#Nanny Sue
Buzzing and Gorgeous (Stop 6: Cheltenham)
Episode 6: Cheltenham – On the first two-week stop of the Sister Act: The Musical UK/Ireland Tour, the gang are in Cheltenham to follow-up on last week’s discussion of Stage Door Etiquette, plus Dolly is joined by one of her favourite humans for a jaunty saunter to spot Cheltenham’s famous street-art!
Sister Act: the Musical 2023-24 UK/Ireland Tour Tickets: https://www.sisteractthemusical.co.uk/
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whoify · 8 months
okay sorry i took the clara lover vs hater quiz again and i just need to talk about this quote bc it’s genuinely the stupidest fucking thing i’ve ever seen
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sorry to the person that originally said this but it genuinely makes me laugh. like. what? character switches their job from watching kids (nanny) to watching kids (teacher) and their whole life doesn’t immediately blow up so they must not have anything else going on. spacetime-traveling character’s biggest thing going on ISN’T her career shift? i don’t think this person has ever had a job
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gremlingottoosilly · 6 months
Konig falling in love with an reader who works as a teacher in a daycare center, and for some reason she doesn't find him threatening and is actually very sweet to him.
(I'm going with dilf!Konig for this one) Konig and his adorable, precious boy who bites off head of his dino toys and bullies everyone who is trying to get close to him. Parents are threatening to withdraw their kids and sue the center, all children psychologists have already given up, and he changed nannies every week because no one could put up with the son of a guy who literally takes him to a shooting range while he can't even read yet. No one can put up with the son or his father...until you came in, of course. No one knows what it's about you - maybe it's the fact that you're not scared of the older guy; even Konig's signature cold stare isn't doing anything to you. You kinda look at the giant, older man like he is one of the kids you're taking care of - you're strict and soft at the same time, you explain to him carefully that his son clearly has all the signs of needing a bit more care and attention from his father - and, preferably, a professional. You were nothing but careful, and this is why you agreed to grab a coffee with him and Felix after the daycare center was done for the day. You usually don't invite yourself to such situations with kids and their parents, but you knew you had to intervene before something bad happened - and you can see that they both are lonely. Their interest in you was obvious too, and it almost made you blush. Almost. They were adorable in their right, and you really wanted to take more time and talk to them...this is how you ended up awakening some weird fucking dreams in Konig. He never liked kids - hell, he wasn't so thrilled about his own kid - but you somehow make him the best father he can be.
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shedidntevenswear · 1 year
Oh this is so sad....
Essentially (according to this which is based on court filings so pretty reliable I think):
Sophie and Joe had decided last year that they would permanently settle down in the UK, and were starting to look for schools for their kids there
The plan was always for them to travel with him on tour while she shot Joan, because he'd have more time in his day to spend with them and then while he was on stage family/nannies could take over for a few hours
They had some argument around his birthday in August, and he filed for divorce at the beginning of September
Sophie learned about the divorce filings FROM THE NEWS COVERAGE
She's back in NYC this week to pick up the kids and take them back to the agreed upon home in England, but now Joe won't relinquish their passports so they can't leave
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thealogie · 3 months
I am so sorry to be a bother but is there any other source that isn’t from conservatives or TERFS? Because that article is by the same people running the podcast. As bad as these allegations are I do not feel comfortable getting my information from these sources, they do not need more of a platform than they already regretabbly have.
I understand people’s desire for better news sources on this and I fear I may have contributed to people’s skepticism by criticizing the form/manner of the reporting. I am sure that we will eventually get better reporting on this (patience, real journalists can’t interview sources and fact check everything in 8 hours).
But there’s no reason to distrust/disbelieve this. First of all, whatever its slant, this outlet isn’t a tabloid or a conservative mouthpiece.
Second of all, Neil Gaiman himself isn’t denying that he had a relationship with his young nanny while she was employed by him and then she filed a police report and said non-consensual conduct happened. There is really no more reporting needed here. You either believe the young woman who has absolutely nothing to gain from this and is speaking up at great risk to herself or you don’t. Similarly, he’s corroborating the first incident from years ago but saying he thought he had consent. Again, “better reporting” isn’t going to do anything here. It is what it is.
And finally there are defamation laws. You can put a slant on details but you can’t report allegations that never happened and expect a very rich powerful man not to sue you. Whatever its agenda or bias, this news source is aware of that.
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oh-stars · 7 months
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Eddie's Quest
Love is going out of your way to do something you know will make them happy.
a @steddielovemonth prompt | 916 words | CW: implied bad Harrington parents, rec drug use | Rating: T
There isn’t much from Steve’s childhood that Eddie knows about and what he does know, hasn’t always been good. Steve just doesn’t share a lot in general though. He’s content in living in the present, which isn’t something Eddie really knows how to do. So when Steve does share something positive, something that he holds dear from his childhood, Eddie latches on.
Their anniversary is coming up, only a few weeks away, and Steve mentioned he misses the way a babysitter made this specific kind of cake. Black something. Steve couldn’t remember the name of it so now Eddie’s on a mission to try and figure it out. 
Eddie finds himself at Claudia Henderson’s doorstep on a Tuesday morning with flowers in his hand. When she opens the door, Eddie doesn’t even let her say hello before he’s giving them to her with a, “I need your help finding this really obscure recipe to make Steve happy and I have a feeling it’s going to be a nightmare because I can’t bake for shit. Will you please help?” 
Claudia coos at him. “Oh you’re the sweetest, Eddie! Of course, I’ll help! Come in, come in.” 
They end up pouring over all her cookbooks, and then Claudia starts a phone tree with Karen, Sue, and Joyce for their recipes. All five of them converge at the library, their personal cookbooks in hand, to take over one of the study rooms the library offers. “If we don’t have it,” Claudia told him as they settled in, “then the library will.” 
Eddie can’t even argue as they get to work. 
“Did he say what it tasted like?” Karen asks as she starts flipping through a book. Joyce had the brilliant idea of marking where all the dessert sections started in each book, so each woman was currently flipping away while Eddie tried to remember every detail Steve had mentioned. 
“He mentioned cherries,” Eddie groans, scrubbing at his face. “And it’s a cake.” 
“Could be topped with cherries,” Sue hums as she sorts through her books. 
“Or a cherry filling,” Claudia points out. 
“Steve has a sweet tooth,” Joyce adds after a while. “He likes rich flavors, so it’s probably on the sweeter side than a refreshing dessert.” 
Eddie shrugs. “I guess?” 
“You know,” Karen says as she taps her fingers against her book. “I think I remember a few of Steve’s nannies over the years. They were always at the school for pick up. Do you know which one has the recipe?” 
“Does she still live here?” Sue asks. “It would save us some time to just ask.” 
“No, no,” Eddie says, shaking his head. “He said his parents didn’t let him keep in touch and she moved away. He doesn’t know where.” 
The women share a knowing, quiet look amongst them. Eddie’s not sure he’s fluent in their silent mom language, but he knows a judgy look when he sees one. 
Eddie jumps up and paces the room, retracing every line of thinking that particular conversation followed. The problem is, they were high as fuck when Steve brought it up, sharing tidbits between big bites of the ice cream they’d found in their freezer. 
“You would have loved her,” Steve had said with a mouthful. He was laying on Eddie, legs hanging off the arm of the couch and propped against Eddie’s side so they could share the pint. “She liked to read a lot, always had books for me.”
“What kind of books?” Eddie asked. 
“Think ones.” Steve shrugged, eyes glazed over. “Fairy Tales, but the real gross stuff. So my dad wouldn’t get mad,” he added quickly. 
Gross fairy tales, Eddie thinks. He knows what Steve’s talking about, the original dark shit that they used to scare children into behaving from the grim–
“German!” Eddie screeches as he slams his hands on the table. To their credit, none of the mothers jump except for Joyce. “She was German!” 
Karen looks up at the ceiling, eyes narrowed in concentration. Claudia taps her fingers against her temple. Sue hums as she checks a few of the spines on the other stacks. Joyce leans back, crossing her arms as she stares off into space. 
“That has to help,” Eddie tries, quieter, “right?” 
“Maybe,” Karen says as she blinks back at the cookbook. She trades it for another. “And you’re sure it had cherries?” 
“Oh!” Joyce jumps up, hands flailing as she grabs for a book off Claudia’s stack. “I know it!” 
They all crowd around the book, heads tucked together as Joyce flies through the sections and slaps a finger against a chocolate cake. “Black Forest Cake,” she says, panting a little. 
Eddie moves the book to read the description. “This is it!” 
Their cheering gets them kicked out, but none of them seem to mind as they tote their cookbook stacks back to their cars. Claudia and Sue are already talking about commandeering Karen’s kitchen to bake it in a few days, since her kitchen is bigger, and they can all help – make a day of it with wine and gossip. He doesn’t care how it gets made, just that he can take it to Steve, to show him he listens and cares and loves him so much. He can’t wait to share this cake with him, to make it for him every year just because. His quest will be complete and he’ll get to live happily ever after with a very happy, well-fed prince. Best quest yet.
Thank you @lady-lostmind for beta reading!
Ao3 Link
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servantserah · 2 months
✨ A guide to my Good Omens comics, fics and AUs ✨
Finally a new, reworked version! I've tried to compile this list with all my comics, AUs, fanfictions etc with links and tags to help everyone navigate them better! Please let me know if there are any questions or you'd like me to add/change something!
👇👇 Click "read more" to get to the full list! 👇👇
Please note that this list only includes AUs and works that consist of several parts/are a series; one shot comics are not listed here.
All of these works can also be found on my instagram, some of them on Twitter/X under the same tags.
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🌱 Myosotis 🌱
Main comic (completed):
Myosotis is a flower, also known as ‘Forget-me-not’. It symbolizes faithful love and memories. According to a German legend, God forgot naming this flower and said “I forgot you once, I shall never forget you again.” This comic takes place one year after the events of Good Omens season 1. Crowley and Aziraphale have lost all their memories about each other. They meet again, thinking the other is human and feeling drawn towards each other, they soon develop a strong connection.
➡️ Start reading ⬅️ | Tag: #myosotisAU
Myosotis: Falter (completed):
This mini comic takes place 3 years after the conclusion of the Myosotis comic. Crowley and Aziraphale spend a rainy night at home when they get an unexpected visitor.
➡️ Start reading ⬅️ | Tag: #myosotis falter
So, you stopped Armageddon! ...Now what? (completed)
This fanfiction takes place after the final scene of season 1. Crowley and Aziraphale celebrate their newfound freedom and Crowley wonders if and how things between him and the angel were going to change. And what should they do now that they’ve retired? So many doors have opened before them all at once, it’s a little overwhelming.
➡️ Start reading ⬅️ | Tag: #SYSA! ...NW?
Crêpes (onging)
This comic takes place after the events of Good Omens season 2 and shows how Crowley deals with Aziraphale leaving.
➡️ Start reading ⬅️ | Tag: #Good Omens crepes
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⚜️ GoodGardenerAU (ggAU for short) ⚜️
In this AU Warlock actually is the Antichrist and his demonic Nanny Lilith 'Ash' Ashtoreth has been tasked to take care of him and ensure he brings upon Armageddon. What happens when the Antichrist's nanny is actually a terrible demon who doesn't want Armageddon to happen, who forms deep friendships with the other humans at the ambassador's estate and, worst of all, falls in love with the human gardener? This AU isn't one consistent long comic, but a collection of several shorter comics, fanfictions and artworks. They are listed chronologically below.
Tag: #GoodGardenerAU
Lilium (completed):
This comic tells the story of how Ash became Warlock's nanny.
➡️ Start reading ⬅️ | Tag: #ggAULilium
Three Months (ongoing):
This fanfiction takes places immediately after the events of Lilium and is a glimpse into Ash's first three months living at the Dowling estate. It showcases their mental struggles and how they eventually let down their walls to befriend some of their new colleagues (among them the estate's gardener) and start their process of healing from millennia of trauma.
➡️ Start reading ⬅️ | Tag: #ggAU three months
Why It Doesn't Snow (completed)
A mini comic where Ash and Francis uncover the mystery of why it has stopped snowing in the area ever since Warlock’s birth.
➡️ Start reading ⬅️ | Tag: #ggAUsnow
Ineffable Uncles (completed)
This comic is part of the Good Omens/ggAU Multiverse. Aziraphale and Crowley offer to watch over their AU niece Eden (Francis and Ash's daughter) for a weekened. What could go wrong?
➡️ Start reading ⬅️ | Tag: #ggAUineffableUncles
ggAU Skyrim AU
An AU of my AU? Yes, sue me. This is a The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim AU for my GoodGardenerAU. It takes place in the world and rough timeline of the game. Ash is a Dunmer working at Braidwood Inn in Kynesgrove who seems to live a second, secret life in the shadows. Francis is a Nord working at Hollyfrost farm outside of Windhelm. Warlock is the Nord son of two busy trades people at Windhelm. Ash has been babysitting him since he was young. He is a normal boy who just so happens to have a special soul residing within him.
Tags: #ggAUSkyrim
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These are AUs that exist but I sadly don't draw very often.
📚 Untitled Ineffable Wives AU 📚
This AU is still in progress! Aziraphale is a human working at her family's bookstore, while Crowley is a naga stranded in the human world. I won't give more details until I have it all more refined. They're very much lesbians in this.
Tag: #untitled wives au
🧙🏼‍♂️ Ineffable Hobbit AU 🧙🏼‍♂️
An AU that takes place in Tolkien's Middle Earth, set primarily during the events of The Hobbit movies. Aziraphale Bilbo Baggins lives a quiet but peaceful life in The Shire until a wizard and thirteen dwarves drag him into an adventure to reclaim the dwarven mountain kingdom of Erebor from the terrible dragon Smaugley…. Only that Smaugley doesn’t seem all that terrible.
Tag: #IneffableHobbitAU
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Summary: Y/N finds someone in her room at night during the Christmas season. Is he the demon from her old Nanny's fairytales?
Warnings: Smut (obviously) , name calling, spanking, yk the whole shebang. Mention of blood. Rough (as in, really rough) sex. Wrap it before you tap it. Also, these pictures were downloaded from Pinterest, don't sue us🥲 Pic credits to owners.
Word count: 5.4k
A/n: Hey guyssss we're back with a oneshot. This is our entry for @watchmegetobsessed 's #fanficmas2022
(This is basically smut with no plot lol, G went feral with it)
Anyway here's, 5.4k of pure smut😚❤️ Enjoyyyy
G and M
The ambient darkness spread across the horizon. The moon was nowhere to be found. There were owls hooting outside. Y/N felt like she was in a horror movie . Her mother had always warned her not to listen to Grandma's horror stories. Well, she was not technically Y/N’s granny; she was the one who looked after her when her parents weren't around; she was her nanny but Y/N loved her like her own grandmother. Her parents were always travelling for work related things and were hardly home. They were busy making money and reputation while Y/N was abandoned like an orphan. They provided her with everything but it was not the same as having her parents around. She had studied well and had entered into a prestigious university. She chose to study psychology, the wonders of the human mind had never failed to amuse her.
Laying on her bed, Y/n contemplated her life. Life had always been difficult for her. Breaking up with her now ex boyfriend was just the icing on the cake. Her best friend Danny was the only relief in her crestfallen life. She slowly drifted off to sleep.
She woke up abruptly at the sound of thunderbolts in the night sky . Electric lightning zipped across the sky like fireworks.Terrified would be an understatement to explain her predicament. Shadows of her own room illuminated in the lighting and it appeared more and more disturbing. She felt like she was immobile. Is this what they call sleep paralysis? She could feel a menacing presence of something that wasn't supposed to be there. She wanted to run outside and scream but she couldn't. Another roar of thunder.
"Oh God! " She screamed.
"God isn't coming for your help, darling, " a hoarse voice replied.
"Who are you?" She asked. A gravelly laugh was the reply.
In the dark she could make out the shadow of her intruder, thanks to the lightning. Another thunder bolted.
"Please don't kill me", she cried.
Her intruder came closer this time. She found that he was around six feet and sculpted, not in a way that Protein shakes and gym do. He was wearing a black cloak with a hood. It covered his entire face. A sword hung dangerously on his hip. It felt like hanging the sword of Democles above her head because she knew that it was going to be her last night on earth.Even if she tried to fight with this intruder, it wouldn't last long, he was armed and she was alone .
"If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it while you were asleep, darling. Why waste time fighting with you?" He seemed calm and collected unlike her mind, which had a raging storm inside that made the thunderstorm outside look less terrific. The rumbling sound of the thunder brought back her attention to the intruder.
"Then why are you here? Wait, what are you wearing?" She did not mean to ask that question out loud, it was a slip of the tongue.
"That's what we wear in our land." He confirmed.
"Who wears a cloak in the 21st century? Are you out of your mind? ", she laughed
Then it clicked.
" They come wearing black cloaks and a sword with two serpents on its handle. The hilt of the sword has an emerald stone in the middle. Every year before Christmas they will visit, to mark all your sins. They are the incarnations of all seven deadly sins, they're the commanders of the Devil himself.”
“The Angel who was cast out of heaven for rebelling against God.”
“ What was his name again?”
“Lucifer”, Grandma whispered.
“Lucifer”, Y/n confirmed.
“Don't say his name aloud princess. He'll come and take you to his place.”
“And where is his place?” Y/n couldn't contain her excitement. She was mesmerised by the tale of God and Lucifer, an angel who lost his place for disobeying The Mighty Creator.
“It's said in Isaiah 14:12 that after becoming Satan by his fall, Lucifer "goeth up and down, to and fro in the earth, seeking to destroy the souls of men".
“So he wanders around. Does he not have a palace or something?”
"He has, Princess. A palace and an army of soldiers beneath the Earth, a distant land of shadows, where the dead and the sinned will go."
She voyaged through the memory lane, a conversation with her grandma long ago .
"Are you the fallen angel ?" She asked, petrified.
"You need to be specific, darling."He said with pure amusement.
"Are you …..",she swallowed her own words .
"Are you Lucifer? " She finally plucked up the courage to ask him .
"No, I Am not ."His words are nonchalant like he does this kind of conversation everyday.
"No I'm not a robber, we have enough resources in our land. We are immune to the earthly pleasure of money." He mused.
"Can you read my mind?" She was genuinely surprised.
"Yeah we could do that "
"We? Are you not alone? How many people have you brought to kill me? Please don't kill me. I'll do anything, please."
She could feel tears welling up in her eyes, she was afraid, alone and did not even know the purpose of her intruder. A hand reached her chin.
"I'm not here to kill you Y/N ." He said, his sound raspy, thick and delicious. His fingers that were now wiping her tears electrified her whole body. He slowly reached for the bedside lamp and switched it on. She covered her eyes with her hands at the sudden sensitivity of light. Slowly opening her eyes, she noticed that her intruder no longer had a hood over his head. He was dangerously handsome.This guy was dangerous in more ways than she could fathom. She gripped her hands together anticipating him to snap at her or beat her up. But nothing happened, he stared at her, his jawline impossibly sharp, his lips thin and rosy, eyes as deep as the green ocean. His long hair was tied in a half bun. He stared at her with an expression of a predator looking at its prey. His eyes burned into her like he could see her soul. She thought she would turn into ashes soon, if he continued to stare at her like this.
"I will never hurt you. Maybe I will hurt you, but not in the way you think . I'll make sure you will enjoy every inch of your misery."
His lips curled up in a sinful manner. Her eyes zeroed in on his lips. Her tongue darted out and licked her own lips wishing that she could taste those dangerous lips that were only a few centimetres away from her. His aura was black, much blacker than the colour of his cloak.
"Stop tempting me, darling, or I'll have to grant your wish and I swear, once I get a taste of those pretty lips of yours, I won’t be able to stop. "
The air suddenly became so hot .The look on his face suggested that he'll do everything he said if she allowed. It sent a spark down her spine. A part of her was frightened, another part elated.
"You wish", She wanted to sound angry but it came out only as a breathy whisper.
"I don't have to wish, darling, I can see you thinking about it." His voice was hoarse, and the looks he gave her were primal and animalistic. It shook her defences. But she couldn't be defeated by an intruder, now could she?
"Who are you ?"She queried.
"I am Harry, The Lord of Lust ,The second commander of the Devil Lucifer himself." At Least he's not the Devil. But the dangerous aura around him and his serpent eyes excited her. She felt like a child again, in her bed listening to stories from her grandma , going to the darkest places in her mind and discovering something new every time. This was something terrific, yet it excited her all the same.
“Are you an angel like Lucifer, a fallen angel from heaven? " she asked out of curiosity.
"No, we're created from the Devil himself. We're 7 parts of him "
"We?" She inquired .
"Yeah, seven lords for seven sins" Her grandmother had told her about the seven deadly sins from the Bible. Seven deadly sins are also called seven cardinal sins. In Roman Catholic theology, they can be thought of as disposition towards sin. They are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth.
"So you don't have an independent existence?Are you, like, sired to him?." She cross-questioned.
"Not exactly,we can have our own life ,deeds , pleasure,sins etc.But our ultimate duty is to follow the Devil's instructions." He seemed bored. Maybe he didn’t like being questioned like this . But Y/n pressed, she wanted to know.
"What happens if you don't oblige?"
Will the devil kill you? But she omitted that part for her own good.
"We'll oblige, I already said we're a part of him." He sounded certain.
"Why are you here though? "
Did the Devil send him to take her to him so that he can boil her in hot oil or peel her skin and leave it to the crocodiles ?
"There are no crocodiles in our hell. We are friendly people, you know. I am here, out of mere curiosity." He sounded amused, like he was enjoying having a conversation with her.
"Curious? Of what?"
"Yeah ,you"
"What have I done ?"
"You haven't done anything.Your book is empty, that's what I am curious about." He took something out of his pocket, something that looks like a book but in a black velvet cover . He put it in his hand and closed his eyes.Suddenly the page opened with her name on the top. But it was empty .
"What's this ?"
" The Book of lust.Every individual has a record of their sins recorded in their respective books. For Lust, for envy, for Pride...But yours is empty." He pronounced.
"What ?I haven't committed any sins at all ?"
"No that's not it. Maybe you have committed other sins but your book of lust is empty."He put the book back in his pocket. He was wearing a corset vest under his cloak and she could see his muscles straining inside wanting to see the light.
"Why though? I have had sex before."she felt offended all of a sudden .
"I thought about it as well and then I got my answer. Yes, you have had sex before.But have you enjoyed it? Have you done it purely to enjoy the pleasure of lust, to quench your thirst for lust? Leaving behind all your convictions and beliefs to do something dangerous?" He ran a hand through his thick hair.
"What do you mean?" She stuttered.His presence overwhelmed her and his words ,each syllable rolled out of that pretty tongue in a melodious manner.She paused her thoughts knowing well that he could read her mind. Her face became red out of embarrassment.
With a knowing smile,he continued:
"I mean, you did it as something that has to be done, not to embrace the pleasure.Enjoying the pleasure and imposing the pleasure are two different things ,darling" he did not sound mocking. But she felt humiliated.
"I see" she tried to be sarcastic, in an attempt to hide her hurt .
"What?" He asked genuinely concerned .
"I see that you're here to mock my incompetence to do the deed."she tried to jump out of the bed but his hands gripped her hand stopping her path.
" The Deed? What deed?” , he smirked.
She tried to retrieve her hand from his grip but those long fingers tightened their grip leaving it an impossible task. She felt him loosening his grip a little bit .
"I mean, you know, the deed "she closed her eyes irritatingly.
"And I'm asking you again.Use the exact words darling."
"I know you can read my thoughts. Then why are you making this hard for me,… What should I call you?"
Maybe Lord, or maybe Mr intruder or even Devil 2.O, she laughed at her own thoughts.
"You can call me Harry for now, and my lord, while we do the deed." He sounded cocky. Arrogant son of a bitch.
"Who said we're going to do the deed?"She knew she was only one step away from crossing the line .But she couldn't care less. She spent her entire life trying to be perfect, controlling her impulses. Now, a dark Angel from hell is in her room, wanting to make her commit sin and she's definitely going to fall for this temptation. She's completely aware of the fact that she's playing with fire.
"You mean the deed that involves me lifting your skimpy material that you call nightgown and spanking your ass and putting my cock inside your wet pussy until you see the stars?" His voice washed over her .
"Fuck " she was going insane.
"Exactly" He was so close that she could feel his breath fanning over her face.Her reaction was immediate, her nipples hard and panties soaking wet.
"Don't you dare plan on anything as such" suddenly she felt nervous.
"Then why am I smelling your arousal, huh? I can't control myself any longer. Do you want me to control it ,Y/N? ."His honey laced voice wrapped around her in a tight embrace. She was put into an immovable trance where she could think about nothing but him and his cock. Her breath hitched and her heart pounded in anticipation. His words set her body aflame. And God forbid she wanted to burn in that fire.
"Do you want me to control,Y/N ? Answer me "he demanded, his words dominant. It made fear wrap tightly around her like a nightgown.
"No "she whispered .
"Louder, darling "he taunted. His hands reached for her chin, forefinger running across her jaw. She shuddered under his touch.
"No," she said, grabbing all her courage.
"No, what ?"He pressed while his eyes devoured every inch of her body.She had never felt this alive.
"No , Harry"
"Not Harry, darling.Call me your Lord." a smirk adorned his lips.
"No, I don't want you to control yourself around me, My Lord." She said frustrated.
"That's my whore. "
His Whore. Never in her life had something called her something like that .So degrading, yet so possessive.
“Can I touch you now, Y/N? I need your words.”
“Yes, My Lord.”
He moved so fast when those words left her mouth. He yanked her against him. His body pressed entirely against hers. He crashed his lips against hers and she could feel herself, drowning in ecstasy. A burning desire raced through her veins. She knew kissing a total stranger was against all her principles that she followed till today. But she could care less at this point when an unexplainable euphoria had her body in its grip. Heat pooled in her lower stomach. Her core ached with pulsating need. He gripped his hand around her neck tilting it for better access. The kiss was rough. She was panting . Her heart hammered in her chest.He bit her bottom lip asking for permission which she granted him effortlessly. Their tongues fought furiously against each other for dominance.He groaned against her.
"Fu..ck" she moaned shamelessly.
He groaned in reply.His lips left hers. His thumb rubbed against her erratic pulse. Her eyes drank him.He buried his face in her neck, nipping the soft flesh with his teeth. Her hands run effortlessly in his long curls. He bit her flesh bringing tears to her eyes but the throbbing in her core intensified. He tugged his hair hard, a small moan escaping from his own lips. He shifted his hip to rub his hardness against her core .
"Now remove your clothes all by yourself and touch yourself like the whore you are." He ordered.
A breathy moan escaped her lips but she made no move. He yanked her hair, jerking back until her ear was near his mouth.
"Either you'll do it or I'll make you do it. Leave the good girl act you've been doing for years and be the whore you are." He said, nibbling on her ears. His hot breath warmed her skin. She was so absorbed by him. His words were dominant, but she felt warm and safe.
Looking straight into his eyes, she reached for the string of her nightgown .She untied it, looking straight into his eyes. She yanked it down, slowly, without even breaking eye contact.His breath heaved.He was straining painfully in his pants. The gown fell to the floor. Her panties followed it, leaving her in nothing. A cold breeze washed over her body leaving goosebumps.Her nipples hardened. His breath hitched at the sight.
"Fucking gorgeous" He groaned.
She spread herself onto the bed in front of him , giving him a clear view of her core. Her hands slowly reached for the spot. She shifted her fingers towards the throbbing spot .She pushed them inside and outside teasing herself and then increased her pace.
"Open wider " she obeyed him without another word. Her legs instantly fell further apart .She twirled her fingers around her clit faster. She could feel the sensation of an impending orgasm in her lower belly .
"Stop " he demanded. A scream of frustration left her mouth. She glared at him.
"Now beg for it " She thought he was joking but his expression said otherwise.
"No " She was not going to fall for his antics .
"I won't beg " She pressed
"Oh you will " he sounded certain.
Her gaze zeroed onto his eyes. Tension snapped between them .
He let out a small laugh.He moved so fast and closed the distance between them . She felt shy wearing nothing while he's still wearing his cloak. Reading her thoughts, he removed his cloak. He was wearing a corset vest inside it. Y/N swallowed hard at the sight of all the muscles tightly packed inside his vest. It was sleeveless, giving her a great display of his inked arms full of tattoos and some scars that only added to his beauty. He took his sword in his hands, a smirk adorning his lips indicating nothing but danger.
He pressed the hilt of the sword inside her.
"Har..ry …." Her words were cut off by the feeling of cold metal .
"My Lord" , he commanded with a hard thrust.
He thrust it in and out making her shudder under him. He worked the sword inside her, eliciting pain and pleasure at the same time.The serpent guard of the sword hit her clit every time he thrust the handle inside her. He took the sword out and she whimpered at the lack of contact . He thrust it hard this time hitting a spot that made her eyes roll back .A moan escaped her mouth.
She rolled her hips in the rhythm of the sword.
"Like that , fuck my sword like you wish to fuck me."
She was close to an orgasm. He suddenly stopped .
"Now beg for it " He barked.
"Please " she was desperate to come at this point.
"Please what?" he was not going to let it go .
"Please let me cum, my lord"
"You could do better,"he taunted .
"Please make your whore come , My Lord."
He thrust harder in reply. Slurping noises filled the room, mixed with their moans. It took only one thrust to unleash her orgasm. She screamed like she could see Hell. He rode her through her orgasm and she was a mess after she came down from her high. But she felt like it was only the beginning.
"Because I am not done with you yet”
He said, reading her thoughts.
“I want to devour you, Y/N , I want to consume you, every inch, every breath, until you're a mess who can't see anything other than me. Now, tell me, who is your Lord ,Y/N?"
“You " she closed her eyes.
"Yes, I am your lord. And what are you to me?" She opened her mouth but no words came out. He gripped her throat pressing her firmly against the headboard.
"Your whore " tears pricked her eyes.
"You're doing well, darling. I'll fuck you like every whore wants. I'll bend you over, spank you till your ass cheeks turn red; until you beg me to make you come all over my cock ."
"Please,'' she begged.
He cocked an eyebrow at her clearly not satisfied by her request .
"Please make me come again ,My Lord." She sobbed, not caring anymore.
"I will "
He removed his vest followed by his pants. He was huge and hard . She eyed every inch of his body like it was her last sight. Her gaze dropped down to his cock. Her lips parted open at the sight.
"On your knees ,Now " he commanded.
Without even hesitation she sank onto the floor. He gripped her hair to make her stare at his cock.
"Open your mouth" she obliged his commands without any complaints.
Without taking his eyes off her he slipped the cock right into her mouth slowly until it reached her throat.Her eyes teared at the size . He bucked his hips into her mouth making her gag.
"For every gag, you're going to be punished hard, darling " He barked
She adjusted to his size immediately.She licked it top to bottom . Slowly started sucking it , she increased her pace then.She bobbed her head up and down with hollowed cheeks making his breath hitch.
"Faster , just like that my Whore , You're doing amazing "
Her hands reached his balls; slowly, rhythmically playing with it. He gripped her hair, thrusting deeper into her mouth. Saliva drooled from her lips making him moan at the sight. He fucked her mouth roughly. Her eyes watered at the feeling. A few more thrusts was all it took to make his hot cum drip into her mouth. It took him some minutes to come back from his high. He saw her looking at his face with her eyes watery, lips swollen from sucking his cock and face wet from sweat and his hot cum. He groaned at the sight. She felt accomplished. She felt proud making a part of a fallen angel cum under her touch. She never felt this much power and for the first time in her life she was not thinking about the consequences.
"Do you know how gorgeous you look right now, darling? Fucking beautiful, like a whore waiting for her Lord's cock inside her. Do you want my cock , darling?"
"Yes "she sounded excited.
"Have you ever loved a cock like you love your Lord's?"
"No " it was true .She never had seen anybody with a massive cock like his. It filled her mouth perfectly, reaching her throat, making her gag.
"Does your boyfriend let you fuck his cock with your mouth ,whore?" She moaned at the nickname.She didn't know she would love degradation until Harry. He made even degrading sound pleasing.Everytime the word whore left his mouth she felt herself getting wetter. It was sinful and dirty.
"Yes” He had sometimes but it wasn't rough. He hadn't yanked her hair or bucked his hips against her mouth. Sex with him was controlled and calculated. She never lost control with him .It was just like the other things in her life, precise and in order.
"And do you like it?" His face was nonchalant but words dripping venom. Is Lord of Lust , the second commander of Devil himself jealous of her ex-boyfriend? The thought made her even more wet.
"No" she sounded like a desperate giddy teenager.
"Cause ….." she trailed of.She wanted to say a hundred things but nothing came from her mouth. The anticipation was killing her.Her core ached for another release. Watching him fall apart in her mouth was a torture to say the least.
"You'll be punished for not answering, darling." His words are dominant and scary.
"No please" she said, but her mind screamed yes a thousand times.
"Bend down on my lap, I'll make it easier for you. You'll never hesitate for a moment to answer my questions." She wanted to put on an act of hesitation but nothing could hide the excitement from her face. She must have gone out of her mind or how could someone enjoy the idea of punishment. She's beyond fucked up at this point. But she could care less.
She did as he said and he pinched her nipple, making her shudder. He gently patted her ass cheeks. Goosebumps spread across her skin from the cold rings adorning his fingers. She hissed, trying to muffle her moans. He slapped her ass hard enough to make her scream aloud.
"Don't you dare hold back your moans, you understand?” She nodded.
"Good "another slap.
"You're such a whore, allowing a man centuries older than you to fuck you without even knowing how dangerous he is. Do you like if I let you fuck all the seven lords together, darling?Will you be greedy for all of their cocks, whore?"
He slapped her again and she screamed in pain and pleasure, a combination of pure bliss.
"Now tell me darling, will you be enjoying all their cocks?"
"No," she cried.
"Which cock will you love?"
"Yours, only yours"
"Fuck" he groaned "you'd be the death of me if I had one. I'll make you forget all the losers that ever touched your sweet pussy while my tongue fucks the hell out of you ."
She moaned his name again . He yanked her foreword kissing her lips possessively.Their mouths crashed against each other harder, almost desperate.Y/N’s heart fluttered at the sensation. No man will ever be enough for her. She wanted a man like him.
"Don't you dare think I'll make it easier for you, darling.You're My Whore , I'll fuck you like a whore. And you're right , once I'm done no one will ever be enough for you ."
Her face heated at the confession. He had read her thoughts. She could feel the blush creeping from her face to neck. She looked to hide her embarrassment only to watch his painfully hard cock . It strained for her. Her core clenched at the sight. She looked into his face only to find those emerald eyes turning black. It killed her. He wanted it as much as she did .She was on cloud nine, just thinking about it.
He didn't let her finish her thoughts. He flipped her back on the bed and spread her legs apart. She was dripping wet.
"Fucking wet for me, my whore. I love seeing you like this, with hazy eyes and wetness pooling between your legs only for me. I fucking love it"
She didn't get a chance to respond as he slammed into her. His thrusts were hard and desperate. He hissed at the feeling of her sweet pussy clenching around his cock.The feeling brought him a pleasure that was beyond Earth and Hell. He choked her with his long fingers .Tears sprung in her eyes. He slammed into her over and over again. Her hips arched for more. He took her nipple in his mouth while pinching the other one with his hands.She felt immortal. His pace was brutal. He bit her nipple to stimulate the sensation. He pounded into her in an insatiable hunger. She wiggled her hips to match his merciless rhythm. He quickened his thrusts hitting a spot within her. She felt the orgasm building inside her. It took only a few more thrusts to make her fall apart under him . After a few more thrusts, he too reached his climax.Before she could catch her breath he flipped her back muffling her moans into the pillow. He slammed into her from behind in a brutal thrust. A scream ripped through her as the new position made him hit the exact point.
"Scream my name, whore" he commanded, biting her shoulder. His fangs which she didn't realise were there till now, pierced into her shoulder. Blood swept from his mouth to her neck. His nails dug deeper into her ribs. She hissed in a pain that brought her orgasm closer. His thrusts were ferocious. An animalistic growl escaped his lips. She felt her inner demons breaking all the walls she created to bury them. She bucked her hips matching his energy. They reached a similar momentum . The world stilled as both of them fell apart together, filling the air with their whimpers and soft curses.
"You know how my cock felt inside you? Did you enjoy it too, darling?" His words were hoarse.
"I fucking loved it." Her words were incoherent from the mind-blowing sex.
"Has any body ever fucked you like this?" He asked.
"No never. I don't think anybody will ever"
Pleased with her reply, he fucked her again and again until she couldn't take it anymore. She felt exhausted when they finally finished. He slowly got up from the bed, took his dress and started dressing. She looked at him curiously.
"It's my cue to leave "
He was leaving.The thought made her sick. But she didn't try to make him stay. She accepted the fact that he didn't belong here. He was a demon. He had a different life and purpose. Maybe she'll find him again on a stormy night and maybe he'll fuck her like today again. Reading her thoughts he closed the distance between them.This time, it was a gentle kiss, a reminder that this is not the end .
"You haven't made me fall apart with your tongue, My Lord. Shame on your race, you didn't keep your promise." she smirked and he stopped dead in his tracks.
"Well, we can try again next year, I don’t think you’ll be able to take another orgasm " with that, he disappeared, his signature smirk adorning his lips.
"Don't go please….."
Y/n woke up abruptly with a pounding headache. What the hell! Was it a dream?She was dripping wet, from a dream! She looked down at her body. She was still wearing her nightgown. Nothing in her room was out of place. Everything was just the way she kept it. No signs of a storm. Harry, the Lord of Lust, the spanking, the sex…everything was a dream. She groaned in frustration.
Today she has to present her paper for her psychoanalysis class and here she was, waking up from a wet dream. It felt so realistic. She couldn't waste any time, she had to reach the college by 9.00. Danny had texted her that he would be there to pick her up within 25 minutes, which meant that she had to skip breakfast. She freshened up quickly and cladded herself in a black fitted skirt and a white shirt with a black blazer. She added stockings to her look to make it a little more modest. Danny was on time. Grabbing her presentation, she entered his car.
"Good Morning, ready for your presentation?" Danny asked in enthusiasm.
"Morning, and, yeah almost." She didn't seem that confident.
"You're going to rock it" he tried to boost her confidence.
"You're such a gem, but I'll be breaking your bones if you don't start the engine right now "
"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today " he laughed trying to ease her anxiety which she replied with a laugh.
The presentation went great. Her professor was delighted by her findings. The day was pretty good, to say the least. She went to the cafeteria to grab her breakfast after her presentation. She was accompanied by Danny whom she told about her dream. Not the mind boggling details, but the way it seemed so realistic and all that. He laughed and tried to interpret what it meant using Freudian philosophy. Danny had to leave soon as he had a class that hour.
Y/N walked over to the counter to get a coffee. She was waiting for her turn when somebody poured their coffee into her heels.
"Jesus …I am so sorry " leaning down to wipe her heels, a raspy voice said, in a British accent. He took a tissue from his pocket and reached for her heels. She abruptly pulled back,
"It's okay, you don't have to do it"
"It's fine, afterall it was my mistake ", sitting on his knees, he looked up at her. Her breath hitched, heart pounding faster. Same curly hair, but this time without a half bun. Same rosy full lips and that chiselled jawline. She could hardly believe her eyes.
"Ha..Harry?" she whispered.
He stood up, surprised,
"Um, sorry, do I know you?"
Well, shit.
Soooooo, what do y'all think? G went a bit overboard for this one lol😝
Feedback is appreciated ☺️
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Taglist: @mendesblurb @violetsandfluff @reveriehs @a-strange-familiar @swiftmendeshoran @daphnesutton @f-folkwhore @buckybarnessimpp @lokis-girl03 @drwho06 @faith-in-midnights @theroosterswife24 @thedesibitch
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violetszone · 2 years
Little Star Posie
Lewis x fem!reader
From this request
Summary: With Lewis you hid your newborn baby from the media, your daughter Posie somehow published from media when she was 10 months old.
WARNINGS: Bad English (a little google translate,not edited writing),fluff,angst
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Having a baby was a big thing especially the pressure of having the baby of a famous person was even bigger so after you told Lewis you were pregnant you talked between you and you didn't want the media to target the two of you, so as a future mother you wanted your baby to be able to live like normal children at least when they were little,you didn't run away during your pregnancy but you managed to hide it so the media wouldn't notice
When you held your little girl in your arms, only a few people knew, a few of the formula racers, your families and mercedes that much,Your baby was really beautiful. Everyone who knew you had a baby was absolutely loved when they saw her.
Of course, it caught the medias attention that you didn't go out with Lewis for a long time. That's why you decided to hire a nanny for a short time for your baby.So you could go out once in a while and let the media leave you alone. Something you didn't know was that the nanny you took was actually leaking information to the media. One day the nanny asked you to take the baby for a walk.
You wanted your 10-month-old daughter to go out too, the garden of the house was not enough for her, or your family's house. You helped the baby smuggle the car but you didn't know that the media was following the car. 1 hour later, while sitting comfortably at home, a notification fell on your phone, then a lot of notifications started coming in, Lewis started to call you and you answered the phone "YN did you know about this?"
"About what?" you heard the sound of getting in the car, "Posie is out with her nanny, didn't you know about this?" you were confused "Yeah how do you know about this" you heard him start the car "Because the whole world is talking about it"
You were shocked, you took the tablet next to you, my god, the photos of your baby were in the lap of her nanny, the photos of the car when it was leaving your house, the whole world was really talking about it .
You were really pissed off shortly after Lewis got home "Honey they're going to find out eventually" he was right you knew "I would just prefer it to be with our consent to share and explain a photo with our baby" he came close to you to comfort you "Don't worry we will handle it " you heard the sound of the house door nanny entered the living room with your daughter Posie in her arms, Lewis put his hand on your shoulder because he knew you would get up.
When the nanny saw the two of you looking at her, her face fell, you wanted your baby, you needed to hug her Lewis took Posie, who opened her arms to her father she immediately wrapped her arms around her father's neck and put her head on his shoulder, Lewis bounced her in his arms a few times then gave her to you, you smelled and kissed her, while the nanny was just about to talk Lewis silenced her.
"I won't ask why you did this, obviously for the money, what you did was not right and it was disrespectful to our private life we can even sue if we want luckily we are not bad people all I expect from you is to apologize to YN" The woman muttered an apology in her mouth, all you wanted was for her to leave your house "Please leave the house and don't come back again i accept your apologize just for you to leave"
You decided to take Posie to the room when she moved in your lap,on the way upstairs, the nanny was walking out the door. You left Posie in her crib and went downstairs,Lewis was waiting for you, you went and hugged him, you weren't really good mentally right now "What are we going to do now?" he pat your back "We're going to share a post where we make a explanation  about Posie, and we will wait"
You wrote and shared a caption along with a few photos from when Posie was born on your instagram accounts.The reactions from the fans were generally very sweet, most of them were disappointed and they were right, but they agreed with you, actually,
The idea of to wander  comfortably with Posie made you happy. Lewis was happy too that you could come to the races with Posie, and he wanted to spend time outside with her daughter, actually in a way this  have been good.
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andichoseyou · 2 years
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My brain is FULL of TH fic ideas but I've already got 3 WIP and most of them are just "what if"s with no plot so I'll just post them here I guess and maybe some writing god hears me/ reads them and someone else actually uses them.
Here's Nr. 1:
Frerin did in fact NOT die at Azanulbizar but was transported into our modern world, sometime in the second half of the 19th century.
After some adjusting (industrialization is in full force but it's still not as 'bad' as it would be rn) he builds a life, him being a dwarf meaning that he ages extremely slowly compared to us lowly humans so he has to move after a while and again and again.
He lives in the UK, US, France, Germany, Italy, Finland.....
He fights in both world wars depending on where he lives during that time (WW1 on the German side, WW2 on the UK's), other than that he goes to university and works all kinds of jobs like policeman, fireman, soldier, teacher, carpenter,smith, weaver, factory worker, violinist etc etc etc
Around 1900 he meets this fella J R R Tolkien and befriends him, and after a time finds out that his friend is writing books about middle Earth, not only that, but one about his very own brother. Tolkien apparently is a seer of some kind because it's still almost a century until "The Hobbit" would happen (he does the math).
Frerin helps Tolkien with authenticity for his books, because the dude is smart and found out about Frerin after he corrected his Khuzdul one time too many.
Anyhow, after reading what will happen to his family, he becomes a mite bit obsessed with returning to Middle Earth and having ammased quite some wealth and with the help of some friends in high places starts founding various research projects into things like teleportation, multiverse, magic, alchemy, you name it. He also becomes a member of the Freemasons due to his occult knowledge.
In around 80 years there's almost no progress towards Frerin's goal of returning home, he does still have a research company but only a small group of mostly students works on the multiverse hypothesis, the rest does all kinds of stuff, technology, energy, whatever.
He has for the time being settled somewhere in Scandinavia, is a College Professor for Sociology and Political Science and volunteers as a social worker for troubled children.
He is fostering 2 or 3 children himself (ages 6 - 16) and has two grown up adopted children that still live & work with him (they found out about him), a guy & a lass ( both early twenties).
Somehow (don't ask I don't know) the whole household (meaning Frerin, his two young adult children, the foster children, his south American householder, her tiny dog and their personal Butler (more of a live-in family friend by now, think Niles from "The Nanny")) all get sucked into a portal or whatever end get spit out into Middle Earth.
Not at Ered Luin of course, that would be easy, no, but somewhere extremely inconvenient. The Lone lands, the Brown lands, Moria, something along the lines of "we are so fucked".
So now it is a few years (1-3, or the characters have too much time to become Mary-Sues), before the quest to Erebor, and they have to reach Thorin before then and somehow survive a world filled with orcs (and elves!) while juggling a 6 year old, a tiny & barky dog, a cliché Mamacita, a British butler, and Frerin's realisation that he has gotten much too used to modern convenience.
(my weak ass would probably include some romance between one/more than one of the original characters and the canon characters, I'm a sucker for Fili or Kili x OFC and rare pairings like KilixBifur or ThorinxNori and I want Frerin to date an elf or Bard I think.)
.... Does this sound like something you would read/write? I'd maybe try to write this with someone else, alone I don't dare to. What do y'all think?
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
"Also I noticed that Catherine who wasn't papped after her wedding had a rude surprise when she went for her mother's birthday in 2019."
Kate was papped loads of times after her wedding. Starting afew days afterwards when she was papped at her local Waitrose in Anglesey which everyone assumed to be an a staged papstroll with agreement of BP so media would leave her alone just as the royals used to do when they went on holidays. 
The frequency of her being papped dropped after her wedding, and then after 2014 following the success of her France papped photos court case. 2014 was the year that EU privacy laws were incorporated into UK law that made it easier to sue paps like that guy, Niraj Tanna, from Ikon pictures who'd made a fortune papping Kate starting the dating years right through to toddler George. 
Infact, it was Niraj Tanna stalking George + Nanny Maria when they were put and about in London that caused William to threaten to criminally sue him that finally stopped the family getting papped. 
Google his name and Kate, you'll see all the pictures he papped her and when they stopped. 
He was often labelled as the Middletons' dial-a-pap because of his uncanny ability to find Kate anywhere in the world unlike other paps, but the relationship got dicey after she sued him. He gave a public statement following the trial claiming that the secret of his success was that the Middletons had formed a relationship with him and called him to tell them where Kate would be.  
This first lawsuit significantly cooled whatever relationship they had, but he continued to pap Kate following her marriage right upto the second threatened lawsuit, this time by William. 
He stopped completely after that, claiming retirement as an active pap and instead concentrating on his photo agency. 
Ironically, one of the London paps hired by Meghan to be her go-to paps for a limited time came from his agency. This was the guy who papped her wearing the M H necklace and is often quoted confirming her staged papstrolls. She hasn't used him since she returned to LA. 
Ps: Niraj was the source of the Jecca/ married William. 
He used to tweet about them and hint at something between them including captioning a papped William + Jecca at a Spanish airport as William's Camilla implying that Jecca was to the WK marriage what Camilla was to the CD marriage. 
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lovely-lauren-arts · 10 months
Can I have a list of all your characters
For Obscured Eyes? Here they are so far:
Protagonists 👤
Beatrice (main protagonist)
Isabella Leveen
Madeline Leveen
Daisy Nightshade
Penelope Wiske
Elizabeth Kurai
Audrey Diyad
Oliver Diyad
Claude O'Nell (last name changed slightly. Was formally O'Neil)
Dolly Duncan
Kev Wyley
Frederick "Freddie" Mussio
Catherine Velvet
Sophia Velvet
Chester Velvet
Cult 🌀
Mary (Mother Mary)
Seth Turvy
Facility 🧬
Elmer Nightshade (Dr Nightshade)
Scarlet Nightshade (Madame Scarlet)
Zeki Fraiser
Bite Sight (Joel and Ollie)
TV Head (Eric)
Beastie (Sunny)
(rest of the experiments have no determined names or designs yet)
Aster Nightshade
Bellis Nightshade
Cosmos Nightshade
Emilia Nightshade
Felicia Nightshade
Gerbera Nighshade
Parents 👫
Abigail and Ernest (Isabella and Madeline's parents)
Nathan and Harriet (Claude's parents)
(Rest of parents/guardians do not have names yet)
Siblings 👥
Taffy O'Nell
Toby O'Nell
Dot O'Nell
Fillip Mussio
Francine Mussio
Finley Mussio
Felicia "Fei" Mussio
Tami Kurai
Avery Kurai
Maria Kurai
Maddison Kurai
Amina Kurai
Other characters 📌
Trinity (Isabella and Madeline's nanny)
James (Penelope's friend)
Anna (Penelope's friend)
Some characters have not been listed because they are secret.
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seeinganewlight · 2 years
2023 books read
updated reading goal: 150
1) nancy drew: the curse → micol ostow (audiobook, reread) / (jan 1) 2) all the dangerous things → stacy willingham (arc) / (jan 2) 3) lunar love → lauren kung jessen (arc) / (jan 3 - jan 4) 4) death by dumpling → vivien chien (audiobook) / (jan 6) 5) where echoes die → courtney gould (arc) / (jan 4 - jan 7) 6) the no-show → beth o’leary (audiobook) / (jan 6 - jan 8) 7) 6 times we almost kissed (and one time we did) → tess sharpe (arc) / (jan 8) 8) a fatal thing happened on the way to the forum: murder in ancient rome → emma southon (audiobook) / (jan 8 - jan 9) 9) this appearing house → ally malinenko (audiobook) / (jan 9) 10) spare → prince harry (audiobook) / (jan 10) 11) hell bent → leigh bardugo (audiobook) / (jan 10 - jan 12) 12) have i told you this already? → lauren graham / (jan 12 - jan 13) 13) partners in crime → alisha rai (audiobook) / (jan 13) 14) always the almost → edward underhill (arc) / (jan 14) 15) a room of one’s own → virgina woolf / (jan 5 - jan 14) 16) icebreaker → hannah grace (audiobook) / (jan 15) 17) the companion → e.e. ottoman / (jan 15 - jan 16) 18) feel your way through → kelsea ballerini / (jan 16) 19) comfort me with apples → catherynne m. valente (audiobook) / (jan 17) 20) a strange loop → michael r. jackson / (jan 21) 21) maybe in another life → taylor jenkins reid / (jan 23) 22) the fraud squad → kyla zhao / (jan 23 - jan 25) 23) the family game → catherine steadman (audiobook) / (jan 25 - jan 26) 24) the six deaths of the saint → alix e. harrow / (jan 28) 25) these fleeting shadows → kate alice marshall (audiobook) / (jan 28) 26) better than fiction → alexa martin (audiobook) / (jan 30 - jan 31) 27) this is not a personal statement → tracy badua / (jan 28 - feb 1) 28) nine liars → maureen johnson / (feb 2 - feb 4) 29) the nanny → lana ferguson (arc) / (feb 6) 30) finlay donovan is killing it → elle cosimano (audiobook) / (feb 7) 31) finlay donovan knocks ‘em dead → elle cosimano (audiobook) / (feb 8) 32) finaly donovan jumps the gun → elle cosimano (audiobook) / (feb 8) 33) someone had to do it → amber brown & danielle brown (audiobook) / (feb 12) 34) daisy jones & the six → taylor jenkins reid (reread, annotation) / (feb 8 - feb 12) 35) wuthering heights → emily brontë (audiobook, reread) / (feb 13 - feb 14) 36) practical magic → alice hoffman (audiobook) / (feb 16) 37) delicious monsters → liselle sambury (arc) / (feb 11 - feb 17) 38) the world cannot give → tara isabella burton (audiobook) / (feb 18 - feb 19) 39) this time it’s real → ann liang / (feb 14 - feb 19) 40) partners in crime → agatha christie (audiobook) / (feb 20) 41) the glass menagerie → tennessee williams (reread) / (feb 22) 42) missing clarissa → ripley jones (arc) / (feb 22 - feb 23) 43) the reunion → kayla olson (audiobook) / (feb 23) 44) twelfth night → william shakespeare (reread, annotation) / (jan 15 - feb 23) 45) the summer i turned pretty → jenny han (reread, audiobook) / (mar 1) 46) it’s not summer without you → jenny han (reread, audiobook) / (mar 1) 47) we’ll always have summer → jenny han (reread, audiobook) / (mar 1) 48) the late mrs. willoughby → claudia gray (arc) / (feb 23 - mar 2) 49) the appeal → janice hallett / (mar 2 - mar 3) 50) fatal throne: the wives of henry vii tell all → candice fleming, m.t. anderson, jennifer donnelly, stephanie hemphill, debrah hopkinson, linda sue park, lisa anna sandell (audiobook) / (mar 4) 51) a quiet life in the country → t.e. kinsey (audiobook) / (mar 6 - mar 7) 52) leave it to the march sisters → annie sereno (arc) / (mar 7 - mar 8) 53) wild is the witch → rachel griffin (audiobook) / (mar 9) 54) no exit → taylor adams / (mar 9 - mar 10) 55) julius caesar → william shakespeare (reread, audiobook) / (mar 15) 56) last violent call → chloe gong / (mar 10 - mar 15) 57) the witch and the vampire → francesca flores (arc) / (mar 15 - mar 16) 58) what lies in the woods → kate alice marshall (audiobook) / (mar 17) 59) the writing retreat → julia bartz (audiobook) / (mar 18 - mar 20) 60) spells for forgetting → adrienne young (audiobook) / (mar 23) 61) anne of green gables → l.m. montgomery (reread) / (mar 21 - mar 24) 62) an elderly lady is up to no good → helene tursten (audiobook, translated work) / (mar 27) 63) murder your employer: the mcmasters guide to homicide → rupert holmes (audiobook) / (mar 28 - mar 29) 64) fake dates and mooncakes → sher lee (arc) / (mar 29 - mar 30) 65) the sweetest connection → denise williams (audiobook) / (apr 1) 66) immortal longings → chloe gong (arc) / (mar 16 - apr 1) 67) lost in the never woods → aiden thomas / (apr 2 - apr 3) 68) that wasn’t in the script → sarah ainslee (arc) / (apr 3) 69) tell me what really happened → chelsea sedoti (arc) / (apr 3) 70) shakespeare in love → lee hall / (apr 4) 71) the golden spoon → jessa maxwell (audiobook) / (apr 6 - apr 7) 72) hamlet → william shakespeare (reread, annotation) / (mar 4 - apr 8) 73) anne of avonlea → l.m. montgomery (reread) / (apr 4 - apr 9) 74) anne of the island → l.m. montgomery (reread) (apr 9) 75) of human kindness: what shakespeare teaches us about empathy → paula marantz cohen (audiobook) / (apr 7 - apr 10) 76) ophelia → lisa m. klein (audiobook) / (apr 12 - apr 13) 77) anne of windy poplars → l.m. montgomery (reread) (apr 10 - apr 13) 78) women of will: following the feminine in shakespeare’s plays → tina packer (audiobook) / (apr 14 - apr 17) 79) juliet: the life and afterlives of shakespeare's first tragic heroine → sophie duncan (arc) / (apr 5 - apr 18) 80) your guide to not getting murdered in a quaint english village → maureen johnson, jay cooper / (apr 20) 81) when the reckoning comes → latanya mcqueen (audiobook) / (apr 21 - apr 22) 82) laertes: a hamlet retelling → carly stevens / (apr 23) 83) the broken girls → simone st. james / (apr 21 - apr 26) 84) the night swim → megan golden (audiobook) / (may 1 - may 2) 85) when you wish upon a lantern → gloria chao (audiobook) / (may 3 - may 4) 86) chloe and the kaishao boys → mae coyiuto / (may 2 - may 7) 87) ghosted: a northanger abbey novel → amanda quain (arc) / (may 2 - may 7) 88) happy place → emily henry / (may 7 - may 9) 89) the mad women’s ball → victoria mas / (may 9 - may 11) 90) the fiancée farce → alexandria bellefleur (audiobook) / (may 14 - may 15) 91) the strange case of the alchemist's daughter → theodora goss (audiobook) / (may 18 - may 19) 92) the weight of blood → tiffany d. jackson (audiobook) / (may 19 - may 20) 93) the twyford code → janice hallett / (may 18 - may 21) 94) never vacation with your ex → emily wibberley and austin siegemund-broka / (may 22) 95) the dos and donuts of love → adiba jaigirdar (arc) / (may 23 - may 24) 96) european travel for the monstrous gentlewoman → theodora goss (audiobook) / (may 22 - may 25) 97) one jump at a time: my story → nathan chen (audiobook) / (jun 1) 98) death of a bookseller → alice slater (audiobook) / (jun 1 - jun 2) 99) a treacherous tale → elizabeth penny (audiobook) / (jun 3 - jun 5) 100) chapter and curse → elizabeth penny (audiobook) / (jun 5) 101) julieta and the romeos → maria e. andreu (audiobook) / (jun 5 - jun 6) 102) a far wilder magic → allison saft (audiobook) / (jun 7 - jun 11) 103) meet me at the lake → carly fortune (audiobook) / (jun 11 - jun 12) 104) foul heart huntsman → chloe gong (arc) / (may 25 - jun 17) 105) rules for vanishing → kate alice marshall / (jun 1 - jun 19) 106) little thieves → margaret own (audiobook) / (jun 15 - jun 21) 107) the last word → taylor adams / (jun 19 - jun 21) 108) the three dahlias → katy watson / (jun 5 - jun 24) 109) painted devils → margaret own (audiobook) / (jun 25 - jun 29) 110) reign → katharine mcgee (arc) / (jun 25 - jul 1) 111) the chateau → jaclyn goldis / (jul 1 - jul 4) 112) a most agreeable murder → julia seals / (jul 2 - jul 4) 113) the shadow sister → lily meade / (july 4 - july 5) 114) if we were villains → m.l. rio (reread, audiobook) / (jul 6) 115) something is killing the children, vol 1 → james tynion iv / (jul 7) 116) something is killing the children, vol 2 → james tynion iv / (jul 7) 117) something is killing the children, vol 3 → james tynion iv / (jul 7) 118) you’re not supposed to die tonight → kalynn bayron / (jul 8) 119) something is killing the children, vol 4 → james tynion iv / (jul 9) 120) lock every door → riley sager (audiobook) / (jul 8 - jul 9) 121) something is killing the children, vol 5 → james tynion iv / (jul 10) 122) the sun down motel → simone st. james / (jul 9 - jul 11) 123) the only survivors → megan miranda (audiobook) / (jul 13) 124) at home with the horrors → sammy scott / (jul 16 - jul 21) 125) one of us is lying → karen m. mcmanus (reread, audiobook) / (jul 31) 126) bring me your midnight → rachel griffin (arc) / (jul 21 - jul 31) 127) one of us is next → karen m. mcmanus (reread, audiobook) / (jul 31 - aug 1) 128) the summer of broken rules → k.l. walther / (jul 30 - aug 1) 129) one of us is back → karen m. mcmanus / (aug 1 - aug 3) 130) what happens after midnight → k.l. walther / (aug 4 - aug 6) 131) the narrow → kate alice marshall / (aug 3 - aug 6) 132) night of the living queers: 13 tales of terror delight → edited by shelly page and alex brown (arc) / (aug 9 - aug 15) 133) the death i gave him → em x. liu (arc) / (aug 17 - aug 19) 134) heartstopper, vol 1 (reread) → alice oseman / (aug 19) 135) heartstopper, vol 2 (reread) → alice oseman / (aug 19) 136) heartstopper, vol 3 (reread) → alice oseman / (aug 19) 137) heartstopper, vol 4 (reread) → alice oseman / (aug 19) 138) the only one left → riley sager / (aug 19 - aug 21) 139) the getaway list → emma lord (arc) / (aug 21 - aug 22) 140) a good girl’s guide to murder → holly jackson (reread, audiobook) / (aug 23 - aug 24) 141) good girl, bad blood → holly jackson (reread, audiobook) / (aug 24 - aug 26) 142) as good as dead → holly jackson (reread, audiobook) / (aug 26 - aug 27) 143) five survive → holly jackson (reread, audiobook) / (aug 27) 144) one for my enemy → olivie blake / (aug 31 - sep 5) 145) business or pleasure → rachel lynn solomon / (sep 5) 146) maybe meant to be → k.l. walther (audiobook) / (sep 6 - sep 7) 147) yellowface → r.f. kuang (audiobook) / (sep 10 - sep 11) 148) going bicostal → dahlia adler (audiobook) / (sep 19) 149) teach the torches to burn: a romeo and juliet remix → caleb roehig / (sep 16 - sep 23) 150) none of this is true → lisa jewell / (sep 24) 151) the girls in the garden → lisa jewell (audiobook) / (sep 29 - sep 30) 152) a very lively murder → katy watson / (oct 3 - oct 4) 153) she is a haunting → trang thanh tran (audiobook) / (oct 4 - oct 5) 154) murder and mamon → mia p. manansala / (oct 5) 155) in these hallowed halls: a dark academia anthology → edited by marie o’regan & paul kane / (sep 14 - oct 7) 156) hallowe’en party  → agatha christie (audiobook) / (oct 8 - oct 9) 157) the second death of edie and violet bond → amanda glaze (audiobook) / (oct 9 - oct 11) 158) the fall of the house of usher → edgar allan poe / (oct 12) 159) home before dark → riley sager (audiobook) / (oct 13 - oct 14) 160) a haunting on the hill → elizabeth hand / (oct 7 - oct 16) 161) the lost coast → a.r. capetta (audiobook) / (oct 14 - oct 19) 162) murder in the family → cara hunter / (oct 18 - oct 21) 163) starling house → alix e. harrow (audiobook) / (oct 22 - oct 25) 164) the unmaking of june farrow → adrienne young (physical and audiobook) / (oct 23 - oct 28) 165) when ghosts call us home → katya de becerra / (oct 28 - oct 30) 166) a christmas carol → charles dickens (reread) / (nov 5) 167) the fall of whit rivera → crystal maldonado (audiobook) / (nov 9 - nov 10) 168) iris kelly doesn’t date → ashley herring blake (audiobook) / (nov 11 - nov 12) 169) fair rosaline → natasha solomon / (nov 8 - nov 14) 170) the dead romantics → ashley poston (audiobook) / (nov 20) 171) if we were villains → m.l. rio (reread, physical and audiobook) / (nov 8 - nov 22) 172) the ballad of songbirds and snakes → suzanne collins / (nov 23 - nov 25) 173) i hope this doesn’t find you → ann liang (arc) / (nov 27 - nov 28) 174) the hunger games → suzanne collins (reread, annotation) / (dec 1 - dec 2) 175) the christmas appeal → janice hallett (audiobook) / (dec 6) 176) enchanted to meet you → meg cabot (audiobook) / (dec 8 - dec 10) 177) catching fire → suzanne collins (reread, annotation) / (dec 3 - dec 17) 178) mockingjay → suzanne collins (reread, annotation) / (dec 18 - dec 23) 179) none shall sleep → ellie marney (audiobook) / (dec 15 - dec 23) 180) little women → louisa may alcott (reread, physical and audiobook) / (dec 25 - dec 28)
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josephsaturn · 8 months
Gonna post some SW AU ideas
(Fair warning: most of these are tcw/clones-adjacent because that’s where the brainrot is lmao
Also I am ONLY fully done watch the first 2 prequel movies and season 1 of tcw. I know what’s gonna happen after, but not every detail of it.)
Starting with:
Shmi the Nanny
Ok so.
A few months after Anakin is taken to become a Jedi, Jango goes to Watto’s for help on his ship, so Watto sends Shmi to go work on it while Jango watches. Idk, he’s probably got nothing better to do. While she’s working on fixing the problem, he decides to pass time by telling her about the kid he just got: how he’s the sweetest thing ever, how he looks like an angel, maybe he even stops Shmi’s work to show pictures or something. But, the important thing is this: he knows that Kamino’s no place to raise a child, and he trusts both the nanny-bot and the Kaminoans about as far as he can throw them.
Getting an idea, he then looks at Shmi and asks if she has any experience with kids.
She, obviously, answers yes.
Jango walks back in to Watto’s store, stays in there for a few minutes, and when he comes out, he tells her that she’s coming with him to be his kid’s nanny.
I wanna make it clear that Jango DID NOT free Shmi: she’s still got her chip, Jango’s just got her detonator. He’s simply her new owner, and, as Shmi’s gonna learn, a REAL piece of work.
So they go to Kamino, and meet up with whichever Kaminoan is there to greet Jango. He introduces Shmi as Boba’s live-in nanny for when Jango goes on bounties and such, and they take her to the Tipoca apartments to get settled in. While walking there, Shmi notices the tubes carrying the other clones on the weird merry-go-round thing in canon, and gets told that those are the Jedi’s clone army.
The Jedi.
The very same Jedi she allowed Ani to go live with.
Why did the Jedi need an army?
But they make it to the apartments, Shmi gets one right next to the Fetts, and Jango introduces her to little baby boba, only a few months old. She also gets introduced to the Cuy’val Dar, since she’ll be in close quarters with them.
For the first few days, Shmi just walks around, taking in all of the sights Kamino has to offer (like all the WATER, holy kriff), but gets rebuked by whoever’s nearby when she tries to go into the cloning facility.
Finally, Jango harshly wakes her up in the middle of the night and takes her to his apartment, telling her that if anything happens to boba, it’ll be on her. With that, he leaves, and shmi falls asleep on the couch, only to be woken up by boba’s crying.
She ends up taking care of him for a month and a half, Jango nowhere in sight for all of it, only for him to return in the middle of the day and coldly kick Shmi out of the apartment.
The pattern repeats: Jango leaves for at least a month, comes back for just a week or two, then it’s back out again.
Some highlights of this idea:
Shmi bonding with certain members of the Cuy’val dar, with one of them even giving her her own blaster
Shmi officially meets the rest of the clones when Boba turns four, having lost him after turning her back on him for only a minute. Alpha-17 finds him and gets him back to her
Boba gets to listen to some of her stories/eat food from tattooine
Boba in general growing up with a positive influence instead of being a super-duper isolated brat.
Shmi straight up killing Dred priest when news of his fighting ring reaches her
Shmi thinking about how the only people she likes on this miserable planet are just the kids (and yes the men bred to die are kids to her. Sue her she literally watched them grow up) cuz the adults are different shades of asshole
And other stuff
Lemme know what you think!
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debbeh · 10 months
can u give me a guide to the six idiots :33 like maybe with a picture of them n their names n who they play in the Big Three shows :33 pwetty peesse :33
ok, you saw me earlier trying to format all the images so it's gonna be mostly my (ehhhh) descriptions of the characters and you gotta guess what they look like 😈
Ben Willbond
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Elder Vex (above): the one who says Deb-beh and has the coziest looking outfit I NEED IT RN PLZ and the Tom Cardy- esque hair and earring
Nick: the stick. Grumpy all the time cuz he's a stick >:(. Is also a portal between dimensions but whatevs
Horrible Histories
Mike Peabody :historical news reporter that wishes he were anywhere but here rn
King Henry, Alexander the Great: SkINy MaNdRiA, excellent hair, sniffed a guy
The captain: AKA James, makes a lotta noises, if you ever hear me going weeeahhhhhuuuueeeaaaaaahhhh, I'm referencing him, the gay one<3
Martha Howe-Douglas!
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Debbie's evil twin sister (bossy boobs)
I just googled it: Rita, the Negatus simp AKA us, the demon that looks like how female animals are protrayed in Barbie movies
Horrible Histories!!!
Boudica (look up the song, it's rlly good), Cleopatra, every female historical figure
Pirate lady....<33333
Lady Button (present day): Old disgruntled lady that pouts all the time and falls out of windows
Lady Button (flashback)
Mathew Baynton!!!
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Oracle: weird blue blob guy, Nigel, Darling
Nanny la roo: NUM NUMS!!!! - nanny that is also a kangaroo
Admiral Anous: Voldemort mf I hate him bc he hates Negatus>:(
Elder Choop: Croissant hair mf, says, "IDK WHY DON'T WE ASK UR MUM??"
Le Fox: French
THE BIRRDDDDD: AKA Thomas Payne, Batman but cooler
Oh yeah, and Elf: the elf shaped one, full name: Grintallin Gobscrew Crotell Fashanu F’naw Goplatz Holla-Holla, has multiple wives apparently and is in debt to the mob
Horible Histories (look all of them up, they are all hot)
Dick Turpin: play the song >:333, shot not one but two men dead!
D.I. Bones: the whakkus bonkkused
King Charles II: absolute party-er
Thomas Thorne, shot, dead! Absolute poetic simp for Allison, drowned himself in the lake ;( -cannot drown-
Jim Howik!!!
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Elder Pressley: looks like Elvis, eats christmas tree ornaments
Crone: A sLaPper *wink wink*, has apparently gotten with everyone, goes eeeerrrrrrrrrrr all the time- sounds like a doorhinge, she is amazing
Neil: lhe most normal of the demons probably
Horrible Histories
A SHOUTY MAN!!! :does all the infomercials, will try to sell you piss
King George VI (above) : "oh yesss, dad's dead, I'm king..."
King Richard III: a sweet little guy<3 -according to the song, get's attacked by whasp
Pat Butcher: Greatest DJ in the AAARRREEEEEUHHHHH, killed by a child, AKA Pete in the American version
Larry Rickard
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Detective Mounteback: very dumb detective with very large hat
Elder Ho Tan: trans Icon, doesn't like loud noises, absolute baby<3
Sue: above, the lady with the gun from the episode I showed you
Horrible Histories
Bob Hale: weather report, needs a hellicopter and a nice cup of tea, basically Bill Wurtz
Lol knight with shit on head, Aztec guy, George III friend who slays so hard; "ConGRatu-VerY-LaTiOns your... *MAgEsTy*"
Humphrey: keeps getting left on roofs and shelves, does NOT know French smh
Robin: 5,000 yo ghosts, once saw a cool butterfly, KNOWS FRENCH! Got stuck by lightning and now he can turn on lights
and finally... the moment you've been waiting for...
Simon Farnaby!!!
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Negatus<333: Silly guy try to take over Yonderland but is just a lil guy, has an evil lair, uses The Font of Orris (cauldron thing that lets you see everything) as a hot tub, get's bullied by all the other overlords, wears pjs with houses on them.
Elder Flowers!!!: Long hair and lack of shirt, vegetarian hippie of the group, wants his clothes to be veGONE, "all you need is love, brothers... oh, and food"
Horrible Histories
Emperor Caligula: the wakkus bonkkus guy
Marcus Licinius Crassus: Knockoff Bassline Junkie song
Jullian!!!: Died conducting an affair with his secretary!!!, is eternally sorta drunk, does the hand thing, only ghost that can interact with stuff, makes silly EEERREREEEEE noise when he's trying to move something, his name is Trevor in the American version, sad when there's no porn on da TV ;(, has no pants BTW
Thanks for coming to my TEDTALK!!!
Lemme know if I missed anything!
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