wonderlandcrows · 7 years
As he fell unconscious from the attack of that young teenager, he looked at his love for what he thought would the last time. Rather to feel scared, he felt oddly at peace, even though he wanted to help his new-found friends. This was not the first time that Omaeri was facing death but it was the first time that he didn’t feel terrified at the thought. He opened his eyes again, but to a familiar sight. The forest he grew up in, the sun gently touching his face, the wind brushing slowly his skin… He felt happy. A happiness he hasn’t felt in a long time. A figure approached him, as it got nearer, he began to recognize who it was. The leader of the Hollow woods, his mother. It has been 10 years. Omaeri has conflicting emotions regarding her mother, she died because of him; she was so important to their people. She was helping with relations with cities & villages and was keeping the other clans in check. He wasn’t around other druids much, but he kept himself informed, therefore, he knows how much turmoil her death caused and it’s all his fault. Another figure appears beside his mother. He doesn’t recognize him, the only thing he knows for sure is that it’s a demon. With his red fiery eyes, his horns, and a perturbing smile, he approaches. He begins to speak; his voice is a delight to the ears.
-         Hi, it’s nice to meet you after seeing you so much in my toy’s dreams. Omaeri Siannodel isn’t it? This scenery is…surprising. Well, different than what I imagined, it almost makes me sick. Each to their own, I guess. No matter, this is not why I’m here, I apologize, I tend to ramble a lot. Ask Nymril, he could tell you about it.
Despite the demon being incredibly beautiful, he gave off a displeasing aura. Omaeri’s clan had to deal with demons quite often so he was used to them but this one is different and has he mention Nym’s name, Omaeri flinch a little bit. This demon knew Nym, it made him worry, in what circumstance would he have gotten to know him and since when? Since Omaeri wasn’t answering, Belial pressed on.
-         Aren’t you a rude one? Didn’t your lovely mom, and he reaches for her, teach you better that?
Has Belial stroke Ashaa’s face, he watches for any reactions from Omaeri. He gets a stare but nothing more.
-         Well, if I wasn’t already busy with my current toy, I would take pleasure in breaking you. Anyway, I have a deal to propose to you. As I’m sure you know, Nymril cares a great deal about you and it’s too soon for him to break. It would just be a shame, don’t you agree? At this rate, you’ll die. However, I can offer a deal, you live and everyone is happy. There is just a small price… After all, I can’t just give away life for free. A life for a life, this is the regular rule. However, I’m ready to make an exception for you.
-         I don’t do deals with demons. You must think I’m stupid. If … If my time has come so be it. Then, I’ll die.
Omaeri was on the defensive. He knew the danger of making deals with demons. Being a druid, they went against everything he stood for. Except… He knew this wasn’t truly about him, it was about Nym. In everything else, Omaeri knew to keep his cool and to keep himself level-headed but regarding Nym, decisions suddenly became complicated. He could do anything for him, that’s why he was there in the first place.
-         Darling, we both know it isn’t true. You want to live. Understanding one mortality does not make you ready for it nor does it make you want to die. So, how about you stop being stubborn and do what’s best for all parties involved?
Belial was now standing in front of the half-elf druid, looking down on him with piercing eyes. The demon was now losing his patience and he didn’t have much time either to conclude a deal, life is a fleeting thing.
-         Do you truly want Nym to destroy himself over you? Do you truly want Nym to die because of you? Once again, killing the person you love the most. I don’t think it’s a burden you’re ready to take on. You know nothing of what true suffering is and so help me Asmodeus, do not test me.
Omaeri didn’t know what to say to this. He barely lived his life and while he was ready to die, he was not ready to let Nym’s happiness die. He loved him. He was the most important person in his life and yet he hadn’t told him. They didn’t even completely talk things trough about their fight. There was so much Omaeri wanted to do with Nym. The exchange with the demon made him realise that. This unpleasant individual was right. Even though, Omaeri came to term with his mortality, he was not ready. There was too much to do, to much left unsaid. He had to get closure at least.
-         … Who do I have to kill?
-         You haven’t met the man yet, his name is [censured bc reasons]. He should be quite easy to find, so you don’t need to worry about anything. Now, I shall bid you farewell, you have quite the journey awaiting you.
-         What will happen once I do it?
-         Well, it’ll be a surprise. I love surprising mortals! We’ll see each other again, can’t wait to see you again Omaeri Siannodel.
With those last words, the pleasant vision of his home slowly faded away, he could feel himself coming back to reality, to himself. As much as he would have liked to stay with his mother, living in pure happiness, not having to worry whether he’ll life or die tomorrow … He had to, for Nym. He would destroy himself before he hurt his love once more.
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