pitchsidestories · 2 months
a blessing in disguise II Victoria Pelova x Codina!Reader
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masterlist I word count: 3158
a/n: hi, we hope you enjoy the oneshot and that the time jumps aren't too confusing !
warning: her ACL injury is mentioned.
“Vic, can I ask you a favour? I know you had to return to London, so I was thinking.”, Laia begun nervously during their phone call.
“What?”, Victoria impatiently interrupted the Spanish defender. She had no time for the polite fussing around of her teammate. 
With a sigh the Dutch midfielder realized, she did have that, plenty of it since she had to be subbed of in the qualifying game in Finland because of the injury with three letters which every footballer hoped wouldn’t occur to her.
It did happen to her and immediately she felt bad for acting like this in front of a friend who has been kind ever since she joined the club.
“My cousin is coming to London for a visit. But she’s arriving early.”, Laia continued more rapidly.
“And you’re still in Spain with your national team.”, Victoria remarked. There she would prefer to be as well instead laying helplessly on the sofa without the comfort of Viv or Beth at her side who knew all too well what a horror the injury meant.
“Exactly and I can’t leave.”, the Spanish player added.
“She probably planned to stay at your place?”, the midfielder assumed.
“Yes, she did. But I forgot to leave the spare keys somewhere. Can she stay with you? It’s just for a few days.”, she asked her.
“Uhm, sure.”, Victoria replied.
“Thank you, I owe you.”, Laia responded gratefully.
“You’re welcome, that’s what teammates are for.”, the Dutch footballer smiled fondly, she was so thankfully for the team she played for and every person who was a part of it, her heart was full of warmth when the young woman thought of them.
“I’ll let my cousin know that she can stay with you.”, the defender answered in equal parts cheerful and relieved.
It didn’t take too long until someone rang her front door. Getting up with her injured knee was a challenge on its own, but hearing her ring once more, made Victoria curse under her breath:” Godverdomme!”
The midfielder almost regretted it once she saw the beaming face of Laia’s cousin. Because damn the university student was beautiful, Victoria thought to herself.
“Hola Victoria, nice to meet you, I’m y/n, Laia’s cousin, she told me so much about you already.”, you greeted her with a huge smile on your lips.
“Uhm, hi. Come on in.”, the Dutch player blushed while stepping aside so you could enter her home.
“Gracies.”, you muttered in Catalan.
“You’re welcome. You can sleep here.”, Victoria explained, showing you her guestroom which was beautiful and let a lot of light in when the sun shone.
“It’s pretty.  you commented, before taking a closer look at your host, rising worriedly an eyebrow at her, did you hurt your leg?”  Since you and your cousin Laia has always been very close you knew a lot about injured players and spotted one easily.
The dutch player scrunched her nose, obviously uncomfortable with the attention being shifted towards her injury.
“Oh… yeah, happened with the national team. That’s why I’m home while everyone else is in camp.“, she replied, the sadness resonating in her voice.
You immediately felt bad. But seeing her struggle to move around her own home gave you an idea.
“I’m so sorry to hear this. Did you have dinner yet?“, you asked innocently.
Victoria paused, surprised by the question: “Uhm… no.“
“Is there a supermarket nearby?“, you continued which seemingly only added to her confusion.
“There’s one down the street.“, Victoria said, pointing vaguely in the direction with her thumb.
You smiled at her: “I’ll cook something for you as a thank you for letting me stay here. That way you can rest your knee.“
“You don’t have to… really.“, Victoria declined quickly.
You felt it was out of politeness so you shook your head: “No, it’s alright. Do you like paella?“
The football player considered you for a moment as if she was unsure what to make of this situation. But then the corners of her mouth quirked upwards and she shrugged: “You’re cooking so you get to decide what you want to make. I’m just here to eat.“
You grinned back at her: “Okay. I’m trying to be quick. But I might need your keys so you don’t have to get up again to let me back in later.“
“Here.“, Victoria produced a bunch of keys from the pocket of her sweatpants and handed them to you.
“Gr- Thanks.“, you corrected yourself before you could fall back into Spanish again.
You pocketed the keys and made your way to the supermarket alone.
It took you a while to find your way around. There was a lot of things to discover and it took you a while to find all the ingredients.
Carrying bags of groceries, you returned to Victorias place.
“I’m back.“, you announced yourself.
“I was just texting your cousin because I thought you’d ran off with my keys.“, Victoria called from the living room.
“Well, I can’t get far with just your keys, right?“, you answered while you paced the bags on the kitchen table and got to work.
As the football player limped over to watch you, you continued: “But this explains why Laia texted me that I should hurry up with grocery shopping. I just assumed a certain dutch woman got hungry and impatient while I was away.“
“I wasn’t impatient.“, she grimaced.
You laughed lightly, happy with the fact that you two got on so well that you already resorted to teasing each other.
“Uhu sure. Get ready to taste the best paella you’ve ever eaten.“, you smirked.
You could feel Victoria watch you with raised eyebrows: “You’re bragging too much.“
“Oh, you don’t believe me?“
“I believe you when you’re done cooking.“
“Go and try it.”, you nodded encouragingly after you cooked the paella, it’s delicious scent was filling the whole kitchen.
With closed eyes the Dutch woman took her first bite before admitting:” Oh wow, that’s actually pretty good.”
For her it tasted after vacation spent in Spain, when the day in the water was over and the sun was about to set, a cold Sangria on the table to drink alongside it.
Meanwhile the recipe for the paella had a special place in your heart as it was one passed from the women in your families to the next generation.
Meaning this meal reminded you of home, on weekends spend at the countryside. You missed this, but you knew that this adventure was worth the yearning.
“I told you so.”, you told her delighted.
“Yes, you were right.”, she sighed dramatically.
“I’m glad you liked it.”, you blushed.
“This is so good. I’m glad you made this huge pan full.”, Victoria raved about your cooked dinner.
“I’m sure there’ll be some leftovers.” A bit later you realized you were wrong.
“Turned out that I underestimated football players appetite.”, you laughed whole-heartedly.
“You absolutely did.”, the midfielder grinned mischievously.
“But I guess that means you did really like my paella.”, you observed smiling.
“Yes, you can stay here. You passed the test.”, the Dutch player winked at you.
“Thanks?”, you giggled nervously.
“Just joking. Thank you for cooking.”, she replied genuinely.
“You’re welcome.”, you muttered, you were grateful for her hospitality. Not everyone would let a stranger sleep in their place even when she was the cousin of a teammate.
“I really appreciate it. You didn’t have to.”, Victoria went on earnestly.
“No worries.”, you waved it off.
“I’ll make breakfast in return.”, the midfielder decided.
“English or Dutch breakfast?”, you asked her.
“Whatever you want. But don’t expect too much.”, she warned you.
“I won’t.”, you assured her.
“Good because I’m shit at cooking.”, Victoria confessed.
“We’ll see about that.”
“Oh, you’ll see.”, the Arsenal player smirked.
The following day, the breakfast wasn’t as bad as your host claimed it to be, but your day was supposed to be even better than that.
“Vicky, can you look after Myle this afternoon? I’ve a doctor’s appointment.”, Vivianne questioned her teammate on the phone.  
“Sure, I love the doggo.”, Victoria agreed happily.
 “Dank je !”, the older woman voice sounded relieved.
“Geen dank. Tell Beth I said hi.”, she responded cheerfully.
“I’ll. Also you texted you’ve a roommate at the moment. Will she be there too?“, Vivianne asked, her voice dripping with curiosity.
Her dutch teammate shrugged: “Probably. Unless she wants to explore London on her own.“
“She’s Codis cousin, right? I assumed that as a child from the country side, she would like dogs.“
Victoria frowned but she decided to bite back the question of where Viv knew that from. Knowing the older dutch player, she would probably only get something vague or mysterious in reply anyway.
Instead, Victoria played along: “I mean who doesn’t like dogs?!“
“Exactly.“, Vivianne grinned back.
The sun even made rare appearance in the afternoon while you followed Victoria to go dog sitting.
As soon as the dutch football player had opened the door, a small brown dog was already waiting for you, wagging its tail.
You immediately dropped to your knees in the middle of the floor to pet the dog: “Oh my god. Myle is adorable!“
“Right?“, Victoria smiled down at you while she walked past, deeper into Beths and Vivs apartment.
“Yes, she’s such a cutie!“
Happily, the little dog started to climb up on your lap and lick your face. You giggled.
“Myle, come here.“, Victoria called from the living room and Myle immediately followed her call.
Victoria was sitting on the sofa, the dog right in front of her when you joined them.
“Show y/n what we taught you.“
You laughed: “What is she supposed to do?.“
“Watch.“, Victoria said, holding up one finger. “Sit!“
There was a small pause at first but then Myle sat.
You clapped your hands excitedly: “Well done, Myle.“
“Now lay down. And play dead.“, Victoria commanded.
You watched as the small dog laid down and then rolled over on her back.
You bent down to give rub her belly: “Good girl!“
Victoria looked almost as proud as if it was her own dog: “She’s so talented, right?“
“Yes, she’s a really smart puppy.“, you agreed. You could not get enough of Myle.
“The whole team loves her.“
“I can see why.“, you smiled. Your cheeks felt like you had been smiling the whole time since meeting the dog.
“So it’s a big honour to be dog sitting.“
You thoughtfully studied the football player for a small moment before suggesting: “Do you think we could go for a little walk? If that’s okay with your knee?“
“Sure, who’s going to stop me?“, Victoria smiled confidently but the short look of worry that had flashed across her face did not escape you.
You gave a one-shoulder shrug, trying to match her energy: “I don’t know. Your team doctor, the physios…?“
“They’re way too busy to watch me all the time.“, she joked as she determinedly got up from the sofa and searched for Myles leash.
You nodded slowly: “Okay, let’s go then.“
Despite the pain in her knee, Victoria was eager to show you the beautiful sides of her home of choice. After a short ride on the tube, you walked down the streets of Notting Hill.
Due to her injury, you took several breaks which you didn’t mind because it gave you the time to admire the pastel-coloured houses.
“The city is beautiful.”, you beamed.
“Don’t fall in love in love. You’ll never leave.”, the Dutch woman warned you jokingly.
“I’m only here for one Uni semester as an exchange student and already left my heart in Barcelona.”, you reassured her.
For a second the midfielder was too stunned to speak, before she caught herself again: “Wait. Are you saying you’re staying here?”
“Yes, for one semester.”, you affirmed.
“Oh, I thought you’d just visit.”, Victoria mumbled, while redoing her high ponytail nervously.  
“No, I’ll be here a bit longer than that.”, you said.
“I see..”
“You don’t like that news?”, you raised an eyebrow at her.
“No, I do. That means you can make more paella for me.”, the football player disagreed delighted.
“Okay, I can teach you how to cook it.”, you offered her gladly that she loved your family recipe as much as you did.
“Promise?”, she looked at you big-eyed.
“Promise. Maybe Laia and your other teammates could join us if they want to.”, you thought out loud. Grateful to be able to get to know some more people outside of university, maybe even becoming friends with some of them.
“Sure, they could.”, Victoria replied half-heartedly. Normally she loved to spend time with the fellow Arsenal players, but the thought of sharing you with them wasn’t something the Dutch woman looked forward to. Watching you cook was very intimate experience for her.
“Could be fun.”, you tried to convince her from your idea. The rest of the walk with the dog was uneventful. Still, you wondered why the midfielder was a bit more distanced than before. Got something you said lost or misunderstood in translation?
“Thanks for taking care of Myle.”, Vivianne remarked once she returned from the appointment to pick up her puppy.
“You’re welcome, she’s such a good dog.”, you waved it off, already falling for the dog’s charm like everyone else in the team.
“Myle got a new fan.”, Victoria commented with a cheeky smile on her lips.
“I’m not surprised.”, the proud dog owner grinned.
“I can’t wait to see her again.”, you hummed.
“You’ll soon enough.”, the midfielder promised you.
You enjoyed the days you got to spend with Victoria at her place.
It was like you two had always known each other, there was nothing awkward about it.
You loved cooking and Victoria was more than grateful to have some help around the house.
But your time as roommates was about to end on the day Laia returned from her national team.
While your cousin helped you transfer all your stuff to her house, Victoria sat in her kitchen talking to her dutch teammate.
“You fell for Laias cousin.“, Vivianne said with her typical dutch directness.
The younger player grimaced: “I didn’t fall for her.“
She could basically hear Viv roll her eyes. “If you say so… Then why did you look so sad all day about the fact that she left for Laias apartment today?“
“I’m not sad.“, Victoria protested again, slowly getting irritated with her teammate.
“Tell that to your face, Vic.“, the older player chuckled.
“My face is fine…“
“Vic…“, Beths voice said, she apparently had taken the phone from her girlfriend.
Upon the sound of Victorias annoyed voice, even the England winger gave up: “Oh, doesn’t matter.“
For a while there was radio silence between you and Victoria. Finding your way around university took up most of your time and energy. Laia also took it upon herself to show you London whenever you both had some free time.
You were supposed to be working on an assignment when Victoria called.
“Sorry, Vicky. First week of university was a lot. But I’ll be at your home match this weekend…“, you started to apologize before she even said a word.
“I- you will be?“, she asked surprised.
“Yes. Got to see my cousin with her team.“, you smiled.
“She’ll be great.“, Victoria promised you, her voice sounding a bit more chipper.
“I bet so.“
“You’ll see.“
For some reason, after that phone call, you could barely wait for the weekend to come.
Your cousin even provided you with an Arsenal shirt for the game.
You wore it proudly as you watched the game in the stands, cheering loudly whenever Laia had the ball.
The game ended with a clear win for Arsenal.
While people started leaving the stadium, Victoria slowly limped in your direction.
She was still not walking too well but she grinned at you.
“Nice outfit, y/n.“
“Oh thanks.“, you laughed and turned around to show her the Codina on your back.
“Looks good on you.“
“It does, right?“, you winked at her.
“Oh yes.“
“Vicky wants you to get a Pelova one.“, Laias voice joined the conversation as she appeared in front of you.
You turned to the injured player: “You do?“
Victorias cheeks reddened as she asked Laia: “What? Why would I?“
Laia shrugged: “You said that earlier in the dressing room.“
“Oh. See you, Vicky. Laia, we’ll meet each other later.”, you bid goodbye abruptly.
“Where’s she’s going?”, the Dutch woman asked your cousin confused.
“I think home, why?”, she replied, but there wasn’t an answer coming from her friend as the fellow footballer tried to catch up with you.
Surprised you turned around once you felt her gaze on your back:” Vicky?”
“Where are you going?”, Victoria questioned slightly out of breath.
“Home. Laia’s question made you uncomfortable, so I thought it might be better when I leave. But you should know that I really enjoyed the week we had when I arrived in London.”, you explained quickly.
“So did I. Y/n, my door is always open for you.”, the midfielder offered kindly.
“That’s nice of you.”, you commented, smiling thankfully.
“I mean it.”, she emphasized.
“What if I don’t like you like a normal friend?”, you searched in her light eyes for an answer to the question which made your heartbeat faster.
“You mean the way you want to wear my jersey at games?”, Victoria grinned excitedly.
“Si.”, you muttered blushing.
“If I get you my jersey, will you kiss me?”, the Dutch woman pressed on delighted by that idea.
“The answer is yes.”, you replied laughing.
“Wait here.”, she told you smirking before walking as fast as she could with her injury to the changing room.
“Vicky, what’s going on?”, Beth wanted to know noisily.
“I’ve to hurry up.”, Victoria waved it off.
“She’s getting her girl, Beth.”, Vivianne observed. Sometimes it scared the younger player how well the older one could read her thoughts and doings. But this time she had no time to tell her off.
“How can we help`”, the blonde asked cheerfully.
“Help me find a clean jersey with my name on it.”, Victoria answered.
“Found one.”, Beth cheered after a couple of minutes of searching.
“You got the jersey.”, you remarked amusedly, once she handed it to you.
“Told you.”, the midfielder stated proudly.
“I guess it’s time to fulfil my part.”, you said while your lips collided into the softest most heartfelt kiss.
“I wanted to do this since you cooked me paella.”, Victoria confessed.
“When don’t stop now.”, you threw her a cheeky smile before she kissed you again, more eagerly than before.
What a coincidence it was for you two to meet each other the way you did, later when your girlfriend was fully recovered from her ACL injury, she would call the start of your romance a blessing in disguise.
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flemingsgirl · 4 days
Bundle of joy
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Her sweet wife's expecting and her teammates being just like family.
Viviane Miedema x freader
Tw: Mention of vomit and a swear..
Wrapped in your coat only your eyes and scrunched nose looking out you sat behind the bench of her team; Viv organized you a bandage for the seat. When the team walks back to the locker room Katie and some other wave at you and as Vivianne makes her way past you she stops at the railing. “Look at you all freezing up, just wearing gloves, what are you hoping for,” you laughed and she rolls her eyes. Her hand reaching for yours intertwining them, “You okay?” She knitted her brows. “you’re quite passive just some jogs.”
“Yeah, yeah, someone kicked me against my shine.”
“You can say that loud. Are you alright?” her eyes wandering from yours down to your abdomen.
“I’m fine, we’re fine” her lips curl up and her dimple visualizes on her cheek. “You’re rocking it Anna,” you squeeze her hand, the goner laughed, and you showed how you have her finger crossed, she gives you another radiant smile before disappearing into the dugout.
When the game ends her eyes search for you on your designed seat. “You good Miedema?” her thick accent filling the air.
“Yeah just looking..”
“For Y/N? I think she left ten minutes ago.” The woman takes off as the words left katies mouth.
Banging on the several doors in the restroom she hears heavy breathing behind the last one. “Schatje,” she raises her hand and knocks hesitantly on the door, “can you let me in?”
“It’s open,” you mumble, and she slowly pushes the door open. “It hit out of the blue, couldn’t even watch the end.”
Her hand rubs over your back, her other holding your hair back, “it’s alright, it wasn’t even important.”
“Every game is important for me, seemingly not for her.” Your head rests in your hand as you take deep breaths in.
“She cannot quite understand it,” Viv lets out a chuckle and takes your cheek in her hand.
“Don’t, I stink.”
“So, do I.”
“You don’t wanna kiss me with all the vomit.”
“I’d always kiss you but if you don’t feel like it it’s okay.” She rises to her feet holding out a hand for you, “you wanna come into the changing room and wait for me?”
“I don’t know I’m not sure if the nausea is gone,” you take her hand, and she helps you on your feet.
“Good, small steps, okay? So how are we?” leading you out of the stall and towards the sinks, getting some water in her hands she attaches it to your skin, a prickling feeling runs through your body. “You’re doing so well.”
“I’m just standing.”
“Yeah, and that’s enough,” she places her hands on your tummy which is hid in your coat. “We’re almost done, only a few weeks.” She pecks your cheek, then the other and at last your forehead. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you, my love,” you bring your arms around your neck and snuggle into the crock of her neck, the sweaty smell almost calming you. “I’m ready let’s get this done.”
She guides you into the changing room where you’re meet with cheers and shouting from her mates, Beth almost jumping you to the ground, Viv could catch the two of you before worse could happen. “I can’t believe only a few weeks,” she squeaks still jumping up and down. Two strong arms sling around your body as Katie pulls you into her embrace “Can’t leave before aunty Katie said hello,” she lowers her head to the bump, “Yo hello bud in there, it’s your favourite don’t upset your mommies they’re doing their best and beyond. Can’t wait until you’re here.”
“Oh, girls you’re so sweet,” tears built up in your eyes and your bottom lip trembles they’re taking the cue and hold you in their embrace until Vivianne is ready to go home. “Okay guys see you tomorrow,” she waves for them, and you both step out.
The first days back home with your little bundle of joy was everything besides joy, screaming, crying, vomiting, pooping, people who say it’s easy peasy lemon squeezy should rod in hell. Hectic that was your new normal. Don’t get this wrong the birth of your baby girl was next to your wedding day the best day in your life, Heleen is a sweet girl and looks just like her mom but then she got this cold in the first days being home, she gets fuzzy and screams almost the whole day, neither of you could keep an eye shut, your hearts breaking at her being sick.
After this bumpy start the three of you fell perfect into the family routine and life. The only thing that was a topic that you discussed with your wife was football. She paused training with the girls the first month of Heleen’s life, she needed to get back on the pitch, stay in form, train for her to be part of the squad but that wasn’t as important to her than her family.
“Viv, it’s been a month you can’t stay home and workout here.”
“Why so?
“We don’t have the capacitate nor the girls to push you. You miss them. I know,” you caresses her cheek as you step closer to her in the rocking chair. “They need you. We got this; you still have half of the day with us my love.”
“But what if I don’t want to leave you?”
“I don’t want it either but there are some things we can’t change. We’ll come around as much as we can,” you peck her cheek and rest your head on hers as your hands hold her face. “You’re not a bad person, it’s your job.”
Marking her tenth month she was the first time in the stadium with you, the noise cancelling headphones on her head as she cradles in your arm eyes sparkling as she observes her surroundings. “Quite lovely innit Hel?” you kiss her occipital. “Look there’s mommy,” you point towards your wife who walks behind Beth onto the pitch, she squeaks and jumps in your lap. Heleen fell asleep around the twentieth minutes.
Viv scored twice that day and sent you a heart each time. Your daughter wakes before them and sees them as well, so you think cause she somewhat claps her small hands together, making you giggle. When the games ends you moved closer to the pitch with your daughter tight pressed into your body.
“Look who’s there,” you turn her in your grip, “your favourite aunty.” Katie sees you and runs over to you almost crashing into some other player.
“Look at you, all proud of aunty to win,” she raises her hands towards you, and you hand your daughter to the other woman.
“But careful Katie,” one brow raised, and your pointing finger dared on her.
“You know me.”
“Yeah, the biggest argument.”
“Let’s get you to your mommy,” she coos and walks over to Viv who was wrapped in a conversation with Beth and Caitlin.
“Oh, who’s there!”
“Our biggest fan!”
“Hartendief,” Viv tickles her side, and she wiggles in Katie’s grip and then she takes her off her aunties arm and into her body. “I scored for you have you seen that?” she whispers into her little ear, “I’m very happy you’re here.” She pecks her forehead and joins the conversation again, a smile plastered on her lips.
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alotofpockets · 5 months
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Tension | Vivianne Miedema x Lioness!Reader | 18+ MDNI
Where tensions rise on the pitch, and snap something in your girlfriend.
Warnings: smut, 18+ MDNI, strap on use (r receiving)
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.2k
Tensions were rising on the pitch as the score was stuck at 1-1 for most of the match. Vivianne scored the opening goal for The Netherlands in the fifth minute, and Alessia scored the equalizer only two minutes after. Ever since both teams have been battling. 
You had gone head to head with your girlfriend time and time again, and each time you blocked her run, or her shot, you saw the frustration growing on her face. 
Viv came running up the flank again, and once more you made the run out wide to stop her from getting through. You slide in and kick the ball out from under her feet, taking her down in the process as she falls over your legs. The tackle was clean and went out of bounds, so it would be a throw-in for The Netherlands. You get up first, and extend your hand to help up your girlfriend. Though she didn’t take it, she pushed your hand away and got up herself.
The fans knew you and Viv as the loving couple, which you were of course. You loved Viv dearly, and loved sharing the life you lived together with the world. With the both of you playing for Arsenal, there were plenty of moments the fans got to see of you on the pitch, and you shared your fair share of offline moments. 
However when you were playing against each other, a different side of your relationship was seen. Her being a striker and you being a defender meant it was your job to stop Viv from doing hers, which often came with lots of frustrations like tonight. 
You shrugged your shoulders and walked off, eager to continue the match. Daniëlle took the throw-in and threw the ball Viv’s way. It bounced off her chest right to your feet. With one swift move, you nutmeg Viv and run around her to pass the ball to Ella. You knew Viv was not going to like you nutmegging her, but you felt a sense of pride as you had successfully pulled off the move on the Dutch star striker.
On the other side of the pitch, Alessia had managed to send an assist to the far post where Chloe jumped up and changed the ball’s course of direction. The ball was just out of reach for Daphne, and hit the back of the net, along with an eruption of cheers around you in the stadium. 
You ran upfield to celebrate with your teammates, tapping both Alessia and Chloe on the head, showing you appreciate their efforts, before running back for the last couple of minutes of the match.
The match ended with a final score of 1-2. You were happy with the score, from the beginning you had known that playing against a top team like The Netherlands was going to be tough, but your team managed to pull through.
You went around the pitch, hugging the Dutch squad, as they had all become your friends since you had started dating Viv. When you got to Viv, the fans might have thought that the frustrations they had seen just mere minutes before would have an effect on this moment, but over the years you had learned to push past it. Viv wrapped her arms around you and pulled you close. 
“You're okay?” You whisper into her ear. Though you had not hit her on your slide tackle, you wanted to make sure nothing happened, especially after all the scares with her knee lately. 
“Yeah, all good. Don't worry, love.” She reassured you. As you stepped out of her hug, you decided to press your luck. 
“What about that nutmeg, eh?” The frustrated look made its way onto her face. You barely missed the way her eyes darkened as she started turning around, but you caught it just before she said, “Just wait until we get home.”
Viv's comment had you frozen in place. The way her eyes darkened and her voice dropped, had your mind spinning, and you couldn’t wait until she would be home again. 
Leah walked up to you and swung her arm around your shoulder. “Are you going to come home to an angry Viv tomorrow?.” You have to hold back a smirk as you tell her, “Something like that.”
The next day you hear the front door to your shared home open, and you eagerly get up, not having been able to get Viv’s words out of your mind since she spoke them at the stadium. 
The moment she laid her eyes on you, she dropped her bags and coat to the floor. “Bedroom, now.” 
Your girlfriend was usually the sweetness herself, and definitely more on the soft loving part of the spectrum. With sex she let you take the lead most of the time, but you knew that tonight was not going to be one of those nights. 
“Strip for me and get on the bed.” Your heart started beating faster at the commands she was giving you. This side of your girlfriend was one you didn’t see often, so you listened to her commands, wanting to enjoy every moment of this.
It was honestly ridicules how wet the simple gestures had gotten you already. You knew that as you were undressing that she would notice, but at this point there really was nothing you could do about it anymore.
You felt her eyes on you with every item of clothing that you took off, the look in her eyes was hungry. The air filled with lust and anticipation, as she made her way over to you. 
“So wet baby, I haven’t even touched you yet.” Her eyes bore into yours, a smirk playing at her lips, knowing how worked up her single sentence from yesterday had made you. 
“Please love, I need you.” She got onto the bed after she had gotten undressed as well, and finally connected your lips. The kiss was rough, but full of passion. That was one thing about Vivanne, no matter how frustrated she was about a situation, her actions would always come from passion. 
The room filled with moans and goans as Viv was pumping her stap into you. She was close to giving you your fourth orgasm of the night, having truly taken full control this evening. 
“Come one love, you can give me one more. One for each time you blocked me from scoring.” You were too far gone to even comprehend what she was getting at. The only thought on your mind was the immense pleasure that Viv was giving you. Your fifth orgasm of the night was fastly approaching, a few more thrusts from your girlfriend, and she had you falling over the edge again. 
After she let you ride out your high, she collapsed into your arms. “I love you.” She whispers into your ear as she pulls out slowly. “Hmm, I love you too.” She peppered soft kisses all over your blissed out face, switching right back to the soft Vivianne Miedema. You lay in each other’s arms, enjoying the moment together after having missed each other for weeks, and knowing that no matter the competition on the field, your love for each other would always be more important than football.
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pelova4president · 9 months
Magic Euros I
Leah Williamson x Wife!Reader
Magic Euros II
summary~ Leah Williamson, England Captain, your wife and the mother of your children managed to balance her private and work life. You thought you couldn’t be prouder but now she’d won the home Euros.
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Knowing Leah she, was going into the Euros with a winners mindset, one that no one could destroy. She worked hard to get where she is and she isn’t gonna let this chance slip through her fingers. This is Englands Euros. This Euros is the Lionesses’s.
When you and your wife got together she had just joined Englands senior team. She had always been a confident player but those first few months playing for England were rough. Her confidence was low, she didn’t get any minutes. The team was suffering and she didn’t get the chance to help out.
At Arsenal she was at her place. She played had in red for her whole senior career. Every time she got to wear that badge she wore it with pride. No one could stop her in the Arsenal colours. She loved her teammates, the club and everything around it. Arsenal was Leah’s whole heart, until you arrived. Leah was infatuated by you.
Leah and you had met at a party that her then dutch teammates held. Jill, Viv and Daan introduced the two of you to each other when they saw Leah staring at you from across the room. “Leah, this is y/n. Y/n this is Leah.” Daan had said.
You lived in England but knew the other girls from working in the football industry back in the Netherlands. When Viv moved to England and told you about the opportunities there and how the women’s game was growing you had to see it yourself.
Leah charmed her way into your life. She flirted with you throughout the whole night and eventually won your number. When everyone had gone home you stayed behind to help your friends clean up. “En wat vond je van Leah?” (And what did you think of Leah?) Jill asked curiously. “Ja, ze is wel leuk.” (Yeah, she’s nice) you answered blushing at the thought of the blonde. “Leah vind jou ook zeker wel ‘leuk’.” (Leah definitely thinks you’re ‘nice’ too) Daan laughed.
The girls invited you to the games they played and you turned up, every time. After a bit of teasing and convincing of her teammates Leah asked you out. And from one date came another and that’s how you eventually got into a relationship, moved in together and got married.
You and Leah had discussed the options of having children and started a family after a few years of dating. Both England and Arsenal were doing good and your wife was in her prime time.
When your baby boy was born her eyes were full of tears, she couldn’t believe the both of you had a little family now.
Your son, James, was a few months old and you were about four months pregnant when Leah had to go for England camp. She had been talking about the Euros for months now. When Sarina had told her she’d captain her country she couldn’t hold in her tears anymore. Playing for England was a dream, captaining England was.. marvellous.
leahwilliamsonn posted on their story
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Leah had found it hard leaving you behind, now even more so, pregnant and with a little baby to take care of. Leah had called her mom to help you out. She knew you would want to do everything alone and without help but you needed help and that was okay.
Leah texted you the moment she arrived and called you whenever she could. She got her own room, perks of being the captain, and got to face time you almost every evening.
“Hi baby, how are you and the kids?” she asked looking at you through her screen. “Hey Lee, they’re good, Jamie is asleep and your other baby is very active.” you laughed tiredly. Leah knew you had your hands full, that was why she asked her mom to look after you. Amanda tried to and she helped with James but the pregnancy was hard and more intense than when you were pregnant with James.
You asked Leah about the girls and how they were doing when her door swung open and a hyper active Georgia was jumping on Leah’s bed. “Ooooehh got your wifey on the phone. How’re you doing? How’s little Jamie?” Georgia asked excited while your wife rolled her eyes at her. You laughed at the both of them, “Hi Gee, Jamie’s sleeping and just misses his mommy and aunties.”.
You had brought James to England camp a couple of times. The girls adored him, especially G, Keira and Luce. When Leah had time off, the both of you and James had flew to Barcelona to see Kei and Lucy. It wasn’t long before Lucy had stolen your kid. James was amazed by Lucy, she was so good with kids.
lucybronze posted on their story
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The opening game of the Euros was held in the Old Trafford stadium, England against Austria. You knew Leah was nervous, she always was even though she would never admit that. But being a captain made it even more nervewrecking.
You sat in the family and friends section of the stadium, wearing one of Leah’s jerseys. She loved it when you wore those, the Williamson name on your back matching both her and your lastname. You even got James in a little England kit with mommy on the back of it.
When Leah walked out of the tunnel, leading the rest of the team with her rainbow captain armband on, you couldn’t be prouder.
The girls had won the game by one goal and got the next day off. Leah had gone home to spend some much needed time with you and your son.
Your own little family was laying on the couch when you felt a kick. Leah was resting her head on your chest, your son in her lap when she heard you gasp. “Babe, what’s wrong?” she asked slightly panicked. Taking her hand and putting it on your belly she felt it. “She’s gonna be a footballer, just like her mommy.” Leah whispered. You raised your eyebrow at her, “How do you know she’s a she hmm?”. Leah looked up and gave you a little smirk “I just know baby.”.
Your wife had to go back in the evening after laying your son in bed.
The weeks went by quickly, Leah got busier by the day but even then she made time for you. After every game she headed straight to you, she could celebrate after with her teammates.
Things got extremely stressful when England reached the Semi-Final against Sweden. But Leah had the right mindset and got the team to play their best. With four goals, Mead, Bronze, Russo and Kirby all scored, they were onto the big final. The final against Germany.
This time Leah had no time off but you got to visit her at camp. With James and a round belly you drove to St. George’s Park.
y/nwilliamson posted on their story
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When you walked through the big doors of St. George’s Park you were greeted by a bunch of the England girls. Georgia practically launched herself at you, well, at James. You handed the boy over to Georgia and saw Leah. “You’re here baby!” she walked over to you, holding her arms out. You hugged her and she gave you a kiss on your forehead. “I missed you so much Lee” you whispered into the crook of her neck. “I missed you too.” your wife told you.
Leah eventually got to hold her own son too after she told Georgia off. “I can have him too Gee, he’s my kid.” she scolded the midfielder. Georgia groaned and handed a giggling James over.
You got some time to catch up with a few of the other girls. Most of them told you about how Leah would show them all the pictures of you and James she had and how she’d talk about you nonstop. You talked with Jill and she said that she wanted to start a coffee shop after the Euros and that she probably wants to present football matches and stuff like that. It suited her, she was funny and made for it. You promised to ask around for her and to visit her in Manchester sometime.
The Final was the day you dreaded.
The stadium was absolutely packed with fans, their cheers echoing through the big Wembley stadium. This was the day Leah dreamed of. This was it, the Euros final at home. England against Germany.
Leah walked her team out, just like every other game. The pride armband around her bicep leading her team onto the pitch.
After the National Anthems Leah had a little talk with the team and everyone got ready. The whistle blew and the game began.
As the match progressed, the tension kept building. Germany had scored in the first fifteen minutes, England scored not long after. The score was one to one, with both teams fighting tooth and nail for every goal. The atmosphere was electric, you couldn't help but feel your heart racing with every pass.
When Alessia Russo scored the second goal for England in the 67th minutes the crowd went wild but there was still all to play for. A few minutes later, in the 73th minute Germany scored making it equal again.
Then, in the final moments of the game, when it seemed like a draw was inevitable, something truly unbelievable happened. Leah Williamson, the fearless captain and your wife made a clean tackle that changed the whole game. She got up, dribbled with the ball and with her precise vision and skill, Leah delivered a jaw-dropping assist.
The ball sailed through the air, finding one of her bestfriends. You held your breath as you watched the ball hit the back of the net. This was it, England had won the Euros.
You looked down at your son and realised that they had defeated Germany, in front of their home crowd. This was something magical, it was pure ecstasy.
Your wife sunk to her knees. She had done it. Wiping the tears from her eyes she walked towards her teammates.
She couldn’t celebrate long before she was pulled into an interview. “Leah Williamson, England Captain and European Champion, how do you feel?” the interviewer asked her. She took the microphone and responded, “This is the proudest day of my life, after the birth of my children i suppose.” she beamed. “Excuse me but i have to get to my wife and baby.” Leah excused herself, searching for you.
When she found you waiting in the stand she stood up on her toes and kissed you and James. “You did it baby, you brought it home.” you whisper yelled.
After celebrating the big win you went on a vacation with Georgia, Lucy and Keira. They offered to babysit Jamie whenever the two of you wanted to go out.
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liked by jillroord and 237.719 others
date night away from the kids
y/nwilliamson that’s kinda hard since there’s still one in me
alessiarusso99 the girlss 🥰
stanwaygeorgia what do you mean ‘kids’ there’s only one with you
↳ lucybronze she meant that you’re a kid too
↳ keirawalsh both of you are kids
↳ leahwilliamsonn all of you are kids
↳ y/nwilliamson you can’t say much babe
daniellevddonk cute 😍😍
katie_mccabe11 milfs 😋
y/nwilliamson posted on their story
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When the whole Euros thing had settled in you were almost nine months pregnant and James was almost one year old. Leah had already gone back to Club football where they played amazing too.
It got harder and harder to do things on your own so it was very helpful that the Arsenal girls helped you out whenever they could. Katie, Viv and Beth loved to babysit which really helped you a lot.
When Katie came over to pick the boy up because you and Leah wanted to have one last date night before the other kid arrived, your water broke. I guess this was it, you wouldn’t get another date night until she was atleast a few months old. A stubborn child, just like her mommy. Leah took you to the hospital while Katie took care of little Jamie.
Your baby girl, just like Leah had told you, was very determined and arrived almost immediately in the hospital. “Told you she was a girl.” Leah smirked while holding her. You rolled your eyes and the door opened, revealing two Arsenal strikers. Viv drove the two of them to the hospital as soon as she heard.
“Is she born already?” Beth asked curiously. Leah told her no, “Ha ha, very funny.” Beth said sarcastically while Viv grinned at Leah’s joke. Leah handed the little girl over to Viv who smiled at her. “Her name’s Alice.” you told them.
Alice was just like her big brother, a hand full. They caused trouble on and off the field. Alice tried to kick balls before she could even walk and James ran around the field chasing your wife’s teammates. Katie loved Alice just like she loved James, you were sure she was the one making them act naughty.
When the team travelled to Germany you got to go with them. Katie and Victoria even offered to babysit them so Leah and you had a little alone time away from the kids and the team.
Katie and Vic got Jamie to put his middle finger up and he thought it was funny since they laughed at it. And since his little sister wanted to be just like him she mimicked the action. Vic called Kyra over who was laughing hysterically at the two naughty kids that got told off by Viv. “You shouldn’t do that, that’s very bad!” Viv tried to scold them but failed to hold her laugh in.
But that wasn’t the end of their bad influence. Katie got Alice to pull some pranks on the other girls. They would blame Katie but they won’t blame a sweet kid like Alice right.
The Irish woman sent Alice on a mission to bring all the football boots she could find to her. Katie tied them all together and they hid them together.
It wasn’t long before the next training session was and the angry teammates came after Katie. “It was Alice! I didn’t do anything!” she defended herself. Kim looked at Alice who acted like she knew of nothing. “Did you tie all the shoes together Al?” she asked the girl. Alice shook her head and pointed to Katie who had already started to run away.
victoriapelova posted on their story
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The camp was perfect, a little getaway with your loved ones. The Arsenal staff had all kinds of things planned and most of them were child friendly so the kids got to go with the team.
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liked by liawaelti and 137.172 others
germany with the arsenal kids
lucybronze tell them auntie lucy misses them
↳ leahwilliamsonn jamie has been wanting to see you for weeks now
victoriapelova we’re the best babysitters out there
↳ katie_mccabe11 we really are
↳ y/nwilliamson yeah if you want naughty kids
lottewubbenmoy kleine monstertjes
kyracooneyx you’ve got the weirdest kids out there
↳ leahwilliamsonn because of you yeah
arswfc43 they’re so cuteeee
kcc4evrr i love them and the team sm
When the awards came around, Leah was invited to almost every one of the events and even won a few. Sometimes she got to bring your kids with. It was hard to keep them quiet and keep them from running around but the England girls helped you out.
When Leah won SPOTY both James and Alice escaped out of your and Viv’s grasp and ran over to their mom. You walked over to your wife, apologised to the laughing room and took both of them off the stage with a red face.
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liked by chloekelly and 327.125 others
crazy kids and my crazy wife ❤️
mbrighty04 still can’t believe they ran up on stage on live television
↳ y/nwilliamson can’t believe it either
katie_mccabe11 realll crazy
y/nwilliamson you’re the crazy wife
stanwaygeorgia wonder who they got it from huh
keirawalsh still the cutest tho
liawaelti they’re adorable 🥰
w0soleahwill Alice is gonna be a real star
↳ russoo23 James too probably
pavlovarusso leah and her kids are so adorable
Lucy and Keira came to visit you in London when they had a weekend off. They told you they wanted to see you again but you all knew they’d probably end up giving all their attention to your kids anyway. And just like you expected, Lucy was passed out with James on the couch and Keira was playing football with Alice in your backyard.
The day after they took the kids to the park and to a little farm not far away. Both the kids and the Barcelona players were tired and almost immediately fell asleep after their intense day away.
lucybronze, keirawalsh
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liked by leahwilliamsonn and 291.730 others
might keep them
y/nwilliamson you can keep them
↳ leahwilliamsonn babe!
↳ y/nwilliamson it was just a joke!
racheldaly3 is that lucy passed out on the couch?
stanwaygeorgia why wasn’t i invited?!!
esme.morgan sneak them in to camp next time please
The kids were adored by everyone, including you and your wife. Playing for England and Arsenal was something incredible but being the mother to your children and your wife was her proudest achievement by far.
A/N I’ll probably write the McCabe!Reader fic next but i kinda like writing these domestic fics 😭
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lovinpelova · 7 months
secret | k. casparij
summary; your man city teammates find out who your girlfriend is. [SMUT]
🎵 the beach - giveon
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you first met kerstin when england played against the netherlands in a friendly almost two years ago, the game had ended in a glorious 5-1 win for your side and the dutch were left in despair at such a horrible defeat being handed to them; but a certain dutchie planned to leave the stadium with more than a loss. she'd requested a shirt swap for the masterclass you'd put up against her in midfield, smiling gleefully when you accepted immediately and made small talk to keep the conversation going. she just couldn't help herself, so when you'd laughed at another one of her jokes and gently placed your hand on her arm for the final time she asked for your number.
the next day she'd taken you out for coffee and a small walk with your hands absentmindedly laced together like you'd been dating years at that point. you realised kerstin was too shy to make a move in fear of making you uncomfortable so decided to take matters into your own hands (literally) and smiled to yourself when she let out an audible gasp, the midfielder then wrapping said arm around your shoulders to pull you closer with your forearm crossed over your chest. the pair of you didn't want that to be the end of your date and decided to plan another one, which led to kerstin kissing you outside your apartment door when she walked you all the way home and asking you to be her girlfriend a couple dates later.
after learning of her impending move to manchester within the first date you insisted on giving her a tour around the city, knowing you'll be seeing her a lot more often now that you were dating and really liked her. a month after making it official, kerstin announced her move to city and bid farewell to her previous club with a massive smile on her face; part of the reason being all the new opportunities city would provide her with, part of the reason being all the time she could spend with her girlfriend.
at this point in time your city teammates had caught onto you dating someone, still not having signed your girlfriend yet meant they couldn't even fathom to think you'd go for a dutchie. the girls speculated and you denied each guess, pushed away wandering hands when snatching at your phone to see who you were texting and remained silent on the matter of how you'd met, knowing for a fact the girls you played with for england would be able to narrow down you were dating a dutchie judging by the dates of recent international friendlies.
kerstin and yourself acted like friends in public and had continued to do so for the past year and nine months, opting to keep your relationship more of a private-leaning-secret matter for the sake of yourselves. you wanted to tell the girls ages ago but the moment just never came and with time you gave up on trying, rather letting them continue to think you were just friends that spent time together outside of football sometimes for the sake of team bonding and midfield chemistry.
none of them had managed to catch onto the looks you gave each other in training or sneaky touches when trying to get past in a group huddle, so you must have been doing a good job at hiding your relationship for now. there were obviously speculations online but it never got further than an odd rumour that no one paid attention to and luckily for you, your teammates had given up on trying to figure out who your girlfriend was. they claimed your recent instagram posts were looking like a soft launch but you quickly shut them down- why would you suddenly soft launch a relationship after being with her for nearly two years? the privacy was the main reason you'd managed to stay together so long and you both intended on keeping it that way.
current day, you just played against tottenham and won 4-0 with yourself bagging a goal and two assists from midfield. your girlfriend had been dropped back to defense to give the new signings a chance in midfield but it didn't stop her from joining the group hug you'd initiated after celebrating individually or with bunny. you were walking away from media duties with a proud 'player of the match' trophy in your left hand and match ball in your right, unsure of what you were going to do with the ball but you kept it anyways in case you wanted to practice juggling in your apartment.
you were congratulated by all your teammates as you walked into the changing rooms with music blasting in your ears immediately, mary and kerstin dragging you towards the middle of the room to dance with the other girls before they turned the music down after a couple minutes of celebrating your performance. your girlfriend sneakily winked at you and smiled in response to the blush that spread over your face, both of you going your seperate ways to find your cubbies and get ready to go home.
you'd already settled down on your couch by the time kerstin had arrived home, both of you being cautious about when you spent time together to not raise suspicions from teammates on why you were driving home together from games and training. the dutchwoman had sent you a text that had your heart beating out of your chest still, knowing you'd read it immediately since you always got home before she did.
'taking my stargirl out tomorrow. that performance deserves a celebration and a half prettygirl.❤️'
staying true to her words, kerstin picked you up at the exact time she said she would with a bouquet of roses at your front door, smile on her face and gentle kiss when you invited her in to talk whilst you put the flowers in a vase.
"you didn't have to organise a whole day just because i had a good game, baby."
kerstin walked up to you with a soft sigh as you stood up from tying your laces, wrapping her arms around your waist loosely and leaning in to kiss you lovingly for a couple moments with yours resting over her shoulders. she broke away with gentle pecks at your request for more kisses and you both smiled softly.
"nonsense. my babygirl deserves the world and more."
you both set off not long after the intimate moment and kerstin had opened her car door open for you like a true gentlewoman, arriving at the café you'd had your first date in. glad you recognised it immediately, the dutchie helped you out of the car and shut tbe door for you like you were royalty, kissing the back of your hand with a smile before initiating small talk naturally. not long after drinking your coffees and sharing small snacks that eventually satiated your growing hunger you went for a walk, kirsten doing her best to show her love physically as she complimented your performance from the day before.
one of the best parts about being a footballer dating another footballer is that you were on international duty almost always at the same time, sometimes even playing against each other. it's not always the easiest to have ridiculous scorelines against your girlfriend and it's definitely not easy when her team kicks you out of the olympics by one goal after you'd done everything you could in your power to ensure that didn't happen, but when she texted you to apologise and you texted her to congratulate, you knew you were on the same page.
you cared about each others careers, even if it was at the cost of your own sometimes. both of you knew football is a cruel game in many ways; underdogs having ridiculous scorelines put past them, a bad performance putting you on the bench, injuries littering your friend groups, dreams being taken away when they were millimetres from your grasp. it's mentally and physically challenging, but elite athletes were trained to cope with it- yourself and kerstin had helped each other through it multiple times.
one of the worst parts about being on international duty at the same time was missing her. she was in the netherlands whilst you were in england still, the time difference not being a problem but rather how physically demanding for your countries was, meaning you were catching up on sleep whenever you could and partaking in team bonding without realising you weren't responding to the other's texts. luckily it wasn't one-sided as you were both so busy, but you still felt bad and (slightly) dreaded international duty because of it.
you'd arrived home from st. george's park a couple hours ago after saying goodbye to your teammates and congratulating everyone on their good performances in your matches, now sat on the couch and enjoying the relaxing aura your apartment had before your phone lit up with a text from kerstin.
'i'm coming over. be there in 5'
'everything okay?'
'miss you too much to wait any longer'
immediately knowing why she was coming over, you smiled to yourself and shook your head in disbelief at how needy your girlfriend could get. fair enough, you hadn't seen each other in nearly a month, but you were going to see each other in a couple days at club training and afterwards for a date you'd planned. before you could check your appearance or think to put your phone on charge in your bedroom a sharp chorus of knocks echoed throughout your apartment, making you jump off the couch and open the door in record time.
you barely had time to think before kerstin's lips were on yours and her hands were pulling your hips into hers, foot shutting the door behind her whilst she turned to find the kitchen island and place you on it. your legs wrapped around her waist as she kissed you feverishly like she had no time left in the world, fingers gripping the soft flesh of your toned thighs that was left exposed by your shorts with the occasional slip under your hoodie to tease. your hands tangled themselves into her hair and tugged at her roots gently whilst kerstin slipped her tongue into your mouth, clearly desperate for more than a kiss judging by the way her hands were trailing along your thighs shamelessly.
you pulled away to catch your breath and smiled in disbelief of your girlfriend's state, breathing heavily and staring down at you with hooded eyes and a pool of lust replacing the loving light brown she owned. she licked her lips hungrily whilst staring at your own and pulling your body closer to hers, hands caressing the outside of your thighs as your arms wrapped around her neck to pull her closer and teasingly brush your lips over hers with a smile.
"we were gonna be seeing each other in a couple days."
"i want you now."
you forcefully pressed your lips against hers in an attempt to gain control of the kiss, failing miserably when kerstin pulled away to trail sloppy kisses down your neck and pick you up, finding her way to your bed as she left an unmissable trail of hickeys you were praying would be gone by the time city training was back on. the midfielder smiled cockily when your head lulled backwards out of instinct and she laid you down on your bed, taking off your hoodie as she removed her own jacket and shirt with haste and her lips moving furiously against your own again when she felt your hands tugging at her clothes.
kerstin let out a shameless moan into your mouth at the feeling of her bare skin against yours after so long without it, ignoring the cocky smirk you wore and trailing her hands down to undo your bra before she dipped her fingers into the waistband of your shorts in a silent request. you mumbled your approval against her mouth with one hand holding her jaw and the other grasping the side of her stomach, letting her slip off your shorts and underwear effortlessly without breaking the kiss. she'd obviously done this plenty of times before but you thought she would at least have some difficulty getting back into the routine after a month without it, clearly time makes no difference to kerstin's sexual expertise when it comes to your body.
"you too."
she mumbled her confusion into your mouth and watched you roll your eyes with a smile once you'd pulled away, undoing the button and zipper on her jeans so she got the hint and took them off for you. her lips were back on yours with no time to spare fingers were tracing your thighs, embracing the way they fell open further for her in silent permission for her to go on. she kissed you softly as one finger slipped itself inside you, grinning against your mouth when yours fell open in ecstasy at being driven towards orgasm once she began thrusting it gently to ease you into it.
you knew with how desperate she was to see you she wouldn't be treating you like glass the entire night, your thoughts proven right with nails digging into her skin as she curled her fingertip into your g-spot whilst inserting another. kerstin was touching you in all the right ways with a sole motive of pushing you over the edge. soon enough, both fingers were pushing against your sweet spot and pulling wild moans out of you as she gradually sped up to the pace that had her mouth watering in response to your noises.
"keep going baby,"
"you like that mijn vriendin?"
"hou ervan."
your sudden switch to dutch had kerstins mind reeling, a guttural moan leaving her mouth alongside a choked one escaping yours as her fingers sped up even further. she trailed her lips down your torso sloppily and left marks in her wake to admire later, immediately latching onto your clit and flicking her tongue pleasurably before switching to sucking gently. hips bucking against her face and back arching, your hands found their way into her hair and tugged roughly to pull her closer as she moaned into you.
her fingers were abusing your g-spot in a way that had you seeing stars, the woman above you enjoying herself so much her eyes were rolling back and mouth was speeding up. kerstin needed to feel you cum around her fingers, she needed to feel that final claim she had on you after not seeing you in this state for god knows how long.
"c'mon babygirl, cum for me. you're gonna cum for me yeah?"
she desperately requested with her fingers still pistoning into your g-spot, lips scattering kisses over spasming thighs as you desperately nodded your head and cried out for her.
"that's it baby, good girl."
the midfielder didn't leave a drop to waste, collecting it all on her tongue and shamelessly swallowing. she licked her fingers clean after helping you ride out your high, memorising how you'd clenched around them moments beforehand as she gently licked up the reminants of your arousal in an attempt to clean you up.
"is your girlfriend a mosquito by any chance?"
you heard one of your teammates ask from across the changing room, looking down at your body and being met with all the hickeys kerstin had left behind three days prior. they were fading, sure, but they were still visible. the woman had put herself to work in desperate times and she definitely didn't disappoint.
"christ, she's done some work on you."
"someone had a good time last weekend!"
"you sure she's not a vampire?"
humourless comments were thrown your way as you stood unimpressed, thanking god your torture was saved by other girls entering the changing rooms and switching the topic of conversation. you quickly put on your training top and turned to see a pale-faced lauren hemp, following her eyesight and seeing she was staring at kerstin, who was now shirtless.
"oh my god!"
the whole room stopped in response to laurens sudden outburst, your eyes going wide when she pointed to kerstin and then looked at you. immediately knowing she'd connected the dots and you both didn't have marks at the same time out of coincidence, you shut your eyes in preparation for what she was going to say next.
"kerstin is y/ns girlfriend!"
the scratch marks you'd left behind on kerstins back were still almost as red as her face, the brunette turning around shocked as you tried to make up excuses to save yourself but ended up babbling like you were braindead.
"holy shit hempos right!"
mary exclaimed next, the whole changing room bursting into conversation with the discovery of who your girlfriend was. next was the teasing comments about how you'd definitely seen each other over the weekend and then the questions that implied they needed to know every single detail about your relationship. only one good thing came of yours and kerstins carelessness in the changing rooms; you didn't have to hide your love for her anymore.
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repulsiveliquidation · 7 months
Oral Fixation || Jill Roord
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warnings : mommy kink, rough sex, aftercare, oral sex, strap-ons.
loosely based on this unhinged ask from the one and only, @zeezelweazel. enjoy.
“fuck mommy, please…”
Jill sucks harder on your breast, rolling the hard nipple between her teeth. Your hips speed up on her thigh, hands gripping the back of the couch. Jill spanked your ass hard and hummed around your breast in her mouth.
“Mm,” she hummed, eyes fluttering closed as she felt your slick build-up on her thigh.
Everyone knew Jill had an oral fixation. She always had something in her mouth, whether it was gum, a straw, a lollipop, or sometimes even her fingers. It didn’t help that in the bedroom, her mouth had to be biting or sucking or licking or nibbling on you. With her cock pounding into your pussy, she had her mouth latched onto you like a leech, leaving lasting marks all over. Nothing, however, satiated her more than using your mouth to her heart’s desire.
Jill pulled away and grinned as she watched your hips roll on top of her thigh, your hands pressed up against her strong stomach for some control. You whined above her, feeling your clit rock just right over her toned leg. She cooed and caressed the back of her fingers over your cheek.
“Does that feel good, pretty girl?” Jill whispered, her breath tickling your ear. You nodded and gripped her training shirt, thighs shaking as you were thrust toward your first orgasm.
“Please let me come, mommy…” you begged, thighs quivering harder as your hips began to stutter.
“You wanna come, baby? You getting close huh?” Jill teases, looking at your watery eyes with a smile on her face. You take a sharp breath and your bottom lip quivers, tears falling on her collarbones.
“P-Please mommy, I’ve been good!” you whine, gripping her shirt so tight your knuckles were white.
“Come,” she growled in your ear and you let go, choked moans stuttering out of your mouth. She held your hips and guided you, cooing soothingly in your ear.
Your slick pooled on her thigh in a sticky warm mess as she lifted you off her and ran her finger through it. You watched as she brought it up to your lips and without question, you wrapped your lips around it and sucked like your life depended on it.
Jill groaned deeply as you noisily sucked on her finger, eagerly swiping it through the rapidly drying mess a few times for you to clean up.
“Good girl,” she praised, watching as you settled yourself between her legs. Jill caressed your cheek with a refreshing tenderness, you watched as she carefully studied your expressions calculating her next move. She stood up and shrugged her underwear off before sitting down with her legs wide open.
“No touching, you got it?” she says, playing with herself slowly. You could see how wet she was, fingers soaked just a little as she teased her fingertips into herself. You drooled at the prospect of tasting her, mouth eager to please Jill.
She scooted closer to the edge of the couch and your head dove in eagerly, licking up her slick folds slowly. You moaned at the taste of her, hands kept tight behind your back obediently. Her big hands settled in your hair with a tight grip, jaw wrenched open in pleasure.
“Fuck, just like that lieveling,” Jill praised breathlessly, back arching off the couch a little. Her flexible hips ground up into your mouth eagerly, groaning your name softly. Your tongue flicked over her clit and sucked occasionally how she liked.
You moaned around her and look up at her, tongue slipping into her pussy slowly. She moaned and gripped your hair tighter, chasing her orgasm as she rode your tongue. Jill bit her bottom lip and rubbed her clit fast, moaning your name as she came. 
She pulled your head back and leaned forward, fingers pulling your jaw open. She spit into your mouth and kissed you feverishly, holding your face still. You moaned into her mouth before she stood, slapping your face lightly twice with a grin.
“Do not move.”
She disappeared into the bedroom quietly, ripping her shirt off as she turned the corner. You shifted gently on your knees to rid yourself of the numbness, hands still obediently behind your back interlaced together. The turntable was playing your favorite classic tunes as George Michael’s saxophone filled the room.  
You hummed along softly, waiting for Jill to get back and she soon did, wearing a red gartered lingerie set with her strap secured tightly around her hips. She sauntered back into the living room with a certain poise, the athlete simply overflowed with confidence. It made your pussy ache with a slightly painful throb, using all of your self-restraint to not rub your thighs together. Jill stood in front of you, her cock pressed up against your lips. She caressed your hair, the other hand tapping her cock on your lips.
“Open up, buttercup,” Jill asks nicely, pressing her hips forward gently. You moan softly as she pushes into your mouth, eyes focused on Jill’s. Her beautiful green eyes bore into yours, hips teetering gently like she was holding herself back. You tap her leg three times and she pulls away, cupping your cheeks with concern in her eyes.
“What’s wrong?”
“Let go, Jill.”
“Just let go.”
She kisses your nose and nods, standing back up. Her expression changes in an instant, eyes darkening and her muscles tense up. She pulls your hair back, cock pressed right up against your lips again.
“Let’s try this again, shall we?” she taunts, wrenching your mouth open and spitting in it again. You swallow before she asks and she smiles, leaning close to your ear and whispering “Good girl,” before standing.
Her cock slips between your lips again, your throat taking her full length with ease. She moans and watches you, hands holding your head still before she fucks into your mouth. Jill throws her head back, hips fucking into your mouth hard. She grips your hair tight, groaning loudly as you gargle and choke.
“Taking it so well, baby,” Jill growls, pulling out of your mouth. She pulls you to your feet, cupping your face and kissing you hard. It’s sloppy and wet, both of you moaning into each other’s mouths. She pulls away first, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the bedroom. She pushes you face-first into the bed, sitting on the back of your thighs. She spanks your ass hard once on each cheek, groaning softly at the whimpers you let out.
“More, please mommy,” you mumble into the mattress, hands gripping the sheets. Jill kisses down your back, hands kneading your ass. She spanks you three more times on each side, watching your skin blossom up.
“So pretty,” she comments, hands caressing up your reddened skin. Your tense muscles relax just a little, thinking she was done before five much harder blows come down on your flared skin. You cry out for her and tear up just a little, feeling Jill’s teeth sink into your back. You shudder and tremble, feeling her cold hands rub over your ass again. It soothes the sting just enough, the tingling sensation running down your thighs.
Jill climbs off you and turns you over before settling in behind you. She pried your legs open and held you close, pulling out a vibrator from under her pillow. She kissed slowly along your nape, arms holding your legs open as the vibrator whirred to life in her palm.
“Are you going to be a good girl for me, darling?” she asks, trailing the toy along the inside of your thigh.
“Yes mommy, so good…” you whimper, tucking your head in her neck. She chuckles in your ear and you can hear her smiling, pressing a soft kiss to your ear before lightly dragging the toy over your sensitive folds. You jolt in her arms, feeling her free hand pressing your hips down. She’s much stronger and holds you down firmly, toned leg wrapping around yours as the toy suddenly catches on your clit.
“Fuck,” you groan, squirming in her arms. She laughs and presses the toy on your clit harder, feeling her pleasure double at seeing you struggling in her arms. She cooed at you and pulled the toy away, fingers slipping easily into your dripping cunt. She held you tighter in her arms, fingers pumping roughly into you, palm rubbing over your clit hard.
“Please mommy!” you cry, gripping the sheets hard. Jill was unrelenting, fingers so deep inside you it reached the webbing, curled hard right on your sweet spot.
“Right there, p-please!”
“Here, my love?” she teases, three of her fingers rubbing tight circles over your sweet spot. You nod and melt into her arms, eyes rolling into your head. The vibrator comes back and is turned up to the highest setting, sucking hard on your clit.
“Jes-FUCK!” you gasp, cumming hard on her fingers. She pulls them out and rubs her slick fingers over your clit hard. Your nails dug into her calves, little red crescent welts littering her skin.
“Good girl,” Jill whispers, tilting your head carefully as she kisses you. You can feel her strap wedged between your lower back, and you decide to take the initiative. Jill sits back and watches you kneel in front of her, reaching back to guide her cock into your wet hole. She runs her hands over your ass and hips, eyes fixed on your pussy taking her cock so easily.
“Oh fuck…” she groans, her eyes slowly getting darker and darker. You moan when you bottom out, feeling her hips meet your ass. You whine and take a minute to adjust, feeling her cock fill you to the brim. Her now warm hand rests on the small of your back, lips littering kisses all over your back.
“Take your time, princess,” she says as your arms slowly lay themselves out for you to lean on. You slowly begin to ride her, ass hitting her thighs with a loud smack each time. The spanks she gave you tingle a little with each stroke, sending waves of pleasure throughout your whole body.
Jill suddenly gets impatient and her desire to use you takes over; she manhandles you onto your stomach and slides into your pussy without giving you time to miss her cock. Her hips pound into you like no tomorrow, jackhammering into you like a teenager who’s fucking someone for the first time. It does its job of not giving you much pleasure but riles you up nonetheless, which is exactly how she liked you.
She pulls out and turns you onto your back, fucking her cock back into you roughly. You moan her name and throw your head back in pleasure, Jill’s hips angled up into your sweet spot this time.
“Fuck me hard baby,” you beg, “fuck me hard!”
Jill grins maniacally, holding herself up over you as her hips rail into you hard. Your throat closes up and you feel lightheaded, the pleasure clouding your senses. She kisses you and you feel her lips, kissing back fervently as she wraps her hand around your throat. You feel pure euphoria, head floating mindlessly in a cloud of pleasure. Jill is right there with you, hurling you head first into the most intense orgasm of the night. You’re sure you see actual stars or god himself, your entire body tensing as raw sexual ecstasy runs through your veins, muttering her name over and over the whole thirty seconds you come.
“Oh my god,” exclaims Jill with a chuckle in her voice, hips stuttering as the friction from fucking you and the orgasm you just put a show on for her send her into a world of pleasure of her own. Your mouths find each other and you kiss for what seems like hours, the soft smacking of lips and the little whines that leave your mouth fill the room as Jill teases you with the gentle grind of her hips. You smack her chest and she pulls out, leaving a kiss in the middle of your chest.
You lay there and stare at the ceiling while catching your breath. You can hear Jill in the kitchen making tea, hearing her swear a few times as the kettle accidentally burns her. She comes back 10 minutes later with a piping hot mug of jasmine tea and an energy bar.
She carefully undresses and sits with you, breaking off pieces of the energy bar to feed you. The taste of cranberries in the bar and the delightful smell of jasmine bring you out of your slight haze, along with the smell of Jill. You nuzzled into her, inhaling her sweet and unique scent of coconut and roses.
“Love you,” you whispered to her and she smiled, giving you a soft peck on your lips. You didn’t need to hear it back but she said it in more ways than one tonight. Finishing your tea, she carefully takes the glass from you and helps you to your feet.
In one clean swoop, she sweeps you off your feet, heading straight for the bathroom. You hold on and leave little kisses on her nape, hearing her chuckle fondly. Jill sets you on the toilet seat and turns the shower on, throwing in a rejuvenating shower bomb. You hug her middle and she caresses your hair, raking her fingers through to get all the knots out. Her skin is warm and smells faintly of the washing detergent you use, the steam from the shower billowing around you.
Jill scrubs every inch of your skin with care and doesn’t miss a single strand of hair as she runs conditioner through your locks after shampooing gently. She lets you wash her hair but refuses to let you scrub her with the loofah, citing that your slightly wobbly legs and a slightly claustrophobic shower were not a good combination. You pouted and she kissed it away, wrapping you up in the fluffiest towel in the apartment.
You did each other’s skincare routine and she carried you back to bed, thanking her former horny brain-self for laying down a towel before you fucked.
Now nestled under the covers with her head on your chest, the warmth of her skin penetrates yours. It sends a calm over you, eyes quickly becoming drowsier and drowsier. Jill nuzzles into your neck, pressing one last kiss to your jaw. You settle, hearing her voice before falling straight to sleep.
“Goodnight, my perfect girl. Sweet dreams.”
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bdwoso · 7 months
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skipper1331 · 1 year
Silent and Loud // Vivianne Miedema
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a/n: based off this request. Hope you like it :)
Do you know the saying: opposites attract? Well, that was definitely true, at least for Viv and you. You couldn't be more different, the only known common thing was that you both played football.
Viv was shy and quiet while you were adventurous and loud.
She was tall, you were small.
She was a striker, you a defender.
scoring - assisting
Her love language was act of service while yours was words of affirmimation.
Yet you couldn‘t help but let the dutch steal your heart. There was a mutual pining between the two of you - everyone knew. You told her when she looked good or when she did something great, to which she always responded with a stuttery "thank you" whereas Viv made sure that you were okay or if you were missing something she would give it to you (a hair tie or anything) or made sure that you didn't become too careless/reckless.
Actually, you were made for each other, except that neither you nor Viv saw it, only everyone else.
"Viv! That was beautiful" you yelled as you jumped on her, celebrating her goal against Chelsea.
Even after the game, you couldn‘t shut up about that banger of a goal. It was almost criminal, that‘s how brilliant it was. Her cheeks flushed red, her fingers playing with jersey, getting very shy by all your praise.
You sat in the canteen next to Viv as Lia, Leah and others were also sitting at your table, enjoying their lunch before heading to the gym. Viv was in a conversation with Leah and Jen while Lia was telling you about her trip to her home country. The clumsy self you were you smacked your knife of the table with your elbow as you tried to adjust your sitting posture. Meanwhile Viv was still in her conversation but saw out of the corner of her eye that you leaned down to pick up your knife, not breaking the conversation her long arm streched over the table to the edge of it, her hand resting above it so you wouldn‘t hit your head and hurt yourself.
The dutch and you always had this connection, on and off pitch, it was special, it was magical. Despite the fact that you were complete opposites, you understood each other even without words. Sometimes a simple look was enough.
However, your confidence did not help you to have the guts to ask her out, there was no way she would like you (back). Most of the time you didn't even notice when Viv did something nice for you because you didn't have your eyes on the situation and the gestures that she consciously showed you, offering a hair tie, etc. was something any other player would have done too - which didn‘t mean you didn‘t appreciate it.
No one of the both of you intended to act on their feelings but when Leahs birthday rolled by and she invited you to her party every thing took a turn. You drowned shot after shot, dancing with Leah as Viv drank her cocktails with relish. Slowly but surely the alcohol hit her. If you can't taste the alcohol in fruity drinks, why stop drinking? you can drink so much of it until you get dizzy, then you'll notice the alcohol that was actually in it.
That‘s how Viv and you both ended up drunk at Leah‘s party. It wasn‘t until midnight though before you approached her, the pretty lady standing all by herself. "What‘s a pretty lady doing all alone?" you slurred, your body automatically leaning against hers, "Not alone anymore" the dutch replied, her accent thick. "I wanna kiss you" you said, the striker taking matters in her own hands as she pressed her lips against your own.
You didn‘t remember how you got to Vivs home, you didn‘t know how ended up naked in her bed, the only thing you knew was that it was - even drunk - the best night of your life.
Early in the morning, you slipped out of her bed, scrambling your stuff from the floor as the striker slept peacefully. You wanted to leave yet you couldn‘t, at least not without placing a glass of water and pain killers on her nightstand. Leaving the house, you looked at your phone, dozens of messages from the skipper, your best friend
Drunk texts from last night and new ones from an hour earlier
Where r u?
U good?
Call me
With a quick click on your phone, you called the english captain who answered immediately. "Hi" you said, not really knowing where to go, your car wasn‘t here. "Where are you?" the defender asked without even greeting you, "didn‘t see you going home"
"Yeah long story actually" you nervously, chuckled, "Can you pick me up?"
"Only If you buy me breakfast and there‘s a story time"
You sent her a text with your location, the blonde on her way.
Let's see what you had to say.
So while you remembered everything that happened between the dutch and you, she didn‘t remember anything.
She didn‘t remember kissing you,
she didn‘t remember cherishing you,
she didn’t remember telling you she loved you.
You hoped Viv would text you, say something to you about the night but she didn‘t. She acted like she normally would, heartbreak then struck when you overheard a conversation between her and Wally.
"Nope, don‘t remember anything besides the delicious cocktails"
The rest of the day your mood had been horrible. You were salty towards everyone, your game was shit but mostly you were mad at Viv and felt sorry for yourself. Actually it was kind of your own fault, how could you expect her to remember something when both of you were drunk? How could you allow yourself to get your hopes up?
Your weird behaviour didn‘t go unnoticed, the girls sharing looks behind your back. "Hey-" the dutchie greeted, the striker wanting to ask you if you‘re alright, your salty mood effecting her more than it should.
"Fuck off"
As soon as your best friend heard the words and seeing the anger radiating from your body, she grabbed your wrist pulling you away from the tall woman.
"What the fuck!" she spat. You slapped her hand away, "Do not touch me!" as your anger bubbled up. "Get your shit together" crumbling under the blonde‘s glare, her eyes softened as she saw you fighting the tears. All eyes were on you, something you didn‘t enjoy at all, you were humiliating yourself which wasn‘t your intention - you just didn‘t know how to control your emotions.
Looking at Leah, you asked for help, your body trembling as you couldn‘t open your mouth - your eyes said more than a thousand words. "Go" the defender gave a nod towards the changing rooms. You‘d never run so fast in your life. Everything was crushing down on you, you felt like you lifted all problems of everyone on your shoulders - the weight of the world.
Anger and sadness controlling your body and mind. you were no longer the ruler of yourself - you were someone in something of someone. Not yourself.
The locker room seemed small, so so small. Though it wasn‘t, it was like always - everthing was like usually besides that you slept with Viv, besides the fact that you remember everything and she nothing, besides the fact that you wanted Viv to remember.
Trying to calm down, you sat down, head in your hands while your breaths choked with sobs. Why did this have to happen? If only you hadn't drunk anything then you wouldn't be in this situation. "Fuck" with all your anger you smacked away the bottle which was standing next to you. The bottle flying through the room, breaking as it hit the wall.
"You shouldn’t do that" a voice startled you. The dutch. You were about to say something before she cut you off "don‘t tell me to fuck off" she stepped further in to the room, walking to you, to stand in front of you as she leaned down, her hands resting in your thighs, "don‘t ever tell me to fuck off again" she placed herself in front of you, her hands still on your legs as her thumb rubbed soothing circles on them, "do you want to tell me what‘s wrong?"
"No" you answered, eyes annoyed. To be honest, you wanted to yell at her, you wanted to say 'that‘s none of your fucking business' but you couldn‘t. It was Viv after all, the girl that couldn‘t kill a fly, the Taylor Swift lover, the girl you wanted to be yours.
"Okay" she simply replied, her hands leaving your body.
"Vivianne…" the stikers orbs looking at you in a way that left your heart fluttering, you could‘ve told her all your secrets and more. "stop looking at me like that" you breathed out, trying to contain your self-control. "Do you want me to go?"
Wordlessly, she stood up about follow your wishes. As she opened the door, you spoke again, "we had sex" you mumbled. She closed the door, still standing backwards to you, "what?"
"At Leahs party or rather after"
"It was you who placed the pain killers on the table"
It wasn‘t a question, it was a realization. As respond you hummed, looking at her back, hoping, wishing she would turn around.
"Is that why you‘re in a sour mood? Because we slept together?" Finally, she turned around, her heart beating in her chest. Did you think it was mistake?
"Yes and no? It‘s complicated!" your voice grew loud, the opposite to Viv whose voice was quiet, "explain it to me"
"Why wouldn’t you remember?" you cried, "you said all those nice things and now nothing!" walking around the room, your arms were wild.
"I told you i loved you" you stopped in your tracks - did she remember? "I told you, you were the prettiest girl with the prettiest eyes and prettiest smile. I told you i would treat you like the only girl in the world and love you forever" it was a rare sight to see her talk that much about her feelings - were those her feelings oder just the drunk slurs? "I will, If you let me" she stepped closer to you, coming to an end in front of you. "I meant what i said, even though i forgot it afterwards" her arms looped around your waist while yours rested on her biceps. Her eyes flicked from your own to your lips then back up.
Roles swapped - it was your turn to do something after she did the talking. You tilted your head up, standing on tip toes as you gently pressed your lips against the tall one‘s.
The kiss was short and gentle yet it told much more then words could. It was a confirmation - the silent act and the loud affirmimation meant the same.
The pining was mutual.
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totaly-obsessed · 4 months
Woso Appreciation - Jersey Swap Edition
Request a player | with @alotofpockets
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beanfanclub · 1 year
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happy wwc to all the girlies here who are sooooo normal about football
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okboomer17 · 6 months
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jill’s mirror pics>>>>
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air-rising · 1 year
Did u see horan crash dvd’s interview bahahaha 🫶🏽
Lindsey catcalled her to get her attention lmfao
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alotofpockets · 2 months
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The ACL Squad | Vivianne Miedema x Arsenal!Reader
Where you're the first to get injured and Viv takes care of you, only for her to join the ACL Squad soon after
Woso masterlist | Words: 2.4k
You were playing against Lyon, and while no goals were scored yet, the match was going well so far. However, that all turned around the moment you heard Viv scream out in pain. When you reached her side, she was clutching her knee with tears in her eyes. “It feels bad, Y/n. Really bad.” She said as she took hold of your outreached hand and squeezed it hard. 
The medical team rushed onto the field, but you refused to leave her side. You continued to hold her hand in support until you reached the sidelines, where the medical team stretched her off the field and into the stadium.
Seeing one of your teammates go down and get taken off on a stretcher was always hard, and that was hard. The team had stood close by until the medics had sent them away, and they opted for a water break while constantly looking over their shoulders to check on Viv.
You didn't end up getting the win, but that wasn't what mattered to you in that moment. The second that the whistle blows, you and Katie rush into the physio room to check on Viv.
Before you could ask how she was doing, Viv started talking. “They think I've done my ACL.” The striker says with tears in her eyes. “Scans tomorrow to confirm it, but I felt the pop, so I'm pretty sure that they are right.” 
“Oh Vivi, I'm so sorry.” You sit down on the side of her bed and place a comforting hand on her shoulder. Katie does the same on the other side. “Whatever it is, the whole team has your back. You won't be alone.”
Viv got a pair of crutches and she was free to leave. “Come on, I'll drive you back home.” Viv looked defeated, everything only just started to settle in. “What about my car?” Katie, who was grabbing everyone's stuff, while you were helping Viv stand up, offered her help. “Don't worry about your car. I drove Cait here, so we can drop it off at your place.”
Viv didn't feel ready to face the rest of the girls, so you told her to wait in the hallway, while you got both your stuff. You opted for only changing your boots to your sneakers, so she wouldn't have to wait too long. When you walked your stuff over to Viv’s, Caitlin stepped in. “Let me take her stuff in her car, we'll meet you at Viv’s place.”
What you hadn't realised until you walked into her apartment building, was that Viv’s apartment was on the second floor without access to an elevator. “Oh right.” Viv’s voice trembled. “Hey, it's okay. You can stay with me.” She shakes her head, “You don't have to, I couldn't ask that from you.” With a shrug you say, “You didn't ask, I offered. Plus, I won't take no for an answer.”
Katie and Caitlin both arrived when the two of you were still looking up the stairs. “Oh..” they said in unison. “Don't worry, she'll be staying at my place. We just have to grab some of her stuff.” The girls helped you grab some stuff that Viv would need, and put it into the trunk of your car, before you split ways.
The drive to your apartment was silent, besides the soft music playing on the radio. Viv was clearly in pain, both physically and emotionally, so you let the comfortable silence hang around you. Once you arrived you helped her into your apartment and guided her to the couch. After propping up her leg with some pillows, you headed back downstairs, to bring in Viv’s stuff. “Make yourself at home, I’ll go grab our stuff.”
When you got back upstairs, Viv was already fast asleep on the couch. You quietly moved around your apartment, getting the guest room ready, and cooking something for dinner. She wakes to the smell of food and crutches herself into the kitchen. “Smells good.” She says lacking the enthusiasm she tried to put behind it. You got it though, “Thank you, I see you took making yourself comfortable to a new level.” That got a smile out of the striker. 
“Thank you for taking me in, I don’t know what I would’ve done otherwise.” You shake your head, “You would’ve figured something out, but I am happy to help.” You set down two plates on the table, and help Viv put her crutches to the side. “Come on, let’s dig in. Maybe we can watch a movie after?”
The next few days were tough. The scan confirmed Viv’s worst fears, she tore her ACL. She knew the recovery would be long and draining. You and the rest of the team were quick to reassure her that you had her back every step of the way. 
You took every step of the way quite literally, not only were you helping her at home, but you also drove her to her doctors and physio appointments. After her surgery, Viv had a few rough days. She tried to stay strong when the team was around, they had all shown at one point or another the days following her surgery. But when your teammates left and it was just the two of you, the strong facade faltered. 
Sometimes she would let you in and let her tears flow freely as she spoke about her pain, worries, and struggles. While other times, she would even hide them from you and retreat into her room. Even if she didn’t always want it, you offered her a place of comfort where she didn’t have to hide her struggles. 
During her recovery, you spend most of the day together. In the morning you would drive to London Colney and drop Viv off at the gym, while you would head onto the training pitch with the rest of the team. 
Everyone showed their support in different ways. Caitlin and Katie had designated themselves as Viv’s personal movers and picked up whatever she needed from her apartment. Lia, and Lotte were often found in your kitchen making dinner. Beth and Steph brought their dogs around for extra cuddles. The rest of the girls came around often too. 
On the other hand, Viv supported the team back. She went to the home matches, besides supporting her team, it was also a way to feel closer to them. More a part of the team.
A little over a month after tearing her ACL she was sitting with the girls that weren't selected to play today in a crowded Emirates. She was chatting with Kim, who was out with a small ankle injury, when you went down and reached for your knee. 
Viv grabbed her crutches and moved faster than she had done since her injury. She stood worriedly at the sidelines, as she watched you be helped onto a stretcher. She follows you and the medics inside. 
You knew it right away. It felt exactly as Viv had described her injury. “Don't sugar coat it, I know it's my ACL.” You said to the physio who had a worried expression on his face. Viv stood besides you with a hand on your shoulder. “Yeah, I think it might be, but only scans will be able to confirm it.” 
When the medics leave the room, you turn to Viv. “Well this takes ‘I understand how you're feeling’ to a whole new level.” You scoot over a little, careful not to use your knee, and make space for Viv. “I truly wished that you would've never had to understand at this level.” She carefully sat down next to you, and you let yourself lean into her side. “We'll get through this, I've got you every step of the way. Just like you have been there for me. We're going to come back stronger.”
“I was supposed to take care of you.” With a new found sadness you look up to Viv, who quickly shakes her head. “And you have been incredible, so now I get to return the favour. Except for the driving part, I won't be able to do that just yet, but we will figure it out.” You lean back into her side, “Thank you, Vivi.”
With two pairs of crutches in the trunk of the car and two injured people in the back, Katie drove you back home, while Caitlin drove your car back, just like the first time around. “Are you two going to be okay?” Caitlin asked, after they helped bring your bags inside. “Yeah, I think so.” Viv answered as she looked over to you slumping down on the couch. “We know the drill by now. Thank you though.”
“Are you down for a movie?” Viv sat down besides you and placed some pillows down on the coffee table for the both of you to elevate your legs. “Yeah, not much else I can do right now.” Viv wanted to interject, but quickly realised she should let you feel your feelings. 
You quickly got uncomfortable and twisted so that your leg was laying in the armrest of the couch, and your head was in Viv’s lap. “Is this okay?” You ask her. “If you're comfortable, it is.”
With Viv's fingers playing with your hair, and the emotions of the day, you fell asleep quickly. Viv knew exactly what you were feeling, and hated seeing you in pain. She stayed by your side, and helped in any way she could, despite her own limitations. The rest of the team was still a great help, bringing meals, helping with chores, and plenty of emotional support along the way.
Recovery was tricky, the slowness and occasional setbacks were frustrating and very emotionally charged. You both struggled with the physical pain and the mental toll the injury took. There were moments where you shared tears and silent understanding, since you knew exactly what the other was going through, and there were moments filled with laughter and hope. 
One evening as you enjoyed a meal together, you turn to Viv. “So, I’ve been thinking.” Viv chuckles, “Yeah, you seem to be doing that a lot lately.” You’re quick to roll your eyes, you had plenty of time to think, and Viv had been the listening ear to the many questions that filled your mind. “I was thinking that you should move in permanently, if you want to. I’ve been enjoying your company, and I mean it’s not like you’re going to be able to climb those stairs at your place any time soon.” 
“Watch it, Y/l/n.” She shoves your shoulder playfully. “I would love to move in, but on one condition.” You look over intrigued. “We have to get a dog.” The two of you had talked about it before, how when Calvin or Rona were over, you would feel more motivated to go outside and move around. “I see what you did there, and I am not mad at it. Deal!”
With Viv’s stuff all in your apartment, with the help of your ever patient teammates, it was time to get to the dog part of the deal. Besides the motivation to walk around more, little Myle also gave the best cuddles, that made you fall in love with her instantly.
Everything seemed to be going upwards, both of you were making progress in your recoveries. Myle was settling in well, and was loving all the attention from the girls. But as the saying goes, it’s always one step forward and two steps back.
You were devastated to hear that Laura had gotten injured during practice, and the moment the three dreaded letters were mentioned, you had sprung into action. “You’re staying with us.” You didn’t leave room for arguments. “We’ve got you.” Viv added. 
With Laura moving into the guest room, Viv stayed in your room. While it was new, it didn’t feel weird. You had fallen asleep in her arms plenty of times on the couch. It felt right, natural even. 
Laura craved people around her during her recovery, so the team started doing weekly get togethers, besides the regular visits, where the focus would just be on having a good time. Tonight you were playing games, but you weren’t paying much attention. Katie couldn’t help but notice the playful banter, stolen glances and subtle touches.
“Alright, spill it.” Katie said, cornering you in the kitchen while the others were out of hearing distance. “What’s going on with you and Viv?” You furrow your brow in question, “What do you mean?” 
Katie chuckled, “Yeah, I think it’s too late to play dumb. You are so obviously into Miedema, just admit it.” You realise there was no getting out of this, so you spilled. “Fine, yeah, I like her. I like her a lot.” Katie’s smirk grew, “I knew it! You have to tell her. With the way she acts around you, there is no way that she doesn’t feel the same way.”
Her words kept playing in your head as you were cleaning up from the get together. Laura, who noticed the tension growing in the room, excused herself to lay down in her room, claiming to have gotten tired from all the interactions of the day. 
“Hey Viv, can you help me with these?” You are holding some of the board games in your hand, but you can’t quite reach the shelf they are supposed to go on without standing on your tippy toes.
“Yeah, of course.” With the few inches she had on you, she was able to place them perfectly. “Anything else, my dear?” She jokes, but in that moment there is only one thing that is going on in your head. “Yeah, actually there is.” 
Your eyes move between her eyes and her lips, “Kiss me.” You don’t know where you get the confidence to be so bold, but it pays off as Viv steps closer to you and lets her soft lips meet yours. With your heart beating out of your chest, you kissed her back instantly. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” Viv says with a big smile on her face. “Me too.” Your cheeks flush a dark shade of red. 
Both tearing your ACL’s was something horrible, but it got you together, and you would always be grateful for that. You still had quite a while to go in your recovery, and sadly the ACL Squad would get some new members over the following months. But, it made the team even stronger, as well as your relationship with Viv. 
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pelova4president · 6 months
Shadows are to protect IV
Victoria Pelova x Putellas!Reader
shadows are to protect I, II, III
summary~ You finally get your happy ending.
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So you disappeared. You booked a flight to The Netherlands and didn’t tell anyone. You wanted to see the country Victoria talked about so much. The little cafes and restaurants she visited when she was there.
You built your own little world, a bubble where no one could hurt you and you couldn’t hurt anyone you cared about. You wouldn’t mind living here. Everyone did their own thing and there were dogs and parks everywhere.
De Oranje Leeuwinnen were playing a few days after you had arrived and you couldn’t let the chance of seeing Victoria play in front of her own people slip.
The stadium was absolutely packed. The orange shirts with the names of female players on them and red, white and blue flags on everyone’s cheeks. Even though Spain had won the World Cup there wasn’t this much attention for the Spanish team. It was something you were jealous of.
It’s been days since you disappeared, Alexia hasn’t texted or called you yet and you were grateful for that. She never knows what’s going through your head but if you don’t reach out in a situation like this, she knew she had to leave you be. She’d be there if you wanted to talk and you didn’t really desire that the past few days. But now you did.
In the hopes that she would pick up in the middle of the day you called. You sat in a little bakery somewhere in The Hague and it felt like the right time.
Three rings had gone by before you got someone on the other end of the phone. “Hola hermanita… Hola?” she said. “Ale, you got time?” you asked her. You heard her laugh, “Not really but you know i’ve always got time for my pequeña princesa.” you could imagine the big grin on her face. You groaned at the stupid nickname. She knew you hated it when she called you that.
“Whatever, i’m talking about like at least an hour. I’ve got a lot to tell you.” you said taking a sip from the overpriced latte. “Sí, i’ve got time for you.” she sighed.
She knew you probably had a lot to talk about. Alexia hadn’t really pushed you to talk about it because she knew you weren’t a great talker and if you really wanted to and if she needed to know, you would tell her.
And so you told her everything, about going to Arsenal and how it had been the first few weeks. How it wasn’t your home and how you felt so so lost there. You told her about Alessia, that she had your heart and she broke it just like that. That you didn’t really want to come out of bed the days after and that that was the reason why you visited her when you did. And about Victoria Pelova, the girl that has been nothing but good to you. Alexia laughed at that, she knew you’d get along, that’s why she told you to give the girl a chance.
“I’m in The Netherlands now Ale, i don’t know what to do now.” You sighed into your phone. “Joder hermanita, you already know what to do. I already know you got your ticket to the game. Dile que la amas.” Alexia always knew what to say. Sometimes it was nice to have a big sister that can tell you what to do. “And next time we play against England, just know i’ll get back at Russo.” she deadpanned. And a sister to protect you.
You had texted Victoria good luck before the game. ‘Hey Vicky, i just wanted to let you know i’ll be at your game today. Please listen to the voicemail i’ve left you a few days ago. Ik hou van jou, je kan het.’ you sent her.
Sitting on the third row you got a pretty good views of the game. It wasn’t a really important game or anything and the chance the orange team won was very high so you weren’t that nervous for the brunette.
In the 17th minute Brugts scored from the penalty area and not long after van de Donk scored too. The first half ended in 3-0.
As the players walked to the changing room you looked for Victoria. When you finally found her eyes, hers were already focused on you. Your lips formed an apologetic smile and you waved at her. She gave you a little smile before disappearing into the tunnel.
The second half went even smoother for the home side. Esmee Brugts got her hattrick and Damaris and Roord scored one each. It was the 88th minute when Kerstin Casparij made a dribble forward. She passed two midfielders and made a perfect cross. The white ball landed on Vic’s foot and she volleyed the ball into the corner of the net.
It was just an Euros qualifier but for you it was much more. You knew today was now or never. It was 8-0 but the crowd was just as loud as it was when the first goal was scored.
The game was over and you saw the team do their lap around the field. You loved how involved they were with their fans, especially the kids. Victoria was somewhere at the back, still signing a little girl’s Arsenal shirt when Damaris spotted you and ran towards your section.
You knew the player well. Damaris used to play for Spain but decided to move to the Dutch team and you got why. She was the first one to do something about the Spanish management and you admired her for it. Your ex-teammate climbed over the fences and when she finally got to you she was out of breath. She gave you a hug and greeted you. “Don’t tell Vic i know but she listened to your message before the game. She’s been sad all camp and doesn’t want to listen to anyone. Just wait at our hotel and i’ll get you in.” she told you before sprinting off again.
So now you were waiting on the orange bus full of players to arrive at some fancy hotel in Amsterdam. You looked like a stalker, dressed in all black with Victoria’s black hat and hoodie on.
After fifteen minutes of waiting the Dutch team finally arrived. All the girls walked past, well everyone except for Vic and Dama.
Damaris walked towards you with two bags in her hands, one with 21 on it and the other with number 17. Victoria walked behind her, confused as why she was carrying her bag inside until she saw you.
“Victoria, you better figure this out because i know you want her and she wants you, okay?” she told the girls strictly. The Arsenal player nodded silently and stood still in front of you.
“Did you hear the voicemail i left you?” you asked her. Her eyes weren’t focused on you but on the big neon letters of the hotel. The blue light was shining on her, making it look like she coloured her hair blue.
“Yeah. I got it, so tell me then, what happened?” her eyes traveled to your face. It was hard to read her at the moment.
“When i came into Arsenal i didn’t know anyone and i was scared and tired of being alone. Alessia helped me at that time until she didn’t need me anymore. One evening i found out she had a boyfriend all along. I was having a hard time after that and went to Alexia for a few days when you texted me.” you smiled at the thought of her text, she really did help you. “Alexia told me to give you a chance and i’m happy i did because you mean so much to me. I don’t think i would be playing football anymore if it wasn’t for you. And then Alessia didn’t like that, she kissed me that evening when you saw us but i told her that i didn’t want her. I swear. I only want you. Te amo, Vicky.” you pleaded.
You were still standing before her, you took your hat off and your right hand was in your pocket while your left was fidgeting with the strings of the black hoodie. “Say something, please.” you begged the brunette. Her silence was killing you.
“I’m sorry. I should’ve just let you explain but i didn’t. It’s just that when i heard Alessia talking to you and then kissing you..” Victoria sighed.
“I get it, you shouldn’t say sorry for that. Can we try again, i really want us to work out.” you smiled.
Victoria’s signature smirk appeared on her face and she leaned in for a kiss. “por supuesto cualquier cosa para ti” she grinned into your neck. “You’ve done your Duolingo sí?” you laughed at her.
“I did, just for you. And maybe just a little bit for when i meet your sister, got to make a good impression on La Reina hmm?” she teased.
A/N finally done!!! I don’t even know how this whole series was planned but this is it, happy ending and all
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vivsballer · 4 days
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7 years of loyalty until they didn’t wanted her anymore. I don't think you're a traitor for scoring on your former team or for going to play on another team but even if that were the case, did the arsenal deserve her loyalty?
Her former teammates doesn’t see her as a traitor, why should we?
Unwavering respect ❤️
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pinkyqil · 2 months
Esmee dump
I love the fact she has her natural hair out and the way she post her gf to in the photo dump
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Bby girl final remembered she has an insta
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