#Nabeel Qureshi
christianshorts · 4 months
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novelmonger · 9 months
Fortnight of Books, Day 9
Favorite non-romance relationship:
Oooh, that would probably have to be Rob and Charley from The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep by H.G. Parry. They're brothers, so how could I resist? Rob spends the book chasing after his younger brother who always gets into trouble, and at the end they face a gut-wrenching sacrifice. Absolutely my jam.
Honorable mention goes to Kaladin and Sylphrena, whose relationship I adore because it reminds me of Link and Navi what draws them together is how much they both value honor. I love the way Syl is often the one to bring Kal hope and remind him of who he really is. Their relationship is strained more than ever before in Words of Radiance, but it wins out in the end.
Best non-fiction book:
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi is a compelling, eye-opening autobiography about a devout Muslim whose attempts to defend Islam led to his conversion to Christianity. It's powerful stuff, no matter which direction you're coming at it from. He does a good job of explaining what and why Muslims believe what they do, why there are significant problems with the foundations of their faith, and why Christianity holds the truth. He was also able to provide a unique perspective that I think would be especially helpful for Westerners attempting to understand Middle Easterners, because he is a man of Pakistani descent who was raised in Scotland and the U.S. So he has a foot in both worlds, and feels the tension between a culture where trusting authority is most important, and one where logic and reasoning trump all. Highly recommended reading.
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loneranger0369 · 1 year
Ex-muslim, Nabeel Qureshi, on Islam, why Muslims fear leaving Islam and if Islam really preaches Peace...
I think one other video of his has the Title "Searching Allah, found Jesus"
I, for one, do not believe in God. Lots and lots of horrible things going on in this beautiful World of ours...
If there was really a God, then something would change...
It is as it's said in a movie "It was all just a way of Control. These bad things were never going to end"
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Nabeel Qureshi - Followup On Healing - Revisited Yet Again
The reality of our walk with Jesus is that we are exposed to many things which may appear to be simplistic in answering, by quoting isolated Scriptures, but the whole counsel of God’s Holy Word (all of which God reveals on a given subject), many times indicates otherwise. That is where “learning” flows from. All, not just isolated parts, which are frequently taken out of context. God healing us…
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proclaimtheword · 1 month
It is 2 AM where I am, and I finished this movie of this man who I had known only a few days prior then found he passed on 7 years ago. I still can't believe how his ministry was cut short when I have no doubt he would have done so, so much more to serve the Lord. Nevertheless his short ministry, and even his battle with sickness, has been a way so that the glory of God may be magnified! This man has truly moved me and I will continue to remember his name for many years to come.
Nabeel, know you are loved and celebrated by many people all over the world years after your passing, and I believe it will be long into the future as more people find about you. You have showed what it is like to endure in the faith to the very end. Your ministry continues to touch lives and your legacy of love lives on. We thank God our Father for having sent us such wonderful man and example to defend the faith like you. You have passed on where you are now free of pain and able to rest, but we know that Christians never die because we have eternal life in Jesus Christ. For now we only wait to meet again in a little while. 🕊️
“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; the one who believes in Me will live, even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?””
John‬ ‭11‬:‭25‬-‭26‬ ‭NASB
To which we say, Yes Lord!
Rest in Peace, our friend Nabeel.
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For those of you who are aware of David Wood, you know of course that he and his equally famous friend Nabeel Qureshi are no longer on YouTube, first because Nabeel passed away, and 2ndly because David Wood had become primarily interested in evangelizing to Muslims, and YouTube decided to pull down and censor a lot of his videos for being critical of Islam. David Wood's videos are now on a privately hosted website.
His former channel, however, with its massive follower count, was turned over to another colleague of his named Hatun Tash. Ms. Tash is also an evangelist to Muslims. Her channel claims she has, "in a 3-year period, brought 1,000 Muslims to Jesus Christ, including 17 imams." She has survived 2 attempts on her life by certain radical muslims who seem dedicated to trying to assassinate her.
On December 21st, the Youtube channel Hatun Tash DCCI Ministries livestreamed a video. The man on this video, as you can clearly see, is not Ms. Tash, but her friend Dr. Jay Smith who reports that Hatun Tash has been missing for over a month and has not contacted anyone, even her own team.
For some reason, the police keep shutting down missing persons reports on her.
They are now asking people, especially in the UK, to help find her since the police are of no use and also put political pressure on the authorities to investigate. She was last seen in the UK (apparently in London?) on November 19th.
See the linked video and video description for more information
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The question of “Why?” is something many, if not all of us ask God. It could pertain to a healing of an illness, disease, pain in the body, mental illness, addiction, handicap, body parts missing, and other things while you watch on as others are healed but others are not. It could be that you pray for a loved one to come to salvation in Christ while you win others for The Lord, but you can not reach your own loved one. You, or someone you know, could lose a child whether young or as an adult to an illness or accident while you or another parent serves The Lord fervently. Today I will share some stories of others that you may find comfort and encouragement in to help you in your struggle and question of “Why?”.
Nabeel Qureshi: Stomach Cancer
Nabeel was a fantastic apologetics teacher. He defended the divinity of Jesus Christ, explained the Holy Trinity (YHWY) perfectly, and preached the message of repentance and salvation fervently. He grew up as an devout Muslim with a Muslim missionary for a father. After years of debating with his college roommate David Wood and had a vision from The Lord he was finally convinced Jesus was Who He said He was.
In Nabeel’s mid-thirties after starting his family with wife Michelle he began to have stomach pains. At first he thought it was indigestion, but after a visit to the doctor he found out it was advanced stomach cancer. The treatment started very quickly, and Nabeel and everyone who knew of his situation was aggressively praying for his healing. During this time Nabeel started a video blog of his doctors visits, interviews with family members and friends, and prayers totaling 43 videos in all of him, and one more video of Michelle and her thoughts.
In video 20 Nabeel shares a dream of Jesus coming to visit him after he had asked for His visit prior to the dream. In the dream Jesus came to Nabeel in a mall food court type setting. Jesus hugged Nabeel and they sat down and talked. Nabeel could not remember what they spoke about except the words “baby bath”.
The following day as Nabeel and his wife Michelle started to give their two year daughter a bath (who always loves baths because of the bubbles) suddenly became fearful and acted as if she did not trust her parents anymore. She tried to hide in the corner of the bath tub with her back to them crying out “No!”. As Nabeel looked on he remembered those words of Jesus the night before and considered them. He realized that he was acting in a similar manner to God about his own situation.
Nabeel did pass away, but even on his death bed in his last video he still believed God could still heal him. He received his healing just on the other side of his last breath. Why did this happen to Nabeel during the prime of his life and ministry. It was to give him the opportunity to display his faith and trust in our God even when faced with certain death, and being taken away from his wife and child. It was also for the benefit of others that would later see his videos to learn from him to be strong in their faith and trust God in all circumstances. For the reward is great for such trusting faith.
Greg Laurie: A Son Who Leads Many to Christ, but His Own Mother Would Not Come.
Greg is a long time American pastor and evangelist. He grew up in a very unstable environment due to his mother’s reckless life. He came to Christ during the Jesus Revolution of the 1960’s and 70’s by means of a hippie street preacher named Lonnie Frisbee.
Greg ended up becoming a member of Calvary Church under pastor Chuck Smith and shortly became a member of the ministry team. He later went on to start his own ministry called Harvest Church, and continues to this day evangelizing in packed out stadiums, auditoriums, and churches. He has lead millions of people to Christ throughout his ministry career.
Many times his mother would come to his events, but would not give her life to Christ. For his mother loved the world to much to let it all go. This grieved Greg for years upon years. It was not until a month before she passed away that she finally gave her life to Christ.
This was not the only struggle Greg would face in his family life that would grieve him or give him an opportunity to be angry at God or doubt Him. Greg would also face the lose of a child. After his son was grown, married, and a child was on the way his son was tragically killed in an automobile accident. The grief was overwhelming as Greg was one of those dads that had a close relationship with his wife and children. Despite that lose however Greg was right back out there preaching the gospel message to thousands of people just days afterwards. Holding on to The Lord for comfort and peace.
The Woman With the Issue of Blood
Most of us know the story of the woman who bled for 12 years that Jesus healed. Such a wonderful story about her faith in Jesus. What many of us do not stop and consider is what life was like for her during those 12 years. The Chosen series does a fantastic job of showing what it might have been like for her.
Consider living in a country where the laws of purification in the mosaic law of the Torah were enforced everywhere you went. A woman who bled as she did would not have been allowed in the city or anywhere else for that matter. She would have defiled anything she touched. So for her to have been anywhere near Jesus at the time of her healing would have taken everything in her. She was putting herself in physical danger to reach the hem of Jesus’s garment. She laid all her trust on Jesus despite everything else, and that level of trust accessed the healing she needed.
Her healing did not come before that during her prayers nor fasting, but only when Jesus would receive praise and honor for it.
The Paralyzed Man at the Pool of Bethesda
Another person who Jesus healed was at the Pool of Bethesda. That man was paralyzed for 38 years. When Jesus showed up to heal him at first the man did not understand Jesus when He asked him, “Do you want to be healed?” The man thought Jesus was asking, “Do you want help to the water?” But his response told Jesus yes he did want to be healed. But consider two things in this event. First is his response to Jesus. He did not understand what Jesus was asking him. How many of us pray for a healing or relief from another problem, but do not ask why is this problem set before me? The second is he was the only one there that received healing from Jesus. Could it be that those others needed to grow in trust of God despite their circumstances, or possibly grow in through it?
Final Thoughts
There are many stories of lives that end in the healing or salvation of others, but there are many that do not. Through it all we must learn to trust God fully in all circumstances. We must continue our ministry efforts as believers despite the difficulties, but also rest when we need to. For none of the work we do for The Lord is wasted. It is all accounted to us in heaven.
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How to share the Gospel with Muslims successfully Nabeel Qureshi | Video Length: 3mins 28secs
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novelmonger · 10 months
Tagged by @sailforvalinor - perfect timing; I'm staving off bedtime XD
1. Three non-romantic duos: Steve and Bucky, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, Kaladin and Sylphrena
2. A ship that might surprise others: My non-ships are probably more surprising than anybody I actually ship, lol. Uhhh...maybe NevilleXLuna?
3. Last song: "Angels We Have Heard on High" by Josh Groban
4. Last Film: Return of the King
5. Currently reading: Re-reading The Silmarillion, reading Taking Hold of God by Joel R. Beeke and Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi
6. Currently watching: Travelers; FMA: Brotherhood with one sister; Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond with both sisters; Criminal Minds, Andor, and The Book of Boba Fett with friends
7. Currently consuming: Just finished my glass of water, need to get some more
8. Currently craving: A hug
Tagging @kraytwriter, @authortobenamedlater, @dairogo, @x-i-l-verify, and @bunnyscar if you'd like to do this.
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papirouge · 2 months
“I never dated a man” I’m so jealous 🥲 you are not missing out at all! Even crushes are a waste of time now. And that anon you had that asked about conservative Christians and nuns reminded me of something I saw a while ago. It was very conservative Christians (evangelicals) talking on a podcast I think about how nuns were useless and shouldn’t be banned because they were “fertile women rejecting gods will to serve their husbands and have children” no woman should be single and be childless by choice according to them. They were American too
I’ve personally had experiences when talking to colleagues about this too. It seems that evangelicals have a more strict idea about women where women have to stay home, be pregnant and do nothing else because even Catholics and Methodists encourage community building. I think a lot of conservative male evangelicals are jealous of how male muslims like the taliban in afghanistan and the regime in iran impose strict restrictions on women in other areas of the world and call it tradition. So they want the same. *BUT! have you seen that video of a woman coming home from her 9-5 job just to head straight into the house work where she pays 50-50? So she has a full time job and has to pay 50% of the expenses but does all of the housework too? She looked burnt out but ALL the men were praising her calling her a “biblical wife and a proverbs wife” for basically being a provider for her man? So it seems those males want the idea of being a provider and a traditional marriage but will still demand a modern lifestyle from women where she still has to provide income on top of housework (with no job because she has to stay home)
Also I agree that a lot of ex muslims (the men mostly) end up sounding or being out as zionists. Because whenever I see ex muslim women share their stories it’s always about how they wanted freedom to leave their home and study and not be blamed for everything men do. But when men leave, they get angry and say things like “Zionism is right” but I see those statements explicitly about Palestine.
TBH I stopped feeling I was missing out not having any dating experience in my late 20s. Ever since, I kinda consider it as a flex to never let no man waste my time or energy lol
Every conservative Christian seething about women "wasting" their God given role or sinning really should read 1 Corinthians 7:8 & 25-31. The Bible is explicitly clear that celibacy is holy and Jesus himself who never sinned, was a celibate. Those moids are just redpillers with a sprinkle of christianese.
And yes, those christian redpillers are totally jealous of Taliban for achieving the absolute submission of women (unscholling, forced pregnancy, etc) ; they're only problem is that they're Brown Muslims.
TBH ex Muslims can be batshit crazy regardless of their gender. It's just that maybe the male ones are those going for the social media influencer route while female ones would rather go into the pro US shill/agent public personality where they milk off on every media their pityful existence under the oppressiveness of Islamist regime (à la ex/escaped North Korean formula lol)? The Apostate Prophet is definitely one of them. It's lowkey funny to see Muslims making fun of him saying that he's more of an Islam hater than a real Christian, that his wife isn't even Christian (which I take with a grain of salt because Muslims can be the pettiest liars against ex Muslims) and that he's just a Christian grifter because being an ex Muslim alone wasn't enough to grab US rightoid evangelicals attention (which could be legitimately true actually).
One example of genuine ex Muslims who converted out of Love for Christ and not out of spite against Islam are Nabeel Qureshi (died to soon :( ). If you have time, I really recommended his testimony because until his dead he tried to remain close to his (still) Muslims family. It's obvious he still loved and respected them. His testimonies were not really about shitty about Islam, but more about explaining how Islam never brought his (spiritual) peace, healing, or Love, but only the Christian God (the real one) and how, unlike allah, YHYW directly spoke to him. You can feel a lot of Love within him, and I think, that God taking him back to him is because he achieved his purpose in this world. His footprint in the Muslim to Christianity pipeline discourse is very significant. Fun fact : his friends David Wood, is who helped him to convert to Christianity (they initially were roomate in university and used to quarrel against each other's religion lol). David Wood outed himself as a filthy Zionist, caping for Israel crimes, and is unsurprisingly buddy witht he Apostate Prophet.... The only good thing that came from those 2 are the videos where they expose Tate and Candace Owen crooked "journalism", but that's it. David Wood is infamous for exposing Islam, and he does make great points to be honest, but there's something about him that screams "Christian out of spite" than "christian for Jesus". He's all Word but no Love. Lots of intellectualism for but no Grace (in every sense possible). He's one of those Christian Paul talked about in Philippians 1:15-18. Oh well, only God knows what He will make out of his "fruits"....
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newsource21 · 11 months
Watch "Nabeel Qureshi: Why I stopped believing Islam is a religion of peace" on YouTube
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blogtozone · 1 year
Kooch Na Karin Piano Notes | Load Wedding
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Kooch Na Karin Piano Notes
Notes :-  Tainu takeyaan bina nayi dil rajda F4# G4 G4 A4 A4 A4 A4 B4 D5 C5# A4 B4 B4 B4 A4 G4 Tainu takeyaan bina nayi dil rajda F4# G4 G4 A4 A4 A4 A4 B4 E5 D5 C5# A4 B4 B4 Mohalle vichhon kuch naa karin B4 G4 G4 A4 B4 D5 C5# B4 A4 A4 G4 Tainu takeyaan bina nayi dil rajda F4# G4 G4 A4 A4 A4 A4 B4 D5 C5# A4 B4 B4 B4 Mohalle vichhon kuch naa karin B4 G4 G4 A4 B4 E5 D5 C5# B4 A4 A4 A4 F5# Tainu takeyaan bina nayi dil rajda F5# F5# F5# F5# E5 F5# D5 B4 D5 D5 Tainu takeyaan bina nayi dil rajda F5# F5# F5# F5# E5 F5# D5 B4 D5 D5 Mohalle vichhon kuch naa karin D5 E5 E5 G5 F5# E5 D5 C5# B4 C5# B4 A4 G4 Tera jana seene teer wangu wajda F4# G4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 B4 D5 C5# A4 B4 B4 B4 A4 G4 Tera jana seene teer wangu wajda F4# G4 A4 A4 A4 A4 B4 E5 D5 C5# A4 B4 B4 Mohalle vichon kuch naa karin B4 G4 G4 A4 B4 D5 C5# B4 A4 A4 G4 Tainu takeyaan bina nayi dil rajda F4# G4 G4 A4 A4 A4 A4 B4 D5 C5# A4 B4 B4 B4 Mohalle vichhon kuch naa karin B4 G4 G4 A4 B4 E5 D5 C5# B4 A4 A4
About Song :-
"Kooch Na Karin" is a Punjabi song from the Pakistani film "Load Wedding," which was released in 2018. The film was directed by Nabeel Qureshi and starred Fahad Mustafa and Mehwish Hayat in the lead roles. The song is known for its catchy and upbeat music. Here is some information about the song "Kooch Na Karin" from "Load Wedding": Singers: Azhar Abbas and Rizwan Anwar Music: Shani Arshad Lyrics: Mohsin Abbas Haider Summary of the Song: "Kooch Na Karin" is a lively Punjabi song that reflects the spirit of celebration and joy. The lyrics convey the message of living life to the fullest and not worrying about the opinions or judgments of others. The music, composed by Shani Arshad, is characterized by its energetic and catchy beat. Significance: The song "Kooch Na Karin" was well-received and added to the overall entertainment value of the film "Load Wedding." It is known for its peppy tune and became a favorite among fans of Pakistani music. Music Video: The music video of "Kooch Na Karin" features the lead actors, Fahad Mustafa and Mehwish Hayat, and captures the essence of celebration and dance. It complements the song's lively and upbeat mood. "Kooch Na Karin" is a fun and catchy song that continues to be enjoyed by fans of Pakistani music. It is often played at weddings, parties, and other festive occasions. Read the full article
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tonysolomon4jc · 1 year
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: The Christian Testimony of Nabeel Qureshi
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usaitbari · 2 years
Producers issue statement post attack on actors in Karachi | The Express Tribune
Filmmaker Nabeel Qureshi took to Twitter on Monday to announce that he and his cast and crew had been “attacked, harassed and robbed by a mob” while shooting at the PIB Colony, Jamshed Quarter Martin Road in Karachi. Actors Hira Mani, Salman Saqib Sheikh (Mani), Gul-e-Rana, Salma Zafar and multiple child actors were all present at the location when the incident took place. Now SeePrime has…
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vectorman64 · 2 years
What's keeping Muslims from converting to Christianity - Nabeel Qureshi
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