored it, it would eventually go away. When I read it in the script that is what I do for a living and is my work—I’m very protective of these characters and the story and I think we have a right to be—I wasn’t angry. I just wanted to understand why and what was the message we were ultimately sending with this script and story. By the end of it, I felt good and it gave me all the confidence I needed. It was better than I could have ever hoped.”
But then there's Jensen in 2015 talking about all of Dean’s bromances. (x)  [gifs at the top] Could go either way - starting to figure it out? or No?
What had changed if anything? the entire Crowely season 10 story line?  This was July 2015 - the same day as the SDCC 2015 panel where Misha talked about Destiel   (x @ 13) Carver and Dabb were there - 
By this time Jensen and Misha were nominated for a teen choice award for best chemistry against various tv couples (and one ensemble cast, but the award nomination did NOT include Jared) .... Misha and Jensen would go on to WIN this award one month after the panel.
At the Panel Rob and Rich ask the question: “You two have branded yourselves as TV’s greatest team since, ... idk who.... Ernie and Bert so.”  [Misha says to Jensen & Jared, half not on the microphone: “I really didn’t expect them to throw us under the bus.”] “are we going to see that continue? Is the Castiel Dean relationship still aflutter and still growing as we move into season 11?”  Jeremy Carver: “Ish.” [mocking from panel ensues] “Yes. Of course. I mean Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. There’s no doubt.”
Jensen Directs 11x03 and the choreo mimics Goodbye stranger (x)
2016 - Jensen: Dean could have a huntress, but you’d kill her.
Jan 2017 Con the infamous - no hedge - harsh - “Destiel doesn’t exist.” (x)
I would hope that if he knew he wouldn’t have been so harsh with it.  So by that point either he still didn’t know - OR - to him ‘Destiel’ was specifically about internet porn/sex and not like - the potential for feelings / a relationship.  It makes me think about something Misha had actually said, around 2013, “It’s called ‘Destiel’ and it’s about the romantic interludes between Dean and Castiel.” (x)
2017 - jib8 Jensen called Dean a lover of the ladies
May 2017 - After filming the end of season 12:
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2018 - Misha confirms he and Jensen have talked about Destiel (x) - also 2018: The Bisexual Dean essay "? No." (Oh god was this really this recent?! I can't deal with this.)
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Well. SOMETHING happened in 2019. cuz here it comes
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2019 - "Dean has no taste, clearly." 2019 - 'So, tell us just a little bit about what you're most excited to tackle with your character this final season.' "Cas. Just like a full football form tackle."
Look at this face he gave Dean when Cas told him he loved him and tell me he wasn't playing into it here. You can't. (x)
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darlingpetao3 · 3 years
House of W (Multiple!Wells x Reader, Chapter 9)
Rating: T
Summary: After having to deal with the deaths of an infinite number of Harrison Wells in the Multiverse, you, a magic-wielding meta, have a breakdown and unwittingly create a happy, fictitious sitcom life with some of your favourite men. In a world of comedy and cameos, can Team Flash and an out-of-town magician break through your powers to save you? And what if you don’t want to be saved...?
A/N: Well folks, it’s the final chapter... I’m not sure it’s actually all that great, but here it is and I hope it’s well received, nonetheless! Thanks for coming on this crazy ride with me <3
Tag List: @fandomdancer​ @bluesclues-1234​ @crissymadlock @firstofficer-tilly​ @disneyoncerlover815​ @marvel-lady10 @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @noctvrnalmoth​ @alexxlynn @dontbedumb3​ @heyl0lwhatsup @ryou-cosmos​ @arianalilyblack​ @sonnensplitter​ @imagine-yourself-happy​ @stuckysdaughter​ @wintersire @i-dont-care-lol​ @booksandfandomsarelife1 @marvelhastakenovermybeing​ @marisughh​
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Eobard Thawne clutches his fist down beside him, surely feeling the surge of Speed Force energy running through his entire body once more. He looks like he’s just taken a hit of the most addictive drug—eyes flashing a dangerous crimson, his whole being vibrating at the speed of sound before everyone’s eyes.
The Reverse Flash turns to Libby and Belle—who both remain frozen in place out of sheer shock after realizing that this man isn’t who he claimed to be—and gives them one of his iconic shit-eating grins.
“Thank you, girls,” he says smugly. “I couldn’t have achieved any of this without you. The next time I have your real uncle under my boot, I’ll think of you wonderful girls.”
“What have we done…?” Belle whispers rhetorically to her sister. A speechless Liberty only shakes her head in reply.
Eobard locks eyes with Barry, who stands in the doorway to the kitchen. The villain smirks before he bolts off, running upward along the diminishing forcefield wall and out through one the holes forming in it. Barry watches on as he decides to let his adversary go. He’s learned by now it’s never the last time he’ll see Eobard Thawne. That bastard always seems to find a way back into everyone’s lives. He’s like a cockroach that won’t stay dead.
Yes… Barry will come face to face with the Reverse Flash again. He may not know when, but when he does, he’ll be ready.
Because right now, you need him.
Your world is falling apart.
The forcefield continues to fall slowly from above. Your time is limited. You know that in mere minutes, everything will disappear, including the people you love. 
“Mom, we’re so, so sorry,” Belle tells you desperately. “We thought he was just teaching us how to perfect our powers. It felt like a game!”
“My dear, sweet girls,” you look them straight in the eyes as you explain to them, “I assure you both, it’s not your fault. Okay? You had no idea who he really was or what he was capable of. It’s not your fault, do you understand me?” They nod through their tears. “You two may have grown up incredibly fast, far too fast for my liking, in fact, but I am so thrilled that you were- are mine. You will always be my little girls. No matter what.”
“Thank you for being our mom,” Liberty says to you in all seriousness.
“No one is cooler or stronger than you,” Belle adds with a smile very reminiscent of her fathers’. If these two aren’t careful, you’re going to completely lose it in front of them.
Off in the distance, you spot Barry watching this heartfelt scene play out. You wave him over to meet his nieces, so he can see what you’ve created for yourself up close and personal. Libby and Belle should meet their real uncle, a true hero, before they’re…
Barry places a hand each on the girls’ shoulders. See, Barry? They’re real. And I’ll lose them too. Do you feel my pain now? This is what I live through all the time.
Barry’s eyes begin to glisten until the tiny bulbs of tears hold still, unwilling to fall just yet.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you both,” he tells them. “You’re both such bright stars.” They give bittersweet smiles up at him in silence. You don’t think they fully understand what will come to pass in mere minutes, but you do. You can feel it in your bones.
Barry steps back from your family unit so that you all can have one more last moment together. You take this final opportunity to bring your girls in close for a tight hug, letting a sob escape you despite trying to keep it together for your family. You wave a hand over to your husbands as if to gesture for them to get in on this family group hug, and quickly. They do so promptly, all four of them enveloping you, Liberty, and Belle as if to form a loving hug shield.
“I love you,” you make sure to say these three precious words, making eye contact to each and every one of those you have magicked into being here with you today… before they disintegrate before your very eyes.
And soon enough, you can’t even feel them anymore. The forcefield has vanished within the Lab’s basement, along with the Wells and the twins.
You cry. You shake and your body wracks with the sort of sobs that hurt your throat. Barry makes sure he holds you tightly. Caitlin approaches carefully and ends up holding your hand. Then it’s Cisco who puts his own hand on your shoulder as everyone else in the room looks on at your despair.
After some much-needed rest in the Medbay, you awake to a spookily quiet Labs. You’re not sure of the time (or day, even), but regardless, you figure it’s best to head home. Goodness knows it’s probably still in shambles. That’ll need to be fixed.
You heave a sigh as you leave the Cortex.
“Come on, you can sigh louder than that.”
You turn around to find the unexpected voice belonging to Zatanna. You imagine she must have had to recoup as well from the amount of magic she would have used to break through to your world.
“Oh, hey,” you say tiredly. “I take it you’re on your way, then?”
“Yeah, I have a show in Coast City in two days, so I better head off.”
“Listen, I’m really sorry to have brought you into all this madness.”
“No, please. If anything, I should thank you as well as offer my condolences... Your magic is something I've never seen before. Honestly, I’m still intrigued by it.” Zatanna hesitates. “Would it be weird if I gave you my contact information? I don’t come across many others with true magic. I’d love to keep in touch. Maybe we could learn from each other?”
“Yes, of course,” you agree. “I think that’s a great idea.” She hands you her card—a glittery black business card with her name and number.
“So, hey,” she says, “You going to be okay?”
You take a few seconds to think her question over.
“I think, in time, I could be,” you answer truthfully.
“I know it may not be much,” Zatanna says, “but one of my powers involves granting wishes. Before I go, is there anything I can do for you? You’ve been through so much. I’ve seen it. And everybody has something they're hoping for. Something they wish they could change…” She pauses, waiting for your answer, but also seems distracted. You wonder what kind of life this woman has led. What has she done in her past that she regrets or wishes for from the bottom of her heart?
“I only wish for Harrison Wells to be in my life,” you answer honestly. Is that so much to ask for? It seems to be that way.
“Is that what your heart most desires?”
You sigh. “More than anything.”
There’s another pause.
“You know, sometimes you’ll find that our wishes come true on their own, even without magic,” the magician points out ominously.
“That’s code for “I just can’t make that wish come true,” isn’t it?” you joke, somewhat.
“The people that we love—they’re only gone when we stop carrying them with us. How you choose to carry Harrison Wells is up to you.”
You let that sink in and press a hand to your heart. He will always be here with you. Right here. You’ll make sure of it.
“I wish you all the luck and magic in the world, (Y/N),” Zatanna says kindly. “It was nice to meet you.”
You nod in thanks, unsure of how to respond to that. With her aged, thick book under her arm, Zatanna Zatara walks down the S.T.A.R. Labs corridor, but you swear her body vanishes before she rounds the corner…
Despite all the trouble you’ve put her through—everyone, really—with all of this, you can still take comfort in the act of making a new friend.
As you walk through the empty hallways of the Labs, you make it to where the elevator lies. You go to press the button to summon the machine when a ding sounds before your finger even touches the button. The doors slide open, and the face that greets you shocks you to your very core.
“Hello, there,” he says.
In fact, you are so stunned that you take a step back, but in doing so, you stumble and begin to topple over. Luckily, a certain someone’s quick arms catch you in time.
The face you know all too well, Harrison Wells, that is, glows with a calm happiness as he looks down at you in his arms. Behind immaculate see-through frames, his pretty blues eyes twinkle like the stars. He smiles like he knows you. You stare up in disbelief, in relief, and in love.
“Hello… Harrison.”
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mostlymovieswithmax · 3 years
Movies I watched in July
Once again I’m doing my monthly round-up of movies I’ve watched. This was a good month for the cinema getting back on track and seeing new releases including the new M. Night movie, Old and James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad. Pretty sure Marvel put out a new movie also. I’m hoping that this list can help in guiding a decision about what to watch (or what to avoid) and introduce people to movies they may otherwise not have heard of or bothered to see. These short reviews are my own subjective opinions on each individual movie and maybe a more informal approach to movie criticism can help include others who are just passing through. Here is every film I watched from the 1st to the 31st of July.
Bridesmaids (2011) - 4/10
Off to a good start. I won’t say Bridesmaids is a terrible movie but I don’t think I’m exactly the target audience. As far as I know, this is a beloved comedy but I just can’t get on board with all the boring, juvenile humour; with Maya Rudolph shitting in the street, with Rose Byrne and Kristen Wiig trying to one-up each other at a toast that went on forever, with Melissa McCarthy shitting in a sink… the conflict is so done to death and makes the movie feel unspecial. I do understand the appeal of the film, especially for women in that before this movie the likelihood of seeing something like this, where women play up the more crass and gross side of comedy, was probably few and far between. But the story is very tired and while I did appreciate some moments, namely a couple of decent jokes and some of the more intimate scenes, for the most part it felt like they wanted to corner a more quiet type of line delivery in a way that was supposed to be understated but very funny so as to not rely on over the top body language or musical cues, and it ended up being super dull.
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Spectre (2015) - 7/10
As far as I can tell, a lot of people don’t like this instalment of the James Bond franchise… but I really enjoyed it! I’ve really taken a shine to these Daniel Craig-era Bond movies and while I can’t say any of them are the most amazing thing, I have a lot of fun with them. The biggest problem I have with Spectre is the villain being utterly pointless and uninteresting in basically every way. The idea of every villain Bond has fought before being tied to this one organisation controlled by this one guy is ridiculous, and what makes it worse is that the villain is barely in it! There’s so much that doesn’t come together in this but as it goes, I still had a really good time. Daniel Craig holds the whole thing together; he is excellent as 007 and the main reason I’m up for each of these movies is because of him. Sam Mendes directs again after the previous instalment and for what it’s worth I do think he does a good job with some of the action set pieces and the locations. I’m so ready for No Time To Die.
Shazam (2019) - 7/10
Shazam is a genuinely fun superhero movie that doesn’t take itself seriously at all. I was having a great time throughout and while it could conform to some of the same tropes we’re used to with these kinds of movies, it still remained playful and used the character of Shazam to his fullest potential in a way that showed an understanding of just how silly the idea of a kid who can turn into an adult and shoot lightning out of his hands is.
High School Musical (2006) - 6/10
So as you may or may not know, I co-host a podcast: The Sunday Movie Marathon. It’s a film podcast and every week I get together with my other co-hosts and watch movies. For episode 38, we watched the High School Musical trilogy. This first movie blew me away. I was really surprised with just how much fun I had, and if you want to hear more of my thoughts on the film, please listen to episode 38 of the podcast.
High School Musical 2 (2007) - 4/10
We then jumped into the second and while it’s certainly not as good as its predecessor, there are still some brilliant songs that manage to top the last movie. Again, more of what I have to say can be heard on episode 38 of the podcast.
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High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008) - 3/10
Senior Year was pretty hard to get through. I don’t remember it being as bad as it was, but then I didn’t really remember it anyway. It did however have one redeeming quality, which you can discover on episode 38 of the podcast.
The Piano Teacher (2001) - 9/10
What the fuuuckkkk. The Piano Teacher is horrendously affecting and I was so upset when it ended, maybe not because it’s not what I wanted but because it’s just so fucking dour and unrelenting. This is the second Haneke movie I’ve seen (after the original Funny Games) and I’m so impressed with how well executed it is. Following a woman who teaches piano, we get a glimpse into the life she lives, how sheltered she is from living with her mother at an age where you’d reasonably expect a person to be living alone or with a partner or friends (even going so far as to be sleeping in the same bed as her), and how repressed she is sexually. It’s clear she’s never experienced any kind of sexual interaction or romantic love with another person, so she goes out of her way to take control and make that happen. The upsetting nature of it comes from just what she does in pursuit of it or as a result of her repression, and what is done to her. It is by no means a movie to recommend to your parents but The Piano Teacher offers so much in terms of the ideas it presents (and I’ll admit there seems to be a lot more going on than I think I picked up on a first go round) about women in modern society, and about the portrayal of sex and expectations of people when it comes to how that is represented in a person’s character depending on their gender. I really enjoyed this movie but it is not for the faint of heart.
Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure (2011) - 1/10
My podcast co-hosts decided it’d be a right laugh to add Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure to this episode and that might have been a fun idea for them because they got to watch it together, but I was just watching it alone. Just a 24-year-old man watching Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure alone and having a miserable time, I might add. But for a short and sweet ramble on what we all thought, please listen to episode 38 of The Sunday Movie Marathon podcast.
Dr. No (1962) - 6/10
A lot of very iffy parts of this movie. A lot of discomfort arising from how black people are portrayed that really didn’t sit right with me. As far as a Bond movie goes, this first instalment in the series is one I’ve seen before and it’s not wholly engaging but it plants the seeds for the rest, with Sean Connery breathing life into the role and making an otherwise lacklustre plot bearable.
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Black Widow (2021) - 6/10
I think probably the best part about Black Widow is the experience I had while watching it. It was great being back in the cinema with a couple of friends in a packed theatre. The energy was high and I’m sure for a lot of people, this is the first time they’d been to the cinema since Endgame. For what it’s worth, I did have a lot of fun with Black Widow and I’ve explained more of what I thought about the movie in episode 39 of the podcast.
The Climb (2020) - 10/10
The Climb was added to Now TV recently and I already knew I loved it, having seen it in an empty cinema theatre last year, which I had an absolute blast with. The Climb details the years of a rocky friendship told over scenes filmed as one-shots. Not only is the presentation something to gawk at, but the performances by the two leads playing these friends with a terrifically dysfunctional dynamic is truly captivating. They’re both trying to figure out their own lives and where one can come across as being rather selfish, the opposite is true in his counterpart, whom everyone loves. This is a truly funny and heartwarming movie with a lot to say about how we choose to live our lives and who we choose to be with. It’s a shame the distributors of The Climb didn’t do a very good job because if not for it being available on Now TV, it would be near impossible to watch without forking out more money than is necessary to purchase a film.
From Russia With Love (1963) - 5/10
The second Bond movie. I thought perhaps I’d change my mind on it with another watch, having seen it for the first time maybe a year ago. But no, it’s still largely boring and it treats women like absolute garbage. From Russia With Love is one of those movies I forget as I watch it, and I was trying very hard (in the middle of the day!) not to fall asleep.
The Good, The Bart, and The Loki (2021) - 1/10
I don't usually talk about the short films I watch but for this I'll make an exception. As we all should know, Disney owns The Simpsons now, through their acquisition of Fox, so, coupled with another of their properties, that being Marvel, they decided to make a six-minute animated film wherein Marvel’s Loki is stranded in Springfield. This felt as though it was a minute long due to the horrendously jarring pacing; it is a movie that feels adamant that it needs to exist, while trying as hard as it can to be over as soon as possible. It serves only to stare the audience directly in the face and say “look, characters from The Simpsons are dressed as Avengers”, shit out three credit scenes, then end before you’ve even processed the atrocity you just bore witness to.
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Russian Ark (2002) - 8/10
For this next episode of the podcast, we watched a few Russian movies, starting with Russian Ark, a film shot completely in one take as the camera moves about a luxurious museum in a first-person perspective as this main character watches what is happening around him, seeing people moving about the place but unable to interact with them, guided only by another man who seems to be just slightly out of his own perception of reality. This is a tremendous feat in filmmaking and more can be heard about what I have to say in episode 39 of The Sunday Movie Marathon podcast.
Ivan’s Childhood (1962) - 7/10
For my own pick of Russian movies to discuss on the podcast, I chose the debut feature from one of my favourite directors, Andrei Tarkovsky. It’s amazing that while this is not his best film by far, Ivan’s Childhood is still such a stellar debut, jumping around in its timeline as it details a child’s experience in the second world war. Again, I do go into more depth in episode 39 of the podcast, so be sure to check that out.
Outlaw (2019) - 1/10
The third movie chosen for this marathon is apparently the fourth Russian LGBTQ+ movie ever made. I’m unsure of the ultimate goal of this movie but what seems to be clear is that it hates the LGBTQ+ community. This is perhaps the worst film we’ve discussed on the podcast to date, so listen to episode 39 to understand exactly why it’s such trash.
Almost Famous (2000) - 7/10
I too love heavy music and also studied journalism so it stands to reason that a movie about a teenager who makes his way onto a band tour, following them through America and interviewing them as they hang out and play shows is going to be a premise that resonates with me. This certainly did. I enjoyed Almost Famous a lot; this kid is living the dream and I was so along for the ride, seeing a lot of myself in what was being portrayed. That said, the story itself is at times a bit by the numbers and I really would’ve been more on board if the visual component was more interesting. For what it is, technically it’s fine enough but nothing in that department ever jumped out at me.
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Minari (2021) - 8/10
It’s crazy that this didn’t get a theatrical run where I live in the UK. It feels as though I complain about film distribution all the time but I really don’t understand the process by which a movie gets no cinematic release and yet, months later will pop up on the front shelf of hmv, taking pride of place. But of course I got the blu-ray straight away. Minari has a lot to say about the immigrant experience, specifically in America as a family comes over from Korea and tries to start a business and make something of themselves. You get to see a lot of what you might not think twice about when you think about immigration: the hardship of coming from a place where you know everyone to somewhere rural and sparsely populated, having to make friends with locals and integrate within the community; the strain it can put on a family and on a marriage where this idea is presented about the importance of making it on your own in order to live and not just survive, while also taking into account why you’re doing it in the first place and the value you place on being part of a family that you decided to make because that was more important than money, than economy, than proving you were good enough to make it in a place that gave you very little advantage from the offset. This concept of the promised land, of the American dream is a construct. There are times when it’s not pretty, when you have no running water, or you’re in debt, or a family member is dying and it just feels like you’ve been dealt as bad a hand as you can get. But it is better to know you’re not facing all that alone.
Roma (2018) - 10/10
This was my recommendation for the podcast episode on Alfonso Cuarón movies. Roma is as beautiful as it is heart-wrenching and I would recommend listening to episode 40 of the podcast to find out more about my thoughts.
An American Werewolf In London (1981) - 8/10
In all fairness, London is enough to make anyone a little crazy at the best of times. An American Werewolf in London showcases some fantastically grotesque effects, akin to something like Carpenter’s The Thing, in showing the dead brought back to life and a horrifically gory transformation scene. Although the film is from the perspective of an American protagonist, directed also by an American, the depiction of British culture and climate is something I’ve not seen many films pull off quite so well, and I was pleasantly surprised at the more comedic tone the film has overall, which is something that works more in its favour than straight horror would.
The Party’s Just Beginning (2018) - 6/10
Karen Gillan’s directorial debut is… pretty good! There are a lot of ideas I like in this movie: a woman living life and through convenient circumstances, is confronted with death in many ways. Gillan obviously knows her homeland as well as she can, imbuing the whole thing with an intensely Scottish vibe (though maybe not in the same vein as something like Trainspotting) that makes it a bit more unique than a more run of the mill movie of this ilk, backed up in no small part by her own main performance. The plot itself is no great diversion from the kind of story I’m used to with these smaller movies and for something that’s trying to include messaging about transgender issues and suicide, it probably could have been handled better or done in a different way.
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Solaris (1972) - 9/10
Another Tarkovsky joint, one I thought I’d revisit to see if there was indeed more to get out of it a second time. Well, it’s no surprise that yes, there was certainly more to get out of it. Solaris is a crazy trip of a movie and I would liken it to Kubrick’s 2001 in terms of how grand the scale of it feels. Yet this is a film that comes across as deeply personal, choosing to focus on a specific character as he goes to a space station to help those on board who are experiencing some kind of emotional crises, only to feel the effects of the planet, Solaris invading his own mind as it has the crew. To many, I can see this lengthy Russian sci-fi being a tad slow but my personal experience is one of deep engagement. Solaris pulls its viewer in a lot of different directions and it is always doing something unexpected in terms of where its narrative goes. There’s a lot to think about with the movie and thankfully it’s no chore to watch again.
Y Tu Mamá También (2001) - 9/10
Another recommendation for the podcast episode on Alfonso Cuarón movies. This is a very relaxed experience, following three young people as they go on a road trip, visit different places and have sex. Listen to episode 40 of The Sunday Movie Marathon podcast for more of my thoughts.
Children of Men (2006) - 10/10
My favourite Cuarón movie, one that never stops being tense as its characters are constantly moving towards the end goal. Set in a future where humans are infertile, the oldest living person is 18, and London is the last city in the world that’s still keeping it together, somewhat. This is masterclass filmmaking. Listen to episode 40 of the podcast for more insights.
Minority Report (2002) - 5/10
I’m really not the biggest fan of Spielberg… Minority Report is an interesting movie in terms of its concept of stopping crimes before they happen by way of prediction, but I just didn’t connect with the heart of it. The colouring is way too overexposed in a way that’s supposed to be eliciting a futuristic vibe but instead feels so early-2000’s in the worst way. My biggest problem with Minority Report is just how long it is, clocking in at two hours and twenty-five minutes which allows for a lot of meandering, all while never quite developing characters enough for you to care about.
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Caché (2005) - 9/10
Oh god! Another Michael Haneke movie! Here we see a couple periodically sent video tapes featuring hours of footage of the outside of their house. The anxiety ratchets up and the mystery gets deeper with every minute. There’s always at least one moment in any of his films that have so far made me realise just how out of my depth I am. Caché is no exception, and I won’t spoil anything here because I think it’s better just to watch the movie and see for yourself. He is a director that wants the audience to know something and that something is never what is explicitly shown at face value; it is pressed into the fabric of the film - plainly evident, yet hidden. Caché is so stupidly clever in displaying its themes and messaging - making reference to the Siene Massacre of 1961 as well as a deeper study of colonialism - and there’s no way to change a single detail of it without risking the Jenga tower crumbling to the ground. It all works in tandem. It is passion and fury and haunting.
Coco (2017) - 7/10
Pixar had a string of around seven forgettable movies before this point so thankfully Coco emerged to show the company still had something good in them. Coco deals a lot with themes of death and legacy, remembering those who are gone in order to preserve them and while its plotting is quite basic and there are certainly moments that either drag or cannot escape the same Pixar formula, most of what the movie has to offer is a lot of fun, with creative, colourful animation and emotional beats that resonate the way they’re supposed to.
Incredibles 2 (2018) - 5/10
Oh, they almost had it! There's a lot here that could have been explored in far more interesting ways. Setting Incredibles 2 directly after the events of the first movie was not a good idea. If it had taken place five or ten years after, the characters could have been in different places in life and it would feel as though they'd actually changed and developed. But instead of trying to be a film that actually cares about its characters and the journeys they go on, a lot of the film is wrestling with the idea that Bob isn't supportive of his wife and Jack-Jack has to fight a raccoon… They have to shoehorn in a villain that in no way compares to the genius of the original. The ending of the original introduces another antagonist that gets wrapped up within this film's first ten minutes, except they don't catch him and he's never mentioned again. It's a real shame because the animation is fantastic and the acting is superb and there are great ideas sprinkled throughout. It just doesn't come together.
Toy Story 4 (2019) - 6/10
I was rather reluctant to watch Toy Story 4 because from the get-go I’m not really here for sequels being made just for the sake of it. Everyone loves Toy Story and making another one is a sure fire way to make money. This is the first time I’ve seen Toy Story 4 and for what it’s worth, I did enjoy it. The animation is immaculate and that alone feels like a huge flex from Pixar who tend to step up the game when it comes to animation in film, despite not having the best track record for films generally at this point. While it was nice to see these characters again, I found a lot of them to be side-lined (namely Buzz) in favour of a story that focuses mainly or entirely on Woody, who I just don’t like as much as in the previous movies. Generally the movie is good and decent enough but there’s no real antagonist and the plot is quite loose… it doesn’t feel as though it needed to be made from a story point of view.
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Onward (2020) - 6/10
And with that I have seen every Pixar movie. And Onward is a fine one to go out on. While I don’t think it compares to the likes of earlier Pixar it’s still pretty fun. Or maybe I’m just a sucker for a medieval setting filled with bright colours and magic! Speaking of which, the animation was super and the medieval quest element is something that hooked me with the film. Again, plot-wise it does feel very familiar and I don’t know, maybe I’m past the point now of expecting Pixar to mix it up where their formula for story-telling is concerned but the movie is quite predictable. Nonetheless, while I’m not rushing back to see Onward I would hardly turn it off or refuse if someone wanted to watch it.
Old (2021) - 3/10
Oh boy! New M. Night movie dropped and my word, was it fun! For more of my thoughts on this… masterpiece (?) of a movie, please direct your attention to episode 41 of The Sunday Movie Marathon podcast.
T2 Trainspotting (2017) - 5/10
Trainspotting is perhaps one of my favourite movies and I had never bothered with the sequel, 20 years on, because the ending of that first movie is so conclusive. T2 felt more an excuse for these guys to get together again and in that, I probably would have preferred a couple of pictures on Twitter of the main cast and director, Danny Boyle having dinner or something. This is a fine movie - very arty in its presentation but meandering and dull in its story that doesn’t offer much in the way of proof that it had to exist.
Taste of Cherry (1997) - 9/10
What makes life worth living? This is a central question and theme of Taste of Cherry, and one that leaves such interpretation not only up to its central character but to the viewer as well. This film got me thinking about times in my life when I truly have had no answer to hard questions. Because it’s hard to convince people of things they are so adamantly against and harder still to rationalise what you believe if you’re not even entirely sure why you believe it in the first place. We are all of us alive and in recognising that, does that make it precious? And if indeed living is not a happy thing, why then should we fight so hard to preserve it? I felt upset as I watched this movie because I’ve been asked these kinds of questions before and it makes me feel stupid when I’m unable to answer. But the only real answer I can give is, everything. And if you can’t see the point then you’re not looking hard enough. Taste of Cherry is beautiful in its exploration of these topics and in its overall presentation, offering some of the best visuals in any movie I’ve seen - fitting for a feature with so much to say about the beauty of life - and an ending that as much pulls the rug out from under you as it does pull you out of the dark and make you realise just how lonely you’ve felt.
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Bones (2001) - 2/10
Snoop Dogg is Jimmy Bones! This film is super funny but I’m not sure it’s trying to be and I really didn’t love it overall. But I do talk more in depth about it in episode 41 of the podcast.
The Duchess (2008) - 5/10
Another recommendation for the podcast. The Duchess was pretty much exactly what I thought it was going to be and there’s a lot to like about it but generally it’s a bit sparse. For more chat on the movie, listen to episode 41 of the podcast.
The Man With One Red Shoe (1985) - 1/10
This was another one for the podcast and man, was it awful. We had to watch it at 1.5x speed towards the end because it just wasn’t getting finished otherwise. To find out more, make sure to listen to episode 41 of the podcast.
The Emperor’s New Groove (2000) - 7/10
Pull the lever, Kronk! Haha! Slays me. I do quite miss this era of Disney, where the animation was hand-drawn and the stories were actually compelling and funny. The Emperor’s New Groove is vibrant, it’s got great characters and memorable moments that will forever be ingrained in the memory of culture. All in all, it’s just a solid flick that doesn’t waste time, developing the standard fall from glory type of arc but smoothly and in an entertaining way.
The Suicide Squad (2021) - 8/10
Oh, bloody hell! They actually made a good one! The Suicide Squad is not only better than the ‘Suicide Squad’ of 2016 in every way, it’s a genuinely great film! This time, James Gunn (director of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy movies) is at the helm and it seems clear that Warner Bros. basically let him do what he wanted with the movie, as it doesn’t seem to bog itself down with the restrictions of a more family-friendly rating. The result of this is a far cleaner, colourful film with a clearer vision that takes from early Vietnam movies and uses that style to craft a superhero/villain movie that differentiates itself among the copious amount of existing films of the genre.      The Suicide Squad wastes very little time, introducing fun, crazy characters we’ve not seen on the big screen before and isn’t worried about killing a whole bunch of them, with standouts being Elba’s Bloodsport, Melchior’s Ratcatcher 2, Stallone’s King Shark (expertly rendered with fantastic visual effects), and Robbie’s returning interpretation of Harley Quinn.      A lot of Gunn’s trademark sense of humour is laced throughout and more often than not, it hits. The audience at the cinema were truly loving this movie and I’ll admit, I was right there with them. This mix of the gritty, gory and absurd is not something that should work as well as it does but the basic premise of the film is already so silly (and boy, do they know it) that it just works! Certainly one of the best DC movies since The Dark Knight and one I’d be more than happy to watch again. This is what the modern comic book movie should be: just balls to the wall fun!
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sunrisefairy · 4 years
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Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Warning: language, mentions of cheating/breakup, alcohol 
Summary: The one where Y/N downloads tinder after a bad breakup
Taglist: @hufflepuff5972​ @inglourious-imagines​ @klausdatprettyboi​ @georgeweasleyswhre​​ @horrorxweasley​​ @amourtentiaa​​ send me an ask if you would like to added!
Y/N hated being single. She hated not having anyone waiting for her with dinner cooked and a glass of wine when she got home from work. She hated how empty her bed felt and not having anyone to cuddle after a tough week. She hated no one being there to listen to her ranting about her day. Y/N absolutely missed being in a relationship and being able to go through life with someone else by her side.
Y/N’s last relationship was 8 months ago, she had been with her ex Matthew for 6 months when it came crashing down. Y/N remembers the night she met Matthew vividly. Her friends had dragged her to some concert at this random underground bar. Y/N was at the bar ordering drinks when a breathtakingly handsome man with blond shaggy hair and piercing blue eyes offered to pay for the 3 beers she was ordering. Normally, Y/N would roll her eyes and not bother talking to random drunk men, especially when it was a girl’s night out like tonight. But something about Matthew caught her attention and she couldn’t walk away even if she wanted to. Matthew had this aura about him, he was very charismatic and could captivate anyone with his looks alone leaving those around him putty in his hands. Which is exactly what happened to Y/N.
Matthew and Y/N started dating shortly after that and she was completely smitten with the man. He seems to be just what Y/N needed. To Y/N he was the perfect boyfriend, he held all the traits she looked for in a partner, kind, funny, smart, supportive, everything except the trait which would be argued to be the most important – loyal. 6 months into their seemingly flawless relationship Y/N found Matthew-her supposedly perfect boyfriend, in bed with another girl.
The second Y/N saw the two of them in a rather compromising position in Matthew’s bed, Y/N felt her world collapse around her, her throat closed over making it hard to breath and her vision blurred. The events that followed are hazy in Y/N’s mind, she remembers screaming and yelling, she knows there had been a lot of tears (mostly from her), Matthew trying to beg for forgiveness, which is very hard to do when you’re butt naked and there potentially was a few items thrown in Matthews direction, deservingly so.
That night broke Y/N, it felt like Matthew had reached into her chest and yanked out her heart and crushed it to dust then spat on it. Apparently, douchebag Matthew and this girl had been shagging for basically the whole of his and Y/N’s relationship. She couldn’t believe it.
Y/N’s friends had spent most of the weeks that followed in the heartbroken girl’s apartment as she cried, screamed, yelled. It pained them to see their best friend so distraught. But surely, over time and with lots of ice cream and alcohol, Y/N was able to heal.
8 months later Y/N finally felt mostly whole again, she was able to smile and laugh without a hollow ache pounding in her chest and tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She no longer dreamt of Matthew’s arm wrapping around her and pulling her into his chest when she dozed off, she forgot how it felt to kiss him and she stopped wanting to call him.
Y/N finally felt free, which she told Alicia and Angelina at their weekly girl’s night in. This led to Alicia trying to convince her to maybe start dating again, to test the waters as she put it.
“Okay, hear me out,” Alicia says waving her arms, somehow managing not to slip her wine on the couch, “I think Y/N should download tinder.”
Y/N scoffs and opens her mouth to disagree, but her words went unheard as Angelina squealed in excitement, “oh my god yes! Y/N you so should.”
Y/N shakes her head before sipping on her wine, enjoying the sweet taste on her lips. “Guys, I don’t think I’m ready to start dating, I definitely don’t think I’m ready for another relationship.”
“But that’s why tinder is so great, you don’t have to go on any dates if you don’t want to. You can just chat to some cute boys and see what happens.” Alicia replies, picking up Y/N’s phone from the coffee table and holds it out for her to unlock.
Y/N thinks for a moment, eyeing her phone, she doesn’t feel ready to jump into the dating scene still nervous about being let down again but there’s no harm in downloading tinder and seeing her options, right?
Y/N eyes are locked on her phone Alicia’s hand before muttering fine and unlocking it for her. Angelina giggled excitedly, moving closer to Alicia’s side to look at the phone. A few moments later the app was downloaded, and a profile was made. The 3 girls took turns swiping through profiles ogling the eye candy.
The phone was currently in Angelina’s hand while Alicia refilled everyone’s glasses, Y/N had lost count of how many glasses of wine she’s had tonight, her body buzzing from the alcohol. “Man, I forgot how much fun tinder is.” Angelina slurred, her thumb rapidly swiping through profiles.
“Okay Ang, we won’t tell Fred that you said that.” Y/N chuckles, Angelina just rolls her eyes.
“Oh, come off it.”
~ ~ ~
The next morning the 3 very hungover girls who had passed out in different spots of Y/N’s living room, somehow manage to drag themselves to brunch with Lee, Fred and George.
“Hello ladies, big night?” Fred winks then plants a sloppy kiss on Angelina’s cheek who mumbles a response that sound vaguely like a yes.
The 6 of them were sitting at a table outside, soaking up the sunshine and warm weather. Once their food is delivered the group is chatting aimlessly with one another. Y/N hears her phone ping from her bag, and she fishes it out to check the notification.
“Ohh, Y/N is it a tinder message?” Alicia says excitedly trying to peer over her shoulder.
“Tinder?” It’s George’s voice now. Y/N glances up at him from across the table, unable to read his expression, “since when does Y/N have tinder?”
“Since last night, the girls convinced me to download it. Kinda seems like time to start getting out there again.” Y/N replies shoving her phone back into her bag before one of her friends has the chance to snatch it from her even though the text was just from her mother.
“Maybe you should download tinder Georgie. ‘Bout time you got yourself a girlfriend.” Lee mumbles, his mouth full of food.
George shakes his head, looking down at his plate, “tinder isn’t for me. Besides your one to talk Lee, you’re single too.”
“Not anymore, I want to marry this eggs benedict.” Lee practically moans as he shovels another bite into his mouth.
Y/N laughs along with everyone, shaking her head slightly.
“I think you should George, I’d bet money that your dream girl is on there.” Fred smirks at George whose eyes widen at the comment and his cheeks heat up.
“Can we change the subject,” the redhead mutters scratching his neck, not meeting anyone’s gazes.
The conversation quickly moves on and Y/N finds herself still staring at George confused by his strange behaviour, also noticing the way her chest feels heavy at the mention of George’s ‘dream girl’. She pushes the feeling down and tears her eyes away from the redhead in front of her just before he glances up at her. The pair oblivious to the others intense gaze.
~ ~ ~
That night Y/N is snuggled up under her favourite fluffy blanket, on the couch, while some random romantic comedy is playing in the background.
Y/N has soon come to realise that tinder is addictive, she’s spent the better part of the last hour swiping through the many profiles. It doesn’t feel like she even has control of her fingers at this point, they apparently have a mind of their own.
Y/N starts to zone out, her finger automatically swiping for her. That is, until she stumbles across a particular profile and her finger freezes and her eyes bulge out of her head. Is that? George?
Y/N looks through his profile, there’s a picture that she had taken of him at the beach one summer, he’s lying on a towel, shirtless and the cheekiest grin plastered across his face. The next photo is of him and Ron from Harry’s surprise birthday Ginny threw last year. They are both looking smart in their suits, beaming brightly at the camera. Y/N can’t help but stare at George’s hand that’s wrapped tightly around a beer bottle, her mouth going dry as she zooms in on his veiny hand. There is also a photo of George from last Halloween where he had dressed as a pirate, Y/N chuckles, remembering how George had followed her around for most of the night, annoying her with his lame and corny pirate jokes. The last photo is her favourite out of them all. It’s of her and George at her recent birthday, he has his arm wrapped around her shoulder and his head resting against hers. The pair of them smiling widely at the camera.
Y/N bites her lip trying to decide if she should swipe left or right. She’s always had a soft spot for George long before she started dating Matthew. She knew deep down she harboured a tiny crush on her friend but never acted on it, scared she’ll ruin their friendship if she confessed her feelings. Y/N always fantasised about what it would be like to date George Weasley. She would happily bet her life savings that George would be the perfect boyfriend, would treat his girlfriend with respect and shower them with love and affection. It’s the type of relationship Y/N yearned for, the type of relationship she thought she had with Matthew.
Y/N stared down at the phone in her hand, contemplating her next move. The temptation to swipe right was huge, finally being able to find out if George liked her but there was the possibility that if she does swipe right she’ll find out that George does not like her in that way and she doesn’t know if she could physically take that knowledge right now. Part of her debates on swiping left, thinking that way she can live her life blissfully unaware to whether or not George likes her. The idea of being unsure of his feelings seems very appealing then definitely knowing he sees her just as a friend. A small voice in her head tells her to just delete the app and pretend this never happened.
Y/N groans at her overthinking.
Just choose Y/N.
“Fuck it,” Y/N mutters squeezing her eyes shut before swiping right.
She keeps her eyes closed for a few minutes, trying not to picture the upsetting scenario where they do not match, and Y/N has to deal with her unrequited feelings towards the boy. She takes a deep breath and slowly opens her eyes trying to focus back on the phone in her shaky hand. It takes a moment to process the words on the screen before Y/N is jumping up from the couch squealing.
It’s a match!
Her happy dance is interrupted when her phone dings, indicating a new message. Y/N swears her heart stops beating and she scrambles onto the couch to grab her phone.
George: Do my eyes deceive me or have I captured the attention of the lovely Y/N?
Y/N snorts at his message, butterflies erupting inside her stomach unable to get over the fact that George Weasley likes her.
Y/N: Consider yourself lucky Georgie, not many are worthy enough of my attention ;)
Y/N: But wait, I thought you didn’t have tinder? You said tinder wasn’t for you
George: I didn’t… well up until 1 hour ago. Fred convinced me to download it so I could try and find your profile. He said I should at least try and confess my feelings…
Y/N: And? What are your feelings?
George: that I am hopelessly in love with you. Have been since forever but I’ve been too chicken to admit it.
George: I was going to tell you I swear, but then you started dating that tosser Matthew and I lost my chance.
George: After you two broke up, Fred bugged me to say something to you but I knew it wasn’t the right time.
Y/N studies the messages. Long before Matthew was even a thought in her mind, she knew she would leap at the opportunity to date George. But that was before she had her heart shattered into a million of tiny pieces. She told Alicia and Angelina that she wasn’t ready to date, she didn’t think her heart could take it. And if this was any other guy, she would gently let them down. But this wasn’t just any guy, this was George Weasley. The man who never failed to make her smile and laugh till tears was streaming down her face. The man who help pick up the shards of her heart and help mend it back together. The man who would always answer her phone call, no matter the time of night. Y/N knew she’d be stupid to let go of George Weasley.
~ ~ ~
George was a wreck; he was pacing around his living room basically pulling out his hair with how much he’s run his fingers through it. It had been 30 minutes since he messaged Y/N and admitted his feelings, telling her he loves her. And she hasn’t replied!
George knew he shouldn’t have said anything, clearly Y/N was just curious about his profile, just wanting to see if they’d match and she definitely does not love him back let alone like him.
He wanted to throttle Fred for convincing him to make this stupid tinder account and embarrassing him like this, now George has gone and fucked up his friendship with Y/N.
George stops pacing when he hears knocking from his front door. His eyebrows knit in confusion about who would be visiting him at this hour. George chooses to ignore it, deciding he doesn’t want to see anyone right now, all he wants to do is open some vodka and drown his sorrows. He makes it into the kitchen when the knocking starts back up again, this time louder and faster.
“Okay I’m coming!” George shouts annoyed, “Jesus, I swear this better be import-” his words disappear as soon as he opens the door and is faced with Y/N.
“What are you doing here?” Georges words come out short and brunt, but Y/N doesn’t seem to notice.
She is fiddling with her fingers and anxiously chewing on her bottom lip. “I figured this wasn’t really a conversation I wanted to have over tinder.”
Y/N is silent, the words getting stuck halfway up her throat, she doesn’t really trust her voice to be steady enough to talk. So, she decides on another route of communicating her feelings to George.
Slowly she cups Georges faces in her small hands, forcing his eyes to meet hers. George seems frozen still as Y/N softly pulls his face to down towards hers, their lips millimetres from one another. She can feel his shaky breath on her face. It feels like forever before Y/N connects their lips together, George seems to snap out of his trance as his hands wrap tightly around Y/N’s waist, holding her body close. Their lips mould together perfectly and fireworks erupt in Y/N’s belly. She feels alive and her heart is thumping in her chest and all she can think of is George. George is clouding her thoughts and, in this moment, she doesn’t want anything else to ever occupy her brain. Her heart feels warm and whole as if George had kept the final piece of her heart in his possession to keep save until she was ready and willing to give him the whole thing. Y/N doesn’t feel scared anymore of the thought of loving someone again because she knows for certain now that she’s always loved George.
They pull away from the kiss, breathlessly, George rests his forehead against Y/N’s needing to feel close to her still.
A tear slips from Y/N’s eye which George softly kisses away.
“I love you too George. Always”
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