#My posts unggh.
emptylotfiasco · 5 months
bro doesnt understand that the homies just makeout sloppy style sometimes
ya for real... I'm so glad there are some people with common sense on this site. I'm so tired of all this discourse . Thank you tumblerite for the ressuarance
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ilyarataka · 11 months
just thought about how bad luffy mustve missed everyone during timeskip like he truly had it the hardest like damn 😭😭😭
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kamenowriting · 8 years
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Night of Horror Sneak Peek 1
Fandom: Hakuouki Summary: [AU/Canon]: Yukimura Chizuru goes to Kyoto in search of her father’s whereabouts when he no longer sends her letter anymore. She thought searching him would be a very simple task one. But it was like a Life-and-Death mission the moment she met some insane men killer at the night of Kyoto Street. What’s worse, stumble upon three powerful ronins who are not a mere human. Characters: Kazama Chikage, Yukimura Chizuru, Amagiri Kyuuju, Shiranui Kyou(?), Yamazaki Susumu & OC Pairings: Slow-ish!KazaChi, OCKaza & implied of AmaSen Genres: AU, grammar error, OOC-ness Ratings: T rated A/N: I can be quite a sadistic person. So, have a sneak peek for Night of Horror(in which obviously in the middle of hiatus). Funny how I have many ideas in the future, yet, I couldn't bring myself to write in the current of chapter lolol
There are some things I'm taking a reference from Behind on that Mask as well, which is, only related to Demons’ emotions and all.
Why Yamazaki there instead with Shinsengumi? You'll soon know if I ever update a new chapter for this story pffffft.
This is one of the most long sneak peek. Do apologized to post my free-spoiler fics. Then again, what’s even point you’re following me? You can always blacklist ‘byaichi126 free spoiler’ tho.
The atmosphere soon became quiet but cold when the Demon of the West brings a terrible news for the young brunette.
“Unfortunately, your father had been longed died.”
Although his voice was calm and whisper, but she could felt it almost like she’s been received a very powerful slap on her face the bruise on her cheek can never healed even if she’s a demon.
It can’t be...
Why...? How...?
This.. this must be some kind of demon jokes already.
When the demons could see through of Chizuru’s face, the Demon of the West eyed on the older Oni, tilted his head; gesturing Amagiri to give her an evidence, in which, the red-headed man obeyed his demand.
Amagiri moved very closer to the young brunette but very slowly as he didn’t want to frightened her.
He started to dig his hand under his other sleeve to take out something.
“We found this while we’re investigating of your father’s last house he lived.” The red-headed man whispered gently, giving it to her.
Blinking in confused, Chizuru accepted whatever Amagiri gave her just now, and took a closer of it.
...A letter.
The thought of a group of ronin with a light-blue haoru brings her blood began to boil from anger and hatred.
How could they...?
How could they murdered people heartlessly?
How could they murdered her father?!
Her father had done nothing wrong..!
He's been helping the shogunates when they need him.
Just what is the Shinsengumi was seeking of all this time..?
They were seeking of wars.. money.. power.. and reputation. Those are humans' selfish desire.
The voice of Kazama’s echoing inside her head over and over.
....!, the brunette gritted her teeth tighter.
Never in her entire of her life she would ever forgive them...!
It was unforgivable...!
They need to be punished!
Ignored the blood on her palm of hands, Chizuru forced herself to tighten her hold on her hilt, using her remaining power to give a powerful slash toward her trainer, before her blade could reached to his warm cheek, Amagiri grabbed her kodachi in mid-attacking.
"...We need to stop here."
"But..! I'm still not finish yet!" Chizuru exclaimed.
The red-headed man narrowed his eye deeper in disbelief.
"Your Oni blood is starting to boil in hatred and anger," Amagiri stated. "You're intending to get a revenge for your father by killing the Shinsengumi, yes?"
At that, Chizuru shot her eyes opened in shocked.
"You cannot let your emotions control your mind completely. At this rate, you'll ended up becoming like those abominations."
She knew so well.
She had learnt a few things from Amagiri and Kazama that emotions are one of the most dangerous thing for Oni. If she consumed her hatred and anger completely, she would lost her sanity completely, seeking nothing but violent.
"It was the Shinsengumi's fault!" Chizuru finds herself raised her voice. "If the Shinsengumi hadn't killed my father, I wouldn't feel this way for them...!"
Her eyes soon turned into horrify at the sight of a new form of Yamazaki.
His hair turned into a silver-white one similar as Oni, but the only thing that different is the brunette man was not a real demon.
"I said leave Yukimura-kun alone!"
Yamazaki roared desperately, dropping an empty vial of Ochimizu on the ground, and use his force to attack his enemy with his new rasetsu power.
"Ahhh... so you eventually drink it after all." The other man said with an evil smirk, evaded Yamazaki's every moves. Clashing swords between swords, he admired of Yamazaki’s new power. "Well, well, I have to congratulate you for everything as you may know, you have already falling into my trap. And besides that, the Ochimizu that you were drinking just now is failed. To put it more simply in words is, you'll die eventually."
What.. does he meant by that?
Chizuru questioned confusedly, not knowing what the other man just said.
"Unggh...! GAAAAAAHHH!!!!"
A scream of agony pain was echoing inside of the evening woods.
It took a moment to realize that it’s Yamazaki’s voice.
His body began to crawl like a ball, the katana that he's been hold just now has been stabbed on the ground. He could no fight him anymore as he felt his body was in paralyzed.
"Yamazaki-kun?!" Chizuru exclaimed, moved closer to the onyx-orbs man. "What's wrong?!"
"If I were you, I wouldn't get too close from him, Yukimura Chizuru."
Puzzled formed on her eyes, as she take a good closer look on Yamazaki very carefully, her eyes shot in horror upon of seeing such a terrifying thing right closer to her.
But.. isn't it too soon for Yamazaki to be in a bloodlust state.
The Ochimizu that you were drinking just now is failed.
As those words echoed right into her mind, she widen opened in horror upon of finally realized what the other demon meant of.
The Ochimizu that Yamazaki drink just now is the first time her father created the elixir....!
“St-Stay away...”
Yamazaki said with a pain of hiss.
“Eh...?” The brunette questioned in perplexed, couldn’t hear the other man’s voice really well as her minds was filled with the golden-eyed man’s words.
“Stay away...!” Yamazaki hissed desperately. “Don’t come closer to me!”
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aka-cyp · 6 years
I am at work. Blerg. I have not updated this bad boy in a long time and I have one or two drafts hanging out waiting for me to get back to them and finish. But I have been busy! 2018 is The Year of Doing Stuff!!! I have been doing things! I have traveled! Gished! Made new friends! Traveled and then traveled some more and made more new friends! Fun times aren’t over but I fear they are going to be greatly reduced for the foreseeable future. I should use the time to get that mammogram I keep putting off.
But I have stories to tell! Pictures to post! I have shit to say!!! Here is a brief synopsis of all the fun I have had thus far.
So, travelling. I did some and this time it wasn’t a miserable time. The last few times I went anywhere it was to Oregon and I did NOT have a good time. There were dead people, weird memorial services (I think that one is maybe covered in a previous post), crazy family and active alcoholism. Plus, shitty beach weather. I need non-shitty beach weather and a good warm beach for a while. But that will have to wait.
Trip #1 – Seattle
So my gal Lisa got married to Dom and I performed the ceremony. I got one of those minister certificates just for that. So, now I am qualified to take care of all your christening and marrying needs. Whoop! That was such a great trip and it really started out as a HUGE cluster fuck. A winter storm across the mid-west delayed and cancelled flights for soooo many people and I was a casualty. I had plans to stop in Portland and spend the night with my brother in Salem then take the train from Salem to Seattle the next day, but that was nixed – I didn’t get into Portland till after midnight. I tried really really hard to make it happen and so did the lady on the phone for SW but nope. Had to change my train and plane reservations. I left the day I intended, only a few hours later. Flew to Denver, changed planes, flew to Houston, sat on the tarmac FOREVER, flew to Las Vegas, changed planes, flew to Portland. Got an Uber to the least sketchy hotel by the train station I could find and think maybe I should have looked a little harder. I was convinced that the front desk guy was a psychotic killer so I moved the table with the microwave on it in front of the door and slept with my sewing scissors. The next day was a crash course in the light rail public transportation of Portland, Oregon. I FIGURED IT OUT. But had to cart my luggage all over and barely made it to the train station on time. THE TRAIN RIDE WAS AWESOME. But motion sickness was a real thing. Mind you, at this point I am operating on about 2.5 hours of sleep and only two apples and some peanut butter. Miracle here is I was not cranky and did not cry. I was pretty good till about three that afternoon (after making it to Seattle and then following Dom around the city while he navigated the light rail system there for me) I about passed out in a bookstore. He parked me in a nice little coffee shop with some nice strong coffee and came back for me later. THEN I RODE A FERRY. I had never ridden a train or ferry and I did both in one day!! I was vibrating I was so tired and caffeinated though. (Let’s make this story shorter, shall we?) So, the Airbnb was so super fab. I was SO SUPER FAB. I’ll put some pics of the view after this. We had a nice few days, some shopping, some dicking around Seattle and Vashon Island (where we were staying). We got the cute couple wed, ate great food and saw beautiful things. I was so fine despite all the people, noise and stuff and usually too much of that stresses me the fuck out. I finally had a mini breakdown in a Starbucks somewhere in Seattle on the way to the airport the day I left. I can’t live in Seattle. But here are some pics:
Oh wait, ha ha, I lied. I don’t have the Seattle trip pics where I can get to them here. I’ll do a pic post later.
Trip #2 – New Mexico
So I love NM. It was where Ric and I got married and I have a lot of good and bad memories there but I just love that state so bad. I could probably live there. We stayed in Taos in this great Airbnb that comfortably slept all eight of us. EIGHT WOMEN. IN ONE HOUSE. NO ONE CRIED. There were a couple tense moments but nothing ever exploded into Lady Madness. It was so beautiful everywhere. Nothing really crazy stood out though, we were all pretty chill. Four of us went on an epic hike though and I damn near peed my pants it was so fun. We got sunburned, dehydrated and slightly lost but it was worth it. Trip pics below:
That was a whirlwind and it was awesome. I laughed so hard with my new friends and can’t wait for next year. Well, maybe I can because it’s hard. But still, I am looking forward to it. This year was different from last year. There is an app now and everyone on the team was from here. Had about the same number of people participate though. I think that it’s just a Gish thing that people will ghost your team unless you’re like a fucking pro team or something. ALSO, we had challenges up to the actual hunt and that was fun fun fun!!! Here are some pics with my new GFF’s:
Trip #3 – SPNDEN
Oh holy fucking Christ almighty on a mother fucking cracker with cheese. That was one hell of an experience and I am still riding that one. Good god. Ok, so it was fun, scary, overwhelming, weird, exhausting and mind blowing. I met the cast of Supernatural. I cried in front of Rachel Minor. No, I cried AT her. And she was so nice!!!! KIM RHODES HUGGED ME. JENSEN ACKLES SMELLED SO GOOD. HE HUGGED ME TOO. AND HELD MY HAND. TOLD ME HE LIKED MY HAIR. LAUGHED AT ME IN THE PHOTO OP. JARED PADALECKI  HUGGED ME AND SQUEEZED MY ARM. BRIANA BUCKMASTER ALSO SAID SHE LIKED MY HAIR. MISHA COLLINS MADE A POOP JOKE AT MY EXPENSE. Turns out I really am quite good at embarrassing myself in front of famous people. That’s pretty much what I did all weekend. I FINGER GUNNED MISHA COLLINS FOR FUCKS SAKE. #ilikeraisins So the pics for that will have to be posted in another entry since they, like the Seattle pics, are not where I can get to them right now. So, with old friends, old/new friends and new friends I will be going to NashCon in March. So I can make another fool of myself. There are so many things to tell. I may share some in the picture post I make later. Jesus fucking Christ I’ve never had a time like that in my life.
So, ending this scintillating blog adventure here. I shall return sooner than last time and with more pictures and maybe a good story about my awkward ass.
Unggh, or Life as I know it has changed. Again. I am at work. Blerg. I have not updated this bad boy in a long time and I have one or two drafts hanging out waiting for me to get back to them and finish.
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